NACHBRENNER 2020 Wissenswertes aus dem Bereich Militärluftfahrt und Luftkriegsführung Nr. 121 vom 15. Mai 2020 «Ich vertraue darauf, dass sich die Bevölkerung nicht beirren lässt» Bundesrätin Viola Amherd im Interview mit SonntagsZeitung vom 3. Mai 2020

SZ: Linke Politiker finden, dass die Bevölkerung besser geschützt ist, wenn man weniger Geld in Kampfjets, dafür mehr in Pandemieschutz investiert. Was ist falsch daran? „Warum mehr Geld für Pandemieschutz, wenn sich doch gerade gezeigt hat, dass die Armee in einer solchen Krise gut funktioniert: Da Krisen unerwartet auftreten, muss die Armee auf alle möglichen Szenarien vorbereitet sein.“

SZ: Befürchten Sie, dass es nach der Corona-Krise schwieriger wird, die Bevölkerung an der Urne vom Nutzen neuer Kampfjets zu überzeugen? „Ich habe keine Angst vor einem Volksentscheid. Die Meinungen liegen in dieser Sache zwar weit auseinander. Aber ich bin zuversichtlich, weil die Kampfjets über das ordentliche Armeebudget finanziert werden und keine zusätzlichen Gelder gesprochen werden müssen. Es geht schliesslich um den Schutz der Bevölkerung vor Angriffen aus der Luft.“

SZ: Nach Corona ist beim Bund allgemein Sparen angesagt. Wird auch die Armee helfen? “Für mich ist klar: Wenn der Bund nach der Krise sparen muss, müssen alle mithelfen. Da würde ich die Armee nicht ausnehmen. Beim Schutz des Luftraums dürfen wir aber keine Einsparungen vornehmen. Diese Verantwortung könnte ich als Verteidigungsministerin nicht übernehmen.“ Farbcode Meldungen: Pflichtlektüre

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Air2030 CHE: UND WIR HÄTTEN IHN DOCH NOCH SO NÖTIG GEHABT! 03.05.2020 „Pilot, Patriot und loyaler (121-) Soldat: Zum Tod von Christophe Vergangene Woche verstarb alt Korpskommandant Christophe Keckeis im Alter von 75 Jahren. Er Keckeis, ehemaliger Chef der bekleidete zwischen 2004 und 2007 als Erster den Posten des Chefs der Armee. Armee“ (Eine Würdigung von Christophe Keckeis durch Markus Gygax, ehemaliger Kdt unserer Luftwaffe abrufbar unter: von Markus Gygax, ehemaliger Kdt Luftwaffe

Pro Libertate/PIKOM CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! (120-) « Unsere nationale Sicherheit nach der Corona-Pandemie » Fachreferat Peter Regli, Divisionär aD und ehemaliger Chef des Schweizer Nachrichtendienstes

1. Veranstaltung Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2020 Kaserne, Auditorium, Papiermühlesstr. 13+15, 3000 Bern 22 (im Navigationssystem „Kasernenstrasse 27“ eingeben)

2. Veranstaltung Mehrzweckhalle Stiftung zum Glockenhaus (neben dem Hotel Glockenhof, Sihlstr. 33, 8001 Zürich) Tramstationen: Am Besten erreichbar über Tramhaltestellen Rennweg (7, 10,11 und 13) und Sihlstrasse (2 und 9)

Beginn jeweils: 18:45 Uhr Apéro, 19:30 Referat CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Schweizerische Offiziers- Gesellschaft der Artillerie Herbsttagung und Generalversammlung 2020 (SOGART) 12.09.2020,

Tagungsthema ist „Air2030 – Bedeutung für die Artillerie“. Es referieren die Kommandanten Luftwaffe und Heer. Anschliessend findet eine Besichtigung von Mitteln der Luftwaffe statt. Der traditionelle Anlass findet auf dem Militärflugplatz Emmen statt.

Offiziersgesellschaft CHE : Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! des rechten « Podium Air2030 » Zürichseeufers Veranstaltungen Air2030 [email protected]

Unter Leitung unserer Offiziersgesellschaft mit folgenden Teilnehmenden: NR Priska Seiler Graf (SP), NR Beat Walti (FDP), NR Marionna Schlatter (Grüne), KR Domenik Ledergerber (SVP), KR Janine Vannaz (CVP). Moderation: Oblt Pascal Spahni (OG ZrU).

Datum: Dienstag, 1. September 2020 Jürg Wille Saal des Gasthofs Löwen Meilen Zeit: 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr Öffentlicher Anlass zum Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Januar 2020 Bundesbeschluss über die Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge ÖFFENTLICHER ANLASS DER SICHERHEITSPOLITISCHEN KOMMISSION DER FDP DES KANTONS ZÜRICH ZUM BUNDESBESCHLUSS ÜBER DIE BESCHAFFUNG NEUER KAMPFFLUGZEUGE

Datum: Mittwoch, 26. August 2020 Zeit: 19:00 Uhr Ort: Stiftung zum Glockenhof, Mehrzwecksaal Tramstationen: Am Besten erreichbar über Tramhaltestellen Rennweg (7, 10,11 und 13) und Sihlstrasse (2 und 9) Programm: Impulsreferate CdA und PL NKF, anschliessend kontradiktorisches Podium mit Einbezug des Publikums

Referenten und Podiumsteilnehmer: ° Kkdt Thomas Süssli, Chef der Armee ° Oberst iGst Peter Merz, Projektleiter NKF ° NR Doris Fiala, FDP, Mitglied der SiK-N ° Priska Seiler Graf, SP, Mitglied der Sik-N ° NR Marionna Schlatter, GP, Mitglied der SiK-N ° NR Hans-Peter Portmann, FDP

Moderation: Georg Häsler Sansano, Bundeshausredaktor der NZZ Öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion zur INFORMATION Beschaffung eines neuen Kampfflugzeugs Die im Anschluss an die Generalversammlung AVIA Luftwaffe vom 20.06.2020

AVIA LUFTWAFFE anberaumte öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion zur Beschaffung eines neuen Gesellschaft der Offiziere der Kampfflugzeuges wird auf einen späteren Termin verschoben, voraussichtlich Luftwaffe zwischen Mitte August und Mitte September. Die AVIA organisiert diesen Anlass in

enger Abstimmung mit den Führungsverantwortlichen der nationalen Kampagne «Sicherheit—ja“. Über das genaue Datum und die notwendigen Details informieren wir Sie raschmöglichst.

Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.

Freundliche Grüsse AVIA Luftwaffe Oberst Patrick Richter, Zentralpräsident CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Stiftung Freiheit & Sicherheit Schweiz - Aktuelle Verantwortung Bedrohungen und Konferenz zu den sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen Terrorismus, Islamismus, innere Sicherheit sowie Abwehrdispositive Cyberkriminalität und Cybersicherheit mit den Referenten Saida Keller-Messahli, Forum für einen fortschrittlichen Islam, Divisionär aD Peter Regli, Nationalrat Franz Grüter und Adi Achermann, Kdt der Luzerner Polizei.

Freitag, 5. Juni 2020 18:15 Uhr Universität Luzern Frohburgstrasse 3 6002 Luzern

Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist eine schriftliche Anmeldung zwingend. Anmeldegebühr CHF 40.--.

Kontakt Stiftung Freiheit & Verantwortung Geschäftsstelle Zeughausstrasse 14 B 8853 Lachen Telefon: 055 442 05 15 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: CHE: ZUM STUDIUM DRINGEND EMPFOHLEN: Blog Dr. Peter Forster „Die Schweiz braucht den 12.05.2020 Kampfjet!“ Gerade rechtzeitig zur “Wiedereröffnung” der Anti-Armee-Polemik in Tageszeitungen stellt uns (121-169) Oberst i Gst Jürg Kürsener seine Gedanken zur umfassenden Bedrohung zur Verfügung. Wer die von Gefahren auf einzelne Komponenten reduziert, handelt sträflich einseitig. Jürg Kürsener schreibt: Oberst i Gst Jürg Kürsener (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: CHE: Abstimmungstermin: Es steht fest: die Entscheidung über den Ersatz unserer seit 1978 und 1996 im Einsatz 12.05.2020 Newsletter Ja-Kampagne Air2030 stehenden „alten“ Kampfflugzeuge fällt am 27. September. (121-168) #3 (Vollständiger Newsletter abrufbar unter: CHE: Die auf 2019 vom Bundesrat beschlossenen Massnahmen zur besseren Auslastung des 08.05.2020 Dienstleistungen des Lufttransportdienstes des Bundes (LTDB) haben sich positiv ausgewirkt. Es gab 30 Prozent weniger Flüge (121-167) Lufttransportdienstes des Bundes ohne Passagiere, die externen Einmietungen sanken von 48 auf 2,5 Stunden und es fielen weniger Kosten 2019: Bessere Auslastung für Linienflüge an. Zudem ist eine Reduktion der Verwaltungskosten spürbar. Insgesamt flogen die Flugzeuge und Helikopter des LTDB für den Bundesrat und die Departemente im vergangenen Jahr rund 680 Stunden.

(Vollständige Medienmitteilung abrufbar unter: CHE: Der Bundesrat hat an seiner Sitzung vom 8. Mai 2020 eine Vereinbarung mit der NATO Communications and 08.05.2020 Schweiz verstärkt internationale Information Agency (NCI Agency) genehmigt. Damit verstärkt die Schweiz die internationale (121-166) Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Zusammenarbeit im Bereich von militärischen Kommunikations- und Informationssystemen. Die militärischer Vereinbarung stellt eine etablierte Zusammenarbeit auf eine neue rechtliche Basis. Kommunikationssysteme (Vollständige Medienmitteilung abrufbar unter: CHE: „Und natürlich erwähnte das «Risikoprofil Schweiz» auch das Virus: eine Epidemie, die 30 000 Tote und 07.05.2020 „Das Risiko Pandemie erkannt, 150 000 Erkrankte zur Folge hätte. Wahrscheinlichkeit: hoch. (121-165) aber nicht gehandelt – das Risikomanagement des Bundes hat Doch der Bericht verschwand in der Schublade. Die Zentralstelle für Gesamtverteidigung, die bei der Analyse Lücken“ federführend war, wurde aufgelöst. Ein Grund, weshalb sich der damalige Verteidigungsminister Adolf Ogi Von Lukas Mäder nicht zu einer Publikation durchringen konnte, war möglicherweise der Inhalt: Die kriegerische Bedrohung wurde als vergleichsweise geringes Risiko taxiert. Dies hätte die Armee in Rechtfertigungsnot gebracht.

In den letzten Risikoberichten taucht ein militärischer Angriff gar nicht mehr auf. Allerdings soll sich das mit der Aktualisierung im kommenden Herbst ändern.“

(Vollständiger Bericht abrufbar unter: hat-luecken-ld.1553257) CHE: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Schweizer Luftwaffe hat die RUAG AG mit den Arbeiten für den Aufbau eines 04.05.2020 RUAG AG baut Service für die neuen Standplatzes für den Flugzeugunterhalt auf dem Militärflugplatz Payerne begonnen. Die RUAG AG (121-164) Luftwaffe in Payerne aus schafft dadurch in der Region zwölf neue Arbeitsplätze. Der Endausbau des zweischichtigen Betriebs wird bis zum Ende des dritten Quartals 2021 erfolgen.

(Vollständige Medienmitteilung abrufbar unter: CHE: Aus Rücksicht auf die Bevölkerung im Lockdown hatte die Luftwaffe seit dem 27. März 2020 den Flugbetrieb 04.05.2020 Schweizer Armee: Schrittweise reduziert. Jetzt geht es darum, den Weg zurück zu finden und den Flugbetrieb schrittweise wieder zu (121-163) Normalisierung des Flugbetriebs normalisieren, um zukünftige Missionen sicherzustellen.

Die Normalisierung des Flugbetriebs wird in drei Etappen erfolgen. Ab 11. Mai 2020 findet eine erste Lockerung mit einigen Einschränkungen statt: Die F/A-18-Flugstunden werden auf 120 pro Woche beschränkt, es findet kein Training im Erdkampf statt und die Flüge der Vorführteams bleiben eingestellt. Ab dem 8. Juni 2020 ist die Aufhebung der meisten Einschränkungen unter Einhaltung der Empfehlungen des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit vorgesehen. Die letzte Etappe sieht die Wiederaufnahme der Trainingsflüge der Vorführteams und der Wiederholungskurse nach den Sommerferien sowie des Nachtflugtrainings gemäss Jahresplanung im Oktober 2020 vor.

(Vollständige Medienmitteilung abrufbar unter: CHE: Der Bundesrat hat an seiner Sitzung vom 29. April 2020 den jährlichen Bericht zur Beurteilung der 01.05.2020 Bericht des Bundesrates an die Bedrohungslage gemäss Art. 70 NDG verabschiedet. Der Bericht wurde vom Nachrichtendienst des Bundes (121-162) eidgenössichen Räte und die (NDB) erstellt und bezieht sich auf die im NDG genannten Bedrohungen sowie auf sicherheitspolitisch Öffentlichkeit - bedeutsame Vorgänge im Ausland. Jährliche Beurteilung der Bedrohungslage (Vollständiger Bericht abrufbar unter:

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Äusserst Bescheidener Bericht und im Lichte Air2030 eine verpasste Chance! Eine Beurteilung der militärischen Bedrohungslage in den für uns relevanten Operationsräumen fehlt vollständig) SIPRI: Schweiz 0,7% 04.2020 Militärausgaben 2019 gemessen (121-161) am BIP (Abrufbare 2 Anlagen mit allen verfügbaren Details zu diesem Versandmail NACHBRENNER 121 vom 15.05.2020)


15.05.2020 EGY/RUS : Egypt signed a contract with Russia to acquire the largest batch of Russian Su-35 fighters, learned 15.05.2020 Russia sold 26 Su-35 fighter jets to citing the Arabic news agency Mena Defense and Russian news agency Aviapro. (121-160) Egypt totalling $3 billion At the moment, it is known that we are talking about the purchase of 26 combat vehicles, moreover, the first two Egyptian air force fighters will receive this year, and full fulfillment of obligations is scheduled until 2023. In fact, Egypt will become the first country in the Middle East to receive first-class Russian combat aircraft, and the second foreign owner of Russian Su-35 fighters.

It should be noted that one of the reasons for the acquisition of Russian military equipment was the US refusal to sell its fifth-generation fighter planes to this country, and, most likely, Egypt could conclude a contract for the acquisition of the Su-35 earlier, however, Washington announced its readiness to impose sanctions against Egypt for the acquisition of Russian weapons. NGA: The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has received three upgraded L-39ZA light ground-attack aircraft and is expected 15.05.2020 Nigeria; Air Force re-commissions to get three more soon. (121-159) upgraded L-39ZA Jets Höhenflug im Jahr 2019 und Das Geschäftsjahr 2019 war für Pilatus wieder sehr erfolgreich: Mit über 1.1 Milliarden Schweizer Franken 15.05.2020 vorbereitet auf Turbulenzen Umsatz wurde die Milliardengrenze erneut übertroffen. Es konnten ein Betriebsergebnis von 153 Millionen (121-158) Schweizer Franken erwirtschaftet sowie Bestelleingänge von 1.1 Milliarden Schweizer Franken verbucht werden.

Insgesamt geht das Jahr 2019 als weiteres sehr erfolgreiches Jahr in die Geschichte des mittlerweile 80- jährigen Unternehmens ein. Die Zahlen des Geschäftsjahrs fielen sehr ähnlich aus wie die des vorausgegangenen Jahres. Pilatus hat das umfassendste Produktionsprogramm überhaupt mit 134 Flugzeugen gemeistert – 83 PC-12 NG, 40 PC-24 und 11 PC-21 wurden abgeliefert.

Hervorragendes Echo auf den PC-12 NGX: Im Herbst 2019 hat Pilatus den PC-12 NGX lanciert: Die Weiterentwicklung des weltweit erfolgreichsten einmotorigen Turboprops seiner Klasse verfügt im Vergleich zu seinem Vorgänger über ein verbessertes Triebwerk, eine smartere Avionik und eine komplett neu gestaltete Kabine mit grösseren Fenstern. Insbesondere das neue Triebwerk PT6E-67XP von Pratt & Whitney beeindruckt: Sein elektronisches Propeller- und Motorsteuerungssystem stellt in diesem Marktsegment eine Weltneuheit dar. Pilatus konnte das Flugzeug im 2019 noch zertifizieren, die Produktionslinie umstellen und seit der Lancierung viele Bestellungen entgegennehmen. Die ersten Kunden sind seit diesem Monat bereits mit ihrem «NGX» unterwegs.

PC-21 Grossauftrag aus Spanien: Mit dem PC-21 Auftrag aus Spanien, welcher 2019 finalisiert und Ende Januar 2020 unterzeichnet werden konnte, hat Pilatus ein sehr wichtiges Ziel zur Sicherstellung der Zukunft erreichen können. Insgesamt wird Pilatus 24 PC-21 an die Spanischen Luftstreitkräfte, die Ejército del Aire, ab 2021 liefern. Mit Spanien konnte Pilatus bereits die dritte europäische Luftwaffe für den Next Generation Trainer gewinnen. Sollte der Geschäftsbereich der «General Aviation» aufgrund der aktuellen Wirtschaftslage tatsächlich einen Einbruch ergeben, hilft dieser Auftrag Pilatus essentiell, dass die Auslastung der Mitarbeitenden sowie der Unternehmenserfolg auch zukünftig gewährleistet sind. Es zeigt beispielhaft, wie wichtig die gewählte Zweibeinstrategie – das zivile und militärische Geschäft – für den kontinuierlichen Fortbestand des Unternehmens ist. Im November 2019 hat Pilatus den letzten der insgesamt 49 bestellten PC-21 an die Royal Australian Air Force ausgeliefert. Mit dieser vorerst letzten PC- 21 Ablieferung ist die weltweite Flotte auf 211 Flugzeuge angewachsen. Das ist eine eindrückliche Zahl und der Beweis, dass der PC-21 das modernste und effizienteste Trainingssystem der Welt ist.

(Anmerkung der Redaktion: In der Tat eine brilliante Leistung!)

14.05.2020 CHN: The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has deployed the KJ-500 airborne early warning and control 14.05.2020 China deploys AEW, anti- (AEW&C) system and the KQ-200 maritime patrol aircraft, also known as the Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, on (121-157) submarine aircraft on South China the permanent base on the Yongshu Reef in the South China Sea, media in the island of Taiwan reported Sea's Yongshu Reef Thursday, citing satellite photos taken by ImageSat International on Saturday.

Chinese experts said on Thursday that China has amid increased US military activities in the region the right to deploy defensive weapons there according to military threats China is facing.

Zhang Junshe, a senior research fellow at the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute, told the Global Times on Thursday that while he cannot confirm the authenticity of these reports, it is within China's scope of sovereignty that it enhances construction on islands and reefs in the South China Sea and deploys defensive weapons in accordance with China's national defense needs. Based on the seriousness of threats China is facing, China could take necessary defensive measures, Zhang said, noting that this conforms to international law.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-149) SYR: A new satellite photo of the Syrian military’s S-300 system revealed that it is currently combat ready. In a 14.05.2020 Satellite image reveals Syria’s photo posted on the Russian publication, Avia.Pro, the S-300 system can be seen combat ready, despite (121-156) S-300 system is combat ready previous reports alleging that Syria was not using it.

A commercial spacecraft was able to capture in the images the deployment area of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems in Syria. Satellite images appeared for the first time in six months, and, notably, they were taken after a number of countries criticized the Russian air defense systems, saying that Russian-made systems were completely removed from Syria,” the publication said. According to the publication, “the S- 300 air defense launchers are still in a combat position, obviously ready to immediately repel air strikes within their radius of destruction. Among other things, experts pay attention to the fact that the S-300 deployment area is fully equipped, which indicates that the S-300 will continue to be here for a long time.”

It is not clear how long this S-300 unit has been deployed in this part of the country, but it does confirm that the Syrian Armed Forces are still actively using this Russian-made air defense system.

Much of the criticism regarding the S-300 system has come from Chinese publications, who argue that Syria has been more successful using their radar units than Russia’s. Despite the arguments about which country’s equipment works better, the Syrian military has maintained that they use both for maximum protection of their airspace.

(Satellitenaufnahme abrufbar unter:

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-49 und 121-M) SYR/IRN: The Syrian government has been able to evade potential Israeli airstrikes on their cargo from Iran by flying 14.05.2020 Syrian flights from Iran continue to to the Hmeimim Airbase in the country’s western region. According to air traffic reports, the Syrian (121-155) evade Israel by flying to Russian government cargo jets have conducted at least three flights from Tehran to the Russian military’s Hmeimim airbase Airbase in the Latakia Governorate in the past week. Last week, the Syrian government began conducting these flights from Tehran to the Hmeimim Airbase, marking one of the first times since the Russian military took over the installation that this has happened.

The cargo inside of these planes are unknown; however, in the past, the Israeli Armed Forces have kept a close eye on these flights and even attacked the shipments. While the Syrian government does not comment on these flights, it is believed that they are using the Hmeimim Airbase to ensure the safety of their cargo.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-93) USA/USN: The U.S. Navy received its 100th P-8A aircraft from Boeing today as the global fleet, which also includes the 14.05.2020 Boeing Delivers 100th P-8A Indian navy and the Australian and U.K. air forces, approaches 300,000 flight hours of hunting submarines (121-154) Poseidon Built for the U.S. Navy and providing aerial reconnaissance capabilities around the world.

The P-8 is a proven long-range multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft capable of broad-area, maritime and coastal operations. A military derivative of the Boeing 737 Next-Generation airplane, the P-8 combines superior performance and reliability with an advanced mission system that ensures maximum interoperability in the battle space.

This is the 94th mission-capable airplane to enter the U.S. Navy fleet, with six additional jets used as Engineering Manufacturing Development test aircraft. The 100th fully-operational delivery is scheduled for later this year. Boeing has also delivered 12 jets to the Royal Australian Air Force, two to the U.K.’s Royal Air Force and eight P-8Is to the Indian Navy. Multiple U.S. Navy squadrons have deployed with the P-8A Poseidon, and the Indian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force are conducting missions with the P-8 as well. USA/USN/IND: Lockheed Martin Corp. is awarded a $904,800,000 modification (P00011) to a previously awarded firm-fixed- 14.05.2020 Contract – price, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract N00019-19-C-0013. This modification provides for the production and (121-153) U.S. Navy – delivery of three MH-60R Seahawk maritime aircraft for the Navy and 21 MH-60Rs for the government of MH-60Rs Seahawk India. Work is expected to be complete by September 2024.

(Quick facts MH-60R abrufbar unter: USA: Northrop Grumman Systems Corp. is awarded a $9,162,847 modification (P00002) to cost-plus-fixed-fee 14.05.2020 Contract – order N00019-19-F-0280 against previously issued basic ordering agreement N00019-15-G-0026. This (121-152) U.S. Navy – modification provides systems engineering and program management support for the development, Radar altimeters and integrated integration, test and delivery of two radar altimeters and two integrated avionics units in support of the avionics units for the BQM-34S Firebee High Performance Aerial Target System, BQM-74E target drones and the Aerial Targets BQM-34S/BQM-74E Program Office. Work is expected to be complete by January 2022.

economictimes. IND: The supply of spare parts for aircraft maintenance has been adversely affected due to the coronavirus Spares supply for aircraft outbreak, the IAF said. The spare support has been affected due to the distribution of the rail and road 14.05.2020 maintenance affected due to network during the ongoing nationwide lockdown due to the pandemic, the IAF told ET in a statement. (121-151) coronavirus pandemic: IAF The disruption in the supply of spares is for aircraft, which are manufactured by state-run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and undergo major repairs by the company, officials said on the condition of anonymity. Several aircraft in the IAF”s inventory have been manufactured by HAL. Spares coming from abroad have also been delayed. Servicing of these aircraft have also been affected. These aircraft are not being identified due to security reasons.

13.05.2020 DEU/RUS: German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she has “hard evidence” that Russia hacked the website of 13.05.2020 Merkel: ‘Hard Evidence’ of Russian Germany’s parliament in 2015 and allegedly stole documents from her own parliamentary office. German (121-150) Cyber Attack on German news reports said prosecutors had issued an arrest warrant for a suspected member of the Russian military Parliament intelligence agency GRU.

“I can say honestly that this pains me,” Merkel said during a question-and-answer session with lawmakers Wednesday. “On the one hand, I work every day for a better relationship with Russia, and when you see on the other hand that there is such hard evidence that Russian forces are involved in acting this way, this is an area of tension."

