The Tyranny of Optimism C. W. Von Bergen Southeastern Oklahoma State University
[email protected] Diane Bandow Troy University
[email protected] ABSTRACT America culture emphasizes upbeat thinking, cheerfulness, optimism, and other manifestations of positive affect in its aphorisms, songs, religion, books and magazines, medicine, business, and psychology. This has led to the often unchallenged idea that positive thinking is always a good thing. This belief has caused the power that negative thinking and affect hold, in terms of realistic appraisals of the self and the world, to be not only underestimated, but often shunned as well. It is dangerous, however, to lose sight of unpleasant realities. The downfall of losing sight of realities is illustrated with examples. Costs and benefits are reviewed as they relate to positive and negative thinking and positive and negative affect. This paper presents a curvilinear, inverted U-shaped model that suggests that an optimal range of affect is most adaptive and that extremes in either positive or negative affect are less beneficial. “Almost everyone is overconfident—except the people who are depressed, and they tend to be realists.” [32, p. 149] The American way of life is replete with appeals to be encouraging, cheerful, and upbeat. We are told that looking on the bright side is good for us because positive thoughts realize themselves in the form of good health, prosperity, and success [27]. The common view that people should always feel positive about themselves and to think positive has created the perception that negative thinking should be shunned by society. This rejection is dangerous since negative thinking promotes truthful and realistic appraisals: “Truth matters to people, even if it is at the expense of feelings of well-being, self-satisfaction and social adjustment” [69, p.