stronger together poorer apart

The Liberal Democrat Manifesto for the 2009 Elections to the stronger together poorer apart

The Liberal Democrat Manifesto for the 2009 Elections to the European Parliament

stronger together, poorer apart


Nick Clegg MP Leader of the Liberal Democrats

Times are tough in Britain. The recession is hitting people and families hard: tens of thousands losing their jobs, businesses going to the wall, and every week hundreds losing their homes.

Gordon Brown was complacent about Britain’s economy. He lectured other countries about how he had ended “boom and bust” but he encouraged the debt boom and let our economy go bust. We need to get help to people who are struggling and build a different kind of economy for the future – strong, stable and green.

We can't do that on our own. It’s now clearer than ever that our fate is closely “We will get a better tied to what happens in other countries. Labour policies set us up for this deal for British recession, but it’s part of a global crisis families by working which needs international action. And on top of the global economic crisis, hard in the European there’s international crime, climate change, people-trafficking and terrorism, Union.” all of which cross borders.

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You can’t tackle these things without working with other countries, and that’s what Liberal Democrats will do. It’s how to make Britain strong again.

This election is a big choice for Britain. We can turn away from our friends in Europe and face the economic storm, climate change, rising crime and terrorism alone. Or we can choose to work with our allies for a safer, stronger world. For Liberal Democrats the decision is simple. Britain should lead in Europe, making our country stronger and more prosperous, championing a brighter, safer future at home and abroad.

Conservatives and Labour have messed up Britain’s relationship with other European countries. Labour has been arrogant, refusing to engage. The Conservatives and UKIP just hate the idea of co-operating with people from other countries, even though that makes life harder for people in Britain. David Cameron has already isolated himself in Europe by pledging to stop co-operating in the European Parliament with the parties of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicholas Sarkozy. Imagine how bad it would get if he was in charge of all Britain’s European relationships.

Liberal Democrats believe in European co-operation. We will get a better deal for British families, working hard in the to deliver practical help to ease the burden on people at home. By using our influence we can reduce telephone and heating bills. We can pioneer projects that generate green jobs - like building renewable energy networks and low carbon homes. And we can guarantee a fair deal for our businesses and industries, not least farming and fishing, so that they survive this downturn.

Rebuilding the economy and protecting the environment aren’t the only tests we’re facing. Liberal Democrats will work in Europe to help protect Britain from terrorists and criminals who operate across national borders. And we’ll use our influence as a part of the European Union to help build a more stable, peaceful world.

Of course the EU needs to change. A lot of money is wasted on out-of-date policies and structures. The EU should concentrate on big issues and not get involved when national or regional action would be more effective. Liberal Democrats support the Lisbon Treaty because it will help do that, making the EU more efficient and accountable. But Britain will only win the case in Brussels for a flexible, democratic Europe if we settle our arguments at home on whether we should be part of the EU or not. That is why Liberal Democrats have argued for a referendum on whether Britain stays in or leaves the EU. We are clear where we stand – you have to be in it to win it.

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Britain has always been an outward-looking nation. Turning inwards, away from Europe at this crucial time would only make matters worse. This is our chance to build a liberal Europe with Britain at its heart – providing jobs for people in Britain, security against international crime, and a greener economy for the future.

The European Union remains our best bet: safety in numbers in an unsafe world. It's our best bet to push forward the international institutions needed to regulate global capitalism; our best bet to promote peace, democracy and human rights across the world; our best bet to secure global agreements to stop dangerous climate change. Britain can only be strong in the world if we are strong in Europe

That's what Liberal Democrat MEPs are fighting for, day by day, on our behalf. That is what the Liberal Democrat MEPs you elect on 4th June will work to achieve - a stronger, confident and liberal Europe, delivering real benefits for the people of Britain.

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Executive Summary 6

Creating Prosperity and Jobs 10

Putting Europe’s House in Order 15

Tackling Crime, Protecting Liberty 19

A Green Europe 23

Stronger in the World 28

Working for You: Liberal Democrat MEPs 32

Applicability: This document contains Federal Liberal Democrat policy. There may be some issues on which policy of the Scottish and Welsh Liberal Democrats applies.

Published by the Liberal Democrats, 4 Cowley Street, London SW1P 3NB ISBN 978-1-907046-04-9 © May 2009 Printed by Contract Printing, Unit 11, Whittle Road, Corby, Northants NN17 5DX Cover and design by Greg Simpson

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executive summary

We can’t tackle all of Britain’s problems alone. It’s clearer than ever that our fate is closely tied to what happens in other countries. In addition to the global economic crisis, there’s climate change, international crime, people-trafficking and terrorism, all of which cross borders.

The recession is taking its toll on businesses, people and families throughout Britain. Many people face losing their jobs, their livelihoods and their homes.

The health of our economy is linked as never before to the health of those we “catch criminals, trade with in Europe and beyond. It is

essential that we work urgently with more jobs, other European countries to help us all stop climate change.” pull through recession.

Conservatives and Labour when in government have messed up Britain’s relationship with other European countries. Labour has been arrogant, refusing to engage with other European countries because Gordon Brown thought he had all the answers himself. The Conservatives and UKIP just hate the idea of co-operating with people from other countries. They’d rather we were isolated, even though that makes life harder for people in Britain.

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This election is a big choice for Britain. We can turn away from our friends in Europe and face the economic storm, climate change, rising crime and the threat of terrorism alone. Or we can choose to work together with our allies for a safer, stronger world, from which we will all benefit.

For Liberal Democrats the decision is simple. Britain can and should lead in Europe, making our country stronger and more prosperous, championing a brighter, safer future both at home and abroad. It’s how to make Britain strong again.

The Liberal Democrats will work through the European Union to ensure:

• A stronger economy, more jobs and more opportunity for businesses;

• More action to stop climate change and protect the environment;

• More criminals are caught, such as terrorists, gangsters and paedophiles, and our civil liberties are upheld.

Britain’s Liberal Democrat MEPs play a leading role in the wider group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) which is the powerful third force in the Parliament, often casting decisive votes.

