1848 1849 1866 1868

FIRST WOMEN'S FIRST NATIONAL WOMEN'S FORMATION OF THE RATIFICATION OF THE RIGHTS CONVENTION RIGHTS CONVENTION AMERICAN EQUAL 14TH AMENDMENT The first women's rights convention The first National Women's RIGHTS ASSOCIATION The 14th Amendment to the U.S. is held in Seneca Falls, New York. Rights Convention takes Constitution is ratified: “All persons Elizabeth Cady Stanton There, 68 women and 32 men sign a place in Worcester, born or naturalized in the United and Susan B. Anthony form Declaration of Sentiments, modeled Massachusetts, attract- States, and subject to the juris- the American Equal Rights on the Declaration of Independence, ing more than 1,000 diction thereof, are citizens of the Association, an organization outlining grievances and setting participants. Frederick United States and of the State for white and black women the agenda for the women's rights Douglass, Paulina Wright wherein they reside” and that right

SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT and men dedicated to the movement. A set of 12 resolutions Davis, Abby Kelley Foster, may not be “denied to any of the (Information compiled by the American Bar Association) goal of universal suffrage. is adopted calling for equal treat- William Lloyd Garrison, male inhabitants of such State,

TIMELINE OF THE WOMAN’S THE OF TIMELINE They petition Congress ment of women and men under the Lucy Stone and Sojourner being twenty-one years of age, for “universal suffrage.” law and voting rights for women. Truth are in attendance. and citizens of the United States.”

Celebrating the 100 th Anniversary of the th


he 19th Amendment to the Arabella “Belle” Babb Mansfield, spent most summers in Iowa with her U.S. Constitution officially the first woman admitted to family, continuing to give speeches and T became the law of the land practice law in the United support the woman’s suffrage movement. on Aug. 26, 1920, 100 years States, on June 15, 1869, in ago. The 19th Amendment Mount Pleasant, was active Interesting facts: Arabella Babb Man- granted women the right to vote, in the woman’s suffrage sfield studied the law for two years in her nationwide, in all elections. movement. She chaired the brother’s law office in Mount Pleasant. The motto of Iowa’s 100th anni- 1870 Iowa Woman Suffrage Her husband, John Mansfield, studied versary celebration, HARD WON Convention, the first statewide the law with her. John and Arabella Man- NOT DONE, accurately summarizes the gathering of the newly-formed Iowa sfield took the bar examination the same decades-long struggle for women’s right Woman Suffrage Society. Arabella day and were sworn into the Iowa bar to vote, and the continuing efforts to Mansfield never actively practiced law, on the same date, June 15, 1869, in the guarantee voting rights for all. The state but frequently demonstrated her ana- Union Block Building in Mount Pleasant. and national woman’s suffrage movement lytical skills and persuasive speaking Her Iowa bar admission required an included many courageous Iowa women. skills to argue for women’s right to vote. expansive interpretation of the current Some of these women are well-known. Arabella Mansfield spent her entire statute governing bar admissions. Iowa Some are not. Some were Iowa’s first professional career in academia, teach- Code §114.2700 (1860) required Iowa women lawyers and law school graduates. ing at , Iowa Wesleyan lawyers to be white, male, at least 21 Read on to learn their stories and a few College (now Iowa Wesleyan University), years old, reside in Iowa, of good moral interesting facts about each woman. and , where she taught character and possess the requisite various subjects and served as the Dean learning to satisfy an Iowa district court of the School of Arts and Music. She of his qualifications. The word “male”

18 THE IOWA LAWYER AUGUST 2020 AUGUST 2020 THE IOWA LAWYER 19 19th Amendment 1870 1872 1874 1912

RATIFICATION OF THE SUSAN B. ANTHONY REGISTERS AND MINOR V. HAPPERSETT THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S BULL 15TH AMENDMENT VOTES FOR ULYSSES S. GRANT IN The Supreme Court rules MOOSE PARTY SUPPORTS in Minor v. Happersett that The 15th Amendment to the THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION the 14th Amendment does WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE U.S. Constitution is ratified: Susan B. Anthony is arrested, not guarantee women the Theodore Roosevelt's Bull “The right of citizens of the tried and convicted for regis- right to vote. Citizenship Moose Party becomes United States to vote shall tering and voting for Ulysses S. does not give women voting the first national major not be denied or abridged Grant in the presidential elec­tion rights, and women’s political political party to support by the United States or in New York. Her defense, that rights are under individ- woman’s suffrage. by any State on account the Equal Protection Clause of ual states’ jurisdictions, of race, color, or previous th the 14 Amendment entitled her the Court determines. condition of servitude.” to vote, was not successful.

