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March 2005

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thedailyeasternnews.com Eastern Illinois University, Charleston CommiHee for VPSA search takes shape forward and carrying on the position with Naming anew a positive vision," said Eastern President Lou Hencken. person to the Hencken said he is allowing the search committee to choose the candidate and position expected will not take part in the selection process. "There is a good committee that has by May been selected, and I am very confident it 8v jENNIFER PERYAM will bring forth qualified names for the ADMINISTRATION EDITOR position," he said. The search committee will be lead by Mona Davenport, director of Eastern's A committee for selecting a candidate Office of Minority Affairs. to fill the vice president of Student Affairs "We have a dynamite committee ready position has been formed and will begin to work and who are excited to look looking over applications this week. through the applications," Davenport said. Shirley Stewart, former acting vice pres- Search committee members spoke about ident for Student Affairs, resigned Jan. I in qualities they are looking for in a candidate. hopes of spending time with family. "We are looking for a person who has Lynette Drake has been serving in the posi- students in mind at all times and cares tion since Feb.I while the search process about them in every way, shape and form," for a new VPSA has been taking place. said student body president Chris Getty. "Lynette stepped in and has done a fine job in continuing to move student affairs SEE VPSA PAGE 9A

DANIEL WILLIAMStrHE DAILY EASTERN NEWS PHaro LLUSTRATION In the wake of caffeine Caffeine's short-term a big issue right now, she does see spurts ofcaf - feine abuse during midterms and finals. )OSH REELEYITHE DAILY EASTERN NEWS effects don't outweigh "People also mix alcohol (with caffeinated 0 energy drinks), which is very difficult on the PiliarnnJacJ-am D®(ly ljiG'81CnUp I • ~ IJ@cllmicna:D T • Silla:Ju> Pf•Q the long-term effects body (because it is) mixing a stimulant and a lfllitill llo &lilllOlliDlle & plitilscliiipoo {/OJj' pii@k<(J[p W

CAMPUS BRIEFS SORRY! ONLINE POLL 8 a.m.-Summer and Fall 2005 Class &gistration 9th Street Hall - Srudents assigned to an academic What do you adviser at the Academic Advising Center should think should schedule an advising appointment. have won the Oscar for Best 9 a.m. - MS PovJ~etPoint XP- Advanced lecture - Picture? Booth Library e-dassroom, Room 4450 .. The advanced session of PowerPoint XP will cover A) "The Aviator" grouping graphics, creating master slides, adding interactive components, printing options and more. B) "Finding Never land" 9:40 a.m. - Illinois Academic Challenge competi- tion - tming begins - C) "Mi ll ion Srudents will compete in areas like biology, chem- Dollar Baby" istry, computer fundamentals, English, math and physics. Eastern President Lou Hencken and D) "Ray" Godson Obia, associate dean of the College of Sciences, will speak at the opening ceremony. E) "Sideways"

1 p.m. - Firrv1orks, Part Two- CA.TS T taining Lab, McAfee 1214- The focus of this workshop is to expose participants to more intermediate uses of Fireworks. Prerequisites are familiarity with VOTE@ Windows and a basic knowledge of Dreamweaver. THEDAILY As always, advanced registration is required to attend EASTERN all TECnet training events. To register, go online to NEWS.COM http:/I cats.eiu.edu/ training/ registration/work- shops.asp. Kim Smith, freshman elementary education major, uses the game of "Sorry'' to explain the facts about tobacco to 1:40 p.m. -Illinois Academic Challenge competi- Nicole Baran, sophomore elementary education major, at Safe Spring Break in the University Ballroom of the Martin tion- Grand Ballroom- Awards will be given out to Luther King Jr. University Union on Wednesday evening. The event was put on by Bacchus and P.R.D.W.L. to help the high school that wins the competition. students to be aware of different situations they could encounter while on spring break.

2 p.m.- Microroft Word XP- Intennediate Two- Booth Library e-dassroom, Room 4450- WTF? PEOPLE Graphics! Borders! Draw! WordArt! Learn how to use all the graphical pieces of Microsoft Word. Cow urine is the cure P. Diddy's show drama 5 p.m.- Reiidence Hall .Association Meeting- NEW DELHI- From oonstipation to cancer, diar- NEW YORK - The last time Sean "P. Diddy" COUNTING Andrews Hall Basement Lobby rhea to diabetes, they offer to cure nearly everything .. Combs tried to put together a band on MTY, viewers DOWN with medicines made from oow urine. India's Hindu were treated to screaming, fisticuffs and the dismantling nationalists, who were ousted from power last May, of the group. CAMPUS BLOTTER have a new job: promoting oow producrs that many Though he's not promising any brawls on "Making Indians believe have great therapeutic value. the Band 3," Diddy vows that the show, which pre- Lost or stolen wallet - Feb. 22, it was reported A stall at the headquarters of the main opposition mieres on the network Thursday, will be "packed full of that an Eastern student had a wallet lost or stolen Bharatiya Janata Party showcases more than two dozen drama and excitement." Days59 unti I spring while in a Lantz Arena classroom. The incident is tonics, potions, pills and a line of oosmetics. The prod- Instead of trying to put together a hip-hop band as semester fina ls under investigation. ucts are sold under the brand name Goratna, or "jewels he did when he assembled the now-defunct Da Band, week. of the oow." Diddy is seeking to cast an all-girl singing acr. He's aim- Criminal darmge to government supportied proper- "It's very good, very effecrive. You must try some of ing for "pop-soul with a dash of hip-hop flavor in it." ty/ minor c:o:rmm!ption of alcohol - Sunday, Edward these," said S.P. Sharma, a BJP official, as he offered to Nineteen women will oompete for three to five slots John Rouzin-Moy, 19, Thomas Hall, was arrested at buy a pack of face cream he said helped his daughter get in the group; while they're competing, they'll live 2:50a.m. at Thomas Hall on the charges listed above. rid of pimples. together in a SoHo loft. "My daughter tried all kinds of things. Nothing "Women are more different than anything, any crea- WORD Criminal damage to propttty- Friday, it was report- worked," Sharma said. ''But this one is working won- ture, (any) beautiful animal in the world. They're just DU JOUR ed that a white 1999 Pontiac was "keyed" while it was ders for her. Last week, I bought one pack and today I the most complex, different," he said. fiat parked in the 9th Street Hall parlcing lot on campus. am buying one more." "I don't think no human being has been able to just 1 . an arbitrary or The incident is under investigation. The Goratna offerings use five key cow products - figure out the woman. As oomplicated as I'm explain- authoritative com butter, milk, curd, urine and dung. Purushottam ing it to you, that's how it is. It's a big undertaking to mand or order. Thdi: - Monday, it was reported that an antenna Toshniwal, the general secretary of the cooperative that move 19 young ladies under one roof, and it sets the 2. formal or offidal was stolen from a 2002 red Chevrolet while it was manufactures the oosmetics, said workers there followed tone for some good TV ... having their monthly cycle authorization or parked in E lot on campus. The incident is under a "solid scientific process" based on India's ancient ooming together, and emotions and moodiness and sanction. investigation. herbal remedies, known as ayurveda. oompetitiveness."

II'oorOR IN a.F • • • • • • • • • • • &'J.uT l'iifiWAMS RNOl IIEP(JiriEil • • • • • • • • • • oiK£wN .._ PHONE: 217·581 ·2812 FAX: 581 -2923 ...... k sampier®hotrnail.corn ...... rnrnwilliams1220®aol.corn E-MAIL: rnrnwilliams1220®aol.corn MAN.\c~Nc Bli1!Dil o o o o o)ENNHR 'Ol •••••••••••••• JD)AN WOIIGE ...... cu jc7®eiu.edu ...... woikeda®hotrnail.corn NIGHT PRODUCTION STAFF: NICHT CHIS' •••••••••••••HollY MYERS 1\:'Bws Bli1!Dil •••••••••••• .AAIKlN l!sD.JrZ A\ssocM1E SI'Oirl5 Elli>'Ol ••••• .DAN ll.!EN'OR •••••••••• .DIJauy HENSCHEN EASTERN NEWS ...... bo urque6®hotrnail.corn ...... hhenschen9®hotrnail.corn NICHT PHoro IDIIDR •••••••JOSH KEELEY The Daily Eastern News is produced by the HAVE A SUGGESTION? CoPY EDITORS ••••••••••J04NIE HOLlAND students of Eastern Illinois University. It is OI'INION PAGE Elli>'Oit o .MIOIAEI. ~ Assoa.\1£ VEROE Elll>'ot • • .JOAQUIN Oc:IKM ...... cu jo®eiu .edu •••••••••••••••••••••JES siCA YouNCs published daily Monday through Friday, in If you have any suggestions or ideas ...... rnjsch roeder®eiu.edu AssooiAJE CAM'U!I Elli>'Ol •••lA'--A 'Oit ••••j);Ni UER PERYAM AoVERJISINC MANAall o o o .MEGAN Na.8AUER The Daily Eastern News, feel free to PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT: summer term except during school vaca- ...... ru nner1 530®yahoo.corn PlloMon

tours of the library, teaches bibliogra- One rniscorx:eption is that library Booth Library phy writing in structured sessions and wotkers know everything. What people answers questions from library users. do not realize is everyone has his or her reference In addition to these duties, she also own specialt}~ Tipton said. creates exhibits students can see on dis- Marielle McNeal, a junior English workers inform play in Booth, works with the library major, workfd at the library reference desk speaker series and works with the Wt year, re-shelving books and keeping the many students National Library Committee for collection in ordo: McNeal said people try National Library Day in April. to look up the information for themselves, BY lAuRA GRIFFITH As a reference w01ker, she is there to but erxl up asking the librarians for help. ASSOCIATE CAMPUS EDITOR help students with their questions, no "(The reference desk) is where you matter how off the wall they may be. have to come if you want to find any- Jocelyn Tipton has liked libraries People have asked Tipton ques- thing in the library," she said. since she was a toddler in Maryland. tions ranging from normal home- Tipton works at the Booth Library work help to "questions that aren't "We help people find reference desk an average of 14 hours typical to research," she said. out of her 40-hour work week, along She has been asked everything from the answers, but we with working as an assistant political how to find information on the origin science professor at Eastern. of a coin someone found in his back- don't do their homework Booth Library is a place for stu- yard to questions about identifying trees for them." dents to study and do research year on campus. The library provides work- )OCELYN TIPTON, around, but it sees the most action ers with brochures about campus so BOOTH liBRARY REFERENCE DESK WORKER around finals and midterms, which they have that kind of information are this week. available, she said. McNeal said she uses the library ref- "This library is very user-focused," "We help people find the answers, erence at least once a week for class Tipton said. but we don't do their homewoik for research papers and to get a better Tipton has a number of duties at them," Tipton said. understanding of things she might Booth. She is in involved with collec- Jeremy Gasow, a sophomore history not understand in class. During tion development in the reference major, said he does not use the library midterms, the reference desk can get )OSH REELEYITHED'IILYEASlERN NEINS library. She helps the library select and reference services unless he has trouble busy, she said, especially at night. purchase materials that are related to finding materials on his own. "Booth really does work to 'be ~ lbraliUam.J ®CtiiCJ.D Uip Uoll aaa-\il R®l&l Sa a:ooiOli' po • all ·~ her specialty subjects, political science "''d look up the information EIU," Tipton said. "We do every- <00!@@1 ~p iiD fu I I LUb:iaUJ W•m•ckt &iJJ@ffi!O@m. and psychology, she said. She gives myself," he said. thing we can to help." Summer sessions expand despite students' lack of desire William Weber, acting associate vice-president ''I'm using the summer term to catch up Six - week term will be the added to 2005 of Academic Affairs, said some students will use and get ahead on classes," said Chad Meents, the summer term as a ninth semester. junior history major. "I've worked for Boys summer semester options for students Weber said there is a new setup for the summer State, one of the camps held during the sum- dents who attended summer classes in 2004, com- term beginning this summer. mer, for five years so taking classes here as well BY DANia lADwR pared to 9,928 students who were enrolled during He said there will be three choices for students- just works out." STAFF WRITER 2003 fall and 2004 spring semesters. the four- , six- and the eight- week terms. Ross said most students who attend a summer Ross said most students choose to go home The four- week term will start immediately after term normally live off-<:ampus, but the dorms Summer classes at Eastern are not a popular and work during the summer to save money. spring semester and is popular with seniors who are available for living. option for students who want to catch up on At home students can take classes at junior col- are looking to finish their required classes. "Having a place of my own will really be a class credits. leges in their areas. Although the credits from The six- week term has just been added and will learning experience," Meents said. '1t's about "Most students don't take them here," said junior colleges will transfer to Eastern, the be the main term for students. time I live on my own." Brenda Ross, director of admissions. classes will not raise students' grade point aver- The eight- week term is for a limited num- The summer terms have a laid back atmos- "Conscious students do though." ages, Ross warned. ber of courses, which simply cannot be taught phere to them, Ross said. Ross said students who are committed to Another summer option is to find an internship in six weeks. The Web site for information about summer graduating in four years are more likely to take or study abroad, both of which can earn students There are a number of camps being held at sessions, including class schedules, the different summer classes than not. college credit. An internship can also give the stu- Eastern during the summer, Ross said. She said the camps which will be occurring this summer and The Office of Planning and Institutional dent good experience in the field and a chance of camps are also a great way for students to work the study abroad locations is Studies said there were 2,363 undergraduate stLl- making money. while taking summer classes. http://www.eiu.edtJ ~summer/. LIVE IT!

