US Federal Agency Advanced Network Research Programs

Grant Miller NCO/Noesis

September, 2000 [email protected]

9/2000 1 US Federal Agency Network Research Program Components

l Large Scale Networking (LSN) coordinates Federal activities and R&D efforts to maintain and extend U.S. technological leadership in high performance networking through research that advances leading edge networking technologies, services, and performance. l Next Generation (NGI), A Component of the LSN: Networking research, Advanced Testbeds, Revolutionary Applications l Scalable Information Infrastructure (SII), A Component of the LSN: Networking Extensibility, Ubiquity, Management

9/2000 2 LSN Organization

9/2000 3 LSN Funding Table $ Millions

Agency FY 2000 DARPA $69.9 NSF 81.2 DOE 24.8 NASA 20.1 NIH/NLM 63.0 NIST 5.2 Other Agencies 12.1 Total $276.3

9/2000 4 NGI Funding Table $ Millions

Agency FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 DARPA $42 $50 $37 NSF 23 25 25 DOE 15 0 NASA 10 10 10 NIH/NLM 5 5 5 NIST 5 5 5 Total $85 $110 $82

9/2000 5 NGI Thrusts

l Thrust 1: Develop High Performance Networking Technologies with the support of a 1000 X network testbed (Supernet) l Thrust 2: Develop High Performance Network Applications with the support of a 100 X network testbed (vBNS, DREN, NREN, ESnet)

9/2000 6 NGI Thrust 1: Networking Research

l Conduct R&D in advanced end-to-end networking technologies for reliability, robustness, security . Multicast . Quality of service/differentiation of service . Network Security . Network Performance Measurement . Network management (including allocation and sharing of bandwidth)

9/2000 7 NGI 1,000 X Testbed (Supernet) l SuperNet goal: . Connect about 10 sites with end-to-end performance at least 1,000 times faster than the Internet of 1997 (~ 1 Gbps) l Built on Federal networks: IP over Sonet and WDM . East Coast: ATDnet (Multiagency), BossNET, Dark Fiber . West Coast network (Nortel network, includes NTON) . fabric between West and East coasts (OC48) l System-scale testing of advanced technologies and services and developing and testing of advanced applications l 15 sites will be connected in FY 2000: multiple users at each site

9/2000 8 1,000x SuperNet Testbed


AT&T NTON II Portland Boston 4 wavelengths @ 10 Gb/s per l BossNet HSCC dark fibers 2.5 to 10 Gb/s D.C. San Francisco IP/SONET/WDM

Los Angeles BA NSA San Diego DARPA UC NASA Berkeley GST

LBNLLBNL LLNL NRL BART DISA DIA Sprint ACTSACTS vBNS SNLSNL NASA/ ATDNet / MONET SRI Ames 20 Gb/s WDM 9/2000 9 Recent Supernet Experiments and Demonstrations

l 5x270 Mbps HDTV/POS transmission over 300 Km l 1.2 Gbps TCP/IP between desktops: POS, 300 Km l 1.5 Gbps HDTV/ATM Transmission over 300 KM l 600 Km GbE over MONET/ATDNET l 10 Gbps dynamic path setup over MONET/ATDNET

9/2000 10 DARPA Networking Program

l 2-3 Years: . 1-10 Gbps . End host architecture . Local/metro/regional network architecture (ONRAMP) . Protocol Research, e.g. flow switch to bypass routers . Optical Access Technology . Network Monitoring, Analysis, Visualization, e.g. Coral Tool (OC3mon) l 5 Years: Optical Burst Switch . Optical burst switch: End-to-End Optical Flow Switching

9/2000 11 DARPA Networking Program Continued

l 10+ Years: Ultra-Fast all Optical Logic . All-Optical Logic Gates . All-Optical Switch Implementation . Networking Architecture and Protocol l 40+ Years: Interplanetary Internet

9/2000 12 NGI Thrust 2: Advanced Networking Applications

NGI Applications l Hundreds of applications across DARPA, NASA, NIH/NLM, NIST, NSF l Supported by the 100x testbed built on LSN R&D networks that emphasizes end-to-end performance l Supernet applications by DARPA supported by the 1,000x testbed l End-to-end performance measurement to support upgrading end user capabilities

9/2000 13 NGI Example Applications

l Examples: . -Chicago (Grossman): data mining . Oklahoma (Droegemeier): weather research . North Carolina (Smith, Jeffay): nano-manipulators . UC San Diego (Ellisman): international microscopy . Un of Washington (Richardson): Internet HDTV: Up to 2.4 Gbps . West Va. Un (Van Scoy): International collaboratory for virtual reality and telepresent l Messages: . This initiative is about more than bandwidth . Researchers are attempting things on this network that they might not have attempted on the Internet

9/2000 14 NGI 100 X Testbed l The 100 X Testbed supports Thrust 2 . Built on Federal networks, primarily ATM: . NSF’s very high performance Backbone Network Service (vBNS): MCI . NASA’s Research and Education Network (NREN): Sprint . Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN): AT&T . DOE’s (ESnet): Sprint . Connect 100 research partners at speeds 100 times faster end-to-end (~100 Mbps) than 1997’s Internet . Over 180 sites will be connected in FY2000 . Foster end-to-end performance: Solve last mile, last foot issues

9/2000 15 vBNS Logical Network Map Last Updated 08/12/99

Wisconsin @ FNAL ANL UIC Chicago Milwaukee Northwestern Wisconsin @ 104 Institutions Connected Notre Dame Dartmouth Madison UNH Tufts 21 Connections to 14 Peer Networks Indiana Minnesota UMaine Iowa State Brown CA*Net II Iowa Boston U MIT Washington 6 Mbps MirNET ESnet Harvard

