Visit t(i Cadet Caiiiji E.icN.HiverLmi(l ,I!oy Sn.uls tm \,»^y )| j|j City• Council______.Mectiiui; During the pjut week two meinbors • *n MoiiOiiy tl,t« w«M-k a contim-'-nt 8(4 Acres For Sale on of the Committee of the CowicImd Liiri'cr Fiigim- Xeeik-tl tor Klectrir t*f the 4ili Ti‘*..|. of Victuria Buy cadet corps—.Messrs. W. H. Hiking Knipin- l.imilH-r Cit. Scouts in charge ut Scout-moster Cowicliaii River t the tions on their «-x(ensiw* linilK-r limits Fritlay they gave an exhibition of of 604 acre« of beautifully lituated tho commanding officer stated that before next winter. Mr. .\usloy, of water couuuittec, reported that it on the n-igiilM>urli*MKl of C*>w-ichan swiiiiming and life-i-aving ahicli was land, admirably adapted fur rcnden- they deserve the greatest credit for the Canad-in Fairbaoks-Monie Co., would Ik- necessary to purcliax! 125 lyike. The President eforc vontmuing between Sahtlam district and Cuwi. when they arrived in camp as was (tc. Ihecustofau 80 H. P. engine railway gaideus every evening l»- passe*! through Duncan on th-ir way chan luke. Every section of the expected. Tlicie was also a shortage wottld be about #7250. Alderman tween 7 nod I* p. m. I their march as far as .Mill Bay, to Cowielinn Lik*- wli-i- w..rk will whi r*- Wtslm-^liiy night wa- -pent. sob^livision has woterfront, its aver­ of rifles, but this is expUtned by the Smithe roo..mmon.|i.l Iho purchaw| Al.lonnnn Smilho intnalucoil a Ik* V*i||,ii,-tK ‘*H| iiitmetli.iti |\. age extent being ftvo chaiux. One of great success of (ho cadet movement Ilf the larger ongmo loi that tho main rocommonilali..n that tho Piiul-rmnn TimIjiv rniur-*hiy f they will proc«-i-d If is tin- ..f till- company a- far a-< (••>]d«tiviiin wln-re lliev will the must important advantages, how­ throughout Csnada, the v sc**uts from ever, is the ade<|uacy of (ho tran­ Indog unable to turn nut enough engine, while tho prownt oiigino section, proliilnt ing lev. ..f Is or.,, p-rtv .*il th- lak<* in or*l**r io «*ui f|i«* sportation facilities, the E. N. rifles to supply the deitmnd. ouuld bo used for working tbo stn ot nmlor fr. .|n. nling ilo-o places *-1 ' im S„tanl..y tiiiilM.*r u**c«*svtr\ lor ...... u-iru-tioii branch lino from the neighbourhood It was the general impression that lighting. Mr. .Anstoy ...... rntud that tin-hour ..I bo lixod ,,l i "''"‘I"’'- C»mival wv. k ,l„. •i the pr**|H.H.-f| mit! a* This of Duncan to the lake, traversing the duration of the camp—.5 .Lays — these figures and Stall-*! Ill- tonus on !| p. m. jwh..|.- coutuig.-nl will Ik- mill is to Im* ...... I t!-. ii,«g. -t .tutii- e**asi. parts of tho block and being adjac­ needs to Im* consider.iUy cxtcndo least time reijuirud if the annual nrccity offuitlie, prerWon lieing city a .trip of l,.n.l ltd feet on \\ lull-t toP ( m-iieing op.-ration h.i- 4 >-0 t!i- In-k in the immediate vicinity. Both camp is to lie of real beniftt to the nmdofor more Eb'Clric power and the Ea.trni boundary of the oily ” ‘ '' UMIUII 'if ii*l***lUntL- tijni'p'o:.ili*f ihiiigw h -- n*iw iw-II stations placiMl conveuiently. There into a .(Uclioii of Hminoe. The ag,e..l to moke the .tr.Ht an I fem e Mp F II Slll-llIlCVll satt-fni*i.irily nin-*