FY19 FOIA Fincen Internal
DATE REQUEST ID SUMMARY OF REQUEST REQUESTER GoFOIA # RECEIVED Marijuana related Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) The records I am asking you to produce will indicate by Industry Type, Year and Month of filing, States/Territories, and Regulator (all available at https://www fincen gov/reports/sar-stats); and by type of marijuana-related SAR (“Marijuana Limited”, “Marijuana Priority”, and Marijuana Termination”): 19-001-F 10/1/2018 Richards, Jim 2018-10-013 1 the number of financial institutions filing marijuana-related SARs, 2 the number of marijuana-related SARs filed by each financial institution, without naming the institution; 3 the number of suspects listed in each SAR 19-002-F All “Marijuana Limited” SARs filed during Quarter 1 of 2018 10/3/18 Repanich, Tony 2018-08-079 19-003-F FOIA Log for FY18 10/5/18 Kaplan, Thomas 2018-10-044 I am seeking the responsive records for the following FOIA requests to FinCEN (as identified by request number or request ID in your FOIA logs): 19-004-F 10/5/18 Kaplan, Thomas 2018-10-043 2016-01-140, 17-007-F, 17-133-F, 17-172-F, 17-173-F, 17-175-F, 17-245-F, 17-384-F 19-005-F Records pertaining to self 10/9/18 b(6) 2018-10-048 FOIA Log from July 1, 2018 to present, Copy of the Director's daily calendar from July 1, 2018 to present, a copy of all visitor logs from July 1, 2018 to present, and any and all communications, to include but not be limited to official correspondence on congressional letterhead as well as emails sent from the following members of Congress or their staffs, 19-006-F 10/11/2018
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