“1 11 1-1 A FOREWORD B Y


From the unrea l lea d us to the R ea l ,

From d arkn es s lea d us to Li g ht,

From dea th lea d us to Immorta li ty .


THE TRA DE S U P P L l E D B Y L N F . L R 8: L E C . . CO . P OW E , 7 , IM ERIA ARCADE ,

1 9 1 9 .







V O M R I N I S N S . S E E M CE C E







IT was my good fortune to kno w Alan L e o fo r man was o f very y years , to me he first all

o f Divine a devoted student the Wisdom , that Wisdom whi ch has come down t o us through

o f a succession Sages , forming in all a golden thread interwoven in the cord o f human

o n evolution , an unbroken thread which are strung the religions o f the world living and

T r ro l im . o D e c a e d dead that ivine Wisdom , p in o ur ow n days under its o ld Greek name

The OS O hia The o s o h p , p y, he was ever absolutely

its loyal , unwaveringly brave in defence , ever

to . eager to learn , willing teach I t was the

Lamp of his life , guiding him through many hard and thorny ways ; he threw its light o n problems that seemed insoluble and they were 8 LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

no no solved trouble could dim its glow , attack could shake hi s faith for he had tried it k and proved it , and he new that in which he had believed by the personal knowledge o f hi s o n w experience . Then I knew him a s a singularly able well balanced and intuitive Astrologer ; his love for this ancient and much maligned science

t o was only second his love for , and indeed they were s o interwoven in his

s o hi s o ne thought , they permeated life , that can scarcely speak of first and second . I ndeed is a Department O f the D ivine

Wisdom , as known in Chaldea and all ancient lands . H e w a s one of the foremost in raising

Astrology from fortune - telling to a scientific

o f of forecasting conditions , a delineation

o f tendencies in a character , a map the

an d a wide o n personal nature , outlook coming evolution . H e ever bore in m ind n o t only the circumstances through which the individual

re - would pass , but the action Of the individual

o n the circumstances , remoulding and re shaping them ; and he remembered that previous re mo uldings and re shapings by the LI F E AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO 9 spiritualised organism during its present life would introduce far - reaching changes into the life map drawn from the horoscope at birth . He appreciated fully the bearing o n the happenings Of the future o f the pregnant hint ” and The wise man rules his stars , the sequential effect o f his previous rul ings o n those future happenings . He realised that as

o f R l the power the Spirit , the I nner u er

I mmortal , passed in ever increasing measure

o f s o out latency in potency , did the future become more and more inscrutable by means

Of ordinary rules , since the emergent new forces brought about their necessary results in fashions well nigh incalculable by most A strologers . O utside these great studies which formed A his life , lan Leo was singularly patient , tolerant and forbearing , unchanging in his loyalty to his friends , and ever the faithful i servant of Duty . O f h s utter devotion to the Great Beings who are the Guardians o f Humanity and the Teachers o f the individual Souls who aspire to learn that they may become the helpers o f the men and women 10 L I F E AN D WOR K OF ALAN L E O

i around them this s not the place to speak . The s ilent devotion in the Temple found i ts best expression in a life o f toil and sacrifice fo r human service and his work will ever be hi s best memorial .


I AM convinced that the problem O f the inequalities o f the human race can only be successfully solved by a knowledge o f

Astrology . “ I believe that the Principle which gives life dwells in us and without us comes from the Supreme I ntelligence through the Rays o f the

Sun , and I am convinced that this life is affected o r modified every four minutes in

the O f time by diurnal revolution the Earth , also by the annual motion of the E arth round the Sun , affecting the Changes Of Season and ’ men s individual natures .

“ I believe the Soul o f Humanity is immortal o r perp e tual ; a nd I am convinced that each individual soul o r mind is symbolised by the Moon in its ebb and flow , and various phases , also by its relation to the Planetary Spher e s O f Influence and as the Mo o n affects 11 12 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO ' the tides S O does it affect lunacy and influence f the sanity o individuals . I bel ieve every human being belongs to a Father Star in heaven or Star Angel a s did jesus Christ according to our Scripture and I am con vinced that every man derive s hi s will power from a Planetary Sphere o f Infl u

o r ence which he uses , abuses , by whi ch he can overcome evil tendencies and control his animal nature , hence Astrology teaches that D Character is estiny , also that the Wise man rules his Stars while the fool obeys them .

