ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 07/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 311 - April 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Herzlich willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe unseres Newsletters, Bericht darüber möchten wir Ihnen natürlich nicht vorenthalten dessen Editorial wir dieses Mal ganz knapp halten. Unser (siehe unten). Das exklusive Video zur Premiere finden Sie wie Filmblogger Wolfram Hannemann hatte nämlich wieder einmal immer auf unserem YouTube-Kanal. Viel Spaß damit! die Gelegenheit, einer Filmpremiere beizuwohnen. Und seinen Ihr Laser Hotline Team

Radost will nicht mehr erwachsen sein

Von links nach rechts: Anja Jacobs (Regie), Lola Dockhorn (Darstellerin „Radost“), Alexander Funk (Produzent) Bild (c) 2012 Wolfram Hannemann

Am 10. April 2012 feierte Anja Jacobs’ Film „Einer wie Bruno“ seine Weltpremiere in Stuttgart Sektempfang, schicke Abendgarderobe, Ka- vorwurfsvoller Frage “Warum kannst Du len die Wahrheit ins Gesicht sagt, spendier- merateams, Blitzlichtgewitter - es ist schon nicht ein ganz normaler Vater sein?” - Anja ten die Gäste spontan Szenenapplaus. Für etwas Besonderes, wenn ein Spielfilm ausge- Jacobs‘ Film versteht sich als ein Plädoyer eine Veranstaltung im Schwabenland gilt so rechnet in der Schwabenmetropole Stuttgart für den richtigen Umgang mit geistig behin- etwas fast schon als eine kleine Sensation. seine Weltpremiere feiert. Im Fall von “Ei- derten Menschen, insbesondere wenn es sich Kräftigen Applaus gab es im Anschluss an die ner wie Bruno” war diese Entscheidung aller- dabei um einen Elternteil handelt. Was beim Filmvorführung, als die Regisseurin und ihre dings einfach nur konsequent und genial zu- Anschauen des Films jedoch spontan auffällt, Produzenten vor das Publikum traten und gleich. Konsequent, weil Anja Jacobs‘ ist die Diskrepanz zwischen den beiden nach und nach fast das gesamte Filmteam mit Dramödie, die am Dienstagabend im “Metro- Hauptdarstellern. Während Lola Bockhorn auf die Bühne holten. Insbesondere Haupt- pol”-Kino vor voll besetztem Saal gezeigt ihre “Radost” sehr überzeugend und authen- darstellerin Lola Dockhorn (während der wurde, zum größten Teil mit Mitteln der tisch spielt, tendiert Christian Ulmen mit Dreharbeiten 13, jetzt 15 Jahre jung) wurde Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg produ- seiner Interpretation des “Bruno” etwas zu verdientermaßen mit frenetischem Applaus ziert wurde und sogar in Stuttgart und Umge- sehr in Richtung Kasperletheater. Mit seiner bedacht. Christian Ulmen musste seine Teil- bung entstand. Und genial, weil die Regisseu- stark überzeichneten Figur generiert er so nahme an der Premiere leider absagen, da er rin sogar eine Szene des Films direkt im zwar viele Lacher, doch wirkt der Film da- selber jeden Augenblick Vater werden würde, Premierenkino drehen ließ. “Einer wie Bru- durch in zwei Teile gespalten. Das Drama wie Anja Jacobs verriet. Wer noch auf Tuch- no” ist die Geschichte der 13jährigen Radost wird durch das übertrieben Komödiantische fühlung mit den Darstellern und Filmema- und ihres geistig behinderten Vaters. Bedingt relativiert. Auch hat der Film mitunter mit chern gehen wollte, hatte bei der anschlie- durch den Tod der Mutter wurde Radost dem richtigen Timing zu kämpfen. Dazu ßenden Aftershow-Party in der benachbarten schon früh in die Erwachsenenrolle gedrängt, gehört beispielsweise eine Parallelmontage, Szene-Kneipe “5” dazu reichlich Gelegen- um zu verhindern, dass ihr auch noch der in der sich Brunos Kinobesuch mit Radosts heit. Dicht gedrängt fand der Abend dort bei Vater genommen wird. Doch Radosts begin- und Bennys Faulenzen im Garten abwechselt. kühlen Drinks und Canapés einen würdigen nende Pubertät wird allmählich zu einem Sie ist schlichtweg zu lang geraten. Der guten Abschluss. Problem. Sie möchte sich nicht ständig um Laune des Premierenpublikums tat das frei- Bruno kümmern müssen, sondern ihre eige- lich keinen Abbruch – man lachte gerne und Wolfram Hannemann nen Träume ausleben. Einer davon ist ihr herzhaft! Mehr noch: wenn Bruno seinem Mitschüler Benny. Der Konflikt ist vorpro- fiesen und gemeinen Kollegen Karli (souve- grammiert und gipfelt in Radosts verzweifelt rän: Peter Kurth) endlich einmal unverhoh-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 02. April 2012 lich behutsamer mit dem Stoff um, in- britischen Regierung. Die Jemen-Ge- Anders als die Anderen szeniert diesen weder reißerisch noch schichte passt wunderbar in ihr Kon- Ein eindrucksvolles Drama eröffnete plakativ. Dank exzellenter Darsteller zept als eine positive Nachricht aus der heute meine 4-Tage-Presse-Woche. gelingt ihr ein beeindruckender, voll- Kriegsregion Nahost, mit der man ge- kommen unspektakulärer, aber dennoch schickt von den akuten Problemen in TOMBOY (1:1.85, D 5.1) tiefschürfender Film zum Thema Afghanistan ablenken kann. Diese OT: Tomboy “Coming of Age” und dem Finden der Traumbesetzung macht aus diesem Film Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) eigenen Sexualität. Sehenswert. ein ungewöhnliches Romantik-Aben- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2010 teuer, dessen Drehbuch aus der Feder Regie: Céline Sciamma Dienstag, 03. April 2012 von Simon Beaufoy (SLUMDOG MIL- Darsteller: Zoé Heran, Malonn Lévana, Von Fischen, Hoheiten und LIONÄR) stammt. Obendrein wartet Jeanne Disson Zwillingen der Film auch mit faszinierenden Auf- Kinostart: 03.05.2012 Zur Abwechslung durften wir heute nahmen aus Schottland auf, unterlegt gleich drei Filme in der Presse begut- mit einem sehnsuchtsvollen Score von “Du bist anders als die Anderen” be- achten. Dario Marianelli (der mich an Christo- merkt die frühreife Lisa, als sie den pher Youngs Musik zu SCHIFFS- 10jährigen Michael nur als Zuschauer LACHSFISCHEN IM JEMEN (1:2.35, MELDUNGEN erinnerte). Das Unmögli- beim Fußballspiel der anderen Jungs DD 5.1) che ist immer möglich – so die Bot- sieht. Was Lisa nicht ahnt: Michael ist OT: Salmon Fishing In The Yemen schaft des Films, der mit seinem feinen in Wirklichkeit ein Mädchen und heisst Verleih: Concorde Humor und Absurditäten gut unterhält. Laure. Es ist eine Laune des allmähli- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2011 chen Erwachsenwerdens, dass Laure Regie: Lasse Hallström LEB WOHL, MEINE KÖNIGIN! (1:2.35, viel lieber ein Junge sein möchte. Mit Darsteller: Ewan McGregor, Emily DD 5.1) ihren kurzen Haaren kann man sie rein Blunt, Kristin Scott Thomas OT: Les Adieux A La Reine äußerlich jedenfalls nicht von einem Kinostart: 17.05.2012 Verleih: Capelight (Central) Jungen unterscheiden. Ihre kleine Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Spanien 2011 Schwester hütet Laures Geheimnis, weil Dr. Alfred Jones, leidenschaftlicher Regie: Benoît Jacquot sie dann zum Spielen mit den Anderen Angler und als Experte in der briti- Darsteller: Diane Kruger, Léa Seydoux, mitkommen darf. Und sie findet es toll, schen Fischereibehörde beschäftigt, Virginie Ledoyen quasi einen großen Bruder zu haben, glaubt zunächst an einen großen Witz. Kinostart: 31.05.2012 der sie beschützt. Doch als sich Laure Im Auftrag eines Scheichs soll die hüb- mit einem der Jungs prügelt und er am sche Harriet Chetwode-Talbot prüfen Es ist der Vorabend der Französischen nächsten Tag zusammen mit seiner lassen, ob es möglich wäre, Lachse im Revolution. Die junge, hübsche und Mutter vor Laures Wohnungstür steht, Jemen anzusiedeln, damit diese wieder- intelligente Sidonie Laborde arbeitet droht das ganze Spiel aufzufliegen... um von besagtem Scheich dort gean- als Vorleserin der Königin Marie-Antoi- Sehr sensibel erzählt Céline Sciamma in gelt werden können. Der Witz entpuppt nette in Schloss Versailles. Sie liebt ihrem Film die Geschichte der kleinen sich jedoch alsbald als purer Ernst. ihre Königin über alles und ist ihr loyal Laure, die alles dafür tut, ein Junge zu Und da Geld bei dem Scheich, der für ergeben – allen beunruhigenden Nach- sein. Ihren Eltern erzählt sie nichts da- sein Leben gerne angelt, keine Rolle zu richten aus Paris zum Trotz. Die Köni- von und die bemerken Laures Orientie- spielt, beginnt ein märchenhaftes gin indes ist der Schönheit Gabrielle de rung überhaupt nicht. Selbst als unbe- Abenteuer für den etwas verklemmten Polignac erlegen. Um ihre Geliebte vor darfter Zuschauer ahnt man nicht, dass Alfred. Und wie es das Schicksal so Volkes Groll zu schützen fasst die Köni- es sich bei Laure um ein Mädchen han- will, finden sich Alfred und Harriet ge- gin einen Plan, in dessen Mittelpunkt delt. Erst nachdem sich Laure als Mi- genseitig anziehend. Dumm nur, dass Sidonie steht... Benoit Jacquot lässt chael der Kinderclique aus der Nach- Alfred (unglücklich) verheiratet ist und sich sehr viel Zeit für die Schilderung barschaft vorgestellt hat, erfahren wir Harriets neuer Soldaten-Freund nach des Zustands am königlichen Hofe ganz zufällig ihren eigentliche Namen. einem Afghanistaneinsatz als vermisst während des Umbruchs. Er schwelgt in Durch diesen genialen Trick des Dreh- gilt... Einmal mehr mimt Ewan McGregor goldfarbenem Dekor und prächtigen buchs ergeht es dem Zuschauer genau- einen etwas schüchternen Charakter. Kostümen und präsentiert viele Perso- so wie den anderen Kindern im Film, Und dieses Mal sogar mit schottischem nen – die Herrschenden und ihre Be- die sehr viel später das wahre Ge- Akzent. Man muss ihn einfach mögen. diensteten. So lässt er insgesamt vier schlecht ihres Spielkameraden erfah- Und wer würde besser zu ihm passen Tage vor seiner Kamera vorbeiziehen, ren. TOMBOY ist so etwas wie die vor- als mit ihren wunderschö- die eigentlich wie ein ganzes Jahr wir- pubertäre Version von BOYS DON’T nen Augen! Zwischen den beiden je- ken. Der Film hätte sich mühelos so um CRY, für den Hilary Swank Oscar-prä- denfalls stimmt die Chemie. Die Dritte weitere Stunden aufstocken lassen. miert wurde. Doch anders als im ameri- im Bunde schließlich ist Kristin Scott Doch die jetzigen 100 Filmminuten ge- kanischen Film geht Sciamma wesent- Thomas als eiskalte PR-Managerin der stalten sich (abgesehen vom Schau-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog wert) recht mühsam, entbehren sie zuviel nach. Würde ein Europäer vom doch einer richtigen Story. Der Film THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY (1:2.35, DD Dach eines ziemlich hohen Hauses dreht sich sozusagen im Kreise und 5.1) springen, gesichert nur durch das dün- kommt ohne echte Höhepunkte aus. OT: The Cold Light Of Day ne Kabel der Satellitenschüssel – er Schade. Verleih: Concorde würde sich sämtliche Knochen im Leib Land/Jahr: USA 2012 brechen. Nicht so beim durchgestylten HANNI & NANNI 2 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Regie: Mabrouk El Mechri Amerikaner: der landet ganz sanft auf Verleih: Universal Darsteller: Henry Cavill, Sigourney dem harten Pflaster und steht sogleich Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Weaver, Bruce Willis wieder auf, um für neue Abenteuer be- Regie: Julia von Heinz Kinostart: 03.05.2012 reit zu sein. Uncle Sams Märchenstun- Darsteller: Sophia Münster, Jana Mün- de nervt nach spätestens einer halben ster, Hannelore Elsner Eigentlich sollte es ein Urlaub werden. Stunde. Die gezeigten Stunts können Kinostart: 17.05.2012 Im Kreise seiner Familie wollte Will das nicht wieder wett machen. Und da Shaw einen Segeltörn in Spanien absol- – entgegen dem, was der Filmtitel ver- Kaum sind die Sommerferien zu Ende, vieren. Doch daraus wird nichts. Denn muten lässt – große Teile des Films bei müssen die Zwillingsschwestern Hanni ehe er es sich versieht, ist die ganze Nacht spielen, kann man bedingt durch und Nanni gemeinsam mit ihrer Familie gekidnappt worden. Die Entfüh- falsche Lichtsetzung nicht sonderlich flippigen Cousine Lilly wieder in das rer verlangen als Gegenleistung einen viel davon tatsächlich auch sehen. Es Internat Lindenhof. Dort geht das Ge- Aktenkoffer, den sein Vater angeblich ist schlicht und ergreifend einfach zu rücht um, dass im neuen Schuljahr eine entwendet hat. Als Wills Vater plötzlich dunkel. waschechte Prinzessin unter den Mäd- auftaucht und dem vollkommen Über- chen sein soll. Doch niemand kennt raschten eröffnet, dass er Geheimagent Donnerstag, 05. April 2012 ihre Identität. Auch nicht ein Ganoven- ist, gerät Wills Weltbild ins Schwan- Eine Komödie im Koma pärchen, das die Prinzessin entführen ken. Kurze Zeit darauf ist der Vater tot Ich hätte es ahnen müssen: bereits im möchte, um Geld zu erpressen. Zu den – getroffen von der Kugel eines deutschen Titel taucht das Wort “Kata- kriminellen Abenteuern gesellen sich Scharfschützen. Jetzt ist es alleine an strophe” auf. natürlich wieder Zickereien zwischen Will, den Rest der Familie zu retten... den Mädchen sowie der Neffe der THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY – was für VÄTER UND ANDERE KATASTRO- Französischlehrerin, Philippe, der mit ein Titel! Dahinter könnte man ja fast PHEN (1:2.35, 5.1) seinen Fechtkünsten die Mädchen ins schon einen Bond vermuten. Doch da OT: Un Jour Mon Père Viendra Schwärmen bringt... Jetzt sind sie also ist der Wunsch mal wieder Vater des Verleih: Camino (Neue Visionen) wieder zurück auf der Leinwand: Enid Gedankens. Denn was der mit JCVD zu Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 Blytons Hanni und Nanni. Das bereits Ehre gekommene Regisseur Mabrouk El Regie: Martin Valente aus dem ersten Teil bekannte Team Mechri hier serviert, ist leider extrem Darsteller: Gérard Jugnot, François wird nur durch ein paar wenige Neuzu- konventionelle Kost. So konventionell Berléand, Olivia Ruiz gänge ergänzt. Standen im ersten Teil sogar, dass man während des Films Kinostart: 03.05.2012 noch die Rivalitäten zwischen den dazu übergeht, sich über die Glaubwür- Zwillingen im Mittelpunkt, so sind es digkeit so mancher Szene Gedanken zu Erst nach dem Tod seiner Frau erfährt dieses Mal die Probleme, die mit der machen. Irgendwie erinnert das Szena- der Großindustrielle Bernard, dass er Trennung von Eltern einhergehen. rio an TAKEN, in dem Liam Neeson als Vater einer Tochter ist. 25 Jahre zuvor Dass so etwas für die Kinder immer Geheimagent im Ruhestand nach Paris hatte er eine leidenschaftliche Affäre schlimm ist, wird zwar angedeutet, je- kommt, um seine minderjährige Tochter mit ihrer Mutter. In Bernard, einem doch nicht unbedingt befriedigend aus den Händen von Entführern zu ho- Mann in gesetztem Alter, erwachen aufgelöst. Hier sind es nur die Eltern len. Schon in diesem Film wird deutlich Vatergefühle und er beschließt, seine von Hanni und Nanni, die eine Ehekrise gemacht, dass es eines Amerikaners Tochter Chloe aufzusuchen. Unvorbe- am Ende erfolgreich meistern. Das bedarf, um den schwerfälligen Europä- reitet trifft er auf den einfachen Schicksal ihrer Mitschülerinnen, die ern einmal zu zeigen, wo es langgeht. Gustave, Chloes vermeintlichen Vater. ebenfalls unter einer Trennung oder In Mabrouk El Mechris Film ist Madrid Bernard verheimlicht ihm seine Identi- unter Vernachlässigung leiden, bleibt der Schauplatz, auf dem Nachwuchs- tät und muss erfahren, dass Chloe ge- offen. Aufgrund seiner Vorlage richtet Talent Henry Cavill sein ganzes Kön- rade dabei ist, sich mit einem Tennis- sich der Film fast ausschließlich an nen beweisen darf. Auch hier lautet die profi zu verheiraten. Da sie mit Gustave Mädchen. Lektion: Polizei gibt es faktisch nicht. gebrochen hat, veranstaltet sie ein Und wenn doch, dann ist sie komplett Casting, um einen Schauspieler als ih- Mittwoch, 04. April 2012 korrupt. Möglicherweise kann der Film ren Vater auszugeben. Eine geeignete Stirb noch langsamer nur mit dieser Botschaft am Box-Office Rolle für Bernard... Man hätte aus der So schnell wie im heutigen Film hatte in Übersee bestehen. Der geneigte eu- Grundidee eine richtig lustige Komödie Bruce Willis noch nie einen Abgang... ropäische Zuschauer denkt hier einfach machen können. Ganz im Stile der ame-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog rikanischen Screwball-Comedies. Statt- kann, Joachim Król den extrem pingeli- hat. Denn wenn immer es um Patriotis- dessen bleibt das Projekt leider im gen Logistiker mit Hang zur Mystik mus geht, hat man in Hollywood immer Koma liegen. Weder die Darsteller noch von Schamanen abzukaufen. Denn sei- gerne auf Europäer zurückgegriffen das Drehbuch oder die Regie sind in ne Verwandlung vom engstirnigen Ge- (Roland Emmerich, Wolfgang Petersen). der Lage, ein Feuerwerk an Gags zu schäftsmann zum Verliebten geht etwas BATTLESHIP ist laut, mit vielen Explo- entzünden. Mögliches Potenzial bleibt schnell von statten. Yulya Men als sei- sionen, flachen Charakteren, einer Mu- ungenutzt. Der Gang ins Kino wird zur ne Muse ist hervorragend besetzt. Ihr sik aus der Retorte und faszinierenden großen Enttäuschung. Schade. glaubt man sofort, dass sie die Tochter visuellen Effekten – also genau richtig eine Schamanin ist und dass sie Män- für Teens, deren Hirnfunktionen noch Dienstag, 10. April 2012 ner verzaubern kann. Den besonderen nicht vollständig ausgereift sind. An- Von Schamanen und Reiz aber erhält Huettners kleines spruchsvolle Filmfans werden sich Schlachtschiffen Road-Movie durch seine faszinieren- ganz sicher an manchen Stellen nicht Die recht knappe Pressewoche begann den Landschaftsaufnahmen Kamera: halten können vor unfreiwilligem La- für mich heute mit einem Double Fea- Stefan Ciupek). chen – beispielsweise wenn das zuvor ture. erwähnte Veteranenheer in Slow Moti- BATTLESHIP (1:2.35, DD 5.1) on in Richtung Kamera marschiert. Al- AUSGERECHNET SIBIRIEN (1:2.35, OT: Battleship les in allem ein gigantischer Werbeclip, DD 5.1) Verleih: Universal der seine Wirkung (leider) nicht verfeh- Verleih: Majestic (Fox) Land/Jahr: USA 2012 len wird. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Regie: Peter Berg Regie: Ralf Huettner Darsteller: Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Donnerstag, 12. April 2012 Darsteller: Joachim Król, Vladimir Skarsgård, Rihanna, Liam Neeson Einer gegen Alle Burlakov, Yulya Men Kinostart: 12.04.2012 Natürlich war es mal wieder Jason Kinostart: 10.05.2012 Statham, der in dieser Woche für den Als ein internationales Seemanöver vor höchsten Body Count sorgte. Matthias Bleuel befindet sich in einer Hawaii durch kriegerische Aliens aus Lebenskrise. Seit er geschieden ist, dem Ruder läuft, kann Nichtsnutz SAFE – TODSICHER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) versucht er sich mit Joggen und Hör- Hopper endlich seine Fähigkeiten unter OT: Safe büchern zu beschäftigen. Darin geht es Beweis stellen... Wer bei diesem Film Verleih: Concorde meistens um Schamanen, um Abenteu- marketingtechnisches Kalkül unter- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 er, um Erdlöcher. Ausgerechnet jetzt stellt, der liegt vermutlich gar nicht so Regie: Boaz Yakin wird er in seiner Funktion als Leiter der weit daneben. Denn BATTLESHIP ent- Darsteller: Jason Statham, Catherine Logistik einer Leverkusener puppt sich als der ultimative Navy- Chan, Robert John Burke Bekleidungsfirma nach Sibirien ge- Werbefilm. Wer am Ende des Films sich Kinostart: 31.05.2012 schickt, um die dortige Filiale zu über- nicht sofort freiwillig zum Vaterlands- prüfen. Kaum ein Wort Russisch spre- dienst an der Waffe meldet, der hat Ein in Ungnade gefallener Kampf- chend erlebt er vor Ort einen echten während des Films vermutlich ge- sportler und Ex-Cop nimmt sich in New Kulturschock. Denn mit der Lebenswei- schlummert. Wie einst Tom Cruise in York eines kleinen chinesischen Mäd- se der Russen kann er sich nicht an- TOP GUN, so etabliert sich hier Taylor chens an, das als mathematisches freunden. Wenigstens steht ihm der Kitsch als klinisch reiner Superheld, Wunderkind gehandelt wird und an- junge Artjom als Dolmetscher zur Seite. der in des Landes schwerster Stunde geblich den Code eines prall gefüllten Und genau der nimmt ihn mit zu einem gemeinsam mit alten Veteranen und Tresors auswendig kennt. Alsbald Fest, bei dem die schöne Sajana die einem noch älteren Schlachtschiff sieht sich Luke Wright nicht nur gegen hohe Kunst des Kehlkopfgesanges zu Front macht gegen den Feind. Dass der die Russenmafia, sondern auch gegen Gehör bringt. Eine Musik, die Bleuels dieses Mal nicht aus dem Osten kommt, eine asiatische Triade kämpfen, um das Seele tief berührt... Offensichtlich traut sondern aus den Untiefen des Weltalls, Mädchen zu schützen... Wenn überall Regisseur Ralf Huettner dem Intellekt macht keinen großen Unterschied. geprügelt und geballert wird und der seines Publikums nicht. Denn so be- Wahrscheinlich hat Michael Bay genau Body Count auf ein unüberschaubares harrlich wie er das Ende seines Films dort ein paar seiner “Transformers” Maß anwächst, dann fühlt sich Einer hinauszögert, um ja keine Fragen offen vergessen. BATTLESHIP lehrt uns sauwohl: Jason Statham. Das kahlköp- zu lassen, muss man das unterstellen. eines: Patriotismus ist dann, wenn man fige Muskelpaket gilt spätestens seit Dabei macht ja gerade ein halbwegs sich dem Vaterland opfert, obwohl man der TRANSPORTER-Trilogie als legiti- offenes Ende oft den eigentlichen Reiz schon lange tot ist. Oder so ähnlich. mer Nachfolger von Bruce Willis. Auch eines Films aus. Abgesehen von dieser Was sich hier aus einem Computerspiel in SAFE darf Statham wieder das ganze Schwäche der Dramaturgie unterhält heraus für die große Leinwand entwik- Register seiner Kampfkunst abziehen. der Film weitgehend ordentlich. Zumin- kelt hat, ist das Patriotischte, das je- Dass hierbei Viele ihr Leben lassen, dest wenn man sich darauf einlassen mals ein Amerikaner selbst inszeniert wird billigend in Kauf genommen. Han-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog delt es sich dabei doch sowieso nur um jeweiligen Lebenspartnern zu Unmut... er anhand eines ganz konkreten Falles die Bösen. Und dann darf man das ja Es dauert keine zehn Minuten bis der schildert. Das Opfer: ein vierjähriger ruhigen Gewissens. Angesichts der erste, nur von einem durchsichtigen Junge. Aber auch die Mitarbeiter einer brutalen Gewalt, die hier vom Stapel Topfdeckel bedeckte Penis im Film auf- Recyling-Anlage im englischen Leeds gelassen wird, dürfte der Film hierzu- taucht. Aber so ist das eben in einem können davon ein Lied singen. Mayer lande mit keiner Jugendfreigabe prä- Film, dem es mehr um den unteren Teil deckt hemmungslos auf: nicht umsonst miert werden. Freunde gewalttätiger der Gürtellinie als dem darüber- gibt es nahezu gleichviel Lobbyisten Actionware werden ihre Freude daran liegenden Teil geht. Verbalerotik ge- wie EU-Parlamentarier in Brüssel – je- haben, wenn Statham ohne mit der nügt schon lange nicht mehr, jetzt müs- ner Stadt, in der das Verbot hastig Wimper zu zucken mehr als nur ein Le- sen eben schwerere Geschütze aufge- durchgehechelt wurde. Mit Unterstüt- ben auslöscht – dafür aber ein kleines fahren werden. So stolpert der Film von zung von Greenpeace. Und nur, weil die Mädchen aus den Krallen von schlim- einer Peinlichkeit in die nächste und Aktivisten eine Untersuchung aus den men Gangstern befreit. Der rasante vergisst dabei vollkommen, dass er 1990er-Jahren nicht kannten (oder Schnitt, die teils wackelige Kamera und eigentlich unterhalten sollte. Um Letz- nicht kennen wollten), in der auf die ein vorantreibender Score (der unver- teres zu erreichen bedarf es aber ver- große Gefahr der Energiesparlampen hohlen Lalo Schifrins MISSION mutlich einem Six-Pack vor dem Betre- hingewiesen wurde. Mayr zeigt auch, IMPOSSIBLE Thema variiert) verste- ten des Kinosaals. Die AMERICAN dass die Lichtindustrie bereits in den hen sich bei dieser Art von Film fast PIE-Serie hat sich mittlerweile einfach 1920er-Jahren erfolgreich ihre Ziele von alleine. Bemängeln muss man (au- totgelaufen. Nichtsdestotrotz werden durchzusetzen verstand. Glühbirnen ßer der übertriebenen Gewalt) aller- wir uns wohl auf ein Wiedersehen mit sollen nicht etwa 5000 oder gar 10.000 dings Stathams Unvermögen, einen diesen Spätpubertierenden einstellen – Stunden funktionieren, sondern bereits gebrochenen und mit der Welt abge- vermutlich als Insassen eines nach 1000 Stunden ihren Geist aufge- schlossenen Mann zu spielen. Denn Seniorenwohnheims. ben. Man (= die Hersteller) will ja das nimmt man ihm einfach nicht ab. schließlich Umsatz generieren und sat- BULB FICTION (1:1.85, DD 5.1) te Profite einfahren. Da wundert es Freitag, 13. April 2012 Verleih: farbfilm nicht, das ausgerechnet Osram und Schwarzer Freitag Land/Jahr: Österreich, Deutschland Phillips in jenem EU-Ausschuss vertre- Nach dem ersten Film fühlte ich mich 2011 ten waren, in dem beschlossen wurde, von den Filmemachern richtig Regie: Christoph Mayr den privaten Haushalten Energiespar- durchgef***, nach dem zweiten gab mir Kinostart: 10.05.2012 lampen aufzuzwingen. Mayrs Doku- Väterchen Staat dasselbe Gefühl. mentation zeigt auch, dass es anders “Wir tun alles was in unserer Macht geht. In Eigeninitiative haben zwei fin- AMERICAN PIE: DAS KLASSEN- steht, um das Klima zu bekämpfen” dige deutsche Ingenieure aus der gu- TREFFEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) sagt die Sprecherin eines EU-Kommis- ten alten Glühbirne eine Wärmelampe OT: American Reunion sars auf die Frage, ob die extrem mini- gemacht. Zu fairem Lohn wird diese in Verleih: Universal male CO2-Reduktion, die sich durch China produziert und hält weitaus län- Land/Jahr: USA 2012 das Verbot von Glühbirnen ergibt, ger als jene 1000 Stunden. Doch die Regie: Jon Hurwitz, Hayden überhaupt sinnvoll ist. Wenngleich Ware liegt jetzt beim Zoll hinter Schlossberg sich die Dame hier vor laufender Kame- Schloss und Riegel. Aber die beiden Darsteller: Jason Biggs, Alyson ra vermutlich nur versprochen hat, so Wutbürger haben noch längst nicht Hannigan, Chris Klein könnte das durchaus ein Freud’scher aufgegeben. Und es müsste nicht mit Kinostart: 26.04.2012 Versprecher sein. Gemeint war natürlich rechten Dingen zugehen, wenn die bei- nicht das Klima, sondern der Klima- den Tüftler nach Mayrs Dokumentation Als das Klassentreffen zum 10jährigen wandel. Nach Christoph Mayrs Doku- nicht automatisch großen Zuspruch Jubiläum der Abschlussklasse von 1999 mentarfilm jedoch drängen sich hier aus der Bevölkerung erhalten würden. näher rückt, treffen sich die alten besonders starke Zweifel auf. Mayr BULB FICTION ist alles andere als Highschoolkameraden Jim, Kevin, Oz beleuchtet im wahrsten Sinne des Wor- Fiktion, sondern traurige Realität, die und Stifler nach langer Zeit zum ersten tes das EU-Verbot der Glühlampe von schleunigst korrigiert werden muss. Male wieder. Allerdings nur um festzu- allen Seiten. Der gefährliche stellen, dass sie nach wie vor zuviel Quecksilbergehalt der Energiespar- Alkohol trinken und jedem Rockzipfel lampen führen bei Bruch der Lampe zu nachlaufen. Das führt natürlich bei den Schädigungen des Nervensystems, was

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Kumo No Mukô, Yakusoku No Basho 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046729 Dir. Makoto Shinkai Animation Interviews, Trailer, Sprachkurs Angel Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2004 87min. Angel Rapid Eye Movies HE 18.05.2012 Asterix - Operation Hinkelstein Donna Wilkes, Cliff Gorman, Dick Shawn, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046803 Rory Calhoun, Susan Tyrrell, John Diehl - (Blu-ray) Dir. Robert v. O’Neil Astérix Et Le Coup Du Menhir She-Ra - Princess of Power: Kom- Wendecover, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen Leo Bardischewski - Dir. Philippe Grimond plette Serie (6 Discs) Thriller 1983 90min. Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover She-Ra 1 - Princess Of Power MIG Film 14.06.2012 Komödie/Zeichentrick 1989 80min. Dir. Bill Reed, Lou Kachivas, Richard 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046895 STUDIOCANAL Entertainment Trueblood Germany 21.06.2012 Wendecover Angel (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046802 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 2000min. Angel KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Donna Wilkes, Cliff Gorman, Dick Shawn, Bali... - Ferien Box (2 Discs) 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046845 Rory Calhoun, Susan Tyrrell, John Diehl - Bali Dir. Robert v. O’Neil Dir. Louis Asselin, Sorya Hocini, Inés Wendecover, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen Cachwa Thriller 1983 93min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 130min. Film MIG Film 14.06.2012 justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046899 11.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20046888 Die Abenteuer des Robinson Atlantis - Ein Sommermärchen (k.J.) Belladonna (OmU, Edition Anime) Crusoe Las Aventuras De Robinson Crusoe Männer sind zum Lieben da Kanashimi No Beradona Dan O’Herlihy, Jaime Fernandez, Felipe de Isi Ter Jung, Horst Letten, Marianne Sock, Dir. Eiichi Yamamoto Barbara Capell, Les Olvedi, Friedrich Grau- Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Featurette Alba, Chel Lopez, José Chavez, Emilio Garibay - Dir. Luis Buñuel mann - Dir. Eckhart Schmidt Zeichentrick/Erotik 1973 89min. Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Rapid Eye Movies HE 18.05.2012 Trailer Abenteuer 1952-1954 87min. Science Fiction 1970 82min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046805 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 04.05.2012 Infopictures 11.05.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046890 Beyblade Metal Master - Volume 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046751 11 (Folgen 43-46) Abenteuer-Edition: 3-Movie- Atmen Metaru Faito Beibureedo Collection (3 Discs) Thomas Schubert, Karin Lischka, Gerhard Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Liebmann, Georg Friedrich, Stefan Hatari / Zulu / Donovan’s Reef Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Matousch, Georg Veitl, Klaus Rott, Luna John Wayne, Hardy Krüger, Elsa Martinelli, Edel Germany(Panini) 18.05.2012 Mijovic, Reinhold G. Moritz, Martin Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins, Ulla 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046873 Oberhauser (Gefänfniswärter #3), Magda- Jacobsson, Lee Marvin, Elisabeth Allen - lena Kronschläger, David Oberkogler (Poli- Dir. Howard Hawks, Cyril Endfield, John Beyblade Metal Master - Volume zist #1), Michael Duregger (Polizist #2), Ford Peter Raffalt, Stephanie Taussig, Gabriela 12 (Folgen 47-51) Abenteuer 1961-1964 388min. Schmoll, Elena Dörfler, Werner Wultsch, Metaru Faito Beibureedo Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Robert Putzinger - Dir. Karl Markovics Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima tba BestellNr.: 20046773 Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Drama 2011 90min. Edel Germany(Panini) 18.05.2012 Action Edition: 3-Movie-Collection ThimFilm 27.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046730 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046874 (3 Discs) (k.J.) Herr Prop und die verzauberte Vier Brüder / Wonderland / Shooter Austerlitz - Glanz einer Kaiser- Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Ben- krone Kuh jamin, Val Kilmer, Kate Bosworth, Lisa Austerlitz Prop Og Berta Kudrow, Michael Peña, Danny Glover - Dir. Pierre Mondy, Martine Carol, Vittorio De Dir. Per Fly John Singleton, James Cox, Sica, Jean Marais, Georges Marchal, Mi- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2001 73min. Action/Thriller 2003-2007 325min. chel Simon, Orson Welles, Jack Palance, Koch Media(Atlas Film) 08.06.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Leslie Caron - Dir. Abel Gance 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046856 tba BestellNr.: 20046755 Historienfilm 1959 163min. Minuscule, Folgen 01-78 (2 Discs) Ben Affleck-Edition: 3-Movie- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 16.05.2012 Minuscule Collection (3 Discs) Dir. Thomas Szabo, Hélène Giraud 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046747 Spurwechsel / Der Anschlag / Paycheck Trickfilm/Komödie 390min. Ben Affleck, Samuel L. Jackson, Toni EuroVideo Bildprogramm 14.06.2012 B.T.K. - Slaughterer (k.J.) Collette, Morgan Freeman, James Cromwell, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046896 B.T.K. - Bind. Torture. Kill. Aaron Eckhart, Uma Thurman - Dir. Roger Kane Hodder, Amy Lyndon, Dru Ashcroft, Naruto Shippuden - Die komplet- Michell, Phil Alden Robinson, John Woo Daniel Bonjour, Jeff Coatney, Caia Coley, Action/Thriller 2002-2003 332min. te Staffel 4 (3 Discs) Pascale Gigon, Anna Margaret - Dir. Micha- Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 el Feifer Naruto: Shippûden tba BestellNr.: 20046786 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bio- und Dir. Hayato Date Filmografien, Bildergalerie Storyboard, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Mini-Clips, Settings, Am Ende des Tages Thriller/Horror 2008 83min. Naruto Karten Booster Deck Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 366min. Nicholas Ofczarek, Simon Schwarz, Anna 04.05.2012 KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Unterberger, Ursula Scheidle, Carmela 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046743 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046837 Achleitner, Fritz Supper, Flavio Schilly, Hans Peter Bruckner, Eva Tacha-Breitling - The Place Promised in Our Early Dir. Peter Payer Babysitter Wanted (Blu-ray 3D) Days (Edition Anime) Thriller 2011 90min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) ThimFilm 27.04.2012 Babysitter Wanted

