STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ------Technical Conference for Plug-in Electric Vehicles ------Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:32 a.m. NYS Public Service Commission 3 Empire State Plaza 19th Floor Albany, New York 12223



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1 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Good morning. I 2 would like to call the October 20, 2010 Technical 3 Conference of the New York State Public Service 4 Commission to order. This is another in a series 5 of technical conferences where we spend the day 6 really examining some in-depth, some emerging 7 issues. We've done things on smart grid in the 8 past, and today I am very excited that we're going 9 to talk about plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. 10 We've got a wonderful group of people here 11 today, experts from around the industry, to fill us 12 in on where things are at in this brand new 13 emerging world of electric vehicles. And I say 14 brand new because in 1900 the Electric Carriage and 15 Wagon Company of Camden, New Jersey had 12 taxi 16 cabs and drivers that were all electric vehicles. 17 So, obviously, this is, indeed, an idea that's been 18 around awhile, but by 1910, they had fully gone to 19 gasoline, and I guess, as a society we have 20 followed that almost completely to the point where 21 we're highly dependent on gasoline for our 22 transportation vehicles. And I think there's now a 23 move for it and a lot of action throughout the 24 nation to move forward. 25 Today, I think, is particularly timely ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 3

1 because there's been an awful lot of action in the 2 world of electric vehicles. A lot of manufactures, 3 including those here today representing Nissan, 4 General Motors, and Ford, are developing and, in 5 many cases, starting to market plug-in electric 6 vehicles. The Department of Energy, as part of 7 their economic stimulus package, is talking about 8 providing for battery charging facilities in 9 New York City, San Francisco, Austin, Detroit. 10 The Governor, Governor Paterson, announced 11 the creation of a New York Battery and Energy 12 Storage Technology Consortium, the first of the 13 kind in the nation, which will focus on the 14 development manufacture of advanced, affordable 15 battery technologies in order to advance the 16 development of plug-in electric vehicles here in 17 New York. The New York Independent System Operator 18 has done a study that found that, in general, the 19 production profile of Reed Resources in New York 20 correlates very well with off-beat charging of 21 plug-in electric vehicles so that there's a synergy 22 between wind generation and transportation. But I 23 think there's a recognition that as a system as 24 terms of the of our rates design, that at this 25 point in time we've got a lot of work to do if ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 4

1 we're really going to assimilate the large scale 2 introduction of electric vehicles. 3 We may need to examine rate design, time of 4 use rates, smart grid advanced metering 5 initiatives, all those things that may be necessary 6 and costly things that may be necessary to 7 accommodate electric vehicles. 8 So today, we're trying to take a look and 9 get an up-to-date view of where electric vehicles 10 are, and how that's really going to affect the 11 electricity system. I've described it from the 12 plug out. When people first started buying their 13 electric vehicles and go into their garage and 14 start plugging them in, how are we going to avoid 15 things like system peak loads being worsened? How 16 can we take best advantage of off-peak cheaper 17 power? How can we best take advantage of the 18 storage capabilities of these vehicles? But I 19 think one thing we just -- we need to have just 20 electric vehicle 101. 21 So, today, I think, is going to be 101, 22 102, maybe 401, and a little bit of graduate work 23 in electric vehicles as we go through the day. It 24 is a day of dialogue, so, I know, right now I've 25 got a couple of Commissioners that will be arriving ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 5

1 during the day, but I will -- it is a day of 2 dialogue for the Commissioners, for staff. And, 3 hopefully, perhaps, we can even provide some 4 opportunities for questions from the audience along 5 the way. 6 We're set up a little different today. We 7 are going to have each of the Commissioners 8 moderate a panel, and at the end of each, we're 9 going to try to provide some time for those Q's and 10 A's and that dialogue to take place. So I am 11 excited about what's going to happen today, I look 12 forward to it, and I would like to get moving. 13 So, the first panel, the introduction to 14 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, is going to be 15 chaired by Commissioner Patricia Acampora, and the 16 panelists Frank Murray and Richard Drake from 17 NYSERDA, and Richard Pratt from Pacific Northwest 18 National Labs. So if you folks would come forward 19 and I'll leave. 20 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Good morning. 21 As a Chairman, this is going to be a very exciting 22 day to talk about the technology that many of us 23 don't really know the intricacies of. So, today 24 we'll be on an exploring expedition to learn about 25 electric vehicles as they have gained significant ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 6

1 attention in recent years with concerns about 2 energy, the environment and economic security, 3 including rising the prices of gasoline as we all 4 have seen every time we go to the pump. 5 So, I think that while our panel -- some 6 are techies, and some have overall expertise, and 7 we are just going to kick this off and I think that 8 as we talk about electric vehicles, again, we worry 9 about the cost and where in this Commission and 10 throughout the state, where does this technology, 11 how do we prioritize, and where do we put it in the 12 grand scheme of things, looking at all the problems 13 that our state faces and all the various areas that 14 the Commission addresses. 15 So, with that, I think we are going to move 16 and get this thing going so that we do have the 17 opportunity for time for questions, and I'm glad 18 that we will learn more about EVs from this panel. 19 And to start us off, we will start with 20 Frank Murray of NYSERDA, and I'd just like to give 21 you a brief background on Frank who was appointed 22 President and CEO on January 26, 2009. Prior to 23 his appointment, Frank served as senior adviser at 24 the international environmental consulting firm 25 Ecology and Environment, Inc. Frank was previously ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 7

1 a policy adviser to the United States Secretary of 2 Energy, assisting in the development of the Clinton 3 Administration's National Energy Policy. 4 In the early 1990s, Frank served as 5 New York State Commissioner of Energy and Chairman 6 of the NYSERDA Board of Directors. He also served 7 as chairman the State Energy Planning Board, a 8 multi-agency statutory board charged with the 9 responsibility of developing a comprehensive energy 10 plan for the state that's integrated state energy 11 and environmental and economical development 12 policies. 13 In 1985, Frank was appointed deputy 14 secretary to Governor Cuomo for energy and the 15 environment, a position he held until 1992. He 16 represented New York in numerous national and 17 regional energy environmental activities, including 18 the coalition of Northeastern Governor's and the 19 National Governor's Association and the Counsel of 20 Great Lakes Governor's. Frank began his work on 21 the New York State energy issues as legislative 22 counsel and then energy and environmental policy 23 adviser to Governor Hugh Carey. 24 So, Frank, we'll let you kick this off. 25 MR. MURRAY: Thank you, Commissioner ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 8

1 Acampora. You didn't leave out a whole lot in that 2 introduction, but the one thing that you did leave 3 out was that my very first job with state 4 government was working for a gentleman who is now a 5 member of the Public Service Commission, 6 Jim Larocca, down in Governor Carey's Washington 7 office. 8 But I've also had the privilege of turning 9 the hat around at one point in time, I think 10 Garry Brown actually worked for me, as well. So, 11 you know, the world keeps turning. First of all, 12 let me apologize. I need to leave early today. I 13 made a previous commitment to meet with a Chinese 14 delegation in New York City this afternoon, so I 15 need to make sure I catch the 12:00 train, 16 otherwise, I would have spent the day here 17 entirely. 18 This is, as Chairman Brown pointed out, a 19 terribly important issue that affects so many 20 different aspects of, not only, our regulatory 21 community, but our energy community more broadly, 22 and indeed, our environmental and economic 23 development future, as well. So the message I want 24 to convey this morning, and kind of emphasize, I 25 think, the importance of what the Commission is ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 9

1 embarking upon today. 2 Why is it that we are focusing upon this 3 topic at this time? There are many reasons why. I 4 suppose different people in the audience have their 5 own opinions on this, but I wanted to focus, just 6 quickly, upon three of them and then turn it over 7 to Richard and Mr. Pratt, who really know what they 8 are talking about, compared to some of the rest of 9 us. 10 There are three reasons, I think, that are 11 terribly important, very timely, for why the 12 Commission should be looking at this. The first is 13 one that Garry and I, or Chairman Brown and I were 14 engaged in yesterday. We were at a meeting of the 15 Governor's Climate Action Counsel, which we 16 reviewed a wide variety of different strategies 17 that are designed to reduce carbon emissions here 18 in New York State. 19 I think it's fair to conclude that looking 20 at all of these strategies, one of the most 21 important, if not the most important, is the role 22 that electric vehicles can play in reducing carbon 23 emissions in New York state. And in that context, 24 the role of the electric grid is kind of hard to 25 overstate. The electric grid, indeed, could find ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 10

1 itself very much being the backbone of the state's 2 strategy for reducing carbon emissions. 3 Secondly, I think there are compelling 4 national security reasons why we should be focusing 5 on the issue of electric vehicles. And we, as a 6 state, the Empire State, as mighty as we are, we 7 are very much a part of a nation and the problems 8 that buffet our nation as we've learned so well in 9 the recent economic crisis also effect us as well. 10 We have done a pretty good job in New York 11 State in diversifying our fuel resources with 12 respect to the electric system. I can remember the 13 first state energy plan that was developed, and I 14 think Garry was an analyst in the State Energy 15 Office in those days. And at that time, 16 Commissioner Larocca, who was the head of the State 17 Energy Office, identified as the primary focus of 18 the first state energy plan reducing our dependence 19 upon petroleum. 20 We have been, I think as a state, quite 21 successful in that regard with respect to the 22 electric industry. We have not been anywhere near 23 as successful with regard to the transportation 24 sector. Transportation continues to account for 25 67 percent of the oil consumed in the United States ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 11

1 and an even larger percentage here in New York 2 State. 3 What electric vehicles offer us is the 4 opportunity to diversify fuel dependency in the 5 transportation sector, much as we have been able to 6 do in the utility sector. That, to me, is a 7 compelling reason why we should be looking at the 8 role that electric vehicles can play here in New 9 York State. 10 A third important reason is regardless of 11 what we, as state entities, be it the Public 12 Service Commission and NYSERDA may think about 13 electric vehicles, it's pretty obvious looking out 14 there in the private sector that there are many 15 corporations who are betting a considerable amount 16 of money on the success of this technology. 17 If this technology is to be successful 18 there are obvious economic development 19 opportunities which, I think, we would like to 20 capitalize upon here in New York State. But also, 21 the success of this technology may present some 22 unique challenges for our electric grids and our 23 electric system which the Commission has specific 24 and particular responsibilities for as well. 25 So it behooves all of us in the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 12

1 governmental sector to understand what clearly -- 2 what's happening in the private sector, what 3 investments are prepared to be made, what the state 4 of the technology is, what your timetable is for 5 introducing this technology into New York State, so 6 that we, as a state, and the Commission, as a 7 regulatory entity, can be better prepared to deal 8 with the specific problems, obstacles and 9 challenges that this new technology might present. 10 Now, to those of you in the audience who 11 may not be as familiar with NYSERDA, or even the 12 Public Service Commission, the important message I 13 think I want to convey to all of you is that on 14 this issue we act as one. We at NYSERDA very much 15 see ourselves as working in partnership with our 16 colleagues at the Public Service Commission to 17 realize the benefits and the vision that electric 18 vehicle technology might present. 19 As the members of the Commission know, we 20 recently filed with the Commission a petition to 21 extend the system benefit charge for a fourth round 22 of funding. And in looking at the program 23 priorities that we have identified for the 24 Commission as areas in which we will be focusing 25 our research and development activities going ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 13

1 forward. We have identified the electric vehicle 2 infrastructure as, frankly, the number two priority 3 right behind smart grid. And as one of the, I 4 think it was Chairman Brown already mentioned, 5 there was a close, I think, interrelationship 6 between what happens with respect to smart grid and 7 the electric vehicle infrastructure here in New 8 York State as well. 9 So that's my message today. That's why, 10 among other reasons, I think we, as a state, need 11 to be confronting both the challenge and the 12 possibilities of this new technology may represent 13 for us here in New York State. And to pledge to 14 the members of the Commission, particularly the 15 Commission as a group here today, that we see 16 ourselves as a partner with you in this effort in 17 addressing the unique challenges that this 18 technology may present not only to the state, but 19 more specifically, to the electric grid. 20 Thank you, Commissioner Acampora. 21 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Thank you, 22 Frank. And our next presenter is Richard Drake, 23 also of NYSERDA. And Richard is a program manager 24 in transportation and power systems, R&D, and 25 oversees a $15 million a year multi-facetted energy ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 14

1 research program focused on collaborative product 2 development and technology advancement in 3 transportation and power systems areas. Advanced 4 vehicle technology, including hybrid electric and 5 plug-in hybrid vehicles, together with energy 6 storage technology, compromise major portions of 7 his programs portfolio. Current program elements 8 include implementation of the states $10 million 9 New York plug-in vehicle initiative program and 10 oversight of the New York Battery and Energy 11 Storage Technology Consortium, New York Best. A 12 15 member research consortium funded with 13 $25 million of NYSERDA administered seed money 14 designed to advance energy storage technologies for 15 transportation and stationary applications. 16 Prior to his current position, Richard was 17 a senior project manager in the industrial R&D 18 group. Prior to joining NYSERDA, Richard was a 19 program manager in the energy systems business of 20 Unit Mechanical Technology Incorporated and manager 21 of energy engineering corporate engineering 22 department of Mohasco Corporation. 23 Richard attended Clarkson College, in 24 Potsdam, New York and Union College in Schenectady 25 and has a BSME Degree. He is a licensed ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 15

1 professional engineer in the State of New York and 2 California. 3 Richard, we turn this over to you now. 4 MR. DRAKE: Thank you, Commissioner. 5 As Frank Murray stated, plug-in vehicles are 6 coming. Some are referred to as PHEVs, some as 7 E-REVs, some as BEVs. To get us all on the same 8 page, I would like to start with plug-in 101 by 9 defining some terms. Then I'll describe several of 10 the issues that are being addressed in current 11 NYSERDA, grid impact studies, and provide some 12 high-level results. I'm going to move fairly 13 rapidly. 14 Very quickly, a BEV is an EV, a battery 15 electric vehicle, where all of the energy comes 16 from the grid and the vehicles range is limited by 17 the battery capacity. 18 Next, please. An E-REV, an extended range 19 electric vehicle, has a large battery that is 20 recharged and a small engine capable of charging 21 the battery and propelling the vehicle when the 22 battery is depleted. The advantage here, of 23 course, is that the vehicle is not range limited. 24 The conventional , 25 like a Prius, has no connection to the grid. It ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 16

1 operates in what's called a charge sustaining mode 2 with the battery getting all the power from the 3 engine generator and from regenerative braking. A 4 plug-in hybrid electric vehicle has a larger 5 battery, can take power from the grid and use it to 6 augment the engine in a charge depleting mode. It 7 is generally able to operate at low speeds in an 8 all electric mode, or at higher speeds with a 9 blended operation until the grid supply battery 10 energy is depleted. 11 A characteristic of PHEVs is that the fuel 12 economy is exceptionally good during that charge 13 depleting mode. It has conventional hybrid-like 14 economy after the battery has exhausted its grid 15 supplied energy. Studies show that most trips are 16 under 30 miles and most of the PHEVs that are being 17 introduced are optimized for trip distances within 18 that 30 mile range. 19 Some charging terms. We have a new 20 charging standard, SAE J-1772. It defines the 21 mechanical interface between the plug between the 22 vehicle and the grid, and it also defines several 23 standard charging sizes -- types. 24 Level one is a 120 volts AC with a modest 25 two kilowatt transfer capacity and generally good ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 17

1 for PHEVs with a 10 to 20 mile range. 2 Level two charging goes up and is a 3 240 volts goes up 20 kilowatts, fairly substantial, 4 and in addition to being good for PHEVs, would also 5 account for some E-REVs and even EVs with modest, 6 perhaps, 80 mile range. 7 Level three charging is brand new. It 8 allows for high capacity direct transfer of DC 9 power and up to 200 kilowatts. This would be 10 certainly appropriate for EVs with large batteries 11 requiring rapid charge. 12 In addition to the type of charger, the 13 load to the grid will also be dependent upon the 14 state of the charge of the battery. A highly 15 depleted battery absorbs power at a full capacity 16 of that charger. A battery only requiring a little 17 bit of pop up not only would require a small 18 quantity of energy, but also take it at a much 19 lower rate. 20 An additional term you're going to hear 21 about is smart charging and smart grid. Smart grid 22 is most easily defined in terms of its 23 characteristics, and the most important 24 characteristic as it relates to electric vehicle 25 charging is that it would enable active ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 18

1 participation by customers in demand response. 2 Conversely, smart charging allows active load 3 management by the vehicle owner in response to 4 price or other signals from the grid. 5 Smart charging will require agreed to 6 communication and business transaction protocols 7 between the vehicle owner and the charging 8 infrastructure to take full advantage of the 9 benefits to both. This is an area under 10 development with several approaches competing and 11 several corporations competing for market 12 domination. 13 Most believe that when fully implemented, 14 smart charging will allow for shifting of a 15 significant portion of the vehicle charging load to 16 off-peak where it can take advantage of wind 17 energy, which tends to blow at night, as well as 18 base load nuclear and hydro, which are difficult to 19 turn down. 20 In the future, the energy storage assets 21 onboard vehicles may also be proved to be capable 22 of providing ancillary services and energy storage 23 capacity to mitigate problematic variations and 24 intermittent renewable generation. Our SBC program 25 is exploring some of these possibilities currently. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 19

1 Automakers have announced plans to 2 introduce quite a few new plug-in vehicles over the 3 next year or so, here are a few. The impact to the 4 grid will, of course, depend on how many, what 5 type, and how soon. The climate change policy 6 group that was formed in response to executive 7 order 24 developed a draft policy position which 8 called for virtually all the light-duty vehicle 9 sales to be zero carbon by 2035 to meet the 80 by 10 50 carbon reduction goal. Plug-in vehicles are 11 identified as playing a major role in achieving 12 that goal. 13 NYSERDA has commissioned, or did 14 commission, a rate impact study with the Electric 15 Power Research Institute as our prime contractor 16 with participation, both technically and 17 financially, from Con Ed. That study was 18 commissioned before the policy work -- climate 19 change policy work began, and we assumed a maximum 20 possible penetration rate, it turns out to be about 21 50 percent of that 100 percent zero carbon vehicle 22 goal in 2030 or 2035. That is probably reasonable 23 because at that point in time, we feel that there 24 will be other vehicles; fuel cell, biofuel vehicles 25 which will take up the slack. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 20

1 In short, the assumptions we use for 2 maximum penetration, which seem to be consistent 3 with manufacturing capacity and other factors, 4 looked at 30 percent of vehicles sales in 2020 5 being plug-in type. At that stage, 12 percent of 6 the total fleet inventory vehicles out there would, 7 in fact, be plug-in. In 2030, we are looking for 8 50 percent of the vehicles being plug-in and 9 roughly 30 percent of the inventory to be plug-in 10 vehicles. 11 So what does that mean? Jumping to some 12 very high-level results. How much generation 13 capacity would be needed? Well, between 2010 and 14 2050, load was projected to grow by 100 terawatt 15 hours without any plug-in vehicles. Plug-in 16 vehicles add another twenty-eight terawatt hours 17 giving plug-ins ten percent of the total load in 18 2050. In 2030, we're only looking at four percent 19 of the total load. 20 That study began in 2009 and with a goal of 21 looking at the impacts of increasing levels of 22 plug-in vehicle penetrations, not only to 23 generation, but also to transmission and 24 distribution. In general, we found no significant 25 problems in generation and transmission. The ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 21

1 majority of the study focused on the impacts to the 2 distribution grid. Two circuits were analyzed in 3 great detail with Con Ed. One, a radio suburban 4 circuit, the Don Bosco circuit; and one, a network 5 circuit, New York bill circuit. Each was 6 determined to be representative of a highly loaded 7 circuit that would have problems, or most likely to 8 have problems with the high penetrations and EVs. 9 The study looked at component and system 10 level impacts using deterministic analysis working 11 up to a worse case charging scenario. It also 12 looked at stochastic analysis which models system 13 response in serving diversity consumer behavior. 14 Diversity is an important factor. DOT travel 15 surveys show that no more than 12 percent of 16 residents arrive home in any given area. There 17 also will be diversity in the type of plug-in 18 vehicles in the market. 19 The study looked at a diversity of 20 vehicles. Our base case was that half of the 21 plug-ins or PHEVs, 30 percent were E-REVs, and 22 20 percent were EVs. By the time one factors in 23 the diversity of arrival home times, various states 24 of charge, we wind up with a very modest average 25 over thousands of vehicles individual vehicle load. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 22

1 Under one kilowatt per vehicle on average when 2 aggregated up into large numbers. 3 You're going to hear later this afternoon, 4 I think, about some of the detail results of the 5 network Yorkville circuit, but very quickly some 6 high level results on the radial circuit. Using 7 the deterministic analysis acid test of 20 percent 8 of the customers on the grid arriving home and 9 plugging in on peak with level two chargers and 10 batteries at their lowest capacity, the modeling 11 found that primary circuits will not require 12 upgrades. 13 However, using that acid test, the modeling 14 found that at penetration levels as low as two 15 percent, upgrades might be necessary on a minority 16 of distribution transformers because of possible 17 vehicle clustering. 18 However, using the stochastic analysis 19 because of the diversity and battery charger type, 20 as well as arrival time, the model had found that 21 penetration rates as high as 60 percent would be 22 possible without requiring upgrades. Smart 23 charging techniques can, of course, additionally 24 reduce the load -- the impact load to the grid. 25 Of course, not all utilities are alike. A ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 23

1 number of customers on the Don Bosco circuit 2 transformer range from three to five. I guess the 3 national average is about five, so they were on the 4 lower side. The RG&E system averages seven 5 customers per individual distribution system 6 transformer and they have additional issues. 7 Our SPC four plans are to continue working 8 addressing possible impediments and challenges to 9 wide-scale plug-in vehicle adoption. These include 10 smart grid impacts, analysis of the simultaneous 11 growth in impacts of variable intermittent 12 renewables with and combined with large gross in 13 electric vehicles. And in the case of battery 14 electric vehicles, issues of range anxiety and 15 public charging, exploring business transaction 16 models together with the legal and regulatory 17 issues associated with third party sales of 18 electricity. 19 With that I'll finish. 20 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Thank you very 21 much, Rich. We have a Rich and a Rick. 22 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Can I ask Rich a 23 couple of questions before you go to Rick? 24 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: No, no. We 25 have decided we want the presentations to take ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 24

1 place and then the questions will follow. 2 CHAIRMAN BROWN: You win. 3 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Okay. They 4 have to be in order. Our next presenter is Rick 5 Pratt. Who has a master's degree in electrical 6 engineering. He's a professional engineer with 7 over 20 years experience in embedded systems and 8 design and development. And is a senior engineer 9 for Battelle at the Pacific Northwest National 10 Laboratory, PNNL. 11 He has been the lead electrical designer 12 for several LED-based optical communications 13 projects. And Rick also developed signal 14 processing methods that significantly enhance the 15 performance of sensors. In addition, he led a PNNL 16 design team that focused on extending the range and 17 functionality of PNNL's Backscatter Radio Frequency 18 Identification, RFID, technology and received 13 19 patents for this work. 20 These technology enhancements enabled him 21 to receive PNNL's 2006 inventor of the year award. 22 Rick supported development of NASA radiation 23 detection instruments for the space shuttle, space 24 station, and Mars Orbiter. Rick's team recently 25 completed integrating PNNL's grid-friendly vehicle ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 25

1 battery charging technology and SAE communication 2 standards into operational vehicle charging 3 stations. Welcome. 4 MR. PRATT: Thank you very much. 5 Thank you, also, Richard. I decided to take a 6 spinoff on my first slide of what Richard was 7 presenting and the spinoff is if you focused on the 8 right hand slide you notice the peak power 9 consumption, very similar to what Rich was 10 presenting, that somewhere between 3:00 to 9:00 11 part of the day the grid is -- would have the 12 highest utilization of power anyway, and then to 13 add the top three curves would be the effective 14 adding PHEVs to it. And granted this is for Cali, 15 so sorry it's not for NYISO. 16 But, if we look to the left of the that 17 region we see a significant valley. The question 18 can we utilize that significant valley in some way 19 to mitigate that peak caused by PHEVs? 20 Next slide. And so one possible way to do 21 this is apprize base charging process, but what I 22 want to focus on is down at the bottom of the two 23 lower sets of graphs. This model analysis was done 24 for Cincinnati Gas and Electric and actually 25 showed, if we can move the charging periods into ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 26

1 the off-peak hours, we now have better utilization 2 of resources, potentially using cheaper fuel, and 3 generating up to a seven percent reduction in cost 4 of production of electricity. 5 San Diego Gas and Electric has a little 6 different model. Basically, they have a 7 significantly greater amount of new infrastructure 8 and the effect could be even more significant. So, 9 what if, through cost and incentives, that peak 10 load was moved between 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. could be 11 shifted to about midnight to 8:00 a.m time frame. 12 So that's a -- kind of, a picture I wanted to 13 bridge between Richard's presentation and where I'm 14 going more into the codes and standards. Next 15 slide, please. 16 There's four basic sets of standards that 17 are -- SAEs developed that I'm going to talk about 18 today. There's also three others which I won't go 19 into any detail. Starting on the left, SAE J-1772, 20 is a connector plug design. Basically, it's the 21 functional performance requirements for operating 22 the charging system. 23 The top circle, SAE J-172836, is the use 24 cases for communication between PHEVs and the grid, 25 2847 is more about the messages, and the bottom ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 27

1 circle, SEP 2.0, is introduced the IPv6, most 2 people use IPv4 in their internet protocol, IPv6 is 3 the next generation. And so the approach might be 4 to address even the battery charger with an IPv6 5 average. Next slide, please. 6 I wanted to walk through, according to 7 J-172836, the normal process flow for charging a 8 vehicle. And this may seem obvious, but because of 9 the utility interface in so many different places, 10 I wanted to emphasize that part of it, rather than 11 the vehicle part of it. 12 As Richard mentioned, the first part in the 13 not connected circle, the owner either has to find 14 a , it may not be simple. There 15 are some really cool tools out there that are 16 becoming available for even iPod apps to be able to 17 find the closest charging station that's available 18 and ready for use. 19 So, once we get connected, we'll go into 20 the connected circle, there's a number of things 21 that happen in the connected circle. Just like 22 Richard said, the charging system needs to 23 determine if it's a 110-volt, 240-volt, or a DC 24 charging system. It also needs to know what kind 25 of charger it has, of course, and the charging ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 28

1 current is, of course, going to be limited by 2 whichever constraint is the most limiting. But in 3 the connection part there's another part that we 4 need to think about and that is a secure 5 communications channel needs to be opened up 6 between the vehicle and the utility. 7 Now, the fun begins, the authorization 8 circle. The PHEV, this is according to 2036, sends 9 it's vehicle ID and a billing request to the 10 utility. The utility looks through its records and 11 finds out which program that particular individual 12 is signed up for, I'll go into the programs in just 13 a second, and then the EVs sends an energy request; 14 how much power do I need? 15 Now, switch into the different programs 16 that I mentioned a second ago. The standard says 17 there's five, really there's six. And the sixth 18 one is, charge now, not necessarily a program. The 19 first program is, time of use. And in it, the 20 customers are incentivized to charge during 21 particular windows in which it will have lessor 22 grid impact. 23 The next program is direct load control 24 where the utility -- where the customer's willing 25 to grant some control to the energy provider for ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 29

1 the load that he can receive. 2 Then we get into the fun stuff; real time 3 pricing. This is where the utility sends a price 4 structure to the user and the user, via some 5 algorithm, this is easy to do inside the car or the 6 EVSE determines when they want to charge based on 7 the price structure. These price structures are 8 typically day-ahead services. 9 The next critical peak pricing. This might 10 be during those spikes that occur between 3:00 p.m. 11 and 8:00 p.m. and the basic charging rate would be 12 flat, except during that critical pricing region. 13 The final program would be optimize energy 14 transfer. These are incentive -- again this is an 15 incentivization program that gives the energy 16 provider some control over the load. 17 So now that we've gone through the 18 authorizing process, we go into a binding process. 19 So the utilities verified that that particular 20 vehicle ID mapped and customer ID matched to his 21 records, and the PEV now binds with the utility. 22 But there's one more actor in the play, and that's 23 the end use metering device, needs to be bound into 24 this process, as well, as far as communications are 25 concerned. So when those three are connected, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 30

1 we've now completed the binding portion of the 2 flowchart, and we go into the charging phase. 3 Here, the utility -- the first step is the 4 utility sends the energy amount and rate to the 5 customer, and the end use metering device begins 6 recording it. So when charging is -- we go into 7 the billing cycle and, again, that secured 8 communication channel is the one used to transmit 9 date, time, duration, and energy delivered to the 10 vehicle and to the utility. 11 So now I'd like switch over to J-1772. 12 Next slide, please. I want you to focus on the 13 insert on the picture on the left, that's the plug 14 that fits into the car. You'll notice that the 15 little -- if you can see that little orange switch, 16 if you would call it, on the top of that plug, 17 that's a really important safety feature of this 18 because you want the EVSCs contactors, i.e. the 19 ones that close to let power flow into the car, to 20 be open prior to that plug being withdrawn from 21 connector on the car. So that little orange switch 22 is the switch that let's the system know that we 23 need to terminate power flow. 24 You'll notice on the bigger picture on the 25 right, it looks kind of like a -- I really want to ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 31

1 focus on one pin labeled, control pilot. I don't 2 have a laser pointer to point at it, but it is 3 actually a communications path, which I'll describe 4 in a little more detail later on. 5 So now I want to look at some of the 6 messages for J-2847. Next slide, please. Focus 7 down on the middle column. Here's some sample 8 information according to 2846, 2847 that could be 9 transferred. There's much more. I selected these 10 just to get an idea who can initiate different 11 communication data transfers. 12 But if we focus on the middle one, the 13 vehicle ID, of course, initiation PHEV, and I've 14 given you the SEP 2.0 address. We'll start again 15 on the information column, you notice there's 16 vehicle ID initiated by the PHEV and its address 17 over on the right hand column according to SEP 2.0. 18 And I wanted to go down the utility related 19 initiators, for example, energy available, energy 20 schedule, and finally invoice amount. Just to give 21 you the feel of the breath of the different 22 messages that are available. 23 Now, everybody wants to know about time 24 lines, so the next slide I'll give you an idea of 25 some of the time lines. This slide comes up from ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 32

1 SAE International and what I want you to do is 2 focus on the orange vertical bar between 2010 and 3 2011, and you'll see that's where we are today. 4 And right after that -- just like Rich presented 5 the Chevy Volt and the are hot on the 6 press to be released. And prior to that, a few 7 other vehicles have already been released. 8 I think the Teslarosa is kind of cool and 9 the Mini E. But the message I want to communicate 10 is it's -- the significant number of vehicles that 11 are being staged today that we need to be under 12 consideration for this communication process 13 between the vehicle and the utility. 14 There's two plans. Let's switch to the 15 next slide, plan A. And the important parts of 16 this I really wanted to limit my to -- if you look 17 at the PEV box in the top left, you notice it hooks 18 onto the vehicles cam-bus. This is a communication 19 bus within the vehicles and it communicates to the 20 meter via three different protocols that are -- or 21 three different technologies that are currently 22 being considered. One's parallel carrier, the next 23 is Wi-Fi, and finally ZigBee. 24 In the center, in the yellow box, you see 25 the EVSE column, where in this particular design ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 33

1 the end use metering device resides. And in the 2 blue square underneath it is something called 3 control pilot. Remember on the 1772 plug I pointed 4 out that one signal line that would carry the 5 control pilot. The design is the EVSE would put 6 out a signal path that could communicate to the 7 vehicle charger what charge rate to use. 8 The bottom slide shows the introduction of 9 the home area network between the EVSE and the 10 meter. And, finally, on plan B, the next slide, we 11 begin to introduce the idea of DC charging. If you 12 can identify where the hand box is, the yellow box 13 on top, underneath it you see the EVSE. Here you 14 notice that the charger is now located off-car and 15 into the EVSE. Again, you see the same control 16 pilot signal available, and here we're talking 17 about a little bit different communication about to 18 communicate between the vehicle and the EVSE, and 19 I'll leave it at that. That ends my presentation, 20 thank you. 21 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Thank you very 22 much, Rick. And Chairman Brown you may now give 23 your question. 24 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Thank you. It was a 25 good thing that I waited because an awful lot of my ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 34

1 questions were answered by Rick. One thing, 2 though, that struck me was diversity is good in 3 terms of the system hit as long as we have a real 4 diverse set of different types of vehicles. And my 5 experience is usually in, as technologies develop, 6 they start out with five or six different protocols 7 and then quickly kind of, one of them jumps to the 8 front and leaves the other behind. And I don't 9 know if that's going to happen, but if one 10 particular model became the, kind of, the standard 11 model, would the same results that you saw the 12 diversification be as apparent or would we have a 13 concern that that particular model might drive the 14 results a little differently? 15 MR. DRAKE: The analysis that I showed 16 looked at -- it was really I'm going to call it 17 uncontrolled charging, all right. It assumed 18 that -- it didn't care what kind of vehicle was out 19 there, it simply assumed that level two charging 20 was being used. If you remember that one graph 21 which showed the maximum charge rate, kw, that can 22 come out of a level two charger and how it would 23 taper down depending on the length of the trip it 24 was previously driven, or the amount of charge in 25 the battery. So it was looking at diversity of ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 35

1 vehicles arriving and plugging in, both at a 2 business or at home, it was looking at the fact 3 that they were using level two charging which is, 4 pretty much as far as things have gone thus far. 5 Level three charging, I don't know if there's more 6 than one vehicle, maybe, and one company that's 7 introduced a charger, and that's in Europe. 8 So, I think where we will be, especially 9 with plug-in hybrids, is level two charging is as 10 far as you need to go. We looked at what we call a 11 worse case, everybody came back at the same time, 12 batteries were a little bit diverse, but it was 13 within that hour and it was level two charging, so 14 that was the diversity. 15 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Rick, you laid out an 16 incredible protocol with all your little circles 17 and sounds, like, really rational and logical, but 18 who is ready for that yet, and how are we getting 19 ready? This is a deregulated industry, it's an 20 international industry. How do we make sure -- 21 explain the protocols a little to me because I'm a 22 little unfamiliar with who is doing what on these 23 protocols and what force and effect they have on 24 manufactures or utilities or billing agents or 25 anybody else? ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 36

1 MR. PRATT: By protocols, are you 2 referring to the SAE standards? 3 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I believe I am. 4 MR. PRATT: I had the pleasure of 5 being able to try to implement those in a Prius 6 A-123 hybrid. And it was really -- I was really 7 pleased by the effort the standards committees had 8 done to really think through the process. 9 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Who are these groups, 10 who are the standards committees? Where were they 11 formed? 12 MR. PRATT: That's a really good 13 question that I'm not going to be able to answer. 14 SAE is the agency overseeing it. This particular 15 gentlemen is Rich Schuller, he's the tax chair, and 16 I think the Ford person is here, right? 17 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Maybe if any later 18 speakers know the answer to this, they can chime in 19 along the way. 20 MR. PRATT: Okay. I lost my train of 21 thought. 22 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Okay, so the original 23 question was: How far are we along and are the 24 auto manufacturers building in the equipment yet to 25 meet their little circle, what utilities are ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 37

1 starting to consider their circle in this big 2 connector that has to take place to do this right? 3 MR. PRATT: And you can judge from my 4 locale being in the Pacific Northwest. We're not 5 going to be in one of the high energy or use 6 density areas. However, we've been working pretty 7 close with a few companies down in Southern 8 California in the San Jose area, and so it's been 9 really -- those particular companies are moving 10 forward relatively rapidly. Especially along the 11 I-5 corridor between Seattle and Portland to 12 implement a number of these level two charging 13 stations. 14 So -- and with the Nissan Leaf introduction 15 shortly, I've got some friends that are on the list 16 to get them, they're really excited about being 17 able to see how all this works. Down underneath 18 the hood, I can't answer where the Leaf is, as far 19 as it's compatibility with what I've described. I 20 was just referring to what the standards described. 21 I haven't gotten my hands on it to understand what 22 exactly is there as far as being able to implement 23 these parts to those protocols. 24 CHAIRMAN BROWN: And in this vision, a 25 really practical question here, let's use Seattle ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 38

1 to Portland. What is the city halfway between? 2 You stop halfway in between and you find the 3 charger and you plug-in and you connect with your 4 billing agent. Is the billing agent the utility in 5 the local where the charger is, or is the billing 6 agent your home utility where your car sits? 7 MR. PRATT: And you're asking the 8 really good, hard questions, and I don't have an 9 answer for those today. 10 CHAIRMAN BROWN: The other thing that 11 I found interesting was -- that in certain 12 neighborhoods, there's three to five customers per 13 transformer. I think in Rochester you noted 14 somewhere around seven per transformer. Now, do we 15 have any idea, yet, about how many vehicles then -- 16 if two of these customers have plug-ins, does 17 localized problems, I guess, probably for panels 18 later this afternoon, but what is the findings of 19 NYSERDA in terms of, what's the penetration that 20 begins to cause problems in these very localized 21 areas? 22 MR. DRAKE: It is very localized. And 23 you have to understand, there's a diversity of 24 transformers that are out there, too. And there's 25 been a tendency, over the past decade or more as ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 39

1 the power consumption of houses has gone up, to 2 upgrade transformers from what used to be a 3 standard 25 kb or to maybe 35 or 50 kb, so clearly, 4 there will be, in those areas where we're dealing 5 with older transformers, and if it's -- it is very 6 clustered and it's very localized. And I don't 7 know that we have an absolute answer because it 8 does depend. The only circuit that has been looked 9 at in great detail are those Yorkville and Don 10 Bosco circuits. Now, those circuits, every single 11 transformer was surveyed. We know what it is, we 12 know what its load is, we know what would happen 13 and there were, actually, no required upgrades. 14 There were some that were extremely close. 15 CHAIRMAN BROWN: No matter how many 16 plugs-ins? 17 MR. DRAKE: No, no. What was used was 18 the stochastic analysis, which really is a Monte 19 Carlo random numerical analysis. So it throws out 20 there random numbers and you will, in fact, find 21 individual transformers that maybe have an 22 individual house that might have three EVs. You'll 23 find a diversity and with that diversity there 24 were, in fact, on that circuit no problems. Some 25 that were extremely close, some that would have, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 40

1 most likely, increased thermal load on that 2 transformer and potentially reduced life at some 3 percentage, you know, five percent or less, most 4 likely, but no eminent dangers. And the results, 5 generally, said that within the normal upgrading 6 process that the situation could be handled. 7 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Does that take into 8 account what people are calling the Prius effect? 9 I don't know if that's an urban myth or not, but 10 they tend to cluster more than a random generator 11 would say. 12 MR. DRAKE: Actually, it does. What 13 was done -- this was a fairly detailed analysis on 14 those specific circuits -- what we actually did was 15 go to DMV and we knew exactly how many hybrid 16 electric vehicles were registered, almost, per 17 block, all right. We also knew where all of the 18 individual parking garages were, which were real 19 clusters of 100 vehicles or more. 20 So taking all of those factors into 21 account, that was the Yorkville circuit, actually 22 -- taking all those factors into account the 23 character of the problems, and there will be some, 24 was extremely localized. 25 CHAIRMAN BROWN: And my last question ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 41

1 was: You talked about a lot of the standards that 2 are being developed, right now is there, is it 3 still going to be -- what you are going to have do 4 in your garage different if you buy a Volt versus a 5 Mini versus a Tesla? Is it going to be the same 6 plug and the same voltage? And I think the answer 7 I heard on voltage is no. Protocols are building a 8 lot of different voltages. Now, within the same 9 voltage, is it going -- is the plug going to look 10 alike, or is this going to be like our cell phones 11 where every time you change companies you have to 12 buy a new charger because they pend them a little 13 bit differently. 14 MR. PRATT: I apologize for the 15 non-verbal communication that's going on between 16 myself and the Nissan rep in the audience. 17 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I will ask later. 18 MR. PRATT: And I'm sure -- she 19 assured me via non-verbal communication that 20 they're compliant to the J-1772. 21 CHAIRMAN BROWN: And the J-1772 tries 22 to develop a standard plug as you showed? 23 MR. PRATT: As best as I know, there's 24 only one vendor for it. One of the fun things we 25 got to do with the Prius we worked on is it had a ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 42

1 110 and we added the 1772 so we made -- you know 2 how engineers can do things -- we made it possible 3 for either to be available so, safely. 4 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I'm not sure if 5 that's good or bad. 6 MR. DRAKE: The implementation of 7 these standards is a work in progress, it really 8 is. They need to be international, obviously. 9 It's my understanding right now that Japan and the 10 U.S. have coalesced individual standards, but 11 Europe is doing their own thing. So, worldwide, 12 things will have to adjust. And through level two 13 and the plug-in hybrid variety vehicles. We've got 14 a completely different situation than we will have 15 with BEVs or battery electric vehicles that will 16 want to have level three charging, we think. 17 People will not want to wait, I think it's 18 16 hours, to charge the Tesla, you know, if you've 19 got, you know, a level one charger. You're not 20 going to wait all day to be able to make your 21 drive, so various approaches to handle 200 kw of 22 power transfer will need to be looked at. Maybe 23 stationery storage that allows plugging it in, it 24 might be battery swaps, all kinds of alternatives, 25 but that's to be determined. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 43

1 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I guess if you can 2 afford the Tesla, you can drive your Mercedes while 3 you're waiting. 4 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Well, since we 5 are on a time schedule, I'd like to thank our 6 panelists. We'll now let Commissioner Curry come 7 up with his panel and get us even more confused. 8 COMMISSIONER CURRY: I'm delighted to 9 have the chance, not only to use the gavel, but to 10 participate in helping to present the auto 11 industries perspective. After all, that's why we 12 are here today, is to get their perspective. We 13 can adjust, we can respond over a fairly extensive 14 period of time. This is going to be an 15 evolutionary change, certainly not a revolutionary 16 change, but what is being done in the auto industry 17 is what is driving all this and, hopefully, what's 18 being done in the auto -- excuse me, in the auto 19 industry is being driven, not only public policy, 20 but we're a capitalists society and there's a lot 21 of focus in how we can improve the environment and 22 maybe make some money along the way. 23 This time of year, the month of October, 24 this year, traditionally, in New York City at 25 least, where there's a lot of focus on clean energy ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 44

1 developments and technology and the funding, 2 thereof. And to, sort of, fall into place on that, 3 I pulled from the Wall Street Journal and the New 4 York Times of this week. I've got six different 5 lead stories on electric vehicles. Most 6 conspicuous being a whole section in the Wall 7 Street Journal on turning consumers green. 8 This is not an inexpensive proposition, I'm 9 going to be very quick so we can get to the 10 substance. But the Journal, again, noted that as 11 far as The National Academy of Science is 12 concerned, the single most effective way of 13 positively changing the conduct of American 14 families is to replace the vehicles that are 15 currently deployed with vehicles that have 16 significant fuel efficiencies. 17 It's essentially 47 percent more effective 18 than the next major change that could be made which 19 is winterizing a home. Looking at the commitment 20 of billions of dollars in infrastructure to 21 construct new vehicles, and, in particular, the 22 battery aspect of it -- I'm not picking on Nissan, 23 but I'm just quoting some data from, pardon me, 24 from the Wall Street Journal. The battery cost for 25 the Nissan Leaf, and this is according to the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 45

1 paper, not according to the company, is roughly 2 $15,600, almost half the $33,000 list cost. 3 This, again, according to The Wall Street 4 Journal, will eliminate profit in this sector until 5 2013 when batteries are mass produced in the 6 Nissan's Smyrna, Tennessee plant. That's a good 7 introduction because I see that Nancy Mansfield -- 8 we have two Nancy's, not only a Rich and a Rick, 9 but also two Nancy's -- but Nancy Mansfield, who is 10 to my far right who's the EV regional manager for 11 Nissan North America is a Middle Tennessee 12 resident, so there is a link there. 13 She has more than 20 years experience 14 working with private and public sector entities in 15 the promotion of new technologies and the launch of 16 new products and business. In the interest of 17 speed, she has a far more extensive resume, but I 18 will not get into it. We can in response to 19 questions. So, Nancy, if you'd like to take us 20 from here into the Nissan experience. 21 MS. MANSFIELD: Thank you very much. 22 I will try to keep to my comments brief in the 23 interest of leaving time for questions at the end. 24 Thank you very much for including us and inviting 25 us here today. Let me just start off by saying ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 46

1 that, you know, we all know that there's a good 2 deal of history on the , and we also 3 all know that for whatever reason the electric cars 4 have really failed to really gain a foothold among 5 mass market to date. This could be because, you 6 know, of price, the price being too high. It could 7 be because of the fact that electricity maybe 8 wasn't readily available in the very early days of 9 electric cars, back around the turn of the century 10 in the 1900's. Or it could have been that there 11 wasn't a standard -- in later days, a standard way 12 of disbursing electricity as an automotive fuel. 13 But today, all of those things have changed and 14 we've sort of come to a right time, if you will, to 15 make another foray into the launch of the electric 16 vehicle. 17 For instance, today consumers have 18 developed an all-time high awareness of 19 environmental issues. Both state, certain state 20 governments, and the federal government are pushing 21 for a very rapid evolution to green mobility. And 22 as you heard in depth earlier, the SAE has adopted 23 standards for charging that -- 24 COMMISSIONER CURRY: Okay, I have to 25 interrupt. Is SAE the Society of Automotive ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 47

1 Engineers? 2 MS. MANSFIELD: Yes, it is. The 3 Society of Automotive Engineers. Anyway, they've 4 adopted charging standards for use by all OEMs, 5 Original Equipment Manufacturers. Nissan is 6 working very hard to make -- Nissan is working very 7 hard to establish a leadership position in zero 8 emissions technology, and our first entry into the 9 market is the Nissan Leaf. 10 The Nissan Leaf is currently in production 11 at our plant in Oppama, Japan. It offers a very 12 stimulating acceleration, 100 percent torque from a 13 full stop. It has a very quiet, refined interior 14 with all of the state-of-the-art amenities coming 15 standard, it has a 100-mile range that's based on 16 the LA four test track, and there are room for five 17 adults and cargo inside the vehicle, itself. 18 Our goal -- next slide, I'm sorry. Our 19 goal is to make the Nissan Leaf the worlds first 20 affordable zero emissions vehicle for the mass 21 market. In order to do this we knew that we had to 22 come up with a way to offer a complete no 23 compromise package at an affordable price, so 24 consumers will be able to purchase the Leaf for an 25 initial price of $25,280, this is after the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 48

1 application of a $7,500 federal tax credit. Other 2 states have offered additional incentives which 3 would bring the -- which would reduce the price 4 even further. 5 Incentives such as these, either financial 6 incentives or more convenience incentives, think of 7 things like HOV lane access or preferred parking, 8 are all going to help drive EV adoption across the 9 country. 10 The Nissan Leaf -- I'm sorry, next slide. 11 The Nissan Leaf is going to premiere on U.S. roads 12 in December, so just in a couple of months. And 13 our retail release in New York State markets will 14 happen in the fall of 2011. So late next year, the 15 Leaf's will be available in New York. Initially, 16 as I mentioned, we're in production at our plant in 17 Japan. We are producing 50,000 units for global 18 distribution. I was asked -- next slide. 19 I was asked, specifically, about consumer 20 interest in the Leaf in New York State. I can 21 state, as of a couple of days ago, about of 15,600 22 people have gone online to the Nissan Leaf website 23 and requested additional information and expressed 24 a very strong interest in the vehicle technology. 25 This is broken down on a county by county ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 49

1 basis. You can see that the areas of darker 2 shading, the red shading are where areas of 3 interest are most concentrated. So for planning 4 purposes among utilities and those sorts of things, 5 you can assume that these are going to be the areas 6 where the Leaf and other EVs are going to be most 7 concentrated. 8 In terms of charging, we anticipate, I 9 think all of us are going to agree because I see 10 these slides from a bunch of my counterparts here, 11 that 80 percent of charging is going to occur at 12 home. So most of the people who own EVs are going 13 to charge most of the time at home. Whether in 14 their garages or in their carports, but that still 15 doesn't address the needs of people who either park 16 on the street, or maybe don't have a garage. 17 For instance, the multi-unit dwelling 18 people, people that live in apartments or condo's, 19 that sort of thing. So we have to look at places 20 where those people can charge, as well. So you 21 come to workplace charging, because typically if 22 the car is not parked at home, it is going to be 23 parked, you know, on a daily basis it's going to be 24 park at your employer's parking lot. So workplace 25 charging is something that we're really focusing ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 50

1 on. 2 And then public charging would be a third 3 dimension, which, this could either be level two or 4 DC fast charging and this is driven more for driver 5 destinations. Think about shopping malls, or movie 6 theaters, restaurants, those sorts of things, where 7 people are going to be spending a little bit of 8 time. They can, perhaps, be charging their car as 9 they're, you know, enjoying Starbucks, or enjoying 10 a movie, that kind of thing. And then DC fast 11 charging, a lot of people who have interest in this 12 are interested in putting it along interstate 13 corridors. So it's sort of connecting destination 14 to destination, that sort of thing. 15 And then, finally, Nissan is very excited 16 to be playing a part in bringing electric vehicles 17 to market, and we're very proud of our leadership 18 position in being the first OEM to deploy a mass 19 market, all electric vehicle at this time. 20 But we realize it's going to take everybody 21 working together. All of the stakeholder's are 22 going to have to come to the table and play a part 23 in order to make electric vehicle adoption a 24 reality this time around. 25 So, real quickly, here are some different ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 51

1 things that the various entities can do. Local 2 government, for instance, needs to take a good look 3 at permitting and inspection processes. How long 4 does it take to get a permit, and then how long 5 does it take to get the follow-up inspection? 6 Particularly, for residential customers, but also, 7 I mean, I realize that there are some different 8 things at play when you're looking at commercial 9 installations, but it still isn't something that 10 needs to take months, and months, and months in 11 order to finalize so that people can begin using 12 charging. 13 Also, local governments, if they want to 14 really push for EV adoption, charging is going to 15 be a really key factor in this, and so they should 16 possibly look at new construction requirements. So 17 require people that are building garages or 18 building new condominiums or buildings to go ahead 19 and right size their panels, or go ahead and lay 20 the conduit for future EVSE installations. 21 At the state level, you can look at 22 incentivizing EV purchases. I know a number of 23 states have these in place that are in addition to 24 the $7,500 federal tax rebate. California being 25 one, I think they have a $5,000 tax credit or car ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 52

1 rebate, Georgia has a $5,000, Tennessee just 2 announced a $2,500. So a number of states around 3 the country are really pushing and incentivizing 4 the purchase of EVs. 5 You might also look at incentivizing 6 infrastructure deployment for businesses. Provide 7 businesses with a tax credit, or something along 8 those lines, to encourage them to put in 9 infrastructure. Utilities, I think all of you have 10 heard at length in our previous presentation, time 11 of use rates, expanding renewable electricity 12 sources and those sorts of things all to encourage 13 adoption. 14 Begin to think like consumers, if you will, 15 so that you remove obstacles to EV adoption, make 16 charging easy, those sorts of things. And then, 17 finally, companies can look at doing things like 18 including EVs in their fleets, and providing 19 workplace charging and those sorts of things. 20 That's all I have for my presentation and 21 I'll be turning it over for my next colleague. 22 Thank you very much. 23 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Bob, can I ask a 24 question? 25 COMMISSIONER CURRY: No. Our next ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 53

1 speaker is Dr. Kristin Zimmerman. Dr. Zimmerman 2 joined General Motors in 1993 right out of grammar 3 school to create GM's global academic partnership. 4 Her educational background is in the fields of 5 physics, mechanical engineering, and engineering 6 mechanics, which to a layman -- about the same. 7 She holds a Ph.D in engineering mechanics from 8 Michigan State. Dr. Zimmerman. 9 MS. ZIMMERMAN: Thank you so much. 10 Good morning, everyone. Before I go through my 11 slides I just wanted to make a few overarching 12 comments to leverage the opening -- comments made 13 in the opening panel by NYSERDA. 14 In the role of climate action, national 15 energy security, big bets being placed by private 16 industry, you see a lot going on in this space 17 right now. It's all about -- I do believe it's all 18 about national security, but it's also creating 19 jobs. 20 The other overarching comment that I wanted 21 to mention was the fact that the three companies 22 represented here, we all have competing technology 23 in the vehicle. But when it comes to 24 infrastructure we've been working hand-in-hand 25 because we realize it's that cooperation, and it's ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 54

1 the cooperation in working with the utilities, as 2 well. So you're going to see slides that look very 3 similar, I think, across the three of us, and I 4 think that's a really good sign that there is that 5 cooperation. And we want to do what is necessary 6 to make sure that we are working closely with the 7 utilities because we're owning that same customer 8 that the utility already has a relationship with. 9 So with that, if we could go to the next slide. 10 The question of what it is, and that is the 11 . It's not a PHEV, it's not a 12 parallel hybrid, it's not a plug-in hybrid vehicle, 13 it's an electric vehicle. It's an electric vehicle 14 with this thing called range extender, so on the 15 battery, itself, you're going to have a range of 25 16 to 50 miles, based on how you drive. But after 17 that, it's unlimited mileage. Why? Because you 18 can go to the gasoline station and fill-up with 19 fuel that will actually operate a generator. Just 20 like a car, except you have this generator. What 21 does the generator do, it creates electricity. 22 Well, the electricity on board is running an 23 , so there's no transmission. That 24 electric motor is directly on the front axle of 25 this vehicle. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 55

1 And in that same context, we have the 2 opportunity to build awareness with the customer of 3 this value proposition of owning and operating an 4 electric vehicle and the ability to charge; charge 5 at home. 6 So I'll go into a little more detail on 7 that and compliment Nancy's pyramid, because we 8 might all three be using that same illustration to 9 suggest where the focus on charging and 10 infrastructure needs to be. Next slide. 11 In terms of performance for the 12 Chevrolet Volt, zero to sixty in 8.5 seconds, 13 100 mph top end speed, so it's a high performance 14 vehicle. The package there, it's about the size of 15 a Malibu in terms of the fit and feel when you 16 drive it. And by the way, how many in this room 17 have actually driven the Chevrolet Volt already? 18 Carrie Jane, it's you. Only one. Well, it's going 19 to be in your market next month, okay. So it's 20 coming very, very soon. So the questions of 21 infrastructure and how do you buy one are becoming 22 very, very relevant now. Next slide. 23 Connectedness and the idea of smart phone 24 and connectedness in that sense. We will allow, 25 through OnStar, the customer to be as connected as ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 56

1 they wish to be. But not only charging, but 2 operation of their vehicle, and I'll go into a few 3 other slides to explain what that means. Next 4 slide. 5 The value. This value proposition, I 6 think, is most intriguing, and it really does 7 include the proposition of the relationship that 8 customer already has with the utility, the utility 9 suggesting some options moving forward to enhance 10 the ownership experience, and, you know, even with 11 the dealer network and maintenance and repair and 12 insurance industries kind of fit into this value 13 proposition. Maybe it should be that EVs have a 14 lower premium than the typical internal combustion 15 engine. 16 It's spinning and it's spurring a lot of 17 these great questions, but take a look at some of 18 these statistics. We got an eight year, 19 100,000-mile warranty on the battery, but the one I 20 want to point to is change oil every two years. 21 What's that going to do with a two year 22 corner oil change places? Again, a new way of 23 thinking, new business opportunities for some other 24 industries where some of the existing ones might 25 need to figure out what does that mean for me ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 57

1 moving forward? 2 The lease price is $350 per month with a 3 $2,500 due at signing. Five years of OnStar 4 included in the standard package. We want to know 5 where those vehicles are all the time, how they're 6 charging, when they're charging, and get that 7 information to the utilities. 8 Why? Because it will help to design the 9 local distribution piece that's most critical. 10 It's this idea of how are those transformers being 11 loaded? Transformers were designed to cool down at 12 night, so now that we're adding load to the old 13 design of the transformer, does that suggest a new 14 design going forward? Just some questions. Next 15 slide. 16 How do you get one? You can order one 17 right now. Go online It will 18 identify where your dealer is, your local dealer, 19 and you can give them a call to find out if they 20 have not already sold the first model year. They 21 may have, but some of them are holding a few back. 22 There's a huge demand, absolutely huge 23 demand. So that's a good problem, I think. And 24 we're ramping up supply. We have not mentioned, 25 explicitly, the supply or the capacity we'll add to ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 58

1 the market. We're going to try to be extremely 2 responsive to the demand such that we can build and 3 double capacity. We've already suggested that for 4 model year '12. Next slide. 5 I mentioned this earlier, what the Volt is 6 and what it is not. It kind of fits itself right 7 in that middle between the PHEV and the pure EV. 8 Always running on electricity, but the electricity 9 can be generated onboard. Next slide. 10 Plug-in readiness. In the sense of this 11 coordination, and I wanted to highlight the 12 regulators and the Public Utility Commissions and 13 the potential role that they can play. You see 14 these functional desired enabler boxes on the 15 right. There's a lot of activity going on in each 16 and every one of these boxes, some of it being 17 supported by federal incentives or local 18 incentives. Some of them are non-monetary 19 incentives, the idea is coordination. So if we go 20 to the next slide, I'm going to pull out this 21 regulator piece. 22 That's an eye chart, don't worry, you're 23 going to get it later, and then you can go one more 24 slide. Because I'm pulling out what could be the 25 potential role of Public Service Commissioner and ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 59

1 the regulators as a key stakeholder. And this 2 would, you know, include the regional utilities as 3 well, but providing rebates for vehicle purchases. 4 These are extremely successful, especially if they 5 are at the point of sale and they can complement 6 the $7,500 tax credit from the federal government. 7 They will help to mainstream, you know, a lot of 8 these electric vehicles, or the demand at least is 9 staying strong. 10 Providing incentives for home and building 11 charging installation, and that cost. We're seeing 12 some really exciting programs launch across the 13 United States. We've selected our launch markets, 14 but we have to go national within 12 to 18 months 15 due to dealer franchise laws. So what we're doing 16 in our key launch markets will spread out, all the 17 best practices will spread out across the rest of 18 the nation and we'll use organizations like the 19 Electric Driver Transportation Association, 20 national plug-in vehicle initiatives and some 21 websites. But from Michigan, what's kind of 22 exciting is we have two of the utilities stepping 23 up, and they have offered for their first 2,500 24 customers that purchase a plug-in electric vehicle 25 free hardware, level two, so there's 240 volts ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 60

1 charging at their home, the installation, and, yes, 2 they want to put in a second meter for this 3 learning curve. And they want to look at what that 4 use pattern is all about with those first 2,500 5 customers, so that's really exciting. 6 It might set a little bit of a precedent, 7 too, for some other regions that aren't quite 8 certain how they might step into this space. So 9 providing free charging, or really, even committing 10 to fund company fleets. That keeps a steady stream 11 of demand going forward for the auto industry to 12 respond with supply. Next slide. 13 I mentioned Michigan. What was really key 14 with that group was this, utilities both regulated 15 and public getting together, sitting at the table, 16 why? Because the Commissioner and the Chairman 17 said we're going to form a task force on PEV 18 readiness. Come to the table, push up your sleeves 19 and let's identify the barriers. 20 So we have the auto companies there, the 21 charging company provider, NGOs, the utilities, 22 competing entities in many way, but in this sense 23 of identifying the barriers there was no 24 competition at all. So we did identify some 25 barriers, and I want to point out just one of them ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 61

1 on the next slide. 2 Building codes. You know, it's all about 3 the customer, so how can we can reduce the cost for 4 the customer? We identified the language in an 5 existing building, an NEC code, we modified it, 6 added a little jargon issue, it might be technical, 7 but the location of the disconnect. Where that is 8 located for the electrical contractor can 9 potentially reduce the cost of installation 30 to 10 40 percent. Bingo, that's an easy win. We have 11 drafted the language, it's in the process for code 12 modification going forward. Some of these things 13 were identified by this group meeting together. 14 Next slide. 15 Infrastructure. Here it is, again, the 16 slide. Just wanted to point out the fact that this 17 residential is bottom footing. Why is that so 18 important? And I think it has a lot to do with the 19 fact that the utility already has that resident, 20 already has that customer base, and now the vehicle 21 is coming into that space. So this is, indeed, 22 where we need this cooperation and partnership. 23 This was mentioned earlier, the charging 24 levels; 120 volt is level one, 240 is level two, on 25 the bottom is the connector. And if you go to the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 62

1 next slide I'll show you a more of a blow-up 2 picture of what that looks like. Society of 3 Automotive Engineers J-1772 it's common. It 4 doesn't matter if it's a Ford, Nissan or GM 5 product, that's common for charging our vehicles. 6 That's really critical. Next slide. 7 For us, OnStar is also a very key 8 component, and what we've learned with the 9 utilities, and we've built into our vehicle onboard 10 as well as in a smart phone. Immediate charging, 11 delayed based on departure time, so if you say I 12 want to leave at 7:00 a.m. you want it charged up 13 by then, it will back calculate based on what's 14 left on the battery. Or you can bake in there 15 off-peak rate, so that's all in the system already. 16 Next slide. 17 We have announced working with a third 18 party coordinator, SPX, as kind of the hand holding 19 for the customer with the utility as well as the 20 electrical inspection process, and the Department 21 of Energy granted, you know, quite a large award to 22 two charging companies to put charging across the 23 nation, so we've got that process in place as well. 24 I think the next is my last slide. This 25 one suggests that we have the customer do a bit of ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 63

1 a survey to let us know what they have already at 2 their home. Again, this is in a package for you. 3 One thing that the utility can really do is 4 provide this customer care 1-800 line and really 5 inform that customer on what options might be 6 available to them. And with that, I am finished. 7 Thank you. 8 COMMISSIONER CURRY: Terrific, thank 9 you very much. Our last speaker, and we're trying 10 to squeeze everybody so there's plenty of time for 11 Chairman Brown's questions -- is Nancy Homeister, 12 who is manager of sustainable mobility strategy for 13 the and the general arena of 14 sustainability, environmental, and safety 15 engineering. She's been with Ford for 21 years, 16 and is now going to present, thanks. 17 MS. HOMEISTER: Thank you. I always 18 wonder when I'm the last speaker on a panel like 19 this if it's even worth being here. If I could 20 just say, ditto, and be done with it. 21 COMMISSIONER CURRY: Okay. We'll move 22 right to the questions now. 23 MS. HOMEISTER: I do have a few 24 specific things here. Next slide, please. As 25 Chairman Brown pointed out at the beginning of your ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 64

1 remarks, electrification is not new. There were 2 27 companies in the early 1900's building electric 3 cars, and I think it's interesting again, given the 4 composition of the panel assembled here today, that 5 the reason why electric cars were so exciting at 6 that time was that woman didn't like getting out on 7 the muddy roads and cranking their car to start 8 them. So they looked for an easier solution which 9 was the electric start and the electric car. So, 10 we were there at the beginning, and obviously, 11 we're there to ramp it up at end of the year, as 12 well. Next slide, please. 13 A little background towards attainability 14 strategy. Electrification as part of that 15 strategy. What we did a couple years ago was look 16 at global warming and the need to stabilize CO2 17 concentration in the global atmosphere. And then 18 from the total target, what was the automotive 19 target, and more specifically, what did Ford Motor 20 Company have to do with technology to do our share 21 to get to those ambitious levels of CO2 reduction. 22 But hand-in-hand, based on Kristin's earlier 23 remarks, energy security is a very significant 24 concern, as well. But as you reduce CO2, you do 25 two things; you reduce the petroleum demand, but ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 65

1 you also look at ways of diversifying energy. So 2 it's petroleum, it's renewable fuels, it's also 3 electricity. 4 So we started our strategy in 2007 and the 5 core to that was the hybrid vehicles, and we 6 consider that part of our electrification strategy 7 because a lot of the learnings for the HEVs apply 8 directly to plug-in electric hybrid vehicles and 9 the full battery electric. They share a lot of the 10 same components, and the battery technology, 11 particularly moving forward as we move all the 12 products to advanced lithium ion, will be shared 13 across the board. 14 So we have pretty much completed our near 15 term, moving into the midterm, you'll see that we 16 have the introduction of battery electric 17 vehicles -- the plug-in hybrids, and then moving 18 into the long-term would be more platforms with 19 electrification technology. So basically, Ford is 20 taking this very seriously. Electrification is 21 part of our core strategy to achieve our 22 sustainability goals. Next slide. 23 The products that we have announced across 24 the top are battery electric products, these are 25 pure electric vehicles. The first is the transit ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 66

1 connect which goes into production later this year, 2 and that's a small utility van. Then the Focus 3 electric will go into production next year. We 4 will have a plug-in hybrid vehicle in 2012 using 5 advanced lithium ion batteries, and then as I 6 mentioned before, we still the consider the HEV 7 part of our overall electrification strategy. And 8 we have the next generation hybrids coming out in 9 2012 using the advanced lithium ion battery. Next 10 slide. 11 So, just a picture, that's the transit 12 connect. You should start to see these in New York 13 within the next six months, a lot of interest in 14 that product. Next. 15 This is not what the electric 16 will look like. If you are a fan of Jay Leno you 17 will have seen this car running the track, but this 18 is demonstrating the technology for the pure 19 battery electric. Very similar to what we will 20 have in production next year, 23-kilowatt hour 21 battery, target of 100 mile range on the test 22 track, as Nissan described, both with the 120 level 23 one and 220 level two charging capability. Next 24 slide. 25 And then, finally, you may have seen these. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 67

1 We have quite a few of them in the region. New 2 York Power Authority, Con Edison, NYSERDA and 3 National Grid are all part of the Ford 4 demonstration program. 5 Driving this vehicle, the Escape plug-in 6 hybrid, to get real world information on the 7 technology and how the users use these vehicles and 8 charge them. And this information from this fleet, 9 which has been on the road now for two years, has 10 been very instrumental in the forward development 11 of our products. Next slide. 12 There were a couple of panels earlier 13 talking about where we see values. This is Ford 14 perspective. Currently, globally, HEVs are 15 one percent of our production. And we call -- the 16 HEVs have been in production for quite a few years. 17 But we have only ramped up to one percent. 18 Ambitiously, in 2015 we see electrification 19 going to two to five percent, globally. Most of 20 that, again, will be hybrid electric vehicles, 21 plug-in hybrids, and then a smaller portion of a 22 battery electric. And then by 2020, 20 to 23 25 percent of our product will be electrified. 24 Again, HEVs will be a significant portion 25 of that, but certainly increasing levels of plug-in ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 68

1 hybrids and battery electric vehicles going 2 forward. 3 So what are the challenges? We talked 4 about quite a few of those here, so I won't spend 5 too much time on this. I think the point is key 6 that electric vehicles in many shapes and many 7 flavors are coming to the market. We're seeing 8 them hit the roads today. 9 There will be quite a bit of variety. You 10 will have hybrids going forward, plug-in hybrids, 11 several different flavors of plug-in hybrids from a 12 small battery with a small electric range, larger 13 batteries, greater electric range, the E-REVs, and 14 then, of course, the full battery electric running. 15 So as these products are released it's 16 contingent upon us to work with our common 17 customers. At this point, largely OEMs and the 18 utilities. The largest issue, infrastructure. 19 It's got to be easy, it's got to be where the 20 customers need it, and it's got to be where they 21 want it. One of the concerns that we have is a lot 22 of interest in the electric cars, but there's also 23 a lot of people concerned, they're familiar with 24 gas stations, they know how to pump their car, this 25 whole idea of charging is a different animal. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 69

