SPORTS: Ralston's poor SJSU Weather: Highs and lows in the 50s record doesn't reflect tlihsfrIN the greater man Rain and windy r December 10, 1996 See back page po,,,, , an an Dail

11Iiiiiie 1117. \ umbel 70 Sul %tug San lose Stale t 111%11 \II% S111( I.' 1 93 I littlE wssss.sjsii.edii Dail%

66 99 l'andons are my favorite kind ofjump. I can feel the other person's energy, and excitement. Wo'feed aff each other. Senate meets Mandatory advising for poor students By Sona Sharma Spartan Daily Staff Writ,

Sill(1111iS ssiiii it i it aelenne standings %fill be plat eel on pie elution, insic,t(1 eel being disc iii and will iii 1'1%1' 1114111141111 1' aelsiseng. beginning Spring 1tili'iiu967. MC’ei(1 jet( gLiler ' I r,i111tt IfiwISI"'"p"ollific 111a1 disqualifies scud...tits %frill lenw glades prim tee ails 1 uuiciisuliulg ii advising. Kenneth c lam ol the Scriale, slit1 t'%1'1% 111 10 I 4 /111) .411111111S fat r The Ilt.N% 1/.1111% 111.1%. 1/l ,11111. 111 11I 1.51111 111.11 S1'11,11,11 SIIII ICA Rl’1ki,’, 1/1111,S111 iI1 1111111411 1,14 1111 111.111i l dimn uncut, said urgent tem ellen, en ol the issue is extieitirls important be( mese "appioximatel% 1,0111 sill dents sill lac I. ellypialille action iii 51c1 ilig 411 11/117 111111SS %VC pass 11115. II we (lo pass this then thvie 1/1' SI/1111 111111 S11161114 - A1111111(1 lilt/01111 11.1551.11 III 1111. SI'll.11e meeting elimirmices all exemptions tee the plisse. al «hie amen ierpniement. A« ending It, the e 111 1 111 students enlist f 1/111111CW livid IIIII1S 111 lthissn 11 1.111It .1111,11 1 11111,1S 11111155 1111' 11111i1 11111111 is W.11,11 1'11 1111 411'4' 1,1 A his sit', 1111'11 C511111/111111S 51/1 41.111g !minim, lien Knapp, !mac in elvi 1111 al enginceling, cii Silt ii ii thi iwil inantlaiinv ,1111111 units abi 111511.11 limn liii 1497. II, said the requirement leas not liven re% iewerl ii 1111 5111,11e ...1111 1' 11173 aml things ham. ( hanged 51111 C 1111:11. kil,11/1/ suit ihu,u ssInle plissie al ethic amen is 11111/111 1,1111, 11111 1' Al.' 111.111% 1111111 11511 1111 1111St 11,S1 1 IIIII1S lull Illis .11111/11% "Ill 1111 11.1%1 23 vt,tis sioniething 14111111 11% 1/N11111. \ P1111 I IS \I %\ Iisii I AMC 411111g till,,1 111111/111115, 11111 11111 A pair of skydivers descend from 14,000 feet at Bay Area Skydiving, a popular "drop zone" east of Livermore In the town of Byron. 411\11111111V 1111 11111%4'1 siiv-wi(lt I tomputing reepin einem I his is a self intilti-eilnin I 'Immunity set then aie lilt leileign lan gimpy niiiiiiiivinents," hililli suit, "11llI'5stl1g 11111""1.1111 u1t111"s".11 SJSU grads run skydiving outfit «hie amen, Reale said the a( inn% legume mem is not «mil /CI S111111'1111 III Ili till F.X11111/111/11S III By Darren Phillips glowed And, unlike ( 'leg I "Nam.. he ssull not be all at the saint. time .1111111111111.111,114

!Trim% Dods Phologrophrr alone dui nig his dem cm his name is 1,1111 Hauge, Pai melee 1..111,11/1W Ici 111,111...1111k 1111 1111,11 It on a 11111111 1111111 All' 11111,111 .111(1 1111 1111%1%11111 lililtIll students citified itimp master. In list an( tali 1111'1 11,11111 , "iandem" sksdne lias Aica sksdning in !boon. "11 Is 11111,111 11111 III Igi Re.111%, sil. g1,!- 1,111SIlle II1S11 111 1111, fighting It pee, IS unlan 11,11 "smiel ect the dm el laige skseinmg ( eempan% m aliforma.ii ottipans lenineled ii, 16611Its lialigee and osel 27c tee be ae Its, II ire t his seen e oser ceal mg wind and ihe (heeler eel ii,iitt 11,1 lids, ssnh Sa a hey n ma and MSI gi ad his ivite 1111,1 1.dsie a SISI ' giaelteate) liei %thing dial twill hei plops And 111(.11 he is gone I ikeui In 111111,1.1Am' is11,11 thus 1 All get .iiel hancessed uiglitis tee 111.1111,11 IS 1/.1%..111gel 11101 "lanclems ale ins Liseemte kincl eel piiccuiu, 11ange e disabilities (Hvinpii iliser. fie leaps Iii %fate!. lanne Inieg himself Reekie said 11.1111111er, .1 14 %I'M old glue ei and film 111111' 111111111 1 said "I iiiu feel the oilier prim eti's eneigs and ex( lie In !icing physic .ills cc nse," out into the ( lear blur ici tangle that lies heseend the 1h,' new imehe s suIt 'cynic ails %an,' len 111,111 S.1.111.1 ( Ill/ mum We Iced off ear h - 14.X.11 hilt II 111 his all t,,uttti t raft the 111,11111.11,11% 1111115 Id 1111%\11 .11 .11 115115 111 lii '11 V.,1% IIII best feeling l'se l'Xpel 11'111 ills.1111 But snapping 1 ciii's sill 111.111 111%11111 and hang an C (Intl, he ei.eset, he will plummet i41411 tin t ase hasp. insicail 1111' 1%11 1111.111. .111t1 1111 1111111/ "1 5515 Si .11111 .11111 11551 11111 14,000 feet tin ough spar e befene lea( lung the See Skydiving, Page 6 11114111 1.11 111111.11 1 111 this e ii.iuigc IS mei set kill win. Winter celebrations bring the peace of the season 1111 .1i1(1111,ll tee lighong ihe 1,1.111.oll 11,111/1.1 Hanukkah Slew el all, mans Jess, ex( leange gilts Kwanzaa 1 wen. iii i cif "4. 111 %%bile soffit 1,11111111, 1A1 11.111V Mt 1.111 i By Ed ()berweiser, Julie Ekstrom and 1 lainikkali gilt. eetheis p.n.. a gilt ',II liv .e.randra Niu.h \Whirr said IS1%.111/.1.1 his MI 1S11 111 Sp 401/11 11411.1liall W/otrf Jacquie MeCrossin pa, 11 cut tue eight ingliis Illf. 1.1,1 ..l1/ %CMS As 111 Sperlan Daily Staff Wrote,. eciding it Jonathan Roth. SISI. Khali/A.1 Is .1 S1ci/1111.1E 11,41%r .11111 111%1 II1S 11,1111111.11 1.111/.111,/11 eel ihe .155cc 1.11I 1,11111'1,1 .1 of hist, ce s 1 I11 1,1.1111,11cl 1111. 1,111111,c% .11111 gulcihthiss I ldilSllll.15 season and as a Iil11,11 Ilanukkah us the c elebration cel the ese hang, eel gills IN WA ,Iii ccl1111' 114,11 eel lele, that inseelses no ties with an% tell 1, 511111151' 1,, 1111' (1,,111111.1111 f I/1 Jewish vii tor% in die stt liggle feet Ii hems 11,41,11 1 1.11111kk.111 «kelnaticen Although pen 1,11111' s11111,,IISIII ass, cc 1.111,1 freedom against tlic ( Is .111,1 1111. 11111.1111' mans I it pearls gust gelt mi. me% liii ing "II is a i 1111,11 that ties togriliet I/11%1 , ls1111 1 CIO/1.1111M ot the onealav suppl% of sae red oil tiro Listed eagle' Leinikkali. Re ale said gift gising has been iiiflu me salutes"! Lima% and u ee llllll unity" "Kvailiaa lias il.u's. thu lull that was leli alici the %le lc .1 !coils 14. all en, iel its ( .1i1 151111.15 1 1111,1115 said Siesen 51111net, pitelesyri eel e% 1,1% 1.11 as i 1 1111111 Judah of Ma« alive and his ilnIcps I rg,iiiicd the !elm 111,1(11114)1i,i115, 1 1.11111k1111 %%AS lcd 1111.11,/l Aft i( ni.nierit an studies "11 is not f’11111,1111,11 I,/ 111.111'11 ple uriertisalern wine h had been near Is elesticesed its 1,sm.,11 111,11,14%." 14,411 S.11,1 111111 11 has gained in ante %%line or anti an% thing It de .111,111 .111,1 1111 11%11 at the (.ricks in 167e B.( C (Before Clitistian Iii impci tam e be( mese ( Iiiisurnas emplicisi/es maul ialisin and the was hit limelit 4,1 Jews c celebrate by lighting eight e andles. "ice el, Ilainikkah has use elsecel osei cii Chi istmas is naditionalls r debt ated it. white I el resenting ea( hi of the eight (lass the oil binned I he liii htiSlt cut I L1.111,1111 .111 bil 11,11 rill iii YAW Rec mit %niches show that Kwan/.1.1 ebt Mem," %aid r :unlit. lighting 011 ins een the 2"eill day of 'Sisk-% ,I1 ,%,14,, In I III F Alex.inder lhiu (item revolves around seven pm( idles s Nlillitei "Fen instate( tc, whir h «eine ides with De( I this %Val ThIt' f .111,111 'S "wine« (I 'mica ,enel iicancite el I 'reek tule 1511 (Seguin Saba) with palm uuhir emphasis c mg. hIt, ’1V1iite Air held in a Melee ecali .inel lit his .1 e 151,111 11,/, %I I \II S.111,114 411111%1,111 the lull the miles eel filar It ',mulles Ii is a nine len the kith Chtistiti.w,. resits delm ied looking like .1x1 Rees, form alled a shamash. 5.111' net' 1..11 hi nighi die 111,11 .I .111(1 l’/.1%11 ic.c Haden, ens awl wine, en tauitihi,s, 1 iedeche anon I" manifesting the (mils n' 41111 1111' 1/1 1%11111'11PS% lit mg c mulles are lit. lss 1,. 111.111114111 1111 11 ming eel ,Alexanile I cre at died. Ins kingdom was prim tides eel Kwanima us .1 Ka% 1/1 1111' If ol R1.11k pine " he Menorah represents the light cut niith shin \lieu ellossing !wiped eel striiggle Israel c cline Allli'ildAll% 1 Ills «114/1,1111111 Is 1114 .1 11,41%41 en iginat Audinding it e the Kwan/aa 11111.1 111.161 /II Centel, ihe mg through the darkness ref prelpirlic e." said Donna split Fe mg III All% ,11 1111' "/"/ Alf 11 .111 1 1,111111 ICS 1,1 All "Alt 11 ,111 See Kwanzaa, Page 5 Malper, I ii11.411111:4111 for KNIS-FNI !ache, See Hanukkah, Page 4

%I'M I'm 1,41,1 ,,t By Jorquie McCrowiin dents Ice c ccine familial voile the sal irty ol Dying." a book mitten by 151 111111 published ,11111 11%1111 1 Ati11'11 III 111',11 1. Spartan Daily Staff WM... was,. ti 1%1,1, 11 ((Idle/elm religions approac h in I 111.16. kJ:11111g Mid Ike I lass generated the 141(1, V,i,11 will 111'.11 III your 111',111 %Skil S1,111 death gi 'using," Keads said book, but the Feook then generated u hange lather would have said." Class 011 a huge and e iiliuic ills 1.1%11S1’I I 41111,11% I fie goal of Kenneth K1.111111, IIII 1/111(.1 in the ( lassroom. Kramet told students iit,i tic gel '1,,,ggefl like MSI when. %indents limn a wide varlet% p1 chess, rl, IS .'11, It) enter into and thin, his straight, gt ay hair parted itluwtl' iii gr lel. "Maybe vein hven of divided by then del ler- «dimes inn seem theft own dialogue Ill depth with death." clown the middle, Kramer ler till ('5 his e lay, ally taught in die WIe mg was ( :lief is gi lel 1,11,1ISSI/IS 11.1%t lee ogni/ed a ravaging students tee pet down their enthusiastic ally. Ills long aims extend litm Ca lel is aii tine enniollable emotion. I .1111 11,11 on I he professors Fri( death them. among ommonalits thoughts ell .1 dialogue with St11111',/11e whit the ( iitls of rolled-up shirt sleeves. His hands 11111 I,, 1111 V1/11 11141. WI11.11 %1,11 .111 III .1 'pill are tear Fling a stare t Ina often dm itssed hiS (111(1 14 15111 WIIII ’1)1.1111, he/sell: are «instantly, expressively in motion as he provoking %Mimi, ell SIlO till,/11111 i 1.11111, something thes'll all lease it, Ills students, but Krainci asks, "Win inet allow Death iii have sits brfOre a teleVISiI/11 mituijtiui 410 behind SlIppleSS 11.11111 ill 1111/11%A. IVX1/1/11%," Ill la«. IC.11 hung ahem! in Ins( lassreermi. leSp1/11St. II/ glee! Whin I ,nit saving is ma lee offers her owl' ScIII 1’" an instill( toe's counter death. 1(1.XIN u dliii PI SJl III 1672 and devel- "Write down the feelings that you're hay- gel snit It thew." "We define 'human being' as being pail oped the u lass in I 47I4 K1.11111'1 began Ica( ing (about death), desc ribing them in Carlos Moreno, a student of Kiamei's, in, the human tin and partic ipating ing here in the earls 'Mrs I he two professors detail." Kramer shares a personal insight said he took thu i lay, mit of a ,44.11'14. 1/1 "moil Richard Krady said. h he beauty of it is that in rniu Id about the guilt he has about his father's bid ( iitiosity." 11111 Sleeieno soon !multi that sfrategrns grieve." teal hi [km li, Ds mg ancl Religions we cast (all) share what it Me.111S 1f/ the %init. was, using evicts, media, speakers death last year. These feelings c an still be "(the ( lass is) 11',111%. V:1111.1ble ill the context !Clearly is one ot two professors Ill and the sharing of peisonal ever lune es expressed atter someone's death, Kramer of helping other people (who) are going Comparative Religious Studies 163, Death, Though ea( h cene has his own 1 (limed said. "You ran create a dialogue script in through a grieving pt0c ess. A lot of people 1)ying and Religions. "Mv goal is that the stu- for living texts, they also apply "1 fir SA( reel Art of whit I/ you give your lather a Vf)it.r. Meditate See Dying, Page 4 -

