Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1922-01-29
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- . -- r)' 28,llU t ilnilJl Official Student Newlpaper of the Uni"erlity of Iowa Vol. XXI. New Serlea XI IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 1922 Number 99 • j COLLEGE COACHES TO GREEKS PREPARE FOR WEEK OF HORSEPLAY ' HAmYERIFLE MAKE SCHEDULES FOR REGISTRAR TO . TO SQUELCH UNRULY AND CONCEITED FROSH PURDUE TAXES SPRING COMPETITION Midwinter Drive to Subdue Future Pin Hangers to Start Within TEAM DEFEATS College coaches and athletic dir- MAIL, GRADES N ext Two Weeks - Majority Holds Out RETURN GAME '.' Fo~ Paddle and SlapperlUs cctors in Iowa will hold thcir an- Studenta Graded ICE" or Le.. KANSAS AGGIES nual winter meeting at the Uni- Will be Notified by No sooner is the week's reign of pin hangers within the next week or BY LONE POINT versity of Iowa, February 18, ac- February 4 absolutism history when the Hellenes two. Lieutenant Martin'. Sharp cording to an announcement made prepare to inaugurate a new era with There may be some room for argu Hawkeye Defenae Tigbte~ ment regarding the merit of the Boilermakerl Fail to Shooter. Lead by by Director Howard H. Jones, who Students who have received the favorite cup of Socrates for the paddle. 108 Pointa is sending out invitations to the marks of "E", or lower in courses future Atheneans. Although the Gain Big Lead national interfraternity conference, Upperclassmen of the fraterni meeting. for which they were registered the which composed of over fifty Greek ties must select men to perpetuate IADCERS WANT MATCH Baseball and track schedules for SHIMEK STARS FOR IOWA past semes~er will be notified by the letter fraternities, at its annual their institution and uphold its the spring athlemc program and Two Hicbelt Scorel Shot by some football games for next fall registrar before February 4, aew meeting in New York City last traditions after they have left the Christmas went on record as unani University. The influx of frosh Gullion and Wbite Held by Dehner and Bray of ar always arranged at this time cording to an announcement from mously opposed to horseplay, pro was great last September but the Iowa Guard. for Few the registrar's office. An "Fd" in Iowa between the colleges which send bation, and slapperitis for freshman, quality was mediocre according to representatives to the meeting. It is a course does not permit the contin Countera local chapters insist that the "frosh" those who were forced to select ma- uation of the course for the second Beating their own score against expected that the business session of other chapters of the fraternity will be held during the morning at semester. If the grade received is terial to repair the local chapters. Lafayette, Ind., January 28. Minnesota last week by twenty cannot be so conceited, .overbearing, the Hotel Jefferson and that the "Cond" the course may be contin Much of it was so poor that at least Purdue defeated Iowa here to points and knocking down a total unruly, and sophisticated as the vi8itors will take in events on the ued with the chance to make up the two or three of the local clubs made night in the fastest and most ex •. of 1941 points, as againat the Ag local pledges continue to be, or no their selections from other classes. 't' e h r I'n years bv a Iowa athletic schedule during the deficinecy during this semester's CI tng game se nee • gies 1839, the Iowa R. O. T. C. such record would have been allow aiternoon and evening. work. Within three weeks after the Frosh Hate Themselves sensational rally in the last few min" rifle tesm won its second sweeping ed on the books of the national con close of the examination period let: Freshmen who were pledged this uteS. With three minutes to go' victory by taking Kansas State Ag The dual track meet between ference. ters will be sent out to all students year have been laboring under the. Iowa led 26 to 19 and the Hawkeyes ricultural College into camp with Iowa and Ilinois in the afternoon Midwinter Drive Starts with the grades for the past sem fantasy that they were pretty good assumed a pure defensive game. A a wide margin of 108 point.. will be the first indoor meet held at Several fraternities on the campus ester providing that a self address stuff if they were affixed to a beautiful shot from the side and an- The result of the match proved a Iowa. In the evening Ohio and Iowa have already dropped the custom, but , ed stamped envelope with the reg-. strong chapter. Needless to say, other from under tlle basket