1 And it may not seem like a big deal, but we 2 had a demonstration program at Ford to get a handle 3 on the cord set, the feel of it, how it should be 4 stored. And so I was given a gasoline car with a 5 cord set. So every night when I went home, I had 6 to pretend to plug it in and unplug it. And I was 7 kind of glad a week later to say, I don't want to 8 mess with that. But that's more of an issue with 9 my garage being a mess. 10 But, just to say it is new and it will be a 11 learning curve for consumers, and we really don't 12 know how the general population will respond to 13 that change. So when we do develop the 14 infrastructure, it's got to be easy for the 15 customer at the home, in the multi-family 16 residential and at the workplace. 17 We really need to have good communication 18 between utility and the vehicle and the utility and 19 the customer. Rates and options, charging 20 protocols, so that communication between the 21 vehicle, EVSE, and the utility is going to be key 22 to making this work successfully. 23 And as I mentioned, the customers need to 24 get through this alphabet soup of electrification. 25 What is a PHEV and E-REV and BEV? A lot of words ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 70

1 floating around out there, but what's really 2 important is that the customer is able to assess 3 their real world needs and apply the technology 4 which is the best match. 5 If they are a commuter that does a long 6 trip, then maybe a plug-in hybrid is a better match 7 for them. If they have smaller trips during the 8 day, a battery electric may meet their needs 9 completely. But the last thing that any of us want 10 is the consumer to get the wrong car and be 11 disappointed with the technology. 12 We live in a world of the internet, 13 Facebook, , somebody gets a bad experience, 14 millions of people hear about it the next day. I 15 understand Lance Armstrong with the first Leaf has 16 12 million following him on Twitter. Heaven forbid 17 he should have an issue. 18 So we've got to be very careful about 19 making sure the customer understands, and that's 20 contingent upon the OEMs and also the utilities. 21 Also, the for-knowledge of future charging needs, 22 so people understand they're going to need probably 23 a box in their garage to charge up, or they're 24 going to have to have access at the workplace to 25 charge. People need to be thinking about that ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 71

1 before they do an impulse purchase of an electric 2 vehicle. 3 And then, as Kristin pointed out, we need 4 to have streamlined permitting process so that when 5 a person does buy their electric they're not 6 waiting weeks to get the box into their garage so 7 they can charge it up and drive it. 8 So moving forward, I didn't touch on the 9 cost. Obviously costs are a concern, we need to 10 get the economy to scale to get the cost down. 11 Make the vehicle more affordable and to get the 12 charging infrastructure more affordable, as well. 13 We need to work together and we need to provide the 14 outreach. Next slide. 15 In 2007, Ford formed their first OEMs 16 utility partnership to look at electrification. We 17 created several targets and goals to look at new 18 business models, help provide value to the customer 19 through this new electrification system. Emphasis 20 on developing opened architecture standards and 21 specifications, and then to create customer demand 22 on realistic expectations. 23 Now I have to say that when we first sat 24 down with our utility partner, which was Southern 25 California Edison, automotive companies, we all ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 72

1 write utility bills, so we understood each others 2 industry. Those guys, they all drove cars, so they 3 understood our industry. So, next slide. 4 We sat down and after a couple of hours we 5 mapped out what it would like to bring 6 electrification. We had five work streams, we knew 7 exactly which elements would go into each of those 8 work streams, and we were all set to do some work. 9 Fortunately, we took a deep breath, rolled up our 10 sleeves, and then took another look at it. Next 11 slide. 12 I realized the world looked a lot more like 13 that, and what is really key to that slide, and I 14 don't expect you to really read any of that, but 15 that's not what is important. What is important is 16 this goes beyond an OEM and utility working 17 together. It needs to include electric 18 contractors, battery manufactures, governments at 19 the state, federal, and local level and the PSC. 20 What was the learning curve for us is that 21 there is no national body to regulate all 3,150 22 utilities in this country. And of course, some of 23 the utilities within each state don't even 24 themselves communicate within the community and the 25 co-op's. So, a lot of learning and a lot of ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 73

1 cooperation is going to be necessary to move this 2 forward. Next slide, please. 3 Just real quickly, these are the partners 4 we've announced both through our plug-in hybrid 5 electric demonstration program, as well as the more 6 recent announcements we're making with our electric 7 vehicle tour. This isn't all the utilities we're 8 talking to of course, because the Electric Car 9 Research Institute is also a partner of ours, and 10 that brings the body of their 50 plus utilities, as 11 well. It just goes to show we need to have 12 national coverage in discussion going forward. 13 Next slide. 14 I'm not going to go into this, but I think 15 we have talked about infrastructure significantly. 16 Just the high points is that we need to have the 17 vehicle to grid integration, smart vehicles talking 18 to smart grids. We need to have consistent 19 communication protocols, we need to have open 20 architecture. People need to be able to plug that 21 car in anywhere there's a public spot. What 22 concerns me a little bit with all of these 23 different programs being set up around the country 24 with subscription schemes being proposed. The last 25 thing we want is somebody to go to a public station ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 74

1 or a station that's accessible publicly and find 2 they don't have the right subscription and can't 3 access that. 4 As far as I can tell, I can go to a BP 5 station, an Amoco station, a Shell and I can 6 fill-up my car, and it's got to be the same way 7 with electric charge stations. Bidirectional 8 communication, the smartness that's necessary. 9 There's been less talk lately, fortunately, about 10 bi-direction power flow where the vehicle actually 11 puts power back in the grid. That's interesting, 12 it's longterm, it doesn't need to be part of this 13 discussion today. 14 And then, of course, faster charging will 15 be a key enabler of adoption of the electric 16 vehicles. So just briefly, we talked about this 17 quite a bit. Level one, the 120 volt charging for 18 your pure battery electric car it would take over 19 20 hours to charge that vehicle. It may work well 20 for a plug-in hybrid, which you could charge 21 overnight, but you really need to move to the level 22 two. And then with the level two, you have the 23 15-amp and the 30-amp charging, so you can see that 24 the trending is to go to faster charge times for 25 electric vehicles with that. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 75

1 A level three, there are no standards for 2 level three charging, and that's really the concern 3 we have right now. It is, potentially, a game 4 changer allowing people to fully charge an electric 5 vehicle in under half an hour. But until we have a 6 national standard, we can't start developing that 7 charge system in our vehicles. So to the extent 8 that this body can encourage the adoption of 9 standards before the technology is rolled out into 10 the marketplace, that would help the consumers 11 understand what their charging options are. 12 And then the last slide. It's just simply, 13 we need to be working together. It's more than 14 just OEMs and utilities. It's Christian Protode 15 with the Commission of the Public Services 16 Commission bringing in a huge body of different 17 parties and we would love to see that model carried 18 across into different states. So with that, 19 questions. 20 COMMISSIONER CURRY: Thank you very 21 much to all the panelists. In New York State, how 22 important are the utilities to a rollout of a 23 significant sale of EVs? Michigan is clearly 24 behind it, obviously, for a variety of political, 25 as well as practical reasons. Each of you has ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 76

1 spoken of the utilities as being an ingredient 2 there that the folks that we relate to most 3 directly. Are there insights or perspectives that 4 you can articulate that go to how we can work with 5 utilities to enable this with what the policy of 6 the state is? 7 MS. ZIMMERMAN: Yes, please. My first 8 comment to that would be the customer needs to be 9 become aware. There's a huge educational learning 10 curve for everybody involved, so the utilities 11 extending information on their website, flyers, 12 brochures, going to the local dealerships to convey 13 a brochure to suggest these are the programs we can 14 make available to that customer. 15 I think our easy -- easier to do near term 16 wins. The 1-800 call center, when somebody has an 17 issue with their vehicle they could call General 18 Motors, they may call the dealer, if it's not 19 charging properly they're probably going to call 20 the utility. So who's on the other end of that 21 line? Can they triage it to put it in the right 22 bin to get it answered without bouncing forward for 23 the customer? Because if that customer has a 24 negative experience they are going to turn in their 25 vehicle and tell everybody else that it's not ready ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 77

1 for prime time. So those are some things that I 2 would target in the near term. 3 COMMISSIONER CURRY: Thank you. 4 Commissioner Acampora. 5 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: When hybrid 6 vehicles came out in New York State when the feds 7 allowed them in HOV lanes if you got the green 8 pass, we found out that some hybrid vehicles did 9 not meet the standards of the federal government. 10 So are these cars -- is there a standard by the 11 federal government and are you meeting them so that 12 people don't go out and buy the car because they 13 want to get in that HOV lane, and then find out, 14 sorry, you bought the wrong car. 15 MS. MANSFIELD: Well, the Leaf is zero 16 emissions, so I think that regardless of whatever 17 standard the federal government comes out with, you 18 know, we're no gas, we're no emissions, we're no 19 tailpipe. I think we're going to meet that 20 standard. 21 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: But you have 22 gas? 23 MS. ZIMMERMAN: That's right, and I 24 know one of the standards has been based on battery 25 capacity, and so this is blended energy. And yes ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 78

1 there will be maybe a bit of conflict for the 2 customers saying, you know, do I qualify? So that 3 kind of information would have to be very 4 transparent at the point of purchase or before. 5 COMMISSIONER CURRY: Commissioner 6 Acampora comes from the State of Long Island, which 7 is one of the three states that are in New York 8 State. There's Upstate, there's New York City, and 9 Long Island. And the Long Island Expressway is a 10 place where people spend lots and lots of time. So 11 if you can be in HOV lane without controversy, it's 12 an enormous selection. So I just want to emphasize 13 that. 14 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: So that's a 15 question that, particularly in our state, 16 Long Islanders would be very interested and want to 17 buy the car that would be allowed in the HOV that 18 would meet the federal standards. 19 COMMISSIONER CURRY: And just for 20 perspective there are I think, roughly, 300 million 21 meters -- electric meters on Long Island. 22 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: I have another 23 question. When these EVs are connected to the grid 24 I think it has -- provides another potential for 25 hacking, so how are the car manufacturers dealing ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 79

1 with the possibility of another problem to look at 2 with, particularly with the OnStar and a security 3 issue? 4 MS. ZIMMERMAN: Vandalism, is that 5 what you're referring to? 6 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Well, 7 vandalism, what about shutting down your car as 8 you're driving down a desolate country road, 9 someone hacks in and says, I'm going to get that 10 person. 11 COMMISSIONER CURRY: And part of the 12 perspective on this is we've addressed this -- 13 we're aware of this because of the concern for 14 privacy in the smart grid process. So we've been 15 alerted to that and slightly educated on that. I 16 share Commissioner Acampora's question about how 17 are you guys relating to stay within these 18 standards that we're talking about? 19 MS. ZIMMERMAN: We're working very, 20 very closely with developing those standards, we 21 have to. And so, I don't think, right now, it's an 22 issue, but clearly we have to determine how to 23 mitigate something that pops up and be very facile 24 and be able to respond. 25 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Right. As ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 80

1 technology continues to evolve. 2 MS. ZIMMERMAN: Absolutely. But I 3 thought that you might have been pointing to this 4 issue of vandalism, especially in the public 5 charging arena, where, unless it's a managed lot, 6 someone can just walk up to your vehicle and take 7 it off, and be like, they already paid for it, so 8 it lends itself to this billing issue and how you 9 might go about billing. Well, a lot of folks are 10 just saying, why don't we just pay for parking, 11 forget the electricity piece of it. You pay a few 12 extra bucks for that parking spot and you don't 13 have a billing issue. But there's a lot of these 14 things at play, and indeed, it will be the 15 blogosphere, the social networks that are talking 16 about it and demanding, you know, new solutions 17 going forward. 18 MS. MANSFIELD: And I can speak a 19 little bit to that. Nissan is putting in place all 20 the firewall protections and all of the protections 21 around that. And then, I know that a lot of the 22 charging stations, speaking to Kristin's point 23 about the vandalism and if somebody comes along and 24 unplugs you, and then they want to plug in their 25 car. The charging episode stops at the end of -- ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 81

1 as soon as you disengage, and in order to start it 2 again, particularly in a public sort of setting, an 3 RFID card or a credit card or something like that 4 would have to be swiped in order to start an 5 additional charging episode. 6 MS. ZIMMERMAN: I just wanted to add 7 that cybervandalism is a major part of the 8 standards to make sure we have the protections in 9 place to prevent that, and to the firewalls 10 controls that information that's exchanged with the 11 utility there will be a firewall between that and 12 what operates the product. So it is something that 13 we're taking into consideration, it's a new world 14 but we will have solutions for it. 15 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER CURRY: Chairman Brown, 17 Commissioner Harris. 18 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: My question is 19 going back to the 500,000 foot level, just so I can 20 understand goes in and purchases a vehicle from a 21 local franchise. I'm just going to take one 22 example and say a customer goes in and inquires 23 about the cost of the vehicle. I think, Nancy, 24 your vehicle is $25,000 with a $2,500 federal 25 credit, about that? ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 82

1 Is it the dealer or the franchise dealer 2 who then discloses to the consumer what the cost of 3 a level two charging docket would cost, and the 4 home installation cost, and all of other costs that 5 are sort of added onto that. I'm just trying to 6 figure out who is sort of liable or responsible for 7 the full disclose? 8 MS. MANSFIELD: Sure. The way that 9 Nissan is handling the purchase of their Leaf's, at 10 least in the first couple of model years, we are 11 actually doing a lot of ours online through a 12 process called the Leaf customer journey. It's a 13 website that people can go on, they've reserved a 14 car and then where their reservation comes up, if 15 you will, they are told that they can schedule the 16 assessment. 17 And then we're working with a preferred 18 EVSE provider, Air Environment, and they actually 19 work with a network of certified -- of local 20 certified electrical contractors who then go to the 21 residence, determine how much the charging dock and 22 installation would cost, we would write up a 23 written estimate for the homeowner. The homeowner 24 would then have the option, at that point, to 25 either opt out or move forward and so they have, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 83

1 you know, full disclosure on how much that's going 2 to cost. 3 It can be rolled into the purchase of the 4 car, or it can be paid for separately, or over 5 time. And then going forward from there they can 6 place the order, the customer has full opportunity 7 to place the order, they can determine their trim 8 package, their color, all of those sorts of things. 9 And then when the car arrives at the dealer, the 10 dealer calls them and tells them their car is here. 11 They go down and sign the paperwork and go on. So 12 it's a very non-traditional sort of dealer 13 transaction. 14 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: The next 15 question I would have then is it also the dealer 16 who provides the consumer with the charging points? 17 That might be -- so each local dealer -- if I would 18 like to purchase an electric vehicle I need to know 19 where the charging points are in and around the 20 25-50 mile radius. 21 MS. MANSFIELD: We have that built 22 into our telematic system, which is onboard our 23 car, and it will be updated quarterly and be pushed 24 to your car via satellite. So, you can just go in 25 and within your region, you will see every charging ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 84

1 station that's available and whether or not it's 2 free at any given time. 3 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: And then I would 4 just take it one step further which is the time of 5 use rates. Because each state has different rate 6 structure and rate design elements. So there may 7 not be in the State of New York for residences time 8 of use rates, critical peak price, and I think if 9 the consumer thinks that plugging it in at night 10 might save more money, that that may not be the 11 case. I guess, is that the utilities 12 responsibility or the consumers responsibility? 13 MS. MANSFIELD: We would very much 14 like for the utilities to consider time of use 15 rates, and then promote them to their customers. 16 And then as far as the timing of when to charge the 17 car the Leaf and I think the Volt also have timing 18 mechanisms onboard so that you can set your car to 19 start charging at a given time. 20 I think Kristin's presentation talked a 21 little bit about, you know, backing it up if you 22 need it by 7:00 a.m. your car will 23 know. The Leaf also has a way to set a timer so 24 that you can start your charging episode at 11:00 25 p.m., or whatever time you need to in order to take ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 85

1 advantage of time of use of rates that might be 2 available. 3 COMMISSIONER CURRY: We have some 4 statutory hurdles here in New York that we need to 5 get over. 6 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I just wanted to 7 follow up on your theme. In New York, if you go to 8 the Village of Arcade a municipal customer you can 9 get electricity for two cents a kilowatt hour, if 10 you go to New York City, it's upward of 20 cents a 11 kilowatt hour. Are you going to be telling the 12 customer -- like refrigerators, when you go to the 13 store it says this will cost you so much per year. 14 If you try to do that in a state like New York, you 15 could miss it by a factor of ten, depending on 16 where you happen to be in the state. 17 And I guess the other half of that question 18 is, yesterday I filled up, I know that gasoline is 19 $2.99 a gallon because I noticed it at the pump. 20 Electricity, you're going to find out a month and a 21 half later just how much you spent. Are you going 22 to try to provide the consumers, when they purchase 23 the vehicle, a fairly accurate estimate of what 24 it's probably going to cost them. Because I would 25 think, again, in the name of consumer satisfaction, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 86

1 if you tell them it's going to be $27 a month and 2 their bills shows up $60 higher, the blogs get 3 going again. So I was just curious on your 4 thoughts on that. 5 MS. HOMEISTER: Certainly it will be 6 similar to the fuel economy label on the vehicles 7 and that's being controlled by the EPA. They're 8 developing the test procedures to determine what 9 would be the average. We will always have the 10 issue because they'll develop a national standard, 11 so how do you do it on the local level? 12 We would love to provide that information 13 at the dealership. It will be a challenge because 14 we can't, necessarily, know when the customer comes 15 in where they are going to be plugging that in. 16 Because, as we pointed out, you don't have to go 17 very far before you go from one service region to 18 another which, potentially, could be a significant 19 impact on the price. 20 And so that's where the utility partnership 21 really comes in significantly. We would love the 22 see utilities have that information on their own 23 websites, so you put in the efficiency of the 24 vehicle, determine what your energy cost may be 25 based on your rates. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 87

1 It may not help you if you're a commuter 2 and you're charging at two different locations 3 during the day. There's a lot of complexity there. 4 But that, again, is key to where we need the 5 utility partnership to get the communication to the 6 customer at time of purchase, or at time of 7 purchase consideration. 8 MS. ZIMMERMAN: May I also comment on 9 that? Seeing as how we're launching next month, we 10 have to get this dealer and utility piece in place, 11 so in the early days when we were trying to figure 12 out what role the dealer wanted to play and what 13 role the utility wanted to play, we learned that at 14 first it was, didn't want anything to do with after 15 sale. 16 So we consulted with and hired a third 17 party, SPX, to hand hold that customer. The minute 18 they go online and they order the vehicle, SPX is 19 made aware. SPX calls the utility where that 20 customer lives. We have a conversation with the 21 customer to make sure that they understand the 22 value proposition, this ownership. We find out 23 where they live and where they work, so we find out 24 what the rates might be in the territory. 25 The dealer knows a part of it, but they ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 88

1 don't want to know the nitty-gritty detail of 2 electricity piece and the utility piece, but the 3 dealer will be conveying options to the customer on 4 whether or not they buy a $500 charging unit versus 5 a $3,500 charging unit and what the differences 6 are. So they'll have pieces of the puzzle, but all 7 this hand holding will be done for at least the 8 first two model years for our product because we 9 have a lot to learn. And then through this 10 connectedness with the utility, I think the utility 11 will learn a lot more about what needs to be 12 provided on that website or that 1-800 call center. 13 CHAIRMAN BROWN: And I guess the other 14 aspect you all, maybe not all of you, talked about 15 the manual override switch, the one that says I 16 want to charge right now. And I assume that's kind 17 of a given for all the vehicles. 18 My concern, I guess I'll just express a 19 concern and you can comment, is that will become 20 the default switch for most people unless and until 21 we get far more sophisticated in our electricity 22 system which is going to take a whole number of 23 years. So as you're rolling out, the problems that 24 we're concerned about, I think, are going to hit us 25 immediately because of that manual override switch, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 89

1 but I understand that it has to be there. 2 MS. ZIMMERMAN: That's absolutely 3 true. And it's kind of interesting, this education 4 process. Unless there's a really deep discount for 5 the consumer to plug in at a different time, 6 they're not going to. So you'll see a lot of the 7 early programs coming out for the utilities where 8 they would like a second meter and they're offering 9 an EV time of use rate. But that's not the be all, 10 end all goal. 11 Because as we move into to EMI and really 12 smart charging and smart grid, it's going to 13 probably move into a whole host time of use rate. 14 Something that's far more managed and distributed 15 in this manner. So what, five years maybe, will be 16 the learning curve? We don't know, but clearly 17 this preferable, cheaper rate, off-peak is a way 18 for us to learn if the customer's really responding 19 to the cheaper rate. 20 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Right. And, you 21 know, I think you should go under the assumption 22 that most utilities will not have these rates in 23 place and, certainly, the meters to really 24 implement those rates for a number of years. I 25 think the good news is that the early buyers are ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 90

1 probably people who want to be green to some 2 degree. And if you could include in your 3 educational information that off-peak charging will 4 help the environment and the system and we won't 5 have to build expensive new plants, we won't have 6 to use our dirtiest plants, you could help us in 7 getting that information to the consumer so that 8 they just don't default to the manual override. 9 COMMISSIONER CURRY: I think we could 10 take, although, Joe is going to hit me with 11 something. We're just a little bit over 12:30, is 12 there anyone from the audience who has a question 13 at this point? See, no hands raised. I thank the 14 panel very much for their incites, their 15 perspectives, and the knowledge we learned today. 16 Thank you. 17 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Okay, we will take a 18 break until 1:30 when we will resume. Thank you. 19 (Off the record.) 20 (Back on the record.) 21 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I would like to 22 resume our technical conference and, at this point, 23 turn it over to Commissioner Maureen Harris for her 24 panel. Thank you. 25 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Thank you, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 91

1 Mr. Chairman and good afternoon everyone. Well, I 2 have the honor and privilege of introducing the 3 utility panel in this discussion of electric 4 vehicles here. I'm going to just do a very brief 5 introduction of my panelists here and mix things up 6 a little bit. 7 To my immediate right we have Matt Ketschke 8 who is from Con Ed. He is the current director of 9 the Con Edison learning center, and he is also 10 currently head a cross-functional electric vehicle 11 team. 12 To my far right is Enrique, and I am just 13 going to refer to him as Enrique because I cannot 14 pronounce his last name. So he is now like 15 Madonna, the one name moniker here. Enrique to the 16 right -- furthest right. He is the head of new 17 initiatives and electric vehicle corporate project 18 manager of Iberdrola since January of this year. 19 To my left we have Steven Tobias from 20 National Grid. Steven is a principle analyst in 21 National Grid's technology and innovation 22 organization. He also supports emerging technology 23 initiatives across this organization including 24 leading National Grid's evaluation of electric 25 transportation in the U.S. and the U.K. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 92

1 So to change things up a little bit, mostly 2 because I have the panel that is after lunch. I 3 just informed my panelist that we're going to nix 4 their slides and go right into question and 5 answers, both from my colleagues and from the 6 audience just to keep things alive and kicking. 7 But I'll take the first question, the 8 prerogative here. I'm going to ask Matt since 9 we're dealing with New York City and Con Edison 10 here, the big gorilla in the room. I'm going to 11 ask you since this panel has to do with clustering 12 and the impact to the system, I'm going to ask you, 13 based on the current studies and what is going on 14 down in New York City, if you could talk a little 15 bit about the clustering effect? 16 MR. KETSCHKE: So as we looked at EV 17 penetration and what the EV is going to mean to us, 18 we noticed a few things about our -- there's a 19 couple of things about our service territory that 20 are a little unique to New York City, particularly, 21 as opposed to the rest of the country. One of 22 these is vehicle ownership. 23 Across the country, about 90 percent of 24 households own at least one vehicle, and something 25 like 57 percent own more than one vehicle. Compare ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 93

1 that to Manhattan, in Manhattan, only about 2 21 percent of households own vehicles and fewer 3 than two percent own more than one vehicle. So if 4 you look at where are vehicles going to go? Our 5 service territory just doesn't have a lot of 6 vehicles as compared to the customers that we have. 7 But there's an expectation that EV -- early 8 EV market penetration will be in areas of certain 9 demographic type -- in certain demographics EVs are 10 going to be more attractive to that demographic. 11 Particularly people who have some more disposable 12 income, people who are much more environmentally 13 conscious, and people who have a slightly higher 14 level of education seem to be the demographic of 15 the early adopters. And we do have concentrations 16 of people who fit that characteristic in our 17 service territory. 18 Some of the things that we're looking at is 19 where will these EVs cluster? Because without a 20 lot of vehicles in service territory, we don't 21 expect large system problems; problems with 22 transmission system, problems at the area 23 substation level, but much more localized problems. 24 And in the NYSERDA presentation this morning, they 25 talked about that those localized problems would be ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 94

1 infrequent, but if it happens on your block or your 2 building is the one that goes out because the 3 system is overloaded. And if that only happens 4 one percent of the time, that's a couple of times a 5 year, that's significant. So we're looking at what 6 would that clustering effect be, and where would 7 these clusters be. 8 And the slide we have up gives -- is a 9 clustering estimation based on census data of who 10 we think some of the early adopters would be. And 11 there's several different studies that we're 12 working on to try to get a handle on where the 13 early adopters would be within our service 14 territory. And then look at the distribution level 15 equipment to see if we're going to see overload, 16 because if you have four or five EVs on one 17 distribution transformer, particularly on a 18 non-network circuit, that would probably overload 19 that transformer and you would have a problem with 20 that transformer. So knowing where those clusters 21 are is going to help us a lot, and that's where the 22 relationship with the OEMs, the manufacturers, and 23 who is buying these is very important to us. We 24 know who is buying them so we can make sure the 25 system is reinforced for them. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 95

1 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay, thank you. 2 I guess I would turn to the other panelists, both 3 Enrique and Steven. And Enrique, you're on my 4 right, here, so I'll go to you first. About what 5 effects do you see in Spain, clustering effects, on 6 the system? 7 MR. MERONO: Very good. First of all, 8 I want to thank you to the New York State Public 9 Service Commission to invite us. It is a great 10 honor to be here. Secondly, answering the 11 question, let me also only give you two figures 12 from 1997 to 2007 the demand in Spain increases 13 61 percent. That is an average of six percent per 14 year. 15 Ten million cars, it's 50 percent of the 16 whole fleet, whole Spanish fleet, represent 10 17 percent of the demand. So for us, really, we 18 thought it's not a problem, the clustering, because 19 from now to obtain 10 million vehicles in Spain, 20 it's not from today until tomorrow it's 10, 15, 21 30 years. So for us it's not -- the issue here is 22 not the distribution grid or the security of the 23 supply, it's not every problem. 24 Electric vehicles are like a dryer, or like 25 an air conditioner for a distribution company. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 96

1 It's another load on the system with certain 2 particularities, but it's like an outlaw. So for 3 us in Spain, we don't feel that this will be an 4 issue in the near future. 5 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Steven, how 6 about in U.K. and specifically in London? 7 MR. TOBIAS: Thanks to Maureen for 8 inviting National Grid to talk today about our 9 experiences in the U.K. One of the areas that 10 National Grid is most interested in the U.K. is the 11 overall transmission network and thinking about 12 electric vehicles both across all of the U.K., but 13 also in areas where there are concentrations of 14 vehicles. And there's a greater concentration of 15 these vehicles, as Commissioner Harris just 16 mentioned, in London. Illustrated in the slide is 17 the clustering of vehicles within London center. 18 These are the 33 boroughs of London, and 19 the concentrated darker green areas is this 20 clustering that is seen with hybrids today. So You 21 can get the sense that there is particular circuits 22 that would be most sensitive to higher and higher 23 amounts of vehicles when they're not hybrids that 24 don't plug in, but when they become these plug-in 25 electric vehicles. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 97

1 In the demographics that Matt talked about, 2 those are the same demographics that align well 3 with these clusters of vehicles. The topology of 4 the distribution network in London and throughout 5 the U.K. is a little different than what we had 6 heard this morning. And we heard that it's 7 typically five or seven customers for a secondary 8 transformer for that distribution transformer. In 9 the U.K. it's actually about 200 customers for a 10 distribution transformer. 11 The size of a distribution transformer is 12 not 25 KVA, but instead it's about 500 KVA, so 13 there's some significant differences. It's 14 differences about what the average anticipated load 15 of an individual customer is, as well. In London 16 it's typically, on average with a diversity factor, 17 something like one and a half kilowatts. When you 18 plug-in an electric vehicle, the U.K. system's at 19 240 volts already and about 13 amps, so that's 20 about 3.3 kilowatts. So you're already exceeding 21 what that average loading is, so there's some 22 strong concerns that -- not National Grid, but EDF 23 Energy Networks, who is the distribution network 24 operator in London, has with vehicles coming in the 25 years ahead here. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 98

1 There's other components to what Enrique 2 mentioned. One of the other areas that 3 individuals, or Network operators in London and 4 throughout the U.K. are concerned about are other 5 appliances like heat pumps, for example. Where 6 this is another significant load to also drive down 7 CO2 emissions throughout the U.K. 8 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay, thank you. 9 Matt, coming back to New York City, what do you see 10 as some of the biggest challenges to incorporating 11 electric vehicles into the system? 12 MR. KETSCHKE: Okay. I think one of 13 our biggest challenges is customer education. You 14 heard the main factors talk this morning about 15 making sure that that interface with the utility 16 and the customer works well. To address that, 17 we're trying to push more information to our 18 website, and you think about your typical EV 19 adopter is going to be somebody who's technology 20 savvy and looking for information. So pushing as 21 much information as you can out to the customer so 22 they know what to expect. Because what came up in 23 this morning's conversation, there are wide 24 variations in energy prices in different points of 25 the state. So what the economics would look like ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 99

1 for somebody adopting an EV would vary depending on 2 where they are, and in Con Edison service 3 territory, you have some of the highest rates. So 4 we want to make sure that the expectations are 5 there for the customer and they know what they are 6 getting. 7 We also want to make sure that customers 8 understand that they need to go to a licensed 9 electrician or the third party facilitator that is 10 working with the OEM to make sure that their 11 infrastructure in their home is adequate. Because 12 level two charging is comparable to a dryer or 13 central air conditioning, which is not an 14 insignificant load. And especially since we have a 15 lot of older homes in our service territory, we 16 want to make sure that peoples home infrastructure 17 is up to snuff and then that they let us know that 18 they put it in. Not to get in the way of the 19 process, because we want to expedite, if they 20 bought the vehicle, we don't want to stand in the 21 way of the process. We want to make sure that our 22 distribution system is reinforced to adequately 23 supply them. 24 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: I am going to 25 pick on you for a few more minutes because you're ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 100

1 closest to me. But the earlier panel raised a 2 really interesting issue and concern about 3 multi-family housing. How do you envision Con Ed 4 working with the residents of New York City and 5 master-metered buildings? I can foresee that being 6 a very difficult issue. 7 MR. KETSCHKE: I think that goes to 8 one of the issues of public charging infrastructure 9 and how are we going to handle, as an industry, 10 public infrastructure -- public charging 11 infrastructure? And is that best supplied by the 12 regular utility company or is that best supplied by 13 marketplace? 14 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: When you say, 15 public, maybe I should have asked this of the 16 earlier panelist, but, public, who pays for that? 17 Is it spread out among all ratepayers, or is this 18 just whoever uses it? 19 MR. KETSCHKE: Our view would be that 20 the -- those who use that service should pay for 21 that service. That shouldn't be subsidized by 22 other rate payers to bring infrastructure for you 23 to charge your vehicle. So if it's in your home, 24 typically, we have an obligation to bring enough 25 capacity to your home, but the internal charging ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 101

1 infrastructure in your home, you pay for. 2 If you lived in a multi-unit building with 3 a parking garage, that that would be paid by the 4 owner of the parking garage or the parking 5 facility, but not by the utility company. 6 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: So was this 7 mentioned earlier then that the infrastructure of 8 actually putting in the public charging would be 9 fronted by whom then? Because if the revenues are 10 going to be distributed among those ratepayers who 11 actually plug in and use this, who would actually 12 pay for the construction of the infrastructure? Or 13 did somebody mention on bill financing for the 14 public infrastructure? 15 MR. KETSCHKE: At least from our view 16 is that, you know, we're the T and D company and we 17 bring energy to a facility point. So if it's for a 18 home, it's for air conditioning in your home, or 19 for any -- we're moving that energy to a point. 20 Beyond that point, some other third party that the 21 marketplace, if this would be better served by the 22 more dynamic marketplace to install that charging 23 station and handle that transaction. 24 If utility companies are not well set up to 25 install the infrastructure beyond the wire that ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 102

1 takes the energy there, but the charge station and 2 that transaction is best done by the free 3 marketplace and not by the regular utility company. 4 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay. So moving 5 backwards to the earlier discussion about having 6 three to five customers per transformer. I think 7 the Chairman gave an example that if you have three 8 to five customers per transformer, but two of those 9 customers have electric vehicles which might push 10 it over the edge to require some more imminent 11 upgrades; who pays for the upgrade to the 12 transformer then? Would it be all the ratepayers 13 on the transformer, or all the ratepayers 14 generally, or just those who have the vehicle? 15 MR. KETSCHKE: The model now, and the 16 model that I would expect for residential use would 17 be the same, would be if the four of us lived on 18 one block served by one common transformer. And 19 the transformers that we have been talking about 20 would be residential. Typically in an area like 21 Westchester or the residential portions of 22 Brooklyn, Queens or Staten Island, an overhead 23 transformer of 25 or 50 KVA. 24 Our New York City and the Manhattan system 25 and the network New York portion are similar to ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 103

1 London with much larger transformers. And the 2 capacity to strike is really less of an issue 3 there. But in the case of a residential 4 neighborhood or development where we each get an 5 electric vehicle and that pushes that transformer 6 over its load limit, the way would that be done now 7 is either a larger transformer would be installed 8 or the load would be split between a new 9 transformer and an existing one. That is part of 10 our system reinforcement budget and that is just 11 part of the ongoing concern that goes into rate 12 base for the residential. For large commercial, 13 there's a different test with those things. 14 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: I'll open it 15 open to questions. Commissioner Larocca? 16 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I'm going to 17 ask you to back up to the step on the 18 infrastructure question. As we have seen the 19 hybrid vehicles emerge and an increasing level of 20 sophistication in these vehicles, more competition, 21 more offering. They don't bring with them the 22 imposition on the utility or larger economic units 23 of an infrastructure change or an investment of any 24 consequence. It's when we move to plug-in that the 25 game changes. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 104

1 And as we move to plug-in, if I understand 2 this, we have any number of plug-in vehicles now, 3 here and there, in gated communities, in golf 4 courses, and other places. But I can tell you as a 5 kid growing up in Brooklyn we had something called 6 Pilgrim Laundry that had it's entire fleet of 7 trucks in the 1950s that were electric vehicles. 8 And they brought them back to the factory or the 9 garage and then plugged them in. 10 If the hybrid is growing in sophistication 11 at the rate it seems to be and use, and it doesn't 12 bring with it the additional burden of major 13 infrastructure investment for charging stations and 14 so forth, why not, I don't want to say give up, but 15 why not put aside the plug-in hybrid in favor of 16 the hybrid? Unless we're getting to a battery 17 technology and a charging technology that allows 18 electric vehicles to stand on their own, to this 19 point that which is working in conventional 20 applications and the kind that most people see 21 their personal automobiles, for example, don't work 22 very well as simply electric vehicles, but they do 23 work as hybrid vehicles. 24 So using the infrastructure test, why are 25 we on this threshold of infrastructure when the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 105

1 other technology might be the better choice? 2 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Commissioner 3 Larocca, we had a few representatives from the 4 automobile industry here earlier, so if anybody 5 from the audience wanted to jump in, I don't if 6 that might -- I see some people, the reason I'm 7 saying this is because there's three women who are 8 in the front row who gave a fabulous presentation 9 earlier that might want to jump in. And I'm 10 getting some body language, that they might want 11 to. 12 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I would 13 appreciate that, I think that would be good. But I 14 do want to hear it from the providers, the juice 15 people how they -- 16 MR. TOBIAS: It's a great question. 17 Some of it goes to, you know, the infrastructure 18 component, but the other component is, as you put 19 it, the juice that is provided. In the U.K. and 20 fortunately here in the Northeast U.S. as well, 21 when you start looking at, let's say the emissions 22 from a hybrid, compare that to what the emissions 23 could be from, well, specifically let's say 24 greenhouse gas emissions from a hybrid versus a 25 plug-in electric vehicles. There are significant ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 106

1 advantages to getting the fuel source from an 2 electric vehicle or from the electric system. 3 That's one of the key drivers in the U.K, 4 there's 80 percent reduction of CO2 by 2050 and 5 there's an interim target of 34 percent reduction 6 by 2020 and a key component to meeting those 7 targets in the transportation sectors is to 8 encourage electrification of transportation. 9 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay. Enrique, 10 I just wanted to ask you a question -- unless 11 somebody from the audience wanted to chime in on 12 that question? Kristin? 13 MS. ZIMMERMAN: I would just 14 mention -- I'm sorry. Kristin Zimmerman, General 15 Motors. I would just mention the energy security 16 and domestic resources of energy that are the 17 option with the plug-in capability. And, yes, 18 there are some targets for CO2 and other greenhouse 19 gas emissions, but if there's also a mandate or a 20 drive for domestic sources of electricity or fuel 21 generation that is a potential solution for it 22 because as a down stream pull or need on the 23 system. So energy security, getting off petroleum, 24 are clearly key indicators in that equation. 25 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I think it's ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 107

1 interesting that you've each offered the broadest 2 public policy consideration: Air quality, climate, 3 and national security. I guess I'm coming at the 4 question a little closer to the ground in the sense 5 that one might be able to argue that we are 6 continuing, your company among others, to get 7 higher efficiencies and higher quality emissions 8 out of conventional vehicles, and some of that 9 carries over into the hybrids, as well, while 10 they're in that mode. But I'm really coming off 11 the question about where this infrastructure gets 12 paid for that comes with this new kind of fleet, 13 and if it's serving at least these two perhaps and 14 other broad national policy objectives and it's 15 probably appropriate for that cost to be covered 16 over the widest possible base because of the widest 17 possible base benefits. 18 If it's seen as more particular it comes 19 down to, even as you phrased the question, is it on 20 somebody's bill, does it get that specific as to 21 users who are getting these charging stations. I 22 don't have the answer to it, just trying to frame 23 it. 24 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Mark Reeder. 25 MR. REEDER: Let me just try to help. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 108

1 I think part of the answer is -- and the answer to 2 Commissioner Harris' question. Two people out of 3 five use a lot more electricity, will they pay 4 20-cents a kilowatt hour for each extra electricity 5 they use, maybe 10 cents of the 12 is for the 6 distribution system, the rest is for the fuel. And 7 so, they probably are funding that infrastructure 8 through their higher electric bills that they send 9 to the electric companies. The company then uses 10 it to build the infrastructure. Wherever the money 11 comes from, instead of sending their money to the 12 gas station, they send the money to the electric 13 company. So you get off of the gasoline and you 14 pay for the electric juice and the electric 15 distribution system. 16 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: The more 17 targeted and specific the imposition or recovery of 18 those infrastructure costs is to individual users, 19 the higher the rate to the individual user. 20 MR. REEDER: I guess, perhaps, but 21 you're targeting it right to them. You're saying 22 they're the cost in that area, they go up much 23 higher than what -- the extra they pay? 24 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Well, no. The 25 financial architecture, if it's done exactly right, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 109

1 and we've isolated the imposition of the 2 infrastructure cost on to the people who are 3 directly benefiting and using it, then that could 4 be a considerable factor in the cost of that 5 service. 6 THE WITNESS: Excuse me, Commissioner 7 Larocca can you push -- 8 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Do you see my 9 point? 10 MR. REEDER: I guess. But to me, the 11 cost of an electric car can be quite high if your 12 bill is 20 cents per kilowatt hour. So before you 13 get an electric car you've got to figure that out 14 and you pay for that. 15 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I understand, 16 but what percentage, or is there some way to 17 evaluate what percentage of that higher cost will 18 be associated with this considerable infrastructure 19 investment that must come with it to make this a 20 viable? 21 MR. REEDER: What I think you're 22 asking is the distribution price higher than the 23 marginal costs that's incurred when you have load 24 grow and you have to add distribution investment. 25 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: And who pays ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 110

1 it? 2 MR. REEDER: Well, everyone pays the 3 distribution price per kilowatt hour they use. And 4 right now, generally, that price is above the 5 marginal costs in most places. 6 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Chairman Brown, 7 I just want the record to reflect that I am 8 actually allowing Chairman Brown to ask questions. 9 CHAIRMAN BROWN: To build on Jim's 10 point and I wanted to ask Enrique and Steven was 11 we've got a couple of different model's that have 12 been set up; a Spanish model and a U.K. model that 13 you lived through already. Are there lessons to be 14 learned about cost allocations, specifically to the 15 Commissioner's point? Are there things you think 16 that were done really well and are there things 17 you'll experience that you say don't make the same 18 mistake again? And I'd be interested in your 19 thoughts from Spain and U.K. 20 MR. MERONO: Thank you, that's a very 21 good question. Well, in Spain -- let me explain, 22 in Spain the government, and we agree with the 23 government in that the idea creates a vehicle like 24 low mileage in English that figure, they want to 25 maintain the distribution companies with the same ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 111

1 boundaries. So they are charging the station 2 infrastructure and the maintenance of that charging 3 station and the reselling of energy, it comes to a 4 different figure called load manager. It's not a 5 retail figure, it's not a distribution figure, so 6 the first thing here is that like a retail figure 7 works in a free market. 8 CHAIRMAN BROWN: So the charging 9 stations are owned by a separate company from the 10 utilities; is that what I'm hearing? 11 MR. MERONO: No, it's -- well, it can 12 be, it could be, but we create, for example, you 13 know the company Iberdrola energy services, green 14 mobility services inside that who are the 15 department in charge of the installation, 16 maintenance, and reselling energy. So if there's a 17 problem, everyone knows who is responsible of that. 18 And that is more or less the Spanish idea. 19 The Spanish idea is to legalize free market, but 20 maintaining technical standards. You cannot do 21 whatever you want, for example in roadside the 22 charging station in the streets you cannot build 23 whatever you want, you have to ask for the 24 permission of the distribution company. 25 CHAIRMAN BROWN: From a safety and ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 112

1 reliability perspective? 2 MR. MERONO: Exactly. 3 CHAIRMAN BROWN: But if the charging 4 station costs you, I'll make up a number $300,000, 5 who is paying for that and how are you getting the 6 recovery of the costs? 7 MR. MERONO: Part of that, the 8 government creates incentives so if the charging 9 stations are infrastructure with public access. 10 You can access, for example, also in, you know, in 11 the street. And also in the Wal-Mart or Home 12 Depot. But a -- the other part of that investment 13 will be paid by the ratepayers. 14 CHAIRMAN BROWN: The ratepayers will 15 pay the other portion? 16 MR. MERONO: Exactly. Because we 17 create our idea in Iberdrola is to create a fixed 18 price that includes, you know, the investment also, 19 and we create a package of a fixed price including 20 the investment, the maintenance, and the energy 21 goes to different term. But that is more or less 22 the idea. 23 The government don't regulate these yet, 24 but we are trying to, you know, go ahead with a 25 different idea and they will permit us because the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 113

1 Iberdrola manager give us the opportunity to, you 2 know, to create a fixed price to our consumers, so 3 we can do that. 4 We felt that this is a good idea, so we are 5 not against the actual con regulation. We felt 6 that there are some empty -- some gaps that we have 7 to fill, but I think it's a good idea, that's it. 8 Sorry. 9 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: No, that's 10 great. Thank you. Steven, did you want to chime 11 in here? 12 MR. TOBIAS: I'll just say something 13 very brief. In the U.K. there's a lot of 14 initiative underway to gain experience with 15 different business models, who owns what. There's 16 different funding schemes in place that the U.K. 17 government is offering like plugged in places. 18 It's a 30 million a pound incentive, or grant, to 19 different awards. 20 National Grid is working with a number of 21 different participants to gain that experience. 22 We're not initially owning the charging 23 infrastructure. EDF Energy Networks may not 24 necessarily be owning that infrastructure, but 25 there's a mix between the workplace, a mix between ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 114

1 the city counsels in London and boroughs that are 2 owning the infrastructure. 3 The goal is to get 7,500 charge points by 4 2013, 25,000 by 2015, and this is all still 5 considered experimental. 6 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Would you repeat 7 those numbers again? 8 MR. TOBIAS: Sure, it's part of the 9 plugged in places initiative. In London, they're 10 looking to have 1,600 charge points in the next 11 year, about 7,500 by 2013. That's co-funded 12 through this plugged in places initiative. The 13 mayor of London has a broader initiative to get 14 25,000 charge points by 2015. 15 CHAIRMAN BROWN: With Commissioner 16 Larocca's point, who is paying for those charge 17 points? 18 MR. TOBIAS: It's a cost share between 19 the U.K. government and the individual workplace 20 that is signing up and saying we are going to 21 provide the additional. 22 CHAIRMAN BROWN: It doesn't go into 23 utility rates at this point? It does in Spain a 24 little bit, their portion does. But you're saying 25 in the U.K. it doesn't? ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 115

1 MR. TOBIAS: It's not for -- just the 2 charge point installation, but in this particular 3 business model. 4 CHAIRMAN BROWN: That's because 5 there's a big federal grant program that underlies 6 this? 7 MR. TOBIAS: In other schemes or 8 throughout other parts throughout the U.K. that may 9 not necessarily be the case. There's that 10 experimentation that's occurring. 11 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: To just use 12 different vocabulary in your answer, who pays? 13 Taxpayers pay the government, meaning taxpayers. 14 Let me just bring it back one more time, if I 15 could, to Con Ed. 16 I live in a house that is half central 17 air-conditioned and half not. And to go to central 18 air for the rest of the house, I have to bring in 19 new service because we're at the limit of what can 20 be done with what we have. When I do that my costs 21 are associated with my own contractor to bring in 22 the service, and I don't know if the utility would 23 then charge or how the utility currently charges 24 for that additional service. 25 I think it's on an as use service once the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 116

1 new service is in place whether or not there's some 2 initial fees it's then just a consumption. 3 MR. KETSCHKE: Correct. So, in the 4 example you gave, exactly that. If you upgrade 5 your service, you would probably have a cost 6 associated with a contract incorporating your 7 panel, your distribution equipment and the upgrade 8 of the Con Ed facility coming to our termination 9 point would be born by the ratepayer that would go 10 on a rate base. You would not, as an individual, 11 pay for that. 12 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Now just change 13 the example that I'm doing this not to air 14 condition the second floor of my house, but to put 15 in a charging station for this electric vehicle 16 that I now have. In that model, which I think is 17 probably a good description of the way we are set 18 up now, the cost of that additional service other 19 than the contractor to set it up is born by the 20 rest of the ratepayers? 21 MR. KETSCHKE: Those examples would be 22 the same, exactly. Yes. 23 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: So to this 24 point in time in this infrastructure evolution, we 25 have not adjusted any of our rate-making ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 117

1 propositions to yet deal with this? 2 MR. KETSCHKE: Correct. For 3 residential use, that example. But there is some 4 differentiation with large commercial. So, for 5 residential because we don't know, necessarily, if 6 it's central air conditioning that you're putting 7 in, a plasma TV, a dryer, or an electric vehicle. 8 CHAIRMAN BROWN: So tomorrow, now come 9 into New York State. Forget your European 10 background, NYSEG, RG&E, National Grid and Con Ed. 11 I heard somebody describe earlier that part of 12 their sales process is going to be bringing in this 13 company that physically does the interconnection 14 and part of their process is to call the utility 15 and say, at 2700 Maple Avenue there's going to be a 16 new electric vehicle being sold there and we're 17 putting in the service. 18 What do -- you get that phone call, do you 19 do anything with that information, at this point? 20 Tomorrow, they're being sold tomorrow. You get the 21 call, what would the utility do? 22 MR. KETSCHKE: We've had those calls 23 already. The third party that they contract with 24 has talked to us, there are a couple of vehicles 25 coming out. We do a load study to make sure that ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 118

1 the facilities are adequate and in almost all 2 cases, they are. Because a typical home, the 3 service of that home is sized in conjunction with 4 the distribution equipment inside the home. If the 5 home has enough capacity. But we also a take a 6 second look to make sure that the aggregation of 7 the load on that transformer does not push that 8 transformer over it's load limit. 9 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Can I ask a 10 question here as moderator? Are those third 11 parties required to notify you? 12 MR. KETSCHKE: No, in New York State 13 if you add additional load your contractor, by the 14 tariff, you add incremental, significant 15 incremental load, the tariff says you should file 16 utility and notify the utility so that we can make 17 sure that the infrastructure is up to snuff. The 18 third party is not necessarily the licensed 19 electrician. That's the licensed electricians 20 responsibility to file with us for additional load. 21 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay. 22 MR. TOBIAS: It would be a very 23 similar process where if we were to learn that 24 someone was putting a charging point in, we would 25 try to assess whether it would create a problem on ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 119

1 the secondary transformer and move forward from 2 that point. 3 CHAIRMAN BROWN: But nobody's 4 suggesting doing anything like putting in a 5 separate meter for the garage as opposed to the 6 rest of the house to track the electric vehicle 7 usage? 8 MR. KETSCHKE: We've had that question 9 from consumers, we're still looking at it. One of 10 the issues for Con Ed is our biggest municipality, 11 New York City, does not allow for second meters by 12 building code. And I think part of the reason that 13 building code is put in place is to keep illegal 14 apartments from proliferating through the city. So 15 there's a building code issue with a second meter 16 in our largest municipality, and some of the other 17 municipalities have similar restrictions. We've 18 looked at other ways that you can do this that may 19 allow for a second meter someplace else in the 20 system, but we're still evaluating those. 21 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: LIPA has that 22 same -- in LIPA territory, I think some of the 23 other suburban areas -- put a limitation on the 24 second meter for that very reason. 25 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Enrique? ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 120

1 MR. MERONO: Yes. Our position there 2 is that the cheaper is the better in talking about 3 the infrastructure, so if you can avoid a second 4 meter, it's better. We felt that. And also, we 5 felt that the distribution companies usually don't 6 know what happened inside the houses of the people, 7 so maybe you can create some joint venture with a 8 small electrical company that can get you the right 9 services. Because usually the distribution 10 companies don't know what happens in the houses. 11 That is our position. 12 CHAIRMAN BROWN: The reason I ask 13 that, and then I'll shut up, the reason I ask that 14 time is people might accept time-of-day usage, 15 especially for their electric vehicles because they 16 might see the advantage of doing it where they 17 might not want it for the their entire household. 18 But it sounds like, what I just heard, the only way 19 you can get time-of-day usage is through the master 20 meter because you aren't doing separate meter which 21 means you can get time-of-day usage for everything 22 in your house which we have state law which 23 prohibits on a mandatory basis. 24 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Go ahead, Pat. 25 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: For Enrique ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 121

1 and Steven. When we're talking about electric 2 vehicle fleets, in your countries do you have taxi 3 cabs that are electric vehicles, and does the 4 government own the cab companies or are they -- you 5 have a commission that runs the cab; how does that 6 work? 7 MR. TOBIAS: I can take a stab at 8 answering that. I'm not all that familiar with the 9 way that cabs work in London, for example. But 10 some of the cab companies are partnering with other 11 companies, like different retailers, in advancing 12 electric vehicles. So the different fleets are 13 saying we're going to place an order for 14 50 vehicles, 150 vehicles, 200 vehicles, and in 15 case there's one cab company that's putting an 16 order in for 60 cabs in the London. The Greater 17 London Authority is saying we'll have 1,000 18 electric vehicles, as well. So different 19 organizations are coming together to say we are 20 going to have these preorders and get electric 21 vehicles throughout the London. 22 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: And so, there 23 again, who is then in charge and who gets to pay 24 for where these vehicles charge, and does it drive 25 the cost to the consumer up initiating this kind of ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 122

1 a program? 2 MR. TOBIAS: Well, a lot of times it's 3 those companies that want to take on that green 4 banner and say we are driving electric vehicles, or 5 our fleet is green. And so they are more that 6 willing to bear some of that cost. And as I 7 mentioned before, there's significant government 8 incentives for the other component to that costs, 9 so it could be 50/50 cost share. It may not be 10 even be that high, but they're more than happy to 11 take on that incremental cost to put in these 12 electric vehicles and the associated charging 13 infrastructure. 14 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Did you want to 15 jump in? 16 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: I would like 17 to hear his answer, also. 18 MR. MERONO: In Spain, the 19 municipalities don't own the taxi companies, but we 20 are working with some of the municipalities in some 21 car sharing business and, for example, we're 22 dealing with Madrid and we are negotiating also in 23 car -- because I agree with you and I think that in 24 our situation, financial situation, for the 25 municipalities, very expensive to buy their own -- ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 123

1 to their own fleets of electric vehicles. 2 So maybe if we made some business with 3 municipality concession probably and another, you 4 know, OEM or rating company, and we create some car 5 sharing business in the city, maybe it's valuable 6 for the people because you bring the -- you know, 7 electric vehicles to the people in a very easy way. 8 So we are thinking about it, and we have at least 9 two or three -- one more in Barcelona project in 10 that direction. 11 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: So that leads 12 me to ask the question to Matt. Have you had 13 discussions with the City of going to all electric 14 and how would Con Ed and the city work that out? 15 And again, would the consumer be paying for it in 16 exorbitant cab prices, you know, charges? 17 MR. KETSCHKE: The New York City cab 18 model is that the medallions are individually owned 19 either by individual owners or groups that own 20 multiple medallions. There are several cab 21 companies that are exploring going to electric 22 vehicles, again, that would be a commercial 23 application not something that, you know, it would 24 go to charge their vehicles. They would go to 25 charge at a garage, we would charge that garage, we ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 124

1 would have the obligation to bring reinforcement to 2 that facility point, and then all the internal 3 distribution would be theirs. 4 As far as the city goes, we have had 5 conversation with the mayor's office of 6 sustainability about what their plans are and how 7 we interface within our plans. And then our own 8 fleet, we currently run a few prototype versions of 9 plug-in electrics and conversions, and we run a lot 10 of hybrids and would move to plug-in electric and 11 all electric, as they become commercially available 12 for the small fleet. On the larger fleet, we've 13 looked at some things that are available, like the 14 bucket truck, or larger utility vehicle. There are 15 a few things out there, they don't work very well 16 with what we've seen so far in the larger vehicles, 17 but we're still exploring those. 18 COMMISSIONER ACAMPORA: Okay, thank 19 you. 20 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: At this point, 21 just take a minute and open it up to the audience 22 for a question or two if there are any. If not, 23 Chairman Brown will take it back. 24 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I just wanted to 25 spend a couple of minutes on the public charging ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 125

1 stations, the idea that there's going to be 2 charging stations, you mentioned, in London, and an 3 immense amount of charging stations -- I've seen 4 the map -- in Spain. 5 Now asking from a utility perspective, do 6 you want to be in that business, number one? Do 7 you want to run public charging stations? Does 8 Niagra Mohawk, NYSEG or Con Ed want to be in that 9 business? Do you accept that even if you're in 10 that business, there might be other charging 11 stations that are a private sector? If it's a 12 private sector, do you see a concern about 13 reliability, safety, and standards? You know, I've 14 been joking the last couple of days with people 15 about what telephone booths look like after 16 25 years. You know, the worst that happens there 17 is you have a dangling headphone. Here you've got 18 220 volts or something in the middle of the street 19 somewhere, you can't let that go down. 20 So, what's your vision in terms of public 21 charging stations? Should the utility be in the 22 business, should it be a hybrid, should you be 23 completely out of the business and that's just a 24 private sector approach? Interested in your views. 25 MR. KETSCHKE: From our standpoint, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 126

1 the utility company, we don't think that's good 2 business for us to be in. We don't think that 3 that's an appropriate regulated business, that the 4 marketplace can deliver better solutions for 5 customers. 6 That said, that doesn't mean that our 7 non-regulated businesses may not want to be in that 8 business, but we don't think the regulated 9 companies -- that the customer would be better 10 served by having a regulated company to do this, 11 rather than having a marketplace with different 12 providers provide the charge. 13 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Are you concerned 14 about the safety and the reliability, I mean, it's 15 going to be your system. If there's a shock in the 16 system, Con Ed is going to get blamed. 17 MR. KETSCHKE: We are concerned about 18 the stray voltage and the safety of this system, so 19 we would be concerned about that. That people who 20 do use our product throughout the city safely. And 21 that's part of the development of codes and 22 standards and intrinsically safe design in the 23 charging stations. 24 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Are there any 25 commercial charging points right now? ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 127

1 MR. KETSCHKE: I think there are one 2 or two, I'd have to get back exactly where they 3 are, but they are demonstration kind of project 4 level charging stations. 5 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: And do we know 6 who owns them and operates them? 7 MR. KETSCHKE: We don't own or operate 8 any publicly available ones. We have some charging 9 stations for or own facilities at this point, but 10 we're are not owning or operating any publicly 11 available ones. 12 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: I guess, if I 13 can chime in. I know it's all this one big 14 conversation about charging stations which is about 15 advanced information, knowing where electric 16 vehicles are going to be charged, I would think, 17 for planning purposes it is extremely important. 18 But there are no requirements right now for 19 notification of where stations may be built, or how 20 will you be notified? How can you plan, how 21 important is it to have this information? 22 MR. KETSCHKE: There is a process 23 where any commercial user usually would file an 24 application that you would be installing a new 25 facility, and we have a process to handle that. So ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 128

1 this would go into a fairly standard process of 2 handling a new service request. 3 But one of the things that's not so clear 4 in this would be sizing, making sure the that 5 infrastructure's appropriately sized to reinforce 6 the capacity needs because it's not so clear how 7 much utilization this would get because the market 8 is really not developed yet. So what would the 9 payback period be for the utility company when it 10 goes in the rate base. Is it reasonable, and in 11 the current tariff, there is, essentially, a test 12 for payback period and when the customer needs to, 13 essentially, contribute additional to the cost of 14 that commercial infrastructure reinforcement 15 requirement. 16 So if it's very large reinforcement 17 required for a very low revenue to the utility 18 company so that it's not spread out to the 19 ratepayers, there is an expectation that that 20 developer would then have to pay a portion of the 21 development cost. We think this would fit into a 22 similar, kind of, category. 23 Particularly, if you're looking at 24 something like one of the examples given is on a 25 highway. You know, on a highway for most utilities ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 129

1 we don't have a lot of infrastructure that runs out 2 to a highway location, so you made need to extend 3 high voltage lines, transformers, significant 4 infrastructure, to a highway rest stop area that 5 may or may not get a lot of utilization to bear the 6 cost of the infrastructure reinforcement. 7 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I think, Steven, you 8 said there was a hybrid in Britain, some private 9 and some public? 10 MR. TOBIAS: In terms of the utility 11 ownership? 12 CHAIRMAN BROWN: In terms of the 13 charging stations. Do you know if there's any 14 regulatory jurisdiction over private charging 15 stations, especially in respect to safety and 16 reliability? 17 MR. TOBIAS: I don't know, sir. 18 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Now I'm going to 19 turn to my left, here, and pick on you for a while, 20 Steven. Can you talk about a little bit about what 21 the targets are in London for plug-in vehicles, and 22 what some of the key programs are? 23 MR. TOBIAS: Sure. As I mentioned 24 there's a number of different government 25 initiatives underway. Not just in London, but ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 130

1 throughout the U.K. there's now a 5,000 pound, or 2 will be in January 2011, a 5,000 pound incentive 3 per vehicle, so that's about $7,500 per vehicle to 4 purchase a plug-in electric vehicle. There's also 5 already disincentives for vehicles that emit more 6 greenhouse gas emissions, and by having an electric 7 vehicle, or a plug-in electric vehicle, those 8 charges are waived. 9 So it's about 150 pounds per year you have 10 electric that's waived. Specifically in London, 11 again, focused on the vehicle. One of the very 12 interesting things that I've heard before is about 13 the high occupancy vehicle lanes here in the U.S. 14 In London, the equivalent could be the congestion 15 charge. And for an electric vehicle, that 16 congestion charge would be waived and it amounts to 17 about 1,800 pounds per year. It's pretty 18 significant over the cost of, let's say, the 19 ten year life of that vehicle. So these are 20 different vehicle incentives that are in place 21 today to encourage vehicles. 22 There's also a number of infrastructure 23 initiatives underway. I mentioned that a couple of 24 those targets -- the mayor in London has taken it 25 upon him to become electric vehicle capital of ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 131

1 Europe, and so that's why they have a concerted 2 effort throughout all of the London's government 3 administration so that the London Authority, 4 Transport for London, they're all working together 5 from the municipal side, but they also have a 6 number of different partners on the private sector 7 side working with, also, the utilities and these 8 charge points. Where are good places to put them 9 so they have the least impact on the grid. 10 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay, thank you. 11 Enrique, how about in Spain? Is London the 12 electric vehicle capital of Europe, or do you take 13 umbrage with that? 14 MR. MERONO: Maybe it's better to talk 15 about countries if you, excuse me, if you move to 16 my slide number six, I think everyone could see the 17 map. Here's this only and we're talking only 18 public access charging points. But not in the 19 roadside, because we're working in a number very 20 similar presentation that the people for GM, I 21 think -- tells 80 percent of that charging points 22 are in the garage, not in roadside. When we 23 thought that this is the most convenient 24 percentage. Only 28 percent of that numbers are 25 in, you know, in the street. These are our ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 132

1 tracking points right now in Spain. Not all of 2 them are operating right now, but in promotion. 3 Also we are working in Scotland with Scottish 4 Powerhouse with 40 extra points in Glasgow. Our 5 idea is to maintain the 80 percent inside and 6 20 percent in the roadside. And the other thing is 7 that this only -- agreements with the states and 8 municipalities, but we have also a private 9 agreement with different companies like, you know, 10 the similar one in the United States to install in 11 their own parking lots some charging points, but on 12 our own. 13 And we have also an interior solution for 14 everyone. If you go to our website you can see, 15 you know, by rate of cars, bicycles, and 16 motorcycles. And also you can change that through 17 our website. We don't sell cars or motorcycles so 18 we go to the OEM and then the OEM would sell the 19 car. 20 But the idea is to reach -- to get close 21 the electric vehicles to the people. And we make, 22 you know, a fixed price for the installation of the 23 charging point and for the maintenance, acquisition 24 of the standards in Europe are not fully developed, 25 so probably we have to change the infrastructure ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 133

1 from now to one year probably. So also they 2 changing of the block probably will be included in 3 the same price. 4 That's our idea, at least, to -- but this 5 is not a distribution business really for us, this 6 is a retail business. And we are working in that 7 idea. 8 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Matt, I wanted 9 to ask you about projections for electric vehicles 10 in the Con Ed territory. Do you have any for the 11 next short term, the next three to five years? 12 MR. KETSCHKE: We do, actually. If 13 you could look at the slides. I think it's the 14 third slide, back up one more, there you go. This 15 slide is two axis. One is our projection for 16 market penetration on electric vehicles in our 17 service territory between now and the next 18 five years. And it really starts in the hundreds 19 next year, the thousand to thousands to a few 20 thousand as we get up to 2015 and that's on the 21 left axis. 22 On the right axis is the percentage of 23 electric send out that those electric vehicles will 24 represent. And as you can see, it's a very small 25 percentage of the total electric send out. And the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 134

1 real message on this slide is that, you know, it's 2 not a high level system issue, it's a clustering 3 issue. Because, you know, 10,000 or 20,000 4 electric vehicles in our service territory will not 5 be a big issue on the total system send out issue, 6 but if you have five or six of them on the same 7 distribution transformer, it could be an issue for 8 that transformer. 9 CHAIRMAN BROWN: When does it become a 10 system issue? 11 MR. KETSCHKE: So we did -- working 12 with plan -- let's see, they brought in Mackenzie 13 to look at their study, their whole world 14 sustainability study and one piece of that was a 15 study of electric vehicles. And in that study, as 16 we got out the numbers they projected, once you hit 17 about a ten percent market penetration or 200, 18 maybe 250,000 electric vehicles in our service 19 territory, that's where you really begin to see 20 issues at the area substation level, which those 21 are major system reinforcement issues. And in that 22 case, we ran the model both for smart charging and, 23 essentially, free charging. So, charging whenever, 24 or charging in the off-peak period. And in that 25 case the difference between the system ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 135

1 reinforcement requirements for smart charging was 2 up to two percent of area substation and with free 3 charging that was up six percent of our area 4 substation. So three times the system 5 reinforcement requirement if we don't facilitate 6 smart charging. 7 CHAIRMAN BROWN: When does it become a 8 peak load problem? That's different than system 9 upgrade requirements, when do you start feeling -- 10 unless we start taking secondary actions like 11 time-of-day pricing or peak-time, or all the other 12 options that are out there at this point. Do you 13 say that's going to start contributing to system 14 peak in a sufficient manner that we really need to 15 be worried about it? 16 MR. KETSCHKE: I think those levels 17 were cases where system peak would require 18 significant initial capital reinforcement, so those 19 are the type of penetration levels that we thought 20 would cause local area peak problems that were 21 significant enough that we would have to do some 22 significant reinforcement. 23 And I think the ISO might be better 24 equipped to talk about a statewide level where 25 system peak and generation would start to become an ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 136

1 issue. 2 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I guess the question 3 is when would the utilities start coming to us 4 saying we need different pricing structures because 5 we're concerned about the system impacts of all of 6 this? Thus far, as far as I know, we've not seen 7 any of those requests come our way yet. 8 MR. KETSCHKE: No, we have. This has 9 really gotten us thinking about how our voluntary 10 time of use rates are structured, and if those 11 voluntary time of use rates are structured 12 appropriately for this and other peak mitigating 13 conditions. So we are entirely talking about it. 14 Does our time of use rate align well with electric 15 vehicles? Because the electric vehicle is going to 16 be going into residential areas, typically. 17 They may charge in commercial areas during 18 the day, but a lot of the conversation today is 19 that the bottom piece of that pyramid is homes. 20 And those places where those homes are, residential 21 numbers in our service territory, they peak late. 22 You can have high loads in those neighborhoods and 23 networks 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 at night. Currently, 24 our voluntary time of use rate begins at 10:00 p.m. 25 It runs from 10:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. and that's ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 137

