Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-01-06
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ri 'mas Fund_, ' f Goall ~ - . snort,!or o -- has bien 955 ninth ~n. seal campal,o owan daU, president nty Tubereu. Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ednesday. , • I ns are expect. ~bU.h~d In, 1868-Five Cents a Copy Member of Assoc;iated Press-AP Leased Wire and Wirephoto Service lOW3 City, Iowa, Friday, J anuary 6, 1956 endall added. we"l'e sent. to sidents 10 No. ;;:·'k!:.~'. mpt to ra~ U O. Follow. t out in De- ~ ~,\"., e.i· ,: . ., , . llected, 85 per I... C , in JohnSOIl ."1 : I,t ' .. rges on Tax Slashes cent ~lll'(o to -'--------~~~7_----------------------------------------~~~~~~~----~------------------~---~_~--------~------ .------------------------------~--~- tuberpwosla . ximately half Still a LiHle Early t will be uSil<! Grace To Marry r dall said. Yoifll:kllii Kelly 'Porklift' Off I. xpects Balanced. STOLEl'l ch, L3, Clln. he Prince of .Monaco To a Steady lice Wednes. t.U~eman ilt .. Budget This Year e ty P.eWTiter home at 3i5 e durin, the WASHINGTON t/P)-President Eisenho~er laid berore Congress jtbl~_ence Start Here '!1lursday a massive "program for the Republic" that contcmplates a balanced budget, a token payment on the national dcbt, but no \' ikDb>E~D~CE (;1» - A B, JAMES nAN8BURG tax cuts now. ' YOltfl. ' illinois p'aro,!e" was held The Iowa Clty porklift got olf He spoke against lowering taxes at the expense of "fiscal in Without QGnd Thursday night on in !\ slow hilt stea"" .. tart Tour•• tegrity" and a balanced budget; against "going furthc, into debt to a ,murdk charie l'n the killini day as pork prices fenerally * * * give ourselves a tax cut at the ot. a ~~lIce officer in the sherltf's were marKed down ana iJ'OCers expense of our children." o(lj(:e .hQ.!'.e . • thro."~ho. "j the county featured Leaders of both parties have ';WJ)'l'en ' Nutt~r Jr., 18, Free special sales. Senate Flares urgcP, caution on tax cuts. P4rt,,' JU.. one ot , five Illinois One s~ore reported i18 sales The President forecast that teedll;ers o~ a. spur-ot-the mo· were live times normal. government income will match s tften~ iaunt to California, waived Another store reportedly \\{IS Up Following outgo by midycar, and said hc ~. t,M '(flnd jury on an a~cusa seJlln: some cuts below cost. ~ould propose a continued ba l tlo~ . that be deliberately shot I But, although sales were above ance for the year follow ing. Pa~ip'l!U'an ' . Harold Pearce, 52, normal, grocers reported no gen lice's Speech 5 Major ProPOIals fath,r of two. eral buying spree. Major proposals in the Presi ,Two lJpys 'arrested with Nutter Sees No Rlee WASHINGTON tIP) - A farm dent's program called for: 'V&fe ttmled over to neighboring . 1. A Z5-mllllon dollar pro,ram One grocer said he was coop deqa te flared up in the senate Delaware. 'C~unty In connection late Thursday, accompanied by of Cederal aid to rughways such with · a filUng station breakin. erating in the porklitt but was as Congrcss failed to approve in not. expectina greater sales be Democratic demands that Presi 'l'wd (irlB in the' quintet were dent Eisenhowcr ~ keep the prom its last session, He suggested held,. tor 'Illioois juveolle autho· cause he had been selling pork at merely an "adequate plan of fi cost for the Pilst two months. ises" he made to agriculture in rities, . 1052. nancing," rather than insisting All grocers contacted predicted on long range borrowing. ·1 ...•• "","-"tied 81100tlal a considerable increase in pork The argument began a few how's aftcr Eisenhower, in his Z. Farm leJillatton, Including a C'~unQt ., Atto.rncy William G. sales for the month. But all soil bank program as part of a State oC the Union messagc, said Klotzbac,h said Nu~ter had signed agreed It would not be in one he will open a stepped-up at "many-sided program" to allc great rush. vlate the farm problem. Th e pl an a ; ~\!I$~meni , lldmi~ting he shot tack on the "deep-scated prob 1f~r~;..vlth 'a ~ ,2 ,auge shotgun. Commenting on the 3-mllllon will be detailed in a special mes pound goal set by the Iowa City lems" plaguing {... rmers. sage to Congress Monday. Nq~e,I'... .ha~ , <M!!ined ,the gun Sen. Humphrey (D-Minn,) f~~ ': a ,ear after sllpptng .out a Retail Grocers Assn., a grocer 3. A 5-year prolram of feder ft!'J' ,foctin, wlnc:low in the court said, "raptll8tle. ['II be "atistled complained that Eisenhower al aid to schools, also to be out h6u"se; ~otzbaeh said. if we sell halt that much." "promised more than any other lined in detail later. Q1aestlons Go&1 candidate" Cour years ago and 4. A Z-year slum clearance lli~ two girls, Joan Sauro 16, "has delivered less." Humphrey , Rdt:~fOt:.d ;" Ill:, and Betty Zwei program calling tor 35,000 hous "This seems like a figure said the President is adopting ktl~ ' '1<8; I Freeport, 111., were eye (AP Wlrep_.lt) Ing units to be built each year. MOVIE STAR ' GRACE KELLY and ber fiance, Prince Rainier someone' just plucked out of tqc many fann proposals that he, as 5. Creltion or a bipartisan wJtnesSes to' the shooting, Klotz- sky," the manager of a super· blch '",ald.: " . 