2 Tuesday, December 10, 1996 OPINION San Jose State University Spartan Daily

Immigrants should know rules Traditions conflict

BOUND & GAGGED by Dana Summers with American laws

01996 Maine Media Services, Inc. By Yuki Wedemeyer comes when cultural sensitivity AX Rights Reserved. butts against American beliefs of Anewlywed runs away with justice and correctness. her boyfriend, and her We cannot allow, for the sake of father and husband both multiculturalism, immigrants to go anxiously to the police in keep traditions that violate our Omaha, Neb. laws. This would weaken the value The father and son-in-law are of life and liberty as we see it. EMPeEE surprised to be met with criminal The victims, mostly women and charges, and arrested. They say children, are treated differently, SmorostG they didn't do anything wrong. Coleman said. The victims receive The police see it differently. less protection. They see child abuse and rape. Therefore, acceptable and law- You see, the delinquent newly- ful behavior must be explained to wed was only 14 years old and had and understood by immigrants in ''I' 1 been married order to bridge this on the same day culture gap, which as her 13-year- We cannot can lead to these old sister in her court cases. father's house in allow While we believe a Muslim wed- in religious free- ding ceremony immigrants doms, we believe in fashioned after life and liberty for {Ruminations of a Masculine Milquetoast Iraqi tradition. to keep all in a manner dis- The grooms tinctly American. were 34 and 28 tradons that Women and men Ending the for years old and have very different search Rebecca, face charges of violate our roles in other rape and up to countries, and for 50 years in laws. This their protection. bringing friends back together prison under immigrants should Nebraskan law, would weaken be educated in our according to a laws and practices. Aii,.. ,,,., weeks til making but nervous. "I'm sorry. For everything," he phone I ails awl soating 1 don't want anything to do says. 1 want my best friend back. New York Times the value of life It must be fright- article. ening to arrive in a pf "plc ss h. f kin Is sto1111,111 WILLIAM with Joshua," she says. "It was a I'll do anything if you'll forgive and liberty as ,Oito11,11111 41111111'11 1111' \Sidi Ic111/111 long time ago, and I don't want to me." The father new country and said his daugh- be arrested for 1 ISIS S1'.111 lung, I pinpointed JESKE relive the past." "I see no reason why I should," .1( Lai what 'slif scas living Normally, my job as investigator Rebecca says. "My parents were ters married will- we see it. something, while tit a dot min a s .11 `sati [tam IS( fp ends there, but then my job as a separating, I had no one else. ingly and were possessing a clear NI.111 I '111111%1k human being who gives a damn When I needed you most you following ancient traditions of conscience. \IN 1 111111 Joshua \Vilson, hind takes over. treated me like shit." Her nose arranged- marriages. At the same time, the responsi- 1111 111 111111 his 4 stiang, d 41111(1- "Ms. Clarendon, I doubt flares and her eyes squint. it took This case represents the clash of bility for laws must be felt by every- 11,11,11 li,, ,1,1 Ili 11.11111 I s,.en her 111111/1, .11111 the e aCIVISer Joshua's intentions are to cause me a long time to get over that. I the cultures of newcomers with one in America, new and old, to iii Iii ,,, au, sm. , In. iii.,,1,.,tetitls 1110W% Ille Ille ieleph011eillid pro- you more pain. Rementlwr, he suffered from depression and I American culture and law, which is preserve our liberty. Imit list in old, i II, kt t p her Irtim + ides me with Clarendon's exten- sought you out. Ile wouldn't have even tried to kill myself. You're a becoming more common in court- Coleman also said culture lit mg Lug. it d his liiillit 1 valet had sion I I all and a sweet-voir ed had me go through the trouble part of my life I want to forget ever rooms across the nation, accord- should play a role in sentencing, as la I ti m1111(101104 him Ilie lit 51 W1/111.111 allSW115. unless he wanted peace of mind. I happened." ing to Doriane lambelet it did in the 1987 New York City tart k of Me stAt tith wade "111110. is Melallie III, ple.l.lie?" doubt the suggestion to have you "Ms. Clarendon," I say. "You've Coleman, who writes about multi- case. lit line it Ilitig Itislitua 111.11 111,1 .1 %CI . 1 1111111111. It found wasn't easy for him either." an opportunity here few people culturalism arid the courts, and But there is a chance that cul- It. In 11.1 had la it hit attd, it VIC1.1111t. W1110 .1111Wel 111, 'ill I 1111151 A few negotiations later, I «in- have. You've someone from your lectures at the Duke University ture could be used as an excuse SS1,1114 I IN hi st a 1.4,1111. \ 11.11 11.111%111 S 11.11r 111%1 %Waken 10 KOH'« .1. At vinied her to meet with Joshua past who not only acknowledges School of law. and exploited as a defense if we 411 111111 iii', I 11.111 01 1111 111 1111111 'cast I 1111W km as fit', von e. next Friday. he hurt you, hut wishes to apolo- Sanford Pollack, the father's give immigrants a break in the lilt (..111101 111.1 1 /11).11 Illitill 1,1 NIelanie " I intiodin e .loshua was et static with elation, gize and seek forgiveness. lawyer, said the newcomers courts. Ilf dill `sf I %I( I 1 .11111.111 Relict t a in+sell and tell het 1'111 f ailing disbelief and apprehension upon "I don't know," she says. "I'll thought they were allowed to prac- Education should be our most clisappl al 1 t1 1.011'1,111g 11/S1111.1 110 tom the lobby. I tell lier I'm a learning 1 had found bet when he think about it." tice their religion freely in diett useful and effective tool for pro, Itiligt 1 t tit d hit lit I hit lialitg 11,CM i he! W111/ 111.1.11% her help gave me so little I whish to Apparently, she thought about it new homelat id. venting misunderstanding and 11111 111'11 lit 1 %to 9011 kl 111/ 4/0111.1 and that it would be best to disc work. for three years. Though he doesn't The father was among 500 Iraqi crime. 11101111 11.1st hum imp Imo het Itle wFiat lin +4.4-king in prison. She On that Friday, Joshua and I play an active role in her life, he is refugees who started settling in With all the emphasis placed on and ....1 kw iia lims she'll lake it relit, Lind\ awry+ thu meet me in wait at a table in the dining corn- welcome in it now. Whenever they Nebraska in 1993, aided by the multicultural awareness and diver- ist mid lit IntilessitirialIN unethit al 1114. lobln lair, in the afirimion. 1111/11%. She's 10 minutes late, meet, the first gesture is a hug Catholic Social Services of sity programs. perhaps we forget Ilea Ire( atist slit. is king alime We inert lit the lobbv, during illinigh she said we would meet rather than a scowl. Lincoln. the importance of certain degrees grittitid and ss,is lotiod using war da+light, with sestial pellple «1111- lie.' herr. But, soon enough, I see The case has been closed five The girls were taken into protec- of assimilation by immigrants. 111 11114111114 111.1114111 111,1SII’l 1111-.111 iiig and going. all the onifoi table a woman's silhouette behind years and Joshua never got around tive custody, the father was fitments to dis, %Mlle 1/4/%1.11/1V slit " "I" ' 'i 11" In'''" ' Ittslma. Long brown hair frames a to paying me for the service. He r harged with two counts of child Yukt Wedemeyer ts a Spartan Datly 1 III s11.11 s1.11% iii. 1 \ ell S411,11 .1 11111 01111411 1.11/le 114/14 5. I tell fat t. that I klIeW 0111y from A and Rebe« a have recruit iled, cat abuse and the wife was c harged Stall Writer thtilte tt ludic ate ilitlit itt-s 1111 Nit' lame the %1411 V if Ji ishuii,I and deiacle-old photogr aph. has mewed, dog has had his day, with r ontributing to the delin- 1/.11 11111. 111114 1.111s 111 111111.11111 1111'11 what he had done to lie, i intent Joshua," Rebe« a says. (kid is in his heaven and all is quencs of nunors. 10.11 11.1g1 in I h oilier PIS 1, 4,111- mate u-atsagii MeLuite stands behind her. Joshua right with the world. In another case in 1987, a New 1111ttith Awl Relict t a disappeared -1'111hut 1111(' WII.11 Ms. turns abruptly and stands, not My phone rings and an hour York City Chinese immigrant was limn lit I hist her k .ti a lieu st Imo! CIA, rtirlfin s feslings it i 101 MY kintwing what to say. She answers later I'm in a r offer shop with my given probation :titer killing his %s tilt Joshua %1st., llif f e ate 1.111111 Ill I sas -And, ii would lie hest 101 111111. tumult bag veldt missing person's wife for tieing unfaithful. It 4 4 11)11.1io! -111/ 1111.11114,111111- 11/1 that she leant lit is irmig hi make "SII 110W11." Reber< a and files, w.uting for a new c tient who's The diffir ulty in these cases if. Allis . it MAI I Lige II )4.411111,g amends hum ',timeline she 1111515 Melanie take r hairs fat ingloslitia, late. R' I" " '' " h' ' I"' "is I n's"''''1%. Mail limn su angst " She is hand- their legs .111111 .11 III% crossed in Itt la , I a 11.11111 I 111111 i oi 111.1111111 in «I ins liusiutss , and told 111 defensive hotly language. William Inlet si the Spartan Dash ilif last lO if at, 11.1%(' krb111.1 1.111 1111. %1111111 1S "Joshua," I say. "You t ailed lot A %11011/1e1li MUM Ile wants everyone -1Cempus Viewpoint Iti st tit appif iai it ilif stil al 41 1111111S IW11111 I go, ahead and tell the rettituiiii. pet haps sou should to know that he doei rug, I repeat, does islina het lot anon Relit( Lindy, missing 11111 11'.III1 1111 Iii lings ittisaid %Luc- not Goat fat (all ov dart 1 hut Caret discusses 209 impact It islitia heltite swinging a wililion hot tinderstandahls, Melanie ile takes.. deep breath. gather- Li hi.% lag uuulumn agters look Retie« a iti on In.r ing strength to 1111r 1.11111M% letter of Nos. 6, tonne for eat it individual as will Nis phone ling. that r+rning 11.i4in1, 1111,11 1,, th, doiiiiito« the eses, to t llllll tet her and III19Ilti, I TochamilccI OW I as for our sun lets. What We 110 mid 1111. 4 .111(.1's siiii i is 1.1111111.11, , .111+ iii. 111 %I ',wining I W11111111. Melanuc's stabbitig stares. W011111 keep you informed of works, and we will make the am. , hanges In die sla111% 01 MI 011geS1 1 .1.1.1. 1/11%%Ible for the Propos:Min 209. nght to «nautili. to do it." Within those glittering eyes lurks a hunter and Prtipositioli 209 is c urrently Iti fac t, xpatuled initr ear h killer under a tr111130- and rer I name hut 1.11V restraining I want to el forts begun in order issued ht. the fall of 1995, Cats are not just fluffy little furballs a state pidge. I assure all have already Its Mat k ht. hey.. player I hes have e, cm ept when want lii assure campus tem hill more A cat is a lion, much it s their fee ding . all f .1111p11% 101i. potential stu- 0111 i.41,.1^.. 1111 1111 1 \ I1.1 As I mentioned earlier, huh tat is m no way minim( ies, constituencies dents from all Wt111/1 ,,1111 1,04 t I ',hilt 41 1,1111 1 ill 10%1 like those in the satisfied with the body of a IlleIe 111/1ASeIt11 She int hiding per - segments of the II .11141 .1 111.11 1111 li.11111 I 10 lo001 \VI will often leap great distant es, pretending she spec nye stu- ... that this region than ever beim e Sall .10lie 11.111111 %Sill! 1111 111 .11111 s,i 11.111,111..111,11\1,111 Serengeti desert, wet e .1 i heetah She will sulk and kill dust 1,11,1 - dents, that thus State will ( ()Min- 011111 (in 1.1111\ 11.1N, .us 011 I .11111111111.11 goes, tit's, XI if she were a lion. 'thinking like .1 tiger, university's university's im to adhere Iii ui,tki est i 111 tit lap pals unhappily trapped she tries to can lllll nage herself with our only 0111111111111111 11/ to I ol this us ui tails, moist Nu ut is,, house plant. maintaining an commitment its mission, while 11,11 111114 11111,1 1111,s1 1111111 in the body of open door will ()plating within St itaigt Iti dt sett. a It is these qualities that I like, however. I, tiro, to maintaining tu hi Trapp, d iii hit- kid% of a snill,,1 try to leap great distances. Only instead of not he die( ted. the law. We will Ili my open- monitor the !Hal stuffed animal. thinking myself a hect:th, I think I am 18 an open door I ut is is his th, past our legs, t uhlung again. ing fall address, future imple- tg.1111.1 the iii I his is ss iii 1111-% 11141111 I lir% .11 1' Exat tls how comforting is a cat? They will I at tually ritioy the sas-age nature of the r at, I commented, will not be mentation of 'Our role is to Proposition 209 t .141. .1iig lust "whit I and Miami% that dies %%AIM 1111/ 10 you, snuggling in your mins. Then, respecting it the way I respect A ; I try to Itaxt but iii I,tu,ti mitt this Asir all of a sudden, the instill' I to shred thy master remain far away. I equate cats with Hannibal provide the affected. r losely. I will bit, 1011 I it I sit I 11 .1 4 .11 kill' It isn't a suit' miles into full play .11 fil i11111 the 11/ind ler( ler from 'The Silence of the Lambs" - they next genera- «in llllll nit ate

kill 114, 11th, t animals ',light dui 1 hi s hut MU 1111 'tinget seismal,. entities as you end up are intelligent, cultured and handsome, vet tion of citizens - educated citi- with our campus «immunity as zens who will «mtinue to improve the situation c heuiges. hiki 1SIIRI, VS1111 kill a de, t Ana( king its with .1 11114 i,11 itt 1411 11 1.11100. deadly. Always a pleasure to watch. hut not fun and build this society. We can only 1114 I I IIS u lit ii uklike Ili kill Oita' ple%. litil I kIII/W these things in :time I own at at. My lobe around when they are hungry. Robert I- Caret Asti nit ilt ssl itirilitt It as ut II . %Mir nigh., ssule finds the u ream«, adorable. but I find it a do that by c ontinuing to provide an em and empower- President um 'wall, I s I ats hall a ui t. g.11111' 'I futile' ...utilising, fetal killer. 1:ats have the mind of A Mark Krrgrl tin Spartan Daily Stall Writer the broadest people we possibly an. lt/atfl ishit if. a plait lief ante lin - 11,11 si, al killer. «maimed with the intelligence of A ment of Edtica is the bridge to the