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Opinion page editor, MICHAEL ScHROEDER Editor in chief, MArr WtuiAMS

Managing ed i to~ jENNIFER CHIARIELLO

News editor, AARoN SEIOUTZ

Associate news editor, jULIA BoURQUE

Sports editor, DAN W o lkE

[email protected]


COLUMN EDITORIAL CARTOON BY MICHAEL ABERNATHY Radio ruins the fun of a road trip ,------, Six hours is a lot of time. You can watch six episodes ofl.aw & Order (SVU, Criminal Intent or just good ole plain law & Order), lis- ten to a punk albtun 22 times, get a full night's rest or get a full day ofpartying in. But six hours in a car? No fun. I was faced with the daunting task offilling six hours

D AN ofcar-time Tuesday when a photographer from The Daily Eastern News and I headed to Cookeville, Tenn., to WOlKE watch the Eastern men's basketball team take on SENIOR, JOURNALISM Tennessee Tech in the first round of the Ohio Valley MAJOR Conference Tournament. While the sports writer in me (not literally) would use Woike is sports this space to talk about the game, the miserable, cranky Editor for The rest of me wants to talk about the car ride. Daily Eastern There was a point when car trips were fun, where a EDITORIAL News. deck ofplaying cards, a few magazines and Travel Guess Who? kept me more than entertained. But now I'm a man ofsophisticated wants and needs, and I need a berter way to handle a six-hour long road trip. Working with old enemies History is impressive. guards the old Soviet nuclear weapons. My first gripe about riding in a car took me by sur- At issue prise. I found out that I can no longer sleep in a car. Although the United States and Russia have The recent Putin also publicly promised absolute com- Now I know what you're thinking: how could I pass not been enemies for some time, it is amazing meeting mitment to democracy in Russia and to not up the chance to see the beautiful scenery ofsouthern between that America's enemy for 45 years is now the ally turn back. Illinois, western Kenntcky and central Tennessee? Russian Well, to be honest, scenery doesn't do it for me. I've we are working together with to keep nuclear President The rhetoric sounds great and is a step in the seen hills, trees, rest areas and Hardees before. I wanted a materials out of the hands of terrorists. Vladimir Putin right direction. Now it is time for Russia to take and President nap. Our parenrs' generation has experienced more action. But when I reclined the passenger seat all the way back GeorgeW. Russia being viewed as an enemy, while the Currently, Russia's government controls the and bundled my coat like a pillow, I couldn't quite get Bush there. majority of current studenrs barely remember media and the National Bank, and the legitima- rd start to nod off, and the road would get bumpy, the Berlin Wall falling. Our stance cy of Russian elections are questionable at best. The meeting ------throwing me around worse than After a 2 1/2-hour meeting with President Their involvement in the recent Ukraine elec- the Shock Wave at Six Flags Great was a positive George W Bush last Thursday, Russian step; however, tion was an example of election intervention. "Whatever happened to America. When I wasn't being jos- Bush must be tled, I was being blown away by President Vladimir Putin pledged his nation's Following the hostage incident in September having a fonnat for your weary of how bad music on the radio is. station and sticking to commitment to democracy and vowed it would Russia's com that left nearly 350 dead, many of them chil- The problem is radio stations no never slide back into totalitarianism. mitmentto dren, in a Beslan, Russia, school, Putin's rheto- longer have an identity. democracy. it?" The two leaders say both countries share a ric rang very similar to that of the old Soviet There's nothing quite like sitting through a three-song set of"today's strong personal relationship, and although Bush guard. hits and yesterday's classics" that includes 50 Cent, Kelly is concerned with Russia's control over particu- The fear of totalitarianism is made more real Clarkson and lionel Richie. (Five minutes afrer typing Jar aspects of its society, working with the country in a by the history of the Russian people who time and time this, I heard wdacris, Destiny's Child and Maroon 5 - which of the three hasn't won a SouoceAward?) joint-effort to tackle issues is a beneficial stride toward again have chosen a totalitarian government over a more Seriously, one station went from Outkast to what I can achieving a consistent, positive partnership. democratic one. only asstune was Ryan Cabrera (that handsome devil). The meeting was the longest ever between Bush and However, the press conference at least sounded positive, Speaking of Oarkson, have people forgot she won Putin, according to an article in Friday's Tribune. and the move to secure Russia's nuclear weapons can only American Idol to get her "break?" Who likes her? (If by In their joint state, Bush and Putin pledged "cooperation help the current state of international relations. chance, you're reading this Kelly, I'm sorry baby. rn still "Breakaway'' with you.) to counter one of the gravest threats our two countries Whatever happened to having a fonnat for your sta- face, nuclear terrorism." The editorial is the majority opinion of tion and sticking to it? An important step, given the sub-par security that- The Daily Eastern News editorial board. like if you decide to play the worst rock of the '80s, you better offer me up the Soorpions, Ratt or Warrant - and you better give it to me hourly. Speaking of "Cherry Pie," the amount of new music YOUR TURN: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR that isn't any good at all is staggering. Either it's an ultra-sensitive guy with a starring role on DINING CENTER PROVIDED finding something to appreciate. which included: fried okra, flavorful the WB singing or it's the theme song from a show on AQUALITY MEAL That being said, I feel it is my duty to chicken and fish, various beans, the WB, and both ways remind me of my dark, little I have always been told, "when you let the campus, or whoever may read turnip greens, sweet potatoes, and secret (watching One Tree Hill... shhh). discover a good thing don't keep it a this small section of The Daily some excellent macaroni. Plus, I'm convinced that every 60 miles, when one sta- secret, share it," - not doing so would Eastern News, know about the won- I eagerly await the next themed tion comes and goes, the next one picked up is playing be like lighting a lamp and then hid- derful dinner served Sunday at dinner like the one I enjoyed Sunday. the same five songs I just complained about hearing. ing it under a bowl - useless. Taylor Hall. Keep up the good work! It's just plain bad. Often, I hear my fellow students The men and women of the din- Between all the bad radio and not being able to sleep, generally complaining about Eastern. ning center worked very hard to cre- KATIE ANDERSON what am I to do? Perhaps they need some help in ate a delicious "soul food" meal FRESHMEN UNDECLARED The answer, sadly, is to never ride in a car again - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Daily Eastem News accepts letters their position and department. Letters whose authors cannot be veri- unless I'm feeling lazy, it's cold, rainy or wind}~ and if to the editor addressing local, state, national and international issues. fied will not be printed. We reserve the right to edit letters for length. you're offering a ride and have the room. They should be less than 250 words and include the authors' name, Letters can be sent to The Daily Eastern News at 1811 Buzzard Because what am I going to do, walk everywhere? telephone number and address. Students should indicate their year in Hall, Charleston IL 61920; faxed to 217-581-2923; ore-mailed to That's crazy talk. school and major. Faculty, administration and staff should indicate [email protected]. THuRsDAY, MARcH 3, 2005 THE DA ILY E AS TERN NE WS PAGE 5A Midterm week proves no problem

Semester exams Freshman computer information systems Some sntdents share Mills' surprise at the halfWay intended to go smoothly major Brennan Rizzo relaxes with the point of the semester rolling around. thought that he will not have to worry about '1t went really fast," Rizzo said. '1t seemed like for faculty and students any midterms this semester. yesterday that we were getting back from winter "At least to my knowledge I don't have any break." BY BILL SCHAFFER (exams)." Rizzo said. ''I'm 99.9 per------STAFF WRITER cent sure." "I'm just looking forward to geHing Most of the faculty do not seem to With the arrival ofmidterms, sntdents are fasten- have been caught off guard either. done and getting out of here." ing themselves to their desks, opening their unfamil- Mathematics professor Leo )ARED BELLOT, SENIOR ECONOMICS MAJOR iar textbooks and chugging pots of coffee while try- Comerford is ready for midterms. ing to cram for their exams. "They're always usually in the middle of Some older sntdents have been waiting fOr the Some sntdents and professors come to midterms the semester, so I know when they're sup- semester to be over so they can move on and with the preparation and knowledge that will get posed to be," Comerford said. graduate. .. .. -~-- them through without problems. On the other hand, some professors like While some sntdents kick back and relax this 'Tm just looking fOrward to getting done and Tim Mills, find themselves surprised that week, others will be frantically sntdying to get the )OSH REELEYITHE DAILY EASTERN NEINS getting out of here," said Jared Bellot, a senior eco- midterms week is upon them once again. "&' they want. Whether sntdents are worried about nomics major. ''I'm very surprised they're here," said classes or not, Mills said he knows the real truth. While sntdents like Bellot have no worries about Mills, associate accountancy and finance pro- '1 think they're just ready fOr Spting Break," he their exams, other sntdents do not have any exams. fessor. said. Governor inks bill to prevent exposure of criminal records BY ERIN M LLER Senate Bill 788 allows offenders who Afrer three to four years of good "It is very hard in lllinois for some- "(Senate Bill3007) worit change our OTY REPORTER have been arrested fOr a misdemeanor behavior and without any additional one who has committed certain types of hiring process at all," Smiley said. "We to have their records sealed on three convictions, fOrmer offenders need to fdonies to get a job," Cardenas said. will be more detailed in our interview so A new law may help former criminal conditions: if they were acquitted, sen- make a request to a judge in the coun- "There is a vicious cycle to these people, we can make a judgment." offenders obtain employment by pre- tenced to supervision or if their convic- ty where they were originally prosecut- and they keep going back to the Senate Bill3007 and Senate Bill 788 venting employers from having access to tions were reversed, he said. ed and apply to have their records streets." will not apply to sin~ations that may their records. Class 4 felonies, which include drug- sealed, Cardenas said. Background checks are a routine conflict with other laws requiring a Gov. Rod Blagojevich recendy signed related arrests and prostinttion, have The judge will communicate the procedure when hiring a new background check, Cardenas said. Senate Bill 3007, which seals criminal now been added to the list of records request to the State Attorney's Office employee at most businesses, and Schools still have access to sealed records from being viewed by anyone that could be sealed with the signing of and to law enfOrcement agencies, who Citizens National Bank in Charleston criminal records because there is a law other than law enforcement officials, Senate Bill3007, Cardenas said. then have six months to notify the is no different, said Mark Smiley, requiring background checks and fin- said Gerardo Cardenas, the governor's "We want to help people get back on judge of any objection to sealing the bank manager. gerprinting of teachers and school bus Chicago press secretary. their feet," he said. "We can hdp those record, he said. "Ia rather know what I was getting drivers, he said. The bill will go into effect June 1 and people who want to get their lives back A hearing will be held to further dis- when I hire someone," Smiley said. "We want them to get a job so they is an extension ofSenate Bill 788, which in order become productive members cuss any objection that is made, he A background check is one ofthe last can get off the streets and help elevate was signed last year, Cardenas said. ofsociety. " said. steps in the application process, he said. crime rate," Cardenas said.

Sntdent Senate Speaker Ryan Berger said he was about an on-campus daycare. Vice President for Student Senate plants trees pleased that the oath passed. He believes it will Academic Affairs Dirk Muffier said this is the only show both senators and sntdents the importance way they could get information from student BY AsHLEY MORELAND "(It will) help unify the campus," Kluge of the position. parents who live off-campus. STAFF WRITER said. Sntdent Government members also bdieve the 'There's no way to go door-to-door," he said. Kluge said she came up with the idea of trees oath will fOrmalize the position and hold senators Items that also passed on the consent agenda Sntdent Government unanimously passed a because "they will always be there." responsible. included the naming of the men's volleyball as an bylaw to create an annual tree planting cere- The committee's next step will be to work The oath will first be used at the inauguration official club and fOr the senate to run an advertise- mony on campus Wednesday. with the groundskeepers to research costs, after the upcoming Sntdent Government elections ment in The Daily &stem News fur the campus University Development and Recycling locations and rypes of trees. that take place April 12-13, Berger said. day-<:are project. Committee chair Lauren Kluge and commit- The senate also unanimously passed a bylaw The senate also unanimously passed items on Sntdent Senate meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in tee member Mark Bates said they were glad the to create an oath for inauguration of new sen- the consent agenda that will allow senate to post a the Tuscola-Arcola Room of the Martin Lither bylaw passed. ate members. survey on the Eastern nerwork to get feedback King Jr. University Union. r------~ It's Thursday, It's ~e~~'· Llncoln""ood Plnetree (.,0 r I DO YOU Ap- nta - ,..J,. r; ~" lflilD-11 ·nP~'" ~ • SEE THIS? Studio, 1,2 & 3 BedroomApartlnents G--c ~«.-~ $1 Pucker Tooters ~~·b . - ,ri:. ADVERTISING Free Wireless Internet ~Absolut Flavors $4 Dou les • Lots of space • Swimming pool Win Prizes from the Absolut ladies REALLY WORKS. a~---~~ Mom's • Volleyball court fridaY night at COVERING: ~~ Across from Carman Hall .::~ ~ - Oasis, 3 Doors Oow·n, Rusted Root, Haty, 581-2816 l"t~ 345-6000 -~ r-<;~ Goo Goo Dotls, & RENDITION a whotelot morel

