Throughout process to do my thesis, I was being helped by many peoples. I would like to thanks to all the following:

1. Firstly of all my parents whose supporting me from the beginning until the end of this thesis, and helping me if I have no spirit to do my thesis especially my mother & Father (Lesmania & Fauzan helmi) who help me very much in this thesis.

2. Thanks to Mr. Hendra Manurung.SIP.M.A as my adviser who keep correcting me the wrong of my thesis and helping me to understand more about my thesis.

3. Thanks for my friends in President University to helping me understand about my thesis in academics.

4. Thanks to President University for giving me chance to do this thesis and their study programs.



THESIS ADVISER...... 1 RECOMMENDATION LETTER ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... 5 ABSTRACT ...... 8 Abstrak ...... 9 INTRODUCTION ...... 10 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 10 1.2 Problem Identification ...... 16 1.3 Statement of the Problem ...... 18 1.4 Research Objectives ...... 19 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 19 1.6 Theoretical Framework ...... 20 1.6.1 Diplomacy Theory ...... 22 1.6.2 Diplomatic relations between South and in Korean Peninsula 25 1.6.3 Bilateral Relations Theory in International Relations ...... 26 1.6.4 Regional Security Theory In international Relations ...... 27 1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study ...... 28 1.8 Definition of Terms ...... 29 1.9 Thesis Structure ...... 30 CHAPTER II ...... 32 KOREAN PENINSULA ...... 32 2.1 The Change of Balance of Power and Security Cooperation in Korean Peninsula .... 32 2.1.1 Crisis on Korean Peninsula (North Korea Nuclear) ...... 34 2.1.2 New Policy in Korean Peninsula ...... 36 2.2 The Change of Regional Situation in East Asia (Korean Peninsula) ...... 39


2.3 The Difference Military Capabilities in South and North Korea ...... 42 2.4 North Korea Paranoid to the development of the Korean Peninsula ...... 43 CHAPTER III ...... 46 DEVELOPMENT POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN AND NORTH KOREA ... 46 3.1 History and the political development of South and North Korea in Cold War era ... 46 3.1.1 Cease Fire South Korea and North Korea...... 48 3.2 The Relations Between south and North Korea in Post Cold war ...... 49 3.3 the Kim Dae Jung ...... 51 3.4 The relationship development of South and North Korea in 2018 ...... 54 3.5 South and North Korea participation in Sports ...... 55 CHAPTER IV ...... 57 SECURITY RESOLUTION ON KOREAN PENINSULA ...... 57 4.1 The Development of UNSC Resolutions to Korean Peninsula ...... 57 4.1.1 UNSC Resolution2270 (2016) ...... 63 4.1.2 UNSC Resolution 2321 (2016) ...... 64 4.1.3 UNSC Resolution 2371 (2017) ...... 65 4.1.4UNSC Resolution 2375 (2017) ...... 66 4.1.5 UNSC Resolution 2379 (2017) ...... 68 4.2 DPRK ATTITUDE TO DEAL WITH UNSC Resolutions AND INTERNATIONAL SANCTIONS ...... 69 4.3 Implementation Resolution UNSC to Korean Peninsula Security ...... 72 4.4 DPR Korea Foreign Policy & Behaviour ...... 74 CHAPTER V ...... 77 CONCLUSION ...... 77 5.1 Conclusion ...... 77 Bibliography ...... 79



Name : Fadli Ari Kurniawan

Major: International Relations

Student ID: 016201100025


After the World War II the South Korea and North Korea is become divide into 2 countries which have very different perspective with the South Korea and North Korea with their allies. From time to time north Korea is became a conflict in Korean peninsula with the launch of the missile Taepodong 1 and Taepodong 2, after the north Korea began to intensify their nuclear program, North Korea is doing many nuclear test from 2013-2016 and make their neighboring countries such as South Korea is worry about their security in Korean Peninsula and will make the stability of Korean peninsula is become unstable. This research is want to analyze the development of the south Korea to north Korea which became very close and have diplomatic relations between north and south and by using the diplomatic, bilateral relations and regional security in Korean peninsula to analyze the development of the south and north Korea relations, using the UNSC( Security Council ) as a resolution to maintain the political development of south and north Korea in 2016-2018.

Keywords: Diplomacy, Bilateral Relations, Regional Security, United Nations security council, denuclearization



Nama : Fadli Ari Kurniawan

Jurusan : International Relations

Student ID : 016201100025

“Perkembangan Politik Korea utara dan Selatan untuk menjaga keamanan regional di semenanjung Korea(2016-2018)”

Setelah perang dunia ke dua,korea selatan dan utara mengalami pembagian wilayah di semenanjung korea yang memiliki perbedaan di dalam pemerintahan masing masing Negara,dari waktu ke waktu konflik antara korea selatan dan utara di semenanjung korea dikarenakan oleh korea utara yang meluncurkan tes rudal dari tahun 2013-2016 yang membuat Negara tetangga seperti korea selatan dan Negara lainya merasa tidak aman berada di semenanjung korea, penelitian ini akan menganalisa perkembangan korea selatan terhadap korea utara yang menjadi dekat dan mempunyai hubungan diplomasi, dengan menggunakan teori diplomasi,hubungan bilateral dan keamanan di semenanjung korea dan menggunakan dewan keamanan PBB sebagai resolusi untuk menjaga perkembangan stabilitas dan perkembangan politik korea selatan dan utara di tahun 2016-2018.

Kata Kunci: Diplomasi, Hubungan bilateral, Keamanan Regional,Resolusi PBB, Pengurangan senjata nuklir



1.1 Background of the Study

From the Year of 1910, a Korean Peninsula is being in control of Japan. After

Japan been lost in World War II in the year of 1945, the United States and Soviet

Union had an agreement to divide the Korean Peninsula into 2 Nations which is

South Korea and North Korea. The Implementation of the build of the north and south in a formal way happen in the year of 1948.1

After that, both Countries being a rival to achieve the domestic legitimation and the international legitimation. The top of the rival that happens between the north and south Korea is being a surface when 4 years of the the Korean war happen (1950-1953) 2 which destroying both countries. When Korean War happens, the rival of both country keep going in difficult way until some decade.

Cold war between North Korea and South Korea is one of the symbol and product between the cold war of superpower Country which is United States that

1Wojcieech Stankiewicz, “Current prospect of against the background of the interstate relations,” International Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, Tahun 2012, p. 54.

2 Korean War Armistice Agreement, signed at Panmunjon on July 27 2018

10 as a representative and the leader of Capitalism and Soviet Union as a leader of

Representative and the leader of Socialism.3

In the Year of 1970, the relations between South Korea and North Korea is becoming moving very smoothly and step by step to achieve the good contact and recognition which is bigger the process. That process is being boosted in the end of the year 1990.4 But until this research is being done the reunification of South and North Korea is still cannot to achieve the reunification of both countries. The improvement between both countries in a general view can be dividing into 4 parts.

1) Relationship -Pyongyang is being identified by a Zero-sum game

(Win-Lose). This condition is ended in 4 July 1972 when both countries

agree to sign the agreement. This is the first time both of country is

having an official agreement. The Relationship Seoul-Pyongyang in the

year of 1972 is the result of the dramatic change in dynamic configuration

in the cold war in East Asia Region when the adjustment between United

States and China which both of them is one of the allied of South Korea

and North Korea.5

3Charles Armstrong, “Inter-Korean Relations in Historical Perspective,” International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2005, p. 2.

4The Boost step of reunification is coming from north korean defectors in south korea(defectors can be called the refugees ,or migrant depending on the background and the individual who discuss them.(https://www.ncnk.org/resources/briefing-papers/all-briefing-papers/inter-korean- relations#footnote45_6j5gbg0)

5The result of the dramatic change between south and north korea is happen when the United States and China rapprochement fundamentally change the security architecture of east asia in 1970 in inter-korean relations during and after cold war(https://www.ncnk.org/resources/briefing- papers/all-briefing-papers/inter-korean-relations#footnote45_6j5gbg0


2) North Korea and South Korea are periodic that really full of many

discussion and trade between each other. In this second step is becoming

a surface when both countries signed many agreement In December 1991

both countries signed “The Agreement on Reconciliation, Nonaggression,

Exchanges, Cooperation (Basic agreement)”. And being continued in

February 1992 both countries signed “the Agreement on Denuclearization

of the Korean Peninsula”. In the same year which is in 1992, Both

Country is becoming one of the members of the United Nations.6

3) the relationship between North Korea And South Korea being pushed by

the internal dynamic in Korean peninsula itself, even though still have the

external factor in year of 1990, even after one decade of the really bad

domestic crisis in North Korea, and in the same having a problem with the

North Korea nuclear with the United States, so the economic and politics

relations between South Korea and North Korea. A relationship between

2 countries is begin to surface in June 2000 with the historical conference

between south Korea President and North Korea President which is North

Korea Kim Jong II and South Korea President Kim Dae Jung.7

4) the relationship of both country is being marked by the close of the joint

cooperation.it being proofed with the cooperation agenda and dialogue

6North and South Korea and its allies become a members of united nations In year 1992 besides united nations. North Korea and United States become a members of Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) in regional forum

7Brad Glosserman and Scott Snyder”confidence and confusion: National Identity and security Alliances in Northeast Asia”Issues & Insights,vol.8, No 16(September 2008)22-24 .http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/issueinsights_v08n16.pdf


which more bigger into region dialogue that include: South Korea, North

Korea Russia, China, Japan, and United States that became a partner in

“the Six-Party Talks” which start in Beijing in a year of 2003.8

The problem is until this research is being done which means after the 70 years from the divide of the North Korea and South Korea the relationship that became more intensive between North Korea and South Korea is still not achieved the reunification of Korea. From the historical, ethnic, language and culture, both countries of Korea is having the same identity which makes one of the reasons to achieve reunification but there is any other factors that make the reunification of

Korea is still became an agenda.

The South Korea President which is Park-Guen-Hye is having a attention to pursue or to pressure the reunification program and referred to a “bonanza, at the beginning of 2014. This policy makes the role of the reunification itself to boosting a South Korean economy is being halted.

The South Korean Citizen itself still not believe that the pace of unification that

President of South Korea which is Park-Geun-Hye suggested in 2014 is making an assumption/or imagination that the importance of the unification between

South and North Korea still slowly became gone and not important anymore.

North Korea image which is very aggressive and can make the cultural distances

Is making the reunification is having a challenges because of the aggressive North

8Six Party talks mainly discuss about the dismantle of north Korea nuclear dismantle and develop into new-inter Korean democratic developments project such as creation of west sea economics center in the north Korean port city in haeju..


