Salesware Installation Guide Version 4.4

accesso 302 Camino de la Placita Taos, NM 87571 575.751.0633 Copyright

Copyright 2015 accesso Technology Group, plc. All rights reserved.

NOTICE: All information contained herein is the property of accesso Technology Group, plc. No part of this publication (whether in hardcopy or electronic form) may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of accesso Technology Group, plc. The software, which includes information contained in any databases, described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.

This publication and the information herein is furnished AS IS, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by accesso Technology Group, plc. accesso Technology Group, plc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies, makes no warranty of any kind (express, implied, or statutory) with respect to this publication, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purposes, and non-infringement of third party rights.

Installation overview ...... 2 Installation of core Salesware modules ...... 4 Required installation files ...... 4 Optional installation files...... 6 Installing operating systems ...... 7 Installing SQL Server ...... 7 Installing Server Files application ...... 16 Installing Common Files application ...... 29 Installing Pool Service ...... 33 Special Instructions for installing multiple instances of Pool Service ...... 38 Running an EZ using either the old Pool or the new Pool Service ...... 39 Installing SysManager ...... 40 Installing ReportManager ...... 44 Installing Sales ...... 49 Starting Sales for the first time ...... 57 Other installation scenarios ...... 60 Manually attaching the SirusSQL database ...... 60 Installing a training database ...... 67 Modifying a Salesware module installation ...... 75 Uninstalling Salesware module ...... 76 Migrating SiriusSQL from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008/2012 ...... 76 Appendix A: Installing and using SimpleCharge ...... 77 SimpleCharge setup in SysManager ...... 77 SimpleCharge setup in Sales ...... 78 SimpleCharge use...... 80 Appendix B: Setting up cash drawers and pole displays ...... 82 Ports.INI ...... 82 Setting up a USB pole display...... 84 Setting up a USB cash drawer ...... 84

Installation overview

Salesware, the accesso Siriusware Point-Of-Sale (POS) application, requires four types of hardware: a database server, a middleware server, a SysManager management station and a salespoint. The database server is used to store the master database and software that is required by all the components of Salesware. The middleware server functions as a middleman, taking the load off the salespoints so sales can be made quickly without time- and resource-consuming database tasks. In addition, the middleware server serves to solve many problems of system vulnerability usually associated with network database systems. A SysManager station is where Salesware as a whole is managed. A salespoint is where sales are performed. With Salesware module, there are many options for your hardware installation. The ideal setup is to have one server dedicated as the database and middleware server, at least two SysManager stations and as many salespoints as are necessary for your operation. However, if you have twenty or more salespoints, you need to use separate computers for the database server and middleware. On the other hand, a small operation may run Salesware on one computer, which acts simultaneously as the database server, middleware server, SysManager station and salespoint. Also, it is possible to use separate computers for the database server and the middleware server or to combine a SysManager station and the middleware server. In this section of the installation guide you obtain an understanding of how the components of Salesware work together so that you understand why the “ideal setup” just mentioned is ideal, what other options exist, and what the strengths and weaknesses of each option are. accesso examined the worst problems that database-dependent networked operations experience and created the middleware server solution to address them. With a middleware server, the problems of faulty network cables, bad power, user error, slow or broken connections, unplugging, etc., are minimized to the greatest extent possible, which translates into less down time for your system and quicker processing where you need it – when making sales. When making sales, the salespoint takes the data from a transaction and stores it locally. The salespoint then directs the middleware to update the master database on the database server with the new data and to download any new information from the master database on the database server to the salespoint’s local data files (e.g., pricing changes, new accounts, etc.). If all of the functional components are running on the same computer, then it is merely a question of various software programs talking to one other, with no phone calls or network connections. If your operation is small and only one salespoint is required, this could be optimal for you. However, once two computers are networked together, connections of some sort are introduced, which requires data to pass through those connections to open database files on the database server. This leaves your data and your network vulnerable because interruption of those connections while files are open can result in corrupted data. Similarly, database operations performed over network connections consume time and network resources. The greater the number of computers networked together and the farther the computers are from the database server, the more of this type of vulnerability and resource-consumption are introduced into your operation. This is where the middleware server comes into play. Instead of the salespoints talking over a network connection or phone line to an open database file on the database server, the salespoints direct the middleware to do the “dirty work” for them. The middleware server receives the data as a rapid stream of characters and commands, opens data files on the database server and does the time-consuming database operations of opening, searching through and updating files without delaying the salespoints in their POS activities. Therefore, the salespoints are never connected to the master database; the possibility for corruption and system crashes is greatly reduced and the speed of sales operations is greatly enhanced. In addition, the middleware lets the salespoint know when it has completed its request. If the middleware server does not respond to the salespoint in thirty seconds (or whatever interval that you specify using the ServerTimeout .INI setting in the Sales32c.INI file) informing the salespoint of its successful operation, the salespoint automatically switches to standalone mode, operating independently of the network and saving its data locally. Once the middleware server and database server are available again, the locally saved data is automatically forwarded to the primary database on the database server for update. Middleware also performs another important function. It not only transfers updated information from a salespoint to the database server, it also downloads updated and required information from the database server to the salespoints.

Example: If a new account has been created on a given salespoint, the middleware updates the database server with that information, and then updates the other salespoints as well. If a new product is defined or a price is changed, that information is also transferred to all salespoints, on a continuous basis.

With a network of two or more computers, middleware can be installed on a dedicated server of its own, on the database server or even on a salespoint. If you are using less than twenty salespoints, accesso recommends that you run middleware on the same computer where you have SQL Server installed. If you have twenty or more salespoints, it should be installed on a separate computer. When installed on the same computer as SQL Server, there are no open data files being shared by the salespoints over network connections, which translates into less data vulnerability and more speed. However, you have to worry about the possibility of poor performance because you can “peg” the CPU on high-volume days. While a separate server can be used as the middleware server, installing middleware on the database server eliminates the network connection between the middleware and the files – a potential source of trouble. But for more than twenty salespoints, this is not a feasible configuration. When installed on a separate server, Salesware middleware includes functionality that monitors the connection to the database server, ensuring maximum uptime. Another possible, but much less than optimal setup, is to have the middleware installed on a salespoint. The obvious advantage to this is that a single computer is used for two functions, reducing the number of computers to be purchased. However, this cancels out the purpose of the middleware, which is to prevent the salespoint computer from having open database files on the database server over a network connection. In this case, Sales would not be opening files from this computer, but middleware now would be, leaving your system vulnerable once again to data corruption and valuable use of network resources by performing time- and resource- consuming database operations over a network connection. For more information on Salesware architecture, see the Salesware System Architecture and Specifications document. For more information on Salesware configuration, see the Salesware .INI Settings Reference document. Both of these documents are available from

Note: Salesware module does not support any special capabilities to synchronize client date/time with the server date/time. Please use standard Windows networking capabilities like NET TIME to implement that capability across your Salesware network. Previously, the SysManager > Preferences > Miscellaneous > Manager tab > Manager Startup area was used to for synchronization purposes, but now you can just use built-in Windows networking capabilities.

Installation of core Salesware modules

Required installation files

The Salesware Product Table in the Modules section of the Salesware Modules, Licensing and Maintenance document (available from http:/ lists the names of the associated installer file used to install every Salesware product. This section covers installation of only the core Salesware modules– that is, those modules which must be installed at every Salesware installation to achieve the core product functionality. The installers required to do this are listed and described in the following table. In addition to the installation files, you also need the latest update files associated with each module, also listed in the table. For a detailed description of how update files are used in the Salesware application, see Updating Salesware Modules, available from The installers and update files are all available from the accesso web site.

Installer Description Update file (Note: xxxx indicates the current release number)

Install_Siriusware_Com Files required by all Salesware applications that Only Runexe.exe, installed monFiles_xxxx.msi run on a PC or server (not by handheld by the Common Files installer, applications) - for example, fonts, TCPEZ and has an update file: Runexe.exe. Not required with: c_runexe_xxxx exe. Install_Siriusware_ServerFiles.exe. Install_Siriusware_Ser Creates accesso Siriusware directory structure Not applicable. verFiles_xxxx.exe on database server computer. Copies in initial SiriusSQL database files; server must be updated with latest SiriusSQL scripts before deployment.