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter:

(Ergänzende Information vom 13.05.2020: U.S. authorities warned Wednesday that Chinese hackers were attempting to steal coronavirus data on treatments and vaccines, adding fuel to Washington's war with Beijing over the pandemic. The FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said organizations researching COVID-19 were at risk of "targeting and network compromise" by China. They warned that Chinese government-affiliated groups and others were attempting to obtain "valuable intellectual property and public health data related to vaccines, treatments, and testing. China's efforts to target these sectors pose a significant threat to our nation's response to COVID-19," they said. The two organizations gave no examples to support the allegation.) CHN: Chinese military aircraft have been sighted once again at its largest base in the disputed Spratly islands, 13.05.2020 China's Naval Aviation Force suggesting that People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force may be starting to use it as a base of operations. (121-149) Shows up at Fiery Cross Reef The reported presence of the PLANAF at Fiery Cross Reef is the latest sign of China's efforts to assert control over the South China Sea from the bases it finished building atop reefs and rocks in 2016. It comes amid a slew of Chinese actions at sea and administrative measures that appear intended to reinforce Beijing's sweeping maritime claims. Commercial satellite imagery taken Monday shows two kinds of surveillance aircraft alongside a military helicopter at Fiery Cross Reef, which is also the seat of China's new 'Nansha' administrative district spanning the entire Spratlys.

China has placed aircraft on its artificial islands and bases in the South China Sea before, after the first H-6K bomber landed on Woody Island in 2018, which lies further north in the Paracel Islands. However, those deployments came from the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The aircraft spotted now belongs to the PLANAF, the fast-growing aviation wing of China's navy.

China in the past has promised not to use its string of artificial islands in the Spratlys as a base for military action. Speaking at the White House in September 2015 after a meeting with then-U.S. President Barack Obama, Chinese President Xi Jinping pushed back on U.S. concern over this issue, telling a news conference: "there is no intention to militarize."

Since then, China appears to have backtracked on that commitment. Fiery Cross boasts hangars for fighter jets, bombers, and military transport planes, and has a deep harbor for accommodating warships and ships of the China Coast Guard traveling far out into the South China Sea. China has also deployed surface-to-air missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles on Fiery Cross Reef, threatening any nearby navies and aircraft.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter : ISR/LBN: Lebanon asked a number of western countries with permanent membership in the United Nations Security 13.05.2020 Lebanon asks western countries to Council to persuade Israel to stop breaching Lebanese airspace, reported Asharq Al-Awsat on Wednesday. (121-148) stop Israeli breaches of airspace The country noted that the breaches of Lebanese airspace disturb residents day and night, causing them to fear an Israeli attack on their areas. Lebanon also asked that Israel stop using Lebanese airspace to carry out strikes on sites belonging to Iran and Hezbollah in Syria.

Lebanese diplomats told Asharq Al-Awsat that Israel refused the request in order to continue to monitor and prevent arms and ammunition shipments from reaching Lebanon. Israel also refused to stop using Lebanese airspace to carry out strikes, because it prevents them from being exposed by Syrian radars, according to the diplomats.

The countries Lebanon reached out to said they were unable to stop Israel from using Lebanese airspace because Israel strongly rejects the idea and because the countries are also interested in rejecting the presence of Iranian and Hezbollah militants in Syria.

Lebanese media often reports about the presence of Israeli aircraft in Lebanese airspace, including over Beirut. On Tuesday, Lebanon's National News Agency reported a breach of Lebanese airspace by Israeli aircraft and a breach of Lebanese territorial waters by an Israeli naval vessel.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-37)

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Ohne ein neues Kampfflugzeug haben auch wir spätestens ab 2030 keine Möglichkeiten mehr, Flugzeuge, die unsere Luftverkehrsregeln oder unsere Lufthoheit in schwerwiegender Weise verletzen, zu sanktionieren. Unser Land verkäme in Zeiten erhöhter Spannungen rasch zum ohnmächtigen Spielball fremder Mächte, mit einem Totalverlust an Souveränität und einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit, unkontrolliert und wider unserem Willen in kriegerische Handlungen verstrickt zu werden. Auch deshalb ein überzeugtes Ja zur Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge am 27. September!) ISR/IRN: Contradicting senior Israeli defense official’s claim of Iranian withdrawal, fresh photographs seem to 13.05.2020 Satellite images appear to show indicate Tehran establishing underground facility to hold advanced munitions. (121-147) Iran building new weapons storehouse in Syria Iran is constructing a new underground weapons storage facility in eastern Syria at a military base under its control near the Iraqi border, a private Israeli satellite imagery analysis firm said Wednesday. According to satellite photographs released by ImageSat International, an excavator and bulldozers have been seen operating within the Imam Ali base in the al-Bukamal region of Syria, which is believed to be run by Iranian forces.

The intelligence firm, citing photographs of the base from April 1 and Tuesday, said that work on the underground weapons storage facility appears to have started in March. “The tunnel is fit to be used as a shelter and storage for trucks and vehicles, including vehicles carrying advanced missile weapon systems,” ImageSat said in its assessment.

It is the second such subterranean tunnel to be constructed at the base, which is located a few kilometers from the Iraqi border. Construction of the first tunnel was halted when the base was attacked shortly after the underground facility was revealed by ImageSat last December. It was not the only case of suspected areas of Iranian military entrenchment being identified and publicized by ImageSat shortly before the sites were targeted in airstrikes attributed to Israel.

(Ergänzende Information vom 13.05.2020: According to the image analysis company, such tunnels are likely meant to store Iranian missiles en route to Tehran’s proxies throughout the region. The al-Bukamal region in Syria is seen as critical to Tehran’s effort to establish a land corridor from Iran, through Iraq and Syria, and out to the Mediterranean Sea in order to more easily move weapons and fighters throughout the Middle East.)

(Satellitenaufnahme abrufbar unter:

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-61) ISR: The Israel Defense Forces announced it is closing a squadron of F-16 fighter jets later this year to streamline 13.05.2020 IDF to shutter F-16 fighter jet the air force and free up funds for more advanced aircraft as part of its Momentum Plan. Israeli Air Force (121-146) squadron, making room for new commander Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin decided Tuesday to close the 117th First Jet Squadron, which flies F- aircraft 16 jets out of northern Israel’s Ramat David airbase. It will be closed in October, the military said.

“Under the multi-year ‘Momentum’ Plan, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi made a series of decisions geared toward internal efficiencies and cutting back old systems, alongside the acquiring and development of new systems. As part of these decisions, the chief of staff decided to close a fighter jet squadron,” the IDF said in a statement Wednesday.

In February, with the release of details of the plan, the military first announced that it would be closing two air force squadrons, as well as an armored brigade. The military said Norkin picked the 117th squadron as the unit to be closed and notified its commanders. “The squadron will continue to serve operationally and in training until the moment it is closed,” the IDF said.

According to the military, one of the reasons to close the F-16 squadron was to free up resources for new fifth-generation planes, namely the F-35 stealth fighter jet, which Israel purchased from the United States.

(Details of the multi-year ‘Momentum’ Plan abrufbar unter: GRC/TUR: A pair of Turkish fighter jets entered Athens’ Flight Information Region (FIR) without submitting a flight plan 13.05.2020 New Turkish overflights on on Wednesday and flew over the islet of Farmakonisi in the eastern Aegean. The airspace violation was (121-145) Wednesday recorded at 1.58 p.m. at 25,000 feet. They were chased off by Greek air force pilots in line with international rules of engagement. USA/USAF: In a tweet, U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa said that the “mighty #Bolars” — the nickname for the 13.05.2020 Lakenheath F-15s deploy to 492nd Fighter Squadron, part of Lakenheath’s 48th Fighter Wing — have deployed to the U.S. Air Forces (121-144) AFCENT Central Command area of responsibility. That’s a 20-nation swath of territory ranging from Egypt east to Kazakhstan and includes Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria.

The Air Force did not say exactly where the 492nd has deployed, aside from saying it was to support the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing. Nor did they say how many fighters were being deployed. Officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment. GBR/RAF: 20 Typhoon fighter aircraft based at RAF Lossiemouth and RAF Coningsby have carried out a training exercise 13.05.2020 Royal Air Force Typhoons Carry with the U.S. Air Force including aircraft from RAF Lakenheath. The Typhoons were joined by 16 F-15s from (121-143) Out Training With UK Based US the USAF and supported by several other aircraft from the RAF and USAF, including two RAF F-35Bs from Fighters RAF Marham, to take part in Exercise Point Blank. Most of the training was carried out over the North Sea. This joint training is a quarterly event held in the United Kingdom but is the first time the exercise has been held since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

The exercise involved personal based at ten different locations spread across the UK and the planning for the sorties was conducted using secure video teleconferencing to comply with current CV-19 restrictions, and to ensure interoperability success.

The exercise is used by the RAF and the USAF as a cost-effective means of maintaining personnel at warfighter readiness using realistic training against near-peer adversaries. This particular exercise saw Combat Search and Rescue, Destructive Suppression of Enemy Air Defences, Defensive Counter Air sorties flown. USA: The F-35 Lightning II’s Block 4 upgrade, which will allow the stealth aircraft to carry nuclear weapons, has 13.05.2020 F-35’s Nuclear Weapons Upgrade been delayed by at least nine months. The F-35 is slated to become the primary nuclear strike aircraft for (121-142) Delayed as Program Costs Top several US allies. $1.6 Trillion According to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a congressional watchdog agency, the F-35’s planned Block 4 upgrade has been delayed by nine months, pushing the plane’s full-rate production decision back to sometime between September 2020 and March 2021.

While Block 4 will integrate a number of new weapons into the F-35’s repertoire, such as Naval Strike Missile, the Meteor and SPEAR missiles and several laser-guided bombs, by far the most consequential weapon is the B61 nuclear gravity bomb, which is small enough to fit inside the F-35’s internal weapons bay.

Via the F-35 Block 4, NATO partners who wield US nuclear weapons thanks to nuclear sharing agreements will be able to continue to carry out nuclear strikes. With the Panavia Tornado exiting service with most European partners, a delay in fielding the F-35 Block 4 could leave a gap in NATO’s nuclear capabilities, especially for the Italian, Dutch and Belgian air forces. CHN: A prototype of China's newly modified version of the Naval Mountain Eagle trainer jet on Tuesday made a 13.05.2020 China's newly modified trainer jet successful test flight, its maker announced on Wednesday. (121-141) takes to the skies The successful test flight by the improved version of the Naval Mountain Eagle took place at Anshun Airport in Southwest China's Guizhou Province on Tuesday, reads a statement released by the aircraft's developer Guizhou Aviation Industry Corporation under the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) on its WeChat public account on Wednesday.

According to photos released with the statement, the modified Naval Mountain Eagle was not fitted with a tail hook, which is crucial to help a plane land on an aircraft carrier. A military analyst, who asked for anonymity, told the Global Times on Wednesday that judging by the photos, the modified version of the Naval Mountain Eagle is still likely a land-based trainer, but is much improved and can better simulate a carrier-based fighter jet than the original.

The original version of the Naval Mountain Eagle trainer jet is already in service in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy under the designation of the JL-9G. It cannot operate on actual aircraft carriers but can simulate similar situations and train pilots before they fly the real J-15 carrier-based fighter jet.

Some Chinese military observers speculate the modified Naval Mountain Eagle is still not in its final form, and a tail hook could be added in the future. Others said the more advanced but also more expensive JL-10, another Chinese homemade trainer jet, is more suitable for modification.

boeing.mediaroom. USA/USN: The U.S. Navy has awarded Boeing a combined $3.1 billion in contracts for Harpoon and Standoff Land Attack com Boeing Awarded $3.1 Billion in U.S. Missile Expanded Response (SLAM ER) weapon systems in support of Foreign Military Sales (FMS). About 13.05.2020 Navy Contracts for Cruise Missile $2.6 billion of that was contracted today while the remainder had been previously awarded. These awards (121-140) Systems will not only extend production of the Harpoon program through 2026, they will also restart the production line for SLAM ER and ensure deliveries through 2028.” Boeing began construction on a new 35,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility to support increased production for the Harpoon and SLAM ER programs. Construction is expected to be complete in 2021.

(Ergänzende Information vom 13.05.2020: The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Missouri, is awarded a $1,971,754,089 firm-fixed-price contract to provide non-recurring engineering associated with the Stand-off Land Attack Missile – Expanded Response (SLAM ER) obsolescence redesign effort as well as the production and delivery of 650 SLAM ER missiles in support of the government of Saudi Arabia. Work is expected to be complete by December 2028)

(Ergänzende Information vom 13.05.2020: The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Missouri, is awarded a $656,981,421 modification (P00014) to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-19-C-0016). This modification procures and delivers 467 Harpoon full rate production Lot 91 Block II missiles and support equipment for various Foreign Military Sales customers. This modification procures four Block II missiles and support equipment for the government of Brazil, eight Block II missiles and support equipment for the government of Thailand, 53 Block II missiles and support equipment for the government of Qatar, 402 Block II missiles and support equipment for the government of Saudi Arabia, and support equipment for the governments of Japan, the Netherlands, India and Korea. Work is expected to be complete by December 2026.)

(Quick fact AGM-84 Harpoon Block II abrufbar unter:

(Quick fact AGM-AGM-84K SLAM ER abrufbar unter:

12.05.2020 KOR: The United States has flown two B-1B Lancer strategic bombers near the Korean Peninsula, an aviation 12.05.2020 U.S. flies B-1B bombers near S. tracker said Tuesday. The pair of bombers took off from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, transited airspace (121-139) Korea southeast of South Korea and west of Japan and flew over the East China Sea, Aircraft Spots tweeted without specifying the exact time of the operation. The U.S. has deployed four B-1B bombers and some 200 relevant personnel at the Andersen Air Force Base.

The U.S. usually sends bombers and surveillance planes to the Korean Peninsula in the wake of North Korea's provocations or on routine flight training missions.

Earlier in the day, the U.S. Air Force's RC-135W Rivet Joint and RC-12X Guardrail flew over Seoul and the nearby western port city of Incheon, according to military authorities. The RC-135W is meant to intercept telemetry signals before missile launches, while the RC-12X Guardrail, operated by the U.S. Forces Korea, is an airborne collection platform of signals intelligence.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 129) USA/USN: Almost three months after arriving in Guam, a pair of MQ-4C Triton autonomous, unmanned aircraft have 12.05.2020 Navy MQ-4 Triton Flying integrated into fleet operations and training flights and stretched the Navy’s maritime domain awareness (121-138) Operational Missions From Guam across the Indo-Pacific, according to the Navy.

The Navy is counting on the Triton, which can operate at greater than 50,000-foot altitudes and at the 2,000- mile-plus range, to provide an unmanned platform for persistent, maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities and work alongside its manned fleet of reconnaissance and surveillance patrol aircraft. The Tritons with Unmanned Patrol Squadron 19 – the Navy’s first unmanned aircraft squadron – arrived in Guam in late January to support CTF-72, which oversees the patrol, reconnaissance and surveillance force in the U.S. 7th Fleet region.

The radar and sensors-packed Triton drones have been operating from Anderson AFB to provide, according to the Navy, an “early operational capability (EOC) to further develop the concept of operations and fleet learning associated with operating a high-altitude, long-endurance system in the maritime domain.” Tritons’ onboard sensors and radar can track ships at sea, match tracks with automated identification systems and relay that information to shore-side bases or nearby aircraft, for example.

While the Tritons fly from Guam, the “Big Red” squadron of 300 personnel isn’t based in Guam. A group of VUP-19 aircrew and maintainers are forward-deployed to Guam, but squadron officials and mission operators are based at VUP-19’s home at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Fla., and a permanent detachment including maintenance personnel reside at NAS Point Mugu, Calif.

The Triton can fly for more than 24-hours at a time, at altitudes higher than 10 miles, with an operational range of 8,200 nautical miles, according to manufacturer North Grumman. The Navy’s program of record would field 68 aircraft. TWN/CHN: Taiwan said Tuesday that contingency plans are in place for its outlying islands in the South China Sea, 12.05.2020 Contingency plans in place for following a Japanese media report that the Chinese military is planning to conduct drills in the area to (121-137) Chinese drills in South China Sea simulate the seizure of one of the islands.

Japan's Kyodo News reported that day that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is planning to hold a large- scale beach landing exercise near China's Hainan Province in August, with a scenario of capturing the Dongsha Islands (Pratas Islands), currently controlled by Taiwan.

The report, which did not cite its sources, said the Dongsha Islands are significant to Beijing as they sit at a strategic point, because Chinese warships have to sail by them when going to the Pacific from Hainan Province.

economictimes. IND/CHN: Chinese helicopters were spotted flying close to the undemarcated border between India and China in Chinese helicopters spotted along Eastern Ladakh after around 250 soldiers of both sides were engaged in a fierce face-off near Pangong Lake 12.05.2020 Sino-India border in Eastern in the area last week, official sources said. The situation in the area remained tensed after the violent clashes (121-136) Ladakh: Sources between the troops on Tuesday evening, they said. Next day, both sides agreed to end the face-off at a meeting of local commanders.

The Chinese military helicopters were seen flying close to the Line of Actual Control on at least a couple of occasions following the clashes after which a fleet of Su-30 fighters of the Indian Air Force too carried out sorties in the area, the sources said. There was no official word on whether the Su-30 jets were rushed in to carry out the sorties in the wake of the face-off and aggressive Chinese posturing in the area.

The sources said Chinese military helicopters routinely carry out sorties on the Chinese side of the border while Indian Army helicopters also fly in the area.

In the face-off on May 5, scores of Indian and Chinese army personnel clashed along the northern bank of the Pangong Lake and even resorted to stone-pelting. A number of soldiers on both the sides sustained injuries. Following the fracas, both sides brought in additional troops.

It was the first case of troops from the two sides exchanging blows after a similar incident around the Pangong Lake in August 2017. IRN/USA: A video has surfaced on social media showing the alleged interception of a U.S. F-18 Hornet by an Iranian 12.05.2020 Video surfaces of alleged Iranian warplane over an undisclosed area. According to the video, which was published on the Russian Telegram (121-135) warplane intercepting US F-18 account, “Military Observer”, shows an Iranian F-4E Phantom II intercepts the U.S. F-18 fighter. The Military Observer account said the date and place of footage is unknown; however, given the fact that Iranian air force fighters do not fly long distances from its borders, it is obviously about the Persian Gulf region. «During one of the exercises, the pilot of the old F-4E Phantom II managed to maintain focus on the target, despite the active maneuvers of the more modern F-18E Super Hornet fighter. The time and place are unknown,» they said on their Telegram channel.

A similar incident was reported earlier this year near the Iraqi border; however, it is not clear from the footage if this was the same incident. IRN: A website affiliated with Iran’s army released a video Monday evening acknowledging that a missile hit one 12.05.2020 Iran Army Video Says Missile of its navy ships on Sunday in a friendly-fire incident that killed 19 sailors and injured 15. (121-134) Homing Device Or 'Enemy' Responsible For Naval Incident The video published by Aja website says that during naval drills the small support vessel Konarak was tasked with placing targets for practice. While performing its duty the Jamaran frigate fired a missile that hit the Konarak, which caught fire but is now towed to a port.

The video explains that the missile homing device was what malfunctioned and wrongly guided the warhead toward the support vessel. Previously, Iranian television had attributed the incident to the support ship staying too close to the designated target. However, the army video at the end mentions that the incident could also be the result of “electronic warfare by the enemy”. The label enemy usually means the United States, but the video does not present any evidence to back its allegation.

The Islamic Republic often blames “enemies” for its misfortunes or shortcomings. At the onset of the coronavirus crisis, senior officials including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei hinted that “the enemy” had designed the deadly virus specifically to target Iranians.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-127) FRA: Le 10 mai, une patrouille de deux Rafale a décollé de Jordanie depuis la base aérienne projetée au Levant 12.05.2020 CHAMMAL : Une frappe aérienne (BAP H5) pour s’intégrer dans une opération de contrôle de zone planifiée par les forces de sécurité (121-133) des Rafale détruit un sanctuaire de irakiennes. Daech en Irak Tôt dans la matinée, après un ravitaillement en vol effectué par un KC-10 américain, ils ont procédé au tir d’une bombe AASM qui a totalement détruit un bâtiment utilisé par les combattants de Daech comme bed down location (BDL) - lieu de repli -, à l'Ouest de Kirkouk, dans une zone identifiée comme sanctuaire pour le groupe terroriste. Cette mission participe directement à la réduction du potentiel militaire de l’organisation terroriste afin de prévenir toute résurgence de sa part et permet d’appuyer les forces irakiennes engagées au sol.

Les Rafale de la BAP poursuivent leur mission quotidienne d’appui des forces irakiennes dans leur lutte contre Daech et effectuent aussi des missions de reconnaissance et de supériorité aérienne, au-dessus de l’Irak et de la Syrie aux côtés des autres membres de la coalition.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-60) ETH/KEN: An Ethiopian anti-aircraft missile brought down the Kenyan plane that crashed in the Somali town of Bardale 12.05.2020 Ethiopian Forces in Somalia Shot last week, killing six people on board, multiple sources have told VOA Somali. (121-132) Down Kenyan Plane Ethiopian forces are stationed in Bardale to help their Somali counterparts retain control of the town, once controlled by militant group al-Shabab.

The May 4 incident began with the incoming Kenyan plane aborting a landing attempt because an Ethiopian military vehicle mounted with Zu anti-aircraft missiles was on the runway, officials say. The plane then flew over the military vehicle to make a second attempt to land. The Ethiopian soldier operating the Zu fired several rounds, hitting the plane, according to witnesses and Somali officials. After the missiles were fired, the plane burst into flames and crashed on the side of the airstrip, according to Hassan. NGA/UGA: Nigeria and Uganda will be receiving Aerosonde Mk 4.7 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from the United 12.05.2020 Nigeria, Uganda to receive States after contracts were placed with Textron Systems. (121-131) Aerosonde UAVs The US Department of Defence (DoD) on 8 May announced that AAI Corporation (Textron Systems) had Nigeria been awarded a $25 610 000 firm-fixed-price contract for three Aerosonde Mk 4.7 systems, spares, logistics and training for Nigeria. “Work will be performed in Nigeria, with an estimated completion date of September 30, 2021,” the DoD said. The Nigerian Air Force is investing heavily in UAVs and is developing its own intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance UAV, the Tsaigumi, which was unveiled in February 2018. In February this year the Nigerian Air Force said it had trained 20 personnel in India and the United States on how to handle UAVs. This included 12 personnel trained as software developers in the US and eight in India on cyber security.

Uganda Also on 8 May, Textron was awarded a $20 780 000 firm-fixed-price contract for two Aerosonde Mk 4.7 systems, spares and training for Uganda. The estimated completion date of the project is 30 September 2022.

(Ergänzende Information vom 12.05.2020 : According to Textron, the Aerosonde has been designed for expeditionary land- and sea-based operations and equipped for simultaneous day/night full-motion video, communications relay and signals intelligence payloads in a single flight. Payload options include video, communications relay, synthetic aperture radar, electronic warfare, signals intelligence, communications intelligence, 3D mapping and Automatic Identification System (AIS). The aircraft has a wingspan of 3.7 metres, a range of 140 km, endurance of 14 hours, service ceiling of 4 600 metres and payload of 9.1 kg. It can be launched and recovered from small spaces, including vessels. The Aerosonde Mk 4.7 was unveiled in March 2009 and has been deployed by the US military. Textron said the Aerosonde has to date completed more than 300 000 flight hours in the field.)

(Quick facts Aerosonde UAV abrufbar unter: USA/TUR: The US decision to expel Turkey from the F-35 program will likely compound its already beleaguered 12.05.2020 Turkey's F-35 removal 'likely to manufacturing process, a congressional watchdog warned Tuesday. (121-130) compound' program woes The Government Accountability Office (GAO) determined that while the program has made progress in lowering prices and increasing production, about 7,000 of its more than 10,000 airframe contractors' "key processes" do not "meet predefined design standards for ensuring product quality," and it continues to face supply shortages that are likely to be exacerbated by Turkey's removal.

The Trump administration's July 2019 decision to expel Turkey from the F-35 program because of its acquisition of the advanced Russian S-400 air defense system "is likely to compound production risks," the GAO said.