Korea in Korean Peninsula which is the main issue of nuclear in North Korea that make the South Korea is become warned.

.FIGURE 1.1 Image of North Korea in South Korea Citizen

Image of North Korea

War,Military and nuclear weapon Dictatorship

Poverty & famine


Source:Asan Daily Poll, Being surveyed in September 4-6-2014

North Korea itself is having a very serious problem/image in South Korea which is a bad behavior in the world even though South Korea is supporting the

Reunification in Internationally and Domestic way, South Korea itself still think that Korea is still having a bad behavior because of the North Korea violated many rights such as repeated missile launches, nuclear test, well documented human rights abuses and killing of South Korean nationals even using a bonanza as a reunification.

In the view/perceptions of general people to North Korea many people still think that North Korea is having a bad image with war, military and nuclear weapon as a biggest image of north Korea which having a 37.5 percent of general people

14 which is the highest, poverty, famine(15,9 percent)and, dictatorship(19,4 %) 9 It means that it can be seen from the percentage of a general people that North

Korea is still having a bad image to the world and one of the reason the South

Korea citizen mostly still think that reunification about South Korea and North

Korea still became a challenges in the future of united Korea.

Meanwhile, there is a difference between South Korea and North Korea. The

Economic Power of South Korea is bigger 30 times than Economic power of

North Korea. Statistic said that South Korea or The of Korea (ROK) only applied 2 percent (2%) from the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the military economics which the values are more than 2 times of military economics that being provided by North Korea or The Democratic People’s Republic of

Korea (DPRK). In Korea the values is become 25 percent from their GDP. It’s very different with North Korea, South Korea is being view by one of the country that is very strong in economic aspect which South KOREA rule 40 percent of the market which through Asian Sea Lines of Communications (SLOCs) and rule 2/3 of the energy supply that through South China Sea.10

One of the reasons that North Korea and South Korea are mostly united in the future is the commonalities/Similarity with each other country such as language. ethnic and the same history which is the Korean peninsula which divide South

9 Figure 1 Page 8 from Asan Public Opinion Report(South Korean Attitudes toward North Korea and Reunification, Kim Jiyoon, Karl Friedhoff, Kang Chungku& Lee Euicheol

10Stankiewicz, loc.cit., h. 55.


Korean and North Korea in 60 years before11and because of the similarity of

North Korea and South Korea is became one of the pressure to keep South Korea and North Korea to unified because of the Similarity that they have in language, ethnic and history to make South Korea and North Korea became one which is a united Korea.

1.2 Problem Identification

The problem identification the reunification of South and North Korea, when the step by step to reunification is being done from the year of 1972.the other problem, is the question that is raised about national interest of south Korea that still insists for a unification of Korea is Happen. The first the reunification of

South Korea and North Korea agenda is began to surface when South Korea and

North Korea signed the first document of joint Communique that in the document of Joint Communique.12

The two Korea agree to a three principles of reunification which is (Independence, peaceful unification and great national unity)and after the joint Communique happen to South Korea and North Korea, there is a many disagreements about the

3 principles of reunification that include in Joint Communique that make the born

11 60 Years before now Korea began to divide into 2 that happen in Korean peninsula which is South Korea and North Korea which happen to have a different governmental system (”USAWC STRATEGY RESEARCH PROJECT The Economic Implications of Korean Reunification) by COL KarlynnPeltz O Shaughnessy page 11 line 7 http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a414127.pdf

12 DPRK prespective on korean reunification after 4th july joint communiqué by Jong-Dae-shin on june 30.2012 (https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/dprk-perspectives-korean- reunification-after-the-july-4th-joint-communique)

16 of the dictatorial system that happens in South Korea in October 1972 13 .

Therefore North Korea to revise the best way to achieve reunification in as fast as possible. from the background that being discussed in this research is the potential of the

South Korea and North Korea Reunification to happen is possible due to agreement and the relations is going very smooth in the year of 1970 between the

South and North Korea to achieve the recognition and the good contact to make reunification and stability of Korean peninsula is becoming more stable, even though the relations is becoming very smooth the reunification of both country still not happening.in 197214 which is the first time the relations between the

South and North Korea having a smooth relation which is one of the steps to achieve unification by using the three principles of a joint communique. the smooth of relations of South Korea and North Korea is being surface began in

1972 which is the zero sum game in Seoul-Pyongyang and following by in 1991

South Korea and North Korea agreement signed The Agreement on

Reconciliation, Nonaggression, Exchanges and Cooperation (Basic agreement)15 and following by in 1992 the both country signed the Agreement on

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” even in the last year Kim Jong Il still

13 DPRK prespective on korean reunification after 4th july joint communiqué by Jong-Dae-shin on june 30.2012 (https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/dprk-perspectives-korean- reunification-after-the-july-4th-joint-communique

14 DPRK prespective on korean reunification after 4th july joint communiqué by Jong-Dae-shin on june 30.2012 (https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/dprk-perspectives-korean- reunification-after-the-july-4th-joint-communique)

15 Agreement on Reconciliation, Non-aggresion and exchanges and cooperation between the south and the north” march 25.1992

17 doing a nuclear test into the South Korea country which violate the Agreement on

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” in 2018 the North Korea will to denuclearization of their nuclear it being proof by the close of the nuclear site that located in pyungge-ri in North Korea to proof that the North Korea want to open the diplomatic system of North Korea to the South Korea. Even when the denuclearization of North Korea happens, the stability of the Korea peninsula still not stable because of the conflict of the citizen of South Korea how bad North

Korea is.

Another problem of the South and North Korea in the Korean peninsula is the

Pyongyang reckless behavior which is the nuclear weapons possession of North

Korea which is making the security stability of Korean peninsula is not secure and safe in Korean peninsula which is South Korea and its allies in Korean peninsula.

This research explains the issue from South Korea perspective which still persuading North Korea to unify to order the maintaining the stability of Korean peninsula, and the reasons of their allies in the Korean peninsula in order to maintain the Korean Peninsula stability.

1.3 Statement of the Problem


This research is going to discuss the step by step of South Korea and North Korea to achieve the reunification and the development of the step of Reunification of



Both Korea is having a very different in the economic aspect that make

South Korea is more prosper in economics than North Korea, the image of North

Korea in the view of the citizen of South Korea and the world is mostly negative because of the nuclear, war, military. Poor dictatorship and terrorism issue, so a way of recovering the diplomatic relationship until economics is being done by both countries until 1972. It needs to research more what the reason for the strong desire of both countries especially South Korea for doing a unification of North

Korea. The statements of this research will be focused on the timeline of 2016-

2018 which is the statements of the problem of this thesis will be :

Research Questions:

Why did South Korea need to develop its political relations with North Korea for maintaining Korean Peninsula stability?

1.4 Research Objectives

The Objective of this research is to analyze the background of the national interest of South Korea, why South Korea is proposed and optimizing the diplomatic relationship with North Korea.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The purpose of Research is proposed to have the contribution to the academics purpose. This research result hopes that it will become one of the

19 boosts that will result in the born of the theoretical framework about unification.

So in theory to answer the problem about the unification of the country, this research is being hoped that it will become useful to the next research and the comparison about the unification.


1.6 Theoretical Framework

The main base theory that author will use is the diplomacy, the diplomacy itself has a meaning from the expert Adam Watson said in his book Diplomacy the dialogue between states is “the diplomacy is a negotiation between politics entities which acknowledges each other independence.”16

Diplomacy itself is being as a based on international relations theory that based on the negotiation that can result of an agreement of peace treaty. The main based on this diplomacy theory in this research is the efforts of a republic of Korea to develop political relations with democratic people republic of Korea in the year

2016-2018 which mostly using the diplomacy as a main approach to each other country to achieve the stability of Korea peninsula in the future.

Another theory that the author uses to support the diplomacy is the Bilateral

Relations between North and South Korea and its allies in Korean peninsula

16 Adam Watson define the diplomacy in his book “the dialogue between states p.21 line 5-6

20 which is become more intense in the Korea Peninsula after the issue of reunification of Korea became a surface.

As it goes on after the explanation of the basic theory that really needs in this research it will be explained more the diplomatic efforts of South and North

Korea to achieve the stability of the Korean peninsula with the surface of the many negotiations of the South and North Korea reunification.

In this research, it will be limited to South Korea view in efforts of the Korea peninsula stability in the year of 2016-2018 which is when the main issue of the reunification that affect the Korean peninsula stability.

The Diplomacy and Bilateral theory is refers to the diplomatic & bilateral relations of the South Korea such as the negotiation and the cooperation between north and south Korea and the rights that North Korea mostly violated in the past the efforts of the Republic of Korea (ROK) to developing their political relations to the democratic people republic of Korea (DPRK) to maintain the stability of the

Korean peninsula. To support the diplomacy theory that valid in this research, will be defined from the base which is the diplomacy is derived from the Greek word which is diploma which means in general diploma is an object folded into 217

17 The definition of diplomacy in the books of Diplomatic style & foreign policy(a case study of south Korea)Jeffrey Robertson p.18


1.6.1 Diplomacy Theory

Terms of diplomacy are based in the ancient Greece which is Diploma which mean double-folded document; or letter of recommendation or conveying a license or privilege. In Historical, the beginning of diplomacy is located from the first community decision of humanity to achieve the understanding with the neighborhood with the limit of the humanity & identity that they make with the interaction and reacting with each other. But the diplomatic exchange, in the beginning makes the building of some basic rule about the representation, communication and conflict management is possible, in that time it not resulting in the build of the permanent institution.18

Bjola dan Kornprobst19 define diplomacy:

“Diplomacy is the institutionalized communication among internationally recognizes representatives of internationally recognized entities through which these representatives produce, manage and distribute public goods.”

Definition of diplomacy from Bjola dan Kompribst including 3 features. The first feature, in a level that became a most fundamental, Diplomacy itself is about the communication. Diplomacy is a communication that is very unique to became the institution. There is some rules and norm that ruling the communication between

18Diana Carrio-Invernizzi, A new diplomatic history and the network of Spanish diplomacy in the Baroque aera, The International History Review, 36 (4) . 607

19Corneliu Bjola and Markus Kornprobst, Understanding International Diplomacy: Theory, Practice and Ethics, second edition (New York: Routledge, 2018), p. 4.

