VALHALLA — nineteen seventy-one

Northland Senior High School 1919 Northcliff Drive Columbus, 43229

Volume Five Published by the Yearbook Staff

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I am confused, bewildered, and amazed by the rapidly changing life that surrounds me

(Far upper left) Senior Dena Demopolls displays her collage depicting controversial issues of today's world. (Bottom left) Sophomore Roger Hopkins spends his study hall time in the library, trying to keep up with his busy schedule. (Bottom left) Ma­ jorettes spend all week practicing their routines, but a quick reminder before the game helps. Seniors Kathy Kramer and Terri Caudill go over the show together one last time. (Left) For a change there’s no traffic on the stairs as senior Bill Kunz leaves at the end of the school day. (Below) Overpopulated? The halls certainly are between periods. Here a confused underclassman looks for room numbers. m

I see my dreams materialize as education begins to relate to my future plans.

(Far left) Cheryl McDaniel uses the senior door — a privilege for those who are completing their high school education. (Left) A mark of distinction — to celebrate the latest victory, some fellow Vikings decorate the home of Rondi Almendinger. (Bottom left) Members of the National Honor Society stand in front of their seal of achievement. (Below) Mr. Robert Orth, counselor, discusses college plans with Mike Gillard.



I participate in school activities to help me escape from the problems of a teenage student

(Far left) The Girls' Athletic Association sponsors o variety of activities, os senior Barb Burigono attempts to communicate. (Upper left) Art is a media that provides the student an opportunity to express his creativity. Senior Dave Leather forgets his frustrations as he works on an art project. (Lower left) Jeff Rader can't keep his mind off sports even as he studies. (Left) Singing, especially in groups, is an enjoy­ able relaxation. (Below) With football players like these, who has problems?



I have a new freedom in helping to change school policies

(Far left) No changes were made in band policies. It's up early every morning to make it on time to 7:30 practice sessions. (Bottom left) “ Do your thing.” Elaine Pence, Tami Hill, Marsha Carey, Diane Zann, Rhonda Beall, and Sue Snyder model the variety of school outfits worn. (Bottom left) “ There's no generation gap here," says Norm Miller, as he detains Mr. Evans. (Left) The new freedoms do not include sleeping in study. Here Mr. Tom White awakens a student from his deep sleep in study hall. (Below) Student Council was instrumental in getting the administration to relax the dress code and adopt other liberal policies. Officers are Debbie Oliverio, secretary; Howard Rush, Discipline Committee chairman; Kay Dickey, treasurer; Ron Armstrong, sergeant-at-arms; Tome Hilt, sergeant-at-arms; and (not pictured) Scott Ringold, vice president; and Bob Ariss, president. 10 ■■■sH

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I am alive. . . The tears of happiness and the pangs of sorrow ore all a part of my school spirit.

(Upper left) The football players were really handsome when they were in­ troduced at the first pep rally. (Left) "Study halls are comfortable - wish I could concentrate,” Debbie Grell says. (Left) Birthdays in the band room aren't very pleasant. Charlie Boyd prepares to paddle Nancy Reichenbach. (Above) Victory over West — the tears of happiness flow! (Left) Report cards bring conflicting emotions - a smile for the "A " and a pang of regret over the 'F "

11 12 I am a slave.. . in the li classroom, in parental discretion

(Far left) Is there a girl in the photo? Only Pot Anderson knows ^ and such action is forbidden. (Left) Senior Dave Hudgins gets first-class service as Lynn Evers carries his books on Senior Slave Day. (Left) School excitement soon wears off. Jan Tipple day dreams about the coming weekend activities. (Bottom) Mr. Gus Beetham's driv­ ing class decide they have learned enough. Here they leave for their first trial run. (Below) Mike Shows pins Scott Brad'er to give him a confidential word.


I hunger for learning, but when it is given to me, I push it aside.

(Upper left) Note writing often takes priority over studying in the study halls. (Upper left) Educational? Of course. Why else would Ed Hallam be reading this magazine? (Bottom left) Extracurricular activities such as the Marching Band are all important in the game of learning. Kathy Kramer, head majorette, leads the band in an early morning practice. (Lett) Don’t get discouraged when the assignments pile up — just make a face as senior Rondi Almendinger does. (Below) The library is for quiet study, but Gina Palumbo, Mike Rohr, Bill Grubb, and Fran Eby take time out to talk.

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Student Lite...... 2

Faculty, Academic...... 28

Seniors ...... 54

Sports...... 90

Underclassmen...... 108 fc . Organizations...... 136

Advertising...... 184

16 I thirst for knowledge, but I am overwhelmed by all I do not know ond can never know.

(Bottom left) Glenna Antle and Phil Downey discuss on English theme in flexible study. (Top left) Gory Jurusik masters the gome of tennis in his physical education class. (Left) Chuck James and Ric Buechler participate in the foods classes offered for boys this year. (Above) Seeking knowledge? Tihe problem here was to deter­ mine just how many passengers a Volkswagen can hold. Pat Ferree, Ron DeAngelo, and the rest of the gang crowd into the car.

17 18 I am free. . . with a group, by myself, in my dreams.

(Left) Students, because they love the freedom they enjoy among themselves, share rides to and from school. Here a carload arrives for early morning classes. (Lower left) Marc Damlano escapes the pressure of learning historical details by day dreaming. (Lower left) Kathy West chooses a corner of a science lab to study and watch the clock. (Below) Audio Visual Crew members, Steve Darfus, Dennis Rich­ ards, and Chris Pollock, seem to enjoy the entanglements that evolve when they are given freedom.

19 20 I am surrounded by love, but many times I feel restricted.

(Upper left) Mr. Robert Grimm scolds his ‘‘sharp cookie,” Becky Robinson, for hold­ ing hands with Steve Smith. (Bottom left) The leader of the Viking Machine, Coach Frank Howe, looks over his “ power” during a practice. (Bottom left) Mr. Russell Miller gives Miss Decker some of his “ secret techniques” for her student teaching. (Left) Sandy Hartle, saddened by a cut slip, waits in the office to discuss her excuse with an attendance teacher. (Below) Romances bloom as a new school year begins. Nancy Reichenbach and Don Korn talk over the summer’s fun.

21 22 I AM A STUDENT . . .

I am unpredictable. I am one hour’s glory, another’s tragedy. I am one day’s hope, another’s futility

(Far left) Senior Steve Smith concentrates in p.o.d. doss, hoping to absorb the subject matter. (Left) Jim McClonohon and Debbie McClosky handle an early morn­ ing broadcast. (Left) Cheerleaders stand at attention to begin leading a new cheer — hoping to inspire Oi Vjking victory. (Below) A variety of guys in fashions of the day — Jeff Reetz, Phil Porter, John Woods, Dave Korczyk, Steve Rowe, and Pat Anderson. (Below) Alternate band members prepare the fire batons for a trial twirl.


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26 My greatest task is learning to understand myself. . . because I AM A STUDENT

(Far left) Cheerleader Terri Harper explains football equipment to the audience at a pep rally. (Left) Jeff Kessler is alone, long after the game has ended, still delight­ ed over a victory. (Bottom left) Lana VanScholk likes to sew so she has chosen to take clothing to determine if this could be a hobby or a career. (Below) Students are sure of their feelings here — they want a Viking victory.


Since Plato looked to Socrates, the contro­ versial teacher of ancient Greece, for intellec­ tual stimulation and guidance, students have sought counsel from their teachers. Hair may be long or short, skirts, mini or maxi; but a school should alwoiys have dedicated teach­ ers. Northland, without exception, does.

29 Mr. Evans shows good form os he drives towards the green on No. 9 on the Scarlet course, .

Principal L. M. Evans and Assistant Principal Duane Pelkey admire a check donated by the Athletic Boosters Association for school equipment.

Students Admire Principal

Delighting students with his humor, his friendliness, and his exu­ berant pride in Northland, Principal L. M. Evans has earned their respect and friendship. Although the administration of a highly ac­ credited, progressive school such as Northland is time consuming, Mr. Evans is always willing to discuss joys, heartaches, problems, and accomplishments with students, teachers, and parents.

Assistant principals Donald Wynkoop and Duane Pelkey admire the Viking painting in the main office as Mrs. Mansfield works on students' records.

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Mrs. Imogene Kline

Mr. Wynkoop, whose favorite hobby is fishing, fries out a new rod. Casting isn't easy, however, on a school parking lot.


Mrs. Mabel Fry

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Mr. Pelkey, sparting a Northland baseball cap, forgets the hectic school day by Mrs. Patricia Mansfield catching up an his gardening.

31 MRS. FRANCES BALDWIN — B.S., MISS SONNIE BARNEH — B.A., Deni- MR. JOHN CARBOL — B.A., West Lib- MISS VIOLET CHOKREFF — B.S. in Ed., Ohio State University; English; Red son Univ.; English. She enjoys traveling erty State College; English. He is inter- Ashland College; English; Creative Cross Club. She likes to knit, read, and and decoupage. ested in oil sports. Writing and Camera Clubs. Singing, do needlework. fishing, and photography are her hobbies.

Charlie St. Clair and Mary Ann Kehrer are composing a theme, one of twenty re­ quired, for their English Literature and Composition class. (Right) In preparation for writing opinion themes, Debi Logan is working on a bulletin board depicting many of today's problems and issues.

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MRS. DORIS FEARING — M.A., MR. STEPHEN KULL — B.S. in Educa­ MRS. HELEN LIAS — B.S., Ohio MISS MIRIAM MclNTOSH — B.A., O.S.U.; English, Journalism; Quill tion, Otterbein; Varsity N Club. All State University; English. She likes to Otterbein; Business English; Attend­ and Scroll, Bridge Club. She enjoys sports and reading are his interests. read. ance. She likes dogs, camping, and H C w S l! decoupage and antiques. sports. Sin^ pkf *! Is

English Dept. Stresses Composition, Adds Humanities Course

Basic goals of the English Department are many and varied. In the tenth grade the fundamental concepts of composition are stressed and a general survey of literature is offered in regular classes and a study of world literature in honors,classes. Development of American literature from the Colonial Period to the present is studied in the eleventh grade, with emphasis on advanced composition. Seniors in business English study the use of the dictionary, spelling, and letter writing and review grammar principles. Con­ temporary literature is designed to promote an interest in a va­ riety of important literary works through the ages with stress on the modern. Primary goal in English literature and composition is to help students perfect their writing through good, logical development of well-thought-out ideas. This study also includes a survey of English literature from 500 A.D. to the present. Purpose of the humanities course, an elective added to the curriculum this year, is to acquaint students with people, places, and things that have played a part in literature, the arts and sci­ ences, and civilization through the ages. Main purpose of teaching within this department is to help each student grow and develop into a well-rounded and knowledgeable person in composition and literature and in the area of his particular interest in the field of fine arts.

Senior Debbie Stearns begins to write a theme for her English Literature class on Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.

33 MRS. TRUDY PLUMMER — B.A., Lake Ric Diedalis explains the functions of verbs and adverbs to Colette Wydau in an eleventh grade English class. Al­ Erie College; English, Humanities; though formal grammar is not taught in class units, it is discussed in conjunction with theme writing. Creative Writing Club. She likes sail­ ing, cooking and working out-of-doors.

MRS. NATASHA WOLFE — B.S. in Education, O.S.U.; Russian, English; Russian Club. Her hobbies ore ba­ Eleventh grade American literature students Bob Cramer and Steve Conreaux read Vachel Lindsay’s “ General cking, cooking, and interior decorat­ William Booth Enters into Heaven" and try to make the poem an exciting experience for their classmates. The ing. study of modern poetry is emphasized in the eleventh grade English classes.

34 MRS. CAROLYN WHITE — B.S. in / Edu., O.S.U.; English, Latin; Valkyrie Advisor, Latin Club.

MRS. MARILYN BROWN — B.A., Miami University; Spanish; Spanish Club. She likes reading, tennis, and bridge.

MISS LINDA HOAJA — B.A., Muskingum College; Spanish; Spanish Club. She enjoys swimming and traveling.

(Below) Spanish student Mike Kont- ul is using the equipment in the lan­ guage lab.


MISS JACQUELINE McNEIL — B.S. MRS. HELGA MULADORE — B.A., in Education, Knoxville College; Ohio Wesleyan; English, German; French; French Club. Creative writing German Club. Reading and knitting K is her love. are her hobbies. Five Languages Offered

Five languages were taught this year, Latin, Spanish, German, French, and Russian. Teachers used a variety of techniques including the audio-lingual approach, which emphasizes speaking, reading, and writing the language. Films, tapes, skits, records, and transparencies were other teaching aids. A club was organized for each of the languages. Club members study the cultural backgrounds of the countries whose natives speak the language the students are study­ ing.

German student Denise Burdette enjoys reading Die Zeit (The Times) in the li­ brary.

35 MR. TIMOTHY ILG — B.A. in Social MR. JAMES BOSEKER — B.S. in Edu- MISS CAROLINE HERREL — B.A., MR. RICHARD KERSCHBAUM — B.S. Studies, Malone College; P.O.D., cation, O.S.U.; Geography, Driver's Capital University; World History, in Education, Capital University; Current History; "In the Know” Advi- Education. He enjoys athletics and American History. She enjoys travel- P.O.D.; Assistant Football Coach. He sor. He likes all sports and reading. camping. ing, reading, and sewing. likes all sports.

Tenth Graders Now Have Social Studies Electives

The Social Studies Department, although not adding any new courses, made curriculum changes this year. World history is no longer required tor tenth graders, and students now have their choice of world history, current history, or geography. Other courses taught in the department are American history (eleventh grade) and principles of democracy (twelfth grade). Stress in the area of teaching aids has been towards simulation games on the ghetto and the basic ideas of de­ mocracy. Teachers new to the department are Mr. Timothy llg and Miss Kristine Wiard. Mr. David Wiget is the department chairman.

Elite Turkoglu and Patty Floeh take a look at the other side of the world in their Amer­ ican History class.

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MR. THOMAS WHITE — B.S. in Educa­ tion, O.S.U.; American History, World History; Reserve Football Coach. He enjoys music and athletics.

John Lloyd points out some early locations that are of importance in American History.

MR. DAVID WIGET — B.S., Ohio Uni­ versity; P.O.D.; Advisor for Current Af­ fairs. He likes camping, fishing, an­ MRS. KRISTINE WIARD — B.A. in MISS MARSHA MITCHELL — B.S., MRS. DIANE WEEKS — B.A., tiques, and motorcycles. Ohio Wesleya n; American and O.S.U.; American History, Current History, Muskingum; P.O.D., Ameri­ English; Valkyries, History; Y-Teens. She enjoys sports can History; Y-Teens. She likes read­ 0- World History, Her interests are tropical fish and ten- and reading. ing, singing, and playing the piano.

37 Math Dept. Emphasizes Careful Course Selection

Emphasis in the Math Department is on guiding the stu­ dent into the courses which would be most helpful to the in­ dividual. Courses taught ore Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonom­ etry, Analytical Geometry, Math V, Applied Math, Shop Math, Business Arithmetic, and General Math I and II. Topics that are studied include computer work, checking accounts, surveying, construction of vdrious figures, percent­ age, and many other phases of math that aim toward appli­ cation in later life. Overhead projectors, slide rules, construction equipment, computers, and adding machines supplement the textbooks in the teaching of math. MISS ALICE HOFFMEISTER — B.S. in MR. JAMES HUBER — M.S., O.S.U.; Edu., Otterbein; Algebra, Geometry, Algebra, General Math. Gardening General Math II; Ski Club. She enjoys is one of his hobbies. sports and sewing.

MRS. HELEN MILLER — B.A., Okla­ MRS. AVIS NORDSTROM — B.S., homa State University; General Western Michigan University; Alge­ Math, Algebra. She likes to read. bra, Business Math. Her interests are bowling and sewing.

Jim Marshall demonstrates the use of the protractor for his Algebra I class­ mates.

38 MR. WAYNE RITTENHOUSE — B.S., Ohio University; Geometry, General Math; Basketball and As­ sistant Football Coach. His hobbies are athletics and his family.

MR. RUSSELL MILLER — M.A. in Edo., Xavier; Algebra, Math V. He is a philatelist.

MR. DOUGLAS SMELTZ — B.S., Otterbein; Math, Geometry, Trigo­ nometry; Chess and Ski Clubs. His hobbies are skiing and all other sports.


Wendy Dorsey is learning to use the slide rule in Algebra II class.

Mary Ann Switzer examines the shapes and sizes of spheres, cubes, hexa­ gons, and other figures in geometry class.

39 Steve Schluep and John Veeck perform an old favorite in biology class — the dissection of a frog.

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MR. FRANK HOWE — B.S., O.S.U.; MR. JOHN HAZELBAKER — B.S., MR. ROBERT GRIMM — B.S. in Edu­ MR. RALPH WALTON — B.S., Capi­ Biology; Football Coach. His hobbies O.S.U.; Physics, Physical Science. He cation, O.S.U.; Biology. He enjoys tal University; Biology, Concepts of are golf, softball, and reading. likes all sports, especially swimming, gardening. Physics, Chemistry; Science-Math and restoring sports cars. Club. He likes all sports and music.

40 MR. JOHN GILKERSON — B.S. in Education, O.S.U.; Chemistry; Science-Math Club. He enjoys golf­ ing.

MR. BRAD BROWN — B.S., 0.5.U.; Biology; Science-Moth Club. He likes hunting, music, and motorcycles.

MR. ROBERT WHITE — M.S., O.S.U.; Biology. His hobby is pho­ tography.

Concepts Course for Future Nurses Added to Curriculum

Concepts of Chemistry and Physics, a course for girls who wish to go into nursing and for students who do not have enough math to go into regular chemistry, was added to the science curriculum this year. Other science courses taught are general science, biol­ ogy, physical science, chemistry, physics, and math- science research. The chemistry classes were introduced to a unit on chemistry of solids. Biology classes used a new textbook under new lesson plans. Objectives of the department are to acquaint the stu­ dent with his physical environment and with the facts, and understanding necessary to live and work with satisfac­ tion,,in a scientifically oriented culture, to develop the abil­ ity to use the tools and techniques of science to perform suitable experiments for testing, and to discover new ideas and concepts. Mr. Robert Grimm is department chairman.

Karen Bruzzese discovers algae through a microscope in biology class as classmate Mark Steltzer looks on.

41 MRS. PEGGY ACKLEY — B.S., More- MRS. JUDY BARNHART — B.S. in MR. WILLIAM BIGELOW — B.S. in MR. ALPHONSE FOOSE — B.S., head State University; Typing, Short­ Education, Wittenberg University; Education, Ohio Northern University; O.S.U.; Bookkeeping, Business Law. hand; Future Secretaries. Her special C.O.E.; C.O.E. Club. She enjoys Distributive Education, Sales; He likes swimming and pigeons. interest is sev^ing. modern dancing and cooking. D.E.C.A. Club. He enjoys sports and music.

Business Department Adds Distributive Education

In addition to the C.O .E. Program introduced lost year, the Business Education Department has initiated another program. Distributive Education, taught by Mr. James Bigelow. Each of these courses trains students for careers in the business world. Other classes offered in the department are typing, short­ hand, bookkeeping, general business, clerical office practice, office machines, salesmanship, consumer economics, and busi­ ness law. Awards are given during the year for the outstanding C.O .E. students and the outstanding D.E. student. A special award is given at the end of the course for the “ Outstanding Business Education Student” of the year. Mrs. Judy Barnhart is the department chairman.

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Junior Hilda Lochner takes a last-minute look at her shorthand dictation before handing it in for a final grade.

42 MISS SHIRLEY LEGGEH — B.S., MRS. LOIS SCROGGS — B.S. in O.S.U.; Sales, Office Practice, Typ­ Education; Kent State University; ing, Shorthand; F.T.A. She enjoys Shorthand, Typing. She likes reading traveling and sewing. and knitting.

(Right) Vernon Dotson, Steve Drown, Ken DeMers, Diane Sweeney, and Pam O ’Brien work on a D.E. and C.O.E. display in a showcase in the main lobby of the school. (Below) Linda Hunter and Lee Ann Reardon learn to operate a comptometer and adding machine in Office Machines class. I

43 MISS WILDA BERISFORD — M.A., Marshall University, West Virginia; Reading.

MRS. JOAN GRAHEK — M.S., Case-Western Researve; Librarian; F.T.A. Her hobbies are sewing and reading.

MISS KAREN OLIVER — B.S. in Education, Kent State University; Li­ brarian; F.T.A.

Variety of Functions Handled by Special Area Teachers

The librarians, a reading instructor, the school nurse, an activities coordinator, an instructional co­ ordinator, and attendance teachers are involved in integral phases of school work. Mrs. Jane Jones, the school nurse, directs the Health Department. Vision testing, hearing screen­ ing, care of ill students, TB testing of 1 1th graders, and health appraisals of students are included in her work. She is assisted by student helpers who are interested in some phase of medicine. The de­ partment sponsors a Medical Club for students. As instructional coordinator, Mr. William Gosnell works with student teachers, assists is making cur­ riculum changes, conducts orientation of new teach­ ers, and, as a special project this year, assisted in setting up an elective English program. Mr. Hubert Zaayer, the activities coordinator, is in charge of plans for social activities, student elec­ tions, educational trips, honor activities, and all­ school money-making projects.

Pam Reese works on the sign-out sheet os Joyce Cantrell and Mr. Fred Gill track down a truant student in the attendance office.

44 MR. FRED GILL — B.S., Ohio Univer- MR. WILLIAM GOSNELL — M.A., MRS. JANE JONES — B.S., O.S.U.; MR. HUBERT ZAAYER — B.S. in Edu- sity; Attendance. His hobbies are O.S.U.; P.O.D.; Instructional Coordi- Nurses training, Grant Hospital. She cation, O.S.U.; Activity Coordinator; music and reading. nator. He enjoys bowling and tennis. likes horseback riding. Z .B .G .’s. He likes to eat.

Fran Eby demonstrates some of the research she has done on the topic of witchcraft to three of her i classmates.

Barb Skinner looks over a variety of materials she has found in the library for an English project.

45 MR. RUPERT BEETHAM — M.E., Ohio State University; Driver's Education. He Senior Bobby Archibald is so eager to drive that he leaves his teacher, Mr. Beetham, in the dust. enjoys playing bridge.

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Mike Gillard talks over college possibilities with Mr. Orth, guidance counselor.

Junior Richard Knox is preparing a display for the guidance of­ fice to be used in the lobby showcase.

46 MRS. CHERRYE LUCAS — M.A., Ohio University; Guidance. She likes art, antiques, and playing bridge.

MR. TERRENCE SCHREIBER — B.A., Wittenberg; Guidance; Voca­ tional Club. He enjoys reading science fiction.

MR. ROBERT ORTH — M.A. in Edu­ cation, Xavier; World History, Guidance; Viking Club. His interest is photography.

Counselors Emphasize Role of Serving Students

Three teachers, Mrs. Lucas, Mr. Schreiber, and, Mr. Orth, make up the Guidance Department whose purpose is to be of service to the students. Mrs. Lucas schedules interviews with college rep­ resentatives, maintains a college file, administers and interprets the PSAT and National Merit test, and handles registration tor and interprets SAT. Mr. Schreiber, department chairman, administers general testing and coordinates the testing and tu­ toring programs. Mr. Orth maintains a vocational file, handles ap­ plications for vocational programs, schedules mili­ tary speakers, and handles applications for and in­ terprets ACT. All counselors are involved in providing educa­ tional, vocational, personal, and social counseling. They do not serve just college-bound but all stu­ dents. Driver Education is designed to teach the basic skills and sound attitudes necessary for the safe op­ eration of an automobile. The course consists of classroom work and behind-the-wheel experience. A “Certificate of Completion” is issued for course completion.

Rick Ballinger, Joan McGuire, and Barb Horchler wait patiently for a guidance counselor os they begin to consider their college choices.

47 MR. DON STEWART — M.E., O.S.U.; Wood, Drafting. Hunting and fishing are his hobbies.

MR. MERLE REDMOND — B.S., O.S.U.; Metal, Electronics; Audio­ Visual Club. He loves his work.

MR. THOMAS McGILL — B.S., O .S.U.; Drafting, Electricity. He en­ joys fishing and camping.

Home Economics Departments Adds Boys Food Class

The Home Economics Department has added a new course to its curriculum — Boys’ Foods, This course is de­ signed for boys who are interested in cooking and learn­ ing the basic fundamentals of the kitchen. Foods, cloth­ ing, and' home management are also offered. The art classes this year concentrated mainly on sculp­ turing and ceramics. Field trips to art museums for art ap­ preciation and other extracurricular projects were in­ cluded in the art instruction. The Industrial Arts Department offers a variety of courses to the students. Drafting, metal, electronics, and woodworking, to name a few, are taught by Mr. Red­ mond, Mr. McGill, and Mr. Stewart. Goal of the department is to develop the student’s thinking and to increase his ability to follow through on a job successfully.

Dave Leather shows Pat Marter how to keep a clean machine in metal shop.

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MISS LOIS DARLING — M.„.. f/ . > O.S.U.; Home Economics; Home Ec. Club. Her hobbies are traveling and gardening.

MRS. HARRIET LEHMAN — B.S., O.S.U.; Home Economics. She likes to go camping.

MR. RONALD RABOLD — B.S. in Education, O.S.U.; Art; Art Club. His hobbies are painting, ceramics, and basketball. i


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Senior Lana Van Schoik enjoys putting some final touches on her sewing project. (Left) Randy Suver explains the difference between an egg and cooking oil to Ron DeAngelo in the Boys' Foods class.

49 The Viking Marching Band and the Valkyries form a Block "N ," one of the Weimer directed the band. Mrs. Caroline White and Miss Marsha MitcheTT many formations they presented for football halftime shows. Mr. Robert were advisors to the Valkyries.

MR. CHARLES LEWIS — B.S., MR. ROBERT WEIMER — B.A., MR. THURMAN DAVIS — M.M., East O.S.U.; Speech, Drama; Drama O.S.U.; Instrumental Music. His spe- Texas State University; Vocal Music, Club, Stage Crew, Debate Coach. He cial interest is model railroading. Music Theory. Swimming, diving, and enjoys summer theatre. fishing are his hobbies.

50 MISS ELAINE BOLTZ — B.S., O.S.U.; MRS. JANET WISE — B.A., Mount MR. CHARLES DEYO — B.S. in Edu­ MR. THOMAS WICKISER — M.E., Physical Education, Health; G.A.A., Union College; Physical Education, cation, Otterbein; Physical Education, Xavier University; Physical Education, Cheerleaders. She likes sports and Health, History; G.A.A. Swimming Health. He enjoys playing tennis. Health; Baseball. He enjoys athletics. music. and tennis are her hobbies.

kBr Participation, Creativity Stressed in Arts Courses

Participation and creativity are stressed in courses of­ fered in the drama, music, and physical education depart­ ments. Dramatics is a course designed for those students who are interested in the theatre. The course covers history of the theatre, production techniques, oral interpretation, and acting. The Drama Department presented Su m m er- free and Thurber Carnival. Speech and debate are other courses offered' by the department. Appreciation and performance of good music are stressed in both vocal and instrumental music instruction. A variety of courses is offered, ranging from sophomore choir, the youngest group, to music theory. Students in the Physical Education Department are pro­ vided a varied program of individual and group sports, taught the history and strategies of each sport, and en­ couraged to develop strength, vigor, vitality, and coordi­ nation. Badminton, fencing, bowling, baseball, basketball, soc­ cer, hockey, volleyball, and table tennis are among the sports taught. Mr. Charles Deyo demonstrates the proper tennis racket grip for one of his physical education classes.

51 CAFETERIA STAFF (left to right): Mrs. Delores Wilson, Mrs. Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Florence Andrich, Mrs. Nellie Hiser, Mrs. Jerry Crotty, Mrs. Mary Greylock, Mrs. Roxy Bullock, Mrs. Ann Dewitt, Mrs. Pat Gilbert, Mrs. Wilma Bifler.

Marilyn Devere, Hal McAdow, Gail Preston, Sandy Abbott, and Sue Evans Mrs. Ann Dewitt prepares to serve the delicious spaghetti for the PTA din­ patronize the cafeteria lunch program. ner. Over 900 people attended the dinner, held on November 1 8.

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CUSTODIANS (left to right): Mrs. Bernice Morgan, Mr. Robert Kleinhenz, Mr. Harry Collins, Mr. Chester Lyman.

Over 600 Students Eat School Lunches

Some 659 students shuffle through the lunchroom every day to buy their lunches in a matter of 42 minutes. This is a large number of lunches but Northland’s cafeteria staff handles the problem quite well. A variety of food is served, including hot and cold lunches. The snack bar is open for anyone wishing to purchase a la carte items. The custodians are in charge of keeping up 26 acres of grass, the football field, the stadi­ um, and the school itself. Principal duties of the staff are keeping the school and furnish­ ings in repair and insuring the safety of the students and faculty.

Dave Kleinman and Mike Kyser work as lunchroom dishwashers to keep our cafeteria dishes clean for us. Students who work in the lunchroom receive their lunches as payment.

53 54 ■ .-vg^r • ■


Through heartaches, headaches, tears, laughter, the seniors emerge victorious. What’s ahead? For many, it's college; for others, it’s a job . . . but for all it’s a chal­ lenging future.

V-. 1. . V.•,

55 (Above) Seniors show their enthusiasm at the Senior Conven­ tion. (Left) The officers are Scott Brader, sergeant-at-arms,• Nicki Casey, secretary; Charlie St. Clair, treasurer; Scott Ringold, vice president; and Tom Hilt, president. Homeroom Teachers, Officers Supervise Senior Activities

The class of 1971 began their traditional senior activities with the election of class officers on Octo­ ber 7. The next senior activity was the annual hay- ride. On December 14, they planted a Christmas tree. After Christmas, the seniors were even busier. The teachers had a one-day vacation as seniors took on teaching responsibilities for senior govern­ ment day on February 17. March 10 was a terrible day for underclassmen, as the seniors made them work and work on Senior Slave Day. The spring was the best time of the year for the seniors. First, they had a great time at the Senior Picnic and of course they enjoyed a delicious meal at Party House on May 28. The Senior Prom was held Friday, June 4 . This big dance was a night all sen­ iors will remember. June 6 topped off all their work and fun as high school seniors — it was Commence­ ment at . SENIORS HOMEROOM TEACHERS — FRONT ROW: Mrs. Trudy Plummer, Miss Marsha Mit­ chell, Mrs. Carolyn White. ROW TWO: Mr. Thomas McGill, Miss Elaine Boltz, Mrs. Janet Wise, Miss Sonnie Barnett, Mrs. Marilyn Brown. ROW THREE: Mr. Thomas White, Mr. Raiph Walton, Mr. Charles Deyo, Mr. Douglas Smeltz. Seniors Elect Tom Hilt to Head Their Class

FIRST ROW ELAINE ADAMS — G.A.A. 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 3; Senior Choir 4 . . . RONDI ALMENDINGER — Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Val­ kyries 2, 3; Ski Club 3; Student Council 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls' 4 . . . PAT ANDERSON Sophomore Choir 2; Young Adults 3, 4; Senior Choir 4.

SECO ND ROW DANNY ANGLES — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3 . . . HOWARD ANGUISH . . . JOAN ARCHAMBAULT — Senior Girls' 4; C.O .E. 4; Future Secretaries 4.

THIRD ROW BOB ARCHIBALD — Wrestling 3, 4; Football Manager 2, 3, 4 . . . RON ART — Chess Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Science-Math Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3; Viking Club 4; Chess Team 2, 3, 4, Captain 3; Cross Country 2, 3, 4, Captain 3; Track 2; Wrestling 2, 4; Lunchroom Helper 2, 3, 4; Library Helper 3, 4 . . . BOB ARISS — Forum 2, 3, 4; Creative Writing 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Student Council 2, 3, 4, President 4; Viking Club 4; Bridge Club 3; Good Books Club 2; Concerned Students Club 4; Committee-on- the-Right.