"The program has identified new sources for 1,005 parts produced by Turkish suppliers, but the program is assessing the effect of 15 key parts not currently being produced at the needed production rate," it said. GBR/USA: Typhoon fighter aircraft based at RAF Lossiemouth have carried out a training sortie with a US B1B Lancer 12.05.2020 Royal Air Force Typhoons Carry out bomber over the North Sea. The US B1B Lancer bomber was conducting a long-range nonstop training sortie (121-129) Exercise With US B1 Bomber from the United States to mainland Europe and back. During the flight, Typhoons from 1(F) Squadron, escorted the US bomber over the North Sea, as it conducted Air to Air Refuelling prior to its return to the US across the Atlantic.

This training sortie was part of regular training activities by the RAF with the US Air Force and our NATO Allies. The B-1B Lancer is a part of the 28th Bomb Wing, based at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota and was refuelled by a KC-135 Stratotanker from the 100th Air Refuelling Wing, which is based at RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk.

The US sortie also included integration and interoperability training with Polish F-16s and MiG-29s joining the B1B to overfly Warsaw and then escort the bomber in an overflight of Latvia and Lithuania. The Polish fighters then handed over to Danish F-16s to overfly Bornholm Island, Denmark, before the RAF Typhoons picked up the US Bomber over the North Sea.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-126) USA/USA: Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin JV, Tucson, Arizona, was awarded a $121,764,089 modification (P00018) 12.05.2020 Contract – to contract W31P4Q-19-C-0076 for the Javelin weapon system. Work has an estimated completion date of (121-128) U.S. Army – Aug. 31, 2023. FGM-148 Javelin (Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-76)

11.05.2020 IRN: Dozens of sailors in Iran's Navy were killed early Monday after a on-board missile was accidentally shot from 11.05.2020 06:42 AM Dozens of Iranian soldiers killed in one destroyer and hit another, according to media reports. During a military drill, a C-802 missile was fired (121-127) Navy missile accident toward another Iranian Navy destroyer, striking it and causing extensive damage, the reports said.

The incident happened near the shores of Oman, on the Persian Gulf, where the Iranian Navy regularly conducts military exercises, and in recent months has undergone tense standoffs with its Sunni Arab Gulf neighbors and Western countries.

(Ergänzende Information vom 11.05.2020 02:16 AM: The Iranian Navy’s Kenarak logistics vessel has been involved in a fatal accident, according to a report. The incident took place in the perimeter of Iran’s southern Jask port, in the Hormozgan province, the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN) reported early on Monday. The incident happened during Iranian Navy drills a day earlier, the report said.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 11.05.2020 06:13 AM: Reports said that the Jamaran frigate accidentally fired on the Konarak, a support vessel during an exercise in the Gulf of Oman. Iran’s Fars news agency confirmed an incident on the Konark and said one person was killed and several sailors were injured, according to the Reuters news agency. It gave no further details. However, local reports said that up to 40 sailors were dead and several more wounded.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 11.05.2020: Nineteen Iranian navy men were martyred and 15 others injured in a fatal incident for the Iranian Army Navy’s Kenarak support vessel in the country’s waters near the Southern port of Jask in the Sea of Oman on Sunday.) USA/AFGSC/USAFE: A B-1B Lancer from the 28th Bomb Wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, conducted a second long- 11.05.2020 B-1s integrate with allies and range strategic Bomber Task Force mission to the European area of operations, May 11, 2020. A KC-135 (121-126) partners during Bomber Task Stratotanker from the 100th Air Refueling Wing, RAF Mildenhall, England, enabled the B-1 to make the trip Force mission from Ellsworth Air Force Base and back without stopping.

The flight included integration and interoperability training with Danish F-16s overflying Bornholm Island, Denmark, and Polish F-16s and MiG-29s joining to overfly Warsaw, Poland, in addition to overflight of Latvia and Lithuania.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-115) FRA/SWE/FIN: Les chasseurs français de l’Armée de l’air, actuellement déployés en Estonie dans le cadre de la mission eAP, 11.05.2020 Enhanced Air Policing 2020 : Vols ont réalisé leur premier exercice multinational mercredi 6 mai, aux côtés de leurs homologues finlandais et (121-125) avec les chasseurs finlandais et suédois. suédois Trois Mirage 2000-5 ont débuté leur entraînement ce matin, accompagnés par quatre F/A-18C finlandais. Durant un vol de deux heures environ, ils ont survolé la Finlande et se sont entraînés au combat. Dans l’après-midi, ce sont six JAS-39 Gripen C suédois qui ont participé au même exercice aux côtés de chasseurs français.

Ces vols ont pu se dérouler dans le cadre du protocole « Finish Swedish Training Exercise » (FSTE). La Finlande et la Suède ne faisant pas partie de l’OTAN, ce protocole permet aux nations engagées dans l’opération « Baltic Air Policing » (BAP) et « enhanced Air Policing » (eAP) de s’entraîner avec les deux pays nordiques après avoir été préalablement désarmés. Cet exercice est une opportunité de renforcer l’interopérabilité entre nations européennes et se reproduira durant le mandat français en Estonie. F-35’s Image as $428 Billion The F-35 fighter jet is starting to outlive its reputation as a $428 billion bundle of flawed hardware and buggy 11.05.2020 Bundle of Flaws Improved by Fixes software: Lockheed Martin Corp. and the military have eliminated all of the deficiencies believed to (121-124) endanger pilots and about 90% of other serious flaws that could hamper missions.

The improvements may be critical to reassuring lawmakers and U.S. allies buying the F-35 that the costliest U.S. weapons system is worth its price tag, especially as pressure builds to reduce government spending after the response to the Covid-19 pandemic escalates budget deficits. The aircraft is already being operated by forces in the U.S., U.K., Israel, Japan, South Korea, , Norway, Italy and the Netherlands.

The Defense Department’s F-35 program office has “done a good job at working” with the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps “to really prioritize what needs to get fixed versus what would be just a helpful thing to the pilot -- getting to the actual things they need to get at,” Jon Ludwigson, the GAO’s top F-35 analyst, said in an interview. He said “they have procedures in place to work around” the remaining flaws.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: fixes) RUS: Russian air forces have recently tested a new hypersonic aircraft missile. The missile is being created for a 11.05.2020 Russia tests new hypersonic modified version of the Tu-22M3M aircraft, a source in the military-industrial complex told TASS. "Recently, (121-123) missile designed for Tu-22M3M a new hypersonic missile was tested on the Tu-22M3. The missile will be part of the armament range of the strategic bomber upgraded Tu-22M3M along with a number of other latest aviation weapons," the source said.

According to the source, the work on the new missile began several years ago. Its tests should be completed simultaneously with the work on the upgraded Tu-22M3M bomber. He clarified that this missile does not belong to the line of X-32 missiles, noting that it is "completely different." The official did not name the characteristics of the new missile.

Earlier, the Russian defense industry developed two types of aircraft hypersonic missiles:

° The Kinzhal is the latest Russian airborne system that consists of a MiG-31K aircraft as a delivery vehicle and a hypersonic missile. According to media reports, a Kinzhal missile is the airborne version of the Iskander tactical missile system. ° Another hypersonic missile was created for the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter. Missile name and characteristics are unknown.

(Ergänzende Information vom 11.05.2020: Tu-22M3M supersonic bomber is a modification of Tu-22M3 with expanded combat potential. The first aircraft took off for the first time on December 28, 2018. The upgrade provided new electronic equipment on the Russian element base. New navigational, communication equipment, sights, engine controls, fuel mechanisms and electronic warfare were installed. They increased navigation precision, simplified maintenance and preflight preparation.) USA/AFSOC: In an agreement with the U.S. Air Force, Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) will deliver an additional A-29 11.05.2020 USAF and SNC add Aircraft to Super Tucano for the Combat Aviation Advisor (CAA) mission for Air Force Special Operations Command (121-122) AFSOC A-29 Acquisition (AFSOC). The aircraft will be the third A-29 delivered under the existing contract, which was announced earlier this year.

The undefinitized contracting action by the U.S. Air Force is for SNC, as prime contractor, and its partner, Embraer Defense & Security, to deliver a third A-29 aircraft, as well as ground support equipment, pilot training (including difference training and instructor pilot upgrade training), contractor logistic support, aircraft sparing, and sustainment for AFSOC’s CAA mission, which helps build international partner capacity.

Production of the first two A-29s under this contract is currently underway in Jacksonville, Florida, with planned delivery of the three aircraft in 2021. Training and support activities continue through 2024. . JPN: The first Bell-Boeing V-22B Osprey tilt rotors ordered by Japan have arrived in their home country late last 12.05.2020 First Japanese Ospreys arrive on week, as the Asian nation continues to grapple with the dilemma of where to base the controversial aircraft. (121-121) home soil Two Ospreys, carrying the serial numbers JG-1701 (91701) and JG-1705 (91705), with the markings of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, or JASDF, arrived at the joint U.S. Marine Corps-Japan Maritime Self- Defense Force base at Iwakuni, near the city of Hiroshima. According to local media, they will be assembled, checked and test-flown before flying to another location in Japan. According to Bell, at least four of Japan’s Ospreys were ready for delivery as far back as 2018, although the saga of their basing kept the aircraft at a U.S. Marine Corps base in North Carolina prior to their delivery to Japan.

Japan requested to buy 17 V-22B Block C Ospreys in May 2015 under the U.S. Defense Department’s Foreign Military Sales program. Five were contracted two months later in July. The value of that contract was approximately $332 million, according to Japanese Defense Ministry budget figures. MYS: The Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM) has taken delivery of six Boeing Insitu ScanEagle unmanned aircraft 11.05.2020 Royal Malaysian Navy takes vehicles (UASs), gifted by the United States. “Overnight, our partners with the TLDM took receipt of the first (121-120) delivery of 6 ScanEagle UAS batch of six Insitu Inc Scan Eagle unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAV) which will enhance the Royal Malaysian Navy's ability to defend the country's territorial integrity,” the United States Embassy of Kuala Lumpur tweeted on May 7.

Insitu Inc won $48 million to provide 34 of these drones for the governments of Malaysia (12); Indonesia (8); Philippines (8); and Vietnam (6) last June. Royal Malaysian Navy takes delivery of 6 ScanEagle UAS

The drones are being provided US’ Southeast Asia Maritime Security Initiative program aimed to improve the maritime domain awareness in this region.

The ScanEagle UAV is 5.1 feet long with a 5.6-foot wingspan. It weighs as much as 48.5 pounds and can carry a 7.5-pound sensor payload. The UAV can fly for more than 24 hours at altitudes as high as 19.500 feet, and at speeds to 80 knots.

(Quick facts Scan Eagle abrufbar unter: USA: In partnership with the U.S. Space Force and Space Development Agency, DARPA’s Blackjack program is 11.05.2020 Blackjack Focuses on Risk targeting flights to low-Earth orbit (LEO) later this year and 2021. Using a series of small risk reduction (121-119) Reduction Flights and Simulations satellites, the program aims to demonstrate advanced technology for satellite constellation autonomy and to Prepare for Full Demonstration space mesh networks. Blackjack seeks to develop and validate critical elements of global high-speed autonomous networks in LEO, proving a capability that could provide the Department of Defense with highly connected, resilient, and persistent overhead coverage. Blackjack aims to demonstrate sensors that are low in size, weight, and power, and that can be mass produced to fit on many different buses from many different providers, for less than $2 million per payload.

Several sensor payloads are under consideration for the Blackjack demonstration sub-constellation, including overhead persistent infrared (OPIR) from Collins Aerospace and Raytheon; radio frequency systems from Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Trident, and Systems & Technology Research; position, navigation, and timing from Northrop Grumman; optical inter-satellite links from SA Photonics; and electro- optical/infrared from L3Harris. The program also recently completed a Small Business Innovation Research contract with Augustus Aerospace to work on an Army Space and Missile Defense Command-related payload.

10.05.2020 RUS: Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated the graduates of military academies upon Victory Day. 10.05.2020 Russia to go ahead with plans for The message was published on the Kremlin’s website on Sunday. (121-118) strengthening army under any circumstances - Putin "We will go ahead with developing and improving our armed forces. Under any circumstance we will implement the plans for reinforcing all arms and services and equipping them with advanced weapons and other hardware, including strategic ones, unparalleled high accuracy and hypersonic systems, unmanned aerial vehicles and robotized combat systems," the message runs. IND: India must stop buying and depending on foreign-made weapons and instead start manufacturing its own, 10.05.2020 India Defense Chief: India Must India’s Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat told The Times of India in an exclusive interview Saturday. (121-117) Stop Buying and Depending on Rawat wants to insure that “Make in India,” a favored slogan of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, becomes a Foreign-Made Weapons reality.

“We are not expeditionary forces that have to deploy around the globe,” Rawat told the Times. “So, we should not go in for large amounts of imports by misrepresenting our operational requirements.”

Only Saudi Arabia surpasses India in the purchase of foreign weapons, the newspaper reports. USA/CHN: The United States has ramped up its military operations in waters close to China this year as the risk of 10.05.2020 US-China tensions in South China confrontation between the two nations continues to grow. (121-116) Sea fuelled by increase in military operations So far this year, aircraft from the US armed forces have conducted 39 flights over the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea and the Taiwan Strait – more than three times the number carried out in the equivalent period of 2019. Two of the flights passed closed to , a rare move that indicated their proximity to mainland China.

Meanwhile, the US Navy conducted four freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea in the first four months of the year – compared with just eight for the whole of 2019 – with the latest on April 29, as guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill sailed through the Spratly Islands chain. On Friday, the littoral combat ship USS Montgomery and cargo vessel USNS Cesar Chavez were also reported to be operating in the South China Sea. USA/USAF: The "Bone" is back on the island of Guam and it brought with it the ability to deliver up to two dozen stealthy 10.05.2020 B-1B Bomber Brandishes A Belly AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSMs)—the conventionally-armed bomber's weapon of (121-115) Full Of Stealth Cruise Missiles choice during the opening stages of a major conflict—to America's warfighting capabilities in the Pacific. While Deployed To Guam The messaging is abundantly clear: U.S. bombers haven't tucked-tail and run from the region, and they stand ready to deliver a big, stealthy punch. It's now abundantly clear that the Pentagon wants to make sure that friend and foe alike are aware of that fact based on the pictures the service just posted.

The photos show one of the B-1Bs currently calling Guam home having one of its three cavernous weapons bays stuffed with live JASSMs. The images showcase the fact that the B-1B can put even a peer state's most defended targets at risk from a standoff distance. The JASSM has a declared range of around 230 miles, while its enhanced successor, the JASSM-ER, can reach out and touch targets nearly 600 miles from its point of launch. The B-1B itself has an intercontinental range.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-59) ISR: Israel has warned the Hamas terror group to stop flying drones over the border between the Gaza Strip and 10.05.2020 Jerusalem said to warn Hamas the Jewish state, threatening to shoot them down, a Palestinian report said Saturday. The Israel Defense (121-114) over drones entering Israel from Forces has allegedly spotted drones that crossed into Israeli airspace for several minutes before returning Gaza to the Strip, the Al-Quds newspaper reported. The report said National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat conveyed a message via Egypt’s intelligence that if those “provocations” don’t stop, the IDF would be forced to shoot down the unmanned aircraft. LBY: Turkey will consider elements of Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar as a legitimate target if the country’s interests 10.05.2020 Indiscriminate Haftar attacks in Libya are targeted, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Sunday. (121-113) constitute war crime: Turkey Haftar’s attacks which targeted diplomatic missions, including the Turkish Embassy in Tripoli, the Mitiga Airport, civilian airplanes preparing to take off, and other civilian infrastructure constituted a war crime, the ministry said in a statement.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-111)

09.05.2020 RUS/SYR: The jihadist rebels attempted to attack the largest Russian base inside of Syria on Saturday, prompting a 09.05.2020 Jihadists launch attack on largest fierce response from the Syrian Armed Forces in the Latakia Governorate. According to reports from Latakia, (121-112) Russian base in Syria the jihadists from the “Rouse the Believers” operations room fired a number of Grad rockets into this coastal governorate, with some of the projectiles targeting the vicinity of the Hmeimim Airbase near Jableh.

The reports said the Grad rockets were unable to hit the Hmeimim Airbase, but did not state whether or not it was the Russian or Syrian air defenses that intercepted the jihadist projectiles. Saturday’s attack by the jihadist rebels marked the first time since March that they have attempted to strike the Hmeimim Airbase in the Latakia Governorate. It should be pointed out that the Hmeimim Airbase is one of the most well- protected installations in Syria, as it not only has the Russian S-400 there, but also several other air defense systems in its vicinity. LBY: On Saturday, the Libyan National Army (LNA) unleashed a massive attack on the Mitiga Airport in Tripoli, 09.05.2020 Libyan Army (LNA) launches causing a number of explosions throughout the day as they intensified their strikes. According to a field (121-111) largest attack on Turkey’s main report from Tripoli, the Libyan National Army repeatedly launched artillery shells and missiles towards the military base Mitiga Airport, while also hitting front-line areas in southern Tripoli like Bab bin Ghashir and Abu Salim.

This large-scale attack comes after the Government of National Accord’s air force launched raids at the “gate of the administrative borders” of the city of Rajban, whose combatants are fighting in the ranks of the Libyan National Army, led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. Local sources reported that the bombing of the site with warplanes killed 5 fighters from Rajban and 4 others from the city of Zintan, divided between GNA and LNA.

It should be noted that the Mitiga Airport is the location of the Turkish military’s primary base inside of Libya.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-106) IRN: Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) released a video this week showing off their new Fajr-4 09.05.2020 Iran’s new Fajr-4 guided missile in guided missile version for the first time ever. The new and improved Fajr-4 guided missile can be seen hitting (121-110) action for first time ever its intended targets during an air launched test by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

08.05.2020 TWN: A Chinese military Y-8 transport aircraft entered Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) while flying 08.05.2020 Chinese military Y-8 transporter over waters southwest of the country Friday, shortly before being chased away by Taiwanese fighter jets, (121-109) expelled from Taiwan's ADIZ the Ministry of National Defense (MND) said. The ministry said in a statement that the brief intrusion occurred at around noon. The transporter was soon driven out of the ADIZ by radio warnings issued by the fighters, it said.

According to the MND, it is the seventh time this year that Chinese military aircraft have been spotted flying near Taiwan. They were spotted on Jan. 23, Feb. 9, Feb. 10, Feb. 28, March 16 and April 10. The aircraft included KJ-500 airborne early warning and control aircraft, H-6 bombers and J-11 fighter jets, according to MND data. JPN: Ospreys V-22 Aircraft bound for Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) units arrived in Japan at Marine 08.05.2020 Osprey V-22 Tilt-rotor Aircraft Corps Air Station, Iwakuni on May 8, 2020. (121-108) Meant for JGSDF Arrive in Japan The JGSDF plans to introduce the Osprey V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft to conduct rescue and special operations missions, the US Marine Corps which facilitated the arrival, released information and images of the event. These are the V-22B Block C variant, which feature a new radar, along with additional mission management and electronic warfare equipment.

Japan ordered the first five Ospreys for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force in July 2015 for $332 million. Some of the V-22s will be stationed aboard the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s new helicopter carrier ‘Izumo’ as part of Japan’s force projection against aggressive Chinese moves.

The V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft are able to carry more battle-ready troops than comparable conventional helicopters and at a higher speed. JPN: 2.In consideration of the current COVID-19 situation, the two Ministers decided to postpone a Japan-India 08.05.2020 Japan-India Defense Minister’s joint fighter aircraft exercise, which was concurred to proceed with coordination in the last 2+2 Foreign and (121-107) Telephone Conversation Defense Ministerial Meeting in November 2019. In view of the significance of the exercise as it will be the first fighter aircraft training jointly held by Japan and India, the two Ministers concurred to resume the coordination as soon as the COVID-19 situation gets resolved and embody the deepening of Japan-India defense cooperation in a tangible way. LBY: The Turkish military carried out a powerful airstrike on Friday using one of their armed drones in the western 08.05.2020 Turkish airstrike kills 9 Libyan Army region of Libya. According to reports, the Turkish drone struck a checkpoint belonging to the Libyan National (121-106) officers in western Libya Army (LNA) in the Al-Rajban area this morning. The reports said the Turkish drone strikes resulted in the death of nine Libyan Army police officers. This latest drone strike by the Turkish military is the deadliest air attack on the LNA forces this week.

While the Turkish military was successful in conducting this airstrike, they did lose two of their aircraft near the Al-Watiyah Airbase west of Tripoli on Friday. The Libyan National Army managed to shoot down these Turkish aircraft before they could bomb the LNA forces at the airbase.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-25) TUR: With the delivery of three Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to the gendarmerie general 08.05.2020 Number of Turkish military drones command, the total number of drones in the inventory of the Turkish military has reached 107, the head of (121-105) reaches 107 with latest deliveries the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), İsmail Demir, announced.

The Bayraktar TB2 armed drones are domestically produced by Turkey’s leading unmanned aerial platform developer Baykar and have been operationally used since 2015. They have continued to support the country’s fight against terror in other regions while providing effective surveillance, reconnaissance and fire support.

Deployed homegrown drones, Baykar’s Bayraktar TB2 and ANKA, produced by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), have given Turkey a vital edge in the field and mark the culmination of years of investment and evolution for Turkey, whose military has become one of the most experienced users of drones. USA/USN: U.S. aerospace giant Boeing announced on 8 May that first F/A-18 Block III Super Hornet test jet has rolled 08.05.2020 Boeing rolls out first F/A-18 Block out of final assembly. “Two of these test jets will head to the U.S. Navy, where they’ll help pilots familiarize (121-104) III Super Hornet test jet themselves with the updated jets and be used in carrier flight tests,” the company said on Twitter.

The F/A-18 Block III Super Hornet is the newest highly capable, affordable and available tactical aircraft in U.S. Navy inventory. The Super Hornet is the backbone of the U.S. Navy carrier air wing now and for decades to come. Two versions of the Super Hornet – the single-seat E model and the two-seat F model – are able to perform virtually every mission in the tactical spectrum, including air superiority, day/night strike with precision-guided weapons, fighter escort, close air support, suppression of enemy air defenses, maritime strike, reconnaissance, forward air control and tanker missions.

Boeing is expected to deliver the Block III test jets to the Navy as early as late spring, where subsequent testing will commence at both NAS Patuxent River and Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake. This latest version of the Super Hornet includes an advanced cockpit system; advanced network infrastructure; reduced radar cross-section; and a 10,000-flight hour lifespan. M-345: Leonardo’s new jet trainer The DAAA (Directorate for Air Armaments and Airworthiness), the certification Authority of the Italian 08.05.2020 certified and ready for the global Ministry of Defence, has given the initial certification for Leonardo's new M-345 trainer. Leonardo's new M- (121-103) market 345, close to entering into service with the Italian Air Force, and future aircraft of the Italian Airforce acrobatic team Frecce Tricolori, is an aircraft capable of providing jet trainer aircraft-like performance and efficiency at the cost of a turboprop. POL: The Armament Inspectorate of the Polish MoD has just announced the launch of technical dialogue, 08.05.2020 Perkoz Programme Launched: concerning the acquisition of 32 support helicopters, codename Perkoz. The aircraft are to be used for the (121-102) Poland to Procure New Support purpose of providing combat support, transporting troops and equipment, and in ELINT and C2 roles. Tender Helicopters submissions would be accepted by the end of May 2020.

northropgrumman. USA/USN : The U.S. Navy, with support from Northrop Grumman Corporation commenced flight testing of the MQ-8C com First deployed MQ-8Cs will be Fire Scout equipped with the Leonardo AN/ZPY-8 radar. 08.05.2020 equipped with AN/ZPY-8 radar (121-101) “The AN/ZPY-8 radar significantly increases Fire Scout’s detection and tracking of targets. The ability to simultaneously employ multiple modes supports U.S. Navy intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance requirements,” said Melissa Packwood, program manager, tactical autonomous systems, Northrop Grumman. “This increased capability enables Fire Scout to extend ranges to meet emerging requirements.” Operating out of Webster Outlying Field, the MQ-8C’s first flight with the radar occurred Feb. 27. Testing began with several weeks of ground test prior to the first flight and continues to progress as the Navy and Northrop Grumman consider mission expansion opportunities for the platform.

To date, Northrop Grumman has delivered 32 of 38 MQ-8Cs to the Navy, all of which will be retrofit with the AN/ZPY-8 radar. The MQ-8C achieved initial operational capability in June 2019 and is scheduled for its first deployment in 2021.

economictimes. IND: A combination of Indian Army and IAF helicopters and Indian Army troops were pressed into service to Indian Army, IAF helicopters and undertake a daring evacuation of the crew of four IAF helicopters and Air Dispatch crew, stranded on the icy 08.05.2020 Indian Army troops evacuated heights of North Sikkim due to an emergency landing of IAF helicopters in a remote and inaccessible area. (121-100) crew in Sikkim Immediately on receipt of information, on May 7 , Indian Army rescue columns with personnel of ITBPs too, moved on foot, traversing dangerous terrain in bad weather, to the helicopter landing site to evacuate the individuals and provide medical aid, for which a doctor of the ITBP also accompanied. The stranded military personnel braved inclement weather conditions for several hours before being evacuated.