l!dP' Kera.s·ot:es ~ M owi-...;~ -..i..,.. M~i~ ;;t ~ ~EF c;£t--uL. ,-~ Fn::o:rw:;~&. ISoo-1 DR~o , ~ ~• -~ :...ft-1'- e ._ ..--..""1/N' K~:.a.-~._. , t: •-~J1i"l LOVE IT! A A WILL ROGERS TillEATRJE 1-:'"lAI-dJ::~r:....: M--l ~J .fJJJ-....JO:.ML.;.U I':.!~:._ T h e ladles o f Alph a P h i wound fttke to I t han k everyone w h o parttctpated tn N ~Washer & Dryer Sho.vTimes forFebruaty 25 • MaJCh 3 c POOHS HEFFALUMP (G) DAILY 7:00 Alpha P h i's Hoops for Hearts . L ~Walk-In Closet Congratulations to: IN GOOD COMPANY (PG 13) DAILY 6:45 u In the men's division: D ~ Private Bedroom E 1st place- Sigma Chi D 2nd place - Sigma Phi Epsilon In the women's division: 1st place - Delta Delta Delta cam All of our proceeds from Hoops for Hearts are going to the Alpha Phi ...... ~~ ...... foundation, which helps support OFF-CAMPUS PRIVATE AP ARTMEHTS. cardiac awareness for women. The money was all donated in Maggie Sprague's name. 345-6001 2302 Bostic Dr. (neXI to Wal·Mart) A A www.pickeringandco.com PAGE6A THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005

showcase its professors' work, editors of Agora. "Rather than "It has a focus on issues of race Agora including essays, poems, fiction trying to impose any particular and representation and therefore Three found and artwork. editorial vision, I just query the is more thematically focused than "It's a chance to see each faculty about what they've been many other of its issues," said showcases other's work," said Martin up to or are interested in, then go Ashley Tellis, English instructor dead in salon Scott, assistant English profes- with that." and author of poems featured in sor and a featured author of this Some of the works have won this issue. Elderly victims were professors' month's issue. prestigious awards, and the Tellis said she got her ideas for Agora is not only for the majority of the works have been the poem topics from a variety of stabbed to death in St. English department but also for considered for publishing. sources, including political and Louis suburb work people surfing the Internet. "Much of the contents of any sexual violence in India and "People from the outside find given issue tends to be what the hatred for Muslims. ASSOCIATED P RESS BY lAuREN GADZALA it as well," Scott said. "I've got- English faculty have just pub- Agora allows site visitors with STAFF WRITER ten e-mails from five to six dif- lished elsewhere or are about to many different interests to find BELLEVILLE, lll. Three people were ferent people from around the publish," Kilgore said. readings they want to know more found stabbed to death Wednesday morning Students may not realize their country." Agora is published quarterly about. inside a beauty salon in this illinois suburb of professors are authors in their Agora allows the faculty to with issues printed in September, "You can't rely on the journal St. Louis. spare time. express their ideas and interests. December, February and May. to be any particular thing, but if A customer who arrived at the salon on Agora is an online magazine "The journal is pretty unpre- "This particular issue has you click around a bit you can West Main Street for an 11 a.m. appoint- where Eastern's English depart- dictable," said John Kilgore, turned out pretty edgy," Kilgore usually find something that inter- ment found the bodies of one man and two ment has the opportunity to English professor and one of the said. ests you," Kilgore said. elderly women, Belleville Mayor Mark Eckert said. Eckert said authorities were waiting until the victim's family members were notified RHA prepares for end-of-the-year transitions before releasing their names. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on Getting focused The decisions on what RHA retreat will feature speakers on Pride, this week RHA will ask all its Web site that police identified the victims on business first, does and how it gets done are made leadership and team building the residence halls to paint their as 62-year-old Michael Cooney, owner of by representative voters from the activities. Current executives will windows. Michael's Salon; and sisters Dorothy Bone, transitioning residence halls at weekly meetings. also provide binders containing Each residence hall will be 82, and Doris Fischer, 79, both customers These meetings are directed and all of their information from the asked to consider its opening who lived in Belleville. next organized by the six executive board year as a guide to the new execu- week theme which will be A spokeswoman for the St. Clair County BY NICOLE MILSTEAD members that are elected each year. tives, DiPietro said. incorporated with the campus Coroner confirmed the office received three STAFF WRITER RHA, will have a smooth transi- RHA will also vote to transfer theme "I am EIU." bodies Wednesday but would not confirm tion due to planning, said Lindsay its updates from the List Serve This week, RHA is hosting an their identities. She said autopsies were The Residence Hall Association is DiPietro, RHA president. RHA network to the SPIN network. American Red Cross blood drive scheduled for Thursday. focusing on the smooth running of will elect new members March 24. This week's guest speakers will from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., March 28 Cooney, who also lived in the brick bunga- everyday business before the execu- After all executives are elected for be Jim Schmitz from the base- and 29, in the Andrews Hall base- low that housed the salon, was stabbed mul- tive board elections and transitions. both RHA and the residence hall ball team and Kyla Nance from ment. RHA will vote on handing tiple times. The sisters were each stabbed Each year, RHA plans activities, councils, RHA will hold a transi- the H aiti Connection. out prizes for participants and once, the Post-Dispatch reported. fundraisers, meetings and pro- tional retreat. The retreat will be Last week, the guest speaker volunteers during tonight's meet- Eckert said police were searching for a grams. Its main goal is to help from 6 p.m. to midnight, April14, was }en Roden from Pride, a reg- mg. gold-colored Nissan Pathfinder believed to be improve the living conditions of the and will incorporate both old and istered student organization on RHA meets 5 p.m. Thursday owned by one of the victims. He said police residence halls. new executives, DiPietro said. The campus. To show support for in the Andrews Hall Basement. had no motive late Wednesday afternoon.

Ushers SuMMER JOBS Security .------::::1'Otn Interviews Are Being Conducted VIP Catering and Immediately And During Spring Break th~IAtaPhw VIP Guest Services FOR MORE INFORMATION MEO . Box Office Tellers Call (708) 6 14-16 16 A powerful '5Jide/1edure presented by rGAil DINES, Ph.D. Visit our website for more employment Parking Attendants March 7, 2005 -.t 7:00pm information at Roberson Auditorium, lumpkin Hlalil Room 20JO Maintenance Crew • J:lur t a thl:' q r;~ phk n.llh lrt' nf tni ~ PMIJ~m nn n n" uJl Gier tile age ol '18 ca n bl':.' ol.dnaitled. Applications also available online Spnrunred by the Womcn 'J.SIIildi"l:'l Pi"o9f0m Concession Sales & 1"1 ecz1'er Food Preparation CLEARCHAN.l\:EL cet'lter Tweeter Center IS located at 19 1oo s Ridgeland Ave Tinley Park. IL 60477

3.0-3.49 4.0 H e re ! ~ Elizabeth Emery Sigma Sigma Sigma would Kelly AJtmayer Get It While Irs Hot... Fresh UB Weekend l Julie Hendricks Jenny Becker Sarah Blue Katie Martin like to Congratulate the Courtney Cooper Traci Roberts following members on Katie Crnovtch Laura Schade Jennifer Dunavan Danielle Wassell outstanding academic Melissa Ellison 3.5-3.99 Breanne Engelking Katie Acker achievement for Fall 2004 Rachelle Flagg Sarah lneich Arnie Adams Semester: Moriah Johnson Nicole Bakota Erin Karson Lindsey Baum Erin Keefe Amy Bellott Nicole Kentfield BPM 7th St Underground Fridoy March 4th Stephanie Dietz Mary Kate Lobough Kristin Erdmann Leann Mack Funkodelic Jam !Band From Ch icago Tina Falkos Jill McQuade Danielle Herman Erin Morettes Kim Kratovil Ashley Pearison Amanda Moxley Kim Roth Bridget Jones 2 Becca Minkwitz Jillian Ruddy Katie O'Grady Kelli Ruffatto Satur daY Ashley Santoyo ' Jessi Sloan Laura Schauwecker P'I Kristin Slover Emily Slechticky .; ....xs. Nichole Sweeney Vanessa Sole .- Buzzard Sarah Willis 41 Laura Thomas -\.t.uli hH"i U 111 1 THuRsDAY, MARcH 3, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS T ERN N EWS PAGE 7A

ing an antibiotic, Kilgore said. If stu- Some students think Health PRESCRIPTION: dents have a virus, they do not need "Anyone has the right to ask for whatever care (he Services is not being as efficient as CoNnNUED FROM PACE lA antibiotics, she said. or she) needs ..." they could be. "(The doctor) said those aren't flu The doctor gave Norris an antibiot- '1 could have been taken care of a DollE KILGORE, REGISTERED NURSE symptoms, but everything else is the flu. ic, amoxicillin, because she was lot faster, I think," Norris said. ''And So just treat it like the flu," said Norris. coughing up phlegm, Norris said. it's not like I can go to Health Services Norris was told her fever would be When she asked about the white spots are, Kilgore said. it's not strep, then you are advised to everyday to get a note for my teachers gone in three to four days, but she still in her throat, she said the doctor told "I don't know of a student yet that gargle with warm salt water, drink lots to explain why I can't come to class." had a running ternperarure yesterday her it was bacteria. hasn't walked through the door that of fluids (and) rest." Students should try going to and was still feeling sick. Norris said she felt better after a doesn't think that they need an Students are always advised to Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, "I went in again, and I had all these few days of taking the antibiotic but antibiotic," she said. come back if they are not feeling bet- Norris said. white spots (in my throat). And I was had already missed a significant According to some students, two ter, but only a few are coming back for Upon leaving Health Services, stu- only supposed to see the nurse, but number of classes. common diagnoses are that the further treatment, Kilgore said. dents receive a blue handout that tells they sent in another doctor," she said. "I missed an entire week of school patient is either pregnant or has "Part of the problem though is what they can do for instructions on Norris said she asked for another because they didn't give me anything mononucleosis. students who walk in the door are continuing to deal with the flu, cold throat culnrre, but the doctor refused at first and told me it was the flu when Students not receiving a medica- not feeling well, so they are very symptoms and Meningitis. because her last one came back negative. it wasn't," Norris said. "I am sure it tion are treated symptomatically, unhappy. They are grouchy," Kilgore ''Anyone has the right to ask for The doctor gave her a test for mononu- was strep with the spots on my throat Kilgore said. said. ''And no matter what's told to whatever care (he or she) needs, and if cleosis, which also came back negative. and the pus. That's what strep is." "If you have a fever, you take an them, they are not going to be happy you're not happy with what happened Most of the students are getting Most students think their symp- anti-fever (medication) like Tylenol," unless they are getting what they today, then follow through and come very upset because they are not receiv- toms are more serious than they really she said. "Ifyou have a sore throat and think they need." back as advised," Kilgore said.

CAFFEINE: Negative affects of caffeine CoNnNUED FROM PACE lA CIA director Poter Goss 'amazed' + causes headaches + raises heart rate THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NATIONAL that the past should not be ignored. Evan Kubicek, manager at "Terrible chapters of history increases blood pressure Jackson Avenue Coffee In + SIMI VALLEY, Cali£ - In a BRIEFS ought never be repeated," Gavin Charleston, said lattes tend to be + causes uncontro ll able shak rare public appearance said. '~I one needs to do is to look popular drinks during colder sea- ing or twitching Wednesday, CIA Director Porter at history to see how dangerous it is sons, but he added both regular or Goss said he is overwhelmed by to curb the rights of the minority." + makes people fidgety decaffeinated drinks can be ordered, the many duties of his job, includ- JEWISH GROUPS CRITICIZE depending on the person. ing devoting five hours out of SENATOR FOR REMARKS PASTOR REFUSES TO CUT "Caffeine is an addictive sub- making you want or need to intake every day to prepare for and deliv- OFF SUSPECT WHO IS IN JAIL stance," said Eric Davidson, associate all this caffeine." er intelligence briefings to WASH INGTON - A pair of director of Health Services. "Both When students take quantities of President Bush. Jewish groups accused Sen. Robett WICHITA, Kan. - The pastor of physically and psychologically, (caf- caffeine, there are ways to help alle- "The jobs I'm being asked to Byrd on Wednesday of making an the church whose leaders include the feine) is a hard substance to quit." viate a few of the negative effects. do, the five hats that I wear, are outrageous and reprehensible com- suspect in the BTK serial killings The Diagnostic and Statistical "Caffeine is a diuretic; it dehydrates too much for this mortal," Goss parison between Adolf H itler's talked to Dennis Rader in jail Manual of Mental Disorders has a the body," said Amanda Goetze, said. ''I'm a little amazed at the Nazis and a Senate GOP plan to Wednesday and told him he will con- term called "caffeine intoxication," nutrition education coordinator at workload." block Democrats from filibuster- tinue to be a part of the congregation. in which short-term effects include Eastern. "(If you're going to have caf- Goss praised Bush's choice for ing. A GOP senator called for Byrd ''We are not going to cut him off. hyperactiviry, acting fidgety and hav- feine,) drink a lot of water as well." the new job of national intelligence to retract his remarks. I could tell that he was relieved," ing high anxiety, he said. Caffeinated beverages are packed director, John Negroponte. The Byrd spokesman Tom Gavin Michael Clark, pastor of Christ "If you're taking lots of caffeine on with calories, which will add up to career diplomat, who is expected to denied that Byrd, D-W.Va., had Lutheran Church in Wichita, told a regular basis, you need to look at weight gain, Goetze added. She sug- be confirmed by the Senate, will compared Republicans to Hitler. The Associated Press. "He is still a the big picture beyond the caffeine," gested students try diet sodas or take over several of the duties cur- He said that instead, the reference part of the body of Christ and that Davidson said."Things need to black coffee, where there aren't as rently assigned to Goss, including to Nazis in a Senate speech on is something some people will have change. (You need to ask) what's many calories if weight is an issue. the presidential briefing. Tuesday was meant to underscore a hard time hearing."