I know that , although many attempts have been made , Astrology has never been success

- i ts fully refuted or disproved , and to day ancient teachings are being rediscovered through i ts remarkable symbology and illumin ative symbols . THE LIFE AND




IT is perhaps a curious circumstance that a man s o interested in science and occultism

as should have had a father a soldier , and

w as yet such the case with Alan Leo , for his

w as father in the army , serving his country in

o n . , for several years active service H e went through the Indian Mutiny and was

S O rather severely wounded in the leg , that it

f his became sti f, which led to discharge and

t o return England . By birth Alan Leo ’ s father was a Scotsman hi and s regiment was the Scottish Highlanders . After his discharge he returned to E ngland and helped at the Dispensary of one o f the

o f large London hospitals . Being a religious 13 14 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

o f turn mind , he used to attend a Methodist

fa r Chapel not from the hospital , and he met there a woman w ho was o f the sect called the Plymouth Brethren . A friendship sprang up between the two and after he had promised to of j oin the ranks the Plymouth B rethren ,

fo r marriage took place . They lived together

b ut o n some years , coul d not agree religious

s o w as a matters , the union not ltogether happy . Alan was born nearly seven years after his

’ t o parent s marriage , and according his

' As mother s account w as small for his age .

o ne their income was a very limited , h is mother had not much time to nurse him ; and , s o s he told me , he would play by himself in his o r hi s e cot high chair for hours , rar ly cried , and was most patient and quiet . She described him as being a very solemn

e child Wh n quite a tiny tot he loved pictures , and would s it for hours absorbed in a rag

- picture book ; a solemn , brown eyed baby , who had t o find his ow n amusements because two more children followed him q uickly , a A girl and a boy , born in rapid succession . lan LI F E AND WORK OF ALAN LEO 15 was a young domestic drudge and al ways had

e a baby to look aft r , nurse , and amuse ; and with a white apron folded about hi s small person he would often be made to wash up cups and saucers and lay the cloth ; this at the early age o f five o r s ix . H e more than once told me that his childhood was not a happy o ne ; he never played as other boys did , but always had to work , and never had

o f o time for games , his only periods j y being visits to his grandparents who lived in a pretty cottage at Wells . H e described with gratitude the tenderness o f the o ld couple to him , for Mr and Mrs Beresfo rd loved their eldest grandchild and tried t o make his visits happy ones . The old china tea cups , beautiful

- o t silver tea p , and thin bread and butter ,

e . served at 5 o clock , remain d in his memory

Especially did he remember the Old - world garden and the flowers ; but usually afte r a

’ month s visit his mother would arrive on the scene , say She could not spare him any longer , and take him back t o hard work . The astrologer will note here that the ruler Of his sixth house on the cusp o f the asc e ndant 16 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

made him a worker , serving others from his earliest childhood he was keyed to work and service as others are keyed to pleasure and amusement .

“ to I was made take l ife seriously , he “ t o said me , and Sunday was j ust a dreadful ” r Hi s day in o u home . mother only per ’ mitte d religious meetings and Foxe s B ook

o f . Martyrs Sunday amusement , laughter , ! and play , were strictly taboo

’ N eedless to s ay young Alan s soul rebelled at this cramped atmosphere ; for with s o many planets in the fiery sign Leo , the house o f his the Sun , and rising at birth , was

as hi s especially a j oyous soul , with harmony ke ynote .