Later, a combination of Army and Air Force helicopters were launched at the stroke of dawn on May 8, who executed a daring landing on an unprepared ground at an altitude of 15500 ft, and rescued the stranded personnel. IND: On 08 May 20, at 1045h, one Mig-29 aircraft airborne on a training mission from an Air Force base near 08.05.2020 Indian Air Force MiG-29 (UPG) Jalandhar met with an accident. The aircraft had developed a technical snag and the pilot ejected safely as (121-99) aircraft accident he was unable to control the aircraft. The pilot has been rescued by a helicopter. A Court of Inquiry has been ordered to investigate the cause of accident. RUS: The Russian Armed Forces may get the first advanced S-500 missile systems next year, the country’s Deputy 08.05.2020 Russian Armed Forces May Get Defence Minister Alexei Krivoruchko has said in an interview with the magazine Natsionalnaya Oborona (121-98) First Next-Generation S-500 (National Defence). According to him, the conclusion of a state contract for S-500s is scheduled for 2021, Missile Systems in 2021 with wide-scale deliveries expected in subsequent years. Krivoruchko also referred to a stage of the S-500- related preliminary tests, with "the material part currently at the training ground”.

The statement echoes that of Vladimir Dolbenkov, director-general of the Design Bureau for Special Machine-Building (part of Almaz-Antey), who said in late March that tests for certain elements of “the next- generation Triumfator-M mobile air defence system S-500”, including its launcher, “[…] were being completed”.

This followed Almaz-Antey general designer Pavel Sozinov touting the S-500 as an air defence system that will be able to intercept targets “in the upper atmosphere”, hundreds of kilometres above the Earth. He stressed that according to its specifications, the S-500 exceeds all similar missile systems that have been created or are being designed in developed countries. Sozinov said that the Russian missile system comprises a large number of various target detection and interception tools as well as ground-to-air guided missiles. "This is a system that accomplishes a wide range of tasks for both air defence and missile defence purposes”, he emphasised.

The S-500 Prometey, also known as 55R6M "Triumfator-M", is a Russian surface-to-air missile/anti-ballistic missile system designed to replace the S-400. With the S-500's specifications still officially classified, media reports have claimed that the system is capable of destroying targets up to 600 kilometres (372 miles) away. It reportedly can track and simultaneously strike up to 10 ballistic targets moving at speeds of up to 7 kilometres (4 miles) per second (about Mach 20). The system is also capable of hitting various aerodynamic targets, including aircraft and helicopters, as well as cruise missiles. HUN: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to of 08.05.2020 Hungary – Advanced Medium sixty AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAM•ER missiles, and two spare AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAM-ER guidance sections (121-97) Range Air-to-Air Missiles Extended and related equipment for an estimated cost of $230 million. Range (AMRAAM-ER) The Government of Hungary has requested to buy sixty AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAM•ER missiles and two spare AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAM-ER guidance sections. Also included are four AMRAAM-ER training missiles (CATM-120C); missile containers; spare and repair parts; cryptographic and communication security devices; precision navigation equipment; and other related elements of logistical and program support.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of a NATO ally. This sale is consistent with U.S. initiatives to provide key allies in the region with modern systems that will enhance interoperability with U.S forces and increase security.

This proposed sale improves Hungary's defense capability to deter regional threats and strengthen its homeland defense. The sale is in support of Hungary's acquisition of the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS) air defense system and would provide a full range of protection from imminent hostile cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, rotary wing and fixed wing threats. IND: Ministry of Defence signed contract for Modernisation of Air Field Infrastructure (MAFI) of 37 airfields for 08.05.2020 Modernisation of infrastructure Indian Air Force(IAF), Indian Navy (IN) and Indian Coast Guard (ICG) with M/s Tata Power SED (TPSED) at a (121-96) for airfields of Air Force, Navy, cost of nearly Rs 1,200 crore here today. The proposal has been duly approved by Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Coast Guard and other services Singh.

The MAFI Phase-II is a follow-on programme based on MAFI Phase-I that included upgradation of 30 airfields of IAF. The airfields modernised under MAFI Phase-I have been of immense benefit to both military and civil users.

The project is a turnkey project that includes installation and commissioning of modern airfield equipment like Cat-II Instrument Landing System (ILS) and Cat II Air Field Lightning System (AFLS), etc. The modern equipment around the airfield will also be directly connected to Air Traffic Control (ATC), thereby providing excellent control of the airfield systems to the air traffic controllers. The upgradation of navigational aids and infrastructure under this project would enhance the operational capability by facilitating air operations of military and civil aircrafts even in poor visibility and adverse weather condition while enhancing aerospace safety. JPN: Japan will launch its first space operations unit within the Air Self-Defense Force on May 18 to monitor 08.05.2020 threats to Japanese satellites in outer space, Defense Minister Taro Kono has said. The Space Domain (121-95) Japan to launch ASDF space unit to Mission Unit will be tasked with tracking space debris and meteorites that could hit Japanese surveillance monitor threat to satellites satellites orbiting earth, Kono said Friday. “Countermeasures against (space) debris are extremely important. We will look into expanding the scale of the unit in the future,” he told a news conference.

The new space unit will be based at the ASDF Fuchu Air Base in the suburbs of Tokyo, and staffed with around 20 personnel, according to the Defense Ministry. The ministry aims to establish a space monitoring system in collaboration with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and U.S. forces. The new unit is expected to become fully operational in fiscal 2023. USA: The shadowy X-37B, the Air Force’s unmanned, reusable spacecraft, is set to launch for its sixth flight on 08.05.2020 X-37B Space Plane's Microwave May 16 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. While most of the payloads set for the flight are (121-94) Power Beam Experiment Is A Way standard fare for space experiments, at least the ones that are disclosed, one of them has immense potential Bigger Deal Than It Seems implications for the future of remote power generation and especially long-endurance unmanned aircraft propulsion.

The X-37B's upcoming mission is known as both Orbital Test Vehicle-6 (OTV-6) and U.S. Space Force-7 (USSF- 7). It will carry out missions that will assess the effects of cosmic radiation and other “space effects” on plant seeds and various material samples. According to a Space Force press release, which went out on May 6, another payload aboard the X-37B will be an experimental system designed by the Naval Research Laboratory that is capable of capturing solar power and beaming that energy back to Earth in the form of microwaves.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-94)

07.05.2020 ISR/SYR: Late Monday night 04.05.2020, the Israeli military conducted two rounds of airstrikes on Iran-linked targets 07.05.2020 Satellite images show damage to in Syria, including one against a weapons factory in al-Safira outside Aleppo and a second against militia (121-93) presumed missile workshop near bases in Deir Ezzor in the east of the country, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war Aleppo monitor.

These airstrikes attributed to Israel earlier this week caused major damage to a presumed missile workshop outside Aleppo in northern Syria, according to satellite images released Thursday by an Israeli intelligence firm.

(Anklickbares Satellitenzielbild abrufbar unter:

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-50) USA/SAU: The U.S. is removing Patriot antimissile systems from Saudi Arabia and is considering reductions to other 07.05.2020 U.S. to Remove Patriot Missile military capabilities—marking the end, for now, of a large-scale military buildup to counter Iran, according (121-92) Batteries From Saudi Arabia to U.S. officials.

The U.S. is removing two Patriot missile batteries from Saudi Arabia and two others from the Middle East, along with dozens of military personnel who were deployed to the region following a series of attacks on the Saudi oil facilities last year.

(Ergänzende Information vom 07.05.2020: In addition to pulling the Patriot systems and troops, the US has already relocated two fighter jet squadrons and is considering winding down its naval presence in the Persian Gulf, according to the Wall Street Journal. The Patriot withdrawal is currently underway, and is based on the belief among "some officials" that Iran "no longer poses an immediate threat to American strategic interests," it said.) USA/USAF: Today, the first wave of Airmen from the active duty 388th and Reserve 419th Fighter Wings returned home 07.05.2020 First group of Airmen from Hill’s following a six-month deployment to the Middle East. The 34th Fighter Squadron’s deployment, which (121-91) 34th Fighter Squadron return started in November, 2019, was first F-35 Immediate Response Force deployment as well as the second F- home, following a six-month 35A Lightning II combat deployment. The Airmen supported the United States Air Force Central Command deployment to the Middle East Mission in the region.

(Ergänzende Information vom 07.05.2020: The Airmen and aircraft deployed to Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates, in November 2019 for the F-35’s first “Immediate Response Force” deployment as tensions with Iran increased. During the six-month deployment, Airmen from the Active Duty 34th Fighter Squadron and Reserve 466th Fighter Squadron, as well as Airmen with the 34th and 466th Aircraft Maintenance Units, operated from multiple bases throughout the region and flew close air support, offensive and defensive counter-air, and maritime escort missions. Some of the wings’ Airmen and aircraft remained in the Middle East to continue conducting operations. The two squadrons replaced Hill’s 4th Fighter Squadron, the base said in a release.) ISR: Israeli Air Force commander Maj.-Gen. Amikam Norkin led an online international forum of multiple nations' 07.5.2020 IAF leads int'l forum of air forces to air forces on Wednesday intended to help the group of leaders work together amid the fight against the (121-90) maintain operations amid COVID- coronavirus outbreak. 19 The forum took place with air force commanders from Italy, the USA, Belgium, the UK, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Spain, France, Cyprus and , who worked to encourage productivity and mutual learning among the various air forces about corps management and maintaining operational competence amid the coronavirus outbreak. CHN: The maker of the FC-31, China's second stealth fighter jet following the J-20, recently revealed photos of a 07.05.2020 Photos spark talk of 2nd stealth scale model of the aircraft painted with the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) insignia, a move military (121-89) fighter’s PLA commissioning observers said suggested the warplane might join PLA service, despite being a made-for-export model.

The model resembled the initial design of the FC-31 rather than the latest, upgraded one. It featured missiles under its wings, an open weapon bay under its belly, and a PLA insignia on a tail fin.

This has again sparked discussions over the warplane's potential commissioning into the PLA, Weihutang reported, noting that other media reports said that the made-for-export FC-31 would eventually enter PLA service.

The future of the aircraft could become clear soon, as China's in-development third aircraft carrier is expected to use a new fighter jet, a military expert who asked not to be named told the Global Times on Thursday. China's current ship-borne fighter jet, J-15, could face challenges in dealing with the F-35, which is one generation more advanced than the current Chinese jet and has become widely deployed in the Asia- Pacific region by the US and its allies, the expert said.

The FC-31 is a single-seat, twin-engine multi-role fighter jet catering to the demands of future battlefield environments. It's 17.3 meters long and has a wingspan of 11.5 meters, according to an info flyer obtained by the Global Times at Airshow China 2018 in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong Province.

The FC-31 and J-20 need to be modified if one of them is to board a carrier, the expert said. USA/USAF: The U.S. Air Force has officially abandoned a directive to get its F-35, F-22 and F-16 jets up to an 80 percent 07.05.2020 US Air Force bails on Mattis-era mission-capable rate after failing to meet that goal in fiscal 2019, the service’s presumptive chief of staff (121-88) fighter jet readiness goal indicated Thursday.

According to written responses by Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown ahead of his May 7 confirmation hearing, “the F-16 mission capable rate reached a high of 75% in June 2019, the F-22 mission capable rate achieved a high of 68% in April 2019 and the F-35 mission capability rate climbed to a high of 74% in September 2019.”

However, data obtained exclusively by Air Force Times and Defense News revealed the mission-capable rates for those three aircraft over the whole of FY19 — while, in some cases, an improvement over the previous year — fell well short of the 80 percent goal mandated by then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in October 2018.

And the overall rates for the year were lower — in some cases, much lower — than the high-water marks cited by Brown. The Air Force’s newest fighter jet, the F-35A conventional-takeoff-and-landing model, showed the most improvement, increasing from a mission-capable rate of about 50 percent in FY18 to 62 percent in FY19.

The F-16 mission-capable rate grew modestly, with the F-16C increasing from 70 percent in FY18 to 73 percent in FY19. The F-16D’s mission-capable rate rose from 66 percent to 70 percent over that time period.

However, the F-22’s mission-capable rate actually decreased from 52 percent in FY18 to 51 percent in FY19. This is likely due to the continued maintenance challenges after 17 Raptors were left behind at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, during Hurricane Michael in 2018, damaging a portion of the fleet.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: USA/TUR: Turkey is still producing and delivering parts for U.S. F-35 jets despite being suspended from the program 07.05.2020 Turkey says it is still delivering nearly a year ago over its purchase of a Russian anti-aircraft defense system, Defence Industry Director Ismail (121-87) parts for U.S. F-35 jets Demir said on Thursday. “Our companies continue their production and delivery,” Demir said in an online interview, adding that Turkey remained a “loyal partner” of the F-35 program.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-) DEU: Die Drohne Heron TP ist ein in Israel hergestelltes Fluggerät und die Weiterentwicklung der Heron 1, eine 07.05.2020 Drohne Heron TP: Aufklärungsdrohne der Bundeswehr. Im Gegensatz zu ihrem Vorgänger, ist die Heron TP bewaffnungsfähig (121-86) bewaffnungsfähiger Nachfolger und kann mit Luft-Boden-Raketen ausgestattet werden. Doch: Wie sinnvoll ist eine kampffähige Drohne? Ist der Heron 1 es unsere Pflicht, unsere Soldatinnen und Soldaten in Auslandseinsätzen bestmöglich gegen Angreifer zu schützen? Oder ist die Gefahr, vorschnell militärische Gewalt einzusetzen, zu groß? Was können wir verantworten? Auf dieser Grundlage findet die Diskussion zum Thema bewaffnete Drohnen im BMVgBundesministerium der Verteidigung statt. USA/USA: The US Army is calling for ideas from US aerospace manufacturers for dealing with cognitive overload in 07.05.2020 US Army studies data fusion for next-generation rotorcraft. (121-85) FARA and FLRAA as pilot cognitive overload hits ‘tipping point’ The US Army is worried that pilots are, and will increasingly be, unable to make sense of an avalanche of information coming into the cockpit from a growing number of sensors, such as radar, electro-optical, inertial instruments, and terrain and obstruction data, among other data sources.

“The crew is forced to search, sort and synthesise large amounts of data and information across multiple systems in order to build a mental model of the mission and operational environment,” says the US Army. “This may result in cognitive overload, loss of situational awareness, and/or reduced mission effectiveness. This cognitive overload on flight crews has reached a tipping point where situational awareness is diminished and effective and expedient decision making is hampered.”

The US Army wants hardware and software solutions to be installed in its Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft and its Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft. The service is researching technology that will be ready for installation by fiscal year 2026, as well as less-mature technology that won’t be ready until after that date.

It is looking for technologies to handle four tasks: autonomous decision aiding and information distillation; data and sensor fusion; human-machine interfacing; and information management.

The Holistic Situational Awareness—Decision Making effort comes as the US Army looks to use air-launched unmanned air vehicles – so-called Air Launched Effects – for scouting missions. The service wants Air Launched Effects to relay targeting data back to crew members in FARA, who would then coordinate a strike with long-range missiles or by passing coordinates back to long-range artillery.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: hits-tipping-point/138257.article) EGY: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 07.05.2020 Egypt – AH-64E Refurbished Government of Egypt to refurbish 43 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters for an estimated cost of $2.3 billion. (121-84) Apache Attack Helicopters and The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this Related Equipment and Support possible sale today.

The Government of Egypt has requested to buy equipment to refurbish 43 AH-64E Apache attack helicopters. This includes: 88 T700-GE-701D engines (86 remanufactured, 2 spares); 47 AN/ASQ-170 Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/AN/AAR-11 Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensors (MTADS/PNVS) (43 remanufactured, 2 new, 2 spares); 45 AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS) (43 new, 2 spares); and 92 Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation Systems (EGI) (86 new, 6 spares). Also included are AN/AVR-2B Laser Detecting Sets, AN/APX-119 transponders, Identify Friend or Foe (IFF), AN/APN-209 radar altimeters, AN/ARN-149 Automatic Direction Finders, UHF/VHF radio, tactical AN/ARC-201E radio, APR-39 Radar Warning Sets, Improved Data Modems IDM-401, Enhanced Image Intensifiers EI2, Hellfire launchers M299, 2.75 inch 19 tube rocket launchers, M230 automatic guns, M230 spare gun barrels, MT06 initiators, cartridge actuated JAU-59, training devices, helmets, simulators, generators, transportation, wheeled vehicles and organization equipment, spare and repair parts, support equipment, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support.

Egypt intends to use these refurbished AH-64 helicopters to modernize its armed forces to address the shared U.S.-Egyptian interest in countering terrorist activities emanating from the Sinai Peninsula, which threaten Egyptian and Israeli security and undermine regional stability. This sale will contribute to Egypt's military goal to update its capability while further enhancing greater interoperability between Egypt, the U.S., and other allies. Egypt will have no difficulty sustaining these refurbished aircraft. USA/USAF: Lockheed Martin Corp. has been awarded a $49,856,351 cost-plus-fixed-fee modification (P00004) to 07.05.2020 Contract – contract FA8682-19-C-0008 to procure additional equipment and tooling needed to increase Joint Air-to- (121-83) U.S. Air Force – Surface Standoff Missile production. Work is expected to be complete by March 31, 2023. AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) (Quick facts abrufbar unter: USA/USN: Raytheon Missile Systems is awarded a $19,061,000 firm-fixed-price modification to previously awarded 07.05.2020 Contract – contract N00024-19-C-5404 to exercise options for fiscal 2020 Navy Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Mod 5 (121-82) U.S. Navy – Guided Missile Launching System (GMLS) requirements. The RAM Guided Missile Weapon System is co- RAM Guided Missile Weapon developed and co-produced under an international cooperative program between the U.S. and Federal System Republic of Germany governments. RAM is a missile system designed to provide anti-ship missile defense for multiple ship platforms. This contract is to procure material, fabricate parts, assemble and test, and deliver RAM MK 49 Mod 5 GMLS and GMLS ordnance alteration kits. Work is expected to be complete by December 2022.

(Quick facts RAM Guided Missile Weapon System abrufbar unter: ITA: The Italian Navy flagship, the 27,000-ton aircraft carrier Cavour, left the drydock of the Maritime Military 07.05.2020 Italy's Aircraft Carrier Cavour Arsenal in Italy's southern city of Taranto on Wednesday. The warship has received 10 months of (121-81) Leaves Port After Upgrades to modernization upgrades to operate the F-35B stealth aircraft, and will now embark on integration tests. Carry F-35s The Cavour entered drydock in July 2019 and left it in November, but remained in the Mare Piccolo basin while the final work was done. Naval News reported the upgrades included a reinforced flight deck to handle the stress of direct thrust from the engines of the F-35B, which is capable of temporarily pointing its thrusters downward in order to take off and land vertically.

A NATO ally, Rome has committed to buying at least 90 of the Lockheed Martin warplanes for its air force and navy. Italy's navy has two aircraft carriers: the larger Cavour, named for the Count of Cavour, and a smaller carrier named after Giuseppe Garibaldi - the two 19th century statesmen credited with unifying Italy into a single country. USA/NER: "An armed US Africa Command remotely piloted aircraft was lost near Agadez, Niger, 23 April", a Pentagon 07.05.2020 US Military Loses Second Drone spokesperson stated.. "Initial reports indicate the RPA experienced mechanical failure. The RPA was not lost (121-80) Near Niger Due to Mechanical due to any hostile action". US forces secured the drone and its ordnance, the official added. Failure, Pentagon Spokesperson Says The Pentagon official said that RPA operations are conducted in Niger to assess the security situation and monitor violent extremist activity. He called these operations, carried out in coordination with local authorities, "critical" to counter-terror activity in Niger.

Agadez is the site of a recently constructed military base that houses armed drones for surveillance, reconnaissance and combat against terrorists, according to US Africa Command (AFRICOM). This is the second US drone lost in Niger this year. In February another RPA crashed near Agadez. The military also blamed mechanical failure then. HRV: ’s twin seater training aircraft crashed in the southwest of the country today, killing both 07.05.2020 Croatian Air Force Trainer Plane pilots. The defence ministry said in a statement that Zlin 424L, tail number “403” crashed near Zadar AF (121-79) Crashes, Two Dead base at around 4 p.m. local time Thursday during a routine training flight. According to the ministry, the deceased were a flight instructor and a cadet, who were flying a small Zlin aircraft. The accident happened at near the village of Biljane Donje.

The Zlín Z 42 is a single-engine two-seat Czechoslovakian trainer aircraft manufactured by Moravan Otrokovice. It was purchased by the Croatian air force as a basic trainer for its air force.

The country has been trying to modernize its air force by replacing Soviet-era aircraft. However, a deal to buy used F-16 jets from Israel was stalled by the United States. JPN: The Defense Ministry has scrapped its plan to deploy the Aegis Ashore land-based missile defense system in 07.05.2020 Japan scraps Aegis Ashore a Self-Defense Force compound in the city of Akita, government officials said Wednesday. Faced with strong (121-78) deployment plan in city of Akita opposition from local residents, the ministry will choose from other places listed as possible sites, mainly state-owned land within Akita Prefecture, the officials added. The government had hoped to introduce the U.S.-developed system to a Ground Self-Defense Force training area in Akita's Araya district by 2025, but may have to push back that plan as it looks at other candidate sites in the prefecture.

The Aegis Ashore will supplement the Maritime Self-Defense Force's Aegis-equipped destroyers in protecting Japan from North Korean ballistic missiles. KOR: South Korea conducted the first test-firing of a new ballistic missile with a longer range and higher payload 07.05.2020 S. Korea tests new ballistic missile, capability last month, a government source said Thursday. (121-77) one misfires The test-firing of the Hyunmoo-4 took place at the Anheung test site run by the state-run Agency for Defense Development in Taean on South Korea's west coast, but one of two projectiles that were tested reportedly misfired. The new missile is presumed to have a range of up to 800 kilometers and be capable of carrying a 2-ton payload. Javelin Joint Venture completes The Javelin Joint Venture team, a partnership of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin completed the first 07.05.2020 first F-Model Missile production Javelin F-Model (FGM-148F) missile. The Javelin is a man-portable, fire-and-forget weapon (121-76) system.

The F-Model has a multipurpose warhead that can defeat current and future armor, including explosive reactive armor. The F-Model also adds a fragmenting steel case to take out soft targets and light armored vehicles.

Javelin has been used extensively in combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. U.S. and coalition forces have used the Javelin in more than 5,000 engagements since its deployment in 1996. The company has over 45,000 Javelin missiles currently on order. IRN/ISR: Iran attempted a cyberattack on Israeli water infrastructure late last month, with hackers using American 07.05.2020 Iran attempted cyber attack on servers to carry out the breach. There was no official confirmation of the report by Israeli or US officials. (121-75) Israeli water and sewage facilities — report The attack took place on April 24-25 on numerous water and sewage facilities across the country, according to the Ynet news site. At the time, Water Authority and Israel National Cyber Directorate confirmed the “attempted cyber breach on water command and control systems.” “The attempted attack was dealt with by the Water Authority and National Cyber Directorate. It should be emphasized that there was no harm to the water supply and it operated, and continues to operate, without interruption,” it said. According to the news report, employees at water plants were alerted to change their passwords and safeguard their systems after the attempt was detected, specifically those overseeing the chlorination of wells.

Israel and Iran have engaged in covert cyber-warfare for over a decade, including reported efforts by the Jewish state and US to remotely sabotage the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Israel has also in recent weeks stepped up a bombing campaign on Iran-linked forces in Syria seeking to push out the Islamic Republic, which is already smarting from one of the world’s most severe COVID-19 outbreaks.

06.05.2020 IRQ: A number of explosions were heard near the Baghdad International Airport this morning amid reports of a 06.05.2020 06:00 AM Heavy explosions rock Baghdad new missile attack. According to the reports, the missiles landed in and around the Baghdad International (121-74) Airport amid new missile attack Airport, which prompted the military to raise its alert levels.

Since the missile attack, the air forces of Iraq and the U.S.-led Coalition have been active over the Baghdad Governorate, with reports indicating that these warplanes are flying at a low altitude.

This morning’s attack marks the first time in several weeks that missiles have targeted a site in the Baghdad Governorate. No group has claimed responsibility for this attack.