Editorial Staff Advertising Advertising Director Kerry hurman OnIon Poades I sec wive F thew Ai l Spartan readerstlecouraged to express Melt. Spartan Daily Art Director Michael Rac Wry Araultning I dim. aP..ten Irskr selves on the Opinion pegs with a Letter to the Editor. whittle Reporters Retail Manager Kristy Brrenbruer thould be MO dords or leis linxluction !fluor 1'-r,01, 'rib hri,tine Ann Micas, Ivan P Bergman tub, Lksttvm Mnrld National Manager Todd Williams Letters or Menepoinu must be typed and may be Opinion I clitor 1 ewus Marketing Manager *put in the Letters to the Erlitot box at the Spartan Daily office lc 4.01 1.41Wil Lezzartril, John Louls, Crc,ssin, Sandra Carranza Sports Editor tutu shekril Mart/feting Assistam Jennifer Yomogida In Dyad% toed man. room 409 Cassandra Nash Ed I 4wrierser, Marl Remit/ cina ,harrna Photo Editor ei heroin Downtown Manager Leila Totakhail Mated to (011)1106-3957 or Mita Tr,, i 'auger Mar, usWahon,Yulei Wsiemeyer mailed to the Spartan Daily Opinion Page P.dltot School it Chiel Photographer ' Ii 'Is Entertainment Manager Arlene Villanueva Contribudog Writers Journalism and Mass Communications. San Joss Side the Scene Editor I .,I1, I ,171, Retail Account Executives Christine Kiedaisch, Heather Louthan kilo University. One Washington *Me, San lone. CA. 95i94.0140. I Mrithimh Huynh. Sakhalin. Devin FeArly the Scene Design Editor ; , us 1..taaws Mangeyn. Shlnya Nakashima, Sharon Submissions become the property of the Spartan NOT arid Online Editor 14. seen., PhOlOgnpherl Schttano. Robin Wood. Catherine Yeh may be idled Ns dainty, erervimsr. libel and linedi Senn ILlIvin Rosalind' Gina, NOVI Phillips Aaron Sunni Downtown Account Jeffrey Chu. ShantelScheeler. Christine Sabaslassas Ems issula salsees Nam. edema Nf ses q11 (408) 024-3'2M0 I )iive l,u hensky. Berm Hammer Executives Smith. Kaisha-Dyan Taylor piers aweihea dlloMore alid seleg I ax 1e24, 302 Graphics Specialists Entertainment Executives Kyle Benner. Justine Sleek. Janice Pabella IOW* ate intim OpP. sall we dm sealeaseis edam v24-3270 Art Executives Carolyn Gerstman. hrandon Health:Ks. irrlaNr sdlion, est Os sma lerripanv Tim Punk. ished opinions and eiteediserrienis do not necessedv Advisers Mike Kasper. Sam DevIns reflect the dews cd the Spoon Dally. the School of Menden Mis It Luninnom. I1M WHO, lack Quinton. Gorr Kendall and Mem Communicants or SIM

4 4

MM. Tuesday, December 10,1996 Spartan Daily SanJose State University 3

call Anna 293-2401

Library Donations & Sales Unit PEOPLE Give a Book for Christmas Ongoing Book Sale - 11TH Donations welcome; 10 a.m.-3 All the gossip that's fit to print p.m.; Donations & Sales Unit; Under his new t tithe tit tiles said, he has made Wahlquist Library North 408 Hill happy hugging "four tar five shorts, with two or thtee in the works. 1 & Clark Library lobby; call Roaditumer, a Frog pit nue, Ditf. Diu k and IDE 11101 t. humps (lid a Acq. Dept. 4-2705 FRANKLIN. Ind. (AP) Ni, and s Weekly Calendar bruises for lot met professional wrestler John Hill a couple of others." Lutheran Student Fellowship just the be-.0 hugs reserved for Sal ItA Bible brown bag; 1:342:50 dozens of happy t hildren. p.m.; Student Union, After 25 %Val!. of being kissed Alt /Mid by the likes New library named of Hulk Hogan and Andre the ( ;tam, the former TODAY WEDNESDAY Montalvo Rm.; call D. and expen- "Gentleman Jerry Valiant" loves his gig as a shop- PARIS (Al') France's controversial Hawkins, 292-5404 will be named after the y I 'nations i I. o ping-mall Santa. It's even brought tears to his eves. sive new National Library man who co llllll issioned it, the late President Unit International West Coast Swing; SJSU Fantasy & Strategy Club "I had a wrap of orphans t time tote last Francois Mitterand. Ongoing book sale dona- 7:30-9:30 p.m.; SPX 89; call 924- Weekly meeting - White Wolf anti a little gn I one up to nit. and said, 'I'd like 'The $1.3 billion library will open next week, and tions welcome; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; 7746 Open Gaming; 5-10 p.m.; nothing huhe than a mommv or daddy to love President Jacques Chirac announced its Ilanle on Wahlquist Library North, Student Union, Costanoan me,'" Hill said: -What cam you sav?" Monday. Mitterand stepped down after 14 WAIN ill room 408 & Clark Library Catholic Campus Ministry room; call 9247097 The 54-sear -old Hill italic(' list %CAI attet .0 And died Of cimcerlan. 14. lobby; call Acquisitions Dept. Daily Mass; 12:05-12:30 p.nv.; career that included 10 seasons in the World tdike MU" While there was agreement that the 17th tentury 9242705 John XXIII center, across from SJSU Mariachi Workshop Wrestling Feder :Mon. The 1)-loot-3, 28o-pound Hill libt ;try in central Paris needed to he replaced, the SJSU Theater; call Ginny 938- (.hnsunas Concert; free admis- now runs a landscaping less. new library's design, ha tni011 and pike tag were all Afghan Student Aasodadon 1610 sion; 7:30 At the end of evil vs sit, !WI encourages hugs p.m.; Student lit id,. debated. Dart Studies; 1:30-3:30 p.m.; from the children, then little arms het'uuniiitg lost in Union, Ballroom; call 924 contested aspect of the design were Student Union, Guadalupe Dept. Nutridon Se Food Science his plush red suit. The most 4675 lout, I 8-story towels housing II million volumes in Room; call Lath (510)794- % Body Fat Composition "I had a Young boy time up who dick'''. have 250 wiles or stacks hard to heat in winter, expen- 7735 Testing; 3-4:30 p.m.: Central Spartan Bookstore king to live," I lilt said. "Ile htigged me so tight ... sive it, i iii ul ill SUMIllel. Classroom Building, room 103; Author Appearance - Dianna choked tap. I ci iiil(lI1 ttii iitt say at is thing. Akbayan Club call Kim Roth 9243110 Serra Cary (former Baby Last meeting of semester/elec- Peggy); 12-1:30 p.m.; Spartan tions; Student Union Almaden Episcopal Canterbury Bookstore; call Bill 9241811 Queen honors Gielgud Rodman overexposed Room; call 534-1140 Community )KK (AP) t Pis-chest:mg basketball *Weekly boy Eucharist; noon; 1..()NI4()N (Al' already a knight, and NEW' \LAI RO(1111:111 1111. been 'AOC(' dle Vein 'S School of Art and Design St. Paul's Church(across San Creel And available now Sit .John Gielgitd has let civet] All Iloilo' Sparta Guide is I iggest (hag. *Student galleries art recep- Salvador from dorms near 10th to students, faculty & stall MIMI* bestowed on 'ink, Ille 011It'l Al till, Chi( ago Roll has been labeled the "Most ton; 6-8 p.m.; Art Building st.); dons Deadline is noon, three days Gielglid WAS tlip1 /Oiled A Illellthel ld the ()ruler 4 1 he Ye-at " In Alan C ii i ub.u. the Student galleries art exhibit; *Dinner and forum (symbolism before publication. Forma available of Merit, an honor t married (hid tiv lw Queen Boling Celebrits at 101le 1111.111bel of lit. 114.ring Institute in New lersev. BA senior projects; Art Bldg; in the bible and the end times); 1)1141 209. Entries may be edited Eli/abed] II, Ihe onlv other .0 till ti I ut eive the to allow for space mayday'. " 1-los is about people (silo, cull if we like 111(.111, M-Th 10-4; call Sarah 924-4330 5:30-7 p.m.; Trinity honoi was Lam dice ( )livid. Most hoot'? sue given env sit k of them his the tinie the year is Cathedral(81 N. Second St.); in the monatt Its name to pi'oh>It i hosen by the govt lit, lint the ()idyl of Mein is a personal said, Rotiman's Iti.t gift of the minim( h. It is testi it led to 2.1 people at ',patently tai e pito logs. ionge and gowns not to men- ativ. one time. the queen tlti se the 92 %cat tion the NIIA Itailipionship and his self -wedding in 151 ii Winner to till Ole vtlf Ant lel I l/S' tilt' death of juts unwed "111.1sSite media ovetexpo- Sir Ft ;ink Whittle, Bt itish jet engine pioneer. August fop 10. Library reception "I am vet v sin ja ised and v ei v iuuiit It In 'my ed," sine," the basis of (:aittba's !low:lid Stem, Bob 1)01e, Kathie New Logo for SJSU Gielgud said !stood:iv Also listed were The University Library and IttGith it d and the Mat myna, a "dam t. lad which Spartan Staff itrptort iiielgtad, who was knighted in 1953, has not dont. Legislators' Archives lasted a whole month until Al Gott. tried to do it. a play jjj j,,ildriii situ(' I I IC ti 10le iLS A Advisory Board are sponsor- ill tile t ontinning attempt to pill110 lid in St tilt Ilk ks. 1111% li1111, ing a reception to honor the moderni/e SS1 estheticallv.. iiew r#eig teat donors of collections to the university logo has been designed. Tenors sing out year Legislators' Archives. 'rite new logo adds a griiphit Jones back with Bugs Admission is $50 per per- element to the old logo, whit It was NAN( :( itish Columbia (AP) What's just the letters "SISL'"iii btild print son or $100 per corpora- #.4 ( htu k a few thousand di Mats to hear the Three 'tenors mitten ;ibis': the tinivetsity's 1.()S (Al') .knittiatot tion/organization. is. making stunts with his old sing out the old seat name. The logo is in the shape of back at k\ at m.' lh Donors who will be hon- Wile ( ',vote Pot es to heal I iii Ian" Pavat ow. Jose 1:ain't:is the overlapping. squint -shaped friends, Bugs Boum, 1).111% tin I, I ored include: Senator Alfred Jose State old It ines ssi it ked at and Plat 'do Domingo sing New 1)..ti 's at B.C. tile that admits the Tvent Centet San and t lupin 1 he )44-v eat E. Alquist, Dianne McKenna 1063, %Alien Plat e Stadium ialige up to 114,4))n Is a par kage Hall. 1V.y net Bios. Isom the rails 19 tits until and Norman Mineta. and 'towel UNIVERSITY that 111( 111(1(.1 lloltI I olnliS. 11111. /IISIIICS, (ii - Campus designet Ciaig the autumn' 1111e111 shift I, tutu Noss die The reception/fund-raiser tilt (linnet And A kit Ian u f Kits hersher ger t anae up with the 1,11111SUIS IIAN 27) at lists is Tuesday, Dec. 17 from 5- their old stational v and business logo's design after listening to the 6:30 p.m. in the University cards before %win hing over to tesults of t ampus focus groups and Old Cafeteria items with the new logo. Fat tilts' Room, 'insult:Mini with SIM faculty. For more informa- menthe's were given tpmputer Building. I' at members have been. tion call 9 2 4-2747. disks containing the new logo. gi,11 a grat i. lid lot! to Mt' all of

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tlfir '1,, P.N. I 4.17 Itago ktla I its Ariest, (stilt MP,' Sat flITIO1,1b Sir,, lion San Jose and NlIN BRION .9 A' . day 1011,001,1 .1. [NAy /Pat '11INIBORIONktlf At, raffled try WASC at1 NI IS approvad br tiC mamba, AACSB and AACIf A amid., odor,. , t. ,,, ,4, a 0.,.10r.git Si. hardaay flit, veteran status FRYDAiwwlikicilBER 13 lUesday, Deceniber 10,1116 4 Spartan Daily San Jose State University

Death: Learning about grief From page 1 aged to look at Death, not only as Ready said Death, Dying and Religions was initiated in 1978 don't know how to react to death," an ending, but also as a beginning. Spartan Bookstore 'You go a different path when you when he served on a task force for Moreno said. "(The class) kind of lose someone and go on,' Ready the establishment of SJSU's geron- gives some guidelines." tology program. Someone in the "I think its a great class," said said. another session, Ready cau- school of nursing expressed a Maya Birenbaum, a psychology In about living in a desire for knowledge on dealing major. "I've had deaths in my own tioned students HOLIDAY SALE fast-paced, consumer-oriented cul- with patients' illnesses and deaths life, and this has brought me some ture such as today's without spiritu- from the perspective of different strategies to actually deal with al guidance. "Don't be stupid religions. Keacly said he's been (Death) and different ways of look- about your ability to survive the teaching and learning about death ing at it." stresses of your life as if you're not ever since. The medium-built Ready stands rest of us. Build up a good For Ready, the class is a mean- It's a great time at the front of his classroom, arms like the to stock up on presents at the support community, a good system ingful journey. "Between our pre- crossed, instructing the class about so that you can survive and so that sent moment and our death is a death in a thoughtful, reflective Spartan you can live and die well." journey, and once we come to an Bookstore!! manner. He wears Dockers and a Avila, a senior in liberal awareness of that, the quality of polo shirt, and his gray-blond hair Teresa and student of Keady's, life, the joy in life and the depth of is coaxed into a Bill Clinton-style studies class speaker who had life (are) much greater," Ready haircut. He is easy and relaxed in recalled a diagnosed with terminal can- said. addressing his students. been talked about taking risks in Kramer said he sees value ill During a class meditation, cer and life and living to the fullest. 'What teaching Death. Dying and Ready reminds students what class did for me was to mainly Religions "because it's the only Buddha taught: "The origin of suf- this and think about class at the university that one will fering is desire." Ready encourages (make me) stop my life to the most certainly need to utilize in BUY students to feel and experience my life. Am I living their life." small deaths, like the loss of rela- fullest?" "For me, this class has con- "This is a class you always want tionships, friendships or personal in mind," Wong said. "Life status. firmed what 1 thought I knew to keep continues after this class and you any 2 pieces of clothing "The Eight-fold Path of Hope (about death), but I wasn't so sure want to hope that you remember for Buddha teaches that the sad- because nobody ever talked about life in order to die without what you've learned (here) and ness we connect with death is dis- it; living at regular full price apply it to your life." ( retionary for uswe can choose fear," said Jo AIM N'otig, psycholo- to let go, or we can choose to he gy major and another of Krady's attached." Students were encour- students.

