ri 'mas Fund_, ' f Goall ~ - . snort,!or o -- has bien 955 ninth ~n. seal campal,o owan daU, president nty Tubereu. Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ednesday. , • I ns are expect. ~bU.h~d In, 1868-Five Cents a Copy Member of Assoc;iated Press-AP Leased Wire and Wirephoto Service lOW3 City, Iowa, Friday, J anuary 6, 1956 endall added. we"l'e sent. to sidents 10 No. ;;:·'k!:.~'. mpt to ra~ U O. Follow. t out in De- ~ ~,\"., e.i· ,: . ., , . llected, 85 per I... C , in JohnSOIl ."1 : I,t ' .. rges on Tax Slashes cent ~lll'(o to -'--------~~~7_----------------------------------------~~~~~~~----~------------------~---~_~--------~------ .------------------------------~--~- tuberpwosla . ximately half Still a LiHle Early t will be uSil<! Grace To Marry r dall said. Yoifll:kllii Kelly 'Porklift' Off I. xpects Balanced. STOLEl'l ch, L3, Clln. he Prince of .Monaco To a Steady lice Wednes. t.U~eman ilt .. Budget This Year e ty P.eWTiter home at 3i5 e durin, the WASHINGTON t/P)-President Eisenho~er laid berore Congress jtbl~_ence Start Here '!1lursday a massive "program for the Republic" that contcmplates a balanced budget, a token payment on the national dcbt, but no \' ikDb>E~D~CE (;1» - A B, JAMES nAN8BURG tax cuts now. ' YOltfl. ' illinois p'aro,!e" was held The Iowa Clty porklift got olf He spoke against lowering taxes at the expense of "fiscal in­ Without QGnd Thursday night on in !\ slow hilt stea"" .. tart Tour•• tegrity" and a balanced budget; against "going furthc, into debt to a ,murdk charie l'n the killini day as pork prices fenerally * * * give ourselves a tax cut at the ot. a ~~lIce officer in the sherltf's were marKed down ana iJ'OCers expense of our children." o(lj(:e .hQ.!'.e . • thro."~ho. "j the county featured Leaders of both parties have ';WJ)'l'en ' Nutt~r Jr., 18, Free­ special sales. Senate Flares urgcP, caution on tax cuts. P4rt,,' JU.. one ot , five Illinois One s~ore reported i18 sales The President forecast that teedll;ers o~ a. spur-ot-the mo· were live times normal. government income will match s tften~ iaunt to California, waived Another store reportedly \\{IS Up Following outgo by midycar, and said hc ~. t,M '(flnd jury on an a~cusa­ seJlln: some cuts below cost. ~ould propose a continued ba l­ tlo~ . that be deliberately shot I But, although sales were above ance for the year follow ing. Pa~ip'l!U'an ' . Harold Pearce, 52, normal, grocers reported no gen­ lice's Speech 5 Major ProPOIals fath,r of two. eral buying spree. Major proposals in the Presi­ ,Two lJpys 'arrested with Nutter Sees No Rlee WASHINGTON tIP) - A farm dent's program called for: 'V&fe ttmled over to neighboring . 1. A Z5-mllllon dollar pro,ram One grocer said he was coop­ deqa te flared up in the senate Delaware. 'C~unty In connection late Thursday, accompanied by of Cederal aid to rughways such with · a filUng station breakin. erating in the porklitt but was as Congrcss failed to approve in not. expectina greater sales be­ Democratic demands that Presi­ 'l'wd (irlB in the' quintet were dent Eisenhowcr ~ keep the prom­ its last session, He suggested held,. tor 'Illioois juveolle autho· cause he had been selling pork at merely an "adequate plan of fi­ cost for the Pilst two months. ises" he made to agriculture in rities, . 1052. nancing," rather than insisting All grocers contacted predicted on long range borrowing. ·1 ...•• "","-"tied 81100tlal a considerable increase in pork The argument began a few how's aftcr Eisenhower, in his Z. Farm leJillatton, Including a C'~unQt ., Atto.rncy William G. sales for the month. But all soil bank program as part of a State oC the Union messagc, said Klotzbac,h said Nu~ter had signed agreed It would not be in one he will open a stepped-up at­ "many-sided program" to allc­ great rush. vlate the farm problem. Th e pl an a ; ~\!I$~meni , lldmi~ting he shot tack on the "deep-scated prob­ 1f~r~;..vlth 'a ~ ,2 ,auge shotgun. Commenting on the 3-mllllon will be detailed in a special mes­ pound goal set by the Iowa City lems" plaguing {... rmers. sage to Congress Monday. Nq~e,I'... .ha~ , <M!!ined ,the gun Sen. Humphrey (D-Minn,) f~~ ': a ,ear after sllpptng .out a Retail Grocers Assn., a grocer 3. A 5-year prolram of feder­ ft!'J' ,foctin, wlnc:low in the court­ said, "raptll8tle. ['II be "atistled complained that Eisenhower al aid to schools, also to be out­ h6u"se; ~otzbaeh said. if we sell halt that much." "promised more than any other lined in detail later. Q1aestlons Go&1 candidate" Cour years ago and 4. A Z-year slum clearance lli~ two girls, Joan Sauro 16, "has delivered less." Humphrey , Rdt:~fOt:.d ;" Ill:, and Betty Zwei­ program calling tor 35,000 hous­ "This seems like a figure said the President is adopting ktl~ ' '1<8; I Freeport, 111., were eye­ (AP Wlrep_.lt) Ing units to be built each year. MOVIE STAR ' GRACE KELLY and ber fiance, Prince Rainier someone' just plucked out of tqc many fann proposals that he, as 5. Creltion or a bipartisan wJtnesSes to' the shooting, Klotz- sky," the manager of a super· blch '",ald.: " . 