(Ergänzende Information vom 06.05.2020: Three Katyusha rockets landed in the perimeter of Baghdad International Airport on Wednesday, the Iraqi military said. The military said it found a rocket launcher with a timer in a rural area in western Baghdad, and there were no reported damages or casualties. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. The rockets were fired from the Bakriya neighbourhood, about 6 km (4 miles) northeast of the airport, and security forces were deployed to search the area, security sources said.) LBY: The Libyan National Army (LNA) carried out a powerful attack on the strategic Misrata Airport, which is 06.05.2020 Libyan Army strikes airport hosting currently hosting Syrian mercenaries and Turkish aircraft. According to a field report from northern Libya, (121-73) several Turkish aircraft the Libyan National Army’s air force heavily bombarded the Misrata Airport, with some activists claiming that they hit the Turkish wing of this installation.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-25) KOR: South Korea nicknamed its newly-introduced F-35A next-generation fighter jets "freedom knight," Air Force 06.05.2020 S. Korea nicknames F-35A stealth officials said Wednesday. (121-72) fighters "freedom knight" South Korea began bringing in the advanced stealth fighters in March last year to beef up reconnaissance capabilities under a plan to deploy 40 units through 2021, and deployed them in December. Last year, 13 F- 35As arrived here. GBR/USA: The UK parliament has questioned a United States threat to cancel long-planned deployments of the 06.05.2020 UK parliament questions US threat Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) to the country following the government's (121-71) to cancel F-35 deployments decision to open-up the national 5G network to Chinese development.

The Chair of the Defence Committee, Tobias Ellwood, sent a letter to the UK Secretary of State for Defence, Ben Wallace, on 6 May in which he asked for clarification on recent reports that Republican senators in the US were moving to ban new deployments of military aircraft to countries with at-risk vendors in their 5G and 6G networks.

"If passed, this would preclude the long-planned US Air Force [USAF] deployment of F-35s at Royal Air Force [RAF] Lakenheath, and could also bring into question the plans for HMS Queen Elizabeth to carry US Marine Corps [USMC] F-35s," the letter said, adding, "I am sure you agree with me that even the airing of such disagreements between us and our closest security ally is unhelpful in a time when global stability is at the lowest it has been for a generation. I should therefore be grateful if you could clarify what the [UK] government is doing to ensure that this initiative is not pursued further."

As noted in Ellwood's letter that was written in response to a report first published in The Daily Telegraph that senators in the US were moving to restrict the exposure of sensitive US military information in countries that were allowing the Chinese company Huawei to build national 5G networks, the US military is planning at least two high-level F-35 deployments to the UK.

In November 2021 the USAF is due to begin the permanent deployment of two squadrons of F-35As to the 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. USA/USN: The Boeing Co. is awarded a $7,039,596 cost-plus-fixed-fee order (N00019-20-F-0647) against previously 06.05.2020 Contract - issued basic ordering agreement N00019-16-G-0001. This order procures non-recurring engineering for the (121-70) U.S. Navy - design, fabrication and correction of deficiencies required for the delivery and installation of retrofit kits for Navy P-8A aircraft Navy P-8A aircraft with Increment 3 Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) 6 capabilities. The P-8A ECP 6 provides a significant modification to the baseline aircraft, installing new airframe racks, radomes, antennas, sensors and wiring, while incorporating a new combat system suite with an improved computer processing and security architecture capability at the higher than secret level, a wide band satellite communication system, an anti-submarine warfare signal intelligence capability, a minotaur track management system and additional communications and acoustics systems to enhance search, detection and targeting capabilities. Work is expected to be complete by May 2021. RAFAEL and Leonardo will supply RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems will supply 5th generation Litening-5 and RecceLite systems to equip 06.05.2020 the M-346FA with Rafael’s Litening Leonardo’s M-346FA light combat aircraft. This is the first integration of 5th generation EO pods to (121-69) 5 and RecceLite systems Leonardo’s M-346FA platform. The M-346FA is the multi-role combat variant of the most advanced jet trainer that has been designed for a wide range of training capabilities, long-term reliability and cost- effective operations. The FA variant is also able to operate very effectively as a multi-role tactical aircraft, capable of air-to-surface, air-to-air and tactical reconnaissance missions.

Integrated with RAFAEL’s pods, the jet will now have combat-proven, stand-off capabilities using the Litening 5 multi-spectral airborne targeting pod. The Litening 5 pod is in use by 27 air forces and carried by over 25 platforms globally. Litening 5 delivers real-time, forward-looking infrared (FLIR+SWIR) and day HD color camera imagery. Its high-resolution sensors and effective EO/IR design ensure reliable operation at significant stand-off ranges. Litening 5 allows the operation of all types of air-to-surface smart weaponry, such as laser-guided, GPS-guided and EO/IR imaging-guided munition. Litening pods have logged over 2 million flight hours, with more than two-thirds in contingency operations worldwide. With the RecceLite ISR system, the light-attack aircraft will be able to perform target search, using advanced AI, ATR (Automatic Target Recognition) at the interpretation ground station, and other smart algorithms for efficient detection, tracking, and sensor-to-shooter closure. Using its advanced ISR, image processing, and artificial intelligence, the system achieves optimal data-exploitation at the ground station, of intelligence data relayed in real-time and mission execution in near-real-time.

RecceLite has been delivered to 13 customers world-wide and integrated onto various aircraft, including the F-16, F-18, Jaguar, AMX, Tornado, Typhoon, Gripen, Heron TP, Reaper and others. It is used by air forces in Europe, the Far East and South America. Artificial Intelligence Powers Novel In partnership with the Air Force Test Pilot School, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works® successfully 06.05.2020 ISR Capability for Operations in demonstrated an autonomous Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) system to enhance (121-68) operational effectiveness for the warfighter in denied communications environments. Denied Communications Environments Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, the autonomous ISR system, integrated into an F-16 through a Lockheed Martin-developed pod solution, was able to detect and identify the location of the target, automatically route to the target, and capture an image to confirm the target in a simulated, denied communications environment. Using an autonomous ISR system to penetrate contested environments and gather critical intelligence for effective decision making when standard communication between systems is not an option keeps the warfighter out of harm’s way while still achieving mission objectives.

“As the battlespace becomes increasingly contested, human-machine teams will enable operators to collect critical intelligence in denied communications environments, ensuring our warfighters get information they need when they need it,” said George Hellstern, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works® program manager for artificial intelligence solutions. GBR/FRAU: Royal Air Force Chinooks operating in Mali, West Africa have recently passed a significant milestone in the 06.05.2020 Royal Air Force Chinooks Pass ongoing UK mission to support the French led counter insurgency operations there. The RAF Odiham based (121-67) 2000 Hours Milestone Supporting helicopters have now completed 2000 hours of flying in support of the French military. RAF Chinooks began French Operations In Mali operating in Mali with the French military during July 2018 and since then have moved over one-thousand tonnes of freight and over twelve-thousand passengers.

Currently, the CH-47 Chinooks are being flown by aircrew drawn from 18(B) Squadron and are supported by ground-based personnel drawn from across the Army and RAF who carry out three to four-month tours. The current RAF detachment commander is Wing Commander Si Elsey. “We have not lost a sortie due to COVID-19 and the French have maintained a high tempo of operations throughout. Once their troops are in the field, we re-supply them and can lift vehicles in and out as required.

The current detachment this year has flown three-hundred and forty hours, lifted two-hundred and forty seven tonnes of freight and transported one-thousand one-hundred and fifty passengers since arriving in January. During this time the detachment has operated in temperatures up to forty seven degrees centigrade which have been accompanied by frequent dust storms.

defense- GRC: The Israel Ministry of Defense will lease the Heron system in its maritime configuration to Greece over Israel Will Lease IAI Heron UAVs, three years, with an option to purchase the system upon completion of the leasing period. 06.05.2020 Produced by IAI, to Greece (121-66) The Heron system, equipped with both day and night activity platforms, maritime patrol radars and satellite communications, offers extended operational endurance in a wide range of scenarios including maritime patrol, marine and land border protection, search and rescue, disaster management and more. The system is operational in the IDF and naval forces around the world and has demonstrated its capabilities in Greece as well.

(Ergänzende Information vom 06.05.2020: According to Greek media, the two drones will be used to bolster the country’s intelligence-gathering abilities and will act as a deterrent to Turkey, which has deployed drones to the Evros region and the Aegean Sea that borders the two countries.) TWN: An Army officer, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the matter, told CNA 06.05.2020 Army helicopter makes 'hard that the incident occurred at 3:20 p.m. at the AASFC's Guiren base in Tainan. A flight student and his (121-65) landing' during drill; pilots safe instructor were performing an emergency landing drill that simulated a situation in which the helicopter lost power, the officer said.

"The 0H-58D helicopter, with tail number 634, hard-landed during a flight training test," the AASFC said in press statement. "Fortunately, all personnel are safe." The two people on board the helicopter were taken to hospital but were found to have no serious injuries, he said

Taiwan's 39 OH-58D helicopters, manufactured by American aerospace firm Bell Helicopter, are used primarily for reconnaissance in support of ground troops, as they have multi-sensor sighting systems and low-altitude flight capabilities. USA/USSF: The Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, in partnership with the U.S. Space Force, is 06.05.2020 Next X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle scheduled to launch the sixth mission of the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV-6) on May 16 from Cape (121-64) Scheduled to Launch Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

This will be the first X-37B mission to use a service module to host experiments. The service module is an attachment to the aft of the vehicle that allows additional experimental payload capability to be carried to orbit. The incorporation of a service module on this mission enables us to continue to expand the capabilities of the spacecraft and host more experiments than any of the previous missions."

The mission will deploy the FalconSat-8, a small satellite developed by the U.S. Air Force Academy and sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory to conduct several experiments on orbit. The FalconSat-8 is an educational platform that will carry five experimental payloads for USAFA to operate. In addition, two National Aeronautics and Space Administration experiments will be included to study the results of radiation and other space effects on a materials sample plate and seeds used to grow food. Finally, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, will transform solar power into radio frequency microwave energy which could then be transmitted to the ground.

The X-37B program completed its fifth mission in October 2019, landing after 780 days on orbit, extending the total number of days spent on orbit for the spacecraft to 2,865 - or seven years and 10 months.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-63) USA/USSF: Air Force Secretary Barbara M. Barrett and Space Force Gen. John W. Raymond cast some light on the 06.05.2020 New details of the X-37B’s previously classified missions of America's reusable space plane, the X-37B. (121-63) missions were released during a briefing marking the launch of the The two showed a recruiting video about the Space Force, and in it Barrett revealed that one part of the US Space Force presentation showed the X-37B's return to Earth. The X-37B is an unmanned space plane boosted into orbit by a rocket and gliding to Earth like the space shuttle. Built by Boeing, the craft has completed five missions with a total of 2,865 days on orbit, Barrett said.

The Air Force's Rapid Capability Office has combined forces with the Air Force Research Lab, and now with the U.S. Space Force to execute a mission that maximizes the X 37-B's unique capabilities, she said. "This important mission will host more experiments than any prior X-37B flight, including two NASA experiments," she added. One of the experiments will test the reaction of "significant materials" to the conditions in space," Barrett said. A second experiment will study the effect of ambient space radiation on seeds. A third experiment, designed by the Naval Research Laboratory, transforms solar power into radiofrequency microwave energy, then studies transmitting that energy to Earth, Barrett said.

The Space Force is needed now because potential adversaries see space as a warfighting domain, the general noted, and the strategic environment in space has changed. "We've seen Russia maneuver a satellite with characteristics of a weapon system in proximity to a U.S. satellite," he said.

05.05.2020 CHN: With an ace pilot of an aircraft carrier-based fighter jet flying above, warships sailing below and anti- 05.05.2020 China conducts naval drills in submarine aircraft conducting surveillance in the South China Sea, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (121-62) S.China Sea, prepares for post- (PLA) is ready to defend against any US military provocation, even if the US resumes use of its aircraft carriers pandemic US military provocations that are affected by COVID-19, analysts said on Tuesday.

Yuan Wei, an ace PLA pilot of J-15 ship-borne fighter jet flew a type of fighter jet in exercises held from a South China Sea naval port in South China's Hainan Province, China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Monday. The Liaoning aircraft carrier task force wrapped up its South China Sea exercises on Thursday, so Yuan's training was probably meant for the Shandong, China's recently commissioned second aircraft carrier, which is believed to be homeported in the South China Sea's doorstep Hainan, military observers said.

Also conducting exercises in the South China Sea are the warships of the PLA Navy 35th Escort Task Group. The destroyer Taiyuan, frigate Jingzhou and replenishment ship Chaohu conducted anti-piracy and live-fire shooting training there on Saturday, CCTV reported on Tuesday.

Anti-submarine aircraft under the PLA Southern Theater Command Navy recently conducted patrol and anti- submarine missions, the PLA Daily reported on Monday.

On April 28, the PLA Southern Theater Command expelled a US destroyer, the USS Barry, when it trespassed into China's territorial waters off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea. However, the US continued and sent the USS Bunker Hill cruiser to the Nansha Islands on April 29. The US also reportedly flew B-1B bombers over the South China Sea and East China Sea during the May Day holiday.

Beijing-based military expert Wei Dongxu told the Global Times on Tuesday that the US has been sending reconnaissance aircraft to the First Island Chain to gather intelligence on China.

Against these provocations, China needs to utilize its capability to grasp their activities and take appropriate countermeasures, Wei said. China can send warplanes to drive them away or launch electronic countermeasures to disrupt them if they come too close, Wei said. ISR/IRN: Iranian forces are pulling out of Syria and closing military bases there, Israeli defense officials said Tuesday, 05.05.2020 Defense officials: Iran pulling out amid increasing reports of Israeli airstrikes on Iran-linked militias in the country in recent months, including (121-61) of Syria as Israel pummels its two such incidents late Monday night in which 14 Iran-linked fighters were reported killed. forces there The Israeli officials refused to comment on these reported attacks, maintaining Israel’s policy of ambiguity, under which it generally acknowledges taking action against Iran in Syria without specifically confirming individual strikes, under the assumption that public confirmation increases the likelihood of retaliation.

Though Israel’s fight against Iran in Syria has been ongoing for nearly a decade, after Tehran began sending its troops and its proxies into Syria at the outbreak of the country’s civil war in 2011, recent months have seen an increase in the number of strikes against Iran-linked sites in the country, targeting locations across the country with the highest concentration around Syria’s capital Damascus.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that this effort appears to be bearing fruit as Iranian forces have begun leaving the country, evacuating a small number of military bases previously under their control in the process.

(Ergänzende Information vom 05.05.2020: Though there was some reduction in activity in March when April came around efforts resumed in full force with the transfer of precise ballistic missiles, construction of logistical bases on the Syrian border with Iraq to serve pro-Iranian militias based in the Golan Heights region, support for Hezbollah's operations on the Syrian-Israeli border and improving Syrian air defenses to hamper Israel's ability to conduct Airforce raids. The Islamic Republic's attention is focused now on precise missile capabilities for its proxies to use in their future war against Israel. Jerusalem intends to foil such production efforts and is willing to risk an outbreak of fighting in the north, to that end. The Israelis hope to relay to Damascus and Moscow that Tehran's operations on Syrian soil would be detrimental to them and their planned rehabilitation of the country after years of civil war.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 10.05.2020: US Special Representative for Syria engagement threw cold water on reports that Iran might be reducing its role in Syria. Speaking on Thursday US Ambassador James Jeffrey said that the US has not seen any strategic Iranian changes in Syria when it comes to using the country as a “second launchpad for long-range weapons against Israel.” In short, reports of Iran’s demise in Syria are premature. Jeffrey indicated that based on Washington’s view, that is likely based on intelligence assessments provided to the State Department, there simply is no big change in Iran’s role in Syria or its overall strategic view of using Syria to threaten Israel and digest Lebanon. Jeffrey discussed Iran’s strategic goal has having more importance than these tactical responsitioning of forces that Iran has engaged in. Jeffrey also said that Iran was “not only was willing to use forces to bolster the Syrian regime, it also started introducing long-range weapon systems, precision-guided missiles – some for its own forces in Syria, some pushed onward to Hezbollah to seriously threaten Israeli security, and the Israelis have reacted in various ways.”)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-50) GBR/CJTF: The Royal Air Force continues to fly daily armed reconnaissance missions over Iraq and eastern Syria as part 05.05.2020 Update: air strikes against Daesh of the global coalition against the Daesh terrorist movement. (121-60) On the night of Tuesday 28 April, a pair of Typhoons, operating out of RAF Akrotiri and supported by a Voyager aerial refuelling tanker, joined other coalition aircraft in an attack on a series of caves north-east of Bayji in northern Iraq.

The Typhoons targeted six cave entrances where intelligence had confirmed a group of Daesh terrorists were based. Following a thorough check of the surrounding area for any signs of non-combatants, the aircraft used Paveway IV precision-guided bombs to strike all six of the caves. Surveillance confirmed all the weapons struck their targets successfully, removing more Daesh fighters from the battlefield and further downgrading the terrorist movement.

(Zielbildvideo abrufbar unter: USA/USAF/NATO: Two B-1Bs flew directly from Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., to train with NATO forces in Estonia on May 5, 05.05.2020 the latest long-distance training mission for the bombers. (121-59) B-1s Fly Training Mission to Estonia The Lancers worked with forces on the ground from Estonia, the United Kingdom, and Denmark as part of the “Spring Storm” exercise, according to the Estonian Ministry of Defense. The training looks to “enhance interoperability and strengthen our enduring relationship,” the U.S. Embassy in Talinn said in a news release.

The Air Force has moved away from sending the bombers on long-term deployments, having recently ended the Continuous Bomber Presence mission on Guam, and instead is focused on a “dynamic force employment” model, aimed at making the way the service uses its bombers more operationally unpredictable, Air Force Global Strike Command boss Gen. Timothy Ray said.

(Siehe auch Nacfhricht Nr. 121-24) CAN: The federal government is looking at once again delaying acceptance of bids on new fighter jets. The bids 05.05.2020 Federal government considering were originally supposed to be submitted in May 2019 but that was pushed back to March 30 this year. That (121-58) delaying acceptance of bids for deadline, in turn, was pushed back to June 30 at the request of the aerospace industry, Public Services and new fighter jets Procurement Canada announced in February. But now the department is once again evaluating a request from industry to further extend that deadline for the proposals, Procurement Canada spokesman Marc- André Charbonneau confirmed in an email to this newspaper.

If that happens it is unclear on how the current timetable for buying the fighter jets, to replace the CF-18 aircraft, might be affected. A winning bidder was to have been chosen in 2022. The first aircraft would have been delivered by 2025, according to the government’s schedule.

Industry representatives say they expect the bid submissions to be pushed back at least until the end of the summer. The fighter jet competition was launched on Dec. 12, 2017 and at this point three aircraft are to be considered. Those include the F-35, the Super Hornet, and the Gripen. The program is expected to cost around $19 billion and will see the purchase of 88 new jets.

(Ergänzende Information vom 07.05.2020: The Canadian government has once again extended its deadline to accept bids for new fighter jets. “The June 30, 2020 deadline for eligible suppliers to submit their proposals has been extended to July 31, 2020, at the request of industry,” it noted in a statement.) TUR: Turkish Air Force A400M Atlas transport aircraft have been flying to and from South Africa over the last 05.05.2020 Turkish A400Ms deliver medical several days, delivering donated medical equipment and returning with munitions from Rheinmetall Denel (121-57) supplies to South Africa, return Munition (RDM). Turkey’s Ambassador to South Africa Elif Ulgen said the donation is part of a cooperation with munitions agreement between the two countries.

The Turkish Air Force A400M was followed into Cape Town by a second A400M, this time empty as both aircraft made the return trip with cargo destined for Turkey. Daily Maverick quoted Ulgen as saying the aircraft were in South Africa to pickup “some kind of military ammunition” purchased from Rheinmetall Denel Munition, which has factories in the Western Cape, including Somerset West. Most of it would be ‘for practice and exercises by the Turkish military.’

Another two Turkish A400Ms arrived in South Africa on Saturday 2 May, and flight tracking data showed another two arriving on Monday 4 May. One of the A400Ms stopped in Somalia where it unloaded humanitarian aid and medical equipment. GBR: As of April 2020, the first ever Aviation Brigade in the British Army formed up, bringing with it a new 05.05.2020 Army establishes its 1st Aviation structure, new doctrine and brand-new way of fighting. Contemporary threats elicit a contemporary (121-56) Brigade response, and the world of aviation is no different. The Brigade based on a brand-new way of fighting, which is effectively summed up in its motto: “Fly, fight, lead”.

Combining the advanced reconnaissance capabilities of the Wildcat helicopter of 1st Regiment Army Air Corps (AAC), together with the attack firepower of the Apache helicopter used by 3rd and 4th Regiment AAC, 1st Aviation Brigade is designed to unite the resources previously split between the Aviation Reconnaissance Force and the Attack Helicopter Force, and as a Brigade is a capability distinct from previous airmobile and air assault brigades. As well as the tasks conducted by 5th Regiment AAC and their Gazelle helicopters, the reservists of 6th Regiment AAC and the specialist aviation mechanical engineers of 7th Battalion Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers complete the lineup of Brigade units.

As the way of the military evolves, it places a focus on what combat aviation needs to be prepared for. To meet such challenges 1st Aviation Brigade will generate a Combat Aviation Force in order to deploy on operations, which will possess the capacity to concurrently plan, execute and sustain multiple aviation manoeuvres, and scale up and down in size and power as required. AUS: A Boeing-led Australian industry team has presented the first unmanned Loyal Wingman aircraft to the Royal 05.05.2020 Boeing Rolls Out First Loyal Australian Air Force, a historic milestone for the company and the Commonwealth. (121-55) Wingman Unmanned Aircraft The aircraft, which uses artificial intelligence to extend the capabilities of manned and unmanned platforms, is the first to be designed, engineered and manufactured in Australia in more than 50 years. As the first of three prototypes for Australia’s Loyal Wingman Advanced Development Program, the aircraft also serves as the foundation for the Boeing Airpower Teaming System (ATS) being developed for the global defense market.

The Loyal Wingman prototype now moves into ground testing, followed by taxi and first flight later this year.

(Ergänzende Information vom 05.05.2020: The Loyal Wingman will have a range of more than 3700km, enabling Defence to better understand how these types of aircraft can be used as a force-multiplier, helping to project power forward while keeping manned capabilities out of harm’s way. "The program will examine how autonomous unmanned aircraft can support existing manned aircraft, such as our Joint Strike Fighters, Super Hornets and Growlers," Defence Minister Linda said.)

(Foto abrufbar unter: aircraft#assets_20295_130677-117) USA/USAF: The US Air Force (USAF), in association with the US Department of Defense (DoD), the Air Force Materiel 05.05.2020 USAF issues RFI for long range, Command (AFMC), and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Munitions Directorate, on 4 May issued a (121-54) high-speed, air-to-air missile Request for Information (RFI) to US industry and government laboratories for "innovative long-range air-to- technologies air missile technologies". Responses, which are due by 18 June, could lead to "possible government/industry collaboration for development of Joint Forces technology capabilities", according to the notification. The technical focus of the RFI provides for "descriptions of innovative long-range air-to-air missile design concepts to existing full prototypes and key technologies that enable the capability". USA/USN: Raytheon is awarded $325,000,000 for a firm-fixed-price contract for the repair of the Advanced Targeting 05.05.2020 Contract - Forward Looking Infrared System used in support of the F/A-18 aircraft. Work is expected to be complete (121-53) U.S. Navy - by May 2025. Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared System (ATFLIR) (Quick facts abrufbar unter: IRQ: The head of the security and defense committee in the Iraqi parliament, Mohammad Reza al-Haider, told 05.05.2020 Iraq will purchase Russian missile Iraqi News Agency (INA) in an exclusive interview on Tuesday that his country will buy long-range surface- (121-52) system if US does not provide to-air S-300 or S-400 air defense missile systems from Russia in a bid to update its own defense infrastructure modern armaments in case Washington does not help Baghdad in getting modern armaments. CHN: China's new large carrier rocket Long March-5B made its maiden flight on Tuesday, sending the trial version 05.05.2020 21:28 PM China launches new Long March- of China's new-generation manned spaceship and a cargo return capsule for test into space. The successful (121-51) 5B rocket for space station flight inaugurated the "third step" of China's manned space program, which is to construct a space station, program said the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). The white large rocket blasted off from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the coast of southern China's island province of Hainan at 6 p.m. (Beijing Time).