resisted Hellenism and died as martyrs. Hanukkah One day the Greeks came to the GET village of Modi'n and set up an From page 1 altar in the temple, fore dig Jews to altar. They commanded the Jews tel bring a pig as a sacrifice to show wide! the C1,111101 Of iill SeiC11( id soil ship Greek gods and sacrifice obedience to Antioch's decree. dynasty. In I 76 Antiochus pigs in the temple in Jerusalem. Mattathias, an Hasmonean priest, any 1 additional piece of clothing .impliaties IV I title to /WC! 411Id The Greeks also also erected altars became enraged and killed both a MIlicIWIt'd }JIM tit t. of I !i- to the Greek gods in the streets of Jew and a Greek official who ntik inducting tire unit 'mon and Jerusalem. at Si intended to sacrifice a pig on the the lecognition of the Sabbath. Mle.frWti eagerly MK {led to the sacred altar. An tit n It wanted to make gy asium, the symbol of Greek later, Mattathias and his five ler usalem a ( :reek city and built rut emphasis on the beauty and HALF PRICE strength of the body while others sons; Judah, Jonathon, Johanon, Ekeazar and Simon escaped, retreating into the mountains. Bookstore and Coffeehouse They began a guerrilla war against the Greeks and their Jewish allies. 5toccon Avir,e Se Jose :A 9526 Discount is taken In 165 B.C.E., Judah on the item with the El 293-5312 Maccabee regained Jersularil. He and his fol- lowest retail price. Bookstore Hours: lowers found the temple in ruins Sunday 1-4pm and worked until the the 25th day Monday Friday 6 30-9pm 10% Discount if Kislev restoring the temple. (Does not include items already on sale) Wednesday 4-9prn They rededicated the temple, Bring this coupon in for Saturday Noon-6pm 10% relighting the Menorah with the Come in and check out all the specials off any merchandise one of oil they were able to Bookstore Magazines/Zines Music find. Although the flask was only Audio Books Videcs 7-Shirts (excluding Entertainment books) iate-day's worth of oil, it miracu- Gay/Lesbian Pnde Goddess/Spirituality lously burned for eight days.

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41111111 Spartan Daily San Jose State University Tuesday, December 10,1996 5 Kwanzaa From page 1 not one related to the growth and Identity and Power. A sense of development of Black Americans. direction is to practice the princi- African-American spiritual holiday The third remembrance, retrieval, ples in our moves that helped our was formulated, developed and ini- resumption, resurrection, and ancestors to endure oppression, tiated by Dr. Maulana Ron rejuvenation of those principles slavery and racism. To emphasize on Dec. 26, 1966. The Karenga were utilized by unity of the Black family. operauons are based on the cultur- (Way of Life) Black Americans ancestors. The "A unique aspect of Kwanzaa is al principles of the Kawaida principles allowed them to endure it is not a gift-giving exchange Theory; a premise that a social rev- racism and oppression dur- process," Millner said. "Instead, olutionary change for Black slavery, sojourn in America. people give the gift of reaffirming America can be achieved by ing their "Kwanzaa started in ties to loved ortes and the commu- revealing and disclosing individu- Millner said, late 1960s in Southern nity." als to their cultural heritage. the to reaffirm posi- Although some people celebrat- During the 1960s, Karenga, who California by U.S. traditions from harvest cele- ed Kwanzaa properly over seven is now the chair of black Studies at tive and how they days, Millner said others may Cal State Long Beach, noted that brated in Africa choose to concentrate on one par- many community-based groups emphasized positive values." Kwanzaa ticular media event. Kwanzaa is still were functioning and utilizing a According to the to under- evolving, it claims not ties to reli- myriad of ideologies, plans and Informational Center, is to relate the past gion, but some Black churches are social approaches. This plan was stand KWaIlLita In order to under- incorporating it into their services. developed to assist Black to the present. present, Black In preparation for the celebra- Americans obtain social hariges in stand the look toward the tions, a straw place mat (Mkeka) is the era of civil rights in America. Americans must The goals of Kwanzaa is to placed on a table, along with a The Kawaida theory gave condi- future. and facilitate a positive seven-teares candle holder tions that would enhance the revo- develop self Black self-esteem by exposing indi- (Kinara) with seven candles one lutionary social change kir the viduals to "Kwanzaa," a culturally black candle placed in the center, masses of Black America during desirable pattern of principle's, to three red ones on the right and the months (il ( h utber, Nit wember, help them live their lives and three green ones on the left. The December or the Christmas sea- encourage the highest level of spir- black candle represents the son. itual development. Al rican-American people, the red The second condition was that People will never look forward is for their struggle's, and the green during this tunic, Black Americans to posterity who never looked represent their hopes for the did not have a holiday. Review of backward to their ancestors. The future. cc, ci I R \ SI.%111AN DAI1S the major holidays celebrated by purpose of Kwanzaa is to maintain as executive editor and advertising director, respec- the American society revealed that Larry Lee and Kristy Barenbrugge will serve a history. History is Knowledge, tively, for the Spartan Daily next semester. Symbols of Kwanzaa defined New staff chosen By Yuki Wedtunieyer shim- S.1111 11114111.11111% 411 lils 011 Ille poih- To get a better understanding Umoja (Unity); Kujichagtilia in a reinfiacing gesture of Swim. Daily Staff Wrilrr LIU' 1111% 0A11,111%1' 11111111 ,11S11 .11 iii,- (haw of to of the meaning of Kwanzaa, the (Self-Determination); Ujima honor, praise, collet tive work %%oils .1i 1111' 1r,,11% .1111/111111 Let' 111 a The 1997 Sin ing Spai tan Dail% Ims, trig plans primary symb( its are defined as (Collective Work and and commitment to continue uolitoon ext.( wive editoi tonnes with an "Fits! and !mentos', I %%mit stu- iltoul samasuel as Ittulortu inus follows; Responsibility); 11,janiaa the struggle by their ancesuirs. dents and the o. aminisoinimminty !slat 1997 wailitaiititt date. A symbol is an item or an (( :ooperative Economics); NM 6. ZAWADI (Sall-wall-dee) - The impiessive teS11111e, 1111.11111V tiioi lat king in tAtwriturit Ill lead the impel," Lee said ool his 'I tsailitfl it, gadirr inonitunttiro object that already has a name (Purpose); itiumba (( ;reativity). presents (gifts) represent I ) the (Ape( Limons ton next semestei. hi,-), no Said. "rye' Ilis name. is Lai 1 le and represents SInnething sign if and firiani (Faith). I ruits of the labor of the par- "Thai's %se're isootkitig liii" 11,111 .1 5111414111 14,1 Ole 1).1Si year, 11/1 ( cgo 'ilia!' in Ow icant. It is renamed to give sig- 4. MUHINDI (Moo-been-dee) - ents, and 2) the rewards of the iou is oilcictig 1 said hi- \\Atli!, gist 1, anI 1 \,1111 1114' I rinstaiii work of nificance to a new group of peo- The ear of corn represents the seed sown by the children. graphii s and ((ills drpai 1- owitis ti 1995111t1 lepril ling lot .1 t todunationoil sislt and still Ow I /.1115 1., go.) hat k into things." ple or persons. offspring or product (the o hil- Patents must t ()Irwin their c hil- shin, t illcs pit k icjc the Stiio e he has liven out of the the Dads as a winet OUt tao iela- I. MILEKA (M-kay-cah )- The dren) of the stalk (the father of circa) to goodness which is beau- init.! tsi unit lo op to it a hoc' tions and nien's basketliall in I he papt.i. (hawing 0161 %CAI. a1111111S iStl't Mkeka is a straw mai on which the house). It signifies the ability ty. They must commit them to tIto ugh' 1,1,1%1,1.111g inaitlial r’S11,11111% 1.1111111.11 with tuverytttle spring semester. 11 was liii IA111'- all the lother items are placed. It or potential of the offsprings, good acts, good thoughts, good I his 1.111111% si-ict toll loon %mil posmoits. 11%1' r(11101 ill 111t' 111111)wing tall is a traditional item and there- themselves, to become stalks grades, etc ., for the coming year 1,111It'llIri (111..1%1'1, 1%tt.1.1%, I hat is ins one handl( ap,1.4.1. fore symbolizes tradition as the (parents), and thus produce and reward them at cording to k said. "Ii ssas !mid to pit k a stall, Willi a (1i111-11111 11111 .111111111141 - foundation on which all else their offspring a process how well tiny live up tit their si..iis. hill I co' is us 111111110 .i144 4111 loco I (mildew dial ihts art. it CM goals, Ku isis [tat rob! iigt4t isull I ests. which goes on indefinitely, and ( ommilments. ( 'omalriess, again, go citig ill iii1114' M1%10,11/11 lillslirr 55 goilip. I am looking hot- 'wad tip the Spat Lin [Lill% Awl 2. FUNARA ( Kee-nah-rah ) -The insures the immortality (it the is the beauty and beauty is that 1111111 .111.1111 scats tintti log stall as ii'. ohm ic ill. Kinara is a candle-1)(11(1er which nation. 'II) illustrate this, lila( k whit It promises happiness to the ts (Amu. I (a A1111111(1 o li.mgt situ I.ttu’s last She WAS Illt nt,ittictt,ml inanagti 111 S11111. In., last Hit ii holds seven candles and repre- Amerit ,cos use as many ears (II la111111% all(1 ci ouuciiiicnrity. F4ir all o Sitting I tIttli and lii u clad manag has hiking o lasses and piepat iotiutt will lw ilw adviser, who will sents the original stalk from corn as iliey have children which acts. thoughts and %AIM'S 11te Sit-st. I a cent.. Roth semesturs, et in Fall mg it, giailiiait win( Ic all sprAng. it is traditional- again signifies the number of invalid if they do not in some lw I t.i %sot Loll %still \tat k Louth:twin, "Thu mchito cm oil (stall) %sato. 1,, do "1111. oppoitiiniit (to ly said that the first Isirri is like a potential stalks (parents). Every way twist-fit the t i11111111111ity. 0 -set mist- C1111111 I %S.1S I/11,1111111 aliti :uric srais, is !casing Oh. of c orn which produces house has at least one ear of 7. KARAMU - Tilt. Icasi symbol- 1.111111.11111111111 ,r %%111, said, %%11111 1111' 1111/.1111111111 11,111111111111 11.111s torn, which in turn bee -s t urn; tor there is always the i/o's the high festive celebration S41111.1111,- Prat 4111i1 tiggi "and maili wow iitanagtis 1111 Woi% 1111' 1111%,11111111 111111 "I mu, g' 'mg uu, it, 55 Iou k." Lee stalk, whit Ic reproduces in the potential even if it has not yet that brings the con lllllllll itv 1 111111H' 11 iiii.uuis .4 higgri pal., 111 /11111.- 4 s.til 1 said I aim 11,11,Ing ci Lai- things sauce manner so that there is no been realized. together to exchange and to '1111( !Slat ito !Lucid)! tiggt said slw ito.xt lit 411114)1s %stir 11111 k i.ccoghoh .oiooh avply 116cm, ending to Black Americium. 5. KIKOMBE CHA UMOJA - give thanks to the Curium for lo rim 5, iii, bc otso Uhl night ailset using mid 111,1 and alst, u.s11.11 I II from 3. MSHUMAA (Kee-coam-bay chah-oounte- their at c iimplishments (luring Alm. pilii414 nevei wc mid hi,csc o Itosto outsspa 14 4 14'41 Sso11.111g lot atene as ssyll " - The seven candles rep- jah) - The I. nity cup symbt olizes the year. It is held mi the night SfSI . 1,111 ilw t emu ts the Seven Print iples the first principle of KWalltita. It (if . 31 and im hides lood, louailstt using 1101.11' S111 11111111 I 7%;g11/o S.111,11 rill Whir II Ilic first is used to pour the libation for think, must( , dam e, c onset sa- "N111 1111111 1111'11.111% 11111 I olut 1111 go to 1.11 hot it set up our so( km in older then ant est"' s; and eat It mem- tio on, latightet and 'citations. to go into adsti iisnit.t in

that octct pm plc would get the bet of the immediate lamily tiggc said -I its 1.. (AI. MAXIMUM ITO111 it. 'FIR'S ate extended Lundy drinks from it (pen-witult.c11.4 this !Ruin i I oI,otic %smut 1, limil myself Arm micn tics! ,s111 ligge Ilium:laic II, plaits .11111 nusu %las 60510

