CHURCH S T A F F The Trophybearer

• Parish Priest: VOLUME 5 ISSUE 10 NOVEMBER 2015 Fr. Constantinides PASTORAL MESSAGE • Parish Council

President: Mary Rankin We find ourselves in the winter of the year where all outside is brown, life-

• Philoptochos less and cold. The days are shorter and the weather is more miserable. In- President: deed this is the time of year that brings us down both physically, with all the Susan Matos colds and flu that go around, and mentally, with all the dreariness and dark- • Sunday School ness. Director: Deacon It is at this time that we gather together and try to bring some good cheer to Paul Speed ourselves and our families. We have our national celebration of Thanksgiving

• Caretaker: where we do indeed offer thanks to God for all that He has done for our na- Jason Leon tion throughout our history. While setting a day aside to thank God is actually good, is that all we do? Do INSIDE THIS we forget about God every other day of the year? Is He only in our lives I S S U E : when we need Him, or do we make Him an active member of our lives? November 2 These are questions that we should ask ourselves every day of our lives. Calendar

President’s 3 We should make a special effort to make God an active part of lives by first Corner living the life that we are called to live. We need to come to Church and be- Community 5 come active members and not simply names on lists. Active members are News those who participate in the life of the Church. Active members are those Stewardship 6 Update who prepare themselves and approach the Chalice with the fear of God, faith

Assembly 8 and love often. Active members are those who respond to the call of God Notice and His Church. In other words to be active, we must act. We cannot wait Lives of the 9- to be acted on. Our faith is a verb not a noun. 10 So, while we are celebrating this holiday season, let us remember that we Test your 12 Faith must always be thankful to God for what He has done and continues to do for us. Let us act on our faith and renew our lives in Christ our God.

Fr. Michael Constantinides Parish Priest

November 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5th Sunday of Luke Fast Day Fast Day 8:30a.m. Orthros 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Orthodox Study Sunday School Class Forum following 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion Parish Council +Sacrament Seminar 7:00 p.m. Orthodox Study Forum

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7th Sunday of Luke Fast Day Fast Day +Sacrament Synaxis of the 10:00 a.m. Archangel’s Michael and Orthodox Study Forum Parish Assembly 8:30a.m. Orthros 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Sunday School Class

following 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Orthodox Holy Communion Parish Council Parish Council Study Forum Seminar Meeting

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8th Sunday of Luke Fish, Oil and Wine Fish, Oil and Wine Fast Day Fish, Oil and Wine Fast Day The Entrance of Fast of the Allowed Allowed No Orthodox Study Allowed the Nativity Begins Forum Fish, Oil and Wine Fish, Oil and Wine Allowed Allowed 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30a.m. Orthros followed by the Divine 10:00 a.m. Liturgy Divine Liturgy Metropolis Assembly in Sunday School Class


Holy Communion Madison, WI

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9th Sunday of Luke Fish, Oil and Wine Fish, Oil and Wine Feastday of Thanksgiving Day Office Closed Fish, Oil and Wine Fish, Oil and Wine Allowed Allowed Katherine the Office Closed Fast Day Allowed Allowed Thanksgiving Fast Day Fish, Oil and Wine 8:30a.m. Orthros Ecumenical Service at 8:30 a.m. Orthros Allowed 10:00 a.m. the Congregation Beth Israel at the followed by the Divine Liturgy Tri-City Jewish Sunday School Class Divine Liturgy Center following No Orthodox Study Holy Communion Forum

Evening Meal

29 30 13th Sunday of Feast Day of Saint Luke Andrew Fish, Oil and Wine Fish, Oil and Wine Allowed Allowed 8:30a.m. Orthros 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Orthros Divine Liturgy followed by the Family Worship only Divine Liturgy VOLUME 5 ISSUE 10 P A G E 3 g{x VÉâÇv|Ä VÉÇÇxvà|ÉÇ

