1844 Alberta Hansard November 14, 2000

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1844 Alberta Hansard November 14, 2000 November 14, 2000 Alberta Hansard 1833 Legislative Assembly of Alberta are with them. In a moment of silent prayer I ask you to remember the hon. members, Dr. Grant MacEwan, Mr. Eric Musgreave, and Title: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 1:30 p.m. Mr. Bryce Stringam, as you have known them. Date: 00/11/14 Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine [The Speaker in the chair] upon them. Amen. Hon. members, it’s now my pleasure to invite Mr. Paul Lorieau to head: Prayers lead us in the singing of our national anthem. Please join in in the language of your choice. THE SPEAKER: Good afternoon and welcome back. I would ask members to remain standing after prayers so that we HON. MEMBERS: may pay tribute to our former colleagues who passed away since we O Canada, our home and native land! were last in this Assembly. True patriot love in all thy sons command. As we commence proceedings today in this Assembly, we ask for With glowing hearts we see thee rise, divine guidance so that our words and deeds may bring to all people The True North strong and free! of this great province hope, prosperity, and a vision for the future. From far and wide, O Canada, Amen. We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! Dr. John Walter Grant MacEwan O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. August 12, 1902, to June 15, 2000 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. THE SPEAKER: Former member the Hon. Dr. John Walter Grant THE SPEAKER: Please be seated. MacEwan passed away on Thursday, June 15, 2000. Dr. MacEwan was first elected as leader of the Liberal Party on November 1, 1958, Presentation to the Assembly of Mr. Brian Mason and served until 1960. He was elected as a Member of the Member for Edmonton-Highlands Legislative Assembly of Alberta in the election held June 29, 1955, THE SPEAKER: Hon. members, I would now invite the hon. leader and served until June 18, 1959, representing the constituency of of the New Democrats to proceed to the bar of the Chamber. Calgary for the Liberal Party. Hon. members, I have received from the Chief Electoral Officer During his years in the Legislature Dr. MacEwan served on the of Alberta the report of the returning officer for the constituency of select standing committees on Railways, Telephones and Irrigation; Edmonton-Highlands containing the results of the by-election that Public Accounts; Private Bills; Municipal Law; and Agriculture, was conducted on June 12, 2000. The report states that a by-election Colonization, Immigration and Education. Dr. MacEwan became was conducted in the constituency of Edmonton-Highlands, and the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta on January 6, 1966, and served until said report further shows that Brian Mason was duly elected as the July 2, 1974. Member for Edmonton-Highlands. Sergeant-at-Arms. Eric Charles Musgreave July 21, 1921, to June 16, 2000 [Preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms, Dr. Pannu escorted Mr. Mason THE SPEAKER: On Friday, June 16, 2000, Eric C. Musgreave to the Mace] passed away. Mr. Musgreave represented the constituency of Calgary-McKnight for the Progressive Conservative Party. He was DR. PANNU: Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present to you first elected in the election held on March 26, 1975, and served until Brian Mason, the new Member for Edmonton-Highlands, who has March 20, 1989. taken the oath as member of this House, has inscribed the roll, and During his years of service he served on the select standing now claims the right to take his seat. committees on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act; Law and Regulations; Legislative Offices; Privileges and Elections, THE SPEAKER: Let the hon. member take his seat. Standing Orders and Printing; Public Accounts; Private Bills; and during the 21st Legislature served as deputy chairman and served as Presentation to the Assembly of Mrs. Mary Anne Jablonski chairman of Public Affairs. During the 18th Legislature Mr. Member for Red-Deer North Musgreave also served on the Special Committee on Surface Rights. THE SPEAKER: Hon. members, I would now invite the hon. Premier to proceed to the bar of the Chamber. Bryce Coleman Stringam Hon. members, I have also received from the Chief Electoral February 8, 1920, to June 2, 2000 Officer of Alberta the report of the returning officer for the THE SPEAKER: On Friday, June 2, 2000, Mr. Bryce Stringam constituency of Red Deer-North containing the results of the by- passed away. Mr. Stringam was first elected on June 29, 1955, and election conducted on September 25, 2000, which states that a by- served until June 18, 1959, for the constituency of Bow Valley- election was conducted in the constituency of Red Deer-North. The Empress as an independent member. said report further shows that Mary Anne Jablonski was duly elected During his years in the Legislature Mr. Stringam served on the as the Member for Red