22 the diplomat. Watson20said that diplomacy is around the dialogue. Diplomacy is a center of communication stage. Schelling21 define communication as a dialogue, until Coercive, the diplomacy is having a many potential that can solve the conflict in peace, but the diplomacy is not always moving without war, for example, is the diplomatic action, in the diplomatic action there is many a communication which is from the institution, as a mediation and the conflict solving with the peace. Another example is the efforts to coalition with another country to war.

The second feature of diplomacy is the double recognition. The double recognition is making the diploma as an actor in diplomatic. This can be easy to see when we meet with the ambassador from one country. Countries is being recognized as an entity in a phase of diplomacy, which is through The United

Nations charter and convention Vienna in the year of 196122 about the diplomatic relations. Vienna charter also Codify the accreditation process. Indeed in this globalization era, the diplomatic actor is not only a country however until now the countries are still making a key to diplomatic action.23

20Adam Watson, Diplomacy: The Dialogue between States (London: Eyre Methuen, 1982)

21Thomas C.Schelling, Arms and Influence.(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1966). 22 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Documents(united Nations, Treaty Series volume 500 p.95 on 18 April 1961 by the United Nations in 2005(legal.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/conventions/9_1_1961.pdf)

23 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations Documents(united Nations, Treaty Series volume 500 p.95 on 18 April 1961 by the United Nations in 2005(legal.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/conventions/9_1_1961.pdf)


The third feature is about the producing, managing and distributing public goods.

Public goods means the imported goods for the citizen, and the use of it by the citizen is not reducing availability for the public goods for another people .in traditional, the diplomacy is having relations with the communication to achieve the certain a type of public goods, the countries protection to the external intervention (Security). In the 21st century, the diplomatic is developing to handle other public goods that increasing, including the economic welfare, development, environment protection, and migration controls.

The Based Diplomacy is to the relations management and maintains the international order. In this definition context, Diplomacy means to maximize the number of allies and friends, and from another party decreasing the enemy and creating the international order that stable and independent with each other. A traditional problem that is national now becomes a global because of the out of reach of one country (Environment, Health, Peace, Justice). This transformation is to introduce the series of the new challenges to how the diplomat handle the public goods and even lead to the end of diplomacy.24

And from the Oxford English dictionary, the diplomacy can mean that the management of international relations by negotiation: the method by which these relations are adjusted and managed by ambassadors and envoys: the business or

24Corneliu Bjola and Markus Kornprobst,op.cit..

24 part of the diplomatic: skills or address in the conduct of the international intercourse and negotiations.25

1.6.2 Diplomatic relations between South Korea and North Korea in Korean Peninsula

The diplomatic relations between South and Korea, in the beginning is very intense because of the tension that being happen after the cold war and the Korean war that happen in 1945 but in the late of 2010 the diplomatic relationship is begins increasing the relationship in 2010 and the diplomatic relations of the south and north Korea is began increasing in positive way one of it the Winter Olympics games in pyeongchang which happen in 2018 as being states from the democratic people’s republic of Korea which emphasized the international community must be coerced by its continuing the provocations, but rather uphold its principles while responding firmly to its reckless behavior” which in the same time the way to the dialogue of peace will not be shut down, the winter Olympics game is can be called the Olympics of the peace games because of the winter Olympics game is the one of the way to unite 2 Korea that being an enemy for a long time until

2018.and it is stated from the democratic people republic of Korea to uphold its principles while responding firmly to its reckless behavior” which the Olympics games that happen in Pyeongchang in 2018 happen and chance to have peace to both countries because of the united of south and north Korea in winter Olympics


25 Oxford English Dictionary: Diplomacy, n” Oxford English Dictionary Online,30 June 2011.www.oed.com/view/Entry/53200.


1.6.3 Bilateral Relations Theory in International Relations

International Relations in bilateral relations between countries are one of the keys in international relations.in Bilateral relations. International Relations fluctuate from time to time. Countries in the international system have the mutual interest that motivates the countries to have the cooperative relationship. But the countries have the different values and purpose that have a potential to make the big conflict, hostility, and confrontation.as often in the international relations, 2 countries that enjoy the big bilateral relations in one time can have many difficulties and open conflict in another place.26

There are many powers that can influence the bilateral relations between the countries, from the world politics, the international economic system, international regime and Organization, the regional power distribution, strategic military alliance, domestic politics and public opinion, culture, historical background and another else. There is no doubt that all this factor is can give the impact to the bilateral relations. Of course, the result of the bilateral interaction between 2 countries depends on the individual of 2 the countries that make the international policy to another country.27

Therefore, the writer proposes there are 2 theories in the approach of choice making in international relations and the analysis of the international relations policy. The first theory is the analytical/rational school, which emphasize the

26Xinsheng Liu, Modeling Bilateral International Relations: The case of US-China Interactions (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), p. 1 27Ibid.

26 rational aspect in choice-making. This theory thinks that the international policy decision is the product from the rational calculation, right, and comprehensive.

The second theory is the Cognitive school which underlines the limit of cognitive and the maker of the regional decision and the exploration of various impact in choice-making, the strategic selection, option selection, and final decision result.

Meanwhile, many experts in international relations agree that the rational aspect and cognitive aspect is going to influence the behavior of the international policy and bilateral relations.

1.6.4 Regional Security Theory In international Relations

From the general diplomacy, a theory can be defined diplomacy is having a purpose to catch all alternative to war or negotiations28which means it can be another way to finish the war in the world. That affects the Korean Peninsula now and in the future. the third theory that author will use in this research is the regional security, regional security itself is become more important because of the regional security is became one of the aspect that can be defined as a factor which the regional security itself can be defined as a condition that been created in one region to help the international security and international conflict which means that the regional security is having more role in regional security It will including in

Korean peninsula itself that making the tension of regional security is becomes high after the Korean war and world war II that making the North, South Korea and its allies having their own interest.in this research the regional security of

28 Diplomatic Style and Foreign Policy (A case study of south Korea) p.19,Jeffrey Robertson.


Korean peninsula will be taking a role of the interest of South, North and its allies after the Korean War and the divide of the 2 Korea which South Korea and North

Korea. The regional issue of the Korean peninsula is begin when the nuclear issue is began raised after the attacks of the North Korea into a South Korea which make the country having a conflict for many years29and now even the south and

Korea is going to having a peace treaty, the problem that will affect the Korean peninsula stability is the interest of their allies in Korean Peninsula.30

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research is being focused to discuss the reason why South Korea still insist to do a reunification to North Korea. This research will do the research just by one view which is in from the South Korea perspective, in this case, national interest of South Korea in relations with the unification of both country. The author doesn’t see the unification from the north Korea Perspective and another

Perspective in this research period is being connected to statements of a problem

29 The attacks of the north korea into south korea happens in the year of 1950 with the support of united nations in Hermes, Jr.,Walter(1966). Truce Tent and Fighting Front(http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/korea/truce/fm.htm) Centre of military History p.2.6.9

30 The allies of the korean peninsula that having their own interest in korean peninsula stability which is china (with the geopolitical and security interest on korean peninsula),https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/11/us-north-korea-summit-chinas-interests.html

United states(human rights issue on korea peninsula especially in north korea with the nuclear issue)https://nautilus.org/publications/books/dprkbb/uspolicy/dprk-briefing-book-u-s-interests- and-goals-on-the-korean-peninsula/

Russia(to ensure that Russia is including in all of north korea nuclear issue)https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/what-drives-russia-s-korea-policy

28 which began from 1972 when the agreement between South Korea and North

Korea until 2018.

1.8 Definition of Terms

The terms in this research are “reunification” which based the word “unification”.

That can be defined by many experts or in general which is:

 Meriam Webster31defined “unification “as the act, process, or result

of unifying; the state being unified.

 The Cambridge dictionary32 defined unification” as the forming of

single thing by bringing together separate parts.

 The Oxford Dictionary33 defined unification “as the process of being

united or made into a whole.

In general Unification, itself can have a meaning the process of being united or made into a whole. Reunification means is to unite something that being divided before. In this research, the reunification is defined as a reunification between

South Korea and North Korea and the agenda to become a united Korea in the future.

31 Means of unification” in Meriam Webster, https://www.merriam- webster.com/dictionary/unification

32 The Definition of Unification” In Cambridge Dictionaries, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/unification

33 The Definition of Unification In Oxford Dictionaries https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/unification


1.9 Thesis Structure

Chapter I-Introduction

In this chapter is including the background study of the problem that happen in

Korean peninsula that effects the South Korea and North Korea from the beginning of the Korean Peninsula that divide South Korea and North Korea into

2 different government and the development of the relations of the South and

North Korea from the conflict that happen in Korean peninsula and Korean war in the beginning until in year of 2018.

Chapter II- Korea Peninsula

In This Chapter will explain about the issue that happens in Korea Peninsula which is from after the divide of the North Korea and South Korea after the cold war II that making the peace of the 2 countries is becoming difficult and the conflict in Korean Peninsula.

Chapter III- Developing Political Relations between South Korea and North


In this chapter will discuss about the development of political relations between

South and North Korea which in this chapter the diplomatic and agreement of

South Korea and North Korea after being an enemy for a long time from 1972 and

30 the discussion about the reunification of North Korea and South Korea that can make Korea peninsula is become more stable in economics and another aspect.

Chapter IV-The implementation of United Nations(Security Council resolution on Korean Peninsula)

In this chapter, it will be including the analysis of the United Nations and the implementation of United Nations and the resolution that united nations make to handling the problem in Korean Peninsula especially the relationship between south and north Korea.

Chapter V-Conclusion

In this last chapter which is conclusion it will include the conclusion about this research.




2.1 The Change of Balance of Power and Security Cooperation in Korean Peninsula

The Korean peninsula itself is becoming the region that is very complicated because of the territorial dispute between North Korea and South Korea and its allies which have the potential to make the problem aspect that will happen in

Korean Peninsula if not handled by both countries with the carefully and smartly.34

Korean peninsula is the region that is not very close to the peace between South

Korea, North Korea and its allies like the South Korea allies which is U.S is still maintains and disagree about the North Korea policy in that time and having a cooperation with another countries which is Taiwan, the regional security situation in Korean Peninsula between North Korea and South Korea is became more intense after the sinking of South Korea’s navy ship Cheonan which make the U.S taking the action to have the alliance system and cooperation in Korean peninsula which is by having the joint exercise between the U.S and South Korea

34 Research Fellow Paper on” East Asian Integration and Japan’s Regional Policy” by Yuan Chong on the Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc, August 2010,p.6

32 that result in the strengthen the cooperation of U.S and its allies in Korean


The tension of the Korean peninsula is taking effect after the North Korea nuclear test which is making a challenge in Korean Peninsula Regional Security however in a special sense the nuclear test of North Korea in Korean Peninsula can decreasing the possibility of the conflict in Korean Peninsula especially in military aspect, which will taking another effect of the South Korea and its allies to realize that denuclearization is needed to make the Korean Peninsula stability region which the only way to have the denuclearization of the North Korea nuclear weapon is by using the negotiations36 It’s because from time to time the regional security, especially in Korean Peninsula region structure, is changing even the cold war relics still in the Korean Peninsula region the countries that are taking involved in Korean Peninsula37. From time to time the boundary of the countries involved in Korean peninsula which is the west Countries (U.S.A,

Russia) and the East Countries (Japan, China, South Korea, North Korea) is melting is being proofed by the efforts of the South Korea policy in Kim Jae Dung era from his” Sunshine Policy) to taking negotiation and talking about the peace and stability of Korean Peninsula.