There are three events story that illustrates this our gifts, to continue His coming up in the next frustration: saving work in the world few weeks that have the One day, a person com- today. potential to impact our plained to his priest that Please keep this story in parish for many years to the Church and Christianity mind when you fill out come. is one continual “give, give, your pledge cards and On Sunday, November 8, give.” To which the priest prepare for Stewardship Serving on we will meet for our an- replied, “Thank you very Sunday. the nual Fall Parish Assembly much for the finest defini- Finally, on December 6, Council is following Divine Liturgy. tion of Christianity I have the parish will be called an honor! At the meeting we will be ever heard. You’re right; to vote for its 2016 Par- approving our 2016 Christianity is all about a ish Council members. If anyone is budget and also hearing constant “give, give, give.” Please prayerfully con- interested the report and plan of God giving His only Son to sider running for a term in serving action from our Renova- the world to show His un- on the council. The cur- please see tion Committee. This conditional love. His Son rent members would meeting will lie out an giving His life on the love to have you join Mary important path for the cross to forgive our sins and them as they address the Rankin or parish to follow for many destroy death. Then our needs of the parish. Father years. A light lunch will Lord’s disciples giving all Speak to a council mem- be provided so that more they had to make sure ber, Father Michael, or a Michael members might be able God’s Good News of love member of the election to attend. was preached to all people committee (to be ap- The second event, Stew- everywhere. They not only pointed at the Fall As- ardship Sunday, takes gave away their homes and sembly) if you are inter- place on the following businesses, but even gave ested in learning more Sunday, November 15. up their lives as martyrs in about this service oppor- We sometimes want to gratitude to God! It is by tunity! offering our blessings back avoid this day because it seems like we are being to God that He will be able asked to give so fre- to continue His forgiving, quently, often for such healing, liberating, empow- Yours in Christ, mundane things as a ering, transfiguring, loving Mary Rankin ministry through the plumbing bill or vacuum Mary Rankin Church. For God, Infinite cleaner repairs. Father Parish Council President Anthony M. Coniaris though He be, has chosen shared the following to work through us, through

P A G E 4 THE TROPHYBEARER Epistle Readers Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, November 1, 2015 November 15, 2015 November 29, 2015 5th Sunday of Luke 8th Sunday of Luke 13th Sunday of Luke Alexa Florence Mary Rankin Kay Coin

Sunday, Sunday, November 8, 2015 “O Lord, open my lips and November 22, 2015 my mouth shall show forth 7th Sunday of Luke 9th Sunday of Luke your praise!”

Michael Pyevich Angela Spurgetis Anyone interested in being an epistle reader should con- tact the church office! Parish Council Sunday Duty

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, November 1, 2015 November 15, 2015 November 29, 2015 Brad Crosson, Brad Crosson, Mary Rankin, Mike Patramanis Mike Patramanis Joe Burmeister, Gus Pappas

Sunday, Sunday, November 8, 2015 November 22, 2015 Mary Rankin, Steve Eckert, Mary Rankin, Joe Burmeister, Gus Pappas Mary Kay Eckhert Coffee Hour Hosts for November 2015 Sunday, November 1, 2015 Sunday, Sunday, hosted by: November 15, 2015 November 29, 2015 Diane Brackon in honor of her hosted by: Mary Rankin Chrismation Helen Stiegel and Sunday, November 8, 2015 Claudette Jannes hosted by: Sunday, Stan and Kay Coin November 22, 2015 Fellowship hosted by: and fun! Open

VOLUME 5 ISSUE 10 P A G E 5 Community News PARISH COUNCIL STEWARDSHIP hospitals are reluctant to call ELECTIONS SUNDAY churches. Please call us so Parish Council elections will Our Annual Stewardship that we can avoid missing be held on Sunday, Decem- Sunday will be help on Sun- our parishioners in their ber 6. It is an honor and a day, November 15 th . We time of need. privilege to serve on the Par- ask you all if you like to bring INTERNET NEWS ish Council, but it is also a your pledge card with you is announc- commitment to the good of on that Sunday and deposit it ing to all Facebook users our Parish. If you feel the call into the pledge box. May the creation of our Face- to support and represent the Lord bless us with an- book page. See us at: our parish in this special way, other wonderful year. https:// please come forward. It is PARISH COUNCIL mandatory for all candidates MEETING StGeorgeQC? to attend one of the semi- Will be on Tuesday, Novem- ref=bookmarks nars being held. The first is ber 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in Please visit our Web-Site on Tuesday, November 3 the Green room. at at 7:00 p.m. and the second Our Saint is on Monday, November HOSPITAL VISITS George Parish 9 at 7:00 p.m. If you or a family member rg Community are in the hospital, please call the office. Ever since the