Install_Siriusware_Poo Middleware manager. Spawns new instances of c_pool_xxxx exe lService_xxxx.msi SalesEZ, BookEZ, RentEZ and TallyEZ salesez_xxxx exe applications. Must first install: bookez_xxxx exe Install_Siriusware_CommonFiles_xxxx.msi rentez_xxxx exe tallyez_xxxx exe Installer Description Update file (Note: xxxx indicates the current release number)

Install_Siriusware_Sys Core Salesware management module. Must first c_sysmgr_xxxx exe Manager_xxxx.msi install: Install_Siriusware_CommonFiles_xxxx.msi Install_Siriusware_Rep Core Salesware reporting module. Must first c_rptmgr_xxxx exe ortManager_xxxx.msi install: Install_Siriusware_CommonFiles_xxxx.msi Install_Siriusware_ Module to enable Sales. This module provides c_sales_xxxx exe Sales_xxxx.msi the core Salesware functionality. Used in conjunction with almost all middleware components (though not TallyEZ). Must first install: Install_Siriusware_CommonFiles_xxxx.msi

In addition, you need a SiriusSQL database. When you run the Server Files installer, you are prompted to indicate which of the following you are installing: • An existing database – A SiriusSQL database that already has an associated license file and site-specific data. Normally installed at upgrade installations. • A new database – A “clean” SiriusSQL database that doesn’t yet have an associated license file or site- specific data. Normally installed at new installations.

Depending on which you select, you need the following files (files for a new database are only available internally to accesso, because a new database is always created by an employee for a new client rather than having the client do it himself.)

Existing database New database (Note: xxxx indicates the current release number)

SiriusSQL.ldf (contains SiriusSQL.ldf, SiriusSQL.mdf, SiriusSQL_Logs.ndf and SiriusSQL_Transact.ndf) SiriusSQL.mdf create_AppRole_SiriusSQL.sql SiriusSQL_Logs.ndf Insert_SiriusSQL_SystemData_xxxx zip SiriusSQL_Transact.ndf Siriusware.LIC

In addition, you need to ensure that your database is up-to-date, regardless of which option you choose. You perform this step last and use a file with a filename of the format: SiriusSQL__xxxx to__xxxx sql.

Optional installation files

Other files that are also helpful when performing an installation are listed and described in the following table:

File(s) Description Layouts for printing Layouts are used to format printed output on tickets, passes, vouchers, receipts, etc., See Salesware Layouts. These are placed in the Siriusware\Layouts directory. Siriusware 4.4 license file If you are installing an existing SiriusSQL database, you cannot begin using Salesware until you place the associated license file in the Siriusware\License directory. If you are installing a “clean” SiriusSQL database, you must make a request to accesso Siriusware Client Services to generate a new license file for you using your unique Client # available from SysManager > Help > About SysManager after you install SysManager. It is also placed in the Siriusware\License directory. You can find more information about license files in the Salesware Modules, Licensing and Maintenance document.

Global.INI file Salesware 4.3 features self-configuration of salespoints using a global.INI capability, as described in the “configuration” section of the Salesware Modules, Licensing and Maintenance document. If you have already configured your global .INI file in SysManager, you can save it from the SysManager > Preferences > Miscellaneous > Global INI tab > Write To File button. You can then re-import the file after a fresh install of a new database to regain your original settings.

ports.INI file The ports.INI file is used to configure cash drawers, customer (pole) displays and change dispensers at a salespoint. After you install Sales, this file can be copied into the Sales folder if you have multiple salespoints that are using the same ports.INI settings. PDF documentation set The entire Salesware documentation set is available as a collection (zip file) of PDF files that can be “unzipped” into the Siriusware\Docs directory. Other installers accesso provides a number of installers for further functionality. To obtain some of these installers an additional fee may be required. The advantage to having all of the installers that you need is that you can copy them all into one place on your network (typically \Siriusware\Install). Utilities A variety of utilities are available from the accesso web site. These utilities are documented in the Salesware User Guide for Advanced Users. These utilities can be copied into the Siriusware\Utilities directory.

Installing operating systems

Salesware currently supports the following operating systems: • Windows 7 • Windows 8

Note: Ensure UAC is turned off if installing on a Windows 7 PC. Go to Start > Control Panel > Users Accounts > Change User Account Settings. Make sure it is turned completely off. You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Installation of operating systems is performed in accordance with standard procedures. For hardware specifications, see the Salesware System Architecture and Specifications document.

Note: If you want to run the installers on unsupported operating systems (not recommended), you must first download the appropriate installation file from Microsoft and install it. Windows Installer v4.5 must be installed prior to running the installs (these are available in service packs for supported operating systems, but must be downloaded from the Microsoft web site to install on non-supported operating systems.) If you don’t do this, the following message pops up: “This is no longer supported by Microsoft and is therefore not supported by accesso. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you have problems with the installation or have problems running the software, you must upgrade your computer to a supported operating system and re-install accesso Siriusware software before calling accesso Siriusware Technical Support.”

Note: Can you run the new Salesware .msi (Microsoft Installer) installers on a system with the old (.exe-based) installs on them? Yes, but you must run the new Common Files installer first; it is a good practice to remove the old Common Files application first. All new Salesware installers are .msi-based, except for Server Files, which remains .EXE-based.

Note: Never exclude installation of the Accessories folder when installing an operating system on a computer that is used with Salesware. If you do, you get OLE errors and some applications become unusable.

Installing SQL Server

SQL Server is installed on Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012. accesso supports SQL Server 2008, 2012 and 2014. You can check the mode by right-clicking the database in SQL Server 2008/2012/ 2014 Management Studio and going to the Options tab. To install SQL Server, you must have administrative rights to the server computer. accesso requires that Reporting Services be installed as part of your SQL Server install. Please contact accesso Siriusware Technical Support for information regarding licensing and installation of Reporting Services.

Installing SQL 2014 on Windows Server 2012 R2

1. Choose New SQL server Installation.

2. Enter the Product Key. 3. Accept the License Terms. 4. Search for Product Updates. 5. Install Setup Files. 6. Install Rules – if all rules have a status of, “passed” click NEXT. 7. Setup Role – Choose SQL Server Feature Installation, and then click Next. 8. Feature Selection – Choose the features and specify your installation and root directory paths.

9. Instance Configuration: Choose Default Instance, and then click Next. 10. Server Configuration: Change the account name to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and the Startup Type to Automatic for the SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Database Engine and SQL Server Reporting Services.

11. Database Engine Configuration: Choose Mixed Mode for the Authentication Mode. Specify a password for the SQL Server System administrator (sa) account. Add at least one additional Windows user, normally your domain administrator. If you wish to change the default location for the database and log files, click the Data Directories tab and specify the paths accordingly.

12. Reporting Services Configuration: Under Reporting Services Native Mode, choose Install and Configure, and then click Next. 13. Ready to Install: Verify the Installation Summary, and then click Install.

Installing SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2008

In this install, IIS is not required. Use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer to install the prerequisites (frameworks and runtimes). Then, install SQL Server 2008 as described in the following:

To install SQL Server 2008/2012: 1. Insert the SQL Server 2008/2012 installation disk. 2. From the SQL Server Installation Center, click Installation. 3. From the Installation menu, select New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation. 4. From the Setup Support Rules dialog, click OK. Setup begins. 5. From the Product Key dialog, select the Enter the product key: radio button and enter your unique product key. Click Next. 6. From the License Terms dialog, accept the license terms and click Next. 7. If this is a SQL Server 2012 installation, make sure Include SQL Server Product Updates is checked on the Product Updates dialog, and click Next. If this is a SQL Server 2008 installation, skip to step 8.

Note: Please note that for SQL Server 2012 and accesso Siriusware software installation you will need to have .Net 4.0.

8. From the Setup Support Files dialog, click Install. 9. From the Setup Support Rules dialog, click Next. 10. From the Feature Selection dialog, select Database Engine Services, Reporting Services, Reporting Services – Native (for SQL Server 2012 installations) and Management Tools - Complete (see screen capture). Click Next.

11. From the Instance Configuration dialog, select Default instance. Click Next. 12. Review the Disk Space Requirements. Click Next. 13. From the Server Configuration dialog, select NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM from the Account Name dropdown for the SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Database Engine and SQL Server Reporting Services. Click Next.

Note: Some clients, particularly at larger sites, create a separate user with specific permissions and use that user in the previous step. You'll find it difficult to retroactively add this user after the installation, so check with your IT staff before proceeding if you think this might be an issue later.

14. From the Database Engine Configuration dialog, select the Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows authentication) radio button, and provide a password for the built-in (SA) SQL Server system administrator account.

Note: It is important to assign a password for the security of your database. Don’t leave it blank! In fact, if you do leave it blank, you may have trouble logging into SQL Server from SQL Server Management Studio.

15. From the same dialog (Database Engine Configuration) add at least one SQL Server administrator (this is usually the administrator of the computer on which you are installing SQL Server 2008). Click Next. 16. On the Reporting Services Configuration dialog, select Install and configure for SQL Server 2012 installations or Install the native mode default configuration for SQL Server 2008 installations. Click Next. 17. On the Error Reporting dialog, decide what information (if any) you want to send to Microsoft. Click Next. 18. From the Installation Configuration Rule dialog, click Next. 19. From the Ready to Install dialog, click Install. Installation begins. 20. From the Installation Progress dialog, click Next after installation is successful. 21. From the Complete dialog, click Close.