35 Research Fellow Paper on” East Asian Integration and Japan’s Regional Policy” by Yuan Chong on the Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc, August 2010,p.8

36 Research Fellow Paper on” East Asian Integration and Japan’s Regional Policy” by Yuan Chong on the Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc, August 2010,p.7

37 Research Fellow Paper on” East Asian Integration and Japan’s Regional Policy” by Yuan Chong on the Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc, August 2010,p.7


Japan and South Korea is taking the common stance of being tough and oppose to the North Korea after the South Korea president Lee-Myung-bak is became the , South Korea and Japan is taking act to increase their defense cooperation to handle the North Korea Problem (Nuclear program) which been called the trilateral cooperation of Japan which been following by the U.S and South Korea joint military exercise to deter and oppose the North Korea especially in Nuclear weapon of North Korea that North Korea has which will threaten the Korean Peninsula Stability.38

2.1.1 Crisis on Korean Peninsula (North Korea Nuclear)

One of the crisis Korean Peninsula is from the North Korea issue which is the nuclear weapons of North Korea which in 1989 the North Korea is having one or

2 nuclear bombs that were being made by the plutonium in Yongbyon39after the nuclear bombs of the North Korea that was made in 1989, North Korea is increasing the nuclear size in terms of quantity by using the additional plutonium from the reactor(“Research reactor”)that being used from 1989 until the 199440 which increase the North Korea nuclear to six until eight nuclear bomb within a month, the existence of North Korea nuclear weapon not only on South and North

38 Research Fellow Paper on” East Asian Integration and Japan’s Regional Policy” by Yuan Chong on the Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc, August 2010,p.20

39 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003 p.8

40 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003.p.9


Korea but to the northeast Asia that can make the nuclear arms that make the results of the denuclearization of the neighbor countries and its allies which is

South Korea and Japan or Taiwan.41

Which makes the U.S as allies of South Korea must giving the serious attention to the nuclear issue in North Korea which in Bush Administration is taking many way to handle the nuclear issue which is by open talks to Pyongyang but by developing, along its allies which is South Korea, the main objective of the U.S doing talks with a North Korea in Bush Administration era s to offer the North

Korea another way from the path of North Korea that recently being chosen by north Korea42.the president of U.S in that time George W. Bush is want to revise the Clinton administration which have many important accomplishments in five years which are in the year of 1994-1999.43

The Clinton administration is having an important accomplishment in a year of

1994 which the Clinton administration is having an agreed framework which makes North Korea stop all its major programs about the nuclear and make north

Korea Promised to stop all the North Korea nuclear progress that North Korea made(in their small reactor)44. President of U.S Which is George Washington

41 Crisis on Korean Peninsula” How to Deal with a Nuclear North Korea by Michael O’Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by a brooking instutions in 2003

42 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003.p.11

43 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki(Clinton Legacy) published by the Brookings institution in y 2003 p.11

44 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003.p.12

35 bush is having a different policies that the previous bill Clinton and revise the policy of the previous president which is Bill Clinton, in Bush-era the policy of

North Korea is became a varied by a bit which is from the warmer to cooler, which means not supporting Or turned on the cold shoulder on the South Korea

President which been leaded by Kim Dae Jung which been known for the” sunshine policy” or it can say the “Comprehensive Engagement Policy towards

North Korea” with the main purpose of the sunshine policy itself to loosening containment on North Korea, embracing North Korea, and eventually making the

North Korean government to denuclearize by itself.45

Sunshine policy is the policy that is made by Kim Dae Jung to engagement towards Pyongyang46 even with the U.S that against the sunshine policy of South

Korea which U.S President in that George Washington Bush turned a cold shoulder to South Korea.

2.1.2 New Policy in Korean Peninsula

The Bush administration that mention must be adopting the tough and hard policy through the North Korea especially in Nuclear issue but the though policy that is being adopted by the Bush administration is wrong to handle the Pyongyang to change. At the beginning of 2001, the Bush administration said that “North Korea

45 South Korean Engagement Policies and North Korea by K.-Y. Son publish in Routledge in year 2006 46 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003.p. 14

36 would need to reduce its threatening conventional force if it wished more aid and better diplomatic relations with the United States.”47

The nuclear issue of North Korea is becoming the main threat of the interest to the

United States but in United State view the nuclear issue is not only one the threat that make North Korea dangerous, one of it is the military forces of the North

Korea itself which is very big in military and dangerous which became a threat to the south Korea and its allies which can have a big damage even with the military attacks alone of North Korea. The South Korea and its allies which are United

States is proposing to North Korea to having a grand diplomatic bargain (Long-

Term roadmap for the future relations in Pyongyang which makes many demands in North Korea which is :

 Verifiably end all of its nuclear programs that needed on-site inspection

anywhere and with a little notice of North Korea plutonium and uranium

enhancement facilities, as well as any suspicious sites. That can make t

restoration of the equipment of North Korea plutonium facilities until they

were all permanently dismantled.

 Reaffirm and accelerate its commitment to allow its spent fuel rods and

extracted plutonium stocks to be taken out of the country, and again

commit to eliminating whatever nuclear weapon it now has.

 Stop selling missiles aboard and ban all flight testing and further

production of medium-and longer-range missiles.

4747 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki(New Policy) p.17


 Let all Japanese kidnapping victims and their families leave the North

Korea- not just the five victims allowed to visit Japan to date or the

thirteen acknowledged as having been seized by Pyongyang. begin a

human rights dialogue with the outside world akin to what China has

tolerated in recent years, without specific initial demands but with the

Practices over time.

 Make large (though not unilateral) cuts in conventional forces, as well as

reductions in forward-deployed military capabilities near the DMZ.

Reductions involve around 50 percent of existing heavy weapons. If not

even more.

 Verifiably eliminate chemical weapons and allow the inspection to

confirm the absence of biological agents as well.

This proposal to North Korea that being made by U.S above is considered as a term of U.S to offer a nonaggression pledge, sign a peace treaty between China,

North Korea, South Korea and the United States, and opening the diplomatic relations between U.S and North Korea. and helping North Korea to make the new energy source.48

48 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003.p.8


2.2 The Change of Regional Situation in East Asia (Korean Peninsula)

Since 2008 regional situation is having a change in the economic and domestic policy change which makes many countries in having a big changes such as South

Korea, United States and japan that taking changes in their leader which in the change of South Korea president Lee-Myung-Bak taking a place, the changed of policy is happen in sunshine policy and make the sunshine policy that make the south Korea insist that south Korea will not going to help the north Korea in big way if north Korea not giving up their nuclear weapons which make the relations between south and north Korea is become intense again because of the power shift in japan that does not agree with the change of South Korea policy(Sunshine

Policy) to the North Korea.49

The tension of Relationship between south Korea and North Korea is become more intense after the Cheonan sinking accident, south Korea and its allies increasing the pressure to the north Korea and the joint Exercise of military forces in July50 with the U.S to taking the more pressure of north Korea is making the regional tension is become raised and make the tension and conflict between

South Korea and North Korea is more complicated and not having a solution to both countries. U.S sees the Cheonan sinking accident to check the independent movement of its allies and strengthen the position of the U.S in East Asia that can

49 Research Fellow Paper on “ East Asian Integration and japan regional policy by YUAN Chong published in The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 p.23 50 Research Fellow Paper on the East Asian integration & Japan Regional Policy by Yuan Chong on The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc , from 2 march 2010-31 august 2010

39 make change to route of East Asia integration, it was being proofed by the Kan dictated in growth strategy that Japan will promote Free Trade Agreement of Asia Pacific which being proposed in the first place by the U.S in East Asia51 even though the U.S states is revising the Clinton policy in East Asia, the U.S must changing their policy in East Asia after the integration like in U.S

Quadrennial Defense 201052 states that the United States faces a complex and uncertain security landscape in which the pace of change continues to accelerate which having many factors like the distribution of global political, economic, and military power53 that became the serious problem. one of the problem that cannot be easy to handle and define like Roberts Gates stated that China military modernization” could threaten America’s primary means of projecting power and helping allies in the Pacific54 ”which means the U.S must work harder with its allies which in this cases is South Korea to handle the stability with North Korea and its allies in Korean Peninsula.

The improvement of the North Korea and its allies which is in this case is north

Korea and Japan is having an influence in the U.S which is the importance of the

U.S alliance system that will be decreasing because of the improvement of North

51 Research Fellow Paper on the East Asian integration & Japan Regional Policy by Yuan Chong on The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc , from 2 march 2010-31 august 2010 p.8

52 Research Fellow Paper on “ East Asian Integration and japan regional policy by YUAN Chong published in The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 p.12(Quadrennial Defense Review Report 2010, U,S Department of Defense p.iii ) 53 Research Fellow Paper on “ East Asian Integration and japan regional policy by YUAN Chong published in The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 p.12(Quadrennial Defense Review Report 2010, U,S Department of Defense p.iii) 54 Research Fellow Paper on “ East Asian Integration and japan regional policy by YUAN Chong published in The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 p.12


Korea and Japan and decreasing the role of the U.S in North East Asia security issues, In history the Cheonan sinking accident is became one of the advantage that the U.S take in Korean peninsula which is after the Cheonan sinking accident the U.S having the joint military exercise in the yellow sea with South Korea as one of the proof that the U.S having a purpose to show their power to a north

Korea and its allies which in this case is China.55

After the economic crisis in East Asia the regional countries in East Asian countries began to lose their tolerance and must to act in a hard way, the current institution is cannot handle this problem and not doing their role when the economic crisis in East Asia happen, one of the proof is when In 2008 financial crisis in East Asia,56 South Korea act to resort the signing the bilateral swap agreements with U.S, China, Japan to not activate the regional financial mechanism like in Katzenstein and Shiraishi call the shaping forces of East Asia integration” hybrid regionalism” which in their perspective East Asia itself became the porous region, where new regionalization forces especially the non- state actors which can influence the government policies in the regional community building process.57

In the 2006 APEC meeting, the U.S which been led by the George Washington

Bush is established the Free Trade Agreement of Asia Pacific to avoid further

55 Research Fellow Paper on Integration and Japan Regional Policy by Yuan-Chong on The Japan forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 56 Research Fellow Paper on “ East Asian Integration and japan regional policy by YUAN Chong published in The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 p.9 57 Peter Katzenstein and Takashi Shiraishi, eds., Beyond Japan: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism, Cornell University Press, 2006, p.2. pp10-11

41 proliferation of bilateral in trade which is to avoid the financial crisis in Asia.58 In

East Asia, the U.S is targeting the 2 main countries to engage Asia in economically which is the South Korea and Vietnam to increase and recovering the economy.59

Also in terms of the security issue in East Asia, which is the superpower countries that U.S still superiority to create the stable environment in East Asia because of the U.S alliance system in East Asia itself is having a important role in the region in this case is the East Asia Region even the China itself as one of the countries that being involved in East Asia especially in Korean Peninsula sees that it must see in North Korea policy to reassure the security of North Korea which is being threatened by the South Korea and its allies in Korean Peninsula which is being proofed by the joint military exercise between the U.S and South Korea that make the North Korea thinking is being threatened.