FOURTH ROW RON ARMSTRONG — Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Viking Club 4; Varsity “N" 4; Ski Club 3, 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4 . . . STEVE ARMSTRONG — Latin Club 2; Symphonic Band 2, 3; Marching Band 3; All City Band 2, 3; Honor Society 3; Radio Club 4 . . . REGINA ARNOLD — Art Club 3, 4; Viking Club 3; French Club 2.

FIFTH ROW ERIC ART — Cross Country 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; (Soccer Team, Bob Jones Academy) . . . JANET AYERS Home Economics Club 2, 3; Ski Club 2; Y-Teens 2, 3 . . . RANDY AYERS. Senior Officers Elected Amid Convention Hoopla

FIRST ROW CHRIS BADNELL — Russian Club 2; Red Cross 2; Span­ ish Club 4; G.A.A. 4; Senior Girls' 4 . . . JEFF BALL — Cross Country 4; Basketball 3, 4; Student Council 4 . . . W ENDY BALLANTYNE — Future Secretaries 3, 4 , Presi­ dent 4.

SECO N D ROW STEVE BANDY — Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; DECA 4 . . . TOM BARBER — Audio-Visual 2, 3, 4, Presi­ dent 2, 3; Latin Club 2; Ski Club 4; Viking Club 4; Varsity "N” 4; Track 3, 4 . . . JOHN BARFORD — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4.

THIRD ROW CINDY BARR — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; G.A.A. 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Honor Society 3; Bridge Club 3; Ski Club 4; Valhalla Staff 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Sports Survey 4; Wrestling Statistician 4; F.T.A. 2 . . . DALE BARTON . . . MIKE BEAL — Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; Marching Band 2; Ski Club 4; Viking Club 4; German Club 2; Intramurals 4.

FOURTH ROW BARB BEARD — G .A .A . 3; Red Cross 3, President 3; Russian Club 4; Y-Teens 2; Senior Girls' 4 . . . JOHN BET- SACON — Viking Club 4 . . . LINDA BEVILACQUA — Senior Girls’ 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; G.A.A. 3.

FIFTH ROW RON BITLER — Symphonic Band 3, 4; Stage Band 3, 4; Brass Choir 3, 4; Trumpet Quartet 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4 . . . GARY BLACKBURN — Spanish Club 2; Foot­ ball 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Student Council 4; TOO mile Club 2; Intramurals 4.

58 Senior student council representative, Don Miller, costs his homeroom's votes for president during the Senior Convention.

FIRST ROW LESLIE BLAKE — Young Adults 4; French Club 4; Vi­ king Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Ski Club 4; (Y-Teens 3; Hock­ ey Team 2, 3; Tennis Team 3; Yearbook Staff 3; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Hudson, Ohio) . . . MARSHA BLANKEN­ SHIP . . . CAROLYN BLASKIE — Senior Girls’ 4.

SECO N D ROW TERRY BLOOR — Drama 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 4; Cross Country 4; Viking Club 3 . . . STEVE BORGESE — (Key Club 2, 3; “In the Know’’ 2; DDT 2, 3; Saint Francis De­ Sales) . . . BRUCE BOWER — Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Vi­ king Varieties 2, 4; Radio Club 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Concert Band 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Brass Choir 2, 3, 4.

THIRD ROW BECKY BOWSER — G.A.A. 2; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . CHARLES BOYD — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 2, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3; Senior Choir 2, 3; Concert Chorale 2, 3; “Amahl and the Night Visitors” 3; Viking Varieties 2, 4; “Sound of Music” 3 . . . SCOTT BRADER — Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Football 3; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; ZBG ’s 4; Intramural Basketball 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Sen­ ior Class Sergeant-at-Arms 4.

59 Seniors Develop Skills for Use in Future

FIRST ROW GARY BRADSHAW Ski Club 3, Treasurer 3; Con­ cerned Students 4; Track 2, 3, 4 . . . KAREN BRANHAM — Ski Club 3, 4; Valkyries 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; G.A.A. 2; French Club 2; Valhalla Staff 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . CAROL BRATKA — Art Club 2, 3, 4; Home Economics 2, 3; Viking Club 3; Y-Teens 2, 3.

SECO N D ROW RICK BRIGGS . . . PAM D. BROWN — Spanish Club 2; Future Secretaries 3, 4, Secretary 4 . . . PAM S. BROWN — Honor Society 3; Spanish Club 2; F.T.A. 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Valkyries 4; Y-Teens 3; G.A.A. 3, 4.

THIRD ROW MARK BRUZZESE — Viking Club 3, 4 . . . BILL BRYAN — Bridge Club 3, 4, President 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Current Affairs 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 4; Young Adults 4; Ski Club 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Russian Club 4; Spanish Club 3 . . . RICK BUECHNER — Ski Club 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4.

FOURTH ROW AN GIE BUECHNER — Y-Teens 3; Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Concerned Students 4; COE 4, Treasurer 4; Future Secretaries 3, 4, Vice-President 3, 4; Senior Girls' 4 . . . DEBBIE BURFORD — Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, Secretary 2; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; Viking Club 3; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 4; Debate 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Ski Club 2; Committee on the Right 4 . . . MARY BURGESS — Senior Choir 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4; Melody Maidens 4; G.A.A. 2; Latin Club 2, 3, 4; Creative Writing 4; Senior Girls’ 4.

FIFTH ROW BARB BURIGANA — G .A .A . 2, 3, 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Young Adults 4; Student Council 4; “Sound of Music” 3; Contest Choir 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Valkyries 2, 3, 4, Sec­ retary 3, Captain 4; German Club 3, 4; Russian Club 2; G.A.A. Intramurals 2, 3, 4 . . . MIKE BURKART — Span­ ish Club 2 . . . CRAIG BUTLER — Golf 2; Wrestling 2.

60 Pride, Loyalty Reflected in Classes, Sports

FIRST ROW BILL BUTLER — Bridge Club 3; DECA 4 . . . HARRY CALDWELL — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4; Viking Glee 2, 3, 4 . . . BOB CAMPBELL — Sophomore Choir 2; Sen­ ior Choir 3, 4; Concert Chorale 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Viking Glee 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 4; Basketball Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Camera Club 2; Bowling Intramurals 2.

SECO ND ROW JO YCE CANTRELL — Future Secretaries 3; Y-Teens 3, 4; G.A.A. 4; Cheerleader 4; Senior Girls’ 4; (Class Board 2; Pep Club 2; Variety Show 2, Elkgrove, Illinois) . . . ROSEMARIE CARLTON — Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; G.A.A. 2, 3; Office Helper 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Cur­ rent Affairs 4; Honor Society 3 . . . MARK CARPENTER — Audio-Visual Crew 2, 3, Secretary 2, Treasurer 3; Ski Club 4; Viking Club 4; Spanish Club 4; Chess Club 2.

THIRD ROW JEAN CARTE — G .A .A . 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; French Club 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Senior Girls’ 4; Student Council 2; Honor Society 3 . . . CAROL CARTER — Attendance Helper 3, 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4 , . . MONICA “NICKI” CASEY ^ Student Council 2, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Honor So­ ciety 3; Valhalla Staff 4; Sears Fashion Board Represent­ ative 4; Homecoming Court 4; Senior Class Secretary 4; Y-Teens 3; Home Economics Club 2, Treasurer 4.

FOURTH ROW P JEAN CASIAS — G .A .A . 2; Ski Club 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 3; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Young Adults 3; Wrestling Statistician 3, 4 . . . TERRI CAUDILL — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; G.A.A. 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Majorette 3, 4, Head 3; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Valhalla Staff 4; Variety Show 4; Track Statistician 3, 4 . . . MICHAEL COLDREN — Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Viking Glee 3, 4.

FIFTH ROW KRISTY COMBS — Y-Teens 2, 3; G .A .A . 3; Red Cross 3, President 3; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . TONY CONLEY — Football 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Varsity "N” 3, 4; ZBG’s 2, 3, 4 . . . MICHELENE “MICH” CONREAUX — Y-Teens 2; French Club 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3, Secretary 2, Vice-President 3; Senior Girls’ 4, Secretary-Treasurer 4.

61 Seniors Decorate School for Holiday Season

FIRST ROW RANDY COOPER — Viking Club 3, 4 . . . JOE CORDI — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Football 3; Latin Club 2, 4; Good Books Club 2; Vocational College Club 3, 4 . . . CATHY CORN — G.A.A. 3; Sophomore Choir 2; French Club 2, 3; Viking Club 3, 4; C.O.E. 4; Senior Girls’ 4.

SECO N D ROW JUDY CRABTREE — Y-Teens 4; Home Economics Club 4; Viking Club 4; Future Secretaries 4; C.O .E. 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . MILES CRABTREE — Bridge Club 3, 4; Viking Club 3; ZBG’s 4 . . . SUZANNE CRAWFORD — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3; Home Economics Club 4.

THIRD ROW CINDY CREMEANS — Y-Teens 2; Viking Club 4; Val­ kyries 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . JENNY CULVER — G .A .A . 3, 4; French Club 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Honor Society 3 . . . JEFF DANIEL — German Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4.

FOURTH ROW STEVE DARFUS — Audio Visual Club 2, 3, 4; Camera Club 2; Chess Club 2 . . . DAVE DAVIS — Viking Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Ski Club 4 . . . RICHARD DAVIS — Senior Choir 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4; French Club 4; Creative Writing 4; (Concert Choir 3; Glenbard East, Lombard, Illinois).

FIFTH ROW DON DAY — Young Adults 3, 4; Senior Choir 4 . . . RON DeANGELO — Varsity "N” 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, ^resident 2; Student Council 2; Football 2, 3, 4; Bas­ ketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3; Track 2; ZBG’s 2, 3, 4; H-Y 2 . . . KEN DEMERS — Viking Club 4.

62 Senior Lois Remely collects G .A .A. dues and senior Phil Porter assists. Seniors Barb Burigana, Dena Demopolis, Diane Williamson and (.indy Barr decorate the senior showcase with fayors at Christmas time.

FIRST ROW DENA DEMOPOLIS — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Viking Club 3, 4; F.T.A. 2; Senior Girls’ 4, Vice-President 4; Ski Club 3; Valhalla Staff 4; Wrestling Statistician 3, 4; Student Council 4; Sports Sur­ vey 4; Quill and Scroll 4 . . . MARK DEMPSEY — Student Council 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Hi-Y 2 . . . LIZ DENBOW — Spanish Club 2, 3; Senior Girls’ 4; C.O.E. 4, Secretary 4.

SECO N D ROW PAUL DeVERE — Senior Choir 2, 3, 4 . . . PHIL De­ VORE — Spanish Club 2; Ski Club 3; Track 3; Viking Club 3; Ski Club 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4 . . . STEVE DEW — ZBG’s 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Senior Choir 4; Viking Glee 2.

THIRD ROW KAY DICKEY — Valkyries 2, 3, 4, Costume Co-ordina­ tor 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4, Disciplinary Chairman 3, Treasurer 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; German Club 2, 3; Sports Survey 4 . . . LAWRENCE “LARRY” DICKSON — Spanish Club 2, 4; Viking Club 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Office Helper 2 . . . JIM DOEBLE — Track 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Good Books Club 2; Vocational College Club 3, 4; Football 3.

63 Seniors Share Honor of Football Championship

FIRST ROW VERNON DOTSON — Ski Club 4; DECA 4, Treasurer 4 . . . JIM DOUTHITT — Student Council 2; French Club 2, 3 . . . PHIL DOW NEY.

SECO N D ROW STEVE DROWN — DECA 4 . . . JOHN EARNHEART — Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3; Latin Club 2 . . . GAIL EBERLE — Y-Teens 4; Creative Writing 4; Senior Girls' 4; (Chorus 2; Y-Teens 2; G.A.A. 2; Shadyside, Ohio).

THIRD ROW FRAN EBY — Senior Girls' 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3; Latin Club 4 . . . CAROLYN EDGAR — French Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls' 4; C.O.E. 4 . . . DON EDGAR.

FOURTH ROW DENNIS EICHENSEHR . . . KATHY ENGLAND — G .A .A . 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Choir 4; Young Adults 4; Honor Society 3 . . . DON ERION — Latin Club 3; Stage Band 3, 4; Senior Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Young Adults 2; “Sound of Music” 3; Variety Show 2, 4; Viking Glee 2.

FIFTH ROW MARTI ERWIN — Home Economics Club 2, 4; Future Secretaries 4; Senior Girls' 4 . . . BILL ESSEX — ZBG's 4.

64 Win or Lose, Though, Senior Spirit Was High

FIRST ROW ERNEST “ROCKY” EVANS — Ski Club 4; Basketball 4; Viking Glee 4; (Basketball 2, 3; Football 2, Callaway, Mississippi) . . . CHERYL EVERS — Latin Club 2; F.T.A. 2; Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Office Helper 2, 3; Chemistry Helper 4; Honor Society 3 . . . PATTI FAIVRE — Viking Club 2, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; C.O.E. 4; Senior Girls' 4; Honor Society 3.

SECO N D ROW PAT FERREE — Baseball 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Ad­ visory Council 4; ZBG’s 2, 3, 4; Varsity “ N” 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; French Club 2; Viking Gub 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4 . . . KEN FIFE — Cross Country 3 . . . BOB FIZER.

THIRD ROW LARRY FORSBACH — Hi-Y 3; Chess Gub 4 . . . MISSY FOSTER — Viking Club 2, 4; G.A.A. 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; French Club 2; Y-Teens 4 . . . KATHY FREE — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3.

FOURTH ROW FRANK FU'RIE — Latin Club 2, Vice-President 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Swimming Team 4; Spanish Club 4 . . . JOHN GARRABRANT . . . THERESA GEELHOED — Latin Club 2; Y-Teens 3; Senior Girls’ 4; F.T.A. 2.

FIFTH ROW STEVE GENTRY ^ Football 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4; Varsity “ N ” 4; Valhalla Staff 4; Lunchroom Helper 2, 3, 4; Vi­ king Club 2, 3, 4 . . . SCOTT GLANDON — Viking Glee 4 . . . STEVE GOOD ^ Honor Society 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2.

65 Camera Catches Seniors in Variety of Poses

FIRST ROW PHIL G O SSM AN — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Football 3; Kitchen Helper 2, 3, 4 . . . LYNN GRABILL — French Club 2, 3, Secretary 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Art Club 4; Student Council 4; Guidance Helper 2, 3, 4 . . . CAROL GRAHAM — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Spanish Club 2, 3; Senior Girls’ 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4, Sergeant-at- Arms 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4; Sen­ ior Choir 3, 4; Art Club 2; Homecoming Queen 4.

SECO N D ROW GREG GRAHAM — Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Junior Achievement 2, 3; DECA 4 . . . RON GRAVES — (Football 2, 3; Student Council 3, 4, McKinley) . . . CHRIS GREEN — Future Secretaries 4; C.O .E. 4; Senior Girls’ 4.

THIRD ROW DEBBIE GRELL — Y-Teens 3; Viking Club 3; Ski Club 4 . . . TONI GROVE — Y-Teens 2; Senior Girls’ 4; Viking Club 4 . . . MIKE GRUBB.

FOURTH ROW RICHARD GUNNELL . . . KATHLEEN “SUZY” HAGOVSKY — Senior Choir 2, 3, 4 . . . JEFF HALL — Symphonic Band 2 , 3, 4, Librarian 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 4; Contest Choir 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Viking Varieties 2, 4; "Sound of Music’’ 3; “ Amahl and the Night Visitors’’ 3; Concert Chorale 2, 4.

FIFTH ROW MOLLY HALL — Spanish Club 3, 4; Viking Club 4; Sen­ ior Girls’ 4; (Majorette 2; Tri-Hi-Y 2, Severna Park High School) . . . ED HALLAM — Student Council 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2; ZBG’s 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Forum 4 . . . BOB HALLAM — Concert Band 4; Concerned Students 4.

66 P.O.D. teacher, Mr. Tim llg, wonders where his senior class has disappeared to.

FIRST ROW JULIE HAMILTON — Red Cross 3; G .A .A . 3; French Club 4 . . . DAVE HARMER . . . DAN, HARMER — DECA 4; Viking Club 2 . . . PATTI HARRIS — Y-Teens 3, 4; Sen­ ior Girls' 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Valhalla Staff 4; (Sopho­ more Chpir 2; French Club 2, 3, Mifflin High School).

SECO N D ROW DAN HARPER . . . MIKE HART — Football 2, 3, 4; Vi­ king Club 4 . . . SANDY HARTLE — Viking Club 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Home Economics 3; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens 2, 3.

THIRD ROW JO YCE HAWKINS — Spanish Club 2; Lunchroom Helper 2, 3, 4; G .A .A . 3; Red Cross 3, President 3; F.T.A. 3; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . BEV HAYS . . . MIKE HAYS — Vi­ king Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Football 3; Cross Country 2, 4; Track 4; ZBG’s 2, 3, 4.

67 College Entrance Tests Are Conversation Topic

FIRST ROW JAIMIE HENDRICKS — Viking Club 4; Y-Teens 4; Sen­ ior Girls’ 4; (Majorette 2; Majorette Club 2 — Bel Air High School, Bel Air, Maryland) . . . ANDY HENDRICKS . . . MIKE HERR — Viking Club 3, 4; Science-Math Club 4; Football 2; Chess Club 4.

SECO N D ROW SUMMER HERSHNER — Russian Club 2, Vice-President 2; Y-Teens 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . DAN HESLOP — Young Adults 2, 3; Senior Choir 2, 3; Sophomore Choir 2; German Club 2; DECA President 4 . . . JOHN HILL.

THIRD ROW TOM HILT — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Football 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Basket­ ball 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 2, 3, 4; ZBG’s 2; Senior Class President . . . JIM HOCKADEN — Spanish Club 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Sports Council 2; Viking Club 3, 4; (Newsletter Staff 2, 3; Intramural Track 2; Sophomore Choir 2; Sophomore Male Choir 2 — Greenbrier Military School, Lewisburg, West Virginia) . . . MARK HOLLEN- BACH — All City Orchestra 2, 3; Instrumental Music 2, 3, 4; “ Sound of Music” 3; Director of Stage Band 4.

FOURTH ROW MARSHA HOLLING — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; French Club 2;

Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; DECA 4 . . . BARB ^ i HORCHLER — Viking Club 4; Ski Club 4; Home Econom­ ics Club 4 . . . RENEE HOUSER — Latin Club 2; French Club 3; National Honor Society 2; Viking Club 3; Crea­ tive Writing 4; Debate 4.

FIFTH ROW DAVE HUBA — Viking Club 4; Camera Club 2 . . . DAVE HUDGINS — Stage Crew 3 . . . LINDA HUNTER — F.T.A. 2; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Home Eco­ nomics Club 2; Viking Club 3, 4; G.A.A. 2; C.O.E. 4; Guidance Helper 2, 3; Office Helper 4.

68 \ Which College to Attend? That Is Big Decision

FIRST ROW PATTI HUNTER — Y-Teens 2 , 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . CONNIE HUS­ TON — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, Vice-Presi­ dent 2, 3; G .A .A . 2, 3, 4, Sergeont-ot-Arms 4; Cheer­ leading 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Guidance Helper 2, 3; Honor Society 3; Independent Study 3, 4 . . . BILL HUTCHIN­ SON.

SECO N D ROW MIKE IMBER . . . MIKE JACOB — Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 4; Current Affairs 4; Committee-on-the-Right 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Mixed Ensemble 4 . . . CHUCK JAMES — Football 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4.

THIRD ROW KEITH JAYCOX . . . JEAN JECK — French Club 2; G.A.A. 2; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . KAREN JOHNSON ^ G.A.A. 2, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Student Council 3; Art Club 4; Cheerleading 2, 3; Senior Girls’ 4, President 4; Honor Society 3.

FOURTH ROW NEAL “ RICK” JO H N SO N ^ Viking Club 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Concerned Students 4; Committee-on-the-Right 4 . . . MIKE JONES — DECA 4 . . . BILL JONES ^ Cross Country 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Viking Club 4.

FIFTH ROW JEFF JURUSIK — Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Boys’ Glee 2, 3, 4 ■ • • BARB JO Y — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3; Art Club 4 . . . DON KARN — Stage Band 2 , 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 4; Chess Club 2; Ski Cl'ub 4.

69 Seniors Number 393 as First Semester Ends

FIRST ROW MARY ANN KEHRER — Spanish Club 2; G.A.A. 2; 3., 4; Viking Club 2, 4; Senior Girls' 4 . . . MIKE KELLER — Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Male Glee 2, 3, 4; Good Books Club 2 . . . MARCIA KIRCHNER — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Spanish Club 2; F.T.A. 2; Valhalla Staff 4; Wrestling Statistician 4; Quill and Scroll 4.

SECO N D ROW JERRY KIRK — Cross Country 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 4; Basketball 3, 4; Varsity “N" 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 4; ZBG’s 3, 4; All City Track 3, 4 . . . PRISCILLA KIRKNER — Spanish Club 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; DECA 4; Student Council 2 . . . JIM KLAUS- ING — Spanish Club 2; Viking Club 4.

THIRD ROW JOHN KLEINMAN — Art Club 4 . . . KATHY KRAMER — Ski Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; G.A.A. 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 3; Majorette 3, 4, Head 4; French Club 2, 3; Wrestling Statistician 4; Track Statistician 3, 4; Variety Show 2 . . . CANDY KRULL — French Club 2, President 2; Student Council 2, 4; Viking Club 2; Home Economics 2; Valkyries 3, 4, Secretary 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Newsletter Staff 3; Homecoming Court 4.

FOURTH ROW WIl^LIAM KUNZ . . . MARK LaFOLLETTE — Sophomore Choir 2; Senior Choir 3, 4; Male Glee 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Newsletter Staff 4; Viking Club 4 . . . KAREN LAMB — Y-Teens 2 , 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4.

FIFTH ROW LYNN LANCASTER — G .A .A . 2; Future Secretaries 3; C.O.E. 4 . . . LARRY LANDAU . . . CARLA LARRICK — “In the Know’’ 3; F.T.A. 3, 4, Secretary 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3; Senior Girls’ 4.

70 October 7 was a day filled with convention hoopla — cheering, shouting, sign Campaign signs and balloons hung from the ceiling, only part of the decora­ waving — as the seniors elected their class officers. tions at the senior convention.

FIRST ROW SUSAN LAVENS — Home Economics Club 2; C.O.E. 4 . . . DAVE LEATHER — Viking Club 2; Ski Club 4 . . . PAUL LECHNiER.

SECO ND ROW JENNY LEE — Home Economics Club 2, 3; DECA 4 . . . MIKE LEMASTER . . . AUDREY LEWIS — Home Eco­ nomics Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 4; Senior Choir 2, 3; Senior Girls’ 4.

THIRD ROW CINDY LEWIS — Art Club 4; G.A.A. 2, 3; Y-Teens 3; Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . MARK LEWIS — Track 2, 4; Intramurals 2, 4; Ski Club 4 . . . SHIRLEY LEWIS — Latin Club 2; C.O.E. 4.


71 Seniors Enjoy Limelight of ‘Top Dog’ Role

FIRST ROW CATHY LI . . . KYM LODGE — Viking Club 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2; Y-Teens 2, 3; Ski Club 4; Senior Choir 4 . . . DEBI LO GAN — Y-Teens 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4.

SECO N D ROW BOB LOVE — Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Cross Country 3; Varsity “N” 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; ZBG’s 2, 3, 4 . . . NANCY LUCAS . . . CHRIS MACURAK — Latin Club 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3; Treasurer 4; Sym­ phonic Band 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; "Sound of Music" 3; "Amahl and the Night Visitors” 3.

THIRD ROW DENNIS MAHONEY — Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4 . . . JOHN MA­ LONE . . . LORI MARANVILLE — German Club 2; F.T.A. 2, 3; Spanish Club 3; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 3, 4; DECA 4; Senior Girls’ 4.

FOURTH ROW CARL MARBACH — DECA 4 . . . LOLA MARCUM — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3; Spanish Club 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Melody Maidens 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . PAT MARTER — Ski Club 4.

FIFTH ROW LINDA MARTIN — French Club 3; Current Affairs 3, 4; F.T.A. 3 . . . LOIS MARTIN — French Club 2, 4; Cafeteria Helper 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 3; Chess Club 2, 3; Library Helper 2; Senior Girls’ 4; Orchestra 4 . . . RICK MATURO.

72 Seniors Go All-Out to Promote School Projects

FIRST ROW LINDA MAYHEW — Future Homemakers 2, 3, 4, Presi­ dent 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . HAROLD McADOW — Ski Club 3; Art Club 2 . . . RICHARD McBRIDE.

SECO ND ROW DEBBIE McCLASKEY . . . CHERYL McDANIEL — Y-Teens 2; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Spanish Club 2; Ski Club 3; Home Economics Club 3, 4; Honor Society; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Melody Maidens 2, 3, 4 . . . PHIL McGEE.

THIRD ROW MYRA McGRAW — Y-Teens 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3; Red Cross 3; G .A .A . 3; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . SUSAN McKNIGHT ^ Art Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Guidance Helper 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . LINDA McMILLEN — 3.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3; Y-Teens 3; French Club 2; Senior Girls’ 4; Home Economics Club 2.

FOURTH ROW BOB MEDLEY — ZBG 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Ski Club t . . . MARK MEINHART —- Chess Club 2, 4; Tennis Team 3; Track Team 4 . . . DAN MILLER — Football 2, 3, 4; Saseball 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; Intramural Basketball 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4.

FIFTH ROW DEBBIE MILLER French Club 2; Y-Teens 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; DECA 4 . . . LYNNE MILLER — Viking Club I; Ski Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . LINDA MOORE — Cheerleader 2; Student Council 2, 3 — Franklin High School) Viking Club 3; Senior Girls' 4; Y-Teens 3.

73 Oh, the Joys of Senior English, P.O.D., Chemistry

FIRST ROW PAT MOORE . . . GREG MORGAN Spanish Club 4; Math-Science Club 4 ; Chess Club 4 . . KEITH MORRI- SON.

SECO N D ROW KAREN MUSSER — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Current Affairs 4; Committee-on- the-Right 4; Senior Girls’ 4; F.T.A. 2 . . . KAY NACHTRAB — Y-Teens 2; G.A.A. 2; Ski Club 4; Valhalla Staff 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Senior Choir 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4 . . . ROBIN NEEL — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3; Drama Club 4; Russian Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; “Amahl and the Night Visitors” 3; ‘‘Sound of Music” 3; Viking Varieties 2, 3; Stage Band 4.

THIRD ROW PAUL NILO . . . MARILYN NIST — G.A.A. 2; Drama Club 3; F.T.A. 3; Spanish Club 2; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 3, 4; Woodwind Choir 3, 4; Orchestra 4 . . . THERESA NOPPENBERGER — F.T.A. 2, 3, 4, Report­ er 4; Home Economics Club 3; Spanish Club 2, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Cafeteria Helper 3, 4.

FOURTH ROW PATTY NORRIS — French Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Senior Choir 4; Melody Maidens 4 . . . PAM O ’BRIEN — Senior Girls’ 4; DECA 4; Viking Club 4 . . . CHERIE OLESNANIK — G.A.A. 3; French Club 2, 3; Creative Writing 4; Forum Staff 3, 4; Earth Builders 4; ‘‘In the Know” 3.

FIFTH ROW DEBBIE OLIVERIO — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2 , 3, 4, Secretary 4; F.T.A. 2; Senior Girls’ 4; Viking Club 2, 3; Newsletter Staff 3; Valhalla Staff 4 . . . PAT PAYNE — Russian Club 3; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Yound Adults 2; Brass Choir 3, 4; Chess Club 2; Senior Choir 2 . . . BARB PEAK — G.A.A. 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Viking Varieties 4; (Girls’ Glee 2; Pep Club 3, 4; Parkettes 3, 4, Chesterfield, Mis­ souri).

74 Seniors Scott Ringold and Richard McBride head the cast in Northland's tall play “ Summertree.'

FIRST ROW LORN PENDLETON — Track 2, 3; Ski Club 2, 3, 4, President 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity “ N ” 3, 4, Trea­ surer 4; Football 2 . . . TOM PERKINS - - Wrestling 2, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2 . . . CINDY PETTY.

SECO ND ROW VICKI' POLLEY — French Club 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . PHIL PORTER — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Football 4; Basketball 2, 3; Student Council 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4 . . . JOE POWER.

THIRD ROW LARRY POWER — Chess Club 2 . . . TERRY PRICE — Senior Girls’ 4; Senior Choir 4; Melody Maidens 4 . . . PATTY PUCHOVICH — C.O.E. 4.

75 ‘Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble, ’ Weary Seniors Say

FIRST ROW KAREN PURTEE . . . DON RAMSEY — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4; ZBG’s 4 . . . TOM RANBARGER — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Intra­ murals 3, 4; 100 Mile Club 2.

SECO N D ROW MIKE RAUSH — Intramurals 4; Ski Club 4 . . . LEE ANN REARDON — Y-Teens 3; Home Economics Club 3; C.O.E. 4, Co-Chairman 4; Melody Maidens 3 . . . PAM REES — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Y-Teens 4, Secre­ tary 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Office Helper 4; Attendance Helper 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3.

THIRD ROW JOHN REICHARD — French Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Male Glee 2, 3, 4; Viking Glee 2, 3, 4 . . . NANCY REICHENBACH — Concert Band 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4 . . . LOIS REMELY — Marching Band 2, 3; Concert Band 2, 3; Russian Club 2; Spanish Club 2, 3; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; Valhalla Staff 4; Office Helper 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Gym Monitor 4.

FOURTH ROW MIKE RHODES . . . DENNIS RICHARDS — Audio-Visu­ al Crew 2, 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 4 . . . BECKY RICH­ ARDSON — Honor Society 3; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Executive Committee 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 3; Homecoming Court 4.

FIFTH ROW LISA RICKLY — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3; Valkyries 4; Orchestra 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 3; Sophomore Choir 2; F.T.A. 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4 . . . SCOTT RINGOLD — Baseball 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Drum Major 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4, Vice-Presi­ dent 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Honor Society 3; Boys’ State 4; Our Town 3; S u m m e rtre e 4; Orchestra 3, 4, President 4; Concert Band 2 , 3, 4; Senior Class Vice-President 4 . . . JOE ROBERTS.

76 V Senior Dues Make Big Dent in Everyone’s Pocketbook

FIRST ROW CINDY ROSE — G.A.A. 2, 3, A, Treasurer 4; Y-Teens 2, 3; Art Club 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . PAM ROTHGEB . . . STEVE ROWE.

SECO N D ROW PAT RUSSOLILLO — Viking Club 4; Red Cross 2; G.A.A. 2; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . RANDY SAITER . . . TERI SALYER.

THIRD ROW MARY BETH SAMS — Viking Club 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4 . . . MIKE SAPP ■— Football 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4 . . . DARLENE SAULTERS — Senior Girls’ 4; Viking Club 4; Ski Club 3; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3, Treasurer 3; Y-Teens 3; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4, President 4; Senior Choir 4; Melody Maidens 4. I FOURTH ROW JOHN SCHIRTZINGER — Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Valhalla Staff 4 . . . PAM SCHLERETH — Valhalla Staff 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Valkyries 3; Melody Maid­ ens 3; Latin Club 4; Home Economics Club 2 . . . CHERYL SCHMEITZEL Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G .A .A . 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; Cheerleader 4; Sports Survey 4, Vice-President 4; Senior Girls’ 4.

FIFTH ROW KAREN SCHNELLE — Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . PAT SCOLIERI . . . DARRELL SCOTT — Marching Band 2, 3; Wrestling Manager 3; Ski Club 4.

77 Headaches, Sweat, Tears. . . Then Joy, Laughter, Relief

FIRST ROW BECKY SCOTT — Home Economics Club 2, 3; Good Books Club 2, Treasurer 2; Future Secretaries 3, 4, Trea­ surer 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . SHAWN SENTZ — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Swimming 3, 4; Football 3; Intramurals 2, 3, 4 . . . STEVE SERIO — Football 2, 3; Track 2, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Cross Country 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Intramurals 3.

