November-December 2019, Issue 89 See all issues to date at the 503rd Heritage Battalion website: Contact:
[email protected] ~ 173d Photo of the Month ~ 52 Years Ago, The Taking of Hill 875 “Denuded of vegetation by the constant bombardment by U.S. planes and artillery, the top of Hill 875 shows the scars of the 21 day battle. 287 Americans lost their lives in the fierce struggle for the hill.” See The Taking of Hill 875, Pages 15-24. 2/503d VIETNAM Newsletter / Nov.-Dec. 2019 – Issue 89 Page 1 of 90 We Dedicate this Issue of Our Newsletter in Memory and Honor of the Young Men of the 173d Airborne Brigade & Attached Units We Lost 50 Years Ago In the Months of November and December 1969 “He was in Vietnam because he chose to serve his country, putting the interests of his nation before interests of his own.” Tribute by George W. Jessop III, USMC, RVN 1966-1967, to his fallen buddy Sky Soldier Ricky Buccille, and can be said about all these men. Jerry Tauri Barrett, 27 John Austin “Doc” Bossom, 20 (Birth name Herehere) CPL, E/2/503, 11/30/69 SPR, V4 Co. RNZE, 11/24/69 5/16/15: “A BROTHER REMEMBERED. “Killed in action, 24 November 1969 – John was so devoted to his Army ‘buddies’ claymore mine explosion. Herehere (Jerry) that he had signed up for a longer time was brought up in the Waitomo Caves area there. When he was home for our father's and was a member of the military cadets at school, death in March of 69 he spoke with great feeling and attending camps at Waiouru and Papakura.