is There no doubt , however , that his mother was she s he a very good woman , lived as said fo r w as s ad Christ , but she of the puritan type that considers mirth , fun , and j oyous ness detrimental to the soul ’ s welfare ! She

a . m . herself , a rigid puritan , always rose at 5 , summer and winter , and spent two hours in prayer ! But s he lacked personal love ; She thought more o f saving the souls of her LI FE AN D \VOR K OF ALAN LEO 17

as children , She put it , than of blessing them with a happy home life and a mother ’ s

ff s o a ection ; they must always be at work , s he o r said , the enemy Satan would draw near ! She and her husband did not get on well

s he together ; wanted to dominate him ,

on e and this led to frequent disputes , until day a final rupture took place between them . A bout this time , when Alan was between nine and ten , his mother and the family went

o f hus to Edinburgh , to some relatives her

’ ’ A a band s , while lan s f ther went abroad , and

hi s no one knew exactly whereabouts , though for some years he w as su fficiently in touch with his wife and family to send money for their maintenance .

I n Edinburgh Alan received his education ,

’ as going to a good boys school , and he was quick and clever he profited much from the school curriculum . At this time he used to h . \V question his mother about religion y, mother , did God make people at all if H e punishes them by everlasting torment ? I

B 18 LI F E AND WO RK OF ALAN LE O could not be happy in heaven if. I knew other poor people were burning in H ell Could ? ” you and many other questions O f a like

t o nature , very disturbing anyone who held her narrow religious views . Y o u are a very wicked boy to question

’ Y o u God s purpose . should read the Bible ” fo r more , and pray faith , was her only reply . At last matters grew very strained between them and Alan refused to believe the doctrines o f n o t the Plymouth B rethren , and would accompany his mother to her particular place

Of worship . J ust about that time the family returned to L A ondon , and then lan sought for and found

’ a s a situation a grocer s assistant , and as he Slept at the business he s aw very little o f his

w a s home or family. B ut he very proud to be able to help his mother at fifteen years o f age and he said that he gave her all he earned a rare piece o f un s e lfi s hn e s s for so young a boy ; but as his mother was now practically h alone and unsupported , he felt t is to be his

duty . She earned by high class needlework

a living for herself and the other two children .


n to o d nature , saying that he felt earer G among the trees .

At - o ne hi s about the age of twenty , em ployer died and Alan went to live in Man

o f his chester , where a brother late employer ’ ff had two grocer s shops , and he was o ered the position o f Manager o f the larger of the

two . , with an excellent salary I t was in that city about three or four years afterwards that f A he heard o strology for the first time . H e had by that time become Manager o f

o n both businesses , but his overwork brought

as an illness , and he had no faith in doctors , his landlady recommended him to a skilled

who s he herbalist , had treated many people knew very successfully . A When lan called on this man , he found quite a large number of people waiting , and heard that they considered him very clever !

“ When his turn arrived to see the doctor , a s e on he was call d , there lay his table a

o f o f number books , some which were open ,

How and they contained numbers Of figures . l ” “ o d are you ? enquired the doctor . G ive ”

of . me the place , time , and date your birth LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 2 1

Then he drew what Alan thought was a map with figures o n it ; and after a little while

Y ou ff said are su ering from kidney trouble , ” but will be quite well in about three weeks , and then wrote him out a herbal p re s c rip

to tion , and told him call that day week and report .

A was lan quite cured , and at his third visit summoned up courage to as k what his date and time o f birth had to do with the illness “ and prescription . Well , replied the Old “ s e e o u b e man , as I by your map y can ” I s d A o u. tu trusted , I will tell y y strology , and then he went o n to give a short resume o f

how out what this meant , and he found by this means the real disease o f each o f his patients and treated them accordingly . Spellbound Alan listened and s o keen was his interest and s o absorbed his attention that Dr Richardson s aw he was inclined to believe in this method o f investigating and treating

to t o disease , and therefore asked him come

o n tea the following Sunday , when he would S h how him ow to cast a horoscope . “ ” “ Was no t A it curious , said lan , that 22 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

‘ ’ directly I heard the word Astrology I knew it , and knew that all I heard was true . The Old man and the young one grew fast

D r friends , and in a short time Richardson declared that Alan knew more about it than

