SP S F W Sparrows Welcome to Birding at Adkins Arboretum = Eastern Towhee* C C C C Adkins Arboretum’s 400 acres of native meadows, = * C C C O wetlands, thickets, and young and mature = Field Sparrow* C C C U woodlands attract an ecologically significant diverse = Sparrow* U U O population of . Five miles of paths = Fox Sparrow U U U of provide visitors access to observe and learn about = Song Sparrow* C C C both resident and migratory birds. The Arboretum = Lincoln’s Sparrow R O Adkins Arboretum is committed to protecting for nesting, wintering, and migratory stopover sites to ensure the = Swamp Sparrow U U A Field Checklist survival of diverse and viable populations of birds. = White-throated Sparrow C C C = White-crowned Sparrow U U U The Visitor’s Center has a sightings book to record your findings and to learn about what others are = Dark-eyed Junco C C C seeing. This bird list includes birds that have been seen or heard on the Arboretum grounds, but and Cardinals potentially any bird seen in Maryland could be = Summer * U U U seen or heard at the Arboretum. Please notify the = Scarlet Tanager* C C U Arboretum staff when birds not on this list are seen. = Northern * C C C C While visiting the Arboretum, notice which birds Kentucky Warbler inhabit meadows, woodlands and gardens. Grobeaks and Buntings Consider how you can support a diversity of = Rose-breasted Grosbeak O O birds in your garden or community by protecting KEY = Blue Grosbeak* C C C natural areas and planting native plants. Occurrence = C C C Indigo * Visit www.adkinsarboretum.org to learn about SP Spring­—period of spring migration upcoming guided bird walks and related programs. (depending on species) from mid- Blackbirds February to early June = Bobolink O O S Summer—June to August = Red-winged Blackbird* C C C C Tuckahoe Creek Important Bird Area (IBA) F Fall—period of fall migration (depending As part of the Tuckahoe Creek Important Bird = Rusty Blackbird O O on species) from mid-July to November = * C C C C Area, designated by the Audubon Society, the Arboretum supports significant populations of a W Winter—December to February = Brown-headed Blackbird* C C C C Prothonotary Warbler number of forest interior-dwelling species, including Abundance Prothonotary Warbler and Kentucky Warbler. These Orioles species, which have been placed on the Audubon C Likely to be seen or heard in suitable = Orchard Oriole* C C C American Bird Conservancy Watch List due to = Baltimore Oriole* U U U steadily declining populations, inhabit the beautiful U Present, but not certain to be seen or deciduous floodplain forest along Tuckahoe Creek heard and Siskins accessed on the North Tuckahoe Trail, South O Seen only few times during season = Purple Finches U U 12610 Eveland Road, Ridgely, MD 21660 Tuckahoe Trail, and Creekside Walk. R May be present but not every year 410-634-2847 = House * U U U U The IBA Program began in the 1980s and now adkinsarboretum.org X Accidental: has been seen only once = Pine Siskins O O involves 100 organizations worldwide, existing on or twice = C C C C every continent with over 10,000 IBAs identified. American Goldfinch* * Nests on Adkins Arboretum Visit www.audubonmddc.org/SciCon_IBAs for more Old World Sparrow information about this program. = * O O SP S F W SP S F W SP S F W SP S F W Ducks, Geese and Swans Pigeons and Doves Vireos Mimics = Snow Geese O O O = Rock Pigeon O O O O = White-eyed Vireo* C C = Gray Catbird* C C C = Canada Geese* U U C = Eurasian Collared-Dove X = Yellow-throated Vireo* O O O = Northern Mockingbird* C C C C = Tundra Swan O O = Mourning Dove* C C C C = Blue-headed Vireo O O = Brown Thrasher* C C C U = Wood Duck* C U U = Red-eyed Vireo* C C C Starlings = Mallard O O O O Cuckoos = European Starling* C C C C = Black-billed Cuckoo* O O Jays and Crows = C C C = C C C C Quail and Turkeys Yellow-billed Cuckoo* * Waxwings* = Northern Bobwhite* O O O R = * C C C C = Cedar waxwings U U U C = Wild Turkey* U U U U Owls = Fish Crow* O O O O = Eastern Screech-Owl* C C C C Warblers Herons = * C C C C Martins and Swallows = Blue-winged Warbler U U = Great Blue Heron C C C C = * C C C C = Purple Martin O O = Golden-winged Warbler R R = Green Heron* C C C = Norther Saw-whet Owl O O = Tree Swallow* C C C U = Tennessee Warbler U U =Northern  Rough-winged = Nashville Warbler U U R R Vultures Goatsuckers and Swifts Swallow = Northern Parula* C C C = Black Vulture* C C C U = Chuck-wills-widow O O = Barn Swallow* U U = Yellow Warbler* U U U = Turkey Vulture* C C C C = Chimney Swift O O = Chestnut-sided Warbler U U Chickadees and Titmice = Magnolia Warbler U U Ospreys and Eagles Hummingbirds = Carolina Chickadee* C C C C = Cape May Warbler U U = = Osprey U U U =Ruby-throated  Hummingbird* C C C = Tufted Titmouse* C C C C Black-throated Blue Warbler C C = U C C = Bald Eagle O O O O Yellow-rumped Warbler Kingfishers Nuthatches, Creepers and Wrens = Black-throated Green Warbler U U = Hawks and Falcons = Belted Kingfisher O O O C = Red-breasted Nuthatch U U U Blackburnian Warbler U U = Pine Warbler* C C C O = U U C = White-breasted Nuthatch* C C C C = Prairie Warbler O O = Sharp-shinned Hawk C C C Woodpeckers and Sapsuckers = Brown Creeper U U U = Palm Warbler U U U R = Cooper’s Hawk* C O C C = Red-bellied Woodpecker* C C C C = Carolina Wren* C C C C = Bay-breasted Warbler U U = Red-shouldered Hawk* U U U U = Yellow-bellied Sapsucker U U = Winter Wren U U U = Blackpoll Warbler C C = Red-tailed Hawk* C C C C = Downy Woodpecker * C C C C = Cerulean Warbler R R = American Kestral U R U U = Hairy Woodpecker* U U U U Kinglets and Gnatcatchers = Black-and-white Warbler* C C C = Northern Flicker* U U U U = Blue-gray Gnatcatcher C C C = American Redstart C C Plovers and Shorebirds = Pileated Woodpecker* U U U U = Golden-crowned Kinglet U C U = Prothonotary Warbler* C C C = U U U U = Ruby-crowned Kinglet U C U Killdeer* = Worm-eating Warbler* C C C Flycatchers = Greater Yellowlegs O O O = Ovenbird* C C C = Eastern Wood-Pewee* C C C = Lesser Yellowlegs O O O Thrushes = Northern Waterthrush R O = = American Woodcock* U U U U Acadian Flycatcher* C C C C = Eastern Bluebird* C C C C = Louisiana Waterthrush* C C C =Traill’s  Flycatcher (Alder, Willow) R = Veery O O = Kentucky Warbler* C C C = Eastern Phoebe* C C C = Gray-cheeked O 0 = Connecticut Warbler R U = Laughing C C = Great Crested Flycatcher* C C C = Swainson’s Thrush O O = Mourning Warbler R R = Ring-billed Gull O O O = Eastern Kingbird* C C C = Hermit Thrush C C = Common Yellowthroat* C C C = Wood Thrush* C C U = Hooded Warbler R R = O O = * C C C C Canada Warbler = Yellow-breasted Chat* C C C