SECO N D ROW BRUNI SETTELE — German Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2, Vice-President 3; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 3 . . . SALLY SHAFER — Home Economics Club 2, 3; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Viking Club 4; Good Books Club 2; Spanish Club 3, 4; Melody Maidens 3, 4 . . . ROBERTA SHALOSKY — Good Books Club 2; Spanish Club 2, 3; Senior Choir 3, 4; Melody Maidens 3, 4.

THIRD ROW JIM SHEEHAN — Ski Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 4; Viking Club 4 . . . RANDY SHIELDS — Basketball 2; Senior Choir 2, 3; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 2; Orches­ tra 3, 4; Brass Choir 2, 3, 4; Alus/c Mon 2; Amahl and the Night Visitors 3; Concert Chorale 2, 3, 4; Viking Glee 2, 3; Contest Choir 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; S o u n d o f M u sic 3; S u m m e rtre e 4; Executive Committee 4; Viking Varieties 2, 4 . . . PAT SHORT.

FOURTH ROW MIKE SHOWS — Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2 , 3, 4; ZBG’s 3, 4; Football 3 . . . CONNIE SIMPSON . . . MARY ANN SKINNER — Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Concert Chorale 3, 4; Beauty Shoppe Quartet 3, 4; Melody Maid­ ens 2, 3; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Valkyries 3, 4, Co-Captain 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Contest Choir 2, 3, 4; S o u n d o f M u sic 3; Amahl and the Night Visitors 3; Viking Varieties 2 , 4; Honor Society 3; Sophomore Choir 2; Girls' Octet 4.

FIFTH ROW RICK SLANE — Latin Club 2; Ski Club 3, 4; Concerned Students 4; Valhalla Staff 4, Managing Editor 4; Viking Club 2 . . . BRAD SLYE — Latin Club 2, 3, 4; President 4; Senior Choir 2, 3; Young Adults 2, 3; ZBG's 3, 4 . . . LORRIE SMALLEY — Valhalla Staff 4, Editor 4; Home Ec­ onomics Club 2, 3; Senior Girls’ 4; G.A.A. 2; Y-Teens 2; Senior Choir 3; Melody Maidens 3, 4; Young Adults 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Band Manager 4; Sound of Music 3; Con­ test Choir 3, 4; Amahl and the Night Visitors 3; Quill and Scroll 4.

78 Senior Class president Tom Hilt presents Queen Carol Graham with a bouquet Every Northland senior knows that when activities co-ordinator, Hubert Zoayer of roses during the Homecoming Dance. speaks, he means action.


FIRST ROW KATHY SMITH — Chess Club 2, 3, Secretary-Treasurer 2; French Club 2; Creative Writing 4; Forum Staff 4 . . . A4ARC SMITH . . . RICK SMITH.

SECO N D ROW STEVE SMITH — Basketball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 4; Vi­ king Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 3, 4; Advisory Council 3 . . . BEV SPADAFORA — Home Economics Club 2, 3; Fu­ ture Secretaries 3, 4; C.O.E. 4; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . DEB­ BIE SPEARS — Home Economics Club 2; Spanish Club 3; Future Secretaries 3, 4, President 4; Senior Girls' 4; Val­ halla Staff 4.

THIRD ROW JIM SPEARS — Baseball 3 ... SUE SONDRINI — Y-Teens 2; Drama Club 3; Senior Girls’ 4 . . . SHARON STAMM — Senior Girls’ 4.

79 Ordering Announcements Indicates End Is Near

FIRST ROW CHERYL STANLEY — G.A.A. 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Spanish Club 2; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4 . . . CHARLIE ST. CLAIR - Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Viking Club 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Senior Class Treasurer 4 . . . DEBBIE STEARNS — Viking Club 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 4; Spanish Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Sports Survey 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Melody Maid­ ens 2 , 3; Library Helper 2.

SECO N D ROW LISA STOCKW ELL — French Club 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4, President 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Valhalla Staff 4; Senior Choir 2 . . . JEFF STO- NEY — (Foreign Study League 2, 3; Russian Club 2, 3, Sergeant-at-Arms 2; Intramurals 2, Upper Arlington High School) . . . CHRIS STOOPS — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2 , 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4; G.A.A. 3; Or­ chestra 3, 4, Assistant-Secretary 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Soph­ omore Choir 2.

THIRD ROW JOHN STRAWSER . . . JOHN STRICK — German Club 2; Marching Band 2, 3; Symphonic Band 2, 3; Student Council 2; Percussion Ensemble 2, 3 . . . SHAUNA STU­ ART — Senior Choir 4; (Choir 2 , 3; Lima High School, Lima, Ohio).

FOURTH ROW RANDY SUVER — Varsity “N” 2, 3, 4; ZBG’s 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 4; Basketball 2; Wrestling 3, 4, Co-Captain 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4 . . . DIANE SWEENEY — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Vi­ king Club 3, 4 . . . STEVE SYKES — Concerned Students 4.

FIFTH ROW MARY TALL — Concerned Students 4 . . . LARRY THATCHER — Chess Club 2, 3, 4; Science-Math Club 4 . . . BILLIE THOMPSON — Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4.

80 We Made the Grade . . . Now What’s Ahead

FIRST ROW SONIA THOMPSON — Y-Teens 3; Senior Girls’ 4; Fu­ ture Secretaries 3; Concerned Students 4 . . . JUDY TODD — Home Economics Club 2; French Club 4 . . . VAL TOLBERT — French Club 2, 3, 4, President 3, 4; Vi­ king Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Senior Choir 4; Student Council 2, 3.

SECO ND ROW TERRY TOLER — Basketball 2, 3; Viking Club 4; Cross Country 4 . . . BOB TURGEON . . . MARY THURSTON.

THIRD ROW CINDY TRACHSEL — Senior Choir 3, 4; Valkyries 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Concert Chorale 4; Girls’ Quartet 4; G.A.A. 2; Latin Club 2; Sound of Music 3; Amah! and the Night Visitors 3; Honor Society 3; Con­ test Choir 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Viking Varieties 2 . . . BILL TRACY — Viking Club 4 . . . DONNA TROTTER — Sophomore Choir 2; Home Economics Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2; Senior Girls’ 4; C.O.E. Board of Direc­ tors 4.

FOURTH ROW MELEK TURKOGLU — Home Economics Club 2, 3; Sophomore Choir 2; Senior Girls’ 4; French Club 3, 4; Concerned Students 4; Viking Club 4; Sound of Music 3; Amah! and the Night Visitors 3; Honor Society 3; Orches­ tra 2, 3, 4, Librarian 4 . . . VICKY UNDERW OOD — Spanish Club 2, 3; Y-TeenS 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Sen­ ior Girls’ 4; Valhalla Staff 4 . . . TERRY VALENTINE — Spanish Club 2; G.A.A. 2; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Office Helper 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Ski Club 4; Attend­ ance Helper 4; Sophomore Choir 2.

FIFTH ROW VAL VALENTINE — Y-Teens 2, 3; G.A.A. 2; C.O.E. 4; F.T.A. 2; Student Council 3 . . . DEBBIE VANFOSSEN — Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3; Art Club 4; Viking Club 2, 3 . . . LANA VAN SCHOIK — Home Eco­ nomics Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4.

81 Seniors Look Forward to College, Marriage, Job

FIRST ROW LORI VAN SYCKLE — Y-Teens 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Concerned Students 3, 4 . . . MICKEY VERMILLION . . . LUANN VOIT — Art Club 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3; Y- Teens 2, 3; Senior Girls' 4.

SECO N D ROW KATHY WALLS — Senior Girls’ 4; Y-Teens 4; Viking Club 4 . . . CARYL WARNER — French Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Honor So­ ciety 3; C.O.E. 4 . . . GREG WAYT — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity “N” 4; Golf 2, 3, 4, Captain 3, 4; Spanish Club 2.

THIRD ROW WENDY WEAVER — Senior Girls’ 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Viking Club 4; Latin Club 2, Treasurer 2; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . BARB WEBER — Spanish Club 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Senior Choir 4; (Honor Society 2, 3; Warren High School, Vincent, Ohio) . . . STEVE WEST.

FOURTH ROW ALLEN WHEELER — Spanish Club 2; Newsletter Staff 3; Ski Club 3; Bridge Club 3; Science-Math Club 4; DECA 4 . . . DEBBIE WILKES . . . DIANE WILLIAMSON — G .A .A . 2, 3, 4, President 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Student Council 2, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Citizen-of- the-Month 2; Interschool Sports 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Mel­ ody Maidens 3; Honor Society 3; Gym Monitor.

FIFTH ROW DENNY W ILSON — Baseball 2, 3; Latin Club 2; Bas­ ketball 2, 3 . . . JIM W O O D — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3 ... KEN WOODRUFF — Stage Band 2, 3, 4, Assistant Director 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Cointry 2, 3, 4.

82 Seniors Terry Caudill, Patti Harris, Jean Carte, Marcia Kirchner, Cindy Barr, Debi Logan, Denai Demopolis and Linda Moore forget about studying and enjoy themselves in the lobby.

1 FIRST ROW JOHN WOODS . . . DELANNE WRIGHT . . . PEGGY WRIGHT ^ Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Drama 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls’ 4; Honor So­ ciety 3.

SECO ND ROW STEVE YODER — Baseball 2; Golf 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Varsity “N” 4; (Gymnastics 2; Stone Mountain High School) . . . JOE ZAPPIA . . . TERI ZIMMER — Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Secretary 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Girls’ Glee 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; Senior Girls’ 4; G .A .A . 3; Sound of Music 3; Amahl and the Night Visi­ tors 3; Viking Varieties 4; Valkyries 4.

THIRD ROW DALE ZOLLER — German Club 3; Ski Club 4; Viking Club 4.


83 Nicki Casey, escorted by Doug Boyer. Carol Graham, escorted by Doug Dakel.

Bev Hays, escorted by Mickey Vermillion.

Candy Krull, escorted by Andy Kulick. Becky Richardson, escorted by Steve Smith. 84 Candidates and their escorts eagerly await the announcement of the 1970 Homecoming Queen. Fond Memories Linger After Heavy Fog Lifts

Homecoming festivities began with a pep rally in the rain October 28. The rain failed to dampen the students’ spirit, however, as they cheered for their queen candidates in the gym. The spirit of “Viking Power” continued and Carol Graham was an­ nounced Homecoming Queen during the game half­ time Friday night. The Viking football team added to the celebrations as they whipped Whetstone 10-0 under a blanket of fog. On Saturday night, Carol and her attendants reigned over “There’s No Place Like Home” theme for this year’s Homecom­ ing Dance.

It was hard for Carol to hold back tears just seconds after she was announced 1970 Homecoming Queen. 85 Queen Carol takes time out from the evening’s festivities to dance with her es­ cort Doug Dakel.

1970 Homecoming Court, Candy Krull, Becky Richardson, Carol Graham, Bev Hays, and Nicki Casey.

Students at the dance enjoyed the music of Joe Grant and his orchestra.


Seniors Phil Porter and Chuck James welcome vistors of all kinds to Northland including the neighborhood dog.

GOLDEN TARDIES CLUB — Jim Douthitt, Imperial Wizard; Tippy Strawser, oenior Lynn Grabill takes time during her art class to paint a poster for the Grand Dragon; and Ric Slane, we're just not quite sure what he is. Spaghetti Dinner.

88 !

I Only seniors would be brave enough to enter this room.

Seniors Karen Johnson and Sue McKnight persuade junior Paula Elke to come Sophomore Vince Gage shakes senior Debbie Oliverio’s hand under the mis- outside and study in the fresh air. tle-toe. That's an underclassman for youl

89 V ' r


In defeat or victory the Vikings were proud warriors, but victories this year were the greatest as the football and cross country teams took City League titles. School spirit too was at fever pitch . , . and that made all the difference.

91 Coach Fronk Howe and quarterback Steve Good discuss strategy-for the West Football co-captains Tom Hilt and Randy Suver admire the City League trophy game. before they place it in the trophy case.

Junior Varsity football team finishes with 3-5 record

The reserves finished with a 3-5 record even though they season; but as the season progressed, the reserves worked were a much better team than their record reflected. North­ hard and well to defeat their opponents. Kim Elsea was an out­ land’s reserves are made up of all sophomores, but other re­ standing back along with Jeff Hutchison, as Kim gained over serve teams in the city are made up of juniors along with soph­ 500 yards rushing and Jeff over 250. Outstanding defensive omores. Even though Northland's team was composed of only players were Bob Renner and Rod Nutter. sophomores, they were remernbered, by not only the teams Purpose of the JV program is to prepare the sophomores for they defeated but also by the teams they lost to, as hard hit­ becoming wise and experienced football players and to help ters. The losses were due to mistakes at the beginning of the the juniors become another winning team.

r * 35,17 16 / 62 ft 34. 30

RESERVE FOOTBALL — FRONT ROW: Bob Giroux, Rob Smith, Dennis Boytin, no, Mike Colley, Leonard McGee, Mike Keyser, Scott Plummer, Tim Richards, Jeff Pullins, Tony Mazzolo, Steve Smith, George Russel, Jim Smith, Vince Garth Nutter, Jeff Yocca, Mike Huston. FOURTH ROW: Mr. Tom White, Mike Gage, Jeff Hutchison, Craig Rogers. SECOND ROW: Jim Voipe, Glenn Yae- Davis, Mark Meabon, David St. Clair, Jeff Suver, Ernie Oskey, Bob Dotson, ger, Rick Braide, John Shafer, Steve Elkey, Steve Boyton, Tom Nist, Mark Fris- Bob Renner, Ray Bower. sora, Glenn Happenstand, Mark Stelzer. THIRD ROW: Ron Nutter, Tony Moli-

92 I

VIKING VARSITY, ’70 CITY CO-CHAMPS — FRONT ROW: Ron Armstrong, coat, Kim Elsea, Dean Conley, Dave Yorde, Bill Tinsky, Tony Flowers, Neal Ron DeAngelo, Dennis Mahoney, Tom Hilt, Randy Suver, Tony Conley, Mike Ferree, Rick Atwood, Jeff Rader. FIFTH ROW: Tim Barlow, Mike Newlon, Ralph Sapp, Chuck (Bull) James. SECOND ROW: Steve Good, Dan Miller, John Russolillo, Paul Lauch, Greg Kuskoski, Malcolm MacLean, Bob Hunt, Bob Ar­ Woods, Mike Hart, Pat Ferree, Tom Onstott, Bill Bryan, Phil Porter, Steve Gen­ chibald. SIXTH ROW: Tom Hagovsky, Kirk Free, Brad Troy, Jerry Goetz, Bob try. THIRD ROW: Dan Crabtree, Lyle Sanders, Bob Hamilton, Mike Kulick, Burton, Norm Miller. SEVENTH ROW: Mr. Wayne Rittenhouse, Mr. Frank John Lodge, Tony Rustucci, Ron Peters, Ron Cosentino. FOURTH ROW: Jim Fie- Howe, Mr. Dick Kerschbaum, Mr. Charles Deyo, Mr. Robert Orth.

Vikings share city title with Iiel{) Eastmoor Warriors

Northland, 7-0 in the City League^ and 8-1 overalil, brought its fine tradition as a hard-hitting explosive football team to a climax by winning its first City League football championship (a co-championship with Eastmoor). The team’s standout was its defense which held League op­ ponents to 30 points and gained 4 shutouts to lead the city. The Viking offense, led by City League scoring leader Tony Conley, was one of the smaller teams in the city, but through determina­ tion and dedication it, with one exception, rolled up the needed points. The offense this year added a strong kicking game led by holder Mike Kulick and kicker Chuck James. Chuck this year kicked the first ever Viking field goal. The Vikings are lucky to have a fine coaching staff. These men devote more time and effort than, most people will ever re­ alize. They reflected a dedicated and strong winning attitude that was carried over to the team.

93 RON ARMSTRONG, split end . . . BILL BRYAN, strong tackle . . . one TONY CONLEY, halfback . . . key one of the hardest hitting men on of the most dedicated players on man for the “ Green Machine’s" of­ the championship team . . . his the team, he was also the biggest fense . . . leading ground gainer pride and desire helped the team to and was a valuable fill-in for the for the team and top scorer in the get to the top. mighty interior line. City League.

in B * 'B p '-. U . 'i !

/• / ■ V ',

RON DE ANGELO, strong tackle PAT FERREE, full back . . . a mean STEVE GENTRY, strong guard . . . STEVE GOOD, quarterback . . . a . . . the black Irishman is a strong, linebacker for the Viking defense a two-year letterman, he helped mighty man behind the “ Big powerful lineman . . . a strong tac­ . . . hod his best game against Lin­ the mighty green offense to the city Green" offense . . . he was a good kle and a blocking back this year. den when he picked off two key in­ championship . . . also played de­ passer and a good scrambler. terceptions. fensive guard.

MIKE HART, strong tackle . . . he TOM HILT, fullback . . . a co-cap­ CHUCK JAMES, quick guard . . . was one of the leading tacklers on tain, Tom was the second leading not only helped on offense at the defensive squad . . . worked ground gainer . . . he had desire guard but was a very effective soc­ hard all season. and dedication. cer-style field goal kicker.

94 I Graduation takes Viking first team

Sixteen members of the explosive ‘‘Big Green Machine” graduate this year. All letter winners, they are leading ground gainer Tony Conley, fullbacks Tom Hilt and Pat Ferree, soccer- style kicker Chuck (Bull) James, centers John Woods and Dan Miller, strong guards Steve Gentry and Randy Suver, strong tackles Ron DeAngelo (the black Irishman) and Bill Bryan, tight ends Mike Sapp and Dennis Mahoney, split end Ron Armstrong, defensive safety Phil Porter and defensive tac­ kle Mike Hart, and last, but not least, the leader of the Pack, quarterback Steve Good. I

Tony Conley, the key man on Northland’s explosive offense this year, breaks DENNIS MAHONEY, tight end . . . DAN MILLER, center . . . the offen­ a tackle on a great second effort and levels off for the goal line in the West had a fine season as defensive sive center for the mighty Vikings game. back . . . was a truly rough and . . . also centered for the punts, tough dedicated player. field goals, and extra points.


PHIL PORTER, halfback . . . led the MIKE SAPP, tight end . . . a great RANDY SUVER, strong guard . . . JOHN WOODS, center. . . consid­ team in interceptions . . . was a factor in the Viking offense, he was a three-year letterman and co-cap­ ered to be the most improved interi­ valuable asset in returning punts. a hard-striking end who blocked tain, he was a “hard-nosed" or lineman . . . one of the smallest well. player. “ When Randy stuck them, centers in the city, he was usually they stayed stuck,” Mr. Orth said. outweighed.

95 The Vikings revenge the previous year's only City League loss by rolling over W est 14-0.

Danny Crabtree signifies that he’s proud that the Vikings are No. 1 in the city. (Right) City League scoring champ, Tony Conley, levels off for the goal line against Brookhaven.-

96 i

Pat Ferree tries to earn a “ kaboom" in the West game.

The Vikings No. 1 booster eyes the game situation from the sidelines.


N.H.S. Opp. 28 North 0 14 West 0 0 DeSales 14 20 East 6 22 Newark 7 28 Central 6 14 Brookhaven 0 10 Whetstone 0 28 Linden 18

97 VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY — FRONT ROW: Bruce Bower, Jeff Peifer, Mark erts, Bill Jones, Jerry Kirk, Barry Farley, Tom Johnson, Robin MacLean, Ken McCreary, John Morrow, Terry Shields, Rick Harris, Randy Mizer, Ken Wo­ Woodruff, Don Madden, Charlie St. Clair. mack, Bruce Durbin, Ron Ardt. SECOND ROW: Coach Steve Kull, Mark Rob­

Cross Country Team Splits City League Title

The cross country team, with a 9 and 3 record, tied for first in Stacy, Mike Goccia, John Morrow, Dan Madden, and Terry the City League and finished third in the district. Jerry Kirk qual­ Shields. ified for the State Meet. The reserves, led by Bruce Durbin, Dave Brehm, George During the year the Northland team defeated two of the Steele, Ken Womack, and Robin MacLean, finished first in the twenty teams that made it to the State Meet. city and third in the district also. They were also supported by a Injuries played a key role this season. Jerry Kirk and Barry large group of rinky dinks. Farley, the two top runners, were both injured for long periods. Next year’s team hopes to make it three straight in the city Other top varsity runners were Bill Jones, Tom Andrews, Mike and win that first District Title.

JUNIOR VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY — FRONT ROW: Terry Bloor, Bob Baughman, Dick Vohlers, Dave Brehm, John Van Dorn, Jeff Ball, Ron Lovell, Adams, Mike Cassidy, Steve Dew, Steve Serio, Ron Mills, Chip Van Syckle, Paul Van Dorn, Rick Diedalis, Mike Kulick, Don Crotty, Mark Ball, Scott Rowe. Steve Serr, John Newman. SECOND ROW: Mile Haggar, Don Haley, Ken

98 JERRY KIRK — one of the outstanding seniors . . . BILL JONES — a tremendous runner, with poise, hurt in a car accident early in the season but quickness, speed, and endurance. came back to win 1st place in city. ifliy MIKE BEAL — a much improved runner who worked hard all season to become an outstanding runner. in it ikjo

It (ill

BRUCE BOWER — a strong runner who worked KEN WOODRUFF — a hard-working senior with RON ARDT — a senior with great pride. Ron his hardest to bring Northland its second straight the pride and desire to win. wasn’t tall with long legs, but he ran as if he lovdi were, and in many meets he ran better than the title. (o# long-legged runners.

99 VARSITY BASKETBALL — FRONT ROVY: Manager Tom Fisher, forward Ric ROW: Assistant Coach Robert Orth, forward Steve Smith, center Jeff Ball, cen­ Diedalis, guard John Van Doom, forward Dan Keyser, guard Dan Crabtree, ter Mike Hays, forward Jerry Kirk, guard Tom Hilt, head coach Wayne Ritten- guard Terry Shields, center Jim Fiecoat, Manager Don Hinckley. SECOND house.

JUNIOR VARSITY — FRONT ROW: Guard Bob Adams, cen­ Roberts, forwards Tom Castle, John Gulick, Mark Meabon, ter Kim Elsea, guards Chip Van Syckle, Paul Van Doom, centers Mike Davis, Darrell Winefordner, forward Dan Key­ Craig Rogers, Dean Conley. SECOND ROW: Manager Mark ser, manager Wayne Linnabury, head coach Steve Kull.

100 ol,» Jerry Kirk, leaping high during warm-ups, decides not to stuff at the last TOM HILT — He helped the team considerably with his hard ifc moment. driving and excellent outside shooting.


JERRY KIRK — A two-year letterman, STEVE SMITH — A letterman in his JEFF BALL — A hard worker, Jeff MIKE HAYES — Mike led the team m Jerry was probably the best shot on sophomore and junior years, he was helped the explosive defense by re­ rebounds and was a great help in the the team . . . also had great jumping plagued with injuries this season. bounding well. scoring department. ability.

101 Varsity Record Doesn’t Reflect Close Games

The varsity basketball team finished the 1971 season with a 2-10 record in the City League and 3-14 overall record. Even though the record wasn’t good, it doesn’t reflect on the players or the great coaching of Wayne Rittenhouse in his second year as Viking head coach. The Vikings lost one of their key players in the first game of the season and therefore had to substitute players until Mr. Rit­ tenhouse could find a player capable of filling the spot. The Vikings lost seven close games, some by 1, 2, or 4 points. One loss came in an overtime game with West. The starting squad was composed of leaping Mike Hays, sharp shooter Jerry Kirk, the boy with the moves Ric Diedalis, hard- driving John Van Doom, and lightnin’ hands Terry Shields, Terry Shields leaps high to shoot over his Mohawk opponent as Mike Hayes Other members of the team were Tom Hilt, Jeff Ball, Steve stands by ready to tip it in, if needed. (Below) Jerky Ball drives down the base Smith, Dan Keysor, Dan Crabtree, and Jim Fiecoat. line, leaping high to score for the Vikings in their upset over Mohawk.

As the third quarter ends. Coach Rittenhouse gives his team confidence to win this barn burner over Mohawk.

102 RESERVE WRESTLING — FRONT ROW: Ralph Abbruzzese, John Hartung, Mark Frissora, Scott Plummer, John Newman, Lee Puckett, Bob Meister. SECOND ROW: Dennis Dew, Dave Brehm, Ron Cosentino, Paul Lausch, Mike Huston, Pete DeBellis, Lyle Sanders.

Paul Lechner gets an escape off a standup against his Mohawk opponent in the Walnut Ridge tournament. Paul won the match and took third in the tourney.

JUNIOR VARSITY — FRONT ROW: Norm Miller, Gary Lightfoot, Scott Rowe, Craig Plummer, Manager John McCurdy, Dave Leggett, Bob Dotson, Jeff Col­ Brad Smith, Jeff Rader, Rod Nutter, Tony Molino. SECOND ROW: Manager lins, Ric Ballinger, Bill Tinsky, Ron Peters, Coach Dick Kerschbaum.

103 VARSITY WRESTLING — FRONT ROW: Kirk Free, Bruce Bauchmire, Bob Coach Charles Deyo, John Woods, Gary George, Dennis Mahoney, Paul Lech- Archibald, Bob Love, Scoff Broder, Sfeve Dew, Mike Shows. SECOND ROW; ner, Mike Sapp, Capfain Randy Suver, Manager Craig Scoff.

Four Place in City Meet; Reserve Wrestlers Win Title

The Viking wrestling team, coached by Mr. Charles Deyo, fin­ ished 7th in the City tournament with four place winners. Bob Archibald and Mike Shows placed 2nd; Scott Brader, 3rd; and Paul Lechner, 4th. The grapplers placed 6th in the Walnut Ridge tournament. Mike Shows placed 1st; Bob Archibald and Randy Suver, 2nd; and Paul Lechner, 3rd. In the All-North tourney. Bob Archibald, Bob Love, and Scott Brader placed 3rd and Paul Lechner placed 4th to give the team a 6th place finish. Their dual meet record was 2-9, but it was with the toughest competition in and around Columbus. The Viking reserves placed 1 st in the City Reserve Meet. Scott Roe, Brad Smith, Ric Ballinger, and Bill Tinsky all placed 1st. Rod Nutter, Bob Dotson, and Neil Ferree placed 2nd; Jeff Hutchison and Ric DeBellis placed 3rd; and Norm Miller, 4th.

Randy Suver is abouf fo accomplish a fakedown. He pinned his Mohawk oppo- nenf in fhe firsf period. Randy wenf on fo fake second in fhe Walnuf Ridge fournamenf.

104 MIKE SHOWS — a top MIKE SAPP — reflected a Mike Shows prepares to “ figure four” his opponent around the waist. He went wrestler in district . . . 13-1 burning desire to win . . . on to win the match 6-1 and his weight class in the W alnut Ridge tournament. record . . . hampered by in- compiled 3-9-1 record first juries. year.

BOB LOVE — a strong com- STEVE YODER — he saw JOHN WOODS ^ per- DENNIS MAHONEY — TOM PERKINS — he saw petitor, he took third in All- limited ac*ion but always formed well in his first year hampered by injuries early limited action as he also had Narth . . . 7-6-1 record. put up a good fight. on team ... a hustler. in season ... a 2-4 record. trouble with injuries.

ERIC ARDT — wrestled both BOB ARCHIBALD — a RANDY SUVER — he had PAUL LECHNER — record SCOTT BRADER — he took 155 and 167 . . . his first 2-year letterman . . . took 7-7 record . . . took 2nd at was 6-9 . . . took 3rd at 3rd in All-North tourney . . . year of varsity competition. 2nd at Walnut Ridge. W alnut Ridge . . . team cap­ Walnut Ridge. compiled 8-6 record. tain.

105 Eva and Bev dance with the band after a Northland foot- right) Bev Bradshaw, Connie Huston, Wendy Cheely, Terri Harper, ball victory. Becky Richardson, Carol Graham.

(Left to right) Cheryl Schmeitzel, Eva Denny, Tara Jones, Bo Bower, Joyce Cantrill, Kathy Janzen.

106 Five Cheerleaders to Graduate



107 /


Underclassmen . . . whose immediate goal is to become seniors. The shy sophomores and the earnest juniors strive to gain maturity and academic recognition.


109 Ralph Abbruzzese Bob Adams Fred Agresta Tim Aldridge Pam Alves Christy Anderson

Martha Anderson Nancy Anderson Martha Andrews Paulette Ariss Tom Armstrong Steve Arrick


Class enrollment of 478 is Northland High’s largest

Steve Aurand Becky Ayers Mark Bail Fred Bannister Patty Bartlett Danny Barton

Beth Batory Vickie Bauchmire Ray Bauer Ken Baughman Steve Behre Pam Bender

Denise Billingsley Danny Birkel Jonathon Blake Bob Bond Barbara Borean Harley Born

Janet Bova Debbie Bower Gail Bowers Victoria Boyer Dennis Boytin Steve Boytin

110 Rick Braid Sue Brenner Cathy Briggs Gerald Brocoius Angela Brown Karen Bruzzese

Dwain Bryant Sheryl Buckley Bill Buckmaster Denise Burdette Cathy Burkhart Jeff Burkholder

Bob Burton David Cain Sue Campbell Mark Cannight Allen Carlton Mary Carlton

Melodie Carr Colleen Carroll Joan Carroll Marsha Cary Cecilia Casey Kathy Casey

Tom Castle Carole Clark Leslie Clark

Rick Clark Julie Cohagen Mike Colley

Jerry Collier Dean Conley Jaci Connell

The sophomore class had their own cheering section at the pep rallies. 111 Cindy Conti Janet Copeland Cheri Corven John Crabtree Steve Crain Holly Crawford

Diane Cross Dana Curry Rory Daulton Chock Davis Craig Davis Debbie Davis

Deborah L. Davis Renee Davis Vickie Davis Pete Debellis Debbie Denny Susie Denny

Mary DiFrancisco Richard Dini Carol Dobrzynski Holly Dobrzynski Bob Dodson Laura Dolan

Diana Donley Danny Doolin Diane Dorner

John Douthitt Randy Downard Patti Drabek

Patty Drown Beverly Dotson Joyce Dublin

The 3:30 p.m. bell has rung and the school day is over.

112 Jean Dudick Bruce Durbin Patricia Earnheart William Eby Steve Elke Theresa Elliott [.'A

Mary Ellis Kim Elsea Cindy Engberg Sharon Esper Lynn Evers Renee Evrard

Sophomores sharpen their pencils and work, work, work

Debby Ewart Debbie Fagan Vickie Farmwald Kim Fasone Katherine Feltz George Fergison

Mardon Ferguson Sheree Ferguson Neil Ferree Barbara Fiecoat Susan Fierce John Fink

Rebecca Fink Janet Finley Patti Floeh Debbie Ford Harry Foster Leslie Foulke

Randy Fouts Bill Fox Sue Fox Joseph Fracasso Fred Francia Terry Frasher

113 Kirk Free Terry Frey Mark Frissora Vince Gage Gary Galbreath Randy Galbreath

Kenneth Gale Kevin Gallagan Sharon Garges Jim G arey JoAnn Giamarco Mike Gillard

A friendly chat breaks the day’s monotony

Carla Gillespie Bob Giroux Patty Glenn Harold Golden Joyce Goodwin Tim Gossman

Gilbert Graham Sue Graham Gary Green Letha Grieve Mark Grubb John Gulick

Robert Haag Sandy Hackbarth Sandy Hageman Tom Hagovsky Jan Hahn Dan Haley

Cheryl Hall Sheila Hall Dana Harden Doris Harhai Steve Harless Bob Harrison

114 John Hortung 1 Tim Hathaway Jodi Hawes Debbie Hawk Penny Heath Louise Heebner ll Annette Heiser Diane Hendricks Ralph Herbert Sandy Heslop Herb Higginbotham Tami Hill

Brenda Hixon Roger Hopkins Gary Hoppenstand Peggy Horscler Barbara Houser Teresa Hunt

Peggy Hunter Mike Huston Jeff Hutchison Tim Indiciani Rita Izzie Kathy Janszen

Debbie Jarrett Mark Jennings Elizabeth Johnson

Tom Johnson Carol Jones Danny Justice

Craig Kaiser George Kareklas Dennis Kaser

Underclassmen prepare to board the bus at the end of a long school day.