! Fo r was he did about two years , Alan busily engaged in quietly studying astrology from real life and in the intervals o f business

o f he got the birth times men , women , and children , cast their horoscopes , read their

t as t o characters , and then questioned hem

o r whether this that event had happened .

s o on Cripples , idiots , those born blind , and

hi S D r were s pecial study . O ne day Richardson said he always believed he had l ived before ,

Y s . e and asked Alan if he held this belief , A I feel sure we have , said lan , and I think

’ ” Astrology is God s Law ! And so time

o n passed , with practical business days but

Fo r the nights devoted to Star lore . the time w as rapidly approaching when he would be drawn again among his ow n people of the past , Occultists he had known and worked with in former lives .

w a s n ow hi s - He nearing twenty eighth year , LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 23 when his employer died and once again Alan

to s o had seek fresh employment , he decided ’ to return to London , take a few months rest , t and look about for a new post . S O back o L ondon he came to receive the knowledge hi i once again that had been s in former l ve s .



I HAV E been asked by Mrs L e o to contribute some information about the career o f my

A L e o deceased friend lan , for the Biography which is now being written . I am pleased to

as on e add my quota , no knew more about the earlier part o f his astrological career which made his name publicly known than myself ; fo r his astrological life may truly be said , like

of my own , to have begun with the founding

As rol i al a a i e the t og c M g z n . The facts which related thereto are these 1 88 1 888 About 7 or , a monthly magazine

The Astrolo er called g was published , edited by M r P . Powley . Prior to this a weekly called The Tribune had a few pages devoted A to strology , and tests from readers and subscribers were invited . U p to that time , although I was always interested in the 24 LI FE AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO 25

occult and the mystical , I had not come across Astrology ; I therefore responded to the invitation , sent up data and asked certain

o f . . o r questions the E ditor (Mr R H Penny , t o nom de lume use his p , I n due time the reply to my queries came , and were a revelation t o me then . I thought there

s o was something in it worth investigation , I sent a fee and had my horoscope cast , and in reply to a query of mine as t o a suitable book

e for a beginner to study , I was advis d to

’ obtain Pearce s Text B ook of Astrology ;

I procured this book but , not being a mathematician , I made very little progress . I therefore wrote again and told the Editor it

t o o was involved for me , and enquired whether he could recommend a simpler work . I n due course I had a letter from the new Editor (the E ditorial chair having changed occupants

i nterim in the ) , who advised me to start

’ Guide to As trolo with Raphael s gy , and very kindly said that if he could assist me in

o f making headway , smoothing the course astrological study he would be very pleased ” ial s o S e har . to do , and signed himself p 26 LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO T his was the beginning of a long friendship , and I can honestly s ay that what astrological knowledge o r skill I have possessed has been very greatly due to that able and eminent

’ P owle s As trolo er Astrologer . Mr y g then came into my hands . I occasionally asked questions and wrote letters to the periodical , and in one I stated that a student living in the south o f London would be pleased to correspond with o r meet other a s tro lo

i cal fo r g students mutual improvement . I had

o n e F several replies , from William rederick Allan (who afterwards by legal process adopted “

f A . the name o lan M r J C . Green l of . B adde ( Kew) since deceased , Mr C y, M r S ma rry and another whose name I cannot

recollect . I arranged for a meeting at my

house at B rixton . All my correspondents

fo r a came , and some time we had meeting

F . A there every riday I n addition , lan , M r

to J . C . Green and myself used meet each Wednesday midday at a restaurant in the

o f e hari al city . I n one my letters to S p I

told him that we held a meeting every week , and if he ever came to London (he was then

2 8 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO then lived either in N ottingham o r in that

fo r D r district , he was rather intimate with a R ichardson who lived in Nottingham . I n Alan ’ s opinion this man was a good Astro loger ; he w as a very strong advocate o f

’ “ Raphael s Excitement (Transits) Theory . D r Richardson used Astrology in his herbal

w as practice , and from what Alan said very clever in hi s profession and had a very large

