Car Wars: Deluxe Edition
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i)cLUXc ci)ii:iOn STEVE ..JACKSON GAMES . Control Tabla Cross-inde.. the handling SlalUS of your vehicle (from the Hwling Track) Use thIS table if you lose control due 10 htWlrd. Roll l die, IS above wilh il$ spml••nd roll OM die. Ifyou rolilhe numiHr shOl''t1 or lti6hrryou keep -I, O. 1.2 - Minor fIshtail. Roll rIDdomly to 5« ifrlSlll.iI .... 1I1 be Icftor rtahl. control of lhe car. If you roll lower, you lose control. If, for in5lant:e, it is left. keep vehkle's righl frotu corner In the 5IrIlC If you Iosc: control, go 101M. appropriate CnIIsll Table (No. I for maneuvers. square, and move the /~ft 'ftlr romer I square left. Revene fnr a Tlglll No.2 for hazards). "Safe" means you CllI\l'IOI. crash. "XX" mcall5 you lose fhtll,il· control automatically - go 10 the Crash Table. When you go 10 the Cnlsh Table 3, 4 - MaJOr fIshllli1. As above, bul leU oomer moVC3 /W(I squares." for any reason.1dd or sul)tral:tlhc numbtr in the "modifier" column fTQITI your 5 - Elc<:ule I mUlor fishtail and roll Igaln on Crash Table I ••• speed - i.e .. at 20 mph. you would 5Utxract 2 from your roll on citheT Crash 6-9 - ElIecule a major (I5htaiJ and roJi again on Crash Table J ... Table. 10 or more - Execule. major and I minor fishlail (for a ofthrcc squarn movement in one drreclion) and roll ltglm on Crash Table I Handling Trod Status Spud J 2 0 -I -2 -J -. -j -. modifier 5·10 yf, y(, y(, y(, yf, yf, y(, y(, y(, y(, T ..ble 3 - IS· 20 y(, yf, yf, y(, y(, y(, yf, yf, 2 , C ..r Tren..r ../Tr..ctor-Tr..ner Rig. 25- JO y(, yf, yf, y(, y(, y(, 2 , -2 35- 40 y(, yf, yf, yf, y(, 2 2 , • ,• 0 45- SO y(, yf, yf, yf, y(, 2 2 , •4 I -I - Trivial skid. The Il"IClor moves \A" in I "trivill skid" IS pt'r Crash 5S- 60 y(, yf, yf, y(, y(, 2 , 4 , • I Table 1. The nilC'f follows as per a normal mllllCl,l\'er.· 6S. 70 y(, yf, yf, y(, 2 2 , 4 , XX• 2 0- Minor flllhilil, The lractor does IlOl; move; the tl1liler fIshtaIls '" ". Treal5 75- 80 yf, uTe safe yf, 2 , 4 , 6XX 2 • regular fIshrail; rolt randomly for righl or Jeft and move lite rear oflite "-90 yf, y(, y(, yf, 2 , 4 , XX XX , lrIi1er ..... ill that direction, keepIng the kingpin oyer lhe fifth .... hetI· 95·100 y(, y(, y(, yf, , 4 , 6XX XX , 1- Mmor di:id. The lractor skids ~"; the 1rI11C'f follow$ IIOl'T1'IIIlly·· IM·IIO yf, y(, y(, 2 , 4 , XX XX 4 2 - Major fIShtail. 1llc tractor does IlOI move; the lrailer fIshlails as for rewll 6 ~ 115-120 yf, y(, y(, 2 , 4 , XX XX XX 4 0, above, but movmg .. (two squares)." 125·130 yf, yf, y(, , 4 , XX XX XX , J - MlIlor skid and fi~hlail. As for result 1. aOO\'e. followed by rer.ult 2." m·]4Q y(, yf, 2 , 4 , XX• XX XX XX , 4 - Major skid and fishrall, As for ~If 3, aOO\'e, eJl:tqI1 Wllhe: lract)r skds 145-150 yf, yf, , 4 , 6XX XX XX XX 6 ~ .. and lhen the lrailer fishrails ll" ... 155-160 y(, yf, , 4 , XX XX XX XX XX 6 5 - Extreme fishtail. 'The tractor stays SliIJ, the niler (MlIlls 1.....• 165-170 y(, 2 , 4 , XX XX XX XX XX 1 6 - Extreme skid and fishtail Tractor skids I". trailer follows and fIShtails 1" ... 175-180 y(, 2 , 4 XX XX XX XX XX XX 1 ISS·I90 y(, 2 , 4 XX XX XX XX XX XX 7 - Kingpin breau. 'The lrailer comes ~. 'The lractor', fifth .... hcelllkn 195-200 2 , 4 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX • (Id-2) damage. A further 02 hazardl Soc "Loose TI1l1Iers," belo....'.·.. • 8 - As above, bul the tl1liler goes into I roll. 9 - As result 7. bul the tratlOr rolls. There is I 50'" chance tIIIl II ClIdtcs fire.·.. 10 - As resull 9 above, but the trailer rolls. lOO. Cr...h T 1 - Skid.. & Ron.. II - As result 9 above, bUllhe lrat10r or towing vehICle nips 1$ in resuh 10-12 on Crash Table I Use lhis table iryou losecOIllrol dUring I nrOlllUI't'r, Roll one die: -IIlen add 12 or more - As result 11 aOO\'e, butlhe trailer rolls 100. or subtract the modifier (or your speed. given on the ConlTOl Table. This tells you whal happens 10 your vchidc on its NUl move • Anyfimhuairrrtd "'l'VJpanfi"frorrr thtU .,thlck, orr this /Ilm will Mala -J -1,0, I- Trivial d:id The vdliele keqJs ilS same orientuion, bul moves 'Ai" to hif In the direction ~I .....s gomg at the wgrmr/ng of lhe phase in which it 1os1 •• Anyfimht'rolrrrt'd ""t'O{)OItfin from Iht'u ~·thlrftson this lum ""i//WIIIII -6 colHrol 'Therefore, II "'->' skid in a direction other thllll the one II IS polllUllg to hi" - see the illustration under ..Maneuve"',..