115 Nancy Kaser Debbie Katz Connie Keller Kathy Kelly Debbie Keplar Jeff Kessler

Deborah Kibble Marsha Kincaid Clarke Kiner Phyllis King Chuck Klausing Dave Kleinman

Mark Knight Mike KontuI David Korczyk George Kostanden Mary Krembs Susan Kynkor

Michael Kyser Bob Laird Kathy Lake Tammi Lanane Lynette Lander Bill Largent

Lisa Larrick Richard Lechleiter David Lee

Pam LeMaster David Lemley Nancy Lemon

Terry Leonard Vickie Leopard David Lincicome

A few members of the Junior High National Honor Society pose with the standard. They are Tom Armstrong, Tyron Yun, Ilona Maranville, Sue Camp­ bell, Brenda Hixon, Lynn Evers, Kathy Feltz, Clarke Kiner.

116 Wayne Linnabury Theresa Loar Jennie Lockard Mike Lothamer James Mallow Ilona Maranville

Dreama Marcum Sandy Margello Melissa Marsh Jim Marshall Patty Martin Linda Martz

Sophomores strive to maintain high academic standards

Karl Massie David Maturo Laura Maturo Marilyn Mauriello Diana Moxey Anthony Mazzola

Robert McCaffrey Mark McCreary Jon McCurdy Paula McDonald Donna McDonald Starma McDonald

Leonard McGee Bill McLain Jana McGlade Terri McPeek Mark Meabon Karl Meinhart

Bob Meister Connie Melton Mark Mettler Jeff Metzger Art Mielke

117 Norm Miller Rick Miller Paul Miller Ron Mills Tony Molino John Morrow

Michelle Moser Sandy Miller Patty Murphy Paula Myers Stephen Nesser John Newman

Bob Niemet Tom Nist Janice Noie Peggy Norris Garth Nutter Rod Nutter

Colleen Oakes Sarah Oberkonz Greg Onslow Gina Opatish Joanne Orsini Kathy Osif

Ernie Oskey Diana Padovan Gary Palmer

Gina Palumbo Cindy Paprocki Dee Pargeon

Eugene Payne Florene Payne Jeffrey Peifer

It's hurry, hurry to get through the crowded halls from class to class.

118 Valeria Relay Ann Perry Leslye Phillips Paul Phipps Scott Plummer Chris Pollock

Dave Ponn G ale Pospichel Brenda Powers Dick Pratt Dan Proctor Earnest Puckett

The Library is a quiet retreat from hustle and bustle

Jeff Pullins Jon Reed Crystal Reeves Robert Reeves Chris Reichenbach Bob Renner

Susan Riccardi Leanne Richards Tim Richards Ruth Richeimer Dick Riley Connie Ritter

Jana Roberts David Rogers Craig Rogers Diane Rogers Phil Rosmarin Scott Rowe

George Russell Lee Ann Ryan Bill Sandham Tom Sapp Harry Sauls Colleen Savely

119 John Schilling Steve Schleup Ronny Schweitzer Jean Schwinne Candy Scott Craig Scott

Anita Seckman Steve Serr Jonathon Shafer Kay Shafer Frank Shaver Terri Sherburn

Michael Short Sue Shrock Michael Simpson Vicki Skinner Douglas Slyman Ken Smalley

Sophomores reflect good sportsmanship in competition

Connie Smith Duane Smith Jim Smith Sherroe Smith M arla Smith Nancy Smith

Robert A . Smith Robert Smith Ronald Smith Steve Smith Mindy Snodgrass Lester Snyder

Diane Spadafora Martha Spaulding Tim Spears Mike Spohn Linda Stalls David Stamm

120 Lisa Stark Jeff Stasko Davis St. Clair Mark Stelzer Krista Stocklin David Stuart

Jeff Suver Barb Swope Barry Tackett Bill Taylor Doris Taylor Joni Taylor

Richard Taylor Martin Tempio Connie Thomas Melanie Thomas Walter Thompson Beth Titus

Robert Tomba Cindy Toronto Tony Toronto Kathy Trotter Brad Troy Kathryn Trusdale

Dan Tucker Debra Tumblison Elfe Turkoglu

Paul Ulery Rick Ulery Paul Van Doom

Victor Vannoy John Vansil Lynn Van Syckle

Physical education classes offered underclassmen an oppor­ tunity to compete in sports.

121 Donna Van Wager John Veeck Dick Vohlers Jim Voipe Gail Wallace Randy Watson

Becky Watts Pamela Weber Joe Weideman Tom Welsh Samuel Wendell Judy West

Mila Wheeler Ric Whikehart Cathy White John Whittle John Wilkes Lynne Williams

Sue Wilson Melinda Windmiller Diane Winegardner Thomas Wolfe Patty Wolford Lynn Wolverton

Ken Womach Terri Woods Jim Wright

Glenn Yaeger Joimie Yeagle Jeff Yocca

Dave Yoder Tyron Yun Diane Zahn

122 Debbie Zeeck Mariann Hadler Debbie Holland Chuck Hopper Candy Hughes Tara Jones

NOT PICTURED: Marilyn Ankron, Barbara Cassidy, Hayes, Larry Horn, Danny Jusfice, Jim Lombardi, Ju- Scoff Craig, Marilyn Dakel, Karen Darrough, Richard difh Margeson, Rich McCullough, Kafhie Miller, Paul Faulhaber, Daniel Fillinger, Phil Fosfer, Bill Grubb, Miller, Deborah Owens, Roberf Perry, Joe Lilly, Vau- Greg Hall, Sfeve Hamilfon, Paula Hasfilow, Scoff dine Valenfine, Dave Wilson, Greg Yafes.

Helolisa Krukoski Je ff Lose

Underclassmen have a rough way geffing accusfomed fo fhe heavy fraffic in fhe crowded halls. Leslie Phillips gefs herself fogefher again before class affer a long disfance flighf fhrough fhe halls.

Columbus musician Donnie Day does a gig af Norfhland, as underclassmen relax and lisfen.

123 Sandy Abbott Rita Adams Vicki Adams Frank Albanese Diane Albertson Mike Aldridge

Cara Alexander Jo Allen Andrea Alves Dave Amrine Jay Anderson Kathy Anderson

James Angel Glenna Antle Diane Archambault Tina Arrick Rick Atwood Janet Baird

Ric Ballinger Connie Barber Tim Barlowe Diane Barrow Deborah Bartlett Bruce Bauchmire

i ' . :


Chris Bauer Rachel Bauman Rhonda Beal

Karen Beal Robert Beal Steve Bennett

Connie Beymer Mike Biddison Paul Bishoff

124 Jeff Blackford Lea Blake Teresa Blank Debbie Blaskie Leslie Blount Joni Borgerding

Patty Botkins Barbara Bower Bev Bradshaw David Brehm Debi Brooks Deborah Brooks

Sue Brooks Sue Brown Chris Brown Kevin Brown Christy Brown Brenda Brunton

Junior Year Is One of Decision and Dedication

Kathy Buck Jim Buckle Betsy Buckle Rhonda Butt Debbie Callan Sue Campbell

Micki Carifa Pam Caris John Carlson Susan Carlton Doug Carman Ellen Carpenter

Mike Cassidy Candy Catalano James Cattell Wendy Cheely Carla Ciotola Mike Clark

125 Vicky Clay Cheryl Clifton Mike Coccia Joyce Combs Steve Conreaux Dale Cook

Dana Cooper Ron Cosentino Harry Kost Fred Costello Dan Crabtree Jenny Crain

Bob Cramer Debbie Crompton Don Crotty Pam Dakel Marc Damiano Antonio D'Andrea

Jay Daniel Colleen Daugherty Barbara Daube Renee Davis Robert Davis Pat Davis

Pep Assemblies Provide Outlet for Excess Energy

Patrick Davis Craig Dean Eva Denny Jeri Denny Peggy Dennis Cathy Devoll

Marilyn DeVere M ary Dew Ric Diedalis Jim Doolittle Kathi Dorsch Wendy Dorsey

126 Dianne Downey Ronald Edgerly jane Anne Edwards

Paula Elke Vickie Ellis Pat Engberg

Donna Engleman Diane Engleman Sunni Epiey

Juniors reflect spirit that is usually attributed only to seniors at the homecoming pep rally.

Kathy Epperly Dale Erickson Ken Erion Bill Eschleman Paula Evans 5usan Evans

Lauren Evans Barry Farley Connie Farr Dave Ferguson Jim Fiecoat Anne Fierce

Greg Fisher Rich Fisher Jeff Fisher Tom Fisher Mary Ann Flichia Tony Flowers

Mark Foster Gerry Frasher Raymond Gaines Larry Gall Pam Garwood Gary George

127 Mark Gibson Mark Gilmore Nikki Glandon

Randy Glassburn Kyle Gockenbauch Jerry Goetz

Patti Good Janet Goody Richard Gordon

Junior Terry Hodgden concentrates on skillful operation of the drill as he works on his wood shop project.

Sharon Gotshall Richard Granfield Pat Griffith Bryan Grover Terry Groves Bob Guyer

Bev Hackbarth Cindy Hadler Charles Haffenden Mike Hagan Ralph Hagemann Steve Hager

Debbie Haggy Paula Hain Colleen Haley Jan Hamilton Bob Hamilton Steve Hamilton

Linda Hammet Debi Hamon Brenda Harley Terri Harper Rick Harris Steve Harrison

128 Pam Hartenfeld Janet Hayes Lynn Hedrick Sue Heiser John Hickinbotham Patty Hill

Don Hinckley G ary Hipolite Terry Hodgden Janice Holmes Gina Hoover Laurie Howden

Bill Hudgins Candy Hughes Allen Hughes Robert Hunt Linda Hutchison Toni Indiciani

Bruce Jacobs Mary Janszen Steve Johanson Pam Jones Andrew Jones Janet Johnson

Skills Taught in Shop Classes Foster Creativity

Penny Johnson Gary Jurusik Teresa Kabourek Tim Karch Laurena Kaufman Don Koylor

Jim Keller Linda Kelly Mike Kerber Dan Keysor Charles Kidwell Corey Kimber

129 Jerry Kincaid Dean Kinkel Cathy Kiplinger Keith Kirkwood Richard Kish Kathy Kline

Mike Kline Richard Knox Deborah Krenek Mike Kulick Greg Kuskowski Paul LaFollette

Juniors Enjoy Exciting Language Study Projects

Lisa Larkin Paul Lousch Steve Leather m 1 ■ i-' Joselyn Lee « 7 1 Dottie LeGault X David Leggett IHPI .■ *

Patricia Leopard G ary Lightfoot John Lloyd Sally Lockard Hilda Lockner Francine Lococo

Jon Lodge Cherryl Lothamer Scott Love Melinda Lovell Ron Lovell Janelle Lowman

Robin MacLean Malcolm MacLean Mike Macurak Dan Madden Ruth Madigan Cindy Mann

130 Diane Mayhew David McCarty James McClanahan Janice McCleery Terry McClure John McConnell

Paul McCoy John McGuire Patti McKee Kevin McKee Patricia McKelvey Mariann McNamee

Diane Meder Christy Meek Vicki Miller Randy Mizer Bob Moore Sherri Moore

Debbie Moore Cindy Morando Chris Mossgrove Karen Nacke Rex Naegele Steve Narney

John Neale Kevin Nesser Michael Newlon

Michael Newsome Cindy Norris Steve Norris

Janet Norris Jim Norton George Oberst

Tim Barlowe and Richard Knox share a joke as they hang a foreign travel poster.

131 Tom Onstott Sherri Orth Ellen Owen Bill Palin Debra Paolini Martha Parrish

Karen Payne Joan Pax Pam Peggs Elaine Pence John Penrod Tom Perry

Juniors Burn Night Oil in Their Academic Quest

Ron Peters Ellen Pierce Patty Pitts Heidi Pletz Craig Plummer Barbara Poling

Dorothy Popovich Steve Porter Dave Porter Dan Pottle Donna Pottle Dave Pound

Mike Powers G ail Preston Bob Price Davina Prince Tracy Proctor Debbie Rachel

Jeff Rader Marty Raschke Mark Raubenolt Alan Rawlings Paul Reed Debbie Richards

132 Darcy Richardson Elaine Riley Tony Ristucci Carol Ristucci Kathy Ritchason Karen Rivers

Barry Roach Sue Robinson Mark Roberts Wanda Rodgers Steve Rugg Joe Ruman

Howard Rush Ralph Russolillo Vicki Saggio Marty Sakumura Lyle Sanders Dan Scarry

Dan Schellkopf Barb Schilling Sheryl Schneider Mariann Schweitzer Jack Schwinne Sharon Scott

Vickie Seitz Janet Serio Jim Serio

Mark Serrott Nancy Shepherd Terry Shields

Mary Shortland Barb Signoracci Pat Silk

Junior Cathy Devoll reads from Poor Richard's Almanac on a social studies bulletin board.

133 Jan Simpson John Sisson Barb Skinner Don Smith Mike Smith Rick Smith

Diane Smith Bradd Smith Susan Snider Darlene Snodgrass Sharon Southward Eileen Spooner

Mike Stacy George Steele Bruce Stickel Rick Stier Blake Stiles Adrienne Stockwell

Judy Stone Heidi Swab Brian Switzer Gretchen Swope Debbie Sykes Donna Talbot

Bill Tall Mike Tanner Joe Taylor Nesley Thomas Angela Thomas Kim Thomas

Mike Thurman Bill Tinsky Jan Tipple Ken Todd Larry Tracy Bob Tracy

Sandy Tudor Kathy Valentine John Van Doom Cathy Van Fossen Larry Vankirk Debra Varney

134 Albert Vogt Chuck Watts Connie Weber Kathy Wedemeyer Jeff Welch Vicki Wenger

Cheryl Wenger Jayne Wenner Kathy West John W ex Jayne White Chris Whittle

Carol Willis Laura Wilson Ron Wilson Carolyn Windom Darrel Winefordner Louis Winstel

Bruce Winter Rick Wolverton Marsha Wood Karen Wood Loverta Woodring Connie Woodruff i

Juniors Number 440 as First Semester Ends

David Wright NOT PICTURED: Tom Andrews, Ramona Colette Wydau Asmo, Kathy Bailey, Oliver Bates, Debo­ Dave Yorde rah Delknap, Debbie Blaskie, Kent Brad­ Sandy Zappia ford, Christi Brown, Larry Cadden, Jim Casner, Norm Clark, Sam Conley, Laurie Doyle, Cheryl Dunbar, Roger Eckert, Patti Evans, Dennis Fasone, Dean Finley, Ted Frissora, Todd Gabriel, Cheryl Green, Pat Groeniger, Rick Hafeman, Nancy Headley, Joe Hurst, Debbie Krakoski, Mike Kristoff, Merrie Maclean, Mike Mad- Debbie Zelachowski achy, Pat McNamee, Jack Morgan, Tom Robalyn Zimmerman Payne, Warren Sfott, Donna Scott, Dave Marsha Zimmerman Simmons, Larry Zeller. Janet Clark


The active life . . . girls, guys, club meet­ ings, bake sales, dances, banquets, slumber parties, ski trips, canoe outings, picnics. Or­ ganization life is that phase of school life that stores up memories we can cherish.

137 STUDENT COUNCIL — FRONT ROW: Tom Hilt, Scott Ringold, Debbie yl McDaniel, Karen Nacke, Bo Bower, Marianne McNamee, Debbie Oliverio, Bob Ariss, Howard Rush. SECOND ROW: Jana Roberts, Micki Richards, Mary Ann Flichia, Cheryl Wenger, Patty Davis, Becky Watts, Carifa, Christy Anderson, Sarah Oberkonz, Starma McDonald, Kathy Anne Fierce, Sue Campbell, Sue Graham. FOURTH ROW: Diane Wil­ Wedemeyer, Jenny Crain, Candy Krull, Nicki Casey, Cecilia Casey, liamson, Lynn Grabill, Carol Graham, Joe Cordi, Dan Miller, Gary Tammy Hill, Melanie Thomas, Ralph Abbruzzese, Mike Gillard, Vince Blackbumv Jeff Ball, Glenn Yeager, Mark Serrott, Tony Molino, Cindy Gage. THIRD ROW: Charley St. Clair, Ed Hallam, Barb Burigana, Cher­ Engberg, Terry Loar, Mr. Hubert Zaayer.

Student Council sponsors Ex­ change, Homecoming Dance

Student Council has been the student voice this year at a time when the youth of America has found the need for speak­ ing out. Under the leadership of President Bob Ariss, Council has eliminated the grade requirement for Student Council and sponsored a student exchange, the annual Homecoming Dance, and “Slob Day.” Officers assisting Bob are Scott Ringold, vice president; Deb­ bie Oliverio, secretary; Kay Dickey, treasurer; Ron Armstrong and Tom Hilt, sergeants-at-arms; and Howard Price, disciplinary committee chairman.

Bob Ariss, Council president, is introducing the Homecoming Queen, Carol Graham, and her court and their escorts at the Homecoming Dance in the caf­ eteria. From left they are Nicki Casey (Doug Boyer), Bev Hayes (Phil Porter), Carol (Doug Dakel), Candy Krull (Andy Kulick), and Becky Richardson (John Woods).

138 Students work in school offices

The main office is the focal activity point of the school, and student assistants must work to the best of their ability. And they do! The assistants must have a “B” or above average to be eligible to help in the office. They run many errands, answer the telephone, distribute the mail, and wait on people at the counter. The student assistants qualify to be called an ‘‘every day secretaries.”

Ric Ballinger and Joan Carroll wait in the main office to talk with Mr. Evans. Student assistants have already announced them to him.

Assistant Principal Donald Wynkoop changes a schedule for Paul McCoy.

MAIN OFFICE STUDENT ASSISTANTS — FRONT ROW: Laura Wilson, Patty Good, Sue Snider, Diane Dorner, Brenda Brunton, Patti McKelvey, Jeff Yocca. SECOND ROW: Patty Hill, Jane Ann Edwards, Pam Reese, Lea Blake, Diane Rogers, Loverta Woodring, Jan Hamilton, Terri Woods, Mrs. Imogene Kline. THIRD ROW: Melinda Lovell, Patty Davis, Chris Brown, Kathy Kline, Kathy Ritchason, Jenny Culver, Mrs. Pat Mansfield. FOURTH ROW: Lois Remely, Mardon Ferguson, Carol Jones, Linda Stalls, Rosemary Carlton, Debbie Katz, Mrs. Mabel Frye.

These students gave one period of their time each day to help Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Mansfield, and Mrs. Frye as they carried out the many jobs connected with a school office. ATTENDANCE OFFICE ASSISTANTS — FRONT ROW: Kathy Griggs, Terre Valentine, Billie Thompson, Pam Reese, Vickie Saggio, Starma McDonald, Carol Carter, Gina Opatich. SECOND ROW: Joyce Cantrell, Linda Moore, Lisa Larkin, Cindy Morando, Cindy Mann, Heidi Swab, Kathy Epperly, Becky Bowser, Chris Badnell. THIRD ROW: Pam Obrien, Barb Borean, Jan Lowman, Lynn Evers, Leann Ryan, Colleen Carroll, Ellen Carpenter, Melanie Thomas. FOURTH ROW: Mr. Fred Gill, Tina Arrick, Elaine Riley, Debbie Zelachowski, Carla Larrick, Connie Thom­ as, Lynn Miller, Khristy Combs, Terri Caudill.


GUIDANCE OFFICE ASSISTANTS — FRONT ROW: Candy Krull, Kathy Wedemeyer, Darcy Richardson, Cindy Morando, Mike Gillard, Mrs. Cherrye Lucas. SECOND ROW: Mr. Robert Orth, Sally Lockard, Betsy Buckle, Sue McKnight, Lynn Grabell, Terri Sherburn, Marte Anderson. THIRD ROW: Jean Casias, Karen Nacke, Sheri Moore, Cheryl Wenger, Wanda Rodgers, Colette Wydau, Mr. Terence Schreiber.

140 Students donate time to serve in school offices

Students gave up their free or study hall time to work as student librarians, assisting Mrs. Joan Grahek and Miss Karen Oliver in the efficient running of Northland's library. The students file cata­ log cards, check books and magazines in and out, shelve books, and help with faculty materials and reserve shelves. Attendance office helpers are a must for Mr. Fred Gill and Miss Miriam McIntosh, attendance teachers, as they collect attendance cards from homeroom teachers, type attendance sheets, help in excusing and admitting students, and file absence excuses. Guidance helpers volunteer their time to assist the counselors, Mr. Robert Orth, Mrs. Cherrye Lucas, and Mr. Terence Schreiber, by answering the telephone, tutoring students who need help in courses they are studying, and filing.

STUDENT LIBRARIANS — FRONT ROW: John Betsacon, George Karekalas, Mary Carlton, Kathy Smtih, Jeff Carr. SECOND ROW: Steve Narney, Ron Ardt, Jim Angel, Bryan Switzer. THIRD ROW: Tom Perry, Blake Stilles, Robert Turgeon, iBrian Grover.

The school occasionally has an attendance problem when a pet wants to follow his master to school. Dick Faulhaber poses with a visitor.

141 Thirty-two students aid in serv­ ing school meals

Thirty-two students help the cafeteria women prepare break­ fast and lunch for the students. They work for either a op-cent or a 70-cent lunch ticket. Some students work for more than one period and earn $1.45 an hour. “W e have fewer students helping this year because our stu­ dent body is smaller in number,” Mrs. Mary Greylock, cafeteria supervisor, said, “but these helpers are very efficient.” The audio-visual department plays an important role in school life. The department which includes a faculty advisor, Mr. Merle Redmond, and student assistants provide audio-visu­ al equipment such as record players, slide and movie projec­ tors, and overhead projectors for teachers’ use. The boys carry the equipment back and forth from locations where teachers use it, often operate it, and repair it. One student, Mark Gibson, assisted Mr. James Huber, math teacher, in the bookroom. Phil Porter signs out a book from the bookroom as Lisa Stockwell and Patti Mr. Hubert Zaayer, activities coordinator, assigns boys to Harris watch. Mark Gibson, at the desk, is the bookroom assistant. help him in the variety of tasks associated with his office.

ACTIVITIES OFFICE ASSISTANTS (ZBG'S) — FRONT ROW: Kyle Medley. THIRD ROW: Randy Downard, Dave Leggett, Mark Raubenolt, Gockenbach, Mike Shows, Scott Brader, Tony Toronto, Craig Scott. Dick Faulhaber, Ron Herbert. FOURTH ROW: Mike Spohn, Bill Eseks, SECO N D RO W : Ed Crabtree, Bill M aclian, Brad Sly, Bob Love, Bob Steve Smith, Jerry Kirk, Tom Castle, Mr; Hubert Zaayer.

142 •s

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AUDIO-VISUAL CREW — FRONT ROW: Mr. Merle Redmond, Dennis Richards, Chris Pol­ lock, Richard McBride. SECOND ROW: John Sisson, Rick Clark, William Eby, Steve Dar- fus, Mary Beth Krebs. THIRD ROW: Craig Dean, Paul Phipps, Steve Conreaux, Danny Doolin. id Pol

CAFETERIA HELPERS — FRONT ROW: Jae Taylor, Dana Curry, Hawkins, Paula Hain, Richard Knox, Ann Perry, Jeff Burkholder. Susan Brown, Terry McPeak, Connie Simpson, Rondo Beall. SEC­ FOURTH ROW: Teresa Noppenburger, Rondi Almendinger, Ron OND ROW: Mike Simpson, Karen Wood, Connie Beymer, Jane Art, Tom Perry, Paul Reed, Barb Skinner, Kathy Smith. Lowman, Dave Klienman. THIRD ROW: Elaine Adams, Joyce

143 Sue Campbell and Scott Ringold portray the young man and young woman in d e b a t e a n d s p e e c h t e a m — SEATED: Randy Glassburn, Jeff Carr, Del the fall play, Summertree. Wright, Mr. Charles Lewis, advisor, Renee Houser, Linda Martin. STANDING: Dave Stuart, Ellen Carpenter.

STAGE CREW — FRONT ROW: Jim McClanahan, man­ ager, Mr. Charles Lewis, advisor, Paul Lechner, manager. SECOND ROW: Sue Riccardi, Teri McPeek, Terry Frey, Martin Tempio, Jeff Metzger, Art Mielke, Beth Titus. THIRD ROW: Dean Finley, David Stuart, Mike Madachy, Rick Dini, Cathy Devoll, Dave Amrine. FOURTH ROW: Jeff Pullins, Joe Ruman, Steve Harrison, Jim Wright, Rick Hafeman, Tim Karch.

144 Drama teacher supervises stage crew, Drama Club

The debate and speech team, the Drama Club, and the Stage Crew are directed by Mr. Charles Lewis, dramatics teach­ er. Drama Club is the backbone of the dramatic productions. Members form the publicity, ticket, make-up, costume, props, and usher committees for each presentation. Drama Club mem­ bers who earn the required points are taken into the National Thespian Society. Officers this year were Sue Brooks, president; Paul Lechner, vice president; Del Wright, treasurer; and Vicki Boyer, secre­ tary. Stage Crew members handle scenery, lighting, and the many microphones that are used for dramatic productions. They run the morning announcements, set up chairs for all-school pro­ grams such as graduation, assemblies, and PTA meetings. The Crew takes an annual canoe trip to Mohican State Park. The debate and speech team competes in at least seven tour­ naments over the school year.

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DRA/VtA CLUB — FRONT RO W : Del Ann W right, Sue Brooks, Paul McClanahan, Jeff Metzger, Robin Neel, Vicki Boyer, Debbie Bartlett, Lechner, Mr. Charles Lewis. SECOND ROW: Sue Riccardi, Terri Sue Campbell, Debbie Katz, Sue Graham. FIFTH ROW: Patty Drown, MePeek, Patti Drabek, Kathy Jantzen. THIRD ROW: Karen Schnelle, Kathy Feltz, Rick Dini, Rick Davis, Susan Carlton, Peggy Wright, Debbie Pam Hartenfeld, Debbie Ford, Jan Simpson, Phyllis King, Linda Hutchi­ McClaskey, Sherry Gorges, Ellen Carpenter, Tina Arrick. son, Michele Moser, Beth Titus. FOURTH ROW: Penny Heath, Jim

145 RED CROSS (MEDICAL CAREERS) CLUB — Lisa Larrick, Terry Frey, Karen Dar- rough, Nesley Thomas, Mrs. Fran Baldwin, Debbie Zeeck, Theresa Elliott, Vicki Skinner, Jae Taylor.

Lisa Stark, Connie Thomas, Cel Casey, and Patty Norris show off their dancing skill at one of Northland's after-the-game dances this year. Both Y-Teens and Red Cross clubs sponsored dances as fund-raising projects.

CREATIVE WRITING CLUB — FRONT ROW: Mike Gillard, Terri McPeek, Patti Wolferd, Barb Cassidy, Mrs. Trudy Plummer. SECOND ROW: Bob Ariss, Ruth Madigan, Ellen Pierce, Nesley Thomas, Doris Harhai. THIRD ROW: Ellen Car­ penter, Tina Arrick, Sherre Hall, Debbie Katz, Sue Shrock. FOURTH ROW Kathryn Smith, Sue Carlton, Dick Davis', Barb Skinner, Debi Sykes.

146 Clubs, projects include pub­ lishing, caroling

Lisa Stockwell led the Y-Teens this year as president. Assisting her were Carol Graham, vice president; Pam Reese, secretary; Bo Bower, treasurer; Pam Alves, Pro­ gram chairman; Kay Dickey, service chairman. Club advi­ sors were Mrs. Weeks and Miss Kristine Wiard. Activities included a dance, slumber party, and a service project. Senior Red Cross Medical Careers, formerly Red Cross Club, is a new club designed to help students interested in careers in medicine or its allied fields. A fund-raising bake sale. Kinder Key Caroling for nursing homes, and hospital tours were scheduled. Mrs. Jane Jones and Mrs. Fran Baldwin were advisors. Terry Frey was president; Nesley Thomas, vice presi­ dent; and Vicki Skinner, secretary-treasurer. The Creative Writing Club met to share, discuss, and analyze their writing and to edit two publications. Fo ru m , ittflDi. Cherie Olesnanik and Kathy England, Y-Teen members, put up a sign to support their candi­ a student opinion outlet, and A Time of Innocence, a liter­ date for senior president. ary magazine. Mrs. Trudy Plummer was advisor.

Y-TEENS — FRONT ROW: Sherron Smith, Jenny Lockert, Diane May- Denbow, Vicki Davis, Patty Davis, Debi Logan, Cheryl Stanley, Patty Har­ hew, Rondi Almendinger, Joan Carroll, Kathy Casey. SECOND ROW: ris. FIFTH ROW: Nancy Smith, Cheryl Buckley, Patty Murphy, Terri Price, Paula Myers, Jean Jeck, Missie Foster, Jane Hahn, Pam Alves, Pam Diane Williamson, Sue Feirce, Janice Noe, Doris Taylor, Myra Wheeler, Reese, Carol Grahom, Lisa Stockwell, Dena Demopolis, Bo Bower, Barb Joni Borgerding, Mary Ann Flicia, Debbie Oliverio, Kathy Free, Lori Van Burigana, Marcia Kirchner. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Diane Weeks, Rita Izzie, Syckle, Gail Oberly, Marsha, Holling, Karen Branham, Terre Valentine, Terri Caudill, Cheryl Schmeitzel, Mary Ann Kehrer, Joyce Cantrell, Ilona Chris Brown. SIXTH ROW: Debbie Haggy, Bev Bradshaw, Kathy VanFos- JleiO- Maranville, Diane Cross, Jamie Yaegle, Lois Heebner, Khris Stocklin, sen, Pam Bender, Marte Ferguson, Teresa Hunt, Brenda Hicks, Barb Lynne Williams, Candi Catalano, Mary Ann McGuire. FOURTH ROW: Houser, Carol Jones, Cindy Bell, Robin Zimmerman, Renee Davis, Bev Lesley Clark, Mary DiFrancisca, Lana Van Schoik, Jenny Culver, Lois Hayes, Patty Favor, Cathy Corn, Debbie Miller, Sue Hiser, Karen Bruz- Remely, Becky Richardson, Patty Norris, Janet Goody, Anita Seckman, Jaimie Hendricks, Kathy Isaacs, Diane Sweeney, Priscilla Kirkner, Liz

147 COOPERATIVE OFFICE EDUCATION (C.O.E.) — FRONT ROW: Angie Buech- ner, Lee Ann Reardon, Cathy Corn, Cindy Petty, Liz Denbow. SECOND ROW: Lynn Lancaster, Joan Archambault, Bev Spadafora, Patty Puchovich. THIRD ROW: Linda Hunter, Carolyn Edgar, Sue Lavins, Judy Crabtree. FOURTH ROW: Caryl Warner, Patty Faiver, Karen Purtee, Becky Scott, Donna Trotter.

Home Economics Club and Student Council members assisted at the annual PTA spaghetti dinner. Council member Sue Campbell is wheeling the dessert table to customers.

