WILLIAM HENRY EDWARDS 1822-1909 Annotated BIBLIOGRAPHY (Natural History, Entomology, Lepidoptera, Butterflies)

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WILLIAM HENRY EDWARDS 1822-1909 Annotated BIBLIOGRAPHY (Natural History, Entomology, Lepidoptera, Butterflies) WILLIAM HENRY EDWARDS 1822-1909 Annotated BIBLIOGRAPHY (Natural History, entomology, Lepidoptera, Butterflies) compiled by Joseph Belicek last updated 29 April 2013 1. EDWARDS, W. H. 1847. A voyage Up the River Amazon, Including a residence at Pará. D. Appleton & Co., New York. 16mo. 256 pp. [More than 30 editions were published between 1847 and 2012. ― An excellent narrative full of hard-to-find details on the life, people and the land in the Amazon region during the mid- nineteenth century. This book has inspired Alfred R. Wallace and Henry W. Bates, in their mid- twenties, to come to the Amazon region on April 25, 1848 and start one of the most celebrated expeditions made by Victorian scientists on that region. Certainly, Edwards' book still is a great source of inspiration (and information) to all interested in the wonders and mysteries of the Amazon region. ‒ Moacyr B. Dias Filho "www.diasfilho.com.br" (Belem, PA Brazil). The new editions of the original book are periodically available on Amazon.com From: narrativepress.com ‒ Edwards often delights in the simple pleasures of rest and clever ways to avoid the ever present irritations of jungle life. His narrative brims with the joy of discovery. ‒ “There is one enemy, who, sometimes, approaches even a hammock, and takes a tribute from the unconscious sleeper, and that is the vampire bat. …no sooner has the declining sun unloosed the eve, than they may be seen issuing in long, black streams. Usually, we avoided all their intimacies by closing the shutters at sunset; but occasionally, some of them would find entrance through the tiles, and we went forth to battle them with all the doughty arms with our reach, nor stopped the slaughter until every presumptuous intruder had bit the dust – or less metaphorically, had sprawled upon the floor. Several thus captured, measured, each, upwards of two feet across the wings; but most were smaller. “ A trained observer (and author of Butterflies of North America), Edwards made important contributions to our understanding of the dense, lush and wild world of the Amazon jungle and its people; including their weapons. ‒ “The most curious, and the most formidable weapon, is the blowing-cane. This is eight or ten feet in length – two inches in diameter at the larger end, and gradually tapering to less than an inch at the other extremity. … The arrow for this cane, is a splint of a palm, one foot in length, sharpened, at one end, to a delicate point, and, at the other, wound with the silky tree-cotton, to the size of the tube. The point of this is dipped in poison, and slightly cut around, that when striking an object, it may break by its own weight, leaving the point in the wound…” This book, for the first time, brought readers into contact with giant snakes and flesh-eating fish. Voyage Up the River Amazon also inspired other scientists to further explore this rich and diverse region. English scientists Henry Bates and Alfred Wallace went to the Amazon the following year, following in Edwards’ footsteps.] 2. EDWARDS, W. H. 1861. Descriptions of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA found within the limits of the United States and of British America [no. 1.] – PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, 13: 160-164. {Jul 1861}[ n. sp., 1. Meliataea mylita → Phyciodes; 2. Melitaea minuta, 3. Melitaea nycteis, Doubleday; 4. Limenitis weidemeyerii, 5. Satyrus silvestris, Coenonympha inornata, 7. Coenonympha ochracea, 8. Lycaena anna, 9. Lycaena scudderii, 10. Lycaena fuliginosa.] © Joseph Belicek 2013 1 3. EDWARDS, W. H. 1862a. Notes upon Grapta comma Harris, and Grapta faunus Edwards (c-album of some authors). – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 1: 182-184. {March 1862} [p. 182, Grapta comma, p. 183 Grapta faunus → Polygonia] 4. EDWARDS, W. H. 1862b. Descriptions of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA found within the limits of the United States and of British America – No. 2. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, 14: 54-58. {February 1862} [n. sp. Argynnis atlantis, Thecla acadia, Thecla laeta, Lycaena neglecta, Chionobas taygete, Pamphila varna, Pamphila rurea, Hesperia vialis] 5. EDWARDS, W. H. 1862c. Descriptions of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA found within the limits of the United States and of British America. No. 3. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, 14: 221-226. {April 1862} [ n. sp., 1. Argynnis nokomis, 2. Grapta faunus, 3. Thecla californica, 4. Thecla viridis, 5. Thecla affinis, 6. Lycaena behrii, 7. Lycaena pembina, 8. L. shasta, 9. L. scudderii, 10. Parnassius smintheus Doubleday, 11. Limenitis eulalia Doubleday.] 6. EDWARDS, W. H. 1863. Description of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA from within the limits of the United States and British America, No. 1. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 2(1): 14-22, pl. 5, f. 3; {April 1863} 7. EDWARDS, W. H. 1863. Description of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA from within the limits of the United States and British America, No. 2. