NEWSLETTER Special Summit Edition October 2014
NEWSLETTER Special Summit Edition October 2014 48 Chemin du Grand Montfleury 1290 Versoix Switzerland President Hollande Hosts Governor Schwarzenegger François Hollande, the President of France, wel- comed Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Elysée Presidential Palace in Paris, on Friday 10th, for a meeting with high-level government officials to discuss climate issues. They were joined by Laurent Fabius, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Interna- tional Development; Nicolas Hulot, the President’s On the steps of the Elysée: Mr. Laurent Fabius, Mr. Nicolas Hulot, Special Envoy for the “Protection of the Planet”; President François Hollande, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ms. Michèle Sabban, Mr. Christophe Nuttall, Mr. Terry Tamminen Michèle Sabban, the President of R20; Terry Tammi- nen, R20 Strategic Advisor to Schwarzenegger; and Christophe Nuttall, R20’s Executive Director. President Hollande lauded Governor Schwarzeneg- ger’s commitment to environmental and climate issues, and stressed the importance of mobilizing civil society actors, subnational authorities, as well as the private sector to make COP21 a success. He reiterated that France wants to promote a “solutions agenda”, one that demonstrates that economic de- velopment is in fact compatible with social develop- ment and climate action. The President also called on all influential individ- uals who wish to invest in the success of COP21, such as Governor Schwarzenegger, to form a group of spokespersons that can raise awareness and mo- bilize the general public, as well as decision makers, about this global climate challenge. R20 Newsletter October 2014 1 The World Summit of Regions for Climate on the Road to Paris 2015 “You don’t have to choose between the economy and the environment” - R20 Founding Chair, Arnold Schwarzenegger Gov.
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