change in the privacy laws, Sunday School News

Our Sunday School is in full Youth help tie palm crosses. it and help when we need a swing now, and we wanted May 15, last day of Sunday teacher so as to not offer to share the tentative calen- School. class. I will make sure the dar laid out for the school substitute has a lesson plan If we have students and year. or activity so there is no teachers on a day designated sweating of a lesson. Con- November 29, Thanksgiving as a break and all are willing, sider it prayerfully, and con- weekend, no Sunday School. we would certainly allow a St. Philip the Deacon tact me or any of the teach- December 13, practice for class to meet. My goal this is the of ers if you would like to help. the Christmas presentation. year is to make Sunday Religious Education. School as accessible and in- Attendance appears to be up He was an inspired December 20, Christmas evangelist and viting as we can, for the a little so far; I ask for your presentation. teacher whose mis- spiritual formation of our prayers that it continues so December 27 and January 4, sionary work brought children. and that we can be a portion 2016; Christmas Break of training our children in a multitude of new In that vein, we would wel- believers to Christ in April 23: we plan to have an the faith. come volunteers to fill in Samaria and other activity (perhaps with the when needed. No commit- Deacon Paul cities. along the coast GOYA and JOY) to have the ment other than to consider of Palestine



Parish Happenings


Parish Happenings

VOLUME 5 ISSUE 10 P A G E 9 2015 Stewards Father and Presbytera Jim Gartelos Demetrios and Kathy Michael Constantinides John and Randi Gartelos Papageorgiou Deacon and Deaconess George Gnatovich Chris Pappas Paul Speed Steven Goodell Gus and Kerri Pappas Father and Presbytera Nick Grevas Judy Pappas Chris Matos Pat Grevas Matt and Lori Pappas Anne Allen Mary Jane Griffin Nick Pappas Marcia Allen Pete and Arlene Gust Tim Pappas Ray and Connie Allen Gus and Irene Harb George and Alexia Patramanis Dale and JoElaine Allison Nidal Harb Mike and Vickie Patramanis Jeff and Elaine Amidon Vanessa Hayden Angela Perantinos John and Pat Andrews J.P. and Andrea Jacobs Marina Pikis Mike and Nancy Avgenackis Nick and Claudette Jannes Demetrios Pliakos We are deeply Paul and Christine Bagatelas Tim and Kathy Joannides Mike and Vickie Pyevich Polly Bagatelas Scot and Adrienne Johnson Mary Rankin grateful to our Ted and Karen Bagatelas Candice Kalman Jovanka Rastovic Lord Jesus Tom and Jenny Bakeris Georgia Kalomas Ray Georgena Barnes Louis and Amanda Kantzavelos Alex Reese Christ for our Pascal Booras George and Diane Karoules Dennis and Marina Reese Frances Bourboulas Chris and Lennice Kavallieros Effie Skafidas faithful and Spiro Bruskas Ermioni Keber Frank J. and Mary Jane Skafi- committed Elaine Burmeister Quinn and Anne Kirkpatrick das Gordon and Helen Smith Joe Burmeister Deborah Kutsunis Randy and Chris Smith Stewards. John and Darcy Callas George and Linda Kutsunis Janice Smirles Emily Caras Ted and Debra Kutsunis Angela Spurgetis Peter and Becky Caras Chris and Nikki Lebessis Colette Spurgetis Listed here are Carol Chickris Jennifer Lensgraf Dennis and Nancy Spurgetis George and Nancy Coin Joan Lensgraf Diana Spurgetis the individuals/ Harry G. and Susan Coin Jason Leon Helen Spurgetis Nick and Nancy Coin Von Lillios Lucille Spurgetis families who Stan and Kay Coin Darlene Lingris Mary Spurgetis pledged their Helen Corelis Tassos Liras Nick and Fran Spurgetis John and Shan Corelis Dena Manta Ken and Helen Stiegel commitment Brad and Mariellen Crosson Emmanuel and Tracy Mathews John and Martha Stratton Cleo Dalamaggas Nancy Mathews Marge Stratton in 2015! Mrs. Sam Demou Peter and Susan Matos Marlowe Suess Niki Doty John and Linnea Mekus James and Elizabeth Teros Angeline Douglas Michael Montgomery Veronica Tolescu Angela and Sean Doyle Helen Moorhead Gus and Virginia Tripilas Steve and Mary Kay Eckert Steve Morgan Ellen Tsagaris and Mari Elias Ken and Pam Mott James Tsagaris Maurice and Sue Elias John Natsis Ted Vlahos Tony and Candace Elias Marguerite Nelson Frank Vretis Paul and Cathy Farrell Anthony and Marianne Nichols Bill and Diane Whitehead Edward Filip Pauline Nichols Kim and Mary Winters Scott and Alexa Florence Scott and Leesa Palmer Kulla Wiss Elaine Froumis John and Joanna Zaimes


