THE MAGAZINE FOR THE SWISS ABROAD JUNE 2006 / NO. 3 In economic terms Switzerland is a giant The Lavaux to become World Heritage Site Greens now the centre-right alternative All-round insurance cover 8IFSFWFSZPVSOFXSFTJEFODF for Swiss citizens living abroad. XJMMCF XFXPOjUMFUZPVMPTF TJHIUPG4XJU[FSMBOE The CSS Insurance International Health Plan covers medical expenses: on the job, J >OQ@L off the job; BK sickness, accident and preg- JBAF nancy. For details and a quotation: XXXCSPBEDBTUDI 3FDFJWF BMM UW QSPHSBNT BOE GVSUIFS SBEJPQSPHSBNTPG43(443JE³FTVJTTF UIF 4XJTTQVCMJDCSPBEDBTUFS MJWFBOEVQEBUFE WJBTBUFMMJUFJOFOUJSF&VSPQF Phone: ++41 58 277 16 87/91 (FU NPSF EFUBJMFE JOGPSNBUJPO BCPVU E-Mail:
[email protected] SR 3/06 UIJT BOE PUIFS QSPEVDUT PG 43( 443 JE³F TVJTTFPOXXXCSPBEDBTUDIPSWJBPVSJO UFSOBUJPOBMIPUMJOF TBUBDDFTToBTFSWJDFPG Insurance Your direct contact to Switzerland PUBLICIS Swiss news International news Specials Forums Swiss links 70 years of quality reporting Contact Content also available via Mobile/PDA/Newsletter/Audio Download/News Feeds EDITORIAL CONTENTS 3 How much should a top manager earn? 5 WISS ABROAD are showing a growing interest in politics back home, and their po- Mailbag litical infl uence is steadily rising. At the end of 2005, no fewer than 105,212 expatri- ate Swiss were listed on electoral rolls in Switzerland. This is four times the number 5 S Books: “The Beginning of All Things” estimated in 1992, when Switzerland introduced postal votes for Swiss nationals abroad. Ballot papers from foreign countries now account for 2.2 percent of all votes cast. In the 7 canton of Geneva the fi gure is as high as 5.7 percent, and in Basle City 4.4 percent.