Volume 3 • Number 2 • Fall 2005 The TRUETT JOURNAL OF CHURCH AND MISSION facilitates critical and creative engagement with what it means to be the church and how the people of God participate in God’s mission in the world. The JOURNAL offers scholarly reflection for the purpose of faithful application. UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION Mr. William Underwood, Interim President of the University Dr. Randlall O’Brien, Interim Provost of the University Rev. Paul Powell, Dean of the Seminary Dr. David E. Garland, Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Michael W. Stroope, Faculty Advisor Kathryn Seay, Student Editor-in-Chief Ericka Bond Josh Burden Derek Hatch Adam Horton Lucas Land Meredith Story Celina Varela Michelle White Lisa Williams E-MAIL
[email protected] PHONE (254) 710-6745 ADDRESS Truett Journal of Church and Mission George W. Truett Theological Seminary One Bear Place #97126 Waco, TX 76798-7126 ISSN 1543-3552 The Truett Journal of Church and Mission is published twice annually at the conclusion of the Spring and Fall semesters by the George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Bay- lor University (Waco, Texas). The views finally expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University, the Seminary, or the Journal’s Editorial Board. All contents of this Journal are fully protected under copyright laws. Permission is granted to repro- duce articles for church or classroom use, provided both that clear attribution is given to the author and the Truett Journal of Church and Mission and that the reproductions are not sold for commercial purposes. For other uses, please contact the Editorial Board of the Journal.