To install SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 1. Download SQLServer2008SP1-KB968369-x86(x64)-ENU.exe from the Microsoft web site to the desktop of the server computer. 2. Double-click on SQLServer2008SP1-KB968369-x86(x64)-ENU.exe. 3. At the Welcome dialog, click Next. 4. At the License Terms dialog, check I accept the license terms and click Next. 5. At the Select Features dialog, ensure that all options are checked and click Next. 6. At the Check Files In Use dialog, ensure that there are no services or applications running that might interfere with setup. Click Next. 7. At the Ready to Update dialog, click Update. 8. At the Update Progress dialog, click Next. 9. At the Complete dialog, click Close.

To install SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1: 1. Download SQLServer2012SP1-KB2674319-x86(x64)-ENU.exe from the Microsoft web site to the desktop of the server computer. 2. Double-click on SQLServer2012SP1-KB2674319-x86(x64)-ENU.exe. 3. At the Welcome dialog, click Next. 4. At the License Terms dialog, check I accept the license terms and click Next. 5. At the Select Features dialog, ensure that all options are checked and click Next. 6. At the Check Files In Use dialog, ensure that there are no services or applications running that might interfere with setup. Click Next. 7. At the Ready to Update dialog, click Update. 8. At the Update Progress dialog, click Next. 9. At the Complete dialog, click Close.

To check what service pack you are running 1. From Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > SQL Server Management Studio. 2. Type SELECT @@VERSION into the query window and select Execute. 3. You get results similar to the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 (X64) Mar 29 2009 10:11:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600: )

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64) Oct 19 2012 13:38:57 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 (Build 9200: )

(SP1) is the service pack identification.

Note: The operating system is listed at the end of the (Windows NT 6.1 ) - sometimes that has a service pack associated with the operating system. Do not confuse the OS service pack with the SQL Server service pack.

Installing SQL Server 2008 on Windows Server 2008

This section describes how to install SQL Server 2008 on Windows Server 2008. The installation steps configure the system so that the database administrator logs in using the built-in system account. Please install using different parameters if they are more appropriate to your installation. The following matrix summarizes the information available in this section.

Operating System SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Windows Server IIS is not required. IIS is not required. 2008 Use the Microsoft Use the Microsoft Web Platform Web Platform Installer to install Installer to install the prerequisites. the prerequisites. Then install SQL Then install SQL Server 2008 as Server 2008 described in this Express Edition document. with Advanced Services as described in this document.

To use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer to install the prerequisites (and IIS if required): 1. Download the wpilauncher.exe file from the Microsoft web site (this is the initial file you need to run the Microsoft Web Platform Installer) and launch it. Eventually you get to the following screen:

2. Select Web Server and Frameworks and Runtimes, as shown in the screen capture. Then click Install and installation begins.

Installing Server Files application

The Install_Siriusware_ServerFiles_44xx.exe installer sets up your Salesware server. You need administrator privileges on the server computer to run the Server Files installer. Before running this installer, you must have already installed SQL Server. See Installing SQL Server. The Server Files installer:

• Creates the Salesware directory structure under the Siriusware directory. • Populates the Data, Install and License directories in the Siriusware directory. • Attaches the SiriusSQL database to SQL Server.

Before beginning installation of Server Files application, verify the following settings are correct on your server computer. • The latest SQL service pack is installed. • Mixed mode authentication is enabled.

Note: To complete these procedures you need the SQL Server administrator password (often referred to as the SA password).

Verifying the SQL Server service pack level

For security reasons SQL Server should have the latest service pack installed as defined by the current accesso prerequisites to 4.4 installations. If you don’t know what the current service pack requirement is for SQL call, accesso Siriusware Technical Support for further information.

To verify the SQL Server service pack level for SQL Server 2008/2012: 1. Launch the SQL Server Management Studio application on the SQL server. This is usually done from Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012 > SQL Server Management Studio. 2. From the Connect to Server dialog, log in using either Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. 3. Click the New Query button in the upper left of the user interface, below the File menu. The query window displays. The service pack, if any, is listed below the query window. See the following screen capture. In this example, SP1 is installed.

Verifying mixed mode authentication is enabled

Mixed mode authentication must be enabled. If only Windows authentication mode is enabled, and then the middleware is not able to access the Siriusware\Data directory, where the database files reside.

To verify mixed mode authentication for SQL Server 2008/2012: 1. Launch the SQL Server Management Studio application on the SQL server. This is usually done from Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012 > SQL Server Management Studio. 2. From the Connect to Server dialog, log in using either Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. 3. From Object Explorer, right-click on the top level (root) of the navigation tree and select Properties. (See screen capture below.)

4. From the Server Properties dialog, select Security. (See screen capture below.) Verify the radio icon in front of SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode is selected, and then exit the SQL Server Management Studio application.

If Windows Authentication mode was selected, you need to change it, save the settings and either restart SQL services or you can simply reboot the server computer for the changes to take effect.

Running the Server Files installer

To install Server Files application: 1. On the desktop of the server computer, create a folder called SiriusTEMP.

Note: The actual name that you assign to the folder is arbitrary. But you do need to create a separate folder.

2. Copy the following files into the SiriusTEMP folder. • Software installer files – installers are copied by the Server Files installer into \Siriusware\Install. • The SiriusSQL database (if it is zipped, unzip the contents in this folder) – You install either an existing SiriusSQL database or a new, “clean” SiriusSQL database. The database consists of four files: SiriusSQL.ldf, SiriusSQL.mdf, SiriusSQL_Logs.ndf and SiriusSQL_Transact.ndf. See Installation of core Salesware modules. • The Siriusware 4.4 license file (only if you have a pre-made license file) – Siriusware.LIC. This option applies only if you are installing an existing SiriusSQL database. If you are installing an existing database, you already have the license. • create_AppRole_SiriusSQL.sql and This option applies only if you are installing a new, “clean” SiriusSQL database. The create_AppRole_SiriusSQL.sql script adds a user named sirius and password sirius that has public rights to the SiriusSQL database (this is necessary for sharing the database on the network – the middleware, SysManager and ReportManager expect this username and password to exist, with public rights). It is not a problem if this script is run multiple times. The file contains three files. Unzip these files into the directory. These three files are: Insert_SiriusSQL_SystemData__xxxx.sql, zipcodes.txt and Insert_SiriusSQL_SystemData_release.txt (Release Notes, for those interested). Insert_SiriusSQL_SystemData__xxxx.sql inserts required system data into the database – this data includes the administrator log-in name (admin), the default global .INI settings and zip codes (using zipcodes.txt). The Insert_SiriusSQL_SystemData_4***.sql script is only run once. Both .sql scripts are executed automatically by the installer if they are in the SiriusTEMP folder (see following steps).

3. Double-click on Install_Siriusware_ServerFiles.EXE from with the SiriusTEMP folder. 4. You are presented with the following dialog. Click OK.

5. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next.

6. You are presented with the following dialog. Accept the default installation directory (C:\Program Files x(86)\Siriusware) unless you have good reasons to place it elsewhere. Click Next.

Note: On 64-bit systems, the default installation directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Siriusware. On 64-bit systems, Salesware applications run under something called WOW64 (Windows-on-Windows 64-bit), which is an emulator allowing 32-bit applications to run on a 64-bit operating system.

7. You are presented with the following dialog. Un-check Install license file (requires siriusware.lic) if you are installing a new, “clean” SiriusSQL database or if you are installing an existing SiriusSQL database and you don’t have the license file. Leave the other options checked.

8. If you selected Install license file (requires siriusware.lic) in the previous step, you are presented with the following dialog. Click Browse and navigate to the SiriusTEMP directory (though you are probably already in that directory by default). Select the Siriusware.LIC file and click Open. Then, click Next to move on to the next dialog.

9. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next to start the installation. The installer creates the Siriusware directory structure and copies the installation files from the SiriusTEMP directory into the \Siriusware\Install directory. It also copies the license file into the \Siriusware\License directory (if you previously selected this option).

10. You are presented with the following dialog. Select whether you are attaching a new, “clean” SiriusSQL database or an existing SiriusSQL database. Click Next.

11. If you selected Attach a new, blank database in the previous step, you are presented with the following dialog. Click the Browse buttons and navigate to the SiriusTEMP directory (though you are probably already in that directory by default). Select the SiriusSQL.mdf file click Open. Then, select the Insert_SiriusSQL_SystemData.4xxx.sql file and click Open. Then, click Next. The installer attaches the database to your SQL Server.

12. If you selected Attach an existing database in the previous step, you are presented with the following dialog. Click Browse and navigate to the SiriusTEMP directory (though you are probably already in that directory by default). Select the SirisSQL.mdf file and click Open. Then, click Next. The installer attaches the database to your SQL Server.

13. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Finish to complete the installation.

14. Copy the application updates into the accesso Siriusware Updates folder (Siriusware\Updates). You need an update for each installer you plan to run (each installer that you copied into the SiriusTEMP folder and that now “lives” in Siriusware\Install). At a minimum, to install the core Salesware modules, you need: • c_runexe__xxxx.exe • c_pool__xxxx.exe • salesez__xxxx.exe • bookez__xxxx.exe (if you purchased the Private Instruction or Activity/Facility Scheduling modules) • rentez__xxxx.exe (if you purchased the Rental module) • tallyez__xxxx.exe (if you purchased the Handheld Retail Inventory component of the Retail module) • c_sysmgr__xxxx.exe • c_rptmgr__xxxx.exe • c_sales__xxxx.exe

15. Copy any layouts you wish to use into the \Siriusware\Layouts folder. 16. Adjust permissions. The Server Files installer ensures that the Siriusware folder is shared. If your network has its own domain and users log into that domain, then their permissions automatically carry over to determine their permissions for access to the Siriusware directory. Otherwise, each Salesware user needs to be added by the server administrator and permissions determined at that time. In general, check that every user has read-only access to the Siriusware directory. The one exception is users who are using SysManager to edit layouts. Those users also need write permission to the \Siriusware\Layouts directory. It doesn’t matter what they log into SysManager as, but they must log into the SysManager computer as a user with write permissions to \Siriusware\Layouts. 17. Delete the SiriusTemp folder and all its contents from the desktop you created earlier.

Mapping to the accesso Siriusware folder from other computers

When any Salesware application launches, it first checks the Siriusware\Updates folder to determine whether there is an update available. This functionality is provided by the Runexe application, which is installed on every computer that hosts Salesware applications (you use the Common Files installer to install it.) If you attempt to directly double-click on a Salesware .exe file, you get an error message similar to the following, “This Application Cannot Execute Without Its Loader”. Instead, you must use the shortcut to the application, which invokes Runexe.exe (the “loader”) first. If Runexe cannot find the Siriusware\Updates folder on the network, you get an error message similar to the following, “Path: ‘\\MyServer\Siriusware\Updates\’ does not exist.” One way to avoid getting this message is to ensure that the computer connects to the server computer when you log in. To configure your computer for this in Windows Server 2008, go to Start and type in Windows Explorer, as shown in the following screen capture:

Select Windows Explorer or press Enter to open the File Explorer. From My Network Places, find the Siriusware folder on your server. Right-click on it and you are given an option to map this folder to a drive (Map Network Drive), as shown in the following screen capture:

From the Map Network Drive dialog, check Reconnect at logon, as shown in the following screen capture. (You can select any unused drive letter.)

In Windows Server 2012, open the File Explorer by selecting it in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, as shown in the following screen capture:

Expand the Network node on the left and locate the Siriusware folder on your server. Right-click on it and you are given an option to map this folder to a drive (Map network drive…), as shown in the following screen capture:

From the Map Network Drive dialog, check Reconnect at sign-in, as shown in the following screen capture. (You can select any unused drive letter.)

Note: There are other methods of connecting to a network drive, including via use of the Command Prompt. However, the method described here is easy and always works.

Installing Common Files application

You must run the Install_Siriusware_CommonFiles_xxxx.msi installer previous to installing the remaining Salesware core installers: before Install_Siriusware_PoolService_xxxx.msi, Install_Siriusware_SysManager_xxxx.msi, Install_Siriusware ReportManager_xxxx.msi and Install_Siriusware_Sales_xxxx.msi. If more than one of these installers is run on a single computer, you need only run the Common Files installer once. You need administrator privileges on the computer where Common Files application is being installed. Before running this installer, you must have already installed SQL Server and the Server Files installer.

Note: You can determine which version of Common Files application is installed by checking the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Siriusware > Installation > CommonFilesVersion.

The Common Files installer:

• Creates the Siriusware directory structure. (If installing Common Files application on the same computer where Server Files application was installed, then you would normally specify that this directory structure is the same as that already created by Server Files application, but this is not a requirement.) • Installs the runexe.exe application • Installs files used by a variety of Salesware applications, such as fonts and FoxPro libraries. • Writes shared information to the Windows registry, such as the location of the Siriusware folder on the network

To run the Common Files installer: 1. On the computer where you are installing Common Files (and where you are about to install Pool Service, SysManager, ReportManager or Sales), access the \Siriusware\Installs directory. 2. If you are installing Common Files application on the server computer where Server Files application is already installed, you can run the Install_Siriusware_CommonFiles_xxxx.msi installer directly from the \Siriusware\Install directory. If you are accessing the \Siriusware\Install directory over the network, you can either run the installer over the network or copy the installer to the desktop and run it from there. accesso recommends that you run the installer over the network. If you later modify the installation, Windows looks for the installer in the location from which it was originally run. It might inadvertently get deleted from the desktop. 3. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next.

4. You are presented with the License Agreement. Read the agreement and click I accept the license agreement to continue. 5. You are presented with the following dialog. Accept the default installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Siriusware) unless you have good reasons to place it elsewhere. Click Next. Installation of Common Files application begins.

6. During installation of Common Files application, you are presented with the following dialog. If you are installing Common Files application on your SQL Server computer, you may browse the local file system by clicking the Browse button and navigating to the shared Siriusware directory on your local system. Otherwise, enter the path to the shared Siriusware directory on your network according to UNC conventions (i.e., \\servername\share).There is no need to map the Siriusware share to a local drive prior to running Common Files application. Click Next and the Common Files installation continues.

7. When Common Files application is done installing, you are presented with the following dialog. Click Finish.

Installing Pool Service

If you are using less than twenty salespoints, accesso recommends that you run Pool Service on the same computer where you have SQL Server installed. If you have twenty or more salespoints, it is installed on a separate computer.

Note: Many servers now have multi-core processors. You can install one instance of SalesEZ or BookEZ application per processor (core), as specified in the Salesware System Architecture and Specifications document. For information on how to install multiple instances of SalesEZ or BookEZ application, see Special instructions for installing multiple instances of Pool Service.

You need administrator privileges on the computer where Pool Service is installed and you need write privileges to the Siriusware\Install directory (the Pool Service installer writes a file named SiteDefaults.INI to the Siriusware\Install directory). Before running this installer, you must have already installed SQL Server and the Server Files installer and you must have already installed Common Files application on the computer where you are installing Pool Services.

Note: The computer where Pool Service is installed must have a static IP address. You must have already assigned this address to the computer where Pool Service is being installed before running the installer.

The Pool Service installer: • Creates the \ProgramData\Siriusware\Pool and \Program Files\Siriusware\Pool directory and associated files. • Installs desktop shortcuts to SalesEZ, BookEZ, RentEZ and TallyEZ applications; training shortcuts to each of these can be installed as well. • Installs the ODBC that enables Pool.exe to “talk” with the SiriusSQL database. • Creates and populates the SiteDefaults.INI file in the Siriusware\Install directory.

To run the Pool Service installer: 1. Ensure that Common Files application is already installed. 2. If you are installing Pool Service on the server computer where Server Files application is already installed, you can run the Install_Siriusware_PoolService_44xx.msi installer directly from the \Siriusware\Install directory. If you are accessing the \Siriusware\Install directory over the network, you can either run the installer over the network or copy the installer to the desktop and run it from there. accesso recommends that you run the installer over the network. If you later modify the installation, Windows looks for the installer in the location from which it was originally run. It might inadvertently get deleted from the desktop. 3. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next.

4. You are presented with the following dialog. Depending on which EZ’s you plan to use, select which Pool Services you want to install. These EZ’s correspond to the update files that you copied into the \Siriusware\Updates folder earlier (see Running the Server Files installer). You can add the training mode EZ’s, but you are required to install a training database before you can use these (see Installing a training database). SalesEZ application is always installed, because it is used by salespoints. You can select either This feature will be installed on local hard drive or This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive. The two options are equivalent. Click Next.

5. You are presented with the following dialog. Type in the static IP address of the computer on which you are installing Pool Service. Do not use unless all Salesware software is being installed on one computer only (very unlikely). Click Next.

6. After Pool Service installation begins, you are presented with the following dialog. Enter the name or IP address of the SQL Server that contains the accesso Siriusware database. If the computer on which you are installing Pool Service is that computer, choose or type (local) or the actual name of the SQL Server computer (the latter is recommended.) This information is used to create the ODBC connection. Click OK. Pool Service installation continues.

7. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next to install Pool Service.

8. When Pool Service completes, you are prompted to check for updates to Middleware. Follow the instruction given in the following screen capture, and then click Finish.