Liberal Democrats will:

• Put money in people’s pockets with big, permanent tax cuts for ordinary people and families, funded by closing loopholes and unfair exemptions that benefit big business and the wealthy. There is a growing problem of companies and banks using offshore financial centres and other means to avoid paying their fair share in tax. This can only be stopped if EU countries co-ordinate better and are stricter at cracking down on offshore centres.

• Create more jobs and chart a green road out of recession. The Liberal Democrats will work with our European neighbours to create thousands of new jobs by breaking down trade barriers across Europe and boosting support for green jobs. Liberal Democrats want to create new jobs in green industries, put money in people’s pockets from saving energy, and build a transport network we can all be proud of. We will encourage other European countries to put in place similar investments to ensure we emerge from recession stronger and greener than before.

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• Make banks work for us. British banks are inextricably bound up with banking systems across Europe. We must work together to keep an eye on how banks are operating across Europe and get a grip on the behaviour of credit institutions. We want more co-operation in Europe between national financial services authorities and the European Central Bank.

• Catch criminals, sex offenders and terrorists. Our MEPs support greater co-operation between police forces such as the European Arrest Warrant that helps Britain swiftly bring back suspects to face justice in this country rather than wait for the old lengthy extradition procedures.

• Protect privacy and human rights. We need guaranteed privacy safeguards on access to databases by police and intelligence agencies, including when access is given to non-EU countries such as the US.

• Ensure green, affordable and secure energy supplies. Britain has the potential to lead the world in clean renewable energy particularly wave, tidal and wind power. Our goal is for Britain to source all energy needs from within the EU by 2030 and become a net exporter of energy by 2050. This will deliver secure supplies of cleaner energy - and lower bills.

• Promote free and fair world trade. The EU should promote a world trading system that is both free and fair. That means a liberal and open system that increases economic growth and jobs, but that takes account of environmental and social standards too. The EU has a key role to play in salvaging the Doha development round of the World Trade Organisation, including eliminating trade barriers and production subsidies in agriculture.

• Get a fair deal for shoppers and holidaymakers. We want to open markets in Europe and force down the costs of everything from medicines to mobile phone bills, meals and machinery. Liberal Democrats stood up for millions of British holidaymakers by slashing mobile phone roaming charges, blacklisting unsafe airlines, and introducing flight delay refunds. We will continue to fight for a better deal for Britain’s consumers.

• Replace the Common Agricultural Policy with a new policy that strengthens agriculture ensures fair trade for farmers and delivers sustainable development of the countryside. This would help farmers to get a fair price for their produce, encourage home-grown food, conserve our countryside, help rural economies, help tackle climate change and ensure cleaner water and protect water supplies.

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• Reform the EU budget to get better value for money. The EU budget is in urgent need of wholesale reform so that money is spent only on the things the EU really needs to do.

• Boost military capabilities to make a stronger European contribution to NATO and to give Europe the capability to act when it needs to. Liberal Democrats say no to a European army, but yes to European defence co- operation. We want a strong Europe within an effective NATO. We believe that NATO remains the bedrock of our collective security.

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creating prosperity and jobs

The recession is hurting businesses and families throughout Britain. Many people are losing their jobs, their livelihoods and their homes. The health of our economy is linked as never before to the health of those we trade with in Europe and beyond. We must work urgently with other European countries to help us all pull through recession.

More than 3 million jobs in the UK are performance. He lectured other dependent on trade with other EU countries about how he thought he had countries. Being part of the European brought an end to “boom and bust” but Union allows our businesses, both big he encouraged the unsustainable and small, to compete on equal terms in boomin debt which has led to this the largest single market in the world. recession. As a result, British consumers have the largest personal Other EU countries have invested debts in the EU. almost £2 trillion in the UK and almost two-thirds of the goods made in UK factories – everything from food to “Working together in fashion and chemicals to cars – goes to Europe will help Britain the rest of the EU. beat recession and But Gordon Brown was arrogant and complacent about Britain’s economic save jobs.”

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Liberal Britain, Liberal Europe regulation of the City of London and the banking system. This has led to record The people and families of Britain are levels of debt and a recession. Liberal dealing with the harsh realities of Democrats want the EU to help get a recession day in, day out. People are grip on the behaviour of credit losing their jobs, many are struggling to institutions. keep their homes and businesses are going bust. Across the country We want more co-operation at EU level unemployment is rising, wages are between national financial services falling and banks have cut lending. authorities and the European Central Bank in order to improve openness, In Britain, Liberal Democrats want to put ensure fair competition, and keep an money in people’s pockets with big, eye on how banks are operating across permanent tax cuts for ordinary people Europe. We must work together to and families, funded by closing create a fair, secure and level playing- loopholes and unfair exemptions that field in the banking sector. benefit big business and the wealthy. There is a growing problem of Liberal Democrats want to ensure that companies and banks using offshore Britain comes out of recession in a financial centres and other means to better state than we went in. avoid paying their fair share in tax. This can only be stopped if EU countries co- We would take this opportunity to help ordinate better and are stricter at Britain’s economy and help combat cracking down on offshore centres. climate change with investment in green jobs, green technology, energy efficient In particular, the EU can help us rebuild homes and offices and public transport effective local banking in the UK which we can be proud of. can support local businesses and local economies. Over the last year our banking system almost collapsed. British banks are While banking regulation will help inextricably bound up with banking prevent a future financial crisis, it won't systems across Europe. We live in a dig us out of the current one. We need world where money can be moved national governments to co-operate easily across borders, and banks rely on through the EU to help our economies to one another. European countries were recover and jobs to be created. right to take individual action aimed at getting credit flowing again. Once this recession is over, Europe must of course return to the tight fiscal For decades, Labour and the rules that have supported the euro. The Conservatives have resisted tighter European Central Bank and the euro

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have been tried and tested over ten consumers a refund when they face years providing a clearer picture of the unacceptable delays. benefits of membership of the single currency. • Our MEPs work to increase competition in the mobile phone and Working together with other European telecoms market right across Europe countries will help Britain beat recession so that British citizens get a fair deal and save jobs. If we become further wherever they are. Since 2000, the isolated in Europe, Britain would have average cost of a three minute call less say on the EU budget or on the has fallen by 65%. rules and regulations of the single market. Isolation under the • Our MEPs stand up for British Conservatives and UKIP would mean travellers abroad, backing the EU there would be nobody in Brussels to Health Card, which gives British stand up for British jobs, British tourists the right to claim medical consumers and British businesses. treatment abroad.

