2 EDW VII 1902 No 54 Military Pensions
2 EDW. VI!.] MilitaTY Pensions. [1902, No. 54. 219 New ~ealand. ANALYSIS. Title. 4. Seotion 7 of prinoipal Aot amended. 1. Short Title. 15. Soale amended. 2. Extension of prll10ipal Act to Eighth, Ninth, 6. Aot retrospective. and Tenth Contingents. 7. Governor to grant pensions. 3. MedICal Board. Schedule. 1902, No. 54. AN Ac'!' to amencl .. 'rhe Military Pensions Act, 1866," and to Title. further extend the Provisions of "The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900." [31'd Octuber, 190:J. BE IT ENACr1'ED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- 1. 'rhe Short Title of this Act is ., The Military Pensions Act, Short Title. 1902"; anll it shall form part of and be read together with" The Military Pensions Act, 1866" (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Act "). 2 .. r1'he persons whose nallles are set forth in the Schedule Extension of prinoipal Act to hereto shall be deemed to be members of the forces elll'olled by the Eighth, Nmth, and Government for service in South Africa, and the provisions of " The Tenth Contingents. Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," are hereby extended to such persons accordingly. 3. Section four of the principal Act is hereby repealed, and the Medioa.l Boa.rd. following substituted in lieu thereof :- "(1.) The Governor may from time to time appoint a Board, consisting of not leRs than three duly qualified medical practitioners, whose duty it shall be to inquire into every claim for a pension or gratuity in respect of a wound or injury received in the actual performance of military duty, or in respect of the death of any officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, and to report thereon to the Governor.
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