About 488 seconds later, the experimental manned spacecraft with no crew, together with the test version of the cargo return capsule, separated with the rocket and entered the planned orbit, according to CMSA. Specially developed for China's manned space program, Long March-5B will be mainly used to launch the modules of the space station.

The Long March-5B carrier rocket will help expand China's aerospace activities, said Wang Xiaojun, head of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).

Modified on the basis of Long March-5, the new large rocket has a total length of about 53.7 meters, which is as tall as an 18-floor building, and has a 5-meter-diameter core stage and four 3.35-meter-diameter boosters, as well as a 20.5-meter-long and 5.2-meter-diameter fairing.

The rocket uses environment-friendly propellants, including liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and kerosene. It has a takeoff mass of about 849 tonnes and is able to send over 22 tonnes of payloads, equivalent to the weight of more than 10 cars, to low-Earth orbit, which is currently the largest low-Earth orbit carrying capacity among China's rockets.

Tuesday's launch was the 331st mission of the Long March rocket series.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter:

04.05.2020 ISR/SYR: Syrian air defences thwarted an Israeli missile attack on a research centre and a military base in the northern 04.05.2020 10:21 PM Syrian army says Israeli jets hit province of Aleppo state media said on Monday in the fifth such strikes in two weeks on suspected Iranian (121-50) military outposts in Aleppo targets. The Syrian army said in a statement that Israel hit military barracks in al Safirah in the eastern Aleppo province countryside. Earlier, state television had said a research centre was targeted. The army said it was now assessing the damage caused by the strikes.

A regional intelligence source said Israel was stepping up raids in Syria at a time when world attention and the region, including Syria, were distracted by the coronavirus pandemic. An Israeli army spokeswoman declined to comment on the report.

Western intelligence sources say Iranian-backed militias have long been entrenched in Aleppo province where they have bases and a command centre and installed advanced weapons, part of a growing presence across government-controlled Syria. The Scientific Studies and Research Center is one of several facilities where Western intelligence and opposition sources suspect Syria with the help of Iranian researchers work on developing chemical weapons they accuse Syria of having used against civilians in rebel-held areas.

(Ergänzende Information vom 05.05.2020 08:02 AM: A source from the Syrian military told the Syrian state news agency SANA that "hostile aircraft" coming from Al-Thawrah, located southeast of Aleppo, attacked military depots in the Al-Safira area. Syrian air defenses were activated in response. Earlier, SANA reported that the scientific research center in Aleppo was targeted in the strikes. While the airstrikes on Monday came from the direction of Jordan and Iraq, the other airstrikes in recent weeks came from the direction of Lebanon and the Golan Heights.A Syrian security source told the Russian Sputnik news agency that airstrikes by Israeli aircraft targeted two military sites in Aleppo from airspace along the Syrian border east of the Euphrates River over areas controlled by the international coalition and Kurdish militias. The source added that the strikes were carried out over the area of the US-controlled Al- Tanf base located in southeast Syria near the borders with Iraq and Jordan. Some 12 missiles were fired at the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center in Aleppo during the airstrikes, reported Al-Arabiya, adding that the research center is believed by Israel to be cooperating with Iran to develop missile technologies. Some 12 missiles were fired at the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center in Aleppo during the airstrikes, reported Al-Arabiya, adding that the research center is believed by Israel to be cooperating with Iran to develop missile technologies. Sources for Al-Arabiya added that five of the missiles hit the research center, "completely destroying it." The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that airstrikes that were likely carried out by Israel targeted the scientific research center in Aleppo where both Iranian militias and Syrian forces are based, destroying ammunition depots in the area.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 05.05.2020 08:02 AM: Shortly after the strikes in Aleppo, additional airstrikes by unidentified aircraft were carried out in Al-Mayadeen in the Deir Ezzor area located near the Syria-Iraq border. "Powerful explosions" were heard from the city of Al-Mayadeen to Al-Bukamal and over 15 explosions were heard east of the Euphrates in strikes by unidentified aircraft on Monday night, according to local news source DeirEzzor24. Multiple airstrikes have targeted Iranian forces and militias in eastern Syria in the past few months. A strategic border crossing between Iraq and Syria and the Iranian-controlled Imam Ali military base is located in the border town of Al- Bukamal.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 05.05.2020 10:28 AM: Syrian security sources say an Israeli missile attack on a research center and military base in Aleppo on Monday night came from the US military garrison at Al Tanf in southern Iraq. This was the fifth Israel attack in Syria in two weeks, they claimed. No comment as come from Israeli or US sources. On March 31, DEBKAfile revealed that Iran’s IRGC Al Qods and Hizballah had relocated their Syrian HQ from the “Glass House” in Damascus to the northern province of Aleppo. A new Iranian command center was set up at the Al Assad Military Academy some 7km south of central Aleppo to accommodate 2,000 armed men. Hizballah was put in charge of securing the compound with the help of Iranian mobile Bavar-373 anti-air batteries.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 05.05.2020 01:14 PM: Alleged Israeli airstrikes in eastern Syria killed at least 14 Iranian fighters and allied militiamen, a war monitor reported Tuesday. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, all of the fatalities in the bombardment of militia bases in the Deir Ezzor region were Iranian or Iraqi nationals. It said the death toll was expected to further rise, as a number of people injured in the strike were in critical condition. It was not immediately clear who carried out the strikes in the desert near the town of Mayadin, but observatory head Rami Abdul Rahman said it was “likely” that Israel had mounted the operation. A spokesman for the US-led coalition battling the Islamic State jihadist group said it was not responsible for the strikes. The Britain-based monitor did not report any deaths in a separate strike late Monday — also blamed on Israel — on Iran-linked arms warehouses east of Aleppo that were adjacent to Syrian defense laboratories.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-37) SYR/CHN/RUS The media war over the effectiveness of their air defense systems continued between China and Russia this 04.05.2020 Syrian military switched air week, as the Chinese Sina News Agency claimed the Syrian Armed Forces abandoned the Pantsir-S after its (121-49) defense systems to confront Israeli alleged poor performance against Israeli attacks. attacks: Chinese media According to the publication, besides switching over Chinese radars, the Syrian Armed Forces has also begun using the Buk-2ME to confront the Israeli attacks, rather than the Pantsir-S. “Due to the unsatisfactory combat characteristics of the Pantsir-S air defense system, the Syrian air defense forces began using the latest Buk-2ME mobile air defense system to intercept Israeli missiles,” Sina reports, citing sources in the Syrian army. Despite criticism of the Pantsir-S by the Chinese publication, it should be pointed out that the Buk-2ME is also a Russian-made air defense system. There is truth to the Syrian Armed Forces using the Buk- M2E more than usual, as the last two Israeli airstrikes were confronted by this system, rather than the Pantsir-S1.

Even with the Buk-M2E, however, the Syrian military was only able to shoot down two-thirds of the Israeli missiles, which may be an improvement, but it still not able to fully repel the attacks.

A source from the Syrian air defense forces in western Damascus said that they have no plans to abandon their Russian systems, despite the criticism. The Russian Pantsir system has proven effective in several instances, however, as the Libyan National Army (LNA) has repeatedly shot down Turkish armed drones across Libya. Advertisements

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-26)

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Propaganda belastete Meldung, mit Vorsicht zu bewerten!) CHN: China’s new generation strategic bomber is likely to be ready for delivery this year, but Beijing is said to be 04.05.2020 China’s long-range Xian H-20 weighing the impact of its unveiling at a complex time in regional relations due to the coronavirus pandemic (121-48) stealth bomber could make its . debut this year Military sources said the Xian H-20 supersonic stealth bomber – expected to double the country’s strike - range – could make its first public appearance at this year’s Zhuhai Airshow in November, if the pandemic H-20 will give China the nuclear was sufficiently under control. triad of submarines, ballistic missiles and bombers But the appearance of the bomber at this year’s air show could heighten tensions by directly threatening countries within its strike range, especially Australia, Japan and the Korean peninsula. “The Beijing leadership is still carefully considering whether its commission will affect regional balance, especially as regional tensions have been escalating over the Covid-19 pandemic,” another source said. “Like intercontinental ballistic missiles, all strategic bombers can be used for delivering nuclear weapons … if China claimed it had pursued a national defence policy which is purely defensive in nature, why would it need such an offensive weapon?” The US defence department has estimated a cruising distance of more than 8,500km (5,300 miles) for the H-20, the last in China’s 20 series of new generation warplanes, which includes the J-20 stealth fighter jet, the Y-20 giant transporter and the Z-20 medium-lift utility helicopter.

The arrival of the H-20 would mark the completion of China’s “nuclear triad” of ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched missiles and air-launched weapons.

The H-20 has reportedly been designed to strike targets beyond the second island ring – which includes US bases in Japan, Guam, the Philippines and other countries – from bases in mainland China. The third island chain extends to Hawaii and coastal Australia.

It will be equipped with nuclear and conventional missiles with a maximum take-off weight of at least 200 tonnes and a payload of up to 45 tonnes. The bomber is expected to fly at subsonic speeds and could potentially unleash four powerful hypersonic stealth cruise missiles.

However, like China’s first active stealth fighter jet, the J-20, engine development of the H-20 bomber has fallen behind schedule, according to sources. For the J-20, engineers were developing high-thrust turbofan WS-15 engines, but the jet is understood to be using either Chinese WS-10B or Russian-built AL-31FM2/3 engines, which compromise its manoeuvrability and stealth capabilities at subsonic speeds. Military enthusiasts have speculated the H-20 might use the NK-321 Russian engine but two independent military sources said it would be equipped with an upgraded WS-10 engine. “The WS-10 is still a transitional engine for the H-20 because it is not powerful enough. The eligible replacement may take two to three years for development,” one of the sources said. China must meet air force demand for J-20 stealth jets, say analysts.

The second said the speed of the H-20 would be slower than its original design, with some of its original combat capability being reduced. “That’s why the American air force doesn’t care about the H-20, because it is not strong and powerful enough to cause any challenge to their B-2 and B-21 bombers.”

The H-20 is believed to have been in development since the early 2000s. The project to develop a strategic bomber was first announced by the People’s Liberation Army in 2016.

defense- SWE : The [Swedish] Air Force's current training aircraft, the Saab SK 60, has many years of service, but now the FMV Procures New Training government has given FMV an authorization to procure a complete flight training system for the first phase 04.05.2020 Aircraft for the Swedish Armed of the pilot training. This includes aircraft, simulators, safety equipment and maintenance. (121-47) Forces “The procurement that FMV is now carrying out and which the government has authorized is a complete so- called Basic Trainer Aircraft system for the first phase of the training,” says Andreas Säf Pernselius, FMV project manager. The goal is for the education system to be ready at Malmen in Linköping for the first batch of pilot students in the summer of 2023. And before that, flight instructors should be able to fly into the system.

“It is a very tight timeline but the Air Force's clear requirement is that the system should be based on existing products and that there should be no Swedish special solutions. The supplier will also be responsible for maintenance for the first three years with an option for another two years. The idea then is to postpone the competitive maintenance contract,” says Malin Olofsson, strategic buyer.

The parts that will be included in the contract and the contract are: -- aircraft -- flight safety equipment (helmets, mask, lifejacket, parachute, etc.) -- simulators -- Part Task Trainer (simpler PC type simulators) -- CBT (Computer Based Training) -- TLS (Through Life Support), engineering support for the product's life -- aircraft maintenance (operational aircraft on the line and heavy maintenance) -- maintenance of simulators

The tender documentation will be available on the eAvrop website until 31 July 2020. FMV then starts evaluating the tenders that have been received. Leidos, Paramount USA, and Leidos today announced a teaming agreement with Paramount Group USA and Vertex Aerospace to pursue 04.05.2020 Vertex Aerospace team up to a new contract to deliver the Bronco II, a new purpose-built, multi-mission aircraft. The aircraft will support (121-46) pursue Bronco II U.S. Special the U.S. Special Operations Command’s Armed Overwatch program. Operations Command Armed Overwatch prototype program The Bronco II is a rugged, affordable, and sustainable multi-mission aircraft that will be manufactured in Crestview, Fla. The Leidos offering is built to meet the specific needs of U.S. Special Operations Command. The Bronco II was designed specifically for asymmetrical warfare and will operate at a fraction of the procurement and lifecycle costs of an aircraft with similar mission applications and capabilities.

(Factsheet/Infographic abrurfbar unter: IDN: Indonesian Aerospace (PT Dirgantara Indonesia) is currently developing a new air to surface missile for the 04.05.2020 Indigenous development of air to Air Force’s fleet of F-16 fighter jets. The missile is being developed by a consortium led by the company and (121-45) surface missile to arm F-16 includes other state-owned enterprises such as PT Len Industri, PT Pindad, PT TRESS and explosives maker PT Dahana. USA/USN: One of the U.S. Navy's P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol planes recently visited Moffett Field in California. The 04.05.2020 Navy P-8A Poseidon Carrying Its aircraft in question was carrying an elongated pontoon-like pod underneath, known as the AN/APS-154 (121-44) Big Secretive Radar Pod Advanced Airborne Sensor. The AAS is a powerful and shadowy intelligence gathering and targeting tool carried by a small number of P-8As.

Specific details about the pod itself and the capabilities of the radar inside, all of which Raytheon developed almost entirely in secret, are limited. The radar is known to be an active electronically-scanned array (AESA) type with moving target indicator (MTI) and synthetic aperture functionality. What this means is that the system is capable of tracking moving targets below at sea and on land, as well as taking high-quality radar imagery of objects of interest for further analysis, even at night or in poor weather.

Beyond that, being an AESA type radar, the AN/APS-154 might have secondary electronic warfare capabilities.

(Vollständiger Beitrag einschliesslich aufschlussreichen Bildmaterial abrufbar unter : big-secretive-radar-pod) ISR: Israel’s Defense Ministry has placed an order for Rafael’s Spike FireFly loitering munition for the IDF ground 04.05.2020 Defense Ministry orders Firefly forces. Known as FireFly, it was jointly developed by the ministry and Rafael for the dismounted soldier who (121-43) loitering munition for IDF ground is fighting within the urban arena where, despite precision being critical, the enemy is behind cover and the forces soldier’s situational awareness is limited. “The operation of FireFly is very intuitive, with no special skills required,” Rafael said in a statement. “FireFly enables overmatch to break combat deadlock, and has a lethal effect on stationary and moving targets with or without line-of-sight to operator.”

Weighing only three kg., the light, small and agile munition can be rapidly deployed within seconds. It is portable, durable and includes a rugged airframe to withstand the harsh environment of urban combat. The weapon system kit includes three miniature loitering munitions and a control unit which is based on a ruggedized tablet with a military standard bidirectional data link. FireFly, which can be operated day or night, has a low visual and acoustic signature as well as an abort/wave-off capability and full, safe returnability to the operator up to attack command.

Able to operate in winds of up to 23 mph, FireFly’s munitions are powered by twin electric motors which can loiter for a maximum of 15 minutes at a maximum altitude of 500 meters in urban terrain and 1500 m. in open areas. The weapons system features a miniature electro-optical tactical loitering munition which features a dual seeker, target tracker, homing algorithms, computer vision, Safe & Arm fusing mechanisms, and HMI (Human-Machine Interface). JPN: Leonardo has signed a contract worth around €5M with prime contractor Japan Radio Company to provide 04.05.2020 Leonardo to provide Japan with Mode 5-capable Identification Friend/Foe (IFF) equipment for four platforms operated by the Japan Ground (121-42) further Identification Friend/Foe Self Defence Forces (JGSDF). Leonardo will provide its IFF Mode 5 M426 LPI Interrogator and SIT2010 Crypto (IFF) electronics Applique products, ensuring that the JGSDF are ready for the ‘Mode-4 sunset’ in June 2020, when many allied Armed Forces will be switching over to the new Mode 5 standard.

northropgrumman. Northrop Grumman and Raytheon Northrop Grumman Corporation and Raytheon Missiles & Defense are partnering to pursue a U.S. Missile com Missiles and Defense Partner on Defense Agency (MDA) contract for the Next Generation Interceptor (NGI). This strategic partnership will 04.05.2020 Next Generation Interceptor offer the MDA an interceptor solution that will support the warfighter and MDA’s efforts to rapidly deploy a (121-41) system that complements and strengthens the existing Ballistic Missile Defense architecture.

Northrop Grumman and Raytheon Missiles & Defense currently provide the interceptor booster, kill vehicle, ground systems, fire control and engagement coordination for the country’s Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system. Together, the two companies have conducted over 40 successful exoatmospheric intercepts. RUS/SYR: A Russian publication reported this week that the Russian Armed Forces have deployed their Resonance 04.05.2020 Russian radar system discovered radar system in an area near the Israeli border. According to the NZIV publication, the Russian Resonance (121-40) near Israeli border: media radar was identified in two locations in the eastern Mediterranean region, including an area along the Israeli- Egyptian border. “Eli Dekel, a retired military systems researcher, has found the exact location and location of two radar stations that can detect planes and missiles up to 1,100 km away,” the publication said.

“One station was built in Javelin Oved at a distance of about 40 km, east of the Suez Canal,” NZIV reported, adding that a “second post was in the Gulf of Suez on a hill between Jabel al-Galla and Kabir.”

NZIV said the locations of these radar stations will allow early detection of various types of aircraft and missiles at long distances, as well as provide early warnings to the Egyptian Air Force and defense forces about timely preparation for any threat. “Equipping Egypt with state-of-the-art radars is part of the accelerating process of arming and building military infrastructure, mainly in eastern Egypt and the Sinai. The system also provides data for intercept systems within 350 km. This area includes all of Israel,” they added.

It was not said when Russia deployed these radar systems near the Israeli border; however, given Israel’s military intelligence capabilities, it is highly likely that they were aware of these movements. USA/USAF: An F-15C Eagle from Oregon Air National Guard's 142nd Fighter Wing had to make an unplanned landing at 04.05.2020 F-15C Skids to a Stop During Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, Saturday afternoon after declaring an in-flight emergency while operating in (121-39) Emergency Landing at Andrews the area, according to the Air Force. The mishap occurred around 1:30 p.m. local time, the spokesperson said.

While touching down, "the aircraft's landing gear malfunctioned and the aircraft came to rest on its fuselage," the spokesperson confirmed in an email. "There were no injuries to the pilot and runway operations have been unaffected by the incident. The incident is under investigation," the spokesperson said.

Two defense officials confirmed to that "these types of missions are armed," meaning the fighter jet was carrying missiles. The F-15 can carry a combination of AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles as well as AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles.

According to The Drive, first to report the story, photos surfaced over the weekend on Instagram that showed an F-15 had skidded off the runway into the grass, with its radome missing, its wing tips broken, as well as its right auxiliary fuel tank completely crushed.

03.05.2020 RUS/SYR: The Russian Su-57 stealth jets flew ‘unnoticed’ over several U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria, the Russian 03.05.2020 06:45 PM Russian stealth jets Su-57 flew publication Avia.Pro reported on Sunday. “The Russian Su-57 fighter managed to pass unnoticed over (121-38) ‘unnoticed’ over 6 US bases in American military airbases in northern Iraq. The incident occurred during the last appearance of a fifth- Syria and Iraq generation Russian fighter in Syria – according to a source, the Russian combat aircraft followed its own course, and was not transported aboard the An-124,” the publication said.

According to Avia.Pro’s sources, since Turkey does not allow Russian combat jets over their territory, the Su- 57 could only get to Iraqi airspace from Syria by flying over U.S. military installations. “Given the likely route of the Russian Su-57 fighter, a combat aircraft flew through the corridor with at least three U.S. military bases in Iraq and three military bases in Syria,” they continued. ISR/LBN/SYR: On Sunday, Israeli fighters penetrated Lebanese airspace from the occupied Golan Heights, and carried out 03.05.2020 10:40 PM Developing: Israeli warplanes stalk reconnaissance flights over the border areas with Syria. According to local reports Israeli planes were seen (121-37) Syrian border from Lebanon in the sky above the Arqoub, Hasbaya, occupied Shebaa Farms, and Jabal al-Sheikh (Mount Hermon) mountain range.

The reports said that an Israeli drone appeared in the afternoon, coming from the sea and flying in the sky over the buildings of Beirut’s southern suburbs. Since then, Israeli military jets have entered Lebanon and begun flying back and forth from Jabal Al-Sheikh to the occupied Golan Heights region.

It is noteworthy that on April 16, the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a complaint to the United Nations Security Council, protesting that an Israeli Air Force drone had bombed a car carrying some of the leaders of the Lebanese Hezbollah.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-36) ISR/SYR/IRN: Assessment: this airstrike probably intended to destroy missiles or advanced weapons storage. ISI ImageSatIntl Before and After: Syria, North of intelligence report reveals evidence of a massive strike on an ammunition storage located North of Palmyra, 03.05.2020 Palmyra – Ammunition Storage Syria. Nine bunkers, 30 x 10 meters in size, were struck and completely destroyed. According to media (121-36) Attack’s, 20.04.2020, Aftermath. reports, the attack occurred on 20 April 2020.

(Before/After-Satellitenaufnahmen abrufbar unter mit Datum 03.05.2020)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-29) IRN/SYR: Flight watchers who track the movement of aircrafts in the Middle East reported about renewal of flights of 03.05.2020 Spotlight on Iran Syrian freighters from Lattakia to Tehran and back, for the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 (121-35) April 19, 2020 – May 3, 2020 pandemic. On April 20, the Syrian Air Force’s Ilyushin IL-62, which took off from the Mehrabad Air Base in Tehran, landed in Lattakia in Syria, the first such flights since March 12, 2020. On April 22, an Ilyushin IL-76 freighter of the Syrian Air Force took off to Istanbul and returned to Damascus, possibly via Lattakia. Two additional cargo runs of the Ilyushin IL-76 of the Syrian Air Force from Damascus to Tehran and back to Damascus through Lattakia were spotted on April 27th and April 29th (FlightRadar24, April 20, April 22, April 27, April 29). Meanwhile, the Syrian Ministry of Transportation announced the renewal of international cargo flights to and from the country (the website of the Syrian Ministry of Transportation, April 20). In the second half of April, Iranian cargo planes also renewed their flights between Iran and Syria. LBY: The Government of National Accord (GNA) forces, bombed a strategic airbase in the western countryside of 03.05.2020 08:10 PM Turkish-backed forces bomb Tripoli, today, the GNA’s official Facebook page announced. “The Air Force carried out 3 airstrikes a short (121-34) strategic airbase near Libyan time ago on Al-Watiyah Airbase, targeting the mechanisms and concentrations of the Haftar terrorist militia capital at the base,” Mohammed Qanunu, a spokesman for the GNA said in a brief statement released by their media center on Facebook.

The type of aircraft used by the GNA forces not revealed; however, in the past, they have used both Turkish- supplied drones and Russian-made jets. GRC/TUR: A pair of Turkish military aircraft on Sunday harassed a Greek helicopter carrying Greek National Defence 03.05.2020 Turkish fighter jets harass Greek Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos and the chief of the National Defence General Staff Constantinos Floros. (121-33) helicopter carrying Defence Min Specifically, the Turkish F-16 flew over the islands of Oinousses at 11:38 at 3,500 feet on Sunday harassing Panagiotopoulos the Greek helicopter. Afterwards, the same Turkish aircraft flew over Agathonissi at 1,700 feet. The Greek minister and the chief of the general staff were visiting Greek military posts on Oinousses, Agathonissi and Farmakonissi. TUR: New cooperation has been initiated for Turkey's TF-X National Combat Aircraft (MMU), a joint project of the 03.05.2020 Turkish defense firm HAVELSAN to Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), between the TAI and (121-32) cooperate with TAI for leading defense company HAVELSAN, SSB Chairman İsmail Demir said Saturday. homegrown fighter jet The MMU is a fifth-generation jet with similar features to Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning II. The domestically built aircraft is being developed to replace the Turkish Air Force Command's F-16 fighters, ahead of the gradual phasing out of the latter throughout the 2030s.

The homegrown fighter jet is expected to make a maiden flight using a domestic engine in 2029. Work to develop the engine also continues at full speed in cooperation with related institutions.

(Ergänzende Information vom 03.05.2020: TAI unveiled a full-scale mock-up of its Turkish Fighter (TF) at the Paris Air Show 2019. TAI invited Malaysia to join the TF-X, following Ankara’s suspension from the U.S.-led F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. The project is expected to face delays following pressure from the United States on TAI’s European partners such as BAE Systems and Rolls Royce to abandon partnering with TAI. In addition, TAI has selected Dassault Systeme to provide flight control software for the project.)

02.05.2020 USA/TUR : Pressure was on Friday mounting on embattled Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over whether to 02.05.2020 US pressure mounts on Erdogan activate his country’s Russian-made S-400 defense system and run the risk of triggering a round of tough US (121-31) over Russian defense system sanctions.