1 when the rate drops off, but in many of our 2 networks, load is still high. And if we get deep 3 penetration of plug-in electric vehicles we can 4 essentially set the price signal to start charging 5 at 10:00 p.m. and if you live in Williamsburg and 6 Brooklyn, that network is still at 85, 90, 7 95 percent of it's load on a hot summer day at 8 10:00 at night. 9 So we may be sending the wrong type of 10 pricing signals for individual networks. For the 11 system at 10:00 at night the load is coming down. 12 But again, for electric vehicles, one of the issues 13 with clustering is local. The issues with electric 14 vehicles clustering is going to be much more local 15 than system. 16 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Earlier today on 17 some of the panels there was a suggestion made that 18 the consumers will be calling you. Not personally 19 you, Matt, but somebody at Con Ed to say there's a 20 charging problem with my car. I'm in the garage, 21 you know, it's not charging, there is something 22 going on with my level one or my level two, and 23 this could happen based on these projections. In 24 the next five years, you're going to have a 25 significant amount of plug-in vehicles. What are ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 138

1 you doing to equip your company with the right 2 personnel to respond to this, and also, the website 3 and communicating with the vehicle industry and the 4 regulators. 5 MR. KETSCHKE: I think one of the 6 things I said earlier is one of our biggest issues 7 right now is communication. Pushing information 8 about to consumers about what this means, how their 9 interaction with us would work. There is also an 10 internal communication piece of that. Educating 11 our CSR's, our Customer Service Rep's on the 12 telephone are our only point of contact with us for 13 customers, and educating them on how to handle 14 those questions. In a lot of cases, we want to 15 push them back towards the website. It will give 16 them a lot of information, but also push them back 17 to the self-service information. 18 On the level of somebody calls us and says 19 my appliance doesn't work. We actually get those 20 questions now, and we have scripts for CSRs that 21 they can walk through and help a customer explain 22 what's going on. But in many cases we end up 23 referring a person back to their electrician 24 because they can't diagnose it over the phone. 25 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: I would have ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 139

1 two, one question and one comment here which is as 2 your CSRs get more calls, so do ours. So our 3 customers service reps will probably, also be 4 getting calls about I can't get my plug-in vehicle 5 to work. So any information in communication that 6 you can continue with our office of consumer 7 services would probably be very helpful to use it 8 as a repository of information to continue to 9 educate ours, as well, since we have such limited 10 resources, would be extremely helpful. 11 But I would turn to Enrique and to Steven 12 here on best practices on how the utilities 13 prepared themselves for this new era of customer 14 service. 15 MR. MERONO: Well, as I said before, 16 we created a specific department about that. About 17 the charging infrastructure, and about the 18 maintenance of them, and about selling energy, so 19 we're working in that -- exactly in that path. 20 Because we thought that this is our retail 21 business, it's not a distribution thing. But also, 22 I want to answer or say the thing about the problem 23 of the increasing of the electric vehicles and the 24 system, I want to say one thing. What happened if 25 the temperature, the average temperature, increases ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 140

1 three degrees, what happens? What is the effect on 2 the rate if you compare to the figures that my 3 colleague explained before? Probably the effect 4 will be even worse. So I think it's -- for 5 example, we thought that the electric vehicle path 6 is a retail path, but there is another very 7 important path, that is the smart grid path. 8 This is absolutely a distribution business. 9 For us, we have to work those paths in parallel, 10 and it's very important to work that in parallel 11 because smart grids is managing all the loads of 12 the system, and electric vehicles is one load of 13 the system, only one. 14 So our position is very clear, we separate, 15 you know, the departments, electric vehicle, 16 retail, smart grid distribution, but we thought 17 that the solution is both, is our point of view. 18 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Steven? 19 MR. TOBIAS: In the U.K. National Grid 20 is the transmission owner, system operator, and our 21 role there is not, typically, to receive the 22 customer questions about appliances and such, so 23 it's a slightly different role. However, there are 24 things that we are doing to understand what the 25 impact will be. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 141

1 CHAIRMAN BROWN: What Niagara Mohawk 2 will. 3 MR. TOBIAS: Niagara Mohawk certainly 4 will. In the U.K. it's around understanding what 5 the impacts would be as it relates to the plug-in 6 electric vehicles. And so, the New York ISO to 7 address a system peak may say to try to encourage a 8 demand response program. In the U.K. we're 9 thinking about very similar initiatives. Is there 10 some way that we can try and control the loads 11 associated with plug-in electric vehicles, so at 12 the time of system peak, they can be mitigated so 13 some kind of start, stop charging or demand 14 response program. 15 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Again, I'll take 16 a few moments to open it up to any questions from 17 my colleagues or anybody in the audience if you 18 have any. 19 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Or staff. 20 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Or staff. 21 Anybody? Okay. I'll just keep plugging along 22 here, then. But I guess I'll turn to Matt, then, 23 talking about Con Edison and New York City. What 24 do you see as the biggest challenge right now for 25 Con Edison with the influx of what you are ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 142

1 projecting here? 2 MR. KETSCHKE: One of the biggest 3 challenges for us is going to be the customer 4 education piece. Making sure that we can push 5 information to customers. That they can make 6 educated decisions. That they don't purchase an 7 electric vehicle thinking one thing, get it home, 8 and have a bad experience. 9 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay. So, let's 10 talk about that for a moment because the ladies 11 from the earlier panel raised that as being of 12 primary importance, as well. So, we have a 13 customer who goes into the local dealer -- we'll 14 use GM because I can see Kristin more clearly 15 here -- and goes into the dealer and says I live at 16 123 Penny Lane, Slingerland, New York, and they're 17 going to provide me with the charging stations, 18 hopefully, locally nearby, or through OnStar, and 19 at this point somebody will come to my house and 20 give me an estimate as to how much a level one or a 21 level two charging device will cost and the home 22 installment. But then, where do you fit in? Does 23 the customer need to proactively contact their 24 utility company or their energy service provider 25 about what the rates will be or what this might ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 143

1 cost them? I mean, at what point are you brought 2 in through the customer? 3 MR. KETSCHKE: The first place we come 4 in, we think, is before the customer even walks in, 5 potentially, to the dealership and then is there 6 doing their research. We want to put some amount 7 of information on our website that helps people 8 with their early research before they walk in to 9 close the deal and buy the vehicles. So we want to 10 put some background information, some information 11 that we feel will help can understand how their 12 usage pattern will effect their electric bill. So 13 we want to push that information out even before 14 the decision is made to purchase or not purchase a 15 vehicle. 16 Once the decision is made to purchase a 17 vehicle, our next interaction would be with the 18 customers electrician simply file an incremental 19 load. And as I mentioned earlier, we think that in 20 most cases that will not require a service upgrade 21 to the home -- to the types of homes these are 22 likely to be purchased for. So that will be, as 23 far as our information, we'll make sure our 24 distribution system is adequate behind the service 25 cable and that will be invisible to the customer. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 144

1 We also, if the customer has a separate 2 energy service provider, they would make contact to 3 see if there were different, essentially, energy 4 plans that work better for them or not. And in our 5 case, if they were going to look for time of use 6 rates or standard rates and helping them -- helping 7 educate them on the decision process for, should I 8 move to a time of use rate or should I stay on a 9 standard delivery rate and which one will work 10 better for me so that they can make the best 11 decision for them. 12 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay. I'll take 13 it another step further, too, which is, okay, who 14 in Con Edison will be handling that? Is that the 15 customer service rep, or is that more of a 16 tailored, sort of, energy management services 17 department? I guess I'm looking at this -- you can 18 get one person repeatedly calling you, sort of, 19 from beginning to end which could be sort of a 20 drain on resources. 21 MR. KETSCHKE: That was our way of 22 looking to push as much information into a self- 23 service environment website as we could, because a 24 lot of this, if it's available on the website, it 25 avoids the call. And the other is, we've ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 145

1 discussed, should we have a smaller group of more 2 well trained employees who essentially deal with 3 these interactions, particularly early on, when a 4 lot of things are going to be new. Having a person 5 who, essentially, liaisons between the customer, 6 customer representatives, and OEM and us to make 7 sure this process goes well. 8 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: It sounds like 9 from what Enrique and Steven mentioned that Enrique 10 said they created a new department for the 11 installation, maintenance, and customer service 12 reps, so they morphed into a whole new personnel 13 region. So it does seem like the person who might 14 be calling in with the problem with the charger 15 once they own vehicle might be different than what 16 initially purchasing the vehicle. 17 MR. KETSCHKE: We can generally help 18 people walk through questions that are given in 19 scripts to CSRs to help them understand what is the 20 problem with their distribution equipment. So we 21 will walk customers -- if a customer says I have no 22 lights or something in my home is not working, 23 we'll ask them a series of questions, check your 24 neighbors, do your neighbors have lights, do you 25 have lights, do you have lights in the whole ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 146

1 building or partial outage and that gives us a 2 pretty good indication of is the problem ours or is 3 the problem on the consumers side? 4 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Do you foresee 5 any issue with large businesses allowing their 6 employees to charge at work? In other words, you 7 are going to have new installation take place with 8 private individuals, but do you see that being an 9 issue at some point? 10 MR. KETSCHKE: We see that being a lot 11 of potential new load, and it's new businesses and 12 also for our service territory, parking garages. 13 Because a parking garage is another concentration 14 where people will pay a premium to park in a 15 parking garage and charge their vehicles as well. 16 So those are potential -- we will, in 17 general, know where those are because they are 18 large commercial establishments, they have 19 significant engineering that goes into the internal 20 infrastructure that is required for that kind of 21 internal distribution system for that level of 22 charging. 23 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: So it goes back 24 to the original question that Commissioner Larocca 25 mentioned which is the cost allocation. So, the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 147

1 parking garage or the business says we are now 2 going to offer this to all employees. You're 3 notified because it's going to be an additional 4 load, assuming the company notifies you, right? 5 MR. KETSCHKE: And for that of load, 6 you would typically think because the process is 7 engineered, there are a large number of permits 8 being pulled for that. You would think that for 9 that kind of level of infrastructure or project, we 10 would be notified. 11 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: So assuming that 12 pushes that particular localized area over the edge 13 and requires, maybe, a new substation. Who bears 14 the cost of that because if they're working, they 15 may not be living in that area. Who is going to 16 bear the costs of that, and how costly is it? Are 17 we talking about a large amount of money for a 18 commercial -- a privately owned commercial charging 19 station? 20 MR. KETSCHKE: I don't think you're 21 talking -- there's always one piece of load that 22 incrementally pushes you over the need to reinforce 23 a substation and build a new substation, but you 24 are not talking about a full 300 or 400 megawatt 25 substation amount of load that would be involved in ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 148

1 any kind of charging station. But it could be 2 significant, it could be in the hundreds of 3 thousands or even up to million kind of dollar 4 range for system reinforcement requirements. 5 That's why, in the existing tariff, there 6 is this revenue test -- will we see enough revenue 7 coming back to offset the costs, so it's not an 8 undue cost being by all ratepayers, but enough 9 energy will be used by that customer that makes it 10 economically viable. And if it's not economically 11 viable because there's not a real clear marketplace 12 or not real clear utilization, then we would be 13 looking for an offset from the customer looking to 14 develop this infrastructure so that the ratepayer's 15 not bearing an exorbitant cost. 16 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Steven? 17 MR. TOBIAS: Just further comment on 18 that. In our experience in upstate New York where 19 customers are approaching us and we're 20 collaborating with the customer to minimize those 21 upgrade costs for that customer. We're trying to 22 find -- well, if you put those charge points here 23 it will cost X, if you put it there it's actually 24 half of X. 25 And that's the collaboration that we would ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 149

1 encourage whether it's through our website or when 2 that customer calls us even before they've 3 completed a full service, new service, or 4 incremental service application. We're trying to 5 form those close collaborations with all customers 6 as they're considering charge points and plug-in 7 electric vehicles. 8 CHAIRMAN BROWN: To follow up on this 9 with billing. I think what I'm hearing is that 10 somebody, right now, buys an electric vehicle, gets 11 their garage refurbished, plugs it in. To you 12 folks it's pretty much another air conditioner, 13 you're not treating it differently than any other 14 electric load that's going to show up at a house, 15 any growth, generally. You might have some 16 specific issues with a specific place, but, 17 generally, that's how you are dealing with it. 18 But the difference is, my electric water 19 heater, if I went to Commissioner Larocca's house, 20 not that he's ever invited me, but if I did, I 21 wouldn't bring my electric water heater with me and 22 say, do you mind if I plug-in, I want to take a 23 shower when I get home. And so suddenly now, I'm 24 taking my load and he doesn't want to pay to charge 25 my car. What is -- have you thought through ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 150

1 mechanisms and the problem gets worse because he's 2 in a different service territory than me and for 3 you, Con Ed might be in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, 4 Connecticut. And for you in Buffalo, it might be 5 going over to Ontario to visit somebody for dinner 6 and plugging in for a little while. Have you 7 thought through, kind of, how the billing is going 8 to take place, or is it just going to be as if you 9 took your electric water heater with you? 10 MR. KETSCHKE: We've thought through 11 this and it is a big concern to us. Our R&D folks 12 have been looking at it, actually, for several 13 years and we have developed some methodology around 14 this, actually, as a patent on some conceptual 15 ideas about how to do the most easy pass for 16 electric charges. 17 CHAIRMAN BROWN: A patent? 18 MR. KETSCHKE: We have a patent on 19 some of those concepts on how to form -- that's a 20 different issue. But we have been thinking about 21 his for a number of years. One of the issues is 22 the infrastructure behind the charge point, and the 23 meter and how smart that meter is or how 24 unintelligent that meter is and if they are not 25 intelligent meters -- so that interfacing ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 151

1 communication network -- 2 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay, we'll just 3 take a moment. 4 (An off-the-record discussion was held.) 5 MR. KETSCHKE: We have our concerns 6 and one of our concerns is that is how to make that 7 transaction to a large infrastructure requirement 8 new meter system. And one piece of infrastructure 9 that people aren't talking about for a lot of 10 utility companies is your billing systems. Our 11 billing system is about 20 years old, it is a main 12 frame basis. Many utilities are at a similar place 13 with their billing systems. They work very well 14 for the transactions as they appear today, but as 15 these transactions get more complicated, the 16 billing systems can't handle that. 17 And replacements for those, replacement 18 costs are pretty expensive. I've heard numbers in 19 range of $100 per customer, we have 2.3 million 20 customers, so you're talking $200 plus million 21 dollars worth of IP system to handle billing -- to 22 handle billing transactions. And that's one that 23 we don't think about with infrastructure. 24 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Well, we don't 25 want to end on that note so -- do you want to keep ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 152

1 going because there is a question. 2 MR. MERONO: The answer to your 3 question is that sometimes we are moving now in a 4 very uncertain with -- uncertainties. Everyone, we 5 want to cover, you know, all the possibilities, but 6 sometimes it's impossible. But thinking about your 7 problem, what is the money involved in plugging 8 your vehicle in the Commissioner's garage? I think 9 it's two euros, maybe, two euros. Three dollars, 10 maybe, I think. We're talking about a three dollar 11 program. 12 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Jim's very cheap. 13 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Mark up. 14 CHAIRMAN BROWN: That's a good point. 15 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: There's was a 16 question in the back and then we'll end with 17 Mr. Jeff Cohen. 18 MR. COHEN: Enrique just raised the 19 question I wanted to ask was at 20 cents a kilowatt 20 hour, how much does it cost to recharge a Nissan 21 Leaf battery that's basically empty of charge. How 22 much would it cost to totally recharge a Nissan 23 Leaf battery? 24 MS. MANSFIELD: It's a 24 kilowatt 25 hour battery, so 24 times .2, so you're looking at ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 153

1 $4.80 -- $5 to fully recharge it. 2 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Jim, will you 3 spring for that? 4 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Absolutely. 5 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: And Mark Reeder, 6 did you have a question? 7 MR. REEDER: I just have a question 8 for Matt. I don't know if you've gone this far, 9 but with these cars coming in certain places it 10 will just be added revenue and no real added 11 distribution costs where you say it doesn't create 12 a problem, in other parts it will add costs. 13 Have you forecasted and got any projections 14 of the revenue increase that you would get through 15 a certain year in those projection years compared 16 to the costs of the increase? 17 MR. KETSCHKE: We haven't done those 18 yet because of one the base things that we have to 19 understand is the charging behavior and then how 20 much, on any given day, a person is going to 21 charge, so I think that's still one of the things 22 that we're looking at and trying to grasp. 23 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Is that part of 24 your study right now? 25 MR. KETSCHKE: The studies we have ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 154

1 been doing were more system reinforcement 2 requirement. It's not one of the things that, I 3 believe, we're currently doing. 4 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: The charging 5 behavior? 6 MR. KETSCHKE: The charging behavior 7 went more to where would then you create pockets of 8 load and what that behavior would be. The revenue 9 requirement, the instrumental revenue piece of that 10 we haven't forecasted that yet. 11 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Okay. Are there 12 any other questions or comments? We can end five 13 minutes early, yes? Okay. I just want to thank my 14 panelist very much. I grilled them hard. So thank 15 you. 16 CHAIRMAN BROWN: So let's reconvene in 17 15 minutes -- so that would call it 3:10. 18 (Off the record.) 19 (Back on the record.) 20 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Okay, I would like to 21 call the session to order and turn things over to 22 Commissioner Larocca. 23 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Good afternoon, 24 I have a green light. That's leadership. Thank 25 you, Mr. Chairman. Good afternoon, we are going to ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 155

1 try to make this as painless as possible. I 2 welcome you all back and we have a fresh panel. 3 Our focus is on regulatory issues in the course of 4 choosing the right vocabulary. 5 At one point we were talking about 6 regulatory barriers. That's almost suggesting a 7 limit on the discussion. Really it's the range of 8 regulatory matters that figure into this -- the 9 evolution of these energy forms. So we have a 10 terrific panel of folks joining us here. 11 I'm going to give a just the briefest 12 introduction of each and each is going to make a 13 very brief, sort of, how do you do. No lengthy 14 presentations, and then we'll go right into the 15 discussion. 16 First up is a fellow, who for many of you, 17 needs no introduction. He's Rick Gonzales who is 18 the chief operating officer of the New York ISO, 19 which according to its official designation 20 operates New York's high voltage transmission 21 system, manages the state's wholesale electricity 22 markets, and conducts comprehensive power system 23 planning, is that all? 24 Mr. Gonzales is a graduate of Clarkson up 25 in Potsdam, which means he likes cold weather. He ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 156

1 earned his master's from Clarkson as well, and he's 2 a professional engineer in the State of New York. 3 So, Rick, why don't you open up? 4 MR. GONZALES: Okay, very good. Well, 5 good afternoon, everyone. And first let me thank 6 the Commission for allowing the ISO to provide 7 comments on this matter. We have done some work at 8 the wholesale level on the integration of electric 9 vehicles, and I am going to share some of those 10 findings with you today. If we could move to slide 11 four, please. 12 The New York ISO participated in what is 13 called the ISO/RTO council paper, which is an 14 association of all the organized markets in the 15 U.S. and Canada. And many of the conclusions I am 16 going to be presenting are identified in that 17 report and that report is on our website. If you 18 have any difficulty finding that, let me know and 19 you can observe many of these same findings and 20 there's additional details. 21 The findings of the analysis or based on an 22 assumption that there would be one million electric 23 vehicles in place in a decade, and that their 24 concentrations would be primarily in the West Coast 25 and in the Northeast. And that pattern was ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 157

1 proposed based on the adoption of the Toyota Prius 2 hybrid electric vehicle, or hybrid vehicle. 3 There are -- what we identified, and there 4 will be more detail on this, is that we do need to 5 manage charging when the penetration gets at higher 6 levels. Even at the levels that were predicted in 7 a decade, that it doesn't appear to be a 8 significant impact on the bulk power system, but I 9 will share those numbers with you today. So if we 10 move to the next slide. 11 Of those one million vehicles, and that was 12 assumed, and that was based on President Obama's 13 declaration of that as a goal for electric vehicle 14 penetration. The breakdown amongst the different 15 regions, and you can see the New York ISO here, 16 would be on the order of 44,000 vehicles in the New 17 York area, and that's in ten years. Next slide. 18 Even though the slide says New York ISO, 19 this is really about the New York -- I would say 20 it's mislabeled. It's really the New York City 21 penetration levels, and I am happy that this slide 22 is consistent with the material that was provided 23 by the Con Edison representative who indicated 24 about 10,000 cars by 2015. This is consistent with 25 that because it's predicting in the New York City ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 158

1 metropolitan area 20,000 vehicles, so pretty much 2 a -- not to use engineering speak -- but a linear 3 increase in the penetration of electric vehicles. 4 If we move to the next slide. 5 What does this mean in terms of electric 6 demand at the wholesale level? And again, this is 7 ten years out, ten year out prediction, and this 8 study indicates that if everyone's charging in, you 9 know, when they got home and at the same hour it 10 would be about 240 megawatts of additional demand. 11 And, you know, at today's -- that's about 12 ten percent of what today's average demand is. 13 Now you can see how much the megawatt 14 demand drops off as that charging is managed or 15 spread through additional overnight hours, so it 16 drops off by a factor of ten and you can see the 17 demand in the entire eastern interconnection. But 18 it's pretty much proportional to the demand in 19 these different areas. 20 The point of this is even ten years out, we 21 are looking at a pretty modest increase in demand. 22 Next slide, please. 23 The report identifies a number of ways in 24 which PEV owners could interface with the wholesale 25 electricity markets. The first would be in a ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 159

1 reliability role only, which would be an emergency 2 load curtailment, that the ISO or regulation 3 transmission owners, or perhaps another function 4 would solicit and aggregate hundreds of thousands 5 of electric vehicles. And then at the request of 6 the local transmission owner or the ISO, be able to 7 reduce that demand as a reliability product. 8 This would be similar to some of our demand 9 response programs that we have in place at the ISO 10 today. So I think what I'm really setting the 11 stage for is that electric vehicle owners in the 12 aggregate could compete or could participate in the 13 ISO products. But again, through an aggregator 14 function, not individually. 15 The second -- a second manner in which load 16 could be -- I shouldn't say managed, but be 17 modified -- would be what is called dynamic 18 pricing. And this is where either through a rate 19 design or through actions on behalf of the PEV 20 owners or aggregators they would take action in 21 response to wholesale electricity places. And I'm 22 not -- you know, with higher and higher levels of 23 penetration that might become problematic, but at 24 the levels of penetration that we're expecting in 25 the next decade this, also, would be, you know, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 160

1 acceptable from a reliability perspective. 2 What the ISO might have to do in that case, 3 is the ISO might need to, perhaps, improve it's 4 forecasting models to understand how demand would 5 become more of a function of price. So our 6 forecasting models might need to include that 7 element of price sensitivity. 8 I would like to jump ahead to the last mode 9 of interaction which is on slide 13. This is 10 really the model that the ISO and the RTOs 11 identified for a high level of electric vehicle 12 penetration. And I guess we could, you know, high 13 level being probably in excess of what's expected 14 in the next ten years. And this is where the ISOs 15 in their control centers would be dealing directly 16 with an aggregator function. And there would be 17 two-way communication so that an aggregator 18 would -- so starting with the aggregator function, 19 an aggregator would deal with owners of electric 20 vehicles, owners of smart appliances, maybe some 21 distributed generation using smart grid. 22 And that same aggregator would interface 23 with the ISO. It would establish an offer price 24 for either curtailing load or supplying other ISO 25 products. The key here is that the ISO doesn't ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 161

1 want to, in anyway shape or form, limit the 2 technology that is right for development between 3 the aggregator and all these potential resources. 4 So while the ISO may establish requirements 5 between the aggregator and the ISO in terms of 6 two-way communication performance requirements, the 7 ISOs and the RTOs were careful not to dictate what 8 those standards would be dealing between the 9 aggregator and these participating resources. 10 So under this model of enhanced 11 aggregation, the aggregator looks potentially no 12 different than a conventional generator, renewable 13 resource, or any other demand response provider -- 14 and the key here is we treat this aggregator, I 15 guess it's not clear from this picture where these 16 arrows are going back and forth besides the 17 entities. But these would be inputs into the 18 security constrained dispatch process and 19 potentially the security constrained unit 20 commitment process where there would be a price 21 offer curve that would be provided by the 22 aggregator to the ISO and we would schedule that 23 aggregator in a fashion just like conventional 24 generation resources. 25 So back to slide nine. I just want to, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 162

1 again, to highlight a few points about this 2 enhanced aggregation model. It would -- the 3 enhanced aggregation model would allow electric 4 vehicles to interact in the wholesale electricity 5 markets in many of the products, price sensitive 6 charging load, regulation or operating reserve 7 capability. 8 The aggregators would be responsible for 9 interfacing with the electric vehicles. We would 10 have to know where those vehicles exist at any 11 point in time, and the response provided to the ISO 12 would reflect that. 13 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Excuse me. Who 14 would decide these matters? Is this a matter that 15 policy that would be propagated by the ISO, by the 16 utility regulatory body, who does this? Because 17 that is the focus. 18 MR. GONZALES: In some sense, these 19 products already exist in terms of demand response 20 and allowing -- for example, allowing demand 21 response to participate as a regulating resource, 22 or an operating reserve resource. Really what is 23 new here is that -- 24 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Let me be as 25 specific as I can. A plug-in vehicle would be ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 163

1 required to communicate to the aggregator 2 information sufficient to schedule and manage 3 charging; who's requirement is that? 4 MR. GONZALES: It would be a 5 requirement that the ISO would impose on the 6 aggregator function, and the aggregator would have 7 the ability to receive revenues if he performed 8 well for incurred penalties. 9 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I'm not asking 10 you how it works, I'm asking you who. So that 11 authority exists now within the ISO? 12 MR. GONZALES: Yes. 13 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: To impose these 14 protocols? 15 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Commissioner, if I 16 can jump in? I think there are separate roles. 17 There's the role of the wholesale market that sets 18 the rules, but this could only happen with a 19 really, really smart grid. And that's going to be 20 utilities and our choice in the end about the 21 investment and the grid and how fast it's going to 22 move. I don't think this can possibly happen, this 23 sort of level of two-way communication, by anything 24 the NYISO can do by itself. So our role would be, 25 if you want something like this to happen, how ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 164

1 smart does the grid have to get? 2 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: To provide this 3 level of interaction. Let me shift over to Paul 4 just to get everybody up on the field at once. 5 Paul is the utility stakeholder representative for 6 ECOtality North America, which gets today's award 7 for the most original business name. And he holds 8 a mechanical engineering degree from the University 9 of Massachusetts, an MBA from Fairleigh Dickinson 10 in New Jersey, and he currently resides in New 11 Jersey, which doesn't make him a bad person. So we 12 welcome him here. 13 MR. HEITMANN: Thank you, 14 Commissioner. I appreciate being here. I will say 15 that I was in the BMW Mini E program, the all 16 electric one, New York and New Jersey got those. I 17 don't have that car anymore, but if I had it and if 18 there were a fast charge station in, say 19 Tannersville, I could have stopped and either gone 20 skiing if it was January, or come up here. So I 21 could have actually made it from New Jersey to here 22 with that one hop. 23 If you could go to, just start my slides 24 off. What I would like to do is quickly go 25 through -- the next slide. Sort of three main ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 165

1 themes that I have. I won't just go through all 2 the slides, but in the course of our panel 3 discussion we will touch on these and I'll answer 4 some questions. 5 First of all, I would like to tell you 6 immediately about the EV project in a very short 7 way. It's the nation's largest, it's funded by the 8 DOE. It's in seven states and sixteen cities and 9 it's literally the test bed for evaluating how 10 people, all the theoretical things we're talking 11 about, two years from now we're going to have 12 terabytes of data that is going to be telling us 13 what we need to know to do this intelligently. 14 In that process, we're chartered with 15 evaluating various business models of both public 16 charging and residential, so we've got some 17 innovations coming out on that, I can share those. 18 And then to tie in with Rick's point, the future 19 opportunities, I guess the question is how far down 20 the road and to your point, Chairman, what 21 technology, what communications technology do you 22 need? But the power of the grid and the vehicle 23 connected is very important. So if you could do 24 the next slide -- one more. 25 First of all, the EV project is a ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 166

1 $230 million project to build out infrastructure 2 and then study and produce lessons learned. 3 There's a series of reports at the end of the 4 presentation if anyone is interested, drafts of 5 what kind of data we're going to be collecting and 6 how we're going to be delivering that so people can 7 see how these are really being used. Next slide. 8 These are the areas, unfortunately New 9 York's not on there yet, but we're working hard, at 10 least on the ECOtality program. What we are doing 11 is building out infrastructure in cities and around 12 cities for commuters and different models of use as 13 a community, and we're also doing corridors, that's 14 a distinct different use. What I referred to today 15 at Tannersville, that would make I-87 a corridor 16 from New Jersey up to Albany. Next slide. 17 Quick overview, 5,700 Nissan Leaf's and 18 2,600 Chevy Volts, the great part about this is we 19 will definitely have a comparison of behavior if 20 you've got an onboard gas engine versus if you only 21 have a battery. How people charge, where they 22 charge, when they don't charge, very interesting 23 information about the difference of that. 24 And we're also in the this program putting 25 out 310 DC fast charge ports. Last week at the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 167

1 business conference in Detroit we announced our 2 fast charger. So that technology is here and there 3 are some issues we need to talk about in terms of 4 interfacing that with the grid. That's a big power 5 draw. Next slide. 6 The basic level two AC, this is the 7 pedestal version that's going to be, actually 8 starting in December being deployed for the EV 9 project, and hopefully for other utilities and 10 municipalities, etc. that are interested in putting 11 these out early. And essentially, this is to allow 12 people to have a destination that the commercial 13 enterprise may want to have some cache or some 14 forward looking green credibility and having these 15 is a great advertising. 16 It's also public charging, one of the 17 things we need to talk about is the benefit, we've 18 talked about the cost of public charging, but the 19 benefit, one of the significant ones is just the 20 availability and visibility of these things in 21 terms of getting people to make the decision and 22 the commitment to move to electric vehicles, so 23 there's some value to that. And then one more 24 slide. 25 I'll just show you the DC fast charger. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 168

1 Again, we just unveiled that last week. That is 2 able to service as two vehicles, not 3 simultaneously. So it would be a 50-kilowatt draw 4 that's staged and balanced between the two cars, 5 sequenced, would be the best word. 6 And with all of these chargers, both 7 residential and commercial, there's an opportunity 8 for advanced demand response business services to 9 help offset some of the costs. And really, that's 10 where we're taking the EV projects. 11 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Well, if you 12 had to put a headline on work to date in terms of 13 regulatory issues that have surfaced or that are 14 out there, what is the most significant regulatory 15 matter or issue, I don't want to say barrier, thus 16 far in the work. 17 MR. HEITMANN: I would have to stay -- 18 I'd split that answer in terms of residential and 19 commercial. Residential fast tracking the 20 permitting process is very critical because it's 21 very easy, as you can imagine, to -- anybody that's 22 gone for a variance or permit to do something in 23 the their house. The amount of time that it takes 24 for just one house, you can just imagine if there's 25 no consistency in automation or any kind of tools ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 169

1 or standards, that can take a long time. And tying 2 in with the customer satisfaction of the vehicle 3 purchaser, that could lead to big disappointment. 4 In fact, with the Mini, it did lead to a 5 big disappointment because I drove -- out of the 6 six months I drove it four months was on the level 7 one cord charge, because I couldn't get the permit, 8 I couldn't get -- once I had the level two in, it 9 was like having a different car. 10 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: As a regulatory 11 issue that authority tends, at least in New York 12 and I suspect elsewhere, to reside at the lowest 13 level of government. Village, town, county or 14 because it's tied into the land use and local 15 zoning. 16 MR. HEITMANN: Correct. However, in 17 New Jersey, and probably New York, there is a state 18 oversight bureau that's involved in that permitting 19 and those processes. So in the case of that, I 20 don't know all the details on that, but I know 21 there was a mix of state and local. And in the EV 22 project, we're actually finding some states are 23 taking initiatives at the state level to drive that 24 process themselves. Tennessee, for example, is one 25 in order to streamline that. And I think that ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 170

1 there's efforts at the national level to talk about 2 the national level. 3 And lastly on the commercial barriers we 4 can get into a little bit more, but some of the 5 issues of demand charges on commercial rates, when 6 you put down one of these fast chargers that pulls 7 50 kilowatts on top of a business that might only 8 pull 35 kilowatts, you can imagine the kind of 9 chilling affect that has in terms of the host 10 wanting to have that in the parking lot. 11 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Michelle is 12 here from -- I am misinformed, all right. I'm 13 sorry. Luke is here from General Electric a little 14 outfit some of you may have heard of. He is in the 15 digital energy division. He holds an MBA from 16 Columbia, a law degree from Syracuse, and 17 bachelor's degree in engineering. Clearly over 18 qualified for this calvary today, but we welcome 19 you, nevertheless. So it's good to see you. 20 MR. CLEMENTE: Thank you. It's a 21 pleasure to be here. I would start -- just give 22 you a little background on what I do inside GE. I 23 am part of the smart grid business. I run the 24 metering sensing systems business. That includes 25 the smart meters, the communications, the AMI, the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 171

1 backlog communications. It also includes our 2 monitoring and diagnostics business which does real 3 time condition based monitoring for transformers 4 and circuit breakers. 5 And so one of the things I would say -- I 6 have to agree with the Chairman's remarks -- we 7 clearly see the smart grid as an enabling 8 technology for EV adoption. We find this to be 9 very similar to what we see other renewable aside. 10 When you think about integrating renewables into 11 a -- into the grid, it's the same challenges you're 12 going to have as you start to integrate EVs into 13 the grid. And you are going to need a smart grid 14 to achieve that. 15 I would tell you that I think we're very 16 far along technically in being able to support 17 these integrations, the technologies there, or it's 18 very much within reach. But it is going to be a 19 two-part equation. It's a technical challenge, 20 which I think, again, is very manageable, and there 21 is the regulatory challenge. I would also just 22 point -- when I think about some of the challenges 23 it was interesting looking at it from a macro 24 perspective on the ISO side. I see things very 25 much at the residential level, how quickly we could ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 172

1 see challenges emerge. We see things even as 2 simple as Nissan Leaf, if you look at the charge 3 rate for level two it really, from a utilities 4 perspective, that's going to look like, I heard the 5 comparison today, is it like another appliance? 6 And that is an interesting perspective because, 7 really if you think about EVs it's probably the 8 first major appliance, if you will to be added to 9 the home since air-conditioning units. But it's a 10 mega appliance because that -- even that Nissan 11 Leaf is really the equivalent of two homes. 12 If you look at your typical homes three and 13 a half, four kilowatt an hour during normal times. 14 The charge rate on these Nissan Leaf's during level 15 two could be approaching seven, and then you have 16 the Tesla coming out next generation product, they 17 are talking about charge rates at 17 kilowatts an 18 hour, so we're talking about four homes. 19 And very quickly, when you start to see 20 that type of introduction to a product, it could 21 start to really challenge pretty immediately the 22 local pole transformers, so the issues could emerge 23 quite quickly. And so it is going to be critical 24 that we do have the intelligence on the grid to 25 protect and provide the reliability. Thank you. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 173

1 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: So would you -- 2 certainly the Chairman's observations that our 3 goals for in this area just simply are not 4 achievable without full on integration into a smart 5 grid? 6 MR. CLEMENTE: Yes, I think you're 7 going to have the same -- just like we've seen with 8 renewables where we've seen curtailments, you put 9 the renewables in, but then the power can't get the 10 market because there's issues elsewhere on the 11 system. And I think this is something the auto 12 OEMs are very concerned about. They do not want to 13 have people buying these cars and having a bad 14 experience. That's the last thing in the world 15 that they need. Then they go tell their friends 16 and instead of how exciting this is, and I do think 17 it's a very exciting story. Depending on where you 18 are in New York, the way you could speak about this 19 is this could be $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 a gallon gas, 20 that's the way to speak about it. 21 But if someone is saying, you know, I 22 plugged mine in and then I had a problem and I 23 couldn't go somewhere that day because I couldn't 24 get the support I needed. So those kinds of 25 concerns the auto OEMs would be very concerned ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 174

1 about. Because, admittedly, we've been down the 2 road before with electric vehicles. This, I think, 3 would actually be counted as 3.0, I think there was 4 one at the turn of the last century, I think 5 another one in the last decade, so this time we 6 have to get it right. 7 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: It's 8 interesting when you mentioned curtailments, your 9 figure on the aggregate demand plug-in at 5:45 10 every evening was at 242. So as a curtailment 11 issue, it's a small number in virtually any -- and 12 that's a statewide number, so to break it down into 13 Con Ed -- 14 MR. GONZALES: Half that. 15 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: -- Long Island 16 or Westchester, these would be very small numbers 17 in the total order of things. 18 MR. GONZALES: Assuming a 50,000 -- 19 about 40 or 50,000 car penetration. 20 MR. CLEMENTE: But I think that would 21 be one of the challenges, I guess, on average that 22 would be true. But I guess the problem would be if 23 there's concentrations, then you'll have an issue. 24 And it's not necessarily the generation capacity, 25 right, it could be, actually, the physical capacity ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 175

1 on the grid itself, right? 2 MR. GONZALES: Right, or on the 3 distribution systems. I mean, I think we've heard 4 from a number of speakers today that the limitation 5 is probably going to first identify itself on the 6 distribution type systems. 7 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: But the 8 importance of the grid to these objectives is not 9 just related to curtailments, it's related to all 10 of the other elements of people being able to rely 11 on the system and for the system to adequately 12 support it and bill for it? 13 MR. GONZALES: Right. 14 MR. CLEMENTE: So there's physical -- 15 you know, when you think about it from the physical 16 point of view about will the distribution grid, 17 depending on the concentrations that we get of EVs, 18 how are we going to -- technologically, we can do 19 it. We're going to have the demand response 20 systems, you know. 21 The EV charger that GE has under 22 development will, for instance, have residence 23 metering, it will have a remote disconnect, it will 24 enable a utility to be able to protect the grid by 25 remotely disconnecting that EV from the grid to ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 176

1 protect the grid. The question is: Regulatorily 2 how does that all happen? And so it's always a two 3 part equation. 4 MR. HEITMANN: I think one of the 5 things about any revolution, which is what this is, 6 is that it really creates new models that people 7 have to learn, they have to be educated about. But 8 given tools I think, Rick, your slide says there's 9 got to be tools for utilities, there's got to be 10 tools for drivers, too. 11 You can envision a world that if the 12 utility needs to curtail, they can send a message, 13 it can come through an aggregator. That aggregator 14 knows the customer, knows their behaviors, has 15 given them tools to literally choose, do I want to 16 let my house come up two or three degrees by 17 throttling my air conditioner, or do I want to let 18 my charger stop? Because me, personally, today, I 19 don't need to go anywhere. I'd rather stay here 20 and be cool. 21 It's those type of choices you want to 22 really let people have, and that technology looks 23 right, it's here. We just need to put that kind of 24 model out and then train people on how to use that. 25 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Thank you. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 177

1 Michelle Tihami is the policy and regulatory 2 strategy director for IBM's global energy and 3 utility industry. IBM, another small company you 4 may have some acquaintance with. She has her 5 bachelor's degree in political science from 6 Catholic University in Washington, and a master's 7 in public administration from GW also in 8 Washington. And resides, I think its the twice for 9 the furthest traveled today, Scottsdale, Arizona. 10 Welcome. 11 MS. TIHAMI: Thank you. 12 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I think Spain may 13 beat that. 14 MS. TIHAMI: Well, that's close. I 15 wanted to give you all the IT perspective of 16 electric vehicles. If you wouldn't mind going to 17 the second one. So, we see the market around 18 electric vehicles as messy, and I know from my 19 media training I'm not supposed to use the word 20 messy, but I really think that's what it's going to 21 be. 22 And you want a system, and this is why the 23 IT providers, while probably are not being 24 considered as part of the first initial stages of 25 this, why we will play a role in enabling this. So ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 178

1 different business models, we talked about that a 2 lot already, different charge rates, I think 3 different payment methods, in terms of is it 4 prepay, is it pay at the device, or is it monthly 5 statements? Lots of complexity around how you 6 manage all of that. Tax implications. 7 Right now the government's making lots of 8 money on tax revenues for gasoline. At one point, 9 when we get to penetration, they are going to 10 realize that that revenue has gone away and they 11 will likely substitute that with another tax. Who 12 is going to be responsible for managing that tax 13 and that settlement? That's still a question that 14 needs to be determined. Transaction complexity. 15 Clearly lots of issues around transactions, 16 development of standards, and then all the things 17 that a utility must do to handle this from the 18 consumer to the settlement to their IT systems. 19 We -- you might have seen a commercial or 20 two on Smarter Planet, so continuing the theme 21 we're now calling this smart charging. So lots of 22 things that we think can be enabled. So load 23 shifting, load shaping with the right signals, and 24 with the right information that's pinpointed at the 25 transmission system or at the substation level. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 179

1 Ancillary services still to be determined. 2 Renewable integration, we're doing a really neat 3 project in Denmark right now on actually using wind 4 to power electric vehicles. So lots in terms of 5 the analytics of when is the wind available and 6 then when should the charging occur to maximize 7 that, or optimize that. Vehicle to grid, realtime 8 information, interoperability, and then smart 9 billing. 10 So begs the question, what is IBM's play 11 and just like any good IT company, it's not a 12 software drop in, but it's really a portfolio. So 13 we have IP right now around the transaction 14 management, 14 patents, actually, around the 15 transaction management. We are working, obviously, 16 with our data and analytics to optimize all this 17 information for the utility, potentially for the 18 ISO this was good information to get. 19 For the service providers, we don't 20 envision a world where you'll just have one service 21 provider. You'll have ECOtality and others, so how 22 do you manage all of that? 23 Control, really, on how you affect behavior 24 so, again, to the data and analytics, you have the 25 information and then the control. And then, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 180

1 really, the platform that talks about how you 2 manage the transaction settlement, the billing 3 capability that was just touched upon, but I think 4 that's going to be a major component, the asset 5 management, and then finally, the charge patterns 6 for the post optimization. 7 Just real briefly, in addition to the 8 project we are doing in Denmark we're also doing a 9 project in the U.K. that's more focused on the IT 10 infrastructure. And then we are in final 11 negotiations on a Pan European project that was 12 funded by the European union where -- if you could 13 imagine a project that would go from, I think it's 14 from Lisbon up through Finland, so that you would 15 have complete ability to charge wherever and then 16 manage all the transactions for that. So we are 17 excited about that and we hope to be making that 18 announcement shortly. 19 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: In the last 20 panel, I was focused for a minute on the cost of 21 the infrastructure and where they get picked up in 22 our economic system. And I want to ask this panel 23 the broader version of that question. On the 24 assumption, which I think this represents a 25 consensus opinion, that a significant move toward ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 181

1 electric vehicles will bring with it some 2 significant, or at least measurable, benefits to 3 the society at large. 4 A representative from GM answered the 5 question about what the potential audience might be 6 for the beneficiaries of all this. National 7 security benefits to this, another representative 8 mentioned the climate impacts, and so forth. So 9 let's assume all of those things are valid, 10 measurable, and significant. 11 What mechanisms might we, as regulators, be 12 looking at to monetize those benefits? So if we 13 achieve the numbers, and I think working from the 14 numbers that you have already worked up is a good 15 premise, and we get the penetration and those 16 impacts, we are going to enjoy some benefits as a 17 community, a larger community as a state. How, if 18 the regulatory burden wasn't already complicated 19 enough, how do we monetize those good effects? 20 Anybody. 21 MR. CLEMENTE: One thing I observe is 22 that there's a natural economic benefit that's 23 derived in the sense that as we continue to 24 facilitate the transition from a hydrocarbon 25 economy to this electric economy you're ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 182

1 basically -- New York State is a good example of 2 this -- New York State is a net importer, 3 obviously, of hydrocarbons. So wealth is leaving 4 the state, going elsewhere and in many cases 5 actually going outside the country even. So when 6 you facilitate EV adoption, you're then keeping 7 more of that wealth in the local community. 8 The assumption being that more of that 9 generation will be done locally, more job creation 10 locally to support that, to the extent that you put 11 more demands on that grid and get greater 12 utilization out of it. Again, all those should 13 transition, so it's going to be have it's own 14 natural rewarding benefit as you keep more of that 15 wealth in the economy. 16 There's a statistic out there that one of 17 the national labs did back in 2007 that showed 18 that, you know, in a theoretical case you can 19 almost get to 80 percent. If you can perfectly 20 take advantage of all this capacity in the off 21 hours because, in a sense, that represents a cut 22 off on the economic waste, if you will, the 23 utilization of most utilities of 50 percent 24 utilization, plus or minus. 25 If you can actually absorb that by ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 183

1 electrifying your transportation sector you're 2 going to have an immediate benefit that as you 3 drive those utilization rates up, that should help 4 dampen what we've seen in the past which has been 5 inflationary rate structures. So that's -- as that 6 utilization goes up, that should be having an 7 offsetting effect. So there's numerous natural 8 benefits by facilitating this adoption. 9 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: And this 10 inventory of natural benefits that accrue, as I 11 here you describe them, do not necessarily require 12 any regulatory intervention on the part of 13 communities to enjoy those benefits? 14 MR. CLEMENTE: Again, not to say that 15 we don't need more, I mean, we might want to 16 advocate that we want to actually create incentives 17 for EV adoption, and we theoretically, from a state 18 policy perspective, you can actually tax 19 hydrocarbons more heavily to incentivize EV 20 adoption so that you get these natural benefits. 21 You might want to grease the skids, if you will. 22 You know, grease the wheels and make it go faster, 23 but there is a natural -- 24 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Even without 25 that, there are important benefits. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 184

1 MR. CLEMENTE: Naturally. 2 MR. HEITMANN: Commissioner Larocca, 3 I'd like to maybe suggest that at a fundamental 4 policy, or maybe even a philosophy level, that we 5 decide that electricity use for electric 6 transportation is fundamentally more valuable 7 quantified TVD than electricity used for other 8 purposes. 9 With that in mind, the first step is it 10 needs to be metered separately. Because if you are 11 going to monetize benefits that are tied to use of 12 a transportation using electricity, you've got to 13 distinguish between electricity used for that and 14 others. 15 For example, ECOtality as GE has -- it has 16 an embedded sub meter, that's a low cost, revenue 17 grade device, that could be -- wherever the 18 charging is done, it's done right there. It would 19 avoid the problem we heard before in New York City 20 of where you cannot have a second meter because 21 that could lead to another domicile of where people 22 are living. Well, in this case because of the 23 J-1772, the Society of Automotive Engineers, that 24 power can only be used for that vehicle, that's 25 guaranteed. So if that's the fundamental reason ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 185

1 why that restriction's in place, we might explore 2 that. And then encourage, you know, the adoption 3 of a secondary meter, you know, separate meter for 4 electric vehicles. 5 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: If we try to go 6 beyond those benefits which might naturally just 7 fall out from this evolution to interventions we 8 might make in terms of tax or other policy, to an 9 enhanced infrastructure for measuring and 10 separating all of which brings with it a cost, the 11 task gets progressively more complicated, from a 12 regulatory and a cost allocation. 13 MS. TIHAMI: If I may, Commissioner. 14 I think a lot of things could happen in the back 15 office. That we don't need more devices, 16 necessarily, to measure this. But as long as you 17 would have the time and the rates, and the vehicle 18 ID, and the amount that's consumed, and who owns 19 the car, there are models that can provide that 20 information. I envision a world where we might 21 need carbon offset information to be shared. That, 22 also, can happen without, actually measuring, all 23 just in the back office. 24 MR. CLEMENTE: I hear that Michelle, 25 and I guess one thing that I just want to augment ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 186

1 Paul's comment, when he advocated the revenue grade 2 metering, separate metering for the electric 3 vehicle is that -- one of the things, I think 4 again, that we are going to need to do. We're 5 talking about benefits versus burdens, because one 6 of the concerns back to Rick's comment is the 7 observation, proverbial, everybody comes home at 8 6:00 and plugs in at the same time. 9 There's going to have to be some ability to 10 first have a rate structure that is a separate and 11 distinct for the electric vehicle. And if that's 12 going to happen, you are going to have -- it seems 13 to me that you're going to have to separately meter 14 that usage, and so that you can have that separate 15 rate structure. Because the benefits can only be 16 derived if we're actually going to take advantage 17 of this under utilize asset during off hours, 18 versus -- because we can actually, if this is not 19 properly managed, we can actually make the 20 situation a lot of worse and be in a situation of 21 burdens versus benefits. 22 MS. TIHAMI: So, in California, where, 23 to be fair, they have advanced a large meter, large 24 advanced meter deployment already out there. So 25 they have that device. They have an EV rate and ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 187

1 they are -- it's dirt cheap, how there structuring 2 is. After obvious reasons, considering that 3 California stair-rate structure, but they want 4 people to be charging from midnight until about 5 five. And so their EV rates will be focused on 6 that time, and they're not doing anything from a 7 sub-metering perspective or a second meter 8 prospective. 9 Obviously, I don't have skin in the game in 10 terms of what it happens, but in the interest of 11 easing adoption, I wouldn't to make this too 12 complex if it doesn't have to be. 13 MR. GONZALES: Just to respond to your 14 question, Commissioner, about monetizing the 15 benefits. At the wholesale level, I think, if this 16 charging were managed either through retail rate 17 structures or, you know, at the wholesale level, 18 what we would see is we would see an improved 19 utilization of RTD assets. 20 Our capacity, you know, as many of the 21 panelists spoke much of those, you know, those 22 assets are all sized for the peak, you know, the 23 few hours of a year that in peak demand is 24 anticipated for. So some of the benefits, I think, 25 would be -- could be identified in the terms of ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 188

1 improved utilization or the RTD systems. 2 At the wholesale level, if these resources 3 participate in the wholesale electricity markets, 4 that will improve the competitiveness of those 5 markets. It should result in, you know, more 6 efficient -- in the ISO being able to meet those 7 requirements at lower costs. You know, for 8 example, I think it makes a lot more sense to be 9 able to balance the minute-to-minute or even the 10 second-to-second demand in New York State by 11 managing the electric charging of hundreds or 12 thousands of vehicles, rather than, you know, using 13 a steam unit or even moving the gates on a large 14 hydroelectric turbine, the wear and tear. 15 So there's probably more efficient ways to 16 meet reliability at the wholesale level. Now, 17 could those be quantified? They could probably be 18 quantified, but those are benefits that are going 19 to, hopefully, just fall out of the incentives that 20 are in place and can be taken advantage of under 21 today's model. 22 MR. HEITMANN: If I could ask Amy to 23 just put up, on my slides, number 16. I have a 24 perfect graphic for your great description. 25 Unfortunately, it's on the other side of the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 189

1 country in the California ISO, but it will serve 2 the purpose. 3 Okay. This is a graphic of California ISO 4 on a day and a life, you know, the base load is met 5 by a day ahead scheduling. Then hourly, the 6 predicted is load is procured to support that, and 7 then, at that level of granularity there's a lot of 8 opportunity in that yellow area for when the next 9 hour ahead is in place, there's surplus. 10 And there really is an opportunity to say, 11 you're in an electric vehicle, you're charging at 12 50 percent charge rate right now. So you send 13 through the aggregator the signal to say, step it 14 up to 80 percent. If you've got tens of thousands 15 or hundreds of thousands of vehicles, that could be 16 soaped up so it's just the perfect match. That's 17 the idea. And then, to the other point, when you 18 overshoot and your demand is too high and your hour 19 ahead doesn't support that, you can at least tell 20 the vehicles slow down in your charge rate, or, 21 hopefully, sooner rather than later, turn it the 22 other way and put some energy back into the system. 23 That's the essence of a market signal being sent to 24 participants that help balance the grid and keep it 25 reliable. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 190

1 I have one more click. This is just a 2 graphic of a day in the life on the other end the 3 user of the vehicle, 24-hour period, state of 4 charge is on the bottom. Fully charged at 5 6:00 a.m. ready to go. That first step down on 6 that bottom graph is the drive to work. You 7 expend, in this case, 16-kilowatt hours. Don't 8 even charge up, just plug it in at work, and then 9 come home and charge up. 10 You'll notice that little ripple on there, 11 that's essentially that vehicle, that single 12 vehicle, serving the ancillary services market 13 aggregated together to Rick's signal to say, step 14 it up, step it down. Wind is dying, charge slower, 15 et cetera. So throughout the day, you're earning 16 money. That one car, in this case, and at those 17 dollar estimates for California ISO, the car earns 18 $3.30. So you're starting to a see a model where 19 the owner of the car is doing nothing more than 20 plugging and charging in, and yet, serving the grid 21 in a very transparent way. 22 And I know we've heard from the OEMs, 23 they're concerned about bi-directional power flow 24 and there are reasons to be, but ancillary services 25 market is here, and it's definitely an opportunity ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 191

1 if we do it to aggregate and serve the grid and 2 keep it reliable. And adopt and absorb more 3 renewable power. Thank you, I'm done. 4 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Can I ask a question 5 in a little different way? Are we playing offense 6 or are we playing defense? In other words, is this 7 something that you'd say, we really need to do this 8 because it offers these benefits to the electric 9 system, or are we saying, well, this thing is 10 coming and let's try to make the best out of it and 11 let's get out of it what we can. 12 And I know you ops guys hate change, so are 13 you advocating that this is a positive for the 14 electric system and we'll be better off after all 15 of these electric vehicles are out there, or are 16 you kind of saying, we can make some lemonade out 17 of the lemons that are coming our way? 18 MR. GONZALES: I already said that I 19 think it's better to regulate second-to-second 20 demand variations using managed load then some 21 hydroelectric resource or some oil fire resource. 22 It's more efficient, it's more -- it would be more 23 efficient for the consumers. And end up leading to 24 more costs for the consumers. 25 So I think that's the right answer, I think ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 192

1 we need to -- but again, at the outset of my 2 presentation, I wanted to make sure that the ISO 3 isn't the limiting -- the ISO doesn't impose 4 standards or other communication requirements, for 5 example, that go beyond any other resource it deals 6 with, and that this area is really right for 7 technology. 8 I mean, you have three panelists here who 9 are all in that technology field. The sky is 10 really without limit as to how an aggregator is 11 going to interface with many, many different 12 markets. So offense or defense, I think what we 13 do, you know, the levels of penetration and the 14 demand, if it's managed, are from two to 15 ten percent. 16 If it's unmanaged it's a ten percent on a 17 daily demand curb, if it's managed a two to 18 three percent. You know, I think there's a lot of 19 benefits to be had by seeing where the technology 20 results. I know the Commission has -- is 21 struggling with what role, when it comes to smart 22 meters, you know. I think that's more of a retail 23 rate discussion than a wholesale rate discussion. 24 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I see our 25 colleague from New York City, Jim Gallagher, is ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 193

1 here. I'm going to ask you to come up to that 2 table because I have a question for the City. 3 MS. TIHAMI: Can we ask Mr. Gallagher 4 questions? 5 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Absolutely. We 6 don't state it this way, but it's possible to see 7 in, as a premise for a lot of our discussion, a 8 sort of an Ozzie and Harriet household at play here 9 where we're talking about the car in the garage, 10 plugging it into your garage. It's showing up in 11 some of our advertising how people save energy at 12 home. You've spent the last little while in the 13 City of New York with the density and the housing 14 pattern and everything else is very much, very 15 different from that leafy suburban model. How do 16 these issues play in a very dense, urban 17 environment? 18 MR. GALLAGHER: Well, I do agree with 19 you that New York City is different than most other 20 cities, obviously, in the United States and New 21 York. First of all, not many people own cars in 22 New York, as a percentage of the total population. 23 But there are a lot of people there and there's a 24 lot of people with money. And one of the first 25 things we did was this past year we did a market ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 194

1 research study hiring Mackenzie to get an idea of 2 what is the potential market in the city. And one 3 thing we found is that the early adopter -- the 4 percentage of early adopters is significant in the 5 city and they are not particularly focused on 6 price, and they are not particularly focused on any 7 hassles that they might have with a charging 8 station. 9 They want to have an electric vehicle 10 because it's more of an attitudinal thing rather 11 than driving habit. According to the Mackenzie 12 study, if there is a supply of vehicles, an 13 adequate supply of vehicles, that early adopter 14 population could amount to 30 or 50,000 vehicles 15 per year by 2015. So it's a significant market. 16 We've also found that they're not 17 particularly concerned about having a widespread 18 saturation of charging stations. I mean one of the 19 things that we've learned about people from New 20 York City is they'd rather not go to a public 21 charging station. They'd rather have a private 22 charging station or something in their public 23 garage near their home. 24 So our focus has been, primarily, and we 25 intend to be focusing primarily in the next few ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 195

1 years on education, not relying entirely on the 2 auto manufacturers to educate people about electric 3 vehicles, what they should be looking for. We're 4 also installing 250 charging stations around the 5 city. We're working with the auto industry, with 6 Con Ed and others, to try to identify those 7 locations. Equipment is paid for by stimulus money 8 and the recipient will pay the installation cost. 9 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I just have a 10 question. 11 MR. GALLAGHER: Sure. 12 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Do charging 13 stations -- is there a logic to their being 14 situated at conventional service stations? 15 MR. GALLAGHER: Within the city, 16 probably not. What we found, and we looked at 17 different options, probably the most logical was in 18 public garages. You go to the city and there's a 19 public garage on just about every block, so our 20 initial efforts are going to be targeting the 21 majority of those 250 first charging stations in 22 the public garages and some very high traffic 23 locations. And the city, itself, is going to be 24 keeping 40 of the charging stations for the city's 25 own fleet of vehicles. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 196

1 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: How about 2 outside of the cities? Is there logic to stations 3 evolving onto conventional service stations, or 4 will that be a separate system? 5 MR. HEITMANN: Sure, I'm probably the 6 best qualified then. I actually have slide ten, if 7 you could que that in. But in the meantime, I will 8 say when we announced our fast charger, we also 9 announced that we have a partnership with BP 10 AMCO -- BP ARCO, I'm sorry, for exactly that. For 11 deploying chargers in the -- at stations, at 12 service stations. 13 But if you look at this chart, it's a 14 little bit hard to see, but going from left to 15 right, these are all the, sort of, modes or 16 applications that we're seeing in the EV projects 17 of how these charges will be located. 18 Single family garage, the Ozzie and Harriet 19 model's all the way to the left. And that will be 20 the preferred level to AC charger, and then as you 21 move over, other private things like the 22 multi-family condo associations or apartment 23 buildings or parking garages that are private. 24 Then when you move into public you go into a 25 commercial retail space, like a , that is ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 197

1 another announcement we did. Best Buy is going to 2 have the level two chargers. 3 All we have are the fast chargers at truck 4 stops, you know, rest areas. So that kind of 5 represents the spectrum of where you are going to 6 find these and each one of those has it's own value 7 proposition and business model that we're going to 8 try and really uncover. These are just best 9 guesses at cost per charge, visit cycle time, those 10 kinds of things. But that's what we're after is 11 validating. So, New York City is clearly a subset 12 of this. This is broader across the country. 13 MR. GALLAGHER: I'd like to add just 14 two other points specifically regarding utilities 15 and one of them has to do with infrastructure cost 16 and how they made the cost of upgrading 17 infrastructure beyond just a charging station and 18 how you allocate those costs. 19 What I see as one of the great 20 difficulties, especially in New York City, is how 21 do you determine which network and there are 22 57 networks in New York City. Some peak during the 23 day, some peak during the evening. What upgrades 24 are necessarily caused by the electric vehicles, 25 two or three electric vehicles? Some of those ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 198

1 networks may have needed to be upgraded years ago, 2 so I think it's going to be very hard to 3 distinguish and try to allocate cost to specific 4 customers. 5 The one other point I wanted to make, and 6 this goes back to Chairman Brown's comment about 7 are we taking the right approach right now as an 8 industry to encourage electric vehicles. And our 9 sense, within the city, is that when we look at the 10 utility industry right now, it's more in a risk 11 mitigation mode. Trying to avoid significant 12 negative impacts on the grid, which is fine. 13 But our concern is that the utilities go 14 too far and avoid a customer interaction or any 15 interactions with the customers. I think customers 16 are going to be looking to utilities for help and 17 advice on electric vehicles, charging stations, how 18 they operate. And we need to be careful that 19 utilities do not isolate themselves too much from 20 that customer interaction. 21 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I certainly 22 invite anyone from the floor. Commissioner Harris 23 has been quiet so far. How are you doing? 24 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Good, thank you. 25 My comment, and I can wrap it into a question, is ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 199

1 regarding the discussion that you had about maybe 2 there isn't a need for a separate meter. I believe 3 you were advocating for the benefits of having a 4 separate meter. 5 For a state like New York, in particular, 6 we've been struggling with, as Rick mentioned, 7 deploying advanced meters due to the cost. I think 8 we're all familiar with the benefits of what 9 two-way communications and these advanced meters 10 might be able to provide to consumers, but we're 11 all grappling with costs and trying to balance cost 12 with all these environmental social programs and 13 infrastructure costs and the like. 14 So I guess I would say, on the one hand, if 15 there's a way to get the benefits without a 16 separate meter, why would we go to pursuing, or 17 have our utilities pursuing a separate meter? Are 18 there such strong benefits to having a separate 19 meter, and if so, who would pay for this separate 20 meter; would it be the customer? 21 MR. HEITMANN: Sure, that's 22 definitely the crux of this. If there's utility to 23 isolating charge that's used for electric 24 transportation, and I hope there's a general 25 consensus that that is a good thing. That there is ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 200

1 a difference in using it for transportation because 2 of all the carbon benefits and other things that 3 have yet to be monetized. You've got to have a way 4 to capture that use. 5 Then the question, I agree with Michelle 6 from IBM, it doesn't have to be integrated with a 7 two-way full battle or an AMI system. You can just 8 use the internet, you can use other secured means 9 to do that that are lower costs, so it doesn't have 10 to come with a full approval of an AMI program for 11 utility. 12 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: I guess I would 13 ask then, isn't there technology out there today to 14 be able to capture that usage without having a full 15 meter? 16 MR. HEITMANN: Well, somehow you have 17 to track the energy that's coming through to the 18 battery on board. That's typically called a meter 19 or a sub meter. The question is, is it a revenue 20 grade? 21 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: A smart meter. 22 But my understanding is there's technology out 23 there that would be able to capture just how much 24 energy usage the vehicle would be using without 25 having this full blown cost of a meter. Because is ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 201

1 all that we're trying to do is capture just how 2 much that vehicle is using on, for the electric 3 vehicle rate, I'm not sure I see the need for a 4 full blown meter. 5 I mean, assuming that -- we know the 6 benefits of an AMI, of an advanced meter, but I 7 guess I'm looking at if there's other technology 8 that could capture that usage. 9 MR. HEITMANN: I'm just aware of some 10 metering or some interval capture of energy that's 11 being put into the battery to segregate that. As 12 far as I know, that's the only way to differentiate 13 not using it for your toaster, but using it for 14 your car. Once you have that, the question 15 becomes, can I -- this is the benefit part -- can I 16 pay a different rate for that? Will there be a 17 time of use that really in senses me to charge 18 overnight? Well, yes, because I'm only putting it 19 into my car, so that enables that. 20 When carbon credits come, how do you value 21 that? Well, one way is to say you pulled in 22 X kilowatt hours for just the car, here's your 23 credit. Road taxes, how do you pay, you know, 24 avoid the gasoline tax? You look at that data from 25 the meter. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 202

1 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Maybe I'm 2 missing something because I know that, I have in my 3 home devices that I can hook-up into appliances and 4 it will tell me exactly how much energy usage my 5 computer is using at any given moment? 6 MR. HEITMANN: That's a meter, 7 basically, a sub meter. 8 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: But it costs $8 9 as opposed to a $300 full blown meter. 10 MR. CLEMENTE: I think that's where 11 the misconception is coming in is that, like for 12 instance, you're thinking of the meter on the side 13 of your house with the high cost point. When we 14 integrate meter technology into our charging 15 station, it would be a metrology board, it's an 16 incremental, and so it's not a full blown meter. 17 If you were to rip apart our charging 18 station you would see many electronic boards in 19 there, this is just adding one additional 20 electronic board. So the marginal cost increase is 21 not going to be significant. You know, to your 22 question about is there other ways of doing it. We 23 were also experimenting with what they call 24 cognitive metering where you can actually look at 25 the waive forms coming in your home and you can ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 203

1 actually start to approximate what things are on in 2 your home and how much you're using, but it 3 wouldn't be used for revenue grade. 4 So to your point, just again, just to 5 picture what this is going to look like, so back to 6 his communications point, we have been envisioning 7 that there's going to be a smart meter on your 8 home, there's going to be two-way communication to 9 your home, that smart meter then can also 10 communicate directly to the charge station in your 11 house. So there can be real time pricing 12 information flowing that way, there could be a 13 demand response signal flowing back and forth. 14 So, and then to your point that let's say 15 there isn't a smart meter on the side of your 16 house. You've made the decision you don't want to 17 put a smart meter on your house. You could go with 18 a cellular technology and there's going to be pros 19 and cons of each and some of the costs associated 20 with it, but in some way, you're going to have to 21 communicate with it. 22 MS. TIHAMI: I think the complexity, 23 if I may, I'm sorry. I think the complexity -- I 24 was reacting when they were talking about two 25 meters. I think that sounds problematic to me. I ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 204

1 do think that if you want to get a dynamic, 2 responsive, intelligent system, at one point there 3 will need to be an advanced meter. And when I talk 4 about the complexity, it's not just consumption. 5 It's all of those other things that we talk about, 6 so in Canada, for example, they're looking at maybe 7 it's spot installation rather than full deployment. 8 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Right. I mean, 9 here in New York we have had proceedings, ongoing 10 proceedings for the past few years discussing the 11 deployment of meters and I think we've weighed the 12 pros and cons and cost benefit of smart meters and 13 the benefits to consumers, which we're always 14 struggling with the cost of that. 15 And then when I hear that there's another 16 meter, but you've cleared it up. So there's the 17 strong benefits for a smart meter, but it doesn't, 18 necessarily, have to be the traditional meter that 19 we've struggled with. 20 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: This discussion 21 puts in mind, I'm going to ask you the following. 22 Let's just shove it all in the other direction for 23 a minute. There's something that Jim Gallagher 24 said that put in mind. An increasing number of 25 people buy organic foods. As a general proposition ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 205

1 your organic foods are more expensive than standard 2 supermarket fare, and they do it anyway. They're 3 making calculus, whether they know it or not, that 4 there's a benefit to themselves, to their families, 5 and maybe to the animal kingdom, maybe to the 6 larger society, but they don't have to quantify any 7 of that. It's a choice that has an ethic built in 8 and other non-measurable considerations. 9 Is it enough? We have an evolution of a 10 technology here that we -- at least in this room 11 and, I think, a lot of other places -- believe is 12 in our net best interest to advance. And it will 13 bring benefits to individuals as well as to the 14 larger population from national security and carbon 15 interests all the way down to fewer emissions in my 16 village. 17 We now know that the equivalent mile per 18 hour cost, mile per gallon cost, is good using this 19 technology as opposed to $4.00 gasoline or whatever 20 it is. Maybe we don't have to worry about metering 21 or any of this other infrastructure support that 22 we're talking about. A lot of which is going to 23 trying to quantify and then have the economic 24 system more precisely respond to use and all the 25 rest. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 206