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HELP WANTED FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT SUMMER DELIVERY DRIVER: EXTRA NICE UPSTAIRS APT. 3-4 person 3 bedroom duplex Grad student, faculty. Apts for 1, COL Required or Obtainable, JUST CAME AVAILABLE. 2081/2 apt. 1 bath, newly remodeled near EIU. $300-350. 345-4489, Full or Part Time, Great 6TH ST. CARPETED AIC SHOW- kitchen and bath. Included: Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, Summer lncome,lncentive Check us out on the web: ER WASHER AND DRYER. 345- elec., water, gas, trash, basic Realtor. Bonuses, Good Driving Record 7522 AFTER 5:30 CALL 345-9462 cable, internet, central air. ------~31 is a Must, Neat Appearance and ASK FOR LARRY. Females preferred. Available AVAILABLE 2005-2006. 1, 2, & Good Customer Service Skills ______3/11 Aug. 1. Call 348-9359. 3 FULLY FURNISHED APART- Required. Phone 217-932- •.noteeterentals.com HOUSE FOR RENT AT 501 MENTS. DSUBROADBAND ------~30 4614. 217-345-5088 TAYLOR. GREAT LOCATION 3 3&4 BR houses, close to EIU, (WIRED/WIRELESS) CAPA------~3 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 3 wid, ale, 345-4489, Wood BLE. LARGE BEDROOMS Dancers wanted Club Koyote. 40 BEDROOMS FOR 3 OR 4 Rentals, Jim Wood Realtor AND SOME UTILITIES ~Apartments minutes from Charleston. Make for 1 or 2 residents STUDENTS. AIC CARPETED ------~31 INCLUDED. EXCELLENT $500 cash a night. Transportation EXCELLENT CONDITION 2BR moneysavers at $210- LOCATIONS ON 9TH STREET available. Must be 18. You set ~Houses for groups of 3 & 4 CALL 345-7522 AFTER 5:30 250/person. CABLE & INTER- (ACROSS FROM BUZZARD) your hours. 348-0288. CALL 345-9462. NET INCL. Don't miss it. 345- AND ON LINCOLN STREET. ~Townhouses , ------~4 3 & 4 BR for 2 to 5 persons ______3/11 4489, Wood Rentals, Jim Wood CALL 348-0157 FOR INFOR- NOW HIRING ON-CAMPUS For Lease Fall 2005 5 bedroom Realtor. MATION AND APPOINT- REPRESENTATIVES. house, 5 block walk from ------~31 MENTS. CampusFundraiser is hiring BRIITANY RIDGE townhouses .Jim Wood, Realtor square. Washer/dryer, excellent ------~8 out-going students for on-cam- 1512 A Street. P.O. Box 377 parking, trash included, no pets. for 2-5. $188-375. DSL wiring. homes, close to campus and pus spokesperson positions. Charleston, IL 61920 345-9665 345-4489, Wood Rentals, Jim shopping, available for the Five hours per week, $75 salary 217 345-4489 -Fax 345-4472 ------~21 Wood, Realtor. 2005-2006 school year. Water per week. $15 to $25 per hour 2 br. duplexes and 1 or 2 br. ------~31 and trash service included. Pets plus bonuses. Modeling, acting apartments availabe for Fall 1 person looking for a roomy considered with additional or customer service experience FOR RENT FOR RENT semster. Furnished, well kept, apt? Try this 2BR priced for one deposit. Call for terms and helpful but not required. Visit affordable. Water, trash paid. at $380/mo. INTERNET, availability. 549-37 41. Leave http://www.campusfundraiser.c Group of 3 females needed for For Lease Fall 2005 2 Houses, Maintance 24/7. Village CABLE, WATER INCL. 345- message. om/cr.asp to apply. Fall 05. Extremely nice house 2 shared driveways, available for Rentals. 345-2516 4489, Wood Rentals, Jim ______00 ------~4 blocks from Buzzard. 5 bed- group of 8. 5 blocks walk from ------~22 Wood, Realtor. SEITSINGER APARTMENTS: Get paid to think. Make $75 tak- rooms, 3 bath, D.W., 2 sets of square, washer/dryer, excellent Attention Students: Nice Cozy 3 ------~31 1611 9th Street 1 Block East ing on-line surveys. www.mon- WID. Low utilities. No pets parking, trash included, no pets bedroom house still available For rent: efficiency close to Old Main now leasing for eyauthor.com please. Call 217-549-3566. 345-9665 for 05-06 school year. Close to campus. No smoking, no pets. Summer and Fall 05- Spring ------~8 ______3/8 ______3/21 campus washer/dryer,stove, $325/mo all utilities included. 06'. Completely furnished heat Peer Helpers Wanted: Looking Nice 3-4 bedroom house, 2 House For Rent 2-3 bedroom fridge,dishwasher. For more Males only. 345-3232 days. and garbage included. Three for upperclassmen to work with bath, dishwasher, wash/dryer. house, 5 block walk from information call 345-5088 ______5/2 month summer or 9 month full incoming students for the Fall. $250 each. No pets. Call Dustin square, washer/dryer, excellent ------~31 Tired of apartment living? Riley lease Call345-7136. Must have 2.5 GPA. at 630-302-2676. parking trash included, no pets. Quiet apartment close to cam- Creek Properties has clean two ______00 Applications available in the ______3/9 Available now.345-9665 pus. 1 br, off-street parking. and three bedroom For Lease-Fall 2005, 2 bed- Minority Affairs Office, Clinical Nice Size 1 bedroom apart- ______3/21 $350/mo. All utilities included. Fall 2005 Extra Nice home at room duplex unfurnished Apts. Service Bldg. ment.Very clean, AIC good For Lease Fall 2005 3 bedroom 345-94270 1524 2nd Street for 7-1 o peo- Washer/Dryer, trash included, ------~9 parking, garbage included. house, 5 blocks walk from ------~22 ple: 3 bathrooms, WID hook- Central air, nice parking area, Pagliai's Pizza is hiring a part- Available Summer 05'. Call square, washer/dryer, excellent 1&2 BR apts, close to Buzzard, up, wireless DSL. no pets, close to Morton Park. 1o month time waitress. Apply in person 217-840-6247 parking, trash included, no water paid, 345-4489, Wood $300/person/month. 345-3148 lease. 24/7 maintenance. No after 4 pm at 1600 Lincoln ______3/9 pets.345-9665 Rentals, Jim Wood, Realtor. or www.pantherpads.com pets. 217-346-3583. ______00 Avenue, Charleston. PARK PLACE APARTMENTS: ______3/21 ------~31 ______o.o ------~11 Now showing for Spring and !BARTENDERS WANTED! Fall of 2005. Fully $300/ day potential. No experi- furnished,free parking. For lb-t~mflork ence necessary. Training pro- questions and appointments ltmts No. 0120 vided. 800-965-6520 ext. 239 call Autumn at 348-1479 Crossword Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 27 Baltic Sea view- 48 Chichen ___ ~14 ------~11 1 Appear er, maybe (Mayan city) Home for rent. 4 bedrooms. 1o FOR RENT or 12 month lease available. 4 KLM competitor 28 Rudiments 49 Hearts $800/month excluding utilities. 7 Promulgate 29 Cleaning cloths 50 Gossipy group EASTERN ILLINOIS PROPER- Cable ready. E-mail 10 Help the crew 30 Letters in 52 Lug TIES NOW SHOWING FOR [email protected] or phone Icelandic 11 Paprika-pow- 54 In place 31 "Yay, team!" FALL 2005 2,3& 5 BEDROOM 847-202-8733. dered serving 55 Horace's •Ars APARTMENTS & HOUSES. ------~11 32 Patronizes, as a . 15 One doing restaurant Contact Melissa at 345-621 o, TWO BLOCKS FROM CAM- checks and bal- 57 What's brewing, 549-0212. www.eiprops.com. PUS 3 BEDROOM APT. ances? 33 Make compact, perhaps with "up" ------~3 THREE PEOPLE $235 EACH. 16 Election day: 58 Tolkien monster 1 bedroom apt. 2 blocks from 10 MONTH LEASE OPTIONAL. Abbr. 35 Groups on horseback 59 Tempers Old Main. 1o or 12 month lease OFF-STREET PARKING, 17 "Not true!" so Knave 05-06. $450 per month. TRASH INCLUDED. 345-3554. 39 Parking place 18 TV cartoon dog 61 __ degree lnlcudes trash, water, heat, 40 Particle flux ------~~22 19 Stain electric.345-4185 EFFICIENCY APT. LOCATED density symbols 62 Lily Tomlin char- acter Edith AT 501 1/2 TAYLOR. $300 21 Bicycle maker 44 Ouechua------~4 since 1895 speaking 63 Shaker __, 0 . Efficiency apt. 2 blocks from MONTH. LEASE AND Old Main.1 person occupancy DEPOSIT REQUIRED. CALL 23 Some sports 45 79 for gold, cars, for short e.g.: Abbr. DOWN 10 or 12 month. Includes trash, 345-7522 AFTER 5:30 CALL 1 Gallery event 24 "Out of Africa• 46 Neither this nor water,heat,electric.345-4185 345-9462. novelist Dinesen that, in Peru 2 Terse verse ------~4 ------~11 26 Niche at Notre 47 Rob Reiner's 3 Like L, alpha- 13 Twisted 49 The New Yorker For Rent. Student housing for 201 5TH ST. 2 BEDROOM Dame father betically 2005-2006. 2 bedroom apart- HOUSE CARPETED, NICE 14 Restrained 35 Harasses cartoonist 4 Where to order laugh Addams ment. $500 per month. Call for BATH AND LARGE KITCHEN, ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE tekka maki 36 Ready for any- info. 708-359-5582. INSULATED WITH NEW WIN- 20 Some are wild thing 5 Like ------~4 DOWS. A/C AND CEILING 22 "You're going 37 No-go at the 6 Some dips track FALL AVAILABILITY 3 bedroom FANS. UNFURNISHED. CALL too fast for me!" 51 Marienbad, for apartment and 2 bedroom 345-7522 AFTER 5:30 CALL 7 Newspaper 25 "Hogan's 38 A dash, maybe one publisher who Heroes" ser- 345-9462. LEASE AND 40 Kitty house located 3 blocks from founded the geant campus. 1o month lease. 345- DEPOSIT REQUIRED. United Press 41 Time for one 28 Meteor paths 53 D with 50% off 3401, 348-8851, or 348-8291. ------~11 8 Briny expanse doing time GREAT LOCATION LARGE 29 "Do __ Diddy ------~8 9 Most pale 42 Words of Diddy" (1964 #1 emphasis 2 bd. apt. 415 Harrison. $295 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM hit) 11 Beats it, out of 56 Number of one- each. All inclusive Fireplace. APARTMENTS. TRASH AND the city 43 Some pot 32 Opposite of scrubbers 12 month/ lease available WATER PAID. NO PETS. 348- endo- voweled, seven- 12 Not needing a 45 Acropolis figure letter words in August. 348-1831 0209. prescription: 33 Upper body: ------~8 ------~~25 Abbr. Abbr. 48 Pointer's target this puzzle THuRsDAY, MARcH 3, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS T ERN N EWS PAGE 9A

VPSA: candidate to have a natural concern vice president starting the job on the and coordination of all aspects of CoNnNUED FROM PACE lA for students. "We want to have an first of August. Student Affairs. Some of the duties The commirtee has received opportunity for students "We want to have an opportunity include serving as a member of the Getty said the search process has approximately 20-30 applications, for students to ask questions of these President's Council and providing been time consuming but a good and materials received by today will to ask questions ... " candidates," Davenport said. leadership in establishing goals for experience. be assured full consideration, MONA DAVENPORT, DIRECTOR Of Open forums will be held for stu- student advancement. "We are looking for qualities Davenport said. EASTERN'S OFFICE Of MINORITY AFFAIRS dents, faculty, staff and leadership To qualify for the position, candi- beyond a degree that show the can- The position has been advertised in organizations to get to know the dates should have senior-level admin- didate has been in a diverse atmos- the Chronicle of Higher Education as month and then narrowed down to candidates before the search com- istrative experience and demonstrated phere," said black student union well as on Eastern's Web site. three-five candidates for on-campus mittee makes a decision. leadership, management and resource president Jeff Collier. The goal for the committee is to interviews in April. A final decision The VPSA will be responsible to development. A doctorate or terminal Collier said it is important for the have 10-12 candidates chosen this will be made in May, with the new the president for the administration degree is preferred. CLASSIFIEDS