Labour MEPs often fail to support British Through Europe, we can achieve more. workers and businesses, for example by Different EU countries have their own voting against their own government and employment laws, but the EU has backing damaging plans to scrap the helped set basic rights that every person UK's opt out of the 48 hour week limit in is entitled to. the Working Time Directive. Liberal Democrats have always supported the Many of the new rights that help families right for people to choose to earn to balance life and work, such as overtime and opt out of the 48 hour extended paid maternity leave are a week so long as this is a truly voluntary result of EU action. The EU has also decision. improved the rights of those facing redundancy, setting out minimum The EU can help to create lower and standards for consultation. fairer prices for things like energy and phone calls and stop companies ripping Despite opposition from Conservative people off by price fixing. Liberal MEPs and the Labour Government, Democrat MEPs have helped to open up Liberal Democrats have helped to markets, increase competition, and deliver EU rules to ensure that no British protect consumers. For instance: employer can discriminate against people on the basis of age. Sexual • British people spend £19.3bn a year orientation, disability and religion or on travel to the rest of Europe. Our belief were also covered in the same MEPs fight to get them a fair deal directive. Liberal Democrats have led a like forcing airlines to give campaign to ensure these rules are

12 stronger together, poorer apart extended to cover access to goods and We believe that British consumers services, where age discrimination is not abroad in other EU countries should currently covered in the UK. expect the same standard of fair treatment as in the UK. Complete the single market to create more jobs We will support action through the EU to Services make up a large part of the make it easier and safer to shop on the economies of European countries Internet and on the high street, including (almost 70% of both GDP and compensation for faulty products and employment in the EU) and yet there is protection for major purchases like little trade in services (less than 5% of holiday timeshares. GDP). More trade in services across the EU would mean another £6bn a year Liberal Democrats support measure to for the UK and up to 80,000 new jobs. It further strengthen consumer protection would also improve competition to and competition law. Liberal Democrats reduce prices. will ensure that the EU applies these more rigorously, so that local Liberal Democrat MEPs will continue our businesses can flourish, and people and campaign to extend the single market in communities can’t be exploited by the areas of energy, financial services powerful private or state-owned and transport to so that British firms can companies. provide services across the EU. Extend free trade to cut prices on the With unemployment rising, it is essential high street to help people find jobs at home and Europe’s single market has helped get abroad. Liberal Democrats will make it new customers for British businesses easier to work abroad by making it and pushed down prices across Europe. easier to transfer personal pensions and That is why Liberal Democrats want to mortgages between European countries. build on the single market in Europe as a step towards opening markets Protect consumers and push down worldwide by developing a trans-Atlantic prices free trade area with North America. Liberal Democrat MEPs fight for a good deal for British consumers in Europe. If As a recent study by the OECD found, we want to open markets and force reducing regulation, tariff barriers and down the costs of everything from restrictions on foreign direct investment medicines to mobile phone bills, meals between the EU and the US would and machinery, we need legislation that increase the wealth of everyone by up to will help consumers. £800 a year.

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The euro The euro has been more resilient than But Britain should join when the sterling in the financial crisis and has economic conditions are right, and with become a major reserve currency for the present economic turbulence and many countries outside Europe. Liberal volatility, they are not at the moment. If Democrats believe that it is in Britain’s the government were to recommend long-term interest to be part of the euro. joining the euro, Liberal Democrats Membership of the single currency believe this should only take place if that would help Britain improve economic decision were supported by the people stability and boost trade and investment. of Britain in a referendum.

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putting europe’s house in order

The European Union, with a combined population of half a billion people, has achieved a great deal in the last 50 years, but it now needs to adapt st its focus to the changing world of the 21 Century.

The constant tinkering with the Rather than institutional change, the EU institutions of the EU over the last must now concentrate on issues like decades has resulted in new treaty after tackling climate change, taking on cross- new treaty. This has created the border criminals and building economic appearance of an inward-looking Union prosperity for all Europeans. which seems to many people to concentrate more on how it is structured “...over the last 12 years than actually delivering for people. Labour has lost its way, Liberal Democrats believe this should change, with the European Union leaving Britain without concentrating on delivering better policies that improve people lives – and influence…” national governments co-operating fully Liberal Democrats don’t believe in one- and being open with people on the size-fits-all solutions. This is because benefits that European co-operation Liberal Democrats believe that individual brings.

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people, families and their communities Too often Labour has used EU rules as know best about the things that affect an excuse to enact burdensome and them, so decisions should be taken by centralising regulations. An them, not by distant politicians and independent analysis by the Federation bureaucrats in Westminster or Brussels. for Small Business argued that too many That is why we insist that Europe does regulations had been “over- not act when national, regional or local implemented”. Liberal Democrats would action is more effective. put an end to this so-called “gold- plating” of EU rules. Liberal Democrats support the Lisbon Treaty as it adopts many of the The Conservatives and UKIP would institutional reforms we have been make things even worse by isolating pressing for, including streamlining the Britain. Turning our backs on our EU institutions and giving the partners will achieve nothing for Britain. democratically elected European Parliament greater say. Liberal Democrat MEPs work hard in Brussels to get the best deal for British The Treaty would help the EU face people. We are naturally sceptical of global challenges such as climate big, powerful institutions in both politics change and address the issues which and business. We want government at matter most to citizens including every level to be open, transparent and economic stability, cross-border crime, held to account for its actions. We take asylum and immigration, international the same strict approach in Brussels as terrorism and energy security. The we do to government in Westminster, Treaty will not enter force unless it is Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast and in city ratified by all EU countries. If that and town halls up and down the country. doesn’t happen, EU institutions should go on working under the rules of the Liberal Democrats believe that shifting current treaties, but an opportunity will power away from central government have been lost to make the Union fit for towards local government, people and purpose in the 21st century. communities would be an effective way of delivering real improvements for local Liberal Britain, Liberal Europe people.