was construed as gender neutral, relying George Catt, supported her by allow- Their motive has always been the hope that on Iowa Code §3.29(3) (1860), the ing Carrie ample time and funds to women would aim higher than their selfish statutory construction section, which travel as needed to advance woman’s ambitions; that they would serve the common stated “words importing the masculine suffrage state by state and nationwide. good. The vote is won. Seventy-two years the gender only may be extended to females.” Carrie’s organizing skills quickly came battle for this privilege has waged, but human This statutory interpretation opened to Susan B. Anthony’s attention. She affairs with their eternal change move on the door for Arabella Mansfield to take chose Carrie Chapman Catt as her suc- without pause. Progress is calling on you to the bar exam and be admitted to the cessor as president of the National Amer- make no pause. Act.” Iowa bar. Thankfully, the pertinent Iowa ican Woman Suffrage Association in Code section was soon amended, by 1900. Carrie served in this position from Interesting facts: The 19th Amend- removing the words “white” and “male” 1900-1904 and again from 1916-1920. ment was ratified by the Tennessee to explicitly allow women, and men and Carrie was a great writer, a persuasive legislature on Aug. 18, 1920, the neces- women of color, to study law and be speaker, an effective organizer and stra- sary 36th state to make it part of the U.S. admitted to practice law in Iowa. (See tegic planner. Her winning plan included Constitution. Carrie Chapman Catt spent Iowa Code §9.208, 1873 edition.) focusing on state constitutional amend- several weeks in Tennessee that July and ments and limited voting rights in various August, organizing, writing, speaking, Carrie Chapman Catt grew states as well as the federal constitutional rallying the troops, overcoming numer- up on a farm near Charles amendment. Her strategic winning plan ous obstacles. The deciding vote was cast City. She became a suf- is generally credited with moving the by Frank Burn, the youngest member of fragist at age 13 when she 19th Amendment past the finish line the legislature, after he received a letter learned that her well-in- in August 1920. Her famous speech in from his mother, Phoebe Burn, encour- formed mother could not August of 1920 is still relevant today. aging him to “vote for suffrage…help vote in the presidential “That vote of yours has cost millions of Mrs. Catt put the “Rat” in Ratification.” election, but her father, dollars and the lives of thousands of women. Carrie Chapman Catt founded the her brother, and their unin- The vote has been costly. Prize it. Understand League of Women Voters in February formed hired men could vote. Carrie what it means and what it can do for your 1920. She co-founded the International attended the State Agricultural College country. No soldier in the great suffrage army Woman Suffrage Alliance in 1902. in Ames (now ). has labored and suffered to get a place for you. She was the only woman in her class. She graduated at the top of her class in 1880. She worked before and during her college years to pay for her education. Carrie decided to become a lawyer and began to study law while working in an attorney’s office to earn money. She abandoned this plan when she received an offer to serve as prin- cipal of the high school in Mason City. She soon became superinten- dent of the Mason City Schools, at age 24, the first woman to do so. Carrie Chapman Catt married two men who fully supported her work in the woman’s suffrage movement. Leo Chapman supported her work through the newspaper he owned and published. Sadly, he died shortly after they married. Her second husband,

18 THE IOWA LAWYER AUGUST 2020 AUGUST 2020 THE IOWA LAWYER 19 1913 1916 1919 1920

SUFFRAGISTS ORGANIZE A FIRST WOMAN ELECTED THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT THE 19TH AMENDMENT PARADE IN WASHINGTON, D.C. TO THE HOUSE OF IS PASSED BY CONGRESS TO THE CONSTITUTION Suffragists organize a parade down Penn- REPRESENTATIVES The Woman Suffrage Amendment, IS CERTIFIED AS LAW sylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Known originally written by Susan B. Anthony Jeannette Rankin of After Tennessee becomes as the Woman Suffrage Procession, it was and introduced in Congress in 1878, is Montana is the first woman the 36th state to ratify, the first public demonstration in the nation’s passed by the House of Representatives elected to the House of the 19th Amendment capital for woman’s suffrage and called and the Senate. It is then sent to the Representatives. Woodrow to the Constitution is participants to “march in a spirit of protest states for ratification. Wisconsin and Wilson states that the certified as law, granting against the present political organization of Illinois are the first states to ratify. Democratic Party platform American women the society, from which women are excluded.” July 2, 1919 was the date that Iowa will support suffrage. national right to vote. adopted the 19th Amendment.