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Sarah Thompson, Matt Dallas, Kristen The Big Bang (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer Horror 2007 86min. Dalton, Bruce Thomas, Bill Moseley, Nana ray) Visitor, Monty Bane - Dir. Jonas Barnes, Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) The Big Bang Michael Manasseri 04.05.2012 Trailer, Wendecover Antonio Banderas, Sam Elliott, Sienna 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046748 Thriller/Horror 2007 83min. Guillory, Thomas Kretschmann, Autumn KSM 14.05.2012 Reeser, Delroy Lindo, Snoop Dogg, Bunohan - Return to Murder 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046833 Rebecca Mader - Dir. Tony Krantz Bunohan Erweiterte Szenen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover, 3D Lenticular Card Zahiril Adzim, Faizal Hussein, Pekin Baikonur Thriller/Mystery 2011 101min. Ibrahim, Wan Hanafisu, Namron, Bront Aleksandr Asochakov, Marie de Villepin, KSM 14.05.2012 Palarae - Dir. Dain Said Sitora Farmonova, Erbulat Toguzakov - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046863 Action/Drama 2011 94min. Veit Helmer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Probeaufnahmen, Musikclips, The Big Bang (Blu-ray) 21.06.2012 Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046777 Drama/Lovestory 2011 91min. The Big Bang Antonio Banderas, Sam Elliott, Sienna absolut MEDIEN(arte Edition) 01.06.2012 Bunohan - Return to Murder (Blu- tba BestellNr.: 20046816 Guillory, Thomas Kretschmann, Autumn Reeser, Delroy Lindo, Snoop Dogg, ray) Bankraub für Anfänger Rebecca Mader - Dir. Tony Krantz Bunohan Wolfgang Stumph, Steffi Kühnert, Edgar Erweiterte Szenen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Zahiril Adzim, Faizal Hussein, Pekin Bildergalerie, Wendecover Ibrahim, Wan Hanafisu, Namron, Bront Selge, Pheline Roggan, Michael Ehnert, Thriller/Mystery 2011 101min. Palarae - Dir. Dain Said André Hennicke, Doris Buchrucker, Arndt KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Action/Drama 2011 98min. Schwering-Sohnrey, Tamara Simunovic, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046862 Stephan Szasz, Peter Sikorski, Antoine Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Monot, Jr., Michael Rotschopf, Katharina Black Gold 21.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046790 Spiering, Bernd Stegemann, Anna Thalbach, Black Gold Tilla Kratochwil, Jan Peter Heyne - Dir. Tahar Rahim, Antonio Banderas, Mark Californication - Die dritte Claudia Garde Strong, Freida Pinto, Riz Ahmed, Akin Gazi, Komödie 2012 90min. Driss Roukhe, Corey Johnson, Mostafa Season (2 Discs) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Aviator) 11.05.2012 Gaafar, Jan Uddin, Liya Kebede, Jamal Californication 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046877 Awar, Eriq Ebouaney - Dir. Jean-Jacques David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Annaud Madeleine Martin, Evan Handler, Pamela Beerfriends - Zwei Prolos für ein Drama 2011 125min. Adlon, Madeline Zima - Dir. Stephen Halleluja Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Hopkins, Seith Mann, Michael Lehmann, Fubar II 14.06.2012 David Duchovny, Adam Bernstein, Bart David Lawrence, Paul Spence, Mark Meer, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046776 Freundlich, John Dahl, David von Ancken Terra Hazelton, Andrew Sparacino, Gordon Featurettes Drama/Satire 2009 325min. Skilling, Doctor S.C. Lim, Tracey Lawrence Black Gold (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 - Dir. Michael Dowse Black Gold 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046732 Making of, Trailer Tahar Rahim, Antonio Banderas, Mark Komödie 2010 82min. Strong, Freida Pinto, Riz Ahmed, Akin Gazi, Californication - Die erste Season Koch Media 20.07.2012 Driss Roukhe, Corey Johnson, Mostafa tba BestellNr.: 20046808 Gaafar, Jan Uddin, Liya Kebede, Jamal (2 Discs) (k.J.) Awar, Eriq Ebouaney - Dir. Jean-Jacques Californication Beerfriends - Zwei Prolos für ein Annaud David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Halleluja (Blu-ray) Drama 2011 130min. Madeleine Martin, Madeline Zima, Evan Fubar II Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Handler, Pamela Adlon, Rachel Miner, David Lawrence, Paul Spence, Mark Meer, 14.06.2012 Damian Young, Paula Marshall, Christopher Terra Hazelton, Andrew Sparacino, Gordon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046789 J. Williams, Amy Price-Francis, Lance Skilling, Doctor S.C. Lim, Tracey Lawrence Barber, Judy Greer, Michelle Lombardo, - Dir. Michael Dowse Blaubarts achte Frau Kathy Christopherson, Robert Merrill, Making of, Trailer Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife Camille Langfield - Dir. Scott Winant, David Komödie 2010 85min. , Gary Cooper, Edward von Ancken, John Dahl, Ken Whittingham Koch Media 20.07.2012 Everett Horton, David Niven, Elizabeth Interviews Drama/Satire 2007 328min. tba BestellNr.: 20046821 Patterson, Rolfe Sedan - Dir. Ernst Lubitsch Wendecover Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Bettkantengeschichten Folge 21- Komödie 1938 84min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046728 Winkler Film 25.05.2012 40 (3 Discs) Californication - Die zweite Dir. Jens-Peter Behrend 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046886 Kinderfilm 1983-1990 585min. Season (2 Discs) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Aviator) 18.05.2012 Der Blaue Californication 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046883 Manfred Krug, Ulrich Mühe, Meret Becker, David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Marijam Agischewa, Klaus Manchen, Hanns Madeleine Martin, Madeline Zima, Evan The Big Bang Zischler, Margret Völker, Dr. Lienhard Handler, Pamela Adlon, Rachel Miner, Paula The Big Bang Wawrzyn - Dir. Dr. Lienhard Wawrzyn Marshall, Callum Keith Rennie, Carla Gallo, Antonio Banderas, Sam Elliott, Sienna Drama/Thriller 1994 98min. Angus Macfadyen, Judy Greer, Michelle Guillory, Thomas Kretschmann, Autumn S.A.D. Home Entertainment 13.04.2012 Lombardo, Meredith Monroe, Ezra Miller, Reeser, Delroy Lindo, Snoop Dogg, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046796 Zita Vass, Samantha Maloney, Hal Ozsan, Rebecca Mader - Dir. Tony Krantz Big Spence - Dir. David von Ancken, Ken Erweiterte Szenen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Blood Hospital Whittingham, John Dahl Bildergalerie, Wendecover Sovia Drama/Satire 2008 324min. Thriller/Mystery 2011 97min. Diana Radnai, Vera Hübner, Andrea Ger- Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 hard, Bernhard Manders, Sascha Kudella, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046731 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046835 Thomas Harbort, Bernhard Thomany - Dir. Robert Franke Captain USA: The Iron Soldier

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Iron Soldier Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Dragon Crusaders - Im Reich der Audiokommentar Joe Estevez, Derick Fage - Dir. Brett Kelly Kreuzritter und Drachen (Blu-ray Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller 185min. Action/Science Fiction 2010 72min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 3D) (Blu-ray) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) tba BestellNr.: 20046769 Dragon Crusaders 02.04.2012 Dylan Jones, Cecily Fay, Feth Greenwood, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046736 The Courtyard Shinead Byrne, Tony Sams, Simon Lloyd License To Kill Roberts, Charles Barrett, Christian Captain USA: The Iron Soldier James Farentino, Don Murray, Denzel Wa- Howard, Iona Thonger, Gary Crosbie, (Blu-ray) shington, Penny Fuller, Millie Perkins, Ari Ambrose Flemming - Dir. Mark Atkins Meyers, Donald Moffat, Jacqueline Iron Soldier Trailer, Wendecover Brookes, Kristen Vigard - Dir. Jud Taylor Fantasy/Abenteuer 2011 85min. Joe Estevez, Derick Fage - Dir. Brett Kelly Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriminalfilm 1984 92min. KSM 14.05.2012 Action/Science Fiction 2010 76min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046832 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 02.04.2012 02.04.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046739 Eine dunkle Begierde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046765 A Dangerous Method Tom Cruise Blu-Ray Collection (5 Michael Fassbender, Keira Knightley, Viggo Chaos Edition: 3-Movie-Collection Discs) (Blu-ray) Mortensen, Vincent Cassel, Sarah Gadon, (3 Discs) Top Gun / Collateral / Die Firma / Krieg André Hennicke, Arndt Schwering- Sohnrey, Mignon Remé - Dir. David Die unglaubliche Reise in einem verrück- der Welten / Tage des Donners Cronenberg ten Raumschiff / Die haarsträubende Rei- Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Jamie Drama 2011 96min. se in einem verrückten Bus / Die unglaub- Foxx, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jeanne Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) liche Reise in einem verrückten Flugzeug Tripplehorn, Gene Hackman, Dakota 14.06.2012 Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Fanning, Tim Robbins, Robert Duvall, Randy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046775 Joseph Bologna, , John Quaid - Dir. Tony Scott, Michael Mann, Syd- ney Pollack, Steven Spielberg Beck - Dir. Ken Finkleman, James Frawley, Eine dunkle Begierde (Blu-ray) Jim Abrahams, Jerry Zucker Action 1986-2005 607min. A Dangerous Method Komödie 1976-1982 250min. Paramount Home Entertainment 19.04.2012 Michael Fassbender, Keira Knightley, Viggo Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046763 Mortensen, Vincent Cassel, Sarah Gadon, tba BestellNr.: 20046737 Daffy und der Wal André Hennicke, Arndt Schwering- Cleopatra - Die komplette Serie Tadpole And The Whale / La Grenouille Et Sohnrey, Mignon Remé - Dir. David Cronenberg Cleopatra La Baleine Drama 2011 100min. Billy Zane, Timothy Dalton, Rupert Graves, Fanny Lauzier, Denis Forest, Marina Orsini, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Leonor Varela, John Bowe, Art Malik, Felix-Antoine Leroux, Roland Laroche, Lise 14.06.2012 Nadim Sawalha, Owen Teale, Philip Quast, Thouin - Dir. Jean-Claude Lord 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046788 Daragh O’Malley, Bruce M. Payne, Sean Kinderfilm 1987-1988 87min. Koch Media(Atlas Film) 29.06.2012 Pertwee, David Schofield, Kassandra Echt Blond Voyagis, Indra Ové, Josephine Amankwah, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046868 The Real Blonde Caroline Langrishe, Elizabeth Dermot- Matthew Modine, Catherine Keener, Daryl Walsh, Ralph Brown, James Cosmo, Denis Dance-Edition: 3-Movie-Collection Hannah, Maxwell Caulfield, Elizabeth Quilley, James Saxon, Amina Annabi, Oded (3 Discs) Berkley, Marlo Thomas, Bridgette Wilson, Fehr, Stephen Jenn, Ashley Clark - Dir. Footloose / Grease / Flashdance Buck Henry, Christopher Lloyd, Kathleen Franc Roddam Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer, , Turner, Denis Leary - Dir. Tom DiCillo Bio- und Filmografien, Produktionsnotizen, interaktives Spiel John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Komödie 1997 102min. Historienfilm 1999 174min. Stockard Channing, Jennifer Beals, Michael S.A.D. Home Entertainment 13.04.2012 Koch Media 28.06.2012 Nouri, Lilia Skala - Dir. Herbert Ross, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046797 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046860 Randal Kleiser, Adrian Lyne Musikfilm 1978-1984 300min. End of the Spear - A True Story Der Clou (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 The End Of The Spear The Sting tba BestellNr.: 20046774 Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Chad Allen, Louie Leonardo, Jack Guzman, Shaw, , Ray Walston, Dark Skies - Die Rächer schlagen Christina Souza, Chase Ellison, Sean McGowan, Sara Kathryn Bakker, Cara Harold Gould, Eileen Brennan, Robert Earl zurück Jones, John Heffernan, Dana Elcar, Jack Stoner, Beth Bailey, Matt Lutz, Traci Avenging Force: The Scarab Kehoe, Dimitra Arliss, Avon Long, James Dinwiddie, Muse Watson - Dir. Jim Hanon Mark Courneyea, Alix Pasquet, John Sloyan, Charles Dierkop, Arch Johnson, Wendecover McLenachan - Dir. Brett Kelly Drama 2006 111min. Lee Paul, Ed Bakey, Brad Sullivan, John Trailer, Bildergalerie Evolution Entertainment AG(Evolution) Quade - Dir. George Roy Hill Action 2010 67min. 25.05.2012 Booklet Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1973 129min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046889 02.04.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046734 14.06.2012 Endzeit Doppelbox - Downstream 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046792 Dark Skies - Die Rächer schlagen / Island of the Condemned (Blu- zurück (Blu-ray) ray) (k.J.) Comedy Box, Vol. 1 (2 Discs) Downstream / Island Of The Condemned Avenging Force: The Scarab Mr. Baseball / Cheech und Chong / Bigfoot Action/Science Fiction 2008-2010 217min. Mark Courneyea, Alix Pasquet, John und die Hendersons / Private School MIG Film 24.05.2012 McLenachan - Dir. Brett Kelly Komödie 1980-1992 390min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046801 MIG Film 14.06.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie Action 2010 70min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046897 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, The Contract / The Cleaner (2 02.04.2012 Season Four 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046764 Eureka Discs) (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Komödie min. The Contract / The Cleaner

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) MIG Film 24.05.2012 Action/Abenteuer 1965-2009 279min. 07.06.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046800 MIG Film 14.06.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046780 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046898 Ken Follet - Roter Adler EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Lie Down With Lions Der gnadenlose Jäger Season One (3 Discs) Timothy Dalton, , Nigel The Tracker Eureka Havers, Omar Sharif, Kabir Bedi, Philippe Kris Kristofferson, Scott Wilson, Mark Mo- Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe Leroy, Jürgen Prochnow, Laura Perramond, ses, David Huddleston, John Quade, Don Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil Paul Freeman, Michael Attwell, Simone Swayze, Geoffrey Blake, Leon Rippy - Dir. Grayston, Ed Quinn, Christopher Gauthier, Bendix, Ron Berglas, Ron Donachie, John Guillermin Debrah Farentino, Matt Frewer, Meshach Stephen Greif, Garrick Hagon, Richard Western 1988 97min. Peters, Shayn Solberg - Dir. Michael Lange, Rees, Nadim Sawalha, Badi Uzzaman - Dir. S.A.D. Home Entertainment 13.04.2012 Jefery Levy, Michael Rohl, Michael Jim Goddard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046798 Robinson, Michael Grossman, Jeffrey Thriller 1993 178min. Woolnough, Colin Bucksey, David Straiton, S.A.D. Home Entertainment 13.04.2012 The Good Doctor - Tödliche Be- Peter O’Fallon, Marita Grabiak 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046793 handlung Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Webisodes The Good Doctor Science Fiction/Komödie 2006 531min. Ganoven-Edition: 3-Movie- Orlando Bloom, Riley Keough, Taraji P. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Collection (3 Discs) Henson, Rob Morrow, Michael Peña, Troy 07.06.2012 The Italian Job / Chinatown / The Garity, Molly Price, Wade Williams, Sorel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046781 Untouchables Carradine, Gary Cervantes - Dir. Lance Sir Michael Caine, Sir Noel Coward, Benny Daly EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Hill, Jack Nicholson Gittes), , Behind the Scenes, Trailer Season Three (5 Discs) John Huston, Kevin Costner, Robert De Drama/Thriller 2011 89min. Eureka Niro, Sir Sean Connery - Dir. Peter Koch Media 20.07.2012 Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe Collinson, Roman Polanski, Brian De Palma tba BestellNr.: 20046809 Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil Action/Thriller 1969-1987 335min. Grayston, Ed Quinn, Christopher Gauthier, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 The Good Doctor - Tödliche Be- Niall Matter, Meshach Peters, Frances Fis- tba BestellNr.: 20046787 handlung (Blu-ray) her, Vanya Asher, Christopher Jacot, Ever The Good Doctor Carradine Gänsehaut-Edition: 3-Movie- Orlando Bloom, Riley Keough, Taraji P. Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Musik Collection (3 Discs) Henson, Rob Morrow, Michael Peña, Troy Science Fiction/Komödie 2008 751min. Rosemary’s Baby / Jade / Jennifer 8 Garity, Molly Price, Wade Williams, Sorel Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gor- Carradine, Gary Cervantes - Dir. Lance 07.06.2012 don, David Caruso, Linda Fiorentino, Chazz Daly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046783 Palminteri, Andy Garcia, Lance Henriksen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Drama/Thriller 2011 93min. Uma Thurman - Dir. Roman Polanski, William EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Koch Media 20.07.2012 Friedkin, Bruce Robinson tba BestellNr.: 20046822 Season Two (4 Discs) Horror/Thriller 1968-1995 342min. Eureka Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Tom Hanks Edition: 3-Movie- Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe tba BestellNr.: 20046784 Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil Collection (3 Discs) Grayston, Ed Quinn, Christopher Gauthier, Richard Gere-Edition: 3-Movie- Cast away / Terminal / Catch me if you can Debrah Farentino, Matt Frewer, Niall Matter, Collection (3 Discs) Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy, Meshach Peters, Vanya Asher, Christopher Catherine Zeta-Jones, Stanley Tucci, Begegnungen / Ein Offizier und Gentleman Jacot Leonardo DiCaprio, Christopher Walken - / Ein Mann für gewisse Stunden Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes, Dir. Robert Zemeckis, Steven Spielberg Richard Gere, Debra Winger, Louis Gossett Webisodes Drama/Komödie 1990-1998 397min. Science Fiction/Komödie 2007 538min. Jr., Lauren Hutton, Hector Elizondo, Sharon Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Stone, Lolita Davidovich - Dir. Taylor tba BestellNr.: 20046746 07.06.2012 Hackford, Paul Schrader, Mark Rydell 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046782 Drama 1980-1994 325min. Heartland, Staffel 3, Teil 1 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Heartland Exodus tba BestellNr.: 20046785 Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Exodus Johnston, Chris Potter, Graham Wardle, Daniel Percival, Bernard Hill, Ger Ryan - Girl’s Finest 5 Movie Collection (5 Nathaniel Arcand, Jessica Amlee, Cindy Dir. Penny Woolcock Discs) Busby, Greta Onieogou, Kerry James - Dir. Drama 2007 106min. Just ?! / Love and other Disasters / Dean Bennett, Steve Dimarco Infopictures 10.07.2012 Paradise Beach / Ein Sommer in Drama/Familie 2007-2008 389min. tba BestellNr.: 20046811 Komödie 446min. Koch Media 08.06.2012 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046852 Exodus (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20046761 Exodus Heartland, Staffel 3, Teil 2 Daniel Percival, Bernard Hill, Ger Ryan - Gladiator / Der Untergang des Heartland Dir. Penny Woolcock römischen Reiches (2 Discs) Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Drama 2007 110min. Gladiator / The Fall Of The Roman Empire Johnston, Chris Potter, Graham Wardle, Infopictures 10.07.2012 Abenteuer 326min. Nathaniel Arcand, Jessica Amlee, Cindy tba BestellNr.: 20046824 Koch Media(Black Hill Pictures) 08.06.2012 Busby, Greta Onieogou, Kerry James - Dir. Fantasy Doppelbox - Journey to 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046851 Dean Bennett, Steve Dimarco Drama/Familie 2007-2008 389min. Promethea / Beauty and the Gladiatoren Box, Vol. 1 (2 Discs) Koch Media 08.06.2012 Beast (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046853 Journey To Promethea / Beauty And The Sieben gegen alle / Die Arena / Claang - Beast Tod den Gladiatoren The Hellcats (o.A.) Abenteuer/Fantasy 180min. Wendecover, Überraschungsfilm (83 Minuten) The Hellcats

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Ross Hagen, Dee Duffy - Dir. Robert 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046876 Jagd auf Roter Oktober Slatzer Thriller 1990-1994 377min. Kriminalfilm 1968 min. House Massacre (k.J.) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Cargo Records Germany(Cheezy) Mum & Dad tba BestellNr.: 20046742 27.04.2012 Perry Benson, Dido Miles, Olga Fedori, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046723 Ainsley Howard, Toby Alexander - Dir. Samuel L. Jackson-Edition: 3- Steven Sheil Movie-Collection (3 Discs) Audrey Hepburn - Classic Edition Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Biografien, Bilderga- lerie Black Snake Moan / Twisted - Der erste (3 DVDs) Thriller/Horror 2008 81min. Verdacht / Shaft Frühstück bei Tiffany / Sabrina / Ein sü- Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Samuel L. Jackson, Vanessa L. Williams, ßer Fratz 04.05.2012 , Ashley Judd, Andy Garcia, Audrey Hepburn 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046744 Christina Ricci, Justin Timberlake - Dir. John Komödie 1954-1961 318min. Singleton, Philip Kaufman, Craig Brewer Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 The Hunter Action/Thriller 2000-2006 299min. tba BestellNr.: 20046724 The Hunter Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Willem Dafoe, Frances O’Connor, Sam Neill, tba BestellNr.: 20046770 Hero Edition: 3-Movie-Colletion (3 Morgana Davies, Sullivan Stapleton, Callan Discs) Mulvey, Jacek Koman, Daniel Wyllie, Jamie Jason und der Kampf um das Aeon Flux / Sky Captain and the World of Timony, Maia Thomas, Dan Spielman, Finn Goldene Vlies (2 Discs) Tomorrow / Watchmen - Die Wächter Woodlock - Dir. Daniel Nettheim Jason And The Argonauts Malin Akerman, , Matthew Abenteuer/Drama 2011 97min. Jason London, , Dennis Goode, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 24.07.2012 Hopper, Derek Jacobi, Natasha Henstridge, Giovanni Ribisi, Charlize Theron, Marton tba BestellNr.: 20046812 Angus Macfadyen, Jolene Blalock, Olivia Csokas, Jonny Lee Miller - Dir. Zack Williams, Brian Thompson, Adrian Lester, Snyder, Kerry Conran, Karyn Kusama The Hunter (Blu-ray) Ciarán Hinds, Kieran O’Brien, Diana Kent, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2004-2009 The Hunter David Calder, Mark Lewis Jones, James 350min. Willem Dafoe, Frances O’Connor, Sam Neill, Callis, Hugh Quarshie, Olga Sosnovska, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Morgana Davies, Sullivan Stapleton, Callan Tom Harper, Omid Djalili - Dir. Nick Willing tba BestellNr.: 20046753 Mulvey, Jacek Koman, Daniel Wyllie, Jamie Abenteuer/Fantasy 2000 170min. Timony, Maia Thomas, Dan Spielman, Finn Koch Media 29.06.2012 Herr der Welt Woodlock - Dir. Daniel Nettheim 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046869 Master Of The World Abenteuer/Drama 2011 102min. Vincent Price, Mary Webster, Charles Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 24.07.2012 Justiz-Edition: 3-Movie-Collection Bronson, Henry Hull, David Frankham, Ri- tba BestellNr.: 20046825 (3 Discs) chard Harrison - Dir. William Witney Der einzige Zeuge / Auge um Auge / Ange- Bildergalerie, Trailer, Biografien, Wendecover Im Eishaus klagt Abenteuer 1960 95min. The Ice House Harrison Ford, Kelly McGillis, Josef Som- KSM(KSM Klassiker) 14.05.2012 Daniel Craig, Corin Redgrave, Kitty mer, Sally Field, Kiefer Sutherland, Ed tba BestellNr.: 20046841 Aldridge, Frances Barber, Penny Downie, Harris, Jodie Foster, Bernie Coulson - Dir. Dave Hill, Gerard Horan, Ann Bell, Luke Home Invasion - Der Feind in Peter Weir, John Schlesinger, Jonathan Garrett, Niven Boyd, Paul Jerrico, Jack Kaplan meinem Haus (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Galloway, Belinda Sinclair, Anthony May, Thriller 1985-1995 311min. Dans Ton Sommeil Liam McKenna, Laura Girling, James Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Anne Parillaud, Arthur Dupont, Jean- D’Arcy, Lynn Farleigh, Danny Midwinter, tba BestellNr.: 20046772 Hugues Anglade, Thierry Frémont - Dir. Willie Ross, Krysia Pepper - Dir. Tim Fywell Caroline du Potet, Éric du Potet Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer, Wendecover Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung Drama 1997 174min. Trailer Stephan Luca, Marleen Lohse, Anna Thriller/Horror 2010 86min. KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Thalbach, Johannes Allmayer, Oliver Flei- Koch Media 20.07.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046847 scher, Tetje Mierendorf, Armin Rohde, Co- tba BestellNr.: 20046823 Im Weltraum gibt es keine Gefüh- rinna Harfouch, Michael Lott, Janin Home Invasion - Der Feind in Reinhardt, Carolin Spieß, Daniel Wiemer, le Stefan Kretzschmar, Felicitas Woll, Alexan- meinem Haus (k.J.) I Rymden Finns Inga Känslor der Bornhütter, Collien Ulmen Fernandes, Dans Ton Sommeil Bill Skarsgård, Martin Wallström, Cecilia Michael Kessler, Hannelore Elsner, Eddy Anne Parillaud, Arthur Dupont, Jean- Forss, Sofie Hamilton, Susanne Thorson, Kante, Melanie Marschke - Dir. Torsten Hugues Anglade, Thierry Frémont - Dir. Kristoffer Berglund, Jimmi Edlund, Lotta Wacker Caroline du Potet, Éric du Potet Tejle, Ingmar Virta, Per Andersson, Linda Behind the Scenes, IInterviews, Making of, Wendecover Trailer Skogh, Petra Nylander - Dir. Andreas Komödie/Lovestory 2011 105min. Thriller/Horror 2010 83min. Öhman STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Koch Media 20.07.2012 Komödie 2010 90min. Germany 05.07.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20046810 good!movies(Arsenal) 27.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046818 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046726 Homicide - Life on the Street, Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung Staffel 2.2 (3 Discs) Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 15 (4 (Blu-ray) Homicide: Life On The Street Discs) Stephan Luca, Marleen Lohse, Anna Ned Beatty, Richard Belzer, Daniel Baldwin, Midsomer Murders Thalbach, Johannes Allmayer, Oliver Flei- Melissa Leo, Clark Johnson, Jon Polito, John Nettles scher, Tetje Mierendorf, Armin Rohde, Co- Andre Braugher, Kyle Secor, Yaphet Kotto, Kriminalfilm 1999-2010 385min. rinna Harfouch, Michael Lott, Janin Isabella Hofmann, Reed Diamond, Max Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 18.05.2012 Reinhardt, Carolin Spieß, Daniel Wiemer, Perlich, Michelle Forbes, Jon Seda, Callie 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046875 Stefan Kretzschmar, Felicitas Woll, Alexan- Thorne, Peter Gerety, Toni Lewis, der Bornhütter, Collien Ulmen Fernandes, Giancarlo Esposito, Michael Michele - Dir. Jack Ryan Edition: 3-Movie- Michael Kessler, Hannelore Elsner, Eddy Lisa Cholodenko Collection (3 Discs) Kante, Melanie Marschke - Dir. Torsten Kriminalfilm 1993-1999 480min. Das Kartell / Die Stunde der Patrioten / Wacker Black Hill Pictures 11.05.2012 Behind the Scenes, IInterviews, Making of, Wendecover

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Komödie/Lovestory 2011 109min. Luis Felipe Tovar, Ilean Almaguer, Guillermo AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ivan, Angelica Aragon, Ernesto Gomez AG(Brainpool) 25.05.2012 Germany 05.07.2012 Cruz, Alejandro Tomassi - Dir. Rafael Lara tba BestellNr.: 20046885 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046830 Thriller/Horror 2010 94min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.06.2012 Steve McQueen-Edition: 3-Movie- KGB - Killer, Gejagter, Beschützer tba BestellNr.: 20046826 Collection (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Jeder Kopf hat seinen Preis / Hell is for Icarus Lancelot, der verwegene Ritter Heroes / Le Mans Dolph Lundgren, Stefanie von Pfetten, Lancelot And Guinevere Steve McQueen, Siegfried Rauch, Elga Samantha Ferris, David Lewis, Bo Cornel Wilde, Jean Wallace, Brian Aherne, Andersen, , Kathryn Harrold, Svenson, Katelyn Mager, Lindsay Maxwell, George Baker, Archie Duncan, Adrienne Bobby Darin, Fess Parker - Dir. Lee H. Monique Ganderton - Dir. Dolph Lundgren Corri, Mark Dignam, Reginald Beckwith - Katzin, Buzz Kulik, Don Siegel Bildergalerie,Trailer Dir. Cornel Wilde Action/Thriller 1961-1980 273min. Action/Thriller 2010 83min. Abenteuer/Fantasy 1963 112min. Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Koch Media 08.06.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20046779 02.04.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046857 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046766 Mein eigen Fleisch und Blut Life on Mars: Gefangen in den Veronica Ferres, Kostja Ullmann, Thomas Kids Edition: 3-Movie-Collection 70ern - Die komplette Serie (8 Sarbacher, August Zirner, Katharina Müller- (3 Discs) Discs) Elmau, Herbert Knaup, Gundi Ellert, Johann Schweinchen Wilbur und seine Freunde / Life On Mars Adam Oest, Sonja Gerhardt, Annette Paul- Die Geheimnisse der Spiderwicks / Das John Simm, Philip Glenister, Liz White, Dean mann, Gudrun Gabriel - Dir. Vivian Naefe Hundehotel Andrews, Marshall Lancaster, Noreen Melodram 2011 90min. Dakota Fanning, Siobhan Fallon, Gary Kershaw, Tony Marshall - Dir. S.J. Edel Germany(Aviator) 11.05.2012 Basaraba, Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Clarkson, John Alexander, John McKay, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046880 Parker, Nick Nolte, Emma Roberts, Don Bharat Nalluri, Richard Clark, Andrew Gunn Cheadle, Lisa Kudrow - Dir. Gary Winick, Behind the Scenes, The End of Life on Mars, The Return of Meine fremde Tochter Mark S. Waters, Thor Freudenthal Life on Mars, Trailer, Biografien Götz George, Alexander Scheer, Michael Kinderfilm 2006-2008 281min. Kriminalfilm/Fantasy 2006-2007 938min. Hanemann, Gitta Schweighöfer, Nora von Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Waldstätten, Ingeborg Westphal, Dirk tba BestellNr.: 20046741 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046843 Borchardt, Lisa Hagmeister, Nicholas Ofczarek, Dirk Waanders - Dir. Manfred Killer Klowns from Outer Space Sophia Loren - Classic Edition (3 Stelzer (k.J.) Discs) Drama 2007 90min. Space Invaders Prinzessin Olympia / Es begann in Neapel ZYX Music 20.04.2012 Grant Cramer, Suzanne Snyder, John Allen / Hausboot 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046861 Nelson - Dir. Stephen Chiodo Sophia Loren, Maurice Chevalier, John Original Kinotrailer, Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerie, Gavin, Cary Grant, Martha Hyer, Clark Gab- Mini’s First Time Wendecover le, Vittorio De Sica - Dir. Michael Curtiz, Mini’s First Time Science Fiction/Komödie 1987 83min. Melville Shavelson Alec Baldwin, Nikki Reed, Carrie-Anne KSM(KSM Klassiker) 14.05.2012 Komödie 1958-1960 295min. Moss, Jeff Goldblum, Luke Wilson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046839 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Swetlana Metkina, Sprague Grayden, Artie tba BestellNr.: 20046727 Baxter, Rick Fox, Michael Laskin, Orlando Komm, schöner Tod Seale, Jean St. James, Heidi Ferrer, Mark Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Leslie Malton, Love Edition: 3-Movie-Collection Deklin, David Andriole, Nick Guthe, Nana Anna Loos, Herbert Knaup, Peter Franke, (3 Discs) Visitor, Jonathan Murphy, Courtney Tho- Simon Eckert, Heinz W. Krückeberg, Katha- Der letzte Kuss / Zum Ausziehen verführt / mas, José Yenque - Dir. Nick Guthe rina Matz, Marie Gruber, Claudia Hübsch- Trauzeuge gesucht! Trailer mann, Stephan Szasz - Dir. Friedemann Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2006 87min. Zach Braff, Jacinda Barrett, Casey Affleck, Fromm Koch Media(Atlas Film) 08.06.2012 Matthew McConaughey, Sarah Jessica Drama 2012 90min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046858 Parker, Zooey Deschanel, Paul Rudd, Jason Edel Germany(Aviator) 11.05.2012 Segel, Sarah Burns - Dir. Tony Goldwyn, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046881 Mini’s First Time (Blu-ray) Tom Dey, John Hamburg Mini’s First Time Komödie 2006-2009 292min. König der Piraten Alec Baldwin, Nikki Reed, Carrie-Anne Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Raiders Of The Seven Seas Moss, Jeff Goldblum, Luke Wilson, tba BestellNr.: 20046735 John Payne, Donna Reed, Gerald Mohr, Lon Swetlana Metkina, Sprague Grayden, Artie Chaney jr., Anthony Caruso, Henry Love is the Devil Baxter, Rick Fox, Michael Laskin, Orlando Brandon, Frank de Kova, William Tannen I - Seale, Jean St. James, Heidi Ferrer, Mark Love Is The Devil - Study For A Portrait Of Dir. Sidney Salkow Deklin, David Andriole, Nick Guthe, Nana Francis Bacon Abenteuer 1953 88min. Visitor, Jonathan Murphy, Courtney Tho- Derek Jacobi, Daniel Craig, Tilda Swinton, Koch Media(Black Hill Pictures) 29.06.2012 mas, José Yenque - Dir. Nick Guthe Anne Lambton, Adrian Scarborough, Karl 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046870 Trailer Johnson, Annabel Brooks - Dir. John Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2006 91min. Der Kreuzmörder Maybury Koch Media(Atlas Film) 08.06.2012 Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046866 El Quinto Mandamiento Drama 1997 87min. Luis Felipe Tovar, Ilean Almaguer, Guillermo KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Das Mitternachtsmassaker Ivan, Angelica Aragon, Ernesto Gomez 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046846 Cruz, Alejandro Tomassi - Dir. Rafael Lara Kiss Daddy Good Night Thriller/Horror 2010 90min. Der Männerclub - Denn Freund- Uma Thurman, Paul Dillon, Paul Richards, Steve Buscemi, Annabelle Gurwitch, David Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.06.2012 schaft ist mehr als bloß Freund- tba BestellNr.: 20046813 Brisbin, Jennifer Lee Mitchell, James Gold- schaft finger - Dir. Peter Ily Huemer Der Kreuzmörder (Blu-ray) Dir. André Köhl, Achim Wendel Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1987 80min. El Quinto Mandamiento Making of, Audiokommentar, Trailer Komödie 60min. Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies)