’ As P le s clientele . time went on M r o w y

A strolo er to g began wane , the sales dropped

Off . , and publication became irregular I believe during its decline the betting and

- horse racing element was introduced . Alan and I could s e e that the venture would n o t

s ro lo last long . About this time another a t gi c al publication from the same neighbourhood

it he At ractor made s appearance (called T t ) . On several occasions Mr Powley wrote me , and the contents of his letters bore o ut what we both surmised . I thought the matter over

A to very seriously , and wrote lan come and s e e as me , I had a proposition to place before

I s e s w as him . He came and ugg te d that it evident the As trologer would not last much LI FE AN D WO RK O F ALAN LEO 29

longer , and we might start a new magazine

“ ” e solel devot d y to Astrology , with no horse racing introduced . Alan thought the idea a good one , and after many discussions we decided to put the matter before our astrological friends

. at . the next meeting at my house We

s o accordingly did , and asked if they would be disposed to take a part financially and astrologically in the suggested undertaking . They were unanimous in considering the idea o f o n e n o t o n e o f a new magazine a good , but them w as disposed to put any money into the venture , very truly saying that no magazine o n A strology had had a very long life . Our contention was that the lines on which the existing and former periodicals had been run

to o were faulty , that they were either heavy in

t oo tone or pedantic , and that they lacked intere s t and variety ; but our friends could n o t come round to our way o f thinking and

a ll support the notion . We thought it best to

carefully consider the matter further , and to

o r come t a decision at o u next meeting .

We all met the following week , the subj ect

o n to was again discussed , and being put 30 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

A he t . the vote , lan and I were in minority

We then parted . I walked to the station with Al an , and said that i f he was prepared to put

s um down a certain , which I named , I would do likewise , and that the Magazine should

o n be run business lines fo r twelve months , and that if during that period it w as a succes s we would j ointly continue it ; and I arranged with him t o come and s e e me the following week ; he did s o and the matter was definitely decided . A “ radical election figure was taken , and the testimonies for success were exceptionally F good . ortunately I have a copy Of the map and I append the elements o f the figure taken a l 1 88 : st November , 9 xii i ii iii

1 1 2 “ 1 $ 5 V3 . 3 9 m6

3 i t

It! w 11 3 1 6 3

We were some time in deciding upon a title , but finally resolved to name o ur proposed

’ The As trolo er s Ma a i ne to monthly g g z , and

d. charge 4 per copy , the size adopted being LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 3 1

that o f the S trand Magazine . I think it well to mention these things in detail , although many would consider them trivial , but Alan was very thorough in all business matters , and like T myself went fo r success . he next important

when question was we Should publish it . We accordingly spent a good time in looking through the 1 890 Ephemeris to find a promis

In g date , and found there would not be a good day (astrologically) before July . I forget the

2 0 exact date , but I believe it was about J uly , and we decided that o n this date the first number should go to the public . Between

1 8 0 the date of our radical election and July , 9 , we had ample time to mature o ur plans and

r n thoroughly weigh up the p os and co s . AS time fo r publishing drew near we wrote

to Mr Powley , told him what we were about

to do , and asked him if he would insert a a notice in the As trolog er as to the forthcoming

publication . He said he would and he kept

his word , and wished us better luck than

he had had . Long before the publication we asked the opinion o f o ur astrological friends o n certain matters and either Alan or I told 32 LI F E AN D W' O RK OF ALAN LEO