After Pool Service is installed, check the SiteDefaults.INI file that Pool Service created in the Siriusware\Install folder. See the following screen capture for an example of how it is populated after installation by Pool Service. (If SiteDefaults.INI doesn’t exist, then you did not have write permissions to the Siriusware\Install folder when you installed Pool Service and create this file manually.) SiteDefaults.INI is not required, but makes subsequent installs much easier. SiteDefaults.INI is used by installers that install Salesware applications that use the middleware (EZs) to find the middleware servers where the EZs “live.” It is also used by the Sales installer to find the IP address of the credit card server. The credit card server must have a static IP address and this address must be manually added to the SiteDefaults.INI file using the setting (do not include the port number). If you do not do this, then the IP address in the Sales32c.INI file is set by default to

Note: FileSync application needs to be installed and configured before RentEZ functions properly. Installation instructions for FileSync for the Food Service module are found in the Salesware Food Service document. Installation instructions for FileSync for the Rentals module are found in the Salesware Rentals document.

Pool Manager Services integrate with PoolMonitor Service to improve functionality and provide better status and easier control via GUI interface to any accesso Siriusware apps distributed as a service. With this, refinements have been added for integrating better with Service Monitor. Startup is now cleaner and instances may be added or killed from the monitor and activity can be returned. Pool Service tries three times to start, with five seconds in between. If the connection to the database is lost, it then halts service.

Special Instructions for installing multiple instances of Pool Service

Each service needs a unique name, in this example it is SalesEZ-Scanning.

1. Install/create a new service by running the following at a command prompt:

sc create "Siriusware PoolService SalesEZ-Scanning" binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Siriusware\Pool\poolservice.exe SalesEZ-Scanning"

The binpath must point to your existing Pool folder.

Note: make sure you have a space after the binpath= in the command.

2. Save and unzip the attached modifydacl file, make note of the path where you save it. From the command prompt, run the attached file, ModifyDACL.exe to set the proper permissions on the service:

C:\ModifyDACL.exe "Siriusware PoolService SalesEZ-Scanning"

3. Close the command prompt. 4. Edit the C:\Program Files (x86)\Siriusware\runexe_system.INI file, In the [Pool Service] section, add another line below the SalesEZ= line:


Note: This step may not be necessary because the new instance will reference the same .exe file as the original SalesEZ install. If you get an error after updating SalesEZ application, then remove this line.

5. Edit the C:\Program Files (x86)\Siriusware\Pool_System.INI file, copy the [SalesEZ] section and paste it below itself. Change the name of the section to match everything else you have done and change the ListenPort to be something not in use by the system.

[SalesEZ-Scanning] Name=salesez41.basic_sales ListenPort=4205 Pool=3

6. Create a copy of the ServiceMonitor SalesEZ shortcut and change the name to match your new instance. Edit the properties of the shortcut and change the Target: value to match your new service, you need to update the information between the [service] [/service] and [port] [/port] tags.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Siriusware\RunExe.exe" ServiceMonitor [EXEArgs][service]Siriusware PoolService SalesEZ- Scanning[/service][port]14205[/port][/EXEArgs]

Running an EZ using either the old Pool or the new Pool Service

It’s possible to install Pool Service on any Middleware computer and run an EZ using either the old Pool or the new service. Doing a side-by-side install of PoolService allows you to fire up the old Pool Service OR the service (both can't be running at the same time).

1. Create a directory in Program Files\siriusware\poolservice. Put the following files in it:

poolservice.exe servicemonitor.exe Pool_system.INI [Optionally for the fancy UI] sirius-service.css calldetail.html main.html serverdetail.html back.jpg corner-star.jpg

2. From a command prompt, you need to install the service.

"Siriusware poolservice tallyez" binpath= "C:\Program Files\Siriusware\PoolService\poolservice.exe TallyEZ41"

3. Set up a shortcut to servicemonitor.exe like this:

"C:\Program Files\Siriusware\PoolService\servicemonitor.exe" "[service]Siriusware PoolService TallyEZ[/service][port]10007[/port]"

Note: ServiceMonitor can run without the [port]....[/port] part of the argument passed to it. (This is usually part of the shortcut.) By default, it starts at 10006 and scan ports until it finds one that it can use to communicate with the service. If a port is passed as an argument, that is where it begins scanning. After 100 ports, it gives up. Also, in the About box, it shows what port it is using (in addition to the version information and physical location of the service it is monitoring which is already there).

Installing SysManager

The SysManager application can be installed on any computer on the network that has network access to the SQL Server. If SysManager is being installed on a computer that has already had the Common Files installer run on it (such as the SQL Server or Pool Service computer) you can skip the step of installing Common Files application. You need administrator privileges on the computer where SysManager is installed. If you have write privileges to the Siriusware\Install directory, the installer updates the value of the SiriuswareSQLServer setting in the SiteDefaults.INI file. The SysManager installer:

• Creates the Program Files\Siriusware\SysManager and Program Files\Siriusware\SysManager directory and associated files. • Installs a desktop shortcut to SysManager; a training shortcut to SysManager can be installed as well. • Installs the ODBC that enables SysManager.exe to “talk” with the SiriusSQL database. • Creates and assigns a value to the LOCATION system environment variable. The value of the LOCATION environment variable must be unique for each computer where it is installed.

Note: On Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit), you need to turn on DEP, and then exclude SysManager after it is installed. See Installing with an “execution protection” capable processor for how this is done.

To run the SysManager installer: 1. Ensure that Common Files application is already installed. 2. If you are installing SysManager on the server computer where Server Files application is already installed, you can run the Install_Siriusware_SysManagerManager_44xx.msi installer directly from the \Siriusware\Install directory. If you are accessing the \Siriusware\Install directory over the network, you can either run the installer over the network or copy the installer to the desktop and run it from there. accesso recommends that you run the installer over the network. If you later modify the installation, Windows looks for the installer in the location from which it was originally run. It might inadvertently get deleted from the desktop. 3. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next.

4. You are presented with the following dialog. You can add the training mode SysManager, but you are required to install a training database before you can use it (see Installing a training database). You can select either This feature will be installed on local hard drive or This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive. The two options are equivalent. Click Next.

5. After entering the location name for the computer, you are then prompted to enter either the IP address or the name of the SQL server that contains the accesso Siriusware database (SiriusSQL).

6. You are presented with the following dialog. Enter the location name for this computer. This dialog causes the LOCATION system environment variable to be created and this value assigned to it. The value of the LOCATION environment variable must be unique for each computer where it is installed. If there is already a LOCATION environment variable on this computer, the value is changed to whatever you type here. Typical values used by clients reflect the physical location of the computer, such as office. The value must be one –six characters in length.

7. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next to begin installation of SysManager.

8. When the SysManager installation completes, you are presented with the following dialog. Click Finish.

You can launch SysManager from the Start button or by using the desktop shortcut. The default log-in name is ADMIN with no password.

Installing ReportManager

The ReportManager application can be installed on any computer on the network that has network access to the SQL Server. If ReportManager is being installed on a computer that has already had the Common Files installer run on it (such as the SQL Server or Pool Service computer) you can skip the step of installing Common Files application. You need administrator privileges on the computer where ReportManager is installed. If you have write privileges to the Siriusware\Install directory, the installer updates the value of the SiriuswareSQLServer setting in the SiteDefaults.INI file. The ReportManager installer:

• Creates the \ProgramData\Siriusware\ReportManager and \Program Files\Siriusware\ReportManager directories and associated files. • Installs a desktop shortcut to ReportManager; a training shortcut to ReportManager can be installed as well. • Installs the ODBC that enables ReportManager.exe to “talk” with the SiriusSQL database. • Creates and assigns a value to the LOCATION system environment variable. The value of the LOCATION environment variable must be unique for each computer where it is installed.

Note: On Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit), you need to turn on DEP, and then exclude ReportManager after it is installed. See Installing with an “execution protection” capable processor for how this is done.

To run the ReportManager installer: 1. Ensure that Common Files application is already installed. 2. If you are installing ReportManager on the server computer where Server Files application is already installed, you can run the Install_Siriusware_ReportManagerManager_xxxx.msi installer directly from the \Siriusware\Install directory. If you are accessing the \Siriusware\Install directory over the network, you can either run the installer over the network or copy the installer to the desktop and run it from there. Accesso recommends that you run the installer over the network. If you later modify the installation, Windows looks for the installer in the location from which it was originally run. It might inadvertently get deleted from the desktop. 3. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next.

4. You are presented with the following dialog. You can add the training mode ReportManager, but you are required to install a training database before you can use it (see Installing a training database). You can select either This feature will be installed on local hard drive or This Feature, and all subfeatures will be installed on local hard drive. The two options are equivalent. Click Next.

5. You are presented with the following dialog. Enter the location name for this computer. This dialog causes the LOCATION system environment variable to be created and this value assigned to it. The value of the LOCATION environment variable must be unique for each computer where it is installed. If there is already a LOCATION environment variable on this computer, the value is changed to whatever you type here. In the screen capture below, the value office is pre-populated in the field because it was the value specified during the SysManager installation (the field will only prepopulate with the value specified during SysManager installation if SysManager was installed on the same machine). The value must be one to six characters in length.