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04.05.2012 Tour Of Duty - Nam III Dir. Anubhav Sinha 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046749 Action/Kriegsfilm 1990 473min. Science Fiction/Action 2011 150min. Koch Media(Mammut Home Entertainment) Rapid Eye Movies HE 01.06.2012 Modigliani 29.06.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046806 Modigliani 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046872 Andy Garcia, Elsa Zylberstein, Hippolyte RA.One - Superheld mit Herz Girardot, Omid Djalili, Eva Herzigova, Udo Nazi Zombies (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Kier - Dir. Mick Davis Horrors Of War RA.One Trailer, Biografie Jon Osbeck, Joe Lorenzo, Daniel Alan Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Drama/Biographie 2004 123min. Kiely, C. Alec Rossel, David Carroll, Chip Rampal, Shahana Goswami, Satish Shah, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 12.04.2012 Kocel - Dir. Peter John Ross, John Whitney Dalip Tahil, Suresh Menon, Sanjay Dutt - tba BestellNr.: 20046840 Bildergalerie Dir. Anubhav Sinha Horror/Kriegsfilm 2006 91min. Entfallene Szenen, Making ofs, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Der Mönch Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Science Fiction/Action 2011 156min. Le Moine 04.05.2012 Rapid Eye Movies HE 01.06.2012 Vincent Cassel, Déborah François, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046745 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046820 Joséphine Japy, Sergi Lopez, Catherine Mouchet, Jordi Dauder, Geraldine Chaplin, Nessie - Das Geheimnis von Loch RA.One - Superheld mit Herz Roxane Duran, Frédéric Noaille, Javivi, Ness (Special Edition, 2 Discs) Martine Vandeville, Pierre-Félix Gravière, Loch Ness RA.One Pep Tosar, Rosa Renom, Jean-Charles Ted Danson, Joely Richardson, Sir Ian Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Dumay, Ernst Umhauer - Dir. Dominik Moll Holm, Kirsty Graham, Harris Yulin, James Rampal, Shahana Goswami, Satish Shah, Drama/Mystery 2011 96min. Frain, Keith Allen, Nick Brimble, Harry Dalip Tahil, Suresh Menon, Sanjay Dutt - Planet Media Home Entertainment Jones, Philip O’Brien, Joseph Greig, Dir. Anubhav Sinha 26.06.2012 Deborah Weston, Wolf Kahler - Dir. John Entfallene Szenen, Making ofs, Behind the Scenes, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20046814 Henderson Science Fiction/Action 2011 150min. Trailer, Biografien, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Rapid Eye Movies HE 01.06.2012 Der Mönch (Blu-ray) Fantasy 1996 97min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046807 Le Moine KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Vincent Cassel, Déborah François, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046842 Ran an die Braut Joséphine Japy, Sergi Lopez, Catherine The Best Man Mouchet, Jordi Dauder, Geraldine Chaplin, Nicht zuhören, meine Damen! Stuart Townsend, Amy Smart, Seth Green, Roxane Duran, Frédéric Noaille, Javivi, Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, Marlene Anna Chancellor, Jodhi May, Philip Jackson, Martine Vandeville, Pierre-Félix Gravière, Budde, Claudia Wedekind, Horst Vincon, Steve John Shepherd, Kate Ashfield, Pep Tosar, Rosa Renom, Jean-Charles Fritz Goblirsch, Hilde Westermann, Hanne- Raymond Coulthard, Martin Hancock, David Dumay, Ernst Umhauer - Dir. Dominik Moll lore Zeppenfeld, Martin Jente - Dir. Klaus Oyelowo, Stewart Wright, Peter Capaldi, Drama/Mystery 2011 100min. Wagner Jane How, Burn Gorman - Dir. Stefan Planet Media Home Entertainment Komödie 1968 94min. Schwartz 26.06.2012 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 Originaltrailer tba BestellNr.: 20046827 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046854 Komödie 2005 91min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 Eddie Murphy Edition: 3-Movie- Off Beat (OmU) tba BestellNr.: 20046757 Collection (3 Discs) Off Beat Die Glücksritter / Auf der Suche nach dem Hans-Jakob Mühlethaler, Manuel Neuburger, Sybille Rauch - Blonde Träume goldenen Kind / Der Prinz aus Zamunda Domenico Pecoraio, Vesna-Maria Garstick, (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Eddie Murphy Marlise Fischer, Antonio Giello, Alexander Sybille Rauch Trailer Wildi, Julian Martin, Cynthia Coray, Rebekka Erotik 59min. Komödie 1983-1988 314min. Steiger, Johannes Just - Dir. Jan Gassmann Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Musikvideo, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer 02.04.2012 Drama 2010 95min. tba BestellNr.: 20046738 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046767 Salzgeber & Co. Medien 24.04.2012 Mystery Edition: 3-Movie- tba BestellNr.: 20046817 Sybille Rauch - Blonde Träume Collection (3 Discs) Outlaw of War (k.J.) Fall 39 / Der Fluch der zwei Schwestern / Janosik. Prawdziwa Historia Sybille Rauch Cloverfield Václav Jirácek, Ivan Martinka, Michal Erotik 59min. Renée Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Ian Zebrowski - Dir. Kasia Adamik, Agnieszka Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) McShane, Emily Browning, Elizabeth Banks, Holland 02.04.2012 Arielle Kebbel, Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Historienfilm/Drama 2009 140min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046740 Lucas, T.J. Miller - Dir. Christian Alvart, Infopictures 20.07.2012 Charles Guard, Thomas Guard, Matt tba BestellNr.: 20046819 Die Reise des Personalmanagers Reeves The Human Resources Manager Thriller 2007-2009 270min. Outlaw of War (Blu-ray) Mark Ivanir, Guri Alfi, Noah Silver, Rozina Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Janosik. Prawdziwa Historia Cambos, Julian Negulesco, Bogdan E. tba BestellNr.: 20046752 Václav Jirácek, Ivan Martinka, Michal Stanoevitch, Gila Almagor, Papil Panduru - Dir. Eran Riklis Nam - Dienst in Vietnam Staffel 3, Zebrowski - Dir. Kasia Adamik, Agnieszka Holland Making of, Trailer Drama 2010 103min. Teil 1 (4 Discs) Historienfilm/Drama 2009 146min. Alamode Film 25.05.2012 Tour Of Duty - Nam III Infopictures 20.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046867 Action/Kriegsfilm 1990 473min. tba BestellNr.: 20046831 Koch Media(Mammut Home Entertainment) 29.06.2012 RA.One - Superheld mit Herz Ein riskanter Plan Man On A Ledge 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046871 RA.One Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Anthony Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Mackie, Jamie Bell, , Ed Nam - Dienst in Vietnam Staffel 3, Rampal, Shahana Goswami, Satish Shah, Harris, Titus Welliver, , Ge- Teil 2 (4 Discs) Dalip Tahil, Suresh Menon, Sanjay Dutt -

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD nesis Rodrigues - Dir. Asger Leth Heinz Rühmann Behind the Scenes, Bio- und Filmografien, Interviews, Origi- Thriller 2011 99min. Komödie 350min. nal Kinotrailer Thriller/Horror 2002 95min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Koch Media(Spirit Media) 08.06.2012 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 Home Edition) 28.06.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046855 tba BestellNr.: 20046762 tba BestellNr.: 20046836 Sanctuary - Staffel 01 (3 Discs) Ein riskanter Plan (Blu-ray) Die Seven-Ups (Blu-ray) The Seven-Ups Man On A Ledge Sanctuary Roy Scheider, Tony Lo Bianco, Larry Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Anthony Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Emilie Haines, Richard Lynch, Victor Arnold, Ken Mackie, Jamie Bell, Edward Burns, Ed Ullerup, Christopher Heyerdahl, Cainan Kercheval - Dir. Philip D’Antoni Harris, Titus Welliver, Kyra Sedgwick, Ge- Wiebe, Miranda Frigon, Leah Cairns, Laura Action 1973 99min. nesis Rodrigues - Dir. Asger Leth Mennell - Dir. Martin Wood Koch Media 08.06.2012 Thriller 2011 103min. Fantasy/Science Fiction 2008-2009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046850 Concorde Home Entertainment 28.06.2012 592min. tba BestellNr.: 20046864 Koch Media 29.06.2012 Die Seven-Ups (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046891 Romantic Edition: 3-Movie- The Seven-Ups Roy Scheider, Tony Lo Bianco, Larry Collection (3 Discs) Sanctuary - Staffel 02 (3 Discs) Haines, Richard Lynch, Victor Arnold, Ken Wie werde ich ihn los in 10 Tagen / Ghost (Blu-ray) Kercheval - Dir. Philip D’Antoni - Nachricht von Sam / I.Q. - Liebe ist rela- Sanctuary Action 1973 103min. tiv Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Emilie Koch Media 08.06.2012 Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey, Ullerup, Christopher Heyerdahl, Cainan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046865 Adam Goldberg, Patrick Swayze, Demi Wiebe, Miranda Frigon, Leah Cairns, Laura Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Tim Robbins, Meg Mennell - Dir. Martin Wood Soko Edition - Soko Köln, Vol. 2 Ryan, - Dir. Donald M. Fantasy/Science Fiction 2008-2009 (4 Discs) Petrie, Jerry Zucker, Fred Schepisi 582min. Kriminalfilm 855min. Komödie 1990-2003 326min. Koch Media 29.06.2012 Edel Germany(Aviator) 18.05.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046892 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046878 tba BestellNr.: 20046733 Sanctuary - Wächter der Kreatu- Die Rosenheim-Cops - Staffel 11, Ein Sommer in New York ren, Staffel 3 (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Suburban Girl Folge 18-30 (3 Discs) Sanctuary Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alec Baldwin, Dennis Joseph Hannesschläger, Igor Jeftic, Karin Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Emilie Albanese, Audra Blaser, Vanessa Branch, Thaler, Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Diana Ullerup, Christopher Heyerdahl, Cainan Geoffrey Cantor, Chris Carmack - Dir. Marc Staehly, Alexander Duda, Christian Wiebe, Miranda Frigon, Leah Cairns, Laura Klein Schaeffer, Petra Einhoff, Marion Mathoi, Mennell - Dir. Martin Wood Trailer, Bildergalerie Dieter Fischer, Tom Mikulla, Michael A. Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Featurette, Outtakes Komödie/Drama 2007 94min. Grimm, Herbert Mulzer, Michael Vogtmann, Fantasy/Science Fiction 2008-2010 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 Claudia Brosch, Tim Wilde, Laura Osswald, 410min. tba BestellNr.: 20046756 Kim Riedle, Susan Hoecke, Josef Thalmaier, Koch Media 29.06.2012 Michael Schwarzmaier, Jens Atzorn, Pero 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046893 Bud Spencer & Terence Hill 3 Radicic, Patrick Mölleken - Dir. Gunther DVD Box - Palmen, Strände, wil- Krää, Werner Siebert, Walter Bannert, Hol- Sara, die kleine Prinzessin (2 de Tiere (3 Discs) ger Gimpel Discs) Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd / Zwei Kriminalfilm 2011-2012 585min. A Little Princess Asse trumpfen auf / Zwei Himmelhunde auf Edel Germany(Aviator) 18.05.2012 Maureen Lipman, Amelia Shankley, Nigel dem Weg zur Hölle 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046879 Havers, David Yelland, Miriam Margolyes, Bud Spencer, Terence Hill Annette Badland - Dir. Carol Wiseman Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Der Ruf der Wale Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Komödie 300min. Big Miracle Drama 1986 156min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.05.2012 Drew Barrymore, John Krasinski, Kristen KSM 14.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20046838 Bell, Dermot Mulroney, Tim Blake Nelson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046848 Vinessa Shaw, Ted Danson, Stephen Root The Sword of Doom (OmU, Editi- - Dir. Ken Kwapis Schneewittchen - Die Schönste on Anime) Drama 2011 103min. im ganzen Land Dai-Bosatsu Tôge Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Snow White Tatsuya Nakadai, Yuzo Kayama, Michiyo 21.06.2012 , Kristin Kreuk, Tom Aratama, Toshirô Mifune, Yôko Naito, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046778 Irwin, Vera Farmiga, Tyron Leitso, Michael Tadao Nakamaru - Dir. Kihachi Okamoto Gilden (Montag), Mark J. Trombino (Diens- Bildergalerie Der Ruf der Wale (Blu-ray) tag), Vincent Schiavelli (Mittwoch), Penny Action/Drama 1965 120min. Big Miracle Blake (Donnerstag), Martin Klebba (Frei- Rapid Eye Movies HE 18.05.2012 Drew Barrymore, John Krasinski, Kristen tag), Warwick Davis (Samstag), Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046804 Bell, Dermot Mulroney, Tim Blake Nelson, John Anderson (Sonntag), Clancy Brown, Vinessa Shaw, Ted Danson, Stephen Root Milana Orchard, José Zúñiga, Karin Thriller Collection (3 Discs) - Dir. Ken Kwapis Konoval, Campbell Lane - Dir. Caroline Das Haus im Nebel / Die Lotus Verschwö- Drama 2011 107min. Thompson rung / Straßen des Todes Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Fantasy 2001 84min. Thriller 270min. 21.06.2012 Koch Media 08.06.2012 Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046791 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046859 25.05.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046884 Heinz Rühmann Edition 2 - Seine Die Sekte (k.J.) besten Filme (4 Discs) El Segundo Nombre Thriller Edition: 3-Movie- Eva / Der Mann, von dem man spricht / Erica Prior, Trae Houlihan, Teresa Gimpera, Collection (3 Discs) Pipin, der Kurze / Ungeküßt soll man nicht Craig Hill, Denis Rafter, Frank O’Sullivan - Disturbia / Eagle Eye / Next schlafen gehen Dir. Paco Plaza

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Shia LaBeouf, Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Dir. Marc Munden Novembre, Cécile Cassel, Philippe Nahon, Moss, Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Bio- und Filmographien, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Vincent Winterhalter, François Levantal - Jessica Biel, Rosario Dawson, Michelle Drama 1998 316min. Dir. Rémi Bezançon Monaghan - Dir. D.J. Caruso, Lee Tamahori KSM(NewKSM) 14.05.2012 Making of, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien Thriller 2007-2008 305min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046849 Komödie 2005 101min. Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20046759 Verliebt in Berlin - Folgen 181- tba BestellNr.: 20046758 210 (Fan Edition, 3 Discs) TJ - Next Generation Detlef Behr - Dir. Hans-Henning Borgelt, Eine Witwe mordet leise The Bodyguard 2 Joris Hermans, Marcus Ulbricht, Peter Zim- Whatever Happened To Aunt Alice Petchtai Wongkamlao, Jacqueline mermann, Ralph Bridle, Andreas Morell, Geraldine Page, Ruth Gordon, Rosemary Apitananon, , Sushin Kuan- Klaus Kemmler, Sabine Landgraeber, Forsyth, Robert Fuller, Mildred Dunnock, Saghaun, Surachai Sombutchareon, Janet Laurenz Schlüter, Micaela Zschiechow, Joan Huntington - Dir. Lee H. Katzin Khiew, Erich Fleshman, Ron Smoorenburg - Cornelia Dohrn, Markus Schmidt-Märkl, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Thriller/Komödie 1969 97min. Dir. Petchtai Wongkamlao Winfried Bonengel AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Donau Action/Komödie 2007 95min. Drama/Komödie 2005-2007 660min. Film) 25.05.2012 Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Spirit Media 25.05.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20046887 10.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046882 tba BestellNr.: 20046815 Verrücktes Blut (Theater Edition) Women’s Finest 5 Movie TJ - Next Generation (Blu-ray 3D) Sesede Terziyan - Dir. Nurkan Erpulat, Jens Collection (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hillje 2 Tage Paris / Zwei ungleiche Freunde / Forever Lulu / Kunsträuber küsst man The Bodyguard 2 Theater 96min. nicht / Mein Bauer, seine Kuh & Ich Petchtai Wongkamlao, Jacqueline helikon harmonia mundi(ZDF) 20.04.2012 Komödie 471min. Apitananon, Tony Jaa, Sushin Kuan- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046795 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 Saghaun, Surachai Sombutchareon, Janet tba BestellNr.: 20046760 Khiew, Erich Fleshman, Ron Smoorenburg - War Machines (FSK 18) Nam Angels Dir. Petchtai Wongkamlao Zehn Prozent Action/Komödie 2007 98min. Brad Johnson, Vernon Wells, Kevin Duffis, Klaus Schwarzkopf, Jochen Brockmann, Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Rick Dean, Mark Venturini, Jeff Griffith - Franz Schafheitlin, Peter Schütte, Ursula 10.07.2012 Dir. Cirio H. Santiago Dirichs, Willy Semmelrogge, Manfred tba BestellNr.: 20046829 Action/Kriegsfilm 1988 91min. Intergroove Media(Starlight) 04.05.2012 Lichtenfeld, Wolfgang Jansen TJ - Next Generation (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046750 Satire 1966 73min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 The Bodyguard 2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046754 Petchtai Wongkamlao, Jacqueline Was ihr wollt Apitananon, Tony Jaa, Sushin Kuan- Twelfth Night Saghaun, Surachai Sombutchareon, Janet Imogen Stubbs, Helena Bonham Carter, Khiew, Erich Fleshman, Ron Smoorenburg - Nigel Hawthorne, Sir Ben Kingsley, Mel Dir. Petchtai Wongkamlao Smith, Imelda Staunton, Toby Stephens, Special Interest Action/Komödie 2007 98min. Richard E. Grant, Nicholas Farrell, Steven Mackintosh - Dir. Trevor Nunn Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow 10.07.2012 Komödie 1996 127min. Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow tba BestellNr.: 20046828 S.A.D. Home Entertainment 13.04.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046794 Anselm Kiefer, Klaus Dermutz - Dir. Sophie John Travolta-Edition: 3-Movie- Fiennes John Wayne - Classic Edition (3 Audiokommentar, Trailer, Booklet Collection (3 Discs) Dokumentarfilm 2010 105min. Tödliches Vertrauen / Wehrlos - Die Toch- Discs) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing ter des Generals / Zivilprozess El Dorado / Big Jake / Die vier Söhne der AG(mindjazz pictures) 27.04.2012 John Travolta, Teri Polo, Vince Vaughn, Katie Elder 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046799 Madeleine Stowe, James Cromwell, Robert John Wayne, Richard Boone, Maureen Duvall, Tony Shalhoub - Dir. Harold Becker, O’Hara, Robert Mitchum, James Caan, Dean Wader Wecker - Vater Land Simon West, Steven Zaillian Martin, Martha Hyer - Dir. George Sherman, Hannes Wader, Konstantin Wecker - Dir. Thriller 1998-2001 307min. Howard Hawks, Henry Hathaway Rudi Gaul Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Western 1965-1971 343min. Konzertmitschnitt, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, tba BestellNr.: 20046771 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.04.2012 Audiokommentar tba BestellNr.: 20046725 Dokumentarfilm 2011 min. Until Death / The Defender (2 good!movies(Zorro) 04.05.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20046844 Discs, Uncut Version) (Blu-ray) Der weiße Hai (Blu-ray) Jaws (k.J.) Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Until Death / The Defender Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Dolph Lundgren, Jean-Claude van Damme - Carl Gottlieb, Jeffrey Kramer, Peter Dir. Simon Fellows, Dolph Lundgren Benchley, Susan Backlinie, Jonathan Filley, Trailer, Making of Ted Grossman - Dir. Steven Spielberg Action 2004-2007 197min. Horror/Action 1975 min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 15.05.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) tba BestellNr.: 20046768 16.08.2012 Vanity Fair - Jahrmarkt der Eitel- tba BestellNr.: 20046834 keiten (3 Discs) Where is the love? - Das Ziel ist Vanity Fair näher als du denkst Danielle Hawley, Paul Brightwell, Natasha Ma Vie En L’Air Little, Sara Powell, Frances Grey, Pat Vincent Elbaz, Marion Cotillard, Gilles Keen, Charlotte West-Oram, Felix Dexter - Lellouche, Elsa Kikoïne, Didier Bezace, Tom

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

featuring the original Japanese score — make this epic Royalty, Adventure, Computer Animation, adventure soar like never before! Pazu, an engineer’s apprentice, finds a young girl, Sheeta, floating down from the Family, Fantasy, Magic 2011 DD 5.1 80min. Animation sky, and discovers they are both searching for a legendary Phase 4 Films 19.06.2012 floating castle, Laputa. Together, they embark on a daring 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109929 Angelina Ballerina: Musical quest and encounter greedy pirates, secret agents and astounding obstacles that keep them from the truth — and from Moves each other. For the first time ever on Blu-ray, Castle In The Life’s A Jungle: Africa’s Most Dancing Dreams Take Center Stage!. Move to the music with Sky. Wanted Angelina Ballerina and her friends as they explore the Romance, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, wonderful world of dance! Gracie loses herself to some disco Japanese, Anime, Action, Adventure 1986 Kendra Thomas grooves while Alice discovers the power of confidence When Pip, a pampered and snobbish puppy, gets separated through jazz! AZ hip-hops to a happy birthday beat, and Ms. 125min. from his owners on an African safari, he is forced to adapt a Mimi takes her students on a modern dance journey. Angelina Disney / Buena Vista 22.05.2012 new way of life in the jungle where he learns that caviar and shows that friendship - like dance - is special, and best built 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110015 manicures can never bring the same happiness as friendship. one step at a time! Adventure, Animated Animals, Computer Music, Musical, Ballet, Dancing, Family, Cowboy Bebop / American Pop Animation, Family, Jungle 2012 S 88min. Animated Animals 2012 Ltbx S 61min. Phase 4 Films 12.06.2012 Lionsgate 12.06.2012 (Double Feature) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109825 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109802 Lisa Jane Persky, Beau Billingslea Mars. Days before Halloween 2071. Villains blow up a tanker truck on Highway One, releasing a deadly virus that kills Secrets Of The Wings Awesome Adventures Vol. 1: hundreds. Fearing a bigger, even more devastating Lucy Hale, Megan Hilty, Timothy Dalton Rescue Friends biochemical attack, an astronomical reward is offered for the Journey with Tinker Bell and her fairy friends into the arrest and capture of the person behind the destruction. On Includes 6 Action-Packed Adventures!. Calling all heroes! forbidden world of the mysterious Winter Woods, where the spaceship „Bebop,“ Spike Spiegel and his crew of bounty curiosity and adventure lead Tink to an amazing discovery Spencer shows his mettle when he steams through thick fog to hunters (Jet Black, Faye Valentine, Ed and Ein) are bored rescue Percy; Toby’s new whistle rings friends and animals and reveal a magical secret that could change her world and short of cash. But with the news of the reward everything forever. to safety! Bob the Builder’s Machine Team helps Scratch out changes. Based on the wildly popular TV series, Cowboy of a sticky situation, and Dizzy surprises her friends - and Bebop, the big-screen smash Cowboy Bebop: The Movie pits Disney, Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure herself - when she turns a big mistake into a great success. Spike and Co. against their deadliest adversary ever. 2012 92min. Fireman Sam proves that a hero’s work is never done and Featuring stunning, state-of-the-art animation, this action- Disney / Buena Vista 23.10.2012 James learns that some rescues are best left to the packed sci-fi adventure builds to a breath-taking, nail-biting professionals! Everyone is racing to the rescue in this climax, guaranteed to keep you hanging on the edge of your 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109695 exciting collection from your favorite preschool friends! seat. Journey into an explosion of sight, sound, song and Adventure, Computer Animation, Family, superb storytelling as brilliantly conceived by animation Secrets Of The Wings (DVD + Blu- Firefighters, Preschool, Stop Motion Anima- innovator Ralph Bakshi (Fritz the Cat, The Lord of the Rings, Wizards). From a turn-of-the-century immigrant vaudevillian ray Combo) (Blu-ray) tion 2012 FF S 66min. to a rock superstar, America Pop is the story of four Lionsgate 13.03.2012 generation Lucy Hale, Megan Hilty, Timothy Dalton Journey with Tinker Bell and her fairy friends into the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109803 Music, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Anime, forbidden world of the mysterious Winter Woods, where Double Features, Drama, Fantasy, Action, curiosity and adventure lead Tink to an amazing discovery Awesome Adventures Vol. 2: Adventure min. and reveal a magical secret that could change her world Image Ent. 22.05.2012 forever. Races, Chases & Fun Disney, Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109920 Includes 6 Action-Packed Adventures!. Racing engines, 2012 92min. runaway go-carts and monster chases lead to thrills, spills Disney / Buena Vista 23.10.2012 and rescues! Thomas and Hiro discover there’s no need for Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Rescue speed when trying to be a Really Useful engine; Fireman Sam 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109725 is rescue-ready when Norman and James forget to put safety In The Mermaid Kingdom first; Bob the Builder’s Machine Team keep their eyes open to Dora, Boots and the Littlest Mermaid enter Mermaid Kingdom Secrets Of The Wings 3D (Blu-ray big adventure and big fun, putting the TEAM in teamwork and to bring all the mermaids together to overcome the Queen. getting the job done. Get set and go with favorite, fast friends 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital in these six exciting adventures! Adventure, Family, Fantasy, High Seas, Adventure, Computer Animation, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool 2012 69min. Copy) (Blu-ray) Firefighters, Preschool, Stop Motion Anima- Nickelodeon 26.06.2012 Lucy Hale, Megan Hilty, Timothy Dalton tion 2012 FF S 62min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109744 Journey with Tinker Bell and her fairy friends into the forbidden world of the mysterious Winter Woods, where Lionsgate 12.06.2012 curiosity and adventure lead Tink to an amazing discovery 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109804 The Fantastic Adventures Of and reveal a magical secret that could change her world Unico forever. Disney, Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure Babar The Classic Series: The Unico the Unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he meets happy. Whether it’s because of his personality or the 2012 92min. Complete First Season powers of his horn, no one knows. However, the gods become Disney / Buena Vista 23.10.2012 Based on the beloved books by Laurent de Brunhoff, jealous of Unico, thinking that only they should be able to experience the animated story of Babar, a young elephant who decide or allow people to be happy. Unico is banished to the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109726 becomes king of the jungle. Along the way Babar and his Hill of Oblivion, and the West Wind is ordered to take him friends in Celesteville learn core family values from their there. She can’t stand giving this fate to Unico, so Unico’s Unico In The Island Of Magic adventures, proving that despite life’s challenges, great adventures begin, as the West Wind takes him from one place things are always possible. Long live happiness! and time to the next, in a neverending journey to escape the Unico the unicorn has the amazing power to make anyone he wrath of the gods. meets happy. In this adventure, Unico finds himself with a new Animated Animals, Family, Preschool friend, a young girl named Cherry. However, Cherry’s long 293min. Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese min. lost older brother Toby has finally come home, and is now a E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 ADA 15.05.2012 misguided apprentice to an insane (and not human) magician 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109856 named Kuruku. When Cherry’s parents get turned into weird, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109777 almost zombie-like dolls called living puppets, she and Unico start a quest to the very ends of the earth to get her parents Bakuman: Season One - Part One Franklin - DVD Collection and brother back before Kuruku takes over the world. 8 Hours of Franklin fun! Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese min. (Blu-ray) Boxed Sets, Nickelodeon, Animated Animals ADA 15.05.2012 Anime, Foreign, Japanese 175min. 2012 FF 525min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109857 Allegro Entertainment 22.05.2012 Phase 4 Films 08.05.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109767 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109810 Whisper Of The Heart (Blu-ray + Castle In The Sky (Blu-ray + DVD DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Kiara The Brave Brittany Snow, Cary Elwes, David Combo) (Blu-ray) Dreamzone has been a peaceful and a magical kingdom under the rule of King Maximus. That’s about to change when he is Gallagher , Cloris Leachman, James Van captured and imprisoned by his evil brother Dreadmis. When Whisper Of The Heart inspires like never before in Blu-ray! Der Beek Dreadmis unleashes his vengeance upon the kingdom, the A new digital master reveals the true brilliance of this Castle In The Sky’s timeless story of courage and friendship King’s daughter, courageous Princess Kiara must conquer heartwarming coming-of-age classic from Studio Ghibli, the is now more thrilling than ever with the magic of Blu-ray! The evil and restore harmony in Dreamzone. Together with her studio that brought you Ponyo. pristine hand-drawn animation from acclaimed Academy best friend Super Kloud, they embark on a magical journey to Anime, Action, Drama, Family, Foreign, Award-winning director (2002, Best protect their Kingdom and bring the rightful owner back to the Japanese, Music, Romance 1995 111min. Animated Feature, Spirited Away) and a new digital master — throne. Disney / Buena Vista 22.05.2012

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 21 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110016 John Savage, David Keith, Caroline there before them, are quick to learn the ways of survival. Wring rainwater from clothes for drinking. Use brass uniform Goodall, Camilla Belle, Rosemary DeCamp, buttons as currency. Stay clear of the roving gang of Union Young Justice: Dangerous Secrets Debby Boone, Barry Corbin, Jerry Stiller, thieves called Raiders. And tell no one about the secret plan Back for another round Robin, Superboy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Joseph Calleia, Sabu, Sam Huntington, Ted to tunnel to freedom. Master moviemaker John Frankenheimer Miss Martian and Artemis band together to rid the world of Jan Roberts, Jose Luis Alfonzo directs this epic tale about life inside the most notorious of the evil and prove they’re not just kids anymore. Between attacks American Civil War’s prison camps. Haunting scenes of The Jungle Book Simon And The Spirit Bear River’s End conflict and inhumanity, the trial that brought the Raiders to from the magical deviant and Lord of Chaos Klarion, and Hollywood Safari Secret Of The Andes threats from the newly formed Injustice League, the crew has justice: Frankenheimer includes them all with a skill that their work cut out for them as they travel the globe maintaining Wilderness, Adventure, Crime, Drama, brought him a Best Director Emmy. justice. With the possibility of a traitor within the group and Family, Jungle 440min. TV Movies, War, Western, American Civil the absence of the Justice League, the group turns their Echo Bridge Home Entertainment War, Drama 1996 167min. attention on each other, coming together, and proving they have what it takes to truly be called superheroes! 19.06.2012 Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109956 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109962 Cartoon Network, Superheroes min. Warner Bros. 24.07.2012 8 Mile Arn: The Knight Templar - The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109797 Brittany Murphy, Kim Basinger, Mekhi Complete Series Phifer, Eminem Sofia Helin, Stellan Skarsgard, Joakim Rolling Stone. For Jimmy Smith, Jr. (Eminem), life is a daily fight just to keep hope alive. Feeding his dreams in Detroit’s Natterqvist vibrant music scene, Jimmy wages an extraordinary personal In a time of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous struggle to find his own voice-and earn a place in a world kings, Arn, a skilled swordsman, is sent to war as a Knight Film where rhymes rule, legends are born and ever Templar, while Cecilia, the love of his life, is imprisoned in a another chance. From Academy Award winner Curtis Hanson convent. 10 Items Or Less: The Complete (L.A. Confidential) and Oscar-winning producer Brian Grazer Romance, Swedish, War, Action, (A Beautiful Mind), 8 Mile is the triumphant film Time Magazi- Adventure, Drama, Foreign, Medieval Times Third Season ne hails as „Powerful!“ and Entertainment Weekly applauds as 2007 258min. Kim Coles, Jennifer Elise Cox, John Lehr, „Electrifying“ and „Mesmerizing!“ Music, Rap, Drama 2002 min. E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 Bob Clendenin, Christopher Liam Moore 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109775 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Universal Studios 10.01.2012 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110012 Season 3, Leslie Pool (John Lehr) faces his biggest challenge Arn: The Knight Templar - The yet in Mercy Jones, a tough SuperValueMart manager who has come from under orders to drive Greens & Act Of Valor Complete Series (Blu-ray) Grains out of business forever. Determined to confront the Roselyn Sanchez, Nestor Serrano Sofia Helin, Stellan Skarsgard, Joakim threats posed by Mercy, Leslie enlists his staff in everything Go „down range“ with real, active-duty Navy SEALs in Act Of Natterqvist from a knock-off convention and a new laser eye Valor, the adrenaline-fueled action-adventure that inserts you surgery center to going „green“ in honor of his newly In a time of brave knights, powerful queens and treacherous into the heart of the battle, alongside America’s best and kings, Arn, a skilled swordsman, is sent to war as a Knight discovered Native American heritage and producing his own bravest. When a covert mission to rescue a kidnapped CIA CD to save his 150-year-old family business. The final Templar, while Cecilia, the love of his life, is imprisoned in a operative uncovers a chilling plot, elite, highly-trained U.S. convent. season of this hilarious comedy also stars Christopher Liam SEAL teams speed to hotspots around the globe, racing Moore, Bob Clendenin, Greg Davis Jr., Chris Payne Gilbert, against the clock to stop a deadly terrorist attack. Pulse- Drama, Foreign, Medieval Times, Action, Kirsten Gronfield, Roberta Valderrama, Jennifer Elise Cox pounding combat sequences, cutting-edge battlefield Adventure, Romance, Swedish, War 2007 and Kim Coles. Newly remastered. technology and raw emotion fuel this unprecedented blend of 258min. Work Sucks, Comedy, On The Job, TBS real-world heroism and original filmmaking — a thrilling E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 2009 Ltbx 16x9 S 175min. tribute to the skills, courage and tenacity of the world’s most 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109793 SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 revered warriors. Navy, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Military 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109891 2012 110min. The Assault 20th Century Fox 05.06.2012 13 Assassins Chems Dahmani 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109770 On December 24, 1994, when four heavily armed terrorists A sadistic Daimyo (Feudal Lord) rapes a woman and murders from the Algerian Armed Islamic Group hijacked an Air France both her and her husband, the matter is quickly hushed up. plane bound for Paris at Algiers’ airport, the 227 passengers Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo Act Of Valor (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- on board seemed destined for tragedy. After hours of tireless is the Shogun’s younger brother, he will soon be appointed to gital Copy) (Blu-ray) negotiations the plane was granted permission to leave only to a high political position from which he could wreak even more head to Marseille for refueling. Mindfully avoiding politics havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the Roselyn Sanchez, Nestor Serrano and emphasizing only the events themselves, The Assault balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. Go „down range“ with real, active-duty Navy SEALs in Act Of weaves together the violent and claustrophobic onboard Samurai, Action, Adventure, Foreign, Valor, the adrenaline-fueled action-adventure that inserts you drama, with backstories of the tough SWAT officer and father Japanese 1963 125min. into the heart of the battle, alongside America’s best and Thierry (Vincent Elbaz), the determined jihadist from the bravest. When a covert mission to rescue a kidnapped CIA slums of Algiers (Aymen Saidi), and an overly ambitious E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 operative uncovers a chilling plot, elite, highly-trained U.S. French Interior Ministry worker. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109783 SEAL teams speed to hotspots around the globe, racing Terrorism, Thrillers, Action 2010 91min. against the clock to stop a deadly terrorist attack. Pulse- pounding combat sequences, cutting-edge battlefield Screen Media Films 12.06.2012 1313: Night Of The Widow technology and raw emotion fuel this unprecedented blend of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109879 Ryan Moore real-world heroism and original filmmaking — a thrilling A group of sexy 20-somethings gather to pay their respects to tribute to the skills, courage and tenacity of the world’s most Baby Dolls Behind Bars 3D a departed friend, only to become the pawns in a macabre revered warriors. charade of villainous deceit... Military, Action, Adventure, Navy, Thrillers Ditzy police cadet Sissy (Jazy Berlin) goes undercover in a maximum security prison to get the goods on World Famous Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Hor- 2012 110min. Jewel Thief, Maggie (Erika Jordan). Once inside she ror 2011 S 75min. 20th Century Fox 05.06.2012 uncovers a devious plot headed up by the wicked Warden Music Video Distribution 07.08.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109789 (Christine Nguyen). Starring Jazy Berlin, Erika Jordan, Christine Nguyen, Jenna Presley, Jade Starr, Baby Dolls 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109935 Behind Bars is an erotic action-comedy romp with the addition American Animal of eye-popping 3-D from the cult movie experts at Retromedia 5 Features Adventure Movie In this loud, irreverent comedy, Jimmy, a terminally ill young Entertainment. Contains both 3-D (2 pair of anaglyph 3-D man with a penchant for waxing philosophical and sudden glasses are included inside the DVD case) and non-3-D Pack: Volume 2 costume changes, finds his hedonistic world of casual sex, versions! Neil Patrick Harris, Kelli Williams, Alyssa drinking and board games derailed when he learns that his Prison, Action, Comedy, Cops, Erotica Milano, Ned Beatty, Ron White, Glenn Beck best friend and roommate, James, has gotten a job. 81min. Snowbound To Brave Alaska Tom Alone The Journey Devil’s Comedy, Drama 2011 95min. Retromedia 12.06.2012 Hill Screen Media Films 05.06.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109737 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109882 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Back To The Future (DVD + Digi- 19.06.2012 Andersonville (Repackage) tal Copy Combo) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109996 Frederic Forrest, Jan Triska, Cliff De Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson, Christopher Young, Ted Marcoux, Jarrod Emick Lloyd, Crispin Glover, Thomas F. Wilson 5-Movie Adventure Pack Volume The Great Untold Story of the Civil War. Captured Union soldiers arrive inside the barracks-less POW encampment From Academy Award-winning filmmakers Steven Spielberg 4 called Andersonville. The new arrivals, like the hapless souls and Robert Zemeckis comes Back to the Future - the original,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 22 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA groundbreaking adventure that sparked one of the most for just long enough to tattoo a mysterious message on his True Grit), The Big Lebowski is a hilariously quirky comedy successful trilogies ever. When teenager Marty McFly paw. Separated from the family in Athens, Benji finds himself about bowling a severed toe, White Russians and a guy (Michael J. Fox) is blasted to 1955 in the DeLorean time on the run from an assortment of international spies seeking named . . . The Dude. Jeff „The Dude“ Lebowski doesn’t want machine created by the eccentric Doc Brown (Christopher an energy scientist, who has been working on a secret any drama in his life . . . heck, he can’t even be bothered with Lloyd), he finds himself mixed up in a time-shattering chain formula. „There aren’t enough superlatives to describe this a job. But, he must embark on a quest with his bowling reaction that could vaporize his future - and leave him trapped sensational film!“ says Family Weekly. „Benji’s acting buddies after his rug is destroyed in a twisted case of in the past. Powered by innovative special effects, performance is even better than in his first film.“ You’ll be mistaken identity. Starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, unforgettable songs and non-stop action, Back to the Future is sure to agree! Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Philip Seymour Hoffman and an unrivaled adventure that stands the test of time! Comedy, Drama, Family, Adventure 1977 John Turturro, experience the cultural phenomenon of The National Film Registry, Science Fiction, 85min. Dude in the „#1 cult film of all time!“ (The Boston Globe) Stoners, Thrillers, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Time Travel, Adventure, Classics, Comedy, Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Film Noir, Kid- Family 1985 116min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109768 Universal Studios 05.06.2012 napping 1998 119min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109741 Universal Studios 05.06.2012 The Big Bang Theory: The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109742 Backyard To Battlefield Complete First Season (Blu-ray + Military 139min. DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Billy Elliot Gaiam Americas 12.06.2012 Johnny Galecki, Kunal Nayyar, Kaley Julie Walters, Jamie Bell, Jamie Draven, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109877 Cuoco, Jim Parsons, Simon Helberg Adam Cooper, Gary Lewis Physicists Leonard and Sheldon understand everything from With Oscar®-worthy performances, Rex Reed (The New the inescapable gravitational pull of a black hole to the York Observer) calls „a triumph!“ Don’t miss Billy Elliot - the Barbarella (Blu-ray) intricate structure of the atom. But take those atoms and triumphant tale of one boy who reaches beyond his place in Jane Fonda, David Hemmings, John Phillip assemble them into a woman, and their comprehension comes the world to follow his heart’s desire. to a grinding halt. And when Penny, a woman with all those Troubled Youth, Art House, Ballet, Comedy, Law, Ugo Tognazzi, Marcel Marceau atoms in all the right places, moves in across the hall, Barbarella is marked by the same audacity and originality, Leonard and Sheldon’s universe begins to expand in ways Dancing, Drama 2000 min. fantasy, humor, beauty and horror, cruelly and eroticism that they never could have imagined. When series creators Chuck Universal Studios 10.01.2012 make comic books such a favorite. The Setting is the planet Lorre (Two and a Half Men) and Bill Prady (Dharma & Greg) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110013 Lythion in the year 40,000, when Barbarella makes a forced combine equal parts science, superheroes and sex and add landing while traveling through space. She acts like a female stars Johnny Galecki (Roseanne) and Jim Parsons (Judging James Bond, vanquishing evil in the forms of robots and Amy), the result is an explosively funny comedy for the nerd Blade II (Blu-ray) monsters. She also rewards, in an uninhibited manner, the in all of us. Wesley Snipes, Ron Perlman, Leonor handsome men who assist her in the adventure. Whether she CBS, Comedy 2007 355min. Varela, Kris Kristofferson, Luke Goss, is wrestling with Black Guards, the evil Queen, or the Angel Warner Bros. 10.07.2012 Pygar, she just can’t seem to avoid losing at least part of her Norman Reedus skin-tight space suit! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109794 When the world is threatened by a new and deadlier breed of Cult Film / TV, Based On Comic Book, super vampire, the legendary Blade (Wesley Snipes) and his Science Fiction, Space 1968 98min. The Big Bang Theory: The mentor Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) must join forces with the Paramount Pictures 03.07.2012 Bloodpack, an elite team of vampire warriors made up of Complete Second Season (Blu- Blade’s sworn enemies. These ravenous fiends must be 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109760 destroyed at all costs in this high-voltage adventure ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) exploding with spectacular effects and martial arts action. Battle Force Johnny Galecki, Kunal Nayyar, Kaley The electrifying Snipes reprises his role from the original cult Cuoco, Jim Parsons, Simon Helberg classic, Blade. Scott Martin, Clint Glenn, Alberto Frezza, The science of funny is back! At work, physicists Leonard Fantasy, Horror, Action, Science Fiction, Brandon Davis, Dennis Lavalle and Sheldon and their geek pals conquer the cosmos. At home, Thrillers, Vampires 2002 117min. The worst is yet to come.. In 1942 an elite fighting unit was real life - from dating to driving - conquers them. This season, New Line Home Entertainment 10.07.2012 formed, officially named the First Special Service Force. They Leonard gets a girl. So does Sheldon. (Sheldon?!) Howard were made up of mountain men, hunters and all-around misfits, drives the Mars Rover into a ditch. Raj woos a terminator. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109757 and were trained to scale cliffs, jump out of airplanes, and kill Gorgeous girl-next-door Penny falls under the spell of Age of Nazis. The following summer, days before the invasion of Conan. And super-smart, überconfident Leslie Winkler Born On The Fourth Of July (Blu- Sicily, the best of these men were handpicked for a desperate reduces mere men to spineless jellyfish. Twenty-three laugh- mission. Amidst the bloodshed of World War II, these men filled episodes from series creators Chuck Lorre (Two and a ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- went armed for combat, and the only way out was to aim, fire Half Men) and Bill Prady () and a talented cast and stay alive. with astronomical comedy I.Q.s show why Big Bang is such a ray) War, World War II, Action, Fighting 2012 DD big hit. Tom Cruise, Willem Dafoe, Frank Whaley, 5.1 102min. CBS, Comedy 2008 481min. Kyra Sedgwick, Caroline Kava, Raymond J. Lionsgate 03.07.2012 Warner Bros. 10.07.2012 Barry, Jerry Levine 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109934 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109795 Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone’s Academy Award winning masterpiece. Based on a true story, the acclaimed film Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis Of The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray + DVD follows the young Kovic from a zealous teen who eagerly + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) volunteers for the Vietnam War, to an embittered veteran Evil (Blu-ray) paralyzed from the mid-chest down. Deeply in love with his Bruce McGill, Keith David, Peter Coyote, John Goodman, Jeff Bridges, John country, Kovic returned to an environment vastly different from Nicholas Gonzalez, Shane Edelman, Matt Turturro, David Huddleston, Julianne Moo- the one he left, and struggled before emerging as a brave new re, Steve Buscemi voice for the disenchanted. Bushell, Denis Arndt Drama, Academy Award Winners, War The fate of the world hangs in the balance in this explosive From the Academy Award-winning Coen brothers (Fargo, action thriller. Brace yourself for nonstop action and chilling True Grit), The Big Lebowski is a hilariously quirky comedy 1989 145min. suspense, because there’s no turning back in this pulse- about bowling a severed toe, White Russians and a guy Universal Studios 03.07.2012 pounding sequel that takes you Behind Enemy Lines for named . . . The Dude. Jeff „The Dude“ Lebowski doesn’t want 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109834 another adrenaline-fueled adventure! When a team of U.S. any drama in his life . . . heck, he can’t even be bothered with Navy SEALs is assigned to destroy a North Korean missile a job. But, he must embark on a quest with his bowling site and avert a possible nuclear strike, failure is not an buddies after his rug is destroyed in a twisted case of Born On The Fourth Of July (DVD option. But the mission is abruptly aborted, stranding four mistaken identity. Starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, soldiers in enemy territory. Now, in order to survive, they Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Philip Seymour Hoffman and + Digital Copy Combo) must defeat the rebel forces that threaten their lives, their John Turturro, experience the cultural phenomenon of The Dude in the „#1 cult film of all time!“ (The Boston Globe) Tom Cruise, Willem Dafoe, Frank Whaley, allies and the entire free world. Kyra Sedgwick, Caroline Kava, Raymond J. Drama, Action, Thrillers, War 2006 97min. Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Film Noir, Kidnapping, Barry, Jerry Levine 20th Century Fox 12.06.2012 Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109792 Stoners, Thrillers 1998 119min. Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone’s Academy Award Universal Studios 05.06.2012 winning masterpiece. Based on a true story, the acclaimed film 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109758 follows the young Kovic from a zealous teen who eagerly Benji: For The Love Of Benji (Blu- volunteers for the Vietnam War, to an embittered veteran ray) paralyzed from the mid-chest down. Deeply in love with his The Big Lebowski (DVD + Digital country, Kovic returned to an environment vastly different from Benjii, Cynthia Smith, Patsy Garrett, Ed the one he left, and struggled before emerging as a brave new Nelson, Allen Fiuzat Copy Combo) voice for the disenchanted. Benji’s back in this second hit from writer-director Joe Camp, John Goodman, Jeff Bridges, John War, Academy Award Winners, Drama along with Cindy (Cynthia Smith) and Paul Chapman (Allen Turturro, David Huddleston, Julianne Moo- 1989 145min. Fiuzat) and beloved housekeeper Mary (Patsy Garrett). They’re en route to a vacation in Greece when a fellow re, Steve Buscemi Universal Studios 03.07.2012 passenger, Chandler Dietrich (Ed Nelson), „borrows“ Benji From the Academy Award-winning Coen brothers (Fargo, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109823