Despite a promise to put Britain at the The EU should not act when national or heart of Europe, over the last 12 years regional action would be more effective. Labour has lost its way, leaving Britain The British Government should take the without much influence in many areas of same approach, devolving more power EU business. to regional and local government.

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Liberal Democrats have argued for a Spend Better, Crack Down on Fraud referendum on whether Britain stays in Liberal Democrats want to see tougher or leaves the EU. controls on EU countries and the EU itself for the management of EU money. We are the only party confident enough Both countries and EU institutions to put the pro-European case to the should be named, shamed and fined for British people on the big issue facing us repeat offences – for example the Rural – and let the people decide. Britain will Payments Agency for England and only win the case for a flexible, Wales has a poor track record of using democratic Europe in Brussels if we EU funds. settle our arguments at home on whether we should be part of the EU or The EU must also end unnecessary not. spending on the organisation of the EU institutions themselves. Scrapping the EU Money, Local Power European Parliament’s monthly move to Although it is the EU and Westminster Strasbourg and basing it permanently in that legislate, it is often regional and Brussels would save around ?200m a local government that deliver the results year. on the ground. We do not see the need, in the current Far greater co-ordination is needed context, for any significant growth in the between local and regional government budget’s size, nor the abolition of the and EU bodies to ensure better work British rebate. planning. Around a third of the EU budget is spent on regional structural But the EU budget is in urgent need of and cohesion funds. For example wholesale reform so that money is spent Cornwall has received £350m from the only on the things the EU really needs to EU over the past 6 years helping to fund do and there is a more rational system tourism sites such as the Eden Project. for contributions by member states. This means in particular further reform We believe that local and regional of the Common Agricultural Policy. authorities should have a greater say in the design and management of regional More Democracy, Stronger projects funded through the EU in order Parliaments for local people to have a better say in We want those who are elected, such as how the money is spent. That is why we MEPs and MPs, to have greater power believe it is wrong for the Labour so that EU institutions can be held Government to block English regions properly to account. That is why we bidding for extra funding. support the Lisbon Treaty which gives

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extra powers for national parliaments to We need to open up European meetings scrutinise and object to EU proposals. too. The Conservatives oppose the Lisbon treaty even though it would force Because protecting our civil liberties is a the Council of Ministers to meet in public priority for Liberal Democrats, we want when it passes laws. the democratic European Parliament to have the power to scrutinise and amend The UK Government uses EU rules as EU justice and home affairs agreements an excuse to enact burdensome and such as on data protection, privacy and centralising regulations. We would put fundamental legal rights. an end to this so- called “gold-plating of EU rules. We also seek greater involvement for ministers from , Northern Holding MEPs to Account Ireland and Wales at European Liberal Democrat MEPs have been at meetings where there are clear the forefront of the campaign to reform advantages, such as farming and the European Parliament. fisheries policy. It was our MEPs who blew the whistle Holding British Ministers to Account on the lack of openness and We want the UK Parliament, the malpractice. Many of the reforms we National Assembly for Wales, the have argued for will come into effect in Northern Ireland Assembly and the July 2009. Scottish Parliament to hold Ministers to account for the positions they take in Liberal Democrats expect the highest Europe. That is why we have argued standards of public service and honesty strongly for opening up European from all our representatives. That is why meetings and clarity over the legislation all Liberal Democrat MEPs and that has been agreed at the EU. candidates have signed a binding Code of Conduct on the use of their In Westminster, the Prime Minister parliamentary allowances. This includes should explain his approach on issues in making public the names of all staff, front of Parliament both before and after including family members, and strict attending European Council meetings. adherence to the letter and spirit of the There should be a regular European European Parliament rules. We expect Affairs Question Time in Parliament so all other MEPs to do the same. that MPs can question Ministers on the positions they take in Europe. The We will continue to work to reform MEPs National Assembly for Wales, the expenses, ensure transparency and end Northern Ireland Assembly and Scottish the abuses that have undermined public Parliament should hold similar sessions. confidence.

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tackling crime, protecting liberty

The threat from crime and terrorism does not stop at our borders. Globalisation and mass migration have created a world where more and more crime happens across national borders, and our response must be international too.

Drug smugglers, human traffickers and other organised criminals operate “the Conservatives have internationally. tried to block cross-

With the internet, keeping our children border co-operation on safe from paedophiles and other offenders means we have to co-operate crime, putting British with other countries. Similarly, keeping citizens in danger.” Britain safe from international terrorists means ensuring they have no place to It will make Britain safer if the UK takes hide, at home or abroad. part in common European action to tackle cross-border crimes such as It makes sense for European countries paedophile networks, cyber-crime, to pull together to cut crime and tackle human trafficking, money laundering, terrorism. The EU can succeed where and drug smuggling and gun-running. individual countries acting alone cannot. Britain should be in the vanguard of

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developing justice and home affairs legal systems and civil liberties or create policies in Europe. There should be a a surveillance state. presumption that Britain will choose to take part and lead on such issues. Labour has systematically undermined our cherished freedoms and has tried to The EU has been at the forefront of get agreements in Europe to do the extending the values of open, same things across the EU, for example democratic and free societies across agreements for mass databases and Europe, including protecting email and phone surveillance. They fundamental rights and civil liberties even mis-used European agreements such as freedom of the press, thought, on bio-metric passports to justify speech, liberty of association, religion, spending billions on identity cards. ownership and the right to privacy and dignity. The European Court of Justice In the UK, Liberal Democrats would ensures that people who suffer introduce a Freedom Bill to restore and discrimination have somewhere to turn if protect our most important liberties. We their national government won’t act or if will scrap ID Cards, remove the right of the EU institutions blunder. the state to keep innocent people’s DNA for life, restore the right to protest, and Millions of British citizens benefit every protect judges’ independence. We will year from the freedom to travel across protect people’s privacy, and stop Europe for work, study or holidays within unnecessary state intervention in our a secure framework of civil protection lives. and police co-operation. Around two million British people live or work in In the European Parliament, Liberal other EU countries. Many are married Democrats MEPs have a proud record to or have children with people from of standing up for civil liberties. other EU countries. A large number of British people now own homes or We have consistently fought for businesses abroad. Liberal Democrats protection against discrimination in the want to ensure their legal and civil rights workplace on the grounds of gender, are guaranteed. The only way to do that race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or is to co-operate through the EU. disability. We are leading a campaign to ensure these rules are extended to Liberal Britain, Liberal Europe cover access to goods and services, where age discrimination is not currently Liberal Democrats believe that fighting covered in the UK. We oppose allowing crime and terrorism, whether through the US to have open access to action at home or in Brussels, does not European phone, travel and credit card mean we should give up our traditional records.