6. You are presented with the following dialog. Enter the name or IP address of the SQL Server that contains the accesso Siriusware database. If the computer on which you are installing ReportManager is that computer, choose or type (local) or the actual name of the SQL Server computer (the latter is recommended). This information is used to create the ODBC connection. In this example, the field is already pre-populated with (local) because that value was specified when the Pool Service installer was already run on this computer earlier. If you change this value and you have write privileges to the Siriusware\Install directory, the installer updates the value of the SiriuswareSQLServer setting in the SiteDefaults.INI file.

7. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next to begin installation of ReportManager.

8. When the ReportManager installation completes, you are presented with the following dialog. Click Finish.

You can launch ReportManager from the Start button or by using the desktop shortcut. The default log-in name is ADMIN with no password.

Installing Sales

The Sales application can be installed on any computer on the network that has network access to the SQL Server. The Sales application is the operator interface for all of the POS computers on the network. Each salespoint receives a separate installation of the Sales application and a unique name is required for each. For criteria you use when choosing salespoint names, see the Salesware User and Ticketing Guide for Beginning Users. If Sales is being installed on a computer that has already had the Common Files installer run on it (such as the SysManager or ReportManager computer) you can skip the step of installing Common Files application. You need administrator privileges on the computer where Sales is installed. The Sales installer:

• Creates the \ProgramData\Siriusware\Sales and \Program Files\Siriusware\Sales directories and associated files. • Installs a desktop shortcut to Sales; a training shortcut to Sales can be installed as well. • Creates the \Program Files\Siriusware\Resources folder.

Note: Before installing any salespoints, you need to have a license file in Siriusware\License. If you installed an existing database when you installed Server Files application, you probably already installed this license. If you installed a new, “clean” database, you need to get a license file from accesso Siriusware Technical Support. When calling accesso Siriusware Technical Support for a license file, you need to provide the client number that was assigned to your installation. Get this Client # from SysManager > Help > About SysManager.

Before salespoint installation, verify that there are enough salespoints created in SysManager for the entire installation. Do this by going to SysManager > Activities > System Lists > Sales points menu and counting the number of names; this number equals the number of salespoints to be installed. Salespoints include SimpleCharge salespoints, Sales Hosts for E-Commerce and Kiosks capability. If there are not enough salespoints, simply add more by using the New button. You need a license for each salespoint added. Assuming you have an available license for a new salespoint, the name of the salespoint also appears on the Sales Point Licenses dialog (SysManager > Preferences > Sales Point Licenses) when you add a new salespoint. From the Sales Point Licenses dialog you also verify that the salespoints are licensed correctly. Ensure that the Mode is set correctly (C=Classic Sales, W=Sales Host, M=SimpleCharge, etc.). Verify that the appropriate check boxes are checked for each salespoint based on the licensing that was purchased. If you are unclear as to what any of the check boxes stand for, hover the mouse pointer over the three-letter column name for a complete description or consult the Salesware Modules, Licensing and Maintenance document.

Note: On Windows Server 2008 (32- and 64-bit), you need to turn on DEP, and then exclude Sales after it is installed. See Installing with an “execution protection” capable processor for how this is done.

To run the Sales installer: 1. Ensure that Common Files application is already installed. 2. If you are installing Sales on the server computer where Server Files application is already installed, you can run the Install_Siriusware_Sales_44xx.msi installer directly from the Siriusware\Install directory. If you are accessing the Siriusware\Install directory over the network, you can either run the installer over the network or copy the installer to the desktop and run it from there. accesso recommends that you run the installer over the network. If you later modify the installation, Windows looks for the installer in the location from which it was originally run. It might inadvertently get deleted from the desktop. 3. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next.

4. You are presented with the following dialog. You can add the training mode Sales, but you are required to install a training database before you can use it (see Installing a training database). You can select either This feature will be installed on local hard drive or This feature, and all subfeatures, will be installed on local hard drive. The two options are equivalent. Click Next.

5. You are presented with the following dialog. Select which type of salespoint this is: Classic, Kiosk, Debitware Kiosk, SimpleCharge, Web Sales Host or Mobile Sales Host. Based on your selection here, you are later presented with a list of only the applicable salespoints when choosing the name for this salespoint.

6. You are presented with the following dialog. Select whether or not this salespoint will utilize a physical keyboard. The Sales installer will install an appropriate s32c_Scale.INI file depending on which option is selected. The s32c_Scale.INI file specifies how the various dialogs in the Sales interface will be scaled and positioned. If you specify that this salespoint will not use a physical keyboard, the Sales interface will include an on-screen keyboard where necessary, and will be scaled appropriately. If you would like Sales to use a pre-existing custom s32c_Scale.INI file, select Let me choose an existing s32c_Scale.ini file myself.

7. If Let me choose an existing s32c_Scale.ini file myself was selected on the previous dialog, you are presented with the following dialog. Click Browse to browse to the s32c_Scale.ini file located on your computer that you would like to use with Sales. During installation, a copy of this file will be made and placed into the appropriate directory. You may still specify whether Sales should include an on-screen keyboard. If this s32c_Scale.INI file expects an on-screen keyboard is selected, the Sales interface includes an on-screen keyboard, but the scaling and positioning of the Sales interface dialogs are not modified.

8. You are presented with the following dialog. This dialog is populated using the SiteDefaults.INI file that was installed by Pool Service.

Note: In this example the CreditCardServer_IP setting has not yet been added to the SiteDefaults.INI file. Setting the Credit card server field on this dialog sets the IP address for this particular installation of Sales only: the credit card server IP address must be manually added to the SiteDefaults.INI file if you want the IP address to appear on this dialog for future installs of Sales. Click Next.

9. You are presented with the following dialog. The Global INI Group lists the default groups in the global .INI settings in the SysManager > Preferences > Miscellaneous > Global .INI tab. For a description of how this works, see the Salesware .INI Settings Reference document, available from The three radio buttons are set depending on whether you have a credit card server, the Private Instruction, Activity/Facility Scheduling or Rentals modules, respectively. It is easy to change any of the settings you selected on this dialog later by accessing the Sales32c.INI file and modifying accordingly. For more information on the .INI settings created by this dialog, see the Salesware .INI Settings Reference document.

10. If you selected Enable integrated credit card processing on the previous dialog, you are presented with the following dialog. For more information on credit card installation, see the Charge Cards documentation. Select the radio button for the type of integrated credit card processing that you are implementing. As a result of your selection, certain .INI settings are added to the Sales32c.INI file. For more information on the .INI settings created by this dialog, see the Salesware .INI Settings Reference document.

11. If you selected Ingenico credit card processing on the previous dialog, you are presented with the following dialog. As a result of your selection, certain .INI settings are added to the Sales32c.INI file. For more information on the .INI settings created by this dialog, see the Salesware .INI Settings Reference document.

12. You are presented with the following dialog. Click Next to start the Sales installation.

13. When the Sales installation completes, you are presented with the following dialog. Click Finish.

Starting Sales for the first time

Ensure that Pool Service is running on the middleware server. SalesEZ application must be running and possibly BookEZ or even RentEZ or TallyEZ applications, depending on your configuration. Click on the Sales icon on the desktop. You get a message indicating that files are not found (see the following screen capture). Sales must load them from the server (that is, Sales must create the local data files in the \ProgramData\Siriusware\Sales\Data folder). Click Yes and the salespoint begins to build the file structure for the first time. This can take a few minutes depending on the size of the data set.

Note: You may get a message stating that the path to the updates folder doesn’t exist. See Mapping to the Siriusware folder from other computers for more information on this message.

Previous to this, you may also get a small error window indicating Can’t find updates table! – simply ignore this error or click YES to close the window. There is no need to worry – at this point the deletes table has not yet been created.

Salespoint setup

The next screen prompts you for the name of this particular salespoint. The list of choices reflects the salespoint names that were entered into SysManager earlier or a list of default salespoint names. You may see only a subset of names depending on what you selected on the Salespoint type dialog from the Sales installer. Select the appropriate salespoint name from the list and click OK.

The next screen can prompt you in one of two ways. If the salespoint name has never been used, it asks you to enter a new salespoint name and description. If you like the name as is, simply re-enter the name and supply a description. Click OK to continue.

Note: You cannot have duplicate salespoint names and no two salespoints can use the same name. You must choose a different name from the list for each computer on which Sales is installed.

If the salespoint name has ever been assigned to any salespoint before, you see a warning that the salespoint name is already in use. This warning is designed to prevent someone from assigning the same salespoint name to more than one salespoint. It is only a warning to let you know that particular salespoint name has been used at some point in the past. If you know that the name in question is supposed to be used by this salespoint, simply click on OK to continue past the warning message and assign the name to the salespoint anyway.