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109955 Boss Of Bosses 05.06.2012 Chazz Palminteri, Jay O. Sanders, Angela 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109731 Chariots Of Fire (Digibook) (Blu- Alvarado Rosa, Clancy Brown, Daniel ray) Benzali, Mark Margolis, Dayton Callie, Ri- Burn Notice: Season Five , Ben Cross, , Nigel chard Foronjy, Sonny Marinelli Gabrielle Anwar, , Bruce Davenport, Cherly Campbell, Alice Krige, Based On The True Story Of Real-Life Godfather Paul Campbell, Jeffrey Donovan John Gielgud, Brad Davis, Lindsay Castellano.. Construction unions, automobile dealerships, A new day breaks for Michael Westen when he’s reinstated harbor operators, loan outlets, porn palaces - all were targets by the CIA, but his good fortune is impossibly short-lived. Anderson, Peter Egan, Dennis Christopher, of notorious mob boss Paul Castellano and his ruthless Framed for murder and blackmailed by a diabolical foe, Mi- Nigel Havers, Ian Charleson Gambino crime family. Wherever Castellano was, money chael and his team must do whatever it takes to clear his name Winner of four Academy Awards including Best Picture! The happened. And often, so did death. Chazz Palminteri (The and catch a killer. As the danger builds, Michael finally inspiring true story of British athletes competing in the 1924 Usual Suspects, Analyze This) plays capo of capos comes face-to-face with the man who burned him, leading to Olympics. Ben Cross and Ian Charleson head a sterling cast Castellano in this powerful insider’s story directed by Dwight an explosive finale, after which nothing will ever be the same. of newcomers and veterans. The story, told in flashback, of Little (Murder at 1600, Marked for Death) from the bestseller Featuring an exclusive extended episode, deleted scenes, and two young British sprinters competing for fame in the 1924 by the FBI agents whose work helped undermine the Gambino so much more, Burn Notice Season Five will reveal more Olympics. Eric, a devout Scottish missionary runs because he organization. Shrewd and iron-handed, „Big Paulie“ wanted to shocking secrets than ever before! knows it must please God. Harold, the son of a newly rich lead the Mafia into a new business era. He never imagined it USA Network, Action, Adventure, Comedy Jew runs to prove his place in Cambridge society. would be the beginning of the end. Drama, Friendships, Academy Award Biopics, Crime, Drama 2001 93min. 774min. Winners, Olympics, Sports 1981 124min. Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 20th Century Fox 05.06.2012 Warner Bros. 10.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109974 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109774 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109724 Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Breakaway Citizen Jane (Blu-ray) Camilla Belle, Rob Lowe, Drake Kid / The Comancheros / A Fistful Sean Patrick Flanery, Ally Sheedy, Meat A pickup hockey player with disapproving parents and a dead Of Dollars / Horse Soldiers (Blu- end job, Rajveer has dreams of making it to the NHL some Loaf day. Enlisting the help of a former pro-player-turned-zamboni ray) Based on a true story that dominated headlines and the book drive, he’ll try to do the unthinkable - win the biggest by James Dalessandro, Citizen Jane is the gripping tale of tournament of the year with an all Indian team! With exciting Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Robert Jane Alexander (Ally Sheedy, Welcome to the Rileys, Short on-ice action and engaging performances, Breakaway is a Redford, Paul Newman Circuit, The Breakfast Club) who went on to found the activist crowd-pleasing film guaranteed to score with the whole family. Western, Buddy Pictures, Classics, Drama, group Against Homicide, which supports families Sports, Comedy, Drama, Hockey 2011 Action, Adventure min. looking for justice. Crime, Biography, Biopics, Mystery, TV 95min. 20th Century Fox 15.05.2012 Movies 2009 86min. Screen Media Films 26.06.2012 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109833 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109721 Green Apple Entertainment 29.05.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109968 Casino (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Breaking Bad: The Complete Copy) (Blu-ray) Fourth Season Civil War Anniversary Collection: Sharon Stone, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Gore Vidal’s Lincoln / The Sur- , Betsy Brandt, Bryan Cranston, James Woods, Frank Vincent, Kevin Pollak, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, R.J. Mitte Don Rickles, Alan King render At Appomattox (Double In Season 3’s finale, Jesse (Aaron Paul) was on the run, with Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone and Joe Pesci star in director Feature) Mike (Jonathan Banks) in hot pursuit, while Walt (Bryan Martin Scorsese’s riveting look at how blind ambition, white- Cranston) negotiated for his life with Gus (Giancarlo hot passion and 24-karat greed toppled an empire. Las Vegas, Mary Tyler Moore, Sam Waterston Esposito). In a desperate attempt to escape certain death, 1973, is the setting for this fact-based story about the Mob’s Gore Vidal’s Lincoln The Surrender At Appomattox Walt concocted a disturbing plan - kill his former lab multimillion-dollar casino operation, where fortunes and lives Presidents, TV Movies, War, Action, Ameri- assistant Gale - to provide for his and Jesse’s safety. The were made and lost with a roll of the dice. scheme ultimately forced Jesse to Gale’s doorstep with a gun can Civil War, Biopics, Double Features, while Walt was held hostage in the Superlab. This season, Crime, Drama, Gamblers, Gambling 1995 Drama, Historical / Period Piece min. Walt and Jesse must cope with the fallout both personally and 179min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment professionally. Tension mounts as Walt faces a true standoff Universal Studios 05.06.2012 with his employer, Gus, with neither side willing or able to 05.06.2012 back down. Walt must also adjust to a new relationship with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109835 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109952 Skyler (Anna Gunn), whom while still reconciling her relationship with Walt, is committed to properly laundering Casino (DVD + Digital Copy Com- Walt’s money and ensuring her sister Marie (Betsy Brandt) A Close Call For Boston Blackie and an ailing Hank (Dean Norris) are financially stable. bo) Claire Carleton, Richard Lane, Chester Executive produced by Vince Gilligan and Mark Johnson. Sharon Stone, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Morris, George E. Stone, Frank Sully Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD James Woods, Frank Vincent, Kevin Pollak, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 5.1 610min. Don Rickles, Alan King a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In Sony Pictures Home Entertainment another of his unusual and fascinating capers, Boston Blackie Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone and Joe Pesci star in director (Chester Morris, Alibi, Blind Alley, and Meet Boston Blackie) 05.06.2012 Martin Scorsese’s riveting look at how blind ambition, white- gets entangled with a former girlfriend, the murder of her 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109715 hot passion and 24-karat greed toppled an empire. Las Vegas, husband, and a possible kidnap-extortion plot! His sidekick, 1973, is the setting for this fact-based story about the Mob’s The Runt (George E. Stone, The Face Behind the Mask, One multimillion-dollar casino operation, where fortunes and lives Mysterious Night), is there when Gerry Peyton (Lynn Breaking Bad: The Complete were made and lost with a roll of the dice. Merrick, The Blonde from ), Blackie’s former flame, Fourth Season (Blu-ray) Crime, Drama, Gamblers 1995 179min. shows up with her baby, asking the two to protect the baby Universal Studios 05.06.2012 from her recently paroled husband. The Runt takes the baby, Anna Gunn, Betsy Brandt, Bryan Cranston, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109824 Blackie takes on the husband, and the chase is on, with Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, R.J. Mitte Inspector Farraday (Richard Lane) and Sergeant Matthews In Season 3’s finale, Jesse (Aaron Paul) was on the run, with (Frank Sully) at their heels. This fast-paced, surprising Mike (Jonathan Banks) in hot pursuit, while Walt (Bryan Castle Rock mystery wraps up in a tidy 60 minutes, but don’t feel cheated - Cranston) negotiated for his life with Gus (Giancarlo they just don’t make ‘em this way anymore! Newly remastered. Esposito). In a desperate attempt to escape certain death, Alana Austin, Pamela Bach Mystery, Caper, Classics, Crime, Drama, Walt concocted a disturbing plan - kill his former lab Andy’s mother has had enough of her rebellious teenage Kidnapping 1946 FF M 62min. assistant Gale - to provide for his and Jesse’s safety. The daughter, so she sends her out into the desert near Castle scheme ultimately forced Jesse to Gale’s doorstep with a gun Rock with her grandpa (Ernest Borgnine) and his dog, Farley, SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 while Walt was held hostage in the Superlab. This season, for a serious reality check. As they’re setting up camp, Farley 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109883 Walt and Jesse must cope with the fallout both personally and takes off and Andy goes looking for him. When she returns, professionally. Tension mounts as Walt faces a true standoff her grandpa is nowhere to be found - rescued by some locals with his employer, Gus, with neither side willing or able to after suffering a terrible stroke. Now Andy and Farley are C’mon Man back down. Walt must also adjust to a new relationship with alone in the desert with no other options except to make the Tommy Davidson, Luenell, Karimah Skyler (Anna Gunn), whom while still reconciling her trek to the nearest town. But they’re not alone for long when relationship with Walt, is committed to properly laundering they come across Antonio, a young illegal immigrant on the run Westbrook, Marla Gibbs, Anna Maria Walt’s money and ensuring her sister Marie (Betsy Brandt) from border patrol. If they want to make it out alive, they’ll Horsford, Kym Whitley, Clifton Powell, and an ailing Hank (Dean Norris) are financially stable. have to stick together. Earthquake, , Aries Spears, Troubled Youth, Action, Desert 2000 81min. Executive produced by Vince Gilligan and Mark Johnson. Tony Rock Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DTS Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Who get’s the last laugh?. Like every stand-up comic who’s 610min. 26.06.2012 ever stepped onstage, Jeff Woods dreamed of „making it big.“ Unlike most stand-up comics, Jeff actually got his chance; and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 24 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA while on his way to the top, an insecure ego causes Jeff’s What goes around comes around for a pair of prank-playing Ray Lovelock, Roberto Camardiel, Piero career to quickly go from good to bad. Now, fresh out of tire salesmen (Sean Astin and Michael Vartan) who find rehab, Jeff is armed with new hilarious comedic material and a themselves placed in secretarial jobs by their put-upon boss Lulli, Milo Quesada, Paco Sans burning desire to make it big again, the right way. (David Cross). Now the two pranksters will have to climb Tomas Milian stars as a half-breed bandit double-crossed and their way back to the top. left for dead who rises from the grave to seek his revenge in a Comedy, Drama 2012 DD 5.1 100min. bizarre town called „The Unhappy Place“ where he’s plunged Lionsgate 26.06.2012 On The Job, Comedy 2009 94min. into an odyssey of gruesome torture, graphic violence and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109787 Starz / Anchor Bay 12.06.2012 sexual depravity. This is the landmark movie that fans and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109843 critics still consider to be the strangest-and most controversial- ‘Spaghetti Western’ ever made. This is Django The Collapsed Kill! In the wake of the end of the world, a family of four Demoted (Blu-ray) Foreign, Horror, Italian, Spaghetti We- desperately tries to survive. Their goal: escaping the city and David Cross, Sara Foster, Cleo King, Sean sterns, Western 1967 117min. traveling to the rural community they once called home. The constant threat of a violent death forcing them to stay as far Astin, Ron White, Robert Klein, Michael Blue Underground 19.06.2012 away from civilization as possible, they take to the forest, Vartan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109730 soon to discover the danger posed by other survivors may be What goes around comes around for a pair of prank-playing the least of their worries. Will they survive? A dark and tire salesmen (Sean Astin and Michael Vartan) who find unpredictable horror/thriller. themselves placed in secretarial jobs by their put-upon boss Dogs In Space Science Fiction, Thrillers, Apocalyptic (David Cross). Now the two pranksters will have to climb Set against the backdrop of Melbourne’s late 70s punk rock Future, Drama, End Of The World, Horror their way back to the top. scene, Dogs in Space chronicles life in a chaotic, squalid Comedy, On The Job 2009 94min. share house. Hippies, addicts, students and radicals fill their 2011 82min. Starz / Anchor Bay 12.06.2012 days and nights with sex, drugs and parties. A series of Starz / Anchor Bay 05.06.2012 chaotic vignettes are balanced with the central romance 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109862 between Sam Dogs in Space. Anna (Saskia Post) as the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109841 house spirals out of control. Hutchence (of INXS fame) is a brilliant symbol of reckless youth in this, his first dramatic Combat 4-Pack: Volume 1 The Departed / Goodfellas / The screen role, giving Dogs in Space instant cult status upon its Aviator (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) original release in 1986. Unscreened for over twenty years, Kerry Valderrama, Vera Farmiga, Deborah this classic film has been painstakingly restored from the Odell, Jason Cox, John Malkovich, Thomas Matt Damon, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, original negative and remixed in 5.1 digital sound. Kretschmann, Jake Busey, Daniel Bruhl, Vik Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Music, Punk Rock, Romance, Australian, Sahay Pesci Cult Film / TV, Drama, Foreign 1986 109min. Includes: In Tranzit. In Tranzit. Time Bomb. Jake Busey plays Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Hen’s Tooth 12.06.2012 Jason, a soldier who tragically lost his young son and is now Mental Illness, Academy Award Winners, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109805 in Iraq and constantly being reminded of his loss by the daily bombings. When he is exposed to an experimental virus that Biopics, Mystery, Thrillers, Triple Feature creates a deadly squad of suicide bombers, he must decipher min. Door To Door (Repackage) which explosions are real and which are in his head. Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 Garrison. Inspired by the true story of the Fort Bragg killings William H. Macy, Helen Mirren, , of 2002, Garrison revolves around an A.W.O.L. soldier who is 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109998 Kyra Sedgwick being searched for by his fellow troops. Spoils Of War. The Meet Bill Porter. A man of remarkable spirit. He’ll touch your true story of the kidnapping of the head of Operation Bern- Direct From Broadway Triple Fea- heart. He’ll change your life.. Bill Porter knows he has little hard; a plan to flood the U.S. economy with counterfeit Ameri- hope of landing a salesman job. To improve his prospects, he can dollars during Nazi occupation. With one target and one ture offers to take a sales territory nobody wants. It’s nothing assignment, it is up to five American soldiers to destroy the compared to what Bill faces every day. He has cerebral palsy. phoney currency before it is too late. Carol Burnett William H. Macy portrays Bill, impaired in body but not in Thrillers, War, World War II, Action, Army, The longest-running show in the history of Broadway’s spirit as he makes his door to door salesman rounds - and Plymouth Theatre, Jekyll And Hyde: The Musical brings new impacts the lives of customers during a nearly 50 year career Crime, Fighting, Kidnapping S 387min. life to Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic story of romance and that often finds him a top his firm’s sales charts. Kyra Phase 4 Films 05.06.2012 the epic battle between good and evil. A whirlwind odyssey Sedgwick, Helen Mirren, and Kathy Baker play women who 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109827 pitting man against himself is set in motion when the brilliant loom large in Bill’s life. And others play the shoe shiners, Dr. Jekyll’s medical experiment backfires, giving life to his waitresses, suburbanites, bus drivers and more inspired by evil alter ego, Edward Hyde. The show won a legion of repeat him. Door to door. Heart to heart. Bill connects with people. The Dead Undead visitors (dubbed by the press as „Jekkies“) and spawned hit So does this touching movie about his extraordinary life. songs on the pop charts with „Someone Like You“ and „This Is Cameron Goodman, Luke Goss, Joshua the Moment.“ A humorous, poignant and sophisticated musical TV Movies, Drama 2002 91min. Alba, Johnny Pacar, Forrest J. Ackerman „review,“ Putting It Together is a thematic celebration of the Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 Vampires vs. Zombies. A camping trip becomes a nightmare stage and screen work of multiple Tony Award-winner 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109976 when the solitude of a peaceful mountain is shattered by the Stephen Sondheim, the foremost theatrical composer/lyricist of onslaught of a ravenous zombie horde. Fleeing to what our time. Featuring an award-winning ensemble cast headed appears to be a deserted town, the group discovers a secret by the incomparable Carol Burnett, Putting It Together weaves Down For The Count Vampire community and fears that all hope is lost. But the a lyrical story around the emotions and relationships of five Inspired by real events. One man travels to an unfamiliar vampires take the defenseless humans under their wing and guests attending a Manhattan cocktail party, studded with country with hopes of becoming a professional fighter. Upon an all-out war between vampires and zombies begins. material from a number of Sondheim’s original musicals and his arrival, he runs into a series of unfortunate events which Science Fiction, Vampires, Wilderness, films including A Funny Thing Happened leave him broke with no place to stay. He stumbles upon a Music, Musical, Triple Feature 332min. Zombies, Action, Horror 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD rugged Muay Thai boxing camp that allows him to train and Image Ent. 15.05.2012 fight. Through his fights in and outside of the ring, his talent 5.1 90min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109918 and skill will get him his biggest fight yet, against the world Phase 4 Films 22.05.2012 champion ? a contest that will leave only one man a winner in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109811 the ring. The Disco Exorcist Action, Fighting, Kickboxing, Martial Arts, DD 5.1 89min. Declaration Of War Sarah Nicklin, Ruth Sullivan, Babette Bombshell, Michael Reed Lionsgate 19.06.2012 Valerie Donzelli, Jeremie Elkaim Get Down, Get Dirty, Get Dead!. The most talked about horror 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109752 New couple Romeo (Jeremie Elkaïm) and Juliette (Valerie movie of the year! From the makers of the cult hit Nun of That Donzelli) must face the ultimate test when they discover that comes this blood, boob and bellbottom soaked tribute to their newborn son has a brain tumor. Gathering their friends seventies exploitation sleaze that Twitch calls „Brutal, Drive-In and family together, they confront this ordeal together as a Blasphemous - a howl from start to finish.“ Rex Romanski is a Trey Wilson, Ashley Cox, Glenn form of warfare. Through tenacity and dedication, Romeo and 1970s disco swinger who loves and leaves the wrong woman Juliette begin to surprise even themselves in their ability to - the wicked black magic priestess Rita Maria. And now it’s Morshower, Andy Parks not only fight for the life of their child but also for each other. up to Rex to undo the scorned Rita’s rampage of revenge, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Drawing on their own real-life experiences in caring for their murder and destruction before she claims more lives, and a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. ill child, writer/director/star Donzelli and co-writer/co-star possesses the soul of the woman he loves. A sexy, irreverent This slice-of-life comedy both documents and satirizes small Elkaïm infuse this unconventional telling of their story with horror comedy - Get Down... and Get Dead! town life in a rural Texas town where the only entertainment unexpected verve using a host of cinematic techniques, music, in the day is the roller rink and at night the local drive-in. and heartbreaking performances. The result is an exuberant Religion/Spirituality, Revenge, Comedy, Cult Hosting a cross-section of the town’s population, the drive-in and deeply moving experience that dazzles with vitality. Film / TV, Exploitation, Horror 2011 Ltbx S comes to life at night - parents show up with their kids in tow, Drama, Foreign, French 2011 100min. 80min. teenage paramours arrive with their dates, and the local gangs fuel their rivalry - under the gigantic screen and at the MPI 05.06.2012 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 snack bar. The film playing is a ’70s staple: the disaster 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109816 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109988 movie. Tension builds on the screen and also among the patrons. Director Rod Amateau, producer/director of legendary television series The George Burns and Gracie Demoted Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! Allen Show and The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, is no David Cross, Sara Foster, Cleo King, Sean (Blu-ray) stranger to comedy, and this off-beat, little-known film (with a lesser-known cast) is a hilarious flashback to the seventies. Astin, Ron White, Robert Klein, Michael Tomas Milian, Marilu Tolo, Patrizia Vulturri, Newly remastered. Vartan

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Slapstick, Comedy 1967 Ltbx S 96min. become saviors as the city struggles to get to its feet before Mowbray, Hillary Brooke, Patricia Morison, the next terrifying aftershock hits! Also starring Ava Gardner, SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 George Kennedy, Lorne Green, Geneviève Bujold, Richard Mary Gordon, Renee Godfrey, Kaaren 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109876 Roundtree, and Victoria Principal. Earthquake combines Verne, Lionel Atwill, Dennis Hoey, Henry outstanding performances with Academy Award®-winning Daniell, Paul Cavanagh, Edmund Breon, sound and groundbreaking special effects. Frederic Worlock, Matthew Boulton, William Drop Dead Diva: Season Three Thrillers, Action, Disasters, Drama 1974 Margaret Cho, April Bowlby, Kate Levering, Post Jr. 123min. 4 DVD set of classic Sherlock Holmes movies starting Basil Brooke Elliott, Josh Stamberg, Jackson Universal Studios 05.06.2012 Rathbone.. 4-DVD set including these classic films starring Hurst, Ben Feldman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109826 Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce: Sherlock Holmes and the From Catwalk to Courtroom.. Acclaimed by critics and adored Secret Weapon (1942), The Woman in Green (1945), Terror by viewers, the dazzling third season of Drop Dead Diva is By Night (1946), and Dressed to Kill (1946). the most delightful and deliriously funny yet! Whether forced eCupid Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock to play wedding planner for her former fiancé’s nuptials, fighting courtroom cases from breast implant surgery gone Morgan Fairchild, Andy Anderson, John Holmes, Thieves, Thrillers, Boxed Sets, wrong to a Death Row inmate finally trying to do right, or Callahan Classics, Crime, Detectives S 450min. facing down her own love life issues with suitors both past From the director of Is It Just Me? comes this sparkling Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 and present, Jane is living the adventure of two lifetimes, and romantic comedy that takes online dating to the extreme! then some. Guest stars include Leann Rimes, Kathy Griffin, Marshall is an over-worked ad exec who is suffering from a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109994 Wendy Williams, Paula Abdul, and more! serious case of the seven-year itch with his loving boyfriend. Comedy, Drama, Fantasy 2011 Ltbx 16x9 As his 30th birthday nears, he is hell-bent on changing his life Family Demons and he comes across a mysterious dating app called eCupid. DD 5.1 561min. Turning his world upside down and overwhelming him with When an abused teenage girl murders her alcoholic mother, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment sexy, horned-up guys at every turn, Marshall gets much more the mother’s vengeful spirit returns to haunt her. Even in 29.05.2012 than he bargained. Firing on all cylinders with sharp wit, hot death, the mother is hell bent on denying her daughter her cast, and even an extended cameo from Hollywood legend freedom. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109720 Morgan Fairchild, eCupid will win your heart. Thrillers, Horror 2010 80min. Romance, Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian MTI Home Video 19.06.2012 Drop Dead Gorgeous Interest 2011 95min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109916 Kirsten Berman, Dawn Olivieri, Veronica TLA Releasing 15.05.2012 Lauren, Steven Berkoff, Jeremy London 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109739 Fantastic Four / Fantastic Four: Dead never looked this good.. This outrageous sexy comedy follows Cynthia Barris, a young, attractive model, as she Rise Of The Silver Surfer (Double lands the biggest opportunity of her career. The night before Emily’s Reasons Why Not: The Feature) (Blu-ray) the shoot, Cynthia decides to have a wild night out partying Complete Series with her girlfriends. The next day, on the set of the photo Jessica Alba, Kerry Washington, Chris shoot a freak overdose takes her life. Deadlines are quickly , Smith Cho, Khary Payton, Evans, Julian McMahon, Michael Chiklis approaching and Cynthia’s manager (Jeremy London) must Nadia Dajani Double Features, Fantasy, Action, come up with a crazy scheme to avoid losing millions of This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using dollars. If his plan works he will gain fame and fortune or else a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. To Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Science risk his image and business. prevent herself from repeating an established pattern of poor Fiction, Superheroes min. Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Dark Comedy, relationship choices, self-help book publicist Emily Sanders 20th Century Fox 15.05.2012 Drama, Fashion 2010 DD 5.1 90min. (Heather Graham) looks for warning signs of trouble ahead that she dubs her „reasons why not,“ and uses these personal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109761 Phase 4 Films 29.05.2012 insights to make informed decisions about the various life 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109812 struggles she deals with on a daily basis. With help from her The Fast And The Furious (DVD + childhood friend, Reilly, and gay herbalist Josh, Emily applies Dynasty: The Sixth Season - this method of self-preservation to every aspect of her life - Digital Copy Combo) from work to love to everything in between. Emily’s „reasons Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Ted Levine, Mich- Volume One why not“ are the reasons why you should watch this uproariously funny comedy which also stars Nadia Dajani, elle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Chad Heather Locklear, , Linda Khary Payton and Smith Cho. Newly remastered. Lindberg, Rick Yune, Johnny Strong Evans, John Forsythe, Jack Coleman, John ABC, Comedy, Friendships, Romance 2006 They’ve got the adrenaline rush and the mean machines, but James Ltbx 16x9 S 127min. most of all, they’ve got the extreme need for speed. On the This hugely popular prime-time follows the SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 turbo-charged streets of , every night is a exploits of the Carringtons and Colbys, both „oilrich“ family championship race. With nitro-boosted fury, Dominic Toretto dynasties in Denver, CO, as they accrue and manipulate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109889 (Vin Diesel), rules the road turning all his challengers into power and wealth. dust. He and his rival, Johnny Tran (Rick Yune) are the boldest, the baddest and the best. But now, there’s new rage CBS, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Soap Opera Essential Movies Of The ’80s (St. on the road. They know he’s tough, they know he’s fast, but 1985 746min. Elmo’s Fire / About Last Night / what they don’t know is that he’s a speed demon detective Paramount Pictures 03.07.2012 (Paul Walker) with enough drive and determination to come Jagged Edge / Against All Odds) out the winner. With intense full-throttle action, awesome 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109745 high-speed stunts, and full-on pedal to the metal intensity, this Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Rachel Ward, fast and furious assault puts you in the driver’s seat and Dynasty: The Sixth Season - , Jeff Bridges, Rob Lowe, dares you to exceed all limits. Emilio Estevez Racing, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Auto Volume Two Seven friends, recent college graduates, are searching for a Racing, Car Modification, Chases, Crime, Heather Locklear, Joan Collins, Linda place in the real world, as they face issues of career and commitment. Leslie and Alec (Ally Sheedy and Judd Nelson) Drama, Drifting 2001 107min. Evans, John Forsythe, Jack Coleman, John try to save a crumbling romance. Wendy (Mare Winningham), Universal Studios 05.06.2012 James a shy virgin, hides a love for Billy (Rob Lowe), a reluctant 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109828 This hugely popular prime-time soap opera follows the father/husband still searching for goals. Kevin (Andrew exploits of the Carringtons and Colbys, both „oilrich“ family McCarthy) is a cynical writer who scorns love until he dynasties in Denver, CO, as they accrue and manipulate realizes he’s in love with his best friend’s girl. Kirbo (Emilio The Fast And The Furious (Blu- power and wealth. Estevez), a law student, obsessively pursues an older CBS, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Soap Opera woman. The beautiful, neurotic Jules (Demi Moore) paints a ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- poignant picture of life in the fast lane. Against the backdrop ray) 1986 694min. of St. Elmo’s, their local hang-out, they save, betray and love Paramount Pictures 03.07.2012 one another as only the closest of friends can. Rob Lowe Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Ted Levine, Mich- 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109746 doesn’t want to get serious. Demi Moore doesn’t want to get elle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Chad used. Together, they’re an unforgettable couple in the sexy, contemporary comedy, About Last Night... After drinks at a Lindberg, Rick Yune, Johnny Strong Earthquake (DVD + Digital Copy favorite hang-out, Danny Martin (Lowe) and Debbie They’ve got the adrenaline rush and the mean machines, but Sullivan (Moore) head to Danny’s place to indulge in the most of all, they’ve got the extreme need for speed. On the Combo) predictable single’s quest: the one-night stand. Their turbo-charged streets of Los Angeles, every night is a championship race. With nitro-boosted fury, Dominic Toretto Charlton Heston, George Kennedy, Ava Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Comedy, (Vin Diesel), rules the road turning all his challengers into Gardner, Marjoe Gortner, Genevieve Bujold, Crime, Drama, Friendships min. dust. He and his rival, Johnny Tran (Rick Yune) are the Victoria Principal, Richard Roundtree, Madacy 15.05.2012 boldest, the baddest and the best. But now, there’s new rage on the road. They know he’s tough, they know he’s fast, but Lorne Greene, Lloyd Nolan, Barry Sullivan 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109927 what they don’t know is that he’s a speed demon detective Earthquake. Charlton Heston leads an all-star cast in an epic (Paul Walker) with enough drive and determination to come film about ordinary citizens who must come together in the An Evening With Sherlock out the winner. With intense full-throttle action, awesome face of an unstoppable natural disaster! When the most high-speed stunts, and full-on pedal to the metal intensity, this catastrophic earthquake of all time rips through Southern Holmes fast and furious assault puts you in the driver’s seat and , it levels Los Angeles and sends shockwaves dares you to exceed all limits. through the lives of all who live there. Now strangers must Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Alan