Annie Savery was Alice Bird Babb , an 1869 Iowa On Aug. 27, 1920, one day after the the first woman to graduate, 19th Amendment became the law of speak publicly on began to give speeches the land, Mrs. Jens Thuesen of Grundy woman’s suffrage supporting woman’s County became the first woman to in Des Moines, suffrage in 1870, mostly in vote in an election under its author- on Jan. 23, 1868. the Mount Pleasant area. ity. A total of 77 women voted in this She delivered the In January of 1869, Alice school district consolidation election. same speech in Iowa Bird co-founded the P.E.O. The never limited City on Feb. 18, 1868. She Sisterhood, an international enrollment on the basis of gender, race, generously used her wealth and women’s organization, with six ethnicity or religion. Miss Mary B. Hickey standing in local and state society to other Iowa Wesleyan College students. of Newton was the first woman graduate support the woman’s suffrage movement, She served as its first president. (Many from the University of Iowa law school in including inviting and hosting national current Iowa lawyers and judges are 1873. The second and third women law leaders Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth active P.E.O. members.) Alice married school graduates were Mrs. Annie Savery Cady Stanton to speak in Des Moines. Arabella Babb Mansfield’s brother, of Des Moines, and her friend, Mrs. Mary Annie Savery was one of the first Washington Babb, in 1873. Alice and Emily Haddock of Iowa City, in 1875. women to attend law school at the Uni- Arabella continued to speak in support The first Black men to graduate from versity of Iowa, graduating from the one- of woman’s suffrage for many years. the University of Iowa law school were year program in 1875. She was admitted Alexander Clark, Jr., in 1879, and his to the Iowa bar on June 26, 1875. She Gertrude Rush , the first Black father, Alexander Clark, Sr., in 1884, did not intend to actively practice law, woman lawyer in Iowa, was both of Muscatine. Their names may but wanted to understand the legal active in the woman’s suffrage sound familiar as the successful plain- history of the rights of women movement. Gertrude Durden tiffs in the 1868 Iowa Supreme Court more fully to support her work in Rush studied law in her decision integrating public schools. the woman’s suffrage movement. husband’s law office under Primary source: Strong-Minded Women The Emergence his tutelage for several years. of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in Iowa, by Louise R. Interesting facts: The Savery She took and passed the Iowa Noun. Published by Iowa State University Press, 1969. Hotel, built in 1877 and still op- bar examination in 1918. VOTING RIGHTS, HARD WON, NOT DONE: HONORING erating in downtown Des Moines, Gertrude Rush co-founded the THE LEGACY OF THE 15TH AND 19TH AMENDMENTS was owned and operated by James National Bar Association in 1925, A special CLE program is being offered on Monday, Sept. 14, and Annie Savery. The original Savery in Des Moines, after she and four other celebrating the 150th anniversary of the 15th Amendment, granting th Hotel, also in downtown Des Moines, Black Iowa lawyers were denied admis- African American men the right to vote, and the 100 anniversary of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. The was renamed the Kirkwood Hotel after sion to the American Bar Association webinar event will take place at noon and the speakers are Henry James Savery lost it in 1878. The Savery because of their race. Gertrude Rush was Hamilton III, Administrative Law Judge with the U.S. Social Security family lived in their original hotel after known as the “Sunday School lawyer” Administration, and Emily Chafa, Chair of the ISBA Diversity and their home burned down in 1874. because she often referred to the Golden Inclusiveness Committee. Visit the iowabar.org homepage Event Calendar to find details on the event and to register. Annie Savery requested appointment Rule and kept a Bible on her desk along to serve as United States Consul to Le with the Iowa Code. She was active in Havre, France, in 1873. The entire Iowa numerous religious and civic organiza- congressional delegation supported her tions in addition to her work for woman’s request, as did congressman from five suffrage. other states. She was not appointed to the post. She publicly stated to her de- More interesting Iowa facts: Emily Chafa serves as the Chair of the ISBA tractors that she could afford to be used The Iowa legislature ratified the 19th Diversity & Inclusiveness Committee. She is th active in several national, state and local bar as a test by the elected officials and she Amendment on July 2, 1919, the 10 state associations, including the Iowa Organization did so to make the point that a woman to do so, during a special session lasting of Women Attorneys (I.O.W.A.), Polk County Bar was qualified for this type of position. an hour and 40 minutes, the shortest Association, National Association of Women Judges, Blackstone Inn of Court and the ABA legislative session in Iowa history. Judicial Division National Conference of Administrative Law Judiciary. She enjoys learning and telling the stories of Iowa women trailblazers and other relatively unknown history makers. 20 THE IOWA LAWYER AUGUST 2020