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3268 HON. CHIP CRAVAACK HON. MIKE Mcintyre HON. H 3268 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 3 March 8, 2012 service to, a free and democratic Cuba. Her the ability to give individualized attention to HONORING DR. BARBARA DAVIS work began with the International Rescue each one of its students with a 15:1 student to Committee (IRC), the first agency in Miami to faculty ratio. HON. ANN MARIE BUERKLE provide assistance to thousands of Cuban ref- UNC Pembroke has achieved national rec- OF NEW YORK ugees fleeing Castro’s communist regime, and ognition for its diversity as well as its strong IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the State Department of Public Welfare— ties with the community. U.S. News and World Cuban Refugee Emergency Center. Sylvia Thursday, March 8, 2012 Report has deemed the University ‘‘the most continues fighting relentlessly for Cuba’s free- Ms. BUERKLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to diverse University in the South,’’ the Princeton dom today, as a co-founder of M.A.R. por recognize Dr. Barbara Davis for 25 years of Cuba (Mothers & Women Against Oppres- Review has named UNC Pembroke among service to the Hebrew Day School in Syra- sion), and the Assembly of the Cuban Resist- the ‘‘Best in the Southeast,’’ and the University cuse, New York. ance. This organization is committed to the was named to President Obama’s Community Dr. Davis earned her Bachelor’s Degree defense of human rights and freedoms of Service Honor Roll for three consecutive from Barnard College and received an M.A. Cuban people, the support of Cuban political years. Additionally, the Carnegie Foundation and Ph.D. from Columbia University. She prisoners and their families, and advocating awarded the University the Carnegie Elective began her relationship with the Syracuse He- for measures and sanctions against the Castro Classification for Community Engagement, brew Day School in the mid-1980’s. She was regime. Sylvia works daily to accelerate demo- one of its most prestigious awards. a parent volunteer and served as chair of the cratic change in Cuba; her solidarity to the I am especially pleased by the naming of Education Committee. Her service escalated Cuban people is truly inspiring and admirable. the University as a ‘‘Military Friendly School’’ in 1986 when she agreed to serve as co-prin- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to pay tribute to by G.I. Jobs Magazine for a fifth consecutive cipal of the school along with Dr. John Blasi, Ms. Sylvia G. Iriondo for her continued service year. Access to education for our military vet- a position she would hold for the next 25 to the Miami community. She is a woman of erans is something I am passionate about, years. unmatched compassion and dedication, serv- and I am encouraged that UNC Pembroke has For two and a half decades, Dr. Davis was ing as a mother, grandmother, great grand- embraced our veterans and supported their the leader of the Syracuse Hebrew Day mother, businesswoman, leader, activist and pursuit of higher education. School. During her tenure there she was in- philanthropist. Sylvia’s impression upon the strumental in the school’s growth; a new wing Miami community will last for decades to Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the was constructed, student enrollment hit record come, and she will surely inspire countless University of North Carolina at Pembroke as it high numbers, and the endowment fund grew young women to follow in her footsteps. I ask celebrates 125 years. May it continue its tradi- to nearly $500,000. my colleagues to join me in recognizing this tion of excellence and its development of the In addition to her work at the Syracuse He- outstanding individual, and I wish her contin- future leaders of North Carolina and our na- brew Day School, Dr. Davis serves as a Pro- ued success and happiness in the future. tion. fessor Emerita of Modern Languages at Onon- f daga Community College. She was also a f member of the first Lookstein Center Prin- PERSONAL EXPLANATION cipals’ Seminar at Bar Ilan University, a selec- HONORING VOLUNTEER FIRE tive intensive program combining seminars in HON. CHIP CRAVAACK CHIEF M.L. ‘‘PUG’’ WELLS Israel and America. OF MINNESOTA Dr. Davis’ dedication to her community is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not only seen in her role at the Syracuse He- HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH brew Day School, but also in her countless Thursday, March 8, 2012 OF VIRGINIA hours of volunteerism and participation in nu- Mr. CRAVAACK. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall merous organizations. She serves on the No. 95 for H.R. 3637, to designate the ‘‘Roy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES board of RAVSAK, the Jewish Community Day Schallern Rood Post Office Building’’ in Jupi- Thursday, March 8, 2012 School Network, she is executive editor of the ter, Florida, I originally intended to vote ‘‘yes,’’ quarterly journal of Jewish education, Ha however, I inadvertently voted ‘‘no.’’ Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I Yidion, and has co-authored a forthcoming f submit these remarks in honor of Volunteer history of the Syracuse Jewish Community. Dr. Davis has played a significant role in the A TRIBUTE TO THE UNIVERSITY Fire Chief M.L. ‘‘Pug’’ Wells, a devoted public servant to the people of Elliston and Mont- lives of so many people, especially youths, OF NORTH CAROLINA AT PEM- with her dedicated service to our community. BROKE gomery County, who passed away unexpect- edly on March 7, 2012. Her passion and leadership have made the Syracuse Hebrew Day School and the area it HON. MIKE McINTYRE For nearly 55 years, Pug was a member of serves a better place. I thank Dr. Davis for her OF NORTH CAROLINA the Elliston Fire Department. He led as Chief service and am proud to honor her here today. for 48 of those years. Pug was a founding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f member of both the department in 1957 and Thursday, March 8, 2012 of the New River Valley Swift Water Rescue FORTNEY H. ‘‘FISH’’ STARK III Mr. MCINTYRE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and Recovery. Never tiring, Pug even found pay special tribute to the University of North time to assist the Shawsville Rescue Squad. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK Carolina at Pembroke on the 125th anniver- In a recent interview, Pug said his greatest OF CALIFORNIA sary of its founding. enjoyment came from ‘‘being able to help peo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1887 the General Assembly of North ple.’’ His selfless sacrifice is truly admirable. A Thursday, March 8, 2012 Carolina chartered the Croatan Normal committed family man, a noble community Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I submit for the School, created to train American Indian public leader, and a friend of many, Pug will be school teachers. This school, with a total of fif- RECORD a statement written by my 16-year-old greatly missed by his colleagues and those he teen students enrolled and only one instructor, son, Fortney H. ‘‘Fish’’ Stark III. served. My thoughts and prayers go out to his was the foundation for what has now become In 2004, I visited the Democratic National wife, Mary Lee; his four children; his family; one of the 17 campuses in the greater Univer- Convention with my dad. I don’t remember and his friends. sity of North Carolina system. much, being 8, but I do remember my visit UNC Pembroke is a center of higher learn- Well known for his exceptional goodwill and with Dennis Kucinich. He was a little dedication to the Montgomery community, I quirky, in a Ron Paul kind of way, but he ing for over 6,000 students, boasting 41 un- was earnest, he was friendly, he was sincere, dergraduate Programs and 17 graduate pro- am honored to pay tribute to this man’s many and he believed in what he was doing. Some- grams. I am impressed by how much this insti- contributions. His legacy and influence will be one took a photo of us that night—I was al- tution has grown since its beginnings. Yet, de- long remembered in Montgomery County and most as tall as him, even at 8—and he sent spite this growth, the University prides itself on throughout Southwest Virginia. me a copy, signing it: VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:22 Mar 24, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E08MR2.000 E08MR2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD March 8, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 3 3269 ‘‘Dear Fish: Someday I hope to come to the dren from windows and burning victims alive. phy for his three decades of distinguished vol- convention to help nominate YOU! Thank While some estimate that more than 30 indi- unteer service as chair of New York’s 18th you for your support. Your Friend, Dennis viduals were killed and more than 200 injured, Congressional District’s Service Academy Re- Kucinich.’’ Congressman Kucinich wasn’t a perfect others estimate that hundreds were murdered. view Board. politician. At times he’s more concerned The Soviets banned journalists from entering Each fall, my Service Academy Review with taking a principled stand than trying to the area and, for two decades, Azerbaijani au- Board interviews several dozen young men negotiate a principled compromise. But even thorities relentlessly covered up, ignored and and women to determine who merits nomina- though he was quirky and at times obsti- whitewashed these tragic events. tions to our nation’s Service Academies. Chair nate, he stood out in Congress because he Even worse, many believe the atrocities of the SARB for my first 22 years in the House truly believed in what he was doing, because were officially sanctioned by Azerbaijani au- of Representatives, from 1989 until his retire- he was passionate and never said die, because thorities to send a clear message to the Arme- ment last year, as well as serving in the same he was willing to stand up and say something nians, who were peacefully demonstrating role for my two predecessors, Mr.
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