S e phari al what we had decided to do : he

o ur e wished ventur success , and I think he

o ut o r said he was bringing a monthly , had something to do with one that was coming o ut w as of for , but that there plenty room A two publications . nyway he anticipated o ur Fate and Fortune periodical by a month , ,

its his magazine , making first appearance in

1 8 0 . J une , 9 We foresaw uphill work in consequence of

n o t this competition , but we would alter the

f r A o o u . s date publishing , nor did we an inducement for people who knew little o r nothing about Astrology to look into the

o f subj ect , we decided to give horoscopes free charge with a short delineation to ann ual subscribers who remitted their subscriptions direct to us and with this Obj e ct in view we arranged to insert a loos e coupon in every

s a number issued , and it is only fair to y that

o f we were the pioneers free horoscopes . I A B efore we finally decided on this , told lan that a s I was working at figures all day I could

do not calculations at night as well , but that if he would calculate the maps 1 would delineate LI FE AN D WOR K OF ALAN LE O 33

them . He was quite agreeable to this , and with a view to simplifying the calculations he proposed a very unique s e t of arithmetical tables that facilitated the computations enor

l s o m o us y. At that time he was not fluent with his s o pen as he became afterwards , he asked me to write simple lessons in Astrology for

o f the benefit novices , and to undertake the correspondence , whilst he took in hand all the business arrangements . We decided that the first volume should comprise twelve monthly

a o f - p rts twenty four pages each , and that each issue should have a lesson in Astrology , a notable horoscope , extracts from the works o f the Old Astrologers such as Lilly , Coley ,

Salmon , and others , articles on various astro logical subj ects , hints to students , and answers

s o to correspondents , as to make the magazine inter e sting both to the advanced student and ’ the tyro . Alan s ideals were always lofty ;

Hi s he always wanted the best . idea was to have a very attractive cover , but when the estimate o f the cost o f the one he wo uld have liked came before us , the price was too high s o he reluctantly abandoned the idea for the 34 LI F E AN D WO RK O F ALAN LEO time and suggested that I should design some kind o f border having the signs o f the Zodiac and thereon . I made two or three

o ne sketches , and we adopted , which he had

- photo lithoed , the cost being comparatively low . B efore the day of publication we received several annual subscriptions through the

As trolo announcement in the g er . When I mention that Alan was travelling from

o F M nday until midday riday , the considerable amount o f as t rological work that {he had to compress into Saturday and Sunday can be On understood . my part I was engaged in the city until 6 p m . and on Sundays an organ

o f appointment kept me busy part the day , s o that both of us had plenty to do and we were never idle .

At first the coupons came in slowly . He

o n F did the calculations riday evenings , and as fast as he erected the maps I delineated

o n them . As time went and they poured in more quickly , he devoted the greater part of Saturday and Sunday t o the horoscopes and posted the lo t to me on Sunday night I then


’ Chri s ti an As trolo 1 6 from Lilly s gy, 4 7 , with

’ n f Lilly s delineation , o e o the finest examples o f Horary Astrology extant ; the first o f the

L essons i n Astrolo or B e i nn ers gy f g , Our Note Book (in wh ich were pointed out many anomalies that we had discussed at o ur meetings) , and astrological anecdotes from reliable sources . We received many letters commenting upon the first number , the maj ority very favourable ,

o r but with a few grumblers , including one two who called us very choice names fo r daring

o o f t publish the nativity the Saviour . Alan expected adverse criticism , and was not dis

o n appointed , but the pats the back amply compensated for the adverse remarks . S ephari al in F ate a nd Fortune gave us a ” notice and incidentally told us to ginger up .

on We took it as friendly banter , and later the

D ail News o f a th A 1 8 0 y 7 ugust , 9 , gave us nearly a column under the heading o f Cheap ” A one strology , written by who , as usual , knew t nothing practical abou the subj ect . O f course

us it was adverse but it did good , it increased o ur us circulation , and brought in touch with a LI FE AN D WOR K OF A LAN LEO 37 section of the public we m ight not otherwise have reached . ’ About the end of 1 889 during one o f Alan s business j ourneys he called upon Mr John

“ T Charub e l homas , better known as , with whom we had both become acquainted by correspondence some months before . Charub el had published a monthly called

The Occultist t o , and we were subscribers it . After seeing him Alan told me he was undoubtedly a genuine “ Seer and highly gifted ; he thought C ha rub e l far above

An other such men he had previously met . occult fraternity o f which Cha rub e l was

w as the founder then in existence . and in

v due course we became acti e members of it .

