Jacobite - cover:L&T MASTER COVER 17/4/15 15:02 Page 1 L Y O N & T U R N B U Wednesday, 13th May, 2015 L L 33 Broughton Place Jacobite, Stuart & A U Edinburgh EH1 3RR C T I O Scottish Applied Arts N E E R S E D I N B U R G H J A C O B I T E , S T U A R T & S C O T T I S H A P P L I E D A R T S 1 3 T H 33 Broughton Place, Edinburgh EH1 3RR 182 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4HG 78 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5ES M A Tel. +44 (0)131 557 8844 Tel. +44 (0)141 333 1992 Tel. +44 (0)20 7930 9115 Y , Fax. +44 (0)131 557 8668 Fax. +44 (0)141 332 8240 Fax. +44 (0)141 7930 7274 2 0 Email.
[email protected] 1 5 www.lyonandturnbull.com Jacobite - pages 1:Layout 1 17/4/15 15:04 Page 20 20 Lyon & Turnbull 20 The Four Peers ring - an important mid 18th century Jacobite gold and enamel ring the shaped rectangular head of white enamel with four initials and coronets to corners with dates surrounding an executioners axe to centre in gold, the shoulders formed as a rose and thistle in green, white and pink enamels, the interwoven shank with gold detailed initials and dates on a white enamel ground Provenance: Commissioned by Lord Francis Oliphant of Gask Gifted to Judge James Graham of Airth or his son William Graham of Airth.