John Preston from the RCC attended and refreshed (or introduced to some) the Neighbourhood Development Planning process.

We need to apply to designate the Parish as our area to be covered. Cathie read out an email from Osbaston Parish Council declining to take part in the planning process and refusing permission for us to annexe the portion of Osbaston attached to Barlestone (Curtis Way and the top end of Barton Road) despite it being within the same settlement boundary as defined by H&BBC. All present couldn’t understand the logic but we will now have to stick within our own Parish boundary. (Note: I have now written the application letter and sent it off the H&BBC)

The Neighbourhood Planning Network are providing an opportunity for Neighbourhood Planning groups within Leicestershire to come together and share their experiences, knowledge and skills. This event may be interesting and all are welcome. There will be a number of officers attending from H&BBC and to book a place please use the link below.

If you do decide to go, can you please book your own place and email your details to I’m going and we have one other “volunteer” to go at the moment !

John P highlighted some good resources for us to use which can be found at The “Keeping It Simple” guide is attached.

Cathie passed around maps but they were only on A4 paper so quite hard to read. Stuart offered to produce some larger one so Cathie will email him the files so we can look at them more easily at the next meeting.

Our NDP will cover the period up to 2036 but the actual detail may cover phases of proposed development rather than all in a single hit which will be more beneficial to us.

Newbold Verdon tagged their community questions onto the Housing Needs survey rather than doing their own. The contact was Richard Muggleton and Cathie will try to investigate further before the next meeting. The links already forged with the Newbold Verdon NDP people are very useful and will be continuing.

This group (steering committee) need to be a sub-committee of the Parish Council and will need to have a Terms of Reference and some structure such as a chairperson and notes taker. A draft Terms of Reference is attached. (Note: it was the Parish Council meeting last night and we are now officially a sub-committee)

The next meeting will be at the Pavilion on the Bosworth Road Sports Ground starting at 8pm on Thursday 6th April just to update you on progress. I will also make a public appeal for more helpers so you may see this again...