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Car Modification, Chases, Crime, Action, bounty hunter, Johnny is hiding out in a remote part of Europe when he is recruited by a secret sect of the church to save a Racing 2001 107min. young boy from the devil. At first, Johnny is reluctant to Gretl Universal Studios 05.06.2012 embrace the power of the Ghost Rider, but it is the only way Shannen Doherty, Paul McGillion, Erica Cox, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109836 to protect the boy and possibly rid himself of his curse forever. Emilie Ullerup, Frank J. Zupancic, Sarain Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Action, Based Boylan, Jefferson Brown Flirting With Disaster The dark and treacherous forest holds the secret to an age- On Comic Book, Superheroes, Thrillers old tale that has been locked away for many years. Hansel, Ben Stiller, , Tea Leoni, 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 96min. (Paul McGillion, Stargate: Atlantis) now a witchslayer driven George Segal, Lily Tomlin, Mary Tyler Moo- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment by revenge, will stop at nothing to avenge his sister Gretl re, Celia Weston, Richard Jenkins, Josh (Shannen Doherty, ). An epic battle ensues as 12.06.2012 humans are pitted against the evil forces of demons and Brolin, Alan Alda 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109900 warlocks; where a haunted twist unravels. Only one can Written and directed by David O. Russell (Three Kings, survive. Spanking the Monkey), this hysterically original comedy was Revenge, Devils And Demons, Fantasy, cheered by critics and audiences nationwide. In a quest to Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance find his biological parents, Mel Coplin (Ben Stiller - Duplex, Horror, TV Movies 2012 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Meet the Parents) - joined by his wife (Patricia Arquette - (Blu-ray 3D + UltraViolet) (Blu- 87min. Human Nature, Holes) and a sexy adoption counselor (Tea ray) Leoni - People I Know, Hollywood Ending) - embarks on a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment cross-country search for his „roots“. Yet as he careens from Nicolas Cage, Ciaran Hinds, Idris Elba, 19.06.2012 one outrageous situation to another, Mel finds himself tempted Johnny Whitworth, Spencer Wilding 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109873 by the seductive counselor - even as his wife starts a Nicolas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze in Ghost Rider: Spirit flirtation of her own! By the time they meet up with his free- Of Vengeance. Still struggling with his curse as the devil’s spirited birth parents, the whole situation is spinning bounty hunter, Johnny is hiding out in a remote part of Europe Heartland: The Complete Second hysterically out of control! Also starring Mary Tyler Moore, when he is recruited by a secret sect of the church to save a Season Alan Alda and Lily Tomlin, this hilarious hit is sure to young boy from the devil. At first, Johnny is reluctant to entertain everyone! embrace the power of the Ghost Rider, but it is the only way Shaun Johnston, Michelle Morgan, Amber Romance, Comedy 2004 Ltbx 16x9 S to protect the boy and possibly rid himself of his curse Marshall, Chris Potter, Nathaniel Arcand 120min. forever. Set against the stunning vistas of the Rocky Mountains, Lionsgate 03.07.2012 Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Action, Based Heartland follows teenage horse whisperer Amy through the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109933 On Comic Book, Superheroes, Thrillers trials and triumphs of life on a family-owned horse ranch. 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 96min. 2008 810min. E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 Franklin & Bash: Season 1 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 12.06.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109776 Breckin Meyer, Malcolm McDowell, Garcelle 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109901 Beauvais, Reed Diamond, Claire Coffee, Henry IV: Part 1 - Shakespeare’s Dana Davis Lawyers and lifelong friends Jared Franklin and Peter Bash Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance Globe Theatre are recruited by a large firm’s major partner after winning a (DVD + UltraViolet) Roger Allam high-profile case. Prince Hal, son of King Henry IV, seems to be squandering USA Network, Comedy, Crime, Friendships, Nicolas Cage, Ciaran Hinds, Idris Elba, his life away with the fat knight Sir John Falstaff and the Lawyers / Legal Issues 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD Johnny Whitworth, Spencer Wilding whores, boozers and petty rogues of Eastcheap. But beside Nicolas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze in Ghost Rider: Spirit these scenes of glorious misrule gathers a nationwide 5.1 422min. Of Vengeance. Still struggling with his curse as the devil’s rebellion led by the Duke of Northumberland and his Sony Pictures Home Entertainment bounty hunter, Johnny is hiding out in a remote part of Europe charismatic son, Hotspur. The first installment of 19.06.2012 when he is recruited by a secret sect of the church to save a Shakespeare’s gripping account of the rise of Hal from idle young boy from the devil. At first, Johnny is reluctant to barfly to monarch-in-waiting combines compelling power 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109871 embrace the power of the Ghost Rider, but it is the only way politics with the hilarious antics of Falstaff, Shakespeare’s to protect the boy and possibly rid himself of his curse greatest comic creation. Roger Allam (‘a Falstaff to treasure’ Full Metal Jacket: 25th forever. The Times) won the 2011 Best Actor Olivier Award for his Superheroes, Thrillers, Action, Based On performance in Henry IV Parts 1 and 2. Jamie Parker stars as Anniversary (Digibook) (Blu-ray) Prince Hal (‘superb’ , ‘marvelous’ Time Out); he Comic Book, Devils And Demons, Fantasy appeared in As You Like It at the Globe in 2009, and was also Arliss Howard, Adam Baldwin, Matthew 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 96min. in The History Boys at the National Theatre, on Broadway Modine, R. Lee Ermey, Dorian Harewood, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and on film. John Terry, Kevyn Major Howard 12.06.2012 Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Performing A superb ensemble cast falls in for action in Stanley Arts, Plays On Stage, Shakespeare min. Kubrick’s brilliant saga about the Vietnam War and the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109872 dehumanizing process that turns people into trained killer. Kultur 26.06.2012 Joker, Animal Mother, Gomer, Eightball, Cowboy and more - Gospel 4-Pack: Volume 1 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109991 all are plunged into a boot-camp hell pitbulled by a leatherlung D.I. Who views the would-be devil dogs as grunts, maggots or Wendy Crewson, Sidney Poitier, Jay O. something less. The Action is savage, the story unsparing, the Sanders, , Daryl Coley, Robin Henry IV: Part 2 - Shakespeare’s dialogue spiked with scathing humor. Full Metal Jacket, from Globe Theatre its rigors of basic training to its nightmare of combat in Hue Givens, Elise Neal, Deidee Deionne, Clifton City, scores a cinematic direct hit. Powell, Darius McCrary, Carl Anthony Roger Allam Cult Film / TV, Drama, Marines, Military, Payne II, Sam Sarpong, Art Evans, Joseph Hotspur is dead and Prince Hal has proved his mettle on the battlefield, but King Henry IV lies dying and the rebels show Action, AFI Top 100, Vietnam War, War C. Phillips, Curtis Von no sign of surrendering. Even Sir John Falstaff is forced out 1987 116min. Includes: Church: The Movie. Members of a local of the taverns to raise a militia, but will his attachment to Hal Warner Bros. 07.08.2012 congregation are faced with the possibility of having to put be rewarded with promotion and the life of ease he feels sure their beloved Church up for sale. Through a musical journey he deserves? Henry IV Part 2 includes some of the greatest 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109970 of praise, forgiveness & redemption they band together to moments in Shakespeare: the deathbed scene of the old King, save the Church and themselves. The Last Brickmaker In when Hal contemplates the crown; and Hal’s devastating GCB: The Complete First Season America. Sidney Poitier plays Henry Cobb, an honest man rejection of Falstaff himself. Roger Allam (‘a Falstaff to who has worked his family brickyard for 57 years. Now in a treasure’ The Times) won the 2011 Best Actor Olivier Award Leslie Bibb, Kristin Chenoweth, Annie time when automation rules & with the recent passing of his for his performance in Henry IV Parts 1 and 2. ‘Jamie Parker Potts, Marisol Nichols, Jennifer Aspen, beloved wife, Henry’s passion for his work is gone until he (Prince Hal) is terrific to watch’ (London Evening Standard); meets a 13-year old boy seeking refuge from his bickering he appeared in As You Like It at the Globe in 2009, and was Miriam Shor, David James Elliott, Mark parents. Let God Be The Judge. The story of an unreligious also in The History Boys at the National Theatre, on Broad- Deklin, Brad Beyer man’s spiritual experience after being shot. He must face the way and on film. judgment of God in a courtroom where he is confronted with ABC, Comedy, Drama, Religion/Spirituality people speaking of his positives & negatives ultimately Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Performing 2012 430min. rediscovering his spirituality and the power of God. God Send Arts, Plays On Stage, Shakespeare min. Disney / Buena Vista 12.06.2012 Me A Man. Robin Givens plays Stacey, a 20-something Kultur 26.06.2012 woman who has had nothing but bad luck in love. She re- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109868 evaluates her life, attends a prayer service, and forms a bond 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109992 with God that is sure to bring happiness and balance in her Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance life. The Hidden Blade (Blu-ray + DVD Music, Musical, Plays On Stage, Religion/ (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Spirituality, Romance, African Americans, Combo) (Blu-ray) Nicolas Cage, Ciaran Hinds, Idris Elba, Drama, Family, Gospel S 346min. Takako Matsu, Masatoshi Nagase Johnny Whitworth, Spencer Wilding Phase 4 Films 05.06.2012 The Hidden Blade is the epic tale of Munezo (Masatoshi Nicolas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze in Ghost Rider: Spirit Nagase), a samurai being displaced in a rapidly changing Of Vengeance. Still struggling with his curse as the devil’s 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109896 Japan. He was raised to respect tradition and the demanding moral code of the samurai and now circumstances are forcing

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 28 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 29 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA him to make difficult personal and political choices. After a the kitchen knives, but she can’t hide the family’s shocking Permissive / That Kind Of Girl political coup fails, he is ordered to prove his innocence by secrets. finding and killing Yaichiro, a former friend, samurai and Comedy, Drama 1997 85min. David Davenport, Alan Gorrie, Margaret brilliant swordsman. Munezo secretly enlists the help of their Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Rose Keil, Charles Houston former master who entrusts him with the secret of The Hidden Two swinging classics now featured on one DVD!. Blade. 05.06.2012 Permissive. When Suzy arrives in London to visit an old Drama, Feudal Japan, Foreign, Japanese, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109908 school friend, she is unwittingly plunged into the ruthless Action, Romance, Samurai, Swordfighting world of the ‘groupie’. Fuelled by sex, drugs and jealousy, her new lifestyle fosters in her a cold, cynical instinct for 2004 132min. I Will Fight No More Forever survival. But tragedy is never far away. With its effective Tartan Video 19.06.2012 James Whitmore, Sam Elliott, Ned Romero blend of gritty location work, brooding flash-forward devices, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109866 Sam Elliott and James Whitmore star in this Emmy®-nominated and a soundtrack by cult acid folk and progressive rock adaptation of a classic battle between whites and Indians, legends Comus, Forever More (who also star) and Titus friends and foes. In a time when many tribes had already been Groan, Permissive is a dark British counter-cultural artifact Hiding forced on to reservations, Chief Joseph and Nez Perce of the that’s shot through with grim authenticity. That Kind Of Girl. In Jeremy Sumpter Wallowa Valley held their ground. They felt confident that 1960s London, a beautiful continental au pair finds herself they would keep their land, especially because they had a wrestling with the affections of an earnest peace-protestor, a When Jo (Ana Villafañe) witnesses the gruesome murder of dashing young lad and a roguish older man. But fun and her parents, she becomes a key witness against a notorious friend and ally in General Oliver O. Howard (Whitmore), a Union veteran and army commander. But when Howard came freedom turn to shame and despair when she finds that her crime boss. She is placed into the Witness Protection Pro- naivety has put her lovers, and their partners, including the gram and is relocated thousands of miles away from her big with disheartening news from Washington - Joseph and his people must move to the reservation-the tides changed well-meaning Janet (played Linda Marlowe, Tinker Taylor city home to the rural countryside of Montana. Now she has a Soldier Spy) at risk. Stylishly shot in crisp black and new name, a new look and a new „family“. Jo slowly begins to abruptly. When they refused the terms, Howard had no choice make new friends and build a new life when her past catches but to take forcible action. As the battle raged on, freezing Music, Romance, Troubled Youth, British, up to her and the fight of her life has begun. conditions, death and starvation finally led to Joseph’s sad Double Features, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Thrillers, Crime, Drama 2012 96min. words of surrender, „I will fight no more forever.“ Interest Ltbx M 170min. Native Americans, War, Western, Action, Starz / Anchor Bay 26.06.2012 Kino Video 26.06.2012 Drama 1975 105min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109845 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109820 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 05.06.2012 Hiding (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109940 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Jeremy Sumpter (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- When Jo (Ana Villafañe) witnesses the gruesome murder of her parents, she becomes a key witness against a notorious James Dean: An Invited Life ray) crime boss. She is placed into the Witness Protection Pro- Mark Rydell, Valentina Cervi, Edward Herr- Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson gram and is relocated thousands of miles away from her big mann, James Franco, Michael Moriarty, The follow-up to the 2008 hit! The new journey begins when city home to the rural countryside of Montana. Now she has a young adventurer Sean (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded new name, a new look and a new „family“. Jo slowly begins to Enrico Colantoni distress signal from a mysterious island where no island make new friends and build a new life when her past catches The man behind the legend and 1950’s Hollywood are should exist - a place of trange life forms, mountains of gold, up to her and the fight of her life has begun. revealed in this dynamic biopic of the meteoric star whose deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. Crime, Drama, Thrillers 2012 96min. troubled life echoed his gut-grabbing performances in East of Unable to stop him from going, Sean’s new stepfather Starz / Anchor Bay 26.06.2012 Eden, Rebel Without A Cause and Giant. (Dwayne Johnson) joins the quest. Together with a helicopter Biography, Biopics, Drama 96min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109864 pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109977 lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shockwaves force High Plains Drifter (DVD + Digital the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever. Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Action, Copy Combo) Jaws (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Adventure, Science Fiction 2012 94min. Clint Eastwood, Mitchell Ryan, Mariana Hill, Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 Verna Bloom 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109766 They’d never forget the day he drifted into town.. Clint Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider, Lorraine Eastwood’s second film as director, High Plains Drifter Gary, Robert Shaw, Murray Hamilton returns the actor to his familiar scene of the Old West and his Directed by Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg, Jaws Journey 2: The Mysterious Island familiar role of „The Man With No Name.“ Eastwood portrays set the standard for edge-of-your-seat suspense quickly a mysterious stranger who emerges out of the heat waves of becoming a cultural phenomenon and forever changing the (DVD + UltraViolet Combo) the desert and rides into the guilt-ridden town of Lago. After movie industry. When the seaside community of Amity finds Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson committing three murders and one rape in the first 20 minutes, itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the The follow-up to the 2008 hit! The new journey begins when The Stranger is hired by the town to protect it from the three town’s chief of police (Roy Scheider), a young marine young adventurer Sean (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded gunmen just out of jail. The Stranger then paints the town biologist (Richard Dreyfuss) and a grizzled shark hunter distress signal from a mysterious island where no island bright red, and renames it „Hell’“ and supplies Devine (Robert Shaw) embark on a desperate quest to destroy the should exist - a place of trange life forms, mountains of gold, retribution in a fiery climax. beast before it strikes again. Featuring an unforgettable score deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. Western, Classics 1973 106min. that evokes pure terror, Jaws remains one of the most Unable to stop him from going, Sean’s new stepfather Universal Studios 05.06.2012 influential and gripping adventures in motion picture history. (Dwayne Johnson) joins the quest. Together with a helicopter Classics, High Seas, Horror, AFI Top 100, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109829 pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter National Film Registry, Sharks, Thrillers (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its 1975 124min. lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shockwaves force Hopelessly In June the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever. Universal Studios 14.08.2012 Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Ella Joyce, Carolyn Neff, Keith David, Ed- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109969 Comedy, Family, Fantasy 2012 94min. ward Asner, Peter Jason, Stuart Pankin Daleon Myers’ failure to find his one true love continues to Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 disappoint his overbearing family. His prayers are answered Jaws (DVD + Digital Copy + 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109751 when he hopelessly falls for June Flowers, a beautiful Los UltraViolet) Angeles businesswoman. Everything is going well for the star-crossed lovers.... until their families cross paths. When Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider, Lorraine Journey 2: The Mysterious Island the traditional, ultra-conservative Myers meet the laid-back Gary, Robert Shaw, Murray Hamilton 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + liberal Flowers, any hope of civility is tossed out the window. Directed by Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg, Jaws In a mad rush to the altar, Daleon and June learn what it set the standard for edge-of-your-seat suspense quickly UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) means to be hopeless romantics. becoming a cultural phenomenon and forever changing the Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson Politics, Romance, Comedy, Family 2011 DD movie industry. When the seaside community of Amity finds The follow-up to the 2008 hit! The new journey begins when 5.1 92min. itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the young adventurer Sean (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded Phase 4 Films 12.06.2012 town’s chief of police (Roy Scheider), a young marine distress signal from a mysterious island where no island biologist (Richard Dreyfuss) and a grizzled shark hunter should exist - a place of trange life forms, mountains of gold, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109928 (Robert Shaw) embark on a desperate quest to destroy the deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. beast before it strikes again. Featuring an unforgettable score Unable to stop him from going, Sean’s new stepfather The House Of Yes that evokes pure terror, Jaws remains one of the most (Dwayne Johnson) joins the quest. Together with a helicopter influential and gripping adventures in motion picture history. pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter Parker Posey, Tori Spelling, Josh Hamilton National Film Registry, Sharks, Thrillers, AFI (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its All Marty (Josh Hamilton) wants is a regular life, but nothing Top 100, Classics, High Seas, Horror 1975 lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shockwaves force goes as planned when he brings his fiancée, Lesly (Tori 124min. the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever. Spelling), to meet his far-from-normal family. His beautiful but Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Action, Universal Studios 14.08.2012 crazy twin sister, Jackie-O (Parker Posey)-who is strangely Adventure, Science Fiction 2012 94min. attached to Marty - becomes dangerously jealous of his new 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109944 love. Meanwhile, their younger brother, Anthony (Freddie New Line Home Entertainment 05.06.2012 Prinze, Jr.), puts the moves on Lesly the first chance he gets. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109765 As their visit spins wildly out of control, Marty and Lesly Jezebel Double Feature: realize that his mother (Geneviève Bujold) may be able to hide

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Kate’s Secret Huston (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, HBO’s John Adams) as a 20th Century Fox 05.06.2012 husband who is consumed by feelings of carnal desire and Tracy Nelson, Mackenzie Phillips, Meredith violent jealousy over his pianist wife’s (Law And Order’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109771 Baxter, Shari Belafonte, Georgann Elisabeth Röhm) possible affair with a handsome violinist. Based on the classic novella by Leo Tolstoy, this gripping Machine Gun Preacher (Blu-ray + Johnson, Summer Phoenix, Ben Masters dissection of a modern marriage also features Oscar® winner This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using (Prizzi’s Honor, The Addams Family, The DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Grifters) in a prominent supporting role. Michelle Monaghan, Gerard Butler, Michael Meredith Baxter (TV’s Family Ties and Bridget Loves Bernie) Music, Romance, Thrillers, Drama 2008 S plays the wife who seems to have everything in this made-for- Shannon TV-movie, which illuminates the problem of bulimia. In fitness- 99min. Gerard Butler (300) delivers a searing performance in this obsessed Southern California, Kate Stark struggles to hide Zeitgeist Films 08.05.2012 explosive, action-packed story of an inspiring real-life hero. her eating disorder, characterized by a psychological need to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109895 Butler stars as Sam Childers, a drug-dealing criminal who binge eat and purge, from her husband (Ben Masters), best undergoes an astonishing spiritual transformation and makes friend (Shari Belafonte), and everyone around her who could a life-changing decision to travel to war-torn East Africa. help her fight this life-threatening illness. When finally The Legend Of Hell’s Gate After witnessing unspeakable horrors faced by innocent confronted by the seriousness of her situation, Kate children, he vows to save them at any cost, including his own encounters the caring Dr. Resnick (Ed Asner), and patients Summer Glau, Jenna Dewan, Henry Tho- safety. Childers begins waging a relentless battle against the with similar issues (played by Tracy Nelson and Mackenzie mas, Eric Balfour, Lou Taylor Pucci, James territory’s renegade militia, leading harrowing missions Phillips), who help her to acknowledge and accept her Lafferty, Robert Buckley, Jamie Thomas behind enemy lines to rescue kidnapped orphans and restore problem... the first step to healing. Newly remastered. peace to their lives - and eventually his own. NBC, Drama, Mental Illness, TV Movies King, Jim Beaver Justice was delivered by the fastest gun.. Based on real Crime, Drama, Action, Biography, Biopics, 1986 FF S 96min. events, this Texas-based tale uncovers the mystery of the Religion/Spirituality 2011 129min. SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 events surrounding the legendary Hell’s Gate, a cliff 20th Century Fox 05.06.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109886 formation that rises out of Possum Kingdom Lake in Texas. When a curious errand boy catches wind of one of America’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109790 most infamous crimes - the assassination of Abraham Lincoln - King Kong he falls in with two desperate men on the wrong side of the Madison County law. Crossing paths with some of the West’s most notorious Naomi Watts, Jamie Bell, Jack Black, Adrien figures, these three outlaws fight for their lives in the pursuit Dayton Knoll, Nick Principe Brody, Andy Serkis, Thomas Kretschmann, of fame and riches. Few are to be trusted, as their interwoven A group of college kids travel to a small, mountain town called Colin Hanks stories prove that everyone has a hidden agenda, and by no Madison County to interview the author of a tell-all book on Here is the jaw-dropping, heart-stopping movie epic we’ve means is anyone innocent. Fueled by a talented ensemble the accounts of several grisly murders that happened there. been waiting for all year.“ -Peter Travers, Rolling Stone. cast, The Legend Of Hell’s Gate blends legend and history But when the kids get to Madison County, the author is Academy Award® -winning director (The Lord into a Western spectacle that recounts the treacherous nowhere to be found and the towns people act like they of the Rings Trilogy) brings his sweeping cinematic vision to existence in post-Civil War Texas. haven’t seen him in years, stating that the killer never existed King Kong. Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody and Jack Black star in Outlaw Country, Western, Action, and the murders never happened. However, when the kids this spectacular film filled with heart-pounding action, Adventure 2011 DD 5.1 106min. start digging around to get their own answers, they find out terrifying creatures and groundbreaking special effects unlike that the stories may be more real than the townspeople are anything you’ve seen before! Get ready for breathtaking Lionsgate 19.06.2012 letting on. action in this thrilling epic adventure about a legendary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109769 Mystery, Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers, gorilla captured on a treacherous island and brought to Crime, Horror 2011 min. civilization, where he faces the ultimate fight for survival. Experience the movie that critics are hailing as a „rousing, Lost Woods Image Ent. 08.05.2012 exciting cinematic adventure!“ (Scott Mantz, Access Holly- What starts as a gathering of friends in the woods quickly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109838 wood) turns into an uncomfortable reunion for Darrin Noland after he Action, Adventure, Jungle 2005 min. learns that Warren, someone he has avoided since junior high Madness Universal Studios 05.06.2012 school, is along for the ride. Awkwardness aside the group is having a great time until one of its members is savagely Joe Dallesandro, Lorraine De Selle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110014 murdered. All signs point to a couple of back country hunters From the writer of Caliber 9 and The Italian Connection but the truth revealed is much more disturbing: A mysterious comes Madness starring Joe Dallesandro a story about how a King Kong (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- creature is on a killing spree. With no means of escape the Violent criminal, Joe Brezzi, breaks out of prison and, having group fights for survival but gruesome events reveal a dark stolen a car and killed two people in the process, makes his tal Copy) (Blu-ray) secret that one of its members has been hiding. way to a remote country cottage. Hidden beneath its flooring Science Fiction, Thrillers, Wilderness, Ac- Naomi Watts, Jamie Bell, Jack Black, Adrien is the substantial proceeds from a robbery which Joe took tion, Horror 2012 88min. part in several years previously, but before he can retrieve Brody, Andy Serkis, Thomas Kretschmann, Brain Damage Films 05.06.2012 the loot the owners of the cabin return changing Joe’s plans Colin Hanks from a simple break in to murder. Academy Award®- winning director Peter Jackson (The Lord 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109984 Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Horror, of the RingsTrilogy) brings his sweeping cinematic vision to Italian 1980 90min. King Kong. Get ready for breathtaking action in this thrilling The Love Guide epic adventure about a legendary gorilla captured on a E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 treacherous island and brought to civilization, where he faces Parker Posey, Kathryn Erbe, Jay Harrington 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109780 the ultimate fight for survival. Millie and Al’s egg business is struggling - and so is their Jungle, Action, Adventure 2005 188min. marriage. Fortunately, they may have a savior - reality Magnum P.I.: The Complete First Universal Studios 05.06.2012 television! Following a chance encounter with a producer, Millie agrees for the family to be featured on Cut the Crap, Season (Repackage) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109837 hosted by everyone’s favorite hippie-yogi, personal growth guru Angela Lovecraft-the ultimate free-spirit, who lives in the Tom Selleck, John Hillerman, Roger E. Kiss The Bride moment with only the slightest grasp of reality. Just when Mosley, Larry Manetti divorce seems inevitable, Angela uses her new age powers to 22 Explosive Episodes!. Vietnam veteran turned private Chauvon Higgins, Persia White, Jedda remind the couple why they love each other and, in return, investigator Thomas Magnum (Selleck) works as head of learns that it’s fun to have your feet on the ground, rather than security on the luxurious Hawaiian estate of wealthy Jones, Darrin Dewitt Henson your head in the clouds. Two mother-in-laws. One big problem.. Thomas and Robin are absentee owner Robin Masters. With the mansion and its deeply in love and ready to spend the rest of their lives Rocky Relationships, Comedy, Drama 2011 amenities (including a 308 GTS Ferrari) at his disposal, together. Nothing will stop this wedding from happening, not min. Magnum investigates his cases while clashing with the strict even overprotective feuding mothers, a missing father, and a Green Apple Entertainment 24.07.2012 estate caretaker, Jonathan Higgins (Hillerman), an ex-British mischievous teenage sister. However, this couple is about to Army soldier. Includes all 18 episodes from the first season. face their biggest challenge. While Robin believes she is 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109906 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, marrying the perfect man, Thomas is consumed with guilt Mystery 1980 min. about a past mistake. The not-so-perfect couple’s love for Machine Gun Preacher each other is put to the test in this irresistibly genuine Universal Studios 03.07.2012 comedy about love, commitment and the power of forgiveness. Michelle Monaghan, Gerard Butler, Michael 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109931 Romance, Comedy, Drama, Family 2010 DD Shannon 5.1 90min. Gerard Butler (300) delivers a searing performance in this Magnum P.I.: The Complete Se- Phase 4 Films 29.05.2012 explosive, action-packed story of an inspiring real-life hero. Butler stars as Sam Childers, a drug-dealing criminal who cond Season (Repackage) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109813 undergoes an astonishing spiritual transformation and makes a life-changing decision to travel to war-torn East Africa. Tom Selleck, Mimi Rogers, Pat Morita, Jill St. After witnessing unspeakable horrors faced by innocent John, Dick Butkus The Kreutzer Sonata children, he vows to save them at any cost, including his own Stunning Scenes. Explosive Action. Amazing Guest Stars.. Anjelica Huston, Elisabeth Rohm, Danny safety. Childers begins waging a relentless battle against the Buckle up for more action-packed adventure with all 22 territory’s renegade militia, leading harrowing missions Second Season episodes of the Emmy Award-winning, smash- Huston, Matthew Jacobs, Bernard Rose, behind enemy lines to rescue kidnapped orphans and restore hit series, Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck is television’s most Naomi Despres, Bernard Rose peace to their lives - and eventually his own. charismatic detective, and he’s back in his slick Ferrari A savage tale of erotic obsession.“ -Wendy Ide, The Times Religion/Spirituality, Action, Biography, cruising the streets of tropical Hawaii. Beautiful girls, hot (UK). Directed by Bernard Rose (Candyman, Immortal cars, and of course Higgins, T.C. and Rick are all here in this Beloved, Paperhouse), The Kreutzer Sonata stars Danny Biopics, Crime, Drama 2011 129min. sizzling set that’s loaded with unforgettable guest stars,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA including Mimi Rogers, Dick Butkus, Pat Morita and Jill St. he’s engulfed by drugs, violence and prostitution under the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109954 John. Available on DVD for the first time ever, Magnum P.I.: protection of a new adopted mother figure, Keisha (Tasha The Complete Second Season is a must-own for thrill-seekers Smith) a woman who appears to fill the void of the mother he everywhere! is so desperately searching for. When hope comes in the form Mortuary Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery of Natasha Freeman (Meagan Good), a young woman of faith and innocence, Miles must confront his inner demon and Christopher George, Bill Paxton, David 1981 min. decide where his value lies. Wallace Universal Studios 03.07.2012 Romance, Troubled Youth, Crime, Drama, Bill Paxton, Christopher George, and Lynda Day George star 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109932 in this chilling tale of horrorfilled nightmares that comes Dysfunctional Families 2006 S 97min. startlingly close to reality! Christie Parson (Mary Music Video Distribution 29.05.2012 McDonough - The Waltons) has been having terrifying : The Seventh Season 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109800 nightmares ever since her father drowned in the family swimming pool. She knows his death was not an accident, but Gail Fisher, no one believes her. That is, until her boyfriend Greg (David Action, CBS, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Missing In Action 2: The Wallace, Humongous) sees a hooded figure, identical to the Mystery 1973 1192min. Beginning (Repackage) one that Christie has described as being in her nightmares, in Paramount Pictures 03.07.2012 the town’s mortuary. Greg and Christie’s curiosity plummets Chuck Norris, Steven Williams them into a series of bizarre and terror-filled circumstances at 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109747 Chuck Norris returns as Colonel James Braddock in this the mortuary, a dark and ghastly place run by a Mr. Andrews intense, action-packed prequel to the original hit. Captured (Christopher George - Gates Of Hell, Pieces, TV’s Rat Meet The Browns: Season 6 during a daring mid-air rescue operation, Braddock and his Patrol) and his son Paul (Bill Paxton, Apollo 13, Near Dark, men are imprisoned by the insane Colonel Yin, who stops at TV’s Big Love ). Christie will soon discover the ghastly truth Tamela Mann, Denise Boutte, Juanita nothing to break their spirits. For Braddock, the choice is behind her father’s death, but in doing so, she may not live to clear. With fists, high explosives and sheer courage, he see the morning. Lynda Day George and Alvy Moore also star Jennings, Lamman Rucker, David Mann in this twisted tale of the macabre, now in a brand new HD Episodes 101-120. The Browns keep the laughter coming! becomes an army of one! Thrillers, Vietnam War, War, Action, Drama master from the original IN. Hang on for dear life, a Every time the front door opens, expect the unexpected. Mr. Thrillers, Horror 1981 93min. Brown and his clan will surprise you, delight you and have 1985 95min. Scorpion Releasing 15.05.2012 you rolling on the floor. But beware - before you know it, MGM / UA 05.06.2012 you’ll be speaking Brownese! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109936 Comedy, Family, TBS 2011 FF DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109948 440min. My Afternoons With Margueritte Lionsgate 26.06.2012 Missing: The Complete First Gerard Depardieu, Maurane, Gisele 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109788 Season Casadesus Ashley Judd, Cliff Curtis, Adriano Giannini Comedy, Foreign, French 2010 min. Memorial Day ABC, Drama 2012 430min. New Video DVD 19.06.2012 James Cromwell, Jackson Bond, John Disney / Buena Vista 12.06.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109821 Cromwell, Jonathan Bennett 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109869 When SSgt. Kyle Vogel leaves a handwritten letter on the seat of his car, grabs a pistol and steps into a Minnesota My Afternoons With Margueritte forest, we wonder who he is and what he’s about to do. Flash The Mists Of Avalon (Repackage) (Blu-ray) back a few months as Vogel lies wounded in a hospital near Anjelica Huston, Joan Allen, Julianna Gerard Depardieu, Maurane, Gisele Anbar Province, Iraq. The night before he’s due to return to Margulies, Samantha Mathis, Michael combat, his doctor, Lt. Kelly Tripp, presses him on why he’s Casadesus so obsessed with collecting battle souvenirs. Kyle proceeds Vartan, Edward Atterton to tell her what happened on Memorial Day, 1993, when, as a Passion. Mysticism. Adventure. Journey Beyond the Legend Comedy, Foreign, French 2010 min. 13-year old boy, he discovered his Grandpa Bud’s WWII of Camelot.. Long live the new king. But who will it be? The New Video DVD 19.06.2012 footlocker. Though reluctant to talk about the war, Bud, who answer will come through the mystical and powerful 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109832 served with the 82nd Airborne, strikes a deal with Kyle: Pick manipulations of fate emanating from Avalon. any three objects, and I’ll tell you the story behind each one. Action, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, As we see Bud’s WWII tales from Europe, we also see how Mysteria Kyle’s experiences in Iraq have paralleled them - and how Independent Women, Medieval Times 2001 that day on the porch will affect how he ultimately deals with 183min. Martin Landau, Danny Glover, Robert Miano the losses, regrets and moral dilemmas that unite all soldiers Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 Once celebrated, Aleister Bain is now a washed-up, whiskey- across wars and generations. soaked Hollywood screenwriter. Secluded in a sleazy hotel, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109981 he’s desperately struggling to finish a script-with no success. War, Action, Adventure, Drama 2011 But in this noir-esque thriller, truth is stranger than fiction 104min. and the chain-smoking Bain abruptly finds himself at the Image Ent. 29.05.2012 More Than Friends center of an investigation into the murder of a prominent Rob Reiner, Penny Marshall, Michael politician’s wife. As suspicions continue to grow - and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109925 another woman turns up dead - Bain must unravel the mystery McKean, Pamela Hayden, Kay Medford, of who’s framing him - before he becomes the finale of his own Memorial Day (Blu-ray) Claudette Nevins, Joe Pantoliano, Dabney who-dunnit. Coleman, Howard Hesseman Mystery, Drama 2011 min. James Cromwell, Jackson Bond, John This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Green Apple Entertainment 10.07.2012 Cromwell, Jonathan Bennett a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. When SSgt. Kyle Vogel leaves a handwritten letter on the Childhood friends in the Bronx during the 1950s and ’60s, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109905 seat of his car, grabs a pistol and steps into a Minnesota Alan Corkus (Rob Reiner, TV’s All in the Family) and Maddy forest, we wonder who he is and what he’s about to do. Flash Pearlman (Penny Marshall, TV’s Laverne & Shirley) grew Jules Verne’s Mysterious Island back a few months as Vogel lies wounded in a hospital near into awkward teenagers who attended their Senior Prom Anbar Province, Iraq. The night before he’s due to return to together. Despite their crossing paths again at City College, Lochlyn Munro, Gina Holden, Pruitt Taylor combat, his doctor, Lt. Kelly Tripp, presses him on why he’s where a mutual initiation to sex helps their friendship grow Vince so obsessed with collecting battle souvenirs. Kyle proceeds into love, they never seem able to express their true feelings As famine and death ravage Richmond, Va., five northern Civil to tell her what happened on Memorial Day, 1993, when, as a for each other. Years later, both have gone their separate War POWs plan a daring escape by hijacking a hot air 13-year old boy, he discovered his Grandpa Bud’s WWII ways, each finding frustration in love and career. When balloon. Drifting through the night, they wake to find footlocker. Though reluctant to talk about the war, Bud, who Maddy’s love affair with a fellow actor ends disastrously, she themselves marooned on a desert island - but they’re not served with the 82nd Airborne, strikes a deal with Kyle: Pick surprises Alan with a visit, and the two decide to move in alone. any three objects, and I’ll tell you the story behind each one. together. But the road to bliss is bumpy, and Maddy decides to As we see Bud’s WWII tales from Europe, we also see how move on again, leaving Alan unhappily trying to have Science Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy, Hor- Kyle’s experiences in Iraq have paralleled them - and how relationships with other women, only to have Maddy return ror 2010 min. that day on the porch will affect how he ultimately deals with again... This charming comedy about their on-and-off Green Apple Entertainment 29.05.2012 the losses, regrets and moral dilemmas that unite all soldiers relationship, and the bittersweet nature of love between across wars and generations. friends - directed by Jim Burrows and from a screenplay by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109907 War, Drama, Action, Adventure 2011 Reiner a 104min. Romance, Comedy, Drama, Friendships, TV National Lampoon’s Animal Image Ent. 29.05.2012 Movies 1978 FF M 96min. House (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109943 SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109888 Copy) (Blu-ray) John Belushi, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Miles From Home More Than Puppy Love Cesare Danova, Verna Bloom, Donald Meagan Good, Tasha Smith, Ty Hodges, Sutherland, Thomas Hulce Cory Hardrict, Jerome Hawkins , Pamela Bach Starring comedy legend John Belushi, National Lampoon’s A tale of lost innocence.. Miles Conway (Ty Hodges) is Tragedies, Family 2002 min. Animal House is the ultimate college movie filled with food barely 18 and finds himself homeless on the streets of Los Echo Bridge Home Entertainment fights, fraternities and toga parties! Follow the uproarious Angeles in a world where life is raw and exposed, and the escapades of the Delta House fraternity as they take on Dean idea of hope and security is fictional. In searching for refuge 26.06.2012 Wormer (John Vernon), the sanctimonious Omegas, and the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA entire female student body. Directed by John Landis (The Jewish man commits suicide, leaving a diary which falls into Knight,Chariots of Fire), and sexy newcomer Sofia Milos, The Blues Brothers), the most popular college comedy of all-time the hands of a freelance newspaperman, Peter Miller (Jon Order is an exciting adventure packed with extreme fight also stars Tim Matheson, Donald Sutherland, Karen Allen, Voight). The diary documents the unspeakable crimes of choreography, exotic locations, and non-stop action. Kevin Bacon, Tom Hulce and Stephen Furst along with Otis cruelty, torture and mass murder perpetrated by SS Captain Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Action, Adventure Day and the Knights performing their show-stopping rendition Eduard Roschmann (Maximilian Schell), commandant of the of ‘Shout’. notorious wartime deathcamp at Riga, Latvia. Miller launches 2001 89min. Classics, College Life, Comedy, Cult Film / a personal manhunt to track down Roschmann, an Image Ent. 15.05.2012 investigation that leads him into the very heart of Odessa, a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109861 TV, National Film Registry 1978 109min. powerful secret organization formed by the SS to protect and Universal Studios 05.06.2012 re-establish its fugitive members throughout the world. When 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109902 Miller finds Roschmann, he learns that the former Nazi is now The Outlaw Josey Wales the leader of a weaponry complex of international, strategic consequence. (Digibook) (Blu-ray) National Lampoon’s Animal Drama, Holocaust, Thrillers, War 1974 Clint Eastwood, John Vernon, Sondra Lok- House (DVD + Digital Copy) 130min. ke, Bill McKinney, Chief Dan George Image Ent. 15.05.2012 In The Outlaw Josey Wales, five-time Academy Award winner John Belushi, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Clint Eastwood is ideally cast as a hard-hitting, fast-drawing Cesare Danova, Verna Bloom, Donald 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109860 loner, recalling his „Man with No Name“ from his European Sutherland, Thomas Hulce Westerns. But unlike that other mythic outlaw, Josey Wales Starring comedy legend John Belushi, National Lampoon’s Office Killer has a name - and a heart. After avenging his family’s brutal Animal House is the ultimate college movie filled with food murder, Wales is on the lam, pursued by a pack of killers. He fights, fraternities and toga parties! Follow the uproarious , Molly Ringwald, Jeanne travels alone, but a ragtag group of outcasts (including escapades of the Delta House fraternity as they take on Dean Tripplehorn Sondra Locke and Chief Dan George) is drawn to him - and Wormer (John Vernon), the sanctimonious Omegas, and the Dorine (Kane) is a quiet and diligent social outcast who has Wales can’t leave his motley surrogate family unprotected. entire female student body. Directed by John Landis (The endured years of abuse as the office doormat. When the Eastwood’s skill before and behind the camera connected with Blues Brothers), the most popular college comedy of all-time magazine she works for takes a dive, Dorine hangs on audiences for its humor and tenderness as well as its hair- also stars Tim Matheson, Donald Sutherland, Karen Allen, through the downsizing and drastic changes. But one night, trigger action. Kevin Bacon, Tom Hulce and Stephen Furst along with Otis the mild-mannered paper-pusher accidentally electrocutes an Classics, National Film Registry, Revenge, Day and the Knights performing their show-stopping rendition obnoxious co-worker, and in the process, completely short- Western 1976 136min. of ‘Shout’. circuits her sanity. From that moment on, Dorine believes that Warner Bros. 30.05.2012 National Film Registry, Classics, College anyone can be her best friend - once they’re dead. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109796 Life, Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1978 109min. On The Job, Thrillers, Comedy, Horror 1997 Universal Studios 05.06.2012 82min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109890 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Parasitic 05.06.2012 A group of friends are trapped inside a nightclub with an 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109911 unseen terror. Unable to escape, one at a time they fall victim Natural Born Killers: Director’s to the ravenous, bloodthirsty beast. The club-goers must fight to survive to destroy the creature before it is let loose into the Cut / Any Given Sunday / JFK One Mysterious Night world. Thrillers, Horror, Monsters 2011 DD 5.1 (Triple Feature) (Blu-ray) Robert Williams, Janis Carter, Richard 78min. Charlton Heston, James Woods, Woody Lane, Chester Morris, William Wright, Phase 4 Films 26.06.2012 Harrelson, Cameron Diaz, , Dennis George E. Stone Quaid, Juliette Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109930 Tom Sizemore, Robert Downey Jr., Jamie a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Boston Blackie (Chester Morris, Alibi, Blind Alley), the The Perfect Family Foxx, LL Cool J notorious jewel thief turned agent for those in need of help - Conspiracies, Crime, Dark Comedy, Drama, whether inside or outside the law - gets caught in Inspector Elizabeth Pena, Kathleen Turner, Emily Extreme Sports, Football, Historical / Period Farraday’s (Richard Lane) sights again - this time for a Deschanel, Jason Ritter, Richard Chamber- daring jewel theft. When the publicity around the theft of the Piece, Lawyers / Legal Issues, MotoCross, Blue Star of the Nile gets out, Farraday apologizes to Blackie lain Prison, Serial Killers, Sports, Triple Feature for planting the story in the papers, and enlists Blackie and Kathleen Turner stars in this timely family comedy as a min. sidekick The Runt (George E. Stone, Island of Doomed Men, meddling matriarch determined to rein her husband and two The Face Behind the Mask) to aid in finding the real culprit. grown children into her image of what the „perfect family“ Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 But whenever beautiful blonde Dorothy Anderson (Janis should be. When her son and daughter choose to march to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109999 Carter, Night Editor, Slightly French) is on the scene, she beat of their own drum, the fur begins to fly. Also starring gums up the works, getting Blackie arrested despite his deal Emily Deschanel, Jason Ritter, Richard Chamberlain, and with the inspector. Directed by noted western director Budd Elizabeth Peña, The Perfect Family was written by Claire V. Nirvana Boetticher (Decision at Sundown, The Tall T), this film is Riley and Paula Goldberg, and directed by Anne Renton. Christopher Lambert, Sergio Rubini, Diego another fantastic entry in the series. Newly remastered. Comedy, Drama, Family 2011 84min. Abatantuono Mystery, Thieves, Classics, Crime, TLA Releasing 26.06.2012 In the riveting style of Blade Runner, Nirvana is a futuristic Detectives, Drama 1944 FF M 62min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109750 thriller starring Christopher Lambert as a video game SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 designer whose latest creation becomes dangerously real. At a giant multinational corporation, Jimi (Lambert) is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109878 Power Rangers Samurai Vol. 1: successful programmer excited about the launch of his The Team Unites realistic new game, Nirvana. But just days before it hits the Oranges And Sunshine streets, he learns the game’s main character has developed Master Xandred, the evil Nighlok leader, has reawakened. the ability to think and act on his own. Now Jimi must locate a Emily Watson, Hugo Weaving, David And it’s up to Red Ranger Jayden and his Mentor Ji to form a hacker who can crack the company’s impenetrable data banks new team of Samurai Rangers! Bound to duty by ancestry, Wenham Kevin, Mike, Emily and Mia join Jayden in his quest to abolish and destroy the program before it’s released. Politics, British, Drama, Foreign 2010 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Drama 1997 evil from the world. Soon, the teens must work together, with 105min. the help of their inherited symbol powers, to battle and defeat 113min. New Video DVD 26.06.2012 the menacing Nighloks. Meanwhile, Xandred moves forward Echo Bridge Home Entertainment with his plan to cause the waters of the Sanzu River to rise 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109719 with human tears and flood Earth. The Samurais must risk 05.06.2012 everything to keep their friends, family, and civilization safe. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109937 Featuring nonstop energy, incredible transformations, and the Oranges And Sunshine (Blu-ray) power of teamwork, these four adventures are filled with Normandy Emily Watson, Hugo Weaving, David serious Samurai action! Wenham Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Martial Damian Chapa, Tino Struckmann Arts, Samurai, Science Fiction 2011 Ltbx Caught in the middle of the advancing Allies and the fanatical Politics, British, Drama, Foreign 2010 Gestapo during World War II, Klaus -a battle-hardened 105min. 16x9 DD 5.1 92min. soldier- and Klaudia must fight their way out and away, only to New Video DVD 26.06.2012 Lionsgate 19.06.2012 make one last stand together surrounded in the middle of D- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109753 Day -the biggest invasion in world history 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109736 War, World War II, Action, Drama 2011 100min. The Order (Blu-ray) Power Rangers Samurai Vol. 2: A MTI Home Video 05.06.2012 Charlton Heston, Ben Cross, Sofia Milos, New Enemy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109914 Brian Thompson A new threat lurks deep within the Netherworld, and the Action superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme (Nowhere to Run, future of mankind rests in the hands of the only team with the Universal Soldier) is back in The Order, a fast-paced, high- knowledge and powers to defeat it - the Power Rangers The Odessa File (Blu-ray) octane thriller set in the Middle East. From the director of Samurai! Jayden, Kevin, Mia, Mike, Emily and Antonio must Double Impact and featuring screen legend Charlton Heston battle Master Xandred’s menacing Nighloks as they also learn Jon Voight, Maria Schell, Maximilian Schell to hone their powers and energies from Mentor Ji. Whether The year is 1963. The place: Hamburg, Germany. An elderly (Planet of the Apes, Any Given Sunday), Ben Cross (First