uslY:1) DUPE ail(DIJA Nguzo Saba: principles to solve problems (peso 1000 5 IM SIOCII1 Kwanzaa has sewn Pit iples plOhlell1S .11111 111 SOIVI 1111111 6. Kt/UMBA ( XiAlIVI I We used servers! glut' Salim 1 he Silgittoi Saha ti igether. -ho (lo .11ss.o. ,is We used erlIl seeks! responds to 4 11111111 11111111 uisooh in 4. UJAMAA 1PETIAIIVE 111111h as 0 .111 hl ohiouuc, he Wd% 111.41 150 Welled heftier kelp! . Boards- RIM ks tic solse pooblems I iii FAA INC )MI( :5) -(i)(2-1AII-ithill I - 11 m an, in intim too leave the 111111 guzoi Saba All sic, MIAMI sini itual To huild ,11111 111.1illlitill 1111( 0W11 1111111th' l 111C111111111 .1111111111111- p_sneasswes Ilmendl win( plus, dealing with telatitilis Shit err. S11011% :41111 ( other businesses 1111111111 eveMehle Bindings - 50 beldeleed hew tom 1111' 411111111111 liars and 10 profit together from them. an d rebuilding 7. IMANI (1.11111) tau in UIINT Mai MN iii then omit images 5. NIA (14 'RP( 151..) -(nrc-Al I I -.1i) 11411111S, iroll 1... 4511173S -S11111 I. UM(nA 1 \ [Ill (.,,,N.1( /k- make as our i live vim anon the ICA11111s, 111.0ple g111111 111111 Roots - Cd'O v-c) ohl - Ii, suns( 1,11 riatilulam building and developing of our striNgles. 111111S 111 1.1111111. i 0111I11111111V, ( ommunity ill mole, to feSlrill Die have the hest selection h 11,1114,11.111111.14 perple 10 their traditional great - Learn to Meshed.' leiernsedeee czlifomial 2. KUJII:IIAGULIA (SP.1.1, eel shauxed ceases Di 1 R's11%.31 i's; - ( be a 11101011011.1.14/11, ,h,i-goo-1 - lo define our - waiter or OM Softy 400m. FS -14oXff seises. Immo oll111.11%1’S. 1 Wale for Illr1605 Prsteroftrin RENTAL oottmelm s and spo ak iii 111111-WIWN. 4.( Improve Mee oven .$20 A DAY FoR SOT+ I 3. UJIMA ( ...FIVE WORK Cut your 2 Hair 1 ,Vs(1) RI. SP( )s.NI hi 1 .1 IY1 -(00-114.- & shampoo w/student ID and coupon mall I 1,, build and III/11111AM our service the ? lood an appointment Walter -"Ii 6054at 1,1111111111111% 111gi het and iii make Please call for ci loin Itlac ks M111111111% OUT skills! factory lawIrl 2 for 1 401 235 0681 Acrylic Nails Permanent Waves Itt Infant death 116 111 is F-lair Coloring Nail Tips Accredited by NACCAS D JAIN( .11 (Al') A swim nopirsis,i,i,.,s, bosiriend weir teen Agri and hei le Plain Facials Si Plain Manicures $2 Indio ted Mionda% in the death of 1111' IleWlir rill Mill, Halriusl' Iro riming Prepu.moon Alb/Allied 1' .1/111%e% A111111111 Fcclfv AppIlliVell Ii' 411% WAS 110111(1 111 out, 11.1S11 11.1,1.1111111 Assistaiii (Jassy. Regularls Student WO( (hils SAN ]OS[ S1A1G UNIVERSITY A grand pirs handed up first - 14111 Academy of Hair Design Gamer Academy degree minder molt( tments IMonterey CONTINUING HUGATION ir) lira Si 3161 Semler Rd 01., Bt Ian C. Peterson 1r. and Santa against Sail 11(sir, 97,1 I I Ani% Gromsberg. Moth 18-Se.11 Sail lose, CA 9111 i o o dirge 111..41111111. Who all. ( )(11 Mum hi (408) 287-9861; (409) 972-2130 o hat ged 111 the de.1141 Of 11Ir 1,- 1,1,1111d, 2-0111114 I' Lib% 1.1111 ill .1 Newark Mt /ICI last month I he plas- 118 infant was to sytapped in December Graduates! WINTER the thish m and (lumped in WORK SMART! by joining the staff at Contractors Labor Pool. CLP has been 1 9 9 7 iiur 1111% was .111tripSy o111,111111'11 on the cutting edge of construction employment since 1987 and has a proven horn health% track record of Building Excellerce. If you'd like to work in an environment where integrity, dedication and entrepreneurial spirit are rewarded, then you Get your free class schedule at... openings are available in San owe it to yourself to check out CLP Immediate Continuing Education, ADM107 Jose, Santa Cruz. Berkeley. Walnut Creek. Los Angeles, Anaheim, San Diego, Seattle, 8 Denver. Responsibilities include customer service, recruit- Student Union Information Center ing field errployees and customer development. Admissions and Records Assessment Center 4 al us Denetati Campus Parking Garages Requirements Competit We Salary 11:t, 4 Year College Degree C L P Benefit Program 'h or on the World Wide Web at... PC Literate Incentive Bonuses Excellent Communication Skills Advancement Opportunity '114C '4104111ILI 1141::1)11i111.1111;'1 .1114 Please send or fax a cover letter indicating what area you are applying for along with a resume to: Contractors Labor Pool 200 S. Virginia St., Ste.600. Touchtone Registration Ends Friday, December 13th" 0 o 0 llllllll Reno, NV 89501/FAX (800)220-7681 PEP9-9911919.9.111

6 Tuesday, December 10, 1996 Spartan Daily san jos. sesta univiirstey

Jani Bongo, SJSU graduate and owner of Say Area Skydiving, heads inside SIXTY, SECONDS after a successful skydive. PURE RENALINE

A skydiver comes In for a landing at Bay Area Skydiving in Byron, CA The popular Bay Area "drop zone" Is the third largest In northern California.

zoas Ihr brst /11 f/1/ I've (vet f.xpi ova( rd.' I was sa mud a ail ps1( jay' all al Mr same . 11


first-linu. I ikur Vivek Kini, an Accelerated Freefall student, receives instruction from jump master Pat Garcia. Skydive

11'41111 1).igo iugh 1-1 11, ii ciii' III ,,ccicis 11 1..t V. , \yob "I 1,, 11,111.1, 1211111w'. 1.1 holt tit huhu, .11111.11, I 11,4 t ill; Ilium 111,1111 1111 r. 1 .11,,1 It -1,114 1,

c .111 11.1111 lilt Scici1. i 1.1 11,11w, ..11( ciVil lwcci ii Imph

1(11..,11 .1. 1.1Io 1 1 1, 1 1.111 1.1 tic , u, cci Ii icc 1 mi. I l' lc hill,

Ass. i.iiliidl hid 14 111110 I II 11,...1 II gi 1.1111,1 111,11 11 cc cciILI, 1 Josh Parmelee (right) waits nervously to make his first skydive, Skydiving instructor and site manager P.J. O'Keefe uses a hand-held radio to

llic 1111111111,1111cci 11""I' a 14.000 foot tandem plunge with jump master Jani Bango (left). communicate with a student skydiver. "WI' C1111111,1,1/I 111,111111 II III.. .111.I

ii H P.M ,14.. First-time jumper Kurt 111S(.1111 1 .111 ..11I I IV:. 11 ,c I ii i,iii, i 1.1 .11 1 Roessler l,1111 .11 'i ccciii .,I111,1111 I 11,.11 III.. 111. I (left) Is congratu-

111,11111 1.11. .111.1.1111111.I. iiic 1 I (r ic 11 11 1.11 \ lated by Janl Bongo after a

'Hite! 1111 11,1 1, chlc 1.1. . successful tandem skydive.

111(1111 .111% 11 1..1 1111111,g 41 ., 1 1.1 Sc.11 .1111 11c

Mil punt 11A Iht slut!, ill 1..1.1, I 1. 11 .1y,.1111 lIcc.IsiliiilcilIiik

lie 11.1,,1)11, iticu S/I; 1.i1csi1i. 11111 1.11, ii cliiiidig

still....1,1.111,11ciill,11,1 ,ISi to, v.itit As..11, 111 I 11 4

in POI i I ,s.c, 1 ii II, ii t , III. 111,1 11111,

14%, dcgicc III 111.11111, 11 111.1 Ili III irr .11.1 1111, kW .11 NI 111111 I lh I II I.

Ii'J11)11 l,111 I 111.1 cci I 1,111 11111 I 114 I 1111., .11111 S11111

1111? 'dug .11 I c ccc 111 .11(.11iii POIistili.1 1 11 11, 11.11114.. 1 11111 111, .111 1.1 11151 ..11. 1,, 11110 1111,1111,, S,I111 111.111 1 11..11 1.1 I lc 111 II 111 s.11,1 t,1111 .1 11111C, 1 111 ,iuitl11,1,,ci c1ii, Ii /11.1%..1111 11 le \ ’f c. 11.111 1,11 11.11 141. 1111111, Il111

%(,11,’ %,p1 111 ..1 111 1,1111.111.111 .11111 Sc its )1.111cii '`S (, 11 ..111 III III 111.1k1 a 1.111111 111

1), list c ii Iii' ii 111,,t., .111(1 111111 Ilimit, 1111111. 1 11.11 (01.11 Airtilt 1ctcici lt,uuugc c ii iiihi. %Ail! c. ii II . 1111 1.1 .111


Mia...... 1.111111 Spartan Daily San joie state University Tuesday, December 10, 199 7

Clubs team up, do good JACKIE CHAN FIGHTS FOR AMERICA By Ed Oberweiser IN HIS BIGGEST ACTION FILM EVER. Spartan Daily Staff wen., Two SJSU organizations the We're not doing this for publicity and we're not Black Student Union and the Jewish Student Union are co-spon- getting paid. We're just doing this because it's the soring a blanket drive to help make some homeless people a lit- right thing to do. tle warmer on cold winter nights. Wendi Hodgen, BSU president, Roland Roth said today is the last day when Co-chair of Jewish Student Union there will be volunteers and a table in front of the Student Union from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., weather Student Life Center. SJSU," Roth said. "We're not doing permitting. Students can also leave a mes- this for publicity and we're not get- Clothing and money will also be sage for her at 924-6229 to find ting paid. We're just doing this accepted, providing other ways for other ways to help. The two groups because it's the right thing to do." students who have no extra blim- decided to participate in the pro- kets to help if they want to, ject together to show unity. GO DIGITAL at Hodgen said. The joint project is the begin- "We wanted to make sure if we ning of something we hope will UNBELIEVABIE PRICES! have a warm place to sleep, that continue for a long time between others do also, Hodgen said. the BSU and the JSU," Hodgen Nokia 2160 $169 Money collected will be used to said. "We hope it will encourage Motorola Micro-D-L 041 69 buy blankets for the homeless who other student groups on campus ERICSSON DH 318 $139 shelter in the San Jose Armory, to work together for the good of $19.99 Christmas Ral S *dal' which is serving as a homeless shel- the community." ter during the holidays. "The fact is that at a lot of Near Downtown: Roland Roth, co-chair of the versities in the United States, there 20th & E. Santa Clara St. Jewish Student Union said the is a lot of tension between African 408-971-SAT1 'blanket drive will continue American and Jewish students. We SW. to me val on 2,4( ccrfte throughout final exam week and don't have that tension here at NAT there w111 be collection boxes in front of the Student Union every- day from II a.m. to 3 p.m. Roth said if students ciin't bring their donations between those CALL US AND times, they can leave them at the GET A NEW PARIS $195 CAREER FOR London $219 CHRISTMAS! Madrid $299 Guatemala $249 Mexico City $149 CONGRATULATIONS New York $139 DECEMBER GRADS! WKS ta Lit WAY Mid SIi Fit.01./0 1.4110 CO. 110.1.1,11 NOW!. F.M. PO WI KIM IMO" IA.. CULVER RECRUITS FOR 4..1;ikLVI E 53-545, woo. am myna.. CHAN'S PiCs you.. emu. cd memo P.a=nu M 40VIIPSIBII1 SALES AND MANAGEMENT Call for a FREE TRAINEE POSITIONS Fl ROT STRIKE Student Travels Magazine! THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA. CALL US AND GET A NEW CAREER Council Travel FOR CHRISTMAS EMPLOYER PAID! 394 UNIVERSITY AVE., SUITE 200 PALO ALTO, CA 94301 CULVER PERSONNEL SERVICES 5994 W. LAS POS1TAS BLVD. SUITE 211 408-295-8886 PLEASANTON, CA 94588 FAX: 415-325-4325 httpi/ (510) 416-9400 PHONE (510) 416-9401 FAX JANUARY 10 EURA1LPASSES ISSUED ON-THE-SPOT!,

SPAR IAN Slit PS. INC Coopers a Lybrand L.L.P. San lose Stale I iii se,

Coopers I he I Stale lIniselcli% A11\111:11 Finitn. al Condition &LyDrand gitr,1(.,,tx,i, .I.. v., et firm N cal 1 'tiling lime In. 19qt,

Absct5 intent Assets


(milts It«it .ilili 1. 9111S51 16 Mins to publish, is 117,2,11 IfiC8,091 Ikii cialile Itiiuiioflie, bind 2911,142 To the Board of Directors Insentorii 2,114,145 Spartan Shops, Inc hepaid (-Timm s 71,725 Deli litl I(Isis 11_11,1 We have audited the accompanying statement of financial position of Spartan Shops, Inc (a Assets $5.51f1,051 California State University Auxiliary Organization) as of June 30, 1996, and the related statement I istil Asset'. Alt oI of income and expenses of the auxiliary activity fund, changes in fund balances and cash flows by 1 and fund for the year then ended These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization's management Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial Ind s statements based on our audit I aseliold iiiiiiui iiiii, His 1 Mal I iscd Aso Is

I :It (11111111.1k 11 Itii1,i114111 4.2c, Lim We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about Iu)IAIAs',IIS $9_129.152 whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by I 1411itivo and I und 11,11antcs management, as well as evaluating presentation We believe that the overall financial statement ( ill I 'abilities our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion Acci mills pa able Haile Capital I yaw I 7blipation Imu ill pillion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, Iltiritic l'at able firth iii piniiim the financial position of Spartan Shops, Inc as of June 30, 1996, and the changes in fund balances l’aalulc I() (1111(1 hind and cash by fund for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting Aculicd I minion-, principles 10.11 I ill 1(1)1 I rihilitiec

Capital I ClIC(' 1111111,:111011 1 1,11111'11111011 4141.4t-id cec, /le 1101RIS ablv I imp [elm Poulton aropt44- A« tiled Post 16 Mein, Benefits hind Balances Designated 9B,7111 San Jose. California Relamcd 1 ainings 4,905,221J 5.V94-0J1 August 15, 1996 II11 AI LIAM! 1111.S AND HMI) IIALANUFS $9.799.159

A complete set of the andlicd financial slalentenls ma) be obi:lined or revic%cd

in the Executive Dircclor's Orrice located on campus in ilic ()Id ( 'alcicria I1111Id mg

).1.9, *Ts's(' iothifity asus,,shon siglomhor il ( or,1(0, Ot I y(oar,,11(11(.0(1(0,onill (I & I 00 and I I I AndSp1,96 EITIVIentallallallimmrulw’elmemP

8 Tliesday, December 10, 1190 / Spartan Daily San Jose State University

S. A CHINESE CUISINE-FOOD TO GO ISanSalvach w Mandarin & laincli and Dinner AttP,Saddle Rae-4 Ilox laniclics to Go Ctitcring Availablc I P Wednesday Extravaganza ...after lOpm... Vtittli/C23 it 131 E. Jackson Street Aihr No Cover Charge / Draft Beer $1.00 / (i Sallia Clal a ItrIWI'ell 3111 alld 4th 511111 Drinks $1.50 Well ol'EN. DAILY Friday Night Blow-Out ...before 10pm... III-000pm 294-3303 or 998-9427 No Cover Charge / Draft Beer $1.00 . $