by surprise to th Iowa tt'am since the will meet in basketball, the event the majority still hold out for the istration coupon is left at the Reg they will now soon realize what a White cut Iowa's lead to three points Kansas Aggie carried off the marking the first time athletic paddle, and wiII commence the mid istrar's office. with -a minute and a half to play. championship of the institutioM in teams from these two institutions winter drive in subduing the future (Continued on Page 3) the 7th Corps Area In the competi· have met. Students should remember that Gullion broke through for a ringer tlon la, t year and won the prelim under the basket and seconds later the privilege of removing the I' inary competition at the 7th Corps marks "left", "abs", "Ex", or tallied from the side, giving Purdue' Area Infantry Camp at Fort Snell· "unf" do not hold after the close CAMPUS LEADERS TO BE GUESTS a one point lead and the game when the pistol BOunded thirty seconds ing, Minnesota, last summer. As a RELAY .CARNIV AL of the first semester of his resi result of this victory at Fort Snell dence at this University following later. ing their team w.. sent to CaJl1l AT KUEHNLE-FINKBINE DINNER Iowa. led at half time 13 to 11 PLANS FORMED the semester in which the grade Perry, Ohio, to compete in the Na was reported, or aiter the next ses through good work by Shimek and February 9 Is Date Sel-Preaidenta of Organizationa Burgitt.. The flashy forward oon tional Matche!l of 1921 and gained Inter-lOrority Race Will Be sion within which the course in much experi nce In ahootin &, there. volved is given again, according to Invited Becaute Element of Leaderabip nected for three long ones in the Feature at Indoor Meet "We felt confident that we would H. C. Dorcas, registrar. If a stu .. Deaired By HOlta first half and at the start of the win this match, r ardle s of the February 22 dent wishes to complete a "c" second half macl.e the most impos Kansas A&,gie' record," Lieut. course for which his mark is "left" The fifth annual dinner. given by fairly as representing the element Rble shot ever seen here. While Thomas E. Martin, rifle team coach Plans for the second annual re or "ex", he shall first present to the Carl F. Kuehnle L'82 and William of leadership in the University and standing backward be threw one stated, "but I didn't think we would lay carnival to be held in the new committee on adniission and classi O. Finkbine L'80 will be given at the will be invited to attend the dinner, from beyond the foul line. Purdue win by l uch a wide marrin." armory February 22, in which a fication his written petition for this according to Prof. Forest E. En· tied the score at 11 to 11 just before Hawkey Better Own Score Jefferson hotel Thursday evening, sign, who is in charge of the prep- the gun in the first half only to number of the campus organiza- privilege together with the written The fact that the Iowa team bet recomemndations of his instructor February 9. As the presidents of arations. have Devine break loose and sink tlons will be represented, have been tered ita own cor of last week and the head of the department the various organizations haye been The organizations for men on the one from under the basket as the against Mlnn soia by twenty points completed, according to reports concerned. chosen by their fellow students in campus as nearly as the office of period ended. With ' six minutes to il Indicativ of the progr that go lowa led 20-19 and under-basket from the athl tie department. A Before the mark "abs" can be th~lt groups, they may be c6nsiaered the Unh"e\'~ity vi Iowa Association the team is making and argues wen shots by Burritt, Hicks and Lob feature of the carnival will be the removed the student must present can determine are as follows: fra for a high score In the Corps Area man gave the Hawkeye8 a seve. inter-sorority relay race. to this sam~ committee his petition ternities, Acacia, Alpha Kappa match next Wi k. Kappa, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta point lead. Each sorority on the campus has that the absence be excused, for The two blghest scores made Theta Pi, Chi Kappa Pi, Delta Chi, Iowa missed three easy sbots and been requested by Coach Bresnahan reasons specified and properly at CHEM BUILDING again t th Kan as Ag i s were Delta Kappa Gamma, Delta Sigma with three minutes to go. Treat to choose a captain from a list of tested. Students who leave the shot by Walter J. Dehn r A3 of University during the middle of a Delta, Delta Sigma Pi (commerce), repJaced Gullion.