Notification of the Fall General Assembly on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dear St. George Stewards, On Sunday, November 8, 2015, following the fellowship and coffee hour, we will be convening our Fall Gen- eral Assembly in the Gold Room. Please make every effort to attend. As a reminder, the General Assembly is a meeting of all members in good-standing. A member in good- standing is defined by the Uniform Parish Regulations of the Archdiocese as any person eighteen years of age or older who was baptized according to the rites of the Orthodox Church, or was received into the Ortho- dox Church by Chrismation, who lives according to the faith and canons of the Orthodox Church, who has met his or her stewardship obligation for 2015 and abides by the Uniform Parish Regulations of the Archdio- cese and the by-laws of the Parish. Members in good-standing, in attendance, constitute a quorum of the General Assembly. A new member may vote in the General Assembly provided that they have been in good-standing at least three (3) months prior to the date of the General Assembly. If you would like to vote on any of the motions made during the General Assembly, you must be present. Absentee ballots will not be counted.



Mary Rankin Fr. Michael Constantinides Parish Council President Parish Priest

VOLUME 5 ISSUE 10 P A G E 1 1 The Great Martyr Menas () The Holy Great Martyr rive in the city during a gathered up the , an Egyp- pagan festival. At the cli- martyr’s relics by night tian by birth, was a mili- max of the games the and hid them until the end tary officer and served in saint’s accusing voice rang of the persecution. Later, the Kotyaeion region of out, preaching faith in they were brought to under the centu- Christ, the Savior of the Egypt and placed in a rion Firmilian during the world. At his trial before church dedicated to St reign of the emperors the prefect Pyrrhus, the Menas southwest of Alex- Diocletian (284-305) and saint bravely confessed his andria. Maximian (305-311). faith, saying that he had The saint received grace When the emperors be- come to denounce the from God to work mira- gan the fiercest persecu- impious. The prefect was cles, and to help those in tion against Christians in angered, and had Menas need. St Menas is noted history, the saint refused arrested. for healing various ill- The Holy Great to serve these persecu- Pyrrhus offered to restore nesses, delivering people Martyr Menas tors. He removed his sol- the saint’s former rank if from possession by de- dier’s belt (a sign of mili- he would offer sacrifice to mons, and as a protector, tary rank) and withdrew the pagan gods. When he especially during times of to a mountain, where he refused, he was put to war. We also ask his help lived an ascetic life of fast- cruel tortures, then he in finding lost objects. ing and prayer. was beheaded. This oc- Once he happened to ar- curred in the year 304.

