Subchapter G—Regattas and Marine Parades
SUBCHAPTER G—REGATTAS AND MARINE PARADES PART 100—SAFETY OF LIFE ON 100.719 Annual Suncoast Offshore Challenge; Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL. NAVIGABLE WATERS 100.720 Annual Suncoast Offshore Grand Prix; Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL. Sec. 100.724 Annual Augusta Invitational Rowing 100.01 Purpose and intent. Regatta; Savannah River, Augusta, GA. 100.05 Definition of terms used in this part. 100.728 Special Local Regulations; Hurri- 100.T07–0110 Special Local Regulations; Low cane Offshore Classic, St. Petersburg, Country Splash, Wando River, Cooper FL. River, and Charleston Harbor, Charles- 100.729 Columbus Day Regatta, Biscayne ton, SC. Bay, Miami, FL. 100.10 Coast Guard-State agreements. 100.732 Annual River Race Augusta; Savan- 100.15 Submission of application. nah River, Augusta, GA. 100.20 Action on application for event as- 100.734 Annual Gasparilla Marine Parade; signed to State regulation by Coast Hillsborough Bay, Tampa, FL. Guard-State agreement. 100.736 Annual Fort Myers Beach air show; 100.25 Action on application for event not Fort Myers Beach, FL. assigned to State regulation by Coast 100.740 Annual Offshore Super Series Boat Guard-State agreement. Race; Fort Myers Beach, FL. 100.30 Approval required for holding event. 100.801 Annual Marine Events in the Eighth 100.35 Special local regulations. Coast Guard District. 100.35T05–0276 Special Local Regulations for 100.901 Great Lakes annual marine events. Marine Events; Potomac River, National 100.902 Special Local Regulations; Annual Harbor Access Channel, MD. Bayview Mackinac Race. 100.35T05–0482 Special Local Regulations for 100.903 Harborfest Dragon Boat Race; South Marine Events, Wrightsville Channel; Haven, MI.
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