1 Maybe it's like organic chicken. We're 2 going to go out and buy it anyway because we know 3 it's a good thing and we don't need a more specific 4 reward other than the ones we already know about. 5 It's cheaper to run, perhaps a higher front-end 6 cost, but cheaper to run. We've seen that in the 7 early hybrid calculus that people make, and I know 8 I'm doing a good thing and I don't need an extra 9 meter, I don't need an extra line. 10 And if we're making a simultaneous judgment 11 that whatever infrastructure we do you have to put 12 in place, including charging stations and all that, 13 that is an appropriate charge for the larger 14 society where we put it in the broadest tax base. 15 Maybe it's enough. Maybe we can save getting -- 16 drowning in all of this detail that we may not 17 need. 18 CHAIRMAN BROWN: Can I say in a little 19 different way. That's the same thought I was 20 having. I like their opinions. We've got a whole 21 series of costs that we may need, I think to your 22 point. Some of them achieve societal goals, so if 23 you had to divide up between what the taxpayer 24 pays, what society pays for in implementing all of 25 this, what the rate payers should pay on a ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 207

1 socialized basis just like we've always done in the 2 electricity industry. 3 When we went to air conditioning, everybody 4 paid -- we went from 25,000 megawatt peak to 35,000 5 megawatt peak. You paid for it whether you were an 6 air conditioner user or not, we just simply 7 socialized it. And what should the end user, the 8 guy that wants to buy the electric vehicle and 9 interconnect, pay for? 10 Where should we draw the lines between 11 those three categories. What should be paid for 12 societally, what should be paid for socially over 13 all the ratepayers, and what should be paid for by 14 the end user that wants to buy an electric vehicle? 15 MS. TIHAMI: I'll take a stab at going 16 first, Garry. I think -- I mean, the initial goal 17 should be adoption and penetration, in my mind. 18 And so you would structure it more, I think, from a 19 socialized perspective, initially, and then make 20 those choices at a later point when you've reached 21 those penetrations. I wouldn't burden with a lot 22 of trying to neatly divide up all those costs now. 23 CHAIRMAN BROWN: But does that mean 24 that we should just every -- I mean, under your 25 argument the plugs should be paid for by all the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 208

1 ratepayers that are installed in the garage and I 2 think, clearly, we're putting that, or at least the 3 vision is to put that on the customers end? 4 MS. TIHAMI: No, I mean, I still think 5 you -- there's going to be a world where it's a 6 public private partnership. CostCo, for example, 7 they're putting in charging stations and they're 8 not even -- on their own dime and they're not even 9 charging customers the cost of that electricity, 10 again, to encourage penetration. 11 So I think in just how we have public 12 private partnerships right now on a lot of this 13 infrastructure costs, I think that same model could 14 still apply. I would not encourage having 15 ratepayers pay for the plug, or what have you. I 16 think the initial policy and regulatory strategy 17 should be how you get to penetration. 18 MR. CLEMENTE: I would add that, you 19 know, we're very much advocates of time-of-use 20 rates. We do think there needs to be a separate 21 rate for the electric vehicle, and that is the 22 mechanism, we would advocate that is the mechanism. 23 So to your point, to the extent an individual buys 24 an electric vehicle and decides that they want to 25 charge during peak hours, which is going to drive ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 209

1 society to have to add more peaking plant, they 2 should pay the appropriate price for that 3 electricity so that those electric AV users are 4 fully burdened for that decision making. And then 5 on the vice-versa to the extent those EV owners are 6 cooperative and are using the off-peak system, and 7 thus, actually delivering a societal benefit 8 because now they're driving utilization during low 9 periods of utilization which helps with the rate 10 structure. They're going to be able to purchase -- 11 they should be able to purchase power at a 12 discount. So I think there's a really 13 straightforward mechanism for making sure that 14 you're doing the benefits and burdens of this 15 decision making. 16 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: But at the same 17 time if I've got a conventional vehicle and I'm 18 driving in that peak-hour with a tank full of 19 gasoline, unless I use a toll bridge or something, 20 I'm not paying any special charges. There have 21 been attempts here and there to do some of that. 22 So the question should be are we going to burden 23 these vehicles in a way that we haven't burdened 24 the rest of the fleet? 25 MR. CLEMENTE: So the person that's ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 210

1 still using the internal combustion engine 2 automobile by that decision, that doesn't 3 necessarily other than, clearly we have the 4 environmental impact from that decision, but from 5 an economic point of view, they're not further 6 burdening society by that decision making. But if 7 that person were to switch to an electric vehicle, 8 and again, not be insensitive to what's going on 9 with respect to the utilization of the grid, they 10 could either benefit society or burden society. 11 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: But a PEV 12 owner, if I charge in the middle of the night I'll 13 pay less, if I charge at peak-time I'll pay more. 14 My other car is a gas guzzler, and I pay the same 15 no matter when I use the car. And it burdens 16 society. 17 MR. CLEMENTE: Environmentally, but 18 not economically in that case. One of the things 19 you would be doing, to the extent you're resistant 20 to switching to an electric vehicle, you're not in 21 essence, taking advantage of the opportunity. 22 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: But if I buy my 23 gasoline at 2:00 in the morning, I'd probably pay 24 the same. 25 MR. HEITMANN: Again, I would make a ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 211

1 distinct separation of residential and commercial. 2 Only because there's too many different dynamics on 3 that. On the residential side, I guess just by 4 policy, I would say I totally agree. Make 5 time-of-use rates as an incentive for people to 6 charge responsibly. Policies that drive education, 7 I think the point that was made before about 8 getting people aware of how do things differently, 9 giving them the tools to do things differently. 10 Encourage, as you already are, renewables, local 11 renewables and metering, those type of things 12 versus you can't. Lower as many barriers and they 13 are educated and they go into Best Buy and buy a 14 smart charger, a home area network kit on their 15 dime because they know there's value then the 16 aggregation service, all the third party providers 17 and all the utilities that want to do this can plug 18 into the market structure and realize that monetary 19 value. That's the residential side. 20 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: Is -- I'm sorry, 21 Rick. Did you want to chime in here, too? 22 MR. GONZALES: My only comment -- this 23 is clearly outside the realm of the ISO 24 responsibilities -- there seems to be so much 25 opportunity here for an individual PEV owner to ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 212

1 benefit. You know, when you look at just the cost 2 savings of operating a vehicle. And they're so -- 3 and I've said this twice now, I guess this will be 4 the third time. The technology is so open in how 5 smart grid is developing. It just seems like it's 6 very -- it almost seems like the market or the 7 technology market would best be suited for 8 identifying a path to move forward in this area 9 either -- because of the opportunities that exists. 10 There's one other thing that I wanted to 11 make sure that is relevant to the wholesale 12 electricity marketplace. And that if an electric 13 vehicle owner decides to receive ISO payments for 14 these products that there's a downside to that. So 15 there's an opportunity, again, for receiving ISO 16 payments, perhaps. And you saw a number of $3.00 17 and I think I calculated something in that same 18 ballpark, but that opportunity would be balanced 19 against the -- against concerns about battery life 20 impact from the manufacturers and about the 21 charging inconvenience. 22 So there's a balance and there's an 23 opportunity, and I think that's best left to the 24 electric vehicle owner. 25 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: For those of ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 213

1 you who may still be awake, is there any questions 2 from the audience? Yes, ma'am, and then 3 Commissioner Harris. Can you come to the podium? 4 And give us your name and organization perhaps? 5 MS. KING: Thank you, my name is 6 Carrie Jane King. I work for the New York Power 7 Authority reception development electric 8 transportation, specifically. I just had a 9 question and a suggestion. My question was very 10 specific, the New York Power Authority is going to 11 be installing public charging infrastructure at 12 customer sites. 13 As you know, the Power Authority serves 14 government, primarily, so these will be government 15 hosted, public charging. And the new charging 16 equipment, as several people have mentioned today, 17 is smart and it has a network and would allow the 18 host site to charge for some fee for plugging in, 19 in addition to the electricity costs which 20 certainly, initially, we would probably cover 21 ourselves, the Power Authority. 22 So my question is, is that something -- how 23 would that work? I think the host sites that we've 24 been speaking to, the municipalities and agencies 25 we've been speaking to are concerned, for example, ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 214

1 in the long-term about maintenance of the equipment 2 and how they recover that cost, for example. So 3 could those costs be included in the price of 4 charging of the vehicle? That was a very specific 5 question I had. Should I go on to the next point, 6 or should I wait for the answer to that? 7 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: I think we know 8 the answer, but go ahead. 9 MR. HEITMANN: Thank you, Carrie Jane. 10 The EV project is, again, that's one of the things 11 that's being tested is maintenance models. Certain 12 things can be proactively looked because it's a 13 smart network device, so you can proactively 14 monitor performance, look for degradation, those 15 types of things. 16 A baseball bat to the side of it is a 17 different issue, but you know, then there are 18 contractor networks, trained, certified folks and 19 there are call centers and technologies that -- the 20 idea is keep this public face of these systems very 21 high and visible and working and functional. So 22 that's in place and the project, we'll see, you 23 know, how well that works and how we need to tweak 24 it. 25 MS. TIHAMI: If I may add, Carrie ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 215

1 Jane, when I spoke earlier about those transaction 2 complexities, you know, we envision a world where 3 not only would you have the power, but you might 4 have an amortization schedule for the charging 5 posts. You might have the taxes, you might have 6 the maintenance fees, you might have a parking fee, 7 for example. And so there would be a roll-up of 8 that rate that would be presented to the customer. 9 MR. CLEMENTE: I think I would add, in 10 California, I don't know what the regulation in New 11 York is, but they, in essence, the kind of 12 expression they use is they've deregulated the 13 retail side of the charging station. So there's 14 not -- you know, it's basically on-line 15 transaction. What you're going to charge for that 16 service is between you and the charging station 17 owner. That part of it is deregulated. 18 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: And you had 19 another? 20 MS. KING: So the answer, I guess, is 21 yes, they can do this. My suggestion was that 22 perhaps there should be some sort of state task 23 force to coordinate support for the roll out of the 24 plug-in vehicles that are coming to New York 25 starting in December to address such issues as ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 216

1 public education, permitting and inspection, 2 time-of-use rates, I know Con Ed has an optional 3 time-of-use rate. Public charging, where the 4 public charging stations can be sited, what makes 5 sense. General coordination and communication on a 6 state level. 7 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: Thank you very 8 much. Maureen? 9 COMMISSIONER HARRIS: It's a little 10 off-point now, but going back to the socializing 11 the costs or spreading out the costs and the 12 particular EV owner. 13 I guess something struck with me from my 14 panel earlier which was Matt Ketschke from 15 Con Edison mentioned which were the early adopters, 16 the demographics, of the early adopters which are 17 the wealthy individuals. I mean, that was clear as 18 day as one of the statistics, so my concern -- but 19 maybe it's not a concern, but I'm sort of equating 20 it a little bit with solar panels, as well, which 21 is the -- traditionally, some of those homeowners 22 who purchased solar panels in their home. Most 23 middle class Americans couldn't afford it, or 24 whatever, but they went ahead and the thought being 25 it would drive down the cost, increase the number ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 217

1 of installers, so the average middle class family 2 could, eventually, afford a solar panel on their 3 home, at some point, given state tax credits, 4 federal tax credits and the like. 5 Is that the end goal here when you talk 6 about adoption and penetration that to lower the 7 costs -- it seems to me from the earlier panel, the 8 vehicle panel, that the costs have come down 9 significantly just in the past few years. But my 10 question is what Commissioner Larocca mentioned 11 earlier which is these early adopters will most 12 likely, given the projections of 40,000 vehicles by 13 2015, or 50,000 vehicles, will purchase these 14 electric vehicles without a reduced rate on their 15 vehicle. 16 Now, I don't know, in those projections 17 were they projecting that these people would 18 purchase vehicles based on a lower rate or 19 time-of-use rate, or were these projections just 20 based on early adopters and the demographics? So, 21 it's hard to determine when we should lower the 22 rate. Are we lowering the rate too early for 23 people who would have purchased the vehicle anyway? 24 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: You can believe 25 the unscientific information, but most of the ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 218

1 people I know who have bought hybrids on Long 2 Island recite in their justification the fact that 3 they can use the HOV lane at any time of day as a 4 real factor in their -- 5 MR. CLEMENTE: I would add that one of 6 the things that I think we should be observant here 7 is that -- back to the smart grid for a second. 8 Some people refer to it as the energy internet. 9 The irony about that, the term, energy internet, is 10 that that really was true laissez-faire, kind of 11 got built out in the private sector. Here, the 12 smart grid, no one can really go deploy their own 13 smart grid. It really is very co-dependent on the 14 regulatory body and so forth. 15 But the EV adoption, to your point, I do 16 sense the sense that maybe we don't have to do 17 anything. We'll just watch and see how this turns 18 out, and I think there's a danger in that. In 19 essence, if the adoption goes better than expected, 20 people will start driving these. And I think when 21 you will have the problem, I think when it will 22 most likely manifest itself because if you don't 23 have the time-of-use rate I think you're not going 24 to have the discipline of getting the users to be 25 thinking in terms of when they should be charging. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 219

1 It's going to be next, you know, it's going to be 2 on some August in the coming years when you have a 3 hot, humid day and everybody is running their air 4 conditioning units and you're running the system. 5 And we've already seen those days, Rick has seen 6 them. You're very close with very little margin 7 left and all of a sudden, now just figure what the 8 future looks like when you have 50,000 EVs on there 9 exasperating that situation. And that would be, I 10 think, what you would get to. And I think it gets 11 back to, I think the word is, you know, are we -- 12 you know, that would be reactive. We wait for the 13 problem to emerge, to manifest itself and then we 14 say, okay, now we need to do something about it. 15 COMMISSIONER LAROCCA: With apologies 16 to those that we haven't heard from, we're up 17 against the hour we called for letting you get onto 18 your travels. So let me thank Rick and Michelle 19 and Luke and Paul from here, and to all of you for 20 your patience. 21 I would like the minutes to reflect that 22 the Chairman of this panel gets the award for the 23 most tortured conflation of organic chicken and 24 electric vehicles. I think I have taken it to a 25 new level. Thank you all very much. ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 220

1 CHAIRMAN BROWN: I will make this very 2 brief. But, first of all, I found the day 3 extremely useful, and I want to thank all the 4 panelist and the previous panels. I learned a lot, 5 it made be look at things in some different ways 6 than I've been looking at them. And that's always 7 a good experience when you finish the day with, I 8 think, being able to see some different angles on 9 things. So I thank everybody and I thought it was 10 very worthwhile. I hope others did as well. 11 I'd like to thank some staff people that 12 worked very hard on this. Marty and Sonya, Mike 13 Worden, John Delia, and Jeff Cohen who worked very 14 hard organizing this. And special thanks to Joe 15 Perella who was the lead guy on this. Not only did 16 he do a great job of organizing it, but I love the 17 format that all the other Commissioners did all the 18 work and I just sat here. So nice job, Joe, thank 19 you very much. And with that, I'd like to call and 20 adjourn the meeting. Thank you very much. 21 (Whereupon, the matter, in the 22 above-entitled proceedings, concluded at 23 4:42 p.m.) 24 25 ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109


I, Shannon Hostash, a Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public in and for the State of New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing record taken by me is a true and accurate transcript of the same, to the best of my ability and belief.