The Holy Prophet The Holy Prophet Oba- fice to Baal, but Obadiah three detachments of sol- diah [or Abdia] is the faithfully served the God diers to arrest the holy fourth of the Twelve Mi- of , and Prophet Elias (July 20). nor Prophets, and he lived in secret. One of these detachments during the ninth century When Ahab’s wife, the was headed by St Obadiah. B.C. He was from the vil- impious and dissolute Through the prayer of St lage of Betharam, near Si- Jezebel, hunted down all Elias, two of the detach- chem, and he served as the prophets of the Lord ments were consumed by The Holy steward of the impious (because of her quarrel heavenly fire, but St Oba- Prophet Obadiah Israelite King Ahab. In with the Prophet Elias), diah and his detachment those days the whole of Obadiah gave them shelter were spared by the Lord Israel had turned away and food (3/1 Kgs 18:3 ff). 4/2 Kgs 1). from the true God and Ahab’s successor King From that moment St had begun to offer sacri- Okhoziah [Ahaziah] sent Obadiah resigned from

P A G E 1 2 THE TROPHYBEARER The Holy Prophet Obadiah (Continued) military service and be- inspired work of St Oba- about the New Testament came a follower of the diah is the fourth of the Church. The holy Prophet Prophet Elias. Afterwards, Books of the Twelve Mi- Obadiah was buried in he himself received the gift nor Prophets in the Bible, Samaria. of prophecy. The God- and contains predictions If you change

from inhumanity Answers to Last Month’s “Test Your Faith…” to almsgiving, you have The Church’s Services Down 7. “Holy God, Holy stretched forth Across 1. The prayer taught by Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us.” the hand that 4. A special service held in Christ in the Sermon on the Orthodox Church for the Mount, which begins 8. This service is cele- was withered. If the repose of the souls of with the phrase “Our brated in the evening. you withdraw Father…” the dead. New Testament Books from theaters 2. This is another name 6. The Morning Service, Thessalonians John and go to which is combined with the for the service that pre- Romans Corinthians church, you Liturgy. cedes the Divine Liturgy. Mark James 9. The closing prayers and 3. A service held in the Philippians Luke have cured the benediction, including the evening , which is mainly Titus Colossians lame foot. If you a Thanksgiving prayer for Jude Peter Apolytikia in Church Ser- draw back your vice. the closing g day and a Revelation Acts welcome of the new one eyes from a 10. This hymn is sung after Galatians Timothy to come harlot ... you the Gospel reading and Ephesians Hebrews during the Great Entrance. 5. The main form of have opened worship for the celebra- Philemon Matthew them when they tion of the Holy Eucha- rist. were blind ... These are the



St. John



Thank you to Nancy N. Coin for her loving dedication for the beauty of our founders well! God bless you and your green thumb! “Lord...Sanctify those who love the beauty of Your house” (from a prayer in the Divine Liturgy)

Test Your Faith...

The Church’s Services Down Liturgical Items Across 2. This is a short verse from Blessing Cross Candles 1. The twenty stanzas into the scriptures, especially the Deacons Doors Crozier psalms, sung or recited in the which the Orthodox Psalter Antimension Censer is divided. Divine Liturgy and other ser- vices. Iconostasis Orlets 6. The Service of the prepa- Tabernacle Diskos ration of the elements of 3. A hymn of praise in honor of bread and wine before the the Mother of God. In Greek it Royal Doors Spear Divine Liturgy is known as is called the Megalynarion. Exapteriga Icons ______. 4. A hymn which refers to or Prosphora Spoon praises the Theotokos is known 10. A hymn of praise consist- Prothesis Altar ing of 24 stanzas sung at the as a ______. Trikirion Aer Salutations services. 5. A prayer sung by the chanter Antidoron or choir in honor of the cele- brant or presbyter. Asterisk

7. Another name for the Cathedra

Akathyst Hymn is Dikiron ______. Chalice 8. A liturgical verse or scrip- tural passage sung or read be- fore the reading of the Epistle 9. These special hymns are sung during the Service of Matins.