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The Conservatives and UKIP have face justice in this country rather than consistently sought to block measures wait for the old lengthy extradition that help European police forces and procedures. judicial authorities to co-operate in investigations into child abuse, human The aim of ECRIS is to share trafficking and cross border crime. They information so that British police can oppose the European Arrest Warrant check as a matter of course whether that has been so useful in bringing someone they have arrested has suspects to trial. criminal convictions elsewhere in the EU. Without the efficient exchange of The Conservatives’ opposition to records, criminals would be able to European co-operation against leave other EU countries for a clean dangerous criminals is perhaps the slate in Britain. worst example of them putting their prejudice against Europe over the We support greater action by Europol interests of the British people. If Britain and Eurojust where justified. Liberal becomes isolated in Europe, or the Democrats MEPs and MPs will continue Conservatives and UKIP succeed in to keep these systems under review to blocking cross-border co-operation on ensure that there is no abuse of crime and terrorism, they will put British innocent people and no curtailment of citizens in danger. civil liberties.

Liberal Democrats in Westminster and Catching Sex Offenders Brussels support measures to help Cracking paedophile rings and freeing Europeans fight cross border crime women who have been shipped to other together. We will also continue to stand countries and forced into prostitution, up for civil liberties and human rights requires co-ordinated European action. and oppose creating a surveillance state. Liberal Democrats support successful pan-European police action such as Catching Criminals and Terrorists Europol’s operation in which police from Our MEPs support action that helps 28 countries rescued over 20 young girls greater co-operation between police from the hands of abusers and arrested forces such as the European Arrest almost 100 sex offenders. Warrant and the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) We want a Europe-wide missing child system. alert system based on the US-style ‘Amber Alert’ warning system. This The European Arrest Warrant helps would allow the whole of Europe to be Britain bring back suspects swiftly to put on alert when a child goes missing.

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We believe Britain should fully adopt access is given to non-EU countries European rules which allow women who such as the US. have been trafficked into the EU for prostitution to remain so that they are Co-operation on Asylum and safe and can help bring traffickers and Immigration pimps to justice. Liberal Democrats do not believe Britain should join the Schengen area of open Ensuring Fair Treatment Abroad borders in the foreseeable future. Attempts to get guaranteed rights across the EU for defendants have been stalled We would maintain and strengthen for over three years. We support action Britain’s borders with a new dedicated to establish common rights in criminal UK Border Force to ensure rigorous proceedings across the EU. This would entry and exit checks. ensure that if you are arrested in another European country you would While UK asylum and immigration have the right to a lawyer, legal aid and decisions should remain the an interpreter. This has been a problem responsibility of the UK government, in cases like the British plane spotters Liberal Democrats believe that the UK arrested in Greece in 2001. It also should play a more positive role in means that if you are the victim of crime setting stronger EU policies and abroad you will get the standard of common standards to tackle illegal justice you would expect in the UK. immigration, to ensure the asylum system is fair and not abused and to Protecting Privacy agree a coherent approach to legal Liberal Democrats want data protection immigration from outside the EU. to be a higher priority among European governments. We believe that EU This will help Britain as well as the EU to countries should share information to protect its borders while creating an help catch criminals and terrorists but orderly immigration and asylum system we need guaranteed privacy safeguards in which EU countries fulfils their on access to databases by police and international refugee obligations and intelligence agencies, including when manage migration flows properly.

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green europe

Dangerous climate change will destroy our way of life unless radical action is taken. We are running out of time to safeguard the future for our children and grandchildren. No individual country can tackle this problem alone. We have to work together to ensure that our way of life doesn’t hurt the planet.

Pollution and climate change have no All EU members are now committed to respect for national borders. It makes reducing greenhouse gases and energy sense for European countries to pull consumption by at least a fifth by 2020, together to save energy, cut pollution and to getting 20% of European energy and preserve our natural resources. from renewable sources, with a UK And it makes sense for all European target of 15% from renewable sources. countries to commit to the same goals, because on the environment if we don’t “We will ensure that all act, we all lose out. Britain and Europe take The European Union has led the way with climate change and energy laws this opportunity to go and ambitious targets to reduce emissions. green.”

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Liberal Democrats want to see the Our MEPs have fought hard to improve commitment to cut CO2 emissions air purity by clamping down on increased to 30% as part of a wider emissions from planes and cars, raise global agreement. water quality by cutting out poisonous chemicals, and guarantee chemical The EU’s commitment to tackling safety standards by making climate change and boosting research manufacturers prove that their products and development helps put European are safe. countries at the cutting edge of green technologies - like stopping carbon Liberal Britain, Liberal Europe emissions escaping into the atmosphere from the dirty use of coal, and In Britain, the Liberal Democrats are the sustainable energy sources like solar, only party that has a clear, long-term wave, tidal and wind power. strategy for tackling climate change and reducing emissions to make the UK Our businesses are well placed to lead a carbon neutral – where the country new green revolution which will generate absorbs as much carbon as it emits – by thousands of jobs. In Germany alone, the year 2050. 400,000 jobs have already been created thanks to investment in green Our strategy sets out how Britain can technologies. The proposed offshore tackle carbon emissions from all parts of super-grid around the North Sea will the economy: transport, energy, create an estimated 200,000 jobs. housing, offices and factories.