3rd or Monaco, are shown In the home of MIss Kelly's parents 18 a Democrat, has pushed for three commission to investigate charg PIUJadelplU& after a. private enrafement party It a nearby' coun· market exclaimed. "As far as 1 es that in some areas Negroes ~ JOoUbaeli' said that after the know, no one knows how much try club Thursda.y. Beyond Pollilcl are being denlcd the right to shotlU~ blaSt' ' ~ruelt Pearce, Nut pork this <;ounty uselj in a not vote. te:r:' .... abbed the, officer's pistol ' ,PHlLADELPH[A (;1» - Blonde and beautiful movie star Grace mal month,lIow can a sales goal In Thursdays message to Con He also urged immigration apd;' fJ~d ~q ' foo.t . .. 'He was ar- Kelly Thursday announced her betrothal to Prince Rainier of Mo- be predicted When normal ' fig gress, the President urged that legislation, aid ror chronically reSted -four hours later on a naco and said the wedding date will be soon aIter Easter. - ures are not known?" thc plight of agriculture be depressed communities, labor blih*ay; south of-lnC:lependenee. Announcement of the engagement, which came alter a cou'rtship As it stands now the porkUft placed "above and beyond poli law changes, an atom-powercd , ' . ' __ '. ou the Riviera, was made jointly in Monte Carlo and by Miss is functlonin: exactly as It was ,. '. ...fa In a.ek Il"m K 1 ' t . Ph'l d I h ' tics." commercial ship, water and pow , . e ly s paren S In I a e pia . planned by the grocers and the Humphrey suggested that Ei er projects and equal pay with ...~e .. otl1er two boys, Robert Plans tor marriage were dls- Farm Bureau when they met on senhower caUin Secretary of Ag men for working women, W,i'ght, '1f! ROcktofCl, Ill., and closed later lit the day at a news Jan.3. (Dalll' Jowa" "hot, by J erry M, ey) * * * IOWA CITY'S WEATHER was Iprln&1lke Thltrsday au'" P.t riculture Benson, read ~o him tbe With Russia's leaders follow ~l!. ; .tlmkins, 17, Foteston, III., conference in the Kelly's luxuri· Each grocer is running one or ing "tactlcs of relreat and zjg- li./ere ·IO,· ...\1111' l'tJOm with Patrol- ous Philadelphia home. Luxury Awaits two special sale qn pork cuts Ne),era, A~ . Q)on, decided to try the IoWa River tor temDerature. min' . lte'I1ry. timk when the Someone asked the 26-year and emphasizin, sales. Bhe' looks h&PlIY &bout It, but. Utat one- l.oe"iIIJt 1.&0 'UIe Ice Gut Key WEST, Fla. ilP)-Presi-· ~g:' d:-st.lll unwilling U t~ ~~e- s!l06,ln, . OCcUrred, Klotzbach old star if she planned a iarge Princess 01 Monaco water convinced her, It Is stili a IltUe early tor s",immln, seatlOR. dent Eisenhower had breakfast ate the IndIspensable condltlons Fear Ovent.ekl"" with the President - elect of for a secure and lasting peace," s&id. they triM, to flee but Funl, family. MONTE CARLO, Monaco (IP) subduect t.hel'/l. ' She 1aughed and nodded yes. The overall plan for the pOrk. * * * Brazil then relaxed with frlcnds Eisenhower proposed "constant - There's a palace on the blu ~ 11ft Is to avoid a s.11~'1t1on where The Weather in th~ Florida sun Thursday improvement" of America's de J'~ar~ I:na ''Funk had stopped 'Her Serene HI~bness' Paris Dance aftcr sending his message to fenses and those of the free thld~ri ·•• ,ers' ear atter tbey no- The. 32-year-old Prince told Mediterranean, a sleek yacht, thousands of tons of pork Is sold fo ur shiny cllrs and a budget 'in to persons not having adequate Congrcss. world. ti~td,.i It mO,Ying erratically the gathering that his britle-to He backed this \IP with re t~.~~\I.h ln4~pen4ence ear 1 y ~ will be kno~n in Mona~o as, six figures waiting for Grace storage space and wh~re some grocers are lcft .wlth tons of pork Queen Dies ' Fair quests for limited authority to Thtifsday morning. Her Serene Highness, Prmeess Kelly when she comes to Monaeo farm pledges El senhower made make longer-term foreign aid · ' K.iot;bl\di skid Nutter was on ot ~onaco." .