Austrian Junior Championships 2013

International Austrian Junior Championships , Radial, Zoom 8, 420

International Austrian Youth Championships 470, Burgenland state championships in the 420

27.08.2013 ‒ 01.09.2013

Yachtclub Podersdorf (YCP) on behalf of the Austrian Federation

Podersdorf, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland


ASF DP No. 4911 ASF approval No.10, April 2013

1. Rules 1.1. The regatta will be governed by the "Racing Rules of Sailing" (RRS). 1.2. Additionally the Standard ASF Sailing Instructions 2013, the complemental Sailing Instructions of the organizer and the Notice of Race apply. 1.3. The rules of the Federal Anti-Doping-Law 2007 apply. 1.4. Appendix P (Direct Judging) will be applied.

2. Advertising are required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the Organizing Authority at the bow.

Austrian Junior Championships 2013

3. Elegibility and Entry 3.1 International open for all boats of the class(es)

Class lowest eligible year of birth

Optimist 1998 Zoom 8 1995 1995 420 1995 29er 1992 470 1992

entered in the register of a club recognized by ISAF, and comply with the class rules against liability losses (minimum coverage EUR 1,500,000) are insured. 3.2 The skipper and bowman must be a member of a federation association, an individual member of the ASF or another recognized by ISAF national federation. 3.3 The helmsmen must be in possession of driver's license Sailing Junior BFA, BFA or BFA single FB 1, or may submit an equivalent document of a foreign association (except Optimist) 3.4 Eligible boats may enter by completing the attached form and send it up to 13.08.2013 to the Yacht Club Podersdorf, A-7141 Podersdorf am See, St. Christopher's No. 9, or by completing the online entry form at The entry fee is to be paid to the account of the Yacht Club Podersdorf, Account No. 048-29190, ERSTE Bank Code 2011 IBAN AT 122011100004829190 BIC GIBAATWWXXX no later than 13.08.2013 (deadline). The transfer receipt must be presented at registration. 3.5 Late entries will be at a late registration fee of € 20, - accepted, if they arrive in good time before the end of registration.

3.6 There is a minimum registration number of

20 boats for one person classes 15 boats doe two person classes

at registration deadline (13.08.2013). If this minimum number is not reached, the race may be canceled.

4. Registration fee The registration fee is

Class registration fee

Optimist € 40.- Zoom 8 € 50.- Laser Radial € 50.- 420 € 100.- 29er € 100.- 470 € 100.-

Austrian Junior Championships 2013

Event Shirts can be purchased at a price of EUR 25.- optionally. Please order specifying the size until 12.07.2013 by Mail: [email protected]. Receipt of the shirts and payment is at the registration.

5. Registration Control of measurement certificate, liability insurance certificate, ASF membership cards, bank transfer confirmation entry fee, issue of the sailing instructions:

Tuesday 27. August 2013 from 9h to 18h. Wednesday 28. August 2013 from 8h to 12h.

at the YCP Registration Office.

6. Control Measurement Control Measurements take place

Tuesday 27. August 2013 from 9h to 18h For the classes Optimist, Laser R, Zoom 8, 29er

Wednesday 28. August 2013 from 8h to 12h For the classes 420, 470

at the YCP club premises.

7. First Start Wednesday 28.08.2013, 14:00h

If all necessary races for a valid Championship according to article 11 have been sailed until Saturday 31.08.2013 18:00h, then all further noticed and not sailed races are counted as cancelled and will not be repeated.

8. Sailing Instructions The sailing instructions are available at registration.

9. Courses/Format Standard courses with a target time according to the Standard ASF Sailing Instructions 2013 will be sailed.

Course 1- Optimist Course 2- 29er,420,470 Course 3- Laser Radial, Zoom 8

For classes in which more than 60 participants have registered a qualification and a final series will be sailed. Classes with fewer than 50 registered participants, a single series will be sailed. For classes with 50 to 60 registered participants, the organizer decides.

