Flood Hazards
-~_ .. ..,...----DOC-LC uments Local HT Gi'lion Co. 393 (1979 ) .072 lJ522 1979 LAND USE PLAN UNION COUNTY, OREGON APRIL, 1979 • Assistance provided by local Advisory Committees including the Cities of Cove. Elgin, Imbler, Island .City, La Grande. North Powder, Summerville and Union. Prepared by Lynn D. Steiger and Associates, Incorporated The preparation of this report was llnanced In part through an Oregon State Land Consa",atlon and Development Commission planning assistance grant, In pari by the Blue Mountain Intergovernmental Council, and In part by the U.S. Department 01 Housing and Urban Development under the Urban Planning Assistance Program authorized by Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 as amended. County Court of Union County La Grande. Oregon 97850 Prom the office of HAROLD SCHWEBRE. COM~"<$I0:<u. EARLE C. MISENER, CoUNTY ]UDGf JOE CARLIn, CoMMISS10Sf": April 11, 1979 RE: Letter of Transmittal Union County Residents and Other Interested Readers: The Union County Land Use Plan is a comprehensive planning document encompassing sever~l years of planning efforts by local residents and planning committee members concerned with the County's economy and the quality of life of its residents. The Plan reflects the changes f~om the original drafts that the Planning Commission and County Court reviewed. The Plan documents is supported by back ground material found in the HUnion County Atlas: A Land Use Plan Supplement. II Planning efforts In the County began in July, 1974, with the pre paration of land use plans for the seven smaller cities. This effort was the first of a three-phase planning program.
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