RURAL TOURISM INITIATIVE AT KAWKABA – PHOTO BY CL TEAM BUILDING ALLIANCES FOR LOCAL ADVANCEMENT, DEVELOPMENT, AND INVESTMENT – CARITAS LEBANON (B/CL) FINAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FINAL REPORT February 2020 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was prepared by Social Impact, Inc. In collaboration with Mark Brown, Christina Abi Haidar, and Joanna Khater. Note: Limited redactions have been made to this version of the report in accordance with the principled exceptions to the presumption in favor of openness established in OMB Bulletin 12-01, “Guidance on Collection of U.S. Foreign Assistance Data.” SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED BUILDING ALLIANCES FOR LOCAL ADVANCEMENT, DEVELOPMENT, AND INVESTMENT – CARITAS LEBANON (B/CL) FINAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FINAL REPORT February 2020 Prepared by Social Impact, Inc. for the United States Agency for International Development under USAID Contract/Order No. AID-268-C-15-00001. This document is not available in print. Documents of this nature are made available to the public through the Development Experience Clearinghouse repository ( For additional information, please contact: Social Impact, Inc. Corporate Office 2300 Clarendon Boulevard Arlington, VA 22201 Tel: (703) 465-1884 Fax: (703) 465-1888
[email protected] Or Social Impact, Inc. Lebanon Office Arz Street Librex Bldg. Bloc B – 3rd Floor Zalka, Metn, Lebanon Tel: +961-1-879260 Disclaimer: The authors’ views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED ABSTRACT This report presents findings and recommendations from the final performance evaluation of the BALADI Core activity implemented by Caritas Lebanon (CL) to improve the governance of municipalities and public service delivery; and establish sustainable local social capital.