Europe's commitment to cut carbon It needs to be easier for people to go emissions provides us with real green, particularly in time of recession. opportunities. Energy wasted heating draughty homes is bad for the environment and leads to Liberal Democrats will increase high fuel bills. The poorest people, who investment in science and technology. tend to live in badly insulated homes, The EU's research and development suffer most. An estimated 4.5 million programmes must help shape the low British households are now in fuel carbon economy of the future. That is poverty, according to Ofgem. the European route to green growth in Britain. Labour pledged to end fuel poverty by 2010, yet instead it has increased, Protecting the environment isn't just leaving millions with huge energy bills. about climate change. We believe that Liberal Democrats would ensure the every citizen has the right to breathe energy companies invest in a rolling clean air, drink fresh water and live on programme to reduce bills and cut out unpolluted land. waste by insulating homes and installing

24 stronger together, poorer apart smart meters to help people monitor By opposing a common European how much fuel they are using. We energy policy, the Conservatives have would also require energy companies to shown they are not serious about the expand discounts for vulnerable people environment. Their attitude to Europe struggling to pay fuel bills. will just leave us isolated.

Our plans would create more jobs in the Britain can’t afford to become isolated in construction industry and lead to lower Europe when decisions are being made fuel bills for people and families. Liberal to save our planet. Democrats are determined to ensure Britain and Europe take the opportunity By opposing reforms in the Lisbon that going green offers. Treaty that would help the EU combat climate change, the Green Party too is Labour have let us down on the part of the problem, not the answer. environment. They have no strategy for making all Britain’s houses energy Liberal Democrats will fight to ensure efficient. They make big promises in that all EU countries meet their targets Brussels about cutting emissions, but for reducing emissions and using more then in Britain they back dirty coal-fired renewable energy. power stations, like Kingsnorth, and a new airport runway at Heathrow. The Copenhagen summit in December is a real opportunity for Barack Obama’s EU rules on air quality and noise limits United States to join forces with Europe aim to protect people from harmful and create a new ambitious international pollution from things like factories, treaty that includes all major industrial planes and cars. and developing countries.

The level of air pollution around The EU's carbon emissions trading Heathrow already breaks EU rules. scheme is at the heart of Europe’s plans Labour’s decision to build a new runway to reduce carbon dioxide and other at Heathrow will just make this worse. emissions which harm the environment. Liberal Democrats are fighting to stop Labour’s third runway and protect the Liberal Democrats want the scheme environment. extended to include other harmful greenhouse gases and more areas of The Conservative commitment to green business such as shipping. issues is only skin deep, prioritising Improvements to the scheme will photo opportunities over real policies to provide money to reduce taxes and help Britain and Europe go green. invest in clean, green technologies.

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A Green Road to Recovery work of national energy regulators and The UK lags behind many other coordinate much needed European European countries in adopting green research and development into technology. Now is the time for big technology that can tackle climate investment to create jobs and make change. Britain and Europe greener. No to Nuclear Power We need a green road out of the The Liberal Democrats oppose the recession. This would mean new jobs in expansion of nuclear energy in Britain green industries, money in people’s which both Labour and the pockets from saving energy, and a Conservatives have championed. transport network we can all be proud of. Many of our proposals for green We believe nuclear energy creates investment would need to be delivered dangerous waste and leaves a lethal through local councils and local radioactive legacy for our children. The companies, putting money into local huge start-up and clean-up costs would economies. be better spent supporting renewable energy and cutting waste. Green, Affordable and Secure Energy Liberal Democrats want Britain to lead Green Homes the drive for an open marketplace for Working through Europe will cut the cost energy in Europe to deliver secure of going green. Increasing the energy supplies of cleaner energy and lower efficiency of our homes is the cheapest bills. way of cutting harmful emissions and saving people money on bills. Linking up national electricity and gas grids and creating a European super- Liberal Democrat MEPs are arguing for grid would also reduce every country’s tighter energy efficiency standards for vulnerability to having energy supplies new and renovated buildings and for cut off - particularly from Russia. Britain bringing all homes up to the best has the potential to lead the world in modern standards. clean renewable energy particularly wave, tidal and wind power. Liberal Democrats want the UK Government to take advantage of new Our goal is for Britain to source all European agreements and cut VAT on energy needs from within the EU by housing alterations, renovations and 2030 and become a net exporter of repairs. Our MEPs will work to extend energy by 2050. In order to meet this this to products which help save energy goal, a European Energy Agency should and to other environmentally-friendly be established to bring together the products and businesses.

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Taken together, these measures would deliver an appropriate level of food cut home renovation costs, help tackle security, enhance biodiversity through fuel poverty, reduce carbon emissions, habitat management and conserve our create thousands of jobs and boost countryside, support rural economies, Britain’s struggling construction sector. help tackle climate change, ensure cleaner water and protect water Sustainable Agriculture and Fishing supplies. Although the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been transformed over The reformed policy must allocate Rural the last decade it still makes up over a Development Funds to member states third of the EU’s budget. on objective needs-based criteria, replacing the current arrangement that It is inevitable that the proportion of the has left many parts of the UK, EU budget devoted to the CAP will particularly Scotland and Wales, short- decline further in future and Liberal changed for decades. Democrats will ensure that this process is managed to avoid risks to food Liberal Democrats believe that even production while at the same time more responsibility for implementing providing a broader range of policy on conserving fish stocks should environmental and other benefits. be worked out regionally. Decisions on fisheries management should be made The CAP should be replaced gradually on a regional basis, with more powers with a new European Sustainable Rural being given to fishermen, scientists and Development Policy. This would help communities through Regional farmers to get a fair price for their Management Councils. produce, encourage home grown food,

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stronger in the world

In the 20th century, European integration helped to bring peace to a continent divided by the Iron Curtain and by historic rivalries. With globalisation in the 21st century, Britain and Europe face a different set of threats, but many opportunities too.

Britain can no longer pretend that we can solve the problems of the world or “The unquestioning keep this country safe by acting alone or support by Labour and slavishly supporting whatever the United States decides. the Conservatives for

If we are to maintain influence in the President Bush and the world we must co-operate with our invasion of Iraq left European partners to pursue shared objectives and values. Britain isolated...”

