October 2020

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October 2020 CLUB EXECUTIVE October 2020 President Long time OARC member Al Oldfield, Dave Scobie, VE3BOW VE3ANO, became a SK on July 4 at age 96. See the tribute to Al on the OARC web site [email protected] which has a link to a slide show eulogy: https://www.oarc.net/blog/allan-norman- Past President oldfield-ve3ano-sk/ Diane Bruce, VA3DB [email protected] The October meeting’s speaker Chris Char- Vice-President land, VE3OXU, who will be speaking on Vacant Amateur Satellite Radio. Secretary Visitors can request the Zoom meeting ID Arthur Smith, VA3BIT by sending a request to: [email protected] 613-795-1154 [email protected] See you at the meeting. Treasurer Ian Jeffrey, VE3IGJ Greg Danylchenko, Editor VE3YTZ 613-236-9291 [email protected] om Directors Tyler Tidman, VA3DGN [email protected] Check out our Web Page: www.oarc.net Ed Sich, VE3WGO Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 14, 2020, at 19:30 [email protected] using Zoom software. Roger Egan, VA3EGY [email protected] In This Issue.... Club Information 2 Radio Station XWA 5 Minutes 3 Membership Form 9 Dates to Remember 3 mk’s Words 4 Membership October 2020 Roger Egan, VA3EGY [email protected] Groundwave Editor Articles may be submitted for Club Information Ian Jeffrey, VE3IGJ use in this publication provided 613-837-7393 that they portray events or The Ottawa Amateur Radio Club Inc. is an association of [email protected] activities that promote Amateur Radio Amateurs devoted to the promotion of interest in Amateur Radio. Letters and comments Radio communications in the National Capital Area and to the advancement and achievement of club members. are also welcome. Submissions Delegated Examiner may be made by mail addressed Regular Meetings of the OARC Inc. are held on the second Mike Kelly, VE3FFK to the Editor care of the OARC, Wednesday of each month (except July and August) in the Colo- 613-322-0669 or by e-mail to “[email protected]”. nel By Room which is on the second floor of Ottawa City Hall, [email protected] Deadline for submissions occurs formerly Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton three days after the regular Headquarters, on Lisgar Street. Meetings commence at monthly meeting of the OARC. approximately 19:30 local. Further details about each meeting Webmaster are noted elsewhere in this publication. Please support your Diane Bruce, VA3DB Executive Meetings of the OARC Inc. are normally held on 613-225-9920 local radio organisations. the first Wednesday of each month at 19:30 local. Contact the [email protected] They support you! President to confirm the date, time and place of the next meeting. IRLP Cary Honeywell, VE3EV The CAPITAL CITY FM Net meets every Monday (except some holidays) at 20:00 local on the club repeater VE2CRA (146.940-, 100 Hz) to pass traffic and to make announcements of interest to amateurs [email protected] in the National Capital Region. The Rubber Boot Net runs week days at 07:30 local on VE3MPC (147.150+, 100 Hz CTCSS tone) Repeater hosted by Roger, VE3NPO. The Rubber Boot net has been running since the early 1980's and is popular Harrie Jones, VE3HYS for the early risers and the go to work crowd. 613-978-1557 The POT-HOLE Net is a SSB/HF net sponsored by the Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club and is [email protected] conducted every Sunday at 10:00 hours on 3.760 MHz. All amateurs are welcome to check in. The POT-LID CW Net is an informal slow-speed CW net that meets every Sunday, except during July and August, at 11:00 hours on 3.620 MHz, to promote interest in CW and CW procedures. Hamfest Ed Sich, VE3WGO The QCWA CHAPTER 70 Net meets every Monday evening at 19:30 local on repeater VE3MPC 147.150+, 100 Hz) You do not have to be a QCWA member to participate. [email protected] The Ottawa Valley VHF/UHF SSB Net is sponsored by the West Carleton ARC. Look for it every Tuesday night (except the first Tuesday of the month) around 21:00 local on 144.250, (roll calls after net on 50.150, 432.150, 222.150, and 1296.100.) Horizontal polarization is preferred. The Phoenix Net meets Tuesday evenings at 20:00 local on VE3MPC (147.150+, 100 Hz CTCSS). The regular OVMRC net meets Thursday evenings at 20:00 local on VE3TWO (147.300+, 100 Hz CTCSS tone) analogue FM. The Ottawa Amateur Radio Voice (VHF) 146.940/146.340 100Hz CTCSS required Club bulletin “Groundwave” is (UHF) 443.300/448.300 100Hz CTCSS required VE3TEN published and distributed to club members. Publication VE3TVA Amateur Fast Scan Television Repeater