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 34 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA it’s saving civilians from physically crippling insults or Serial Killers, Thrillers, Action, FBI 1997 115min. mastering new Megazords and Beetle Cannons, the Rangers must do whatever it takes to bring down the Nighloks. But 93min. Universal Studios 05.06.2012 soon a mysterious new enemy appears on the horizon, intent Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109867 on battling Jayden. Who will prevail? 05.06.2012 Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Martial 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109939 Safe House (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Arts, Samurai, Science Fiction 2011 Ltbx tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 16x9 DD 5.1 92min. Reality Of Love Lionsgate 19.06.2012 Denzel Washington, Robert Patrick, Ryan Emma Caulfield, Jason Priestley, Bradley 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109755 Reynolds Cooper, Erin Karpluk, Nicole Oliver, Lauren Tobin Frost (Oscar winner Denzel Washington), one of the Lee Smith, Leah Cairns, David Parker CIA’s most dangerous traitors, resurfaces in South Africa Prince Charming (Repackage) A woman agrees to participate in a reality show designed to after eluding capture for almost a decade. During his Martin Short, Bernadette Peters, Andrea choose a bride for a movie star who needs to rebuild his interrogation, the safe house he’s being held in is attacked by failing career. While she proves a huge hit with both the actor brutal mercenaries forcing rookie agent, Matt Weston (Ryan Martin, Christina Applegate, Billy Connolly, and the audience, she is secretly falling for his manager, who Reynolds) to take the infamous Frost on the run. As the Sean Maguire feels torn as following his heart means destroying his friend’s masterful manipulator toys with his reluctant protégé, shaking So Many Frogs. So Few Princes.. Sentenced to a flogging? comeback. the young operative’s morality and idealism, the unlikely allies No such luck for Prince John (Sean Maguire) and his Romance, Comedy, Drama 2004 S 86min. must fight to stay alive long enough to uncover who wants bumbling wizard sidekick Rodney (Martin Short). They’re them dead. Packed with intense action and thrilling suspense, sentenced to a frogging, doomed forever to a life of lily ponds Phase 4 Films 08.05.2012 Safe House takes you on a deadly ride through a covert world and a diet of flies - or until John can convince a sweet damsel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109809 where no one and no place is ever safe. both to kiss his moist froggy lips and become his bride. Crime, Action, Mystery, Thrillers 2012 Laughs and romance abound in this charming fairytale update Red Scorpion (Blu-ray + DVD 115min. that plops medieval John and Rodney some 500 years forward Universal Studios 05.06.2012 in New York’s Central Park. There, coping with city life is Combo) (Blu-ray) trouble... but coping with love may be too much for man or 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109899 frogman. Especially when John falls for one woman (Christina Dolph Lundgren, M. Emmet Walsh, Brion Applegate) but must wed the woman (Bernadette Peters) James Scandal: The Complete First whose kiss first freed him. There’s so much magic that you International action star Dolph Lundgren (Rocky IV, The can only surrender to Prince Charming’s seductively Expendables) is Lt. Nikolai Rachenko, a Soviet Special Season entertaining spell. Forces „killing machine“ assigned to infiltrate an African rebel Romance, TV Movies, Adventure, Comedy, uprising and assassinate their anti-Communist leader. Taken Kerry Washington, Columbus Short, Henry Family, Fantasy 2001 91min. into custody and tortured after the mission fails, he stages a Ian Cusick harrowing prison escape. Befriended by an African bushman ABC, Drama 2012 301min. Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 while on the run, Nikolai discovers he was fighting on the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109978 wrong side of this violent conflict all along. Nikolai finds the Disney / Buena Vista 12.06.2012 rebel army once more but, this time, he’s on their side and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109870 wages bloody war against his former comrades! This action- Quill: The Life Of A Guide Dog packed controversial cult classic is now available from Teruyuki Kagawa, Keiko Toda, Kippei Synapse Films in a brand-new 2K high-definition transfer of Seeking Justice Shiina, Kenji Mizuhashi the uncensored version, containing footage never before seen Guy Pearce, January Jones, Nicolas Cage in the U.S. Featuring amazing performances from Dolph Nicolas Cage is Will Gerard, a family man whose life is On life’s journey, true friends come when they are called.. Lundgren, M. Emmet Walsh (Blood Simple) and the late Brion Based on a true story, Quill: The Life Of A Guide Dog is the turned upside-down when his wife, Laura (January Jones), is James (Blade Runner), Red Scorpion contains bloody special brutally attacked. At the hospital, Will is approached by sweet tale of a yellow Labrador Retriever guide dog for the effects from the legendary Tom Savini (Dawn of the Dead, blind named Quill. We follow Quill from the litter to his Simon, (Guy Pearce) who proposes an intriguing offer: Simon Friday the 13th). Loaded with interviews and other amazing will arrange to have a stranger exact vengeance on Laura’s selection as a guide dog shortly after his first birthday. After special features, this disc will blow you away! training at a school for guide dogs, Quill is paired with a blind attacker, in exchange for a favor from Will in the near future. man named Watanabe who at first is reluctant to rely on him. Action 1989 106min. Will consents to the deal, unwittingly pulling himself into a But Quill’s great patience, gentleness and skill eventually win CAV 12.06.2012 dangerous vigilante operation that could lead to frightening him over and they become inseparable friends. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109987 and deadly consequences for himself and his family. Tearjerkers, Drama, Foreign, Japanese Revenge, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 2011 105min. 2004 Ltbx 16x9 S 100min. Reel Love Music Box Films 10.07.2012 Starz / Anchor Bay 19.06.2012 Burt Reynolds, LeAnn Rimes, Shawn Ro- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109966 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109844 berts, Christian Potenza A big city girl returns to her small town roots after a family Race Against Time (Repackage) emergency. There, she embarks on a soul-searching journey Seeking Justice (Blu-ray + DVD to reconnect with family and friends and find meaningful Combo) (Blu-ray) Eric Roberts, Cary Elwes, Chris Sarandon, romance along the way. Diane Venora, Sarah Wynter Romance, Comedy 2011 90min. Guy Pearce, January Jones, Nicolas Cage Even The Brightest Future Has Its Dark Side.. In 2008, Nicolas Cage is Will Gerard, a family man whose life is Lifecorps pioneers a burgeoning industry: the harvesting of E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 turned upside-down when his wife, Laura (January Jones), is body parts tomorrow in exchange for cash today. James 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109847 brutally attacked. At the hospital, Will is approached by Gabriel (Eric Roberts), a construction worker who Simon, (Guy Pearce) who proposes an intriguing offer: Simon desperately needs money for his son’s medical treatment, will arrange to have a stranger exact vengeance on Laura’s signs up. In one year he’s obligated to become someone’s Romancing The Stone / Jewel Of attacker, in exchange for a favor from Will in the near future. liver, eyes, heart. But there’s something Lifecorps hasn’t The Nile (Double Feature) (Blu- Will consents to the deal, unwittingly pulling himself into a disclosed in the contract. They’ve falsified the report of his dangerous vigilante operation that could lead to frightening son’s grave illness. The clock is ticking for Gabriel as he ray) and deadly consequences for himself and his family. uncovers the deception, eludes storm-trooping harvesters and Crime, Drama, Action, Revenge, Thrillers sets out to rescue his captive child in this sleek futuristic Danny DeVito, Kathleen Turner, Michael thriller also starring Cary Elwes, Sarah Wynter, Chris Douglas, Alfonso Arau, Manuel Ojeda 2011 105min. Sarandon and Diane Venora. 2008: it’s the future to some — Comedy, Double Features, Action, Starz / Anchor Bay 19.06.2012 and doomsday to anyone in Gabriel’s way. Adventure, Romance min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109863 Thrillers, TV Movies, Action, Crime, Drama 20th Century Fox 15.05.2012 2000 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109763 Shakespeare Classic Love Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109980 Stories: Romeo & Juliet / Twelfth Safe House Night (Double Feature) The Rage Denzel Washington, Robert Patrick, Ryan Romance, Shakespeare, Classics, Double Reynolds Features, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Roy Scheider, Kristen Cloke, David Tobin Frost (Oscar winner Denzel Washington), one of the Carradine, Gary Busey, Lorenzo Lamas, CIA’s most dangerous traitors, resurfaces in South Africa min. Brandon Smith after eluding capture for almost a decade. During his A&E 12.06.2012 FBI agent Nick Travis (Lorenzo Lamas) is doing his best to interrogation, the safe house he’s being held in is attacked by 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109818 track down a psychopathic serial killer (Gary Busey) and his brutal mercenaries forcing rookie agent, Matt Weston (Ryan brutal gang of anti-government assassins. But then - with the Reynolds) to take the infamous Frost on the run. As the body count rising - a rival at the Bureau (Roy Scheider) tries masterful manipulator toys with his reluctant protégé, shaking Shakespeare Classic Tragedies: to sabotage Nick by teaming him with a completely untested the young operative’s morality and idealism, the unlikely allies / King Lear (Double Fea- new agent, Kelly McCord (Kristen Cloke). With nonstop must fight to stay alive long enough to uncover who wants thrills and high-risk action stunts, Nick and Kelly form an them dead. Packed with intense action and thrilling suspense, ture) intense partnership in a do-or-die quest to bring the killers to Safe House takes you on a deadly ride through a covert world justice. where no one and no place is ever safe. Shakespeare, Classics, Double Features, Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Crime 2012 Drama, Historical / Period Piece min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

A&E 12.06.2012 Digital Copy) Spider-Man series, based on the classicMarvel Comics hero, Tobey Maguire returns as the mild-mannered Peter Parker, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109819 Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Reed, who is juggling the delicate balance of his dual life as college Sally Field student and a superhuman crime fighter. Peter’s life becomes She Played With Fire Get ready to tear up the highway with the Bandit (Burt even more complicated when he confronts a new nemesis, the Reynolds), a fun-loving, fast-talking trucker who takes on his brilliant Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina) who has been Ian Hunter, Jack Hawkins, , craziest haul yet - delivering 400 cases of beer from reincarnated as the maniacal and multi-tentacled „Doc Ock.“ Dennis Price, Malcolm Keen, Violet Texarkana to Atlanta in just 28 hours. With Sheriff Buford T. When Doc Ock kidnaps MJ (Kirsten Dunst), Spider-Man must Justice (Jackie Gleason) hot on his trail and eager to teach swing back into action as the adventure reaches new heights Farebrother of unprecedented excitement. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using him some respect for the law, the Bandit joins forces with a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. good ol’ boy Cledus (Jerry Reed) and runaway bride Carrie Fantasy, Action, Based On Comic Book, British writer and director Sidney Gilliat (Green for Danger, (Sally Field). Gear up for huge laughs, pedal-to-the-metal Romance, Science Fiction, Superheroes The Lady Vanishes) is responsible for some superb moments action, and some of the wildest car crashes ever filmed! 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 127min. Action, Comedy, Cult Film / TV 1977 96min. of cinematic suspense. This lesser-known crime drama - Sony Pictures Home Entertainment based on the book Fortune is a Woman - featuring the Universal Studios 05.06.2012 12.06.2012 beautiful Arlene Dahl (The Black Book, Slightly Scarlet) as a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109892 married woman who runs into a former boyfriend, insurance 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109734 investigator Oliver Branwell (Jack Hawkins, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Five Finger Exercise), in the line of his Spartacus (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- business. When her husband (Dennis Price, Murder Most Spider-Man 3 (Blu-ray + Foul) dies in a fire, the two re-kindle a relationship that tal Copy) (Blu-ray) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) ended abruptly. Eventually, murder, arson and blackmail Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean threaten to consume them both. Newly remastered. James Cromwell, Kirsten Dunst, Bryce Simmons, Tony Curtis, Peter Ustinov, British, Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Dallas Howard, , James Foreign 1957 Ltbx M 95min. Charles Laughton This presentation of the powerful film classic features an Franco, J.K. Simmons, Thomas Haden SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 additional five minutes of footage cut from the film’s original Church, Tobey Maguire 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109880 release, plus the original overture and extended soundtrack. Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) finally has the girl of his Director Stanley Kubrick tells the tale of Spartacus (Kirk dreams, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst), and New York Douglas), the bold gladiator slave and Varinia (Jean City is in the throes of Spider-mania! But when a strange The Shrine Simmons), the woman who believed in his cause. Challenged alien symbiote turns Spider-Man’s suit black, his darkest Paulino Nunes, Laura De Carteret, Meghan by the power-hungry General Crassus (Laurence Olivier), demons come to light changing Spider-Man inside as well as Spartacus is forced to face his convictions and the power of out. Spider-Man is in for the fight of his life against a lethal Heffern, Cindy Sampson, Aaron Ashmore, the Imperial Rome at its glorious height. Spartacus. mix of villains - the deadly Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), Trevor Matthews Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Venom (Topher Grace), and the New Goblin (James Franco) - Once you find it, they won’t let you leave.. Director Jon Piece, Academy Award Winners, Action, as well as the enemy within himself. Knautz (Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer) returns with a blood- Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Based On Co- AFI Top 100, Ancient Greece / Rome, curdling tale of sacrificial cults, demonic possesion and mic Book, Revenge, Superheroes 2007 ancient evil. After a young American backpacker vanishes in Biography, Biopics 1960 196min. Ltbx 16x9 139min. Europe, three journalists trace his disappearance to a Universal Studios 05.06.2012 mysterious Polish village. They travel there hoping to get the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment story, but instead find a grotesque, fogshrouded shrine - and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109903 hostile locals hell-bent on serving up their next ritualistic 12.06.2012 human sacrifice. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109735 Religion/Spirituality, Canadian, Devils And Spartacus (DVD + Digital Copy) Demons, Foreign, Horror 2010 S 85min. Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean Stitch In Time Zeitgeist Films 08.05.2012 Simmons, Tony Curtis, Peter Ustinov, Family is business and business is money. Roy Stitch was the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109817 Charles Laughton best collector his Uncle Norman had ever seen, but when an This presentation of the powerful film classic features an unforgivable act is committed, Roy is pushed into the depths additional five minutes of footage cut from the film’s original of depression, unable to perform on the job. Trapped in a The Singing Detective release, plus the original overture and extended soundtrack. world of brutality and deception, tormented by memories of the Director Stanley Kubrick tells the tale of Spartacus (Kirk past, Roy must now choose between loyalty to his family or Janet Suzman, Joanne Whaley, Michael Douglas), the bold gladiator slave and Varinia (Jean control of his own destiny. Gambon Simmons), the woman who believed in his cause. Challenged Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 130min. A gripping murder mystery! A lavish musical!! An intense by the power-hungry General Crassus (Laurence Olivier), psychological thriller!!! A warped romance!!!!. Dennis Potter’s Spartacus is forced to face his convictions and the power of E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 legendary, award-winning masterpiece is all this and more. the Imperial Rome at its glorious height. Spartacus. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109781 It’s the story of Philip Marlow, a mystery writer stricken with Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top a crippling skin disorder whose hallucinations interweave memories of his past with the murder mystery in his book, The 100, Ancient Greece / Rome, Biography, Strange Affair Singing Detective, the story of a suave sleuth who croons Biopics, Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Allyn Joslyn, Evelyn Keyes, Nina Foch, with a big band when he’s not cracking cases. Hailed by Period Piece 1960 196min. critics and audiences as one of the greatest television Marguerite Chapman, Edgar Buchanan, productions of all time, this collector’s edition DVD set of The Universal Studios 05.06.2012 Shemp Howard, Hugo Haas Singing Detective has been restored to its original brilliance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109893 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using and features insightful bonus features that give viewers a a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. rare glimpse into the brilliant mind of Dennis Potter. Comic book artist Bill Harrison (Allyn Joslyn, The Great Music, Musical, BBC, British, Drama, Spider-Man (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) McGinty, My Sister Eileen) has a beautiful and very (Blu-ray) understanding wife (Evelyn Keyes, The Prowler, The Killer Foreign, International TV, Thrillers 1986 that Stalked New York). But the police department, especially 415min. Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Cliff Lieutenant Washburn (Edgar Buchanan) and Sergeant Erwin BBC Home Video 08.05.2012 Robertson, Kirsten Dunst, Rosemary (Frank Jenks), don’t understand why he’s always poking his nose into trouble. When a man he was supposed to have 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109786 Harris, James Franco, J.K. Simmons picked up at the train station ends up dead, Harrison becomes Average teenager Peter Parker is transformed into an suspicious and begins to investigate the dead man’s beautiful Sliders: The Second Season extraordinary superhero after he is accidentally bitten by a widow (Marguerite Chapman, The Black Book), and the other radioactive spider. When his beloved uncle is savagely strange characters who were at hand, making the Sabrina Lloyd, Cleavant Derricks murdered during a robbery, young Peter vows to use his investigation more complicated than the plot of this convoluted In Season 2 of the phenomenally popular sci-fi hit, Quinn powers to avenge his death. Deeming himself Spider-Man, he - but charming - comedy suspense. The incredible cast also (Jerry O’Connell, Crossing Jordan), Arturo (John Rhys- sets about ridding the streets of crime, bringing him into includes Nina Foch, Hugo Haas, John Wengraf, and the Davies, The Lord of the Rings trilogy), Wade (Sabrina Lloyd, conflict with malevolent super-villain „Green Goblin.“ amazing Shemp Howard in a small comic bit that is Ed) and Rembrandt „Crying Man“ Brown (Cleavant Derricks, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Based On Co- characteristic of this zany picture. Newly remastered. World Traveler) come up against some of their trickiest foes mic Book, Science Fiction, Superheroes Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Classics, yet, including a vicious group of aliens, greedy corporate raiders and the shocking double versions of themselves. As 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 121min. Comedy, Crime, Detectives 1944 FF M their slides take them to strange new dimensions and some Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 79min. that look eerily familiar, only one thing remains the same: their 12.06.2012 SPHE MOD 01.05.2012 desire to go home. Join the foursome in all 13 thrilling episodes in this 4-disc collection as they search for a way to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109733 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109885 get back to where it all began. Time Travel, Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Spider-Man 2 (Blu-ray + The Stranger Fantasy, Science Fiction min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Loretta Young, Orson Welles, Edward G. Universal Studios 24.07.2012 Kirsten Dunst, Rosemary Harris, Alfred Robinson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109982 An investigator travels to find an infamous Nazi in this Orson Molina, James Franco, J.K. Simmons, Tobey Welles-directed classic.. Wilson of the War Crimes Maguire Commission is seeking Franz Kindler, mastermind of the Smokey And The Bandit (DVD + In Spider-Man 2, the latest installment in the blockbuster Holocaust, who has effectively erased his identity. Wilson

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA releases Kindler’s former comrade Meinike and follows him to Mike (Jon Favreau) can’t seem to shake a relationship rut, Romance, Comedy, Drama 1998 94min. Harper, Connecticut, where he is killed before he can identify his smooth, fast-talking buddy Trent (Vince Vaughn) decides Kindler. Now Wilson’s only clue is Kindler’s fascination with he’ll do whatever it takes to show Mike a good time! Whether Echo Bridge Home Entertainment antique clocks; but though Kindler seems secure in his new laughing over martinis in smoky cocktail lounges...or 05.06.2012 identity, he feels his past closing in. searching for beautiful babes on an outrageous road trip to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109910 Mystery, Thrillers, Classics, Crime, Drama, Vegas, the young Swingers are determined to rewrite the Film Noir, Holocaust 1946 Ltbx S 95min. rules of modern dating! Made. Swingers costars Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn team up with rap superstar Sean Combs Ten Inch Hero Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 and the legendary (Columbo. Sean Patrick Flanery, Jordan Belfi, Adair 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109963 Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Crime, Cult Film / Tishler, Alice Krige, Clea DuVall, Elisabeth TV, Double Features, Drama, Art House, Harnois, John Doe, Jensen Ackles, Sean Road Trips, Thrillers Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 The Streets Of San Francisco: Wing 190min. Season 3 - Volume 1 Stop by, grab a sandwich, fall in love.. Four friends deal with Lionsgate 29.05.2012 Michael Douglas, Karl Malden, Richard their love lives and learn about themselves while working in a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109830 funky sandwich shop in Santa Cruz, California. Sex, love, Hatch laughs and hero sandwiches are part of the everyday life in Twenty year veteran Detective Lt. Mike Stone (Karl Malden) this hip little shop. For the group of friends who work there, is partnered with young, college educated Inspector Steve Tale Of The VooDoo Prostitute it’s an oasis on the complex journey through relationships and Keller (Michael Douglas) who has a lot to learn about being a A master manipulator and hustler by the name of Fleetwood life - a place where they have each other to lean on as they police detective on the Streets of San Francisco. Deville dispense heinous wrong-doings to nearly everyone find their way. The sign out front says it all: „Help Wanted: ABC, Action, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Dra- that crosses his path. One particular female managed to meet normal people need not apply.“ ma 1974 616min. and exceed any expectation of evil. She cursed Fleetwood to On The Job, Romance, Comedy, Drama, a fate even worse than death: impotence. With his heron of Friendships 2007 Ltbx 16x9 S 102min. Paramount Pictures 03.07.2012 beautiful women and killers, Fleetwood must rival neighboring 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109748 pimps to free himself from a curse that if left undone would not Phase 4 Films 29.05.2012 only take his manhood, but possibly his life. This film is based 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109814 in the mean streets and intermingling of the Dallas/Ft. Worth The Streets Of San Francisco: area. Season 3 - Volume 2 Horror 2011 75min. Terror By Night Basil Rathbone, Alan Mowbray, Mary Michael Douglas, Karl Malden, Richard Brain Damage Films 05.06.2012 Forbes, Renee Godfrey, Nigel Bruce, Hatch 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109985 Twenty year veteran Detective Lt. Mike Stone (Karl Malden) Dennis Hoey, Frederick Worlock is partnered with young, college educated Inspector Steve Teen Spirit Classic Sherlock Holmes from 1946 starring Basil Rathbone.. Keller (Michael Douglas) who has a lot to learn about being a Holmes is hired by Roland Carstairs to prevent the theft of police detective on the Streets of San Francisco. Cassie Scerbo, Tim Gunn, Lindsey Shaw the Star of Rhodesia, an enormous diamond owned by ABC, Action, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Dra- Amber Pollock (Cassie Scerbo, Make It or Break It) is the Carstairs’ mother, Lady Margaret. Believing the diamond will queen bee of Eugene Ashley High School, and the only thing be stolen on a train trip from London to , Holmes ma 1974 560min. missing to her reign is the Prom Queen title. Having worked deftly switches diamonds with Lady Margaret while in her Paramount Pictures 03.07.2012 for years towards obtaining the crown and most popular girl compartment. Soon after, Roland is murdered and the fake 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109749 status, Amber lets nothing and no one stand in her way. That diamond is stolen. Red herrings abound as Holmes, aided by bad behavior comes back to literally haunt her when a freak Dr. Watson and Inspector Lestrade, discover the murderer’s accident at Prom ends Amber’s short, nearly-perfect life and hiding place and deduce that long-time foe Moriarty’s Surf And Turf Double Feature facing an unpleasant after-life, she is given the task that henchman Colonel Sebastian Moran is somehow involved in could save her soul - to get the school’s least popular girl to the crime. Terry Serpico, Nicole Bilderback, Bill Sage be voted Prom Queen. Amber is sure her future is sunk when Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Thieves, Thril- This bargain-priced pair of excellent men’s dramas each she learns her charge is none other than Lisa Sommers lers, Classics, Detectives 1946 Ltbx S boast a tremendous ensemble cast. Aussie heart-throb Xavier (Lindsey Shaw, Pretty Little Liars), a shy girl who makes Samuel (Twilight: Eclipse, Anonymous) headlines the youthful claymation films with her three best friends and whose fashion 60min. high-energy surf story, Newcastle; while tough guy Terry sense is not up to Amber’s standards. As for Lisa herself, the Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 Serpico (Army Wives) tops the super-smart New York City last thing she wants is to be Prom Queen, but when Amber 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109961 urban-professional drama, The New Twenty. offers to help her get the attention of her crush, Nick (Chris Sports, Surf, Double Features, Drama Zylka), Lisa gives Amber the benefit of the doubt. Will a head- 199min. to-toe makeover and some confidence-building advice really Thin Ice Wolfe Video 24.04.2012 be able to turn a shy and awkward teen Greg Kinnear, , Billy Crudup Comedy, Drama, Family, High School min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109710 Academy Award nominee Greg Kinnear, Academy Award Image Ent. 22.05.2012 winner Alan Arkin, and Billy Crudup lead a celebrated cast in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109924 the most critically acclaimed caper of the year. „The con is on Sweet Revenge and nothing is what it seems in this excellent comic noir,“ Helena Bonham Carter, Kristin Scott Tho- raves Marie Claire. Mickey Prohaska (Kinnear) is a small- The Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad time insurance agent looking for one big score to get him out mas, Sam Neill of frigid Wisconsin. But Mickey’s clever con spirals out of Quite by chance, depressed businessman Henry Bell (Neill) Michelle Maylene, Beverly Lynne, Kylee control when an unstable locksmith (Crudup) turns the tables and quirky aristocrat Karen Knightly (Bonham Carter) save Nash, Kelli McCarty, Brandin Rackley and raises the stakes higher than he ever imagined. This each other’s life - just as they both attempt to leap from Magazine icon and international playboy Teffler thinks wickedly witty thriller features „a crime twist worthy of London’s Tower Bridge. With renewed spirit, Karen quickly someone is trying to destroy his publishing empire. But who Hitchcock and dialogue worthy of the Coen Brothers“ (Screen invents a plot of devilish retaliation against those who drove could it be? It’s a job for the Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad; Daily). them to the edge: she’ll punish the man who stole Henry’s job three beautiful detectives who are ready and willing to Comedy, Crime, Drama 2011 93min. and he’ll destroy the life of the woman (Scott Thomas) who uncover more than just petty crimes! It’s danger, espionage broke up Karen’s love affair. Revenge becomes the name of and nakedness! Starring Kelli McCarty (former Miss Usa), 20th Century Fox 12.06.2012 the game in this „stylishly played black comedy“ (Variety). Brandin Rackley, Michelle Maylene, Beverly Lynne, Kylee 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109772 Romance, Comedy, Drama min. Nash, The Teenie Weenie Bikini Squad is another laugh- packed erotic caper from the cult movie authorities at Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Retromedia Entertainment. The DVD features a widescreen Thin Ice (Blu-ray) 05.06.2012 transfer, stereo surround sound and contains bonus trailers. Greg Kinnear, Alan Arkin, Billy Crudup 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109909 Caper, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Detectives, Academy Award nominee Greg Kinnear, Academy Award Erotica 81min. winner Alan Arkin, and Billy Crudup lead a celebrated cast in the most critically acclaimed caper of the year. „The con is on Swingers / Made (Double Fea- Retromedia 12.06.2012 and nothing is what it seems in this excellent comic noir,“ ture) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109738 raves Marie Claire. Mickey Prohaska (Kinnear) is a small- time insurance agent looking for one big score to get him out Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn, Peter Falk, of frigid Wisconsin. But Mickey’s clever con spirals out of Heather Graham, Famke Janssen, Ron Telling You control when an unstable locksmith (Crudup) turns the tables Jennifer Love Hewitt, Peter Facinelli, Dash and raises the stakes higher than he ever imagined. This Livingston, Jonathan Silverman, Faizon wickedly witty thriller features „a crime twist worthy of Love, Alex Desert, Patrick Van Horn, Mihok Hitchcock and dialogue worthy of the Coen Brothers“ (Screen Instead of moving on to bigger and better things after college Daily). Brooke Langton, Katherine Kendall, graduation, best buddies Phil (Peter Facinelli) and Dennis Makenzie Vega, Vincent Pastore, Sean are embarrassed to find themselves making pizzas and Comedy, Crime, Drama 2011 93min. Combs, Tom Morello avoiding old classmates who come in for a slice. But before 20th Century Fox 12.06.2012 Swingers. Hip and hilarious - critics and audiences alike are long, Phil is discovered by an annoyingly sweet ex-girlfriend 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109791 raving about this must-see comedy hit that’s so money, it (Jennifer Love Hewitt) who won’t leave him alone and Dennis catapulted Vince Vaughn (The Break Up, Wedding Crashers) gets the courage to face the dream girl who got away. Can the and Jon Favreau (Couples Retreat, Iron Man) to stardom! It’s boys navigate their way through the swirl of youthful Thrill Seekers the laugh-out-loud look at a fun group of friends who spend confusion that surrounds their lives? Or will they be stuck in Martin Sheen, Casper Van Dien, Catherine their days looking for work and their nights in and out of the same place forever? With a great cast also featuring Hollywood’s coolest after-hours hangouts! When the lovesick Matthew Lillard and Dash Mihok, Telling You is a fresh, fun Bell, Theresa Saldana, Peter Outerbridge, comedy about life, love and finally growing up.