Office machines operation is included in the C.O.E. instruction. Lynn Lancaster and Angie Buechner are learning to operate an adding machine. FUTURE SECRETARIES — FRONT ROW: Becky Scott, Angie Buechner, Debbie Lothamer. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Peggy Ackley, Helda Lockner, Judy Crabtree, leM Spears, Pam Brown, Bev Spadafora, Miss Shirley Leggett. SECOND ROW: Wendy Ballentyne, Diane Albertson, Mary Smith. leiiisel Laverta Woodring, Sandy Zappia, Ellen Owen, Joan Archambault, Cheryl

Career-minded girls join C.O.E., F.S.A., Home Ec clubs

The C.O .E. Club is comprised of students who participate in the Cooperative Education Program. The group sponsored a dance, a bake sale, and an O.S.U. Poncho sale as their money­ making projects. All the members attend the regional and dis­ trict conventions that are held annually. Officers attend the state and national conventions also. Cathy Fox was president; Cindy Petty, vice president; Liz Denbow, secretary; and Angie Buechner, treasurer. Linda Mayhew was president of the Home Economics Club; Lisa Larkin, vice president; Jeri Denny, treasurer; Lana Van Schoik, secretary; Cindy Lewis, sergeant-at-arms; and Miss Lois Darling, advisor. Debbie .Spears, president, Angie Buechner, vice president, Pam Brown, secretary, Becky Scott, treasurer, Bev Spadafora, historian. Miss Shirley Leggett and Mrs. Peggy Ackley, advi­ sors, helped the Future Secretaries develop a better under­ standing of the responsibilities of secretaries. The group spon­ sored a doughnut sale, a dance, and a bake sale to earn money to take a trip to Cincinnati in the spring. They gave a Christmas party for residents of the Ella-Nora Nursing Home in HOME ECONOMICS CLUB — FRONT ROW: Jeri Denny, Lana Van Schoik, Worthington. Linda Mayhew, Lisa Larkin, Andi Lewis, Miss Lois Darling. SECOND ROW: Sandy Zappia, Cindi Morando, Jan Tipple, Jan Hamilton, Chris Brown, Adriene Stockwell. THIRD ROW: Pam Hartenfeld, Karen Schnelle, Suzy Hag- ovsky, Christy Meek, Diane Barrow, Ilona Maranville, Mary Ann Kehrer. FOURTH ROW: Janet Serio, Melek Turkoglu, Cheryl McDaniel, Suzanne Craw­ ford, Michele Foster, Debbie Van Fossen.

149 Varsity "N ” members and Boys' Foods students, Tony Cowley, Randy Suver, and Ron DeAngelo serve their specialty, split pea soup, to Tracy Proctor and Jenny Cluver. (Right) Bev Bradshaw GAA member, concentrates on acquiring good posture as she walks in the school hall.

VARSITY "N " — FRONT ROW: Lorn Pendleton, Mike Sapp, Randy Suver, Phil Porter, Steve Smith, Mr. Tom Wickiser. SECOND ROW: Bob Archibald, Larry Zeller, Jerry Goetz, Bob Love, Greg Wayt, Bob Hageman. THIRD ROW: Steve Gentry, Ron Armstrong, Dennis Mahoney, Ron DeAngelo, Tom Hilt, Tony Conley, Tom Barber, Steve Yoder, Dan Miller. FOURTH ROW: Jerry Kirk, Bob Hamilton, Tom Onstott, Pat Ferree, Steve Good, Steve Serio, Mike Stacy, Tom Andrews. FIFTH ROW: Bill Jones, Gary George, Don Crotty, Chuck James, Steve Dew, Bill Tinsky, Dan Scarry, Ric Diedalis, Rick Steer.

150 GIRLS' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION — GAA has 125 active members during the 1970-71 season.

DECA, Varsity “N”, GAA have diverse programs

Dan Heslop was president of the Northland chapter of Distributive Education Clubs of America, assisted by Ken Demers, vice president; Pam O'Brien, secretary; and Vernon Dotson, treasurer. The group took field trips to Columbus business houses and heard business and industrial representatives speak. Mr. William Bige­ low is advisor. G A A , under Miss Elaine Boltz and Mrs. Janet Wise, sponsored a comprehensive girls’ athletic program. Diane Williamson was president; Kathy Kramer, vice president; Pam Rees, secretary; Cindy Rose, treasurer; Barb Burigana and Connie Huston, sergeants-at-arms. Varsity “N" comprised of boys who have earned varsity letters, sponsored the Christmas Basket collec­ DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION CLUB — FRONT ROW: Mr. William Bigelow, Ken Demers, tion and assisted with selling football programs. Randy Dan Heslop, Vernon Dotson. SECOND ROW: Carl Marbach, Marsha Holling, Lori Maran- Suver was president; Phil Porter, vice president; Mike ville, Priscilla Kirkner, Diane Sweeney. THIRD ROW: Mike Jones, Greg Graham, Steve Sapp, secretary; Lorn Pendleton, treasurer; Steve Bandy, Bill Butler, Debbie Miller, Sue Sondrini. FOURTH ROW: Mike Lemaster, Mike Peck, Steve Drown, John Malone, Pat Moore, Allen Wheeler. Smith, sergeant-at-arms.

151 Clubs cater to students’ special interests, skills

The Science-Math Club members under Dick Vohlers, presi­ dent, and Randy Glassburn, vice president, sponsored a dance, bake sale, and a potato chip sale to make money to finance a scientific field trip. Members of the Bridge Club are learning the fundamentals of contract bridge. “ Although learning to play bridge is difficult and the game is definitely a mental challenge, it's fun and we like it,” members said. Bill Bryan is president; Bob Ariss, vice president; and Eileen Spooner, secretary. The Art Club sold pennants for the football and basketball games and sponsored a dance as fund-raising activities. They also visited the Columbus Art Gallery and heard professionals speak at their meetings. Susie McKnight was chairman of the club; Cindy Petty, secre­ tary; Doug Slyman and Vince Gage, board members. Chess Club members met monthly to play the game and par­ ticipated in local tournaments. Randy Glassburn was president; BRIDGE CLUB — Rick Ballinger, Tyron Yung, Steve Yoder, Bill Bryan, Patti Hill, Dave Kleinman, vice president; Jerry Kincaid, secretary-treasur­ Bob Ariss, Marianne McNamee, Eileen Spooner. er.

CHESS CLUB — FRONT ROW: Hildea Lockner, John Wex, Randy Glassburn, THIRD RO W : Ron Art, Dave Kleinman, Jerry Kincaid, Ron Herr, Ken Baugh­ Andy Jones, Tom Andrews, Rick Stier, Mr. Doug Smeltz. SECOND ROW: man, Paul Miller. Cheryl Corven, Donna Pottle, Greg Morgan, Steve Nesser, Dick Vohlers.

152 SCIENCE-MATH CLUB — FRONT ROW: Ric Smith, Phil Gossman, Bob Laird. SECOND ROW: Pat Silk, Ken Baughman, Chris Pollock, Mike Herr. THIRD ROW: Dick Vohlers, Mark Smith, Mike Jacobs, Mr. Brad Brown.

mil ART CLUB — FRONT ROW: Doug Slyman, Dotti LeGault. SEC­ OND ROW: Dee Dee Pargeon, Jeff Burkholder, Susan Brown, Karen Johnson, Mr. Ronald Rabold. THIRD ROW: Randy Wat­ son, Nancy Headley, Paula Elkey, Lynn Grabil, Susie McKnight. FOURTH ROW: Paulette Ariss, Rick Stier, Barbara Joy, Cindy Petty, Robert Reeves. FIFTH ROW: John Kl'einman, Cathy Ar­ nold, LuAnn Vogt, Debbie Van Fossen, Vince Gage. SIXTH ROW: Alan Rawlings, JoAnn Orsini.

153 SENIOR GIRLS’ SOCIETY — FRONT ROW: Terri Salyer, Mich Conreaux, Mar­ Pam Reese, Barb Horcheler, Candy Krull, Debbie Oliverio. Cheryl Stanley, Bev cia Kirchner, Karen Johnson, Dena Demopolis, Cindy Barr, Jean Carte, Jenny Spadafora, Molly Hall, Melek Turkoglu, Becky Scott, Kay Nachtrab, Kathy Culver. SECOND ROW: Lorrie Smalley, Sue Hagovsky, Lynn Miller, Carol Car­ Free. SEVENTH ROW: Angie Beuchner, Lynn Lancaster, Judy Crabtree, Sonya ter, Lee Ann Reardon, Debbie Stearns, Rondi Almendinger, Jean Jeck, Terry Thomason. Toni Groves. Susie Sondrini, Lori Van Syckle, Darlene Snodgrass, Caudill, Kathy Kramer, Cindy Trachsel, Terry Price. THIRD ROW: Linda Moore, Patty Puchovich, Bev Hayes, Kim Lodge, Diane Sweeney, Mary Maclean. Terre Valentine, Susan Crawford, Mary Smith, Joyce Cantrell, Becky Richard­ EIGHTH ROW: Bernie Settele, Barb Beard, Julie Hamilton, Myra McGravy, son, Diane Williamson, Lois Remely, Cheryl Smeitzel, Carol Graham, Mary Joyce Hawkins, Patty Hunter, Sandi Hartle, Margie Spires, Val Tolbert, Missie Beth Sams. FOURTH ROW: Debbie Grell, Barb Joy, Karen Branham, Donna Foster, Carla Larrick. NINTH ROW: Teri Zimmer, Chris Badnell, Liz Denbow, Trotter, Sue McKnight, Wendy Ballantynne, Debbie Spears, Pam Brown, Patty Kathy England, Kathy Corn, Debbie Miller, Marsha Holling, Patty Favor, Norris, Joan Archambault, Carolyn Blaskie, Vicki Polley. FIFTH ROW: Lisa Jamey Hendrix, Lana Van Schoik, Mary Ann Kehrer, Karen Musser. TENTH Stockwell, Patty Harris, Karen Purtee, Christi Combs, Pam Brown, Nicki Casey, ROW: Chris Stoops, Lisa Rickley, Linda Mayhew, Cindy Lewis, Leslie Blake, Deb McClaskey, Peggy Wright, Carolyn Edgar, Barb Weber, Lu Ann Voit, Cheryl McDaniel, Lori Maranville, Lola Marcum, Darlene Saulters, Mary Bur­ Debbie Van Fossen, Priscilla Kirkner. SIXTH ROW: Barb Burigana, Debi Logan, gess, Gail Preston, Val Valentine.

Senior Girls’ Club plans class soial activities

The Current Affairs Club met monthly to discuss current news and issues and hear professional speakers. Advisor was Mr. David Wiget. Karen Johnson was president of Senior Girls’ Society; Dena Demopolis, vice president; Mich Conreaux, secre­ tary; Jean Carte, Marcia Kirchner, and Jenny Culver, ac­ tivities chairmen; and Terri Salyer and Cindy Barr, ser­ geants-at-arms. Mrs. Natasha Wolfe was advisor. The group met monthly during club period to plan ac­ tivities for the senior class that included a hayride, picnic, and dance.

A group of Senior Girls' Society members form a pyramid in the main lobby of the school.

154 It), In liufi liftt Ixk (Gro, ,lta «4n, CURRENT AFFAIRS CLUB — Left to Right: Linda Martin, Karen Musser, Bill Bryan, Mike Jacob, Rosemarie Carlton, David Stuart, Richard McBride, George Steele, Mark Roberts. i)k'

Senior Girls' Society members Chris Brown and Vicki Adams reflect their schaol spirit as they dramatize the sign “ Down with DeSales.” (Left) Richard McBride, Current Affairs Club member, participates in a school assembly.

155 VIKING CLUB — This club, with a membership of 550 students, was the largest at Northland.

Viking Club finances paint­ ing of Viking Head

The Viking Club was originally organized to develop, for members, an understanding of athletics as spectators, but club activities have expanded into assisting other school groups and financing items or improvements con­ cerned with sports. The group donated $100 to the Valkyrie Drill Team for uniforms and financed the painting of a new Viking head on the gymnasium floor. Work was done by the Art Club under Mr. Ronald Rabold. Meeting speakers included Mr. Bob Burkholder, Ohio State University assistant basketball coach and Mr. Gene Slaughter, Capital University football coach and “Ohio Coach of the Year for 1970.” The Viking Club met monthly during a regular club peri­ od and students paid 50 cents dues.

156 VIKING CLUB OFFICERS — Mr. Robert Orth, advisor; Don Crabtree, sergeant-at-arms;Jon Lodge, vice president; Ron Cosentino, president; Mike Kulick, secretary-treasurer; Caral Graham, Tom Hilt, sergeants- at-arms.

Viking Club advisor, Mr. Robert Orth, gets his holiday kiss under the mistletoe from Kathy Free. (Far Left) Brenda Hixon puts the finishing touches on one of the Viking Christmas trees in the main lobby.

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BUSINESS STAFF — linda Mayhew, John Schirtzinger, Debbie Spears.

FACULTY, UNDERCLASSMEN — Lisa Stockwell, Pam Schler- eth (faculty editor), Kay Nachtrab, Dena Demopolis.

INDENTIFICATIONS, ADVERTISING — Lois Remely, S'teve Serio, Terri Caudill, Karen Branham.

SPORTS, INDEX — Pam Brown, Randy Suver (sports editor), Steve Gentry, Ric Buechler.

COPY, ORGANIZATIONS — Rondi Almendinger, Patti Harris, Kathy Free.

158 NEWSLETTER STAFF — FRONT ROW: Mark LaFollette, Nicki Casey, Marcia Shawn Sentz, Scott Glandon, Larry Dickson, Bob Ariss, Don Ramsey, Mike Kirchner, Jim Douthitt, Kathy Wedemeyer. SECOND ROW: Paul Lechner, Shows, Ed Hallam, Randy Cattell, Bob Medley, John Strawser.

Staff meets close deadlines to produce 71 yearbook

Acute writer’s cramp, deadline heartaches, identification woes . . . all these ailments struck the yearbook staff. From the first deadline of October 15 to the last on March 5, the staff, under editor Lorrie Smalley, worked tirelessly, sometimes franti­ cally, to offer the students the best possible 1971 yearbook. The staff also publishes a summer supplement to cover spring sports, graduation, and other senior activities. Lorie Smalley, Rick Slane, Students in Journalism I class made up the staff of the Editor Associate Editor ii». Newsletter, a mimeographed news publication that was mailed to each Northland student's home. Students wrote the stories, the main office mimeographed the publication. Cooperative Education students addressed the papers using an addressograph machine, and PTA members finished the mailing process. Prior to this year the Board of Education had financed the paper for the Newsletter and the PTA, the mailing. This year the parent organizations, PTA, Vocal Music Parents, Band Par­ ents, and Athletic Boosters, shared the financing.

SENIORS, PHOTOGRAPHY — Cindy Barr, Marcia Kirchner, Debbie Oliverio.

159 FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA — FRONT ROW: Dana Curry, Dar­ Wanda Rodgers, Mrs. Joan Grahek. THIRD ROW: Teresa Kabourek, lene Saulters, Sally Shafer, Audrey Lewis, Christy Anderson. SECOND Mary Ann Flicia, Tracy Proctor, Kathy Miller, Carla Larrick, Patty Frey, ROW: George Karklas, Patti Norris, Laura Maturo, Starma McDonald, Teresa Noppenburger.

Principal activity of the members of Future Teachers of ident; Carla Larrick, secretary; Patti Norris, treasurer; and America was teaching at neighborhood elementary Teresa Noppenburger, reporter. schools. They visited the blind and deaf schools and co­ Quill and Scroll is an international honorary for jour­ sponsored a dance. nalism students. Darlene Saulters was president; Sally Shafer, vice pres­

FTA members helped with the annual spaghetti dinner. Parents who helped at the bake sale are (facing the camera) Mrs. Robert Thom­ as, Mrs. Ira Zucker, and Mrs. Richard Hall.

QUILL AND SCROLL — Left to Right: Scott Glandon, Cindy Barr, Nicki Casey, Marcia Kirchner, Dena Demopolis, Mike Shows, Lorrie Smalley.

160 i

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Music students perform in con­ rer;ffll

'orjoii- certs, plays, contests

Over 500 students participated in Northland’s instrumental and vocal programs. The choirs under the direction of Mr. Thurman Davis gave several performances throughout the year including the Christ­ mas play. Variety Show, annual contest. Spring Concert, and graduation exercises. In addition the Young Adults did several performances outside of school for organizations such as O .E.A ., Secret Santa, Mental Health and Hygiene Foundation, and the Jeffrey Manufacturing Credit Union. The bands and orchestra under the direction Of Mr. Robert Weimer presented a variety of concerts during the school year. Several of these included the Fall Marching Band Concert, Christmas Concert, Variety show, annual contest. Spring Con­ cert, and graduation exercises. The stage band performed out­ side of school for the City National Bank, Knights of Columbus, Indian Run Country Club, and Stoney Creek Country Club.

(Above) The Young Adults performed for the fourth annual spaghetti dinner. (Left) The Marching band waits on the sidelines before their halftime show.

161 AAARCHING BAND — FRONT ROW: Scott Ringold, Kathy Kramer, Terri Cau­ Finley, Pam Garwood, Patti McKee, Marilyn Nist. FIFTH ROW: Art Mielke, dill, Teresa Blank, Carol Willis. SECOND ROW: Debbie Crompton, Bill Lar- Kathy Bailey, Laura Dolan, Becky Fink, Janet Finley, Marilyn Ankron, Vicky gent, Dan Barton, Rick Miller, Gary Hipolite, Jeff Hall, Craig Lilly, Gary Light- Clay, Robin Neel, Colleen Haley, Peggy Wright, Kay Shafer, Mike Thurman, foot, Mark Jennings, Diana Maxey. THIRD ROW: Greg Onslow, Steve Crain, Connie Woodruff, Connie Simpson, Rorry Dolton, Chris Macurak, Anne Fierce, Ann Heiser, Ron Bitler, Lee Puckett, Mike Newsome, Steve Harrison, Ken Patti McKelvey. SIXTH ROW: Allen Huise, Tam Johnson, Laura Koffman, Sue Woodruff, Bob Fiser, Mike Macurak, Mark Canright, Jeff Kessler, Jim Norton, Heiser, Patty Glenn, Jane Winter, Judy Stone, Mamcy Reichenback, Marti Steve Arrick, Mike Simpson, Pat Payne, Annette Heiser, Norm Miller. FOURTH Rascke, Debbie Davis, Floren Payne, Kathy Buck, Chris Stoops, Charley Boyd, ROW: Drema Marcum, Gina Opatich, Sherrie Ferguson, Terri Sherburn, Don Bruce Jacobs. SEVENTH ROW: Jeff Peifer, Tom Armstrong, Rick Hafeman, Karn, Dan Proctor, Jim Wright, Ken Smalley, Don Erion, Bruce Bowers, Randy Harry Caldwell, Gary Palmer, Jim McClanahan. Shields, Mike Madachy, Steve Johanson, Mark Hollenbach, Ken Erion, Dean

Marching Band performs for Community events

"See The U .S.A .” was one of the halftime shows that the marching band presented this year. The group performed in the Devonshire and Forest Park Fourth of July parades and also in concert on the Northland Mall last summer. Randy Shields was president; Mike Newsome, vice president; Chris Stoops and Chris Macurak, secretaries; Kathy Kramer and Jeff Hall, librarians; Bob Fizer, treasurer; Jim McClanahan and Debbie Crompton, apparel chairmen.

162 MAJORETTES — Teresa Blank, Kathy Kramer, Carol Willis, Terri Caudill.

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(Left) Scott Ringold marched for his last year as Northland’s first drum major. (Below Left) At 7:30 most any morning you could see the marching band out practicing.

Tom Johnson talks with Mr. Evans about the post-game show.

163 n

WOODWIND CHOIR — FIRST ROW: Nancy Reichenbach, Chris Stoops, Deb­ Woodruff, Peggy Wright, Mr. Robert Weimer, Marilyn Nist, Don Karn, Sheree bie Davis, Sue Heiser, Florene Payne, Carol Willis, Debbie Crompton, Chris Furguson, Steve Johanson, Jim McClanahan, Vicki Clay, Connie Simpson, Macurak. SECOND ROW: Robin Neel, Mark Hollenback, Ken Erion, Connie Kathy Bailey, Kay Shaffer, Kathy Buck, Jeff Hall.

TRUMPET CHEERS — Pat Payne, Mike Newsome, Ken Woodruff, Mike Macurak, Ron Bitler, Greg Onslow.

Orchestra performs with Capital University group

On January 20 the Orchestra did a combined performance with Capital University for the Northland student body. They went to Dayton for the State Contest on February 20. The offi­ cers this year are president, Scott Ringold; vice president, Ken Woodruff; treasurer, Chris Macurack; secretaries, Chris Stoops and Terri Zimmer; apparel chairman, Marianne Skinner; librar­ ians, Melek Turkoglu and Carol Willis. The officers for Symphonic Band are Randy Shields, presi­ dent; Mike Newsome, vice president; Chris Stoops and Chris Macurak, secretaries; Kathy Kramer and Jeff Hall, librarians; Bob Fizer, treasurer; Jim McClanahan and Debbie Crampton, apparel chairmen.

164 SYMPHONIC BAND — FIRST ROW: Nancy Reichenbach, Chris Stoops, Deb­ gold, Charlie Boyd, Bruce Jacobs, Allen Hughes, Chris Arndt, Mike Macurak, bie Davis, Florene Payne, Sue Heiser, Jane Winter, Laura Kaufman, Marti Lee Puckett, Pat Payne, Ron Bitler, Ken Woodruff. FOURTH ROW: Rorry Dal­ Rasche, Judy Stone, Terri Caudill, Patty Glenn. SECOND ROW: Robin Neel, ton, Janet Finley, Art Mielke, Marilyn Ankrom, Terri Woods, Laura Dolan, Mark Hollenback, Ken Erion, Connie Woodruff, Peggy Wright, Marilyn Nist, Becky Fink, Steve Johanson, Jim McClanahan, Rick Hafeman, Tom Armstrong, Don Karn, Dean Finley, Terri Surburn, Vicky Clay, Kathy Bailey, Kay Shaffer, Jeff Piefer, Gary Palmer, Jim Wright, Don Erion, Ken Smalley, Bruce Bower, Kathy Buck, Jeff Hall, Carol Willis, Chris Macurak. THIRD ROW: Ann Fierce, Steve Eric, Greg Onslow, Mike Newsome, Bob Fiser. FIFTH ROW: Diana Mike Thurman, Wonda Rodgers, Sherrie Furguson, Dennis McComis, Mike M axey, Greg Lilly, Mark Jennings, G ary Lightfoot, Bill Largant, G ary Hipo- Simpson, Jim Norton, Sue Kinkor, Pam Garwood, Annette Heiser, Scott Rin- light, Rick Miller, Dan Barton, Mr. Robert Weimer.


ORCHESTRA — FIRST ROW: Chuck Watts, Annette Hieser, Teresa Blank, Chris Shaffer, Kathy Buck, Scott Ringold, Dennis McComis, Jamie Hendricks, Anita Reichenbach, Sheri Ferguson, Charlie Boyd, Lias Laric, Steve Johanson. SEC­ Sectman, Lorrie Smalley, Debbie Bowers. FOURTH ROW: Debbie Haggy, OND ROW: Marjean Burton, Christal Reives, Cheryl Clifton, Dreama Marcum, Melek Turkoglu, Losa Rickley, Lois Martin, Jane Winter, Laura Dolin, Jeff Pol- Marti Rasche, Debbie Davis, Chris Stoops, Nonci Reichenbach, Debbie Cramp- ins, Marilyn Nist, Pat Payne, Norm Miller, Bob Fizer, Ken Woodruff, Randy ton, Chris Macurak, Carol Willis, Mary Janzen, Jim McClanaham, Rick Hafe­ Shields, Mike Madachy, Bruce Bowers, Don Erion, Harry Caldwell, Mike man. THIRD ROW: Terri Zimmer, Mary Skinner, Bill Buckmaster, Jim Malone, Hagon, Dean Finley, Gary Palmer, Mike Macurak. FIFTH ROW: Mr. Robert Kathy Bailey, Paggy Wright, Connie Woodruff, Robin Neel, Jeff Hall, Kay Weimer, Craig Lilly, Dan Barton, Jean Casias, Bill Largant, Gary Lightfoot.

(Left) A typical locker scene after one of the early morning practices.

165 Stage Band performs for Variety Show in February

The Stage Band played for the ‘‘Best of Broadway" Variety Show February 26 and 27. They do many outside "gigs" for orga­ nizations and country clubs. Mark Hollenback and Ken Woodruff are the student directors. The Brass, Percussion, and Clarinet choirs are small groups consisting of the best musical students at Northland. They partici­ pated in the District Solo and Ensemble Contest on February 27.

BRASS CHOIR — FIRST ROW: Ken Woodruff, Pot Payne, Bob Fizer, Ron Heiser, Scott Ringold, Don Erion, Bruce Bower, Randy Shields. SECOND ROW: Bitler, Mike Newsome, Dennis McComis, Sue Kynkor, Pam Garwood, Annette Mr. Robert Weimer, Rick Hafeman, Tom Armstrong, Bruce Jacobs.

PERCUSSION CHOIR — Craig Plummer, Craig Lilly, Gary Hipolite, Dan Bar­ ton, Rick Miller, Bill Largant.

166 ^ ■ ■ i ^ I- ’ i 1' ' t i i l li . 1 » ■■■ r-? f|: f f ^#1 I J r r f f : 1 fI ■ 1 ^ - i : 1 1 1»A

STAGE BAND — FIRST ROW: Dean Finley, Steve Johanson, Don Karn, Mark Hollenbach, Jeff Pullins, Ken Erion, Mike Madachy, Bruce Bov/er, Ken Smalley, Charlie Boyd, Don Erion, Jim Wright. SECOND ROW: Robin Neel, Jean Casias, Mr. Robert Weimer, Bill Largent, Mark Jennings, Gary Hipolite, Mike Macurak, Rick Hafeman, Bruce Jacobs, Ron Bitler, Greg On­ slow, Mike Newsome, Ken Woodruff, Bob Fizer, Steve Eric, Norm Miller.

TROMBONE CHEERS — Mike Madachy, Bruce Bowers, Don Erion, Randy Shields, Ken Smalley. V

' ■ \

CLARINET CHOIR — Robin Neel, Mark Hollenbach, Ken Erion, Mr. Robert Weimer, Connie Woodruff, Peggy Wright, Jim McClanahan, Vicky Clay, Con­ nie Simpson, Kathy Bailey.

167 Drill Team performs for halftime show.

The Valkyries performed, under the direction of Mrs. Carolyn White and Miss Marsha Mitchell, this year for the football halftime shows. Officers are Barb Burigana, captain; Mary Anne Skinner, co-captain; Candy Krull, secre­ tary; Cindy Trachsel, Kay Dickey, and Cindy Cremeans costume mistresses. The Young Adults under the direction of Mr. Thurman Davis, performed for many school functions including the spa­ ghetti dinner, Christmas concert, and spring concert. The contest choir performed for dis­ trict contest, St. Johns concert, and The band played far their post-game show when the team won over West 14-0. Graduation Exercises.

VALKYRIES — ROW ONE: Barbara Burigana, Mary Anne Skinner. ROW Janszen, Mary Ann Flichia. ROW FOUR: Pam Dakel, Cindy Trachsel, Pam TWO: Tami Hill, Vicki Seggio, Micki Carifa, Joni Borgerding, Gail Preston, Brown, Kathy Feltz, Sharon Scott, Cindy Cremeans, Lisa Rickley, Teri Zimmer, Candy Krull, Jenny Crain. ROW THREE: Teresa Kabourek, Sherry Buckley, Karen Branham, Kay Dickey, Mrs. Carolyn White, Miss Marsha Mitchell. Phyllis King, Cindy Engberg, Karen Wood, Diane Meder, Karen Beal, Mary

168 CONTEST CHOIR — FRONT ROW: Nancy Headley, Pam Hartenfeld, Nesley Skinner, Kathy Feltz, Lynn Wolverton, Sue Carlton, Paula Hain, Cheryl McDan­ Thomas, Patti Botkins, Kathy Bailey, Laurie Howden, Val Tolbert, Lisa Larrick, iel, Lola Marcum, Leslie Folke, Rhonda Butt, Carol Graham. FOURTH ROW: Mr. Thurman Davis, Debbie Stearns, Ellen Pierce, Patti Hunter, Chris Bauer, Mark LaFollette, Jeff Fisher, John Hickinbotham, Mark Gilmore, Keith Kirk­ Connie Weber, Colleen Daugherty, Barb Swope, Beth Titus, Tara Jones. SEC­ wood, Mike Zeller, Geoff Jurusik, Steve Narney, Blake Stilles, Dick Davis, Bill OND ROW: Sharon Scott, Gretchen Swope, Sue Kynkor, Barb Burigana, Bryon, Steve Yoder, Rick Fisher, Don Hinkley, Kathy West, Susan Heiser, Del Cindy Trachsel, Kathy England, Teresa Kabourek, Joanne Borgerding, Chris Wright, John Sisson. FIFTH ROW: Steve Porter, Craig Dean, Richard Kish, Kim Reichenbach, Pam Jones, Elaine Adams, Debbie Richards, Carolyn Windom, Elsea, Jim Pennington, Chuck Watts, John Reichard, Rick Kinni, Bob Adams, Sandy Heslop, Mary Burgess, Janice McCleery, Debbie Davis, Lorrie Smalley, Rick Coldren, Bob Campbell, Pat Anderson, Gary Jurusik, Bob Renner, Ken Sue Graham. THIRD ROW: Lynette Lander, Sue Campbell, Kathy Dorch, Deb­ Womack, Greg Fisher, Wayne Linnabury, Charlie St. Clair, Gary Lightfoot, bie Bower, Cindy Bowman, Barb Fiecoat, Debi Sykes, Leslie Blount, Mary Anne Steve Bennett, Don Day, Barry Roach.

YOUNG ADULTS — FIRST ROW: Nancy Headley, Pam Hartenfeld, Patti Bot­ ley, Gretchen Swope, Kathy Dorsch, Leslie Blount, Debi Sykes, Kathy Feltz, kins, Phyllis King, Pam Garwood, Kathy Bailey, Karen Musser, Lori Howden, Mary Anne Skinner, Sue Carlton, Mary Beth Sams, Carol Graham, Kathy Sue Graham, Mr. Thurman Davis, Sharon Scott, Gary Lightfoot, Don Day, West, Lola Marcum, Cheryl McDaniel, Debbie Davis, Del Wright. FOURTH Chick Watts, Pam Jones, Rhonda Butt, Sue Hagovsky, Ellen Pierce, Janice ROW: Ken Todd, Keith Kirkwood, John Hickinbotham, Mark Gilmore, Rick McCleery, Leslie Folke, Tara Jones, Lisa Larrick, Lorrie Smalley. SECOND Fisher, Steve Porter, Craig Dean, Kim Elsie, Rick Coldren, Bob Campbell, Mike ROW: Cindy Trachsel, Barb Burigana, Kathy England, Sherry Buckley, Sue Jacob, Geoff Jurusik, Steve Narney, Gary Jurusik, Pat Anderson, Blake Stilles, Campbell, Joni Borgerding, Teresa Kabourek, Fran Eby, Eva Denny, Sandy John Reichard, Craig Renner, Randy Shields, Dick Davis, Bill Bryon, Jeff Hall, Heslop, Debbie Van Fossen, Debbie Rachel, Mary Burgess, Debbie Richards, Ken Womack, Jeff Burkholder, Dave Horde, Greg Fisher, Bill MacLain, Richard Chris Reichenbach, Peggy Hunter, Terri Loar, Carolyn Windom. THIRD ROW: Knox, Steve Schlup, Mike Simpson, Charlie St. Clair, Wayne Lynnabury, Steve Ann Nurford, Lynne Wolverton, Lynette Lander, Debbie Bowers, Colleen Hai­ Bennett, Barry Roach.

169 CONCERT CHORALE — FIRST ROW: Steve Bennett, Don Day, Chuck Watts, THIRD ROW: John Reichard, Keith Kirkwood, Rick Coldren, Steve Narney, Bob Sharon Scott, Colleen Haley, Cathy Dorsch, Lola Marcum, Mary Skinner, Cher­ Campbell, Geoff Jurusik, Randy Shields, Mike Jacob, Bill Bryan, Dick Davis, yl McDaniel, Cindy Trachsel, Debbie Stearns. SECOND ROW: Cathy Bailey, Jeff Hall, Ken Womack, Gary Lightfoot, Mr. Thurman Davis. Sue Graham, Karen Musser, Eva Denny, Carolyn Windom, Patty Botkins..