If your salespoint detects any changes in the Sales32c.INI file, it prompts you with a message stating that your salespoint settings have changed and that Sales must be restarted. Simply click OK and restart Sales. Sales is now installed and sitting at the Login dialog.

Repeat the sales install procedure for each POS station.

Other installation scenarios

Manually attaching the SirusSQL database

There are a couple scenarios in which you may need to manually attach the SiriusSQL database, instead of using the Server Files installer: • When updating your installation from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 or 2012. • When you are moving an existing database from one instance of SQL Server to another.

If the SiriusSQL database is detached from an instance of SQL Server, and then re-attached at a later time, no steps in addition to what is normally done from SQL Server are necessary. But in the manual attachment scenarios just listed, additional steps are required. These steps are presented in this section. To attach the SiriusSQL database, you need the four files that comprise the database:


Note: The directions provided in this section apply primarily to attaching an existing SiriusSQL database. If you need to attach a new, “clean” SiriusSQL database, use the Server Files installer as described in Installing Server Files.

To attach the SiriusSQL database to SQL Server 2008/2012: 1. Start SQL Server Management Studio.

Note: If you cannot find an entry to start SQL Server Management Studio from the Program list as shown above, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90 or 100 or 110\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE and double-click on the file named SqlWb.exe (to run the SQL Server Management Studio).

2. Log into the SQL Server Management Studio by selecting: a. Database Engine for Server type. b. Server name from the dropdown list. The current Server name displays by default, but you can browse to connect to another server too. c. For SQL Server 2008/2012 on Windows Server 2008/2012, be sure to use Windows Authentication. If you use SQL Server authentication when manually attaching a database to SQL Server 2008/2012 on Windows Server 2008/2012, the database attaches in read-only mode and the wrong compatibility level is set. d. Click Connect.

3. Right-click on Databases and select Attach….

Note: In rare circumstances, you may want to detach a SiriusSQL database and attach a different one (as opposed to attaching a SiriusSQL database for the first time).

Note: When a SiriusSQL database is detached and reattached on the same computer, you don’t have to delete and recreate the two instances of the sirius user, but it is still a good idea. That’s because the sirius user was already created on this SQL Server computer, so the ID number that is used internally to identify the sirius user matches. If you take this database and attach it to another SQL Server, however, the IDs won’t match and you’ll get an error. That is why it’s always safest to recreate the sirius user.

4. From the Attach Databases dialog, click the Add button, and then browse to the SiriusSQL.mdf file. Select the file and click OK. All the data files are displayed. 5. If you need to change the database name to SiriusSQL, click on the current default name under Attach As and type in SiriusSQL.

6. Click OK to move on after you are sure everything on this dialog is correct. 7. Now, expand the Databases folder and right-click on SiriusSQL and select Properties. On the Database Properties – SiriusSQL dialog, on the left side, select Options. Ensure that sure Compatibility level dropdown is set to SQL Server 2005(90).

8. Click OK. Now your database is attached. 9. Now create the sirius user. A security log-in for the sirius user needs to be created.

Note: The siriusweb user needs to be created as well if you implement the E-Commerce or Rentals modules (Rentals module needs this for the self-entry functionality). If this is the case at your site, repeat these directions. Select a strong password for the siriusweb user.

10. Delete the existing sirius user: a. In SQL Server Management Studio, expand the Databases folder > SiriusSQL folder > Security folder. b. Go into the Schemas folder and delete the sirius user (only if present, though it probably won’t be). c. Go into the Users folder and delete sirius user.

11. Create a new sirius and siriusweb user (if these already exist, you need to delete and re-create these users): a. In the SQL Server Management Studio, expand the Security folder and right-click on Logins, and then select New Login….

Note: If a sirius user already exists, delete it.

b. On the General page of the Login – New dialog, enter sirius in the Login name: field. c. Select SQL Server Authentication. d. Enter sirius in the Password field and confirm it. e. There are three password control settings (circled in red in the following screen capture) that are checked by default. You must un-check these settings or your Salesware applications won’t be able to connect to the database.

f. Select SiriusSQL as default database. g. Go to the User Mapping page and check the SiriusSQL database. Ensure that the public box also appears as checked under Database role membership for: SiriusSQL.

12. Click OK.

Your database is now ready for use.

Note: It may be necessary for you to run the create_AppRole_SiriusSQL.sql script after attaching the database. If you added the siriusweb user, it is required. This script can safely be run any number of times.

Installing a training database

You may wish to use a training database. Training databases are useful for testing as well as training. The training database is simply a copy of the actual live database, attached as another name. The training database should not be created until after the “live” system has been fully installed and verified working. Also, when creating the training database you are bringing down the entire live system for a few moments and need to verify that everyone is out of the system.

To install the training database on SQL Server 2008/2012: 1. First, make of copy of your “live” database. But before you can duplicate it, SQL Services must be stopped. To do this, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and log in. Right-click on the SQL server name and select Stop.

2. You are prompted to confirm the stop of SQL services on the server. Click Yes to continue.

3. Minimize the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio screen. 4. You now need to copy the four files that comprise the SiriusSQL database:

SiriusSQL.mdf SiriusSQL.ldf SiriusSQL_LOGS.ndf SiriuSQLTRANSACT.ndf

These are usually found in C:\Siriusware\Data.

5. Create a new folder in the Siriusware directory called Training Data and copy the four database files into this folder. (You now have the database files in two locations.)

Note: The training database must reside in a separate folder from the live database. Also, there is no need to separate the log file from the primary files.

6. Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio application and right-click on the SQL server stopped previously. Select the Start option. You are prompted to confirm that you do in fact want to re-start the server.

It may take a few seconds for the services to start back up. At this point the system can once again be used in live mode.

7. The next step is to attach the training database. With the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio application still running, expand Databases on the left side of the screen.

8. Right-click on Databases and select Attach….

9. The Attach Databases dialog opens and prompts you for the location of the database files. Click Add to browse to the location of the duplicated database files that reside in your newly created Training Data folder and select the SiriusSQL.MDF file. Click OK.

10. You see the following dialog, indicating the location of the files that are ready to attach. Ensure that the name to attach the database is SiriusSQL_Training (in the Attach As field) and the owner of the newly attached database is still SA. You can modify either of these fields by double-clicking on the field and editing it. Click OK to attach the database.

11. The last step is to give the user sirius access to the newly installed database. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, expand Security on the left side of the screen and then expand Logins. You see the user sirius listed.

12. Right-click on the user sirius and select Properties.

13. Click User Mapping and ensure that there is a checkmark in the Map column next to SiriusSQL_Training. (You now have checkmarks for both accesso Siriusware databases, allowing this one user access to both databases.) Click OK.

The training database is now in place and ready for use by the training versions of the 4.4 suite of applications.

Modifying a Salesware module installation

With the exception of the Server Files installer (which is an .EXE), you can run any Salesware .msi (Microsoft Installer) again after it has already been used to install the software. For example, if something is deleted after an install, it can be restored by using the Repair option of the installer. You are presented with options to Modify, Repair or Remove. Do not run the Server Files installer again. If you need to modify the accesso Siriusware directory structure on the SQL Server, do it manually. If you need to attach a different database, do it manually, as described in Manually Attaching the SiriusSQL Database.

Note: Can you run the new Salesware .msi (Microsoft Installer) installers on a system with the old (.exe- based) installs on them? Yes, but you must run the new Common Files installer first; it is a good practice to remove the old Common Files application first.

Uninstalling Salesware module

There are two steps to completely uninstalling Salesware module from any computer: uninstalling the files and Windows registry settings that were installed by the installer and deleting the files that were installed by the Update file or by Salesware itself. These steps are described in this section.

Warning: Before deleting Salesware from any computer, ensure that you have backed up any data or layouts that you need. This is especially true of your SQL Server database data.

To uninstall Salesware: 1. On the computer where Salesware is installed, go to Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. 2. On the Add or Remove Programs dialog, all Salesware programs are sorted alphabetically in the same spot because they all start with Siriusware. Select an application that you would like to remove and click Remove. 3. After you have removed all of the applications you wish to delete, close the Add or Remove Programs dialog and navigate to the Siriusware directory (usually located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Siriusware and C:\ProgramData\Siriusware). If you deleted all Salesware programs from the Add or Remove Programs dialog, then delete the entire directory. If you deleted only certain applications, then delete only the associated directory, such as SysManager or Sales.

Note: ODBC connections and the LOCATION environment variable must be manually un-installed.