______Shannon Hostash

DATE: October 20, 2010

ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 ALEXY ASSOCIATES, INC. (518) 798-6109 1 120 volt [2] 61/24 74/17 23-kilowatt [1] 66/20 $ 120 volts [1] 16/24 24 [2] 19/7 152/25 $1.00 [1] 173/19 12223 [1] 1/7 24 kilowatt [1] 152/24 $1.50 [1] 173/19 123 [1] 36/6 24-hour [1] 190/3 $10 [1] 14/8 123 Penny [1] 142/16 240 [1] 61/24 $10 million [1] 14/8 12:00 at [1] 136/23 240 megawatts [1] 158/10 $100 [1] 151/19 12:00 train [1] 8/15 240 volts [3] 17/3 59/25 97/19 $15 [1] 13/25 12:30 [1] 90/11 240-volt [1] 27/23 $15 million [1] 13/25 13 [2] 24/18 160/9 242 [1] 174/10 $15,600 [1] 45/2 13 amps [1] 97/19 25 [3] 54/15 97/12 102/23 $2,500 [3] 52/2 57/3 81/24 14 [1] 179/14 25 kb [1] 39/3 $2.00 [1] 173/19 15 [2] 95/20 154/17 25 percent [1] 67/23 $2.99 [1] 85/19 15 member [1] 14/12 25 years [1] 125/16 $200 [1] 151/20 15,600 [1] 48/21 25,000 [3] 114/4 114/14 207/4 $200 plus [1] 151/20 15-amp [1] 74/23 25-50 mile [1] 83/20 $230 [1] 166/1 150 pounds [1] 130/9 250 [2] 195/4 195/21 $230 million [1] 166/1 150 vehicles [1] 121/14 250,000 [1] 134/18 $25 [1] 14/13 16 [1] 188/23 26 [1] 6/22 $25 million [1] 14/13 16 hours [1] 42/18 27 companies [1] 64/2 $25,000 [1] 81/24 16-kilowatt [1] 190/7 2700 [1] 117/15 $25,280 [1] 47/25 17 kilowatts [1] 172/17 28 percent [1] 131/24 $27 [1] 86/1 172836 [2] 26/23 27/7 2846 [1] 31/8 $3,500 [1] 88/5 1772 [9] 16/20 26/19 30/11 33/3 41/20 2847 [3] 26/25 31/6 31/8 $3.00 [1] 212/16 41/21 42/1 62/3 184/23 2:00 [1] 210/23 $3.30 [1] 190/18 18 months [1] 59/14 $300 [1] 202/9 1900 [1] 2/14 3 $300,000 [1] 112/4 1900's [2] 46/10 64/2 3,150 [1] 72/21 $33,000 [1] 45/2 1910 [1] 2/18 3.0 [1] 174/3 $350 [1] 57/2 1950s [1] 104/7 3.3 kilowatts [1] 97/20 $4.00 [1] 205/19 1985 [1] 7/13 30 [2] 61/9 194/14 $4.80 [1] 153/1 1990s [1] 7/4 30 mile [1] 16/18 $5 [1] 153/1 1992 [1] 7/15 30 miles [1] 16/16 $5,000 [2] 51/25 52/1 1993 [1] 53/2 30 million [1] 113/18 $500 [1] 88/4 1997 [1] 95/12 30 percent [3] 20/4 20/9 21/21 $60 [1] 86/2 19th [1] 1/7 30 years [1] 95/21 $7,500 [4] 48/1 51/24 59/6 130/3 1:30 [1] 90/18 30-amp [1] 74/23 $8 [1] 202/8 300 [1] 147/24 2 300 million [1] 78/20 ' 2,500 [2] 59/23 60/4 310 [1] 166/25 '12 [1] 58/4 2,600 [1] 166/18 33 boroughs [1] 96/18 2.0 [3] 27/1 31/14 31/17 34 percent [1] 106/5 . 2.3 [1] 151/19 35 [1] 39/3 .2 [1] 152/25 20 [5] 1/5 2/2 17/1 67/22 221/15 35 kilowatts [1] 170/8 20 cents [3] 85/10 109/12 152/19 35,000 [1] 207/4 1 20 hours [1] 74/19 3:00 [2] 25/10 26/10 1,000 [1] 121/17 20 kilowatts [1] 17/3 3:00 p.m [1] 29/10 1,600 [1] 114/10 20 percent [3] 21/22 22/7 132/6 3:10 [1] 154/17 1,800 pounds [1] 130/17 20 years [3] 24/7 45/13 151/11 1-800 [3] 63/4 76/16 88/12 20,000 [2] 134/3 158/1 4 10 [4] 17/1 95/16 95/19 95/20 20-cents [1] 108/4 40 [3] 132/4 174/19 195/24 10 cents [1] 108/5 200 [1] 134/17 40 percent [1] 61/10 10,000 [2] 134/3 157/24 200 customers [1] 97/9 40,000 [1] 217/12 100 mile [1] 66/21 200 kilowatts [1] 17/9 400 megawatt [1] 147/24 100 mph [1] 55/13 200 kw [1] 42/21 401 [1] 4/22 100 percent [2] 19/21 47/12 200 vehicles [1] 121/14 44,000 [1] 157/16 100 terawatt [1] 20/14 2006 [1] 24/21 47 percent [1] 44/17 100 vehicles [1] 40/19 2007 [4] 65/4 71/15 95/12 182/17 4:42 [1] 220/23 100,000-mile [1] 56/19 2009 [2] 6/22 20/20 100-mile [1] 47/15 2010 [5] 1/5 2/2 20/13 32/2 221/15 5 101 [3] 4/20 4/21 15/8 2011 [3] 32/3 48/14 130/2 5,000 pound [2] 130/1 130/2 102 [1] 4/22 2012 [2] 66/4 66/9 5,700 [1] 166/17 10:00 [3] 136/23 137/8 137/11 2013 [3] 45/5 114/4 114/11 50 [2] 19/10 122/9 10:00 a.m [1] 136/25 2015 [7] 67/18 114/4 114/14 133/20 50 kb [1] 39/3 10:00 p.m [3] 136/24 136/25 137/5 157/24 194/15 217/13 50 kilowatts [1] 170/7 10:32 [1] 1/5 2020 [3] 20/4 67/22 106/6 50 KVA [1] 102/23 110 [1] 42/1 2030 [3] 19/22 20/7 20/18 50 miles [1] 54/16 110-volt [1] 27/23 2035 [2] 19/9 19/22 50 percent [5] 19/21 20/8 95/15 182/23 11:00 [2] 84/24 136/23 2036 [1] 28/8 189/12 12 [2] 59/14 108/5 2050 [3] 20/14 20/18 106/4 50 plus [1] 73/10 12 million [1] 70/16 21 percent [1] 93/2 50 vehicles [1] 121/14 12 percent [2] 20/5 21/15 21 years [1] 63/15 50,000 [6] 48/17 174/18 174/19 194/14 12 taxi [1] 2/15 220 [1] 66/23 217/13 219/8 120 [1] 66/22 220 volts [1] 125/18 50-kilowatt [1] 168/3 2 171/22 172/7 172/17 172/18 173/12 addressed [2] 15/10 79/12 5 173/18 173/20 174/1 174/19 175/15 addresses [1] 6/14 50/50 [1] 122/9 175/16 176/5 176/7 178/1 180/1 180/17 addressing [2] 13/17 23/8 500 [1] 97/12 181/5 186/5 187/4 187/14 190/23 193/9 adequate [4] 99/11 118/1 143/24 194/13 500,000 [1] 81/19 194/17 194/19 195/2 195/19 196/1 198/6 adequately [2] 99/22 175/11 57 networks [1] 197/22 199/1 202/22 203/24 204/4 204/5 205/20 adjourn [1] 220/20 57 percent [1] 92/25 205/22 206/4 211/7 212/19 212/20 214/1 adjust [2] 42/12 43/13 5:45 [1] 174/9 215/1 217/6 218/9 219/14 adjusted [1] 116/25 above [2] 110/4 220/22 administered [1] 14/13 6 above-entitled [1] 220/22 administration [2] 131/3 177/7 60 cabs [1] 121/16 absolute [1] 39/7 Administration's [1] 7/3 60 percent [1] 22/21 absolutely [6] 57/22 80/2 89/2 140/8 153/4 admittedly [1] 174/1 61 percent [1] 95/13 193/5 adopt [1] 191/2 67 percent [1] 10/25 absorb [2] 182/25 191/2 adopted [2] 46/22 47/4 6:00 [1] 186/8 absorbs [1] 17/15 adopter [3] 98/19 194/3 194/13 6:00 a.m [1] 190/5 AC [3] 16/24 167/6 196/20 adopters [8] 93/15 94/10 94/13 194/4 7 academic [1] 53/3 216/15 216/16 217/11 217/20 Academy [1] 44/11 adopting [1] 99/1 7,500 [2] 114/3 114/11 ACAMPORA [6] 1/10 5/15 8/1 13/20 77/4 adoption [20] 23/9 48/8 50/23 51/14 52/13 7:00 [2] 62/12 84/22 78/6 52/15 74/15 75/8 157/1 171/8 182/6 183/8 8 Acampora's [1] 79/16 183/17 183/20 185/2 187/11 207/17 217/6 acceleration [1] 47/12 218/15 218/19 8.5 seconds [1] 55/12 accept [2] 120/14 125/9 adults [1] 47/17 80 [1] 19/9 acceptable [1] 160/1 advance [3] 3/15 14/14 205/12 80 mile [1] 17/6 access [6] 48/7 70/24 74/3 112/9 112/10 advanced [14] 3/14 4/4 14/3 65/12 66/5 80 percent [6] 49/11 106/4 131/21 132/5 131/18 66/9 127/15 168/8 186/23 186/24 199/7 182/19 189/14 accessible [1] 74/1 199/9 201/6 204/3 800 [3] 63/4 76/16 88/12 accommodate [1] 4/7 advancement [1] 14/2 85 [1] 137/6 according [9] 27/6 28/8 31/8 31/17 44/25 advancing [1] 121/11 87 [1] 166/15 45/1 45/3 155/19 194/11 advantage [11] 4/16 4/17 15/22 18/8 8:00 a.m [1] 26/11 account [5] 10/24 17/5 40/8 40/21 40/22 18/16 85/1 120/16 182/20 186/16 188/20 8:00 p.m [2] 26/10 29/11 accrue [1] 183/10 210/21 9 accurate [2] 85/23 221/7 advantages [1] 106/1 achievable [1] 173/4 advertising [2] 167/15 193/11 90 [1] 137/6 achieve [4] 65/21 171/14 181/13 206/22 advice [1] 198/17 90 percent [1] 92/23 achieving [1] 19/11 adviser [3] 6/23 7/1 7/23 95 percent [1] 137/7 acid [2] 22/7 22/13 advocate [2] 183/16 208/22 9:00 [1] 25/10 acquaintance [1] 177/4 advocated [1] 186/1 A acquisition [1] 132/23 advocates [1] 208/19 across [12] 48/8 54/3 59/12 59/17 62/22 advocating [2] 191/13 199/3 A's [1] 5/10 65/13 65/23 75/18 91/23 92/23 96/12 affect [3] 4/10 170/9 179/23 A-123 [1] 36/6 197/12 affects [1] 8/19 a.m [6] 1/5 26/11 62/12 84/22 136/25 act [1] 12/14 afford [3] 43/2 216/23 217/2 190/5 action [5] 2/23 3/1 9/15 53/14 159/20 affordable [5] 3/14 47/20 47/23 71/11 ability [5] 55/4 163/7 180/15 186/9 221/8 actions [2] 135/10 159/19 71/12 able [26] 11/5 16/7 27/16 36/5 36/13 active [2] 17/25 18/2 after [12] 16/14 32/4 43/11 47/25 54/16 37/17 37/22 42/20 47/24 70/2 73/20 79/24 activities [2] 7/17 12/25 72/4 87/14 92/2 125/15 187/2 191/14 107/5 159/6 168/2 171/16 175/10 175/24 activity [1] 58/15 197/10 188/6 188/9 199/10 200/14 200/23 209/10 actor [1] 29/22 afternoon [7] 8/14 22/3 38/18 91/1 154/23 209/11 220/8 actual [1] 113/5 154/25 156/5 about [187] 2/9 3/7 5/11 5/22 5/24 6/1 6/8 actually [41] 8/10 25/24 31/3 39/13 40/12 again [41] 6/8 29/14 30/7 31/14 33/15 6/9 6/18 9/8 11/12 17/21 19/20 22/4 23/3 40/14 40/21 54/19 55/17 74/10 82/11 44/10 45/3 56/22 61/15 63/2 64/3 67/20 26/11 26/17 26/25 28/4 31/23 33/17 33/17 82/18 97/9 101/8 101/11 101/11 110/8 67/24 81/2 85/25 86/3 87/4 110/18 114/7 37/16 38/15 41/1 48/19 48/21 50/5 53/6 133/12 138/19 148/23 150/12 150/14 121/23 123/15 123/22 130/11 137/12 53/17 53/18 55/14 60/4 61/2 67/13 68/4 164/21 167/7 169/22 174/3 174/25 179/3 141/15 158/6 159/13 162/1 168/1 171/20 70/14 70/18 70/25 73/15 74/9 74/16 79/7 179/14 182/5 182/25 183/16 183/18 179/24 182/12 183/14 186/4 192/1 203/4 79/16 79/18 80/9 80/16 80/23 81/23 81/25 185/22 186/16 186/18 186/19 196/6 208/10 210/8 210/25 212/15 214/10 84/21 88/11 88/14 88/24 92/15 92/18 202/24 203/1 209/7 against [4] 113/5 212/19 212/19 219/17 92/19 92/23 93/1 93/25 95/4 96/6 96/8 add [14] 20/16 25/13 57/25 81/6 109/24 agencies [1] 213/24 96/11 97/1 97/9 97/12 97/14 97/19 97/20 118/13 118/14 153/12 197/13 208/18 agency [2] 7/8 36/14 98/4 98/14 98/18 100/2 102/5 102/19 209/1 214/25 215/9 218/5 agent [3] 38/4 38/4 38/6 107/11 110/14 114/11 120/2 121/1 123/8 added [6] 42/1 61/6 82/5 153/10 153/10 agents [1] 35/24 124/6 125/12 125/15 126/14 126/17 172/8 aggregate [4] 159/4 159/12 174/9 191/1 126/19 127/14 127/14 129/20 129/20 adding [3] 25/14 57/12 202/19 aggregated [2] 22/2 190/13 130/3 130/9 130/12 130/17 131/11 131/15 addition [6] 17/4 17/12 24/15 51/23 180/7 aggregation [5] 118/6 161/11 162/2 162/3 133/9 134/17 135/15 135/24 136/5 136/9 213/19 211/16 136/13 138/8 138/8 139/4 139/16 139/16 additional [17] 17/20 23/6 48/2 48/23 81/5 aggregator [20] 159/13 160/16 160/17 139/17 139/18 139/22 140/22 141/9 104/12 114/21 115/24 116/18 118/13 160/18 160/19 160/22 161/3 161/5 161/9 141/23 142/10 142/25 147/17 147/24 118/20 128/13 147/3 156/20 158/10 161/11 161/14 161/22 161/23 163/1 163/6 150/15 150/20 151/9 151/11 151/23 152/6 158/15 202/19 163/6 176/13 176/13 189/13 192/10 152/10 155/5 157/19 157/24 158/10 additionally [1] 22/23 aggregators [2] 159/20 162/8 158/11 162/1 163/20 165/6 165/11 166/18 address [7] 27/4 31/14 31/16 49/15 98/16 ago [4] 28/16 48/21 64/15 198/1 166/23 167/3 167/17 167/18 170/1 171/10 141/7 215/25 agree [7] 49/9 110/22 122/23 171/6 3 132/3 132/8 132/13 132/16 133/1 138/2 187/6 218/17 A 138/9 138/16 139/3 139/21 144/1 146/12 anyway [6] 25/12 47/3 161/1 205/2 206/2 agree... [3] 193/18 200/5 211/4 159/25 166/13 166/24 167/16 171/1 217/23 agreed [1] 18/5 171/21 177/7 180/8 185/22 194/16 195/4 anywhere [3] 10/22 73/21 176/19 agreement [1] 132/9 196/8 202/23 203/9 apart [1] 202/17 agreements [1] 132/7 alternatives [1] 42/24 apartment [1] 196/22 ahead [12] 29/8 51/18 51/19 97/25 112/24 although [1] 90/10 apartments [2] 49/18 119/14 120/24 160/8 189/5 189/9 189/19 214/8 always [8] 58/8 63/17 86/9 147/21 176/2 apologies [1] 219/15 216/24 204/13 207/1 220/6 apologize [2] 8/12 41/14 air [15] 82/18 95/25 99/13 101/18 107/2 am [12] 2/8 5/10 36/3 63/6 91/12 99/24 apparent [1] 34/12 115/17 115/18 116/13 117/6 149/12 172/9 110/7 156/9 156/15 157/21 170/12 170/23 appear [2] 151/14 157/7 176/17 207/3 207/6 219/3 ambitious [1] 64/21 appliance [4] 138/19 172/5 172/8 172/10 air conditioning [1] 207/3 Ambitiously [1] 67/18 appliances [4] 98/5 140/22 160/20 202/3 air-conditioned [1] 115/17 AMCO [1] 196/10 application [4] 48/1 123/23 127/24 149/4 air-conditioning [1] 172/9 amenities [1] 47/14 applications [3] 14/15 104/20 196/16 Albany [2] 1/7 166/16 America [2] 45/11 164/6 apply [3] 65/7 70/3 208/14 alerted [1] 79/15 American [1] 44/13 appointed [2] 6/21 7/13 algorithm [1] 29/5 Americans [1] 216/23 appointment [1] 6/23 align [2] 97/2 136/14 AMI [4] 170/25 200/7 200/10 201/6 appreciate [2] 105/13 164/14 alike [2] 22/25 41/10 Amoco [1] 74/5 apprize [1] 25/21 alive [1] 92/6 among [6] 13/10 46/4 49/4 100/17 101/10 approach [3] 27/3 125/24 198/7 all [147] 2/16 4/5 6/3 6/12 6/13 8/11 9/20 107/6 approaches [2] 18/10 42/21 11/25 12/13 15/7 15/15 16/2 16/8 19/8 amongst [1] 157/14 approaching [2] 148/19 172/15 22/25 34/17 35/16 37/17 40/17 40/17 amortization [1] 215/4 appropriate [5] 17/10 107/15 126/3 206/13 40/20 40/22 42/20 42/24 43/11 43/17 46/1 amount [13] 11/15 26/7 30/4 31/20 34/24 209/2 46/3 46/13 46/18 47/4 47/14 48/8 49/9 125/3 137/25 143/6 147/17 147/25 168/23 appropriately [2] 128/5 136/12 50/19 50/21 52/9 52/12 52/20 53/17 53/17 185/18 194/14 approval [1] 200/10 53/22 55/8 57/5 59/16 60/4 60/24 61/2 amounts [2] 96/23 130/16 approximate [1] 203/1 62/15 65/11 67/3 71/25 72/2 72/8 72/21 amp [2] 74/23 74/23 apps [1] 27/16 73/7 73/22 75/21 80/19 80/20 82/4 83/8 amps [1] 97/19 Arcade [1] 85/8 88/6 88/14 88/14 88/17 89/9 89/10 95/7 Amy [1] 188/22 architecture [3] 71/20 73/20 108/25 96/12 100/17 102/12 102/13 114/4 118/1 analysis [11] 21/10 21/12 22/7 22/18 ARCO [1] 196/10 121/8 123/13 124/2 124/11 127/13 131/2 23/10 25/23 34/15 39/18 39/19 40/13 are [330] 131/4 132/1 135/11 136/5 140/11 147/2 156/21 area [21] 18/9 21/16 33/9 37/8 93/22 148/8 149/5 152/5 155/2 155/23 156/14 analyst [2] 10/14 91/20 102/20 108/22 129/4 134/20 135/2 135/3 161/3 164/15 165/1 165/5 165/10 165/25 analytics [3] 179/5 179/16 179/24 135/20 147/12 147/15 157/17 158/1 173/3 168/6 169/20 170/12 175/9 176/2 177/15 analyzed [1] 21/2 189/8 192/6 211/14 212/8 178/6 178/16 179/16 179/22 180/16 181/6 ancillary [4] 18/22 179/1 190/12 190/24 areas [20] 6/13 12/24 14/3 37/6 38/21 181/9 182/12 182/20 185/10 185/22 angles [1] 220/8 39/4 49/1 49/2 49/5 93/8 96/9 96/13 96/19 187/22 191/14 192/9 193/21 196/15 animal [2] 68/25 205/5 98/2 119/23 136/16 136/17 158/19 166/8 196/19 197/3 199/8 199/11 199/12 200/2 announced [9] 3/10 19/1 52/2 62/17 65/23 197/4 201/1 204/5 204/22 205/15 205/24 206/12 73/4 167/1 196/8 196/9 aren't [3] 60/7 120/20 151/9 206/16 206/24 207/13 207/22 207/25 announcement [2] 180/18 197/1 arena [2] 63/13 80/5 211/16 211/17 219/7 219/19 219/25 220/2 announcements [1] 73/6 argue [1] 107/5 220/3 220/17 220/17 another [26] 2/4 20/16 28/3 46/15 72/10 argument [1] 207/25 all-time [1] 46/18 78/22 78/24 79/1 86/18 96/1 98/6 123/3 Arizona [1] 177/9 allocate [2] 197/18 198/3 140/6 144/13 146/13 149/12 159/3 172/5 Armstrong [1] 70/15 allocation [2] 146/25 185/12 174/5 177/3 178/11 181/7 184/21 197/1 around [20] 2/11 2/18 8/9 38/14 46/9 allocations [1] 110/14 204/15 215/19 50/24 52/2 70/1 73/23 80/21 83/19 141/4 allow [7] 18/14 55/24 119/11 119/19 162/3 answer [19] 36/13 36/18 37/18 38/9 39/7 150/13 166/11 177/17 178/5 178/15 167/11 213/17 41/6 107/22 108/1 108/1 115/12 122/17 179/13 179/14 195/4 allowed [2] 77/7 78/17 139/22 152/2 165/3 168/18 191/25 214/6 arrival [2] 21/23 22/20 allowing [6] 75/4 110/8 146/5 156/6 214/8 215/20 arrive [1] 21/16 162/20 162/20 answered [3] 34/1 76/22 181/4 arrives [1] 83/9 allows [4] 17/8 18/2 42/23 104/17 answering [2] 95/10 121/8 arriving [3] 4/25 22/8 35/1 almost [7] 2/20 40/16 45/2 118/1 155/6 answers [1] 92/5 arrows [1] 161/16 182/19 212/6 anticipate [1] 49/8 art [1] 47/14 along [10] 5/4 36/19 36/23 37/10 43/22 anticipated [2] 97/14 187/24 articulate [1] 76/4 50/12 52/7 80/23 141/21 171/16 anxiety [1] 23/14 as [241] alphabet [1] 69/24 any [47] 20/15 21/16 26/19 36/17 38/15 aside [2] 104/15 171/9 already [26] 13/4 32/7 54/8 55/17 56/8 70/9 72/14 84/2 101/19 103/23 104/2 ask [25] 23/22 41/17 52/23 92/8 92/11 57/20 58/3 61/19 61/20 62/15 63/1 80/7 116/25 124/22 126/24 127/8 127/10 92/12 103/17 106/10 110/8 110/10 111/23 97/19 97/20 110/13 117/23 130/5 162/19 127/23 129/13 133/10 136/7 139/5 141/16 118/9 120/12 120/13 123/12 133/9 145/23 178/2 181/14 181/18 186/24 191/18 206/4 141/18 146/5 148/1 149/13 149/15 153/13 152/19 180/22 188/22 191/4 193/1 193/3 211/10 219/5 153/20 154/12 156/18 161/13 162/10 200/13 204/21 also [79] 7/6 8/8 10/9 11/20 13/23 16/22 168/25 174/11 176/5 179/11 183/12 192/5 asked [3] 48/18 48/19 100/15 17/4 17/13 17/18 18/21 20/23 21/11 21/17 194/6 198/14 202/5 205/6 205/21 209/20 asking [5] 38/7 109/22 125/5 163/9 24/13 25/5 26/18 27/24 40/17 45/9 46/2 213/1 218/3 163/10 51/6 51/13 52/5 53/18 62/7 65/1 65/2 anybody [6] 35/25 105/4 141/17 141/21 aspect [2] 44/22 88/14 68/22 70/20 70/21 73/9 83/15 84/17 84/23 168/21 181/20 aspects [1] 8/20 87/8 91/9 91/22 95/11 96/13 98/6 99/7 anymore [1] 164/17 assembled [1] 64/4 106/19 112/10 112/11 112/18 118/5 120/4 anyone [3] 90/12 166/4 198/22 assess [2] 70/2 118/25 122/17 122/22 130/4 130/22 131/5 131/7 anything [6] 87/14 117/19 119/4 163/23 assessment [1] 82/16 4 138/23 146/23 148/7 152/16 154/19 155/2 130/25 134/9 135/7 135/25 159/23 160/5 A 161/16 161/25 182/17 185/14 185/23 becomes [1] 201/15 asset [2] 180/4 186/17 186/6 189/22 198/6 203/5 203/13 216/10 becoming [2] 27/16 55/21 assets [3] 18/20 187/19 187/22 218/7 219/11 bed [1] 165/9 assimilate [1] 4/1 backbone [1] 10/1 been [37] 2/17 3/1 10/20 10/22 11/5 24/11 assisting [1] 7/2 background [6] 6/21 53/4 64/13 117/10 32/7 37/6 37/8 38/25 39/8 46/10 53/24 associated [7] 23/17 109/18 115/21 116/6 143/10 170/22 63/15 67/9 67/10 67/16 74/9 77/24 79/14 122/12 141/11 203/19 backing [1] 84/21 80/3 102/19 110/12 125/14 150/12 150/20 association [3] 7/19 59/19 156/14 backlog [1] 171/1 154/1 174/1 183/4 194/24 198/23 199/6 associations [1] 196/22 Backscatter [1] 24/17 203/6 209/21 213/24 213/25 220/6 assume [3] 49/5 88/16 181/9 backwards [1] 102/5 before [20] 19/18 23/23 53/10 66/6 71/1 assumed [4] 19/19 34/17 34/19 157/12 bad [5] 42/5 70/13 142/8 164/11 173/13 75/9 78/4 86/17 109/12 122/7 130/12 assuming [4] 147/4 147/11 174/18 201/5 bake [1] 62/14 139/15 140/3 143/4 143/8 143/13 149/2 assumption [4] 89/21 156/22 180/24 balance [4] 188/9 189/24 199/11 212/22 174/2 184/19 211/7 182/8 balanced [2] 168/4 212/18 began [3] 7/20 19/19 20/20 assumptions [1] 20/1 ballpark [1] 212/18 begin [4] 33/11 51/11 52/14 134/19 assured [1] 41/19 banner [1] 122/4 beginning [3] 63/25 64/10 144/19 at [250] bar [1] 32/2 begins [4] 28/7 30/5 38/20 136/24 atmosphere [1] 64/17 Barcelona [1] 123/9 begs [1] 179/10 attainability [1] 64/13 barrier [1] 168/15 behalf [1] 159/19 attempts [1] 209/21 barriers [6] 60/19 60/23 60/25 155/6 170/3 behavior [7] 21/13 153/19 154/5 154/6 attended [1] 14/23 211/12 154/8 166/19 179/23 attention [1] 6/1 base [12] 18/18 21/20 25/21 61/20 103/12 behaviors [1] 176/14 attitudinal [1] 194/10 107/16 107/17 116/10 128/10 153/18 behind [5] 13/3 34/8 75/24 143/24 150/22 attractive [1] 93/10 189/4 206/14 behooves [1] 11/25 audience [12] 5/4 9/4 12/10 41/16 90/12 baseball [1] 214/16 being [55] 4/15 10/1 15/10 16/16 17/4 92/6 105/5 106/11 124/21 141/17 181/5 based [18] 24/12 29/6 47/15 54/16 62/11 20/5 20/8 30/20 32/11 32/22 34/20 36/5 213/2 62/13 64/22 77/24 86/25 92/13 94/9 37/4 37/16 37/22 41/2 43/16 43/18 43/19 augment [2] 16/6 185/25 137/23 156/21 157/1 157/12 171/3 217/18 44/6 46/6 50/18 51/24 53/15 57/10 58/16 August [1] 219/2 217/20 63/19 69/9 73/23 73/24 76/1 86/7 100/5 Austin [1] 3/9 basic [3] 26/16 29/11 167/6 117/16 117/20 142/11 146/8 146/10 147/8 authority [9] 67/2 121/17 131/3 163/11 basically [7] 26/6 26/20 65/19 152/21 148/8 160/13 164/14 166/7 167/8 171/16 169/11 213/7 213/10 213/13 213/21 182/1 202/7 215/14 175/10 177/23 182/8 188/6 189/23 195/13 authorization [1] 28/7 basis [5] 49/1 49/23 120/23 151/12 207/1 201/11 214/11 216/24 220/8 authorizing [1] 29/18 bat [1] 214/16 belief [1] 221/8 auto [11] 36/24 43/10 43/16 43/18 43/18 Battelle [1] 24/9 believe [7] 18/13 36/3 53/17 154/3 199/2 60/11 60/20 173/11 173/25 195/2 195/5 batteries [6] 17/10 22/10 35/12 45/5 66/5 205/11 217/24 Automakers [1] 19/1 68/13 beneficiaries [1] 181/6 automation [1] 168/25 battery [51] 3/8 3/11 3/15 14/10 15/14 benefit [12] 12/21 167/17 167/19 181/22 automobile [2] 105/4 210/2 15/17 15/19 15/21 15/22 16/2 16/5 16/9 182/14 183/2 201/15 204/12 205/4 209/7 automobiles [1] 104/21 16/14 17/14 17/15 17/16 22/19 23/13 25/1 210/10 212/1 automotive [7] 46/12 46/25 47/3 62/3 27/4 34/25 42/15 42/24 44/22 44/24 54/15 benefiting [1] 109/3 64/18 71/25 184/23 56/19 62/14 65/9 65/10 65/16 65/24 66/9 benefits [32] 12/17 18/9 107/17 181/2 AV [1] 209/3 66/19 66/21 67/22 68/1 68/12 68/14 70/8 181/7 181/12 181/16 183/8 183/10 183/13 availability [1] 167/20 72/18 74/18 77/24 104/16 152/21 152/23 183/20 183/25 184/11 185/6 186/5 186/15 available [18] 27/16 27/17 31/19 31/22 152/25 166/21 200/18 201/11 212/19 186/21 187/15 187/24 188/18 191/8 33/16 42/3 46/8 48/15 63/6 76/14 84/1 battle [1] 200/7 192/19 199/3 199/8 199/15 199/18 200/2 85/2 124/11 124/13 127/8 127/11 144/24 be [420] 201/6 204/13 204/17 205/13 209/14 179/5 bear [3] 122/6 129/5 147/16 besides [1] 161/16 Avenue [1] 117/15 bearing [1] 148/15 best [22] 4/16 4/17 14/11 41/23 59/17 average [13] 21/24 22/1 23/3 27/5 86/9 bears [1] 147/13 70/4 100/11 100/12 102/2 139/12 144/10 95/13 97/14 97/16 97/21 139/25 158/12 beat [2] 3/20 177/13 168/5 191/10 196/6 196/25 197/1 197/8 174/21 217/1 became [1] 34/10 205/12 211/13 212/7 212/23 221/7 averages [1] 23/4 because [116] 2/14 3/1 19/23 22/16 22/19 bets [1] 53/15 avoid [6] 4/14 120/3 184/19 198/11 27/8 30/18 33/25 35/21 39/7 41/12 45/7 better [16] 12/7 26/1 70/6 101/21 105/1 198/14 201/24 46/5 46/7 49/9 49/21 53/25 54/7 54/17 120/2 120/4 126/4 126/9 131/14 135/23 avoids [1] 144/25 55/7 57/8 58/24 60/16 65/7 73/8 76/23 144/4 144/10 191/14 191/19 218/19 awake [1] 213/1 77/12 79/13 84/5 85/19 85/24 86/10 86/13 betting [1] 11/15 award [4] 24/21 62/21 164/6 219/22 86/16 88/8 88/25 89/11 91/13 92/2 93/19 between [39] 3/22 13/6 16/21 16/21 18/7 awards [1] 113/19 94/2 94/16 95/18 98/22 99/11 99/19 99/25 20/13 25/10 26/10 26/13 26/24 28/6 29/10 aware [5] 76/9 79/13 87/19 201/9 211/8 101/9 105/7 106/22 107/16 112/16 112/25 32/2 32/13 33/9 33/18 37/11 38/1 38/2 awareness [2] 46/18 55/2 115/4 115/19 117/5 118/2 120/9 120/15 41/15 58/7 69/18 69/20 81/11 103/8 away [1] 178/10 120/20 122/23 123/6 128/6 128/7 131/19 113/25 113/25 114/18 133/17 134/25 awful [2] 3/1 33/25 134/3 136/4 136/15 138/24 139/20 140/11 145/5 161/2 161/5 161/8 168/4 184/13 awhile [1] 2/18 142/10 142/14 144/23 146/13 146/17 206/23 207/10 215/16 axis [3] 133/15 133/21 133/22 147/3 147/6 147/14 148/11 150/1 152/1 BEV [2] 15/14 69/25 axle [1] 54/24 153/18 157/25 162/16 168/20 169/5 169/7 BEVs [2] 15/7 42/15 169/14 172/6 172/10 173/10 173/23 174/1 beyond [6] 72/16 101/20 101/25 185/6 B 176/18 182/21 184/10 184/20 184/22 192/5 197/17 bachelor's [2] 170/17 177/5 186/5 186/15 186/18 191/8 193/2 194/10 bi [2] 74/10 190/23 back [35] 35/11 46/9 57/21 62/13 74/11 200/1 200/25 201/18 202/2 206/2 209/8 bi-direction [1] 74/10 81/19 90/20 98/9 103/17 104/8 115/14 211/2 211/15 212/9 214/12 218/22 bi-directional [1] 190/23 124/23 127/2 133/14 138/15 138/16 become [10] 76/9 88/19 96/24 124/11 bicycles [1] 132/15 5 brings [2] 73/10 185/10 calls [7] 83/10 87/19 117/22 138/18 139/2 B Britain [1] 129/8 139/4 149/2 Bidirectional [1] 74/7 broad [1] 107/14 calvary [1] 170/18 big [11] 37/1 53/15 69/1 92/10 115/5 broader [3] 114/13 180/23 197/12 cam [1] 32/18 127/13 134/5 150/11 167/4 169/3 169/5 broadest [2] 107/1 206/14 cam-bus [1] 32/18 bigger [1] 30/24 broadly [1] 8/21 Camden [1] 2/15 biggest [6] 98/10 98/13 119/10 138/6 brochure [1] 76/13 came [3] 35/11 77/6 98/22 141/24 142/2 brochures [1] 76/12 can [175] 4/16 4/17 5/3 9/22 10/12 11/8 bill [6] 21/5 101/13 107/20 109/12 143/12 broken [1] 48/25 12/7 16/5 18/16 22/23 23/22 25/18 25/25 175/12 Brooklyn [3] 102/22 104/5 137/6 29/1 30/15 31/10 33/12 34/21 36/18 37/3 billing [19] 28/9 30/7 35/24 38/4 38/4 38/5 brought [3] 104/8 134/12 143/1 42/2 43/1 43/2 43/13 43/13 43/21 44/9 80/8 80/9 80/13 149/9 150/7 151/10 BROWN [11] 1/10 8/10 8/18 9/13 13/4 45/18 48/20 49/1 49/5 49/20 50/8 51/1 151/11 151/13 151/16 151/21 151/22 33/22 63/25 81/16 110/6 110/8 124/23 51/11 51/21 52/17 52/23 54/18 57/16 179/9 180/2 Brown's [2] 63/11 198/6 57/19 58/2 58/9 58/13 58/23 59/5 61/3 billions [1] 44/20 BSME [1] 14/25 61/3 61/8 62/14 63/3 71/7 74/4 74/4 74/5 bills [3] 72/1 86/2 108/8 bucket [1] 124/14 74/23 75/8 76/4 76/4 76/13 76/21 78/11 bin [1] 76/22 bucks [1] 80/12 80/6 80/18 81/19 82/13 82/15 83/3 83/4 binding [2] 29/18 30/1 budget [1] 103/10 83/5 83/7 83/24 84/18 84/24 85/8 88/19 binds [1] 29/21 Buffalo [1] 150/4 94/24 96/21 98/21 100/5 104/4 109/7 Bingo [1] 61/10 buffet [1] 10/8 109/11 111/11 112/10 113/3 115/19 118/9 biofuel [1] 19/24 build [8] 55/2 58/2 90/5 108/10 110/9 118/16 119/18 120/3 120/7 120/8 120/19 bit [23] 4/22 17/17 33/17 35/12 41/13 50/7 111/22 147/23 166/1 120/21 121/7 126/4 127/13 127/20 129/20 60/6 62/25 68/9 73/22 74/17 78/1 80/19 building [15] 36/24 41/7 51/17 51/18 132/14 132/16 133/24 136/22 137/3 84/21 90/11 91/6 92/1 92/15 114/24 59/10 61/2 61/5 64/2 94/2 101/2 119/12 138/21 139/6 141/10 141/12 142/4 142/5 129/20 170/4 196/14 216/20 119/13 119/15 146/1 166/11 142/14 143/11 144/10 144/17 145/17 blamed [1] 126/16 buildings [3] 51/18 100/5 196/23 154/12 156/19 157/15 158/13 158/16 blended [2] 16/9 77/25 built [5] 62/9 83/21 127/19 205/7 218/11 162/25 163/16 163/22 163/24 165/17 block [5] 40/17 94/1 102/18 133/2 195/19 bulk [1] 157/8 166/6 168/21 168/24 169/1 170/4 170/8 blogosphere [1] 80/15 bunch [1] 49/10 175/18 176/11 176/12 176/13 178/22 blogs [1] 86/2 burden [5] 104/12 181/18 207/21 209/22 182/18 182/19 182/25 183/18 184/24 blow [2] 18/17 62/1 210/10 185/19 185/22 186/14 186/15 186/18 blow-up [1] 62/1 burdened [2] 209/4 209/23 186/19 188/20 189/19 191/4 191/11 blown [4] 200/25 201/4 202/9 202/16 burdening [1] 210/6 191/16 193/3 198/25 200/7 200/8 201/15 blue [1] 33/2 burdens [4] 186/5 186/21 209/14 210/15 201/15 202/3 202/24 202/25 203/9 203/11 BMW [1] 164/15 bureau [1] 169/18 206/15 206/18 211/17 213/3 214/12 board [8] 7/6 7/7 7/8 54/22 65/13 200/18 bus [2] 32/18 32/19 214/13 215/21 216/4 217/24 218/3 218/12 202/15 202/20 business [35] 14/19 18/6 23/15 35/2 45/16 can't [10] 37/18 74/2 75/6 86/14 125/19 boards [1] 202/18 56/23 71/18 113/15 115/3 122/21 123/2 138/24 139/4 151/16 173/9 211/12 Bob [1] 52/23 123/5 125/6 125/9 125/10 125/22 125/23 Canada [2] 156/15 204/6 body [7] 72/21 73/10 75/8 75/16 105/10 126/2 126/3 126/8 133/5 133/6 139/21 cannot [4] 91/13 111/20 111/22 184/20 162/16 218/14 140/8 147/1 164/7 165/15 167/1 168/8 capabilities [1] 4/18 booths [1] 125/15 170/7 170/23 170/24 171/2 178/1 197/7 capability [4] 66/23 106/17 162/7 180/3 born [2] 116/9 116/19 businesses [5] 52/6 52/7 126/7 146/5 capable [2] 15/20 18/21 boroughs [2] 96/18 114/1 146/11 capacity [19] 15/17 16/25 17/8 17/15 Bosco [3] 21/4 23/1 39/10 but [242] 18/23 20/3 20/13 22/10 57/25 58/3 77/25 both [15] 13/11 18/9 19/16 35/1 46/19 buy [18] 41/4 41/12 55/21 71/5 77/12 100/25 103/2 118/5 128/6 174/24 174/25 60/14 66/22 73/4 92/5 95/2 96/12 134/22 78/17 88/4 122/25 143/9 196/25 197/1 182/20 187/20 140/17 165/15 168/6 204/25 206/2 207/8 207/14 210/22 211/13 capital [3] 130/25 131/12 135/18 bottom [8] 25/22 26/25 33/8 61/17 61/25 211/13 capitalists [1] 43/20 136/19 190/4 190/6 buyers [1] 89/25 capitalize [1] 11/20 bought [3] 77/14 99/20 218/1 buying [4] 4/12 94/23 94/24 173/13 capture [6] 200/4 200/14 200/23 201/1 bouncing [1] 76/22 buys [2] 149/10 208/23 201/8 201/10 bound [1] 29/23 car [57] 29/5 30/14 30/19 30/21 33/14 boundaries [1] 111/1 C 38/6 46/2 49/22 50/8 51/25 54/20 64/7 box [6] 32/17 32/24 33/12 33/12 70/23 cab [7] 121/4 121/5 121/10 121/15 123/16 64/9 66/17 68/24 69/4 70/10 73/8 73/21 71/6 123/17 123/20 74/6 74/18 77/12 77/14 78/17 78/25 79/7 boxes [2] 58/14 58/16 cable [1] 143/25 80/25 82/14 83/4 83/9 83/10 83/23 83/24 BP [3] 74/4 196/9 196/10 cabs [4] 2/16 121/3 121/9 121/16 84/17 84/18 84/22 109/11 109/13 122/21 braking [1] 16/3 cache [1] 167/13 122/23 123/4 132/19 137/20 149/25 brand [3] 2/12 2/14 17/7 calculate [1] 62/13 164/17 169/9 174/19 185/19 190/16 break [2] 90/18 174/12 calculated [1] 212/17 190/17 190/19 193/9 201/14 201/19 breakdown [1] 157/14 calculus [2] 205/3 206/7 201/22 210/14 210/15 breakers [1] 171/4 Cali [1] 25/14 carbon [10] 9/17 9/22 10/2 19/9 19/10 breath [2] 31/21 72/9 California [10] 15/2 37/8 51/24 71/25 19/21 185/21 200/2 201/20 205/14 bridge [2] 26/13 209/19 186/22 187/3 189/1 189/3 190/17 215/10 card [2] 81/3 81/3 brief [6] 6/21 45/22 91/4 113/13 155/13 call [20] 2/2 30/16 34/16 35/10 57/19 care [2] 34/18 63/4 220/2 67/15 76/16 76/17 76/18 76/19 88/12 careful [3] 70/18 161/7 198/18 briefest [1] 155/11 117/14 117/18 117/21 144/25 154/17 Carey [1] 7/23 briefly [2] 74/16 180/7 154/21 202/23 214/19 220/19 Carey's [1] 8/6 bring [15] 48/3 72/5 100/22 100/24 101/17 called [11] 16/1 19/8 33/2 54/14 82/12 cargo [1] 47/17 103/21 104/12 115/14 115/18 115/21 104/5 111/4 156/13 159/17 200/18 219/17 Carlo [1] 39/19 123/6 124/1 149/21 181/1 205/13 calling [5] 40/8 137/18 144/18 145/14 carports [1] 49/14 bringing [3] 50/16 75/16 117/12 178/21 Carriage [1] 2/14 6 136/17 146/6 146/15 148/22 149/6 149/24 22/6 23/1 39/8 39/24 40/21 94/18 171/4 C 150/22 152/21 153/21 164/18 166/21 circuits [6] 21/2 22/11 39/10 39/10 40/14 Carrie [4] 55/18 213/6 214/9 214/25 166/22 166/22 166/25 169/7 172/2 172/14 96/21 Carrie Jane [1] 55/18 172/17 178/2 180/5 180/15 189/12 189/20 cities [5] 165/8 166/11 166/12 193/20 carried [1] 75/17 190/4 190/8 190/9 190/14 197/9 199/23 196/2 carrier [1] 32/22 201/17 203/10 206/13 208/25 210/12 city [40] 3/9 8/14 38/1 43/24 78/8 85/10 carries [1] 107/9 210/13 211/6 213/18 215/15 92/9 92/14 92/20 98/9 100/4 102/24 114/1 carry [1] 33/4 charged [5] 7/8 62/12 84/22 127/16 190/4 119/11 119/14 123/5 123/13 123/14 cars [15] 46/3 46/9 64/3 64/5 68/22 72/2 charger [21] 17/12 17/16 22/19 27/4 27/25 123/17 124/4 126/20 141/23 157/20 77/10 95/15 132/15 132/17 153/9 157/24 33/7 33/14 34/22 35/7 38/3 38/5 41/12 157/25 184/19 192/25 193/2 193/13 168/4 173/13 193/21 42/19 145/14 167/2 167/25 175/21 176/18 193/19 194/2 194/5 194/20 195/5 195/15 case [18] 21/11 21/20 23/13 35/11 84/11 196/8 196/20 211/14 195/18 195/23 197/11 197/20 197/22 103/3 115/9 121/15 134/22 134/25 144/5 chargers [6] 22/9 168/6 170/6 196/11 198/9 160/2 169/19 182/18 184/22 190/7 190/16 197/2 197/3 city's [1] 195/24 210/18 charges [7] 115/23 123/16 130/8 150/16 Clarkson [3] 14/23 155/24 156/1 cases [8] 3/5 26/24 118/2 135/17 138/14 170/5 196/17 209/20 class [2] 216/23 217/1 138/22 143/20 182/4 charging [193] 3/8 3/20 15/20 16/19 16/20 clean [1] 43/25 catch [1] 8/15 16/23 17/2 17/7 17/21 17/25 18/2 18/5 clear [7] 128/3 128/6 140/14 148/11 categories [1] 207/11 18/7 18/14 18/15 21/11 22/23 23/15 25/1 148/12 161/15 216/17 category [1] 128/22 25/2 25/21 25/25 26/22 27/7 27/14 27/17 cleared [1] 204/16 Catholic [1] 177/6 27/22 27/24 27/25 29/11 30/2 30/6 33/11 clearly [14] 12/1 39/3 75/23 79/22 89/16 cause [2] 38/20 135/20 34/17 34/19 35/3 35/5 35/9 35/13 37/12 106/24 142/14 170/17 171/7 178/15 caused [2] 25/19 197/24 42/16 46/23 47/4 49/8 49/11 49/21 49/25 197/11 208/2 210/3 211/23 cell [2] 19/24 41/10 50/2 50/4 50/8 50/11 51/12 51/14 52/16 click [1] 190/1 cellular [1] 203/18 52/19 55/9 56/1 57/6 57/6 59/11 60/1 60/9 climate [6] 9/15 19/5 19/18 53/14 107/2 census [1] 94/9 60/21 61/23 62/5 62/10 62/22 62/22 66/23 181/8 center [5] 32/24 76/16 88/12 91/9 96/17 68/25 69/19 70/21 71/12 74/14 74/17 Clinton [1] 7/2 centers [2] 160/15 214/19 74/23 75/2 75/11 76/19 80/5 80/22 80/25 close [10] 13/5 30/19 37/7 39/14 39/25 central [4] 99/13 115/16 115/17 117/6 81/5 82/3 82/21 83/16 83/19 83/25 84/19 132/20 143/9 149/5 177/14 219/6 cents [6] 85/9 85/10 108/4 108/5 109/12 84/24 87/2 88/4 88/5 89/12 90/3 99/12 closely [2] 54/6 79/20 152/19 100/8 100/10 100/25 101/8 101/22 104/13 closer [1] 107/4 century [2] 46/9 174/4 104/17 107/21 111/1 111/2 111/8 111/22 closest [2] 27/17 100/1 CEO [1] 6/22 112/3 112/8 113/22 116/15 118/24 122/12 cluster [2] 40/10 93/19 certain [9] 38/11 46/19 60/8 93/8 93/9 124/25 125/2 125/3 125/7 125/10 125/21 clustered [1] 39/6 96/1 153/9 153/15 214/11 126/23 126/25 127/4 127/8 127/14 129/13 clustering [12] 22/17 92/11 92/15 94/6 certainly [9] 17/10 43/15 67/25 86/5 89/23 129/14 131/18 131/21 132/11 132/23 94/9 95/5 95/18 96/17 96/20 134/2 137/13 141/3 173/2 198/21 213/20 134/22 134/23 134/23 134/24 135/1 135/3 137/14 certified [3] 82/19 82/20 214/18 135/6 137/4 137/20 137/21 139/17 141/13 clusters [4] 40/19 94/7 94/20 97/3 certify [1] 221/6 142/17 142/21 146/22 147/18 148/1 co [3] 72/25 114/11 218/13 cetera [1] 190/15 153/19 154/4 154/6 157/5 158/8 158/14 co-dependent [1] 218/13 chair [1] 36/15 162/6 163/3 165/16 167/16 167/18 178/21 co-funded [1] 114/11 chaired [1] 5/15 179/6 184/18 187/4 187/16 188/11 189/11 co-op's [1] 72/25 chairman [21] 1/10 5/21 7/5 7/7 8/18 9/13 190/20 194/7 194/18 194/21 194/22 195/4 CO2 [6] 64/16 64/21 64/24 98/7 106/4 13/4 33/22 60/16 63/11 63/25 81/16 91/1 195/12 195/21 195/24 197/17 198/17 106/18 102/7 110/6 110/8 124/23 154/25 165/20 202/14 202/17 206/12 208/7 208/9 212/21 coalesced [1] 42/10 198/6 219/22 213/11 213/15 213/15 214/4 215/4 215/13 coalition [1] 7/18 Chairman Brown [3] 8/18 9/13 13/4 215/16 216/3 216/4 218/25 Coast [1] 156/24 Chairman's [2] 171/6 173/2 chart [2] 58/22 196/13 code [5] 61/5 61/11 119/12 119/13 119/15 challenge [6] 13/11 86/13 141/24 171/19 chartered [1] 165/14 codes [3] 26/14 61/2 126/21 171/21 172/21 cheap [2] 152/12 187/1 cognitive [1] 202/24 challenges [12] 11/22 12/9 13/17 23/8 cheaper [7] 4/16 26/2 89/17 89/19 120/2 Cohen [2] 152/17 220/13 68/3 98/10 98/13 142/3 171/11 171/22 206/5 206/6 cold [1] 155/25 172/1 174/21 check [1] 145/23 collaborating [1] 148/20 chance [1] 43/9 Chevrolet [3] 54/11 55/12 55/17 collaboration [1] 148/25 change [15] 19/5 19/19 41/11 43/15 43/16 Chevrolet Volt [3] 54/11 55/12 55/17 collaborations [1] 149/5 44/18 56/20 56/22 69/13 92/1 103/23 Chevy [2] 32/5 166/18 collaborative [1] 14/1 116/12 132/16 132/25 191/12 Chevy Volt [1] 32/5 colleague [3] 52/21 140/3 192/25 changed [1] 46/13 chicken [2] 206/1 219/23 colleagues [3] 12/16 92/5 141/17 changer [1] 75/4 chief [1] 155/18 collecting [1] 166/5 changes [1] 103/25 chilling [1] 170/9 College [2] 14/23 14/24 changing [2] 44/13 133/2 chime [5] 36/18 106/11 113/10 127/13 color [1] 83/8 channel [2] 28/5 30/8 211/21 Columbia [1] 170/16 character [1] 40/23 Chinese [1] 8/13 column [4] 31/7 31/15 31/17 32/25 characteristic [3] 16/11 17/24 93/16 choice [3] 105/1 163/20 205/7 combined [1] 23/12 characteristics [1] 17/23 choices [2] 176/21 207/20 combustion [2] 56/14 210/1 charge [86] 12/21 16/1 16/6 16/12 17/11 choose [1] 176/15 come [22] 5/18 34/22 43/6 46/14 47/22 17/14 21/24 28/18 28/20 29/6 33/7 34/21 choosing [1] 155/4 49/21 50/22 60/18 109/19 117/8 136/7 34/24 42/18 49/13 49/20 55/4 55/4 67/8 Christian [1] 75/14 142/19 143/3 164/20 176/13 176/16 190/9 70/23 70/25 71/7 74/7 74/19 74/20 74/24 Cincinnati [1] 25/24 193/1 200/10 201/20 213/3 217/8 75/4 75/7 84/16 88/16 100/23 102/1 circle [8] 26/23 27/1 27/13 27/20 27/21 comes [15] 15/15 31/25 53/23 77/17 78/6 111/15 114/3 114/10 114/14 114/16 115/2 28/8 36/25 37/1 80/23 82/14 86/14 86/21 107/12 107/18 115/23 121/23 121/24 123/24 123/25 circles [1] 35/16 108/11 111/3 186/7 192/21 123/25 126/12 130/15 130/16 131/8 circuit [13] 21/4 21/4 21/5 21/5 21/7 22/5 coming [27] 15/6 47/14 55/20 61/21 66/8 7 competing [4] 18/10 18/11 53/22 60/22 connectedness [3] 55/23 55/24 88/10 C competition [2] 60/24 103/20 Connecticut [1] 150/4 coming... [22] 68/7 89/7 97/24 98/9 107/3 competitiveness [1] 188/4 connecting [1] 50/13 107/10 116/8 117/25 121/19 136/3 137/11 complement [1] 59/5 connection [2] 15/25 28/3 148/7 153/9 165/17 172/16 191/10 191/17 complete [2] 47/22 180/15 connector [4] 26/20 30/21 37/2 61/25 200/17 202/11 202/25 215/24 219/2 completed [4] 24/25 30/1 65/14 149/3 cons [2] 203/19 204/12 comment [11] 53/20 76/8 87/8 88/19 completely [4] 2/20 42/14 70/9 125/23 conscious [1] 93/13 139/1 148/17 186/1 186/6 198/6 198/25 complex [1] 187/12 consensus [2] 180/25 199/25 211/22 complexities [1] 215/2 consequence [1] 103/24 comments [5] 45/22 53/12 53/12 154/12 complexity [6] 87/3 178/5 178/14 203/22 consider [4] 37/1 65/6 66/6 84/14 156/7 203/23 204/4 considerable [3] 11/15 109/4 109/18 commercial [19] 51/8 103/12 117/4 compliant [1] 41/20 consideration [4] 32/12 81/13 87/7 107/2 123/22 126/25 127/23 128/14 136/17 complicated [3] 151/15 181/18 185/11 considerations [1] 205/8 146/18 147/18 147/18 167/12 168/7 compliment [1] 55/7 considered [3] 32/22 114/5 177/24 168/19 170/3 170/5 178/19 196/25 211/1 component [7] 21/9 62/8 105/18 105/18 considering [2] 149/6 187/2 commercially [1] 124/11 106/6 122/8 180/4 consistency [1] 168/25 commission [25] 1/1 1/6 2/4 6/9 6/14 8/5 components [2] 65/10 98/1 consistent [4] 20/2 73/18 157/22 157/24 8/25 9/12 11/12 11/23 12/6 12/12 12/16 composition [1] 64/4 consortium [3] 3/12 14/11 14/12 12/19 12/20 12/24 13/14 13/15 19/14 comprehensive [2] 7/9 155/22 conspicuous [1] 44/6 75/15 75/16 95/9 121/5 156/6 192/20 compromise [2] 14/6 47/23 constrained [2] 161/18 161/19 commissioned [2] 19/13 19/18 computer [1] 202/5 constraint [1] 28/2 Commissioner [31] 5/15 7/5 7/25 10/16 con [27] 19/17 21/3 67/2 91/8 91/9 92/9 construct [1] 44/21 13/20 15/4 43/6 58/25 60/16 77/4 78/5 99/2 100/3 113/5 115/15 116/8 117/10 construction [2] 51/16 101/12 79/16 81/17 90/23 96/15 103/15 105/2 119/10 123/14 125/8 126/16 133/10 consulted [1] 87/16 108/2 109/6 114/15 146/24 149/19 154/22 137/19 141/23 141/25 144/14 150/3 consulting [1] 6/24 163/15 164/14 184/2 185/13 187/14 157/23 174/13 195/6 216/2 216/15 consumed [2] 10/25 185/18 198/22 213/3 217/10 Con Ed [14] 91/8 100/3 115/15 116/8 consumer [13] 21/13 48/19 70/10 82/2 Commissioner Acampora [1] 13/20 117/10 119/10 123/14 126/16 133/10 83/16 84/9 85/25 89/5 90/7 121/25 123/15 Commissioner Curry [1] 43/6 137/19 150/3 174/13 195/6 216/2 139/6 178/18 Commissioner Harris' [1] 108/2 Con Edison [8] 67/2 91/9 92/9 99/2 consumers [17] 44/7 46/17 47/24 52/14 Commissioner Larocca [1] 10/16 141/23 141/25 157/23 216/15 69/11 75/10 84/12 85/22 113/2 119/9 Commissioner's [2] 110/15 152/8 concentrated [3] 49/3 49/7 96/19 137/18 138/8 146/3 191/23 191/24 199/10 COMMISSIONERS [5] 1/9 4/25 5/2 5/7 concentration [3] 64/17 96/14 146/13 204/13 220/17 concentrations [5] 93/15 96/13 156/24 consumption [4] 25/9 39/1 116/2 204/4 Commissions [1] 58/12 174/23 175/17 contact [3] 138/12 142/23 144/2 commitment [4] 8/13 44/19 161/20 167/22 concepts [1] 150/19 contactors [1] 30/18 committees [2] 36/7 36/10 conceptual [1] 150/14 context [2] 9/23 55/1 committing [1] 60/9 concern [14] 34/13 64/24 71/9 75/2 79/13 contingent [2] 68/16 70/20 common [4] 62/3 62/5 68/16 102/18 88/18 88/19 100/2 103/11 125/12 150/11 continue [4] 23/7 139/6 139/8 181/23 communicate [7] 32/9 33/6 33/18 72/24 198/13 216/18 216/19 continues [2] 10/24 80/1 163/1 203/10 203/21 concerned [14] 29/25 44/12 68/23 88/24 continuing [2] 107/6 178/20 communicates [1] 32/19 98/4 126/13 126/17 126/19 136/5 173/12 contract [2] 116/6 117/23 communicating [1] 138/3 173/25 190/23 194/17 213/25 contractor [6] 19/15 61/8 115/21 116/19 communication [25] 18/6 25/1 26/24 30/8 concerns [9] 6/1 68/21 73/22 97/22 151/5 118/13 214/18 31/11 32/12 32/18 33/17 41/15 41/19 151/6 173/25 186/6 212/19 contractors [2] 72/18 82/20 69/17 69/20 73/19 74/8 87/5 138/7 138/10 concerted [1] 131/1 contribute [1] 128/13 139/5 151/1 160/17 161/6 163/23 192/4 concession [1] 123/3 contributing [1] 135/13 203/8 216/5 conclude [1] 9/19 control [11] 28/23 28/25 29/16 31/1 33/3 communications [9] 24/12 28/5 29/24 31/3 concluded [1] 220/22 33/5 33/15 141/10 160/15 179/23 179/25 165/21 170/25 171/1 199/9 203/6 conclusions [1] 156/15 controlled [1] 86/7 communities [2] 104/3 183/13 condition [2] 116/14 171/3 controls [1] 81/10 community [7] 8/21 8/21 72/24 166/13 conditioned [1] 115/17 controversy [1] 78/11 181/17 181/17 182/7 conditioner [4] 95/25 149/12 176/17 207/6 convenience [1] 48/6 commuter [2] 70/5 87/1 conditioning [6] 99/13 101/18 117/6 172/9 convenient [1] 131/23 commuters [1] 166/12 207/3 219/4 conventional [9] 15/24 16/13 104/19 107/8 companies [23] 37/7 37/9 41/11 52/17 conditions [1] 136/13 161/12 161/23 195/14 196/3 209/17 53/21 60/20 62/22 64/2 71/25 101/24 condo [1] 196/22 conversation [5] 87/20 98/23 124/5 108/9 110/25 120/5 120/10 121/4 121/10 condo's [1] 49/18 127/14 136/18 121/11 122/3 122/19 123/21 126/9 132/9 condominiums [1] 51/18 Conversely [1] 18/2 151/10 conduct [1] 44/13 conversions [1] 124/9 company [31] 2/15 35/6 45/1 60/10 60/21 conducts [1] 155/22 convey [3] 8/24 12/13 76/12 63/13 64/20 95/25 100/12 101/5 101/16 conduit [1] 51/20 conveying [1] 88/3 102/3 107/6 108/9 108/13 111/9 111/13 conference [4] 1/3 2/3 90/22 167/1 cool [4] 27/15 32/8 57/11 176/20 111/24 117/13 120/8 121/15 123/4 126/1 conferences [1] 2/5 cooperation [5] 53/25 54/1 54/5 61/22 126/10 128/9 128/18 138/1 142/24 147/4 conflation [1] 219/23 73/1 177/3 179/11 conflict [1] 78/1 cooperative [1] 209/6 comparable [1] 99/12 confronting [1] 13/11 coordinate [1] 215/23 compare [3] 92/25 105/22 140/2 confused [1] 43/7 coordination [3] 58/11 58/19 216/5 compared [3] 9/8 93/6 153/15 congestion [2] 130/14 130/16 coordinator [1] 62/18 comparison [2] 166/19 172/5 conjunction [1] 118/3 cord [3] 69/3 69/5 169/7 compatibility [1] 37/19 connect [3] 38/3 66/1 66/12 core [2] 65/5 65/21 compelling [2] 10/3 11/7 connected [8] 27/13 27/19 27/20 27/21 corner [1] 56/22 compete [1] 159/12 29/25 55/25 78/23 165/23 corporate [2] 14/21 91/17 8 credits [3] 201/20 217/3 217/4 dealership [2] 86/13 143/5 C crisis [1] 10/9 dealerships [1] 76/12 Corporation [1] 14/22 critical [7] 29/9 29/12 57/9 62/6 84/8 dealing [7] 39/4 78/25 92/9 122/22 149/17 corporations [2] 11/15 18/11 168/20 172/23 160/15 161/8 Correct [3] 116/3 117/2 169/16 cross [1] 91/10 deals [1] 192/5 correlates [1] 3/20 cross-functional [1] 91/10 decade [5] 38/25 156/23 157/7 159/25 corridor [2] 37/11 166/15 crux [1] 199/22 174/5 corridors [2] 50/13 166/13 CSR's [1] 138/11 December [3] 48/12 167/8 215/25 cost [70] 6/9 26/3 26/9 44/24 45/2 59/11 CSRs [3] 138/20 139/2 145/19 decide [2] 162/14 184/5 61/3 61/9 71/9 71/10 81/23 82/2 82/3 82/4 Cuomo [1] 7/14 decided [2] 23/25 25/5 82/22 83/2 85/13 85/24 86/24 107/15 curb [1] 192/17 decides [2] 208/24 212/13 108/22 109/2 109/4 109/11 109/17 110/14 curious [1] 86/3 decision [11] 143/14 143/16 144/7 144/11 114/18 116/5 116/18 121/25 122/6 122/9 current [7] 14/7 14/16 15/10 28/1 91/8 167/21 203/16 209/4 209/15 210/2 210/4 122/11 128/13 128/21 129/6 130/18 92/13 128/11 210/6 142/21 143/1 146/25 147/14 148/8 148/15 currently [11] 18/25 32/21 44/15 47/10 decisions [1] 142/6 148/23 152/20 152/22 167/18 180/20 67/14 91/10 115/23 124/8 136/23 154/3 declaration [1] 157/13 184/16 185/10 185/12 195/8 197/9 197/15 164/10 deep [3] 72/9 89/4 137/2 197/16 198/3 199/7 199/11 200/25 202/13 CURRY [2] 1/11 43/6 default [2] 88/20 90/8 202/20 204/12 204/14 205/18 205/18 curtail [1] 176/12 defense [2] 191/6 192/12 206/6 208/9 212/1 214/2 216/25 curtailing [1] 160/24 defined [1] 17/22 CostCo [1] 208/6 curtailment [2] 159/2 174/10 defines [2] 16/20 16/22 costly [2] 4/6 147/16 curtailments [3] 173/8 174/8 175/9 defining [1] 15/9 costs [34] 71/9 82/4 108/18 109/23 110/5 curve [6] 60/3 69/11 72/20 76/10 89/16 definitely [3] 166/19 190/25 199/22 112/4 112/6 115/20 122/8 147/16 148/7 161/21 degradation [1] 214/14 148/21 151/18 153/11 153/12 153/16 curves [1] 25/13 degree [7] 14/25 24/5 90/2 164/8 170/16 168/9 188/7 191/24 197/18 199/11 199/13 customer [70] 29/20 30/5 54/7 55/2 55/25 170/17 177/5 200/9 202/8 203/19 206/21 207/22 208/13 56/8 61/3 61/4 61/20 62/19 62/25 63/4 degrees [2] 140/1 176/16 213/19 214/3 216/11 216/11 217/7 217/8 63/5 69/15 69/19 70/2 70/19 71/18 71/21 delayed [1] 62/11 could [73] 9/25 26/8 26/10 31/8 33/6 40/6 76/8 76/14 76/23 76/23 81/22 82/12 83/6 delegation [1] 8/14 44/18 46/5 46/6 46/10 50/3 54/9 58/24 85/8 85/12 86/14 87/6 87/17 87/20 87/21 Delia [1] 220/13 63/19 74/20 76/17 85/15 86/18 90/2 90/6 88/3 97/15 98/13 98/16 98/21 99/5 126/9 delighted [1] 43/8 90/9 92/14 105/23 109/3 111/12 115/15 128/12 138/11 138/21 139/13 140/22 deliver [1] 126/4 122/9 130/14 131/16 133/13 134/7 137/23 142/3 142/13 142/23 143/2 143/4 143/25 delivered [1] 30/9 144/19 144/23 148/1 148/2 156/10 158/24 144/1 144/15 145/5 145/6 145/11 145/21 delivering [2] 166/6 209/7 159/12 159/12 159/16 160/12 163/18 148/9 148/13 148/20 148/21 149/2 151/19 delivery [1] 144/9 164/19 164/21 164/23 165/23 169/3 169/2 176/14 198/14 198/20 199/20 demand [36] 18/1 57/22 57/23 58/2 59/8 171/25 172/15 172/20 172/22 173/18 213/12 215/8 60/11 64/25 71/21 95/12 95/17 141/8 173/19 174/25 180/12 184/17 184/21 customer's [2] 28/24 89/18 141/13 158/6 158/10 158/12 158/14 185/14 187/25 188/17 188/17 188/22 customers [36] 18/1 22/8 23/1 23/5 28/20 158/17 158/18 158/21 159/7 159/8 160/4 189/15 194/14 196/7 201/8 203/12 203/17 38/12 38/16 51/6 59/24 60/5 68/17 68/20 161/13 162/19 162/20 168/8 170/5 174/9 208/13 210/10 214/3 217/2 69/23 78/2 84/15 93/6 97/7 97/9 99/7 175/19 187/23 188/10 189/18 191/20 couldn't [5] 169/7 169/8 173/23 173/23 102/6 102/8 102/9 126/5 138/13 139/3 192/14 192/17 203/13 216/23 142/5 143/18 145/21 148/19 149/5 151/20 demanding [1] 80/16 council [1] 156/13 198/4 198/15 198/15 208/3 208/9 demands [1] 182/11 counsel [3] 7/19 7/22 9/15 cut [1] 182/21 demographic [3] 93/9 93/10 93/14 counsels [1] 114/1 cybervandalism [1] 81/7 demographics [5] 93/9 97/1 97/2 216/16 counted [1] 174/3 cycle [2] 30/7 197/9 217/20 counterparts [1] 49/10 demonstrating [1] 66/18 countries [2] 121/2 131/15 D demonstration [4] 67/4 69/2 73/5 127/3 country [10] 48/9 52/3 72/22 73/23 79/8 daily [2] 49/23 192/17 Denmark [2] 179/3 180/8 92/21 92/23 182/5 189/1 197/12 dampen [1] 183/4 dense [1] 193/16 county [3] 48/25 48/25 169/13 danger [1] 218/18 density [2] 37/6 193/13 couple [15] 4/25 23/23 48/12 48/21 64/15 dangers [1] 40/4 department [7] 3/6 14/22 62/20 111/15 67/12 72/4 82/10 92/19 94/4 110/11 dangling [1] 125/17 139/16 144/17 145/10 117/24 124/25 125/14 130/23 darker [2] 49/1 96/19 departments [1] 140/15 course [13] 15/23 19/4 22/23 22/25 27/25 data [8] 31/11 44/23 94/9 165/12 166/5 departure [1] 62/11 28/1 31/13 68/14 72/22 73/8 74/14 155/3 179/16 179/24 201/24 depend [2] 19/4 39/8 165/2 date [5] 4/9 30/9 46/5 168/12 221/15 dependence [1] 10/18 courses [1] 104/4 day [31] 2/5 4/23 4/24 5/1 5/1 5/22 8/16 dependency [1] 11/4 cover [2] 152/5 213/20 25/11 29/8 42/20 70/8 70/14 87/3 120/14 dependent [3] 2/21 17/13 218/13 coverage [1] 73/12 120/19 120/21 135/11 136/18 137/7 depending [5] 34/23 85/15 99/1 173/17 covered [1] 107/15 153/20 173/23 189/4 189/5 190/2 190/15 175/17 cranking [1] 64/7 197/23 216/18 218/3 219/3 220/2 220/7 depleted [3] 15/22 16/10 17/15 create [13] 53/3 71/21 111/12 112/17 day-ahead [1] 29/8 depleting [2] 16/6 16/13 112/17 112/19 113/2 118/25 120/7 123/4 days [7] 10/15 46/8 46/11 48/21 87/11 deploy [2] 50/18 218/12 153/11 154/7 183/16 125/14 219/5 deployed [2] 44/15 167/8 created [3] 71/17 139/16 145/10 DC [7] 17/8 27/23 33/11 50/4 50/10 deploying [2] 196/11 199/7 creates [4] 54/21 110/23 112/8 176/6 166/25 167/25 deployment [4] 52/6 186/24 204/7 204/11 creating [1] 53/18 deal [7] 12/7 46/2 69/1 117/1 143/9 145/2 Depot [1] 112/12 creation [2] 3/11 182/9 160/19 depth [2] 2/6 46/22 credibility [1] 167/14 dealer [18] 56/11 57/18 57/18 59/15 76/18 deputy [1] 7/13 credit [7] 48/1 51/25 52/7 59/6 81/3 81/25 82/1 82/1 83/9 83/10 83/12 83/15 83/17 deregulated [3] 35/19 215/12 215/17 201/23 87/10 87/12 87/25 88/3 142/13 142/15 derived [2] 181/23 186/16 9 difficulty [1] 156/18 181/19 183/11 186/4 191/1 191/7 192/13 D digital [1] 170/15 193/15 193/18 195/12 197/15 197/21 describe [4] 15/9 31/3 117/11 183/11 dime [2] 208/8 211/15 198/19 200/9 201/1 201/20 201/23 204/1 described [4] 4/11 37/19 37/20 66/22 dimension [1] 50/3 205/2 206/11 208/20 209/21 211/8 211/9 description [2] 116/17 188/24 dinner [1] 150/5 211/17 215/21 218/15 218/16 219/14 design [13] 3/24 4/3 24/8 24/16 26/20 direct [2] 17/8 28/23 220/16 221/5 32/25 33/5 57/8 57/13 57/14 84/6 126/22 direction [3] 74/10 123/10 204/22 dock [1] 82/21 159/19 directional [1] 190/23 docket [1] 82/3 designation [1] 155/19 directly [6] 54/24 65/8 76/3 109/3 160/15 DOE [1] 165/8 designed [3] 9/17 14/14 57/11 203/10 does [36] 6/10 20/11 38/16 39/8 40/7 designer [1] 24/11 director [2] 91/8 177/2 40/12 51/4 51/5 54/21 56/6 56/25 57/13 desired [1] 58/14 Directors [1] 7/6 70/5 71/5 107/20 114/23 114/24 117/13 desolate [1] 79/8 dirt [1] 187/1 118/7 119/11 121/3 121/5 121/24 125/7 destination [3] 50/13 50/14 167/12 dirtiest [1] 90/6 134/9 135/7 136/14 142/22 145/13 152/20 destinations [1] 50/5 disappointed [1] 70/11 158/5 162/16 164/1 171/2 176/2 207/23 detail [9] 21/3 22/4 26/19 31/4 39/9 55/6 disappointment [2] 169/3 169/5 doesn't [21] 49/15 62/4 74/12 93/5 104/11 88/1 157/4 206/16 disbursing [1] 46/12 114/22 114/25 126/6 138/19 149/24 detailed [1] 40/13 discipline [1] 218/24 153/11 157/7 160/25 164/11 187/12 details [2] 156/20 169/20 disclose [1] 82/7 189/19 192/3 200/6 200/9 204/17 210/2 detection [1] 24/23 discloses [1] 82/2 doing [26] 35/22 42/11 52/17 59/15 82/11 determine [8] 27/23 79/22 82/21 83/7 86/8 disclosure [1] 83/1 116/13 119/4 120/16 120/20 138/1 140/24 86/24 197/21 217/21 disconnect [2] 61/7 175/23 143/6 154/1 154/3 166/10 166/13 179/2 determined [4] 21/6 42/25 178/14 179/1 disconnecting [1] 175/25 180/8 180/8 187/6 190/19 198/23 202/22 determines [1] 29/6 discount [2] 89/4 209/12 206/8 209/14 210/19 deterministic [2] 21/10 22/7 discussed [1] 145/1 dollar [3] 148/3 152/10 190/17 Detroit [2] 3/9 167/1 discussing [1] 204/10 dollars [3] 44/20 151/21 152/9 develop [5] 34/5 41/22 69/13 86/10 discussion [13] 73/12 74/13 91/3 102/5 domestic [2] 106/16 106/20 148/14 151/4 155/7 155/15 165/3 192/23 192/23 domicile [1] 184/21 developed [9] 10/13 19/7 24/13 26/17 193/7 199/1 204/20 domination [1] 18/12 41/2 46/18 128/8 132/24 150/13 discussions [1] 123/13 Don [3] 21/4 23/1 39/9 developer [1] 128/20 disengage [1] 81/1 don't [75] 5/23 31/1 34/8 35/5 38/8 39/6 developing [7] 3/4 7/9 71/20 75/6 79/20 disincentives [1] 130/5 40/9 49/16 58/22 69/7 69/11 72/14 72/23 86/8 212/5 dispatch [1] 161/18 74/2 77/12 79/21 80/10 80/12 86/16 88/1 development [19] 3/14 3/16 7/2 7/11 8/23 disposable [1] 93/11 89/16 90/8 93/20 96/3 96/24 99/20 103/21 11/18 12/25 14/2 18/10 24/8 24/22 67/10 distances [1] 16/17 104/14 104/21 105/5 107/22 110/17 103/4 126/21 128/21 161/2 175/22 178/16 distinct [3] 166/14 186/11 211/1 112/23 115/22 117/5 120/5 120/10 122/19 213/7 distinguish [2] 184/13 198/3 124/15 126/1 126/2 126/8 127/7 129/1 developments [1] 44/1 distributed [3] 89/14 101/10 160/21 129/17 132/17 135/5 142/6 147/20 151/23 device [8] 29/23 30/5 33/1 142/21 178/4 distribution [41] 20/24 21/2 22/16 23/5 151/24 153/8 156/3 163/22 164/17 166/22 184/17 186/25 214/13 48/18 57/9 94/14 94/17 95/22 95/25 97/4 168/15 169/20 176/19 179/19 183/15 devices [2] 185/15 202/3 97/8 97/10 97/11 97/23 99/22 108/6 185/15 187/9 190/7 193/6 203/16 205/6 diagnose [1] 138/24 108/15 109/22 109/24 110/3 110/25 111/5 205/20 206/3 206/8 206/9 215/10 217/16 diagnostics [1] 171/2 111/24 116/7 118/4 120/5 120/9 124/3 218/16 218/22 dialogue [3] 4/24 5/2 5/10 133/5 134/7 139/21 140/8 140/16 143/24 done [22] 2/7 3/18 10/10 25/23 36/8 40/13 Dickinson [1] 164/9 145/20 146/21 153/11 175/3 175/6 175/16 43/16 43/18 63/20 88/7 102/2 103/6 dictate [1] 161/7 ditto [1] 63/20 108/25 110/16 115/20 153/17 156/7 182/9 did [22] 8/2 19/13 40/14 60/24 64/15 diverse [2] 34/4 35/12 184/18 184/18 191/3 207/1 64/19 77/8 101/13 113/10 122/14 134/11 diversification [1] 34/12 DOT [1] 21/14 149/20 153/6 169/4 182/17 193/25 193/25 diversify [1] 11/4 double [1] 58/3 197/1 211/21 220/10 220/15 220/17 diversifying [2] 10/11 65/1 down [32] 8/6 18/19 25/22 31/7 31/18 didn't [5] 8/1 34/18 64/6 71/8 87/14 diversity [13] 21/13 21/14 21/17 21/19 34/23 37/7 37/17 48/25 57/11 71/10 71/24 Diego [1] 26/5 21/23 22/19 34/2 34/25 35/14 38/23 39/23 72/4 79/7 79/8 83/11 92/14 98/6 106/22 difference [4] 134/25 149/18 166/23 200/1 39/23 97/16 107/19 125/19 137/11 165/19 170/6 174/1 differences [3] 88/5 97/13 97/14 divide [2] 206/23 207/22 174/12 189/20 190/5 190/14 205/15 different [76] 5/6 8/20 9/4 9/16 26/6 27/9 division [1] 170/15 216/25 217/8 28/15 31/10 31/21 32/20 32/21 33/17 34/4 DMV [1] 40/15 downside [1] 212/14 34/6 41/4 41/8 42/14 44/4 50/25 51/7 do [132] 3/25 6/11 6/11 6/16 11/6 25/20 Dr. [3] 53/1 53/1 53/8 68/11 68/25 73/23 75/16 75/18 84/5 87/2 28/14 29/5 32/1 35/20 37/2 38/14 41/3 Dr. Kristin [1] 53/1 89/5 94/11 97/5 98/24 103/13 110/11 41/25 42/2 47/21 51/1 53/17 54/5 54/21 Dr. Zimmerman [2] 53/1 53/8 111/4 112/21 112/25 113/15 113/16 55/21 56/21 57/16 61/18 62/25 63/3 63/23 draft [1] 19/7 113/19 113/21 115/12 121/11 121/12 64/20 64/20 64/24 69/13 71/1 72/8 76/15 drafted [1] 61/11 121/18 126/11 129/24 130/20 131/6 132/9 78/2 85/14 86/11 86/11 87/14 91/4 92/11 drafts [1] 166/4 135/8 136/4 140/23 144/3 145/15 150/2 93/15 95/5 98/9 100/3 104/22 105/14 drain [1] 144/20 150/20 157/14 158/19 161/12 166/12 109/8 111/20 113/3 115/20 117/18 117/18 Drake [2] 5/16 13/22 166/14 169/9 178/1 178/2 178/3 191/5 117/19 117/21 117/25 119/18 121/2 125/5 draw [3] 167/5 168/3 207/10 192/11 193/15 193/19 195/17 201/16 125/6 125/9 125/12 126/10 126/20 127/5 drive [16] 34/13 42/21 43/2 48/8 54/16 206/19 211/2 214/17 220/5 220/8 