In a speech on Thursday, David Satterfield, the US ambassador to Turkey, made it clear that Turkey could face American penalties if it puts the controversial missile system into operation as planned. “We made our position quite explicit to President Erdogan, to all the senior leadership of Turkey, and that is: The operational S-400 system is not compatible with Turkey’s participation in the acquisition of the F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter) program and it exposes Turkey to a very significant possibility of Congressional sanctions, both those that involve the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) legislation, and additional freestanding legislative sanctions,” he said during an online meeting hosted by the Atlantic Council.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-06) USA/USA: The US Army has awarded AeroVironment a contract worth $76 million for the supply of Switchblade 02.05.2020 Switchblade loitering weapons Weapon System. The Switchblade is a miniature, high-precision strike tactical missile system designed to (121-30) contract engage stationary and moving targets. It is equipped with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, enabling it to engage beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) targets. It weighs 2kg and can attain a maximum speed of 85kts.

(Quick Facts abrufbar unter:

01.05.2020 SYR/ISR: Israel bombed a munitions warehouse in central Syria on Friday morning in a rare daylight strike which 01.05.2020 12:08 PM Israel said to destroy arms cache in sparked a massive explosion, according to reports from Syria. (121-29) central Syria in rare daytime attack The attack appeared to be the fifth strike attributed to Israel against Iran-linked forces in Syria in the past two weeks, coming less than 12 hours after Israeli attack helicopters reportedly bombed Iran-backed forces in the Syrian Golan Heights late Thursday night.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor said the arms cache that was bombed on Friday morning by Israel was located outside Homs and contained missiles and ammunition belonging to the Iran- backed Hezbollah terror group.

Damascus officially denied that Israel was responsible for the explosion, saying it was the result of “human error” while transporting munitions, Syrian state media outlet SANA reported. This was widely seen by defense analysts as an attempt to cover-up yet another Israeli strike on Syrian soil.

According to Syrian media, the attack triggered huge secondary explosions, apparently as the munitions inside the warehouse detonated. SANA reported that at least 10 people were wounded in the blasts. Photographs and videos from the scene showed massive damage to the surrounding area as shells and other munitions inside the warehouse were set off by the explosion.

The Friday morning attack, which would be a highly irregular though not unprecedented daytime strike, came less than a day after a reported attack by Israel against pro-Iranian forces in southern Syria.

(Ergänzende Information vom 01.05.2020 02:18 PM: Explosions at a Syrian military base housing a weapons warehouse Friday were the result of “human error" while moving ammunition, the Syrian defense ministry said. However, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitoring group, said the blasts at the base near the central city of Homs were caused by a suspected Israeli rocket attack. The group said Syrian air defenses were activated before the explosions, suggesting they were responding to an incoming attack. The Observatory said the warehouse was used by Lebanon's Iran-backed militant Hezbollah group, which is fighting alongside Syrian government forces in the country’s nine-year civil war.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 01.05.2020 04:20 PM: The electricity company in the Syrian city of Homs announced that the explosions today led to major damage to the electricity network. The company pointed out that the explosions that occurred near the southern entrance of Homs damaged the network on medium and low tension and conversion centers, and led to the departure of the medium tension lines from service. A military source had announced that successive explosions at one of the military sites occurred “due to a human error when transporting some ammunition, which led to material and human losses due to the explosion of several shells and the splintering of fragments outside the military site.”)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-15) SYR: After two weeks of repairing due to a massive airstrike, 31 March 2020, Shayrat airbase, Syria, shows signs ImageSatIntl Shayrat Airbase: The base is of returning to operational activity. It is soon to tell if Shayrat airbase will serve for weapon transfer from 01.05.2020 repaired and has returned to Iran. (121-28) operations The craters from the above mentioned attack were fixed and the destroyed navigation systems have been replaced. Mig-23 activity is detected. USA/OIR: The U.S.-led coalition in Iraq destroyed caves sheltering Islamic State militants in a series of airstrikes this 01.05.2020 Coalition strikes pound ISIS caves week, as Iraqi security forces ended April with nearly 100 operations against the group. (121-27) in Iraq On Thursday, Operation Inherent Resolve released strike video and a statement saying the raid a day earlier took out 10 caves in northern Iraq’s Hamrin Mountains, killing an estimated five to 10 ISIS fighters. Initial estimates of the death toll were expected to be revised later, based on a ground search still being conducted by Iraq’s 14th Army Division and security forces, the statement said. Though much of the cave complex was “inaccessible” after the strike, Iraqi forces had already discovered ISIS documents, electronic devices and weapons fragments, it said.

The northern Iraqi mountain range has for years been a safe haven for the militants. It’s “one of their last remaining operating areas in Iraq,” where they use “intricate tunnel and cave systems” to smuggle weapons, move senior leaders and plot operations, the earlier coalition statement said.

“Strikes like these help our Iraqi partners maintain relentless pressure on the Daesh scourge, no matter where these terrorists hide,” said Maj. Gen. Eric Hill, commanding general of the coalition’s special operations joint task force, using an Arabic acronym for ISIS. “The presence of Daesh in Iraq continues to diminish, thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of our Iraqi partner forces,” Hill said.

Iraqi security forces conducted a total of 99 anti-ISIS operations in April, the coalition said in a social media post also on Friday.

(Zielbild und strike video abrufbar unter: 1.628042?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Stars+and+Stripes+Emails&utm_campaign=Daily+Headlines)

(Strike video auch abrufbar unter:

(Ergänzende Information vom 02.05.2020 : ISIS is on track to double its attacks in Iraq and Syria With US-Iran tensions rising and the US-led Coalition withdrawing from around six military posts in Iraq, ISIS appears to be on the offensive.) SYR: The Syrian military’s Chinese-made radar systems are showing positive results, given their recent success in 01.05.2020 08:30 PM Syrian military’s new Chinese- helping confront the Israeli Air Force strikes in the country, China’s Sina News Agency reported. “According (121-26) made radar system shows positive to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), Syrian air defense systems have intercepted several rockets results: media launched by Israel over Palmyra,” the publication began, alluding to the Israeli airstrikes on April 21.

The Sina report claims that since the Syrian air defense units began using the Chinese radar, in particular, the JY-27, they have experienced positive results in the field. “But due to the fact that the Syrian air defense system uses radars made in China, there are results. Syria previously received a number of Chinese-made radars, including at least the JY-27 long-range radar,- reports with reference to sources in the Syrian army,” they said. “Using the Chinese anti-stealth radar to identify the target and then launch the S-300 missiles, Israeli attacks could be successfully repelled,” the publication added.

The news agency, however, was quick to slam the Russian-made air defense systems, claiming that they have proven ‘backward’ when confronting hostile targets. “Currently, most of the weapons in the Syrian Armed Forces, including air defense missiles, are produced in Russia. The Syrian air defense forces, armed with Russian-made air defense systems, are backward, including this also applies to such air defense systems as the S-300 and the Pantsir-S1 – they had no real success. Others, including the S-125, Osa, and Game air defense missiles, are even more backward,” the news agency stated.

(Anmerkung der Redaktion: Werbung und Propoganda unter Freunden!)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-16) LBY: Libya's UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) conducted five air operations targeting 01.05.2020 Libyan gov’t conducts six airstrikes militants loyal to renegade commander Khalifa Haftar at Al-Watiya airbase southwest of the capital Tripoli, (121-25) on Haftar forces a local official said early Friday.

Al-Watiya is regarded as a key airbase in the country and is second only to Mitiga Airport. It was captured in August 2014 by Haftar, the leader of illegally armed forces in eastern Libya, who used it as his headquarters for western operations.

"The operation targeted Haftar's forces and military ammunition," GNA military spokesman Mohammed Qanunu said in a statement.

The GNA has been under attack by Haftar’s forces since last April, with more than 1,000 killed in the violence. It launched Operation Peace Storm on March 26 to counter attacks on the capital. As part of Operation Peace Storm, air operations are being periodically carried out against the base, which is mostly controlled by Haftar’s militias.

Earlier, the Libyan government carried out six airstrikes on a military convoy of Haftar's forces south of Tripoli. "Our air forces carried out six airstrikes on an armed convoy of terrorist Haftar's militia,” Qanunu said in a statement by the press center of the GNA-led Operation Volcano of Rage. The statement said the operation was carried out on a road between the Kariyyat and Nesma regions near Mersit Valley. USA/USAF: B-1B Lancers returned to the Indo-Pacific region in May 1 to conduct Bomber Task Force operations out of 01.05.2020 B-1B Lancers return to Indo-Pacific Andersen Air Base, Guam. (121-24) for bomber task force deployment Four bombers and approximately 200 Airmen from the 9th Bomb Squadron, 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, deployed to support Pacific Air Forces' training efforts with allies, partners and joint forces; and strategic deterrence missions to reinforce the rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific region.

Three B-1Bs flew to Andersen AFB while one split off and flew down east of Japan to conduct training with U.S. Navy assets operating in the region before heading to Anderson AFB.

“The B-1 provides all of the training opportunities which the B-52 [Stratofortress] provided, plus the ability to train to advanced stand-off, anti-surface warfare with AGM-158C Long Range Anti-Surface Missiles,” said Lt. Col. Frank, Welton, PACAF’s chief of operations force management.

“The B-1 is able to carry a larger payload of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles and a larger payload of 2,000-pound class Joint Direct Attack Munitions,” Welton said. “Additionally, the B-1 is able to carry the LRASM, giving it an advanced stand-off, counter-ship capability. It also has an advanced self-protection suite and is able to transit at supersonic speeds to enhance offensive and defensive capabilities.” The B-1 can carry the largest conventional payload of both guided and unguided weapons in the U.S. Air Force

The last time the B-1s were deployed to the region was in 2017. Bombers from the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron supported missions from Andersen AFB, conducting multiple sequenced bilateral missions with the Republic of Korea Air Force and the Japan Air Self Defense Force.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-18)

northropgrumman. Northrop Grumman to Rapidly Northrop Grumman Corporation is rapidly working on developing and fielding a gatewayONE prototype, an com Develop Net-centric Gateway open system enabling translation and communication across platforms, in support of the Advanced Battle 01.05.2020 Management family of Systems (ABMS). (121-23) Under the contract, awarded by the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s C3I & Networks Directorate, Northrop Grumman is providing engineering, management and technical assistance for the Air Force’s integration of net-centric 5th-to-5th generation aircraft communications capabilities and other platforms into a modular, open-architecture gateway. “We are working closely with the Air Force to design and deliver to the field, advanced communications systems quickly and affordably.”

Work performed under this program will directly support live demonstrations of the Air Force’s developing Advanced Battle Management family of Systems. This capability could be used to network together the types of aircraft being developed through the Air Force’s Low-Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology initiative.

Northrop Grumman will integrate this capability — using its proven Freedom radio product line that can connect 5th-to-5th generation aircraft of a single type as well as 5th generation to 4th generation platforms — and via ABMS extend this to enable multiple 5th generation platform types to share and integrate data, helping make interoperability a reality. Freedom multifunction, software-defined radios are the heart of the F-22 integrated avionics suite and F-35 communications, navigation and identification system. CHN: Despite the fact that in China they constantly declare the perfection of their fifth generation fighter J-20, it 01.05.2020 The fifth-generation Chinese has serious problems. It’s about its engines, learned citing news agency Glas. (121-22) fighters have a serious engine problem Chinese media recently wrote that these aircraft are equipped with Chinese-made engines. At the same time, slogans were voiced about great success in the field of aircraft engine manufacturing. But the reality is completely different. We are talking about new modifications to the WS-15 units. The local media said that their afterburner traction is 18 tons. Based on this, many experts spoke about the superiority of the J- 20 over the American F-22. As it turned out later, the afterburner thrust of the engines is 14.9 tons and consumes a lot of fuel. At its expense, the units are superior to the Russian AL-31F engines which are installed on the first J-20 series by 27%. In afterburner, the WS-15s require another 10 percent more fuel.

Due to this drawback, the range of the fifth generation Chinese fighter is significantly reduced. This can be solved by increasing the “on-board” fuel reserves, but this will reduce the payload and maneuverability. FRA: The French Navy (Marine Nationale: MN) announced on 30 May that one helicopter and its detachment of 01.05.2020 French Navy embarks first Dauphin seven sailors from Flottille 35F was assigned to the frigate La Fayette from 20 to 25 April, while the ship (121-21) N helo sailed off the southern French coast near Toulon.

As Jane's first reported in January, the MN has leased four Dauphin N (also designated a Dauphin N3) helicopters to bridge the gap between the soon-to-be-retired Aerospatiale Alouette III and the Airbus Helicopters H160M Guépard that is due to enter service in 2028. RUS/SYR: Russian media reported that in Syria, a shot from an anti-tank missile system destroyed the latest Russian 01.05.2020 An anti-tank missile has destroyed Armata tank, learned citing Russian Reportet news agency. According to the Reporter (121-20) the latest Russian T-14 Armata news agency, the latest Russian tank, which has not even been adopted by the Russian army, was destroyed tank in Syria by militants during the counteroffensive.

The Russian information publication, citing data from the eastern media, cites information that five T-14 Armata tanks, which actually took part in the offensive operation together with the Syrian military, were actually transferred to Syrian territory. However, as a result of an unexpected attack by terrorists on the border of the Syrian province of Latakia, at least one tank was destroyed and two more were damaged.

Earlier it was reported that one of the newest tanks deployed in Syria could have been damaged, although no comments have been made on this score by Russia, and therefore, the current arguments of the Russian media may be the second confirmation that the Russian Armata tanks in Syria were indeed attacked by militants. But Experts note that in most cases, militants record the destruction of CAA tanks, and therefore, almost certainly, any photos or video evidence in this regard would already have appeared.

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Meldung mit Vorsicht zu bewerten. Keine Bestätigung aus unabhängiger Quelle verfügbar!) USA/USA: The Army successfully held its third precision strike missile test Thursday morning, hitting its close-range 01.05.2020 Army Fires Third Next-Gen Strike target of 85 kilometres, enabling the Army to keep its 2023 fielding deadline on track. (121-19) Missile Test The latest test, at White Sands Missile Range, New , was “the shortest and most challenging yet,” said Brig. Gen. John Rafferty, director of the Army’s Long Range Precision Fires Cross-Functional Team. The challenge with shorter distances is energy, Rafferty explained. Once the missile is launched, “it has to start tipping as soon as it comes out of the launcher. We started off with 240 kilometres, went to 180, and now we’re at 85.”

The new missile is set to replace the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS, a surface-to- surface missile that has been on the job for nearly four decades. The PrSM is half the size and will outrange its predecessor. The ATACMS has a maximum firing range of only 300 km – nearly half the range of the PrSM’s 500 km. Both missiles pack the same explosive punch.

Like the ATACMS, the PrSM is designed to fit into the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System and M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System launchers.

Next year, three additional long-range tests are set to push the PrSM even further. In all, the Army will fire four PrSM missiles in 2021, with one test firing two missiles in sequence. Right now, only Lockheed Martin is vying for a contract. By 2023, the Army plans to field the PrSM. However, the initial supply is designed to hit stationary targets, like airfields, Murray said. By 2025, the Army plans to field an upgrade capable of destroying moving targets.

30.04.2020 USA/USAF: Two U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers from the 28th Bomb Wing, Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D. flew a 32-hour 30.04.2020 B-1s conduct South China Sea round-trip sortie to conduct operations over the South China Sea as part of a joint U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (121-18) mission, demonstrates global and U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Bomber Task Force (BTF) mission April 29, 2020. presence This operation demonstrates the U.S. Air Force’s dynamic force employment model in line with the National Defense Strategy’s objectives of strategic predictability with persistent bomber presence, assuring allies and partners.

This follows an April 22 CONUS-based bomber bilateral training where the B-1 integrated with six U.S. Air Force F-16s and 15 Koku Jieitai (Japan Air Self-Defense Force) F-15s near Japan. USA/USMC: A number of U.S. Marine Corps F/A-18C/D Hornet fighter jets forward-deployed to Japan recently conducted 30.04.2020 Marine F/A-18 Hornets Fly Armed an exercise while carrying a pair of live AGM-84D Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The Corps says that the training (121-18) With Live Harpoon Anti-Ship event focused on its ability to contribute to sea control and area denial missions, capabilities the service Missiles In Japan wants to enhance and expand as part of a radical restructuring of its forces that it first publicly announced last month.

The exercise sent a clear signal that Marine Hornets are ready to reach out and counter hostile maritime activities. ISR/SYR: On April 20, Syria accused Israel of conducting an airstrike on a target near Palmyra. Nine pro-regime fighters 30.04.2020 Satellite images show Syria strikes were reportedly killed in the attack, three of them from the Syrian army and six foreigners, including (121-17) destroyed warehouse, Hezbollah members, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor. underground facility A week later 27.04.2020, the Israeli military was accused of carrying out another attack, on the Mezzeh military airfield outside Damascus. Four pro-Iranian fighters were killed in that strike, according to the Observatory. Three Syrian civilians were also reportedly killed by shrapnel, though it was not clear if the fragments came from the incoming missiles or Syria’s air defenses.

According to the satellite imagery analysis company ImageSat International, the target of the first strike outside Palmyra was a warehouse. Before-and-after photographs from the site show that half of the structure was flattened in the missile attack.

The private intelligence firm assessed that the second attack targeted the entrance to an underground facility controlled by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ expeditionary Quds Force, the branch of Tehran’s military that works closely with Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies against Israel.

(Vollständiger Beitrag einschliesslich „Before/After“-Satelliten-Zielbilder abrufbar unter: SYR/RUS/CHN: The Syrian military criticized the Russian radar systems used by the S-300 air defense system and the Pantsir- 30.04.2020 Syria accused Moscow that S air defense system, saying that they were completely useless with respect to Israeli cruise missiles, learned (121-16) Russian-made air defense systems citing news agency Aviapro. are ineffective As it turned out, the radars of these systems are completely unsuitable for hitting such targets. However, unlike the Russian radars, the Chinese provide much higher efficiency – thanks to them, the latest Israeli attacks were repelled.

(Vollständiger Artikel abrufbar unter : ineffective/) ISR/SYR: Israeli helicopters fired several rockets from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on targets inside southern 30.04.2020 09:48 PM Syria says Israeli helicopters strike Syria, Syrian state media reported on Friday, the latest in what intelligence sources say is an increase of (121-15) targets in southern Syria strikes against Iranian-backed militias. There was no immediate comment from the Israeli army.

Opposition sources in the area said several militia posts near Quneitra were targeted in the attack, which reports said caused only material damage.

Bases and convoys run by Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia, which has a strong presence in the Syrian Golan Heights, have been hit by Israel in recent years.

(Ergänzende Information vom 01.05.2020: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain- based monitor, confirmed the strikes, saying they targeted military positions of Iranian forces and pro-Iran militias.) NATO : On 28 April Polish fighters were scrambled under NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission from Estonia to identify 30.04.2020 “NATO fighters across the Alliance two Russian Tu-160 long range bombers, escorted by several fighters and supported by an Airborne Early (121-14) remain ready and poised to Warning aircraft. The formation was later intercepted again by fighters of the Royal Danish Air Force. protect Allied skies 24/7” On the same day a Russian Airborne Early Warning aircraft as well as two Russian Tu-22 long range bombers with fighter escorts approached NATO airspace off the coast of Norway and were intercepted by Norwegian fighter jets.

On 29 April Norwegian fighters were scrambled twice more against two Russian Maritime Patrol aircraft Tu- 142, approaching NATO airspace close to Norway. After the first intercept by Norwegian F-16 aircraft, the Royal Air Force launched their Quick Reaction Alert Typhoon fighter aircraft from RAF Lossiemouth to meet and escort the Russian planes as they tracked south towards the North Sea. They operated around the North Sea and turned north where Norwegian F-35 fighters met them and escorted them out of NATO’s area of interest.

All intercepts were conducted in a professional manner, demonstrating that NATO fighters across the Alliance remain ready and poised to protect Allied skies 24/7.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-13)

thebarentsobserver. NOR: Two maritime Tu-142 reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare planes were Wednesday flying over the com Barents, Norwegian and North Seas. 30.04.2020 Russian sub hunters Tu-142 worry (121-13) air traffic controllers. Norway From Bodø are station, part of NATO’ Quick Reaction Alert (QRA), two Norwegian F-16s were scrambled to scrambled F-16s and F-35s identify the planes in international airspace north of the Arctic Circle.

As the Russian planes continued south, Royal Air Force took over the watch of the planes that operated around the North Sea area for some time, the British air force informs in a tweet. The British air force now expresses deep concerns about the Russian military aircraft’s lack of communication with European air traffic controllers (ATC). The RAF unit informs civilian air operation centers about the paths of the Russian military aircraft, making it possible for the air traffic controllers to re-route civilian passenger planes and by that avoid dangerous situations.

Additional to the British Typhoon, the Norwegian F-16s and F-35s, a NATO operated Airborne early warning and control aircraft (AEW) E-3A AWACS based out of Geilenkirchen in Germany was flying west of the Shetland islands at the time the Russian aircraft came in from the north. The Norwegian F-35s were following the Tu-142s en route north towards the Barents Sea.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: scrambled-f-16s-and-f-35s) USA/USN: Lockheed Martin Corp. is awarded a $129,189,887 modification to a firm-fixed-price delivery order N00019- 30.04.2020 Contract - 19-F-2512 against previously issued basic ordering agreement N00019-14-G-0020. This modification (121-12) U.S. Navy - procures the kits required for modification and retrofit activities of delivered Air Force and government of F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter Norway F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. Work is expected to be complete by April 2025. USA/USN: The Boeing Co. is awarded an $112,000,000 modification (P00001) to previously awarded, fixed-price- 30.04.2020 Contract - incentive-firm-target contract N00019-19-C-0019. This modification exercises options to procure 16 (121-11) U.S. Navy - infrared search and track Block II low rate initial production IV units; four for the Navy and 12 for the Infrared search and track Block II government of Australia. Work is expected to be complete by June 2023. PHL: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 30.04.2020 Philippines – Apache AH-64E Government of the Philippines of six AH-64E Apache attack helicopters and related equipment for an (121-10) Attack Helicopters and Related estimated cost of $1.5 billion. Equipment and Support The Government of the Philippines has requested to buy six AH-64E Apache attack helicopters; eighteen T700-GE-701D engines (12 installed, 6 spares); fifteen (15) Honeywell Embedded Global Positioning Systems/Inertial Navigation (EGIs) w/Precise Positioning Service (PPS) (12 installed, 3 spares); two hundred AGM-114 Hellfire missiles; twelve M36E9 Hellfire Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM); three hundred Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) Kits; one thousand seven hundred Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) Guidance Sections; six AN/ASQ-170 Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/AN/AAR-11 Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensors (M-TADS/PNVS); six AN/APG-78 Fire Control Radars (FCR) with Radar Electronic Units (REU); six AN/APR-48B Modernized-Radar Frequency Interferometers (M-RFI); eight AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS) (6 installed, 2 spares); two hundred FIM-92H Stinger missiles; eight Manned-Unmanned Teaming-2 (MUMT-2i) Video Receivers (6 installed, 2 spares); and eight Manned•Unmanned Teaming-2 (MUMT-2i) Air-Air-Ground Kits (6 installed, 2 spares). Also included are eight AN/AVR-2B Laser Detecting sets (6 installed, 2 spares); eight AN/APR- 39C(V)l+ Radar Signal Detecting sets (6 installed, 2 spares); fourteen Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS) radios (12 installed, 2 spares); fourteen UHF/VHF/LOS airborne radios (12 installed, 2 spares); eight AN/APX-123A (V) Common Transponders (6 installed, 2 spares); eight IDM-401 Improved Data Modems (6 new, 2 spares); eight AN/ARN-149 (V)3 Automatic Direction Finders (6 installed, 2 spares); eight Doppler ASN-157 Doppler Radar Velocity Sensors (6 installed, 2 spares); eight AN/APN-209 Radar Altimeters (6 installed, 2 spares); eight AN/ARN-153 Tactical Air Navigation sets (TACAN) (6 installed, 2 spares); four (4) TACAN Ground Stations; eight Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range/Instrument Landing Systems (VOR/ILS) (6 installed, 2 spares); three AN/PYQ-10(C) Simple Key Loader (3 new); six M230El + M139 AWS Automatic Gun (6 new); eighteen M261 rocket launchers (12 new, 6 spares); eighteen M299 missile launchers (12 new, 6 spares); six rocket motor, 2.75-inch, MK66-4, Inert (6 new); six High Explosive Warhead for Airborne 2.75 Rocket, Inert (6 new); eighteen (18) Stinger air-to-air launchers (18 new); twelve Stinger Captive Flight Trainers (CFT) (12 new); six Stinger Aerial Handling Trainers (AHT) (6 new); five thousand (5,000) each 2.75 inch rockets (5,000 new); eighty thousand 30mm rounds (80,000 new), training devices, communication systems, helmets, simulators, generators, transportation and organization equipment, spare and repair parts, support equipment, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical assistance, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that continues to be an important force for political stability, peace, and economic progress in South-East Asia.

