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DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Volume 41, No. 7. Philadelphia, May 2, 1903. Price, Five Cents. HARTS HARD HITS AT WISSINOMING. ARE NOW DIRECTED AGAINST THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. OF THE FLORISTS. The Chicago League President Sympath Many Out-of-Town Shooters Being At izes With the Outlaw Pacific Coast tracted to the Grounds Rogers League Which For Several Years Has High Gun Lawrence and Daudt Worked Against "Organized Ball." Led in the Last Tournament Chicago, 111.. April 29.--Pre8ident James A. Hart, of the Chicago League Club, is The Florists' Gun Club held their regu averse to the methods of the National As lar weekly open tournament on their sociation of Minor Leagues grounds, at Wlssinoming, Pa., Saturday in dealing with the Pacific- afternoon, April 18. Owing Coast League and its play to (he large number of ers, all of whom are now on entries, a late start and the alleged blacklist. He other drawbacks all could despises the methods of the not. finish the programme National Association, which before darkness forced a points out players who stop to the shooting. The might be persuaded to jump Blue Rocks were quite ir the contracts they have regular in flights, which made with the Pacific Coast made clean scores hard to League clubs. He declares get, and only six were the entrance of the Pacific made during the afternoon. National League into the The shooting was done over las. A. Hart territory of the California two Magautrnps, and six organization is opposed to events constituted a pro Howard Ridge the methods of organized baseball. Hart gramme of 100 shots, in says that he will fight any proposition for which two average purses were offered to a new National Agreement that will allow the two high guns. the minor leagues to take up a fight like The best shooting was done by Rogers, the Association of which Pat Powers is of West Chester, Fa., who broke 94 out president has on its hands. or 100, the best score yet made in these HART'S DECLARATION. tournaments. Neweomb finished second, Here is Mr. Hart's own language repro Huttenlock third and Ridge fourth. The duced verbatim: "I am against any af latter has been ill for some time and is filiation with an organization that makes just attempting to get In form again. Ho contract-jumpers, liars and hypocrites of made the only 20 straight of the day, but ball players, and that is what the Na fell down in the next two events: tional Association seems desirous of doing These tournaments, given every Saturday at present. They are telling players in afternoon by the Florists' Gun Club, have the independent Pacific Coast League that proven popular. It enables members of unless they break their contracts, made other clubs to visit the grounds and secure In good faith with that league, and join practice for the State shoot, which will one of the teams that has a membership be given here May 18-21. These events are in this organization of minor league base M. DIEFENDERFER, open to all. for price of targets, and an ball clubs, that they will be blacklisted optional sweep. Four Magan traps will be and forever debarred from participating in Winner Grand American Handicap at Targets, 1903. used for the State shoot, and these traps a,ny games with teams that are in the as- will be thoroughly tested by the shooters sjiociation. That is simply putting a pre- before the State meet opens. 10very one ,inium on dishonesty in baseball, and I, for is welcome at these Saturday tournaments. one, shall oppose the forming of any agree strong as any team In this league. Garvin worrying the fans. Flavin may succeed Trice of targets is !</, cents. Each Sat ment on the part of the National League and McConuell can play the game with in solving this problem. Not enough has urday's shoot brings out a larger crowd. with this National Association so long as any of them. The latter is an older and been seen of him yet to get a good line The scores of April 18 follow: this, sort of warfare is carried on. The war more experienced player, which gives him on him, and judgment will be suspended a larger stock of tricks and other little until he has had opportunity to show Events ............ 1 2 3 4 5 6 on the Pacific coast originally was started what Targets ........... 15 15 20 15 15 20 100 through an effort to get one man out of things that go to make up the game. He is in him. the old Pacific Northwest League, and now has the reputation of being a good As long as Belden and Hartman will sticker, and the local enthusiasts are anx consent to fill left and centre fields we Rogers ............. 