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~~----------..................... OCTOBER r 1~ 1950 l - If YOUR'E INTERESTED IN SAVING ~ ~ . TIME V MONEY V ENERGY V (and what woman isn't) LEAVE IT TO YOUR ALL-ELECTRIC KITCHEN! Time, energy and budgets are three mighty important considerations for the modern homemaker! Is it any wonder that more and more women prefer kitchens all-electric. For electricity is a miracle worker •.• especially in the kitchen. All the right appliances in correct labor You~ ~l~ctrical saving arrangements add up to more time for yourself, and your appliance dealer will be happy co family. Less work, easier work ••• with results more satisfying. Be Jiacuu an all sides saving precious time and energy, low cost, dependable electric electric kitchen to 1ervice does its work at a very modest wage. The services of your fit your budget. range, refrigerator, dishwasher .•. and the many other componenu See !Um codayl of your all electric kitchen costs but a few ce11ts a day! IOUTBWBSTBBN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY :U YEARS OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP AllD PUBLIC SERVICE EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President .................. Ed McCullough '32 Vice-President .............. H art Shoemaker '41 2nd Vice-Pres. ...... Windy Nicklaus '28 D irect or ........................... 0 . R. McElya '34 Director ................................. Olaf Loda! '32 Director ............... Forrest W eimhold '36 Immediate Past P res. Vol. l, No. 6 October, 1950 Hurley Carpenter '28 Rep. to Athletic Council George Langford '32 Exec. Secretary ......D . M. McElroy '35 ..... CONTENTS * * * FEATURES LOYALTY FUND Homecoming Will Bring Football, Food and Fun ..................................... 2 TRUSTEES June Jay previews November 11th plans. When Summer's Past.......... ~---- -- -' · -- ----------· ···-- --- ----------- --- ----- -------- -------- 3 Olaf Loda! E : A. The old and the new in back-to-school .procedure. Fred Rollins W. B. Rushing Wayne Sellers Floyd W ooldridge i\\eet Mr. Ba nd _______________________ ~ ~--- --- - - - ---- - - -·-- ----- - ------ - --- · ---- -- -- ---- -_:_ ______ ______ 5 0 . R. McElya Jimmy J ay Posy Piper introduces Tech's band director R. Guy Carter Kenneth Leftwich D . M . McElroy New Departments, Buildings in Agriculture Plans ....................................7 Things to come for the aggies. * * * DEPARTMENTS ·The Hitch in' Post·----------------· ·----------------------·------------·---------··········-------------· 4 THE COVER The Faculty Sce ne ...................................................................................... 8 This month t houghts of the ne~ Sports Roundup - by H. A Tuck ............................................................ 9 school year, with the many cam· pus changes it uncovers, are min Ch apter Chatter.... .............................................................................____ ___ 10 gled with backlward glances on the eve of Tech's Silver Aniversary Campus Roundup ..................................................................................... 12 ce!Efuration. Our cover captures the spirit of the month-the old Signals from the Huddle .......................................................................... 14 scene of students strolling to and from t heir classes, w ith the re cently completed m useum, symbol Published In February. March. May, July, September. Oct ober, November and December of the new, as a background. by the Eit-Students Association o! Texas Tecbnolog1cal College, Lubbock, Texas. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Lubbock, Texas Change of address: New address should be sent to the Association offices 30 days prior to date of issue with which it * * * is to take effect. Subscription rate: $3 per year. PHOTO CREDIT Advertising rates on request. All advertising is handled throuJ?h the Association offices. Cover-Cecil Horne Managing Editor: ........... .... .................... ........ Rose (Posy) Piper '50 2, 3, 7, 17-Rick Jay Sports: ......................................... ................................................................... H. A. Tuck '51 5-Courtesy of D. 0 . Wiley 12--<.::ourtesy of Lubbock Ava · Circulation:. ...: ....... ............... :.. ................ ,... ......................................................... June Jay lanche-Journal Adversiting: ................................................................................................ AL Stevens '51 Homecom_ing Will _Bring Football, Food and Pun By JUNE JAY attended. Since then, the attend- al value. Over forty floats are ex- L Tech homecoming is the time for ance has increased each year until pected in the giant parade. ' all Techsans, former and present, the number of people present last Not only are the students putting to mingle, get acquainted and re- year was 1814. on the show; but the exes have a acquainted. FQ, the exes the re-ac- Tech gym is the place for the big chance to show off too. Any ex quainting is the highspot 4uring feed, and service starts promptly student chapter is permitted to en their return to Tech's campus. at 12 o'clock with no lines to stand ter a float in the parade. So, exes This year which begins Tech's in and every one taken care of come on, don't let the students out 2nd quarter of a century of exls- within thirty minutes. That means do us. Let's show them how to real tence will prove to be the biggest all 1814, and TNM&O and Furr's ly make a float. and best for the exes homecoming are prepared for the expected in There are sever a 1 tro.phies entertainment. For that old· home crease of exes this year. awarded to winning floats in feellng and casual atmosphere Aside from the luncheon, plenty the parade. The outstanding float where everyone can see everyone of other eVoents have been planned from all three groups .is given the else, the annual !buffet luncheon to keep Tech's exes happy · ;vhile Thomas trophy, a large bronze given by TNM&O and Furr Food, visiting. The big homecoming par trophy which is left in the trophy Saturday noon, will be the top ade is scheduled as usual for Sat case in the Administration build event. This wlll be the second year urday morning at 10 o'clock. It will ing with the name of each year's that Furr's has helped with the form in town and go right on out winner engraved upon it. Also a luncheon. They started last year to the campus to break up. These warded are three plaques, one to when TNM&O needed some help 1)resent Techsans are planning a the best float in each group. All to take care of the huge crowd. parade that will never be forgotten these awards are given by Lucian This luncheon was started in 1945 by anyone. There will be three Thomas, '40, who is now a jeweler by TMN&O and other firms, and groups of floats, those judged for in Lubbock. was first given at the Hilton hotel. their beauty, those for their hu Approximately 250 to 300 persons mor and those for_ their education- (Cont inued to Page 20) The big neon Double-T, a campus landmark. since its donation by '38 seniors, finds a per manent resting place high on the east stands of Jones Stadium .. It was first moved from its tra ditiona./ spot between the library and chemistry buildings to make room for the new science building. Stood west of Jones Stadium until removal to its present high post. October, 1950 3 Fall Means Back· To School When September rolls around, it's. time for returning students and r-.. - tremulous freshman to forget a bout summer picnics and afternoon sessions at the pool. It's registra tion time again, with thoughts of semester hours, grade points and l majors and minors uppermost in the minds of Techsans. Fall registation clicked off in or der this year with 5,434 students enrolling. Returning students found some new wrinkles as they went th r o u g h registration processes again. For one thihg, those persons who drive cars found they could no longer park in the nearest va cant spot. A new traffic system is now in effect on the campus, with each car owner being assigned a specific parking area. They were given stickers with their designat ed area recorded on them and told that city patrolmen would be check ing those stickers to see that there were no violators. Returning stm?ents line tip to begin fall registration. They Dorm dwellers who had hereto found some new wrinkles in night courses, parking regulations, . fore been able to sleep until eight and crowded housing facilities. · But registration went off some o'clock, then jump into a car and still make that early morning class what smoother than in the past-fewer lines and less red tape. on time were hard hit by the new regulations. Now they'll have to al dents who wanted rooms. in the arts and sciences division low themselves time to walk, since Room reservation requests gain their first year. under the new system they .are ed momentum following the out Pre - regist ration estimates had not allowed to drive cars to class. break of the Korean war, accord placed probable fall enrollment fig New night and .Saturday courses ing to H. L. Burgess, head of the ures at near 6,000, close to the being offered this year were an dorm reservation of.fice. Men't record year of 1948-. However, final other added registration feature. dormitories were filled •by July 13, figures failed to reach the 1949 to These new courses, being offered with a waiting list of 260 compiled tal of 5,844. A sharp decline in the before the office stopped taking numbers of veterans in school was for business personnel and teach reservations. ers, helped to