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Julian Richings illustrious job as a TV/radio sports commentator and the city’s Universal Studios 05.06.2012 While investigating a string of disasters, reporter Tom most eligible bachelor. At his welcome home party he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109894 Merrick (Casper Van Dien) discovers that a mysterious encounters his childhood nemesis, Felicia Madaris gold gentlemen appeared on the scene of each tragic event. digging habits are still intact. But all is not what it seems and Teaming up with the beautiful journalist Elizabeth Wintern perceptions are not always reality as both Trask and Felicia Jean-Claude Van Damme: The (Catherine Bell), Tom uncovers that the man is part of a discover that there is a very thin line between truly syndicate creating disasters for profit. With the syndicate’s everlasting love & hate! Order / Nowhere To Run (Double agents closing in, and his own son’s life on the line, Tom Romance, African Americans, Drama Feature) races through the streets of New York trying to avert the next 113min. Charlton Heston, Rosanna Arquette, Sofia great catastrophe. ADA 15.05.2012 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Milos 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109858 Disasters, Drama 1999 FF S 89min. One of the world’s top martial arts action stars, Jean-Claude Phase 4 Films 12.06.2012 Van Damme stars in two high impact thrillers that are sure to The Twilight Zone: More Fan keep you on the edge of your seat. The Order (2001, Rated R, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109926 89 Minutes): Action superstar Jean-Claude Van Damme Favorites (Nowhere to Run, Universal Soldier) is back in The Order, a fast-paced, high-octane thriller set in the Middle East. From Time Of The Wolf Lee Marvin, Cliff Robertson, Cloris the director of Double Impact and featuring screen legend Burt Reynolds, John Neville, Marthe Keller, Leachman, Buster Keaton, Lee Van Cleef, Charlton Heston (Planet of the Apes, Any Given Sunday), Ben Dennis Weaver, Buddy Ebsen, Richard Cross (First Knight, Chariots of Fire), and sexy newcomer Jason Priestley, Devin Douglas Drewitz Sofia Milos, The Order is an exciting adventure packed with When Aaron loses his parents, the only family he has left are Conte, James Best, Bill Mumy, Fritz Weaver extreme fight choreography, exotic locations, and non-stop his estranged aunt and uncle (Burt Reynolds), who are Travel to another dimension of sight and sound again and action. Nowhere To Run (1993, Rated R, 94 Minutes): Van reluctant to take the young boy in. But with no other options, again with this special collection of classic episodes from Damme is back! And this time the action superstar has Aaron moves into their farm house, nestled in the sprawling Rod Serling’s legendary series and explore the fantastic and nowhere to run and nothing to lose. An escaped prisoner wilderness, and begins a new life. Aaron finds much comfort the frightening. Episodes: The Passerby, The Grave, Death’s hiding from authorities, Sam (Van Damme) always manages to in exploring the nature around him and becomes even more Head Revisited, The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank, Per- be in the wrong place at the right time. Risking his hard- intrigued when he spots a white wolf patrolling the nearby chance to Dream, The Hitch-Hiker, King Nine Will Not Re- fought freedom, he aids a beautiful young widow (Rosanna ridge. When he witnesses a hunter wound the majestic animal, turn, Shadow Play, Third from the Sun, The Shelter, To Serve Arquette) against a ruthless developer who wants her land. Aaron reaches out to the wolf and creates a bond that will Man, The Fugitive, Nick of Time, The Prime Mover, It’s a Hunted by the police and the developer’s hired killers, Sam become very important to protecting both of their lives. Good Life, The Mind and the Matter, The Last Flight, Once pulls n Drama, Family 2002 87min. Upon a Time, A Hundred Yards Over the Rim, The Trouble Romance, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment with Templeton. Thrillers, Anthologies, Fantasy, Horror, Double Features, Drama min. 26.06.2012 Mystery, Science Fiction 1963 500min. Image Ent. 15.05.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109953 Image Ent. 08.05.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109840 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109839 Too Big To Fail The Vow James Woods, William Hurt, John Heard, Unhook The Stars Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams, Wendy Cynthia Nixon, Paul Giamatti, Edward Gerard Depardieu, Gena Rowlands, Marisa Crewson, , Tatiana Maslany, Asner, Tony Shalhoub, Billy Crudup, Topher Tomei Sam Neill, Scott Speedman Grace Gena Rowlands and Academy Award® winner Marisa Tomei Inspired by a true story, The Vow is the tale of a love that Based on the bestselling book by Andrew Ross Sorkin, Too (Best Supporting Actress, My Cousin Vinny, 1993) team up in refuses to be forgotten. Leo (Channing Tatum, Dear John) is Big To Fail offers an intimate look at the epochal financial this critically-acclaimed comedy treat! Mildred (Rowlands) is devastated when a car accident plunges his wife Paige crisis of 2008 and the powerful men and women who decided a quiet suburban lady whose life is changed forever when she (Rachel McAdams, The Notebook) into a deep coma. She the fate of the world’s economy in a matter of a few weeks. agrees to baby-sit for Monica, her wild and crazy neighbor miraculously recovers - but the last five years of her Centering on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the film (Tomei). As Mildred, a caretaker by nature, grows closer to memories have vanished. Suddenly, Leo finds himself married goes behind closed doors to examine the symbiotic Monica’s son, J.J. (Jake Lloyd), he thrives under her to a stranger who can’t remember anything about him. Naively, relationship between Wall Street and Washington. watchful eye - and Mildred begins to loosen up with the help Paige falls back under the influence of her controlling parents Politics, TV Movies, Drama 2011 98min. of Monica’s party-girl ways. But when Monica sorts out her (Sam Neill and Jessica Lange) and reconnects with her ex- HBO Home Video 12.06.2012 domestic issues, and J.J. no longer needs a babysitter, fiancé (Scott Speedman). Desperately, Leo tries to recreate Mildred is forced to examine her life and for once, focus her the moments that shaped their romance. Can he rekindle the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109846 energy on herself. passion before he loses Paige forever? Romance, Drama 1996 102min. Romance, Drama, Mental Illness 2012 Ltbx Too Big To Fail (Blu-ray + DVD + Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 16x9 DD 5.1 104min. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 05.06.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 08.05.2012 James Woods, William Hurt, John Heard 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109912 Based on the bestselling book by Andrew Ross Sorkin, Too 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109716 Big To Fail offers an intimate look at the epochal financial United 93 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital crisis of 2008 and the powerful men and women who decided The Vow (Blu-ray + DVD + the fate of the world’s economy in a matter of a few weeks. Copy) (Blu-ray) Centering on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the film UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) goes behind closed doors to examine the symbiotic David Alan Basche, J.J. Johnson, Opal relationship between Wall Street and Washington. Alladin, Gary Commock Channing Tatum, Rachel McAdams, Wendy Drama, Politics, TV Movies 2011 98min. On September 11th, one of the darkest days in our history, 40 Crewson, Jessica Lange, Tatiana Maslany, HBO Home Video 12.06.2012 ordinary people sat down as strangers and stood up as one.. Sam Neill, Scott Speedman A defining day in our history. It’s an event that shook the Inspired by a true story, The Vow is the tale of a love that 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109865 world. Honest, unflinching and profoundly moving, United 93 refuses to be forgotten. Leo (Channing Tatum, Dear John) is tells the unforgettable story of the heroic passengers and devastated when a car accident plunges his wife Paige The Transporter / Transporter 2 crew members who prevented the terrorists from carrying out (Rachel McAdams, The Notebook) into a deep coma. She their plans for the fourth hijacked plane on September 11, miraculously recovers - but the last five years of her (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) 2001. As on-ground military and civilian teams scrambled to memories have vanished. Suddenly, Leo finds himself married make sense of the unfolding events, forty people who sat to a stranger who can’t remember anything about him. Naively, Jason Statham, , Francois Berleand, down as strangers found the courage to stand up as one. Paige falls back under the influence of her controlling parents Matt Schulze Drama, 9/11, Terrorism 2006 111min. (Sam Neill and Jessica Lange) and reconnects with her ex- Double Features, Action min. Universal Studios 05.06.2012 fiancé (Scott Speedman). Desperately, Leo tries to recreate the moments that shaped their romance. Can he rekindle the 20th Century Fox 15.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109904 passion before he loses Paige forever? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109764 Drama, Mental Illness, Romance 2012 Ltbx United 93 (DVD + Digital Copy) 16x9 DD 5.1 104min. A Trip To The Moon: Limited Edi- David Alan Basche, J.J. Johnson, Opal Sony Pictures Home Entertainment tion (Blu-ray) Alladin, Gary Commock 08.05.2012 On September 11th, one of the darkest days in our history, 40 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109732 Science Fiction, Silent Film, Classics, ordinary people sat down as strangers and stood up as one.. Foreign, French 1902 min. A defining day in our history. It’s an event that shook the Emphasis Entertainment Group 10.04.2012 world. Honest, unflinching and profoundly moving, United 93 Warehouse 13: Season Three tells the unforgettable story of the heroic passengers and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110001 crew members who prevented the terrorists from carrying out Saul Rubinek, Joanne Kelly, Eddie their plans for the fourth hijacked plane on September 11, McClintock Truly Everlasting 2001. As on-ground military and civilian teams scrambled to Return to the mysterious Warehouse for the most thrilling make sense of the unfolding events, forty people who sat season yet of Syfy’s most popular series ever! Pete, Myka, Kenny Rogers, Omarr Dixon down as strangers found the courage to stand up as one. Claudia & Artie are joined by new agent Steve Jinks (Aaron After a career ending injury, NFL superstar Trask Maxwell Terrorism, 9/11, Drama 2006 111min. Ashmore, Smallville) as they pursue dangerous new missions, (Kenny Rogers) returns home to Houston to begin his and face a powerful new enemy whose vendetta against the

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 39 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Warehouse knows no bounds. Filled with explosive action, heats up the screen in two of her top motion pictures. Enjoy create a provocative and powerful Swan Lake for our times. fantastical artifacts and inventive gadgetry, this collectible her athletic exploits as aerialist Jane Hawkins in the wildly Collecting over 30 international theatre awards including three-disc set is packed with every Season Three episode popular romantic drama, The Gymnast; and savor her turn as three Tonys, Swan Lake has been acclaimed as a landmark and riveting bonus features including a never-before-seen the charming daredevil Luce in the hilarious lesbian reunion achievement on the international stage. It has become the episode of the webisode series Of Monsters and Men. classic, Everything Relative. longest running ballet in the West End and on Broadway and Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction 2011 min. Romance, Sports, Comedy, Double Fea- enjoyed four hugely successful tours in the UK, thrilling Universal Studios 10.07.2012 tures, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest audiences all over the world Classical Music, Dancing, Music, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109983 208min. Performing Arts, Ballet 119min. Wolfe Video 24.04.2012 Kultur 26.06.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109709 Warrior 4-Pack: Volume 1 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109972 Intira Jaroenpura, Yishan Zhang, Tatsuya Naka, Sayaka Akimoto, Rina Takeda, Jackie White Collar: The Complete Third Chick Corea & Friedrich Gulda: Chan, Russell Wong, Patharawarin Timkul Season The Meeting Includes: : Kung Fu Master. Jackie Chan is the Tim DeKay, Matt Bomer undefeated Kung Fu Master who dishes out the action in Classical Music, Jazz, Music 154min. traditional Jackie Chan style. The Sanctuary. The story of Matt Bomer is back for another thrilling season of high-class Krit, a young martial artist hiding an ancient amulet. When a capers and criminal intrigue on TV’s slickest, sexiest show, Naxos 24.04.2012 ruthless mob boss hires an ex-U.S. Special Ops soldier and a White Collar! Bomer returns as suave con man turned FBI 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109754 skilled assassin to steal the amulet, Krit joins forces with a consultant Neal Caffrey, racing to stay one step ahead of the beautiful archeology student to recover the stolen relic before feds even as he helps his partner, Agent Peter Burke, bring it unleashes its destructive powers. Brave. A young man is down some of the world’s most clever criminals. The stakes Selena Gomez: Teen Superstar forced by the mafia to steal client data from a bank in are at an all-time high as Neal struggles to come to terms with The story of how Selena Gomez became a teen sensation.. exchange for his brother’s life. After discovering he’s been his own checkered past, but will his greatest con cost him Selena Marie Gomez began her acting career on the popular set up, he sets out to prove his innocence and seek revenge. everything? Featuring DVD-exclusive extras, the white hot children’s TV show Barney and Friends. At the time she was High Kick Girl. Kei is the most skilled fighter in her dojo. Season Three of White Collar is a whole new bag of tricks! only 7-years-old. She is the daughter of former stage actress When she is refused the coveted black belt she joins a new Drama, FBI 2011 689min. Amanda „Mandy“ Teefey and Ricardo Joel Gomez. Selena fighting group called the Destroyers. When she discovers 20th Century Fox 05.06.2012 says she believes her interest in acting developed from they want to destroy her old sensei, she takes the law into watching her mother perform in theatre productions. Selena her own hands to stop them. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109773 was an aspiring actress when she was discovered in 2004 by Revenge, Thai, Action, Chinese, Crime, the Disney Network. She started off with guest appearances, which escalated into a recurring role on Hannah Montana. Fighting, Foreign, Japanese, Martial Arts S Since then she has evolved into a diverse performer, 346min. expanding into feature films and music. Selena and her band Phase 4 Films 05.06.2012 Selena Gomez & The Scene have sold over 1.3 million Music records in the U.S. alone. This inspirational film explores her 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109898 astonishing evolution - from a Disney Channel favorite to a Adele: Chasing Stardom mega Teen Superstar. Warrior 4-Pack: Volume 2 The Trials & Triumphs Of A Soulful Queen. Adele Laurie Blue Teen Pop, Unauthorized Biographies, Yishan Zhang, Rebecca Neuenswander, Adkins began singing at the tender age of 4. By the time she Documentary, Music, Pop Music 2012 S was 14, her dream was to sing professionally. In 2006, she 70min. Jackie Chan, Matt Frewer, Tod Fennell, graduated from the BRIT School for Performing Arts & Larry Peterson, Kurt Hanover, Chad Ortis, Technology in South London. Four months after she graduated, Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 Irandhir Santos, John Wilson a friend posted a few of her songs on a popular social 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109919 Includes: Jackie Chan: Kung Fu Master. Jackie Chan is the network. The songs caught the attention of an executive at XL undefeated Kung Fu Master who dishes out the action in Recordings who was blown away by her voice. Her debut Gypsy Love traditional Jackie Chan style. The Assailant. Follow Manouel, album 19 was released in 2008 - followed by her sophomore an orphan whose entire life has been an uphill battle. He is album 21 in 2011. She has sold millions of albums worldwide Opera, Performing Arts 88min. rescued by a martial arts master and when his master is and received numerous awards from the music industry. Naxos 24.04.2012 assassinated, he must face the assailants head-on in a final However with success comes adversity. At the peak of her fight to the death. Wushu Warrior. The Red Lotus Society are career she was diagnosed with vocal chord hemorrhage. In 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110009 the only hope for the oppressed nation of China in 1862 and this revealing documentary we examine the trials and triumphs will fight to restore justice to its people. Fight Night. The of Adele - and truly uncover the daunting challenges of John Lee Hooker - Cook With The story of Michael, a con man working the underground boxing Chasing Stardom. circuit and Katherine, a female fighter with the skills to take Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, Hook: Live In 1974 down men twice her size. Together they hit the road and Music, Pop Music 2012 S 55min. Bluesman John Lee Hooker, live in 1974. On Saturday, July 6, embark on a scheme of „fight-rigging in reverse“ but when Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 1974, Mississippi-Delta bluesman John Lee Hooker was one Michael’s shady past catches up with them, the stakes of the star attractions at an all-day festival attended by 6,000 become higher & more dangerous than they’d ever imagined. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109917 people. The event in the town of Gardner Massachusetts was Action, Adventure, Boxing, Brazilian, Chi- called „Down in the Dumps“ perhaps the first in what was nese, Crime, Drama, Fighting, Foreign, Matthew Bourne: Swan Lake proposed as a series of musical events to be held in the city landfill area. Luckily, very luckily, Hooker’s performance was Martial Arts S 369min. Dominic North captured on a three camera shoot and broadcast on cable Phase 4 Films 05.06.2012 When it premiered at Sadler’s Wells in 1995, Matthew television in local cities and towns. It Serves You Right To 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109897 Bourne’s triumphant modern re-interpretation of Swan Lake Suffer Whiskey & Women Sweet Sweet Thing Boogie Boom turned tradition upside down, taking the dance world by storm. Boom Encore/Medley Now firmly crowned as a modern day classic, this iconic Blues, Concerts, Music 1974 S 45min. John Wayne Crime Buster production is perhaps best-known for replacing the traditional female corps de ballet with a menacing male ensemble. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Collection Matthew Bourne blends dance, humor and spectacle with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109986 John Wayne extravagant, award-winning designs by Lez Brotherston, to create a provocative and powerful Swan Lake for our times. Western, Action, Collections, Crime, Drama Collecting over 30 international theatre awards including Whitney Houston: In Memory Of min. three Tonys, Swan Lake has been acclaimed as a landmark Her Hits, Her Life, The Scandals, The End. This excellent Allegro Entertainment 08.05.2012 achievement on the international stage. It has become the film contains everything you need to know about Whitney 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109756 longest running ballet in the West End and on Broadway and Houston - her life, her hits, the scandals and her tragic end. enjoyed four hugely successful tours in the UK, thrilling Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, audiences all over the world Music, Pop Music 2012 S 43min. Ballet, Classical Music, Dancing, Music, Web Therapy: The Complete First Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 Performing Arts min. Season 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109913 Kultur 26.06.2012 Lisa Kudrow, Victor Garber, Dan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109946 Bucatinsky Whitney Houston: We Will Always Fiona Wallice (Lisa Kudrow) is a therapist with no patience. Tired of fifty minute sessions, she devises a new kind of Matthew Bourne: Swan Lake Love You treatment, the three-minute video chat. And still, the sessions This stunning documentary brings you the life & times of the end up being largely about her. As seen on Showtime. (Blu-ray) legend that is Whitney Houston! . Whitney Houston was one Comedy, Showtime 2011 266min. Dominic North of the greatest singers of all time. She still holds a spot in the E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 When it premiered at Sadler’s Wells in 1995, Matthew Guinness World Records for the most awarded female artist Bourne’s triumphant modern re-interpretation of Swan Lake EVER! This documentary brings you the life & times of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109854 turned tradition upside down, taking the dance world by storm. legend, from her birth in 1963, all the way through to her Now firmly crowned as a modern day classic, this iconic untimely death in 2012. We Will Always Love You features The Dreya Weber Set production is perhaps best-known for replacing the traditional brand new interviews with artists, producers & industry female corps de ballet with a menacing male ensemble. insiders, also featuring never heard before exclusive songs. Dreya Weber Matthew Bourne blends dance, humor and spectacle with Unauthorized Biographies, Documentary, Popular actor, aerialist and P90X fitness model Dreya Weber extravagant, award-winning designs by Lez Brotherston, to Music, Pop Music 2012 42min.

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Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 Biography, Documentary, Folk, Folk Rock, by Rundgren Radio, the weekly Internet Todd-centric radio show. Todd performed these two classic albums in their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109915 Hard Rock, Music 2010 80min. entirety live in concert for the first time. This program MPI 05.06.2012 captured the event in an intimate setting with Rudgren In The Footsteps Of Beethoven 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109831 performing the entire album-track by track. A MUST for Todd fans! By the age of seven, Ludwig van Beethoven was a child Concerts, Experimental Rock, Music, Pro- prodigy. By the time of his premature death, 30,000 mourners Play Cooder turned out for his funeral. Today, Germany’s greatest gressive Rock 2010 70min. composer is no less than a musical legend. From Bonn to The 9th title in the series of instructional programs illustrating E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 Vienna, we examine his remarkable music and bittersweet life both scale and chord voicings made recognizable by the of the man who brought classical music into the Romantic era world’s greatest guitarists, this release focuses on slide- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109853 - a true master who continued to compose, perform and guitarist extraordinaire Ry Cooder. Known for working in conduct even after becoming completely deaf. many genres of music, but his slide-guitar is what has made Richard Strauss: Elektra Classical Music, Documentary, Music Cooder famous. With over 40 years in the business, he has worked with many diverse musical artists and contributed to Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing 52min. dozens of film soundtracks. Placed in the top ten greatest Arts 102min. Kultur 26.06.2012 guitarists by Rolling Stones magazine, Cooder’s influence far Naxos 24.04.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109947 outstrips his considerable commercial success. Blues, Folk, Guitar, Instructional, Music min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109957 ADA 15.05.2012 In The Footsteps Of Verdi 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109798 Richard Strauss: Elektra (Blu-ray) From humble beginnings, Giuseppe Verdi rose to became Italy’s greatest composer. His music revolutionized opera as Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing we know it, and his revolutionary politics helped bring about Lou Reed ’84: Live Broadcast Ar- Arts 102min. the unified Italy that we know today. In his lifetime, his name alone became a political rallying cry. Our cameras travel the chives Naxos 24.04.2012 length and breadth of Italy - from La Scala in Milan to La This is the legend Lou Reed in this classic concert live 1984. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109971 Fenice in Venice - to recount the extraordinary tale that is It contains all hits and classics. Down At The Arcade Verdi’s life and legacy. His 28 operas were met with varying Satellite Of Love Legendary Hearts New Sensations Turn Out degrees of success - from the triumph of Rigoletto to the The Lights Doing The Things That We Want There She Goes Carrie Underwood: The All Ame- abject failure of the premiere of La Traviata. In the end, Again Turn To Me Sally Can’t Dance Coney Island Baby Walk rican Girl - Unauthorized history has had the final say on the career of this true Italian On The Wild Side Waves Of Fear Steet Hassle Rock And hero. Roll Documentary Classical Music, Documentary, Music min. Art Rock, Concerts, Music 2012 S 50min. The Epic Story of Carrie Underwood. Carrie Underwood Kultur 26.06.2012 Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 exploded on the world after winning the American Idol contest in 2005. At the tender age of 3 she began singing in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109990 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109921 church choir. She eventually expanded her talent and learned to play the piano and guitar. Her debut album, Some Hearts, Madonna: The Lady Is A Vamp Rockwell sold more than 7 million copies and is the fastest selling debut country album in music history. She is listed in the 2012 With exclusive insight from those who know her, archive and Outstanding benefit concert at the O2 London featuring Robert Guinness Book of World Records as the Female Country exclusive interviews, rare footage and the very best of her Plant & Tom Jones! Filmed in HD!. The O2 arena, London was Artist with the most number one hits. Carrie Underwood may musical and acting performances, this film takes an unrivaled stage for the gathering of some of the UK’s most notable, and be the hardest working musician in show business. In this look into the phenomenon that is Madonna. charitable music icons. The Rockwell event brought together exclusive docu-drama, we go far beyond the music to discover Biography, Documentary, Music, Pop Music the likes of Robert Plant, Tom Jones, Joss Stone, as well as the makings of The All American Girl. Lulu, Razorlight, Beverley Knight, Escala, Dan Gillespie 2011 67min. Sells (from The Feeling) in one of the most memorable benefit Unauthorized Biographies, Country, E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 concerts to date. The evening with many major stars sharing Country Music, Documentary, Music 2012 S 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109785 the spotlight for brilliant, unexpected surprises was 70min. culminated in the final song that saw every act hit the stage for a fantastic version of The Beatles’ classic „Let It Be“! Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 John Mellencamp: It’s About You Recorded In HD. Razorlight - „Fall To Pieces“ Razorlight - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109997 „Golden Touch“ Razorlight - „In The City“ Robert Plant - John Mellencamp „Black Dog“ Robert Plant - „Fixin’ To Die“ Robert Plant - An intimate portrait of music legend John Mellencamp, It’s „Whole Lotta Love“ Joss Stone - „Free Me“ Joss Stone - About You is a revealing documentary both about the man and „Super Duper“ Tom Jones - „It’s Not Unusual“ Tom Jones - his music and about the culture that inspires him. Following „Sex Bomb“ Tom Jones & Joss Stone - „It’s Your T Mellencamp on his 2009 concert tour with Bob Dylan and Special Interest Willie Nelson, the film traces the rock legend’s journey to Concerts, Music, Pop Music 2012 DD 5.1 American musical landmarks where his critically acclaimed 66min. album No Better Than This begins to take shape. From Sun Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 2012 NCAA Basketball Season In Studio in Memphis, where Elvis Presley recorded his greatest hits, to recording in the same San Antonio hotel room where 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109989 Review: Kentucky Wildcats legendary bluesman Robert Johnson created his seminal The Kentucky Wildcats are the 2012 NCAA Men’s Basketball work, Mellencamp reveals an emotional and contemplative Rockwell (Blu-ray) National Champions! Celebrate the team’s historic season side never before seen by the public that offers insight into with this exclusive look at the Wildcats championship run his musical genius. Stunningly filmed on Super8 by famed Outstanding benefit concert at the O2 London featuring Robert featuring behind the scenes video alongside interviews with photographer Kurt Marcus and his son Ian, It’s About You Plant & Tom Jones! Filmed in HD!. The O2 arena, London was players and head coach John Calipari. Led by freshman transcends the boundaries of traditional music documentaries stage for the gathering of some of the UK’s most notable, and Anthony Davis, the Associated Press’ college basketball to become a soulful meditation on Mellencamp and his beloved charitable music icons. The Rockwell event brought together Player of the Year, watch the Kentucky Wildcats wrap up an small-town America. the likes of Robert Plant, Tom Jones, Joss Stone, as well as unforgettable season! Lulu, Razorlight, Beverley Knight, Escala, Dan Gillespie Biography, Documentary, Folk, Folk Rock, Sells (from The Feeling) in one of the most memorable benefit Sports, Basketball, NCAA 2011 min. Hard Rock, Music 2010 80min. concerts to date. The evening with many major stars sharing Team Marketing 22.05.2012 MPI 05.06.2012 the spotlight for brilliant, unexpected surprises was 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109740 culminated in the final song that saw every act hit the stage 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109815 for a fantastic version of The Beatles’ classic „Let It Be“! Recorded In HD. Razorlight - „Fall To Pieces“ Razorlight - America’s National Parks: John Mellencamp: It’s About You „Golden Touch“ Razorlight - „In The City“ Robert Plant - „Black Dog“ Robert Plant - „Fixin’ To Die“ Robert Plant - Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand (Blu-ray) „Whole Lotta Love“ Joss Stone - „Free Me“ Joss Stone - Canyon (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital John Mellencamp „Super Duper“ Tom Jones - „It’s Not Unusual“ Tom Jones - „Sex Bomb“ Tom Jones & Joss Stone - „It’s Your T Copy) (Blu-ray) An intimate portrait of music legend John Mellencamp, It’s About You is a revealing documentary both about the man and Concerts, Music, Pop Music 2012 DD 5.1 Documentary min. his music and about the culture that inspires him. Following 66min. Questar 13.03.2012 Mellencamp on his 2009 concert tour with Bob Dylan and Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Willie Nelson, the film traces the rock legend’s journey to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110017 American musical landmarks where his critically acclaimed 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110000 album No Better Than This begins to take shape. From Sun Aquarium For Your Home Studio in Memphis, where Elvis Presley recorded his greatest Rolling Stones: Second Wave hits, to recording in the same San Antonio hotel room where Atmosphere DVDs min. legendary bluesman Robert Johnson created his seminal Rolling Stones - The Second Wave. Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.06.2012 Documentary, Music 118min. work, Mellencamp reveals an emotional and contemplative 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109706 side never before seen by the public that offers insight into E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 his musical genius. Stunningly filmed on Super8 by famed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109784 photographer Kurt Marcus and his son Ian, It’s About You Aquarium For Your Home (Blu- transcends the boundaries of traditional music documentaries to become a soulful meditation on Mellencamp and his beloved Todd Rundgren: Healing ray) small-town America. The Todd/Healing tour of 2010 (only six shows) was promoted It’s the perfect mood setter for a friendly get together. Turn

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA your television into a giant aquarium! Featuring popular salt- , , Eleanor life account of America’s finest flight squads of the Air Force, water varieties and everyone’s favorite: the goldfish! Your Navy and Marine Corps. Fly alongside the elite pilots in F/A- Aquarium: Classic Edition is sure to delight young and old Roosevelt, Danny Thomas, Edward R. 18’s, F-16’s, F-22’s, the Joint Strike Fighter and more in this alike. Watch the zany antic of your fish as they swim around Murrow, Dick Clark, Art Linkletter, John 4-DVD set. Cameras placed inside the cockpit and on the from place to place, playing together and looking for their next Kennedy, Billy Graham wings provide a first-hand account of what it’s like to be one meal. Choose from several tanks and it automatically replays - Relive some of the most fascinating moments of television of the chosen few who maneuver these planes. Get ready for no need to touch it again! Select Play All Tracks and the history in this collection of Person to Person interviews by the ride of your life! underwater fun lasts all night. celebrated broadcaster Edward R. Murrow. Among those Aerial Action, Air Force, Documentary, Ma- Atmosphere DVDs min. subject to Murrow’s inquisitive probing are Dick Clark, Billy rines, Navy 2012 FF 145min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.06.2012 Graham, Andy Griffith, Oscar Hammerstein, Robert Kennedy, John & Jacqueline Kennedy, Norman Rockwell, Eleanor Topics Entertainment 05.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109727 Roosevelt, Danny Thomas, Art Linkletter, Esther Williams. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109960 Interview 147min. Australian Open 2012: Men’s Fi- E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 Bryan Callen: Man Class nal - Djokovic Vs. Nadal 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109850 Bryan Callen The greats of the tennis world and a total attendance of more Bryan Callen presents a comedic lesson to the world through than 686,000 fans came to Melbourne Park for the first major The Best Of Person To Person: his testosterone-colored glasses, teaching us how to become tournament of 2012 at the Australian Open. World No.1 Novak the man he always wanted to be in this hilarious stand-up Djokovic faced No. 2 Rafael Nadal in the Men’s final, in their Hollywood Legends special. third consecutive Grand Slam finals match. 2011 was a stellar Comedy 2012 78min. year for Djokovic, as he won three out of the four major Charlton Heston, Kirk Douglas, Bette Davis, championships, and defeated Nadal in six matches throughout Elizabeth Taylor, Janet Leigh, Gene Kelly, E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 the year. On this warm Sunday night at Rod Laver Arena, that Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Marlon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109848 dominance continued, but it wouldn’t be easy, as the two best players in the world played a five-set marathon into Monday Brando, Paul Newman, Tony Curtis, Ed- morning in the longest Grand Slam final in history and ward R. Murrow Campfire For Your Home Djokovic would win his third Australian Open title, 5-7, 6-4, Relive some of the most fascinating moments of television Atmosphere DVDs min. 6-2, 6-7, 7-5. history in this collection of Person to Person interviews by Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.06.2012 Sports, Tennis 2012 386min. celebrated broadcaster Edward R. Murrow. Among those subject to Murrow’s inquisitive probing are Bogart & Bacall, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109707 Kultur 22.05.2012 Marlon Brando, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, Bette Davis, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109945 Kirk Douglas, Charlton Heston, Sophia Loren, Gene Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, Paul Newman, Elizabeth Taylor and Mike Campfire For Your Home (Blu-ray) Todd. Enjoy a night out...inside! This Campfire for Your Home Beginner’s Yoga For Stress Relief Interview 145min. collection will have you creating and reliving fond memories Yoga, Fitness, Health 55min. of an authentic wood burning campfire just like out in the E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 wilds of nature! Make the snacks, grab a sleeping bag and Gaiam Americas 06.09.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109851 you’ll have a perfect night roughing it right in your very own 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110005 living room. It’s perfect for slumber parties, winter nights and The Best Of Person To Person: get-togethers with friends. Amy Bento: Kettlebell Power Atmosphere DVDs min. Legendary Entertainers Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.06.2012 Amy Bento The Kettelbell Power DVD will encompass three explosive Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Helen Hayes, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109728 kettlebell workouts, each one 17 minutes in length. If you are Carol Channing, Frank Sinatra, Jonathan tired of long, dread factor workouts, then this video is for you. Winters, Sid Caesar, Milton Berle, Edward Chokes For Mixed Martial Arts Amy’s workout will be using the complexes method of training, to give you more bang for the buck! Just what are complexes? R. Murrow, Liberace Featuring more than 150 techniques, Chokes is an Complexes are a series of compound exercises performed Relive some of the most fascinating moments of television indispensable martial arts DVD whose content is applicable sequentially, with the same weight, without rest. All the reps history in this collection of Person to Person interviews by to Mixed martial Arts competition, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, for one exercise are completed before moving onto the next celebrated broadcaster Edward R. Murrow. Among those vale tudo, grappling, sambo, reality-based self-defense and exercise in the sequence. Complex lifts offer many different subject to Murrow’s inquisitive probing are Milton Berle, more! Become an expert in respiratory and blood-constriction qualities at once; strength, strength/endurance, power, power Jonathan Winters, Sammy Davis Jr., Jerry Lewis, Dean techniques as Marc Verillotte and Franck Moreau show you endurance, promotion of fat loss, mental toughness, flexibility Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sid Caesar, Liberace, Carol Channing, step-by-step how to execute a wide variety of fully explored and more. All three workouts in this video will put systemic Helen Hayes. choking techniques for just about every situation on the overload on the body. We will achieve this by using a Interview 135min. ground. Learn how to increase your reactivity by exploring all challenging bell and/or double bells. All three workouts E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 the possible attacks in all possible positions, accounting for include dual bell work. There are a few exercises with single your opponent’s possible reactions and counterattacks. bells. You can do any of these workouts with a single bell - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109852 Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial you will just have to switch arms and finish the rep set on the Arts 115min. opposite side. Amy will have you moving and using your body Best Of Travel: Cuba Today! like a competitive athlete. BayView Entertainment 26.06.2012 Travel with award-winning filmmaker, Marlin Darrah, as he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109950 Fitness, Health, Instructional 60min. explores present-day Cuba. From the capital city of Havana BayView Entertainment 19.06.2012 to the beautiful seaport of Santiago de Cuba, you will marvel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109718 at the forbidden natural beauty of Cuba. Travel to Pinar del Close Quarters Combat Rio and visit the lush tobacco fields that produce the most sought-after cigars in the world. See as sugar plantations and Techniques: Volume 1 Amy Bento: Kettlebell Squared colorful towns unfold before your eyes, then walk the beaches The close-quarters-combat techniques presented in this DVD of Matanzas and Cuba’s colorful coastline. Cuban people are fast, efficient and easy to execute. They are intended for KB2 welcome visitors with open arms and their society, with its use only in extreme self-defense situations or in third-party- Amy Bento blend of races and cultures, overflows with a friendly and defense scenarios. Alain Formaggio is the co-founder of The best of both worlds (kickboxing with kettlebell intervals) easy-going hospitality. Finally, after 50 years, visitors can Close-Combat Operational System (CCOS), world technical collide on the Kb Squared (KB2) workout DVD. You get Amy’s experience the splendor of the Caribbean only 90 miles south director of the Krav Maga WKMF, chief instructor for the fun, self-defense, stylized kickboxing combined with kettlebell of the . Soon, Cuba will compete with the Baha- police forces in Paris and internationally recognized self- intervals. There are four kickboxing combinations and four mas and Jamaica as the Caribbean vacation destination for defense expert. Jean-Michel Lerho is a co-founder of the intervals on this DVD. Inspired by her 8th degree black belt Americans, so see it today! Close-Combat Operational System (CCOS), European husband, Amy has incorporated some incredible energy and Documentary 100min. technical director of the Krav Maga WKMF, special agent for power into these kickboxing combinations. The music is the Questar 17.04.2012 prison-inmate transfers, an ex-instructor for the Belgian Army driving force behind this workout. Amy worked on the music and an ex-commando instructor. You will learn from the best! list for many hours, hand picking every song to flow with each 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109884 Fighting, Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed strike. In her mind, music makes the movement! The kettlebell Martial Arts 50min. intervals can be done with either a single bell or with double Best Of Travel: Escape To French bells. Both options will be shown and/or mentioned when BayView Entertainment 12.06.2012 appropriate to the exercise. This workout should be done Polynesia (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109714 barefoot. You will feel the power of your body like never before, when you can ground your feet properly and strike tal Copy) (Blu-ray) like an MMA fighter. See you on the mat! Equipment List: 2 56min. Combat Pilot Kettlebells, Mat. Level: Advanced. 3 premixes included Questar 17.04.2012 Live a year in the life of a group of Royal Air Force pilots as Fitness, Health, Instructional, Kickboxing they undergo the grueling training required to become „Top 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110011 Guns.“ Be a fly on the wall in Combat Pilot, a BBC 65min. documentary that takes you inside one of the most secretive BayView Entertainment 19.06.2012 and important military bases in the world. Be there for the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109717 Blue Angels And The trainees’ first flights, mock dogfights, G-force testing and Thunderbirds more, in exceptional jets. Witness the emotional highs and lows as the students face fears, overcome personal The Best Of Person To Person: Go on a blood-pumping, jaw-dropping adventure with Blue challenges and live out their dreams in this fascinating look at Angels And The Thunderbirds! Actual war-time footage and an exhilarating world packed with real human drama and American Icons film of extreme air-show maneuvers gives you in-depth, real- spectacular flying sequences!

