Albaret, Céleste and Marcel Proust 155, 165, 177 Comments On
Index Albaret, Céleste letters to Alexandrine Halévy 39 and Marcel Proust 155, 165, 177 letters to Valentine Halévy 40 comments on Geneviève Straus 11 misunderstanding with mother 46 contacts with Geneviève Straus 165 pregnancy of 50 Alsace and Lorraine reconciliation with mother 65 and Franco-Prussian War 47, 152, 156 relationship with mother 29, 42–43, 50 Anti-Dreyfusard 10 travels of 63 anti-Semitism trip to Bordeaux 43 during Dreyfus Affair 71, 78, 89, 90–92, widowhood of 62 97–98, 113, 136 Bizet, Georges Armingaud, Jules 41–42 Geneviève de Paris 60 Auteuil 51 Grisélidis 36 Jeux d’enfants 52 Baignières, Jacques 83–84 L’Arlésienne 52 Balard, Françoise and Léonie Halévy 42, 49, 57 biography of Geneviève Straus 12 and Opéra-Comique 50 Barrès, Maurice appearance of 29 during Dreyfus Affair 98, 112 as piano teacher 55 Baudelaire, Charles 81–82 critical acclaim for works 53 Belle Époque 56, 95, 116, 154, 162–163, 174, death of 61 180–182 depression and anxiety of 29n, 30, 32, and cross-fertilization of artists 7, 181 34–36 and social inequality 181 deterioration of health 61 prosperity and peace 6 early relationship with Geneviève 28 Benda, Julien 99, 106, 164–165, 182–183 early works 28 La Trahison des clercs 106 letters to Ernest Guiraud 41 La Jeunesse d’un clerc 164 letters to Hippolyte Rodrigues 37 observations about Geneviève’s letters to mother 31 salon 164 marriage 31 Bernhardt, Sarah 9, 73 named chevalier of Legion of Honor Billot, Jean-Baptiste. See Dreyfus Affair 59 Bischoff, Chantal National Guard duty 39 biography of Geneviève
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