SENIOR CHOIR — FIRST ROW: Sue Riccardi, Lisa Larrick, Carolyn Windom, Engberg, Kim Thomas, Shana Stewart, Kathy Feltz, Linda Stalls, Lynn Wolver- Diana Engleman, Dona Engleman, Karen Lamb, Angie Brown, Pam Harten- ton, Patti West, Lisa Larrick, Elaine Adams, Roberta Shalosky, Lola Marcum, feld, Ilona Maranville, Del Wright, Sue Graham, Val Tolbert, Mr. Thurman Mary Burgess, Debbie Davis. FOURTH ROW: Don Day, Richard Dini, Jeff Davis, Debbie Rachel, Ellen Pierce, Starma McDonald, Debbie Stearns, Carol Polin, Keith Haycox, Rick Coldren, Bob Campbell, Bob Rennar, Geoff Jurusik, Ristucci, Sunny Epiey, Leslie Foulke, Janice McCleery, Connie Thomas, Pam Bob Davis, Rick Stier, Ken Todd, Jeff Fisher, Greg Fisher, Bill Eselman, Mike Calis, Barb Swope. SECOND ROW: Beth Titus, Connie Thomas, Cindy Trach­ Simpson, Barry Roach. FIFTH ROW: Mark LaFollette, John Hickinbotham, John sel, Patty Norris, Mindy Lovell, Kathy Eperly, Kym Lodge, Sue Kinkor, Nesley Reichard, Paul Deber, Alan Rawlings, Mike Jacobs, Bob Turgeon, Ray Gaines, Thomas, Mary Anne Skinner, Terri Zimmer, Cheryl McDaniel, Sue Campbell, Pat Anderson, Dick Davis, Richard Kish, Keith Kirkwood, Dave Yorde, Richard Paula Hain, Brenda Hixon, Debbie Stevens, Darlene Saulters. THIRD ROW: Knox, Don Hinkley, Rick Atwood. Sue Snider, Barbara Weber, Chris Reichenbach, Sherry Orth, Terri Price, Patti Chorale is select group

The Concert Chorale is a select group of the most talented singers that perform for outside functions as well as for the vari­ ous school concerts. The Melody Maidens performed for the Spaghetti dinner. Vocal Parents, and Spring concert. The Senior Choir is a group that trains to become members of the Young Adults.

(Right) Gary Lightfoot portrays the Little Drummer Boy in the Christmas Con­ cert.

J70 > I I !

SENIOR AAALE GLEE — FIRST ROW: Bill Eselman, Don Hinkley, Greg Fisher, ard Kish, Rick Stier, Rick Coldren, Bob Campbell, Alan Rolling, Bob Turgeon. Richard Knox, Barry Roach. SECOND ROW: John Reichard, Dabe Yorde, Jeff FIFTH ROW: Pat Anderson, Dick Davis, Craig Renear, Keith Jaycox, Bob Fisher, Don Day, Paul Devere. THIRD ROW: Bob Davis, Rick Atwood, Richard Davis, Mike Jacob, Geoff Jurusik, Mr. Thurman Davis, Val Tolbert, Sue Gra­ Deany, Ken Todd, John Hickinbotham, Keith Kirkwood. FOURTH ROW: Rich­ ham.

t a p , iiiv i, MELODY /VLAIDENS — FIRST ROW: Pam Hartenfeld, Beth Battory, Diane Noe, Paula Myers, Jane Winter, Kathy West, Patty Norris, Sally Shafer, Col­ ii,tt Cross, Jenny Lockard, Dreama Marcum, Connie Weber, Carolyn Windom, leen Carolo, Patty Floeh, Melody Carr. FOURTH ROW: Barb Daube, Kathy n,JA Vicky Adams, Colleen Doughty, Lorrie Smalley, Barb Swope, Ellen Pierce, Mr. Dorsch, Barb Skinner, Sue Brooks, Terri Price, Mary Burgess, Lola Marcum, Gw, Thurman Davis. SECOND ROW: Vicky Boyer, Debbie Deany, Donna Pottle, Darlene Salters, Cathy DeVoll, Robin Zimmerman, Marti Anderson, Rondi Al- Debbie Kible, Debbie Jarret, Sharon Gotshall, Roberta Shalosky, Chris Brown, mendinger. Chris Brown. THIRD ROW: Vicky Wenger, Rondo Beall, Sherri Gorges, Janis

171 SOPHOMORE CHOIR — FIRST ROW: Patty Botkins, Mr. Thurman Davis, Debbie Tumblesen. FOURTH ROW: Patty Debbie Bower, Vaudine Valentine, Kathy Jantzen, Vicki Skinner, Sharon Esper, Leslie Clark, Melanie Thomas, Vicki Boyer, Kathy Lake, Marti Anderson, Barb Fiecot, Lynn Wolverton, Renee Peggy Hunter, Jan Hahn, Donna Curry, Patty Draback. SECOND ROW: Kathy Davis, Patty Murphy, Pam Alves, Marti Furgeson, Nancy Kaiser, Pam Bender. Miller, Starma McDonald, Jaci Connell, Penny Heath, Linda Martz, Debbie FIFTH ROW: John Newman, Stephen Nessar, Craig Rogers, Rick Dini, Tim Ford, Kathy Osif, Krista Stocklin, Barb Boren, Lisa Stark, Marsja Kincaid. Spears, Kim Else, Bob Rener, Mark Gilmore, Glen Yeager, Dennis Kaiser, THIRD ROW: Beth Batory, Tammi Lanane, Cana Gallipsie, Pam Weber, Suzie Dwain Smith, George Kardkias, Bill Sanham, Jeff Metzger, Tony Mazzola, Shriek, Rita Izzie, Ceil Casey, Leslie Phillops, Sandy Miller, Vicky Farmwald, Wayne Linnabarry.

SOPHOMORE BOYS’ GLEE — Glen Yeager, Wayne Linnabarry, Stephen Nesser, Dwaine Smith, Richard Dini, Dennis Kaiser, Tim Spears, Jeff Metzger, George Korettus, Bill Sandum, Patty Botkins, Mr. Thurman Davis.

Kathy Janzen and Chris Stocklin talk about the problems they are having with their angel wings.

172 I W?(, ALL BOYS' GLEE — FRONT ROW: Don Day, Mike KontuI, Jim Smith, Ken Don Korn, John Reichard, Jerry Kirk, Paul Devere, Ernie Oskey, Dave Yorde, Bowers, Chip Van Syckle, Toni Toronto, Davis St. Clair, Toni Mazzola, Rob Greg Fisher, Rick Atwood, Jeff Burkholder, Bob Smith, Mark Gilmore, Ken Reeves, Sharon Scott, Mr. Thurman Davis, Steve Bennett, Barry Roach, Ralph Todd. FOURTH ROW: Howard Rush, Mike Jacobs, Glen Yeager, Ray Gaines, Hageman, Mark Jennings, Wayne Linnabury, Mick Eschleman, John Sisson, Kim Elsea, Blake Stiles, Brad Smith, Pat Anderson, Bill Bryan, Rocky Evans, I!**, Jeff Stilles, George Kostanden. SECOND ROW: Mark Stelzer, Jim Keller, Bob Steve Narney, Rick Stier, Rick Dini, Bob Davis, Ken Womack. FIFTH ROW: Bob Tomba, Rick Coldren, George Russell, Bob Renner, Toni Mollino, Rick Fisher, Campbell, Alan Rawlings, Mike Davis, Bob Turgeon, Craig Rinear, Bob Hunt, Gary Lightfoot, Jeff Metzger, Don Hinckley, Jeff Fisher, Richard Knox, Craig Ron DeAngelo, Dick Davis, Rick Balinger, Tim Spears, Richard Kish, John Hick- Rodgers, Stephen Nesser, Bill Sandman, Steve Sleup. THIRD ROW: Keith Kirk­ inbotham. wood, Craig Dean, Ernie Oskey, Rick Weyant, Mark Meinhart, Keith Jaycox,

Girls, boys each have own Glee Clubs

ALL GIRLS' GLEE — FRONT ROW: Nancy Headley, Kathy Eberle, Lisa Larrick, Lockard, Colleen Carroll, Debbie Ford, Beth Titus, Pam Garwood, Marsha Kin­ Patty Drabek, Donna Engleman, Diane Engleman, Patty Norris, Sally Shaffer, caid. FOURTH ROW: Gretchen Swope, Marti Ferguson, Cheri Orth, Terri Price, Diane Cross, Dana Curry, Sharon Esper, Debbie Stearns, Debbie Van Fossen, Kathy England, Sheri Garges, Beth Batory, Nancy Kaiser, Patty Drown, Pam Starma McDonald, Mary Dew, Janet Hawes, Sue Schneider, Kathy Janszen, Weber, Jacki Connell, Donna Potter, Kathy West, Cheryl McDaniel, Elaine Phillis King, Sharon Gotschall, Sunni Epiey, Chris Brown, Barb Swope, Lorrie Adams, Debbie Richards, Rondi Almendinger, Cathy Devoll, Paula Myers, Sue Smalley. SECOND ROW: Peggy Hunter, Barbara Weber, Karen Musser, Linda Sharrock, Kathy Osif, Rita Izzie, Melanie Thomas, Diane Padovan, Gail Wal­ Martin, Nesley Thomas, Teresa Kabourek, Jonnie Borgerding, Kathy Bailey, lace, Holly Crawford, Leslie Foulke, Sandy Heslop, Darlene Saulters. FIFTH Peggy Norris, Chris Stocklin, Ilona Maranville, Roberta Shalosky, Sue Hag- ROW: Pam Bender, Lynette Landers, Diane Wynkoop, Ellen Pierce, Pam Har- ovsky, Pam Jones, Debbie Jarrett, Lisa Stark, Barb Borean, Leslie Clark, Carol tenfeld, Debbie Bowers, Vaudine Valeritine, Barb Fiecoat, Vicky Boyer, Renee Windom, Kim Thomas, Pam Caris, Carol Ristucci, Vicky Adams. THIRD ROW: Davis, Shana Stewart, Kathy Miller, Sue Brooks, Barb Skinner, Kathy Feltz, Lori Howden, Barb Burigana, Cindy Trachsel, Sandy Heslop, Leslie Phillips, Chris Reichenbach, Carla Ciotola, Kathy Dorsch, Vicky Wenger, Debbie Ra­ Sandy Miller, Paula Myers, Penny Heath, Tammi Lanane, Janis Noe, Paula chel, Lynn Wolverton, Sue Coulton, Kathy Lake, Carla Gillespie, Terri Loar, Murphy, Mary Burgess, Lola Marcum, Leslie Blount, Connie Weber, Colleen Cindy Engberg, Sue Campbell, Marti Anderson. Daugherty, Maryanne Skinner, Teri Zimmer, Ceil Casey, Sherri Buckley, Jenny

Ik .: ■ 11^'; t " i ■ i -*

173 BOYS' OCTET — FIRST ROW: Gary Lightfoot, Randy Shields, Mike Jacob, Keith Kirkwood. SECOND ROW: Bob Campbell, Bill Bryon, Jeff Hall, Geoff Jurusik.

BOYS' QUARTET — Geoff Jurusik, Bob Campbell, Randy Shields, Bill Bryon.

BOYS' QUARTET — Ken Todd, John Reichard, Ken Womack, Gary Jurusik.

V .

BOYS' QUARTET — Pat Anderson, Chuck Watts, Jeff Fisher, Dick Davis.

BOYS' QUARTET — Gary Lightfoot, Jeff Hall, Keith Kirkwood, Mike Jacob.

174 GIRLS’ OCTET — FIRST ROW: Kathy Bailey, Carolyn Windom, Debbie BOYS' OCTET — FIRST ROW: Steve Schleup, Barry Roach, Ken Todd, Dave Stearns, Karen Musser. SECOND ROW: Cindy Trachel, Mary Skinner, Lola Yorde. SECOND ROW: Gary Jurusik, Ken Womack, Steve Narney, John Marcum, Colleen Haley. THIRD ROW: Sharon Scott, Sue Graham. Reichard.

Octets and quartets enter dis­ trict contest

The Boys' and Girls' Octets and Quartets went to the District Solo and Ensemble Contest February 27. These groups are composed of the finest voices in the vocal music department. Several of these groups performed in the Variety Show and Spring Concert.


BOYS' OCTET — FIRST ROW: Don Day, Chuck Watts, Greg Fisher, Jeff Fish­ er. SECOND ROW: Mike Keller, Pat Anderson, Dick Davis, Rick Coldren.

175 GIRLS’ QUARTET — Sue Graham, Karen Musser, Cindy Trachsel, Lola Marcum, Mary Anne Skinner.

BOYS’ QUARTET — Rick Coldren, Mike Killer, Greg Fisher, Don Day.

if-' ^ - ■if-'-' , ~«if ’• 'X-, -f

GIRLS' QUARTET — Colleen Hailey, Debbie Stearns, Carolyn Windom, Kathy Bailey, Sharon Scott.

Duane Smith played Isaiah in th>c Christmas play.

BOYS' QUARTET — Steve Schluep, Barry Roach, Dave Yordie, Steve Narney.

176 /« '

SURVEY COMMITTEE — Student representatives on the Survey Com- Here the student members listen as another student presents a request, mittee are Bob Ariss, Becky Richardson, Pat Ferree, Karen Johnson. s Parents, Faculty, Stu­ dents serve on survey committee

The Survey Committee, composed of four stu­ dents, four parents, and five faculty members meets monthly to discuss school needs and prob­ lems. Principal purpose of the group is to foster a channel of communication between the school and the community. Mrs. Betty Richardson, Mrs. Jean Barton, Mr. Melvin Mililer, and Mrs. Ann Kibble represented the parents. Mrs. Marilyn Brown, Mr. Robert White, Mr. Terence Schreiber, Mr. John Gilker- son, and Mrs. Trudy Plummer represented the faculty. Members of the Radio-Electronics Club worked RADIO-ELECTRONICS CLUB — Gary Jurusik, Rick Dini, Dave Rodgers. on electronic equipment during club meetings.

177 SPANISH CLUB — FRONT ROW: Miss Linda Hoaja, Mrs. Marilyn Brown, Jeff Kessler, Debbie Richards, Laurene Kaufman, Connie Thomas, Ralph Ab- Diana Dorner, Laura Wilson, Jana Roberts, Nancy Headley, Leslie Blount, bruzzese, Tom Nist, Diane Meder, Sue Heiser, Sharon Carges, Donna Von Steve Porter. SECOND ROW: Colleen Daugherty, Cina Palumbo, Bob Laird, Wagner, Vicki Farmwald, Cheryl Hall. FIFTH ROW: Teresa Noppenberger, Diane Archambault, Candy Catalino, Sue Brown, Cheryl Schmeitzel, Barbara Kathy Miller, Allen Carlton, Mark Roberts, Greg Morgan, Dan Tucker, Dave Weber, Sandy Miller, Pam Caris, Paula Ariss. THIRD ROW: Doris Taylor, Leslie Porter Mark Raubenolt, Paul Phipps, Kent Bradford, Glen Yeager, Darrel Phillips, Debbie Tumblison, Jeri Denney, Molly Hall, Sally Shafer, Leslie Winefordner, John McCurdy, Craig Dean, Jim Sheehan, Paul Miller, Carol Foulke, Laverta Woodring, Sue Kynkor, Kim Thomas, Jana McGlade, Vicky Jones, Marianne McNamee, Wanda Rodgers, Heldisa Krukoski, Penny John­ Baughmira, Marsha Zimmerman, Sue Fox, Donna McDonald. FOURTH ROW: son, Cindy Norris, Rosemarie Carlton. Clarke Kiner, Randy Ayres, Karen Messer, Debbie McClosky, Laura Maturo,

Language Clubs sponsor Mardi Gras, Gala banquets

Spanish Club members enjoyed listening to guest speakers from Brazil and Chile, attending a Pinata held in December, and dancing at the annual Mardi Gras spon­ sored by the combined French, German, and Spanish clubs. Steve Porter was president; Jana Roberts, vice presi­ dent; Laura Wilson, secretary; Diane Dorner, treasurer; and Leslie Blount and Nancy Headley, historians. French Club sponsored a French Day topped off with a banquet and heard native speakers. Val Tolbert served her second year as club president. Assisting her were Mich Conreaux, vice president; Gretch- en Swope, Janelle Lowman, secretaries; and Melissa Marsh, treasurer. GERAAAN CLUB — FRONT ROW: David Yoder, Bruce Winter, Sue Campbell, Joe The Latin Banquet May 7 highlighted the year for the Ruman, Tyron Yun, Mrs. Helga Muladore. SECOND ROW: Joe Taylor, Terri McPeek, club members. They enjoyed a delicious meal and had Arthur Mielke, Hilda Lockner, Kathy Janszen, Vicki Clay, Sandy Hageman. THIRD fun wearing their Roman costumes. ROW: Randy Watson, Donna Pottle, Brunie Settele, James Angel, Kathleen Kelly, Mark Knight, Annette Heiser. FOURTH ROW: George Russell, Jerry Kincaid, Tom Brad Slye was consul; Debbie Crompton, sub-counsul; Perry, Randy Glassburn, John Wex, Danny Justice. Wendy Cheely, secretary; and Chris Reichenbach, trea­ surer. The German Club listened to native speakers and had fun at the annual Zoo Park Picnic May 20. Tyron Yun was president; Joe Ruman, vice president; Sue Campbell, secretary; Bruce Winter, treasurer; Dave Yoder, sergeant-at-arms.

178 FRENCH CLUB — FRONT ROW: Connie Weber, Michelle Marsh, Val Tolbert, Mich Conreaux, Gretchen Swope, Jane Lowman. SECOND ROW: Marianne Sweitzer, Debbie Zeck, Christi Anderson, Jean Carte, Diane Engleman, Debbie Ford. THIRD ROW: Leslie Blake, Vicki Polley, Michelle Mosser, Carl Meinhart, Mark LaFollette, Miss Jacqueline McNeil. FOURTH ROW: Sue Campbell, John Reichart, Richard Knox, , ta Susan Carlton, Stephen Nesser. FIFTH ROW: Pat Ferree, Mike Jacobs, Dick Davis, i,Cm Richard McBride, Steve Conreaux.

Proceeds from a number of bake sales sponsored by the Latin Club helped to finance the annual Roman Banquet. Latin student Paul Lauch enjoys a few leftovers.

LATIN CLUB — FRONT ROW: Chris Reichenboch, Wendy Cheely, Brad Slye, lett, Becky Watts, Mark McCreary, Sandy Hackbarth, Becky Ayres. FOURTH Mrs. Carolyn White. SECOND ROW: Dana Curry, Patty Martin, Renee Evrard, ROW: Conr.-ie Thomas, Diane Winegardner, Sheila Hall, Barb Fiecoat, Linda Ilona Maranville, Nesley Thomas, Lisa Larrick, Kathy Truesdale, Patty Wol­ Stalls, Pam Alves, Bob Meister, John Morrow, Dave Pound, Steve Serr. FIFTH ford, Barb Cassidy, Paul Van Daorn, Bill Eschleman. THIRD ROW: Teresa El­ ROW: Fred Bannister, Paul Lauch, Ken Baughman, Dan Haley, Brian Grover, liott, Janice Noe, Paula Meyers, Anita Seckman, Marilyn Mauriello, Patty Bart­ Mike Jacobs, Alan Rawlings, Jeff Carr.

179 COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHT — FRONT ROW: Paul McCoy, Jeff Carr, Mike Tanner. SECOND ROW: John Reichard, Howard Rush, Ed Woods, Ken Baugh­ man. THIRD ROW: Steve Rowe, Jim Douthitt, Blake Stiles, Dick Vohlers, Brian Switzer. The language clubs combined to build a float featuring the Vikings for the Homecoming pep rally.

CONCERNED STUDENTS — FRONT ROW: Cathy Briggs, Follette. THIRD ROW: Bill Grubb, Melek Turkoglu, Bob Laird, Judy Margeson, Mark LaFollette, Paulette Ariss, Marsha Kent Sergio, Don Edgar, Doug Slyman, Ed Woods. FOURTH Cary, Patty Hill. SECOND ROW: Elite Turkoglu, Lori Van ROW: George Kostanden, Fred Francia, Harry Kost, Ron Pe­ Syckle, Kym Lodge, Kathy Free, Darlene Snodgrass, Paul La­ ters, Doug Stark, Davina Prince.

180 Russian Club members learn Slavic folk dances

Russian Club members learned Slavic folk dances at club meetings, and many members then made costumes for the dan­ ces. The group participated in the Russian Banquet at Brookha- ven High School and decorated Ukrainian Easter eggs. Patti Drabek was president; Barb Houser, vice president; Sandy Heslop, secretary; and Fred Bannister, treasurer. Mrs. Natasha Wolfe was advisor. Through reading, discussing, and hearing professionals speak at meetings, the Committee on the Right and Concerned Students endeavored to gain a knowledge and understanding of current social, economic, and political policies. Jeff Carr was president; Mike Tanner, vice president; Blake Stiles, secretary, and Paul McCoy, sergeant-at-arms.


RUSSIAN CLUB — FRONT ROW; Fred Bannister, Patty Drabek, Sandy Keller, Cheryl Clifton, Leslie Foulke, Sue Fierce, Sherry Gorges, Peggy Heslop, Barb Houser, Mrs. Natasha Wolfe. SECOND ROW: Linda Norris. FOURTH ROW; Teresa Hunt, Rick Ullery, Dale Bartlett, Ron Pe­ Marty, Louise Heubner, Patty Martin, Sharon Esper, Lynn Evers, Marty ters, Dick Voh'lers, Bill Bryan, Mike Jacobs, Brenda Hixson, Beth John- Parrish, Janice Holmes, Patti Hill, Debbie Ford. THIRD ROW; Connie

181 Sports-minded can choose Ski, Sports Survey Clubs

The Ski Club, advised by Mr. Doug Smeltz and Miss Alice Hoffmeister, chose the club officers during their first meeting. Lorn Pendleton was elected president; Wendy Weaver, vice president; Lauri Howden, secretary; Lyle Sanders, treasurer; and Andi Alves, John Woods, Ronnie Armstrong, and Phil De­ Vore, sergeants-at-arms. The group went skiing frequently at Clear Fork in Butler, Ohio, on Monday afternoons after school hours. Speakers and movies made up club programs. The group met during regular club period on the 2nd Tuesday and on Wednesday nights. Well, girls, you finally made it — you now have your own sports club. The officers who helped make the club possible were Terri Harper, president; Cheryl Schmeitzel, vice president; Diane Padovan, secretary; Bev Bradshaw and Eileen Spooner, sergeants-at-arms. The girls discussed sports and heard speakers, including Ron DeAngelo who spoke on football, at meetings.

Ski Club sergeant-at-arms John Woods gives up the skis temporarily for a foot­ ball. Anyone want to play?

182 r I

SKI CLUB — The Ski Club, with a membership of over 400 students, is pic­ Wood is prepared to take off on page 182. tured in two groups. Kyle Gockenboch is wearing the skis above; Jim

SPORTS SURVEY — Membership in this group is limited to girls only. Over 200 girls are on the roster.

183 7

"Shoes For The Entire Family—Carefully Fitted" EASTON Shoes Graceland • Kingsdale Shopping Centers Open Eves. Til 9 Also BAUEREIS SHOES— Delaware, Ohio

184 ■IjaraHteig


Shopping is a favorite pastime of North­ land students , . . and where do they choose to shop? Naturally, they patronize their fa­ vorite merchants, those who advertise in the Valhalla.


Northland Professional Building



2955 Minerva Lake Road 882-0988


960 Morse Rd. at 1-71

885-2480 New and Used Cars

Compliments of RALPH E. SKINNER, D.D.S.

1495 Morse Road CAPRI LANES. INC. Freeway North and Route 161 Bowling— Billiards— Cocktail Lounge


Home Ph. 885-4864 Bus. Ph. 221-4131

Compliments of KARL ROAD NURSERY I! A FRIEND 5590 Karl Road


Rt. 161 E. and Karl Road JACK T. FOLIANO, D.D.S. Good Luck Students 1495 Morse Road

Snow Plowing Minor Repairs NORTHLAND MOBIL CAR CLEAN UP AND WAXED 888-9053 Reasonable Rates Road Service RED AND HAROLD 1-71 and Morse Road 3914 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, Ohio 186 CLEANING CENTER NEWEST AND MOST MODERN PLANT IN OHIO



DRIVE-IN Largest 254 washer in town . . . With -4 new durable press dryer for wash and WINDOW w e a r.

OPEN MON. THRU SAT. OPEN MON.-SAT. 7 A.M. - 9' P.M. 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON - 7 P.M. KARL RD. & 161 882-5115

Compliments of

BILL THOMPSON Ph. 882-4406 5294 Cleveland Ave. PLUMBING



749 E. Lincoln 885-9242 RUTH M IHALTIAN, Owner (formerly Anglis]

471-4800 Compliments of

(D^tO c^tz£,[ ^ a£n.iaaio%± A FRIEND

2575 Ferris Rd. Compliments of Columbus, Ohio 43224 WORTHINGTON FORD JIME BECKER

Located on 5300 North High Street Ford Has A Better Idea 187 Dramatics Department Presents ‘Summertree’

The Dramatics Department, under Mr. Charles Lewis, presented Ron Cowen’s S u m m e rtre e to ca­ pacity audiences on November 13 and 14. Deb­ bie McClaskey was the student director. Cast members were Cathy Devoll, Richard McBride, Oh, God, I didn t mean to do it . . . You'll be all right, I promise,” but death is something one Scott Ringold, Barry Roach, Sue Campbell, and must get used to. It's the inevitable in Summertree. Randy Shields.

/ K y

’■i- -

wmm "A soldier never puts his gun down . . . A soldier dies with his boots on and his rifle in his hands." (Right) "I wonder how people can draw people from memory. I have in mind a family portrait. Everyone posed together."

188 “ It's like being a little girl again. I guess I'm not so old after a ll," Cathy Devoll "Hey, look at that ant carrying that little piece of food.” Scott Ringold and as the mother says to Richard McBride, the father. Barry Roach learn to appreciate even the smallest things in Summertrer-

189 Compliments ot Good luck, Vikings KARL & 161 SHELL From


1585 East Granville Road Northland Patio Columbus, Ohio Phone 888-9785 43224

Compliments of A FRIEND

A girl scout enjoys the PTA spaghetti dinner, chocolate milk and pie. bros. M JJy\ I. T O M S PHONE 885 9800 / COLUMBUS. OHIO / PHONE 267-54 91

Developers of such distinctive residential areas as Clinton Estates, Devonshire, Forest Park West, Forest Park East and soon . . . Forest Hills. Designers and builders of shopping centers such as Granville Square on Route 161 and Karl Road as well as in Forest Park West. Builders of quality, custom-built homes in Clinton Estates, Devonshire, Forest Park West and Forest Park East. Real estate brokerage service to serve all of central Dhio and members of the Columbus Board of Realtors.

Master planners of central Ohio’s finest self-contained communities

Metzger Brothers Company offers a wide and varied contribu­ tion to the Northland area of metropolitan Columbus. This progressive company is one of the largest land developers in central Dhio as well as builders of fine homes and outstanding shopping centers.

191 . '<1

A Northland reserve wrestler pushes his opponent out of bounds.

Scott Rowe is being congratulated by Bradd Smith and his other teammates for winning the City Reserve Championship.

192 Randy Suver is pinning his Mohawk opponent at the Walnut Ridge Tourna­ Bob Archibald is crossbody riding his Whetstone opponent in the Walnut ment. Randy went on to win second in the tourney. Ridge Tournament. Bob took second in the tourney, also.

Mike Sapp rides his Watterson opponent in the Walnut Ridge Tournament.

193 I

Compliments of

Blackburn, Cordi, Doeble, and Gentry WHITE CASTLE CLUB

JOE CORDI. President


and JOHN T. SKINNER. D.D.S. 61 I West Broad Street Orthodontists

Home of Good Used Cars Bank Americard Phone 888-0841 AuDON'S OF COLUMBUS. INC.

5880 N. Meadow Blvd.

Sample Dress Shop Famous Makers One of a Kind Phone: 224-1673 Sample Dress at Wholesale Prices


5225 Sunderland Dr,

Phone 888-7731


1300 Morse Road Columbus, Ohio 43229 WOODWARD PARK FOODCENiTER

Compliments 1244 Morse Road of AMOS BOWLING LANES

Compliments DOCKTOR PET CENTER of 1755 Northland Mall ALFRED T. BACHMAN. D.D.S. 267-0389


5461 Sandlewood Blvd. 3865 Cleveland Ave.

885-3496 Phone: 475-2075 Free Prescription Delivery 194 Compliments of GEORGE H. HETRICK, D.D.S. AND Compliments of RICHARD A. CALDWELL. D.D.S. THE WORLD FAMOUS FABULOUS . . . Z B G's Compliments of A FRIEND

Compliments of MINERVA MARKET

SHORT STOP CONVENIENCE MART 4951 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, Ohio 5310 Cleveland Ave.

MclNTEVF & HODGIN, INC. Convenient Food Mart 1110 Office: (614) 221-5153 1876 Tamarack Circle Best Wishes to the Seniors H MID-CITY ELECTRIC CO. EULAH CHAPMAN REAL ESTATE Industrial, Commercial 5304 Cleveland Ave./Columbus, Ohio 1099 Sullivant Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43223 Office Phone: 882-3232 Your Doorway to Better Living

EULAH D. CHAPMAN. Realtor Residence Phone: 471-2822

BEECHWOLD CLEANERS Congratulations From Your

1565 East Granville Rd. 5469 Sandlewood DEVONSHIRE BARBERS 888-7760 885-3446 6237 Sunderland Drive

Pick Up and Delivery c-


A t Satinwood and 161

1495 Morse Road at Karl Columbus, Ohio 267-7865

195 st 'i f ^ ^ *■

Shauna Stuart and Don Karn lead the Senior Choir and Melody Maidens in Jeff Metzger, George Kareklas, and Toni Mazzola watch their sheep during the the Christmas pageant. shepherd scene.

196 The sophomore choir took the ports of the various characters for the Christmas play. Here we see that Herold is very worried in the scene King Herold's Court.

Krista Stocklin, Connie Ritter, Pam Alves, Kathy Janzen, and Mardi Fergeson tell the shepherds of the coming of Christ.

197 This is what went on back stage as Mr. Thurman Davis directed the choirs.

198 REMBRANDT STUDIOS 75 East Gay Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 221-3621 I Would Like To Thank The Northland High School Faculty And Students For The Cooperation Given To Rembrandt Studio And Me. Dixie Lee

QUALITY PHOTOS 199 WuAQuIVume^ > America’s Favorite Doughnut RITE R U e C O . Carpet Specialists North 2165 Morse Road Phone 268-8831

5026 North High Street

Compliments of A Friend Who Enjoys Music

COLOR Go Vikings! BY THE DR. RICHARD E. EMRICH, D.D.S. CAN ^ CtomivellU FULL jiA i(Danal]1rf ^tfarmarg 6249 SundtrtUMl Oriv* 88S-8707 Columbus, Ohio

Delivery Service Fill All Industrial and Welfare Prescriptions

ffom Pittsburgh Compliments of Paints ART-CAST. INC.

3130 Valleyview Drive PITTSBURGH PAINTS Columbus, Ohio 43204 CENTER Rf. 161 and Karl Rd. 882-7159

Best Wishes Compliments of From DR. S. LOUIS BERTA CIRCLE "66" optometrist

1886 Tamaracit Circle 200 The Far-Out Oraduating Class of 1971 Offers Words of Wisdom to Lea rn and Profit From. Confucius say, "H e who spits in the sky will receive the spray in his face."