129/13 131/12 133/10 133/12 135/9 55/16 71/7 98/6 106/20 121/24 169/23 differentiate [1] 201/12 135/12 135/21 139/2 141/24 142/22 183/3 190/6 208/25 211/6 216/25 differentiation [1] 117/4 145/24 145/24 145/25 146/4 146/8 149/22 driven [4] 34/24 43/19 50/4 55/17 differently [5] 34/14 41/13 149/13 211/8 150/15 151/25 155/13 155/13 157/4 160/2 driver [2] 50/4 59/19 211/9 163/24 164/24 165/13 165/21 165/23 drivers [3] 2/16 106/3 176/10 difficult [2] 18/18 100/6 168/22 170/22 172/24 173/12 173/16 driving [8] 43/17 67/5 79/8 122/4 194/11 difficulties [1] 197/20 175/18 176/15 176/17 178/17 179/22 209/8 209/18 218/20 10 eight [2] 20/16 56/18 engineered [1] 147/7 D either [14] 27/13 42/3 48/5 49/15 50/3 engineering [11] 14/21 14/21 24/6 53/5 drop [1] 179/12 82/25 103/7 123/19 159/18 160/24 164/19 53/5 53/7 63/15 146/19 158/2 164/8 drops [3] 137/1 158/14 158/16 187/16 210/10 212/9 170/17 drove [3] 72/2 169/5 169/6 electric [226] engineers [5] 42/2 47/1 47/3 62/3 184/23 drowning [1] 206/16 electrical [6] 24/5 24/11 61/8 62/20 82/20 English [1] 110/24 dryer [3] 95/24 99/12 117/7 120/8 enhance [2] 24/14 56/9 due [3] 57/3 59/15 199/7 electrician [4] 99/9 118/19 138/23 143/18 enhanced [4] 161/10 162/2 162/3 185/9 duration [1] 30/9 electricians [1] 118/19 enhancements [1] 24/20 during [15] 5/1 16/12 28/20 29/10 29/12 electricity [33] 4/11 23/18 26/4 46/7 46/12 enjoy [2] 181/16 183/13 70/7 87/3 136/17 172/13 172/14 186/17 52/11 54/21 54/22 58/8 58/8 65/3 80/11 enjoying [2] 50/9 50/9 197/22 197/23 208/25 209/8 85/9 85/20 88/2 88/21 106/20 108/3 108/4 enormous [1] 78/12 duty [1] 19/8 155/21 158/25 159/21 162/4 184/5 184/7 enough [8] 100/24 118/5 135/21 148/6 dwelling [1] 49/17 184/12 184/13 188/3 207/2 208/9 209/3 148/8 181/19 205/9 206/15 dying [1] 190/14 212/12 213/19 Enrique [15] 91/12 91/13 91/15 95/3 95/3 dynamic [3] 101/22 159/17 204/1 electrics [1] 124/9 98/1 106/9 110/10 119/25 120/25 131/11 dynamics [1] 211/2 electrification [12] 64/1 64/14 65/6 65/19 139/11 145/9 145/9 152/18 65/20 66/7 67/18 69/24 71/16 71/19 72/6 enterprise [1] 167/13 E 106/8 entire [3] 104/6 120/17 158/17 E-REV [2] 15/18 69/25 electrified [1] 67/23 entirely [3] 8/17 136/13 195/1 E-REVs [4] 15/7 17/5 21/21 68/13 electrifying [1] 183/1 entities [5] 11/11 45/14 51/1 60/22 161/17 each [17] 5/7 5/8 21/5 58/15 72/1 72/7 electronic [2] 202/18 202/20 entitled [1] 220/22 72/23 75/25 83/17 84/5 103/4 107/1 108/4 element [1] 160/7 entity [1] 12/7 155/12 155/12 197/6 203/19 elements [4] 14/7 72/7 84/6 175/10 entry [1] 47/8 earlier [20] 46/22 58/5 61/23 64/22 67/12 eliminate [1] 45/4 environment [8] 6/2 6/25 7/15 43/21 82/18 100/1 100/16 101/7 102/5 105/4 105/9 else [4] 35/25 76/25 119/19 193/14 90/4 144/23 193/17 117/11 137/16 138/6 142/11 143/19 215/1 elsewhere [3] 169/12 173/10 182/4 environmental [9] 6/24 7/11 7/17 7/22 216/14 217/7 217/11 embarking [1] 9/1 8/22 46/19 63/14 199/12 210/4 early [24] 7/4 8/12 46/8 64/2 87/11 89/7 embedded [2] 24/7 184/16 environmentally [2] 93/12 210/17 89/25 93/7 93/15 94/10 94/13 143/8 145/3 emerge [4] 103/19 172/1 172/22 219/13 envision [5] 100/3 176/11 179/20 185/20 154/13 167/11 194/3 194/4 194/13 206/7 emergency [1] 159/1 215/2 216/15 216/16 217/11 217/20 217/22 emerging [3] 2/6 2/13 91/22 envisioning [1] 203/6 earned [1] 156/1 EMI [1] 89/11 EPA [1] 86/7 earning [1] 190/15 eminent [1] 40/4 episode [3] 80/25 81/5 84/24 earns [1] 190/17 emissions [15] 9/17 9/23 10/2 47/8 47/20 equating [1] 216/19 easier [2] 64/8 76/15 77/16 77/18 98/7 105/21 105/22 105/24 equation [3] 106/24 171/19 176/3 easily [1] 17/22 106/19 107/7 130/6 205/15 equip [1] 138/1 easing [1] 187/11 emit [1] 130/5 equipment [9] 36/24 47/5 94/15 116/7 eastern [1] 158/17 Emphasis [1] 71/19 118/4 145/20 195/7 213/16 214/1 easy [9] 29/5 52/16 61/10 68/19 69/14 emphasize [3] 8/24 27/10 78/12 equipped [1] 135/24 76/15 123/7 150/15 168/21 Empire [2] 1/6 10/6 equivalent [3] 130/14 172/11 205/17 Ecology [1] 6/25 employees [3] 145/2 146/6 147/2 era [1] 139/13 economic [11] 3/7 6/2 8/22 10/9 11/18 employer's [1] 49/24 Escape [1] 67/5 103/22 180/22 181/22 182/22 205/23 empty [2] 113/6 152/21 especially [8] 35/8 37/10 59/4 80/4 99/14 210/5 enable [3] 17/25 76/5 175/24 120/15 129/15 197/20 economical [1] 7/11 enabled [2] 24/20 178/22 essence [4] 189/23 210/21 215/11 218/19 economically [3] 148/10 148/10 210/18 enabler [2] 58/14 74/15 essentially [10] 44/17 128/11 128/13 economics [1] 98/25 enables [1] 201/19 134/23 137/4 144/3 145/2 145/5 167/11 economy [7] 16/12 16/14 71/10 86/6 enabling [2] 171/7 177/25 190/11 181/25 181/25 182/15 encourage [12] 52/8 52/12 75/8 106/8 establish [3] 47/7 160/23 161/4 ECOtality [4] 164/6 166/10 179/21 184/15 130/21 141/7 149/1 185/2 198/8 208/10 establishments [1] 146/18 Ed [17] 19/17 21/3 91/8 100/3 115/15 208/14 211/10 estimate [3] 82/23 85/23 142/20 116/8 117/10 119/10 123/14 125/8 126/16 end [24] 5/8 29/23 30/5 33/1 45/23 55/13 estimates [1] 190/17 133/10 137/19 150/3 174/13 195/6 216/2 64/11 76/20 80/25 89/10 138/22 144/19 estimation [1] 94/9 EDF [2] 97/22 113/23 151/25 152/16 154/12 163/20 166/3 190/2 et [1] 190/15 edge [2] 102/10 147/12 191/23 206/5 207/7 207/14 208/3 217/5 etc [1] 167/10 Edison [10] 67/2 71/25 91/9 92/9 99/2 ends [1] 33/19 ethic [1] 205/7 141/23 141/25 144/14 157/23 216/15 energy [77] 3/6 3/11 6/2 7/2 7/3 7/5 7/7 Europe [5] 35/7 42/11 131/1 131/12 educate [3] 139/9 144/7 195/2 7/9 7/10 7/14 7/17 7/21 7/22 8/21 10/13 132/24 educated [4] 79/15 142/6 176/7 211/13 10/14 10/17 10/18 13/25 14/5 14/10 14/14 European [3] 117/9 180/11 180/12 educating [2] 138/10 138/13 14/19 14/21 15/15 16/10 16/15 17/18 euros [2] 152/9 152/9 education [7] 89/3 93/14 98/13 142/4 18/17 18/20 18/22 28/13 28/25 29/13 EV [32] 15/14 45/10 48/8 51/14 51/22 195/1 211/6 216/1 29/15 30/4 30/9 31/19 31/19 37/5 43/25 52/15 58/7 89/9 92/16 92/17 93/7 93/8 educational [3] 53/4 76/9 90/3 53/15 62/21 64/23 65/1 77/25 86/24 97/23 98/18 99/1 165/6 165/25 167/8 168/10 effect [10] 10/9 26/8 35/23 40/8 92/15 98/24 101/17 101/19 102/1 106/15 106/16 169/21 171/8 175/21 175/25 182/6 183/17 94/6 140/1 140/3 143/12 183/7 106/23 111/3 111/13 111/16 112/20 183/19 186/25 187/5 196/16 209/5 214/10 effective [3] 25/13 44/12 44/17 113/23 139/18 142/24 144/2 144/3 144/16 216/12 218/15 effects [3] 95/5 95/5 181/19 148/9 155/9 170/15 177/2 189/22 193/11 evaluate [1] 109/17 efficiencies [2] 44/16 107/7 200/17 200/24 201/10 202/4 218/8 218/9 evaluating [3] 119/20 165/9 165/15 efficiency [1] 86/23 engaged [1] 9/14 evaluation [1] 91/24 efficient [4] 188/6 188/15 191/22 191/23 engine [6] 15/20 16/3 16/6 56/15 166/20 even [34] 5/3 11/1 12/11 17/5 26/8 27/4 effort [3] 13/16 36/7 131/2 210/1 27/16 43/7 48/4 56/10 60/9 63/19 72/23 efforts [2] 170/1 195/20 engineer [4] 15/1 24/6 24/8 156/2 107/19 122/10 125/9 140/4 143/4 143/13 11 expertise [1] 6/6 feel [6] 19/23 31/21 55/15 69/3 96/3 E experts [1] 2/11 143/11 even... [15] 148/3 149/2 157/6 157/18 explain [4] 35/21 56/3 110/21 138/21 feeling [1] 135/9 158/20 172/1 172/10 182/5 183/24 184/4 explained [1] 140/3 fees [2] 116/2 215/6 188/9 188/13 190/8 208/8 208/8 explicitly [1] 57/25 fellow [1] 155/16 evening [2] 174/10 197/23 explore [1] 185/1 felt [4] 113/4 113/5 120/4 120/5 eventually [1] 217/2 exploring [5] 5/24 18/25 23/15 123/21 few [24] 19/2 19/3 32/6 37/7 53/11 56/2 ever [1] 149/20 124/17 57/21 63/23 67/1 67/16 68/4 80/11 92/18 every [11] 6/4 39/10 41/11 56/20 58/16 express [1] 88/18 99/25 105/3 124/8 124/15 133/19 141/16 69/5 83/25 95/23 174/10 195/19 207/24 expressed [1] 48/23 162/1 187/23 194/25 204/10 217/9 everybody [11] 31/23 35/11 50/20 63/10 expression [1] 215/12 fewer [2] 93/2 205/15 76/10 76/25 164/4 186/7 207/3 219/3 Expressway [1] 78/9 Fi [1] 32/23 220/9 extend [2] 12/21 129/2 field [2] 164/4 192/9 everyone [8] 53/10 91/1 110/2 111/17 extended [1] 15/18 fields [1] 53/4 131/16 132/14 152/4 156/5 extender [1] 54/14 figure [12] 56/25 82/6 87/11 109/13 everyone's [1] 158/8 extending [2] 24/16 76/11 110/24 111/4 111/5 111/5 111/6 155/8 everything [2] 120/21 193/14 extensive [2] 43/13 45/17 174/9 219/7 evolution [5] 46/21 116/24 155/9 185/7 extent [5] 75/7 182/10 208/23 209/5 figures [2] 95/11 140/2 205/9 210/19 file [4] 118/15 118/20 127/23 143/18 evolutionary [1] 43/15 extra [6] 80/12 108/4 108/23 132/4 206/8 filed [1] 12/20 evolve [1] 80/1 206/9 fill [4] 2/11 54/18 74/6 113/7 evolving [1] 196/3 extremely [8] 39/14 39/25 40/24 58/1 59/4 fill-up [2] 54/18 74/6 EVs [21] 6/18 17/5 17/10 21/8 21/22 127/17 139/10 220/3 filled [1] 85/18 28/13 39/22 49/6 49/12 52/4 52/18 56/13 eye [1] 58/22 final [2] 29/13 180/10 75/23 78/23 93/9 93/19 94/16 171/12 finalize [1] 51/11 172/7 175/17 219/8 F finally [7] 31/20 32/23 33/10 50/15 52/17 EVSCs [1] 30/18 fabulous [1] 105/8 66/25 180/5 EVSE [10] 29/6 32/25 33/5 33/9 33/13 face [1] 214/20 financial [3] 48/5 108/25 122/24 33/15 33/18 51/20 69/21 82/18 Facebook [1] 70/13 financially [1] 19/17 exactly [12] 37/22 40/15 72/7 108/25 faces [1] 6/13 financing [1] 101/13 112/2 112/16 116/4 116/22 127/2 139/19 facetted [1] 13/25 find [15] 9/25 27/13 27/17 38/2 39/20 196/10 202/4 facile [1] 79/23 39/23 57/19 74/1 77/13 85/20 87/22 87/23 examine [1] 4/3 facilitate [3] 135/5 181/24 182/6 148/22 171/8 197/6 examining [1] 2/6 facilitating [1] 183/8 finding [2] 156/18 169/22 example [25] 31/19 81/22 98/5 102/7 facilitator [1] 99/9 findings [4] 38/18 156/10 156/19 156/21 104/21 111/12 111/21 112/10 116/4 facilities [3] 3/8 118/1 127/9 finds [1] 28/11 116/13 117/3 121/9 122/21 140/5 162/20 facility [5] 101/5 101/17 116/8 124/2 fine [1] 198/12 169/24 182/1 184/15 188/8 192/5 204/6 127/25 finish [2] 23/19 220/7 208/6 213/25 214/2 215/7 fact [10] 20/7 35/2 39/20 39/24 46/7 53/21 finished [1] 63/6 examples [2] 116/21 128/24 61/16 61/19 169/4 218/2 Finland [1] 180/14 exasperating [1] 219/9 factor [7] 21/14 51/15 85/15 97/16 109/4 fire [1] 191/21 exceeding [1] 97/20 158/16 218/4 firewall [2] 80/20 81/11 except [2] 29/12 54/20 factors [5] 20/3 21/22 40/20 40/22 98/14 firewalls [1] 81/9 exceptionally [1] 16/12 factory [1] 104/8 firm [1] 6/24 excess [1] 160/13 failed [1] 46/4 first [47] 3/12 4/12 5/13 8/3 8/11 9/12 exchanged [1] 81/10 fair [2] 9/19 186/23 10/13 10/18 25/6 27/12 28/19 30/3 47/8 excited [5] 2/8 5/11 37/16 50/15 180/17 faire [1] 218/10 47/19 50/18 57/20 59/23 60/4 65/25 70/15 exciting [7] 5/21 59/12 59/22 60/5 64/5 Fairleigh [1] 164/9 71/15 71/23 76/7 82/10 87/14 88/8 92/7 173/16 173/17 fairly [6] 15/12 17/3 40/13 43/13 85/23 95/4 95/7 111/6 143/3 155/16 156/5 excuse [4] 43/18 109/6 131/15 162/13 128/1 158/25 165/5 165/25 172/8 175/5 177/24 executive [1] 19/6 fall [4] 44/2 48/14 185/7 188/19 184/9 186/10 190/5 193/21 193/24 195/21 exhausted [1] 16/14 familiar [4] 12/11 68/23 121/8 199/8 207/16 220/2 exist [2] 162/10 162/19 families [2] 44/14 205/4 fit [5] 55/15 56/12 93/16 128/21 142/22 existing [4] 56/24 61/5 103/9 148/5 family [5] 69/15 100/3 196/18 196/22 fits [2] 30/14 58/6 exists [2] 163/11 212/9 217/1 five [22] 23/2 23/3 28/17 34/6 38/12 40/3 exorbitant [2] 123/16 148/15 fan [1] 66/16 47/16 57/3 67/19 72/6 89/15 94/16 97/7 expanding [1] 52/11 far [28] 29/24 35/4 35/4 35/10 36/23 37/18 102/6 102/8 108/3 133/11 133/18 134/6 expect [4] 72/14 93/21 98/22 102/16 37/22 44/11 45/10 45/17 74/4 84/16 86/17 137/24 154/12 187/5 expectation [2] 93/7 128/19 88/21 89/14 91/12 124/4 124/16 136/6 five customers [2] 102/6 102/8 expectations [2] 71/22 99/4 136/6 143/23 153/8 165/19 168/16 171/16 five percent [2] 40/3 67/19 expected [2] 160/13 218/19 198/14 198/23 201/12 five years [4] 89/15 133/11 133/18 137/24 expecting [1] 159/24 fare [1] 205/2 fixed [4] 112/17 112/19 113/2 132/22 expedite [1] 99/19 fashion [1] 161/23 flat [1] 29/12 expedition [1] 5/24 fast [11] 50/4 50/10 163/21 164/18 166/25 flavors [2] 68/7 68/11 expend [1] 190/7 167/2 167/25 168/19 170/6 196/8 197/3 fleet [12] 20/6 67/8 95/16 95/16 104/6 expensive [4] 90/5 122/25 151/18 205/1 faster [3] 74/14 74/24 183/22 107/12 122/5 124/8 124/12 124/12 195/25 experience [14] 24/7 34/5 45/13 45/20 favor [1] 104/15 209/24 56/10 70/13 76/24 110/17 113/14 113/21 feature [1] 30/17 fleets [5] 52/18 60/10 121/2 121/12 123/1 142/8 148/18 173/14 220/7 federal [13] 46/20 48/1 51/24 58/17 59/6 floating [1] 70/1 experiences [1] 96/9 72/19 77/9 77/11 77/17 78/18 81/24 115/5 floor [3] 1/7 116/14 198/22 experimental [1] 114/5 217/4 flow [5] 27/7 30/19 30/23 74/10 190/23 experimentation [1] 115/10 feds [1] 77/6 flowchart [1] 30/2 experimenting [1] 202/23 fee [2] 213/18 215/6 flowing [2] 203/12 203/13 12 fun [3] 28/7 29/2 41/24 gets [10] 70/13 107/11 121/23 149/10 F function [6] 159/3 159/14 160/5 160/16 150/1 157/5 164/6 185/11 219/10 219/22 flyers [1] 76/11 160/18 163/6 getting [17] 16/2 35/18 60/15 64/6 90/7 focus [17] 3/13 9/5 10/17 25/22 30/12 functional [4] 26/21 58/14 91/10 214/21 99/6 104/16 105/10 106/1 106/23 107/21 31/1 31/6 31/12 32/2 43/21 43/25 55/9 functionality [1] 24/17 112/5 139/4 167/21 206/15 211/8 218/24 66/2 66/15 155/3 162/17 194/24 fund [1] 60/10 give [14] 6/20 31/20 31/24 33/22 57/19 focused [10] 14/1 21/1 24/16 25/7 130/11 fundamental [2] 184/3 184/25 95/11 104/14 113/1 138/15 142/20 155/11 180/9 180/20 187/5 194/5 194/6 fundamentally [1] 184/6 170/21 177/15 213/4 focusing [5] 9/2 10/4 12/24 49/25 194/25 funded [4] 14/12 114/11 165/7 180/12 given [15] 21/16 31/14 64/3 69/4 84/2 folks [7] 5/18 76/2 80/9 149/12 150/11 funding [4] 12/22 44/1 108/7 113/16 84/19 88/17 128/24 145/18 153/20 176/8 155/10 214/18 further [5] 48/4 84/4 144/13 148/17 210/5 176/15 202/5 217/3 217/12 follow [4] 24/1 51/5 85/7 149/8 furthest [2] 91/16 177/9 gives [3] 29/15 94/8 146/1 follow-up [1] 51/5 future [7] 8/23 18/20 51/20 70/21 96/4 giving [2] 20/17 211/9 followed [1] 2/20 165/18 219/8 glad [2] 6/17 69/7 following [2] 70/16 204/21 Glasgow [1] 132/4 foods [2] 204/25 205/1 G global [5] 48/17 53/3 64/16 64/17 177/2 foot [1] 81/19 gain [3] 46/4 113/14 113/21 globally [2] 67/14 67/19 foothold [1] 46/4 gained [1] 5/25 GM [4] 62/4 131/20 142/14 181/4 footing [1] 61/17 Gallagher [3] 192/25 193/3 204/23 GM's [1] 53/3 for-knowledge [1] 70/21 gallon [3] 85/19 173/19 205/18 go [86] 4/13 4/23 6/4 23/23 26/18 27/19 foray [1] 46/15 game [3] 75/3 103/25 187/9 28/12 29/18 30/2 30/6 31/18 35/10 40/15 forbid [1] 70/16 gaps [1] 113/6 51/18 51/19 53/10 54/9 54/18 55/6 56/2 force [3] 35/23 60/17 215/23 garage [25] 4/13 41/4 49/16 69/9 70/23 57/17 58/19 58/23 59/14 61/25 66/3 72/7 Ford [12] 3/4 36/16 62/4 63/13 63/15 71/6 101/3 101/4 104/9 119/5 123/25 73/14 73/25 74/4 74/24 76/4 77/12 80/9 64/19 65/19 66/15 67/3 67/13 69/2 71/15 123/25 131/22 137/20 146/13 146/15 82/13 82/20 83/11 83/11 83/24 85/7 85/10 forecasted [2] 153/13 154/10 147/1 149/11 152/8 193/9 193/10 194/23 85/12 86/16 86/17 87/18 89/21 92/4 93/4 forecasting [2] 160/4 160/6 195/19 196/18 208/1 95/4 99/8 108/22 112/24 114/22 115/17 foregoing [1] 221/6 garages [7] 40/18 49/14 51/17 146/12 116/9 120/24 123/24 123/24 125/19 128/1 foresee [2] 100/5 146/4 195/18 195/22 196/23 132/14 132/18 133/14 155/14 164/23 forget [2] 80/11 117/9 GARRY [5] 1/10 8/10 9/13 10/14 207/16 164/24 165/1 173/15 173/23 176/19 form [4] 60/17 149/5 150/19 161/1 Garry Brown [1] 8/10 180/13 183/22 185/5 190/5 192/5 194/20 format [1] 220/17 gas [12] 25/24 26/5 68/24 77/18 77/22 195/18 196/24 198/13 199/16 203/17 formed [3] 19/6 36/11 71/15 105/24 106/19 108/12 130/6 166/20 206/2 211/13 214/5 214/8 218/12 forms [2] 155/9 202/25 173/19 210/14 goal [11] 19/10 19/12 19/22 20/20 47/18 forth [5] 104/14 161/16 181/8 203/13 gasoline [12] 2/19 2/21 6/3 54/18 69/4 47/19 89/10 114/3 157/13 207/16 217/5 218/14 85/18 108/13 178/8 201/24 205/19 209/19 goals [4] 65/22 71/17 173/3 206/22 fortunately [3] 72/9 74/9 105/20 210/23 goes [22] 17/2 17/3 66/1 72/16 73/11 forward [24] 2/24 5/12 5/18 13/1 37/10 gated [1] 104/3 81/20 81/22 94/2 100/7 103/11 105/17 56/9 57/1 57/14 60/11 61/12 65/11 67/10 gates [1] 188/13 112/21 124/4 128/10 142/13 142/15 145/7 68/2 68/10 71/8 73/2 73/12 76/22 80/17 gave [3] 102/7 105/8 116/4 146/19 146/23 183/6 198/6 218/19 82/25 83/5 119/1 167/14 212/8 gavel [1] 43/9 going [213] 2/8 4/1 4/10 4/14 4/21 5/7 5/9 found [11] 3/18 20/24 22/11 22/14 22/20 GE [3] 170/22 175/21 184/15 5/11 5/14 5/21 6/7 6/15 6/16 12/25 15/12 38/11 77/8 194/3 194/16 195/16 220/2 general [13] 3/4 3/18 20/24 53/2 63/13 17/20 22/3 26/14 26/17 28/1 34/9 34/16 four [10] 20/18 23/7 26/16 47/16 94/16 69/12 76/17 106/14 146/17 170/13 199/24 36/13 37/5 41/3 41/3 41/5 41/9 41/9 41/10 102/17 156/11 169/6 172/13 172/18 204/25 216/5 41/15 42/20 43/14 44/9 48/8 48/11 49/5 four percent [1] 20/18 generally [8] 16/7 16/25 40/5 102/14 49/6 49/9 49/11 49/12 49/22 49/23 50/7 fourth [1] 12/21 110/4 145/17 149/15 149/17 50/20 50/22 51/14 53/16 54/2 54/15 55/18 frame [3] 26/11 107/22 151/12 generated [1] 58/9 56/21 57/14 58/1 58/15 58/20 58/23 60/11 franchise [3] 59/15 81/21 82/1 generating [1] 26/3 60/17 61/12 63/16 67/19 68/1 68/10 69/21 Francisco [1] 3/9 generation [14] 3/22 18/24 20/12 20/23 70/22 70/24 73/1 73/12 73/14 76/12 76/19 Frank [11] 5/16 6/20 6/21 6/23 6/25 7/4 20/25 27/3 66/8 106/21 135/25 160/21 76/24 77/19 79/9 80/17 81/19 81/21 83/1 7/13 7/20 7/24 13/22 15/5 161/24 172/16 174/24 182/9 83/5 85/11 85/20 85/21 85/24 86/1 86/3 Frank Murray [3] 5/16 6/20 15/5 generator [6] 16/3 40/10 54/19 54/20 86/15 88/22 88/24 89/6 89/12 90/10 91/4 frankly [1] 13/2 54/21 161/12 91/13 92/3 92/8 92/10 92/12 92/13 92/17 free [8] 59/25 60/9 84/2 102/2 111/7 gentleman [1] 8/4 93/4 93/10 94/15 94/21 98/19 99/24 100/9 111/19 134/23 135/2 gentlemen [1] 36/15 101/10 103/16 114/20 117/12 117/15 Frequency [1] 24/17 Georgia [1] 52/1 121/13 121/20 123/13 123/21 125/1 fresh [1] 155/2 get [89] 4/9 5/12 6/16 15/7 27/19 29/2 126/15 126/16 127/16 129/18 135/13 friendly [1] 24/25 31/10 37/16 43/7 43/12 44/9 45/18 51/4 136/15 136/16 137/14 137/22 137/24 friends [2] 37/15 173/15 51/5 57/6 57/16 58/23 64/21 67/6 69/2 138/22 142/3 142/17 144/5 145/4 146/7 front [4] 34/8 54/24 105/8 206/5 69/24 70/10 71/6 71/10 71/10 71/11 76/22 147/2 147/3 147/15 149/14 150/5 150/7 front-end [1] 206/5 77/13 79/9 85/5 85/9 86/2 87/5 87/10 150/8 152/1 153/20 154/25 155/11 155/12 fronted [1] 101/9 88/21 94/12 96/21 99/18 103/4 107/6 156/9 156/16 161/16 163/19 163/21 fuel [12] 10/11 11/4 16/11 19/24 26/2 107/20 108/13 109/13 114/3 114/13 165/11 165/12 166/5 166/6 167/7 171/12 44/16 46/12 54/19 86/6 106/1 106/20 117/18 117/20 120/8 120/19 120/21 171/13 171/18 172/4 172/23 173/7 175/5 108/6 121/20 126/16 127/2 128/7 129/5 132/20 175/18 175/19 177/16 177/20 178/9 fuels [1] 65/2 133/20 137/2 138/19 139/2 139/4 142/7 178/12 180/4 181/16 182/4 182/5 182/13 full [20] 17/15 18/8 47/13 65/9 68/14 82/7 144/18 149/23 151/15 153/14 164/1 164/4 183/2 184/11 186/4 186/9 186/12 186/12 83/1 83/6 147/24 149/3 173/4 200/7 169/7 169/8 170/4 173/9 173/24 174/6 186/13 186/16 188/18 192/11 193/1 200/10 200/14 200/25 201/4 202/9 202/16 175/17 178/9 179/18 180/21 181/15 195/20 195/23 196/14 197/1 197/5 197/7 204/7 209/18 182/11 182/19 183/20 191/11 194/1 198/2 198/16 202/21 203/5 203/7 203/8 fully [8] 2/18 18/13 75/4 84/22 132/24 199/15 204/1 208/17 219/10 219/17 203/18 203/20 204/21 205/22 206/2 153/1 190/4 209/4 [1] 57/17 207/15 208/5 208/25 209/10 209/22 210/8 13 grilled [1] 154/14 hate [1] 191/12 G gritty [1] 88/1 have [341] going... [6] 213/10 215/15 216/10 218/23 gross [1] 23/12 haven't [5] 37/21 153/17 154/10 209/23 219/1 219/1 ground [1] 107/4 219/16 golf [1] 104/3 group [7] 2/10 13/15 14/18 19/6 60/14 haven't heard [1] 219/16 gone [9] 2/18 29/17 35/4 39/1 48/22 153/8 61/13 145/1 having [16] 102/5 126/10 126/11 130/6 164/19 168/22 178/10 groups [2] 36/9 123/19 145/4 167/14 169/9 173/13 183/6 194/17 Gonzales [2] 155/17 155/24 grow [2] 20/14 109/24 199/3 199/18 200/14 200/25 206/20 good [46] 2/1 5/20 10/10 16/12 16/25 17/4 growing [2] 104/5 104/10 208/14 33/25 34/2 36/12 38/8 42/5 45/6 46/1 51/2 growth [2] 23/11 149/15 he [23] 7/6 7/15 7/15 14/25 24/11 24/15 53/10 54/4 57/23 69/17 89/25 91/1 95/7 guaranteed [1] 184/25 29/1 70/17 91/8 91/9 91/14 91/16 91/22 105/13 110/21 113/4 113/7 116/17 126/1 guess [29] 2/19 23/2 38/17 43/1 84/11 149/24 155/25 155/25 163/7 164/7 164/10 131/8 146/2 152/14 154/23 154/25 156/4 85/17 88/13 88/18 95/2 107/3 108/20 170/14 170/15 186/1 220/16 156/5 170/19 179/11 179/18 181/14 109/10 127/12 136/2 141/22 144/17 he's [6] 24/6 36/15 149/20 150/1 155/17 181/19 182/1 198/24 199/25 205/18 206/3 160/12 161/15 165/19 174/21 174/22 156/1 206/8 220/7 185/25 199/14 200/12 201/7 211/3 212/3 head [3] 10/16 91/10 91/16 Google [1] 70/13 215/20 216/13 headline [1] 168/12 gorilla [1] 92/10 guesses [1] 197/9 headphone [1] 125/17 got [34] 2/10 3/25 4/25 37/15 41/25 42/13 guy [2] 207/8 220/15 hear [7] 17/20 22/3 70/14 105/14 122/17 42/19 44/4 56/18 62/23 68/19 68/19 68/20 guys [3] 72/2 79/17 191/12 185/24 204/15 69/14 70/18 74/6 77/7 109/13 110/11 guzzler [1] 210/14 heard [16] 41/7 46/22 52/10 97/6 97/6 125/17 134/16 153/13 158/9 164/16 GW [1] 177/7 98/14 117/11 120/18 130/12 151/18 165/16 166/20 176/9 176/9 184/12 189/14 170/14 172/4 175/3 184/19 190/22 219/16 200/3 206/20 209/17 218/11 H hearing [2] 111/10 149/9 gotten [2] 37/21 136/9 habit [1] 194/11 heat [1] 98/5 government [21] 8/4 46/20 51/2 59/6 77/9 hacking [1] 78/25 heater [3] 149/19 149/21 150/9 77/11 77/17 110/22 110/23 112/8 112/23 hacks [1] 79/9 Heaven [1] 70/16 113/17 114/19 115/13 121/4 122/7 129/24 had [30] 2/15 2/18 8/8 22/20 36/4 36/7 heavily [1] 183/19 131/2 169/13 213/14 213/14 41/25 47/21 69/2 69/5 72/6 97/5 104/5 held [2] 7/15 151/4 government's [1] 178/7 104/6 105/3 117/22 119/8 123/12 124/4 help [18] 48/8 57/8 59/7 71/18 75/10 87/1 governmental [1] 12/1 164/17 168/12 169/8 173/22 192/19 199/1 90/4 90/6 94/21 107/25 138/21 143/11 governments [3] 46/20 51/13 72/18 204/9 206/23 213/8 214/5 215/18 145/17 145/19 168/9 183/3 189/24 198/16 Governor [5] 3/10 3/10 7/14 7/23 8/6 half [11] 21/20 45/2 75/5 85/17 85/21 helpful [2] 139/7 139/10 Governor Carey's [1] 8/6 97/17 115/16 115/17 148/24 172/13 helping [3] 43/10 144/6 144/6 Governor Cuomo [1] 7/14 174/14 helps [2] 143/7 209/9 Governor Paterson [1] 3/10 halfway [2] 38/1 38/2 her [3] 53/4 90/23 177/4 Governor's [4] 7/18 7/19 7/20 9/15 hand [11] 25/8 31/17 33/12 53/24 53/24 here [85] 2/10 3/3 3/16 8/16 9/17 11/1 grade [4] 184/17 186/1 200/20 203/3 62/18 64/22 64/22 87/17 88/7 199/14 11/8 11/20 13/7 13/13 13/15 15/22 19/3 graduate [2] 4/22 155/24 hand-in-hand [2] 53/24 64/22 30/3 33/13 33/16 36/16 37/25 43/12 45/20 grammar [1] 53/2 handle [11] 42/21 69/2 94/12 100/9 45/25 49/10 50/25 53/22 61/15 63/19 grand [1] 6/12 101/23 127/25 138/13 151/16 151/21 63/24 64/4 68/4 83/10 85/4 91/4 91/5 grant [3] 28/25 113/18 115/5 151/22 178/17 91/15 92/8 92/10 95/4 95/10 95/21 97/25 granted [2] 25/14 62/21 handled [1] 40/6 104/3 105/4 105/20 111/6 113/11 118/10 granularity [1] 189/7 handling [3] 82/9 128/2 144/14 125/17 129/19 130/13 139/1 139/12 graph [2] 34/20 190/6 hands [2] 37/21 90/13 141/22 142/1 142/15 148/22 155/10 graphic [3] 188/24 189/3 190/2 happen [14] 5/11 27/21 34/9 39/12 48/14 157/15 160/25 161/14 162/23 164/12 graphs [1] 25/23 85/16 137/23 163/18 163/22 163/25 176/2 164/14 164/20 164/21 167/2 170/12 grappling [1] 199/11 185/14 185/22 186/12 170/13 170/21 176/19 176/23 183/11 grasp [1] 153/22 happened [2] 120/6 139/24 190/25 192/8 193/1 193/8 204/9 205/10 grease [2] 183/21 183/22 happening [1] 12/2 209/21 211/21 211/25 217/5 218/6 218/11 great [12] 7/20 21/3 39/9 56/17 95/9 happens [7] 13/6 94/1 94/3 120/10 125/16 219/19 220/18 105/16 113/10 166/18 167/15 188/24 140/1 187/10 here's [3] 31/7 131/17 201/22 197/19 220/16 happy [2] 122/10 157/21 hereby [1] 221/5 greater [5] 26/7 68/13 96/14 121/16 hard [11] 9/24 38/8 47/6 47/7 154/14 HEV [1] 66/6 182/11 166/9 196/14 198/2 217/21 220/12 220/14 HEVs [4] 65/7 67/14 67/16 67/24 green [10] 44/7 46/21 77/7 90/1 96/19 hardware [1] 59/25 high [25] 15/12 17/8 20/12 21/8 22/6 111/13 122/3 122/5 154/24 167/14 Harriet [2] 193/8 196/18 22/21 37/5 46/6 46/18 55/13 73/16 109/11 greenhouse [3] 105/24 106/18 130/6 HARRIS [6] 1/11 81/17 90/23 96/15 122/10 129/3 130/13 134/2 136/22 137/2 grid [74] 2/7 4/4 9/24 9/25 13/3 13/6 13/19 198/22 213/3 155/20 160/11 160/12 189/18 195/22 15/11 15/16 15/25 16/5 16/9 16/14 16/22 Harris' [1] 108/2 202/13 214/21 17/13 17/21 17/21 18/4 19/4 21/2 22/8 has [67] 3/18 11/23 14/25 15/19 15/25 high-level [2] 15/12 20/12 22/24 23/10 24/25 25/11 26/24 28/22 67/3 16/4 16/13 16/14 19/13 24/5 24/11 26/5 higher [16] 16/8 86/2 93/13 96/22 96/22 73/17 74/11 78/23 79/14 89/12 91/20 27/13 27/25 37/2 39/1 39/8 45/13 45/17 107/7 107/7 108/8 108/19 108/23 109/17 95/22 96/8 96/10 97/22 113/20 117/10 46/22 47/13 47/15 52/1 54/8 56/8 61/18 109/22 157/5 159/22 159/22 206/5 131/9 140/7 140/16 140/19 160/21 163/19 61/19 61/20 67/9 67/9 70/15 75/25 76/16 highest [2] 25/12 99/3 163/21 164/1 165/22 167/4 170/23 171/7 76/23 77/24 78/24 83/6 84/5 84/23 89/1 highlight [2] 58/11 162/1 171/11 171/13 171/13 172/24 173/5 175/1 90/12 92/11 97/24 114/13 117/24 118/5 highly [3] 2/21 17/14 21/6 175/8 175/16 175/24 175/25 176/1 179/7 119/21 130/24 136/8 144/1 170/9 175/21 highway [4] 128/25 128/25 129/2 129/4 182/11 189/24 190/20 191/1 198/12 210/9 176/14 177/4 178/10 183/4 184/15 184/15 him [6] 24/20 70/16 91/13 130/25 164/11 212/5 218/7 218/12 218/13 192/20 194/24 197/6 197/15 198/23 205/7 164/12 Grid's [2] 91/21 91/24 213/17 216/2 219/5 hired [1] 87/16 grid-friendly [1] 24/25 hassles [1] 194/7 hiring [1] 194/1 grids [3] 11/22 73/18 140/11 hat [1] 8/9 his [11] 6/23 7/20 14/7 14/16 29/20 43/7 14 214/23 214/23 218/17 59/4 61/25 62/4 62/11 63/19 63/19 66/16 H However [5] 22/13 22/18 37/6 140/23 70/5 70/7 76/18 76/23 77/7 78/11 80/23 his... [5] 91/14 122/17 150/21 156/1 203/6 169/16 82/14 83/17 84/8 84/21 85/7 85/9 85/14 history [1] 46/2 huge [4] 57/22 57/22 75/16 76/9 86/1 87/1 89/18 90/2 92/14 93/3 94/1 94/3 hit [5] 34/3 68/8 88/24 90/10 134/16 Hugh [1] 7/23 94/15 94/16 99/19 100/23 101/2 101/9 hold [1] 87/17 humid [1] 219/3 101/17 101/21 101/24 102/7 102/17 104/1 holding [3] 57/21 62/18 88/7 hundreds [5] 133/18 148/2 159/4 188/11 104/10 105/4 105/5 106/19 107/13 107/18 holds [3] 53/7 164/7 170/15 189/15 108/25 109/11 111/16 112/3 112/8 115/14 home [48] 21/16 21/23 22/8 33/9 35/2 hurdles [1] 85/4 115/22 116/4 117/5 118/4 118/13 118/23 38/6 44/19 49/12 49/13 49/22 55/5 59/10 hybrid [34] 2/9 5/14 14/4 14/5 15/24 16/4 120/3 123/2 124/22 124/22 125/9 125/11 60/1 63/2 69/5 69/15 82/4 99/11 99/16 16/13 36/6 40/15 42/13 54/12 54/12 65/5 126/15 127/12 128/16 128/23 129/13 100/23 100/25 101/1 101/18 101/18 65/8 66/4 67/6 67/20 70/6 73/4 74/20 77/5 131/15 131/15 132/14 133/12 134/6 135/5 112/11 118/2 118/3 118/4 118/5 142/7 77/8 103/19 104/10 104/15 104/16 104/23 136/10 137/2 137/5 139/24 140/2 141/17 142/21 143/21 145/22 149/23 158/9 172/9 105/22 105/24 125/22 129/8 157/2 157/2 144/1 144/3 144/5 144/24 145/21 147/14 186/7 190/9 193/12 194/23 202/3 202/25 206/7 148/10 148/22 148/23 149/19 149/20 203/2 203/8 203/9 211/14 216/22 217/3 hybrid-like [1] 16/13 149/22 150/8 150/24 153/8 156/10 156/17 Homeister [1] 63/11 hybrids [13] 35/9 65/17 66/8 67/21 68/1 157/9 158/4 158/8 163/7 163/15 163/25 homeowner [2] 82/23 82/23 68/10 68/10 68/11 96/20 96/23 107/9 164/17 164/17 164/20 164/23 165/23 homeowners [1] 216/21 124/10 218/1 166/4 166/19 166/20 168/11 168/24 172/2 homes [7] 99/15 136/19 136/20 143/21 hydro [1] 18/18 172/7 172/8 172/12 173/21 174/22 176/11 172/11 172/12 172/18 hydrocarbon [1] 181/24 177/16 180/12 181/12 181/17 182/19 honor [2] 91/2 95/10 hydrocarbons [2] 182/3 183/19 182/22 182/25 183/21 184/10 184/25 hood [1] 37/18 hydroelectric [2] 188/14 191/21 185/5 185/13 186/11 186/16 186/18 hook [1] 202/3 187/12 187/15 188/2 188/22 189/14 191/1 hook-up [1] 202/3 I 192/14 192/16 192/17 194/12 196/6 hooks [1] 32/17 I'd [12] 6/20 30/11 43/5 110/18 127/2 196/13 199/14 199/19 199/22 201/7 hop [1] 164/22 168/18 176/19 184/3 197/13 210/23 202/17 203/23 204/1 206/10 206/22 hope [3] 180/17 199/24 220/10 220/11 220/19 209/17 210/6 210/12 210/13 210/22 hopefully [6] 5/3 43/17 142/18 167/9 I'll [27] 5/19 15/9 23/19 28/12 31/3 31/24 212/12 214/25 218/19 218/22 188/19 189/21 33/19 52/21 55/6 56/2 62/1 88/18 92/7 illegal [1] 119/13 host [4] 89/13 170/9 213/18 213/23 95/4 103/14 112/4 113/12 120/13 141/15 Illustrated [1] 96/16 Hostash [2] 221/4 221/12 141/21 141/22 144/12 165/3 167/25 illustration [1] 55/8 hosted [1] 213/15 207/15 210/12 210/13 imagine [4] 168/21 168/24 170/8 180/13 hot [3] 32/5 137/7 219/3 I'm [63] 6/17 15/12 26/13 26/17 34/16 immediate [3] 62/10 91/7 183/2 hour [19] 35/13 66/20 75/5 85/9 85/11 35/21 36/13 41/18 42/4 43/8 44/8 44/22 immediately [3] 88/25 165/6 172/21 108/4 109/12 110/3 152/20 152/25 158/9 44/23 47/18 48/10 58/20 58/24 63/18 immense [1] 125/3 172/13 172/18 189/9 189/18 190/3 205/18 73/14 79/9 81/21 82/5 91/4 92/8 92/10 imminent [1] 102/10 209/18 219/17 92/12 103/16 105/6 105/9 106/14 107/3 impact [12] 15/11 19/3 19/14 22/24 28/22 hourly [1] 189/5 107/10 111/10 116/13 121/8 129/18 86/19 92/12 131/9 140/25 157/8 210/4 hours [13] 20/15 20/16 26/1 42/18 72/4 137/20 144/17 149/9 149/23 155/11 212/20 74/19 158/15 182/21 186/17 187/23 190/7 159/10 159/21 163/9 163/10 170/12 impacts [10] 20/21 21/1 21/10 23/10 201/22 208/25 177/19 191/3 193/1 196/5 196/10 201/3 23/11 136/5 141/5 181/8 181/16 198/12 house [16] 39/22 115/16 115/18 116/14 201/7 201/9 201/18 202/1 203/23 204/21 impediments [1] 23/8 119/6 120/22 142/19 149/14 149/19 206/8 209/17 209/20 211/20 216/19 implement [4] 36/5 37/12 37/22 89/24 168/23 168/24 176/16 202/13 203/11 I've [14] 4/11 4/24 8/8 31/13 37/15 37/19 implementation [2] 14/8 42/6 203/16 203/17 44/4 125/3 125/13 130/12 151/18 209/17 implemented [1] 18/13 household [2] 120/17 193/8 212/3 220/6 implementing [1] 206/24 households [2] 92/24 93/2 I-5 [1] 37/11 implications [1] 178/6 houses [3] 39/1 120/6 120/10 I-87 [1] 166/15 importance [3] 8/25 142/12 175/8 housing [2] 100/3 193/13 i.e [1] 30/18 important [22] 8/19 9/11 9/21 9/21 11/10 HOV [6] 48/7 77/7 77/13 78/11 78/17 Iberdrola [4] 91/18 111/13 112/17 113/1 12/12 17/23 21/14 30/17 32/15 61/18 70/2 218/3 IBM [2] 177/3 200/6 72/15 72/15 75/22 94/23 127/17 127/21 HOV lane [1] 48/7 IBM's [2] 177/2 179/10 140/7 140/10 165/23 183/25 how [123] 4/10 4/14 4/15 4/17 6/11 19/4 ID [6] 28/9 29/20 29/20 31/13 31/16 importer [1] 182/2 19/5 20/12 28/14 34/22 35/18 35/20 36/23 185/18 impose [3] 163/5 163/13 192/3 37/17 38/15 39/15 40/15 42/2 43/21 51/3 idea [25] 2/17 31/10 31/24 33/11 38/15 imposition [3] 103/22 108/17 109/1 51/4 54/16 55/16 55/21 57/5 57/10 57/16 55/23 57/10 58/19 68/25 110/23 111/18 impossible [1] 152/6 60/8 61/3 67/7 68/24 69/3 69/12 75/21 111/19 112/17 112/22 112/25 113/4 113/7 improve [3] 43/21 160/3 188/4 76/4 78/25 79/16 79/22 80/8 82/21 83/1 125/1 132/5 132/20 133/4 133/7 189/17 improved [2] 187/18 188/1 85/21 86/11 87/9 96/5 100/3 100/9 105/15 194/1 214/20 impulse [1] 71/1 112/5 115/23 121/5 123/14 124/6 127/19 ideas [1] 150/15 in [839] 127/20 127/20 128/6 131/11 136/9 138/8 Identification [1] 24/18 in-depth [1] 2/6 138/13 139/12 142/20 143/11 147/16 identified [10] 10/17 12/23 13/1 19/11 Inc [1] 6/25 149/17 150/7 150/15 150/19 150/23 61/4 61/13 156/16 157/3 160/11 187/25 incentive [4] 29/14 113/18 130/2 211/5 150/23 151/6 152/20 152/21 153/19 identifies [1] 158/23 incentives [14] 26/9 48/2 48/5 48/6 48/6 155/13 158/13 160/4 163/10 163/21 identify [6] 33/12 57/18 60/19 60/24 175/5 58/17 58/18 58/19 59/10 112/8 122/8 163/25 165/9 165/19 166/6 166/7 166/21 195/6 130/20 183/16 188/19 171/25 173/16 175/18 176/2 176/24 178/5 identifying [2] 60/23 212/8 incentivization [1] 29/15 179/21 179/23 180/1 181/17 181/19 187/1 if [201] 3/25 5/18 9/21 11/17 25/7 25/16 incentivize [1] 183/19 192/10 193/11 193/15 196/1 196/17 25/25 26/9 27/23 30/15 30/16 31/12 32/16 incentivized [1] 28/20 197/16 197/18 197/20 198/17 198/23 33/11 34/9 34/9 34/20 35/5 36/17 38/16 incentivizing [3] 51/22 52/3 52/5 200/23 201/1 201/20 201/23 202/4 203/2 39/5 40/9 41/4 42/4 42/18 43/1 45/19 incites [1] 90/14 208/11 208/17 211/8 212/4 213/22 214/2 46/14 49/21 51/13 52/14 54/9 57/19 58/19 include [7] 14/8 23/9 56/7 59/2 72/17 90/2 15 213/20 interrupt [1] 46/25 I initiate [1] 31/10 interstate [1] 50/12 include... [1] 160/6 initiated [1] 31/16 interval [1] 201/10 included [3] 57/4 133/2 214/3 initiating [1] 121/25 intervention [1] 183/12 includes [3] 112/18 170/24 171/1 initiation [1] 31/13 interventions [1] 185/7 including [9] 3/3 6/3 7/17 14/4 45/24 52/18 initiative [5] 14/9 113/14 114/9 114/12 into [81] 4/13 12/5 22/2 25/2 25/25 26/14 91/23 112/19 206/12 114/13 26/19 27/19 28/12 28/15 29/2 29/18 29/23 income [1] 93/12 initiatives [8] 4/5 59/20 91/17 91/23 30/2 30/6 30/14 30/19 33/15 40/7 40/20 inconvenience [1] 212/21 129/25 130/23 141/9 169/23 40/22 44/2 45/18 45/20 46/15 47/8 55/6 Incorporated [1] 14/20 initiators [1] 31/19 56/2 56/12 60/8 61/21 62/9 65/15 65/18 incorporating [2] 98/10 116/6 innovation [1] 91/21 66/1 66/3 71/6 72/7 73/14 75/9 75/18 increase [6] 153/14 153/16 158/3 158/21 innovations [1] 165/17 81/13 83/3 83/22 89/11 89/13 92/4 98/11 202/20 216/25 inputs [1] 161/17 103/11 107/9 114/22 117/9 128/1 128/21 increased [1] 40/1 inquires [1] 81/22 136/16 142/13 142/15 144/22 145/12 increases [2] 95/12 139/25 ins [4] 20/17 21/21 38/16 39/16 146/19 155/8 155/14 161/17 169/14 170/4 increasing [5] 20/21 67/25 103/19 139/23 insensitive [1] 210/8 171/10 171/11 171/12 173/4 174/12 204/24 insert [1] 30/13 189/22 193/10 196/24 196/24 198/25 incredible [1] 35/16 inside [7] 29/5 47/17 111/14 118/4 120/6 201/11 201/19 202/3 202/14 211/13 incremental [6] 118/14 118/15 122/11 132/5 170/22 211/18 143/18 149/4 202/16 insights [1] 76/3 intricacies [1] 5/23 incrementally [1] 147/22 insignificant [1] 99/14 intriguing [1] 56/6 incurred [2] 109/23 163/8 inspection [4] 51/3 51/5 62/20 216/1 intrinsically [1] 126/22 indeed [5] 2/17 8/22 9/25 61/21 80/14 install [3] 101/22 101/25 132/10 introduce [2] 19/2 33/11 Independent [1] 3/17 installation [12] 59/11 60/1 61/9 82/4 introduced [3] 16/17 27/1 35/7 indicated [1] 157/23 82/22 111/15 115/2 132/22 145/11 146/7 introducing [2] 12/5 91/2 indicates [1] 158/8 195/8 204/7 introduction [11] 4/2 5/13 8/2 33/8 37/14 indication [1] 146/2 installations [2] 51/9 51/20 45/7 65/16 91/5 155/12 155/17 172/20 indicators [1] 106/24 installed [2] 103/7 208/1 inventor [1] 24/21 individual [16] 21/25 23/5 28/11 39/21 installers [1] 217/1 inventory [3] 20/6 20/9 183/10 39/22 40/18 42/10 97/15 108/18 108/19 installing [3] 127/24 195/4 213/11 investment [8] 103/23 104/13 109/19 114/19 116/10 123/19 137/10 208/23 installment [1] 142/22 109/24 112/12 112/18 112/20 163/21 211/25 instance [5] 46/17 49/17 51/2 175/22 investments [1] 12/3 individually [2] 123/18 159/14 202/12 invisible [1] 143/25 individuals [4] 98/3 146/8 205/13 216/17 instead [3] 97/12 108/11 173/16 invite [2] 95/9 198/22 industrial [1] 14/17 Institute [2] 19/15 73/9 invited [1] 149/20 industries [3] 43/11 56/12 56/24 instrumental [2] 67/10 154/9 inviting [2] 45/24 96/8 industry [18] 2/11 10/22 35/19 35/20 instruments [1] 24/23 invoice [1] 31/20 43/16 43/19 53/16 60/11 72/2 72/3 100/9 insurance [1] 56/12 involved [4] 76/10 147/25 152/7 169/18 105/4 138/3 177/3 195/5 198/8 198/10 integrate [2] 171/12 202/14 ion [3] 65/12 66/5 66/9 207/2 integrated [2] 7/10 200/6 IP [2] 151/21 179/13 inexpensive [1] 44/8 integrating [2] 24/25 171/10 iPod [1] 27/16 inflationary [1] 183/5 integration [4] 73/17 156/8 173/4 179/2 IPv4 [1] 27/2 influx [1] 141/25 integrations [1] 171/17 IPv6 [3] 27/1 27/2 27/4 inform [1] 63/5 intelligence [1] 172/24 irony [1] 218/9 information [42] 31/8 31/15 48/23 57/7 intelligent [2] 150/25 204/2 is [642] 67/6 67/8 76/11 78/3 81/10 86/12 86/22 intelligently [1] 165/13 Island [7] 78/6 78/9 78/9 78/21 102/22 90/3 90/7 98/17 98/20 98/21 117/19 intend [1] 194/25 174/15 218/2 127/15 127/21 138/7 138/16 138/17 139/5 interact [1] 162/4 Islanders [1] 78/16 139/8 142/5 143/7 143/10 143/10 143/13 interaction [6] 138/9 143/17 160/9 164/3 isn't [6] 51/9 73/7 192/3 199/2 200/13 143/23 144/22 163/2 166/23 178/24 179/8 198/14 198/20 203/15 179/17 179/18 179/25 185/20 185/21 interactions [2] 145/3 198/15 ISO [36] 135/23 141/6 155/18 156/6 203/12 217/25 interconnect [1] 207/9 156/12 156/13 157/15 157/18 159/2 159/6 informed [1] 92/3 interconnection [2] 117/13 158/17 159/9 159/13 160/2 160/3 160/10 160/23 infrastructure [73] 13/2 13/7 18/8 26/7 interest [10] 45/16 45/23 48/20 48/24 49/3 160/24 160/25 161/4 161/5 161/22 162/11 44/20 52/6 52/9 53/24 55/10 55/21 61/15 50/11 66/13 68/22 187/10 205/12 162/15 163/5 163/11 171/24 179/18 188/6 68/18 69/14 71/12 73/15 99/11 99/16 interested [7] 50/12 78/16 96/10 110/18 189/1 189/3 190/17 192/2 192/3 211/23 100/8 100/10 100/11 100/22 101/1 101/7 125/24 166/4 167/10 212/13 212/15 101/12 101/14 101/25 103/18 103/23 interesting [11] 38/11 64/3 74/11 89/3 ISO/RTO [1] 156/13 104/13 104/24 104/25 105/17 107/11 100/2 107/1 130/12 166/22 171/23 172/6 isolate [1] 198/19 108/7 108/10 108/18 109/2 109/18 111/2 174/8 isolated [1] 109/1 112/9 113/23 113/24 114/2 116/24 118/17 interests [1] 205/15 isolating [1] 199/23 120/3 122/13 128/14 129/1 129/4 129/6 interface [7] 16/21 27/9 98/15 124/7 ISOs [2] 160/14 161/7 130/22 132/25 139/17 146/20 147/9 158/24 160/22 192/11 issue [35] 8/19 10/5 12/14 61/6 68/18 148/14 150/22 151/7 151/8 151/23 166/1 interfacing [3] 150/25 162/9 167/4 69/8 70/17 76/17 79/3 79/22 80/4 80/8 166/11 180/10 180/21 185/9 197/15 interim [1] 106/5 80/13 86/10 95/21 96/4 100/2 100/6 103/2 197/17 199/13 205/21 206/11 208/13 interior [2] 47/13 132/13 119/15 134/2 134/3 134/5 134/5 134/7 213/11 intermittent [2] 18/24 23/11 134/10 136/1 146/5 146/9 150/20 168/15 infrastructure's [1] 128/5 internal [7] 56/14 100/25 124/2 138/10 169/11 174/11 174/23 214/17 infrequent [1] 94/1 146/19 146/21 210/1 issues [25] 2/7 7/21 15/10 23/6 23/14 ingredient [1] 76/1 international [4] 6/24 32/1 35/20 42/8 23/17 46/19 100/8 119/10 134/20 134/21 initial [7] 47/25 116/2 135/18 177/24 internet [5] 27/2 70/12 200/8 218/8 218/9 137/12 137/13 138/6 149/16 150/21 155/3 195/20 207/16 208/16 interoperability [1] 179/8 167/3 168/13 170/5 172/22 173/10 178/15 initially [5] 48/15 113/22 145/16 207/19 interrelationship [1] 13/5 193/16 215/25 16 journey [1] 82/12 112/24 113/2 115/22 117/5 120/6 120/10 I JR [1] 1/11 123/4 123/6 123/16 123/23 125/13 125/16 it [377] judge [1] 37/3 127/5 127/13 128/25 129/13 129/17 it's [216] 9/19 11/13 25/15 26/20 27/23 judgment [1] 206/10 131/25 132/9 132/15 132/22 134/1 134/3 28/9 32/10 35/19 37/8 37/19 39/5 39/6 juice [3] 105/14 105/19 108/14 136/6 137/21 140/15 146/17 152/5 153/8 42/9 42/17 44/17 49/23 50/13 50/20 53/17 jump [5] 105/5 105/9 122/15 160/8 163/16 156/18 158/9 158/11 159/22 159/25 53/17 53/18 53/25 53/25 54/11 54/11 Jumping [1] 20/11 160/12 162/10 165/13 169/20 169/20 54/12 54/13 54/13 54/17 55/13 55/14 jumps [1] 34/7 173/21 175/15 175/20 177/18 182/18 55/18 55/18 55/19 56/16 56/16 57/10 61/2 jurisdiction [1] 129/14 183/22 185/2 185/3 187/17 187/20 187/21 61/11 62/3 62/4 63/19 64/3 65/2 65/2 65/2 just [138] 4/19 4/19 6/7 6/20 9/5 27/21 187/22 188/5 188/7 188/12 189/4 190/22 68/15 68/19 68/19 68/20 69/14 74/6 74/12 28/12 31/10 31/20 32/4 37/20 44/23 45/25 191/12 192/13 192/18 192/20 192/22 75/12 75/13 75/14 76/18 76/25 78/11 48/12 52/1 53/11 54/19 57/14 60/25 61/16 197/4 201/5 201/12 201/23 202/2 202/21 79/21 80/5 81/13 82/12 83/12 84/1 85/10 63/20 66/11 69/10 73/3 73/11 73/16 74/16 205/3 205/17 206/2 206/4 206/7 208/19 85/24 86/1 89/3 89/12 95/15 95/18 95/20 75/12 75/14 78/12 78/19 80/6 80/10 80/10 211/15 212/1 213/13 214/7 214/17 214/23 95/20 95/21 95/23 96/1 96/2 97/6 97/9 81/6 81/19 81/21 82/5 83/24 84/4 85/6 215/2 215/10 215/14 216/2 217/16 218/1 97/12 97/13 97/16 100/23 101/17 101/18 85/21 86/3 88/18 90/8 90/11 91/4 91/12 219/1 219/11 219/12 103/24 104/6 105/16 106/25 107/13 92/3 92/6 93/5 96/15 100/18 102/14 knowing [2] 94/20 127/15 107/14 107/18 108/25 111/4 111/5 111/11 103/10 106/10 106/13 106/15 107/22 knowledge [2] 70/21 90/15 113/7 113/18 114/8 114/18 115/1 115/25 107/25 110/7 113/12 115/1 115/11 115/14 knows [4] 87/25 111/17 176/14 176/14 116/2 117/6 118/8 120/4 122/2 123/5 116/2 116/12 120/18 124/21 124/24 Kristin [5] 53/1 71/3 106/12 106/14 142/14 125/11 126/14 127/13 128/6 128/16 125/23 129/25 141/21 148/17 150/8 151/2 Kristin's [3] 64/22 80/22 84/20 128/18 130/9 130/17 131/14 133/13 152/18 153/7 153/10 154/13 155/11 KVA [3] 97/12 97/12 102/23 133/24 134/1 134/2 137/7 137/21 139/21 161/23 161/25 164/4 164/23 165/1 167/19 kw [2] 34/21 42/21 140/4 140/10 140/23 141/4 144/24 146/11 167/25 168/1 168/24 168/24 170/21 147/3 148/7 148/10 148/23 149/1 149/12 171/21 173/3 173/7 175/9 176/23 179/11 L 152/6 152/9 152/24 154/2 155/7 157/20 179/20 180/3 180/7 185/6 185/23 185/25 LA [1] 47/16 157/20 157/25 158/18 160/3 161/15 187/13 188/19 188/23 189/16 190/1 190/8 label [1] 86/6 163/21 165/7 165/7 165/8 165/9 167/16 195/9 195/19 197/8 197/13 197/17 200/7 labeled [1] 31/1 168/20 169/14 170/19 170/20 171/11 200/23 201/1 201/9 201/22 202/19 203/4 Laboratory [1] 24/10 171/17 171/19 172/7 172/9 173/17 174/7 203/4 204/4 204/22 207/1 207/6 207/24 labs [2] 5/18 182/17 174/11 174/24 175/9 176/2 176/21 176/23 208/11 211/3 212/1 212/5 213/8 217/9 ladies [1] 142/10 177/20 179/11 179/12 180/13 182/13 217/19 218/17 219/7 220/18 laid [1] 35/15 182/13 184/18 187/1 188/25 189/16 justification [1] 218/2 laissez [1] 218/10 190/25 191/19 191/22 191/22 192/14 laissez-faire [1] 218/10 192/16 192/16 192/17 193/6 193/10 K Lakes [1] 7/20 194/10 194/15 196/13 197/6 198/2 198/10 kb [2] 39/3 39/3 Lance [1] 70/15 202/15 202/16 204/4 204/5 204/7 205/7 keep [9] 45/22 92/6 119/13 141/21 151/25 land [1] 169/14 206/1 206/3 206/5 206/15 208/5 212/5 182/14 189/24 191/2 214/20 lane [5] 48/7 77/13 78/11 142/16 218/3 214/12 215/14 216/9 216/19 217/21 219/1 keeping [2] 182/6 195/24 lanes [2] 77/7 130/13 219/1 keeps [2] 8/11 60/10 language [3] 61/4 61/11 105/10 its [8] 16/14 17/22 28/10 31/16 39/12 Ketschke [2] 91/7 216/14 large [19] 4/1 15/19 17/10 22/2 23/12 103/6 155/19 177/8 key [16] 51/15 59/1 59/16 60/13 62/7 68/5 62/21 93/21 103/12 117/4 128/16 146/5 itself [11] 10/1 47/17 54/15 58/6 80/8 69/21 72/13 74/15 87/4 106/3 106/6 146/18 147/7 147/17 151/7 181/3 186/23 163/24 175/1 175/5 195/23 218/22 219/13 106/24 129/22 160/25 161/14 186/23 188/13 kick [2] 6/7 7/24 largely [1] 68/17 J kicking [1] 92/6 larger [13] 11/1 16/4 68/12 103/1 103/7 J-172836 [2] 26/23 27/7 kid [1] 104/5 103/22 124/12 124/14 124/16 181/17 J-1772 [7] 16/20 26/19 30/11 41/20 41/21 kilowatt [14] 16/25 22/1 66/20 85/9 85/11 205/6 205/14 206/13 62/3 184/23 108/4 109/12 110/3 152/19 152/24 168/3 largest [3] 68/18 119/16 165/7 J-2847 [1] 31/6 172/13 190/7 201/22 LAROCCA [10] 1/12 8/6 10/16 103/15 JAMES [1] 1/12 kilowatts [7] 17/3 17/9 97/17 97/20 170/7 105/3 109/7 146/24 154/22 184/2 217/10 Jane [4] 55/18 213/6 214/9 215/1 170/8 172/17 Larocca's [2] 114/16 149/19 January [4] 6/22 91/18 130/2 164/20 kind [38] 3/13 8/24 9/24 26/12 27/24 laser [1] 31/2 January 2011 [1] 130/2 30/25 32/8 34/7 34/10 34/18 50/10 56/12 last [17] 40/25 62/24 63/9 63/18 70/9 Japan [3] 42/9 47/11 48/17 58/6 59/21 62/18 69/7 78/3 88/16 89/3 73/24 75/12 91/14 125/14 160/8 166/25 jargon [1] 61/6 104/20 107/12 121/25 127/3 128/22 168/1 173/14 174/4 174/5 180/19 193/12 Jay [1] 66/16 141/13 146/20 147/9 148/1 148/3 150/7 lastly [1] 170/3 Jeff [2] 152/17 220/13 166/5 168/25 170/8 176/23 191/16 197/4 late [2] 48/14 136/21 Jersey [8] 2/15 150/3 164/10 164/11 215/11 218/10 lately [1] 74/9 164/16 164/21 166/16 169/17 kinds [3] 42/24 173/24 197/10 later [12] 22/3 31/4 36/17 38/18 41/17 Jim [4] 8/6 153/2 192/25 204/23 King [1] 213/6 46/11 58/23 66/1 69/7 85/21 189/21 Jim Larocca [1] 8/6 kingdom [1] 205/5 207/20 Jim's [2] 110/9 152/12 kit [1] 211/14 launch [5] 45/15 46/15 59/12 59/13 59/16 job [5] 8/3 10/10 182/9 220/16 220/18 knew [4] 40/15 40/17 47/21 72/6 launching [1] 87/9 jobs [1] 53/19 know [148] 4/24 5/23 8/11 9/7 12/19 27/24 Laundry [1] 104/6 Joe [3] 90/10 220/14 220/18 30/22 31/23 34/9 35/5 36/18 39/7 39/11 law [2] 120/22 170/16 John [1] 220/13 39/12 39/12 40/3 40/9 41/23 42/1 42/18 laws [1] 59/15 joined [1] 53/2 42/19 46/1 46/1 46/3 46/6 49/23 50/9 lay [1] 51/19 joining [2] 14/18 155/10 51/22 56/10 57/4 59/2 59/7 61/2 62/21 layman [1] 53/6 joint [1] 120/7 63/1 68/24 69/12 77/18 77/24 78/2 80/16 lead [6] 24/11 44/5 169/3 169/4 184/21 joking [1] 125/14 80/21 83/1 83/18 84/21 84/23 85/18 86/14 220/15 Jose [1] 37/8 88/1 89/16 89/21 94/24 98/22 99/5 99/17 leadership [3] 47/7 50/17 154/24 Journal [5] 44/3 44/7 44/10 44/24 45/4 101/16 105/17 111/13 112/10 112/18 leading [2] 91/24 191/23 17 lights [4] 145/22 145/24 145/25 145/25 129/21 129/25 130/10 130/14 130/24 L like [88] 2/2 4/15 5/12 6/20 11/19 15/8 131/3 131/4 131/11 leads [1] 123/11 15/25 16/13 27/21 30/11 30/25 32/4 35/17 London's [1] 131/2 Leaf [22] 32/5 37/14 37/18 44/25 47/9 41/10 43/5 45/19 48/7 52/14 52/17 54/20 long [15] 34/3 51/3 51/4 65/18 70/5 78/6 47/10 47/19 47/24 48/10 48/11 48/20 59/18 62/2 63/18 64/6 66/16 69/1 72/5 78/9 78/9 78/16 78/21 169/1 174/15 48/22 49/6 70/15 77/15 82/12 84/17 84/23 72/12 80/7 81/3 83/18 84/14 85/12 85/14 185/16 214/1 218/1 152/21 152/23 172/2 172/11 89/8 90/21 91/14 92/25 95/24 95/24 96/2 Long Islanders [1] 78/16 Leaf's [4] 48/15 82/9 166/17 172/14 97/17 98/5 98/25 102/20 110/23 111/6 long-term [2] 65/18 214/1 leafy [1] 193/15 113/17 119/4 120/18 121/11 122/16 longterm [1] 74/12 learn [7] 5/24 6/18 88/9 88/11 89/18 124/13 125/15 128/24 132/9 135/10 145/8 look [41] 4/8 5/11 25/16 31/5 32/16 41/9 118/23 176/7 145/13 154/20 160/8 161/23 163/25 49/19 51/2 51/16 51/21 52/5 52/17 54/2 learned [8] 10/8 62/8 87/13 90/15 110/14 164/24 165/5 169/9 172/4 172/5 173/7 56/17 60/3 64/15 65/1 66/16 71/16 71/17 166/2 194/19 220/4 179/11 184/3 196/21 196/25 197/13 199/5 72/10 79/1 93/4 94/14 98/25 118/6 125/15 learning [7] 60/3 69/11 72/20 72/25 76/9 199/13 202/11 203/5 206/1 206/20 207/1 133/13 134/13 144/5 172/2 172/4 172/12 89/16 91/9 212/5 212/6 217/4 219/8 219/21 220/11 196/13 198/9 201/24 202/24 203/5 212/1 learnings [1] 65/7 220/19 214/14 220/5 lease [1] 57/2 likely [7] 21/7 40/1 40/4 143/22 178/11 looked [15] 20/4 21/9 21/12 21/19 34/16 least [16] 43/25 59/8 82/10 88/7 92/24 217/12 218/22 35/10 39/8 42/22 64/8 72/12 92/16 119/18 101/15 107/13 123/8 131/9 133/4 166/10 likes [1] 155/25 124/13 195/16 214/12 169/11 181/2 189/19 205/10 208/2 limit [7] 32/16 103/6 115/19 118/8 155/7 looking [36] 6/12 9/12 9/19 11/7 11/13 leave [6] 5/19 8/1 8/2 8/12 33/19 62/12 161/1 192/10 12/22 20/7 20/18 20/21 34/25 35/2 44/19 leaves [1] 34/8 limitation [2] 119/23 175/4 51/8 93/18 94/5 98/20 105/21 114/10 leaving [2] 45/23 182/3 limited [4] 15/16 15/23 28/1 139/9 119/9 128/23 144/17 144/22 148/13 led [2] 24/12 24/15 limiting [2] 28/2 192/3 148/13 150/12 152/25 153/22 158/21 LED-based [1] 24/12 line [5] 33/4 63/4 76/21 206/9 215/14 167/14 171/23 181/12 195/3 198/16 201/7 left [12] 25/16 26/19 30/13 32/17 62/14 linear [1] 158/2 204/6 220/6 91/19 129/19 133/21 196/14 196/19 lines [5] 31/24 31/25 52/8 129/3 207/10 looks [6] 28/10 30/25 62/2 161/11 176/22 212/23 219/7 link [1] 45/12 219/8 legal [1] 23/16 LIPA [2] 119/21 119/22 lost [1] 36/20 legalize [1] 111/19 Lisbon [1] 180/14 lot [67] 2/23 3/1 3/2 3/25 8/1 33/25 41/1 legislative [1] 7/21 list [2] 37/15 45/2 41/8 43/20 43/25 49/24 50/11 53/16 56/16 lemonade [1] 191/16 literally [2] 165/9 176/15 58/15 59/7 61/18 65/7 65/9 66/13 68/21 lemons [1] 191/17 lithium [3] 65/12 66/5 66/9 68/23 69/25 72/12 72/25 72/25 80/5 80/9 lends [1] 80/8 little [45] 4/22 5/6 17/16 26/5 30/15 30/15 80/13 80/21 82/11 87/3 88/9 88/11 89/6 length [2] 34/23 52/10 30/21 31/4 33/17 34/14 35/12 35/16 35/21 93/5 93/20 94/21 99/15 108/3 113/13 lengthy [1] 155/13 35/22 36/25 41/12 50/7 55/6 60/6 61/6 122/2 124/9 129/1 129/5 136/18 138/14 Leno [1] 66/16 64/13 73/22 80/19 84/21 90/11 91/6 92/1 138/16 144/24 145/4 146/10 151/9 170/10 less [6] 40/3 74/9 103/2 111/18 112/21 92/14 92/20 97/5 107/4 114/24 129/20 178/2 185/14 186/20 188/8 189/7 192/18 210/13 150/6 170/4 170/13 170/22 190/10 191/5 193/7 193/23 193/24 205/11 205/22 lessons [2] 110/13 166/2 193/12 196/14 206/18 216/9 216/20 219/6 207/21 208/12 220/4 lessor [1] 28/21 live [6] 49/18 70/12 87/23 115/16 137/5 lots [8] 78/10 78/10 132/11 178/5 178/7 let [20] 7/24 8/12 30/19 43/6 45/25 63/1 142/15 178/15 178/21 179/4 95/11 99/17 107/25 110/21 115/14 125/19 lived [3] 101/2 102/17 110/13 love [4] 75/17 86/12 86/21 220/16 156/5 156/18 162/24 164/3 176/16 176/17 lives [1] 87/20 low [6] 16/7 22/14 110/24 128/17 184/16 176/22 219/18 living [2] 147/15 184/22 209/8 let's [15] 30/22 32/14 37/25 60/19 105/21 load [54] 17/13 18/2 18/15 18/18 20/14 lower [10] 17/19 23/4 25/23 56/14 188/7 105/23 130/18 134/12 142/9 154/16 181/9 20/17 20/19 21/25 22/24 22/24 26/10 200/9 211/12 217/6 217/18 217/21 191/10 191/11 203/14 204/22 28/23 29/1 29/16 39/12 40/1 57/12 96/1 lowering [1] 217/22 letting [1] 219/17 97/14 98/6 99/14 103/6 103/8 109/23 lowest [2] 22/10 169/12 level [77] 15/12 16/24 17/2 17/7 20/12 111/4 117/25 118/7 118/8 118/13 118/15 Luke [2] 170/13 219/19 21/10 22/6 22/9 34/19 34/22 35/3 35/5 118/20 135/8 137/2 137/7 137/11 140/12 lunch [1] 92/2 35/9 35/13 37/12 42/12 42/16 42/19 50/3 143/19 146/11 147/4 147/5 147/21 147/25 51/21 59/25 61/24 61/24 66/22 66/23 149/14 149/24 154/8 159/2 159/15 160/24 M 72/19 74/17 74/21 74/22 75/1 75/2 81/19 162/6 178/22 178/23 189/4 189/6 191/20 ma'am [1] 213/2 82/3 86/11 93/14 93/23 94/14 99/12 loaded [2] 21/6 57/11 Mackenzie [3] 134/12 194/1 194/11 103/19 127/4 134/2 134/20 135/24 137/22 loading [1] 97/21 macro [1] 171/23 137/22 138/18 142/20 142/21 146/21 loads [4] 4/15 136/22 140/11 141/10 made [17] 8/13 12/3 42/1 42/2 44/18 147/9 156/8 158/6 160/11 160/13 163/23 local [22] 38/5 51/1 51/13 57/9 57/18 53/12 87/19 123/2 129/2 137/17 143/14 164/3 167/6 169/6 169/8 169/13 169/23 58/17 72/19 76/12 81/21 82/19 83/17 143/16 164/21 197/16 203/16 211/7 220/5 170/1 170/2 171/25 172/3 172/14 178/25 86/11 135/20 137/13 137/14 142/13 159/6 Madonna [1] 91/15 184/4 187/15 187/17 188/2 188/16 189/7 169/14 169/21 172/22 182/7 211/10 Madrid [1] 122/22 196/20 197/2 216/6 219/25 locale [1] 37/4 main [3] 98/14 151/11 164/25 level two [1] 169/8 localized [8] 38/17 38/20 38/22 39/6 40/24 mainstream [1] 59/7 levels [13] 20/21 22/14 61/24 64/21 67/25 93/23 93/25 147/12 maintain [2] 110/25 132/5 135/16 135/19 157/6 157/6 157/21 159/22 locally [3] 142/18 182/9 182/10 maintaining [1] 111/20 159/24 192/13 located [3] 33/14 61/8 196/17 maintenance [10] 56/11 111/2 111/16 leverage [1] 53/12 location [2] 61/7 129/2 112/20 132/23 139/18 145/11 214/1 liable [1] 82/6 locations [3] 87/2 195/7 195/23 214/11 215/6 liaisons [1] 145/5 logic [2] 195/13 196/2 major [8] 14/6 19/11 44/18 81/7 104/12 licensed [4] 14/25 99/8 118/18 118/19 logical [2] 35/17 195/17 134/21 172/8 180/4 life [5] 40/2 130/19 189/4 190/2 212/19 London [25] 96/6 96/16 96/17 96/18 97/4 majority [2] 21/1 195/21 light [2] 19/8 154/24 97/15 97/24 98/3 103/1 114/1 114/9 make [53] 8/15 35/20 42/20 43/22 46/15 light-duty [1] 19/8 114/13 121/9 121/16 121/17 121/21 125/2 47/6 47/19 50/23 52/15 53/11 54/6 71/11 18 matter [7] 39/15 62/4 156/7 162/14 168/15 120/20 150/23 150/23 150/24 151/8 M 210/15 220/21 184/16 184/20 185/3 185/3 186/13 186/23 make... [41] 76/14 81/8 87/21 94/24 99/4 matters [2] 155/8 162/14 186/24 187/7 199/2 199/4 199/16 199/17 99/7 99/10 99/16 99/21 109/19 110/17 MAUREEN [4] 1/11 90/23 96/7 216/8 199/19 199/20 200/15 200/18 200/19 112/4 117/25 118/6 118/16 132/21 142/5 maximize [1] 179/6 200/21 200/25 201/4 201/6 201/25 202/6 143/23 144/2 144/10 145/6 151/6 155/1 maximum [3] 19/19 20/2 34/21 202/7 202/9 202/12 202/14 202/16 203/7 155/12 164/11 166/15 167/21 183/22 may [47] 4/3 4/5 4/6 11/12 11/21 12/11 203/9 203/15 203/17 204/3 204/16 204/17 185/8 186/19 187/11 191/10 191/16 192/2 13/12 13/18 18/21 27/8 27/14 33/22 57/21 204/18 206/9 198/5 206/7 207/19 210/25 211/4 212/11 66/25 69/1 70/8 74/19 76/18 84/6 84/10 metered [2] 100/5 184/10 220/1 86/24 87/1 87/8 113/23 115/8 119/18 metering [13] 4/4 29/23 30/5 33/1 170/24 makes [3] 148/9 188/8 216/4 122/9 126/7 127/19 129/5 129/5 136/17 175/23 186/2 186/2 187/7 201/10 202/24 making [15] 69/22 70/19 73/6 98/15 137/9 141/7 147/15 161/4 167/13 170/14 205/20 211/11 116/25 128/4 142/4 178/7 180/17 205/3 177/4 177/12 185/13 198/1 203/23 206/16 meters [12] 78/21 78/21 89/23 119/11 206/10 209/4 209/13 209/15 210/6 206/21 213/1 214/25 150/25 170/25 192/22 199/7 199/9 203/25 Malibu [1] 55/15 maybe [38] 4/22 35/6 36/17 39/3 39/21 204/11 204/12 malls [1] 50/5 42/22 43/22 46/7 49/16 56/13 70/6 78/1 methodology [1] 150/13 manage [6] 157/5 163/2 178/6 179/22 88/14 89/15 100/15 108/5 120/7 123/2 methods [2] 24/14 178/3 180/2 180/16 123/5 131/14 134/18 