14 17 15 14 19^- 04 it has spread to proportions that are cer Ncwcomb ........... 12 18 12 15 17— 8fi tain to engulf ious to see him get into the game. will not have to look for men for those Huttenlock one of the leagues con Garvin may have a few things to learn, positions. ......... 30 14 13 15 10- 85 cerned, and incidentally has caused the Belden and Hartman are men Ridge .............. 12 20 0 10 15— 81 National Association to enter the fight in but he Is young and ambitions and al that 'several of the big league teams would Heeler ............. 11 10 11 ways willing to work. He is not long for like to have. They know the fine points 13 17— 80 a way that can bring nothing but dis this league. His vSauford ............ 12 14 12 11 18— 80 credit on it." good work of last sea of the game, and when the ball goes into Francotte .......... G 17 14 11 18— 78 son won him a host of friends and demon their territory it is gone. Cotting ............ 14 14 11 10 15— 70 strated beyond doubt tint he is a comer. If Frank Parvin will only get himself Johnson ............ 9 14 10 11 10- 70 JOYFUSTJOSEPH. He is always in the game, talking to and into shape and hold np his share of the Redifer ............ 11 14 10 encouraging the pitcher and keeping his box work with Glade and Chlnu, things (loorge ............. 12 12 . eye on every play. He is a good batter will go along swimmingly, for there is Hamill ............. 10 IS 12 The Team Gathered by Manager Rohe and can be depended upon in a pinch. little doubt as to Howie and Diehl be Campbell ........... 8 13 . In fact, he gained quite a reuutatiou as ing able to help out during the season. Brewster ........... 7 Believed to be as Strong as Any in the a pinch hitter last year. Parry .............. 12 Western League. THE INFIELD. Bonlzer ............ 1." 12 15 Make a Note of This. Harrop ............. IS 11 St. Joseph. Mo.. April 2.1. Editor "Sport- No one would think of replacing Ilohe rharoh ............. »i 13 10 inir Life:"-There is no question in the at third except several of the big league Of 35 expert opinions on the American (League | Halo ............... It .11. 7 minds of the rooters tbat Manager George teams that would give their heads to have 14 pick Cleveland, 10 New York, Daniels ............ t> 13 8 Uohe has gathered men about him that can him. Fitzpatrick at second is putting up four each Boston and St. Louis, and two Sheeler ............ 1." 14 15 play the game of base ball with any ill tlie a pretty fielding game and goes after the Philadelphia. Among those who pick Mack .............. :: 10 10 Western League or the American Associa ball like he would develop into a good Cleveland to win are Joe Vila. New York J. R. Hay wood...... 13 17 10 tion. With a very little strengthening they batter. He is young and full of ginger. Sun; John Pollock. New York World; W. J. White .............. » 10 8 would hold their own with many of the Kemmer is a fixture at first. The "old Granger, Brooklyn Citizen; Francis Eaton, Alien ............... 13 15 S teams of the two big leagues. The way man" is pretty handy with the willow, and Boston Citizen; J. C. Morse. Boston Her Fox ................ 12 17 14 the men play when they have an old, ex- the way he is going after the little sphere ald; Jack Tanner, Chicago Inter-Ocean; W. 0. W. Hay wood. .... 10 30 8 pcriynced pitcher iu the box is a caution. this year bids fair to give him a bigger A. Pheloh, Chicago Journal, and Fred Hay- G. O. Bell.......... 11 14 I) The'team is really weak in only one place- b'ltting average than he had in Kansas uer, Chicago News. Irwin .............. 11 18 l> the box, and this defect will be changed City last year. About every report of Myers .............. .. 14 . Du Pont soon. The new management is not going games iu which his team took part last Another Billy Lauder. ........... 10 13 1o go back on its word. It promised the year the reader would see something like REGULAR CLUB SHOOT. minute the team became theirs to make it this: "The winning run came in on If Third Baseman Morgan, of the George a winner, and the steps taken to date to Kemmer's two-bagger."' "Kemmer started town team, wishes to play professional The semi-monthly club shoot of the Flor keep good that promise have gained maiiy tlie batting rally in the eighth that won ball after his college term expires, he will ists was held April 21, with a large attend friends.