Bob Archibald Frank "Hondo" Furie Phil Porter Bob "Rocket" Ariss Steve "The Bud" Gentry Joe Power Ron Armstrong Carol "Graham Cracker" Karen Purtee Cathy Arnold Jeff Hall Don Ramsey Jeff "Basket" Ball Molly "Farkel" Hall LeAnn Reardon Cindy "Buckwheat" Barr "Fast Eddie" Hallan Pami Sue Rees Mike Beal Julie Hamilton Lois "Mosquito" Remely Barb Beard Patti "Bozo" Harris Lisa Rickly John "Greek" Betsacon Sandy Hartle Becky "BBBBB" Richardson Leslie "Mitch" Blake Joyce Hawkins Scott Ringold Carolyn Blaskie "Purple" Hayes Cindy "Rosey Rotten— " Rose Stephen Borghese Suzie Hagovsky Steve "Rollo" Rowland Becky Bowser Andy Hendricks Mary Beth "Sams" Scotty "Flash" Brader Mike Herr Mike Sapp Gary "Biff" Bradshaw Mark "Holly-Woody" Hdll'enback Darlene Saulters "Buffalo Barf" Barford Marsha Holling John O . Schirtzinger's "SDS" Karen Barnham Renee Houser Karen Schnelle Pam Brown Patti Hunter Becky Scott Mark Bruizese Linda "Blue Boy" Hunter "Sharon" Sentz Bill (Buck) Butler Guy Mario Capezzio Serio Bob Campbell Somer Jacob Bru ni Settele Joyce Cantrell Chuck "Bull" James Sally Shafer Rosemarie Carlton Geoff "Pine" Jurusik Bobbie Shalosky Mark '"Carp" Carpenter Cordless Skemper Jim Sheehan Jean '"Clyde" Carte Marcis "Porky" Kirchner Timmi Shrontz Nicki Casey Jerry "Snake" Kirk Connie Kay Simpson "Chica" Casias Priscilla Kirkner Rick "Grass" Slane Terri "Pickle" Caudill Froggy Jim Klausing Bradford Slye Carol "Curl" Carter "Billy the Kid" Kunz Lorrie "Raiiiney" Smalley Rick Coldren Larry "BBL" Landou Kathryn Smith Chris Combs "Creme Fluff" Leather Susie Sondrini Tony "Cuddle Bear" Conley Mike "Lacust, Verman, Maniac," LemSster Bev Spadafora Mich Conreaux Cindy Lewis Debbie Spears Randy Cooper Kymberlina Ballerina Lodge Sharon Stamm Joe "Strohs" Cordi Debi Logan Cheryl "Arnold" Stanley Cathy "Bun Nickel" Corn Bob Love Shauna Stuort "Hoarse" Cox Christine Macurak "Bun" St. Clair Ed Crabtree Lori "True Blue Lou" Maranville Lisa "Sticky" Stockwell "Lizard" Suzie Crawford Carl Marbach Tippy Strawser, N.P. Cindy Cremeans Lola "Minnie" Marcum Diane "Sweeneyvitzle" Sweeney Jenny Culver Rick Maturo Randy Suver "Dashing" Dick Davis Linda Mayhew Billie "Angela Fairy-Fingers" Thompson Donnie Day Debbie "Claskey" McClaskey Valorie Tolbert Dena Demopolis Cheryl "Big Red" McDaniel Terry "Lonzo" Toler Liz "Lizard"’ Denbow Sue McKnight Cindy Trachsel Paul DeVere Bob Medley Donna Trotter Stephen "Stevie" Francis James Dew, Mark Meinhart Melek "Ropy of Glu" Kay Dickey Debbie Miller Vicki "Gladys" Sue Dishon Lynne (Bird) Miller Debbie Van Fossen Jim Doeble Greg "Mighty Mo" Morgan LuAnn "Buzz" Voit Vernon Dotson Ernie Kay "Knob" Nachtrab Kathy "Hi'lbilly" Walls James "Rathgar" Douthitt Robin Neel Linda Warner Steve Drown Paul "Muttly" Nilo Greg W ayt Carolyn Edgar Lyni Nist "Jean" Barbara Weber Kathy England Patty Norris Steve West Marty Erwin Pam "O.B." O'Brien Diane Williamson Bill "Rick" Essex Cheryl "Bun" Olesnanik Teri "Porky" Zimmer Cheri Evars Pat Payne "Fish" Pat Ferree Tom Perkins Ida Smeller "Bob-Beat of all Beatness" Foster Vicki Polley Yonda Smelley

201 Index

Abbott, Sandy — 52, 124 Bartlett, Patty — 110, 179 Brooks, Debbie — 125 Abbruzzese, Ralph— 103, 110, 138, 178 Barton, Dale — 58, 181 Brooks, Debbie M. — 125 Ackley, Mrs. Peggy ^ 42, 149 Barton, Danny — 110, 162, 165, 166 Brooks, Sue —^ 125, 145, 171, 173 Adams, Elaine 57, 143, 169, 170, 173 Basketball — 100 Brown, Angela — 111, 170 Adams, Rita — 124 Batory, Beth — 110, 171, 1 72, 1 73 Brown, Mr. Brad — 41, 153 Adams, Robert— 100, 110, 169 Bauchmire, Bruce -— 104, 124 Brown, Christy A. — 1 25, 155, 171, 173 Adams, Vicki — 124, 155, 171, 173 Bauchmire, Vicky — 110, 178 Brown, Christy L .— 125, 139, 147, 149, 171 Agresta, Frederick ^— 110 Bauer, Chris — 124, 169 Brown, Kevin — 125 Albanese, Frank — 124 Bauer, Ray — 110 Brown, Mrs. Marilyn — 35, 56, 178 Albertson, Diane — 124, 149 Baughman, Ken ^ llO , 152, 153, 179, 180 Brown, Pamela D. — 60 Aldridge, Mike — 1 24 Bauman, Ranchel — 124 Brown, Pamela Sue — 60, 143, 149, 153, 154, 158, T68, Aldridge, Timothy — 110 Beal, Karen — 124, 168 178 Alexander, Caro — 124 Beal, Mike — 58, 99 Brown, Sue — 125 All Boys Glee — 1 73 Beall, Ronda — 8, 124, 143, 171 Brunton, Brenda — 125, 139 All Girls Glee — 173 Beard, Barb — 58, 154 Bruzzese, Karen — 41, 111, 147 Allen, Jo Carolyn — 124 Beetham, Mr. Rupert —^ 46 Bruzzese, Mark — 60 Almendinger, Rondi — 4, 15, 57, 143, 147, 154, 158, 171, Behre, Steve — 110 Bryan, Bill — 60, 93, 94, 152, 155, 169, 170, 173, 174, 173 Bell, Cindy — 147 181 Alves, Andrea 124 Bender, Pam — TIO , 147, 172, 173 Bryant, Dwain — 111 Alves, Pam — 110, 147, 172, 1 79, 197 Bennett, Steve ^ 1 2 4 , 169, 170, 173 Buck, Kathy — 125, 162, 164, 165 Amrine, Dave — 124, 144 Berisford, Wilda — 44 Buckle, Betsy — 125, 140 Anderson, Christy ^ 110, 138, 160, 179 Betsacon, John — 58, 141 Buckle, Jim — 1 25 Anderson, Joy — 124 Bevilaqua, Linda .7? 58 Buckley, Sherry ^ 1 1 1 , 147, 168, 169, 1 73 Anderson, Kothy — 124 Beymer, Connie — 124, 143 Buckmaster, Bill — 111, 165 Anderson, Marti — 110, 140, 171, 172, 173 Biddison, Mike — 124 Buechler, Rick — 16, 60, 158 Anderson, Nancy — 110 Bigelow, Mr. William — 42, 151 Buechner, Angie — 60, 148, 149, 154 Anderson, Pat — 12, 23, 57, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, Billingsley, Denise — 111O Burdette, Denise — 35, 111 175 Birkle, Danny — 110 Bullock, Mrs. Roxy — 52 Andrews, Martha — 110 Bischoff, Paul — 124 Burford, Debbie — 60 Andrews, Thomas — 150, 152 Bitler, Ron — 58, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167 Burgess, Mary — 60, 154, 169, 170, 171, 173 Andrich, Mrs, Florence — 52 Bitler, Mrs. Wilma — 52 Burigana, Barb — 6, 60, 63, 1 38, 147, 154, 168, 169, 173 Angel, James — 124, 141, 178 Blackburn, Gary — 58, 138 Burkart, Mike — 60 Angles, Danny — 57 Blackford, Jeff — 125 Burkhart, Cathy ^ 111 Anguish, Howard ^ 57 Blake, John — 110 Burkholder, Jeff — 111, 143, 153, 173 Ankron, Marilyn — 162, 165 Blake, Lea — 1 25, 1 39 Burton, Marjean — 165 Antle, Glenna — 16, 124 Blake, Leslie — 59, 154, 179 Burton, Bob — 93, 111 Archambault, Diane — 124, 178 Blank, Teresa ^ 1 25, 162, 163, 165 Butler, Bill — 61, 151 Archambault, Joan — 57, 148, 149, 154 Blankenship, Marsha — 59 Butter, Craig — 60 Archibald', Bob — 46, 57, 93, 104, 105, 150 Blaskie, Carolyn ^ 59, 154 Butt, Rhonda — 125, 169 Ardt, Eric — 57, 105, 153 Blaskie, Debbie 1 25 Ardt, Ron ~ 57, 98, 99, 141, 143, 152 Bloor, Terry 59 Cafeteria Helpers ^ 143 Ariss, Bob — 57, 138, 146, 152, 159, 177 Blount, Leslie — 125, 169, 173, 178 Cafeteria Staff — 52 Ariss, Paulette — 110, 153, 178, 180 Boltz, Miss Elaine — 51, 56 Cain, David — 111 Armstrong, Ron 9, 57, 93, 94, 150 Bond, Robert — 110 Caldwell, Harry — 61, 162, 165 Armstrong, Steve — 57 Bookroom Helpers — 142 Gallon, Debbie — 125 Armstrong, Tom— 110, 162, 165, 166 Borean, Barb — 110, 140, 1 72, 173 Campbell, Bob — 61, 169, 170, 171, 174 Arnold, Cathy — 57, 153 Borgerding, Joni — 125, 147, 168, 169, 173 Campbell, Sue — 125,148, 169, 1 70, 173, 178, 1 79, 1 88 Arrick, Stephen 110, 162 Borghese, Stephen 59 Campbell, Susan ^ 111, 1 38, 140, 144, 145 Arrick, Tina — 124, 140, 145, 146 Born, Harley — 110 Cantrell, Joyce — 44, 61, 106, 107, 140, 147, 154 Art Club — 153 Boseker, Mr. James — 36 Carboi, Mr, John — 32 Attendance Helpers — 140 Botkins, Patty — 125, 169, 172 Carifa, Nicki — 125, 138, 168 Atwood, Richard — 93, 124, 170, 171, 173 Bova, Janet — 110 Caris, Pom — 125, 170, 173, 178 Audio Visual — 143 Bower, Barb — 106, 125, 138 Carlson, John — 125 Aurand, Steve — 110 Bower, Bruce ^ 59, 98, 99, 162, 165, 166, 167 Carlton, Allen — 111, 178 Ayers, Janet — 57 Bower, Debbie — 147, 165, 169, 172, 173 Carlton, Mary — 111, 141 Ayers, Randy — 57, 178 Bowers, Gail — 110 Carlton, Rosemarie — 6 1 ,1 39, 1 55, 1 78 Ayers, Rebecca — 110, 179 Bowser, Becky — 59, 140 Carlton, Susan — 125, 145, 146, 169, 173, 179 Boyd, Charlie — 10, 59, 162, 165, 167 Carman, Doug — 125 Badnell, C h r i s 58, 140, 154 Boyer, Doug — 84 Carpenter, Ellen — 125, 140, 144, 145, 146 Bail, Steven — 110 Boyer, Vickie — 110, 145, 171, 173, 174 Carpenter, Mark — 61 Bailey, Lois (Kathy) — 162, 164, 165, 167, 169, 170, 173, Boys Octet — 1 74, 175, 176 Carr, Jeff — 141, 144, 179, 180 174, 175, 176 Boys Q uartet— 174, 175, 176 Carr, Melody — 111, 171 Baird, Janet — 124 Boytin, Dennis — 93, 110 Corroll, Coleen— 111, 140, 171, 173 Baldwin, Mrs. Fran — 32, 146 Boytin, Steve — 92, 110 Carroll, Jean — 111, 139, 147 Ball, Jeff — 58, 101, 102, 100, 138 Brader, Scott — 13, 56, 59, 104, 105, 142 Carte, Jean — 61, 83, 154, 179 Ballentyne, Wendy — 58, 149, 154 , Bradford, Kent — 178 Carter, Carol — 61, 140, 154 Ballinger, Randy — 47, 103, 124, 139, 152, 173 Bradshaw, Bev — 106, 125, 147, 150 Cary, Marsha — 8, 111, 180 Bandy, Steve — 58, 151 Bradshaw, Gary —^ 60 Casey, Cel — 38, 111, 146, 172, 173 Bannister, Fred — 110, 179, 181 Braid, Rick — 92, 111 Casey, Kathy — 111, 147 Barber, Connie — 124 Branham, Karen — 60, 147, 154, 158, 168 Casey, Nicki — 56, 61, 84, 86, 138, 154, 159 Barber, Tom — 58, 150 Brass Choir — 166 Casias, Jean — 61,140, 165, 167 Barford, John ^— 58 Bratka, Carol — 60 Cassady, Mike — 125 Barlowe, Tim — 93, 124, 131 Brehm, David — 103, 125 Cassidy, Barb — 146, 179 Barnett, Miss Sonnie — 32, 56 Brenner, Sue — 111 Castle, Tom — 100, 111, 142 Barnhart, Mrs. Judy — 42 Bridge Club — 152 Catalano, Candace — 125, 147, 178 Barr, Cindy — 58, 63, 83, 159 Briggs, Cathy — 111, 140, 1 80 Cattell, Randy — 125, 159 Barrow, Diane — 124, 149 Briggs, Rick — 60 Caudill, Teresa — 2, 61, 83, 140, 147, 154, 158, 162, Bartlett, Debbie — 124, 145 Brocius, Gerald — 111 163, 165

202 Davis, Patricio — 126, 138, 139, 147 Davis, Renee K. — 112,1 73, 174 Davis, Renee R. — 126, 147 Davis, Richard — 62, 145, 146, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 179 Davis, Robert — 126, 170, 171, 173 Davis, Thurman — 50, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 198 Davis, Vickie — 112, 147 Day, Don — 62, 123, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176 Dean, Craig — 126, 143, 169, 173, 178 DeAngelo, Ron 17, 49, 62, 94, 93, 150, 173 Debate Team — 144 DeBellis, Peter — 103, 112 D.E.C.A. — 151 DeMers, Ken — 43, 62, 151 Demopolis, Dena — 2, 63, 83, 147, 154, 158 Dempsey, Mark — 63 Denbow, Liz — 63, 147, 148, 154 Denney, Evo— 106, 126, 169, 170 Dennis, Peggy — 126 Denny, Debbie — 112, 171 1,1!^ Denny, Jeri — 126, 149, 1 78 Denny, Susi — 112 DeVere, Marilyn — 52, 126 DeVere, Paul — 63, 1 70, 171, 1 73 Devon, Cathy — 126, 133, 144, 171, 173, 188, 189 DeVore, Phil — 63 Dew, Denise — 103 Dew, Mary ^ 126, 173 Dew, Steve — 63, 104, 150 Dewitt, Mrs. Ann — 52 Deyo, Mr. Charles — 51, 56, 93, 104 Dickey, Kay — 9, 63, 168 Dickson, Larry — 63, 159 Diedalis, Ric — 34, 100, 126, 150 DiFrancisco, Mary ^ 1 1 2 w Dini, Richard — 112, 144, 145, 170, 171, 172, 173, 177 Dobrzynski, Carol — 112 Dobrzynski, Holly — 112 Dodson, Robert — 92, 103, 112 A policeman and concerned fans help majorette Terri Caudill hunt for her contact lens during Homecoming' Doeble, Jim — 62 game halftime. Dolan, Laura — 112, 162, 165 Donley, Diana — 112 Crabtree, Danny — 93, 97, 100, 126, 157 Cheely, Wendy — 106, 125, 179 Doolin, Danny — 112, 143 Crabtree, John — 112 Cheerleaders — 22 Doolittle, Jim — 126 Crabtree, Judy — 62, 148, 149, 154 Chess C lu b - - 152 Dorner, Diane 112, 139, 1 78 Crabtree, Miles — 62, 142 Chokreff, Miss Violet — 32 Dorsch, Kathy ^ 1 2 6 , 169, 170, 171, 173 Crain, Jenny— 126, 138, 168 Ciotola, C a rla s 125, 173 Dorsey, Wendy 39, 1 26 Crain, Steve — 112, 162 Clark, Carole — 111 Dotson, Bev — 112 Cramer, Robert — 34, 1 26 Clark, Janet — 135 Dotson, Vernon 43, 64, 151 Crompton, Debbie — 126, 162, 164, 165 Clark, Leslie — 11 1, 147, 172, 173 Douthitt, Jim — 64, 88, 159, 180 Crawford, Holly — 112, 173 Clark, Mike — 125 Douthitt, John — 112 Crawford, Suzanne — 62, 149, 154 Clark, Richard — 111, 142 Downord, Randy 112, 142 Creative Writing — 146 Clay, Vicki — 126, 162, 164, 165, 167, 178 Downey, Dianne — 127 Cremeans, Cindy — 62, 168 Clifton, Cheryl — 126, 165, 181 Downey, Phil — 16, 64 Cross Country — 98 Coccia, Michael ■— 126 Drabek, Patty — 112, 145, 1 72, 173, 145 Cross, Diana — 112, 147, 171, 173 C .O .E. — 148 Drama Club — 145 Crotty, Don — 126, 150 Cohagen, Julie ^ 1 1 1 Drown, Patty — 1 1 2 ,1 4 5 , 1 73 Crotty, Mrs. Jerry — 52 Coldren, Rick — 61, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176 Drown, Steve — 43, 64, 151 Culver, Jenny — 62, 139, 147, 150, 154 Colley, Mike ^ 92, 111 Dublin, Joyce — 112 Current Affairs — 155 Collier, Jerry ^ 111 Dudick, Jean — 113 Curry, Dana — 112, 143, 160, 171, 172, 173 Collins, Jeff ^ 103 Dunbar, Cheryl — 170 Collins, Mr. Harry ^ 53 Durbin, Bruce 98, 11 3 Combs, Joyce — 126 Dakel, Doug — 84 Dakel, Marilyn — 198 Combs Kristy — 61, 140, 154 Earnheort, John — 64 Dakel, Pam — 126, 168 Committee-on-the-Right— 180 Earnheart, Pat — 113 Damiano, Marc — 18, 126 Concerned Students ^ 180 Eberle, Gail — 64, 147, 173 D'Andrea, Tony — 126 Concert Chorale — 1 70 Eby, Bill — 113, 143 Daniel, Jay — 1 26 Conley, Dean — 93, 100, 110 Eby, Fran — 15, 45, 64, 143 Daniel, Jeff — 62 Conley, Tony — 61, 93, 94, 95, 97, 150 Edgar, Carolyn — 64, 148, 154 Darfus, Steve — 19, 62, 143 Connell, Jaquiine — 111, 173, 1 79 Edgar, Don — 64, 180 Darling, Miss Lois — 49, 149 Conreaux, Mich — 61, 154, 179 Edgerley, Ron ^ 127 Darrough, Karen — 146 Conreaux, Steve — 34, 126, 143, 179 Eewards, Jane — 127, 139 Daube, Barb — 126, 171 Conti, Cindy — 112 Eichensehr, Dennis — 64 Daugherty, Coleen — 126, 169, 171, 173 Cook, Dale — 126 Elke, Paula — 89, 127, 153 Daulton, Rory — 112, 165 Cooper, Dana — 126 Elke, Steve — 92, 113 Davis, Charles — 112 Cooper, Randy — 62 Elliott, Thereas — 1 1 3 ,1 4 6 , 179 Davis, Craig — 112 Copeland, Janet — 112 Ellis, Mary ^ 1 1 3 Davis, David — 62, 174 Cordi, Joe — 62, 138 Ellis, Vickie — 127 Davis, Debbie — 112 Corn, Cathy — 62, 147, 148, 1 54 Elsea, Kim — 93, 100, 113, 169, 172, 173 Davis, Debbie S. — 112, 162, 164, 165, 169, 170 Corven, Cheryl — 112, 152 Engberg, Cindy — 113,138,168, 1 73 Davis, Mike J. — 173 Cost, Harry — 1 26 Engberg, Patty — 127, 170 Davis Mike — 92, 100 Cosentino, Ron — 93, 103, 126, 157 England, Kathy — 64, 147, 169, 154, 173 Davis, Pat — 126 Costello, Fred — 126

203 Engelman, Diane — 127, 170, 173, 179 Gaines, Raymond — 127, 170, 173 Haley, Don — 114, 179 Engleman, Donna — 127, 170, 173 G all, Ken — 114 Hall, Cheryls 114, 146, 178 Epiey, Sunni — 127, 170, 173 G all, Larry — 127 Hall, Jeff — 66, 162, 164, 165, 169, 170, 174 Epperly, Kathy— 127, 140, 170 Gallagan, Kevin — 114 Hall, Molly — 66, 154, 178 Eric, Steve — 165, 167 Garey, Jim — 114 Hall, Sheila — 114, 179 Erickson, Dale — ^ 127 Gorges, Sharon — 114, 145, 171, 173, 181 Hallam, Bob — 14, 66 Erion, Don — 64, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167 Garrobrant, John =—^ 65 Hallam, Ed — 66, 138, 159 Erion, Ken — 127, 162, 165, 167 Garwood, Pam — 127, 162, 165, 166, 169, 173 Hamilton, Bob — 93, 128, 150 Erwin, Marti — 64 Geelhold, Theresa — 65 Hamilton, Jan — 128, 139, 149 Eschlemon, Bill — 127, 170, 171, 173, 179 Gentry, Steve — 65, 93, 94, 150, 158 Hamilton, Julie — 67, 154 Esper, Sharon — 113, 172, 173, 181 George, Gary — 104, 127 Hamilton, Steve — 128 Essex, Bill — 64, 142 German Club — 178 Hammett, Linda 1 28 Evans, Ernest — 65 Giamarco, Joann — 114 Hamon, Debbie — 128 Evans, Lauren — 127 Gibson, Mark — 128, 142 Harden, Dana — 114 Evans, Mr. Leslie — 9, 30, 163 Gilbert, Mrs. Pat — 52 Harhai, Doris — 114, 146 Evans, Paula — 127 Gilkerson, Mr. John — 41 Horless, Steve — 114 Evans, Rocky — 1 73 Gill, Mr. Fred — 44, 45, 140 Harley, Brenda ^ 1 28 Evans, Susan — 52, 127 Gillard, Mike — 5, 46, 114, 1 38, 140, 146 Harmer, Dave — 67 Evard, Renee — 113, 179 Gillespie, Carla — 114, 172, 173 Harper, Dan — 67 Evers, Cheryl — 65 Gilmore, Mark — 128, 169, 170, 172 Harper, Terri —. 26, 106, 128 Evers, Lynn — 12, 113, 140, 181 Girls Octet — 174, 175, 176 Harris, Patti — 67, 83, 142, 147, 1 54, 1 58 Ewart, Debbie — 113 Girls Quartet — 174, 175, 176 Harris, Rick — 98, 128 Giroux, Bob ^ 92, 114 Harrison, Bob — 114 Fogan, Debbie — 113 Glandon, Nikki — 128 Harrison, Steve — 128, 144, 162 Faivre, Patti — 65, 147, 148, 154 Glandon, Scott — 65, 159 Hart, Mike — 67, 93, 94 Farley, Barry, 98, 127 Glassburn, Randy — 128, 144, 152, 178 Hartenfeld, Pam — 129, 145, 149, 169, 170, 171, 173 Formwald, Vicki — 1 1 3 ,1 7 2 , 1 78 Glenn, Patricia — 114, 162, 165 Hartle, Sandy — 21, 67, 154 Farr, Connie — 127 Gockenbach, Kyle — 128, 142, 183 Hartung, John — 103, 115 Fasone, Kim — 113 Goetz, Jerry — 93, 128, 150 Hathaway, Tim — 115 Foulhaber, Rick — 141, 142 Golden, Harold — 114 Hawes, Jodi — 115 Fearing, Mrs. Doris — 33 Good, Patty — 128, 139 Hawk, Debbie 115 Feltz, Kathy — 113, 145, 168, 169, 170, 173 Good, Steve — 65, 92, 93, 94, 150 Hawkins, Joyce 67, 143, 154 Fergison, George — 113 Goodwin, Joyce — 114 Hayes, Janet — 129, 173 Ferguson, Dava — 127 Goody, Janet — 128, 147 Hayes, Mike — 67, 100, 101, 102 Ferguson, Mardon — 1 1 3, 1 39, 147, 172, 173, 197 Gordon, Rick — 128 Hays, Bev — 67, 84, 86, 138, 147, 154 Ferguson, Sheree — 113, 162, 164, 165 Gosnell, Mr. William — 45 Hazelbaker, Mr. John — 40 Ferree, Neil — 17, 93, 113 Gossman, Phil — 66, 153 Headley, Nancy — 153, 169, 173, 178 Ferree, Pat — 65, 93, 94, 96, 150, 177, 179 Gossman, Tim — 114 Heath, Penny 115, 145, 172, 1 73 Fiecoat, Barb ^ 113, 169, 172, 173, 179 Gotschall, Sharon — 128, 171, 173 Hedrick, Lynn — 1 29 Fiecoat, Jim — 93, 100, 127 Grabill, Lynn — 66, 88, 138, 140, 153 Heebner, Louise — 115, 147, 181 Fiierce, Anne — 127, 138, 162, 165 Graham, Carol — 66, 79, 84. 85, 86, 106, 107, 138, 147, Heiser, Annette— 115, 162, 165, 166, 178 Fierce, Sue — 113, 147, 181 154, 157, 169 Heiser, Susan — 129, 147, 162, 164, 165, 169, 178 Fife, Ken — 65 Graham, Gilbert — 114 Hendricks, Andy — 68 Fink, Becky — 113, 162, 165 Graham, Greg — 66, 151 Hendricks, Diana — 115 Fink, John — 113 Graham, Sue — 114, 138, 145, 169, 170, 171, 175, 176 Hendricks, Joimie — 68, 147, 154, 165 Finley, Dean — 144, 162, 165, 167 Grahek, Mrs. Joan — 44, 160 Herbert, Ralph 115 Finley, Janet — 113, 162, 165 Granfield, Rick — 128 Herbert, Ron — 142, 152 Fisher, Greg — 127, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176 Graves, Ron — 66 Herr, Mike ^ 68, 153 Fisher, Jeff — 127, 169, 170, 171, 173, i74, 175 Green, Chris — 66 Herrel, Miss Caroline — 36 Fisher, Richard ^ 127, 169, 173 Green, Gary — 114 Hershner, Summer 68 Fisher, Tom — 100, 127 Grell, Debbie — 10, 66, 154 Heslop, Danny — 68, 151 Fizer, Bob — 65, 162, 165, 167 Greylock, Mrs. Mary ^ 52 Heslop, Sandy — TV5, 173 Flichia, Mary Ann — 127, 1 38, 147, 160, 168 Grieve, Letha — 114 Hickinbotham, John — 129, 169, 170, 171, 173 Floeh, Patty — 36, 113, 171 Griffith, Patty — 128 Higginbotham, Herbert ^ 1 1 5 Flowers, Anthony — 93, 127 Grimm, Mr. Robert — 20, 40 Hill, John — 68 Foose, Mr. Alphonse — 42 Grove, Toni — 66, 154 Hilli,'Patty — 129, 139, 152, 180, 181 Football Team Grover, Bryan— 128, 141, 179 Hill, T a m i^ 8 , 115, 138, 168 Ford, Debbie — 11 3, 145, 172, 173, 1 79, 181 Groves, Terry — 128 Hilt, Tom — 9, 56, 68, 79,92,93,94, 100, TOl, 138, 150, Forsboch, Larry — 65 Grubb, Bill — 15, 180 157 Foster, Mark — 127 Grubb, Mark — 114 Hinckley, Don — 100, 129, 169, 170, 1 71, 173 Foster, Michele — 65, 147, 149, 154 Grubb, Mike — 66 Hipolight, Gory 129, 162, 165, 166, 167 Foster, Harry — 113 Guidance Helpers — 140 Hiser, Mrs. Nellie —^ 52 Foulke, Leslie — 1 13, 169, 170, 173, 181 Gulick, John — 100, 114 Hixon, Brenda — 115, 147, 157, 170, 181 Fouts, Randy — 113 Gunnell, Rick ^ 66 Hoaja, Miss Linda ■%; 35, 178 Fox, Sue — 113, 178 Guyer, Bob — 128 Hockaden, Jim — 8 Fox, William — 11 3 Hodgden, Terry — 129 Fracasso, Joe — 113 Haag, Bob — 114 Hoffmeister, Miss Alice — 38 Francia, Fred — 113, 180 Hackbarth, Bev — 128 Holland, Debbie — 128 Fresher, Gerry — 1 27 Hackbarth, San dy— 114, 179 H'ollenbach, Mork — 68, 162, 164, 165, 167 Fresher, Terry — 113 Hadler, Cindy — 1 28 Holling, Marsha — 68, 147, 151, 154 Free, Kathy — 65, 147, 154, 157, 158, 180 Hadler, Marion — 1 23 Holmes, Janice— 129, 181 Free, Kirk — 93, 104, 114 Hafeman, Richard — 144, 162, 165, 166, 167 Homemaking Club — 149 French Club — 179 Haffenden, Charles ^ 128 Hoover, Gina — 129 Frey, Theresa — 113, 144, 146 Hogan, Mike — 128, 165 Hoppenstand, Gary — 92, 115 Frissora, Mark — 92, 103, 114 Hagemann, Bob — 128, 150, 173 iHopkins, Roger — 2, 1 \5 Frye, Mrs. Mable — 139 Hagemann, Sandy — 114, 178 Hopper, Lloyd — 123 FTA — 160 Hager, Steve — 128 Horchler, Barb — 47, 68, 154 ':i Furie, Fronk — 65 Haggy, Debbie — 128, 147, 165 Horchler, Peggy — 115 Future Secretaries — 149 Hagovsky, Susie — 66, 149, 154, 169, 173 Houser, Barb — 115, 147, 181 Hagovsky, Tom — 93, 114 Houser, Renee ^ 68, 144 GAA — 6, 151 Hahn, Jan Marie — 114, 147 vHowden, Laurie — 129, 169, 173 Gage, Vince — 89, 92, 114, 138, 153 172 Howe, Mr. Frank — 21, 40, 92, 93 Golbreoth, Gary —^114 Hain, Paula — 128, 143, 169, 170 Huba, Dove — 68 Galbreath, Randy — 114 Haley, Colleen — 128, 162, 170, 175, 176 Huber, Mr. Jam 38