Deer-North. select standing committees on Agriculture, Colonization, Sergeant-at-Arms. Immigration and Education; Municipal Law; Private Bills; Railways, Telephones and Irrigation; Public Accounts; and Privileges and [Preceded by the Sergeant-at-Arms, Mr. Klein escorted Mrs. Elections, Standing Orders and Printing. Jablonski to the Mace] With our admiration and respect there is gratitude to members of MR. KLEIN: Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present to you Mary their families who shared the burdens of public office. Our prayers Anne Jablonski, the new Member for Red Deer-North, who has 1834 Alberta Hansard November 14, 2000 taken the oath as a member of this House, has inscribed the roll, and head: Notices of Motions now claims the right to take her seat. THE SPEAKER: The Associate Minister of Health and Wellness. THE SPEAKER: Let the hon. member take her seat. MR. ZWOZDESKY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today pursuant to Standing Order 34(2)(a) to give notice that tomorrow I will move head: Introduction of Visitors that the sole written question appearing on today’s Order Paper, that THE SPEAKER: The hon. the Premier. being Written Question 22, be addressed. Tomorrow I will also be moving that written questions and MR. KLEIN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am pleased to introduce to motions for returns appearing on Wednesday’s Order Paper do stand you and through you to members of the Assembly Jorge Sobisch, and retain their places. governor of the province of Neuquen in Argentina, and his wife, Thank you. Liliana Planas de Sobisch. They are seated in the Speaker’s gallery. Welcome also to Pedro Salvatore, the former governor of Neuquen, THE SPEAKER: The hon. Leader of the Official Opposition. and to the other members of the governor’s delegation who are MRS. MacBETH: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I propose to present the seated in the members’ gallery. following motion to the Assembly today at the conclusion of the 1:40 daily business of the House. That motion says: The governor and his delegation have come to our province to Be it resolved that the Assembly adjourn the ordinary business of this Assembly to discuss a matter of urgent public importance; explore areas where Alberta and Neuquen can work together. The namely, the government’s mismanagement of the deregulation of governor signed co-operation agreements this morning with the electricity markets in Alberta resulting in inadequate supply to meet government of Alberta and yesterday with the Northern Alberta the rising demand and skyrocketing prices for consumers. Institute of Technology. During his stay he’ll also meet with Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Calgary business leaders and visit the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology. With our shared interests in oil and gas, education, THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Highlands. agriculture, cattle, forestry, and paleontology there are a number of excellent opportunities for co-operation between Alberta and MR. MASON: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise to give notice that Neuquen. I’m looking forward to discussing these opportunities and pursuant to Standing Order 40 I will move the following emergency to furthering the friendship between our two provinces when I meet resolution. with the governor later this afternoon. Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly, in light of Mr. Speaker, I would ask that our honoured guests please rise and skyrocketing electricity costs which are punishing consumers and disrupting the Alberta economy, urges the government to call an receive the traditional warm welcome of the Assembly. independent public inquiry into why the deregulation process has failed so badly and put all electricity deregulation on hold until the head: Presenting Petitions inquiry reports. THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Edmonton-Centre. head: Tabling Returns and Reports MS BLAKEMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to THE SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Human Resources and present a petition from citizens concerned with mature women’s Employment. health and osteoporosis in particular. These are citizens of Edmonton, Sherwood Park, and St. Albert. MR. DUNFORD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like today to Thank you. provide five copies of a document entitled Working Alone Safely. I’d like to point out that this report has been prepared for Tara THE SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Lethbridge-East. McDonald and other workers who have died or been injured on the job. DR. NICOL: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have two petitions to present today. The first is 1,060 signatures from individuals in THE SPEAKER: The hon. Minister of Resource Development. Calgary and Lethbridge. This petition is asking that the Legislature pass a Tara McDonald law that will require two people on shift from MR.
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