2.3 The Difference Military Capabilities in South and North Korea

The difference military between the North and South Korea is became very clear when the surprise attack from North Korea to South Korea which can be pictured that North Korea military forces are very large and develop and heavy armed

58 research Fellow Paper on “ East Asian Integration and japan regional policy by YUAN Chong published in The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 p.13

59 Research Fellow Paper on “ East Asian Integration and japan regional policy by YUAN Chong published in The Japan Forum on International Relations, Inc August 2010 p.13

42 which is near 1.1 million troops of the North Korea that still active and the not active forces is almost for 6 millions60 even almost 90 percent of their active and not active military forces is the ground forces which North Korea is spending many budget of their governmental economy to their military forces which is the ground forces of North Korea which the North Korea forces capability is not depend only on the sophisticated tactics or operations that can pose to terrorist threat possibility to South Korean even though South Korea thinks the military capabilities of North Korea, especially in nuclear terms, can be a big threat from

South Korea and its allies in the Korean peninsula meanwhile in South Korea in the beginning is almost have the same military forces which is 685.000 active duty troops and 4.5 million of the not active forces61 which is In terms of quantity the South Korea troops is less than North Korea, South Korea is beginning to change their main objective from the military forces like North Korea to

Economic based system because of the numbers of program which South Korea is becoming slow or being canceled because of the financial problem of South


2.4 North Korea Paranoid to the development of the Korean Peninsula

In history the North Korea is beginning to close all its relationship In the Korean peninsula including their neighborhood which is South Korea and its allies which

60 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003.p.65 61 Crisis on the Korean Peninsula: How to Deal With a Nuclear North Korea by Michael o’ Hanlon & Mike Mochizuki published by the Brookings institution in y 2003.p.68

43 is after Kim-Il-Sung taking the control of the North Korea after the world war II, under the command of the Kim-Il-Sung North Korea is being seen as the Soviet satellite in Korean Peninsula 62 which makes the north Korea is the only one countries that being unreformed Stalinist style command economy which other countries began to reform their governmental including South Korea and its allies in the Korean Peninsula. Which makes North Korea is having a problem with the command economy of the North Korea which is the only that taking a perspective of the Soviet socialist command economy which is insist on a centrally planned system which Dennis O’Hearn has stated63 :

“Soviet-style centralized planning is neither socialist planning nor even effective planning. Since it is not socialist or democratic planning, the preferences of society (much less of individuals) are not met….As a result, the plan is not effective-it is violated at all stages of the economy.64

Which means that the Soviet-style that is a perspective of North Korea is can be considered as a failed states in developing their economic development the many issues in North Korea that happen such as famine, excessive military spending, the Nations crumbling infrastructure and industrial base is based on the Soviet socialist command economy perspective which is not clear about the planning. which makes all the efforts of North Korea for developing and introducing the

62 North Korea, the paranoid peninsula(A modern history) by Paul French, published in year of 2005 & 2007 by zed Books Ltd(www.zedbooks.co.uk) 63 D.O’ Hearn, “ The Second Economy in Consumer Goods and Services”, Critique 15,1981, P.93(ibid) 64 D.O’ Hearn, “ The Second Economy in Consumer Goods and Services”, Critique 15,1981, P.93

44 elements of the economics and marketization is sure to be a failure with North

Korea Soviet perspective as their base. Soviet-style centralized planning which became a base of North Korea makes North Korea even with Kim and a nuclear weapon cannot survive without the assistance of the drip-feed of international aid.

In the two years the world itself being sees that there is 3 separate though interlinked strategies which been using by the North Korea to maintain the legitimacy of the ruling regime, force concession from other nations which guarantee the aid to increase the economy of North Korea, this effort of North

Korea to increase the economy of North Korea is can be seen as the efforts of diplomatic engagement with the regional powers to reducing the tension and having the diplomatic relations with other countries65, even with this economic way of the North Korea, the efforts of the North Korea to increase the economy is failed and make the North Korea doing a reassertion of the military theory and nuclear program as a based in international negotiations with another country which changed the North Korea main objective from the economical to their military forces.66

65 North Korea, Paranoid Peninsula(A Modern History) by Paul French, published by ZED BOOKS(www.zedbooks.co.uk) on 2007 66 North Korea, Paranoid Peninsula(A Modern History) by Paul French, published by ZED BOOKS(www.zedbooks.co.uk) on 2007




3.1 History and the political development of South and North Korea in Cold War era

At the first North Korea and South Korea is a one Korea but in the 1910-194567 which is the japan that rule the Korean peninsula, in the beginning and from the history the kingdoms of Korea and japan is more like the china and Korea which is like the king and the citizen. Korean Peninsula .This relations is became a bridge between china and japan in Korean peninsula until a 16 century68the divide of the north and south Korea is began in 1945 after united states win the war between japan and united states which the divide of north Korea and south Korea because of there is a leadership & ideology struggle themselves ,another reason that make the Korea is divide because of the united states and soviet union taking a north Korea to destroy the japan power that still in Korea, then it became following by the united states military landed in south Korea and that is why now there is a north and south Korea which north is by soviet union and south Korea is by United states which is the limit between them is 38.69

67 “Treaty of Annexation” Annexation of Korea by Japan.(East Asian Studies Documents by USC- UCLA Joint East Asian Studies Centre on August 22 year 1910 68 Yang Seung-Yoon and Mohtar Mas’oed” international politics of south korea: adjustment to the international community”, Gadjah Mada University Press, 2002. P.10 69 I Wayan Badrika, National and general History,Erlangga,Jakarta,2005, p.227


After the divide of the south and north Korea in Korean peninsula united nations is giving advice to the south Korea and North Korea to taking an election in order to make the temporary government to decrease the intention of the Korean peninsula after the dividing, the election itself that united nations suggested is not fully agreed by the allies of South Korea and North Korea, in the beginning, the

North Korea allies which are Russia is not agreeing about the election which makes the election of South Korea and North Korea is in different date which makes the temporary government almost impossible which is in 1948 meanwhile in North Korea the election is happening 3 months after the election in South

Korea which is been led by the soviet union in North Korea.70 which the election of north and south Korea having the result of the differential governmental name which is Democratic People of Korea(DPRK) for the North

Korea which been monitored by the soviet union as a one superpower countries in

Korean peninsula and for South Korea the name is Republic Of Korea(ROK) which been supported by the United States and pro to the united states.at the first the relations is after the cold war is can be say it not too complicated because of the south Korea efforts to achieve unification that being said by south Korea is already became a surface in the beginning which in Syngman Rhee era, there is some policy that supports the unification era which is “March North For

Unification but even the south Korea in beginning is going to have the unification as an aspect, there are many problems that are faced by a south Korea to achieve the unification one of it the security of south Korea that being invaded by north

70 Sukmawarsini Djelantik, cold war in northeast Asia: The case of East-West Rivalry in Korean war (1950-1953),Journal of FISIP Potensia, Year VII,No.16,2oo6.P.92


Korea which in that time is being supported by the Soviet Union is cannot defend their region, after a long time after the divide of north and south Korea, Unified

Korea has become one of the things that cannot be accepted which unified Korea will stand temporarily, and because of that the unification itself from time to time becomes the important issue and because of the important issue of the unification that make another countries that having the different ideology making the change to the unification which is based to unify into the enemies. the result of the conflict that happen because of the different ideology is the Korean war which happen because of the conflict to achieve the different unification between Korea.

3.1.1 Cease Fire South Korea and North Korea.

Korean war is one of the results of the unification conflict that happens in the

Korean peninsula which is the intense conflict between south Korea and north

Korea, this Korean war is happen until 3 years which is 1950-1953 which ended

In 1953 because of the interfere of the china that make the cease fire happen, the cease fire happen is to achieve the peace and decreasing the tension between the south Korea and north Korea which make both of countries agree to make a buffer zone which is 3 mill from both of countries which the rules in this ceasefire is 3 mill from both of the countries there will be no one to enter the buffer zone, this area from both of countries is being called demilitarized area this cease fire treaty of south and north Korea itself is being signed in a27 June 1953

,south Korea and north Korea itself in the year of 50 until 60 both countries is

48 more like the eternal enemy which is both of government not recognized each other even the citizen is being forced by both government to learn about the advantage of their countries itself the unification is one of the ways to decreasing the tension and making the peace between both countries but the different ideology becomes a problem because of north Korea want to have a communist unification which been logic is “one jeoson” and south Korea think that the valid countries of unification is south Korea itself as an extension of south Korea sovereignty, and because of this view of both countries is having a difficult time to achieve the agreement until 1960.71

After 1960 which exactly happens in the year of 1970, international world is becoming calmer, which makes both countries which are south and north Korea tension with each other decrease one of the proof is the south and North Korea began to recognized their neighborhood government. and it’s the make the big change to their behavior about the reunification and stability of Korean peninsula.