MREN 70 Mbps NORDUnet APAN UMass STARTAP 13.8 Mbps SUNY Buffalo ESnet PNW NREN NGIX- C SREN Yale 15 Mbps Rensselaer NI TANet NREN DREN SINET Rochester Abilene Renater Wayne State Boston Syracuse NI NYSERNET NMSU UC Boulder Merit Seattle Cornell Columbia DREN Michigan State NYU NASA Rutgers UNM NCAR Abilene AMES Chicago Princeton NGIX- W Cleveland City UC Davis DREN UC Berkeley State NCSA Denver Sprint iDREN UCSF PSC WVU NY NAP UIUC Penn State Drexel Stanford CalREN - 2 CMU Pitt UPenn North UCSC Missouri Perryman, MD Johns Hopkins San Francisco Washington in UMBC UMD St. Louis NREN* UCLA CalTech NI* ESnet MFS UCSB DC NAP Cal Poly Washington DC USC Pomona Los Angeles

Atlanta NIH NI USC ISI CalREN - 2 Houston DREN South Arizona NGIX- E MCI Reston MAX UT Austin Kentucky MUSC SDSC UC Irvine UCSD USC ESnet Vanderbilt Cal State Clemson VA Tech ACCESS UC Riverside San Bernardino SDSU ESnet Texas SoX NREN Tenn - Knoxville Emory ODU Abilene* NI MCI - vBNS POP Aggregation Point Florida UVA Highway 1 Alabama @ FAMU vBNS Approved Planned Baylor C. Birmingham GA State GA Tech DREN Institution Aggregation Point Miami George Washington Abilene of Medicine IB&T @ Houston Planned vBNS DS3 Approved Institution Houston TAMU Wake Forest NCNI USF Rice Georgetown OC3 vBNS Partner Institution UCF NC State OC12 Network of vBNS Duke FSU Partner Institutions UNC NCSC OC48 Planned Network of NOTES: Lines between institutions and aggregation points or NAPs represent the configured bandwidth of their connection to the vBNS. vBNS Partner The bandwidth of the actual circuits may be greater than shown. Institutions *These are temporary peering points. Permanent East Coast peering with these networks will take place at NGIX-E as soon as it is operational. 9/2000 16 International HighPerformance Networking: STAR TAP Connections

l Completed: l Completed (Continued) . vBNS, ESnet, NREN, . NORDUnet (Norway, NISN Sweden, Finland, . Abilene Denmark) (UCAID/) . SURFnet (Netherlands) CA*Net (Canada) . l Pending MirNET (Russia) . . Israel SINGAREN (Singapore) . . Renater (France) . TransPAC (Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australia) . TAnet II (Taiwan)

9/2000 17 NGI Accomplishments

l NGI Testbeds have been implemented with OC12 and above connectivity . Bottlenecks are now at campus networks . Preliminary testing has identified that backbone network links are not well- maintained, i.e. duplex links are not maintained as duplex, impairing IP performance l Multicast has been deployed in the NGI backbone. Implementation is now up to the campus networks. l Implementation of services, such as Quality of Service depends on solving interface, standards, and deployment issues that are difficult

9/2000 18 Federal Agency Network R&D Activities (1) l LSN is an Ongoing Program with an Aggressive Agenda and Includes NGI and the Networking Portion of SII Base LSN l Coordinated operation and interconnectivity of agency R&D networks . DoD’s DREN, DOE’s ESnet, NASA’s NREN, NSF’s vBNS 100x testbeds and cooperation with the . Interconnectivity at NGI-X East, Midwest, and West, and STAR TAP for international connectivity l NSF — Measurement and network analysis, Wireless l DARPA — Quorum, Wireless l DOE — Integrate networking and middleware with applications l NIST — Wireless l NSA — Very high speed networking (protocols, optical networking) l NOAA — Ubiquitous mobile high-bandwidth networking

9/2000 19 Federal Agency Network R&D Activities (2)

l Next Generation Internet (NGI) l DARPA — SensIT, active networking, innate survivability, simulations and modeling, Supernet 1,000x testbed, optical networking research, network management l NIST — Advanced encryption standard, PKI, Internet QoS, measurement and standards for network pervasive computing l NSF — vBNS, networking research, applications, minority-serving- institutions

9/2000 20 Advanced Networking Applications Examples (1)

l DARPA: . CSU-CHILL Radar: Data transfers at 240 Mbps to 2.88 Gbps . Digital Earth with MIT, CMU, LBL, Berkeley: Virtual Reality transfers at 50 Mbps l DOE: . Corridor One: Distance visualization at 50 Mbps . Combustion Corridor: Remote visualization at OC12 l NASA: . Distributed video of launch activities at 10-100 Mbps . Tropospheric Radio Scattering Beam Communications to Remote Areas

9/2000 21 Advanced Networking Applications Examples (2)

l NIH: . Healthcare Collaboratories: Remote delivery of healthcare, privacy and security l NSF . Internet HDTV: Up to 2.4 Gbps . International collaboratory for virtual reality and telepresent environments . Data Mining: The CAVE Research environment: Tunable transfer of data sets for data mining

9/2000 22 Scalable Information Infrastructure

l Deeply networked systems — DARPA and NSF l “Anytime, anywhere” connectivity — DARPA and NSF l Network modeling and simulation — NSF and DARPA l Modeling, simulation, analysis, test methods, and standards for broadband wireless protocols and access technologies — NIST

9/2000 23 Large Scale Networking Future Programs

l Adaptive Applications . Dynamic service discovery . Scalable collaborative services . Applications tools development l Multi-Domain Service Management . Dynamic traffic engineering . Network architecture: Including wireless access, dynamic adaptation to applications/loads . Multiparty information distribution l Scalable Security . Scalable PKI . Security in self-organizing networks Heterogeneous and adaptive environments . 9/2000 24