The Philippines is considering either the AH-64E or the AH-1Z to modernize its attack helicopter capabilities. The proposed sale will assist the Philippines in developing and maintaining strong self-defense, counterterrorism, and critical infrastructure protection capabilities. The Philippines will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment and support into its armed forces.

(Ergänzende Information vom 13.05.2020: Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said the attack helicopters being offered by two American companies to the Philippines are way out of the Philippine government’s budget. The defense chief said the Philippines has allocated only P13 billion for the attack helicopter acquisition project of the Philippine Air Force (PAF).“The money allotted to buy attack helicopters is only P13 billion,” he said. He said if the Philippines bought the American helicopters, the country could buy only one or two units. This was the reason, he said, that the Philippine military looked for other countries that can supply attack helicopters with more units than what the allotted funds could buy if these were bought from the US.) PHL: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 30.04.2020 Philippines – AH-1Z Attack Government of the Philippines of six AH-1Z attack helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost (121-09) Helicopters and Related of $450 million. Equipment and Support The Government of the Philippines has requested to buy six AH-1Z attack helicopters; fourteen T-700 GE 401C engines (12 installed, 2 spares); seven Honeywell Embedded Global Positioning Systems/Inertial Navigation (EGIs) w/Precise Positioning Service (PPS) (6 installed, 1 spare); six AGM-114 Hellfire II missiles; and twenty six Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) all up rounds. Also included is communications equipment; electronic warfare systems, AN/AAR-47 Missile and Laser Warning System, AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispenser System, AN/APR-39 Radar Warning Receiver, seven M197 20mm machine guns (6 installed, 1 spare), Target Sight System (TSS), 5,000 20mm Semi-Armor Piercing High Explosive Incendiary (SAPHEI) rounds, two AIM-9M Sidewinder training missiles, MJU-32 and MJU-38 Magnesium Teflon pyrotechnic decoy flares, flight training device, LAU-68 rocket launchers, LAU-61 rocket launchers, support equipment, spare engine containers, spare and repair parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support. CAN: One body has been recovered and five people are missing after a Canadian military helicopter crashed in 30.04.2020 Canadian military helicopter the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece on Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on (121-08) crashes in sea off Greece; 1 dead, Thursday. 5 missing The HMCS Fredericton, participating in NATO’s Operation Reassurance meant to bolster security in Central and Eastern Europe, lost contact with a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter during a training exercise.

Canada’s military put its Cyclone helicopters on an “operational pause” after the crash, Vance said, until a “fleet-wide” problem can be ruled out. The Cyclone is made by Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky unit.

“I don’t have concerns about the helicopter,” General Jonathan Vance, Chief of the Defence Staff, said. Canada currently has 15 Cyclones in operation. “It’s performed terrifically. It’s got 9,000 hours on the fleet.”

(Ergänzende Information vom 02.05.2020: The five missing Canadian military personnel who were on board a Cyclone helicopter that crashed off the coast of Greece are now presumed dead, the Canadian Forces announced Friday. “Additional remains have been discovered during the search, but cannot be identified at this time,” the Canadian Forces noted in a statement. “The missing five members who were aboard the aircraft are now officially considered missing and presumed deceased.”) USA/USA: The Army has moved the Lockheed Martin-made electronic warfare pod to the build and evaluation phase 30.04.2020 The Army is moving forward with of the operational system, as it bolsters its electronic warfare capabilities. (121-07) its electronic warfare pod Lockheed Martin’s electronic warfare pod, known as the “Air Large” piece of the Army’s Multi-Function Electronic Warfare family of systems program, is mounted on an MQ-1C Gray Eagle drone. It provides commanders with jamming capabilities as well as electronic support, or sensing of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The company has been testing the pod as part of the Army’s Cyber Blitz exercise. Army officials plan to have the capability deployed to combat aviation brigades in 2022. The pods are expected to play a critical role on the battlefield with near-peer adversaries, such as Russia and China. TUR: Turkey's planned deployment of Russian S-400 missile defenses has been delayed by the coronavirus 30.04.2020 Turkey says deployment of Russian outbreak but will ultimately go ahead, President Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman said on Thursday, despite (121-06) S-400 missiles delayed, but will Washington's warnings that Ankara risks U.S. sanctions. happen

"There has been a delay because of the coronavirus but it will move forward as it was planned," Ibrahim Kalin told an online meeting hosted by the Atlantic Council, adding that Erdogan had told President Donald Trump several times that he was also interested in purchasing U.S. Patriot missiles.

Reuters earlier this month reported that Turkey delayed bringing online the Russian weapons systems, which the United States says are incompatible with NATO defenses and would jeopardize U.S. F35 stealth jets which Turkey planned to buy.

Making the S-400s operational exposes Turkey to U.S. sanctions under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) legislation designed to punish countries which buy defense equipment from Russia. U.S. Army Awards $6.07 Billion Lockheed Martin received a $6.07 billion contract from the U.S. Army for the production of Patriot Advanced 30.04.2020 Contract to Lockheed Martin for Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) interceptors and associated equipment, to be (121-05) PAC-3 MSE Production, Associated delivered across FY21, FY22 and FY23 contract years. The contract calls for the production and delivery of Equipment PAC-3 MSE interceptors, launcher modification kits, associated equipment and non-recurring efforts to support the United States and global customers.

To meet customer demand and increase production capacity, Lockheed Martin is currently building an 85,000-square-foot expansion at the Camden, Arkansas, facility where PAC-3 MSE interceptors are assembled. The building is expected to be complete by fourth quarter 2021, with operations beginning in first quarter 2022.

Ten nations – the United States, Qatar, Japan, Romania, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Korea, Bahrain and Germany – have signed agreements to procure PAC-3 MSE interceptors.

(Quick Facts abrufbar unter: USA/USA: Lockheed Martin successfully tested its next-generation long-range missile designed for the Army's Precision 30.04.2020 Lockheed Martin's Precision Strike Strike Missile (PrSM) program at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. All objectives were achieved in (121-04) Missile (PrSM) Proves Reliability in the third and final flight demonstration as part of the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction phase of Third U.S. Army Flight Test the program.

Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) was fired from Lockheed Martin's High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS™) launcher and flew approximately 85 kilometers to the target area, culminating in a highly accurate and lethal warhead event. Test objectives included confirming flight trajectory, range and accuracy from launch to warhead event, as well as warhead lethality, HIMARS launcher integration and overall missile performance.

The next-generation precision-strike, surface-to-surface weapon system will deliver enhanced capabilities for attacking, neutralizing, suppressing and destroying targets at depth on the battlefield and gives field artillery units a new long-range capability while supporting brigade, division, corps, Army, theater, Joint and Coalition forces.


defense- FRA: Since the end of March, the fighter detachment of the deployed air base (BAP) in the Levant has received a CHAMMAL: The Versatility of RECO-NG (new-generation reconnaissance) pod, which offers the possibility of diversifying its missions in 29.04.2020 Rafale in the Spotlight with "Flex" Iraq and Syria as part of the fight against Daesh. (121-03) Missions “Flex missions mean flexible: Two aircraft on patrol with the ability to achieve three complementary effects: ground support, air defense, and intelligence, "said Colonel Benjamin Souberbielle, commander of the BAP. "The novelty consists in the use of this sensor almost daily above the theater, while carrying out our usual missions of air defense and air support to ground troops," he adds.

With its 4.6 m length and weighing 1,100 kg, the RECO-NG pod is particularly noticeable. Positioned under the fuselage of the Rafale, it allows photography by day and night. This means weapons caches, tunnels, vehicles, training camps for Daesh combatants can be identified. "With the pod, the photos are of excellent quality. The meticulous tracking and the high-performance zoom allow clear identification," explains the unit's image interpreter. This system is also very agile: once in flight, the pilot can decide to modify the target according to the opportunities that arise during the mission.

“The RECO-NG pod represents an additional capacity brought to the Coalition and optimizes our capabilities already present in the theater. The Coalition’s Air Operations Command Center, based in Qatar, designates the points of interest for us to photograph," said the Rafale Detachment Commander. "These shots also provide us with national autonomy in assessing the situation, in addition to sharing information with the Coalition."


crsreports.congress. USA/USAF: In FY2020, the Trump Administration proposed to buy eight F-15EX aircraft for $1.1 billion, the first gov Air Force F-15EX Fighter Program installment toward a planned initial buy of 144 planes. Subsequently, Congress authorized $985.5 million 28.04.2020 and appropriated $1.05 billion for the program. The Administration’s FY2021 budget requests $1.27 billion (121-02) for 12 more F-15EXs; the plan set forth in FY2020 had called for 18 in FY2021.

This acquisition represents a change from previous Air Force plans to procure only stealthy “fifth- generation” fighter aircraft. What is an F-15EX, and why might the Air Force have changed plans?

(Vollständiger report abrufbar unter:

thebarentsobserver. RUS: The landing strip on the far northern Alexandra Island is 2,500 long and supposedly capable of handling “any com Northernmost Arctic airfield now kind of aircraft”. It is located next to the new major military base complex erected on the island. The base is 28.04.2020 operational all-year, says Russian the northernmost operated by the Russian Armed Forces. It is located at 80 degrees North in the northern (121-01) Military part of the Barents Sea, not far from Norway’s Svalbard archipelago.

Until recently, the airfield could handle air traffic only in the winter period. That has now been changed and planes can now land and take off through the whole year, the Northern Fleet informs.

Several Il-76 transport planes last week landed in the base located as part of pilot training in Arctic conditions. When fully completed, the Nagurskoye base is believed to be home to a fleet of MiG-31 fighter jets.

Military representatives in spring 2019 said that the Nagurskoye air field was 70 percent finished.

When completed, the far northern base will be powerful military foothold for Russian forces. In late 2019, the country’s Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, indicated that the new and possibly unstoppable Kinzhal missile will be deployed in the base. GBR/RN: An F-35 Lightning jet pilot has given unparalleled insight into the experience of flying the stealth fighter from 13.05.2020 F-35 pilot reveals experience of the deck of one of the Royal Navy’s new aircraft carriers. (121-A) flying from HMS Queen Elizabeth In the interview, Lothar discusses: •Where he picked up his unique call sign from •The experience of take-off from HMS Queen Elizabeth •What it’s like to fly the F-35 Lighting jet •A look at dog fighting in the modern era •If it’s anything like Top Gun in real life •What it takes to be a pilot in the Royal Navy

(Vollständiges Interview abrufbar unter: JPN/CHN: When Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said last month that the Covid-19 pandemic was the biggest 13.05.2020 Japan could carry the day in a US- national crisis since World War II, it was widely overlooked that just weeks earlier his government passed by (121-B) China conflict far the nation’s biggest defense budget since the end of that conflict. - Japan's military rise has been The Japanese Diet, or parliament, approved a whopping US$46.3 billion defense budget on March 27, stealthy but strong and is replete with earmarks for new hypersonic anti-ship missiles and helicopter carrier upgrades that will allow increasingly concentrated on for the carrying of Lockheed Martin F-35B stealth fighters. China's perceived threat (Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: CHN: The DF-26 is not only notable for being a system tailor-made for payload delivery to the U.S. territory of 13.05.2020 China’s Dual-Capable Missiles: A Guam, but for its dual capability. It is currently the longest-range system in the People’s Liberation Army (121-C) Dangerous Feature, Not a Bug Rocket Force explicitly designed for compatibility with conventional and nuclear payloads alike. - (Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: The DF-26 IRBM’s ability to operate conventional and nuclear warheads creates dangerous inadvertent escalation risks. LBY: How long could Turkey go supporting the GNA from its home bases in the Anatolian peninsula? 12.05.2020 The battle for Libya's al-Watiya (121-D) airbase explained The answer to that question, analysts say, is becoming clearer now that GNA-aligned forces have expelled - Haftar's Libyan National Army from much of Libya's western coast and advanced on the strategic al-Watiya As Haftar's air raids end, analysts airbase. say the installation could be used as a forward base by GNA ally "The Turks haven't fully committed a real force in Libya," said Libyan military expert Hisham Abu Hajar. "GNA Turkey. control of al-Watiya gives them an opportunity to commit ground troops and a safe location to build up a military presence in Libya."

Built by the United States during World War II, the base is among the country's most important military facilities. Its location southwest of the capital Tripoli and at an equidistance of roughly 50km from Zintan, Zwara and Assa, make it difficult for enemy forces to reach it without incurring heavy human and material losses.

The GNA's recapture of al-Watiya will put an end to Haftar's hope of ever controlling western Libya," said Naeem al-Gheryani, a lawmaker with the Tripoli-based parliament. "It also stops Haftar's use of the base to launch air raids that target civilians and GNA forces defending the capital."

(Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: USA/USN: These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready 11.05.2020 USNI News Fleet and Marine groups throughout the world as of May 11, 2020, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or (121-E) Tracker: May 11, 2020 ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

(Infographic abrufbar unter : 2020?utm_source=USNI+News&utm_campaign=31c79062fc- USNI_NEWS_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0dd4a1450b-31c79062fc- 234292521&ct=t(USNI_NEWS_DAILY)&mc_cid=31c79062fc&mc_eid=deb2031232-) USA/USA: The head of the U.S. Army's 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment has offered an interesting and unusually 11.05.2020 This Is What Ground Forces Look detailed look at the threat that electronic warfare and electronic support measures pose to American troops (121-F) Like To An Electronic Warfare on the modern battlefield. The likelihood of a potential adversary monitoring friendly movements via System And Why It's A Big Deal electronic emissions and launching electronic attacks, as well as kinetic ones, on those units has only grown - in recent years, with Russia, in particular, demonstrating just how effective these capabilities can be in Modern units generate a large Ukraine and Syria. American forces in Syria, as well as troops in Europe, have been also subjected to Russia's electromagnetic signature from electronic harassment, as well, underscoring these threats. their radios, sensors, and other systems that opponents can spot, On May 7, 2020, Army Colonel Scott Woodward, the commander of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, track, and attack. posted an annotated satellite image on Twitter that showed the electronic emissions signature of a battalion-sized element, along with support units, or "trains," during an exercise at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin in California. The 11th is the unit at the NTC that is dedicated to playing the role of enemy troops, or the Opposing Forces (OPFOR), during exercises and has a fleet of modified vehicles and other systems to mimic the capabilities and visual appearance of potential adversaries.

(Vollständiger Artikel einschliesslich Bildmaterial abrufbar unter: system-and-why-its-a-big-deal) JPN: The Air Self-Defense Force’s next-generation fighter, which will replace the F-2, will feature new 10.05.2020 Japan faces challenges in technologies such as stealth capacity for evading enemy radar and electronic warfare capability. (121-G) developing next-generation fighter jet With the ministry prioritizing joint development with the United States, it is uncertain whether Japan can - take control of the development. If Japan is in control, it will be able to conduct upgrades and maintenance The Defense Ministry aims to seize at its own convenience. the initiative on the development of a next-generation fighter jet, but it faces a host of technological During development of the F-2, Japan did not have the needed technology to build the engine and other key and cost challenges. components and had to allow the United States to take the initiative in development. Bilateral trade friction also helped give the United States more control. Japan had difficulties with upgrading and maintaining the jets because it was unable to obtain confidential design information from the United States.

In light of this experience, the ministry aims to produce core components domestically — including mission- critical systems, the engine and radar — for the next-generation fighter.

U.S. technology is the sole available option for some components, including the Tactical Digital Information Link, which is partly used to share information on enemy aircraft caught on radar.

The development cost, said to exceed ¥20 billion per jet, will be another big challenge. In an attempt to reduce costs, the government is holding talks on technological cooperation with Britain, which is developing a new fighter jet.

The Defense Ministry plans to reach a decision on how to promote cooperation with the United States and Britain by the end of the year in line with the government’s compilation of the budget for fiscal 2021, which starts in April next year. Hoping to begin deploying the next-generation fighter in 2035, the ministry set aside development costs for the first time in the fiscal 2020 budget.

(Vollständiger Artikel abrufbar unter: generation-fighter-jet/#.XreBfs1CRaQ) USA/USAF: The Pentagon is set to buy the first of Boeing's new fourth-gen plus F-15EX fighters. The new purchase will 09.05.2020 Everything You Need to Know cost the government $1.1 billion for eight of the new aircraft, with more buys to come in later years. (121-H) About the Air Force's New F-15EX For those wondering why the Air Force would opt to buy an upgraded version of an older fighter instead of more modern, stealth fighters like the F-35, you aren't alone. Even the Air Force was surprised to find out it was getting the F-15EX, let alone 144 of them. Eventually, the F-15EX will replace the aging F-15C/D, and those aircraft will be decommissioned.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: 15ex.html? USA: The technological details of the U.S. Air Force’s new approach to fighting an air war in the next decade are 08.05.2020 Okinawan Exercise Offers Glimpse still being fine-tuned in laboratory experiments and simulation centers, but a few of the dramatic changes (121-I) Into Future USAF Air War Strategy are already visible here at Kadena AB on the rocky shores of Okinawa, Japan.

A local exercise held in January called WestPac Rumrunner appeared to be built around a routine counter- air scenario: Twenty-four Boeing F-15Cs scrambled from Kadena AB to a point about 100 mi. east of the island to intercept “invading” U.S. Navy Boeing F/A-18E/Fs launched from MCAS Iwakuni on Japan’s mainland. Meanwhile, Special Operations Forces (SOF) aircraft attempted to infiltrate a team of commandos on the island.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: war-strategy?elq2=ed31cb7303c442eab199d778a8b32ea9) FIN: During January and February, some of the West’s top fighter exports were put through their paces in the 08.05.2020 Finnish Fighter Needs Challenge challenging environment of Finland. (121-K) Bidders Before a selection is made in 2021, the Finns plan to game out scenarios that will test the military capabilities of the bidders. Using a combination of verified data from the HX-Challenge flights as well as information gleaned from examinations focusing on the future capabilities of the aircraft, Finnish defense procurement officials will simulate a two-week war that will help them decide which aircraft will offer the best military capability: Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet, Dassault’s Rafale, the Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-35 or Saab’s new JAS-39E/F Gripen.

Finland did not originally ask for fighters per se, but rather for equipment to perform the five primary air force missions: air defense, anti-ship, ground attack, long-range strike and intelligence, and surveillance and reconnaissance.

“We gave [the bidders] a free hand in designing and building a solution to meet our scenarios,” says Puranen. “They could have chose ground-based air defense systems and ground-launched missiles, or UAV and other assets. All opted to provide multirole fighters.”

With fighters proposed, Helsinki tendered a contract for 64 aircraft—a number that would have replaced the existing legacy Hornet fleet on a near one-for-one basis. Some of the bids have been innovative as well: Saab’s proposal for Gripen fighters also includes a pair of GlobalEye multisensor surveillance aircraft, while Boeing’s Super Hornet package contains several EA-18G Growler electronic warfare platforms. But as a recent request for quotations has suggested, all of the bidders are struggling to provide a 64-strong fleet within the intended budget.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: TUR: Turkey’s present UAS trends are fairly promising, suggesting that the nation will further accelerate its robotic 07.05.2020 ANALYSIS – Turkey’s robotic warfare transformation in the coming decades. The writer is the director of security and defense research (121-L) warfare future in the skies program at the Istanbul-based think-tank EDAM.

(Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: RUS: In October 2018, the India Ministry of Defense concluded a $5.5 billion deal to buy four regiments of the 06.05.2020 Russian S-400 Surface to Air Russian S-400 surface-to-air missiles (SAM). Just over a year later, India made an advance payment of $850 (121-M) Missile System: Is It Worth the million to expedite the deployment from Russia of the first regiment by September 2021. However, many Sticker Price? countries do not fully appreciate that effective air defense requires a networked system and not just one missile system component. To get the true defensive value out of the S-400, there are additional components that add costs and complexities to the system.

(Vollständiger Blog abrufbar unter:

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 121-Q) IRN/ISR: How did Iran’s Missile Corps succeed in create a three-stage rocket called Qased or “messenger” that shot 06.5.2020 Iran: Amazing qualities of our new a military satellite into orbit in April? That is the question that both US policymakers, governments in the (121-N) long-range ballistic missiles Middle East and Iran’s own media want to know. A special report at Iran’s Tasnim news included a 3,000 word discussion about how Iran’s missile and rocketry experts put the satellite into orbit and what it means for Iran’s long-range missile program.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: PRK: A new facility is nearing completion near Pyongyang International Airport that is almost certainly related to 05.05.2020 Sil-li Ballistic Missile Support North Korea’s expanding ballistic missile program. A high-bay building within the facility is large enough to (121-O) Facility accommodate an elevated Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile and, therefore, the entirety of North Korea’s known ballistic missile variants. The facility has been constructed next to an underground facility whose likely size is also large enough to easily accommodate all known North Korean ballistic missiles and their associated launchers and support vehicles.

(Vollständige Analyse einschliesslich detaillierter Satellitenaufnahmen abrufbar unter: USA/USN: These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious ready 04.05.2020 USNI News Fleet and Marine groups throughout the world as of May 4, 2020, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a CSG or (121-P) Tracker: May 4, 2020 ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

(Infographic abrufbar unter: 2020?utm_source=USNI+News&utm_campaign=c5e814e3e4- USNI_NEWS_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0dd4a1450b-c5e814e3e4- 234292521&ct=t(USNI_NEWS_DAILY)&mc_cid=c5e814e3e4&mc_eid=deb2031232) SYR: Amid the problems with his inner circle, Assad must also weigh new reports that assert his air defense 04.05.2020 Syria’s regime faces intrigue: systems are failing against attacks. New reports say that the S-300 systems and Pantsir have been ineffective. (121-Q) Makhlouf and S-300s This may be merely disinformation designed to embarrass the regime as it has been pounded by airstrikes numerous times since March. Attacks near Palmyra, Quneitra, Damascus and Homs have shown the regime cannot interdict the attacks. Pro-regime media disputes this, arguing that Damascus air defense is simply overwhelmed and that its new Chinese-made radar system works perfectly fine. But supposed media leaks from Syrian claimed the Russian radars were not working as well to detect threats. In the game of feeding information to media, however, such leaks may be designed to make the regime look weaker than it is. Ether way, Damascus has faced several embarrassments in the recent week.

(Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: RUS: In recent years, Russia has embarked on a military modernization programme funded by rapidly increasing 27.04.2020 Russia’s military spending: military spending and has pursued a more assertive foreign policy. This has attracted attention to the level (121-R) Frequently asked questions of its military spending. The data in the SIPRI Military Expenditure Database is often used as a convenient way to compare two or more states’ military effort and, by implication, their military strength. Yet according to SIPRI’s data, Russia spends less than might be inferred from the scale of its military activities and the size of its armed forces. The following answers to frequently asked questions explain the SIPRI figures for Russian military expenditure and how best to interpret them. They should be read alongside the general sources and methods and frequently asked questions for SIPRI military expenditure data.

(Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter:

Der „NACHBRENNER“ hat zum Ziel eine am Thema Air2030 interessierte ° Die Fähigkeiten und die Schlüsselfunktion von Airpower, Leserschaft alle zwei Wochen über ° die zentrale Bedeutung einer integrierten Luftverteidigung, ° die Weiterentwicklung von Luftstreitkräften mit einem besonderen Fokus Europa, ° Entwicklungen und Entwicklungstendenzen in der 3. Dimension sowie ° die möglichen verheerenden Folgen eines ungeschützten Schweizerischen Luftraums für unsere Bevölkerung und Souveränität im Konfliktfall und bei Terrorangriffen aus der Luft

zu orientieren. Dafür werden offene staatliche und Firmen-Quellen sowie die Tages- und Fachpresse ausgewertet und in primär englischer Sprache chronologisch zusammengeführt.

Ausgewählt und bearbeitet von Fact and Figures MILITÄRPOLITISCHE NACHRICHTEN SCHWEIZ (MNS) Science and Technology Konrad Alder Hermann Hiltbrunner-Weg 1 Entwicklungstrends Tel. 044 926 39 36 Beschaffungsprogramme [email protected] Luftkriegseinsätze

Militär- und geopolitische Entwicklungen

Key Findings



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