LGBTQ+ Students

Transitioning Gender If you identify as trans and are considering or are already in the process of transitioning gender, please get in touch with us. We can talk you through any steps that you or UCL may need to take to support your transition, and we can provide additional support if you need it. Read our policy on support for students transitioning gender

Support at UCL An "ally" is someone who is a supporter and/or advocate for LGBTQ+ people. It is most commonly used to refer to heterosexual people (a "straight ally"), but also encompasses LGBT+ people who support each other.

If you'd like to know more about how you can be an ally to , , bi and trans friends and support the LGBT+ community, read our article on 7 ways to be a better ally.

Further Resources

Students’ Union LGBT+ UCL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

External Organisations A resource listing a variety of community and support organisations for bisexual people. Everyone Is Gay: An informative and light-hearted American website offering advice to LGBT+ . Gendered Intelligence: A not-for-profit organisation aiming to increase understanding of gender diversity, which runs youth groups and a mentoring scheme for trans people aged 13-25. Switchboard: an LGBT+ helpline based in that can take calls from anywhere in the UK, available 10am to 11pm. IMAAN: a peer support group for LGBT+ muslims that aims to help reconcile faith with sexuality and gender identity. London Friend: the UK's oldest lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans charity, supporting the health and mental wellbeing of the LGBT+ community in and around London. Youth Network: the UK's alliance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and other gender/sexual minority young people. RUComingOut: a website featuring real-life stories from lesbian, gay, bi and trans people. : a nationwide LGBT+ rights charity, offering help and advice (if you are an international student, Stonewall can also connect you to LGBT+ groups and support in your home country). UCL is a proud member of the Stonewall Diversity Champions programme.