FOR RENT FOR RENT BRmANY RIDGE TOWNHOUSES SUBLESSORS PERSONALS For Lease-Fall 2005, 3 bedroom Newly remodeled two bedroom 2 persons @ $375 unfurnished apt.- new apartments complexly fur- I I 3 persons @ $250 2 and 3 BR furnished apts. ATTENTION ALL GRADUAT- furnace/central air, new appli- nished, parking, laundry, FREE ()LfJ£f(Jftl {'{E h1 fl{'{ fJGE(ffE {'{f 4 persons@ $188 Utilities included. Just E. of Greek ING SENIORS! If you are ances including-dishwasher, CNer DSL Fast internet, $490. 913 5 persons@ $188 Court. No pets. Call549-2615. interested in a yearbook of range microwave, washer/dryer, and 917 4th St. 235-0405 or ______00 / your senior year, and are not 3 4 BR, 2 112 baths, cent. ar, cable range, and refrigerator with ice 317-3085. 1,2, &3 Bedrooms Royal Heights Apartments. 3 BR sure how to pick it up, come to & net wring, wid, dish.vasher maker. New carpet, ceiling fans, ______00 apartments fall 2005. Remodeled, the Student Publications and fresh paint. DSL wiring. VERY AFFORDABLE: Now leas- Not just blueprints... Great free parking. Call Kim. 34&-3583. office, room 1802 Buzzard Great location 12th and Arthur. ing 1,2,and 3 bedroom apart- 4LOCATIONS housing for 17 years 00 Hall, and for only $6 we will 24n maintenance. Call today ments, three bedroom house. All . ~-tt9~M1 mail you a copy in the Fall within two blocks of campus. Call when they are published. Call 217-346-3583 JWheels LLC. Ji m Wood , R ealto ROOMMATES ______00 345-5373 or 549-5593 Close to campus 1512 A Street. P.O. Box 377 581-2812 for more informa- For Lease-Fall 2005* 2,3,4,5,6 ______00 Charleston, IL 61920 Female roommate needed tion. bedroom houses, great loca- BUCHANAN STREET APART- 217 345-4489- Fax 345-4472 faiVspring of 2005/2006 $350 ______00 tions, competitive rates, wash- MENTS: 1 and 2 bedroom [B@ per month. Village Pointe Congratulations to Mary Kate 345-6533 •!1, ;:::.."":.: er/dryer, central air, DSL wiring apartments available in January Apartments. Call 581-2438. Lobough of Tri-Sigma for throughout, 24n maintenance, water and trash included off ______Y3 getting engaged to Kevin call today: 217-346-3583. street parking call 345-1266 FOR RENT FOR RENT Just north of Stix. 11 OS Fourth Wake. ______00 ______00 St. 2 bedroom $400 divided by ______Y4 For Lease-Fall 2005, 4 bedroom NEW LUXURY 4 BEDROOM, 2 Uncolnwood Pinetree has 2&3 STUDENTS, DON'T SIGN A two plus utilities. 581-5478. Congratulations to Bobbie unfurnished apt., 2 full baths, BATH LARGE APARTMENTS, BR Apts. available for second NEW LEASE UNTIL YOU ______Y9 Dinger of TriSigm for getting great location 12th and Arthur, WID INCLUDED WIRED FOR semester. Call 345-6000 HAVE CHECKED OUT Roommate needed to share lavaliered to Tony Custerison of DSL wiring, good parking, 24n HIGH SPEED INTERNET. ______00 CHARLESTON'S NEWEST house w/male EIU Students. Sigma Pi at VU. maintenance. Call today: 217- CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1120 Free broadband Internet, OFF CAMPUS STUDENT Lease ending 5/31 /04. Call348- ______Y4 346-3583. JWheels LLC EDGAR DRIVE. 345-6100. large apts., new RENTAL HOUSING DEVEL- 0614, leave message. ______00 ______00 carpet/paint, furnished, low OPMENT!!! UNIVERSITY VIL- 00 ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION GIRLS! IF YOU FALL 2005- EXTRA NICE 8-10 utilities. Great deal LAGE. 28 NEW 4 BEDROOM WOULD LIKE A NICE, ROOMY, bedroom, 3 bath house near $500/month. 345-7 437. HOMES AND 96 NEW 3 BED- FOR SALE #1 Spring Break Vacations! FURNISHED 3 BR APART- LANTZ. 12 mo. lease. NO ______00 ROOM DUPLEXES. 4 ACRE Cancun, Jamaica, Acapulco, MENT WITH LARGE CLOS- PETS. 345-3148. Available now. 1 BR apartment PARK IN THE CENTER OF 2001 Dodge Neon, ES. 4 door, Bahamas, & Florida! Best ETS, LOW RENT, LOW UTILI- ______00 in Charleston close to the THE COMMUNITY. ALL SIN- auto, ale, cruise, power win- Parties, Best Hotels, Best TY BILLS AND A LANDLORD Very Nice 3 bedroom house. All square. Stove/fridge, nice loca- GLE STORY UNITS. NO dows and locks, sunroof, key- Prices! Book NOW!!! 1-800- THAT CARES FOR THE 05-06 new interior- washer/dryer, tion. For more infonnation call STAIRS TO CLIMB. SAND less entry, excellent condition, 234-7007 www.endlesssum- SCHOOL YEAR, CALL 345- dishwasher, deck.$295 each. 345-5088. VOLLEYBALL, BASKETBALL. 88Kmiles, $5,000. mertours.com 3664. SEEING IS BELIEVING! 345-6967 ______00 AVAILABLE FALL 2005!!! ______Y10 ______Y4 10 MONTH LEASE. NO PETS. ______00 Large 1 bedroom apartments COMPETITIVE PRICING!!!! MATTOON BRICK, 3 BR 1 Chicago Job Fairs & Career ______00 4 Bedroom Apt. 1/2 block from close to campus. $325, $350. LEASING OFFICE NOW bath, fireplace. LARGE Fairs, YOUR Chicago Career www.charlestonilapts.com campus. $235 each trash 345-6967. OPEN. CALL FOR INFORMA- DETACHED GARAGE-1 1/2 Connection! www.chicagojobre- LOOK US UP for details on included. 345-6967 ______00 TION. 348-1099. WEB SITE: lots on dead-end street. Needs source.com. these 2005-06 Apts: 2001 S. ______00 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 905 WWW.UNIVERSITYVILLAGE- updates. By Appt. $74,900. ______5~ 12th Street, 1305 18th Street, 05-06, excellent location, ARTHUR. 345-6100. HOUSING.COM 618-351-1228/618-534-2812. 955 4th Street, 605 W. Grant, across from campus. 1 BR ______00 ______00 ______Y11 117 W. Polk and 905 A Street. apartments, 1 o month lease Rents from $230 to $475 per with heat and water paid. $375 person. Call to make appoint- month. No pets please. 348- ments at 348-7746. 0006. NON SEQUITUR BY WILEY MILLER ______00 ______00 05 - 06. Luxury apartments, 3 bedroom house for fall 2005. townhouses, and student rental Free parking, furnished, new II\ fr J\~ houses all excellent locations. carpet. For information contact Prices vary. For more informa- Kim at 346-3583. tion call us at 345-0652 or look ______00 us up at www.myeiuhome.com FALL 2005 NEW CONSTRUC- ______00 TION! 3 bedroom, 2 bath unit. I www.jwilliamsrentals.com Excellent location. WID, dis- CHECK US OUT FOR YOUR posal, dishwasher, and excel- NEXT APARTMENT. Leasing lent parking included. ALSO, now 1 & 2 bedroom units. Good VERY NICE 1 BEDROOM APT. locations, nice apartments, off WITH OFFICE SPACE. I street parking, trash paid. No EXCELLENT LOCATION. pets. 345-7286. $350/MONTH. For more info BOONDOCKS BY AARON MCGRUDER ______oo call 345-0652. For Fall '05 1,2,and 3 bedrooms ______00 for close to campus. 4 locations Available for Summer and to choose from. Call 345-6533 Fall 05-06 school year. Clean ______00 modern apartments and BUCHANAN ST. APTS: 1 ,2,&3 homes w/ some utilities BDRM APTS AVAILABLE FOR included. 1 ,2,3,4,&5 bed- FALL 05-06. PLENTY OF OFF rooms. WID in some units STREET PARKING, WATER also. NOT ALL CLOSE TO AND TRASH INCLUDED. CAMPUS. NO PETS!!!! 217- CALL 345-1266 345-4494. ______00 ______00 PAGE lOA THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Top seeds square off Kobe Bryant settles civil case out of court in OVC semifinals THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "It's in both parties' interests to have this remain confidential," he over eighth-seeded Murray State on The Redhawks (22-7, 15-2) defeat- DENVER- Kobe Bryant and the said. "That's one of the incentives for Conference Tuesday night in Richmond, Ky. The ed seventh-seeded Samford 47-45 20-year-old woman who accused him them to settle: He didn't have to do Colonels, who have won 13 games in Tuesday night in Cape Girardeau, Mo. of rape nearly two years ago setded her a deposition, the lurid details would- tournament a row, were led by double-doubles Junior forward Tatiana Conceicao civil lawsuit against him Wednesday, n't be posted on some Web site. She from senior forwards Miranda Eckerle led theRedhawkswithagame-high 19 ending a sordid case that tarnished one didn't have to face the rigors of hav- continues in (27 poinrs, 15 rebounds) and Candis points. Senior center Chandra Brown of the NBA' s brightest young stars. ing a deposition by his lawyers and Cook (13 points, 10 rebounds). recorded a double-double of 11 points Terms were not released. A state- she'll gain some privacy as well." The Gamecocks (16-13, 10-7) beat and 10 rebotmds for the Redhawks. ment faxed to The Associated Press by The lawsuit, filed three weeks Nashville fifth-seeded Tennessee State 65-64 The Golden Eagles advanced with Bryant's attorneys said only that the before the criminal case against the Tuesday in Jacksonville, Ala. a 70-51 victory over sixth-seeded matter had been resolved "to the satis- NBA star collapsed last summer, BY MARCUS jACKSON Senior forward Shanika Freeman Tennessee-Martin. faction of both parties." sought unspecified damages for men- SPORTS REPORTER scored a team-high 13 points and Junior center Emily Christian was "The parties and their attorneys tal injuries, public scorn and humili- grabbed five rebounds. Junior forward the only Golden Eagle in double fig- have agreed that no further comments ation the woman said she has suf- All four of the top seeds in the Ohio Rebecca Haynes chipped in 12. ures, as she scored a game-high 32 about the matter can or will be made," fered since their June 2003 Valley Conference women's basketball The Colonels swept the Gamecocks points on 13-of-17 shooting. the statement said. A motion for dis- encounter at the Vail-area hotel tournament remain and will be in in the teams' two meetings this season. The two teams spit their games missal stipulating that the case can where she worked. The woman, now action Friday, with the winners hoping Eckerle averaged 16 points for the this year, each winning on its home never be refiled was filed simultane- pregnant and married, has not com- to advance to Saturday's championship Colonels against Jacksonville State, court. Conceicao, the OVC's second ously in Denver federal oourt. mented publicly on the case. game. Sanrrday's winner will receive the and Freeman averaged 17 in the losses leading scorer at 17.9 points per Bryant was in Boston for a game Bryant, a 27-year-old married OVC's automatic berth into the 64- to Eastern Kentucky. game, averaged 23.5 points against against the Celtics, where he scored 26 father of one, has apologized for his team NCAA Totrrnament. Tip-off for Eastern Kentucky- Tech this season. Christian, who led points in a loss. A Los Angeles l.akers "behavior that night and for the ron- Game one will feature the top-seed- Jacksonville State is set for noon the league in scoring with 19.6 spokeswoman said Bryant would have sequences she has suffered," while ed Eastern Kentucky Colonels and Friday in Nashville. points, scored 21.5 against the no comment on the setdement. insisting the sex was oonsensual. He the fourth-seeded Jacksonville State Game two will feanrre the second- Redhawks this season. The agreement probably spells out has never been questioned under oath Gamecocks. seeded Southeast Missouri Redhawks The Redhawks and Golden Eagles financial penalties for revealing any about what happened in his hotel The Colonels (22-1, 16-1 OVC) and the third-seeded Tennessee Tech are scheduled to tip-off at 2 p.m details, said Steve Cron, a Los Angeles room the night before he had knee advanced with an easy 94-69 victory Golden Eagles. Friday in Nashville. attorney familiar with celebrity cases. surgery at a Vail clinic. Cardinals tickets going fast for 2005 season

