Special Sale Union Is Expected to But
,1 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY tO, 1M2 > A C * W E U f r Avantta DRiljr NM Pr«R IMi iaW( iBatifligfitgi* Cwnittn la r ih* -------------- ■' ' ■"»'■' '■■Ill "I V iii—' mh ' .■uJnMMkKiP^ - Tha monthly boataaaa waaUat tag iKddtags: glSySMUM <■ 188; 8.800 abgraft AUaatk KaOn- ACatora. 8PBT,M8; 1IB08 MUlr«a,' of the Center Theaplana wtU ha stocks, of which gS.OISiiSS waa ing Cb.. 1399,800; 9,900 shares. nUiMta Oantral ftaUniad, 88M.4M; 10.510 WHturd Leaves lag FiMajr. AboutToira held at < o'clock tonight in tha deductml to eov'»r loaiUL leaying Brown Fnrtaan DiatUiars. 8141.- 40.300 aharaa, Para OH Ob., lilM - Bibar at tba AtaM Robbins Room of the Center net stodt boldinga of n J U jlO; 281; 8M0 ahares. Chryatar Cbrp, 000; T.00O'aharaa. Staclair 'OH aaa al OtealsttaM to t tochea. 1H« ItoBdierter r#d««Uon Bf Church. The program following Nine Million 1119.018 in bank dappSiU; |«.49| 8884,<^. Onrp.. 8308,187; 8,000 aharaa, City of F2Kdf« Chatm at 9 o'clock In Woodruff HalldsdII in uncaahad checksr S 88.000 auto- ' Six Thousand, three hundred Southam Pacitle Os.. 8878,000: DmoCTAtk! Women vrlll hold Itii be' a workshop presentation of an maiaa mobile; and $12,898 in litaiaahoUl shares. Cities Service Cb.. 8718,- t«(uUr mcetinf Thuridmy. r«b. 1.000 aharaa, Suparior Oi) Cb-. bHglnal one-act play, "Peace 1 Estate of Former Ju nttu re. 900; 14,000, shares, Gmeral 1980,000. ^ TOL. LXXI. NO. 121 Aivarttabig an Page 14) MANCHESTER, CO N k^URBD A Y . FEBRUARi^ 21, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) M, at the Community Y at 7:4S Bring Unto Yqu.” written and di Of 81,279.780 in stocks ownM PRICE FIVE CENTS p.
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