Those countries which form part of a By combining our economic power, as larger group will be better able to defend we have done through the single and promote their interests. market, Europe gets better trade deals

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around the world than if each country such as Africa, the Middle East or were to negotiate independently. The Russia. EU trade and partnership agreements with third countries, such as Israel and The unquestioning support by Labour Russia, have the capacity to give the EU and the Conservatives for President significant diplomatic influence in Bush and the invasion of Iraq left Britain negotiations. These are not always fully isolated and without having much say exploited at present. over what was decided in Washington. By turning its back on Europe, the Europe acting together will be a credible Conservatives would speed up the ally and partner for Barack Obama’s relative decline in British power. United States. Liberal Democrats support the To become the partner America needs, development of the EU's common European countries have got to take foreign and security and defence more responsibility for our own security. policies which began under the previous As well as military co-operation this will Conservative government and have also mean working together to developed further under Labour. We guarantee democracy, poverty reduction support the changes proposed in the and sustainable development in other Lisbon Treaty, such as merging the parts of the world. external relations functions of the Council and Commission, which would Liberal Britain, Liberal Europe enhance Europe’s ability to deliver more co-ordinated foreign policy. Liberal Democrats believe that working together with other countries through We believe Britain should retain its seat international bodies such as the UN, on a reformed and expanded UN NATO and the EU is the best way to Security Council and agree positions ensure Britain’s security. where possible with other European countries sitting on the Security Council. We believe that a more united Europe will have more influence to implement Supporting Defence Co-operation shared values such as democracy, open Liberal Democrats believe that NATO markets, human rights, international remains the bedrock of our collective development and the rule of law. security and do not believe in the need for a European army. Britain isolated in Europe would have little chance to make a real difference in Britain should retain its veto on defence areas where conflict or instability can decisions including over the deployment impact directly on our national interests of British troops.

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We want the EU to be able to undertake We would also encourage countries peace-keeping missions in agreement such as Norway, Switzerland and with NATO. We support closer defence Iceland to join the EU. co-operation in Europe and want British forces to play a leading role in EU peace Engaging Russia keeping and humanitarian missions in Europe needs to diminish its reliance on places like Kosovo, Darfur or the Russian energy resources. Relations Democratic Republic of Congo. with Russia present one of the greatest challenges for the European Union. Defence co-operation in Europe will help European nations should not fall into the increase military capabilities and trap of allowing Russia to divide us in improve the European contribution to order to weaken us as it has tried to do NATO. We support the work of the over energy policy. European Defence Agency to help improve overall European defence Liberal Democrats believe the EU capability for NATO and Europe and should adopt a unified approach to encourage more European countries to Russia that enables Europe to have a shoulder their full share of the burden. positive but firm relationship with its largest neighbour. All EU countries could save money and get better equipment for our armed World Trade forces if defence markets were opened The best way for Britain to shape the up to competition. Britain is well placed way that world trade develops is to be a with a strong defence industry to benefit strong player inside the EU, working to from sales of equipment to fellow EU keep Europe competitive and pressing and NATO members. for an increasingly open world economy.

Supporting Enlargement Liberal Democrats want the EU to Enlargement of the European Union has promote a world trading system that is helped spread democracy, human rights both free and fair. That means a liberal and prosperity through the continent of and open system that increases growth Europe. The prospect of eventual and jobs, but that takes account of membership is bringing about lasting environmental and social standards too. change in the Balkans. The EU has a key role to play in The EU is still adapting to its expansion salvaging the Doha development round to 27 member states, but Liberal of the World Trade Organisation, Democrats welcome the prospect of including eliminating production further enlargement in due course and subsidies in agriculture and trade support future membership for Turkey. barriers.

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International Development EU development assistance should be The UK lags behind some of our EU targeted at reducing poverty and partners in overseas aid and disease, and humanitarian aid must be development. Liberal Democrats are allocated on the basis of need. committed to increasing the UK’s Economic partnership agreements spending on overseas aid to reach the between the EU and developing UN target of 0.7% of GNP and believe countries should be flexible and include all EU states should work to the same adequate transition periods to ensure target where they have not already that developing countries will be able to achieved it. compete in world markets.

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working for you: Liberal Democrat MEPs

ELSPETH ATTWOOLL (Scotland): Scotland’s geographical needs and to Elspeth specialises in the common engage local communities in the fisheries policy and has worked decision making process. Elspeth has specifically on achieving more also sought to build the social dimension stakeholder participation in the of the single market and, in particular, formulation of EU fisheries legislation the promotion of gender equality. and greater regional control over fisheries management. Elspeth is stepping down as an MEP at this election and strongly supports the Elspeth has cooperated closely with the campaign to elect George Lyon as Scottish Parliament, local authorities Scotland’s next Liberal Democrat and NGOs to ensure that Scottish representative in the European citizens get the best deal from Europe. Parliament. In particular, she has fought to ensure that Scottish farmers are heard in SHARON BOWLES (South East): Brussels, most recently voicing her Sharon is the Liberal Democrats’ concerns on electronic tagging of sheep economics spokesperson in Europe. and pesticides. Even before the economic crisis, Sharon led calls for smarter financial regulation On regional development, Elspeth has across European markets: changes that worked for EU policies that reflect are now mainstream thinking. Sharon

32 stronger together, poorer apart was instrumental to ensuring that Chris also speaks up for the Palestinian deposit guarantees cover small cause - and was the only British businesses and also framed the politician to enter Gaza during the Israeli Parliament's position on VAT fraud. In attacks of January 2009. Chris has addition, she was prominent in the been in the forefront of the campaign to campaign to acquire equal recognition reform the Parliament's system of for civil partnerships across the EU. expenses.