3.2 The Relations Between south and North Korea in Post Cold war

The relations of south & North Korea in post-cold war era is being shown which in August 1980 with the signed of the Law on North-South Exchanges and cooperation which is became based to south and north Korea cooperation, the former South Korean politician and President Roh Tae woo in the year 1989 is using the Unification formula for the Korean national community which is from

71 Facts about Korea, Korean cultural and information services ministry of sports and tourism culture

49 the unification policy in ROH tae Woo era, Roh Tae woo using a 3 base as an objective to achieve the unification and to repair the relations in South Korea and

North Korea which is confidence building and the cooperation between south and

North Korea, Korea conference and establishment of Unified Government.72

Former South Korea president Roh Tae woo besides using the 3 policy he using the northern policy which has the objective to decrease the tension between South

Korea and North Korea in the Korean peninsula. south Korea proposed the conference and declaration about the non aggression or the forbidden to use the military power with both countries that will support the decreasing the tension because of the main issue of the increasing of Korean peninsula tension is mostly from the military power of both country and the security of both countries, the conference itself will be joining by the main actors of Korean peninsula which is

South Korea, North Korea, United States, China and Japan as one of the discussion to make the security stability in Korean peninsula on December 31 both country which is south and North Korea is signed the “ Basic Agreement on

Reconciliation, Non aggression and Exchange, and cooperation.

This agreement is active in the same when the joint declaration of denuclearization of the Korean peninsula that happen in 19 February 1992,but the efforts of South Korea is having an obstacle which is the conflict between the united states and North Korea which the united states want to destroy the nuclear facility in North Korea that makes the war is avoidable in that time the

72 Young Sun Ji “Conflicting Vision For Korean Reunification”, Fellow. Weatherhead Center for international affairs, Harvard University,June 2001, p.7 (http://www.wefia.harvard.edu)

50 relationship of south and North Korea is beginning very friendly when Kim Dae

Jung being a president, Kim Dae Jung use the very friendly method to make the relationship of south and Korea is becoming more friendly which is the sunshine policy.

3.3 the Kim Dae Jung sunshine policy

When Kim Dae Jung becomes the president of South Korea, Kim Dae Jung use a very friendly method which is the sunshine policy which is the first time the sunshine policy is the policy that very friendly between South Korea and North

Korea, sunshine policy itself is having a objective to make the new paradigm between two countries which based on the mutual respect that can give the advantage in the future for both countries which the main idea is the peace, reconciliation, and cooperation which is been proof that this sunshine policy is working is the north-south joint declaration and the summit on 15 June 2000 that make the South Korea and North Korea and agree to have a cooperation each other to the future of the Korea.73

Which makes the development of the relations of South Korea is can be seeing from the policy perspective.

73“North, South Conclude 7-point Agreement in Inter-Korean Economic Talks” People’s Korea May 31,2003, p.1


Policy perceptions of south korea President





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Source: Asan Daily Poll, Survey conducted September 7-10 2014

From here it can be sees that even the Kim Dae Jung policy is the one that is very friendly to North Korea and most engagement oriented is having the lowest score which is 3,3 and is followed by the president Roh-moo Hyun(3,7) but in the president of Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-Hye is having the little difference between the policies of South Korea . and the development of the North Korea and South Korea relationship can be summarized that the development of South

Korea and North Korea is having a difficulties even though now its good relationship because of from the beginning of the divide of North Korea and

South Korea in 1945 there are more difficulties than an achievement of the peace because of the ideology.

And if North Korea and South Korea is being unified there will be a change to the

North Korea policy in the future because of the unity which is unified Korea and

52 it can be seen in the table about the change of the North Korea policy stance on

North Korea.





20 10-Sep 8-Oct 15



0 Harder line Maintain current softer line Don’t state know.other

Source : Asan Daily Poll :Survey Conducted in 4-6 September 2014 in this table, it can be seen that the South Korea public prefers the softer line of policy in North Korea if the North Korea unified which makes the changes of the

North Korea policy itself that make the conflict happen

Even though now the development of relationship of south and North Korea is become soft after the denuclearization of the North Korea that being agree with

South Korea and its allies to maintain the stability of Korean peninsula which is one of the reason is the nuclear issue that makes South Korea is becoming very careful to North Korea and it became the obstacle of the development and unification of Korea.


3.4 The relationship development of South and North Korea in 2018

South Korea and north Korea relationship is began to open with each other from the Kim Dae Jung era that using the sunshine policy to decrease the tension of south and north Korea in Korean peninsula that make both countries having the agreement in north-south Korea joint declaration that happen in June 2000 which makes the both countries agree to have a cooperation for the stability of Korean peninsula, the tension of Korean peninsula is keep decreasing from the Kim Dae

Jung era until now it was being proofed that in 2018 there Is many summit of the north Korea and south Korea to discussing about the unification and the stability of south and north Korea, which is the first summit in 2018 that happen in the 27

April 2018 which makes the president of north Korea Kim Jong-un and the south

Korea president moon Jae-in which located in the south Korea side of the joint security region, which is it’s the first time of north Korea president Kim Jong un first visit to south Korea since the Korean war happen 74 the summit itself is having a result to working fully in denuclearization of Korean peninsula75 which has been issue in from the long time, which been follow by the second summit of

74 Location of planned inter-Korean summit hits at changes in North Korea Strategy, say experts, by The Straits Times,8 March 2018(https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/location-of- planned-inter-korean-summit-hints-at-changes-in-north-korea-strategy-say)

75 “Korean leaders aim for end of war’Complete denuclearization on 26-04-2018 by Kim, Christine and Roberta Rampton from the reuter news(https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea- southkorea/korean-leaders-aim-for-end-of-war-complete-denuclearisation-after-historic- summit-idUSKBN1HX2I6)

54 the south and north Korea in 26 may 2018 76which is going to discuss the north

Korea president Kim Jong un and unites states president now which is Donald trump77 which is mainly to discuss about the step of step of denuclearization of north Korea after the meeting between the south and north Korea in second summit and the north Korea and united states, North Korea and south Korea is developing more to their relationship between south and north Korea like on July

2018,south and north Korea is fully restored their military communication line on the western part of the Korean peninsula78which is the important part to decrease the tension between south and north Korea in Korean peninsula which on the past date exactly in 1 July 2018 North Korea and South Korea began their ship to ship relationship communication to avoid the accident clashes between south and north

Korean military ship in Northern Limit Line(NLL).

3.5 South and North Korea participation in Sports

South Korea and North Korea relationship in 2018 is becoming more cooperative in any terms one of the terms in sport which is an Asian game that will be held In

Indonesia in August 18, North Korea and South Korea will be unified in terms of

76 North and South Korean leaders meet to discuss kim-trump summit from the channel news asia on 27 may 2018(https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/north-and-south-korean- leaders-meet-to-discuss-kim-trump-summit-10280606)

77 North, South Korea meet for surprise second summit form the associated press in Syracuse.com on may 26 2018 which is located in northern side of Panmunjom in north korea(https://www.syracuse.com/politics/index.ssf/2018/05/north_south_korea_meet_for_surp rise_second_summit.html)

78 Two fully restore western military communication line by yonhap news agency on 17 july 2018(http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2018/07/17/0200000000AEN20180717003451315. html)

55 sport in Asian games, from past South Korea and North Korea itself is using a sports or Olympics as one of the tools of unification which south and Korea do in the Pyeongchang in Olympics, one of the decisions that make South Korea and

North Korea agree to became unified in sports, which it will deepen their relationship ties in a positive way especially the diplomatic and any other relations that will make the Korean peninsula became stable.

The ties between South Korea and North Korea is becoming deepen when both countries had many things to discuss between both countries to deepen and hold their ties between each other, both countries having the red cross-talks that focus on unification problem which is been divided by the Korean war in 1950-1953 the sports became the tools of the relations is first to happen in 2018 winter games

Olympic which is the ice hockey team which unify the south Korean people and

North Korea people, which is been proof that the relationship of both countries is becoming calmer and not taking the intense relationship. which makes the diplomatic of the south and North Korea is becoming easier for both country until now. And make the chance to diplomatic relations between South and North

Korea and its allies in Korean Peninsula.




4.1 The Development of UNSC Resolutions to Korean Peninsula

In this chapter it will be including the analysis of the United Nations Security

Council (UNSC) resolutions and its implementation, because in 1991 both countries (DPRK and DPRK) becomes a members of the United Nations and the general assembly of the United nations admit that North Korea and South Korea is becoming a members of the United Nations in Resolutions 46/1 of the United

Nations, the implementation of United Nations in Korean Peninsula is can help to maintain the Korea Peninsula Stability.

The Background of many Resolution UNSC is having relation with the development and testing of the devastating weapon that is used by DPRK, chemical weapons, Biologic, especially nuclear weapon. Figure 4.1 shows the potential development location, until the warehouse for the devastating weapons that being owned by DPRK.


Figure 4.1 Map of Possible DPRK Nuclear, Biological, Missile, and Chemical


In between the devastating weapon that DPRK has, nuclear weapon becomes the main concern of international community so UNSC having many resolutions about the nuclear weapon especially about ballistic-missile, DPRK is one of the

58 one countries from the nine-country in the world that having the nuclear weapons(Table 4.1).like in Table 4.1, DPRK is a new country that succeed to launched ballistic-missile(Year 2006), the amount of ballistic that DPRK have is the least (only 10-20 warhead) than another eight countries that have the ballistic missile. The problem is the existence of that ballistic-missile that DPRK have is the most concern to being used in a wrong way, the ballistic missile that DPRK have is very dangerous to the regional security in the content of the Korean peninsula and the world in a common way.

Source: ttps://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/2017-06/fs_1707_wnf.pdf

Table 4.1 World Nuclear Forces (January 2017)

DPRK itself in the year of 2006 launched the ballistic missile which is the first one of their launch, the power potential that ballistic-missile DPRK have is having a variation. DPRK can develop short-range ballistic missiles which reach 120-

1.000 km.DPRK can produce submarine-launched ballistic missile (reach 1.000-


1.200 km), medium-range ballistic missiles (reaching 1.200-1.500 km), intermediate-range ballistic missiles (reaching 2.500- 4.500 km) and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) reaching 13.000 km. (Figure 4.3.)


Figure 4.3 Range Estimate of North Korean Ballistic-Missile Systems


The reach ballistic-missile DPRK have is quite varied which can reach the strategic location like Guam, Hawaii, Alaska (Figure 4.3).this is the international community that really concerns about Korean peninsula.