204 Hudgins, Dave — 12, 68 Jones, Mrs. Jane — 45 Kirk, Jerry — 70, 98, 99, 100, 101, 142, 150, 173 Hudgins, William — 129 Jones, Mike — 69, 151 Kirkner, Priscilla — 70, 147, 151, 154 Hughes, Allen — 129, 162, 165 Jones, Pam — 129, 169, 173 Kirkwood, Keith — 130, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174 Hughes, Candi — 123, 129 Jones, Tara — 106, 123, 169 Kish, Richard — 130, 169, 170, 171, 173 Hunt, Bob — 93, 129, 173 Journalism Staff — 159 Klausing, Charles — 116 Hunt, Teresa — 115, 147, 181 Joy, Barb — 69, 153, 154 Klausing, Jim — 70 Hunter, Linda — 43, 68, 148 Jurusik, Gary — 16, 129, 169, 174, 175, 177 Kleinhenz, Mr. Robert — 53 Hunter, Patti — 69, 154, 169 Jurusik, Geoff — 69, 169, 170, 171, 174 Kleinman, David — 53, 116, 143, 152 Hunter, Peggy — 115, 1 72, 173 Justice, Dan — 115, 178 Kleinman, John — 70, 153 Huston, Connie — 69, 106, 107 Kline, Mrs. Imogene — 139 Houston, Mike — 92, 103, 115 Kabourek, Teresa — 129, 160, 168, 169, 173 Kline, Kathy — 130, 139 Hutchinson, Bill — 69 Kaiser, Craig — 115 Knight, Mark ^ 116, 178 Hutchison, Jeff — 92, 115 Karch, Tim — 129, 144 Knox, Richard — 46, 130, 131, 143, 170, 171, 173, 179 Hutchison, Linda — 129, 145 Kareklas, George — 115, 141, 1 60, 196 KontuI, Mike — 35, 116, 173 Karn, Don — 21, 69, 162, 164, 165, 167, 173, 196 Korczyk, David — 23, 116 llg, Mr. Timothy — 36 Kaser, Dennis — 115, 172 Kost, Harry — 1 80 Imber, Mike — 69 Kaser, Nancy — 116, 1 72, 173 Kostanden, George — 116, 1 72, 1 73, 1 80 Indiciani, Tim — 115 Katz, Debbie — 116, 1 39, 145, 146 Kramer, Kathy ^ 2, 14, 70, 1 54, 162, 163 Indiciani, Toni — 1 29 Kaufman, Lourene — 65, 1 29, 1 62, 1 78 Krembs, Mary — 116 Izzie, Rita — 115, 143, 147, 172 Kaylor, Don — 1 29 Krenek, Debbie — 1 30 Kehrer, Mary — 32, 70, 147, 149, 154 Krukoski, Heldisa — 123, 178 Jacob, Mike — 69, 155, 170, 171, 173, 174, 179, 181 Keller, Connie — 1 16, 181 Krull, Candy ^ 70, 84, 86, 138, 140, 154, 1 68 Jacobs, Bruce— 129, 162, 165, 166, 167 Keller, Jim — 129, 173 Kulick, Andy — 84 James, Chuck — 16, 69, 88, 93, 94, 150 Keller, Mike — 70, 169, 175, 176 Kulick, Mike — 93, 130, 157 Janszen, Kathy — 106, 115, 145, 1 72, 173, 1 78, 1 97 Kelley, Linda 129 Kull, Mr. Stephen — 33, 98, 100 x\n Janszen, M ary— 129, 165, 168 Kelly, Kathy ^ 116, 178 Kunz, William — 3, 70 Jarrett, Debbie — 115, 171, 173 Kepler, Debbie — U 6 ' Kuskowski, Greg — 93, 1 30 Jaycox, Keith — 69, 1 70, 171, 173 Kerber, Mike — 129 Kynkor, Susan — 116, 165, 166, 169, 1 70, 1 78 Jeck, Jean — 69, 147, 1 54 Kerschbaum, Mr. Richard — 36, 93, 103 Kyser, Mike — 53, 11 6 Jennings, Mark — 11 5, 162, 165, 167, 173 Kessler, Jeff — 26, 62, 116, 178 Johanson, Steve — 129, 162, 164, 165, 167 Keysor, Dan — 100 LaFollette, M ark- - 70, 159, 169, 170, 179, 180 Johnson, Elizabeth — 115, 181 Kibble, Debbie — 116, 171 LaFollette, Paul — li30, 180 Johnson, Janet 1 29 Kidwell, Chuck — 129 Laird, Robert 116, 153, 178, 180 Johnson, Karen — 69, 89, 153, 154, 177 Kimber, Carey — 129 Lake, Kathy — 116, 172, 173 Johnson, Penny ^ 129, 178 Kincaid, Gerald — 130, 178 Lamb, Karen — 70, 170 Johnson, Rick 69 Kincaid, Marsha — 116, 1 72, 173 . Lanane, Tammi — 116, 1 72, 173 Jbhnson, Mrs. Ruth — 52 Kiner, Clarke — 116, 178 Lancaster, Lynn — 70, 148, 154 Johnson, Tom 98, 162, 163, 1 78 King, Phyllis ^-^116, 145, 168, 169, 173 Landau, Larry — 70 Jones, Andy — 129, 152 Kinkel, Dean — 130 Lender, Lynette — 116, 169, 173 Jones, Bill ^ 69, 98, 99, 150 Kipfinger, Cathy — 130 jLargent, Bill — 11 6, 162, 165, 166, 167 Jones, Carol — 115, 139, 147, 178 Kirchner, Mvircia — 70, 83, 147, 154, 159 Larkin, Lisa — 130, 140, 146, 149 Larrick, Carla — 70, 140, 154, 160 Larrick, Lisa — 116> 165, 169, 170, 173, 179 Latin Club — 1 79 Lausch, Paul — 93, 1*03, 130, 179 Lavens, Susan 71, 148 Leather, Dave ^ 7, 48, 71 Leather, Steve — 1 30 Lechleiter, Rick 116 Lechner, Paul — 71, 103, 104, 105, 144, 145, 159 Lee, David — 116 Lee, Jenny — 71 Lee, Joselyn — 1 30 Le Gault, Debbie ■— 130, 153 Leggett, Dave li03, 130, 142 Leggett, Miss Shirley — 43, 149 Lehman, Mrs. Harriet — 49 Lemaster, M ike—^71, 151 Lemaster, Pam — 116 Lemley, Don — 116 Lemon, Nancy — 116 Leonard, Terry s= 116 Leopard, Patricia — 130 Leopard, Vicki — 116 Lewis, Audrey — 71,149, 160 Lewis, Mr. Charles — 50, 144, 145 Lewis, Cindy — 71, 154 Lewis, Mark — 71 Lewis, Shirley — 71 Li, Cathy — 72 Lias, Mrs. Helen — 33 Library Helpers — 141 Lighfoot, Gary — 103, 1 30, 162, 165, 169, 170, 1 73, 1 74 Lilly, Craig — 162, 165, 166 Lincicome, David — 116 Linnabury, Wayne — 100, 117, 169, 172, 173 Lloyd, John — 37, 1 30 Loor, Terrie — 117, 138, 173 Lococo, Francine — 130 Lockard, Jennie — 117, 147, 171, 173 Ohio Supreme Court Justice Robert Duncan presides over Northland's Court of Issues as prosecutor Jeff Lockard, Solly — 130, 140 Carr questions and the student and adult juries listen. Lockner, Hilda — 42, 130, 149, 152, 178 Lodge, Jon — 93, 130, 157

205 Lodge, Kim — 72, 154, 170, 180 McNamee, Mariann — 131, 138, 152, 178 Onslow, Greg — 164, 167, 118, 162, 165 Logan, Debbie — 32, 72, 83, 147, 154 McNeil, Miss Jacqueline — 35, 179 Onstott, Tom — 150, 93, 132 Lose, Jeff — 123 MePeek, Terri — 117, 143, 144, 145, 146, 178 Opotich, G in a — 140, 118, 162 Lothamer, Cheryl — 1 30, 149 Meabon, Mark — 100, 117 Orchestra — 165 Lothamer, Mike — 117 Meder, Diane — 131, 168, 178 Orsini, Joanne — 118, 153 Love, Bob — 72, 104, 105, 142, 150 Medley, Bob — 73, 142, 159 Orth, Mr. Robert — 5, 46, 47, 140, 157, 93, 100 Love, Scott — 130 Meek, Christy — 131, 149 Orth, Sheri — 132, 170, 173 Lovell, Melinda — 130, 139 Meinhart, Mark — 73, 173 Osif, Kathy — 118, 173 Lovell, Ron — 130 Meister, Bob — 103, 117, 179 Oskey, Ernie — 118, 92, 173 Lowman, Jan — 130, 140, 143, 179 Melody Maidens — 1 71 Owen, Ellen — 149, 132 Lucos, Mrs. Cherrye — 47, 140 Melton, Connie — 117 Lucas, Nancy — 72 Mettler, Mark — 117 Padovon, Diane — 118, 173 Lyman, Mr. Chester — 53 Metzger, Jeff — 11 7, 144, 145, 1 72, 1 73, 196 Palin, Bill — 132 Mielke, Art — 117, 144, 162, 1 65, 178 Palmer, Gory — 1 1 8 ,1 6 2 , 165 MacLeon, Malcolm — 93, 130 Miller, Dan — 59, 73, 93, 95, 138, 150 Palumbo, Gina — 15, 178, 118 MacLeon, Robin — 98, 130 Miller, Debbie — 73, 147, 151, 154 Paolini, Debbie — 132 MocLean, Merrie — 154 Miller, Mrs. Helen — 38 Poprocki, Cindy ^ 1 1 8 Macurak, Chris— 72, 162, 164, 165 Miller, Kathie — 160, 172, 173, 178 Pargeon, Deedee — 118, 153 Macurak, Mike — 130, 162, 164, 165, 167 Miller, Lynne — 73, 140, 154 Parrish, Marti — 181 Madachy, Mike — 144, 162, 165, 167 Miller, Norm — 8, 93, 103, 118, 162, 165, 167 Pax, Joan — 132 Modden, Don — 98, 130 Miller, Paul — 118, 152, 178 Payne, — 118 Madigon, Ruth — 130, 146 Miller, Rick — 118, 162, 165, 166 Payne, Florence— 164, 118, 162, 165 Mahoney, Dennis — 72, 93, 95, 104, 105, 150 Miller, Mr. Russel — 21, 39 Payne, Karen ^ 132 Majorettes ^ 163 Miller, Sandy ,^^118, 172, 173, 178 Payne, Pat — 166, 164, 162, 165, 74 Mellon, Jim — 117, 165 Miller, Vickie — 131 Peak, Barb — 74 Malone, John ^ 72, 151 Mills, Ron — 118 Peck, Mike — 151 Mann, Cindy — 130, 140 Mitchell, Miss Marsha — 37, 56, 168 Peggs, Pam — 132 Mansfield, Mrs. Pat — 139 Mizer, Randy — 98, 131 Piefer, Jeff — 98, 118, 162, 165 Maranville, Ilona — 117, 147, 149, 170, 173, 179 Molino, Tony — 92, 103, 118, 1 38, 173 Relay, Val 119 Maranville, Lori ^ 72, 151, 154 Moore, Debbie — 131 Pelkey, Mr. Duane — 30, 31 Marbach, Carl ^ 72, 151 Moore, Linda — 73, 83, 140, 154 Pence, Elaine — 8, 132 Marching Band — 50, 161, 162, 163 Moore, Pat — 74 Pendleton, Lorn — 75, 150 Marcum, Drema —■ 117, 162, 165, 171 Moore, Robert 131, 151 Pennington, Jim — 169 Marcum, Lola — 72, 154, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176 Moore, Sherri — 131, 140 Penrod, John —^ 132 Margetlo, Sandy — 117 Morando, Cindy— 131, 140, 149 Percussion Choir— 166 Margeson, Judy — 180 Morgan, Mrs. Bernice — 53 Perkins, Tom 75, 105 Marsh, Melissa — 117, 179 Morgan, Greg — 74, 152, T78 Perry, Ann — 119, 143 Marshall, Jim — 38, 117 Morrison, Keith — 74 Perry, Tom — 1 32, 141,143, 1 78 Marter, Pat — 48, 72 Morrow, John — 98, 118, 179 Peters, Ron — 93, 1 23, 132, 180, 1 81 Martin, Linda — 72, 144, 155, 1 73 Moser, Michele — 118, 145, 179 Petty, Cindy — 75, 148, 153 Martin, Lois — 72, 1>65 Mossgrove, Chris — 131 Phillips, Leslye, — 119, 123, 172, 173 Martin, Patricia — 117, 179, 181 Muladore, Mrs. Helga — 35, 178 Phipps, Paul — 119, 143, 178 Martz, Linda — 117, 172, 173, 181 Murphy, Patti — 118, 147, 172, 173 Pierce, Ellen — 132, 146, 169, 1 70, 171, 173 Masie, Karl — 117 Musser, Karen ^ 154, 155, 169, 170, 173, 1 74, 175, 176, Pitts, Patti — 1 32 Maturo, Dave — 117 178 Pletz, Heide — 132 Maturo, Laura — 117, 160, 178 Myers, Paula — 118, 147, 171, 173, 179 Plummer, Scott — 92, 103 Maturo, Rick ^ 72 Plummer, Craig — 103, 132, 166 Mauriello, Marilyn — 117, 179 Nachtrab, Kay — 74, 154, 158 Plummer, Mrs. Gertrude 34, 56 Maxey, Diane — 117, 162, 165 Nacke, Karen — 131, 1 38, 140 Poling, Bobbi — 132 Moyhew, Diane -i— 131 Nagele, Rex — 131 Polley, Vickie — 75, 154, 179 Mayhew, Linda — 73, 147, 149, 154, 158 Narney, Steve — 141, 175, 169, 131, 170, 173, 176 Pollack, Chris — 19, 119, 143, 153 Mazzola, Tony — 92, 117, 1 72, 1 73, 196 Neale, John — 131 Ponn, David — 119 McAdow, Harold — 52, 73 Neel, Robin — 167, 164, 145, 162, 165, 74 Popovich, Dorothy — 132 McBride, Richard — 73, 75, 143, 155, 179, 188, 189 Nesser, Kevin — 131 Porter, Dave ^ 132, 178 McCoffrey, Bob 117 Nesser, Steve — 152, 118, 179, 173, 174, 198 Porter, Phil — 23, 63, 75, 88, 93, 95, 138, 142, 150 McCarty, Dave — 131 Newlon, Mike — 93, 1 31 Porter, Steve — 132, 169, 178 McClanahan, Jim — 22, 131, 144, 145, 162, 164, 165, Newsletter Staff ^ 159 Pospichel, Gale ^ 1 1 9 167 Newman, John ^ 1 1 8 , 172, 103 Pottle, Dan — 132 McClaskey, Debbie — 25, 73, 145, 154, 178 Newsome, Mike— 166, 167, 164, 131, 162, 165 Pottle, Donna — 132, 152, 171, 173, 178 McCleery, Janice — 1 70 Niemet, Bob ^ 1 1 8 Pound, David — 132, 179 McClure, Terry — 131 Nilo, Paul — 74 Power, Joe ^ 75 McComis, Dennis — 165, 166 Nist, Marilyn — 164, 162, 165, 74 Power, Lorry — 75 McConnell, John Edward — 131 Nist, Tom — 178, 118, 92 Powers, Brando — M 9 McCoy, Paul — 131, 1 39, 1 80 Noe, Janice — 118, 147, 171,179, 173 Powers, Mike — 1 32 McCreary, Mark — 98, 117, 179 Noppenberger, Theresa — 143, 178, 74 Pratt, Rick — 119 McCurdy, John — 103, 117, 178 Nordstrom, Mrs. Avis 38 Preston, Gail — 52, 132, 154, 168 McDoniel, Cheryl — 4, 73, 136, 137, 138, 149, 169, 170, Norris, Cindy — 178, 131 Price, Bob — 132 173 Norris, Janet ^ 1 3 1 Price, Terry — 75, 147, 154, 170, 171, 173 McDonald, Poula — 117 Norris, Patti 160, 146, 147, 154, 170, 171, 173, 74 Prince, Davina ^ 132, 180 McDonald, Donna 117, 178 Norris, Peggy 118, 181, 173 Proctor, Dan — 119, 162 McDonald, Starma— 117, 138, 140, 160, 170, 172, 173 Norris, Steve — 131 Proctor, Tracey— 132, 150, 160 McGee, Leonard — 92, 117 Norton, Jim — 131, 162, 165 Puchovich, Patty — 74, 148, 154 McGee, Phil — 73 Nutter, Gorth,— 118, 92 Purtee, Karen — 76, 148, 154 McGill, Mr. Thomas — 48, 56 Nutter, Rod — 118, 92, 103 Pullins, Jeff — 92, 119, 144, 165, 167, 170 McGlade, Jona — 117, 178 Puckett, Ernie — 103, 119, 162, 165 McGrow, Myra — 73, 154 Oakes, Colleen — 118 McGuire, Joan — 47, 131 Oberkonz, Sarah — 118, 138 Quill and Scroll — 160 McGuire, Marianne — 147 Oberst, George — 131 McIntosh, Miss Mariom — 33 O'Brien, Pom — 43, 140, 74 Rabold, Mr. Ronald — 49, 153 McKee, Kevin — 131 Office Helpers — 139 Rachel, Debbie — 132, 170, 173 McKee, Patricia — 131, 162 Olesnanik, Cheryl — 147, 74 Radio Electronics — 177 McKnight, Susie — 73, 89, 140, 153, 154 Oliver, Miss Susan — 44 Rader, Jeff — 93, 103, 132 McLain, Bill — 117, 142 Oliverio, Debbie — 9, 147, 154, 159, 138, 74, 89 Romsey, Don 76, 159 McMillen, Kinda — 73

206 Ranbarger, Tom — 76 Rodgers, David — 119, 177 Scott, Darrel — 77 f Roschke, Martha 132, 162, 165 Rodgers, W a n d a— 133, 140, 160, 165, 178 Scott, Don — 104, 120, 142 Raubenolt, Mark — 132, 142, 178 Rogers, Craig — 92, 100, 119, 150, 172, 173 Scott, Rebecca — 77, 148, 149, 154 Rousch, Mike — 76 Rogers, Diana — 119, 139 Scott, Sharon — 133, 168, 169, 170, 173, 175, 176 Rawlings, Alan — 132, 153, 170, 171, 173, 179 Rohr, Mike — 15 Scroggs, Mrs. Lois — 43 Reardon, Le Ann — 43, 76, 148, 154 Rose, Cindy — 77 Seckman, Anita— 120, 165, 171 Red Cross Club — 146 Rosmarin, Phil — 119 Seitz, Vicky — 133 Redmond, Mr. Merle — 48, 143 Rothgeb, Pam — 77 Senior Choir — 170 Reed, Jon — 119 Rowe, Scott — 103, 119, 192 Senior Football Players — 94, 95 Rud, Paul — 132, 143 Rowe, Steve — 23, 77, 180 Senior Girls Society — 154 Rees, Pam — 44, 76, 139, 140, 147, 154 Rugg, Steve — 1 33 Senior Homeroom Teachers and Advisors — 56 Reetz, Jeff — 23 Ruman, Joe — 133, 144, 178 Senior Male Glee — 171 Reeves, Bob — 119, 153, 173 Rush, Howard — 9, 133, 138, 173, 180 Senior Officers — 56 Reeves, Crystal — 119, 165 Russell, George — 92, 11 9, 173, 1 78 Sentz, Gary — 78, 159 Reichard, John — 76, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 179, Russian Club — 181 Serio, Janet— 133, 149 180 Russolillo, Pat — 77 Serio, Jim — 133 Reichenboch, Chris— 119, 165, 169, 170, 173, 179 Russolillo, Ralph — 93, 133 Serio, Steve — 78, 150, 158 Retchenboch, Nancy — 10, 21, 76, 162, 164, 165 Sergio, Kent — 180 Remely, Lois — 63, 76, 1 39, 147, 154, 158 Soiter, Randy — 77 Serr, Steve — 120, 179 Renner, Bob — 9 2 ,1 1 9 ,1 6 9 , 1 72, 1 73 Saggio, Vicki — 1 33, 140 Serrott, Mork — 1 33, 1 38 Rhodes, Mike — 76 Sakumura, Marti ^ 133 Settele, Bruni — 78, 154, 178 Riccordi, Sue — 119, 144, 145, 170 Salyer, Teri 77, 154 Shafer, Jon — 92, 120 Richards, Debbie — 132, 138, 169, 173, 178 Sams, Mary Beth — 77, 154 Shafer, Kay — 120, 165 Richards, Dennis — 19, 76, 143 Sanders, Lyle — 93, 103, 133 Shafer, Sally — 78, 160, 162, 164, 171, 173, 178 Richards, Leonne — 119 Sandhom, Bill — 1 19, 172, 173 Shalosky, Roberta — 78, 170, 171, 173 Richards, Tim — 92, 119 Sapp, Mike — 77, 95, 104, 105, 193 Shaver, Frank — 1 20 Richordson, Darcy — 133, 140 Sapp, Tom — 119 Sheehan, Jim — 78, 178 Richardson, Rebecca ^ 76, 84, 86, 106, 107, 138, 141, Sauls, Harry — 119 Shepherd, Nancy — 133 154, 177 Sautters, Darlene — 77, 154, 160, 170, 171, 173 Sherburn, Terri — 120, 140, 162, 165 Richeimer, Ruth — 119 Savely, Colleen ^119 Shields, Randy — 78, 114, 162, 165, 166, 167, 170, 174, Rickly, Lisa — 76, 154, 165, 168 Scarry, Dan — 133, 150 188 Riley, Elaine — 133, 140 Schellkopf, Dan — 1 33 Shields, Terri — 133, 98, 100, 102 Riley, Rick — 119 Schilling, Barb — 133 Short, Mike —^ 120 Rinear, Craig ^ 170, 171, 173 Schilling, John — 120 Short, Pat ^ 78 Ringold, Scott — 56, 75, 76, 138, 144, 162, 163, 165, Schirtzinger, John — 77, 158 Shortland, Mary — 1 33 166, 188, 189 Schlereth, Pam — 77, 158 Shows, Mike — 13, 142, 159, 78, 105, 104 Ristucci, C a ro l— 133, 170, 173 Schluep, Steve — 40, 120, 169, 173, 176 Shrock, Sue — 146, 120, 173, 172 Ristucci, Tony — 93, 133 Schmeitzel, Cheryl — 77, 106, 107, 147, 154, 178 Signoracci, Borb — 1 33 Ritchason, K athy— 133, 139 Schneider, Sheryl— 133, 173 Simpson, Connie — 143, 167, 164, 162, 78 Rittenhouse, Mr. Wayne — 39, 93, 100, 102 Schnelle, Karen — 77, 145, 149 Simpson, Jan — 145, 134 Ritter, Connie — 119, 197 Schreiber, Mr. Terence — 47, 140 Simpson, John — 143, 120, 162, V65, 170 Rivers, Karen — 1 33 Schweitzer, Marianne — 133 Ski Club — 182, _183_ Roach, B a r r y 133, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176, J 88, Schweitzer, Reinhord ^ 120. Skinner, B

207 Spaulding, Mortha — 120 Todd, Judy — 81 Wheeler, Allen 82, 151 Spears, Debbie — 79, 149, 154, 158 Tolbert, Val — 81, 154, 169, 170, 171, 179 Wheeler, Mila — 122, 147 Spears, Jim — 79 Toler, Terry — 81 Whikehart, Ricci — 122 Spears, Tim — 1 20, 1 73, 174 Tomba, Bob — 121, 173 White, Mrs. Carolyn —^ 35, 56, 168, 179 Speech Team Toronto, Cindy — 121 White, Cathy — 122 Spires, Margie — 154 Toronto, Tony — 121, 142, 1 73 White, Jayne — 135 Spohn, Mike — 120, 142 Trachsel, Cindy — 1 75, 169, 154, 1 70, 173, 1 76, 81, 168 White, Mr. Robert — 28, 29, 40 Spooner, Eileen — 134, 152 Tracy, Larry — 134 White, Mr. Thomas — 9, 37, 56, 92 Sports Survey — 183 Tracy, Robert — 1 34 Whittle, Christy — 1 35 Stacy, Mike — 134, 150 Trombone Cheer — 167 Whittle, John — 37, 122 Stage Band ^ 167 Trotter, Donna — 148, 154, 81 Wiord, Miss Kristine — 57 Stage Crew — 144 Trotter, Kathy — 121 Wickiser, Thomas — 57, 150 Stalls, Linda — 120, 139, 170, 179 Troy, Brad — 121, 179 Wiget, Mr. David — 37 Stamm, David — 1 20 Trumpet Cheer — 164 Wilkes, John — 1 22 Stamm, Linda — 79 Tucker, Dan — 178, 121 Wilkes, Debbie — 82 Stanley, Cheryl ^— 80, 147, 154 Tudor, Sandy ^ 1 34 Williams, Lynn — 122, 147 Stark, Doug — 180 Tumblison, Debbie ,^ 178, 121, 172 Williamson, Diane — 63, 82, 138i, 147, 154 Stark, Lisa — 121, 146, 172, 173 Turgeon, Bob^ 141, 171, 170, 173, 81 Willis, Carol — 135, 162, 163, 164, 165 Stasko, Jeff — 121 Turkoglu, Elife 36, 180 Wilson, Delores — 52 St. Clair, Charles — 32, 56, 80, 98, 138, 169 Turkoglu, Melek — 149, 180, 154, 165, 81 Wilson, Denny ^ 82 St. Clair, Davis — 92, 121, 173 Wilson, Laura — 135, 139, 178 Stearns, Debbie — 33, 80, 154, 169, 1 70, 173, 1 75, 1 76 Ulrey, Paul — 121 Wilson, Ron —^ 1'35 Steele, George — 134, 155 Ulrey, Rick — 121, 181 Wilson, Sue — 122 Stelzer, Mark ^41,92, 121, 173 Underwood, Vicky — 81 Windmiller, Melinda — 122 Stewart, Mr. Donald « 48 Windom, Carolyn — 135, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175 Stickel, Bruce — 1 34 Valentine, Kathy — 134 Winefordner, Darrell ^ 1 0 0 , 135, 178 Stier, Rick — 134, 150, 152, 153, 170, 171, 173 Valentine, Terre — 140, 147, 154, 81 Winegardner, Mary — 122, 179 Stilles, Blake — 134, 141, 173, 180 Valentine, Valorie — 154, 81 Winstel, Louis — 135 Stocklin, Kris — 121, 147, 172, 173, 197 Valentine, Vaudine — 173, 172 Winter, Charles — 135, 178 Stockwell, Adrienne 134, 149 Valhalla Ataff — 158, 159 Wise, Mrs. Janet — 51, 56 Stockwell, Lisa 80, 142, 147, 154’, 158 Valkyries — 168 Wolfe, Mrs. Natasha — 34, 181 Stone, Judy — 1 34, 162, 165 Van Doom, John 134, 100 Wolfe, Tom — 1 22 Stoney, Jeff — 80 Van Doom, Paul — 121, 179, 100 Wofford, Patti #= 122, 146, 179 Stoops, Chris — 80, 154, 162, 164, 165 Van Fossen, Cathy 1 34 Wolverton, Lynn 122, 169, 170, 172, 173 Strawser, John — 80, 88, 159 Van Fossen, Debbie — 149, 169, 147, 153, 154, 1 73, 81 Wolverton, Rick ^ 1 35 Strick, John — 80 Van Kirk, Larry ^ 134 Womack, Ken — 98, 122, 169, 170, 173, 174, 175 Stuart, Dave — 121, 144, 155 Vonnoy, Vic 121 Wood, Jim — 82, 182 Stuart, Shauna — 80, 170, 173, .196 Van Schoik, Lana — 26, 49, 149, H 7, 154, 81 Wood, Keren — 135, 143, 168 Student Council — 9, 138 Vansil, John 121 Wood, Marsha — 135 Summer Tree ^ 1 88, 1 89 Van Sykie, Chip — 121, 173, 100 Woodring, Loverta — 135, 139, H 9 , 178 Survey Committee — 1 77 Von Sykie, Lori — 180, 14’7, 154, 8;li Woodruff, Connie — 135, 162, 164, 165, 167 Suver, Jeff — 92, 121 Van Wagner, Donna ^ 178, 122 Woodruff, Kenney 82, 98, 99’, 1‘62, 165, 166, 167 Suver, Randy — 49, 80, 92, 93, 95, 104, 105, 150, 158, Varney, Debbie — 1 34 Woods, Eddie — 180 193 Varsity 150 Woods, John — 23, 83, 93, 95, 104, 105, 138, 182 Swab, Heidi — 134, 140 Veeck, John — 40, 1 22 Woods, Terri ^ ^ 122, 139, 165 Sweeney, Diana — 43, 80, 147, 151, 154 Vermillion, Mickey — 81, 84 Woodwind Choir — Tli4 Switzer, Brian — 134, 141, 180 Viking Ciub — 156 Wrestling — 103, 104, 105, 192, 193 Switzer, Mary Ann — 39, 179 Viking Glee Wright, David — 1 35 Swope, Barb — 1 21, 169, 170, 171, 173 Vogt, Al — 135 Wright, Del ^ 83, 144, 145v 169, 170 Swope, Gretchen — 134, 169, 173, 179 Vohlers, Dick — 152, 1 80, 1 22, 153, 1 81 Wright, Jim — 122, 144, 162, 165, 167 Sykes, Debbie — 134, 146, 169 Voit, LuAnn — 153, 154, 81 Wright, Peggy — 83., 145, 154, 162, \64\ 165, 167 Sykes, Steve — 80 Voipe, J i m 122, 92 Wydau, Colette — 34, 135, 140 Symphonic Band — 165 Wynkoop, Mr. Don — 30, 31, 139 Wallace, Gail — 122, 173 Tackett, Barry — 121 Walls, Kathy — 81 Yaeger, Glenn — 92, 122, 138, 172, 173, 178 Talbot, Donna — 134 Walton, Mr. Ralph ^ 40, 56 Yeagle, Jamie if-- 122, 147 Tall, Bill — 134 Warner, Caryl — 148, 81 Yearbook Staff — 1'58, 159 Tall, Mary ^ 80 Watson, Randy 178, 122, 153 Yocca, Jeff — 92, 122, 139 Tanner, M i k e 134, 180 Watts, Chuck ^ 1 3 5 , 165, 169, 170, 174, 175 Yoder, Dove — 122 Taylor, Doris — 121, 147, 178 Watts, Rebecca #^ 122, 138, 179 Yoder, Steve — 83, 105, 150, 152, 169, 178 Taylor, Jae = 134, 143, 146, 178 Wayt, Greg 81, 150 Yorde, Dave — 93, 1 35, 1 70, 1 71, 173, 175, 176 Taylor, Joni — 121 Weaver, Wendy — 81 Young Adults — 161 Taylor, Harold — 121 Weber, Barb — 81, 154, 170, 173, 178 Y-Teens — 147 ) i' Taylor, Rick — 121 Weber, Connie — 135, 169, 1 71, 173, 179 Yun, Tyron — 122, 152, 178 Tempio, Martin — 121, 144 Weber, Pam — 122, 172, 173 Thatcher, Larry — 80 Wedemeyer, Kathy — 135, 138, 140, 159 Zaayer, Hubert — 45, 79, 1 38, 142 Thomas, Angie 1 34 Weeks, Mrs. Diane — 37, 147 ZBG Helpers — 142 Thomas, Connie — 121, 140, 146, 170, 178, 179 Weideman, Joe — 1 22 Zahn, Diane — 8, 122 Thomos, Kim — 134, 170, 173, 178 Weimer, Mr. Robert- - 50, 164, 165, 166, 167 Zoppia, Joe ^ 83 Thomas, Melanie 121, 138, 140, 172, 173 Welsh, Jeff — 135 Zappia, Sandy — 135, 149 Thomas, Nesley — 134, 146, 169, 1-70, 173, 179 Welsh, Tom — 122 Zeck, Debbie — 123, 146 Thompson, Billie — 80, 140 Wendell, Sam — 122 Zelachowski, Debbie ^ 135, 140 Thompson, Sonia — 81, 154 Wenger, Cheryl — 1 35, 138, 140 Zeller, Larry — 150 Thompson, Walter — 121 Wenger, Vicki ^ 1 3 5 , 171, 173 Zimmer, Teri — 83, 1 54, 165, 1 68, 1 70, 173 Thurman, M ike— 134, 162, 165 Wenner, Jayne — 135, 162, 165, 171 Zimmerman, Marsha — 135, 178 Thurston, Mary — 81 West, Judy — 122 Zimmerman, Robalyn — 135, 147, 171 Tinsky, Bill — 93, 103, 134, 150 West, Kathy — 18, 135, 169, 170, 171, 173 Zoller, Dale — 83 Tipple, Jan ^ 12, 134, 149 West, Steve — 82 Zuck, Debbie — 179 Titus, Beth — 121, 144, 145, 169, 170, 173 W ex, John — 135, 152, 178

208 i? 3 ,i;s



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