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS were over 3.3 million, but we are system that processes online orders Three games already are nearly Stadium. projecting one of our biggest years five times faster and phone orders 10 sold out, with only standing room Busch has been the site ofsix World The St. Louis Cardinals already have ever," Farrell said. times faster. tickets available for the home opener Series _ 1967, 1968, 1982, 1985, sold 2.2 million tickets for the 2005 sea- The defending National League Buyers may purchase tickets April 8 against Philadelphia, a July 1987 and 2004, when the Cardinals son, the team said Tuesday, and individ- champions move to a new stadium, through the team's Web site _ 23 game against the Chicago Cubs, were swept in four games by the ual-game tickets don't go on sale until also named Busch Stadium, in http://sdcardinals.com _ over the and the season finale Oct. 2 the Boston Red Sox. The Cardinals won Sanrrday. Season tickets, sales to groups 2006. The new ballpark is under telephone at 314-421-2400, or in final regular-season game at the sta- the 1967 and 1982 series. and sales of four-game "theme" packs construction just south of the exist- person at Schnucks Video Clubs or dium _ against Cincinnati. City and team officials hope the acoount for the sales so far. Ing one. at Cardinals Clubhouse stores at The Cardinals moved into Busch new $387 million, 46,000-seat stadi- The Cardinals have topped 3 mil- Individual-game tickets go on sale Union Station, St. Louis Galleria Stadium in 1966. It was built by um, with a red-brick exterior, is a cat- lion in attendance eight times _ at 8 a.m. Sanrrday through a faster, and St. Clair Square in Fairview Anheuser-Busch Cos. Inc., the alyst that spurs redevelopment of including six of the past seven seasons more efficient ticketing system that Heights, Ill. Cardinals' owner at the time. It is downtown's south side. The new _ and drew 3,048,427 fans last season, will enable more fans to buy tickets Tickets also may be purchased at the fourth-oldest ballpark in the ballpark is already taking shape, with team spokesman Dan Farrell said. at a given time, the team said. The the stadium except on Saturday, National League behind Wrigley the brick exterior largely complete on "Some of the McGwire years we Cardinals developed a new ticketing when no walk-up sales will be made. Field, Dodger Stadium and Shea its east side. T H u R 5 D A Y A T Get It While It's Hot... Fresh UB Weekend Here] ! J ,




BPM 7th St Underground Friduy Mmdl4th Funkod elic Jam Band From Chicago

ttt~t ...... 1: 1- :."1 ! . .- Bridget Jones 2 Williams Rentals 1,2, & 3 BEDROOM UNITS 'at11n.lay.. for Fall 2005 :)l~8 P\1 *A1so openings for summer *Furnished & Unfurnished ADVERTISE *Some with laundry *Several nice locations in the DEN 345-7286 www.jwilliamsrentals .com 581·2816 THuRsDAY, MARcH 3, 2005 TH E DA ILY E AS T ERN N EWS PAGE llA TENNIS Eastern grows together in early season travel "(LeVaque's) intensity has gone of international players for Eastern, Eastern's two-fold since last season. He has as it boasts one in LeVaque, a native stepped up from being a No. 3 sin- of Canada. gles player to the No. 1 singles play- DePaul plays in a very competitive road trip er this year," Holzgrafe said. league, which has four other teams The difference with LeVaque is in the top 75. that he has been able to make adjust- "Basically, you're looking at two continues ments, says Holzgrafe. teams in different situations, with "He is making a huge jump this DePaul being in an extremely diffi- at Depaul year from No.3 to No. 1, and nor- cult conference," said Holzgrafe. mally many players cannot make this Preparation for this weekend's BY MATT DANIELS adjustment until at least their senior opponent has not altered the way STAFF WRITER year, let alone the players are when they are "(Travelling is) some- thinking. Saturday, the Eastern men's tennis sophomores," "Our mind- team will be once again on the road said Holzgrafe. thing we actually need- frame is great as it travels to Chicago to take on the Beside ed. We have turned into heading into this DePaul Blue Demons. LeVaque, fresh- weekend," said DePaul, 9-7 overall and 1-1 in man Kevin Arndt a family because of all Holzgrafe. "We Conference USA, is coming off a has stepped up truly believe that weekend where it split two matches his game as well. the travel that we've we can go into between Memphis and St. Louis. "(Arndt) has had" DePaul and DePaul fell to perennial power improved dra- wtn.. " BRIAN HOLZGRAFE, Memphis 4-0, but bounced back matically as the While Eastern HEAD TENNIS COACH and defeated St. Louis by the same season has gone has been on the score. DePaul, which recently along. He has gone from a walk-on road all season and will not be at cracked the College Tennis Online who was struggling early on to home until March 20, DePaul has national rankings in the No. 75 spot, someone who has emerged as a been away from its home courts as is always a competitive squad. force," Holzgrafe said. well. The Blue Demons have not "T he No. 1 through eight singles DePaul boasts four seniors, main- had a home match since the begin- players for them are always strong," ly Mark Henderson, their No. 1 sin- ning of February. Holzgrafe feels Eastern head coach Brian Holzgrafe gles player who has a 10-5 overall that being on the road has actually said. record this year. The DePaul squad helped the team as a whole. ~:;;;;;;;'~ HAAS/THE DALY EASTERN NEWS Eastern, 3-6 overall and 1-2 in the has a bit of international flavor, with '1t's actually something we need- Sop~ h k lAYII!lOOl ltmtllt lliOOl blffi ~ pli'8C\fule all D OVC, will look to sophomore five of their nine members coming ed. We have turned into a family C :a 0@0. 2 l.eY&t~lOOl lliat @OOXil 54 iiD ll:iia {f.ra'J ~lli' all I~ Um l)@a ful7 Chuck LeVaque this weekend, as it from outside the United States. This because of all the travel that we have lliOOl PI has all year. pales in comparison to the number had," said Holzgrafe.

STEVENS: Fact: McDuffie doesn't want this to "Lantz Arena was sold have his number 44 retired ifSamuels LAST CHANCE: (oNnNUED FROM PACE 12A become a renegade program like was fired. The current answer would (ONriNUED FROM PACE 1 2A Cincinnati, Missouri or Murray out twice- TWICE!." be a resounding "No thanks." and he doesn't nm his department as a State. MATT STEVENS, STAFF WRITER "Well, if we had a new coach we'd In Wallace's three years at Eastern, loose cannon. He does this not because Samuels graduates his players put people in the seats." fve heard she has not seen an athlete go on to he strives for mediocrit}~ but because and runs a clean program away leave a high profile job to come that verbal garbage for almost three the NCAA Championships. In he knows it takes special people to from the wrath of the NCAA and here, lose and then get fired? And years now. In 2001, the Panthers 2000, the men's team sent a runner work for him in a less than desirable the Illinois legal system. for that matter, wouldn't we be made it to the NCAA Tournament in the 60m hurdles. location for a mid-major program. For those that want Eastern's all- starting the process all over again? and; quite frankly, we didn't draw flies. "Generally, you have to be ranked He certainly had to be paying close time record holder for wins on the "Any parent would be proud to Lantz Arena was sold out rwice - top 20 in the nation in your individ- attention to a predicted last-place next train out oftown, you are initial- have their son play for (Samuels)," TWICE! This is, was and always ual event to go to indoor nationals," team nearly double its win total. ly assuming that a flock of candidates former Illinois and current UNLV will be an artirude problem of the Akers said. Fact: McDuffie doesn't like to will line up from here to Effingham head coach Lon Kruger said. srudent body, who generally dislikes '1 think the girls will do phenom- appear as the big, bad wolf that cuts in hopes of landing this position. Others that would react negative- our athletic programs. Samuels can't enally," Galas said. "We have proved school icons at the knees. That is simply not a logical way ly would be alumni. We protect our cure that; nobody can. ourselves time and time again and "Rick is one of the truly fine men of looking at the situation. coaches, faculty members and role Samuels was never, is not current- hope to do well." in college coaching," Washington Name me one legitimate reason models at this institution and ly and should never be considered the The meet will be Friday and State head coach Dick Bennett said. why an assistant at a big conference there's nothing wrong with that. curable problem with the Panther Sarurday at Notre Dame. Eastern is Bennett is on a long list that (ACC, Big East, Big Ten, Big 12, People appreciate that. program. Players play and win also hosting the Junior College would privately call this program a Conference USA or SEC) would Think long and hard ifEastern's all- games, and next year's Eastern roster National Indoor Championships laughingstock if Samuels was told want this job. Nine times out of 10, time leading soorer Henry Domercant will do just that unless the Panthers this weekend In the Lantz to pack his things. a new coach loses. So who wants to would come back to Lantz Arena to are forced to play for a new man. Fieldhouse.

aurence ~ Make your in concert business a fOlk singar & b1Dg writar "10" ELECTIONS

March 4 , 2005 ~ 8!00pm Petitions Now Available .Jl:u::k!Son J\Yenue Cuf ft:e l:lou~~ "108 JQClc-scm AV9J">\1Et r Ch;:~r ' E

THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 Eastern Illinois University, Charleston

THROWING MEN'S BASKETBALL HEAT Senior nearly leads upset Samuels Guard Emanuel Dildy's 20 points still going nearly spark comeback strong B Y D AN WOlKE SPORTS EDITOR There is no doubt in my mind that Rick Samuels will be leading Cookeville, Tenn. - Senior guard his 26th consecutive Panther Emanuel Dildy wasn't quite ready. team on the floor for Midnight The Panther men's basketball team Madness next season. trailed Tennessee Tech 58-53 with Messages to those of you cur- 1:51 to go, and Dildy wasn't ready rently reading this: for his team's season and his colle- 1. Thank you. giate career to end. 2. I appreciate any comments So he took over. negative or positive. It's like vot- First he drove and hit a pull-up ing - do it early and do it often. jumper, and the Panthers fouled. However, take a look at the top Mter two Tennessee Tech free left of the page; see my face? throws, Dildy hit another jumper, Memorize it, because I would and Eastern fouled again. truly appreciate not hearing Two more made free throws put about Samuels future with the the Golden Eagles up 62-57 with 52 Eastern men's basketball pro- seconds to go, but Dildy wasn't gram. No more, "Hey! Let's run done. He drilled a long three-point Samuels out on a rail!" comments jumper to make it 62-60 with 43 or the popular, "You know a new seconds to go. coach would turn everything Tennessee Tech made two more around for us." free throws, and, after stopping the This request extends to stu- Panthers, went to the line and sunk dents, coworkers, faculty, mem- two more, giving them a 66-60 lead bers of athletic administration, with 27 seconds to go. booster club representatives and But Dildy raced down the floor for SGolr tfula:rd · · Diii&J ciKYilll {]@ ~aab9 TID1la4aJ ~ iiD lliOOl b aGV I!Iild o'J lfuil Oil:D® Y&ifuJ hlllootrolC


junior graphic design major Emily Davis' artwork, and others that submitted works are running in the All-Student Art Show through March 26 at the Tarble Arts Center.

Student Art Show spotlights Eastern-bred talent at Tarble .-, '!' _...___b _____,.,..:...... ~- ...... ,__,...... ~ . ~ e-~~ SEE PAGE 4B AND SB -- ...,__,... • • ...... •.,...... -...... ,..~a



QUOTE THIS EVENTS Daily K:neads Cafe What is your favorite activity that Regional American and lntemational Cuisine • Rot Grilled Chicken Salad • ~Real Crab" Crab Cakes• doesn't involve an electronic device? FRIDAY • "\Vild llan.ested" Salmon ~tml Grouper Sandwich~ • • Our Farnum. Ke' Lime Pie and other "ieasonall>es~t'rts • EI U Wind Ensemble • Ooen for Lunch: BLAKE BOLDT 7:3 0p.m. Tuesday- Sunday 11 :30 am- 2:00 pm JUNIOR McAfee South Auditorium (Saturday 11:30am-3:00pm) COMMUNICATION STUDIES Special Holiday Catering Needs? Call EarJy! ~-~--'"Located ArcolaEmporium o.r~~~ Starrunner In the 201 ~asl Main Street, Arcola, JL (217) 268-6229 "Writing bad poetry 8 p.m. 7th St. Underground Vegetarian Foods in dark coffee shops:' See Page 3 Homemade Soups European Pastries BRIAN BECCUE " Rom and Jul ie" SOPHOMORE DAILY SPECIALS & LARGE CUISINE 8 p.m. Specia lizing in coffe e s & teas HISTORY Char leston Alley Theatre *5% off w/ this Ad & Student ID! 718 Monroe Ave. Last Saturday of each month -Fine Dining "Sleeping:' Ti cket information: 345 6070 348-7733 Li ve mus i c E ver y Friday, All ages wel com e, No Cover! BRANDl CHABALOWSKI SATURDAY 8 -10 .m. SOPHOMORE CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION The Movement (ThemDamnKids) Rob Reid "Reading a magazine:' 8 p.m. Soups jackson Avenue Coffee Sandwiches CON FE CTIONARY Romancing the Bone G•MIL AARON HUBBART Ice Creams SOPHOMORE Target Mark and So Many Dynamos Open Daily 11a.m.-7p.m. COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10p.m. Sundaes 516 6~~> St.-Charleston Friends and Co. On the Square 13 Flavors 16 Toppings "Running:' $3 21 7-348-8821 Char leston Sound Machine 9:3 0p.m. MALLORY MCCUMBER Marty's JUNIOR See Page 8 FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES ICY MUG SUNDAY J 6V~YJ:1 PRJr>AYI "Crocheting:' All Acoustic Sunday ACROSS 0 $5.00 COVER CHARGE Ryan Groff LISA MARIE OGLE 9 11 p.m. FROM $ t .00 PITCHERS JUNIOR The Uptowner ENGLISH FAIRGROUNDS ALL NIGHT "Ballroom dancing:'

FREE THINGS TO DO AROUND CAMPUS 50~ WHEN THERE'S NOTHING TO DO Limit OoffNE EXP. 03-31-05 1. Hang around near the ATM machine In the 6. Sing four songs In the middle of the Library Charleston Union and watch the reactions of people when they Quad on a Friday night. Send $25,000 bill to 20 State St. read their receipts. From shock, to joy, to relief. All University Board . (May only work If you sing "Crunk --- ~~ -~8.§ ~--- of the emotions can be witnessed at an ATM. and B.")