Sources: Graphic created by C.R.S. Information generated by Hannah Fischer and Ylli Kellici usung data and input from CRS analysis (2017); Department of State (2015); Esri (); DeLorme (2016)

Figure 4.4.Range Estimate Based on North Korea’s July 2017 Missile Test

Before the launch ballistic-missile that DPRK has for the first time in 2006, the nuclear programs of DPRK having an international crisis since 1990. Since then in the year 1998 DPRK having provocative action with the launch of the missile


Taepodong 1 and Taepodong 2, however, there is a new tension that since nuclear

2002 when DPRK intensify their nuclear program. DPRK doing many nuclear testing underground in the year of 2013 until September 2016.

This is the background why UNSC having many resolutions to DPRK. UNSC is one of the six bodies of the UN. UNSC is having 15 members of the countries.

Resolutions are being produced by the 15 members of countries, and the countries members of UNSC is Bolivia (Plurinational State of), China, Egypt, Ethiopia,

France, Italy, Japan (President of UNSC), Kazakhstan, Russian Federation,

Senegal, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland, United States of America, and Uruguay.79

Since the year 1993 until the end of 2017 UNSC already having 13 resolution to

DPRK which already explain on Table 4.2 Since 2006, based on Kelsey

Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy, UNSC has adopted nine major sanctions resolutions on DPRK in response to the country’s nuclear and missile activities since 2006. Nine main resolution of UNSC to DPRK is Resolution 1718

(2006), Resolution 1874 (2009), Resolution 2087 (2013), Resolution 2094 (2013),

Resolution 2270 (2016), Resolution 2321 (2016), Resolution 2371 (2016),

Resolution 2375 (2017), Resolution 2379 (2017).80

79 United Nations Security Council, “851st meeting, Friday, 22 December, 1.p.m, New York” S/PV.851, Provisional.

80 Kelsey Davenport (Director on Nonproliferation Policy), “UN Security Council Resolutions on North Korea,” Arms control association, January 2018.


Table 4.2 UNSC Resolutions for North Korea

Year Resolution Year Resolution Number Number 1993 825 2016 2270 2006 1695 2016 2321 2006 1718 2017 2356 2009 1874 2017 2371 2009 1887 2017 2375 2013 2087 2017 2397 2013 2094 Source: United Nations Security Council (2017)

In this period of this research (2016-2018) there is 6 resolution that being produced by United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which is UNSC resolutions 2270 (2016), resolution 2321 (2016), resolution 2356 (2017), resolution 2371 (2017), resolution 2375 (2017), and resolution 2397 (2017). In the previous year, since1993 UNSC already has seven resolution, which explains in

Table 4.1.

From 9 main resolution of UNSC, in this research period there is 5 resolution.

4.1.1 UNSC Resolution2270 (2016)

The UNSC unanimously adopted Resolution 2270 on March 2, 2016, after DPRK conducted a fourth nuclear test and launched a satellite for the second time.

Resolution 2270’s principal provision include: (i) Prohibit states from providing any specialized teaching or training of North Korea nationals in disciplines which could contribute to North Korea proliferation; (ii) Emphasizes that the North


Korean regime has seriously neglected to meet the needs of the North Korean people and has instead prioritized development of its the nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs; (iii) Decide that North Korea shall abandon all chemical and biological weapons and programs and act in accordance with the

Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention.81

Resolution 2270’s principal sanctions. Resolutions 2270 builds upon sanctions measures from prior resolutions, including (i) Expanding the arms embargo to include small arms and light weapons; (ii) Prohibiting North Korea from servicing and repairing any weaponry sold to third parties; (iii) Prohibiting additional luxury goods.82

4.1.2 UNSC Resolution 2321 (2016)

The UNSC unanimously adopted Resolution 2270 on November 30, 2016, following North Korea’s fifth nuclear test on September 9. Resolution 2321 significantly expanded sanctions on North Korea. Resolution 2321’s principal provisions include: (i) Call on all members to reduce the number of staff at DPRK diplomatic missions and consular posts; (ii) Condemns the DPRK for pursuing nuclear weapons instead of the welfare of its people; (iii) Emphasize, for the first time, the need for the DPRK to respect the inherent dignity of its people in its territory.83

81 Ibid. 82 Ibid. 83 Ibid.


Resolution 2321’s principal sanctions. Resolutions 2321 imposed new sanctions that prohibit North Korea from: (i) Exporting minerals, such as copper, nickel, silver, and zine; (ii) Selling statues’ (iii) Selling helicopters; (iv) Selling or transferring iron and iron ore, with exceptions for livelihood purposes, (v) Selling or transferring coal in amounts that exceed a particular cap annually.84

4.1.3 UNSC Resolution 2371 (2017)

The UNSC unanimously adopted Resolution 2371 on August 5, 2017, in response to North Korea’s two ICBM test in July 2017. The United States claimed the new sanctions would prevent North Korea from earning over $ 1 billion each year, although some experts expressed doubt. The full text of the resolution can be found here.85

Resolution 2371’s principal provisions include: (i) Regrets North Korea’s massive diversion of its scare resources toward its development of nuclear weapons and a number of expensive ballistic missile programs; (ii) Reaffirms the Council’s support for the Six-Party Talks, calls for their resumption, reiterates its support for commitment made by the Six Parties, and reiterates the importance of maintaining peace and stability on Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia; (iii) Decides North

Korea shall not deploy or use chemical weapons and calls on North Korea to accede to the Chemical Weapon Convention and comply with its provisions.86

84 Ibid. 85 Ibid. 86 Ibid.


Resolutions 2371’s principal sanctions. Resolution 2371 bans the export of several materials, which previous sanctions resolutions had restricted the export of, including coal, iron and iron ore, seafood, le3ad, and lead ore. The resolution also (i) adds new sanctions against North Korean individuals and entities, including the Foreign Trade Bank (FTB); (ii) prohibit joint venture between North

Korea and other nations; (iii) allows for the Security Council to deny international port access to vessels lied to violating security council resolutions; (iv) bans countries from allowing in additional North laborers.87

4.1.4UNSC Resolution 2375 (2017)

Following North Korea’s sixth nuclear test on September 3, 2017, the UNSC unanimously adopted UNSCR 2375 on September 11. The resolution, which primarily targeted North Korean oil import, textile exports, and overseas laborers, contained the strongest yet sanctions against North Korea. Resolution 2375’s principal provisions are: (i) reiterates its deep concern at the grave hardship that the people in the DPRK are subject to, condemns the DPRK for pursuing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles instead of the welfare of its people; (ii) Reaffirms its support for the Six-party Talks, calls for their resumption, and reiterates its support for the commitment set forth in the Joint Statement of 19 September 2005

87 Ibid.

66 issued by China, the DPRK, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian

Federation, and the United States.88

Resolution 2375’s principal sanctions are: (i) fully bans textile exports, (ii) caps refined petroleum product imports at 2 million barrels per year, (iii) freezes the amount of crude oil import, (iv) bans all natural gas and condense imports; (v) prohibit member states from providing authorizations for North Korean nationals to work in their jurisdictions, unless otherwise determined by committee established UNSCR 12718; (vi) imposes asset freezes on additional North

Korean entities, including the Organizational Guidance Department, the Central

Military Commission and the Propagation and Agitation Department; (vii) direct the 1718 committee to designate vessels transporting prohibited items from North

Korea; (vii) Bans all joint ventures or cooperative entities or the expansions of existing joint ventures with DPRK entities or individuals Resolution 2375 also added additional items to the list of prohibited dual-use technologies and designated additional individuals and entities.89 to Annex I: Travel ban/asset freeze (individuals) is Mr. Pak Yong Sik. He is a member of the Workers’ Party of Korea Central Military Commission, which is responsible for the development and implementation of the Workers’ Party of

Korea military policies, commands and control the DPRK’s military and helps direct the country’s military defense industries.

88Ibid. 89 Ibid.

67 to Annex II: Asset freeze (entities) is (i) Central Military Commission of the

Workers’ Party of Korea (CMC). It is responsible for the development and implementation of the Workers’ Party of Korea’s military policies, commands and controls the DPRK’s military, and directs the country’s military defense industries in coordination with the State Affairs Commission; (ii) Organization and

Guidance Department (OGD). It is a very powerful body the Workers' Party of

Korea. It directs key personnel appointments for the Workers’ Party of Korea, the

DPRK’s military, and the DPRK’s government administration. It also purports to control the political affairs of all the DPRK and is instrumental in implementing the DPRK’s censorship policies. (iii) Propaganda and Agitation Department

(PAD), It has full control over the media, which it uses as a tool to control the public on behalf of the DPRK leadership. It also engages in or is responsible by the Government of the DPRK, including newspaper and broadcast censorship.90

4.1.5 UNSC Resolution 2379 (2017)

The UNSC unanimously adopted Resolution 2379 on December 22, 2017, in response to North Korea’s ICBM launch on November 29. Resolution 2397’s principal provisions are: (i) repeats many of the principles expressed in Resolution

2375; (ii) Acknowledges that North Korean revenue generated by exports and workers overseas contribute to its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.

Resolution 2397’s principal sanctions are: (i) Caps North Korean refined petroleum import at 500,000 barrels per year; (ii) Establishes an annual limit of


68 crude oil imports at four million barrels per year; (iii) Obligates the Security

Council to impose additional caps ob petroleum imports if North Korea another nuclear weapon or ICBM; (iv) Directs countries to expel all North Korean workers immediately, or in two years at the latest; (v) Bans North Korean exports of food, agricultural products, minerals machinery, and electrical equipment; (vi)

Bans North Korea from importing heavy machinery, industrial equipment and transportation vehicles; (vii) Designates an additional 16 individuals and 1 entity to the UN sanctions list.91


The problem with the UNSC resolutions that DPRK often to ignore the resolution than UNSC made even some of the international sanction that UNSC made is not effective to DPRK including the bilateral and multilateral sanctions, DPRK using a negative effect of sanction with the positive.DPRK regime is using all restriction and the attitude of resistance to the DPRK, to make the principle which it can be says self-reliance, and “military first.

DPRK regime view that with continuously doing the nuclear weapon test, DPRK gives an impression that their country already running their rights as an independent country to doing a self-defense, as well as showing ist dissatisfaction

91Ibid .

69 of nuclear threat and sanctions imposed by the U.S and other hostile countries. No amount of sanctions will stop DPRK; nuclear weapons are their role survival strategy.92

The impact of the DPRK attitude that being persist to doing the escalation of their nuclear weapon, generally DPRK is not wished or not capable to follow the international politics is because of there is the indirect confrontation between international community and DPRK, it makes DPRK is being isolated from the outside world. There is no country that attempted going and having a close relationship with DPRK even with China is going a little away from DPRK.