Migrating SiriusSQL from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008/2012

1. Ensure that no one is connected to the database (use the instructions in maintenance section of the Salesware Modules, Licensing and Maintenance document to do this). 2. Important! Back up your SiriusSQL database to media separate from where it currently resides. 3. Detach the SiriusSQL database using the instructions in Manually attaching the SiriusSQL database (there is a note that describes how to detach). 4. Uninstall SQL Server 2005. 5. Install SQL Server 2008/2012 using the instructions in Installing SQL Server 2008/2012. 6. Re-attach the SQL Server database using the instructions in Manually attaching the SiriusSQL database.

Note: It is possible your current ODBC connections to the database may not connect to the new installation, but the worst case scenarios is they you have to reselect the server in the ODBC connections.

Appendix A: Installing and using SimpleCharge

SimpleCharge is a simplified version of Sales that has much of the functionality of Classic Sales locked down. Thus the majority of the capabilities of Sales are not available. A SimpleCharge salespoint is typically used when a different POS solution is in place yet Salesware In-House Cards items still need to be redeemed. A SimpleCharge salespoint can be also used to issue, load and activate In-House Cards items. A credit card solution may already be in place at the POS, in which case the SimpleCharge salespoint would likely be used just for In-House Cards and not Charge Cards module– though a SimpleCharge salespoint includes the Salesware Charge Cards module as well (by default), in case it is needed. In SimpleCharge mode, swiping an In-House Cards card or a credit card at the empty Sales screen allows the user to charge a specified amount to that card. A SimpleCharge item is configured through an .INI setting and this item is used to write data for these charges. Cards that cannot be swiped can be charged by hitting the Charge button (corresponds to the Finalize button in Classic mode) on the Sales screen and card information is then manually entered as is done in Classic Sales. SimpleCharge is installed like any other salespoint, as described in this document. Be sure to select SimpleCharge at the Salespoint types dialog when running the Sales installer – that way you only see only the SimpleCharge salespoint names that you created in SysManager when you were setting up your SimpleCharge salespoints.

SimpleCharge setup in SysManager

SimpleCharge salespoints require a SimpleCharge license set in SysManager > Preferences > Sales Point Licenses. The Mode is set to M. SimpleCharge salespoints are automatically assigned C/C and DBT licenses.

SimpleCharge setup in Sales

The following two .INI settings must be present in the Sales32c.INI file (or in the global .INI) on SimpleCharge salespoints:

[SalesPoint] Interface=SimpleCharge


Note: Don’t forget to create a profit center for these sales.

The Interface setting is automatically set for you when running the Sales installer. The DCI setting is the item set up to actually be written to in the data for charges. While it is true that one can make a credit card charge without selling anything, in the background something must be written to in the data; therefore, the DCI .INI setting was created. The DCI is padded out to ten characters. The DCI can be anything - CHARGE as a nickname is not necessary for the functionality. The item must be in the item tree, but does not display. Only reload and activate In-House Cards products in the item tree appear in the item list on a SimpleCharge salespoint.

The following setting for global and line item buttons is the default setting for SimpleCharge salespoints:

[Interface] GlobalButtons=DateTime,Message LineItemButtons=DateTime,Message,Other

The list below contains the options for the Sales main action buttons. Buttons not listed here cannot be used in SimpleCharge mode and do not appear in Tools > Actions.

[Interface] MainButtonX=

MainButton value Function ACT Action button APP Appearance button CAL Calculator CCR Print CC receipt CCS Credit Card button CLR Clear CLS Closeout button DBW In-House Cards button DIA Diagnostics button DWR Drawer button FIL Data Files button FIN Charge button (Finalize) GCB Gift Card Balance GCO Gift Card Cashout GST Guest Lookup LAY Unpack Layouts LOG Logout PRN Reprint QUI Quit RP2 Print Receipt MainButton value Function RPZ Reset PrintEZ SPS Salespoint button TAX Tax Exempt TLS Tools UPD Update button ZTA Z-Tape Report

Printers are configured as at any Classic mode salespoint.

SimpleCharge use

To make a SimpleCharge “sale”: 1. Swipe credit card or IHC card and enter amount (use a negative amount for refund).

2. Hit OK and at the Credit Card Payment dialog hit OK again. The charge is finalized.

3. If the card cannot be swiped, the operator chooses the Charge button, enters the amount to be charged and hits OK. At the Amount Remaining dialog, the payment type is chosen and the credit card or IHC card information is entered and OK selected. The transaction is finalized.

4. To take a cash payment the user hits the Charge button, enters the amount and, at the Payment Type dialog, chooses the Cash payment type. 5. IHC reload, activate, etc., follow the same procedures as Classic Sales mode.

Appendix B: Setting up cash drawers and pole displays

Salesware module has cash drawer and pole display functionality. A cash drawer can pop every time a sale is completed, and can be manually popped through a button in Sales. You can also prevent sales from occurring when the cash drawer is open. You can set up Sales to use a common serial cash drawer (APG or Indiana) or you can customize Sales to work with any other cash drawer. You can set up one or two cash drawers (in the case that you accept two types of currency). Installation steps are provided in this appendix for USB cash drawers and pole displays. Connecting using other types of serial ports is handled in a similar fashion, though almost all new salespoints support connection via USB ports.

Note: Ensure UAC is turned off if installing on a Windows 7 PC. Go to Start > Control Panel > Users Accounts > Change User Account Settings. Make sure it is turned completely off. You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.


A default Ports.INI file is placed on all your salespoints in your local Sales folder (C:\Program Files\Siriusware\Sales) during installation. Its purpose is to give Salesware module the necessary information to pop your cash drawer (it is also used for pole display set up). The settings used in the Ports.INI file are documented in the Salesware .INI Settings Reference. The Ports.INI file needs to be customized based on the cash drawer and pole display setups you have. The default Ports.INI file contains the following text:

[Primary] PopThruPrinter=FALSE PrinterName=CASHDRAWER PopThruPort=FALSE ComPort=0 BaudRate=9600 Parity=N DataBits=8 StopBits=1 SendChars=FALSE Char1=028 Char2=000 Char3=000 Char4=000 Char5=000

[Secondary] PopThruPrinter=FALSE PrinterName=FOREIGNDRAWER PopThruPort=FALSE ComPort=0 BaudRate=9600 Parity=N DataBits=8 StopBits=1 SendChars=FALSE Char1=028 Char2=000 Char3=000 Char4=000 Char5=000

[Pole] PoleDisplay=FALSE PoleType=0 ComPort=0 BaudRate=9600 Parity=N DataBits=8 StopBits=1

The [Primary] section is for a single cash drawer. The [Secondary] section corresponds to a second cash drawer (usually for a second form of currency). The [Pole] section is for a pole display.

Setting up a USB pole display

To set up a USB pole display: 1. Install drivers (if any). 2. Plug in USB pole display. 3. Find out what virtual COM port the pole display was installed on using Device Manager > Ports section. Also check the COM port settings to make sure they are 9600, 8, N, 1

Note: To access Device Manager, right-click on My Computer and select Properties. Go to the Hardware tab.

4. Determine the pole type. 0 is Birch. 1 is opos/logic controls. 2 is Epson emulation (most of the poles on the all-in-one units). Possibly set dip switches or otherwise configure the pole. (Typically, this is unnecessary. Usually one of the pole types works for the display “out of the box”.) 5. Add the section to the Ports.INI file:

[Pole] PoleDisplay=TRUE PoleType=1 ComPort=7 BaudRate=9600 Parity=N DataBits=8 StopBits=1

Note: You can specify pole display text from SysManager > Preferences > Miscellaneous > Pole Display.

Setting up a USB cash drawer

To set up a USB cash drawer (specifically, APG Series 100): 1. Be sure the following are set in the Ports.INI file:

popthruprinter=FALSE popthruport=FALSE

2. Install the cash drawer: a. Plug the cash drawer into the computer b. Install cash drawer drivers by browsing on the provided CD to \USBPro(tm)_Cash_Drawer_v4.1\APG 554 USB Utility and double-click on the file named USB554Utility.exe c. In the APG Configuration Utility window, press ADD and the USB port connected to the cash drawer displays. d. Test the cash drawer by pressing the Open Drawer button. e. Press the Drawer Status button to check if the drawer is Open or Closed.

After the driver is installed, a registry entry is generated for the cash drawer: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\APG Cash Drawer(r), Inc.\APG USB Port Manager\HIDUSB

3. Configure the following Sales settings: a. Go to Sales > Tools > Sales Pt Setup > Miscellaneous. b. In the Cash Drawer section, select APG for Type.

Note: This can also be accomplished from SysManager > Activities > System Lists > Salespoints > New/Edit > Misc tab.

c. Check the Primary USB box if this cash drawer is a primary drawer, and then select the proper USB from the dropdown. d. If a secondary drawer exists, check the Secondary USB box and select the proper USB for it. e. Enable sales when the drawer is open by checking the Allow Sales if Drawer Open box. If this box is unchecked, Sales returns a message and stops any attempt of adding an item to sales when the drawer is open.