The Norfolk Ancestor Volume Seven Part Three SEPTEMBER 2010 Above: Horstead Church memorial Right: Hunworth Church memorial Below: Needham Church memorial Names inside - see index The Journal of the Norfolk Family History Society formerly Norfolk & Norwich Genealogical Society Gardeners at Lynford Hall, Nr Thetford, Norfolk (see Editorial page) NORFOLK FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY A private company limited by guarantee Registered in England, Company No. 3194731 Registered as a Charity - Registration No. 1055410 Registered Office address: Kirby Hall, 70 St. Giles Street, _____________________________________________________________ HEADQUARTERS and LIBRARY Kirby Hall, 70 St Giles Street, Norwich NR2 1LS Tel: (01603) 763718 Email address:
[email protected] NFHS Web pages:< BOARD OF TRUSTEES (for a full list of contacts please see page 176) Denagh Hacon (Editor, Ancestor) Brenda Leedell (West Norfolk Branch) Mary Mitchell (Monumental Inscriptions) Edmund Perry (Company Secretary and Projects Coordinator) Colin Skipper (Chairman) Jean Stangroom (Membership Secretary) Carole Taylor (Treasurer) Patricia Wills-Jones (East Norfolk Branch) EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Denagh Hacon (Editor) Edmund Perry (Assistant Editor) Current Rates for Membership: UK Membership: £10.00 per year. Overseas Airmail £12.00 per year Joint Membership: £15.00 per year. Joint Overseas Airmail £18.00 per year UK Single Life Membership: £165. UK Joint Life Membership: £250 Overseas Single Life Membership: £200 Overseas Joint Life Membership: £300 ISBN 0141