• ... No fiurhu IIrllamat"c "''ttlfXJ'l}ift pt'rnrmtdfrom Ih~ l't'irirfts this 111m, 2 - Millar skid. As above, but the vdlicle skids W·.·· The result of, CrasJI T'ble roll is Ipplied al the beginning of the ne.u phase )- Moder'llle skid, As above, but the vehicle skids'" ..... m ....blCh a velude moves. A "chicle that fishtails may move /IOnnany afier It 4 - SeYcre skid. As above, bul car skids I" IIIllI each lire takes 2 poirus fish"ils. A vehicle lhal skids mUM move straighl ahead for the rest oftltat pIwe damage.... - i.e., if II skids \(", l\ mUSI move"'" forward (the direction ilS nose is pc:Illll' 5 - Car turns sideWIIY' (sec "Maneuvers·' above) and rolls, 'The dri\'er is no 109) after the: skid. Ifa "e:hicle is on its balf·mO\e:, it cannot skid more than Ill" Ionaer In conlrol It deceleralcs al 20 mph per lUm. Each pllase it movcs, II A \'mlClc: thai encounters a hll7.ard .... hile skidding or flshlllhn,s must mike goes I"~ in the dlll:ction it ,,' traveling and rolls 'Ai of a complele roll another conlrol roll, and may lose conlrol again, aff«tine il on lhe next phase It I,e,. the firsl phase II moves 1", turns sideways, and rolls on u.s side; the movcs. No vehicle ml}' skid more than once per phase. lH!~t phase it moves, il goes I" and rolls onlO Its lOp, cit. II lakCS 1 die damage 10 the side (lOp, elc.) rolled onto each phase. When lhe bottom hilS. lire takes I die: of damage. Alier all ures are gone, the OOnom takes Maneuverll damage when it hits. Ocrupan~ mayjumpout at any time, orSillY inside and "'~(DJ} ~ hope thai no dam. rcaehes the mterior. II may be driven alier il 5IOp5 roll· Pi 0 Dri/'IDJ) fJ- Ing if II is rialll-side-up Ind has lires on It least 3 corners. A cycle won't be drivable after a roll...• ¥1. p~1 Q~ O~ O'i. ,....! 6-9 - As lbove, bul vehiele is burning on a roll of4, 5, or 6 on one die:. (for more informlLJOII on burning vdllCles, see "Fire and Explosion" in Section I-+~ ~ Du«DD) V, Combm.) n IT 0 10 or moR: - As above on this table, bulthc vdlicle VlUllS Into the air by the side (or front) tires, the hre5 doing the vaultina laking) dice ofdamage. The •SIIo'ttW IDJ) IDl) vdlicle .....ilI then fly through the air for I~ indles (roll one die) in the direc [1~ II- lkrf",ri,.. lion the vehicle Wa!; lra\'ehng before lhe-crash resull, revolving tWO sides for ~il§~;~1I<!lh'l8<i""~IDI6}~~~~"~""[j (uoll I It Dri/' every indlnvelcd. When illands, the side thai hus lakes collision damlJe -.-::J (""5 = . ,-mod'} ~l II the vchiele's inilial speed. Iflhe allempled maneuver WIS a light belld or a hard s\\o'tNe, the vehiele will nip end over end. Upon landing. the vehicle will ronunue to roll as per result 6-9 on this table Ali occupants take ()TIC Ill)!nl of damaae M1tomaticaJly. Body IfTIlOr does not proltel lIgIin51 this 1~"'I;i"I(~~7)11~''fllltr:tj'F/~ damage. iiiliteI' r::.r All mUlCUVel$ are described in Sc:c1ion IV, Mo~rrrml Me 8). Note: Ifno The Helicopter CrasIt Tlble is on page 51 pictuR: is shown for I cycle, the cycle's rr'lID'emclM is the same as for the front hIllf of I car performing thai maneuver. CAR Deluxe Edition Came design by Chad /rby and Stt:~ ladr.son Revisn} edition dndopmefll by Scent Haring Box COl'U an by lHttis Loubet - Ruleboo« CO\'tr art by David R. lHitriclc Imerlorarr by Daniel £. Carroll, Bill CaSSI!rly, Graham OJafftt:. Simot/ Cotmy, leffGNrgt:. Imtis LouiHt, Kyle Mifler, Jom SNW!r, Kim Strombo. Gtorgt: (Spud) Wt'blMr, D<m Willem.r. and Pontr R. Wood. PlayteSltr1: Nontl/Jlt /kutduch. Caroline CJuut, Heath CuJp, lim Goa4ld, Da\';d 1Adyman. DoI'kJ N(Hl, Tim Ray. aM AUtn V~y. ThanJu to the nt/Jny intnpid duellists ",-Ito PU1ytUt~ Nlrlier tditioru ofCor WOrt and its supplemmls. Copyright © 19BI, 1982. J98J, /984. /985 by Stl!VC Jodtson Games IncotporrJIed Cor Wan is 0 rt:gjstt:r~ ,rodent/uk 0/ Stt:\'t: Jockson Gamots Incorporated. AUfOOutl is Q registered tf'OdUItlJrl: and Ct'4Sh Cit, and Truck St()(1 art: trademarks of Stt:w~ Joclcson Games IncotporaJed.