Austrian Junior Championships 2013

10. Penalty System For the 29er Class Rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.

11. Scoring There are 8 races (29er, 15 races) scheduled with one deletion. If fewer than 5 races (29er, 8 races) are scored, there is no deletion. If more than 12 races are scored in the 29er class, there are two deflections. Should not at least 4 races (29er, 7 races) be scored, the series is not considered youth and junior championship. Should not at least 3 races (29er, 4 races) be scored, the series is not considered a focus regatta (Schwerpunktregatta). (420)

Evaluation according to the Low Point System (WRS Appendix A).

12. Coach boats

Coach boats are for each lane and state association (for foreign participants per track and National Association) approved limited as follows:

Registered participants max. Coach boats 1-6 1 7-12 2 13 or more 3

13. They must be reported to the organizer by 13.08.2013 with the following content. a) Name of driver. b) driving license number. c) motor boat type. d) motor. e) registration number. Applications received after the deadline cannot be considered. Non awarding of a permit is not grounds for regress. The coach boats are marked by a flag that is issued by the organizer at registration for a deposit of EUR 50, -.

14. Berths All boats must be parked in the assigned berths.

15. Radiotraffic A boat may not, except in an emergency, while racing neither make radio transmissions nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones. 16. Prizes Following prizes are awarded:

Austrian Junior Championships 2013

16.1 The winning participant and the winning team is awarded the prizes of the ASF and the title "Austrian Youth Champion 2013 in the class (optimist, Zoom8, Laser Radial, 420)" and the title "Austrian Junior Champion in the class (29er, 470)". Requirement is the Austrian citizenship of all crew members. For any other combination of citizenship of the crew members they are awarded the title of "International Youth Champion 2013 in the class (optimist, Zoom8, Laser Radial, 420)" and "International Junior Champion 2013 Austria in the class (29er, 470)".

The title "Austrian Youth Champion 2013 in the class (optimist, Zoom8, Laser Radial, 420)" and the title "Austrian Junior Champion in the class (29er , 470)" (including prizes) is awarded to the best ranked participant or team started under Austrian nationality.

16.2 The title of "National Champion of Burgenland 2013 in the 420 class” is awarded to the best ranked helmsman/woman, who - regardless of residence or citizenship - is a member of a Club represented in the LSV Burgenland. and has participated for this Club.

16.3 Spot prizes for the first 5 boats each class (10 boats Optimist class).

17 Liability, Images, Data 17.1 Each competitor is obliged to adhere to the racing rules for this event and all other applicable rules. Each participant sails the regatta according to WRS 4 at its own risk. The organizer and its officials shall not be liable for damages of any kind at sea and on land, neither to team nor material. 17.2 The participants agree that pictures and recordings of participating boats and people on the water and on land will be produced, and that those may be published without limitations in picture and sound (for example, for the purposes of the association of the organizer, to promote the events of the organizer, reporting on the events, the promotion of tourism, etc.) 17.3 The participants explicitly agree that their personal data is stored by the organizers to promote the purposes of the association of the organizers, but may not be passed on to third parties.

18. Insurance All participating boats must have a valid liability insurance with a minimum cover of € 1.500.000, - per event or the equivalent thereof.

19. Further Information

Further information on the event is available from:

Yachtclub Podersdorf A-7141 Podersdorf am See St. Christophorus Nr. 9 OC-AYM 2013 Alexander Kohlendorfer Mail: [email protected]

Accommodation: Podersdorf Tourism:

Austrian Junior Championships 2013

Camping in the Yachtclub: Es Translation Next to the club area of the YCP a limited number of pitches for caravans and mobile homes and camping facilities are available without electricity. The sites are open to the public, the YCP assumes no liability. The allocation of places is made upon receipt of the reservation at [email protected]

20. Schedule (subject to change)

Tuesday, 27.08.2013 9-18h Registration and control measurement Optimist, Laser, Zoom, 29er 19h Opening Ceremony

Wednesday, 28.08.2013 8-12h Registration and control measurement 420, 470 14h Start of 1. Race Evening Sailors Dinner

Thursday, 29.08.2013 Races as posted

Friday, 30.08.2013 Races as posted Evening Grill Party

Saturday, 31.08.2013 Races as posted

Sunday, 01.09.2013 If need be Races according to Notice of Race Par. 7