International Community classifies DPRK as a rogue state. Based on the assumption of Rogue State Theory, DPRK almost characterized as a country type that having an authoritarian regime, restriction of human rights, development and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. According to the theoretical framework, this category of states tends to undermine the formed and functioning.

Sanction is one of the ways by any country to have interaction with DPRK. Type of interaction that is a collective restriction that connected to the economy, commercial activity, and the financial DPRK. Regional players impose economic sanctions on DPRK unilaterally and multilaterally. for example, some country reacts to the attitude of North Korea. Like on, 16 October 2017 the Foreign

Affairs Council discussion about the situation in the Korean peninsula, especially about the sustainability and development of nuclear weapon ballistic missile that

92 Liliya Akhtemova, “The compelxity of cross-national interactions on the North Korean issue,” research paper of Graduate School of Public and International Affairs,” GSPIA, 2017, P. 56-57 .

70 being own by DPRK which tend to violate the UNSC resolutions. North Korea attitude can make the continuing threat to peace and international stability, the

Foreign Affairs Council from United Europe adopted the step by step to increase the tension to DPRK to make DPRK follow their rights to execute UNSC resolutions.93

New step from United Europe is the total ban in Europe total infestation in all sectors. Before 16 October 2016, this embargo only limited to infestation in nuclear and industry that connected with conventional, development sector, purification and chemistry industry metallurgy and metalworking and aerospace, total ban for the oil and crude oil sale to DPRK. This limited export is submitted to the limit that is released by UNSC on 11 September 2017. Another step is decreasing the remittance from € 15.000 to € 5.000 which the money is being suspected for DPRK to support the nuclear programs and illegal ballistic.94

Based on economical sanction theory, imposed sanctions would make the target country face economic difficulties, which would lead to political instability further leaders of that state to adjust or change relevant policy. However, DPRK case is not fully all with economic sanction theory. As from observation, DPRK is having difficulties in the economy because of economic and financial sanction from the international community but DPRK has not changed its line of actions in order to meet demands or requirement of countries that imposed sanctions on it.

DPRK continues remaining rouge, making economic sanctions of other states

93 “North Korea: EU adopts new sanctions”, press relaese of Council of the EU, number 575/17, October 16, 2017. 94Ibid.

71 look ineffective. Economic sanctions towards the DPRK could serve as an empirical example partly of repeated game theory and coordination problem.

In connection with the DPRK attitude that ignore UNSC resolutions, as an alternative can be the U.S using their military power to force DPRK to make the

DPRK submit to UNSC resolutions. every use of power by the US to DPRK is beyond the Caroline Doctrine can make the international law is became very weak and the principles that the principles that set military power especially in, Article

2 of UN Charter (all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state). Before Charter, the ban of use military power to finish the international conflict and being agreed upon between countries which are from Kellog Briand

Pact year 1929.95

4.3 Implementation Resolution UNSC to Korean Peninsula Security

Democratic People’s Republic Korea (DPRK) has presented the international community with a wide array of threats to regional security and global stability.

Included among the more salient components of this threat are: the world’s fourth largest military, one of the world’s largest special operations forces, an active nuclear weapons development program and the proliferation of related

95Ibid., p. 17

72 technologies, active ballistic missile developing world, significant inventory of deployed chemical weapons and the proliferation of related technologies, an active biological warfare research program, continued provocative military and intelligence operations against the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan.96

DPRK quibble that the development of nuclear & conventional weapon in a big way is aimed at deterrence and defense. DPRK is having a small possibility to use the nuclear weapon that the U.S respond to nuclear that can destroy DPRK.

DPRK disobedience to UNSC resolution can influence the peace and stability to the Korean peninsula and North East Asian region in general,DPRK is having the devastating weapon.DPRK is using doing a provocation with doing the testing of the nuclear weapon make the dangerous environment dan impact to international security. The U.S military policy to DPRK cannot be same with the military policy U.S to Irak and another country in the middle east because of DPRK having many kinds of missile and nuclear and DPRK is capable to produce the nuclear weapons and missile. Because of that U.S is not easy to do a military action too.97

What is going to happen on the Korean Peninsula? This is the question that plague policymakers, strategist, and military planners in the Republic of Korea (ROK), the United States, and in Northeast Asia (NEA). If this question can be answered, the next question is: How will the ROK, US, and international community deal

96Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., “The North Korean Military Threat,” in Bruce E. Bechtol Jr. (ed.), Confronting Security Challenge on the Korean Peninsula (Virginia: Marine Corps Univesity Press, 2011), p. 99. 97Ibid. P. 16.

73 with happens on the peninsula? The optimistic planners and policymakers hope for a so-called “soft landing” with the peaceful reunification of the peninsula.

Meanwhile, the planner dan policymakers are making the negative policy and worst scenario in the future, began with there is tension in Korean Peninsula and

Northeast Asia which keep escalating,so the scenario of the reunification DPRK and ROK is not happening,even that will happen is open to the region.98

4.4 DPR Korea Foreign Policy & Behaviour

One of the classic theory which explains the foreign policy and international behavior DPRK is neorealism which been developing and explaining by Kenneth

Waltz through its books The Theory of International Politics. Theory neorealism stated that state is more concerned with security in the anarchical world rather than interest-maximization, and are oriented in defensive strategies. Based on the neorealism theory perspective, the international policy of DPRK is not surprised even the attitude of DPRK is including in the normal category.99

Based on theory neorealism, is common sense that DPRK keeps developing the nuclear weapon because of to defend itself, and not to attack. The policy deterrence of DPRK id through the provocation about the nuclear weapon as one of reaction or result from the existence and the commitment of U.S to protects

98 Ibid., p. 137. 99 Akhtemova, loc.cit., p. 9-10.


ROK. Politics leader of DPRK, Kim Jong-un and his ministry, considered nuclear deterrence as a guarantee for the international policy which is independent because of based on neorealism theory there is no other choice except DPRK must demonstrate military capability.100

This raises the question Why DPRK always provoke Korean Peninsula regional stability with the nuclear weapon? This is happening because of the leader of politics in DPRK realized that if there is a war between DPRK and ROK which been supported by the U.S to Japan, DPRK cannot win except DPRK using a nuclear weapon. In this context, peace in the Korean peninsula can still be there as long as U.S keep their commitment to protecting ROK.101

DPRK using nuclear deterrence as a tool to have the economic aid and humanities from other countries.in theory, DPRK is using an argument “security maximization”. DPRK view the U.S as a threat for the existence, it is impossible to stop the DPRK's nuclear program because of the self-help system.

In neorealism context, DPRK applying juche ideology. Three principles of juche ideology are political independence, economic self-sustenance, and self-reliance in defense. These three features clearly show the nature of the main ideology, which has been self-oriented rather than opened to the outside world. Officially, the Juche idea becomes known in 1955 as a response to Marxism-Leninism-

Stalinism in the Soviet Union and Maoism in China. Kim Il Sung in DPRK aimed to develop a Korean ideology, which by the mid-60s became an ideology state.

100Ibid. 101Ibid.


Juche can explain about the neorealism concrete theory can be implemented to


Another theory that can explain regional security and still connect to the neorealism is a regional security complex theory (RSCT). An RSCT theory that being the development which by Buzan that insist security in the regional level that level system, from the framework of RSCT, in one region, states are interdependent; their national security’s concerns cannot be separated. One obvious and important characteristic is geography. Because of that, it can be understandable why DPRK is in a complex of security north Asia because of there is history, geography, and geopolitics. In this context, it can be understood that the close relationship DPRK with China because of DPRK and China having their similarities in culture, history, and geography. Based on theory, RSCT the peace in the Korean peninsula is very dependent on the regional peace. Regional peace can be reached if there is unification DPRK with ROK also the condition repair of

DPRK in the economy, politics, and change military policy.103

102 Ibid., p. 35. 103 Ibid., p. 10-11.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of the research that being connected to the problem identification it can be concluded that the regional security crisis in Korean

Peninsula is becoming the classic issue before World War II and became the contemporary issue. Contemporary security to Korean Peninsula is an attempt of the reunification of DPRK and ROK which is not happen until now, development provocation and the use of the mass weapon by DPRK and suspicion DPRK is involved in the support to the terrorism. Regional security is became the crisis with the confrontation is hard to being stop and the involvement of their allies making the tension in Korean peninsula in complex.

Meanwhile the attempt of the reunification of DPRK and ROK the process is already in motion from 1972, when 2 countries are signed the joint communiqué.

After that until its peak in 1991.both countries are involved in many talks and exchange for both countries. Until now the relationship between both countries is being marked by the close of the relationship in economic cooperation. However, the reunification process that taking so long until now its still having none result.

With the development and the trial of the nuclear weapon and another mass destruction weapons that being owned by DPRK, Since 1993 UNSC already have

13 resolution, and 9 resolution is the main resolution for this research period there

77 is 5 resolution which is Resolution 2270 (2016), Resolution 2321 (2016),

Resolution 2371 (2016), Resolution 2375 (2017), Resolution 2379 (2017). That resolution does not only have an order and ban UNSC for the provocation of

DPRK using a devastating weapon it also includes the restriction until the economic and financial sanction. Economic & Financial sanction step from UNSC is being followed by other countries in regional and bilateral. Resolution implementation of UNSC is feeling is make the economics of DPRK is being limited, DPRK still not obey the resolution from the UNSC. for DPRK playing the devastating weapons is not only as deterrence but also the attempt to maintain the 3 ideology principle which been called by Juche, which is political independence, economic self-sustenance, and self-reliance in defense.

The maintaining of the Korean peninsula stability is not going to happen if there is no agreement with other countries in Korea, The unification of the Korean

Peninsula and to decreasing the Korean peninsula tension which mainly ROK is the open economic world meanwhile the DPRK is the close countries that not having much aid in Korean Peninsula.

ROK AND DPRK are giving the interest of ROK to do an Effort of ROK to

DPRK on maintaining Korea peninsula from 2016 to 2017. The main problem of the Korean Peninsula is the tension between the South and North Korea in the peninsula that in the very beginning is not even close to the peace and unification between these 2 countries but the ROK (South Korea) itself is having an interest to decreasing the tension of the conflict between both countries. South Korea effort to the DPRK(North Korea)is doing many ways such as sunshine policy that

78 is used by the former president of the South Korea Kim Jae dung to decreasing the tension between both countries because of the based of the sunshine policy is loosening containment on North Korea, embracing North Korea, and eventually making the North Korean government to denuclearize by itself which is the main problem of their countries in Korean Peninsula is based on the Nuclear weapons that North Korea has that make all the dialogue and communication between them and their allies is being halted to achieve the unification

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