' ifidliCit 14141. BE IWIFN RAcr ST AND MERIDIAN Avr -2 BE OCKS NORTH OF 280 r,.I. A t%111t1o1 r " ror rr it rill I, f 14081286-3393 .4. /,/ Ira 1..f.4:" 4 :A

. ,

CIPIEISARY_ A drinking person's bar! tr` Where Fraternities & Sororities meet! DIRECTORY No drugs and Fighting! San I'crlro CINEIBAR Market 0, mg. 69 E. Sin Fernando 1st St. IP (corner of 2nd) r^ 41)illowasp FREE SANDWICH 2nd St. I allit ? . 111 III. Il 5.111111,14 3r(1 St. eimh, and \ ilium ink r ....,1 1111 II ,101 St. 5 ii.. ..,,di,. ',irk ...... -.111 SJI1111,1, 5th St. t4 " I. , 0 0,..i.,.(...iiiaia, 11(11 (.1,01., ON 01 (ill 11,10 ANL, ON 6th Si. Z YVOMOIIINIAI All III PO, 11101LI (11)1i., ,,i, ii..,.k.,..,. LK AIM I MI Al OP PAY' Y NOI 1141' I WIWI 'm I I 117 7th St. 60 0041. 801 St. IN) 011..11..111 it...ati.( .11.. I , . 9th St. (101) : .-.. 10th St. P , OM) 288-5676 ,_. , , ,... 1 P .110/4 AI,. I I. 'N.AI I,.. 11th St. ,,...... .. ,,-. ,... 1..10 "III Ilr P ,ii, ,,, , ,, 1..11..ilid I ill. ',... cl .. 1 6 L ' J 4 6' . I" - _ .....: ...."*. sCs;:p 8 I 7 .../....."0: ...... P4 Amil Mr pp, _ S. I a( .a AkILLII r PUPA i 6. gel1!"Inagill ,,,, 7 - rif

,:. ',/*; 1'; 'I"; J. ' .. F, i,... ::: '. . L. ; .LI: ..- i -'''' SPARTAN SAVINGS TIN NEU' & USED )KS, a VIDEO'S, CD'S REQ'VCILC . BOOKSIORE

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4 4 Tuesday, December 10, I m 9 Spartan Daily San Jose State University SPORTS SJSU fifth-year athletes talk to kids

By Sons Sharma school administration." Orchard Supply Hardware, Coinerica as from Peer Educatots in the I lealth SUS:Ut Whiteson Safer, outreach consul- Sparuin Daily Staff Writer Fith year athletes like Hunt are provid- Incorporated and San Jose Waters. Center. tant in Hoover Middle School, said, it is Becky Hunt, former SJSU basketball ing guidance to such students in a few San Rich Chin, Associate Athletic Director Renee Allen, peet educator, said they an excellent concept and what makes it or player and a child development major, Jose schools as part of Project Team Work, and director of the project said they look inform athletes about AIDS, safe sex, and breaks it is the people who do it. In past had always wanted to work with children. organized by the division of inter-colle- for athletes from psychology, counseling legal aspects of working with students. "We years we have had some people who have However, her experience did not extend giate athletics program at SJSU. or teaching backgrounds to mentor and will be working with athletes to break not been consistent and committed. This to working with kids susceptible to drugs This project provides scholarships to tutor high school students. down some of those stereotypes and to year was really lucky." or gang problems. So she was naturally athletes who have completed their eligibil- Chiu said the program helps athletes as help the athletes not to pass negative judg- Stack Lonaker, SJSU swimmer, a apprehensive when placed as a mentor to ity to play for four years but have not yet well as school kids. "When they (athletes) ments on to students." human performance major and mentor in students at risk attending Willow Glen graduated. go out to the schools, they see they are Project [cam Work comprises eight Hoover Middle School, said the project is Middle School. Consuelo Rodriguez, educational pro- mentors, leaders, they are important to mentors working in ii cur Sanitise schools. a trying but valuable experience. "Working "We are targeting the kids who might be grams analyst, said the project is a "com- these kids." He said it helps them in their Paul 14...anter, res cc teacher in Lincoln with this population of students from having trouble with their school work and mitment from SJSU to say not only do we performance and their self esteem. High School, has been involved with the diverse backgrounds has taught me a lot. also with the decisions they make in life," want you to play sports but we are also However, it is not easy for the mentors program for four years. said the pro- It's been a positive experience for me and Hunt said. "We want to talk to them before committed to your education." to win the trust of students and they often gram works well because kids ell it iv talking I would like to think that we are making a they make bad choices that might get The project was started in 1993 and is stumble on a situations they are not to college-age students, lieu ing about difference." them into trouble with the law or with the sponsored by corporations such as Apple equipped to handle. To prepare them- their experiences in college', .ind emulat- Computer Inc, Applied Materials, selves, the athletes undergo training such ing them. Bears put SJSU in a deep freeze By Devin Fehely MM. hell. It Ica, cliii handed spatulas; (:oopei tilt in in the air and something Special to the Daily 11..11 11141.1111 'S goal that things din d goal of the evening of interest on the ice. begatc I, mitael tot the extended the Bear's lead to fie 'r. Unita-tit:lately, the Spartans When the visiting (:al Bears SIMI 'to'.. In the ensuing per i..d Do 4W11 ti- I , the Spat tans pulled allowed themselves to be were penali/ed midway du, iugh tIn Spat tans would Chi is Ileathiliati outscored 4-1 in the final period the second period lot haying and a hall, the Items to St 01 e (-plat et1 him with Peter effiTtivey ending all hopes of a too many men on the it e, It allow rd giials. Mt Hugh. comeback. seemed to explain why the SIM' 1111.111SWel Valiant r scoted At tht t isk ccl adding insult to According to its organizers, ice ha it key (earn appe.0 ed Center tOln two goals lot die Beals. num y. tlic Spartans were not the purpose of the single elimi- Undelltlallited alld 4 /WI - the next puck behind ccci Is 4.111p1.11Ied Friday; they were nation tournament was tel whelmed thrtaighout Ft ii Lt 's :al t "Intuited the the net and pamed it to N'allance mammal led. tor most of the demonstrate to youth hockey game. the goal. Valiant ee ening, the Spartans played players that there is a choice of Although the notion of an in hunt of into the open with all the subtlety of a sledge- continuing their education and extra nhui 1111111aked In cliiii.ds snapped the 11(11k minutes latei at I 2:02, trammel. ( )iitc hissed by the also playing quality and compet- until the second pet-it'd would net. Two se, "lid goal Re.1144, 1.IIIS tried tic itive hockey in the Bay Area. hive' made the loss eatiiel icc Valiant e oiled his Valiance thellt. This After the game, the Spartan accept, Spartans coach Ron in Main:Mt fashion tam' defense- applOat lu dill little 10 SIOW the locker room was overrun by Glasow was not interested ill oinskated the Spat put k. Sti eaking cup Ileats' 01 liaise and young hockey hopefuls collect- excuse's or far-fetched eXplalla- man tot the the left side, he then pas.c.t1 to instead tesulted in a number of ing autographs and words of DODS ft sr his team's poor pet ha- teat lllll ate jell Bates in hoot of ci stiv penalties. 'the Rears met encouragement. These aside, m:nice. "We played our worst net. Rates' shot was bloc ked sit ength with stiength and then the Spartan players remained game of the season," Glasow the by Spa tail is beat the Spartans with speed tight-lipped in their disappoint- said. Ileathman, bin was te«neted mid skill. ment; refusing to comment on The Bears mauled the 'at, /ICA 1/N 5.111.111( C. The Spat LUIS tried Ill I1101111t their performance. Spartans 10-4 eliminating them and V.111;1111 Se«Hid goal extended .1 t ()nicks( k late in the sec ond After the game. Glasow com- from the first annual Gold Rush to 3. pet toil. Team t ma'am and cen- plained that the Spartans' sea- Collegiate Ihic key Tournament. the Beats' lead The Beals u losed the pet tod tea 1)iiiiiry Fliebeau (hove son has been plagued by erratic With the lisss, the Spat tans tell with goals In Cooput and ble- lOW.11(1 the Mg, thawing the and inconsistent play. The It, 6-9 overall w:n(1 ( )leg Suklionin. Al the Rears' delenseman away frt MI Sparhuis return to the Ice The Beius unloaded cal l% mid mission, die Spat tans to111' (he'll Centre on Jan. 25th when they often till the outmatt first Mich loom di 'NM paSSed Whose Slap- play Stanford. center Riley enter rd die lot ker Spartans. Beats' shot It iihl tlist the bine ciumot overemphasize the Cooper opened the game In The 4mA:slight t llll ed as 11114. 10111111 lolls thew. Wing Ryan imp irtance of this game (against stun lug II 1:45 in the fist pet the Spa tans entered the set mid Flet IN'S goal at Ifi:Ifi oat rowed Stanford.) A loss could be sea- od. Thu Spat tans' offense period I he Items opened the the Ili-au'.' lead 11 1 dIllee. 1-4 a Ille son-ending," Glasow said. evened the st .,te at +19 on wing pet iod Is scot ing on the shot iccieleS1 there ccas - Ii r Watindal's goal. At his point, the two teams still appealed evenlv-

Plano lei DIOW Nrii.sts - SPit-lAt lo liii SPARISS DAII suNDINY NIGHT Dennis McDonald (6), SJSU ALIVE" hockey assistant team captain DATE: December 15th, 1996 and defenseman, takes a PLACE: SAN JOSE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE swing at UC Berkeley's Oleg 790 South 12th Street, San Jose Sukhonin (24) in the third peri- TIME: 8:00pm in the gym od of Friday night's game in the first round of the Gold College age young people wil gather for an evening of celehr ion. Rush Tournament at the Ice worship and challenge. Centre. The Spartans lost the ' Jason Ingram's band will be leading praise & worship. and game by a score of 11-4 Call 293-9058 for questions and directions. were eliminated from their own tournament. GRE Clarification GMAT The football report card in Monday's issue of the Spartan Daily was compiled by staff writer UP! SAT Marcus Walton. For the football player. angry with their grades, Dustin Shekel! and Mike 30-I It)111- $370 Traphag,en had nothing to do with the grading system. iNci.11)Es m

It.,,.,, 1...f. a ishaal aic aal ' I 111.49.1. 1.11.1. le-1. I 4.1(1 .lial 4.51 \ I hill. oat preliaritie. 'Ube, don't 4 011.0114.1 hot% 11 ..111 la 4,1111. 4I 1111.010i 111 411101' 4.111110.01 i11141 practice. I c Mc, I. I Pr p aim - BOOK iii r. this.. 0,11 111411.111 M1111 11111011 411.100.-114 I. -1 1" ii,, ..1111. pv1,0111110 11111 11 .01r 401 14 III 1114. 1,11111 %I hal iall -tail, 111- STORE again aitil again, e, that ir.t taking e. kill 5, lorelicti.o.' and IWO 0.11.111,11 .11101,11 141 irg1.1111 that .111 1111-1,./10. stair e 01 V.11111191 .44 41.1.111. 1111.. 110 1110141 griallialle at geminate program al soul I I 4 la, p atil .a. III114.111 - IN APPRECIATION OF YOUR BUSINESS WST 411141 4 10.1 111..1 al Ira,, tu,,Ii 1114. 111'11 f 01 1114. Mit.. 111.11 14.4.1 4099..400 KF:CISTER IA OR 1111.110% Ii. 1.411 THIS SEMESTER WANTS TO Registration 14.0 I Ilia I .itame tipigi.s. I iii,, I ouro. Foil. 14.4 Ihur I .111 Fr1.10.11. 1947 Spell '1 'Si,l hall I,! 155, vein %L.!, 10. IWO: 11.111 Deadline I ,%1 \ 1 1'''''Irs9. 1997 Mom h Ii Pei: 1. li POO; REWARD OUR CUSTOMERS. 1.1., IMF, i. 1947 Thal h 111 19117 Nov. 15, 1996 I 1 1 0.11.1r, 1/. 11147 Mi,' I Ii. Pei; I -I I IP, ; 1097 %NO 11 1./4: BRING IN MIS AD FOR: hUb I enter Iv.' Pry!. N it II. la Ian Don't Wait! iipsllicaall. 104 ',H..5 I. -1 ',I.,. -- Ii, Register I .aill U 114111 ...I. I. Test Date: U Sit, 01111' I t I. I / 115-:121-3696 BUY BACK BONUS Dec. 7, 1996 2000 0/0 CASH Olin Center Prep 15(MI EXTRA 10 116 I Ailillorttia %%risme %Ito. 911:11116 I"' n GIVEN ON DEAD DAY 190 FOR USED BOOKS Fate...Rent T....1 Preparation $25 fee ii Atiordahle (Mt 4,51 VI. s 1:turrardeed. 338 seimi nimi AT smi um DECEMBER 11, 1996 Pay at cashier's office %core Inerra Central 1,111 el eye. artiala coeval 4/90. 11011 11111 1.1. Wahlquist 1.M ii 4 crap. marl. cairal 0449. 1111 1841 la VI .40.1.404.11111. 00914. 12. I'ra 286-0930 8:30AM - 5:30P11 I 0 Tuesday, December 10, 1996 Spartan Daily San Jose State University

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PAID BASKETBALL Delivery People OFFICIALS Needed South Valley Flexible hours Family YMCA work as little as 5 hours per week. Saturdays Take home $$$. 8am-Spm Pl= A Dec. 14 thru Go-Go March 15 280-0707 Pays $5.50- $7/hr. ask for Tim Training Provided CALL 226-9622 Spartan Daily sank's. stab, University Tuesday, December 10,1996 I I NE\