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 43 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Aerial Action, Air Force, BBC, British, show off their perfect asses and beautiful breasts just for you Documentary, Foreign 2012 FF 180min. in Girls Gone Wild: Tightest Bodies Ever! The Firm: Time Crunch Cardio Girls Gone Wild min. Topics Entertainment 05.06.2012 Fitness, Health, Instructional min. GGW Brands, LLC. 05.06.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109941 Gaiam Americas 06.09.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109958 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110003 Cross Training For Fitness Give ‘Em Hell Harry Jessica Smith From Traditional Martial Arts To David Susskind Fitness, Health 75min. MMA: Jujitsu, , Judo In 1961, David Susskind conducted a series of interviews Gaiam Americas 06.09.2012 In this DVD martial arts instructors Eric Candori and Ibrahim with former President Harry Truman in Truman’s hometown of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110006 Moginot contend that the practice of martial arts should not Independence, Missouri. After picking Truman up at his home revolve around a community rivalry between one or another to take him to the Truman Presidential Library for the martial art but rather in bridging the stylistic gaps by interviews over a number of days. The Diamond Queen addressing the commonalities of timing, opportunity, Talk Shows, Interview 1961 112min. David Cameron anticipation, fitness and biomechanical body laws. Whether E1 Entertainment 19.06.2012 This is first time in modern history that a Monarch has the practitioners are engaged in close-quarters combat, a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109849 reached her Diamond Jubilee. To mark the occasion, The standing fight or a ground game, the ultimate search should be Diamond Queen presents a definitive analysis of The Queen’s for efficient movement. Whether one is wearing a kimono or reign, examining her history, constitutional role and wearing grappling shorts, whether they are practicing Grateful Dead: Dawn Of The responsibilities, as well as her impact around the world. It traditional martial arts or mixed martial arts, the goal is to features interviews with prime ministers, world leaders and constantly seek progress. And with their different Dead members of the Royal Family, and closely follows The experiences and skill sets, instructors Eric Candori and The Grateful Dead & The Rise of the San Francisco Under- Queen’s working engagements around the world for the period Ibrahim Moginot will help you pursue just that in your martial ground. In the mid-1960s a new twist on contemporary rock of more than a year and a half. arts training. music emerged out of San Francisco. Known as ‘psychedelia’, BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial it was pioneered by a close-knit community of local bands Arts 75min. who merged traditional American musical forms with new national TV, Royalty 2012 180min. sounds often developed under the influence of psychedelic BBC Home Video 29.05.2012 BayView Entertainment 12.06.2012 drugs. Bound up with the social and cultural changes of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109975 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109711 era, it was a combination that made for a radical re-imaging of youth culture. This film traces the movements, events and sounds of those heady days, and traces the story of the Discover The Summer OIympics The Ganges: The Divine River definitive band of the psychedelic age, The Grateful Dead. Ganga, as the Indians call it, Mother Ganges, the Goddess Unauthorized Biographies, Psychedelic With Cecile & Pepo Ganges is India’s holy river. The Ganges is a gift of Shiva, The Olympic Games are one of the world’s biggest events, but the god of regeneration, a heavenly river flowing on earth. 2012 S 138min. few young children are familiar with many of the sporting Bathing in the sacred waters of the Ganges can cleanse one Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 disciplines involved. These DVD combines original animation of sin - so devout Hindus believe. When Jamana Lal’s mother 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109801 and real Olympic action footage to teach kids the basics of the died unexpectedly, he and his brother decided to make a most popular Olympic sports. Seeing the world’s best athletes 6.000-kilometre pilgrimage from one end of the Ganges to the in action and enjoying the thrill of competition at the Olympic other for their mother’s soul and to cast her ashes into the The Happiest Baby On The Block level will encourage kids to play sports regularly and. . . it’s holy river. This pilgrimage breathes life into the world of the Calm crying fast... help your baby SLEEP LONGER.. The always more fun when you know a little about the rules! Hindu faith, the observer is plunged into the fascinating must-have DVD for all new parents! You’ll learn about Dr. Sports, Family, Olympics 66min. atmosphere of India. Harvey Karp’s breakthrough discovery of the Calming Reflex E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 Documentary, Religion/Spirituality min. - your baby’s virtual „off-switch“ for crying and „on-switch“ Kultur 26.06.2012 for sleep. And, Dr. Karp will show you exactly how to master 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109778 his famous 5 S’s technique to turn on the calming reflex and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109995 guide your baby from screams to! Before you Discover The Winter Olympics know it, you’ll be able to calm your baby’s cries in minutes (or Ghost Hunters International: less)... and boost sleep by 1-3 hours each and every night! With Cecile & Pepo No wonder millions of parents, from working moms to The Olympic Games are one of the world’s biggest events, but Season Two - Part 2 superstars like Madonna and Michelle Pfeiffer have turned to few young children are familiar with many of the sporting Kris Williams, Barry Fitzgerald, Paul Dr. Karp to learn his secrets for making babies happy! Educational, Instructional 2002 Ltbx 16x9 S disciplines involved. These DVD combines original animation Bradford, Joe Chin and real Olympic action footage to teach kids the basics of the 68min. most popular Olympic sports. Seeing the world’s best athletes Take another bone-chilling ride with real paranormal in action and enjoying the thrill of competition at the Olympic investigators as they explore the world’s most legendary Lionsgate 12.06.2012 level will encourage kids to play sports regularly and. . .it’s haunted spots. Featured locations include the 900-year-old 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109722 always more fun when you know a little about the rules! Ostrich Inn in England, which served as the inspiration for Sports, Family, Olympics 47min. Sweeney Todd, Hamlet’s Castle in Denmark, a facility in Nicaragua where many employees had quit due to the high The Happiest Toddler On The E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 level of paranormal activity, and much more! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109779 Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Science Fiction Block End tantrums FAST and teach your tot patience. In The min. Happiest Toddler On The Block, you’ll learn a revolutionary Drug Smugglers: The Horrors And Image Ent. 22.05.2012 new way to have a much happier time with any toddler - easy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109922 or challenging! For 30 years, Dr. Karp has taught his The Highs remarkable tips to over a million parents from working moms to Crime, Documentary min. Madonna! Learn how to: - Stop 50%-90% of Girls Gone Wild: Panty Sex Party tantrums before they happen. - Calm 50% of your toddler’s ADA 15.05.2012 meltdowns in seconds! - Build a loving and respectful 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109859 2 relationship with your last a lifetime. Do you love booty shorts? Boy shorts? Bikinis? Maybe it’s a Educational, Instructional 2004 Ltbx 16x9 S thong you’re looking for? Well look no further; the sexiest co- Maya Fiennes’ Yoga For Real Life eds in America are showing off their hottest panties just for 69min. Maya Fiennes you. Whether you like sweet and innocent young cuties in Lionsgate 12.06.2012 cotton or flirty spinners in ruffles and strings, these pretty 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109723 Yoga, Fitness, Health 60min. young co-eds get down and dirty by themselves and with their Gaiam Americas 06.09.2012 friends. The hottest college girls in America are flashing their 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110008 breasts and shaking their asses just for you. These co-eds Hawaii For Your Home know no bounds as they play with themselves and each other Whether you’re planning a trip, reliving a special moment or for the nastiest, sexiest fun in Girls Gone Wild: Panty Sex having an Hawaiian themed event, party or get together, this Films Of Fury: The Kung Fu Party 2! DVD will have you feeling the relaxed Hawaiian way Movie Movie Girls Gone Wild min. instantly. Choose the environment you want from many diffe- GGW Brands, LLC. 05.06.2012 rent selections including: gentle blue waves coming ashore on Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Chuck 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109959 a Maui’s beautiful Makena Cove, beautiful sunsets fading into Norris the Pacific ocean, breathtaking scenes of water that makes Featuring the greatest martial arts stars of all time!. Films of Hawaii famous. Later in the evening, choose the track that Fury tells the story of the Kung Fu sub-culture from its Girls Gone Wild: Tightest Bodies set’s your mood. A night time Hawaiian Fire or Tiki style ancient Peking Opera origins to its superhero-powered torches. You’ll also can choose a background of Hawaiian future. From Enter the Dragon to Kung Fu Panda and Ever music or the authentic sounds of nature. All tracks everything in between, Films of Fury. Whether you like them big or small, tall or tiny, these amazing automatically replay - so the party never ends! Documentary, Fighting, Film About Film, young college girls are hot to show off their tight bodies. Atmosphere DVDs min. These co-eds love to play alone but they really pull out all the Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.06.2012 Martial Arts 2011 S 80min. stops when they play with a friend. Super dazzling babes Phase 4 Films 01.05.2012 display their rock hard abs, firm boobs and tight bodies; they 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109708 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109808 just don’t get sexier than these unbelievably toned honeys. Gorgeous real college co-eds get wild and horny when they

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Hawaii For Your Home (Blu-ray) In this DVD, martial arts instructors Luis Diaz and Joe Diaz Ira Israel present Kajukenbo, a martial art from Hawaii created in Beautifully filmed in Paris, London, Manhattan, San Francis- Whether you’re planning a trip, reliving a special moment or Honolulu by Master Sijo Emperado and four other martial arts having an Hawaiian themed event, party or get together, this co, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Chicago, psychotherapist masters. Kajukenbo’s creators consider this martial art to be and mindfulness expert Ira Israel demystifies and reframes the DVD will have you feeling the relaxed Hawaiian way a „street fighting“ stylization of MMA intended for self- instantly. Choose the environment you want from many diffe- different types of depression that effect urban dwellers and defense, calling it „a realistic martial art that is efficient for provides natural and practical tools to help you deal with rent selections including: gentle blue waves coming ashore on real-life situations“ and a style that is „explosive, fast, a Maui’s beautiful Makena Cove, beautiful sunsets fading into stressful city living. Thoughtful, instructional, and powerful and reactive.“ Luis Diaz and Joe Diaz are students empowering, this unique DVD takes you on an exquisite the Pacific ocean, breathtaking scenes of water that makes of Master Angel Garcia, the official successor of the late Hawaii famous. Later in the evening, choose the track that journey to some of the great modern cities of Western culture Master Emperado. Topics on this DVD include: defending where the fast-paced pressures of daily life often lead to set’s your mood. A night time Hawaiian Fire or Tiki style against a knife attack; defending against a stick attack; bare- torches. You’ll also can choose a background of Hawaiian depression. Mindfulness for Urban Depression contains six fist combat; how to react when you are grabbed. All self- sections of talks and meditations through which you will learn music or the authentic sounds of nature. All tracks defense techniques are filmed from multiple angles in live automatically replay - so the party never ends! the historical roots of the medical approaches to depression speed and slow motion to allow for maximum visual analysis and experience the power of mindfulness to combat its Atmosphere DVDs min. and easy learning! symptoms. Mindfulness for Urban Depression with Ira Israel Virgil Films And Entertainment 05.06.2012 Fighting, Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed is a unique wellness DVD designed to help raise 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109729 Martial Arts 50min. consciousness and cultivate peace of mind. Ira Israel is a Psychotherapist, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, BayView Entertainment 12.06.2012 Certified Yoga Therapist, and Registered Yoga Teacher 500. Hitler And The Bitch Of Buchen- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109713 He has Master of Arts degrees in Psychology, Buddhism and Hinduism, and Phi wald Instructional, Mental Illness 60min. War, World War II, Documentary 190min. Koch Brothers Exposed A hard-hitting and revealing investigation of the 1% in BayView Entertainment 26.06.2012 Artsmagic DVD 15.05.2012 America at its very worst. Koch Brothers Exposed is the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109949 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110002 latest film from Acclaimed Director Robert Greenwald (Wal- Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Iraq For Sale). From environmental pollution to their efforts to dismantle My African Safari Corey Holcomb: Your Way Ain’t social security for working Americans, the Koch Brothers Documentary 88min. Working have launched a large network, attacking our American values. Questar 20.03.2012 Corey Holcomb Documentary, Politics 2012 52min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110010 Get ready for a dose of reality - The Love Doctor is here and starring in the hilarious, new stand-up comedy special Corey E1 Entertainment 05.06.2012 Holcomb: Your Way Ain’t Working. This hour-long comedy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109782 My African Safari (Blu-ray + DVD event features Holcomb doing what he does best: offering + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) spirited, opinionated advice about relationships gone awry. Holcomb is best likened to a perfect blend of the legendary Learning Sambo Documentary min. Redd Foxx meets Richard Pryor with a sprinkle of Rudy Ray The martial arts DVD Learning Sambo by Herve Gheldman Questar 20.03.2012 Moore. Get ready to laugh till it hurts! shows you the sambo techniques that apply in a variety of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110018 Comedy 48min. situations, both sport and self-defense. Whether you are Vivendi Visual Entertainment 05.06.2012 exploring the Russian martial art of sambo for sport or for self-defense, this DVD will help you master the techniques of National Parks Project 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109874 this system - a system which is open to all: men, women and children. Herve Gheldman is a sport sambo master in Russian Sam Roberts, Kathleen Edwards, Shad, I’m Not Nuts: Living With Food and has been practicing martial arts for over 40 years. His Sarah Harmer style of sambo has been developed after many years of martial 13 Filmmakers, 39 Musicians, 13 National Parks of Canada.. Allergies arts competition (which garnered him a world-champion title) Thirteen of Canada’s finest filmmakers bring us this diverse and years of teaching martial arts courses worldwide. Herve What you and your family need to know.. I’m Not Nuts. and ambitious collection of visually mindbending short films Gheldman is a police and military expert who regularly that capture the mystery and majesty of the Canadian Documentary, Health 2008 S 84min. teaches special forces officers. landscape. Shot on a series of five-day trips to the most Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 Instructional, Martial Arts 80min. inspiring national parks across Canada, and featuring 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109964 BayView Entertainment 26.06.2012 soundtracks written and recorded in the parks in collaboration with 39 of the country’s most acclaimed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109951 musicians. The National Parks Project is Canada like you’ve IRT Deadliest Roads: Season 2 never seen it before. The road to success can be deadly. In the second season of Mallard ‘88 Canadian, Environmental, Foreign, Music, IRT Deadliest Roads, Lisa, Hugh and Rick, three of the On July 3rd 1938, a streamlined locomotive of the London Music Videos, Short Film Collections 2011 S toughest North American truckers, are driven to extremes in North Eastern Railway, the A4 Pacific No. 4468 named 127min. one of the world’s most unforgiving environments: the Andes. Mallard, shot to everlasting fame by breaking the world speed As they cross borders to navigate the highways of South record for steam, 126 miles per hour. This feat would never be Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 America, this fearless trio encounters some of the deadliest equalled by any other steam locomotive.In 1988, Mallard 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109965 roads in history. Everything they’ve learned in more than 40 appeared restored to her beautiful LNER garter blue livery years of combined experience is tested in nerve-rattling and to full working condition. This one-hour program follows conditions they’ve never experienced before. Whether it’s Mallard in 1988, for a tour of the York-Harrogate-Leeds-York National Parks Project (Blu-ray) driving along 1,000-foot cliffs or dodging avalanches, skill circle the 50th anniversary of her record-breaking run. and ingenuity go full-throttle. DISC 1: The Death Road / Rise Sam Roberts, Kathleen Edwards, Shad, of the Rookies / Lisa Vs. The Devil’s Bridge / The Transportation, Documentary min. Sarah Harmer Replacement Trucker DISC 2: Death Race / The Flattest ADA 15.05.2012 13 Filmmakers, 39 Musicians, 13 National Parks of Canada.. Place On Earth / Oxygen Required DISC 3: Desert Disaster / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109855 Thirteen of Canada’s finest filmmakers bring us this diverse The Hangover / Dead Man’s Canyon DISC 4: King of the and ambitious collection of visually mindbending short films Road / Landslide! / Bull Run / Bonus that capture the mystery and majesty of the Canadian History Channel, Reality min. Marine Recon landscape. Shot on a series of five-day trips to the most A&E 17.07.2012 Inside the Dangerous World of a U.S. Marine. This is not the inspiring national parks across Canada, and featuring war you saw on the 5 o’clock news. This is the real war in soundtracks written and recorded in the parks in 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109822 Iraq with real soldiers and real terrorists. And real footage so collaboration with 39 of the country’s most acclaimed intense at times that you’ll forget you’re not actually there. musicians. The National Parks Project is Canada like you’ve Judo Immobilization Techniques: Experience the fears, frustrations and raw emotions of the never seen it before. Marines, who „just deal“ as they hunt for terrorists in a place Canadian, Environmental, Foreign, Music, Volume 1 where suicide bombers and IEDs could be waiting to kill them Music Videos, Short Film Collections 2011 S In this DVD, Judoka Franck Moreau and Marc Verillotte around every hot, dusty corner. Marine Recon. 127min. Terrorism, War, War In The Middle East, explain more than 200 judo techniques, including basic Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 immobilizations, immobilization variations and defenses Documentary, Marines 2012 200min. against this same technique. This martial arts training DVD is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109973 designed for novices and professional fighters alike and Topics Entertainment 05.06.2012 features an exceptional selection of judo techniques and judo 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109938 tactics. NBA: Larry Bird - A Basketball Fighting, Instructional, Martial Arts, Mixed Meditation For Beginners Legend (2-Disc Special Edition) Martial Arts 135min. Health, Meditation, Meditation/Relaxation Larry Bird BayView Entertainment 12.06.2012 55min. Dramatic game footage and exclusive interviews tell the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109712 compelling story of Larry Bird’s journey from small-town boy Gaiam Americas 06.09.2012 to sports legend. Bird revolutionized the game of basketball, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110004 winning three NBA Championships and three MVP trophies. Karajukenbo: An Introduction To Discover the man behind the legend- from his roots in French Lick, Indiana to his stellar collegiate basketball years and Street Fighting And Mixed Mindfulness For Urban Depressi- remarkable 13-year career with the Celtics. Plus, see Bird at Martial Arts his dazzling best with three of his most memorable game on With Ira Israel performances.

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Sports, Basketball, Biography, social calendars, children and city life. The Real Housewives the swampy delta of the Neva to pound the harbor city out of of New York City are Countess LuAnn de Lesseps, Bethenny the ground. Under Katharina the Great, St Petersburg finally Documentary, NBA 441min. Frankel, Kelly Killoren Bensimon, Alex McCord, Ramona became the thriving metropolis which Peter the Great had Team Marketing 22.05.2012 Singer and Jill Zarin. The third season also introduces the dreamed of: a „Venice of the North“, a city of the arts, the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109696 newest member of the clique: sultry divorcee Sonja Morgan. sciences and literature. Many artists, craftsmen, scientists In this drama-filled season, the ladies spend their time and philosophers from Europe responded to the Tsarina’s together in the Hamptons and Manhattan, traveling in the same summons to come east. They brought with them new ideas, NBA: Magic Johnson - Always moneyed circles and attending even more fabulous events, but which they then blended with the old eastern traditions. A friendships and alliances have shifted significantly. DISC 1: cultural center emerged, quite unparalleled in the west. Showtime (2-Disc Special Edition) New Alliances / Dueling Labor Day Parties / Fall In Manhat- Documentary min. Magic Johnson tan / Fashion and Fighting DISC 2: Hot Off The Press / The Kultur 26.06.2012 Earvin „Magic“ Johnson is more than just a player - he’s a Ambush / , Old Money / Let’s See That Ring DISC 3: wizard on the basketball court and one of the NBA’s ultimate Stay On Message / Leap Before You Look / Housewives 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109993 winners. See Earvin’s transformation as he earns the Overboard DISC 4: Sun, Sand and Psychosis / Shunburn / nickname „Magic,“ leading Michigan’s Everett High School to Rebuked, Reunited, Renewed DISC 5: Reunion: Watch What Snow On Tha Bluff the State Championship. Relive his memorable march to Final Happens (Part 1) / R Four glory in one of college basketball’s most celebrated Reality 792min. After a dope deal gone wrong, Atlanta street thug Curtis Snow seasons. And then hold on tight for some fast-breaking A&E 24.04.2012 starts filming his everyday life with a stolen camera. The excitement as Magic brings „Showtime“ and five NBA titles to footage he captures depicts the grittiness of his life on the the Los Angeles Lakers! 2-Discs 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109700 harsh city streets where anything goes. Brutal and unforgettable, Snow on tha Bluff, is the most authentic look at Sports, Basketball, Biography, life on the streets ever captured. Documentary, NBA, Special Editions The Real Housewives Of New Action, Crime, Documentary, Drama 2011 418min. York: Season 4 79min. Team Marketing 22.05.2012 The hit series The Real Housewives of New York City Screen Media Films 19.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109697 follows the busy lives of a group of driven and ambitious Manhattan women as they juggle their demanding careers and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109881 motherhood and navigate the wonderful world of jam-packed Paul Goodman Changed My Life social calendars, children and city life. From Manhattan to Something Ventured The most influential man you’ve never heard of.. This Morocco The Real Housewives of New York City travel the globe in this new fiery season featuring Countess LuAnn de The story of risk, reward and the original venture capitalists.. illuminating and informative documentary details the life and Directed by Emmy-Award-winning filmmakers Dan Geller and far-reaching influence of one of the most prophetic and Lesseps, Kelly Killoren Bensimon, Alex McCord, Sonja Morgan, Ramona Singer, Jill Zarin and introducing newcomer Dayna Goldfine (Ballets Russes), this entertaining and powerful voices of the mid-twentieth century. Author of the inspiring documentary nimbly maps the creation of an industry legendary 1960 bestseller Growing Up Absurd, Paul Goodman - Cindy Barshop. The Real Housewives Of New York City: The Complete Season Four. DISC 1: Grin and Bare It / March that went on to become the single greatest engine of was a poet, out-queer married family man (in the 1940s), innovation and economic growth in the 20th century. Told by pacifist, urban planner, visionary, co-founder of Gestalt Madness / Hairy Mess / Ramona’d DISC 2: Follow Pecking Orders / A Mask for Two Faces / Travel Reservations / the visionary risk-takers who dared to make it happen - Tom therapy-and a moral compass for the burgeoning Perkins, Don Valentine, Arthur Rock, Dick Kramlich and counterculture of the 1960s. Misfortune Teller DISC 3: A Riad Divided / Last Call, Morocco! / Debt Becomes Her / Sixteen and Skip the Sweet others - the film also features the audacious industrialists Biography, Documentary, Drama, Politics DISC 4: Your Tweeting Heart / Burlesque Is More / Video behind such groundbreaking companies as Intel, Apple, Cisco, 2011 S 89min. Killed the Countess DISC 5: L.O.V.E Duel / Reunion Special: Atari, Genentech, PowerPoint and Tandem. Our lives would Zeitgeist Films 17.04.2012 Watch What Happens (Part 1) / Reunion Special: Watch be dramatically different without the contributions that these What Happens (Part 2) venture capitalist pioneers and their entrepreneurial partners 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109806 have made to the creation of life-saving drugs, personal Reality 851min. computers and the Internet. A&E 24.04.2012 Technology, Documentary 2011 84min. The Queen’s Palaces 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109699 Fiona Bruce (Antiques Roadshow) tells the fascinating Zeitgeist Films 15.05.2012 stories behind the creation of Buckingham Palace, Windsor 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109967 Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, and leading experts The Real Housewives Of Orange share their knowledge of the Kings and Queens whose vision and taste left their mark on these exceptional buildings. As County: Season 4 Steve Jobs: Consciously Genius Fiona takes us on a journey through 1,000 years of history, In the fourth season of Bravo’s The Real Housewives Of Unauthorized Documentary. Steven Jobs is most noted for his we discover some of the great treasures from the Royal Orange County, Tamra, Vicki, Jeana and Lauri are joined by role in the development of the personal computer. As a co- Collection housed within three world-famous landmarks. His blond bombshell Gretchen, who poses a threat with her youth founder of Apple Inc., he was instrumental in engineering a Royal Highness The Prince of Wales gives an introduction to and good looks. The ladies strive to live the good life, but in series of computer that ultimately led to the creation of the the series and tells us of the place the royal palaces have in reality their „perfect“ lives aren’t always what they seem. The Macintosh. His passion and ingenuity have been the driving the life of the Monarchy and in the history of Britain. ladies tackle greater challenges while coming to terms with force behind the digital age. However his drive to BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- past secrets and lingering issues. Vicki is building her revolutionize technology was sacrificial. Ultimately it affected insurance empire, to the detriment of her marriage. Tamra his family life and possibly his health. In this revealing film we national TV, Royalty min. copes with her relationships with husband, son and estranged explore the trials and triumphs of a modern day genius, Steven BBC Home Video 29.05.2012 father. Jeana is figuring out her next move following an emo- Paul Jobs. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109979 tional separation. Lauri enjoys life as a newlywed, but issues Technology, Unauthorized Biographies, with her son, may tarnish her fairytale. And there is competition in store for this complicated circle of friends with Documentary 2012 70min. The Real Housewives Of Atlanta: the arrival of party girl Gretchen. This 4-disc set features Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 every episode from the fourth season plus The Lost Footage 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109923 Season 2 and the Watch What Happens reunion special. DISC 1: Are See what drama has been going down in the ATL when They For Real / Hold On To Your Daddies / Love Tanks / You everyone’s favorite southern belles return for a second Just Don’t Get It DISC 2: 120 In The Shade / Cut! / And Storm Chasers: Up Close & Perso- season, welcoming new Housewife, songstress Kandi They’re Off... / Naked Wasted DISC 3: Why Are You Burruss. Will old friendships be mended, or will new Reality 704min. nal problems surface? The series is an up-close and personal Disasters, Discovery Channel, Science look at five fabulous women from Atlanta’s social elite - from A&E 24.04.2012 NFL wives and Grammy Award winners to sassy single moms 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109701 2010 132min. - as they juggle their burgeoning careers and busy home lives Gaiam Americas 05.06.2012 with the whirl of the south’s hottest city. Catch Kandi, Kim, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109875 Lisa, NeNe and Sheree as they balance motherhood, Ray Romano: 95 Miles To Go demanding careers and a fast-paced social calendar, and Ray Romano show what life is like in the most exclusive areas of Atlanta. Ray Romano and friend and opening act Tom Catalbiano travel Top Chef Masters: The Complete These driven and ambitious women prove that they’re not just across the country on a standup tour.. Ray Romano’s eight- Season 1 housewives, but entrepreneurs, doting mothers and feisty day drive through the south on a stand-up comedy tour southern women. The Real Housewives Of Atlanta: Season becomes more than he bargains for when longtime friend and Top Chef Masters. Hosted by acclaimed food journalist and Two. DISC 1: New Attitude, Same ATL / Kim-tervention / opening act, Tom Caltabiano, brings a film student along to TV personality Kelly Choi, each episode of Top Chef Masters Unbeweavable / Mummies, Mommies and Baby Mommas DISC document their thousand-mile journey. Together, all three holds two challenges for the chefs. The first is a twist on the 2: Home Is Where The Heartbreak Is / My Ego Is Bigger Than struggle with Ray’s obsessions, phobias, and insecurities in classic Top Chef Quickfire Challenge which tests their basic Your Ego / Throwing Shade / Scrambled Egos DISC 3: this unscripted exploration of newfound fame. abilities, and the second is an elimination challenge designed Precious Pocketbook / Better Tardy Than Never / Hi Comedy, Documentary, Road Trips 2004 S to test the versatility and invention of the chefs as they take Reality 704min. on unique culinary trials such as working with unusual and 79min. A&E 24.04.2012 exotic foods or catering for demanding clients. Week after Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 week Gael Greene, renowned restaurant critic, journalist Jay 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109698 Rayner and culinary expert James Oseland preside over the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109799 Critics’ Table with an exciting array of guest judges to determine who has what it takes to be crowned Top Chef The Real Housewives Of New St. Petersburg: Window On Master. DISC 1: Masters Get Schooled / The Lost Supper / York: Season 3 Offal Tasty / Magic Chefs DISC 2: Miniaturize Me / Trick in a Europe Box / Champions Round Begins DISC 3: Dietary Restrictions The hit series The Real Housewives Of New York City / Masters of Disaster / Top Chef Master / Bonus follows the busy lives of a group of driven and ambitious A window to Europe was what Peter the Great wanted to Manhattan women as they juggle their demanding careers and create when, in 1703, he laid the foundation stone for the new Reality 2009 424min. motherhood, and navigate the wonderful world of jam-packed capital city of his Russian empire. He sent 50,000 serfs into A&E 24.04.2012

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 47 Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) April 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109704 UFC: The Ultimate Fighter - Team Top Chef: Chicago - The Bisping Vs. Team Miller Complete Season 4 Jason Miller, Michael Bisping Let the flames begin! 16 rising chefs from across the country What do you get when you put 16 MMA fighters together in a Telefonische take on the windy city of Chicago. Returning to the kitchen, house, fighting for a prized contract with UFC? Complete Bestellannahme: renowned culinary figure and chef/owner of Craft Restau- Mayhem. Season 14 continues as fighters from different Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr rants, Tom Colicchio, presides over the Judge’s Table weight levels compete for their chance to become a UFC alongside Gail Simmons of Food & Wine magazine, Ted Allen, fighter. Finalists in the featherweight and bantamweight Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr cookbook author and TV personality, and cookbook author, divisions from Team Bisping and Team Miller battle it out in Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr actress and host Padma Lakshmi. The fourth season of this the finale. Who came out on top? You’ll have to watch to find Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr James Beard and Emmy®-Award winning series heats up as out. week-by-week chef’testants are narrowed down as they UFC, Sports, Mixed Martial Arts, Reality compete to out-flavor, out-cook and out-do their competition Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- 2012 800min. for the ultimate prize - $100,000 in seed money, a feature in und Feiertags (Baden- Starz / Anchor Bay 05.06.2012 Food & Wine magazine, a showcase at the Annual Food & Württemberg) bleibt unser Wine Classic in Aspen, a gourmet dream vacation in the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109842 French Alps, and the title of Top Chef. Featuring some of the Verkauf geschlossen. toughest challenges yet, the biggest and most respected guest star chefs including Anthony Bourdain, José Andrés and Ultimate Collections: World War Rocco DiSpirito, and a buffet of never-aired bonus footage, Top Chef: Chicago sizzles in this 4 DVD set. DISC 1: II (Repackage) Anything You Can Cook I Can Cook Better / Zoo Food / Block War, World War II, Documentary, History Party / Film Food / Bon Channel min. Reality 2008 682min. A&E 12.06.2012 A&E 24.04.2012 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109887 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109702

Top Chef: Just Desserts - Season The Walton Legacy Kami Cotler, Michael Learned, Earl Hamner, 1 Jon Walmsley Bravo’s sweetest new series, Top Chef Just Desserts, a See the people and places behind the beloved Emmy-winning spin-off of the popular Emmy Award-nominated and James series.. Go to Schuyler, Virginia, to tour the actual place and Beard Award-winning Top Chef. Top pastry chefs will see if meet the real people who inspired the beloved television they have what it takes to out flambé, out-frost and out-fudge series, The Waltons, which aired on CBS for nine seasons the competition. Top Chef judge Gail Simmons will serve as and earned 11 Emmy® Awards. Writer Earl Hamner, the the host alongside head judge and celebrated pastry chef creator of The Waltons, reveals the touching and humorous Johnny Iuzzini. Likewise, the show will also feature judges stories about his real parents, and his seven brothers and Hubert Keller, critically acclaimed chef of the world- sisters, whom the series was based on. Meet them and other Newsletter 07/12 (Nr. 311) renowned restaurant Fleur de Lys, and Dannielle Kyrillos, members of Schuyler in The Walton Legacy, an award-winning ISSN 1610-2606 DailyCandy editor-at-large. Whether it’s wedding cakes or documentary previously seen on public television. Plus hear flaming desserts, chocolate masterpieces or edible fashion - what the set of The Waltons was like from cast members, Credits these chefs will prove that a little sugar and spice never including Michael Learned ( Olivia ), Jon Walmsley ( Jason ), Redaktion: tasted so nice. DISC 1: Mr. Chocolate / Cocktail With a Twist Mary McDonough ( Erin ), Kami Cotler ( Elizabeth ) and / Glee Club / Lucent Dossier DISC 2: Edible Fashion / Black more. Wolfram Hannemann and White / Dessert Wars DISC 3: Celebritea Party / Ben Design & Layout: and Sylvia’s 61st / Finale Documentary, PBS 2012 80min. Reality 476min. Topics Entertainment 03.04.2012 Wolfram Hannemann A&E 24.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109942 Assistenz: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109705 Beate Hannemann When It Was A Game 2 Top Chef: Las Vegas - The Narrated by Peter Kessler. Composed entirely of never- before-seen 8 and 16mm footage filmed by the players, their Complete Season 6 families and their fans between 1925 and 1961, When It Was © (2012) by What happens in Vegas will be delicious! The sixth season of A Game 2 brings many of these precious last moments, and the LASER HOTLINE the No. 1 food show on cable, Bravo’s Emmy and James Beard men who lived them, to life the way you remember them - in Award-winning series returns as 17 new chef’testants take on living color. See Joe Dimaggio and Ty Cobb, Ray Campanella ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Sin City to see if they have what it takes to become Top Chef. and Jackie Robinson, Hank Aaron and Satchel Paige, Willie nur in Verbindung mit einem Cookbook author, actress and host Padma Lakshmi returns to Mays and unique footage of the great Babe Ruth, along with the kitchen this season alongside head judge Tom Colicchio, rare scenes of the young Chuck Conners and Tommy Lasorda „Persönlichen Import- renowned culinary figure and chef/owner of Craft Restau- in the Minor Leagues. These are the players - their’s is the service“-Vertrag und be- rants, and judges Gail Simmons of Food & Wine magazine, game - that won the hearts of America. Now you can see them and Toby Young, food critic and best-selling author of the as never before the original film footage that will transport inhaltet den Warenpreis book „How to Lose Friends and Alienate People“. Featuring you to a time gone by. Narrated by Peter Kessler with Ellen sowie alle anfallenden some of the most intense challenges yet; top names in food, Burstyn, Billy Crystal, , Jack Palance, Jason movies and entertainment including Wolfgang Puck, Todd Robards and Roy Scheider, you will never forget the Importkosten inkl. unserer English, Natalie Portman, Daniel Boulud, Penn & Teller, experience, but you can always treasure the magic of days Vermittlungsprovision. Hubert Keller, and others; extended episodes and a buffet of gone by with When It Was A Game 2. never-aired bonus footage, Top Chef: Las Vegas is mouth- Sports, Baseball, Documentary, HBO 1992 * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und wateringly sinful on DVD. DISC 1: Sin City Vice / Bachlor/ 59min. das doppelte D-Symbol ette Party / Thunderbirds DISC 2: Vivre Las Vegas / Camping / Penn & Teller / Dinner Party DISC 3: Pigs and Pinot / HBO Home Video 24.04.2012 sind Warenzeichen der Restaurant Wars / Meat Natalie / Strip Around the World 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109807 Dolby Laboratories Inc. DISC 4: Cul Der NEWSLETTER ist die Reality 704min. Rodney Yee’s Core Centered A&E 24.04.2012 offizielle Informationsbro- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109703 Yoga schüre für Kunden der Fir- Rodney Yee ma LASER HOTLINE. Tosh.O: Hoodies Yoga, Fitness, Health 75min. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- Gaiam Americas 06.09.2012 Daniel Tosh haltenen Angaben zu Pro- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110007 Comedy, Comedy Central 2012 220min. dukten, die im Ausland ver- Comedy Central 12.06.2012 öffentlicht werden, stellen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109743 kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Tosh.O: Hoodies (Blu-ray) Information. Daniel Tosh LASER HOTLINE ist Comedy, Comedy Central 2012 220min. Comedy Central 12.06.2012 autorisierter 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40109759 Dolby Merchandise Händler

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