In her constituency, Sharon has fought ANDREW DUFF (East of England): successfully to keep Eurostar services Andrew is the leader of the Liberal running from Ashford. Democrat European Parliamentary Party. He has led the ALDE group in She has also been working hard to the on-going battles to reform and protect the media rights of small football strengthen the European Union. He clubs like Brighton & Hove Albion and represented the Parliament in the Aldershot Town and has campaigned to negotiations that led up to the Treaty of introduce ‘safe standing’ areas at Lisbon, and is a key figure in the football stadiums. campaign to bring the treaty into force, resulting in a more modern, efficient and CHRIS DAVIES (North West): democratic Europe capable of taking Chris is ALDE spokesperson on effective action at home and abroad. environment policy and has played a major part in toughening legislation to Andrew also works to build up the curb air and water pollution, and in security and defence dimension of the improving the safety of potentially toxic EU, and is much involved in the chemicals. Recently, he played a key enlargement debate, particularly with role in introducing a multi-billion euro regard to Turkey. financial mechanism to support the development of Carbon Capture and In his region, Andrew Duff is much Storage. involved in supporting research and innovation, hoping to turn the East of He also introduced an EU level measure England into Europe’s top cluster of that has led to every packet of cigarettes science success. sold in the UK displaying a graphic health warning and is happy to see that FIONA HALL (North East): smoking in the North West - which is Fiona is the first Liberal Democrat MEP attributable to one in five deaths and for the North East and fights to get the costs the region’s NHS £194 million best deal for her region. Recently, every year - is now in decline. Fiona exposed the UK Government’s

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shameful actions in blocking access to Democrats under the lead of Susan hundreds of millions of pounds in Kramer MP to get EU air quality law European funding that should have been respected and Heathrow expansion used to boost the North East economy: stopped, and supporting the European she is pressing for a change of policy. Arrest Warrant to catch suspects like Hussain Osman, a July 2005 bomber. Fiona is committed to fighting climate change, and believes that energy As a leading member of the European efficiency and renewables are key to Parliament’s justice committee, Sarah cutting carbon emissions, improving works hard to tackle international crime energy security and tackling fuel and strengthen security while upholding poverty. civil liberties.

She negotiated the EU’s recent A prominent campaigner for human renewables strategy and is working rights, she played a key role in closely with renewables sector Parliament’s inquiry into European companies across the North East - from collusion in illicit CIA rendition and electric vehicles and sustainable torture and has campaigned hard to biofuels to offshore wind - to ensure that close Guantanamo Bay. the region benefits from green growth. Sarah is an outspoken champion of Helping the world’s poorest people is equality and non-discrimination. also a priority for Fiona. She has fought for development-friendly Economic LIZ LYNNE (West Midlands): Partnership Agreements, and won Liz was dubbed the EU’s ‘equality tougher EU action on illegal timber rapporteur’ after securing the call for a imports and arms exports. She has new law banning discrimination in served as an election observer in Africa, accessing goods and services on the and headed the EU’s election mission to grounds of disability, age, religion or Togo. belief and sexual orientation.

SARAH LUDFORD (London): Liz has been heavily involved in the Sarah is the deputy leader of the Liberal revision of the Working Time Directive Democrat European Parliamentary and has campaigned on many health Party. care issues.

She is strongly committed to London She is active in helping the farming and uses her MEP role to make the community, most recently over sheep capital a better place to live: securing tagging, and maintains a lively interest in European action to get the Thames human rights issues, especially with cleaned up, working with fellow Liberal regard to Gaza and Kashmir.

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Liz has campaigned with the Retained including being the Vice-Chairman of the Firefighters Union against Labour’s Women's Rights Committee of the Euro- attempt to limit voluntary overtime work, Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly which threatens vital fire fighting and a member of the Senate of the services in counties like Shropshire and Euro-Mediterranean University. Warwickshire. She led, as Chief Observer, the She also succeeded in winning millions European Union’s Election Observation of pounds in EU Solidarity Fund money Mission to Yemen in 2006 breaking new to repair the Severn Valley Railway after ground through brokering the agreement the devastating floods of two years ago. of all political parties for electoral reform.

BILL NEWTON DUNN (East Midlands): Most recently her strong and committed Bill has lived in his region for over thirty team have forced the nine-year scandal years and is widely known for his hard of the suffering of Roma families from work and his knowledge of the lead poisoning in Northern Kosovo to challenges facing the area. He supports the top of the agenda. open borders which benefit trade and citizens, but he campaigns against DIANA WALLIS (Yorkshire & Humber): organised criminal gangs that take Diana is a strong voice in Europe for advantage of the single market to Yorkshire and the Humber. When Hull smuggle drugs, illegal immigrants, and and East Yorkshire were hit by flooding faked goods. in 2007, Diana helped secure extra funding for the area. He also works to tighten budgetary control in the EU, pressing for better She has been a consistent campaigner cooperation by national governments, for victims of the collapse of the including that of the UK, who so far Equitable Life insurance company which refuse to allow EU auditors to see how affected thousands of constituents and they spent the EU’s money. many more citizens across Europe: she wrote a report on this for the European EMMA NICHOLSON (South East): Parliament which highlighted the lack of Emma is a highly active member of the proper financial regulation. Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and Human Rights sub-committee. She Diana currently serves as one of the is the first ever President of the European Parliament’s Vice-Presidents. Parliament’s delegation for Iraq. In that role she has pressed for a greater transparency of Members’ Emma’s particular interest in the Islamic expenses and for improving public World and intercultural dialogue has access to documents. influenced her work in the region

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Diana leads for the ALDE group on legal In the European Parliament, Graham affairs, where she has been responsible has been Leader of the ALDE Group for improving access to justice for EU since 2002, working hard to see that citizens and in the development of EU Liberal values and policies achieve civil law. Diana has played a key role in maximum influence. Graham has led increasing international awareness of the group in its battles to get trade that the impact of climate change in the is free but fair, migration that is Arctic. productive but coordinated, and anti- climate change measures that are tough GRAHAM WATSON (South West and but achievable. Gibraltar): Graham swapped heather for heath He has edited or co-authored many when he became an MEP in the South pamphlets, most recently Making the West fifteen years ago. Since then he Green Energy Switch at a Time of has been a strong advocate for local Crisis, which makes the case for a causes, supporting renewable energy European supergrid. He is committed to projects, fighting for regional funding finding the ideas that will help us to and, most recently, lobbying to ensure emerge from recession on the right side that local “cider brandy” is not renamed of the green energy curve. under arbitrary rules.

36 Published by the Liberal Democrats 4 Cowley Street, London SW1P 3NB

ISBN 978-1-907046-04-9 © May 2009

Printed by Contract Printing, Unit 11, Whittle Road, Corby, Northants NN17 5DX

Cover Design by Greg Simpson