CS108, Stanford Handout #19 Fall, 2007-08 Nick Parlante Patterns and Delegation

Patterns • "Patterns" are about identifying common code idioms and giving them names, so they fall more easily to hand and are easier for others to read. Having a higher-level vocabulary of ready problem solving techniques helps get things done quicker. The patterns essentially provide better building blocks. Also, having the patterns available makes it easier to read and talk about bodies of code. • IMHO, patterns are currently suffering a little from silver-bullet syndrome -- people can get so focused on using Patterns as much as possible, the use of patterns becomes the goal rather than solving the actual problem at hand. That said, patterns are a valuable technique. • The main patterns book is -- : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software -- by Erich Gamma et al. Known as the "gang of four, Gof" book due to its four authors Idioms • Identify common, useful code design patterns • Give them a name • Programmers get accustomed to the pattern and so work with it more easily • Programmers can communicate with each other with the pattern vocabulary • The most important patterns... Factory • The "factory" is a mechanism for clients to create/get new instances of some implementation without needing to know or depend on the particular implementing class. Rather than the client call "Foo f = new Foo()", they call "Foo f = Foo.makeFoo()"-- "makeFoo()" is a "factory" method in this case, returning a new instance to the client. The exact class of what is passed back may vary at runtime to be a particular subclass of Foo, but the client does not need to know about that. This keeps things simple for the client, but allows us to be more sophisticated about what is passed back to them. For example, when testing, we can pass the client back a special stub of some sort. Since the client just calls "makeFoo()", they can't tell. Singleton • Having exactly one of something -- e.g. the tetris pieces array. This is basically just the idea of having a single, global instance of something. Expose an such that the client code (or rather, various bits of client code, distributed across many modules) always interacts with the singleton. The is mocked somewhat as being so simple that it does not qualify as a pattern -- like saying Pluto is not really a planet. • Suppose we want a singleton Foo object to exist. A common implementation is to have a static getFoo() method that returns a pointer to the single, static Foo object. All clients go through getFoo(), so they always get the one Foo object. The getFoo() methd can use a lazy-evaluation strategy, only creating the Foo object the first time someone calls getFoo(). Iterator • Allow some to iterate over the elements in a collection (start, access each element, detect when at end) without knowing the collection implementation. In Java, this is done with the Iterator interface, which defines methods hasNext() and next(). 2

Adapter • Start with an object that implements interface X. The "Adapter" wraps the X object, and translates between it and the rest of the world to make it look like interface Y. This is a form of delegation, implementing a different interface from the delegate. • e.g. HashMap supports a values() method that returns a Collection of all the values in the HashMap. In reality, it does not construct an actual Collection of all the values. Instead, it builds a thin adapter object that implements the Collection interface and has a pointer to the original HashMap. When this adapter gets a message like size(), it passes it through to the underlying HashMap. Decorator • Start with an object that implements interface X. The "Decorator" wraps the original X object and also implements interface X, but with some variation. This is also a form of delegation. • e.g. ZipStreamReader layered on BufferedReader layered on FileReader. This is a delegation, keeping the same interface as the delegate. Delegation (vs. Inheritance) • Both Adapter and Decorator are "delegate" strategies. These have the advantage that you can build up layers, where each layer deals with one aspect. This is a very flexible way to put together capabilities. Contrast it to using inheritance to put together capabilities, which is powerful but complicated. This leads to the modern preference of delegation over inheritance. See below. Observer / Observable • The Observer registers with the Observable that the observer would like to be notified when a particular thing happens to the observable. • e.g. in Swing, "listeners" are used to coordinate components such as buttons with code to run when certain things happen to the component. In that case, the button is the "source", and a "listener" registers with the source to get "notifications". For example, the method "button.addActionListener(listener)" adds a listener to a button, and the button sends the notification "actionPerformed()" to the listener when the button is clicked. Model View Controller (MVC) • This is a pattern where the "model" takes responsibility for data storage, and the "view" takes responsibility for displaying the data from the model. The "controller" coordinates the two. We'll have a separate, detailed tour of the MVC pattern. Subclassing vs. Delegation Subclass Strategy • Suppose there is an existing class, Oracle, that implements an answer() method • We want a custom version of the answer() capability that adds "not" in front of the answer • Inheritance solution: create our class as a subclass off Oracle and override/inherit answer() • Our class isa Oracle • Use overriding to customize • Problem: introduces complex relationship between our class and Oracle -- we respond to all messages that Oracle responds to, we must mesh our methods with the methods up in Oracle -- can require a detailed understanding of Oracle. Delegation Strategy • Rather than subclass, just create an Oracle object and store a pointer to it in our class class MyClass { private Oracle oracle; 3

public MyClass() { oracle = new Oracle(); // allocate our "owned" Oracle delegate } // Re-send message to delegate public String answer() { return "not " + oracle.answer(); } }

• Rather than isa Oracle, our class has an Oracle (or "owns" an Oracle) • When our class gets the answer() message, it turns around and sends it to the owned Oracle object • The owned Oracle is a "delegate" -- we send messages to it so it can do the work • We can exhibit the features of a class without the complexity of subclassing. • Note that, in contrast to inheritance, our class has a simple client relationship with the delegate -- we are not exposed to how it is implemented. Writing client code is a simpler task than writing subclass code. • Good: simpler than subclassing, may be used if you need to have some other superclass. Exhibit some of the features of a class, but not all of them. • Bad: Requires writing the trivial sort of one-line "pass-back" methods that re-send messages to the delegate. • The current thinking in the OOP community is that inheritance is a pretty fragile technique, and should only be used in circumstances that require it. Delegation is simpler and should be preferred in the cases where it is sufficient. • e.g. the "Prefer Delegation" rule in Josh Bloch's book, Effective Java. Wrapper Strategy • Can also think of delegation as a "wrapper" strategy (aka "Adapter" pattern). • e.g. Arrays.asList() returns an object that implements List by wrapping the (delegate) array • e.g. HashMap values() returns an object that appears to be a collection of the values in the map by wrapping the (delegate) map