The Public Realm of Central Christchurch Narrative
THE PUBLIC REALM OF CENTRAL CHRISTCHURCH NARRATIVE Written by Debbie Tikao, Landscape Architect and General Manager of the Matapopore Charitable Trust. Kia atawhai ki te iwi – Care for the people Pita Te Hori, Upoko – Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga, 1861 The Public Realm of Central Christchurch Narrative 1 2 CERA Grand Narratives INTRODUCTION This historical narrative weaves together Ngāi Tahu cultural values, stories and traditional knowledge associated with Ōtautahi (Christchurch) and the highly mobile existence of hapū and whānau groups within the Canterbury area and the wider landscape of Te Waipounamu (South Island). The focus of this historical narrative therefore is on this mobile way of life and the depth of knowledge of the natural environment and natural phenomena that was needed to navigate the length and breadth of the diverse and extreme landscape of Te Waipounamu. The story that will unfold is not one of specific sites or specific areas, but rather a story of passage and the detailed cognitive maps that evolved over time through successive generations, which wove together spiritual, genealogical, historical and physical information that bound people to place and provided knowledge of landscape features, mahinga kai and resting places along the multitude of trails that established the basis for an economy based on trade and kinship. This knowledge system has been referred to in other places as an oral map or a memory map, which are both good descriptions; however, here it is referred to as a cognitive map in an attempt to capture the multiple layers of ordered and integrated information it contains. This historical narrative has been written to guide the design of the public realm of the Christchurch central business area, including the public spaces within the East and South frames.
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