2. Pick a prime Icy location, bring a picnic lunch 7. Almost every building on campus has a lost and watch passerstly slip and slide at your amuse- and found . Scour them for fun new folders, disks (or ment. (Note-works best In snow and cold weather.) discs) and mismatched gloves. You never know Feel free to help people up If they seem hurt. what you'll find.

3. Try to feed Charleston's obese squirrel popu- 8. Go to the library and ...just kidding! ~11!) ,;t ::.r:h<'>c":f ff'l~ ::U .R"ft'Q,..> P.dld your lation. ..r':.I!'U'II "" ~ f'Ronr.i'Jril.h rri~ rWdl!'• 9. With flowers handy, visit the grave of 031rin ~; =,. P.ar~.r li~ r.~ r t.:JI-Lime 4. Prank calling-an ageless passtlme. Always Napoleon the dog In the North Quad near Old E:"xpcn;::::r.cc·lh.-:.:i rnoJJcc;;, .-.. d :::-crrr.c:l effective: calling 581 -®#&..% (four-letter swear Main. www.ataffacd urtona.blz 11.7-63 9·-113 5 word) and asking them If they know that their num- ber Is 581 -®$%*. Not there? Leave a message! 10. Make a goal to sit on every bench on campus (345-!@#$ and 348-&..$ *# will also work without between class periods. DON'T PULL A application of long-distance charges.)


SUBMITTED PHOTO Influenced by l ed Zeppelin and Ben Harper, Starrunner took their name from a Peter Max painting. The band was recommended to the UB by a fan familiar with their sound. Starrunner brings chaotic show Underground band to play 7th for them at the bar." "We write our own songs," said Loubrlel. 1999 through a mutual friend. At the time, Loubrlel said they even gave him and " We usually play at least one cover but we Loubrlel was playing guitar and vocals In Street Underground Friday his band members a hotel room to sleep try not to play too many." another band. "They stole me from It," he In because they were so broke. Starrunner's music Is a mix of rock, , said. BY BRANDY HEADLEY "Sometimes you have to go through , hlp hop, reggae and . "We're a The three then found vocalist and bass STAFF WRITER rough times to have that character," he multi-genre, very musically schizophrenic guitarist Behling, resulting In what Is now said. "The things we have to do are kind of band, and we like that we touch on a little Starrunner. Their band name Is derived They had no money, no food and no chaotic overall, we depend on the kind- bit of everything," said Loubrlel. from a guy named Peter Max, who worked way home. ness of others sometimes when we're on Some of their Influences Include Jlml on the "Yellow Submarine" and did set Their van had just broken down 3,000 the road to get by." Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Ben Harper, Bob design for the original Woodstock. One of miles from home In Needles, Calif., and "We've even had people give us $1 00 Marley, The Black Cro.ves and The Beatles. his art pieces Is entitled "Starrunner," they would have to sleep overnight In the for a CD and when we would try to give "We want to put smiles on people's which Is of someone running across a col- van and spend the rest of their money to them back change they would tell us not faces," said Loubrlel. "I would rather see orful galaxy. have It llxed the next day. to worry about It; they know we need It three people dancing and having a good "Our music should make people feel this "We were thinking we'd have to dump- because we're a little band," said Loubrlel. time to our music than thousands of people way," said Loubrlel. "We've struggled with ster dive or llnd some restaurant to let us The four of them have become accus- just standing," he said. our band name because everyone says wash dishes for them," said Oscar tomed to the road while playing nearly 26 or Although the band doesn't live together, they hate It, but there's the story behind lt." Loubrlel, one of the four bandmates of 27 gigs a month all over the country. "Often they still practice at least three or four times Stephanie Johnson, university board Starrunner. "We walked Into three or four times, our rehearsal Is performing live a week at Zublnskl's house and rarely argue. main stage coordinator, said the Idea for different restaurants, and none of them because we have so little time In between "We love each other a lot," said Loubrlel. the band to come to Eastern's campus would let us work for them." shows, but we would rather rehearse live "The number one thing for a band Is to have came from Tony Kwiatkowski, a graduate Finally the four of them, Ryan Behling, because of the crowd's energy." great chemistry. Without that, there's no adviser for Pulse Magazine. vocalist and bassist, Dallas Wade, guitarist Starrunner has played at the Hemp Fest real musical talent. There has to be this ener- "He's friends with the band, but I've and vocalist, Loubrlel, drummer and vocal- In Chicago, which was their largest show gy between everyone to vlbe off each heard them myself In Chicago and I have Ist, and Peter Zublnskl, keyboardlst and per- with a few thousand people, In other." some of their CDs," said Johnson. "We're cussionist, entered the Hungry Bear, a Cleveland's Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame, Starrunner likes to expand at given parts hoping for one of our biggest crowds this restaurant style bar with a hotel attached. Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Alabama, on some of the songs they play. "We've weekend when they play." ''The owners, which were these really Louisiana, Nebraska, Texas and Kansas. played on a single song for a half-hour or Starrunner will perform 7 p.m. Friday at nice Mojave Indians, could tell we were Starrunner likes their set lists to be spon- more," said Loubrlel. "We have a lot of 7th Street Underground In the basement really hungry so they fed us," said taneous so they rotate the list between structured songs, but we also like to Impro- of Martin Luther King Jr University Union. Loubrlel. "They broke our backs with work themselves and write It 30 minutes before vise and play off the crowd." For more Information on the band, check but gave us free beer If we sang karaoke a show. Zublnskl, Wade and Loubrlel met In out their Web site, www.starrunner.org. Do these appeal to you? ROYAl HIIGHfS Build your resume. Develop your leaderdhip skills. Be a role model for future EIU students. nLDEfnlvNE frlfiNfll;EtrTENf FREE summer housing. FREE meals. & 1,L, JBedrooms Panther Dining is looking for strong, competent, and independent students to hire for our summer supervisor program. Informational Meeting: 4LOCATIONS Thursday March 3, 200 5:30-6:30 p.m. .. Y Shelbyville Room , *Close ~~ampus Close to campus (3rd floor of the Union) '' You can sign up for an ..• 1,2,3 B~~Aitarb;nents interview ath this time. ~emod~~6i~,~ Par.~· ~ For questions please contact · ~ ~F~ FuiGshe\l; ~h Paid I 581-5733 or email Panth er Diningl,- 3~5-0033 . R e la x & let us do the cooking Contact. \urumnctz34X-q79 [email protected] PAGE 48 ONTHE VERGE OFTHEWEEKEND THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 A DISPLAY

Ceremony to honor Watts, director of Tarble Arts Center said. winning artists Sunday Davis worked the desk for the two days-last Thursday and Friday-each BY jOAQUIN OCHOA student could submit up to flve ASSOCIATE VERGE EDITOR pieces. A total of 377 pieces were submitted for jurors to select for A year's worth of Eastern students' awards and a place In the gallery. art will be on display through March This year's jurors, Andrew Llccardo, 26 for the public to see. of Northern Illinois University; Paul The 2005 All-Student Show, Young, from Parkland College; and cosponsored by Eastern's Art Ralph larman, of Evansville University, Department Is on display at Tarble Arts narrowed the number of pieces to Center. The show Is more than an 168. opportunity for students to get their Michael Watts, director of Tarble art shown, but an opportunity to be Arts Center, said the winners are judged on their artistic merits. based on the juror's professional It's something students gear up for experience. throughout the year. "The jurors, are usually people who Emily Davis, a junior graphic work In the art field, usually professors design major, has submitted work at other Institutions." since her freshman year and this year The 377 submissions are typical as submitted the maximum, flve pieces. many professors make submission Davis said, "We're excited to get the Into the show a requirement for class. opportunity to have a free way to Aaron Ganey, a junior graphic show our work. I think there's always design major, said, "They [professors] a good turnout of work. Students tal

The Daily Eas-tern Ne1111s is accep-ting applica-tions For Aaver-tising Represen-ta-tives a Designers For Summer a Fall 2004 applica-tions are available in -the S-tudent: Publica-tions oFFice call 581-2812 For ·


Left: "Self Portrait," by Connie Richards, and "Desert Sunset," by Christina Tauber will be on display at the Tarble Arts Center through March 26 as part of the All-Student Art Show, sponsored by the Art Department and Tarble.

The exhibition traditionally Includes, think I'd be happy with It," Clem painting, drawing, printmaking, sculp- said. ture, metals, ceramics, fibers, graphic "A lot of the pieces are small scale, Davis said, "It's my third year sub- chance to just get their work out there design, 2-D and 3-D design, comput- but hopefully we can get some larger mitting. The flrst year, I got half of my because we work hard all semester, er animation, digital prints, and pho- pieces ln. I heard there are more pieces ln. Last year I didn't get any. I but only your teachers and people In tography. sculptures In so I'd like to see things think It's [my work Is] stronger than It your class get a chance to see lt. It's With the number of submissions on a larger scale." was last year so hopefully things will also good to get an Idea of how gal- from competing artists and mediums, The Art show doesn't only reward work out well." leries work." the students are more than happy just students for their hard work, It offers Derek Clem, a junior focusing on Davis said most all the work Is done to get In the gallery. them an opportunity to see how gal- 3-D studio, said he's had pieces In the In classes as class assignments and "From what I saw when I leries work and the opportunity to sell gallery before and said, "I think It's a feels It's nice to get homework and was submitting my pieces, there their art. The gallery will be on display good chance for students to get a get more out of lt. are some very good pieces ln. I through March 26.

eas ern year

PAID POSITIONS AVAILABL for photographers, vvr1ters• • editors & des '9 n e rs • FOR MORE INFORMATION: email: [email protected] MEETINGS MONDAY @ 7prn J 8 J J Buzzard Hall PAGE 68 ONTHE VERGE OFTHEWEEKEND THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 Does downloading disrupt the sanctity of sound? POP SHOTS Information and thank yous. don't own the CD, I just put It In But If your CDs ~~vere stolen, you'd downloading will damage the BY H OLLY H ENSCHEN I would listen to It for a few days my !Tunes Blblloteca de Muslca. lose all the art and memories. My music Industry like It dalms and all VERGE EDITOR or weeks, or If I got another CD or I've become a music consumer. CDs have been there fbr me like no of the major record labels will go two at the same time alternate Sure, I had more opportunity to one else, and I spent a good chunk of out of business. Only the Independ- them In and out of the CD player. absorb music when I was a girl, but time collecting them. Maybe that's ent labels would survive! I used to save my money or walt I'd Introduce as many listeners as these days, time Is not In excess. wi"!Y Vve want all of our music con- People will start making music until Christmas or my birthday to possible and learn some parts of But can't Vve make time fbr music? stantly dose In an IPod or computer. fbr themselves and not just to sell. get a new CD. When I got older, I the songs on guitar. It was a life- There's a big difference between ~all cl'::f» fcM:J1te s:Jng> h a lit- (I have a suspicion some people would walt until payday. It was a changing experience. letting someone look through your tie lxlx l1"lio/ be