147/13 152/9 152/10 metrology [1] 202/15 manageable [1] 171/20 160/20 184/3 184/4 199/1 202/1 204/6 metropolitan [1] 158/1 managed [9] 80/5 89/14 158/14 159/16 205/5 205/5 205/20 206/1 206/15 206/15 Michelle [5] 170/11 177/1 185/24 200/5 186/19 187/16 191/20 192/14 192/17 216/19 218/16 219/18 management [5] 18/3 144/16 179/14 mayor [2] 114/13 130/24 Michigan [4] 53/8 59/21 60/13 75/23 179/15 180/5 mayor's [1] 124/5 middle [8] 31/7 31/12 45/11 58/7 125/18 manager [9] 13/23 14/17 14/19 14/20 MBA [2] 164/9 170/15 210/12 216/23 217/1 45/10 63/12 91/18 111/4 113/1 me [41] 8/10 8/12 11/6 34/2 35/21 41/19 midnight [2] 26/11 187/4 manages [1] 155/21 43/18 44/23 45/25 56/25 73/22 90/10 midterm [1] 65/15 managing [3] 140/11 178/12 188/11 95/11 100/1 107/25 109/6 109/10 110/21 might [58] 12/9 12/18 22/15 27/3 29/9 mandate [1] 106/19 115/14 123/12 131/15 142/17 142/20 34/13 39/22 42/24 52/5 55/8 56/24 60/6 mandatory [1] 120/23 144/10 149/20 149/21 150/2 156/5 156/18 60/8 61/6 63/5 80/3 80/9 83/17 84/10 85/1 Manhattan [3] 93/1 93/1 102/24 162/13 162/24 164/3 176/18 186/13 87/24 102/9 105/1 105/6 105/9 105/10 manifest [2] 218/22 219/13 201/17 202/4 203/25 216/13 217/7 219/18 107/5 120/14 120/16 120/17 125/10 manner [3] 89/15 135/14 159/15 221/6 135/23 142/25 145/13 145/15 149/15 Mansfield [2] 45/7 45/9 mean [19] 20/11 51/7 56/25 92/17 126/6 150/3 150/4 159/23 160/2 160/3 160/6 manual [3] 88/15 88/25 90/8 126/14 143/1 158/5 175/3 183/15 192/8 170/7 178/19 181/5 181/11 183/15 183/21 manufacture [1] 3/14 194/18 201/5 204/8 207/16 207/23 207/24 185/1 185/6 185/8 185/20 194/7 199/10 manufacturers [6] 36/24 47/5 78/25 94/22 208/4 216/17 215/3 215/5 215/5 215/6 195/2 212/20 meaning [1] 115/13 mighty [1] 10/6 manufactures [3] 3/2 35/24 72/18 means [5] 56/3 120/21 138/8 155/25 Mike [1] 220/12 manufacturing [1] 20/3 200/8 mile [9] 16/18 17/1 17/6 47/15 56/19 many [29] 3/5 5/22 8/19 9/3 11/14 19/4 meantime [1] 196/7 66/21 83/20 205/17 205/18 27/9 38/15 39/15 40/15 55/16 60/22 68/6 measurable [3] 181/2 181/10 205/8 mileage [2] 54/17 110/24 68/6 137/1 138/22 151/12 155/16 156/15 measure [1] 185/16 miles [2] 16/16 54/16 156/19 162/5 182/4 187/20 192/11 192/11 measuring [2] 185/9 185/22 million [14] 13/25 14/8 14/13 70/16 78/20 193/21 202/18 211/2 211/12 mechanical [4] 14/20 16/21 53/5 164/8 95/15 95/19 113/18 148/3 151/19 151/20 map [2] 125/4 131/17 mechanics [2] 53/6 53/7 156/22 157/11 166/1 Maple [1] 117/15 mechanism [3] 208/22 208/22 209/13 millions [1] 70/14 mapped [2] 29/20 72/5 mechanisms [3] 84/18 150/1 181/11 mind [6] 149/22 177/16 184/9 204/21 margin [1] 219/6 medallions [2] 123/18 123/20 204/24 207/17 marginal [3] 109/23 110/5 202/20 media [1] 177/19 mine [1] 173/22 Mark [3] 107/24 152/13 153/5 meet [9] 8/13 19/9 36/25 70/8 77/9 77/19 Mini [4] 32/9 41/5 164/15 169/4 market [29] 3/5 18/11 21/18 46/5 47/9 78/18 188/6 188/16 minimize [1] 148/20 47/21 50/17 50/19 55/19 58/1 68/7 93/8 meeting [5] 9/14 61/13 77/11 106/6 minority [1] 22/15 111/7 111/19 128/7 133/16 134/17 163/17 220/20 minus [1] 182/24 173/10 177/17 189/23 190/12 190/25 mega [1] 172/10 minute [6] 87/17 124/21 180/20 188/9 193/25 194/2 194/15 211/18 212/6 212/7 megawatt [4] 147/24 158/13 207/4 207/5 188/9 204/23 marketplace [9] 75/10 100/13 101/21 megawatts [1] 158/10 minute-to-minute [1] 188/9 101/22 102/3 126/4 126/11 148/11 212/12 member [2] 8/5 14/12 minutes [5] 99/25 124/25 154/13 154/17 markets [10] 48/13 59/13 59/16 155/22 members [2] 12/19 13/14 219/21 156/14 158/25 162/5 188/3 188/5 192/12 mention [4] 53/21 101/13 106/14 106/15 misconception [1] 202/11 Mars [1] 24/24 mentioned [26] 13/4 27/12 28/16 48/16 misinformed [1] 170/12 Mart [1] 112/11 57/24 58/5 60/13 61/23 66/6 69/23 96/16 mislabeled [1] 157/20 Marty [1] 220/12 98/2 101/7 122/7 125/2 129/23 130/23 miss [1] 85/15 mass [4] 45/5 46/5 47/20 50/18 143/19 145/9 146/25 174/8 181/8 199/6 missing [1] 202/2 Massachusetts [1] 164/9 213/16 216/15 217/10 mistake [1] 110/18 master [2] 100/5 120/19 Mercedes [1] 43/2 mitigate [3] 18/23 25/19 79/23 master's [3] 24/5 156/1 177/6 mess [2] 69/8 69/9 mitigated [1] 141/12 master-metered [1] 100/5 message [6] 8/23 12/12 13/9 32/9 134/1 mitigating [1] 136/12 match [3] 70/4 70/6 189/16 176/12 mitigation [1] 198/11 matched [1] 29/20 messages [3] 26/25 31/6 31/22 mix [4] 91/5 113/25 113/25 169/21 material [1] 157/22 messy [2] 177/18 177/20 mobility [3] 46/21 63/12 111/14 Matt [10] 91/7 92/8 97/1 98/9 123/12 met [1] 189/4 mode [7] 16/1 16/6 16/8 16/13 107/10 133/8 137/19 141/22 153/8 216/14 meter [52] 32/20 33/10 60/2 89/8 119/5 160/8 198/11 Matt Ketschke [2] 91/7 216/14 119/15 119/19 119/24 120/4 120/20 model [29] 22/20 25/23 26/6 34/10 34/11 19 103/24 104/1 119/1 124/10 131/15 144/8 194/23 M 156/10 157/10 158/4 163/22 167/22 nearby [1] 142/18 model... [24] 34/13 57/20 58/4 75/17 180/25 196/21 196/24 212/8 neat [1] 179/2 82/10 88/8 102/15 102/16 110/12 110/12 moved [1] 26/10 neatly [1] 207/22 115/3 116/16 123/18 134/22 160/10 movie [2] 50/5 50/10 NEC [1] 61/5 161/10 162/2 162/3 176/24 188/21 190/18 moving [12] 5/12 37/9 56/9 57/1 65/11 necessarily [12] 28/18 86/14 113/24 115/9 193/15 197/7 208/13 65/15 65/17 71/8 101/19 102/4 152/3 117/5 118/18 174/24 183/11 185/16 model's [2] 110/11 196/19 188/13 197/24 204/18 210/3 modeling [2] 22/10 22/13 mph [1] 55/13 necessary [6] 4/5 4/6 22/15 54/5 73/1 74/8 models [12] 21/12 23/16 71/18 113/15 Mr [4] 152/17 154/25 155/24 193/3 need [72] 4/3 4/19 8/12 8/15 13/10 28/4 160/4 160/6 165/15 166/12 176/6 178/1 Mr. [2] 9/7 91/1 28/14 30/23 32/11 35/10 42/8 42/22 56/25 185/19 214/11 Mr. Chairman [1] 91/1 61/22 64/16 68/20 69/17 69/23 70/22 moderate [1] 5/8 Mr. Pratt [1] 9/7 70/25 71/3 71/9 71/13 71/13 73/11 73/16 moderator [1] 118/10 much [58] 10/1 10/7 11/5 12/14 17/18 73/18 73/19 73/20 74/12 74/21 75/13 modes [1] 196/15 20/12 23/21 25/4 28/14 31/9 33/22 35/4 83/18 84/22 84/25 85/4 87/4 99/8 106/22 modest [4] 16/24 17/5 21/24 158/21 45/21 45/24 52/22 53/9 63/9 65/14 68/5 129/2 135/14 136/4 142/23 147/22 157/4 modification [1] 61/12 75/21 82/21 83/1 84/13 85/13 85/21 90/14 160/3 160/6 165/13 165/22 167/3 167/17 modified [2] 61/5 159/17 93/12 93/23 98/21 103/1 108/22 128/7 171/13 173/15 176/19 176/23 183/15 Mohasco [1] 14/22 137/14 142/20 144/22 149/12 152/20 185/15 185/21 186/4 191/7 192/1 198/18 Mohawk [3] 125/8 141/1 141/3 152/22 153/20 154/14 158/1 158/13 199/2 201/3 204/3 206/3 206/8 206/9 moment [3] 142/10 151/3 202/5 158/18 171/18 171/25 187/21 193/14 206/17 206/21 214/23 219/14 moments [1] 141/16 198/19 200/23 201/2 202/4 203/2 208/19 needed [3] 20/13 173/24 198/1 monetary [2] 58/18 211/18 211/24 216/8 219/25 220/19 220/20 needs [21] 27/22 27/24 28/5 29/23 49/15 monetize [3] 181/12 181/19 184/11 muddy [1] 64/7 51/2 51/10 55/10 70/3 70/8 70/21 72/17 monetized [1] 200/3 multi [7] 7/8 13/25 49/17 69/15 100/3 76/8 88/11 128/6 128/12 155/17 176/12 monetizing [1] 187/14 101/2 196/22 178/14 184/10 208/20 money [13] 11/16 14/13 43/22 84/10 multi-agency [1] 7/8 negative [2] 76/24 198/12 108/10 108/11 108/12 147/17 152/7 178/8 multi-facetted [1] 13/25 negotiating [1] 122/22 190/16 193/24 195/7 multi-family [3] 69/15 100/3 196/22 negotiations [1] 180/11 moniker [1] 91/15 multi-unit [2] 49/17 101/2 neighborhood [1] 103/4 monitor [1] 214/14 multiple [1] 123/20 neighborhoods [2] 38/12 136/22 monitoring [2] 171/2 171/3 municipal [2] 85/8 131/5 neighbors [2] 145/24 145/24 Monte [1] 39/18 municipalities [7] 119/17 122/19 122/20 net [2] 182/2 205/12 month [6] 43/23 55/19 57/2 85/20 86/1 122/25 132/8 167/10 213/24 network [17] 21/4 22/5 33/9 56/11 82/19 87/9 municipality [3] 119/10 119/16 123/3 94/18 96/11 97/4 97/23 98/3 102/25 137/6 monthly [1] 178/4 Murray [3] 5/16 6/20 15/5 151/1 197/21 211/14 213/17 214/13 months [8] 48/12 51/10 51/10 51/10 59/14 must [2] 109/19 178/17 networks [9] 80/15 97/23 113/23 136/23 66/13 169/6 169/6 my [76] 8/3 13/9 25/6 32/16 33/19 33/25 137/2 137/10 197/22 198/1 214/18 more [101] 6/18 8/21 13/19 21/15 26/8 34/4 36/20 37/3 37/21 40/25 42/9 45/10 nevertheless [1] 170/19 26/14 26/25 29/22 31/4 31/9 35/5 38/25 45/22 49/10 52/20 52/21 53/10 62/24 69/9 new [149] 1/1 1/7 2/3 2/12 2/14 2/15 3/9 40/10 40/19 43/7 44/17 45/13 45/17 48/6 74/6 76/7 81/18 88/18 91/5 91/7 91/12 3/11 3/17 3/17 3/19 7/5 7/16 7/21 8/14 50/4 55/6 58/23 62/1 64/19 65/18 69/8 91/19 92/3 92/5 95/3 109/8 115/20 115/21 9/18 9/23 10/10 11/1 11/8 11/20 12/5 12/9 71/11 71/12 72/12 73/5 75/13 84/10 88/11 116/14 129/19 131/16 137/20 137/22 13/7 13/12 13/13 14/9 14/10 14/11 14/24 88/21 89/14 92/25 93/3 93/10 93/11 93/12 137/22 138/19 139/4 140/2 141/17 142/19 15/1 16/19 17/7 19/2 21/5 26/7 41/12 93/23 98/17 99/25 101/22 102/10 103/20 145/22 149/18 149/21 149/24 149/25 43/24 44/3 44/21 45/15 45/16 48/13 48/15 103/21 107/18 108/3 108/16 111/18 154/13 164/23 176/16 176/17 176/18 48/20 51/16 51/18 56/22 56/23 57/13 64/1 112/21 115/14 122/5 122/10 123/9 130/5 177/18 188/23 192/1 198/25 200/22 66/12 67/1 69/10 71/17 71/19 75/21 77/6 133/14 137/14 139/2 142/14 144/15 145/1 201/19 202/2 202/4 205/15 207/17 210/14 78/7 78/8 80/16 81/13 84/7 85/4 85/7 151/15 154/1 154/7 157/4 160/5 165/24 210/22 211/22 213/5 213/9 213/22 215/21 85/10 85/14 90/5 91/16 92/9 92/14 92/20 167/23 170/4 180/9 182/7 182/8 182/9 216/13 216/18 217/9 221/7 95/8 98/9 100/4 102/24 102/25 103/8 182/11 182/14 183/15 183/19 184/6 myself [1] 41/16 107/12 115/19 116/1 117/9 117/16 118/12 185/11 185/15 188/5 188/8 188/15 190/1 myth [1] 40/9 119/11 123/17 127/24 128/2 139/13 141/6 190/19 191/2 191/22 191/22 191/22 141/23 142/16 145/4 145/10 145/12 146/7 191/24 192/22 194/10 198/10 205/1 N 146/11 146/11 147/13 147/23 148/18 205/24 206/3 207/18 209/1 210/13 name [6] 85/25 91/14 91/15 164/7 213/4 149/3 150/3 151/8 155/18 155/20 156/2 morning [8] 2/1 5/20 8/24 53/10 93/24 213/5 156/12 157/15 157/16 157/18 157/19 97/6 98/14 210/23 Nancy [5] 45/7 45/9 45/19 63/11 81/23 157/20 157/25 162/23 164/10 164/10 morning's [1] 98/23 Nancy Homeister [1] 63/11 164/16 164/16 164/21 166/8 166/16 morphed [1] 145/12 Nancy Mansfield [1] 45/9 169/11 169/17 169/17 173/18 176/6 182/1 most [42] 9/20 9/21 16/15 16/16 17/22 Nancy's [3] 45/8 45/9 55/7 182/2 184/19 188/10 192/25 193/13 17/23 18/13 21/7 27/1 28/2 40/1 40/3 44/5 NASA [1] 24/22 193/19 193/20 193/22 194/19 197/11 44/12 49/3 49/6 49/12 49/13 56/6 57/9 nation [6] 2/24 3/13 10/7 10/8 59/18 62/23 197/20 197/22 199/5 204/9 213/6 213/10 67/19 76/2 88/20 89/22 96/10 96/22 nation's [1] 165/7 213/15 215/10 215/24 219/25 221/5 104/20 110/5 128/25 131/23 143/20 national [33] 5/18 7/3 7/16 7/19 10/4 23/3 New York [6] 3/9 3/11 3/17 7/5 8/14 14/24 150/15 164/7 168/14 182/23 193/19 24/9 44/11 53/14 53/18 59/14 59/20 67/3 news [1] 89/25 195/17 216/22 217/11 217/25 218/22 72/21 73/12 75/6 86/10 91/20 91/21 91/24 next [81] 13/22 15/18 19/3 24/4 25/20 219/23 96/8 96/10 97/22 107/3 107/14 113/20 26/14 27/3 27/5 28/23 29/9 30/12 31/6 mostly [1] 92/1 117/10 140/19 170/1 170/2 181/6 182/17 31/24 32/15 32/22 33/10 44/18 47/18 motor [4] 54/23 54/24 63/13 64/19 205/14 48/10 48/14 48/18 52/21 52/25 54/9 55/10 motorcycles [2] 132/16 132/17 natural [6] 181/22 182/14 183/7 183/10 55/19 55/22 56/3 57/14 58/4 58/9 58/20 Motors [4] 3/4 53/2 76/18 106/15 183/20 183/23 60/12 61/1 61/14 62/1 62/6 62/16 62/24 move [27] 2/23 2/24 6/15 15/12 25/25 naturally [2] 184/1 185/6 63/24 64/12 65/22 66/3 66/8 66/9 66/13 63/21 65/11 73/1 74/21 82/25 89/11 89/13 near [6] 10/22 65/14 76/15 77/2 96/4 66/14 66/20 66/23 67/11 70/14 71/14 72/3 20 210/5 210/8 210/18 210/20 215/3 215/14 off-beat [1] 3/20 N 216/19 218/23 220/15 off-car [1] 33/14 next... [28] 72/10 73/2 73/13 83/14 87/9 Notary [1] 221/5 off-peak [8] 4/16 18/16 26/1 62/15 89/17 114/10 133/11 133/11 133/17 133/19 note [1] 151/25 90/3 134/24 209/6 137/24 143/17 157/10 157/17 158/4 noted [2] 38/13 44/10 off-point [1] 216/10 158/22 159/25 160/14 164/25 165/24 nothing [1] 190/19 off-the-record [1] 151/4 166/7 166/16 167/5 172/16 189/8 194/25 notice [7] 25/8 30/14 30/24 31/15 32/17 offense [2] 191/5 192/12 214/5 219/1 33/14 190/10 offer [5] 11/3 47/22 147/2 160/23 161/21 NGOs [1] 60/21 noticed [2] 85/19 92/18 offered [3] 48/2 59/23 107/1 Niagara [2] 141/1 141/3 notification [1] 127/19 offering [3] 89/8 103/21 113/17 Niagra [1] 125/8 notified [3] 127/20 147/3 147/10 offers [2] 47/11 191/8 nice [1] 220/18 notifies [1] 147/4 office [7] 8/7 10/15 10/17 124/5 139/6 night [8] 18/17 57/12 69/5 84/9 136/23 notify [2] 118/11 118/16 185/15 185/23 137/8 137/11 210/12 now [82] 2/22 4/24 8/4 12/10 15/3 26/1 officer [1] 155/18 nine [1] 161/25 28/7 28/15 28/18 29/17 29/21 30/1 30/11 official [1] 155/19 Nissan [27] 3/3 32/5 37/14 41/16 44/22 31/5 31/23 33/14 33/22 38/14 39/10 41/2 offset [4] 148/7 148/13 168/9 185/21 44/25 45/11 45/20 47/5 47/6 47/9 47/10 41/8 42/9 43/6 53/17 55/22 57/12 57/17 offsetting [1] 183/7 47/19 48/10 48/11 48/22 50/15 62/4 66/22 61/20 63/16 63/22 67/9 71/23 75/3 79/21 oil [4] 10/25 56/20 56/22 191/21 80/19 82/9 152/20 152/22 166/17 172/2 88/16 91/14 95/19 102/15 103/6 104/2 okay [26] 24/3 36/20 36/22 46/24 55/19 172/10 172/14 110/4 116/12 116/16 116/18 117/8 125/5 63/21 90/17 95/1 98/8 98/12 102/4 106/9 Nissan Leaf [2] 32/5 48/11 126/25 127/18 129/18 130/1 132/1 132/2 118/21 124/18 131/10 141/21 142/9 Nissan's [1] 45/6 133/1 133/17 138/7 138/20 141/24 147/1 144/12 144/13 151/2 154/11 154/13 nitty [1] 88/1 149/10 149/23 152/3 153/24 158/13 154/20 156/4 189/3 219/14 nitty-gritty [1] 88/1 163/11 165/11 178/7 178/21 179/3 179/13 old [2] 57/12 151/11 nix [1] 92/3 188/16 189/12 198/7 198/10 205/17 older [2] 39/5 99/15 no [37] 15/25 20/24 21/15 23/24 23/24 207/22 208/12 209/8 212/3 216/10 217/16 on [297] 39/13 39/15 39/17 39/17 39/24 40/4 41/7 219/7 219/14 on-line [1] 215/14 47/22 52/25 54/23 60/23 72/21 75/1 77/18 nuclear [1] 18/18 onboard [6] 18/21 58/9 62/9 83/22 84/18 77/18 77/18 90/13 108/24 111/11 113/9 number [28] 13/2 23/1 27/20 32/10 37/12 166/20 118/12 127/18 136/8 145/21 153/10 51/22 52/2 88/22 89/24 104/2 112/4 once [8] 27/19 115/25 134/16 143/16 155/13 155/17 161/11 168/25 208/4 113/20 125/6 129/24 130/22 131/6 131/16 145/15 164/4 169/8 201/14 210/15 218/12 131/19 147/7 150/21 158/23 174/11 one [152] 4/19 8/2 8/9 9/13 9/20 12/14 nobody's [1] 119/3 174/12 175/4 188/23 204/24 212/16 13/3 16/24 21/3 21/4 21/22 22/1 25/20 non [7] 41/15 41/19 58/18 83/12 94/18 216/25 28/18 29/22 30/8 31/1 31/12 33/4 34/1 126/7 205/8 numbers [11] 22/2 39/20 114/7 131/24 34/7 34/9 34/20 35/6 35/6 37/5 41/24 non-measurable [1] 205/8 134/16 136/21 151/18 157/9 174/16 41/24 42/19 51/25 55/18 55/21 56/19 non-monetary [1] 58/18 181/13 181/14 57/16 57/16 58/16 58/23 60/25 61/24 non-network [1] 94/18 numerical [1] 39/19 62/25 63/3 66/23 67/15 67/17 68/21 74/17 non-regulated [1] 126/7 numerous [2] 7/16 183/7 77/24 78/7 81/21 84/4 86/17 88/15 91/15 non-traditional [1] 83/12 NYISO [2] 25/15 163/24 92/21 92/24 92/25 93/3 94/2 94/4 94/16 non-verbal [2] 41/15 41/19 NYS [1] 1/6 96/9 97/17 98/2 98/12 100/8 102/18 normal [3] 27/7 40/5 172/13 NYSEG [2] 117/10 125/8 102/18 103/9 106/3 107/5 115/14 119/9 North [2] 45/11 164/6 NYSERDA [15] 5/17 6/20 7/6 11/12 12/11 121/15 123/9 125/6 127/1 127/13 128/3 Northeast [2] 105/20 156/25 12/14 13/23 14/13 14/18 15/11 19/13 128/24 130/11 132/10 133/1 133/14 Northeastern [1] 7/18 38/19 53/13 67/2 93/24 133/15 134/14 137/12 137/22 138/5 138/6 Northwest [3] 5/17 24/9 37/4 139/1 139/1 139/24 140/12 140/13 142/2 not [172] 8/20 9/21 10/22 12/11 13/18 O 142/7 142/20 144/9 144/18 147/21 150/21 15/23 17/17 20/22 22/11 22/25 25/15 Obama's [1] 157/12 151/6 151/8 151/22 153/18 153/21 154/2 27/13 27/14 28/18 36/13 37/4 40/9 42/4 objectives [2] 107/14 175/8 155/5 156/22 157/11 164/16 164/22 42/17 42/19 43/9 43/15 43/19 44/8 44/22 obligation [2] 100/24 124/1 165/24 167/16 167/19 167/23 168/24 45/1 45/8 45/18 49/22 54/11 54/11 54/12 observant [1] 218/6 169/7 169/24 170/6 171/5 174/4 174/5 56/1 57/20 57/24 58/6 64/1 66/15 69/1 observation [1] 186/7 174/21 176/4 177/17 178/8 179/20 181/21 71/5 72/15 73/14 76/18 76/25 77/9 84/1 observations [1] 173/2 182/16 185/25 186/3 186/5 190/1 190/16 84/7 84/10 87/1 88/4 88/14 89/6 89/9 observe [2] 156/19 181/21 193/24 194/2 194/18 197/6 197/15 197/19 89/22 95/18 95/20 95/21 95/22 95/23 obstacles [2] 12/8 52/15 198/5 199/14 201/21 202/19 204/2 210/18 96/23 97/12 97/22 99/13 99/18 101/5 obtain [1] 95/19 212/10 214/10 216/18 218/5 218/12 101/24 102/3 104/14 104/15 111/4 111/5 obvious [4] 11/13 11/18 27/8 187/2 one kilowatt [1] 22/1 113/5 113/22 113/23 115/1 115/9 115/17 obviously [9] 2/17 42/8 64/10 71/9 75/24 one percent [3] 67/15 67/17 94/4 116/1 116/10 116/13 116/25 118/7 118/18 179/15 182/3 187/9 193/20 One's [1] 32/22 119/11 120/17 121/8 122/9 123/23 124/22 occupancy [1] 130/13 ones [6] 30/19 56/24 127/8 127/11 167/19 126/7 127/10 128/3 128/6 128/8 128/18 occur [3] 29/10 49/11 179/6 206/4 129/5 129/25 131/18 131/22 132/1 132/24 occurring [1] 115/10 ongoing [2] 103/11 204/9 133/5 134/2 134/4 136/6 137/18 137/21 October [4] 1/5 2/2 43/23 221/15 online [4] 48/22 57/17 82/11 87/18 139/21 140/21 143/14 143/20 144/4 October 20 [1] 2/2 only [36] 8/20 13/18 17/16 17/17 20/18 145/22 147/15 147/24 148/7 148/10 OEM [7] 50/18 72/16 99/10 123/4 132/18 20/22 39/8 41/24 43/9 43/19 45/8 55/18 148/11 148/12 148/15 149/13 149/20 132/18 145/6 56/1 67/17 93/1 94/3 95/11 120/18 131/17 150/24 154/2 158/2 159/14 159/22 161/7 OEMs [9] 47/4 68/17 70/20 71/15 75/14 131/17 131/24 132/7 138/12 140/13 159/1 161/15 163/9 166/9 168/2 173/3 173/12 94/22 173/12 173/25 190/22 163/18 166/20 170/7 184/24 186/15 174/24 175/8 177/19 177/23 179/11 off [30] 3/20 4/16 6/7 6/19 7/24 18/16 26/1 201/12 201/18 211/2 211/22 215/3 220/15 183/11 183/14 186/18 187/6 193/21 194/5 33/14 45/25 62/15 80/7 89/17 90/3 90/19 OnStar [5] 55/25 57/3 62/7 79/2 142/18 194/6 194/16 194/20 195/1 195/16 198/19 106/23 107/10 108/13 134/24 137/1 151/4 Ontario [1] 150/5 201/3 201/13 202/16 202/21 204/4 205/3 154/18 158/14 158/16 164/24 182/20 onto [4] 32/18 82/5 196/3 219/17 206/16 207/6 208/8 208/8 208/14 209/20 182/22 186/17 191/14 209/6 216/10 op's [1] 72/25 21 83/22 83/22 88/8 88/21 90/6 90/22 92/18 127/10 O 92/19 93/4 93/16 94/13 96/8 98/13 98/17 owns [3] 113/15 127/6 185/18 open [8] 30/20 73/19 103/14 103/15 99/15 99/21 100/19 101/15 102/24 103/10 Ozzie [2] 193/8 196/18 124/21 141/16 156/3 212/4 112/17 113/2 116/8 116/25 119/10 119/16 opened [2] 28/5 71/20 120/1 120/11 122/5 122/24 124/7 124/7 P opening [2] 53/12 53/13 125/25 126/6 126/20 131/25 132/4 132/12 p.m [8] 26/10 29/10 29/11 84/25 136/24 operate [4] 16/7 54/19 127/7 198/18 132/14 132/17 133/4 133/15 133/16 134/4 136/25 137/5 220/23 operates [4] 16/1 81/12 127/6 155/20 134/18 135/3 136/7 136/9 136/14 136/21 Pacific [3] 5/17 24/9 37/4 operating [8] 26/21 55/3 127/10 132/2 136/24 137/1 138/6 138/11 138/11 138/12 package [7] 3/7 47/23 55/14 57/4 63/2 155/18 162/6 162/22 212/2 139/2 139/6 139/20 140/14 140/17 140/20 83/8 112/19 operation [2] 16/9 56/2 143/7 143/17 143/23 143/23 144/4 144/21 page [1] 15/8 operational [1] 25/2 146/12 148/18 149/1 150/11 151/5 151/6 paid [12] 80/7 83/4 101/3 107/12 112/13 operator [3] 3/17 97/24 140/20 151/10 155/3 156/17 159/8 160/5 163/20 195/7 207/4 207/5 207/11 207/12 207/13 operators [1] 98/3 163/24 165/2 167/1 171/1 173/2 179/16 207/25 opinion [1] 180/25 180/22 187/20 191/17 192/24 193/7 painless [1] 155/1 opinions [2] 9/5 206/20 193/11 194/24 195/19 196/8 198/8 198/13 Pan [1] 180/11 Oppama, [1] 47/11 199/17 202/14 202/17 205/12 panel [26] 5/8 5/13 6/5 6/18 43/7 53/13 Oppama, Japan [1] 47/11 ours [5] 73/9 82/11 139/2 139/9 146/2 63/18 64/4 90/14 90/24 91/3 92/2 92/11 opportunities [5] 5/4 11/19 56/23 165/19 ourselves [3] 12/15 13/16 213/21 100/1 116/7 142/11 155/2 155/10 165/2 212/9 out [93] 4/12 8/1 8/3 8/18 11/13 19/20 180/20 180/22 216/14 217/2 217/7 217/8 opportunity [14] 6/17 11/4 55/2 83/6 113/1 20/6 27/15 28/11 33/4 33/6 34/6 34/18 219/22 168/7 189/8 189/10 190/25 210/21 211/25 34/22 35/15 38/24 39/19 53/2 56/25 57/19 panelist [4] 92/3 100/16 154/14 220/4 212/15 212/18 212/23 58/20 58/24 59/16 59/17 60/25 61/16 panelists [7] 5/16 43/6 75/21 91/5 95/2 opposed [4] 92/21 119/5 202/9 205/19 63/25 64/6 66/8 70/1 71/3 72/5 75/9 77/6 187/21 192/8 ops [1] 191/12 77/8 77/12 77/13 77/17 82/6 82/25 85/20 panels [7] 38/17 51/19 67/12 137/17 opt [1] 82/25 86/16 87/12 87/22 87/23 88/23 89/7 94/2 216/20 216/22 220/4 optical [1] 24/12 98/21 100/17 107/8 108/2 109/13 117/25 paper [2] 45/1 156/13 optimization [1] 180/6 123/14 124/15 125/23 128/18 129/1 paperwork [1] 83/11 optimize [3] 29/13 179/7 179/16 133/23 133/25 134/5 134/16 135/12 parallel [4] 32/22 54/12 140/9 140/10 optimized [1] 16/17 143/13 158/7 158/7 158/20 165/17 166/1 pardon [1] 44/23 option [2] 82/24 106/17 166/11 166/25 167/11 168/14 169/5 park [3] 49/15 49/24 146/14 optional [1] 216/2 172/16 176/24 182/12 182/16 185/7 parked [2] 49/22 49/23 options [7] 56/9 63/5 69/19 75/11 88/3 186/24 188/19 191/10 191/11 191/15 parking [16] 40/18 48/7 49/24 80/10 80/12 135/12 195/17 191/16 200/13 200/22 206/2 215/23 101/3 101/4 101/4 132/11 146/12 146/13 or [234] 216/11 218/11 218/18 146/15 147/1 170/10 196/23 215/6 orange [3] 30/15 30/21 32/2 outage [1] 146/1 part [38] 3/6 10/7 25/11 27/10 27/11 27/12 Orbiter [1] 24/24 outfit [1] 170/14 28/3 28/3 50/16 50/22 64/14 65/6 65/21 order [20] 2/4 3/15 19/7 24/4 47/21 50/23 outlaw [1] 96/2 66/7 67/3 74/12 79/11 81/7 87/25 103/9 51/11 57/16 81/1 81/4 83/6 83/7 84/25 outreach [1] 71/14 103/11 108/1 112/7 112/12 114/8 117/11 87/18 121/13 121/16 154/21 157/16 outset [1] 192/1 117/14 119/12 126/21 153/23 166/18 169/25 174/17 outside [3] 182/5 196/2 211/23 170/23 171/19 176/3 177/24 183/12 order 24 [1] 19/7 over [32] 9/6 15/3 19/2 21/25 24/7 29/16 201/15 215/17 organic [4] 204/25 205/1 206/1 219/23 30/11 31/17 38/25 43/13 52/21 74/18 83/4 partial [1] 146/1 organization [3] 91/22 91/23 213/4 85/5 90/11 90/23 102/10 103/6 107/9 participants [2] 113/21 189/24 organizations [2] 59/18 121/19 107/16 118/8 129/14 130/18 138/24 participate [4] 43/10 159/12 162/21 188/3 organized [1] 156/14 147/12 147/22 150/5 154/21 164/3 170/17 participated [1] 156/12 organizing [2] 220/14 220/16 196/21 207/12 participating [1] 161/9 original [4] 36/22 47/5 146/24 164/7 overall [3] 6/6 66/7 96/11 participation [2] 18/1 19/16 other [79] 13/10 18/4 19/24 20/3 32/7 34/8 overarching [2] 53/11 53/20 particular [16] 11/24 28/11 28/21 29/19 38/10 48/1 49/6 53/20 56/3 56/23 60/7 overhead [1] 102/22 32/25 34/10 34/13 36/14 37/9 44/21 96/21 76/20 82/4 85/17 88/13 95/2 98/1 98/2 overload [2] 94/15 94/18 107/18 115/2 147/12 199/5 216/12 98/4 100/22 101/20 104/4 105/1 105/18 overloaded [1] 94/3 particularities [1] 96/2 106/18 107/14 112/12 112/15 115/7 115/8 overnight [3] 74/21 158/15 201/18 particularly [15] 2/25 13/14 51/6 65/11 116/18 119/16 119/18 119/23 121/10 override [3] 88/15 88/25 90/8 78/15 79/2 81/2 92/20 93/11 94/17 128/23 122/8 125/10 132/6 135/11 136/12 144/25 overseeing [1] 36/14 145/3 194/5 194/6 194/17 146/6 149/13 153/12 154/12 160/24 oversees [1] 13/25 parties [2] 75/17 118/11 161/13 167/9 171/9 175/10 184/7 185/8 overshoot [1] 189/18 partner [3] 13/16 71/24 73/9 188/25 189/17 189/22 190/2 191/6 192/4 oversight [2] 14/10 169/18 partnering [1] 121/10 192/5 193/19 196/21 197/14 198/5 200/2 overstate [1] 9/25 partners [2] 73/3 131/6 200/8 201/7 202/22 204/5 204/22 205/8 overview [1] 166/17 partnership [8] 12/15 53/3 61/22 71/16 205/11 205/21 206/4 210/3 210/14 212/10 own [27] 9/5 42/11 49/12 86/22 92/24 86/20 87/5 196/9 208/6 220/17 92/25 93/2 93/3 104/18 115/21 121/4 partnerships [1] 208/12 others [7] 26/18 72/1 107/6 179/21 184/14 122/19 122/25 123/1 123/19 124/7 127/7 parts [4] 32/15 37/23 115/8 153/12 195/6 220/10 127/9 132/11 132/12 145/15 182/13 party [8] 23/17 62/18 87/17 99/9 101/20 otherwise [1] 8/16 193/21 195/25 197/6 208/8 218/12 117/23 118/18 211/16 our [156] 2/21 3/24 6/5 6/13 8/20 8/21 owned [3] 111/9 123/18 147/18 pass [2] 77/8 150/15 8/22 10/8 10/11 10/18 11/22 11/22 12/15 owner [13] 18/3 18/7 27/13 101/4 140/20 past [6] 2/8 38/25 183/4 193/25 204/10 12/25 13/22 18/24 19/15 21/20 23/7 24/4 159/6 190/19 210/12 211/25 212/13 217/9 41/10 43/5 47/8 47/11 47/18 47/18 48/13 212/24 215/17 216/12 Pat [1] 120/24 48/16 50/17 52/10 52/25 59/13 59/16 62/5 owners [8] 123/19 158/24 159/3 159/11 patent [3] 150/14 150/17 150/18 62/9 63/9 64/20 65/4 65/6 65/14 65/21 159/20 160/19 160/20 209/5 patents [2] 24/19 179/14 65/21 66/7 67/11 67/15 67/23 68/16 71/24 ownership [4] 56/10 87/22 92/22 129/11 Paterson [1] 3/10 72/3 72/9 73/4 73/6 75/7 76/15 78/15 owning [6] 54/7 55/3 113/22 113/24 114/2 path [8] 31/3 33/6 139/19 140/5 140/6 22 Perella [1] 220/15 plant [4] 45/6 47/11 48/16 209/1 P perfect [2] 188/24 189/16 plants [2] 90/5 90/6 path... [3] 140/7 140/7 212/8 perfectly [1] 182/19 plasma [1] 117/7 paths [1] 140/9 performance [6] 24/15 26/21 55/11 55/13 platform [1] 180/1 patience [1] 219/20 161/6 214/14 platforms [1] 65/18 PATRICIA [2] 1/10 5/15 performed [1] 163/7 play [13] 9/22 11/8 29/22 50/22 51/8 Patricia Acampora [1] 5/15 perhaps [11] 5/3 17/6 50/8 107/13 108/20 58/13 80/14 87/12 87/13 177/25 179/10 pattern [4] 60/4 143/12 156/25 193/14 159/3 160/3 206/5 212/16 213/4 215/22 193/8 193/16 patterns [1] 180/5 period [5] 43/14 128/9 128/12 134/24 playing [4] 19/11 50/16 191/5 191/6 Paul [3] 164/3 164/5 219/19 190/3 Plaza [1] 1/6 Paul's [1] 186/1 periods [2] 25/25 209/9 please [11] 15/18 26/15 27/5 30/12 31/6 pay [29] 80/10 80/11 100/20 101/1 101/12 permission [1] 111/24 63/24 64/12 73/2 76/7 156/11 158/22 108/3 108/14 108/23 109/14 112/15 permit [4] 51/4 112/25 168/22 169/7 pleased [1] 36/7 115/13 116/11 121/23 128/20 146/14 permits [1] 147/7 pleasure [2] 36/4 170/21 149/24 178/4 195/8 199/19 201/16 201/23 permitting [5] 51/3 71/4 168/20 169/18 pledge [1] 13/13 206/25 207/9 208/15 209/2 210/13 210/13 216/1 plenty [1] 63/10 210/14 210/23 person [11] 36/16 71/5 79/10 138/23 plug [85] 1/3 2/9 3/5 3/16 3/21 4/12 5/14 payback [2] 128/9 128/12 144/18 145/4 145/13 153/20 164/11 14/5 14/9 15/5 15/8 16/4 16/21 19/2 19/10 payers [2] 100/22 206/25 209/25 210/7 20/5 20/7 20/8 20/9 20/15 20/15 20/17 paying [4] 112/5 114/16 123/15 209/20 personal [1] 104/21 20/22 21/17 21/21 23/9 26/20 30/13 30/16 payment [1] 178/3 personally [2] 137/18 176/18 30/20 33/3 35/9 38/3 38/16 41/6 41/9 payments [2] 212/13 212/16 personnel [2] 138/2 145/12 41/22 42/13 54/12 58/10 59/20 59/24 65/8 pays [7] 100/16 102/11 109/25 110/2 perspective [15] 43/11 43/12 67/14 78/20 65/17 66/4 67/5 67/21 67/25 68/10 68/11 115/12 206/24 206/24 79/12 112/1 125/5 160/1 171/24 172/4 69/6 70/6 73/4 73/20 74/20 80/24 89/5 peak [34] 4/15 4/16 18/16 22/9 25/8 25/19 172/6 177/15 183/18 187/7 207/19 96/24 96/24 97/18 101/11 103/24 104/1 26/1 26/9 29/9 62/15 84/8 89/17 90/3 perspectives [2] 76/3 90/15 104/2 104/15 105/25 106/17 124/9 124/10 134/24 135/8 135/11 135/14 135/17 petition [1] 12/20 129/21 130/4 130/7 137/3 137/25 139/4 135/20 135/25 136/12 136/21 141/7 petroleum [4] 10/19 64/25 65/2 106/23 141/5 141/11 149/6 149/22 162/25 174/9 141/12 187/22 187/23 197/22 197/23 PEV [7] 29/21 32/17 60/17 158/24 159/19 190/8 208/15 211/17 215/24 207/4 207/5 208/25 209/6 209/18 210/13 210/11 211/25 plug-in [63] 1/3 2/9 3/5 3/16 3/21 5/14 peak-hour [1] 209/18 Ph.D [1] 53/7 14/5 14/9 15/5 15/8 16/4 19/2 19/10 20/5 peak-time [2] 135/11 210/13 phase [1] 30/2 20/7 20/8 20/9 20/15 20/15 20/22 21/17 peaking [1] 209/1 PHEV [6] 28/8 31/13 31/16 54/11 58/7 23/9 35/9 38/3 42/13 54/12 58/10 59/20 pedestal [1] 167/7 69/25 59/24 65/8 65/17 66/4 67/5 67/21 67/25 penalties [1] 163/8 PHEVs [9] 15/6 16/11 16/16 17/1 17/4 68/10 68/11 70/6 73/4 74/20 96/24 97/18 pend [1] 41/12 21/21 25/14 25/19 26/24 103/24 104/1 104/2 104/15 105/25 106/17 penetration [26] 19/20 20/2 22/14 22/21 philosophy [1] 184/4 124/9 124/10 129/21 130/4 130/7 137/3 38/19 92/17 93/8 133/16 134/17 135/19 phone [4] 55/23 62/10 117/18 138/24 137/25 139/4 141/5 141/11 149/6 149/22 137/3 157/5 157/14 157/21 158/3 159/23 phones [1] 41/10 162/25 174/9 215/24 159/24 160/12 174/19 178/9 181/15 phrased [1] 107/19 plug-ins [3] 20/17 21/21 38/16 192/13 207/17 208/10 208/17 217/6 physical [3] 174/25 175/14 175/15 plugged [5] 104/9 113/17 114/9 114/12 penetrations [3] 20/22 21/8 207/21 physically [1] 117/13 173/22 Pennsylvania [1] 150/3 physics [1] 53/5 plugging [12] 4/14 22/9 35/1 42/23 84/9 Penny [1] 142/16 pick [2] 99/25 129/19 86/15 141/21 150/6 152/7 190/20 193/10 people [77] 2/10 4/12 9/4 27/2 40/8 42/17 picked [1] 180/21 213/18 48/22 49/12 49/15 49/18 49/18 49/20 50/7 picking [1] 44/22 plugs [4] 39/16 149/11 186/8 207/25 50/11 51/11 51/17 68/23 70/14 70/22 picture [7] 26/12 30/13 30/24 62/2 66/11 plugs-ins [1] 39/16 70/25 73/20 75/4 77/12 78/10 82/13 88/20 161/15 203/5 plus [3] 73/10 151/20 182/24 90/1 93/11 93/12 93/13 93/16 104/20 piece [13] 57/9 58/21 80/11 87/10 88/2 PNNL [2] 24/10 24/15 105/6 105/15 108/2 109/2 120/6 120/14 88/2 134/14 136/19 138/10 142/4 147/21 PNNL's [3] 24/17 24/21 24/25 123/6 123/7 125/14 126/19 131/20 132/21 151/8 154/9 pockets [1] 154/7 143/7 145/18 146/14 151/9 165/10 166/6 pieces [1] 88/6 podium [1] 213/3 166/21 167/12 167/21 173/13 175/10 Pilgrim [1] 104/6 point [67] 2/20 3/25 8/9 19/23 31/2 56/20 176/6 176/22 176/24 184/21 187/4 193/11 pilot [4] 31/1 33/3 33/5 33/16 59/5 60/25 61/16 68/5 68/17 78/4 80/22 193/21 193/23 193/24 194/19 195/2 pin [1] 31/1 82/24 90/13 90/22 101/17 101/19 101/20 204/25 206/7 211/5 211/8 213/16 217/17 pinpointed [1] 178/24 104/19 109/9 110/10 110/15 114/16 217/23 218/1 218/8 218/20 220/11 place [30] 5/10 24/1 37/2 44/2 51/23 114/23 115/2 116/9 116/24 117/19 118/24 peoples [1] 99/16 62/23 78/10 80/19 81/9 83/6 83/7 87/10 119/2 124/2 124/20 127/9 132/23 135/12 per [21] 22/1 23/5 38/12 38/14 40/16 57/2 89/23 113/16 116/1 119/13 121/13 130/20 138/12 140/17 142/19 143/1 146/9 150/22 85/13 95/13 102/6 102/8 109/12 110/3 143/3 146/7 149/16 150/8 151/12 156/23 152/14 155/5 158/20 162/11 165/18 130/3 130/3 130/9 130/17 151/19 194/15 159/9 185/1 188/20 189/9 206/12 214/22 165/20 171/22 175/16 178/8 189/17 198/5 197/9 205/17 205/18 placed [1] 53/15 202/13 203/4 203/6 203/14 204/2 206/22 percent [52] 10/25 19/21 19/21 20/4 20/5 places [13] 27/9 49/19 56/22 104/4 110/5 207/20 208/23 210/5 211/7 214/5 216/10 20/8 20/9 20/17 20/18 21/15 21/21 21/22 113/17 114/9 114/12 131/8 136/20 153/9 217/3 218/15 22/7 22/15 22/21 26/3 40/3 44/17 47/12 159/21 205/11 pointed [5] 8/18 33/3 63/25 71/3 86/16 49/11 61/10 67/15 67/17 67/19 67/23 plan [7] 7/10 10/13 10/18 32/15 33/10 pointer [1] 31/2 92/23 92/25 93/2 93/3 94/4 95/13 95/13 127/20 134/12 pointing [1] 80/3 95/15 95/17 106/4 106/5 131/21 131/24 plan A [1] 32/15 points [19] 73/16 83/16 83/19 98/24 114/3 132/5 132/6 134/17 135/2 135/3 137/7 plan B [1] 33/10 114/10 114/14 114/17 126/25 131/8 158/12 182/19 182/23 189/12 189/14 Planet [1] 178/20 131/18 131/21 132/1 132/4 132/11 148/22 192/15 192/16 192/18 planning [4] 7/7 49/3 127/17 155/23 149/6 162/1 197/14 percentage [9] 11/1 40/3 109/16 109/17 plans [6] 19/1 23/7 32/14 124/6 124/7 pole [1] 172/22 131/24 133/22 133/25 193/22 194/4 144/4 policies [2] 7/12 211/6 23 previous [3] 8/13 52/10 220/4 progress [1] 42/7 P previously [2] 6/25 34/24 progressively [1] 185/11 policy [18] 7/1 7/3 7/22 19/5 19/7 19/18 price [29] 18/4 29/3 29/7 29/7 46/6 46/6 prohibits [1] 120/23 19/19 43/19 76/5 107/2 107/14 162/15 47/23 47/25 48/3 57/2 84/8 86/19 109/22 project [17] 14/17 91/17 123/9 127/3 177/1 183/18 184/4 185/8 208/16 211/4 110/3 110/4 112/18 112/19 113/2 132/22 147/9 165/6 165/25 166/1 167/9 169/22 political [2] 75/24 177/5 133/3 137/4 160/5 160/7 160/23 161/20 179/3 180/8 180/9 180/11 180/13 214/10 pop [1] 17/17 162/5 194/6 209/2 214/3 214/22 pops [1] 79/23 prices [3] 6/3 98/24 123/16 projected [2] 20/14 134/16 population [4] 69/12 193/22 194/14 pricing [8] 29/3 29/9 29/12 135/11 136/4 projecting [2] 142/1 217/17 205/14 137/10 159/18 203/11 projection [2] 133/15 153/15 portfolio [2] 14/7 179/12 primarily [4] 156/24 194/24 194/25 213/14 projections [6] 133/9 137/23 153/13 portion [8] 18/15 30/1 67/21 67/24 102/25 primary [3] 10/17 22/11 142/12 217/12 217/16 217/19 112/15 114/24 128/20 prime [2] 19/15 77/1 projects [3] 24/13 168/10 196/16 portions [2] 14/6 102/21 principle [1] 91/20 proliferating [1] 119/14 Portland [2] 37/11 38/1 prior [5] 6/22 14/16 14/18 30/20 32/6 promote [1] 84/15 ports [1] 166/25 priorities [1] 12/23 promotion [2] 45/15 132/2 position [8] 7/15 14/16 19/7 47/7 50/18 prioritize [1] 6/11 pronounce [1] 91/14 120/1 120/11 140/14 priority [1] 13/2 propagated [1] 162/15 positive [1] 191/13 Prius [5] 15/25 36/5 40/8 41/25 157/1 propelling [1] 15/21 positively [1] 44/13 privacy [1] 79/14 properly [2] 76/19 186/19 possibilities [3] 13/12 18/25 152/5 private [18] 11/14 12/2 45/14 53/15 proportional [1] 158/18 possibility [1] 79/1 125/11 125/12 125/24 129/8 129/14 131/6 proposed [2] 73/24 157/1 possible [10] 19/20 22/16 22/22 23/8 132/8 146/8 194/21 196/21 196/23 208/6 proposition [8] 44/8 55/3 56/5 56/7 56/13 25/20 42/2 107/16 107/17 155/1 193/6 208/12 218/11 87/22 197/7 204/25 possibly [2] 51/16 163/22 privately [1] 147/18 propositions [1] 117/1 post [1] 180/6 privilege [2] 8/8 91/2 pros [2] 203/18 204/12 posts [1] 215/5 proactively [3] 142/23 214/12 214/13 prospective [1] 187/8 potential [9] 58/13 58/25 78/24 106/21 probably [31] 19/22 38/17 70/22 76/19 protect [3] 172/25 175/24 176/1 146/11 146/16 161/3 181/5 194/2 85/24 89/13 90/1 94/18 107/15 108/7 protections [3] 80/20 80/20 81/8 potentially [9] 26/2 40/2 61/9 75/3 86/18 116/5 116/17 123/3 132/25 133/1 133/2 protocol [2] 27/2 35/16 143/5 161/11 161/19 179/17 139/3 139/7 140/3 160/13 169/17 172/7 protocols [11] 18/6 32/20 34/6 35/21 Potsdam [2] 14/24 155/25 175/5 177/23 188/15 188/17 195/16 35/23 36/1 37/23 41/7 69/20 73/19 163/14 pound [3] 113/18 130/1 130/2 195/17 196/5 210/23 213/20 Protode [1] 75/14 pounds [2] 130/9 130/17 problem [22] 57/23 79/1 94/19 95/18 prototype [1] 124/8 power [33] 4/17 13/24 14/3 16/2 16/5 17/9 95/23 111/17 118/25 135/8 137/20 139/22 proud [1] 50/17 17/15 19/15 25/8 25/12 28/14 30/19 30/23 145/14 145/20 146/2 146/3 150/1 152/7 proved [1] 18/21 39/1 42/22 67/2 74/10 74/11 155/22 157/8 153/12 173/22 174/22 184/19 218/21 proverbial [1] 186/7 165/22 167/4 173/9 179/4 184/24 190/23 219/13 provide [17] 5/3 5/9 15/11 52/6 63/4 71/13 191/3 209/11 213/6 213/10 213/13 213/21 problematic [3] 18/23 159/23 203/25 71/18 85/22 86/12 114/21 126/12 142/17 215/3 problems [17] 6/12 10/7 12/8 20/25 21/7 156/6 164/2 172/25 185/19 199/10 Powerhouse [1] 132/4 21/8 38/17 38/20 39/24 40/23 88/23 93/21 provided [5] 88/12 105/19 157/22 161/21 practical [2] 37/25 75/25 93/21 93/22 93/23 93/25 135/20 162/11 practices [2] 59/17 139/12 procedures [1] 86/8 provider [8] 28/25 29/16 60/21 82/18 Pratt [3] 5/17 9/7 24/5 proceedings [3] 204/9 204/10 220/22 142/24 144/2 161/13 179/21 precedent [1] 60/6 process [31] 25/21 27/7 29/18 29/18 providers [5] 105/14 126/12 177/23 precisely [1] 205/24 29/24 32/12 36/8 40/6 61/11 62/20 62/23 179/19 211/16 predicted [2] 157/6 189/6 71/4 79/14 82/12 89/4 99/19 99/21 117/12 provides [2] 78/24 83/16 predicting [1] 157/25 117/14 118/23 127/22 127/25 128/1 144/7 providing [6] 3/8 18/22 52/18 59/3 59/10 prediction [1] 158/7 145/7 147/6 161/18 161/20 165/14 168/20 60/9 preferable [1] 89/17 169/24 PSC [1] 72/19 preferred [3] 48/7 82/17 196/20 processes [2] 51/3 169/19 public [53] 1/1 1/6 2/3 8/5 11/11 12/12 premiere [1] 48/11 processing [1] 24/14 12/16 23/15 43/19 45/14 50/2 58/12 58/25 premise [2] 181/15 193/7 procured [1] 189/6 60/15 73/21 73/25 75/15 80/4 81/2 95/8 premium [2] 56/14 146/14 produce [1] 166/2 100/8 100/10 100/10 100/15 100/16 101/8 preorders [1] 121/20 produced [1] 45/5 101/14 107/2 112/9 124/25 125/7 125/20 prepared [3] 12/3 12/7 139/13 producing [1] 48/17 129/9 131/18 165/15 167/16 167/18 177/7 prepay [1] 178/4 product [10] 14/1 62/5 66/14 67/23 81/12 194/20 194/22 195/18 195/19 195/22 prerogative [1] 92/8 88/8 126/20 159/7 172/16 172/20 196/24 208/6 208/11 213/11 213/15 present [6] 11/21 12/9 12/18 13/18 43/10 production [9] 3/19 26/4 47/10 48/16 66/1 214/20 216/1 216/3 216/4 221/5 63/16 66/3 66/20 67/15 67/16 publicly [3] 74/1 127/8 127/10 presentation [10] 26/13 33/19 52/10 52/20 products [11] 45/16 65/12 65/23 65/24 pull [3] 58/20 106/22 170/8 84/20 93/24 105/8 131/20 166/4 192/2 67/11 68/15 159/13 160/25 162/5 162/19 pulled [3] 44/3 147/8 201/21 presentations [2] 23/25 155/14 212/14 pulling [1] 58/24 presented [2] 32/4 215/8 professional [3] 15/1 24/6 156/2 pulls [1] 170/6 presenter [2] 13/22 24/4 profile [1] 3/19 pump [3] 6/4 68/24 85/19 presenting [3] 25/7 25/10 156/16 profit [1] 45/4 pumps [1] 98/5 President [2] 6/22 157/12 program [25] 12/22 13/23 14/1 14/7 14/9 purchase [20] 47/24 52/4 59/24 71/1 78/4 press [1] 32/6 14/19 18/24 28/11 28/18 28/19 28/23 82/9 83/3 83/18 85/22 87/6 87/7 130/4 pretend [1] 69/6 29/13 29/15 67/4 69/2 73/5 115/5 122/1 142/6 143/14 143/14 143/16 209/10 pretty [13] 10/10 11/13 35/4 37/6 65/14 141/8 141/14 152/11 164/15 166/10 209/11 217/13 217/18 130/17 146/2 149/12 151/18 158/1 158/18 166/24 200/10 purchased [3] 143/22 216/22 217/23 158/21 172/21 programs [10] 14/7 28/12 28/15 59/12 purchaser [1] 169/3 prevent [1] 81/9 73/23 76/13 89/7 129/22 159/9 199/12 purchases [3] 51/22 59/3 81/20 24 66/21 68/12 68/13 148/4 151/19 155/7 recently [2] 12/20 24/24 P rapid [2] 17/11 46/21 reception [1] 213/7 purchasing [1] 145/16 rapidly [2] 15/13 37/10 recharge [3] 152/20 152/22 153/1 pure [4] 58/7 65/25 66/18 74/18 rate [55] 4/3 17/19 19/14 19/20 29/11 30/4 recharged [1] 15/20 purpose [1] 189/2 33/7 34/21 62/15 84/5 84/6 89/9 89/13 recipient [1] 195/8 purposes [3] 49/4 127/17 184/8 89/17 89/19 100/22 103/11 104/11 108/19 recite [1] 218/2 pursuing [2] 199/16 199/17 116/10 116/25 128/10 132/15 136/14 recognition [1] 3/23 push [11] 51/14 60/18 98/17 102/9 109/7 136/24 137/1 140/2 144/8 144/9 159/18 reconvene [1] 154/16 118/7 138/15 138/16 142/4 143/13 144/22 172/3 172/14 183/5 186/10 186/15 186/25 record [7] 90/19 90/20 110/7 151/4 154/18 pushed [1] 83/23 187/3 187/16 189/12 189/20 192/23 154/19 221/6 pushes [3] 103/5 147/12 147/22 192/23 201/3 201/16 206/25 208/21 209/9 recording [1] 30/6 pushing [4] 46/20 52/3 98/20 138/7 215/8 216/3 217/14 217/18 217/19 217/22 records [2] 28/10 29/21 put [32] 6/11 33/5 52/8 60/2 62/22 76/21 217/22 218/23 recover [1] 214/2 86/23 99/18 104/15 105/18 116/14 119/13 rate-making [1] 116/25 recovery [2] 108/17 112/6 119/23 122/11 131/8 143/6 143/10 148/22 ratepayer [1] 116/9 red [1] 49/2 148/23 168/12 170/6 173/8 176/23 182/10 ratepayer's [1] 148/14 reduce [8] 9/17 22/24 48/3 61/3 61/9 188/23 189/22 201/11 203/17 204/24 ratepayers [12] 100/17 101/10 102/12 64/24 64/25 159/7 206/11 206/14 208/3 102/13 112/13 112/14 116/20 128/19 reduced [2] 40/2 217/14 puts [2] 74/11 204/21 148/8 207/13 208/1 208/15 reducing [3] 9/22 10/2 10/18 putting [13] 50/12 80/19 101/8 117/6 rates [29] 3/24 4/4 22/21 52/11 69/19 84/5 reduction [5] 19/10 26/3 64/21 106/4 117/17 118/24 119/4 121/15 166/24 84/8 84/15 85/1 86/25 87/24 89/22 89/24 106/5 167/10 201/18 208/2 208/7 99/3 114/23 136/10 136/11 142/25 144/6 Reed [1] 3/19 puzzle [1] 88/6 144/6 170/5 172/17 178/2 183/3 185/17 Reed Resources [1] 3/19 pyramid [2] 55/7 136/19 187/5 208/20 211/5 216/2 Reeder [2] 107/24 153/5 rather [9] 27/10 126/11 176/19 188/12 refer [2] 91/13 218/8 Q 189/21 194/10 194/20 194/21 204/7 referred [2] 15/6 166/14 Q's [1] 5/9 rating [1] 123/4 referring [4] 36/2 37/20 79/5 138/23 qualified [2] 170/18 196/6 rational [1] 35/17 refined [1] 47/13 qualify [1] 78/2 reach [2] 132/20 171/18 reflect [3] 110/7 162/12 219/21 quality [2] 107/2 107/7 reached [1] 207/20 refrigerators [1] 85/12 quantified [3] 184/7 188/17 188/18 reacting [1] 203/24 refurbished [1] 149/11 quantify [2] 205/6 205/23 reactive [1] 219/12 regard [2] 10/21 10/23 quantity [1] 17/18 read [1] 72/14 regarding [2] 197/14 199/1 quarterly [1] 83/23 readily [1] 46/8 regardless [2] 11/10 77/16 que [1] 196/7 readiness [2] 58/10 60/18 regenerative [1] 16/3 Queens [1] 102/22 ready [5] 27/18 35/18 35/19 76/25 190/5 region [6] 25/17 29/12 67/1 83/25 86/17 question [61] 25/17 33/23 36/13 36/23 real [15] 29/2 34/3 40/18 50/25 67/6 70/3 145/13 37/25 40/25 52/24 54/10 78/15 78/23 73/3 134/1 148/11 148/12 153/10 171/2 regional [3] 7/17 45/10 59/2 79/16 81/18 83/15 85/17 90/12 92/4 92/7 180/7 203/11 218/4 regions [2] 60/7 157/15 95/11 103/18 105/16 106/10 106/12 107/4 realistic [1] 71/22 registered [1] 40/16 107/11 107/19 108/2 110/21 118/10 119/8 reality [1] 50/24 regular [2] 100/12 102/3 123/12 124/22 136/2 139/1 146/24 152/1 realize [6] 12/17 50/20 51/7 53/25 178/10 regulate [3] 72/21 112/23 191/19 152/3 152/16 152/19 153/6 153/7 165/19 211/18 regulated [5] 60/14 126/3 126/7 126/8 176/1 178/13 179/10 180/23 181/5 187/14 realized [1] 72/12 126/10 191/4 193/2 195/10 198/25 200/5 200/19 really [91] 2/6 4/1 4/10 5/23 9/7 27/15 regulating [1] 162/21 201/14 202/22 209/22 213/9 213/9 213/22 28/17 30/17 30/25 32/16 34/16 35/17 36/6 regulation [4] 113/5 159/2 162/6 215/10 214/5 217/10 36/6 36/8 36/12 37/9 37/16 37/25 38/8 regulator [1] 58/21 questions [26] 5/4 6/17 23/23 24/1 34/1 39/18 42/7 46/4 46/4 49/25 51/14 51/15 Regulatorily [1] 176/1 38/8 45/19 45/23 55/20 56/17 57/14 63/11 52/3 54/4 56/6 59/12 60/5 60/9 60/13 62/6 regulators [4] 58/12 59/1 138/4 181/11 63/22 75/19 103/15 110/8 138/14 138/20 63/3 63/4 69/11 69/17 70/1 72/13 72/14 regulatory [18] 8/20 12/7 23/16 129/14 140/22 141/16 145/18 145/23 154/12 74/21 75/2 86/21 89/4 89/11 89/18 89/23 155/3 155/6 155/8 162/16 168/13 168/14 165/4 193/4 213/1 95/17 100/2 103/2 107/10 110/16 128/8 169/10 171/21 177/1 181/18 183/12 quick [2] 44/9 166/17 133/5 133/18 134/19 135/14 136/9 155/7 185/12 208/16 218/14 quickly [10] 9/6 15/14 22/5 34/7 50/25 157/19 157/20 159/10 160/10 162/22 reinforce [2] 128/5 147/22 73/3 164/24 171/25 172/19 172/23 163/19 163/19 166/7 168/9 172/3 172/7 reinforced [2] 94/25 99/22 quiet [2] 47/13 198/23 172/11 172/21 176/6 176/22 177/20 179/2 reinforcement [12] 103/10 124/1 128/14 quite [11] 10/20 19/2 60/7 62/21 67/1 179/12 179/23 180/1 189/10 191/7 192/6 128/16 129/6 134/21 135/1 135/5 135/18 67/16 68/4 68/9 74/17 109/11 172/23 192/10 197/8 201/17 209/12 218/10 135/22 148/4 154/1 quoting [1] 44/23 218/12 218/13 relate [1] 76/2 R realm [1] 211/23 related [3] 31/18 175/9 175/9 realtime [1] 179/7 relates [2] 17/24 141/5 radial [1] 22/6 reason [10] 11/7 11/10 46/3 64/5 105/6 relating [1] 79/17 radiation [1] 24/22 119/12 119/24 120/12 120/13 184/25 relationship [3] 54/8 56/7 94/22 radio [2] 21/3 24/17 reasonable [2] 19/22 128/10 relatively [1] 37/10 radius [1] 83/20 reasons [7] 9/3 9/10 10/4 13/10 75/25 release [1] 48/13 raised [4] 90/13 100/1 142/11 152/18 187/2 190/24 released [3] 32/6 32/7 68/15 ramp [1] 64/11 rebate [2] 51/24 52/1 relevant [2] 55/22 212/11 ramped [1] 67/17 rebates [1] 59/3 reliability [9] 112/1 125/13 126/14 129/16 ramping [1] 57/24 receive [5] 24/21 29/1 140/21 163/7 159/1 159/7 160/1 172/25 188/16 ran [1] 134/22 212/13 reliable [2] 189/25 191/2 random [3] 39/19 39/20 40/10 received [1] 24/18 rely [1] 175/10 range [18] 15/16 15/18 15/23 16/18 17/1 receiving [1] 212/15 relying [1] 195/1 17/6 23/2 23/14 24/16 47/15 54/14 54/15 recent [3] 6/1 10/9 73/6 remarks [3] 64/1 64/23 171/6 25 responsibility [4] 7/9 84/12 84/12 118/20 room [4] 47/16 55/16 92/10 205/10 R responsible [4] 82/6 111/17 162/8 178/12 roughly [3] 20/9 45/1 78/20 remember [3] 10/12 33/3 34/20 responsibly [1] 211/6 round [1] 12/21 remote [1] 175/23 responsive [2] 58/2 204/2 row [1] 105/8 remotely [1] 175/25 rest [11] 9/8 59/17 92/21 108/6 115/18 RTD [2] 187/19 188/1 remove [1] 52/15 116/20 119/6 129/4 197/4 205/25 209/24 RTO [1] 156/13 renewable [7] 18/24 52/11 65/2 161/12 restaurants [1] 50/6 RTOs [2] 160/10 161/7 171/9 179/2 191/3 restriction's [1] 185/1 rules [1] 163/18 renewables [6] 23/12 171/10 173/8 173/9 restrictions [1] 119/17 run [6] 124/8 124/9 125/7 170/23 206/5 211/10 211/11 result [1] 188/5 206/6 rep [2] 41/16 144/15 results [8] 15/12 20/12 22/4 22/6 34/11 running [6] 54/22 58/8 66/17 68/14 219/3 Rep's [1] 138/11 34/14 40/4 192/20 219/4 repair [1] 56/11 resume [3] 45/17 90/18 90/22 runs [3] 121/5 129/1 136/25 repeat [1] 114/6 retail [11] 48/13 111/5 111/6 133/6 139/20 repeatedly [1] 144/18 140/6 140/16 187/16 192/22 196/25 S replace [1] 44/14 215/13 SAE [9] 16/20 25/1 26/19 26/23 32/1 36/2 replacement [1] 151/17 retailers [1] 121/11 36/14 46/22 46/25 replacements [1] 151/17 REV [2] 15/18 69/25 SAEs [1] 26/17 report [3] 156/17 156/17 158/23 revenue [12] 128/17 148/6 148/6 153/10 safe [1] 126/22 Reporter [1] 221/4 153/14 154/8 154/9 178/10 184/16 186/1 safely [2] 42/3 126/20 reports [1] 166/3 200/19 203/3 safety [7] 30/17 63/14 111/25 125/13 repository [1] 139/8 revenues [3] 101/9 163/7 178/8 126/14 126/18 129/15 represent [3] 13/12 95/16 133/24 reviewed [1] 9/16 said [11] 27/22 40/5 60/17 126/6 129/8 representative [5] 21/6 157/23 164/5 revolution [1] 176/5 138/6 139/15 145/10 191/18 204/24 212/3 181/4 181/7 revolutionary [1] 43/15 sale [3] 59/5 75/23 87/15 representatives [2] 105/3 145/6 REVs [4] 15/7 17/5 21/21 68/13 sales [4] 19/9 20/4 23/17 117/12 represented [2] 7/16 53/22 reward [1] 206/4 same [34] 15/7 33/15 34/11 35/11 41/5 representing [1] 3/3 rewarding [1] 182/14 41/6 41/8 53/6 54/7 55/1 55/8 65/10 74/6 represents [3] 180/24 182/21 197/5 RFID [2] 24/18 81/3 97/2 102/17 110/17 110/25 116/22 119/22 reps [2] 139/3 145/12 RG [2] 23/4 117/10 133/3 134/6 156/19 158/9 160/22 171/11 request [4] 28/9 28/13 128/2 159/5 Rich [7] 23/21 23/21 23/22 25/9 32/4 173/7 186/8 206/19 208/13 209/16 210/14 requested [1] 48/23 36/15 45/8 210/24 212/17 221/7 requests [1] 136/7 Rich Schuller [1] 36/15 sample [1] 31/7 require [8] 17/17 18/5 22/11 51/17 102/10 Richard [13] 5/16 5/17 9/7 13/22 13/23 San [3] 3/9 26/5 37/8 135/17 143/20 183/11 14/16 14/18 14/23 15/3 25/5 25/6 27/12 San Francisco [1] 3/9 required [5] 39/13 118/11 128/17 146/20 27/22 sat [3] 71/23 72/4 220/18 163/1 Richard Drake [2] 5/16 13/22 satellite [1] 83/24 requirement [7] 128/15 135/5 151/7 154/2 Richard Pratt [1] 5/17 satisfaction [2] 85/25 169/2 154/9 163/3 163/5 Richard's [1] 26/13 saturation [1] 194/18 requirements [10] 26/21 51/16 127/18 Rick [16] 23/21 23/23 24/4 24/13 24/22 save [3] 84/10 193/11 206/15 135/1 135/9 148/4 161/4 161/6 188/7 33/22 34/1 35/15 45/8 155/17 156/3 176/8 savings [1] 212/2 192/4 199/6 211/21 219/5 219/18 savvy [1] 98/20 requires [1] 147/13 Rick's [4] 24/24 165/18 186/6 190/13 saw [2] 34/11 212/16 requiring [3] 17/11 17/16 22/22 right [75] 4/24 13/3 25/8 30/25 31/17 32/4 say [43] 2/13 40/11 62/11 63/20 69/7 research [8] 12/25 14/1 14/12 19/15 73/9 34/17 36/16 37/2 40/17 41/2 42/9 45/10 69/10 71/23 81/22 100/14 104/14 105/21 143/6 143/8 194/1 46/14 51/19 53/2 53/17 57/17 58/6 58/15 105/23 110/17 113/12 117/15 121/19 reselling [2] 111/3 111/16 63/22 74/2 75/3 76/21 77/23 79/21 79/25 122/4 130/18 135/13 137/19 139/22 reservation [1] 82/14 88/16 89/20 91/7 91/12 91/16 91/16 92/4 139/24 141/7 149/22 153/11 157/19 reserve [2] 162/6 162/22 95/4 108/21 108/25 110/4 120/8 126/25 159/16 164/14 164/18 168/15 171/5 reserved [1] 82/13 127/18 132/1 132/2 133/22 138/1 138/7 183/14 189/10 189/13 190/13 191/7 196/8 reside [1] 169/12 141/24 147/4 149/10 153/24 155/4 155/14 199/14 201/21 203/14 206/18 211/4 residence [2] 82/21 175/22 161/2 170/12 174/6 174/25 175/1 175/2 219/14 residences [1] 84/7 175/13 176/23 178/7 178/23 178/24 179/3 saying [13] 45/25 78/2 80/10 105/7 108/21 resident [2] 45/12 61/19 179/13 184/18 189/12 191/25 192/6 114/20 114/24 121/13 121/17 136/4 residential [20] 51/6 61/17 69/16 102/16 196/15 198/7 198/7 198/10 204/8 208/12 173/21 191/9 191/16 102/20 102/21 103/3 103/12 117/3 117/5 rip [1] 202/17 says [11] 28/16 79/9 85/13 88/15 118/15 136/16 136/20 165/16 168/7 168/18 ripple [1] 190/10 138/18 142/15 145/21 147/1 157/18 176/8 168/19 171/25 211/1 211/3 211/19 rising [1] 6/3 SBC [1] 18/24 residents [2] 21/16 100/4 risk [1] 198/10 scale [3] 4/1 23/9 71/10 resides [3] 33/1 164/10 177/8 road [5] 67/9 79/8 165/20 174/2 201/23 scenario [1] 21/11 resistant [1] 210/19 roads [3] 48/11 64/7 68/8 schedule [6] 31/20 43/5 82/15 161/22 resource [6] 161/13 162/21 162/22 191/21 roadside [4] 111/21 131/19 131/22 132/6 163/2 215/4 191/21 192/5 ROBERT [1] 1/11 scheduling [1] 189/5 resources [10] 3/19 10/11 26/2 106/16 Rochester [1] 38/13 scheme [1] 6/12 139/10 144/20 161/3 161/9 161/24 188/2 role [16] 9/21 9/24 11/8 19/11 53/14 58/13 schemes [3] 73/24 113/16 115/7 respect [5] 10/12 10/21 13/6 129/15 210/9 58/25 87/12 87/13 140/21 140/23 159/1 Schenectady [1] 14/24 respond [7] 43/13 60/12 69/12 79/24 163/17 163/24 177/25 192/21 school [1] 53/3 138/2 187/13 205/24 roles [1] 163/16 Schuller [1] 36/15 responding [1] 89/18 roll [2] 215/7 215/23 science [2] 44/11 177/5 response [16] 18/1 18/3 19/6 21/13 45/18 roll-up [1] 215/7 Scotland [1] 132/3 141/8 141/14 159/9 159/21 161/13 162/11 rolled [3] 72/9 75/9 83/3 Scottish [1] 132/3 162/19 162/21 168/8 175/19 203/13 rolling [1] 88/23 Scottsdale [1] 177/9 responsibilities [2] 11/24 211/24 rollout [1] 75/22 scripts [2] 138/20 145/19 26 seriously [1] 65/20 214/16 215/13 S serve [2] 189/1 191/1 sign [2] 54/4 83/11 Seattle [2] 37/11 37/25 served [6] 6/23 7/4 7/6 101/21 102/18 signal [9] 24/13 33/4 33/6 33/16 137/4 second [21] 28/13 28/16 60/2 89/8 116/14 126/10 189/13 189/23 190/13 203/13 118/6 119/11 119/15 119/19 119/24 120/3 serves [1] 213/13 signals [3] 18/4 137/10 178/23 159/15 159/15 177/17 184/20 187/7 service [58] 1/1 1/6 2/3 8/5 11/12 12/12 signed [1] 28/12 188/10 188/10 191/19 191/19 218/7 12/16 58/25 86/17 92/19 93/5 93/17 93/20 significant [36] 5/25 18/15 20/24 25/17 second-to-second [2] 188/10 191/19 94/13 95/9 99/2 99/15 100/20 100/21 25/18 26/8 32/10 44/16 64/23 67/24 75/23 secondary [4] 97/7 119/1 135/10 185/3 109/5 115/19 115/22 115/24 115/25 116/1 86/18 94/5 97/13 98/6 105/25 118/14 Secondly [2] 10/3 95/10 116/5 116/18 117/17 118/3 128/2 133/17 122/7 129/3 130/18 135/18 135/21 135/22 seconds [1] 55/12 134/4 134/18 136/21 138/11 138/17 139/3 137/25 146/19 148/2 157/8 167/19 168/14 secretary [2] 7/1 7/14 139/14 142/24 143/20 143/24 144/2 180/25 181/2 181/10 194/4 194/15 198/11 section [1] 44/6 144/15 144/23 145/11 146/12 149/3 149/3 202/21 sector [14] 10/24 11/5 11/6 11/14 12/1 149/4 150/2 168/2 179/19 179/20 195/14 significantly [5] 24/14 26/7 73/15 86/21 12/2 45/4 45/14 125/11 125/12 125/24 196/3 196/12 211/16 215/16 217/9 131/6 183/1 218/11 services [12] 18/22 29/8 75/15 111/13 signing [2] 57/3 114/20 sectors [1] 106/7 111/14 120/9 139/7 144/16 168/8 179/1 similar [14] 25/9 54/3 66/19 86/6 102/25 secure [1] 28/4 190/12 190/24 118/23 119/17 128/22 131/20 132/10 secured [2] 30/7 200/8 serving [4] 21/13 107/13 190/12 190/20 141/9 151/12 159/8 171/9 security [14] 6/2 10/4 53/15 53/18 64/23 session [1] 154/21 simple [2] 27/14 172/2 79/2 95/22 106/15 106/23 107/3 161/18 set [14] 5/6 34/4 60/6 69/3 69/5 72/8 simply [6] 34/19 75/12 104/22 143/18 161/19 181/7 205/14 73/23 84/18 84/23 101/24 110/12 116/17 173/3 207/6 see [69] 12/15 13/15 25/17 30/15 32/3 116/19 137/4 simultaneous [2] 23/10 206/10 32/24 33/13 33/15 37/17 45/7 49/1 49/9 sets [3] 25/23 26/16 163/17 simultaneously [1] 168/3 53/16 54/2 58/13 65/15 66/12 67/13 67/18 setting [2] 81/2 159/10 since [7] 43/4 91/18 92/8 92/11 99/14 74/23 75/17 83/25 86/22 89/6 90/13 94/15 settlement [3] 178/13 178/18 180/2 139/9 172/9 94/15 95/5 98/9 104/20 105/6 109/8 seven [6] 23/4 26/3 38/14 97/7 165/8 single [4] 39/10 44/12 190/11 196/18 120/16 125/12 131/16 132/14 133/24 172/15 sir [1] 129/17 134/12 134/19 141/24 142/14 144/3 146/8 seven percent [1] 26/3 site [1] 213/18 146/10 148/6 157/15 158/13 158/16 166/7 several [11] 15/9 16/22 18/10 18/11 24/12 sited [1] 216/4 170/19 171/7 171/9 171/24 172/1 172/1 68/11 71/17 94/11 123/20 150/12 213/16 sites [2] 213/12 213/23 172/19 177/17 187/18 187/18 190/18 shading [2] 49/2 49/2 sits [1] 38/6 192/24 193/6 196/14 197/19 201/3 202/18 Shannon [2] 221/4 221/12 sitting [1] 60/15 214/22 218/17 220/8 shape [1] 161/1 situated [1] 195/14 seed [1] 14/13 shapes [1] 68/6 situation [7] 40/6 42/14 122/24 122/24 seeing [5] 59/11 68/7 87/9 192/19 196/16 shaping [1] 178/23 186/20 186/20 219/9 seem [5] 20/2 27/8 69/1 93/14 145/13 share [8] 64/20 65/9 79/16 114/18 122/9 six [9] 28/17 34/6 44/4 66/13 95/13 131/16 seems [6] 104/11 186/12 211/24 212/5 156/9 157/9 165/17 134/6 135/3 169/6 212/6 217/7 shared [2] 65/12 185/21 six months [2] 66/13 169/6 seen [16] 6/4 66/17 66/25 96/20 103/18 sharing [2] 122/21 123/5 six percent [2] 95/13 135/3 107/18 124/16 125/3 136/6 173/7 173/8 she [5] 41/18 45/13 45/17 53/7 177/4 sixteen [1] 165/8 178/19 183/4 206/6 219/5 219/5 She's [1] 63/15 sixth [1] 28/17 segregate [1] 201/11 Shell [1] 74/5 sixty [1] 55/12 selected [2] 31/9 59/13 shift [1] 164/3 size [3] 51/19 55/14 