Journal of Coastal Research 00 0 000–000 Coconut Creek, Florida Month 0000 Nearshore Drift-Cell Sediment Processes and Ecological Function for Forage Fish: Implications for Ecological Restoration of Impaired Pacific Northwest Marine Ecosystems David Parks†, Anne Shaffer‡*, and Dwight Barry§ †Washington Department of Natural Resources ‡Coastal Watershed Institute §Western Washington University 311 McCarver Road P.O. Box 2263 Huxley Program on the Peninsula Port Angeles, Washington 98362, U.S.A. Port Angeles, Washington 98362, U.S.A. Port Angeles, Washington 98362, U.S.A.
[email protected] ABSTRACT Parks, D.; Shaffer, A., and Barry, D., 0000. Nearshore drift-cell sediment processes and ecological function for forage fish: implications for ecological restoration of impaired Pacific Northwest marine ecosystems. Journal of Coastal Research, 00(0), 000–000. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. Sediment processes of erosion, transport, and deposition play an important role in nearshore ecosystem function, including forming suitable habitats for forage fish spawning. Disruption of sediment processes is often assumed to result in impaired nearshore ecological function but is seldom assessed in the field. In this study we observed the sediment characteristics of intertidal beaches of three coastal drift cells with impaired and intact sediment processes and compared the functional metrics of forage fish (surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus, and sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus) spawning and abundance to define linkages, if any, between sediment processes