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 2(2): 78-82, {Augustl 1863} 8. EDWARDS, W. H. 1864. Description of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA from within the limits of the United States and British America, No. 3. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 2(4): 501-507. {April 1864} 9. EDWARDS, W. H. 1864a. Descriptions of certain species of Catocala found within the United States. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 2: 508-512. 10. EDWARDS, W. H. 1864b. Description of the female of Argynnis diana. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, 39(1864): 431-434. [Argynnis diana → Speyeria diana] 11. EDWARDS, W. H. 1864c. Notes on the Argynnides of California. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 3: 434-436. 12. EDWARDS, W. H. 1865a. Notes upon Papilio asterias and Saturnia promethea hermaphrodites. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 4: 390. 13. EDWARDS, W. H. 1865b. Description of a new species of Limenitis . – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 5: 148. [Limenitis proserpina] 14. EDWARDS, W. H. 1865c. Description of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA from within the limits of the United States and British America, No. 4. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 4(1): 201-204, 1 pl. {February 1865} 15. EDWARDS, W. H. 1866a. On certain North American species of Satyrus. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 6: 195-200. {October 1866} [comments on taxonomy and variation of: (1). Satyrus pegala, Fabricius; no. (2). Satyrus alope Boisd. & Le Conte.; no. (3): Erebia © Joseph Belicek 2013 2 nephele Kirby; no. 4. Satyrus boopis Behr. “In every species of butterfly there is a certain range of variation”.] 16. EDWARDS, W. H. 1866b. Description of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA from within the limits of the United States and British America. No. 5. – PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, 6: 200-208. {October 1866} [n. sp., Papilio bairdii, Colias behrii, Lyacaeana violacea, Lycaena pseudoargiolus Boisduval & Le Conte, Lycena mertila, Syrichthus alba. Hesperia ottoe, Hesperia mingo, Hesperia yreka.] 18. EDWARDS, W. H. 1867. Descriptions of certain species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA found in the United States. – TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1: 286-288. [ Limenitis proserpina Edw. 1865; Lycaena violacea Edw. ♀, Hesperia pilatka, Hesperia nortonii, Hesperia osyka, Hesperia logan.] 19. EDWARDS, W. H. 1868a. Description of a new HESPERIAN. – TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 2: 122. [n. sp., Hesperia waco] 20. EDWARDS, W. H. 1868b. Papilio machaon in British America. ‒ CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, 1(3): 22. [a short note reporting several specimens of Papilio machaon taken by Mr. Drexler at Rupert House, Hudson's Bay.] 21. EDWARDS, W. H. 1868-1897. Butterflies of North America, series 1-5. 4to, illustrated by hand colored plates. Issued in 11 parts, usually bound in 3 volumes, 152 plates, 31x ? cm. 1868. Vol. I. Philadelphia: American Entomological Society; 218 p. 50 pls.; 1883. Vol. II. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 357 p., 51 pls.; 1897. Vol. III.. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 431 p., 51 pls. [Pages largely unnumbered; vols. I & II each included a checklist of North American butterflies at the end; Houghton, Mifflin & Co. also reprinted vol. I in 1888. 20 editions were published between 1868 and 1981. 22. EDWARDS, W. H. 1869a. Notes on a remarkable variety of Papilio turnus, and descriptions of two species of diurnal Lepidoptera. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 2: 207-210. 23. EDWARDS, W. H. 1869b. Description of new species of DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA found within the United States. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 2(4): 369-376. {Sep (preprint [Oct]) 1869; paper [14 Mar 1870]}1869}, 2: 373. [p. 373, Polygonia oreas] 24. EDWARDS, W. H. 1869c. Habits of Melitaea phaeton. ‒ CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, 1(7): 59-60. [p. 59-60, a follow-up on a report in Can. ent. 1(4): 41 by Mr. Sprague asking: “does the larva hibernate?” Edwards writes: “ It is just possible that the eggs of Phaeton, although laid not later then June, may remain till October, and the young larvae then be hatched, and they spend the winter under a common web.] 25. EDWARDS, W. H. 1869d. Descriptions of certain species of diurnal Lepidoptera found in the United States. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 2: 311-312. 26. EDWARDS, W. H. 1869e. Miscellaneous notes. Melitaea phaeton. ‒ CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST, 1(9): 80. {April 1869} [p. 80, a short note from the editor: on the food plant. “ I should like to know from Mr. Billing, what are the plants which he says might be common to the Ottawa district and to this, and on which I might might find the larva of M. phaeton. ...Mr. Billings replies: .. Chelone glabra] © Joseph Belicek 2013 3 27.
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