3rd or Monaco, are shown In the home of MIss Kelly's parents 18 a Democrat, has pushed for three commission to investigate charg­ PIUJadelplU& after a. private enrafement party It a nearby' coun· market exclaimed. "As far as 1 es that in some areas Negroes ~ JOoUbaeli' said that after the know, no one knows how much try club Thursda.y. Beyond Pollilcl are being denlcd the right to shotlU~ blaSt' ' ~ruelt Pearce, Nut­ pork this <;ounty uselj in a not­ vote. te:r:' .... abbed the, officer's pistol ' ,PHlLADELPH[A (;1» - Blonde and beautiful movie star Grace mal month,lIow can a sales goal In Thursdays message to Con­ He also urged immigration apd;' fJ~d ~q ' foo.t . .. 'He was ar- Kelly Thursday announced her betrothal to Prince Rainier of Mo- be predicted When normal ' fig­ gress, the President urged that legislation, aid ror chronically reSted -four hours later on a naco and said the wedding date will be soon aIter Easter. - ures are not known?" thc plight of agriculture be depressed communities, labor blih*ay; south of-lnC:lependenee. Announcement of the engagement, which came alter a cou'rtship As it stands now the porkUft placed "above and beyond poli­ law changes, an atom-powercd , ' . ' __ '. ou the Riviera, was made jointly in Monte Carlo and by Miss is functlonin: exactly as It was ,. '. ...fa In a.ek Il"m K 1 ' t . Ph'l d I h ' tics." commercial ship, water and pow­ , . e ly s paren S In I a e pia . planned by the grocers and the Humphrey suggested that Ei­ er projects and equal pay with ...~e .. otl1er two boys, Robert Plans tor marriage were dls- Farm Bureau when they met on senhower caUin Secretary of Ag­ men for working women, W,i'ght, '1f! ROcktofCl, Ill., and closed later lit the day at a news Jan.3. (Dalll' Jowa" "hot, by J erry M, ey) * * * IOWA CITY'S WEATHER was Iprln&1lke Thltrsday au'" P.t riculture Benson, read ~o him tbe With Russia's leaders follow­ ~l!. ; .tlmkins, 17, Foteston, III., conference in the Kelly's luxuri· Each grocer is running one or ing "tactlcs of relreat and zjg- li./ere ·IO,· ...\1111' l'tJOm with Patrol- ous Philadelphia home. Luxury Awaits two special sale qn pork cuts Ne),era, A~ . Q)on, decided to try the IoWa River tor temDerature. min' . lte'I1ry. timk when the Someone asked the 26-year­ and emphasizin, sales. Bhe' looks h&PlIY &bout It, but. Utat one- l.oe"iIIJt 1.&0 'UIe Ice Gut Key WEST, Fla. ilP)-Presi-· ~g:' d:-st.lll unwilling U t~ ~~e- s!l06,ln, . OCcUrred, Klotzbach old star if she planned a iarge Princess 01 Monaco water convinced her, It Is stili a IltUe early tor s",immln, seatlOR. dent Eisenhower had breakfast ate the IndIspensable condltlons Fear Ovent.ekl"" with the President - elect of for a secure and lasting peace," s&id. they triM, to flee but Funl, family. MONTE CARLO, Monaco (IP) subduect t.hel'/l. ' She 1aughed and nodded yes. The overall plan for the pOrk. * * * Brazil then relaxed with frlcnds Eisenhower proposed "constant - There's a palace on the blu ~ 11ft Is to avoid a s.11~'1t1on where The Weather in th~ Florida sun Thursday improvement" of America's de­ J'~ar~ I:na ''Funk had stopped 'Her Serene HI~bness' Paris Dance aftcr sending his message to fenses and those of the free thld~ri ·•• ,ers' ear atter tbey no- The. 32-year-old Prince told Mediterranean, a sleek yacht, thousands of tons of pork Is sold fo ur shiny cllrs and a budget 'in to persons not having adequate Congrcss. world. ti~td,.i It mO,Ying erratically the gathering that his britle-to­ He backed this \IP with re­ t~.~~\I.h ln4~pen4ence ear 1 y ~ will be kno~n in Mona~o as, six figures waiting for Grace storage space and wh~re some grocers are lcft .wlth tons of pork Queen Dies ' Fair quests for limited authority to Thtifsday morning. Her Serene Highness, Prmeess Kelly when she comes to Monaeo farm pledges El senhower made make longer-term foreign aid · ' K.iot;bl\di skid Nutter was on ot ~onaco." .
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