Classi ed Phone: 924-3277 II FAX: 924-3282

The SPARTAN DAILY LOOKING FOR ALEUT opportunity DELI COUNTER PERSON NEEDED WORK IN THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY *JOB OPENINGS** nukes no Nan kr products or to work for a great company during Mon. thru Sat. Part-time, Train During Semester Brook. Elec. engineer FOR RENT CAMPUS CLUBS WANTED makes ithertleed WIWI nor Is the holiday vacation? Check out Heidi's European Deli. 629-5400, Are you a Hospitality Management Warehouse Clerk those ray elleseollee Ingle& The the following opportunity at Blossom Hill Rd. near IBM. or Recreation major? Cio you have Testing/Technician LARGE HOUSE FOR RENT PARK CITY UTAH JAN. 6-11th. SIMPLE BASS PLAYER WANTED ocesnes of the Swan HewlettPackardl travel industry, retail sales or tele- Office Administrative 8 Bdrni, 5 Bath, Parking, SJSU SKI & SNOWBOARD CLUB. for rock group. We have a CD and Daly meat al Ladd advortleing We need someone to asset us in a YOU.EED A JOB WITH A MUNI marketing experience? Classic Elec./Mech. Assembly Storage. TV Room, Study Room, $439. includes air, 5 nights full record company interest. Please nod GINN. are riot approved or short-term software testing project We will train you for a full-time Custom Vacations hers the perfect Sales/Customer support 530 S. Sixth St. 253-2449. condo stay, 4 out of 5 day call Ed 408/279-8422. veiled by the rampaper. at our Sunnyvale site during Dec. position with our nation-wide him). Job as part of our dynamic reser- Call 408.942.8866 pass, hot tubbing & more! Call 15,1996 to Jon. 15. 1997. This will We offer: vations staff. We are located in &care 9.aing Sakes, Irc.ECE SJSU INTERNATIONAL CENTER Mark 408/2920955. be a temporary work assignment. *Weekly Pay Incentives downtown San Jose & specialize 1778 Clear Lake Ave. Milpitas. 5 Minute walk to campus INRTS/ THRILLS EMPLOYMENT Essential Functions: Monthly Bonuses in selling customized vacations to (2nd Fl.) (Hay 680, ed Unless he. 'Newly furnished rooms PerTCHWI user testing on the Visual *Competitive Wages Hawaii and throughout the USA. east, tum eft at Oar Lie he.) 'Well-equipped student kitchen ANNOUNCEMENTS 100% PURE ADRENALINE' NEED CHRISTMAS CASH? Diagnostic Authoring Environment Grouprate Health Care Classic is looking for quality sales *Computer & study rooms There is nothing compared to Valet pears needed 11/29-12/7g system based on functional speci- Complete Management Training specialists to enhance our fast- 1111000's POSISEE REAONG 630101 'Laundry room STUDENT DENTAL PLAN the exhilaration experienced by at Stanford Shopping Center. kations. This is a Windows based You must be career minded. paced reservation center. This Part Time. At Home. Toll Free 'Parking ' Only $57.03 per year. skydrving! Tandem, Accelerated Apply Pytelepricne (415)3403444. application running on Windows (That's All) Call 408-345-3936. excellent cpportunity offers: 1-800-218-9000 ext R-2236 for Arnerican & tee-national %dens Save 30%60% Freefall, Turbine Aircraft. 3.1,WIndows 95 and Windows NT. P/T, flexible scheduling. Listings. Call 924-6570 or stop by for a tour. on your dental needs. SJSU student owned & operated. TEACHER-School Age Program Applicant should be: KidsPark -TEACHER, PT/FT 510-815 /hr. potential 360 S. 11th St. (Between Sal Carlos For info call 1-800-6553225. BAY AREA SKYDIVING 26pm. 12 BE wired Located near Junior, Senior or Grad Student at a high quality, licensed dropin (base salary + sales incentive). & San Salvador). 1-510-634-7575. carnpus &train. Excellent sleety & Familiar w/ Wrxkavs environments play center for 2-12 year olds. Full employee benefits package. TUTORING benefits Cal Marty 408/453753a Have used graphical Windows Minimum 6 ECE units required. Attractive travel benefits. 1 BR APT FOR 1 PERSON $695. HEMMBIBEAUTY applications fairly extensively Flexible day, evening & weekend Professional waking ersironment ENGLISH TUTOR 2 persons $800. Clean, quiet, WORD PROCESSING FOOD SERVICE/ESPRESSO BAR Have developed some Windows hot's. Benefits arail. Cane by or call 'Convenient location, 10 minute Speaking, Reading and Writing sober & financially responsible TIRED OF UNWANTED HAIR? FT & PT positions avail in busy apt/dab:re use* Veual 'South SanJoee welk from SJSU. Credentialed Teacher required. 551 & 553 So. 6th St. Electrolysis is the answer!! PROFESSIONAL Word Processing whole foods restaurant, All shifts For immediate consideration for Near Oakridge Mall Indepth, 2 week training session Call Jessica (408)978-8034. William at 408-292-1890. I remove hair from any where Theses, term papers, group avail, flex hrs. 57.50-$8.00/hr to this opening, please send your 281-8880 January 6-18, 1997. on your body, from facial hair to projects, resumes, mini is micro start. 7339446, ask for Wendy or resume to: Hewlett-Packard, Attn. *West Seri Jose Strong communication & c.istomer 2 SORIA. APARMINT - $850/M0. bikini area. Call for appointment. cassette transcripten All formats Victor. Must be 18+ years. Glenn Goodson. 1266 Kifer Road, Near Valley Fair senice skills important Mutt enjoy & SERVICES Security type building Camelia's Electrolysis Place, Fax available. Experienced, MS 1000, Sunnyvale. CA 94086 or, 985-2599 thrive in a sales oriented environ- Secure Parking 1190 Lincoln. San Jose, 9939093. dependable, quick return. DRIVING INSTRUCTORS PT & FT. email: Fremont ment. PC exp. req'd. EOE. Apply TYPING UNLIMITED for all your Close In Mon-Sat./ Free Cons./ Eve appts. Almaden/Branham area. Call Healthy HS Grad with clean DMV. Hewlett-Packard Company is an At the HUB in person or send/fax resume to: typing needs. Reports. Resumes, Modem Building All Students Receive 208Discount. Linda 408-264-4504. W. San Carlos St SJ. 971-7557. equal opportunity employer. 510-792-6997 Classic Custom Vacations, Cover Letters. 408-441-7461. Laundry Room 1North Fist St. San Jose, CA 95113. Pick up and delivery options. Village Apts. 576 S. 5th St. ELECTROLYSIS CIJNIC. EXPERT WORD PROCESSORS. JOIN NEW ELECTROPIC Ellebtellon THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY SALESPEOPLE NEEDED ASAP Ph: (408) 287-4550. (408) 295-6893. Unwanted haw removed forever. Science & English papers/theses CyterSource Corporation Internet is now hiring for all positions: Hot new technolofte - Acess Fax: (408)287-9272. TEST PREPARATION HELP. Specialist. Confidential. our specialty. Laser printing. distributer of software to corporate Server. Busser & Hostess. Apply Internet by TV via remote. Harness the power of your mind Your own probe or disposable. APA. Turabian and other formats. developers needs: in person. Monday-Friday from Make your own business. BICYCLE MESSENGER to learn to relax, retain info, & feel FOR SALE 335 S. Baywood Ave. San Jose. Resumes, editing, graphics Experienced technical support/ 2prn 4prn. 51 N. San Pedro. Unlimited 88$ potential.. Pan-ume, Flexible Hours. more confident about final exams 247-7486. and other services available on interface w/ customers regarding CALL NOW 415-2036777. Great for Studentst this year. Call Jane Hagan, Clot., COUCH & EASY CHAIR: Well-laved either WordPerfect or Word. downloaded software. TEACHER/INSTRUCTOR P/T Elem. Serving Downtown Sanlose. at Inner Power at 406.3762543. Extra cushions. $5.00 or best MEN & WOMEN Masterson's Word Processing. Knowiedgable Engineering interns Schools. Start in Jan. No degree mg. SAN JOSE LIVE Inner City Express. offer. Call 971-4569. PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL. Call Paul a Virginia 408.2510449. to supexet UNIX hardware &software Work around college sched. poly. RESTAURANT/NIGHTCLUB 22W. Saint John St. San Jose. PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST now Stop shaving, waxing, tweezing on workstations. Install, configure, for teaching experience. EOE/AAE. Seeking motivated individuals for accepting students who wish to GREAT NEW DISCOVERY that Or using chemicals. Let us perma SUZANNE'S treubleshoot workstations & nehscirk VM: 408-287-4170 ext. 408. the following positions: TEACHER/AIDES/REC. LEADERS excel in playing guitar or bass. All cleans your car quicker!! New 0811 nently remove your unwanted hair. WORD PROCESSING SERVICES . 80th jobs require hands-on Management *Kitchen Manager, Elementary school-age recreation levels welcome: Beginning, WASH-MATE. Call 1800.758-7016. Back Chest Lip Bikini . Chin Word Processing and Editing experience with UNIX, TCP/IP, BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED Kitchen Staff Line Cooks, program. P/T from 2-6pm, M-F Intermediate or Advanced. Learn Tummy etc. Students & faculty Academic/Bus. Work Accepted. workstations. Familiar with HTML Earn to $25.00/hr salary + tips. Administrative Assistant 'Food during the school year, turns into any style: Jazz, Blues, Rock. WEB PAGE DESIGN' receive 15% discount. First appt. Reports Theses MLA/TURAB & PEARL. PT during school year. Students needed in the immediate Servers 'Bus Persons *Cocktail F/T (or P/T) during summer camp Fusion, Funk, Reggae, or Folk. Software Training Cd's ! 1/2 price if mode before 12-31-96. Expert In APA Format FT other. $13.75/hour. area Be-time/pan-time openings. Servers 'Maintenance Supervisor program. Excellent salary. Los Call Bill at 408-298-6124. Hair Today Gone Tomorrow, 621 E. WP5.1/6.0 Laser Printer Fax iirqueited, get resume Call today 1-415.968-9933. Bartenders .Host/Hostess Gatos/Saratoga Recreation Dept. Call now I 409-231-221.2. Campbell Ave. 1117, Campbell. 7 days a week 7am - 9pm Engineering, Mail Box ENG. 485. International Bartenders School, 'Door Staff 'Cashiers Call Janet at 3548700523. EUPHOTIC FOUNDATION (408) 379-3500. (510) 489-9794 (Bus/Residence) E-mail: If you're outgoing, personable, Confidential Spiritual Counseling II! RAISE YOUR GRADES III RELIABLE FAST ACCURATE Fax: 9243883. Call: 924-3928. ECE STUDENTS: Looking for a enthusiastic, intelligent and fun to SECURITY Metaphysical, Astrological, Medi- SJSU 4.0 GPA students share their part-time job that won't conflict be around! F/T & P/T, Will Train tation Classes. Gnostic Western secrets! Benefit from their expen. SCHOLARSHIPS TOJO'S Word Processing Service. P/TBNLOWAINT - ATHLETE DEPT. with your class schedule? Join the VISIT OUR RECRUITING TABLE Day, Swing and Grave Shifts Tradition. Call (408) 978-8034. ence! NEW Self-tutoring Tech- 'Resumes' School PapersFlyers Reed's Sport Shop teaching team at the NAEYC at the Student Union. Permanent & Short Term Jobs niques! For booklet. send $4.99+ FREE MONEY For You Education! Powerpoint presentations 926-3020 Ask for Jim. accredited child care center at 11-u. 12/5 & Toss 12/10 kim 9-2. Walker Security Services WRITING ASSISTANCE any .99 S&H to SYNERGIX, Dept SD Apply for your shore in millions of 'Color output Good Sam Hospital. We have FT or apply in person 408-247-4827. subject. Why suffer and get poor 1794 Plaza Casitas, San Jose, CA unclaimed private sector aid. Call VERY LOW RATES EARN $1000 PER WEEK AS A and PT closing shifts available. Monday Fr day 10am -6pm. grades when help is Just a call 95132. Scholarship Resource Services, Call Today, 408721 3113. COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVE (5 days/week until 6:45pm) Mini GET PAID WELL TO VISIT away? Harvard Ph.D. (former 408.261-8676. Our company provides On-Thelob mum of 12 ECE expenence ASIAN WOMEN NEEDED Flexible Interesting Fun college teacher) assists with 'AFFORDABLE & EXPERIENCED* Training in major Radio/TV required. Salary range: 59510.30 for egg donation. Desperate Asian & lucrative adventures. research & writing. Tutorial also AUTOS FOR SALE FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE! Graduate Studies, Thesis, Tenn Stations for On-Air Positions, al, per hour. FAX resume: 40/35532619 couples need your help to concerie. See how! Request your avail. Friendly, caring, confidential. Millions of dollars in publ,c and Papers. Nursing. Group Projects, News, Sports. Also Technical cm 88 4(8659-2453. Can you help? Ages 21-29, exclusso free info package. Convenient Peninsula location. 1976 DATSUN B210 New tires, oil private sector scholarships & Resumes. All Fonedi Positions in Major Recording non-smoker, healthy & respxeble. Ca111408-793.5106 voice mail Dissertation/thesis specialist. charge, 4 spd, stereo. Looks & runs grants are now available. ALL in APA, Spelling/ Grammar/ Studios, Video & Film Production EARN $11 TO $15 PER HOUR 53.000 stipend ald mparses pad [email protected] Samples & references available. great. 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DAY CARE TEACHERS service oriented people are background or Asian languages at Mtp:// 800 218 9000 ext. A 2236 for On Saturdays, 8am3prn. Small World Schools is hiring P/T needed to fill positions as required. For information call: Regular email current listings. Dec 14 thru March 15 and F/T teachers for our school Lunch Servers. Dinner Servers, 1 2069713570 ext./60415. Call for tree phone consultation: Pays $5 5057/hr age day care programs ir San Hostesses. and BuSSers. (415) 5260505...ask In, Deneel. Training provided Jose and Santa Clara. Units in Please apply at TELEMARKETING PT/FT. We INSURANCE Call 226-9622 ECE. Rec. Psych. Soc. or Educ 1181 E. Calaveras Blvd sell discount subcriptions to Bay MOVING SOON?! Daily required. These may be compieted between 2:00pm 400pm Area newspapers. Auto dialers. Lot HELPING HAND Moire Assistance AUTO, UFE & HEALTH EARN EXTRA $$$ or you be currently enrolled. Call Flexible firs earn 9pm. 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BM.. $6 $10 $12 $14 $16 Announcements* _Services* Good tips call 408265.3929. Send check or money order ID dilddlIMEN MEM $1 for each additional line ost and Found** _Health/Beauty* Spartan Delly Classifieds Volunteers' ,,,SpOrts/Thnillb MEM MEd= NNW $ EARN EXTRA CASE $ Son Joss State up to $120/week! After the fInh day, relsr Inereseee by 91 per dry. _For ..ialc _Insurance MOM ME= MINIM Become a Sperm Donor. Fest line (25 spaces) set in teed or no extra charge Son ass, CA 11111=r2 _Autos For Sale. _Entertainfrent* Up to 5 addrtional words available in bold for $3 each Healthy males. 19-34 years old. Classilied desk is located in Dwight Bentel Hall. Room 209 _Computers Etc _Travel I= =MI MEM Univ. Students/Grads/Faculty Deadline 1090 a m two weekdays before publication _Tutoring* Contact California Cryobank SEMESTER RATES _Wanted* MEM MMIAMINIMM Al ads we prepaid No refunds on cancelled ads _Employment _Word Processing 415-324-1900, M-F, 3-9 lines: $70 10-14 lines: $90 Rates for consecutive publications dates only _Opportunities _Scholarships ddilMIIMM MUM CRUISE SNIPS NOW HIRING - 15-19 lines: $110 OUBSTIONOT CALL MON 5244277 Earn up to 52.0004-/month MMOMMEME MINIMUM working on Cruise Ships or Lend Special student rates available for these classifications.$5.00 for .3 line ad for 3 days. Ads must be placed in person in TOW' companies. World travel. 0BH209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required. MIME =Ed MOM Seasonal 8, full-time employment available. No experience micas- **Lost & Found ads are offered free, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community. ME= ME MINI airy. For information call MEM 1-206-971-3550 eat. C60417. MIMI IIMMEM San Jose State University Spartan Daily I 2 Tuesday, December 10,1996 SPORTS 11111111111111,