Around this time, the Heads 1988, Talking Heads returned to ng Just Hea temporarily split up to work on the world beat explorations The band combines with pro- (U-WIRE) MANHATTAN, Kan. - lectuallyrlcs. The band savv a minor solo projects. Jerry Harrison abandoned by Its last few ducer Brian Eno, who fleshes out When they met David Byrne at the hit with the song "Psycho Killer," a released his first solo album. albums. the band's sound to create the Rhode Island School of Design In the piece that Introduced the world to Byrne and Eno collaborated to Talking Heads officially broke funky, energetic sound that early 1970's, Chris Frantz and llna the bizarre walllngs, grunts and release "My Life In the Bush of up In 1991. In 1995 Frantz, became their trademark. Weymouth probably had no Idea bravado of lero singer Byrne. Ghosts." The album had a huge Weymouth and Harrison that the trio would go on to create 1978 saw the release of "More Influence on sample-based released "No Talking Just Heads" FEAR OF MUSIC one of the most Influential bands In Songs About Buildings and Food." electronlca music that would as the Heads. history. With the help of legendary produc- become prominent In the In 1999, members of Talking With an Increased rhythm And In 1974, wl1en the band er Brian Eno, the Talking Heads 1990s. Frantz and Weymouth Heads put aside their differences section and a focus on African moved to Its loft apartment In New expanded Its punk sound by formed Tom Tom Club and had and promoted the 15th anniver- rhythms, the band began to York Gty, their Idealistic young heads adding a funk flair that would a minor hit with "Genius of sary of UStop Making Sense." In refine their musical explo- were most likely Oiled with visions of become the band's signature. Love." 2002, Talking Heads was Inducted rations. hope shrouded ~ the bitter realities Talking Heads refined Its However, the band had not yet Into the Rock and Roll Hall of of making It In the music Industry. sound even more with the 1979 met Its demise. After a brief Fame. REMAIN IN LIGHT However, they did not let pover- release of " Fear of Music," leave, Talking Heads released In Its 30 years as a band, ty and the slim possibility of success which relied more heavily on "Speaking In Tongues" In 1983, Talking Heads' energetic and The band's experimentation In the music Industry sully their the rhythm section by adding an album that had a more acces- Influential sound helped bridge became actualized with this dreams. African polyrhythms, as exhibit- sible pop song structure. From the gap between traditionally album. Few albums blur the They were going to make It. They ed on the song "I Zlmbra." that album, the song "Burning black music (African polyrhythms lines of musical achievement as ~~vere Talking Heads. 1980 was the musical golden Down the House" was released and funk) and traditionally white this does. The quintessential Talking Heads did It all. year for Talking Heads - the and became the band's biggest music (punk, electronlca and new Talking Heads album. From wrttlrg Insanely catt:f1y pop year that the monumental album hit. wave). tunes that defied musical bot..ndar1es "Remain In Light" was released. The band then embarked on Byrne Is notorious for never THE NAME OF THIS to creating fllms to develq:>Ing exhila- (It Is appropriate to add that the "Step Making Sense Tour," ending any conversation with rating visual and musical live s11CM'S, both authors find this to be one which generated a phenomenal "good-bye." There Is something BAND IS TALKING Talklrg H~ proved to be one of the of the greatest albums ever cre- live album and created a buzz prophetic about this statement, HEADS most Influential bands In recent histo- ated.) about the band's live show. for Byrne and company man- ry. Once again, the band turned jonathan Demme aged to create a sound that the An essential live double After playing shcMos In the New to Eno and created an album (" Philadelphia," "Silence of the world will never leave behind. album. This Is an excellent start- York Gty area, the IJ1o saw Its Orst that explored African music and Lambs") directed the movie David Byrne's hyperbolic per- Ing point for someone new to break In 1975 wl1en they opened fbr funk In the dense songs derived "Stop Making Sense" which sona Is Introduced to the world the Talking Heads. the Ramones at CBGB. from Jams the band explored In was released In 1984. The through his Intelligent lyrics, Alter signing jerry Harrison, the the studio. movie showcased Talking bizarre vocal stylings and jerky STOP MAKING noted keyboardlst from the new The band toured extensively l.llder Heads' amazing live show. brand of punk music. wave group JV\oclern Lovers In the moniker Extended ~s due to After releasing the straightfOr- SENSE 1976, Talking Heads created the Its large line-up cJ eight to 12 musl- ward pop album "Little Creatures" The vital Talking Heads movie core of the band. dans that crl:led to the complexity In 1985, Byrne directed and starred MORE SONGS directed by Jonathan Demme In 1977, the band signed to Sire and richness of the Talking H~ Iwe In the movie "True Stories" and ABOUT that Illustrated the dynamic Records and released "Talking show.;. In 1982, the band released released an album of the same nature of the bands' live per- Heads: 77," a rock and roll album 'The Name of This Band Is Talking name. BUILDINGS AND formances. For added pleasure, whose jerky feel was offset ~ Intel- Hea:ts." With the release of "Naked" In FOOD pick up the special edition

THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 ONTHEVERGEOFTHEWEEKEND PAGE 7B THE BEST OF COLES COUNTY Readers of the Verge unite! Here’s your chance to cast a vote that will be count- Additional ballots are available in The Daily Eastern News room ed and mark your spot in the annals of DEN history. Creativity is encouraged. [1811 Buzzard] until the deadline. SHARE WITH US THE THINGS THAT MAKE YOUR LIFE WORTH LIVING IN COLES COUNTY. LET US KNOW WHAT PEOPLE, PLACES, FOODS RANK FIRST WITH YOU. HERE’S THE DEAL: Simply fill out this survey and return it to us in one of the following ways: All readers, students, faculty and community members, are invited to participate. N drop it off at The Daily Eastern News room at 1811 Buzzard Hall Deadline for entries is 4 p.m on March 31, 2005. At least two-thirds (28) of N seal it in an envelope and drop it in a campus mailbox addressed to the categories must be filled out for the ballot to be eligible. The Verge, 1811 Buzzard Hall Eligible ballots must include name and e-mail to ensure validity in our final results. N e-mail your picks to [email protected] with subject Vote like your freedom depends on it, and look for the results in The Verge in mid-April. “Best of Coles County.”

Entertainment Food Band: ______Restaurant: ______Music Venue: ______Chinese Restaurant: ______Pawn Shop: ______Mexican Restaurant: ______Place to Dance: ______Dining Hall: ______Place to Tan: ______Sandwiches: ______Place to Shop: ______Pizza: ______Place to play foosball/ Food Special: ______pinball: ______@ ______Place to shoot pool: ______Place to play darts: ______Fastest Delivery Radio station: ______Pizza: ______Radio Program: ______Sandwiches: ______@ Station: ______Thrift Store: ______Drink Bar: ______People Mixed drink: ______Athlete: ______@ ______Musician/Band: ______Beer Selection: ______Writer: ______@ ______Coach: ______Drink special: ______Landlord: ______@ ______DJ(live): ______Coffee House: ______@ ______DJ(radio): ______On-campus @ ______Event: ______Actor ______Intramural sport: ______Bartender: ______Bar Alternative:______@ ______Bowling Alley: ______Professor: ______


Who the heck are you? Name______E-mail______PAGE 88 ONTHE VERGE OFTHEWEEKEND THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2005 Welcome back to the SOUND MACHINE Chicago-based how far we can go," he said. "Now we're playing big stages with huge group to have sound systems. We never thought we'd be playing at the kinds cl homecoming places we've been playing. It's dell- nltely a riot," he said. Friday CMS has been running Inde- pendently all along, saving money BY jOAQUIN OCHOA as they go to try and produce their ASSOCIATE VERGE EDITOR llrstCD. "We're very Independent, we The band Is coming back for fronted our own money. CDs cost more. After graduation, and a a couple thousand dollars. We three-year absence, Charleston recorded It on weekends. We Sound Machine will play at 9:30 played for about six months, p.m. Saturday at Marty's for the saving the money from the shows to pay fbr the CDs. I w:>uldn't say second year In a row. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEFF PAHATI OF CHARLESTON SOUND MACHINE The show serves a variety of we whored ourselves around, but the band's needs as they contin- Charleston Sound Machine, which consists of Eastern alums, will play at Marty's for a second year in a row we played every show we could. ue to evolve as artists. at 9:30p.m. Saturday. The group released their first album, "Kings of Our Little World," November 2004. It's something we'll have for the Charleston Sound Machine rest of our lives," Pahatl said. gets to promote themselves and Log Cabin. It's a blast to go back." been able to continue to work with notice that whichever gets "We're a humble band. It's just a their llrst album, "Kings of Our Much has happened since last together and adapt as they're scat- the most sisters to Marty's will win riot," he said. Little World," while continuing to year's visit. CSM's llrst album has tered across the Chlcagoland area. a keg. For those who might remember establish a larger fan base and the group playing mostly original Tim Platek, lead drummer and Platek said CDs will also be on the 2001 alums, Charleston Sound also serves as a homecoming for work at concerts. They recently pianist and fbrmer English educa- sale for half price. Machine Is made up of Jeff Pahatl the band, whose members grad- played at the Chicago Auto tion major, said his profession helps. "We decided to sell them for $5 lead vocals, lead guitar; Tim uated from Eastern around 2001. Show. "Luckily, I'm a teacher. Another because It hasn't been long ago Platek, drummer and plano; Jason Charleston Sound Machine visit- Pahatl, a self-proclaimed com- [member] Is a teacher. During the since we've been eating ramen Racutt, percussionist and drums; ed Marty's last year for the llrst time puter nerd, who now works as a summer times It's not as difficult. noodles and not having any Rob Pomazak, rhythm and In three years and with this visit, sales consultant for computer It's dellnltely hard because there money," said Platek. acoustic guitar; Steve Brock, also hope to make It an annual event. companies tly day, said It was are slx of us. Just trying to get The group Is as ambitious and as lead vocals and Brad Harris, who "We usually come the Friday rewarding to be able to produce together on a Wednesday night humble as ever, Pahatl said, since plays bass guitar. Bob Zombardl, night before and party, and pro- the album while the members for practice, we run Into prob- CMS llrst began playing "the little an Eastern English professor who mote as well. We bring a lot of our have day Jobs. lems," he said. corner of Mike and Stan's." plays the harmonica and played friends and past alumni," said Jeff "We've been In the work force But just because they're out of "Our goal was just to play music with CMS when they were stu- Pahatl, vocalist and lead guitarist. for a while now," he said. school doesn't mean they\le fbrgotten fbr the rest of our lite. The number dents, will also accompany CMS. "Saturday morning Is when we go It's a testament to the loyalty Vvhat It's like to be a college student. one goal Is to have fun and make For more Information, visit CMS at to Lake Charleston and the Lincoln that the six-member band has Pahatl sent CDs to sororities new fi1ends and new fans, and see www.cmsband.com Lucky Boys Confusion rocks the Canopy

BY NICOLE NICOLAS where they are now. They went from FEATURES REPORTER "Throwing the Game" with Elektra to being canned by that label, then on their Yellow and red lights streamed down own to produce and promote their latest on Lucky Boys Confusion on Saturday at album "Commitment" In 2004. the Canopy Club while Kaustubh "Stubhy" "It was hard without a label. But we Pandaz, lead singer, shouted to the have had two of our biggest shows with- crowd, "The ratio of girls out there seems out Elektra. If anything, It made us slim; let's get some girls up there." stronger," Schultejann said. Girls crowd surf up to the stage and "Commitment" shows they have climb onto the stage while Stubhy sang "3 matured a great deal. to 10" from their llrst album, "Soap Box "If you listen to us In the beginning, Spectacle." Girls with T-shlrts and short we're all over the place. We're more skirts danced to the fast-paced beat of the focused on making solid rock songs," song In front of the frenzied, sold-out PHOTO COURTESY OF COREY MINKANIC Krier said. crowd of over 800 fans-many of them lucky Boys Confusion energizes the crowd with their high-energy music at One of the much-loved songs t1y fans on with arms llalllng In a mosh pit. the Canopy Club in Champaign-Urbana. lucky Boys Confusion has performed for the their latest album that both Schultejann and They've been closing with that song since Warped Tour and gone on tour with Something Corporate, Blackeyed Peas, Reel Big Krier referred to as their favorite Is "Closer to "Soap Box Spectacle" came out In 2000, said Fish, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and Goldfinger. Graves" which Is about growing apart from Steve Busse, Lucky B~ Confusion merchan- friends and moving on with their lives. diser, known as Precious. He has traveled Jenny. The next day Sell and Krier quit The set Included crowd-pleasing songs Schultejann said he liked the the song's with the band since they started touring. Spinning Jenny to Join forces with Stubhy "Hey Driver" and a ska/punk song, use of the plano and the way the song In the background hanging above Lucky and Fergus and Schultejann. "Commitment," as well as "Sunday came together. Boys Confusion Is a banner with angel wings "They have a tightly knit group, It's like Afternoon," a reggae-Influenced song that "Commitment" means, "to me we're that frames the band's name. Beneath It a family," Busse said . had the crowd with their arms up swaying committed to each other as friends and reads, In white letters, "established In 1997." Growing up In the suburbia of the side-to-side. musicians," said Schultejann. "We've In the spring of 1997, the group mem- Northwest suburbs of Chicago has been The opening bands were In-ept, with a committed our lives to rock n' roll, booze bers met while working at Taco Bell and the Inspiration of many Lucky Boys heavy punk sound and The Dog and and good times." attending Naperville Central and Downers Confusion songs about cops and parents Everything performed with an Interesting Currently, Lucky Bcys Confusion Is prac- Grove South High School, said Adam off their debut album. melodramatic punk sound. ticing three times a week and working on Krier, the guitarist, singer and co-song Wearing a black button-up collared shirt Touring for the last couple of years has a new album. writer for Lucky Boys Confusion. and dark red tie, Stubhy sings "City had a big effect on the band members of "They are taking their time because they "And to this day we still get Taco Bell Lights" off their llrst album to the high- Lucky Boys Confusion, said Jason want to have a solid album," said Busse. when we're on the road," Krier said . energy crowd. Schultejann, the bassist. "{The difference between) 'Throwing The group originally began as two They performed a variety of songs from "We've made and lost a lot of friends the Game' and 'Commitment' Is so dras- bands facing each other In a Battle of the all their latest and previous albums that along the way," he said. tic. (In our next album) you can just Bands during high school, Busse said . made a great show for both old and new In September of 2002, Lucky Boys expect, as always, our music continues to Stubhy and Ryan Fergus on drums were In fans. Throughout the show their rock 'n' Confusion played outside Lantz Arena at a mature and grow," Schultejann said . "And a band called Farmboys. Guitarist Joe Sell roll, punk, reggae and rap Influences football game half-time show at Eastern. you will not be disappointed." and Krier were In the band Spinning shined through. The band traveled a long way to get