97/11 selection [1] 78/12 shifted [1] 26/11 sized [3] 118/3 128/5 187/22 self [2] 138/17 144/22 shifting [2] 18/14 178/23 sizes [1] 16/23 self-service [1] 138/17 shock [1] 126/15 sizing [1] 128/4 sell [2] 132/17 132/18 shopping [1] 50/5 skids [1] 183/21 selling [1] 139/18 short [3] 20/1 133/11 165/6 skiing [1] 164/20 send [7] 108/8 108/12 133/23 133/25 Shorthand [1] 221/4 skin [1] 187/9 134/5 176/12 189/12 shortly [2] 37/15 180/18 sky [1] 192/9 sending [2] 108/11 137/9 should [43] 9/12 10/4 11/7 51/15 56/13 slack [1] 19/25 sends [4] 28/8 28/13 29/3 30/4 66/12 69/3 70/17 89/21 100/15 100/20 sleeves [2] 60/18 72/10 senior [3] 6/23 14/17 24/8 118/15 125/21 125/22 125/22 144/7 144/8 slide [68] 25/6 25/8 25/20 26/15 27/5 sense [13] 55/24 58/10 60/22 96/21 107/4 145/1 179/6 182/12 183/3 183/6 188/5 30/12 31/6 31/24 31/25 32/15 33/8 33/10 162/18 181/23 182/21 188/8 198/9 216/5 195/3 206/25 207/7 207/10 207/11 207/12 47/18 48/10 48/18 54/9 55/10 55/22 56/4 218/16 218/16 207/13 207/17 207/24 207/25 208/17 57/15 58/4 58/9 58/20 58/24 60/12 61/1 senses [1] 201/17 209/2 209/11 209/22 214/5 214/6 215/22 61/14 61/16 62/1 62/6 62/16 62/24 63/24 sensing [1] 170/24 217/21 218/6 218/25 64/12 65/22 66/10 66/24 67/11 71/14 72/3 sensitive [2] 96/22 162/5 shouldn't [2] 100/21 159/16 72/11 72/13 73/2 73/13 75/12 94/8 96/16 sensitivity [1] 160/7 shove [1] 204/22 131/16 133/14 133/15 134/1 156/10 sensors [1] 24/15 show [6] 16/15 21/15 62/1 73/11 149/14 157/10 157/17 157/18 157/21 158/4 sent [1] 189/23 167/25 158/22 160/9 161/25 164/25 165/24 166/7 SEP [3] 27/1 31/14 31/17 showed [5] 25/25 34/15 34/21 41/22 166/16 167/5 167/24 176/8 196/6 separate [18] 111/9 119/5 120/20 140/14 182/17 slide 13 [1] 160/9 144/1 163/16 185/3 186/2 186/10 186/14 shower [1] 149/23 slides [9] 49/10 53/11 54/2 56/3 92/4 196/4 199/2 199/4 199/16 199/17 199/18 showing [1] 193/10 133/13 164/23 165/2 188/23 199/19 208/20 shows [2] 33/8 86/2 slightly [3] 79/15 93/13 140/23 separately [3] 83/4 184/10 186/13 shut [1] 120/13 Slingerland [1] 142/16 separating [1] 185/10 shutting [1] 79/7 slow [1] 189/20 separation [1] 211/1 shuttle [1] 24/23 slower [1] 190/14 sequenced [1] 168/5 side [12] 23/4 131/5 131/7 146/3 171/24 small [11] 15/20 17/17 66/2 68/12 68/12 series [4] 2/4 145/23 166/3 206/21 188/25 202/12 203/15 211/3 211/19 120/8 124/12 133/24 174/11 174/16 177/3 27 173/23 36/10 37/20 41/1 42/7 42/10 46/23 47/4 S Sonya [1] 220/12 71/20 75/1 75/9 77/9 77/24 78/18 79/18 smaller [3] 67/21 70/7 145/1 soon [3] 19/5 55/20 81/1 79/20 81/8 111/20 125/13 126/22 132/24 smart [52] 2/7 4/4 13/3 13/6 17/21 17/21 sooner [1] 189/21 161/8 169/1 178/16 192/4 17/21 18/2 18/5 18/14 22/22 23/10 55/23 sophisticated [1] 88/21 standpoint [1] 125/25 62/10 73/17 73/18 79/14 89/12 89/12 sophistication [2] 103/20 104/10 Starbucks [1] 50/9 134/22 135/1 135/6 140/7 140/11 140/16 sorry [10] 25/15 47/18 48/10 77/14 106/14 start [30] 4/14 6/19 6/19 15/8 31/14 34/6 150/23 160/20 160/21 163/19 164/1 113/8 170/13 196/10 203/23 211/20 45/25 64/7 64/9 66/12 75/6 81/1 81/4 170/23 170/25 171/7 171/13 173/4 178/21 sort [19] 44/2 46/14 49/19 50/13 50/14 84/19 84/24 105/21 135/9 135/10 135/13 179/8 192/21 200/21 203/7 203/9 203/15 81/2 82/5 82/6 83/12 144/16 144/18 135/25 136/3 137/4 141/13 164/23 170/21 203/17 204/12 204/17 211/14 212/5 144/19 155/13 163/23 164/25 193/8 171/12 172/19 172/21 203/1 218/20 213/17 214/13 218/7 218/12 218/13 196/15 215/22 216/19 started [2] 4/12 65/4 Smarter [1] 178/20 sorts [6] 49/4 50/6 52/12 52/16 52/19 83/8 starting [7] 3/5 26/19 37/1 160/18 167/8 smartness [1] 74/8 sounds [4] 35/17 120/18 145/8 203/25 190/18 215/25 Smyrna, [1] 45/6 soup [1] 69/24 starts [1] 133/18 Smyrna, Tennessee [1] 45/6 source [1] 106/1 state [76] 1/1 1/6 2/3 6/10 6/13 7/5 7/7 snuff [2] 99/17 118/17 sources [2] 52/12 106/20 7/10 7/10 7/21 8/3 9/18 9/23 10/6 10/6 so [391] Southern [2] 37/7 71/24 10/11 10/13 10/14 10/16 10/18 10/20 11/2 soaped [1] 189/16 space [6] 24/23 24/23 53/16 60/8 61/21 11/9 11/11 11/20 12/3 12/5 12/6 13/8 social [2] 80/15 199/12 196/25 13/10 13/13 13/18 15/1 17/14 46/19 46/19 socialized [3] 207/1 207/7 207/19 Spain [13] 95/5 95/12 95/19 96/3 110/19 47/14 48/13 48/20 48/21 51/21 53/8 72/19 socializing [1] 216/10 110/21 110/22 114/23 122/18 125/4 72/23 75/21 76/6 77/6 78/6 78/8 78/15 socially [1] 207/12 131/11 132/1 177/12 84/5 84/7 85/14 85/16 95/8 98/25 117/9 societal [2] 206/22 209/7 Spanish [4] 95/16 110/12 111/18 111/19 118/12 120/22 156/2 169/17 169/21 societally [1] 207/12 SPC [1] 23/7 169/23 181/17 182/1 182/2 182/4 183/17 society [15] 2/19 43/20 46/25 47/3 62/2 speak [4] 80/18 158/2 173/18 173/20 188/10 190/3 193/6 199/5 215/22 216/6 181/3 184/23 205/6 206/14 206/24 209/1 speaker [3] 53/1 63/9 63/18 217/3 221/5 210/6 210/10 210/10 210/16 speakers [2] 36/18 175/4 state's [2] 10/1 155/21 software [1] 179/12 speaking [3] 80/22 213/24 213/25 state-of-the-art [1] 47/14 solar [3] 216/20 216/22 217/2 special [2] 209/20 220/14 stated [1] 15/5 sold [3] 57/20 117/16 117/20 specific [14] 11/23 12/8 40/14 63/24 statements [1] 178/5 solicit [1] 159/4 107/20 108/17 139/16 149/16 149/16 Staten [1] 102/22 solution [4] 64/8 106/21 132/13 140/17 162/25 198/3 206/3 213/10 214/4 states [15] 7/1 10/25 14/8 21/23 48/2 solutions [3] 80/16 81/14 126/4 specifically [9] 13/19 48/19 64/19 96/6 51/23 52/2 59/13 75/18 78/7 132/7 132/10 some [147] 2/6 2/6 5/3 5/9 6/5 6/6 9/8 105/23 110/14 130/10 197/14 213/8 165/8 169/22 193/20 11/21 15/6 15/6 15/7 15/9 15/11 16/19 specifications [1] 71/21 statewide [2] 135/24 174/12 17/5 18/25 20/11 22/4 22/5 25/18 27/15 spectrum [1] 197/5 station [29] 24/24 27/14 27/17 54/18 28/25 29/4 29/16 31/5 31/7 31/25 37/15 speed [2] 45/17 55/13 73/25 74/1 74/5 74/5 84/1 101/23 102/1 39/14 39/24 39/25 40/2 40/23 43/22 44/23 speeds [2] 16/7 16/8 108/12 111/1 111/3 111/22 112/4 116/15 50/25 51/7 56/9 56/17 56/23 56/24 57/14 spend [4] 2/5 68/4 78/10 124/25 147/19 148/1 164/18 194/8 194/21 194/22 57/21 58/16 58/18 59/12 59/20 60/7 60/24 spending [1] 50/7 197/17 202/15 202/18 203/10 215/13 61/12 72/8 72/22 77/1 77/8 85/3 90/1 spent [3] 8/16 85/21 193/12 215/16 93/11 93/18 94/10 97/13 97/21 98/10 99/3 spikes [1] 29/10 stationary [1] 14/15 101/20 102/10 105/6 105/10 105/17 spinning [1] 56/16 stationery [1] 42/23 106/18 107/8 109/16 113/6 113/6 116/1 spinoff [2] 25/6 25/7 stations [37] 25/3 37/13 68/24 74/7 80/22 117/3 119/16 119/22 120/7 121/10 122/6 split [2] 103/8 168/18 104/13 107/21 111/9 112/9 125/1 125/2 122/20 122/20 123/2 123/4 124/13 127/8 spoke [2] 187/21 215/1 125/3 125/7 125/11 125/21 126/23 127/4 129/8 129/9 129/22 132/11 135/21 137/17 spoken [1] 76/1 127/9 127/14 127/19 129/13 129/15 141/10 141/13 143/6 143/10 143/10 146/9 spot [3] 73/21 80/12 204/7 142/17 194/18 195/4 195/13 195/14 149/15 150/13 150/14 150/19 156/7 156/9 spread [5] 59/16 59/17 100/17 128/18 195/21 195/24 196/2 196/3 196/11 196/12 159/8 160/20 162/18 165/4 165/16 167/3 158/15 198/17 206/12 208/7 216/4 167/13 167/13 167/23 168/9 169/22 170/4 spreading [1] 216/11 statistic [1] 182/16 170/14 171/22 177/4 181/1 181/16 186/9 spring [1] 153/3 statistics [2] 56/18 216/18 187/24 189/22 191/16 191/20 191/21 spurring [1] 56/16 statutory [2] 7/8 85/4 193/11 195/22 197/22 197/23 197/25 SPX [4] 62/18 87/17 87/18 87/19 stay [4] 79/17 144/8 168/17 176/19 201/9 201/10 203/19 203/20 206/22 square [1] 33/2 staying [1] 59/9 209/21 213/18 215/22 216/21 217/3 218/8 squeeze [1] 63/10 steady [1] 60/10 219/2 220/5 220/8 220/11 stab [2] 121/7 207/15 steam [1] 188/13 somebody [14] 70/13 73/25 76/16 80/23 stabilize [1] 64/16 step [10] 30/3 60/8 84/4 103/17 144/13 98/19 99/1 101/13 106/11 117/11 137/19 staff [4] 5/2 141/19 141/20 220/11 184/9 189/13 190/5 190/13 190/14 138/18 142/19 149/10 150/5 stage [2] 20/5 159/11 stepping [1] 59/22 somebody's [1] 107/20 staged [2] 32/11 168/4 Steven [13] 91/19 91/20 95/3 96/5 110/10 somehow [1] 200/16 stages [1] 177/24 113/10 121/1 129/7 129/20 139/11 140/18 someone [4] 79/9 80/6 118/24 173/21 stair [1] 187/3 145/9 148/16 someplace [1] 119/19 stair-rate [1] 187/3 Steven Tobias [1] 91/19 something [30] 33/2 49/25 51/9 52/7 stakeholder [2] 59/1 164/5 still [17] 41/3 49/14 51/9 66/6 114/4 119/9 79/23 81/3 81/12 89/14 90/11 92/24 97/17 stakeholder's [1] 50/21 119/20 124/17 137/2 137/6 153/21 178/13 104/5 113/12 123/23 125/18 128/24 stand [2] 99/20 104/18 179/1 208/4 208/14 210/1 213/1 137/21 145/22 163/25 168/22 173/11 standard [19] 16/20 16/23 28/16 34/10 stimulating [1] 47/12 191/7 194/22 202/2 204/23 209/19 212/17 39/3 41/22 46/11 46/11 47/15 57/4 75/6 stimulus [2] 3/7 195/7 213/22 216/13 219/14 77/10 77/17 77/20 86/10 128/1 144/6 stochastic [3] 21/12 22/18 39/18 sometimes [2] 152/3 152/6 144/9 205/1 stop [5] 38/2 47/13 129/4 141/13 176/18 somewhere [4] 25/10 38/14 125/19 standards [29] 25/2 26/14 26/16 36/2 36/7 stopped [1] 164/19 28 supposed [1] 177/19 Tannersville [2] 164/19 166/15 S sure [32] 8/15 35/20 41/18 42/4 54/6 taper [1] 34/23 stops [2] 80/25 197/4 70/19 81/8 82/8 87/21 94/24 98/15 99/4 target [5] 64/18 64/19 66/21 77/2 106/5 storage [8] 3/12 4/18 14/6 14/11 14/14 99/7 99/10 99/16 99/21 114/8 117/25 targeted [1] 108/17 18/20 18/22 42/23 118/6 118/17 128/4 129/23 142/4 143/23 targeting [2] 108/21 195/20 store [1] 85/13 145/7 192/2 195/11 196/5 199/21 201/3 targets [5] 71/17 106/7 106/18 129/21 stored [1] 69/4 209/13 212/11 130/24 stories [1] 44/5 surfaced [1] 168/13 tariff [4] 118/14 118/15 128/11 148/5 story [1] 173/17 surplus [1] 189/9 task [3] 60/17 185/11 215/22 straightforward [1] 209/13 survey [1] 63/1 tax [16] 36/15 48/1 51/24 51/25 52/7 59/6 strategies [2] 9/16 9/20 surveyed [1] 39/11 178/6 178/8 178/11 178/12 183/18 185/8 strategy [10] 10/2 63/12 64/14 64/15 65/4 surveys [1] 21/15 201/24 206/14 217/3 217/4 65/6 65/21 66/7 177/2 208/16 suspect [1] 169/12 taxes [2] 201/23 215/5 stray [1] 126/18 sustainability [4] 63/14 65/22 124/6 taxi [3] 2/15 121/2 122/19 stream [2] 60/10 106/22 134/14 taxpayer [1] 206/23 streamline [1] 169/25 sustainable [1] 63/12 taxpayers [2] 115/13 115/13 streamlined [1] 71/4 sustaining [1] 16/1 team [3] 24/16 24/24 91/11 streams [2] 72/6 72/8 swaps [1] 42/24 tear [1] 188/14 street [8] 44/3 44/7 44/24 45/3 49/16 swiped [1] 81/4 techies [1] 6/6 112/11 125/18 131/25 switch [10] 28/15 30/11 30/15 30/21 30/22 technical [7] 1/3 2/2 2/5 61/6 90/22 111/20 streets [1] 111/22 32/14 88/15 88/20 88/25 210/7 171/19 strike [1] 103/2 switching [1] 210/20 technically [2] 19/16 171/16 strong [5] 48/24 59/9 97/22 199/18 204/17 synergy [1] 3/21 techniques [1] 22/23 struck [2] 34/2 216/13 Syracuse [1] 170/16 technologically [1] 175/18 structure [9] 29/4 29/7 84/6 186/10 186/15 system [85] 3/17 3/23 4/11 4/15 10/12 technologies [7] 3/15 14/14 32/21 34/5 187/3 207/18 209/10 211/18 11/23 12/21 21/9 21/12 23/4 23/5 26/22 45/15 171/17 214/19 structured [2] 136/10 136/11 27/22 27/24 30/22 34/3 62/15 71/19 75/7 technology [57] 3/12 5/22 6/10 11/16 structures [4] 29/7 136/4 183/5 187/17 83/22 88/22 90/4 92/12 93/21 93/22 94/3 11/17 11/21 12/4 12/5 12/9 12/18 13/12 structuring [1] 187/1 94/25 95/6 96/1 98/11 99/22 102/24 13/18 14/2 14/4 14/6 14/11 14/20 24/18 struggled [1] 204/19 103/10 106/2 106/23 108/6 108/15 119/20 24/20 25/1 44/1 47/8 48/24 53/22 64/20 struggling [3] 192/21 199/6 204/14 126/15 126/16 126/18 134/2 134/5 134/10 65/10 65/19 66/18 67/7 70/3 70/11 75/9 studies [5] 15/11 16/15 92/13 94/11 134/21 134/25 135/4 135/8 135/13 135/17 80/1 91/21 91/22 98/19 104/17 104/17 153/25 135/25 136/5 137/11 137/15 139/24 105/1 161/2 165/21 165/21 167/2 171/8 study [17] 3/18 19/14 19/17 20/20 21/1 140/12 140/13 140/20 141/7 141/12 176/22 192/7 192/9 192/19 200/13 200/22 21/9 21/19 117/25 134/13 134/14 134/15 143/24 146/21 148/4 151/8 151/11 151/21 201/7 202/14 203/18 205/10 205/19 212/4 134/15 153/24 158/8 166/2 194/1 194/12 154/1 155/21 155/22 157/8 173/11 175/11 212/7 stuff [1] 29/2 175/11 177/22 178/25 180/22 189/22 telematic [1] 83/22 sub [4] 184/16 187/7 200/19 202/7 191/9 191/14 196/4 200/7 204/2 205/24 telephone [2] 125/15 138/12 sub-metering [1] 187/7 209/6 219/4 tell [9] 74/4 76/25 86/1 104/4 165/5 subscription [2] 73/24 74/2 system's [1] 97/18 171/15 173/15 189/19 202/4 subset [1] 197/11 systems [14] 13/24 14/3 14/19 24/7 telling [2] 85/11 165/12 subsidized [1] 100/21 151/10 151/13 151/16 170/24 175/3 175/6 tells [2] 83/10 131/21 substance [1] 44/10 175/20 178/18 188/1 214/20 temperature [2] 139/25 139/25 substantial [1] 17/3 ten [15] 20/17 85/15 95/15 130/19 134/17 substation [9] 93/23 134/20 135/2 135/4 T 157/17 158/7 158/7 158/12 158/16 158/20 147/13 147/23 147/23 147/25 178/25 table [4] 50/22 60/15 60/18 193/2 160/14 192/15 192/16 196/6 substitute [1] 178/11 tailored [1] 144/16 ten percent [4] 134/17 158/12 192/15 suburban [3] 21/3 119/23 193/15 tailpipe [1] 77/19 192/16 success [2] 11/16 11/21 take [47] 4/8 4/16 4/17 5/10 16/5 17/18 ten year [2] 130/19 158/7 successful [4] 10/21 10/23 11/17 59/4 18/8 18/16 19/25 23/25 25/5 37/2 40/7 ten years [3] 158/7 158/20 160/14 successfully [1] 69/22 45/19 50/20 51/2 51/4 51/5 51/10 56/17 tend [1] 40/10 such [6] 48/5 58/2 139/9 140/22 199/18 74/18 80/6 81/21 84/4 84/25 88/22 90/10 tendency [1] 38/25 215/25 90/17 92/7 118/5 121/7 122/3 122/11 tends [2] 18/17 169/11 sudden [1] 219/7 124/21 124/23 131/12 141/15 144/12 Tennessee [4] 45/6 45/11 52/1 169/24 suddenly [1] 149/23 146/7 149/22 150/8 151/3 159/20 169/1 tens [1] 189/14 sufficient [2] 135/14 163/2 182/20 186/16 207/15 terabytes [1] 165/12 suggest [4] 55/9 57/13 76/13 184/3 taken [4] 130/24 188/20 219/24 221/6 terawatt [2] 20/14 20/16 suggested [1] 58/3 takes [2] 102/1 168/23 term [9] 17/20 65/15 65/18 76/15 77/2 suggesting [3] 56/9 119/4 155/6 taking [10] 40/20 40/22 65/20 81/13 112/21 133/11 214/1 218/9 suggestion [3] 137/17 213/9 215/21 135/10 149/24 168/10 169/23 198/7 terminate [1] 30/23 suggests [1] 62/25 210/21 termination [1] 116/8 suited [1] 212/7 talk [18] 2/9 5/22 6/8 26/17 74/9 92/14 terms [26] 3/24 15/9 16/19 17/22 34/3 summer [1] 137/7 96/8 98/14 129/20 131/14 135/24 142/10 38/19 49/8 55/11 55/15 125/20 129/10 supermarket [1] 205/2 167/3 167/17 170/1 204/3 204/5 217/5 129/12 158/5 161/5 162/19 167/3 167/21 supplied [3] 16/15 100/11 100/12 talked [11] 41/1 68/3 73/15 74/16 84/20 168/12 168/18 170/9 178/3 179/4 185/8 supply [8] 16/9 57/24 57/25 60/12 95/23 88/14 93/25 97/1 117/24 167/18 178/1 187/10 187/25 218/25 99/23 194/12 194/13 talking [28] 3/7 9/8 33/16 67/13 73/8 terribly [2] 8/19 9/11 supplying [1] 160/24 73/17 79/18 80/15 102/19 120/2 121/1 terrific [2] 63/8 155/10 support [8] 171/16 173/24 175/12 182/10 131/17 136/13 141/23 147/17 147/21 territory [16] 87/24 92/19 93/5 93/17 93/20 189/6 189/19 205/21 215/23 147/24 151/9 151/20 152/10 155/5 165/10 94/14 99/3 99/15 119/22 133/10 133/17 supported [2] 24/22 58/17 172/17 172/18 186/5 193/9 203/24 205/22 134/4 134/19 136/21 146/12 150/2 supports [1] 91/22 talks [1] 180/1 Tesla [4] 41/5 42/18 43/2 172/16 suppose [1] 9/4 tank [1] 209/18 Teslarosa [1] 32/8 29 183/11 197/15 206/22 211/9 219/6 220/6 these [105] 4/18 9/20 18/25 23/9 24/20 T theme [2] 85/7 178/20 29/7 29/14 31/9 35/22 36/9 37/12 37/23 test [10] 22/7 22/13 47/16 66/21 86/8 themes [1] 165/1 38/16 38/20 42/7 48/5 49/5 49/10 51/23 103/13 104/24 128/11 148/6 165/9 themselves [5] 72/24 139/13 169/24 56/17 56/18 58/14 58/16 59/4 59/8 61/12 tested [1] 214/11 198/19 205/4 65/24 66/12 66/25 67/7 68/15 73/3 73/22 than [37] 21/15 27/10 35/6 40/10 42/14 then [111] 7/22 9/6 15/9 24/1 25/12 28/13 76/13 77/10 78/23 79/17 80/13 89/22 44/18 45/13 56/14 75/13 92/25 93/3 93/3 29/2 34/7 38/15 50/2 50/10 50/15 51/4 92/22 93/19 94/7 94/23 96/15 96/18 96/24 97/5 108/23 109/22 116/19 122/10 126/11 52/16 58/23 62/13 64/17 65/17 66/2 66/5 97/3 103/20 107/13 107/21 112/23 121/20 135/8 137/15 145/15 149/13 150/2 161/12 66/25 67/21 67/22 68/14 70/6 71/3 71/21 121/24 122/11 130/19 131/7 131/25 184/7 188/12 189/21 190/19 192/23 72/10 74/14 74/22 75/12 77/13 80/21 137/23 143/21 145/3 151/15 153/9 155/9 193/19 194/11 204/7 205/1 206/4 210/3 80/24 82/2 82/14 82/17 82/20 82/24 83/5 156/19 158/19 161/3 161/9 161/15 161/17 218/19 220/6 83/9 83/15 84/3 84/15 84/16 88/9 94/14 162/14 162/18 163/13 165/3 166/7 166/8 thank [54] 7/25 13/20 13/21 15/4 23/20 99/17 101/7 101/9 102/12 104/9 108/9 167/11 167/14 167/20 168/6 170/6 171/17 25/4 25/5 33/20 33/21 33/24 43/5 45/21 109/3 115/23 116/2 120/13 121/23 124/2 172/14 173/13 174/16 175/8 183/20 188/2 45/24 52/22 53/9 63/7 63/8 63/17 75/20 124/7 128/20 132/18 141/22 141/22 191/8 191/15 193/16 196/15 196/17 197/6 77/3 81/15 90/13 90/16 90/18 90/24 90/25 142/22 143/5 148/12 152/16 153/19 154/7 197/8 199/9 199/12 209/23 212/14 213/14 95/1 95/8 98/8 110/20 113/10 124/18 155/14 159/5 165/18 166/2 167/23 172/15 214/20 217/11 217/13 217/17 217/19 131/10 154/13 154/14 154/24 156/5 173/9 173/15 173/22 174/23 176/24 218/20 164/13 170/20 172/25 176/25 177/11 178/16 179/6 179/8 179/25 179/25 180/5 they [177] 2/18 5/25 9/7 23/3 23/6 24/3 191/3 198/24 213/5 214/9 216/7 219/18 180/10 180/15 182/6 185/2 189/5 189/7 26/6 29/6 34/6 35/3 35/23 36/10 36/18 219/25 220/3 220/9 220/11 220/18 220/20 189/17 190/8 191/20 196/6 196/20 196/24 40/10 41/12 42/8 50/8 51/13 51/15 51/25 thanks [3] 63/16 96/7 220/14 200/5 200/13 203/9 203/14 204/15 205/23 56/1 57/19 57/20 58/13 59/4 59/5 59/7 that [1051] 207/19 209/4 211/15 213/2 214/17 219/13 59/23 60/2 60/3 60/8 63/1 64/8 65/9 68/20 that's [140] 2/17 4/10 7/10 13/9 13/9 theoretical [2] 165/10 182/18 68/24 70/5 70/7 71/1 71/7 72/2 72/2 74/2 26/12 27/17 29/22 30/13 30/17 32/3 34/9 theoretically [1] 183/17 76/17 76/18 76/21 76/24 77/12 80/7 80/24 35/6 35/7 36/12 40/9 41/15 42/5 42/25 there [154] 9/3 9/10 10/3 11/14 11/14 82/15 82/15 82/18 82/25 83/5 83/7 83/11 43/11 45/6 47/15 52/20 54/4 57/9 57/23 11/18 13/5 19/23 20/6 21/16 27/14 27/15 85/22 86/15 87/18 87/18 87/21 87/23 58/22 60/5 61/10 62/5 62/6 62/15 66/2 34/19 37/22 38/24 39/4 39/13 39/14 39/20 87/23 87/25 88/4 89/8 90/8 93/24 96/24 66/11 69/8 70/19 72/15 74/1 74/8 74/11 39/23 40/23 41/2 45/12 45/12 46/10 47/16 98/22 99/2 99/5 99/5 99/8 99/17 99/18 75/2 77/23 78/14 81/10 83/1 84/1 86/7 51/7 54/4 55/14 60/20 60/23 62/14 64/1 99/19 103/21 104/8 104/22 105/10 105/15 86/20 88/16 89/2 89/9 89/14 94/4 94/5 64/10 64/11 67/12 68/9 70/1 72/21 75/1 108/3 108/5 108/7 108/8 108/12 108/22 94/21 97/19 106/3 109/23 110/20 113/7 76/2 76/3 77/10 78/1 78/20 81/11 83/5 108/23 110/3 110/24 111/1 112/25 117/23 113/9 114/11 115/4 115/10 118/19 121/15 84/6 87/3 89/1 90/12 96/13 96/21 98/23 118/2 120/15 120/16 121/4 122/5 123/24 125/23 126/1 126/3 126/21 128/3 130/3 99/5 102/1 103/3 104/3 105/25 106/18 124/11 124/15 127/2 127/3 131/1 131/5 130/10 131/1 133/4 133/20 134/19 135/8 109/16 110/13 110/15 110/16 113/6 117/3 131/9 133/1 134/12 134/16 136/17 136/21 135/13 136/25 148/5 148/25 149/14 117/16 117/24 120/1 121/22 123/20 138/21 138/24 141/12 142/5 142/6 143/8 149/17 150/19 151/22 152/14 152/21 124/14 124/15 124/22 125/10 125/16 144/2 144/5 144/10 145/10 145/12 145/15 153/21 154/24 155/6 157/17 158/11 126/24 127/1 127/18 127/22 128/11 146/17 146/18 147/14 150/24 151/13 163/19 166/13 167/4 167/7 168/4 168/9 128/19 129/8 133/14 135/12 137/17 151/14 158/9 159/20 166/21 166/22 168/21 169/18 172/4 173/14 173/20 137/21 138/9 140/6 140/21 140/23 141/9 172/16 173/12 173/15 173/15 176/7 174/12 177/14 177/20 178/13 178/24 143/5 144/3 147/7 148/5 148/23 152/1 176/12 178/9 178/10 180/21 186/23 180/4 180/9 181/22 183/5 184/16 184/24 154/11 156/22 157/3 157/3 160/16 161/20 186/25 186/25 187/1 187/3 188/17 194/5 184/25 185/18 186/11 189/16 189/23 163/16 164/18 166/9 167/2 168/14 169/17 194/6 194/7 194/9 195/3 197/16 198/18 190/11 191/25 192/22 197/10 199/21 169/21 171/17 171/20 174/3 182/16 202/23 203/24 205/2 205/3 205/6 208/24 199/23 200/17 200/18 201/10 201/12 183/23 183/25 184/18 185/19 186/24 209/1 209/11 210/9 211/12 211/13 211/15 202/6 202/10 206/19 209/25 211/19 187/1 189/10 190/10 190/24 191/15 214/2 215/11 215/12 215/21 216/24 212/23 214/10 214/11 214/22 220/6 193/23 193/23 194/12 195/13 196/2 217/17 218/3 218/25 theaters [1] 50/6 197/21 199/2 199/18 199/25 200/13 they'd [2] 194/20 194/21 their [96] 3/7 4/12 4/13 9/4 22/10 27/2 200/13 200/23 201/16 202/19 202/22 they'll [2] 86/10 88/6 36/25 37/1 42/11 43/12 49/14 49/14 50/8 203/11 203/12 203/15 204/2 208/20 they're [35] 37/16 41/20 50/9 57/5 57/6 51/19 52/18 56/2 59/23 60/1 63/2 64/7 209/20 209/21 211/24 213/1 214/17 68/23 70/22 70/23 71/5 76/19 86/7 89/6 68/24 70/3 70/8 70/23 71/5 71/6 71/15 214/19 215/7 215/22 219/8 89/8 96/23 107/10 108/22 114/9 117/20 73/10 75/11 76/11 76/17 76/24 80/24 82/9 there's [115] 2/22 3/1 3/21 3/23 26/16 122/10 131/4 142/16 147/14 149/6 187/6 82/14 83/7 83/8 83/10 84/15 86/2 86/22 26/18 27/20 28/3 28/17 28/17 29/22 31/9 190/23 194/16 204/6 205/2 208/7 208/7 90/14 90/14 92/4 99/10 99/11 104/18 31/15 32/14 35/5 38/12 38/23 38/24 41/23 208/8 209/8 209/10 210/5 212/2 104/21 108/8 108/11 114/24 117/12 43/20 43/25 46/1 54/23 57/22 58/15 59/25 they've [4] 47/3 82/13 149/2 215/12 117/14 120/15 120/17 122/25 123/1 63/10 68/22 73/21 74/9 76/9 78/8 78/8 thing [30] 4/19 6/16 8/2 33/25 34/1 38/10 123/24 124/6 132/11 134/13 134/13 138/8 80/13 87/3 89/4 92/18 93/7 94/11 96/14 42/11 49/19 50/10 50/14 54/14 63/3 70/9 138/23 142/23 142/24 143/6 143/8 143/11 97/13 97/21 98/1 103/13 105/7 106/4 73/25 111/6 132/6 139/21 139/22 139/24 143/12 145/20 146/5 146/15 149/11 106/5 106/19 111/16 113/13 113/15 142/7 173/14 181/21 185/25 191/9 194/3 151/13 156/23 160/15 168/23 173/15 113/25 115/5 115/9 116/1 117/15 119/15 194/10 199/25 206/3 206/8 212/10 176/14 178/18 187/5 194/22 194/23 121/15 122/7 125/1 126/15 129/13 129/24 things [77] 2/7 2/12 4/5 4/6 4/15 6/12 195/13 205/4 206/20 208/8 211/14 216/22 130/1 130/4 130/22 137/19 147/21 148/11 27/20 35/4 41/24 42/2 42/12 46/13 48/7 217/2 217/14 218/2 218/4 218/12 219/3 152/15 156/20 163/17 166/3 167/23 168/7 49/4 50/6 51/1 51/8 52/12 52/16 52/17 theirs [1] 124/3 168/24 170/1 173/10 174/23 175/14 176/8 52/19 61/12 63/24 64/25 77/1 80/14 83/8 them [55] 4/14 9/6 34/7 37/16 41/12 52/8 176/9 181/22 182/16 183/7 186/9 188/15 91/5 92/1 92/6 92/18 92/19 93/18 103/13 57/19 57/21 58/18 60/25 63/6 64/8 67/1 189/7 189/9 192/18 193/23 195/18 199/15 110/15 110/16 124/13 124/15 128/3 67/8 68/8 70/7 77/7 77/11 83/10 83/10 199/22 199/24 200/22 201/7 203/7 203/8 130/12 138/6 140/24 145/4 153/18 153/21 84/15 85/24 86/1 94/24 94/25 99/23 203/18 204/15 204/16 204/23 205/4 208/5 154/2 154/21 165/10 167/17 167/20 171/5 103/21 104/8 104/9 108/21 127/6 127/6 209/12 211/2 211/15 212/10 212/14 171/24 172/1 174/17 176/5 178/16 178/22 131/8 132/2 134/6 138/13 138/15 138/16 212/15 212/22 212/22 215/13 218/18 181/9 185/14 186/3 193/25 194/19 196/21 138/16 139/18 143/1 144/4 144/6 144/7 thereof [1] 44/2 197/10 200/2 203/1 204/5 210/18 211/8 144/11 145/19 145/23 154/14 176/15 thermal [1] 40/1 211/9 211/11 214/10 214/12 214/15 218/6 30 102/7 105/7 123/9 133/11 135/4 140/1 tortured [1] 219/23 T 152/9 152/10 164/25 172/12 176/16 192/8 total [8] 20/6 20/17 20/19 64/18 133/25 things... [2] 220/5 220/9 192/18 197/25 207/11 134/5 174/17 193/22 think [178] 2/22 2/25 3/23 4/19 4/21 6/5 three percent [1] 192/18 totally [2] 152/22 211/4 6/7 6/15 8/9 8/25 9/10 9/19 10/3 10/14 threshold [1] 104/25 touch [2] 71/8 165/3 10/20 11/12 11/19 12/13 13/4 13/5 13/10 throttling [1] 176/17 touched [1] 180/3 22/4 28/4 32/8 35/8 36/8 36/16 38/13 41/6 through [40] 4/23 26/9 27/6 28/10 29/17 tour [1] 73/7 42/16 42/17 48/6 49/9 50/5 51/25 52/9 36/8 42/12 53/10 55/25 69/24 71/19 73/4 toward [1] 180/25 52/14 54/3 54/4 56/6 57/23 61/18 62/24 82/11 88/9 108/8 110/13 114/12 119/14 towards [2] 64/13 138/15 64/3 68/5 73/14 76/15 77/16 77/19 78/20 120/19 132/16 138/21 142/18 143/2 town [1] 169/13 78/24 79/21 81/23 84/8 84/17 84/20 85/25 145/18 149/1 149/25 150/7 150/10 153/14 Toyota [1] 157/1 88/10 88/24 89/21 89/25 90/9 94/10 98/12 158/15 159/13 159/18 159/19 164/25 track [5] 47/16 66/17 66/22 119/6 200/17 98/18 100/7 102/6 105/13 106/25 108/1 165/1 176/13 180/14 187/16 189/13 tracking [2] 132/1 168/19 109/21 110/15 113/7 115/25 116/16 200/17 traditional [2] 83/12 204/18 119/12 119/22 122/23 126/1 126/2 126/8 throughout [12] 2/23 6/10 97/4 98/4 98/7 traditionally [2] 43/24 216/21 127/1 127/16 128/21 129/7 131/16 131/21 115/8 115/8 121/21 126/20 130/1 131/2 traffic [1] 195/22 133/13 135/16 135/23 138/5 140/4 143/4 190/15 train [3] 8/15 36/20 176/24 143/19 147/6 147/8 147/20 149/9 151/23 throws [1] 39/19 trained [2] 145/2 214/18 152/8 152/10 153/21 159/10 163/16 thus [4] 35/4 136/6 168/15 209/7 training [1] 177/19 163/22 169/25 171/10 171/15 171/20 tie [1] 165/18 transaction [12] 18/6 23/15 83/13 101/23 171/22 172/7 173/6 173/11 173/16 174/2 tied [2] 169/14 184/11 102/2 151/7 178/14 179/13 179/15 180/2 174/3 174/4 174/20 175/3 175/15 176/4 Tihami [1] 177/1 215/1 215/15 176/8 177/8 177/12 177/20 178/2 178/22 time [87] 3/25 4/3 5/9 6/4 6/17 8/9 9/3 transactions [5] 151/14 151/15 151/22 180/3 180/13 180/24 181/13 185/14 186/3 10/15 19/23 21/22 22/20 26/11 28/19 29/2 178/15 180/16 187/15 187/24 188/8 191/19 191/25 30/9 31/23 31/25 35/11 41/11 43/5 43/14 transcript [1] 221/7 191/25 192/12 192/18 192/22 198/2 43/23 45/23 46/14 46/18 49/13 50/8 50/19 transfer [4] 16/25 17/8 29/14 42/22 198/15 199/7 202/10 203/22 203/23 50/24 52/10 57/5 62/11 63/10 64/6 68/5 transferred [1] 31/9 203/25 204/1 204/11 205/11 206/21 77/1 78/10 83/5 84/2 84/4 84/7 84/14 transfers [1] 31/11 207/16 207/18 208/2 208/4 208/11 208/13 84/19 84/25 85/1 87/6 87/6 89/5 89/9 transformer [28] 23/2 23/6 38/13 38/14 208/16 208/20 209/12 211/7 212/17 89/13 94/4 115/14 116/24 120/14 120/14 39/11 40/2 57/13 94/17 94/19 94/20 97/8 212/23 213/23 214/7 215/9 218/6 218/18 120/19 120/21 135/11 135/11 136/10 97/8 97/10 97/11 102/6 102/8 102/12 218/20 218/21 218/23 219/10 219/10 136/11 136/14 136/24 141/12 144/5 144/8 102/13 102/18 102/23 103/5 103/7 103/9 219/11 219/24 220/8 162/11 168/23 169/1 171/3 174/5 185/17 118/7 118/8 119/1 134/7 134/8 thinking [11] 56/23 70/25 96/11 123/8 186/8 187/6 197/9 201/17 203/11 208/19 transformers [12] 22/16 38/24 39/2 39/5 136/9 141/9 142/7 150/20 152/6 202/12 209/17 210/13 211/5 212/4 216/2 216/3 39/21 57/10 57/11 102/19 103/1 129/3 218/25 217/19 218/3 218/23 171/3 172/22 thinks [1] 84/9 time-of-day [4] 120/14 120/19 120/21 transit [2] 65/25 66/11 third [13] 11/10 23/17 50/2 62/17 87/16 135/11 transition [2] 181/24 182/13 99/9 101/20 117/23 118/10 118/18 133/14 time-of-use [6] 208/19 211/5 216/2 216/3 transmission [10] 20/23 20/25 54/23 93/22 211/16 212/4 217/19 218/23 96/11 140/20 155/20 159/3 159/6 178/25 this [328] timely [2] 2/25 9/11 transmit [1] 30/8 those [124] 3/3 4/5 5/9 10/15 12/10 29/10 timer [1] 84/23 transparent [2] 78/4 190/21 29/25 36/5 37/9 37/23 38/9 39/4 39/9 times [8] 21/23 44/4 74/24 94/4 122/2 Transport [1] 131/4 39/10 40/14 40/20 40/22 46/13 49/4 49/20 135/4 152/25 172/13 transportation [18] 2/22 3/22 10/23 10/24 50/6 52/8 52/12 52/16 52/19 57/5 57/10 timetable [1] 12/4 11/5 13/24 14/3 14/15 59/19 91/25 106/7 60/4 64/21 68/4 72/2 72/7 77/1 79/20 83/8 timing [2] 84/16 84/17 106/8 183/1 184/6 184/12 199/24 200/1 89/24 93/25 94/20 97/2 100/20 101/10 toaster [1] 201/13 213/8 102/8 102/14 103/13 106/6 108/18 114/7 Tobias [1] 91/19 travel [1] 21/14 114/16 116/21 117/22 118/10 119/20 today [43] 2/8 2/11 2/25 3/3 4/8 4/21 5/6 traveled [1] 177/9 122/3 124/17 130/7 130/24 133/23 134/20 5/11 5/23 8/12 9/1 13/9 13/15 26/18 32/3 travels [1] 219/18 135/16 135/18 136/7 136/10 136/20 32/11 38/9 43/12 45/25 46/13 46/17 64/4 treat [1] 161/14 136/20 136/22 138/14 138/19 140/9 68/8 74/13 90/15 95/20 96/8 96/20 130/21 treating [1] 149/13 146/16 146/17 148/20 148/22 149/5 136/18 137/16 151/14 156/10 157/9 trending [1] 74/24 150/19 151/17 153/15 153/17 156/9 157/9 159/10 166/14 170/18 172/5 175/4 176/18 triage [1] 76/21 157/11 161/8 162/10 164/16 165/17 177/9 200/13 213/16 tries [1] 41/21 169/19 173/24 176/21 181/9 181/12 today's [4] 158/11 158/12 164/6 188/21 trim [1] 83/7 181/15 181/19 182/12 183/3 183/13 185/6 together [11] 14/5 23/16 50/21 60/15 trip [3] 16/17 34/23 70/6 187/21 187/21 188/4 188/6 188/17 188/18 61/13 71/13 72/17 75/13 121/19 131/4 trips [2] 16/15 70/7 190/16 195/6 195/21 197/6 197/9 197/18 190/13 truck [2] 124/14 197/3 197/25 204/5 207/11 207/20 207/21 told [1] 82/15 trucks [1] 104/7 207/22 209/3 209/5 211/11 212/25 214/3 toll [1] 209/19 true [4] 89/3 174/22 218/10 221/6 214/14 215/1 216/21 217/16 219/5 219/16 tomorrow [4] 95/20 117/8 117/20 117/20 try [17] 5/9 36/5 45/22 58/1 85/14 85/22 though [2] 34/2 157/18 too [13] 38/24 46/6 60/7 68/5 144/13 94/12 107/25 118/25 141/7 141/10 155/1 thought [14] 36/21 80/3 95/18 131/23 176/10 187/11 189/18 198/14 198/19 185/5 191/10 195/6 197/8 198/3 135/19 139/20 140/5 140/16 149/25 150/7 211/2 211/21 217/22 trying [15] 4/8 63/9 82/5 87/11 98/17 150/10 206/19 216/24 220/9 took [3] 72/9 72/10 150/9 107/22 112/24 148/21 149/4 153/22 thoughts [2] 86/4 110/19 tools [7] 27/15 168/25 176/8 176/9 176/10 198/11 199/11 201/1 205/23 207/22 thousand [2] 133/19 133/20 176/15 211/9 turbine [1] 188/14 thousands [7] 21/25 133/19 148/3 159/4 top [8] 25/13 26/23 30/16 32/17 33/13 turn [13] 9/6 15/3 18/19 46/9 76/24 90/23 188/12 189/14 189/15 55/13 65/24 170/7 95/2 129/19 139/11 141/22 154/21 174/4 three [35] 9/6 9/10 17/7 23/2 25/13 26/18 topic [1] 9/3 189/21 29/25 32/20 32/21 35/5 38/12 39/22 42/16 topology [1] 97/3 turning [4] 8/8 8/11 44/7 52/21 53/21 54/3 55/8 75/1 75/2 78/7 102/6 torque [1] 47/12 turns [2] 19/20 218/17 31 University [2] 164/8 177/6 160/21 179/3 184/12 188/12 191/20 200/1 T unless [7] 80/5 88/20 89/4 104/16 106/10 200/24 201/2 201/13 201/13 202/5 203/2 TV [1] 117/7 135/10 209/19 205/18 209/6 210/1 TVD [1] 184/7 unlimited [1] 54/17 usually [4] 34/5 120/5 120/9 127/23 tweak [1] 214/23 unmanaged [1] 192/16 utilities [47] 22/25 29/19 35/24 36/25 49/4 twenty [1] 20/16 unplug [1] 69/6 52/9 54/1 54/7 57/7 59/2 59/22 60/14 twenty-eight [1] 20/16 unplugs [1] 80/24 60/21 62/9 68/18 70/20 72/22 72/23 73/7 twice [2] 177/8 212/3 unscientific [1] 217/25 73/10 75/14 75/22 76/1 76/5 76/10 84/11 Twitter [1] 70/16 until [8] 7/15 16/9 45/4 75/5 88/20 90/18 84/14 86/22 89/7 89/22 111/10 128/25 two [75] 13/2 16/25 17/2 21/2 22/9 22/14 95/20 187/4 131/7 136/3 139/12 151/12 163/20 167/9 25/22 32/14 34/19 34/22 35/3 35/9 35/13 unveiled [1] 168/1 172/3 176/9 182/23 197/14 198/13 198/16 37/12 38/16 42/12 45/8 45/9 50/3 56/20 up [95] 4/9 5/6 17/2 17/3 17/9 17/17 19/25 198/19 199/17 211/17 56/21 59/22 59/25 61/24 62/22 64/25 21/11 21/24 22/2 26/3 28/5 28/12 31/25 utility [73] 11/6 27/9 28/6 28/10 28/10 66/23 67/9 67/19 74/22 74/22 82/3 85/9 39/1 43/7 47/22 51/5 54/18 57/24 59/23 28/24 29/3 29/21 30/3 30/4 30/10 31/18 87/2 88/8 93/3 95/11 99/12 102/8 107/13 60/18 62/1 62/12 64/11 67/17 70/23 71/7 32/13 38/4 38/6 54/8 56/8 56/8 58/12 108/2 123/9 124/22 127/2 133/15 135/2 72/9 73/23 74/6 79/23 80/6 82/14 82/22 61/19 62/19 63/3 66/2 69/18 69/18 69/21 137/22 139/1 142/21 152/9 152/9 160/17 84/21 85/7 85/18 86/2 91/5 92/1 94/8 71/16 71/24 72/1 72/16 76/20 81/11 86/20 161/6 163/23 165/11 167/6 168/2 168/4 98/22 99/17 101/24 103/17 104/5 104/14 87/5 87/10 87/13 87/19 88/2 88/10 88/10 169/8 171/19 172/3 172/11 172/15 176/2 108/22 110/12 112/4 114/20 116/18 91/3 98/15 100/12 101/5 101/24 102/3 176/16 178/20 192/14 192/17 197/2 116/19 118/17 120/13 121/25 124/21 103/22 114/23 115/22 115/23 117/14 197/14 197/25 199/9 200/7 203/8 203/24 133/14 133/20 135/2 135/3 138/22 141/16 117/21 118/16 118/16 124/14 125/5 two euros [2] 152/9 152/9 148/3 149/8 149/14 152/13 155/16 155/24 125/21 126/1 128/9 128/17 129/10 142/24 two kilowatt [1] 16/25 156/3 164/4 164/20 166/16 176/16 180/14 151/10 162/16 164/5 175/24 176/12 177/3 two percent [2] 93/3 135/2 180/21 181/14 183/3 183/6 188/23 189/14 178/17 179/17 198/10 199/22 200/11 two years [2] 67/9 165/11 189/16 190/8 190/9 190/14 191/23 193/1 utilization [15] 25/12 26/1 128/7 129/5 two-part [1] 171/19 193/10 202/3 204/16 206/23 207/22 215/7 148/12 182/12 182/23 182/24 183/3 183/6 two-way [6] 160/17 161/6 163/23 199/9 219/16 187/19 188/1 209/8 209/9 210/9 200/7 203/8 up-to-date [1] 4/9 utilize [2] 25/18 186/17 tying [1] 169/1 updated [1] 83/23 type [12] 17/12 19/5 20/5 21/17 22/19 upgrade [7] 39/2 102/11 116/4 116/7 V 93/9 135/19 137/9 172/20 175/6 176/21 135/9 143/20 148/21 valid [1] 181/9 211/11 upgraded [1] 198/1 validating [1] 197/11 types [4] 16/23 34/4 143/21 214/15 upgrades [6] 22/12 22/15 22/22 39/13 valley [2] 25/17 25/18 typical [4] 56/14 98/18 118/2 172/12 102/11 197/23 valuable [2] 123/5 184/6 typically [10] 29/8 49/21 97/7 97/16 upgrading [2] 40/5 197/16 value [11] 55/3 56/5 56/5 56/12 71/18 100/24 102/20 136/16 140/21 147/6 upon [10] 9/1 9/2 9/6 10/19 11/20 17/13 87/22 167/23 197/6 201/20 211/15 211/19 200/18 68/16 70/20 130/25 180/3 values [1] 67/13 upstate [2] 78/8 148/18 van [1] 66/2 U upward [1] 85/10 vandalism [4] 79/4 79/7 80/4 80/23 U.K [24] 91/25 96/6 96/9 96/10 96/12 97/5 urban [2] 40/9 193/16 variable [1] 23/11 97/9 97/18 98/4 98/7 105/19 106/3 110/12 us [53] 2/11 5/22 6/19 9/9 10/9 11/3 11/25 variance [1] 168/22 110/19 113/13 113/16 114/19 114/25 13/13 15/7 43/7 45/19 45/24 45/25 49/9 variations [3] 18/23 98/24 191/20 115/8 130/1 140/19 141/4 141/8 180/9 54/3 62/7 63/1 68/16 70/9 72/20 88/24 variety [4] 9/16 42/13 68/9 75/24 U.S [6] 42/10 48/11 91/25 105/20 130/13 89/18 90/6 92/17 94/21 94/23 95/9 95/17 various [5] 6/13 21/23 42/21 51/1 165/15 156/15 95/21 96/3 99/17 102/17 112/25 113/1 vary [1] 99/1 umbrage [1] 131/13 117/24 118/20 126/2 133/5 136/3 136/9 vehicle [157] 4/20 12/18 13/1 13/7 14/4 uncertain [1] 152/4 138/9 138/12 138/18 140/9 142/3 145/6 14/9 15/15 15/19 15/21 15/23 15/24 16/4 uncertainties [1] 152/4 146/1 148/19 149/2 150/11 155/10 165/12 16/22 17/24 18/3 18/7 18/15 19/8 19/21 uncontrolled [1] 34/17 213/4 20/22 21/25 22/1 22/17 23/9 24/25 25/2 uncover [1] 197/8 usage [10] 119/7 120/14 120/19 120/21 27/8 27/11 28/6 28/9 29/20 30/10 31/13 under [11] 16/16 18/9 22/1 32/11 75/5 143/12 186/14 200/14 200/24 201/8 202/4 31/16 32/13 33/7 33/18 34/18 35/6 46/16 89/21 161/10 175/21 186/17 188/20 use [68] 4/4 16/5 20/1 26/23 27/2 27/18 47/17 47/20 48/24 50/19 50/23 53/23 207/24 28/19 29/23 30/5 33/1 33/7 37/5 37/25 54/12 54/13 54/13 54/25 55/4 55/14 56/2 underlies [1] 115/5 43/9 47/4 52/11 59/18 60/4 67/7 84/5 84/8 59/3 59/20 59/24 61/20 62/9 66/4 67/5 underneath [3] 33/2 33/13 37/17 84/14 85/1 89/9 89/13 90/6 100/20 101/11 69/18 69/21 71/2 71/11 73/7 73/17 74/10 understand [17] 12/1 37/21 38/23 70/15 102/16 104/11 108/3 108/5 110/3 115/11 74/19 75/5 76/17 76/25 80/6 81/20 81/23 70/22 75/11 81/20 87/21 89/1 99/8 104/1 115/25 117/3 126/20 136/10 136/11 81/24 83/18 85/23 86/24 87/18 91/10 109/15 140/24 143/11 145/19 153/19 136/14 136/24 139/7 142/14 144/5 144/8 91/17 92/22 92/24 92/25 93/3 97/18 99/20 160/4 158/2 166/12 166/14 169/14 176/24 100/23 102/14 103/5 106/2 110/23 116/15 understanding [3] 42/9 141/4 200/22 177/19 184/5 184/11 200/4 200/8 200/8 117/7 117/16 119/6 121/2 124/14 130/3 understands [1] 70/19 201/17 205/24 208/19 209/19 210/15 130/3 130/4 130/7 130/7 130/11 130/13 understood [2] 72/1 72/3 211/5 215/12 216/2 216/3 217/19 218/3 130/15 130/19 130/20 130/25 131/12 underway [3] 113/14 129/25 130/23 218/23 136/15 138/3 139/4 140/5 140/15 142/7 undue [1] 148/8 used [11] 30/8 34/20 39/2 39/17 148/9 143/15 143/17 145/15 145/16 149/10 unfamiliar [1] 35/22 166/7 184/7 184/13 184/24 199/23 203/3 152/8 157/2 157/2 157/13 159/11 160/11 unfortunately [2] 166/8 188/25 useful [1] 220/3 162/25 165/22 169/2 179/7 184/24 185/17 unintelligent [1] 150/24 user [8] 29/4 29/4 108/19 127/23 190/3 186/3 186/11 189/11 190/3 190/11 190/12 union [2] 14/24 180/12 207/6 207/7 207/14 194/9 200/24 201/2 201/3 207/8 207/14 unique [3] 11/22 13/17 92/20 users [5] 67/7 107/21 108/18 209/3 208/21 208/24 209/17 210/7 210/20 212/2 unit [7] 14/20 49/17 88/4 88/5 101/2 218/24 212/13 212/24 214/4 217/8 217/15 217/23 161/19 188/13 uses [2] 100/18 108/9 vehicle 101 [1] 4/20 United [5] 7/1 10/25 59/13 132/10 193/20 using [27] 21/10 22/6 22/13 22/18 26/2 vehicles [182] 1/3 2/9 2/13 2/16 2/22 3/2 units [4] 48/17 103/22 172/9 219/4 35/3 51/11 55/8 66/4 66/9 104/24 109/3 3/6 3/16 3/21 4/2 4/7 4/9 4/13 4/18 4/23 32 vocabulary [2] 115/12 155/4 109/16 116/17 120/18 121/9 123/7 136/7 V volt [11] 27/23 27/23 32/5 41/4 54/11 141/10 144/21 160/17 161/6 163/23 165/7 vehicles... [167] 5/14 5/25 6/8 9/22 10/5 55/12 55/17 58/5 61/24 74/17 84/17 173/18 173/20 189/22 190/21 191/5 11/3 11/8 11/13 14/5 15/5 15/16 18/21 voltage [6] 41/6 41/7 41/9 126/18 129/3 191/17 193/6 196/19 199/9 199/15 200/3 19/2 19/10 19/24 19/24 20/4 20/6 20/8 155/20 200/7 201/12 201/21 203/8 203/12 203/20 20/10 20/15 20/16 21/18 21/20 21/25 voltages [1] 41/8 205/15 206/19 209/23 23/13 23/14 32/7 32/10 32/18 32/19 34/4 volts [6] 16/24 17/3 59/25 97/19 125/18 ways [6] 65/1 119/18 158/23 188/15 35/1 38/15 40/16 40/19 42/13 42/15 44/5 166/18 202/22 220/5 44/14 44/15 44/21 50/16 57/5 59/8 62/5 voluntary [3] 136/9 136/11 136/24 we [522] 65/5 65/8 65/17 65/25 67/7 67/20 68/1 we'll [18] 5/24 7/24 27/19 31/14 43/6 68/6 73/17 74/16 74/25 75/7 77/6 77/8 W 57/25 59/18 63/21 121/17 142/13 143/23 86/6 88/17 91/4 93/2 93/4 93/6 93/20 Wagon [1] 2/15 145/23 151/2 152/16 155/14 191/14 95/19 95/24 96/12 96/14 96/15 96/17 wait [4] 42/17 42/20 214/6 219/12 214/22 218/17 96/23 96/25 97/3 97/24 98/11 102/9 waited [1] 33/25 we're [104] 2/8 2/21 4/1 4/8 5/6 5/8 20/18 103/19 103/20 104/2 104/7 104/18 104/22 waiting [2] 43/3 71/6 33/16 37/4 39/4 43/20 48/16 49/25 50/17 104/23 105/25 107/8 117/24 120/15 121/3 waive [1] 202/25 54/7 57/12 57/24 58/1 59/11 59/15 60/17 121/12 121/14 121/14 121/14 121/18 waived [3] 130/8 130/10 130/16 63/9 64/11 68/7 73/6 73/7 77/18 77/18 121/21 121/24 122/4 122/12 123/1 123/7 Wal [1] 112/11 77/18 77/19 79/13 79/18 79/19 81/13 123/22 123/24 124/16 127/16 129/21 Wal-Mart [1] 112/11 82/17 87/9 88/24 90/11 92/3 92/9 93/18 130/5 130/21 132/21 133/9 133/16 133/23 walk [6] 27/6 80/6 138/21 143/8 145/18 94/5 94/11 94/15 98/17 101/16 101/19 134/4 134/15 134/18 136/15 137/3 137/12 145/21 104/16 113/22 115/19 117/16 119/9 137/14 137/25 139/23 140/12 141/6 walks [1] 143/4 119/20 121/1 121/13 122/21 124/17 141/11 143/9 146/15 149/7 156/9 156/23 Wall [4] 44/3 44/6 44/24 45/3 127/10 131/17 131/19 136/5 139/19 141/8 157/11 157/16 158/1 158/3 159/5 160/20 want [92] 8/23 12/13 23/25 25/22 29/6 148/19 148/21 149/4 152/10 153/22 154/3 162/4 162/9 162/10 167/22 168/2 174/2 30/12 30/18 30/25 31/5 32/1 32/9 42/16 159/24 165/10 165/11 165/14 166/5 166/6 177/16 177/18 179/4 181/1 185/4 188/12 42/17 51/13 54/5 56/20 57/4 60/2 60/3 166/9 166/13 166/24 168/10 169/22 189/15 189/20 191/15 194/12 194/13 60/25 62/12 62/12 68/21 69/7 70/9 73/25 171/15 172/18 175/19 178/21 179/2 180/8 194/14 195/3 195/25 197/24 197/25 198/8 77/13 78/12 78/16 80/24 87/14 88/1 88/16 186/4 186/16 193/9 195/3 195/5 196/16 198/17 209/23 215/24 217/12 217/13 90/1 95/8 99/4 99/7 99/16 99/19 99/20 197/7 197/10 199/8 199/10 201/1 204/13 217/14 217/18 219/24 99/21 104/14 105/9 105/10 105/14 110/7 205/22 206/1 206/10 208/2 208/19 219/16 vendor [1] 41/24 110/24 111/21 111/23 113/10 120/17 we've [48] 2/7 2/10 3/25 10/8 29/17 30/1 venture [1] 120/7 122/3 122/14 125/6 125/7 125/8 126/7 37/6 42/13 46/14 53/24 58/3 59/13 62/8 verbal [2] 41/15 41/19 138/14 139/22 139/24 143/6 143/9 143/13 62/9 62/23 70/18 73/4 79/12 79/14 109/1 verified [1] 29/19 149/22 149/24 151/25 151/25 152/5 110/11 117/22 119/8 119/17 124/12 versa [1] 209/5 154/13 161/1 161/25 163/25 167/13 124/16 136/6 144/25 150/10 165/16 version [2] 167/7 180/23 168/15 173/12 176/15 176/17 176/21 167/17 173/7 173/8 174/1 175/3 183/4 versions [1] 124/8 177/22 180/22 183/15 183/16 183/21 190/22 194/16 194/19 199/6 204/11 versus [9] 41/4 41/5 88/4 105/24 166/20 185/25 187/3 194/9 203/16 204/1 208/24 204/19 206/6 206/20 207/1 213/23 213/25 186/5 186/18 186/21 211/12 211/17 211/21 220/3 219/5 vertical [1] 32/2 wanted [25] 9/5 26/12 27/6 27/10 31/18 wealth [3] 182/3 182/7 182/15 very [120] 2/8 3/20 5/21 8/3 9/11 10/1 32/16 53/11 53/20 58/11 61/16 81/6 85/6 wealthy [1] 216/17 10/7 12/14 15/14 20/12 21/24 22/5 23/20 87/12 87/13 105/5 106/10 106/11 110/10 wear [1] 188/14 25/4 25/9 33/21 38/20 38/22 39/5 39/6 124/24 133/8 152/19 177/15 192/2 198/5 weather [1] 155/25 44/9 45/21 45/24 46/8 46/21 47/6 47/6 212/10 website [14] 48/22 76/11 82/13 88/12 47/11 47/13 48/24 50/15 50/17 52/22 54/2 wanting [1] 170/10 98/18 132/14 132/17 138/2 138/15 143/7 55/20 55/20 55/22 55/22 62/7 63/9 64/23 wants [3] 31/23 207/8 207/14 144/23 144/24 149/1 156/17 65/20 66/19 67/10 70/18 75/20 78/3 78/16 warming [1] 64/16 websites [2] 59/21 86/23 79/19 79/20 79/23 83/12 84/13 86/17 warranty [1] 56/19 Wednesday [1] 1/5 90/14 91/4 94/23 95/7 100/6 104/22 was [105] 6/21 6/25 7/13 8/3 8/4 10/13 week [4] 44/4 69/7 166/25 168/1 110/20 113/13 118/22 119/24 122/25 10/14 10/16 13/4 13/5 14/16 14/18 19/6 weeks [1] 71/6 123/7 124/15 128/16 128/17 130/11 19/17 20/14 21/5 21/20 25/6 25/9 25/23 weighed [1] 204/11 131/19 133/24 139/7 140/6 140/10 140/14 26/10 33/24 34/2 34/16 34/18 34/20 34/24 welcome [5] 25/3 155/2 164/12 170/18 141/9 151/13 152/4 152/12 154/14 155/13 34/25 35/2 35/12 35/13 35/14 36/6 36/6 177/10 156/4 165/6 165/23 166/22 168/20 168/21 36/23 37/20 38/11 39/11 39/17 39/17 well [72] 3/20 8/10 8/23 10/8 10/9 11/24 171/9 171/15 171/18 171/20 171/24 40/13 40/13 40/14 40/21 40/24 41/1 48/18 13/8 18/17 20/13 22/20 29/24 43/4 49/20 172/19 173/12 173/17 173/25 174/16 48/19 53/21 60/13 60/14 60/23 61/23 64/6 54/2 54/22 55/18 59/3 62/10 62/19 62/23 190/21 193/14 193/14 193/16 195/22 64/9 64/15 64/18 65/5 69/4 69/6 71/24 64/12 64/24 71/12 73/5 73/11 74/19 75/25 198/2 208/19 212/6 213/9 214/4 214/20 72/20 86/3 87/14 101/6 110/10 118/24 77/15 79/6 80/9 91/1 97/2 97/15 98/16 216/7 218/13 219/6 219/6 219/25 220/1 129/8 134/14 135/1 135/3 137/17 144/21 101/24 104/22 105/20 105/23 107/9 220/10 220/12 220/13 220/19 220/20 151/4 152/15 152/19 156/25 157/11 108/24 110/2 110/16 110/21 111/11 via [4] 29/4 32/20 41/19 83/24 157/12 157/22 164/15 164/20 169/6 169/9 121/18 122/2 124/15 136/14 139/9 139/15 viable [3] 109/20 148/10 148/11 169/21 171/23 174/3 174/10 179/18 180/3 142/12 145/2 145/7 146/15 148/22 151/13 vice [1] 209/5 180/11 180/20 193/25 195/17 203/24 151/24 156/1 156/4 163/8 168/11 177/14 vice-versa [1] 209/5 206/19 211/7 213/9 214/4 215/21 216/14 184/22 191/9 193/18 200/16 201/18 view [6] 4/9 100/19 101/15 140/17 175/16 216/17 218/10 220/9 220/15 201/21 205/13 214/23 216/20 220/10 210/5 Washington [3] 8/6 177/6 177/8 went [6] 69/5 149/19 154/7 207/3 207/4 views [1] 125/24 wasn't [3] 46/8 46/11 181/18 216/24 village [3] 85/8 169/13 205/16 waste [1] 182/22 were [49] 2/16 9/13 9/14 21/2 21/21 21/22 virtually [2] 19/8 174/11 watch [1] 218/17 23/3 34/1 35/3 35/12 36/10 39/13 39/14 visibility [1] 167/20 water [3] 149/18 149/21 150/9 39/14 39/24 39/25 40/16 40/18 40/18 visible [1] 214/21 way [50] 5/5 25/18 25/20 36/19 43/22 57/11 61/13 64/1 64/5 64/10 67/12 72/8 vision [4] 12/17 37/24 125/20 208/3 44/12 46/11 47/22 55/16 56/22 60/22 74/6 87/11 104/7 110/16 118/23 135/17 135/20 visit [2] 150/5 197/9 82/8 84/23 89/17 99/18 99/21 103/6 144/3 144/5 154/1 155/5 157/6 161/7 33 161/15 161/20 162/10 166/21 168/10 146/14 146/16 148/6 148/9 148/23 153/2 W 173/8 173/17 179/20 180/12 180/21 153/10 153/12 157/4 157/9 164/14 165/3 were... [11] 164/18 187/16 199/3 202/17 184/20 184/21 185/20 186/22 190/18 166/19 172/8 175/16 175/22 175/23 202/23 203/24 207/5 210/7 216/15 217/17 192/19 193/9 197/5 202/10 202/24 206/14 175/23 177/25 178/11 181/1 182/9 182/22 217/19 207/10 208/5 215/2 216/3 183/21 187/5 188/4 189/1 195/8 196/4 West [1] 156/24 Whereupon [1] 220/21 196/7 196/17 196/19 201/16 202/4 204/3 Westchester [2] 102/21 174/16 wherever [3] 108/10 180/15 184/17 205/12 212/3 213/14 217/11 217/13 what [189] 8/25 9/7 11/3 11/11 12/1 12/2 whether [8] 49/13 84/1 88/4 116/1 118/25 218/20 218/21 218/21 220/1 12/3 12/4 13/6 19/4 20/11 25/6 25/9 25/21 149/1 205/3 207/5 Williamsburg [1] 137/5 26/9 27/24 32/1 33/7 34/18 35/10 35/22 which [78] 3/13 9/15 11/19 11/23 12/24 willing [2] 28/24 122/6 35/23 36/25 37/19 37/20 37/21 38/1 38/18 18/17 18/18 19/7 19/25 20/2 21/12 26/18 win [2] 24/2 61/10 39/2 39/11 39/12 39/12 39/17 40/8 40/12 28/11 28/21 31/3 34/21 35/3 39/18 40/18 wind [6] 3/22 18/16 21/24 179/3 179/5 40/14 41/3 43/16 43/17 54/5 54/10 54/20 44/18 48/2 48/3 50/3 53/6 64/8 66/1 67/9 190/14 56/3 56/25 58/5 58/6 58/24 59/15 60/3 70/4 71/24 72/7 74/20 78/6 83/22 84/4 windows [1] 28/21 60/13 62/2 62/8 63/1 63/5 64/15 64/18 86/18 88/22 99/13 102/9 104/19 116/16 wins [1] 76/16 64/19 66/15 66/19 68/3 69/25 72/5 72/13 120/20 120/22 120/22 127/14 134/20 winterizing [1] 44/19 72/15 72/15 72/20 73/21 75/11 76/5 79/5 139/1 144/9 144/13 144/19 146/25 155/19 wire [1] 101/25 79/7 81/12 82/2 85/23 86/8 86/24 87/12 155/25 156/13 158/24 159/1 159/15 160/9 wish [1] 56/1 87/12 87/24 88/5 88/11 89/15 92/13 92/17 164/6 164/11 171/2 171/20 176/5 180/24 withdrawn [1] 30/20 94/5 95/4 97/5 97/14 97/21 98/1 98/9 183/4 185/6 185/10 197/21 198/12 204/13 within [18] 16/17 32/19 35/13 40/5 41/8 98/22 98/22 98/25 99/5 105/22 108/23 205/22 208/25 209/9 213/19 216/14 59/14 66/13 72/23 72/24 79/17 83/25 109/16 109/17 109/21 111/10 113/15 216/15 216/16 216/20 217/11 94/13 96/17 124/7 163/11 171/18 195/15 115/19 115/20 117/18 117/21 120/6 whichever [1] 28/2 198/9 120/10 120/18 124/6 124/16 125/15 128/8 while [8] 6/5 43/2 107/9 129/19 150/6 without [13] 20/15 22/22 76/22 78/11 129/20 129/22 137/25 138/8 139/24 140/1 161/4 177/23 193/12 93/19 173/4 183/24 185/22 192/10 199/15 140/1 140/24 141/1 141/4 141/23 141/25 who [76] 6/21 8/4 9/7 10/16 11/15 12/10 200/14 200/24 217/14 142/25 142/25 143/1 145/9 145/15 145/19 24/5 31/10 35/18 35/22 36/9 36/10 45/9 woman [1] 64/6 149/9 149/25 152/7 154/8 156/12 157/3 49/12 49/15 50/11 63/12 82/2 82/6 82/20 women [1] 105/7 158/5 158/12 159/10 159/17 160/2 161/7 83/16 90/1 90/12 91/8 93/11 93/12 93/13 won't [5] 26/18 68/4 90/4 90/5 165/1 162/22 164/24 165/13 165/20 165/21 93/16 94/9 94/23 94/24 97/23 100/16 wonder [1] 63/18 166/5 166/10 166/14 168/14 170/22 171/9 100/20 101/10 101/11 102/11 102/14 wonderful [1] 2/10 176/5 177/20 179/10 181/5 181/11 183/4 105/7 105/8 107/21 109/2 109/25 111/14 word [3] 168/5 177/19 219/11 187/10 187/18 191/11 192/12 192/21 111/17 112/5 113/15 114/16 115/12 Worden [1] 220/13 194/2 195/3 195/16 197/10 197/19 197/23 121/23 121/23 126/19 127/6 142/13 words [3] 69/25 146/6 191/6 199/8 202/23 203/1 203/5 206/23 206/24 144/13 145/2 145/5 145/13 147/13 147/15 work [40] 3/25 4/22 7/20 19/18 19/19 206/25 207/7 207/11 207/12 207/13 155/16 155/17 157/23 162/13 162/16 24/19 42/7 68/16 69/22 71/13 72/6 72/8 208/15 215/10 215/15 216/4 217/10 219/7 163/10 178/11 185/18 192/8 199/19 213/1 72/8 74/19 76/4 82/19 87/23 104/21 219/10 216/22 217/23 218/1 220/13 220/15 104/23 121/6 121/9 123/14 124/15 138/9 what's [13] 5/11 12/2 16/1 38/19 43/17 who's [4] 45/10 76/20 98/19 163/3 138/19 139/5 140/9 140/10 144/4 144/9 56/21 59/21 62/13 70/1 125/20 138/22 whoever [1] 100/18 146/6 151/13 156/7 168/12 168/16 190/6 160/13 210/8 whole [11] 8/1 44/6 68/25 88/22 89/13 190/8 213/6 213/23 220/18 whatever [8] 46/3 77/16 84/25 111/21 95/16 95/16 134/13 145/12 145/25 206/20 worked [5] 8/10 41/25 181/14 220/12 111/23 205/19 206/11 216/24 wholesale [14] 155/21 156/8 158/6 158/24 220/13 wheels [1] 183/22 159/21 162/4 163/17 187/15 187/17 188/2 working [37] 8/4 12/15 21/10 23/7 37/6 when [87] 4/12 15/21 18/13 22/1 29/6 188/3 188/16 192/23 212/11 45/14 47/6 47/6 50/21 53/24 54/1 54/6 29/25 30/6 45/5 51/8 53/23 55/15 57/6 whom [1] 101/9 62/17 72/16 75/13 79/19 82/17 94/12 63/18 69/5 69/13 71/4 71/23 76/16 77/5 why [23] 9/2 9/3 9/11 10/4 11/7 13/9 43/11 99/10 100/4 104/19 113/20 122/20 131/4 77/6 78/23 83/9 84/16 85/12 85/22 86/14 54/17 57/8 60/16 61/17 64/5 80/10 104/14 131/7 131/19 132/3 133/6 134/11 139/19 87/11 90/18 96/23 96/24 97/17 100/14 104/15 104/24 131/1 148/5 156/3 177/22 145/22 147/14 166/9 179/15 181/13 195/5 103/24 104/25 105/21 109/23 115/20 177/25 185/1 199/16 214/21 121/1 128/9 128/12 131/22 134/9 135/7 Wi [1] 32/23 workplace [7] 49/21 49/24 52/19 69/16 135/9 136/3 137/1 145/3 149/1 149/23 Wi-Fi [1] 32/23 70/24 113/25 114/19 157/5 158/9 166/22 170/5 171/10 171/22 wide [3] 9/16 23/9 98/23 works [5] 37/17 98/16 111/7 163/10 172/19 174/8 175/15 178/9 179/5 179/6 wide-scale [1] 23/9 214/23 182/5 186/1 189/8 189/17 192/21 196/8 widespread [1] 194/17 world [15] 2/13 3/2 8/11 67/6 70/3 70/12 196/24 198/9 201/20 202/13 203/24 204/3 widest [2] 107/16 107/16 72/12 81/13 134/13 173/14 176/11 179/20 204/15 207/3 207/20 210/15 212/1 215/1 will [153] 3/13 4/25 5/1 6/18 6/19 12/24 185/20 208/5 215/2 217/5 217/21 218/20 218/21 218/25 219/2 17/13 18/5 18/14 19/4 19/24 19/25 21/17 worlds [1] 47/19 219/8 220/7 22/11 24/1 28/21 35/8 39/4 39/20 40/23 worldwide [1] 42/11 whenever [1] 134/23 41/17 42/12 42/14 42/15 42/17 42/22 45/4 worried [1] 135/15 where [107] 2/5 2/12 2/20 4/9 6/9 6/10 45/18 45/22 46/14 47/24 48/13 48/15 worry [3] 6/8 58/22 205/20 6/11 15/15 18/16 26/13 28/24 28/24 29/3 52/14 54/19 55/24 57/8 57/17 59/7 59/16 worse [5] 21/11 35/11 140/4 150/1 186/20 32/3 32/25 33/12 35/8 36/10 37/18 38/5 59/17 62/13 65/12 66/3 66/4 66/16 66/17 worsened [1] 4/15 38/6 39/4 40/17 41/11 43/25 49/2 49/6 66/19 67/20 67/23 67/24 68/9 68/10 69/10 worst [1] 125/16 49/20 50/6 55/9 56/24 57/5 57/18 61/7 69/12 74/14 78/1 80/14 81/11 81/14 82/15 worth [2] 63/19 151/21 61/22 67/13 68/19 68/20 74/10 78/10 80/5 83/23 83/25 84/22 85/13 86/5 86/9 86/13 worthwhile [1] 220/10 82/14 83/19 85/16 86/15 86/20 87/4 87/19 88/3 88/7 88/11 88/19 89/15 89/22 90/3 would [240] 87/23 87/23 89/7 93/4 93/19 94/6 94/12 90/17 90/18 93/8 93/19 96/3 108/3 109/17 wouldn't [5] 149/21 177/16 187/11 203/3 94/20 94/21 96/13 98/5 99/2 103/4 107/11 112/13 112/14 112/25 124/23 127/20 207/21 118/23 120/16 121/24 127/2 127/15 130/2 133/2 133/23 134/4 137/18 138/15 wrap [1] 198/25 127/19 127/23 131/8 134/19 135/17 139/3 140/4 140/25 141/2 141/4 142/19 write [2] 72/1 82/22 135/24 136/20 142/22 146/14 146/17 142/21 142/25 143/11 143/12 143/20 written [1] 82/23 148/18 153/11 154/7 159/18 160/14 143/22 143/25 144/9 144/14 145/21 wrong [3] 70/10 77/14 137/9 34 X Z X kilowatt [1] 201/22 zero [6] 19/9 19/21 47/7 47/20 55/12 77/15 Y ZigBee [1] 32/23 year [29] 13/25 19/3 24/21 43/23 43/24 Zimmerman [4] 53/1 53/1 53/8 106/14 48/14 56/18 56/21 57/20 58/4 64/11 66/1 zoning [1] 169/15 66/3 66/20 85/13 91/18 94/5 95/14 114/11 130/9 130/17 130/19 133/1 133/19 153/15 158/7 187/23 193/25 194/15 years [34] 6/1 24/7 45/13 56/20 57/3 63/15 64/15 67/9 67/16 82/10 88/8 88/23 89/15 89/24 95/21 97/25 125/16 133/11 133/18 137/24 150/13 150/21 151/11 153/15 157/17 158/7 158/20 160/14 165/11 195/1 198/1 204/10 217/9 219/2 yellow [3] 32/24 33/12 189/8 yes [13] 47/2 60/1 76/7 77/25 106/17 116/22 120/1 154/13 163/12 173/6 201/18 213/2 215/21 yesterday [2] 9/14 85/18 yet [12] 35/18 36/24 38/15 112/23 117/1 128/8 136/7 153/18 154/10 166/9 190/20 200/3 YORK [92] 1/1 1/7 2/3 3/9 3/11 3/17 3/17 3/19 7/5 7/16 7/21 8/14 9/18 9/23 10/10 11/1 11/9 11/20 12/5 13/8 13/13 14/9 14/10 14/11 14/24 15/1 21/5 43/24 44/4 48/13 48/15 48/20 66/12 67/2 75/21 77/6 78/7 78/8 84/7 85/4 85/7 85/10 85/14 92/9 92/14 92/20 95/8 98/9 100/4 102/24 102/25 117/9 118/12 119/11 123/17 141/6 141/23 142/16 148/18 155/18 156/2 156/12 157/15 157/17 157/18 157/19 157/20 157/25 164/16 169/11 169/17 173/18 182/1 182/2 184/19 188/10 192/25 193/13 193/19 193/21 193/22 194/20 197/11 197/20 197/22 199/5 204/9 213/6 213/10 215/11 215/24 221/5 York's [2] 155/20 166/9 Yorkville [3] 22/5 39/9 40/21 you [563] you'd [2] 45/19 191/7 you'll [11] 30/14 30/24 32/3 39/22 65/15 89/6 110/17 174/23 179/20 179/21 190/10 you're [51] 17/20 22/3 38/7 42/19 43/3 51/8 54/2 54/15 58/22 79/5 79/8 85/20 87/1 87/2 88/23 95/3 97/20 99/25 108/21 108/21 109/21 114/24 117/6 125/9 128/23 137/24 147/2 147/20 149/13 151/20 152/25 171/11 173/6 181/25 182/6 183/1 186/13 189/11 189/11 190/15 190/18 202/12 203/2 203/20 209/14 210/19 210/20 215/15 218/23 219/4 219/6 you've [13] 42/18 107/1 109/13 125/17 153/8 166/20 184/12 189/14 193/12 200/3 203/16 204/16 207/20 your [94] 12/4 33/23 35/16 38/3 38/6 38/6 41/4 42/20 43/2 49/24 55/19 57/18 57/18 60/18 63/25 74/18 79/7 80/6 81/24 83/24 83/25 84/18 84/22 84/24 85/7 86/3 86/24 86/25 90/2 94/1 94/1 98/18 100/23 100/23 100/25 101/1 101/18 107/6 109/11 110/18 115/12 116/5 116/6 116/7 117/9 118/13 120/22 121/2 125/20 125/24 126/15 138/1 139/2 145/23 145/24 150/9 151/10 152/2 152/6 152/8 153/24 165/20 172/12 174/8 176/8 183/1 187/13 188/24 189/18 189/18 189/20 193/10 201/13 201/14 201/22 202/13 202/21 202/25 203/2 203/4 203/7 203/9 203/10 203/14 203/15 203/17 205/1 206/21 207/24 208/23 213/4 218/15 219/18 219/20