Spartan Daily Fall Semester Sports

Ralston's stellar achievements earn him honor

eflje 1,1- ttllif 111.11, nitsirt il itt ti From the press box \ant 11,1 h., 1 hie!. [lit By Mari us Walton lie ieillel 11.1.4 he elide el ee kV. 'Neelelhe e,le I odell I

.m11.11111,11 gain, s. 1 it 11,41, till, 11,1 SISI /1.1S It1.111 11 111. 1.t 1 ...Mitt II ht. I. lilt WI All 1 .11111 1 11111 SC1111-.111, 11101,, BY DANA!. 's 111111.1Pit SPAR1AN DAWN' 114t1, 1 11, ..tight iiaa. 11111,- It ptitild Idit .1\ .111.11111' 1,11 Illf it, Head football coach John Ralston watches nervously from the sidelines during the final moments of his last coaching victory I ntltt 111 '011ie ili s. ,..I II 1 .1,\ I.t 111,1111, 111111 .1, against UNLV on Nov. 23. 1.11 \ .11 ,111 11,1s ill CH 1 ',II II \Slit, mad, II, an,ait,ii 11.1.1 11,11 .111 4,1 1 igla p,anies Iii 11, 111.1. t., , flu, I 1,11S I his was .1 Weill 1liel 111 .11Ist tit 5th. lit I, 'Ts! his ho gI.ltlli.11IltIi raw. hate 11111 t11111.11 1111 \ l KWIC 111/H1, .11 1,4), where all out a SCa.S011. it 11. si 111'111111 If.1111, S1'11 SI 1 .111 Illt If 1,4 III Olt tt.a.,..1 mitIrt Ralshm's leadet - SI.11111/111 he'd base to dr, Is hunt-h with Now, he can do what he is best t 1/11111.14 111.111\ 1.1".11 ,,11,,,I.11, Hilt it .1 .1111, awl !lime ,Ite mide a kw plas- Ii,' irtis I I h Slat I he the alumni once a week. He chose suited for at this point using hia I ct .1111111111 I,\. 111.11. 11111 1111 1114 11 .1,1 m. ill it,iitt: I...minium% .11 t ( ,thain Bowl and INAS lush iiiiIi'td' not t,, do that. Instead he brought influence to help promote the 1111 1 1,1 If ti 11111 111111gs 'it Ilt 111 1 ,11111.11 ite,glant. MI III Ih11%el his influence with him to lowly school. Itm I km 1111 111.111 11 11, 11,1111 INt.11 IIIS 111 ti .40 1111 Ida \ 'tilt ii,. sc hings.lit.111,1 nta sill B11,111115 101111/.111 te,rin that is' clii iii SIM'. Dave Baldwin would help him- t Itts, 1,1111 Hail I 1111 1 1,111111111\ 111.11, 11,1\ 1111, 111,. 141,1 .1111,111 11. 111, 11.1S 1(.114A,(11 up in the Supt.! Bowl ihe sr .0 Alted Belo] is-e applaud his retire- self if he used Ralston to his fullest Ia. 55 1.1,111 .11111 ct 11 '11,11 1.111 1/1.1\1 I 'trill .1111i,l, 1, ,! .1,ci k.1111..11 s..111 1 1 11.1, 4 .1.14 111,1 he lett ment, we 411,,tild thank for giv- potential. If Baldwin wants to play V.11111 55.1, 111,1 ,..111 toll. 1111, 11111 1 1 lit lilt it 1 1.d 111,111 111,1 1.111011 111.111 \ tt1 Illf !WS, 111111,11 Ralson! is so well lustre( ted that mg this unisetsity some 'recogni- a team on the West Coast, let 1 lit \ 111,i1 lit ,1,. Sli\' "111'l I, .11111 itt.,111 sic 1.0,111.111 11111 1.V.11,11. 111- 11.Is i iii Iled III RUSSIA .1111111a% tion. We had also hotel thank him Ralston do the negotiating. I don't e 1 t.11.1 1 it Ilit iii 1.0 1,.,1.. S 11. I tit., \ , 1 111 k \ 1 1 1111 11 .11111 11111 \11111.1 .111 .11,,I11111 1111. 4soild pionnoing lot stir king mound as a special know of any other coach or athlet- h. I. an it al, It, th. 41..w il sl it tht 111 11 1111111 1 \ 1,11111 the game plased wilh an inflated assistint to the athletic ihrector ic director who can tell the man ..1. assagnni. , . m. I, .1 1 1 1 /1st 11 .111.1 11111 1.11111k111 1/1.1\ 111 pigskin and III this position no. Use him to build on the future. I II. If t.1,1lilt. 11,1 1111 .111 .1.1.,111.. 1 1.111 1 It! 11,1 $11 1111.11 I 111111 All (hat I all 5.15 is 01.11 this 11111 lit' wt,11) liac it gct nut on the All I can say is Ralston is more ic .i111,1 \ 11101, .ttIllt 11.11;4 It 11" "." ""1""" 11""14 'ti1 Ming leg 1"1"kg"I I" 11.'"' iiiiui loothab field .uirl Ii er,c during the than just the Spartan Daily's 'it Sall .1 .11111 11 11 111,1/1.1, t 1111, 1,1t.I1.1.1111 iii II, is .1 isis. t lir ,.111 at n, ,,,111,1 lams seasi tn. nor will he have to Sportsman of the Year. He is, and N..1111!. Ilit III II USA, 1 1$ II 1$ 1 4 1 1. 1 11 1 int nth, ..1 On I ..11vg, Icict gl,ne it. Simi,. old a long deal with die painful pioress of has been, this university's hope for it 1111,11. 1.III 11..111 tilt! 11.111 1 am. II, is. tic Ina "in.. hitt nine ag.. awl .ettlet1 mitt Sc tiilt' icing a football team through- the future. 1., 11, tii \ 11.111 Sports at a Honorable mention glance


Mon it basketball acob tacie man B rooke Malae Savage Kebreab Jones

.1,111. lint 1,M Sa.141..a Itot %mil MI the Kehrrah. I orward for the Jones' .347 hitting percent- Iley finished first for the Women's basketball 4.1 1111 SISI 1..011.111 11 .1111. 1,.1, \III 1 er team, was n. Sol cm- team, was named to the age set a st himl record as she Spartans' cross country team 11.1111111 in 1111 11 %I r. 1111 s-m Ilivision Waver WA( : Pat ill, Division's first led SJSU into its first season in every meet this season it I 11\ 1,14$11's sl 1,111 11 .1111 III 1111 ..11 ilie NI..11 Ma% .1%ilf (led team alter his first ,,,dram1,11 :IA it in the WA(:. The senior start- except for one. She was 11... 1 . if, it 11/10g1.1111, 111,1 Sc .1,1.11 III 1114 1/1a511 ccl ihr Werk Spartan, lie had the 11.4111 ed in every match played and named WAC cross county 0111411111 I II. lat and 11/Ilii.IN is. ccc' cluuiiuig hi,.' with 1'3 goals. tied with loth was second ion the team with "Athlete of the Week" on Oct. awm the to am laatlt ta, Spat 1.111.. inaugural 1%11 tam Riehl and Justin Smith f or the 31)4 kilts. Jones' serve was 7 as the senior brought more I., with I III s,., itaign 'marling in all 21 id the team lead with six assists Juni intimidating as she erushed recognition to the team in only WA( 1 tha week II iii team's 14.imes, Sas ag. cc ortrirl finished with a team high :42 the opposilion with 41 aces, its third year. Before the sea- liii !Camel., sic Tot s against 'M- 1 14 gt..11. and had direr assists, p Ia. Kehreah also lead the good enough for second on son. the Spartans were picked Swimming I aliser.11% if I lawai'l and "Ill' she lead the Irani %ilh -112 team with 1 game W the team. Jones finished her to finish last in its first season such 1.114 1 41i .1 Iiisi,t,11 1,, Si !Jowls dud 11411 goals. SIM' career on the top ten list in the WAC. Thanks mostly to with 1 ta. kit. 41111111 .1 lit gnals as she helped or service ad-es as a Spartan. hey, they took thirteenth in 1111. I 11114 1%11 \ III 11.1,1111104.11 the ti.ain make an appearante Compiled She was also second on the the WAC Championships in II,' Ma, (IA111111 11.1111 1% duel in the 11.1( 'Imirnament in team with 714 blocks. Dallas. (144111.1st. '1111 l' dining the by Dushn Sheltell 11..1111. .1%.1111, Spartans earn passing grade against Broncos

11 Mint K .11111111,..111 lse lel hi. gaunt high IS pmit. cii hit hist hall lei 111111 pique!, its mid get ready for next game." %1.411 141111 ilir ill Lel, is ill I .1.1.1 .twat tl. heti Xmanagh and I 11..m.t. "I th,titglit I ii shtmed I hat game «imes too soon for I ie. ilit cit it I ,1114 1 1111. 1114'1 Illistis t h netiml sic, punt. in the tpen it hat it.t Ott was illy% pliedcii rism, who said he would rather have 11,1.1 NI.,11,1.1% 14.111It lif iic.i 1111.11 1 1.1111 mg Pt ninititt SISI th, w ond halt toripon his players preparing for exams than 111c1f. 1,11f 11 1111Ig \, 11.11 g1.1414 1111 `,1,11 1.111 1 `11 tli 1..1 I 1,..11 ...MI 111 \,..11111 11,1 idiiii't..dielisite pet It ci iuu,ciui c /11111,11 'huh lilt plmtt. mHtt than h feel, 7 Wednesday's home game against San tutu 11.1,k1 0,11: 11,111 Ilakt 11.1\ 1 si li..1111. 1 11111 1 .111t SI, 1111, Ill',' .. it !tit lite lack il piodin non 11. inc tin Ins. the 141,4i, os wete unable 111 Med> Framist cc 111%1.1 I, I di It .11114.,, tal l'ok Pomona lit 11.1,1 t .11s .44,, 111.1I Ilit 1,4 ward I /1141er Saint tram who was held lush an atiar is I hi. 'spat tans min- 'We t minot heat USF if we play like we ..0 Op 1 sem I 1 1111 I 1!,11111., Illi1 .1111114 I kWh 1111.11 1 s,cicis lise points, mole Ihan IS lielow lip. sea - k tol with st..0.4 .11 Inuit "wpm.. Irom rem - (lid tonight." Morrison said. It will be a 1 111 '1..11 1.111,i .1111111111 11 .1 ,f,,1111 high 1.111111’1 11 1111.1111,11.0 1111.111’.1111, s.,111\11112.1 iii 14cc Ii 1.141,4 is points. 11 lel, )) Is, terrible embarrassment if we play like this iii 111,, gainc awl made ouls 1,41.1s, IP. 11.0 1111 I 11. S.I P.111-11 1.111; " 1 hank g, tt dues.. Ii 1.11,1/1.- is, .11 and I r 'Sr IN IS points, Wednesday night." ight I, 1.1 14 11, .11 halt 1,,1 11,01 salt! 1%111 I do not ''II I Iltit .11,1 "Ile .littt !lie hall well awl plasml M1,1111,11I Mill Sandi Van, yam was lield Notes 1111,114.. II, chic1, 1otim,411,411 ilia tic s. cis, 11,101,411i, matter is.1 al Pols ..,tinew,11,1 defense 11e A1).4,11110% Herded worries% until 14 minutes. Iii ser Mid% Mort ivin would not comment on why thiots iii it 1.1.,s, t 5114 so sail los, ',tan stimk him " 11'111.1111rdui111e bait was up Lite senior guard lahi Bacon was not in uni- Rill 11 .1 till ihl it .4.11141 ,,rsi ItcI 1 ht. It!, .cuts pie...twill .1 tc tughy! tem in Sunda% is, king ,,Il .1, las% p.lpel bion Monday. h% is a 111.1111 .1, Itt,11115 441111e plasing 1 he orposii, \sd. fl lit iiu 11it 111,1 kill. ds thr st, ond hall, as dies found the 111.111, Iticu S.i1111 55.15 ccci 111,1kIllg cxc I1W11 it is a private matter and it is not going Ilt.,1 I., t1111\ ii' 'ii 1111 1,1t 'cc 1 ..111111111 '.p,111.11iN 1,11111 d on 12 ,4 -2', shots while the Spat tins , Ii,11,,Sing Ins 2..1 11 1411/44111g per hit intuit e to he shared," said Morrison, who added 111I ,I.,1,1,11 I .11 P1/11 P.1111..11.1 1 -1 1 1. 111,1111 Ili ell ilshi.,ls I lit 4,41, d si 41 pen flit if Men atiempts "11e goi auglii it he trap .,f platins that Bat on will return "at a time that I liii ii 111111 111Iil g...ils itu the Inst hall awl .4111,11 '21, litsi halt an, linos at.,..11,p4 Oran Sophomote paid 1(1141 %tool( I% Ihsisittn 11w boo!, s.c the eflmi wasii 1 what have vet to determine." tinned ihr hall ..m 1.1 inn,. Iii st 14141.04, 1 41, tie lit I The ieei.1, I t,f Ins lit p, lilts illet inn I uuucs it should base been," Saint -Iran said "litit Ramo has not suited up since Dec. I It ts.ts in a 1.1 Its, Itto haskethall gam,. V11.11 I Pei 1,1( t 1%1..11(1.11'1/M it, .S1.1 it_S a win and we ate going to [Ha it behind against Santa Clara.