Tuning in the beacon dates may vary but it is hoped Currently off the air and looking for a new home. so that it makes sense that the bulletin arrives at its destination before the events requires you tune to listed in it have expired. The IRLP Node 2040 146.940/146.340 (VE2CRA/VE3RC) 28.175 on CW and bulletin is not published for (Code 411 for info) (Code 204 for activity) read the tone that is July and August when (Code 88 for time) meetings do not occur. Every For further information please contact the Repeater Chair. there . The spaces effort is made to provide between the elements accurate information in the Note: The IRLP link is not connected to ECHOLINK. Please do are the higher tone. If bulletin, however we are all not try to connect using the alpha keys on your keypad. It just human and mistakes can be confuses the operator. that doesn’t work, made. The OARC accepts no tune to 28.175.28 on responsibility for any lower sideband for damages that may result Note: The IRLP link is disabled during the Monday night Capital from this. The opinions City FM Net from 20:00 to about 21:45 . better results. expressed in this bulletin are those of the author. 2 October 2020 Dates to Remember September Minutes 2020 Feb. 8-9 Canada Ski Marathon Apr. 8 Homebrew Night (Cancelled) 19:38 Zoom meeting started by President Dave May 15-17 Dayton Hamvention (Cancelled) VE3BOW Jun. 10 OARC AGM and Elections Announcements (Dave VE3BOW) Jun. 27-28 Field Day + (Arthur VA3BIT) Radio in the Park / ARDF Fox Jul. 1 RAC Canada Day Contest Hunt in Walter Baker Park will be held Saturday, September 19, from 9 am to 5 pm. Roger VA3EGY Sep. 12 OARC Hamfest (Cancelled) will be making presentations to his ARDF stake- Sep. 19 Radio in the Park holders, ie, the local IEEE chapter, Scouts, Christie Lake Kids and Ottawa Orienteering Club from 9 Sep. 30 Membership Renewals Due am to 1:30 pm. Roger will welcome hams to take Nov. 1 Joe Norton Award Subm. Due part in the Fox Hunting from 1:30 pm to 5 pm. Dec. 19 RAC Winter Contest Roger will be using the picnic shelter for his presentations. Arthur pointed out that hams who pants. For any one not receiving the Zoom want to operate portable should expect to do so invitation, please contact Norm at outside the picnic shelter and may do so from 9 [email protected] to get the contact details. am to 5 pm. The area has been busy with families and kids during recent weekends, so hams should Glenn VE3XRA: The RAC AGM will be held arrive early and be prepared to bring their own on Sunday, September 20 featuring an inter- operating table and chairs. Due to Covid-19, we active mini-conference during the morning will not be gathering for breakfast prior to the with the AGM held in the afternoon. Morning event. Bring your own lunch, snacks and drinks as presentation topics include a talk about ham they will not be provided. radio during Covid, a short history of ham ra- + Carp Hamfest, normally scheduled for this com- dio in Canada, DXpeditions, STEM and more! ing Saturday, is cancelled due to Covid. Also covered, en francais, is a possible entry + Greg VE3YTZ is now our Treasurer, so we need a level license below Basic. The RAC AGM new Vice President. If you'd like to volunteer, business meeting will be held in the after- please contact any executive member. noon. Arthur VA3BIT asked how IC/ISED + OARC membership for the upcoming year is feels about an entry level license. Glenn re- free! Please check our website at oarc.net for more plied that RAC is still in discussions with information. Diane VA3DB, our webmaster, has stakeholders how an entry license might be spent considerable time recently overhauling our structured in Canada, and has yet to approach website and you should now be able to log in and ISED. update your profile and membership. + Greg received notification from the City of Otta- Tim VE3TXB: Wondering whether another wa that stated that the club will not have access to advanced virtual course would be offered by City Hall for in-house meetings until at least RAC. Glenn said there would be, and details January 2021. will be on the RAC website. + Preliminary results for the RAC Winter Contest 2019 are in...361,728 points for the members of Mike VE3MKX: has a recording of the net on OARC/VRG that operated in the Diefenbunker as Sunday in which Norm's QRP signal was VA3RAC last December! heard loud and clear; Mike will make the re- cording available to Norm. Norm VE3LC: OVMRC's first meeting of the new year will be held next Wednesday, September 16.
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