’ One result o f Charub e l s seership was The s mb ls o he e ee he o i ac y o f t d g r s of t Z d . Alan brought some of this along in M SS . for critical examination , and we tested it in connection with horoscopes where we knew the birth times

. w as were exact The result satisfactory , and Alan thought we Should be benefiting Astrology if we could get t he symbols for the whole 360 degrees and publish them in our Magazine . 38 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

I quite agreed with him , and he made a special point o f calling upon Cha rub el again and arranging the matter to o ur mutual satisfaction . The first portion of this was

o ur D 1 8 0 published in pages of ecember , 9 , and it continued for about three years and was generally appreciated . I t was about this time that Alan made the personal acquaintance of that clever Astrologer

M r H . S . Green , and the friendship then

’ begun continued until Alan s death . Mr

’ Green was also a member of Charub e l s

h us occult fraternity , and this broug t into closer contact . H e began to contribute to

1 8 1 our pages about J une , 9 , and from that time every issue had something of astrological interest from hi s pen ; he brought much

o ur original thought forward , and we and readers greatly appreciated t he many articles that he wrote . I believe that Alan either called upon o r corresponded with “ Raphael shortly before o ur first number was issued , and it was gratifying to kno w that he thought well o f our proj ect ; he gave us some good notices in his LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 3 9

Almanac , and this was another help towards

o r increasing u circulation .

S e hari al We were also in touch with p , and were both sorry when he told Alan

1 8 0 Fate and Fortune in September , 9 , that would be discontinued beca use the poor suppor t accorded to it did not warrant its

hi s further publication , and that as time was valuable he could not continue the work . His intention had been to publish the results

’ o f its his many years researches in pages , together with his system o f Rectification by the Epoch , which he had virtually discovered , and he was greatly disappointed that the exposition could not be continued in his o wn magazine . Alan was a very keen business man and thought it would be advantageous to secure the services o f S e pha ri al if it were possible . H e made a point of seeing him and we were delighted to kno w that S e pha ri al would contribute the result of hi s researches

’ to As trolo er s Ma az in e the pages of the g g . The first instalment appeared in N ovember

“ 1 8 0 The 9 , and apart from Horoscope ,

w as o f which the title his exposition , he 4 0 LI FE AN D WO RK O F ALAN LEO contributed an enormous amoun t o f original matter that caused much discussion in which 99 times out of 1 0 0 he came out o n t op .

As m A ost strologers at that time knew , S epha rial did much useful work in connec tion with the B ritish Section o f the Theo sophical Society (he wa s o n e o f the leading H members) . e invited Alan and me to

’ 1 A R w as 9 , venue oad , St J ohn s Wood , which

o f then the headquarters the Society . I might remark that we both had already

Theoso hical S i ti n s subscribed to p f g , and other books published by the Society . O n a

o f n certain evening we went , the first ma y visits , and were introduced to Madame H . P .

Blavatsky , and in time we met Col . H . S .

Olcott and M r W . ! . J udge there , the then

f . o e T . heads the movem nt We j oined the . S and later on were two of the founders o f a

w a s S . W . B ranch that formed at Brixton , , ” w a s P hilale thi an which called the , and was

I think opened by Mr G . R . S . Mead . Alan

“ ’ remarked in his humorous way , doesn t ” Mead like long words . I never forgot the LI FE AN D WOR K O F ALAN LE O 4 1

’ name o r the occasion in consequence o f Alan s r e mark . I t was about this period that Alan had more spare time . He was such a splendid salesman that he sold in a week more goods than his

firm could execute in a month . H e told me it was useless going o n his j ourneys solely for ho w that reason , and used to lament to me

Hi s lax the business arrangements were . customers wrote him very sti nging letters a s

- o f to non delivery goods ordered through him , and it caused him to have fits of depression (shewn in his horoscope by the position o f

Saturn) . I used to rouse him up , but he never really overcame the business misman agement

o n m Of the firm . I n his w researches he ade a speciality of the planet U ranus , which was n o t to be wondered at as the planet was very strong in his own horoscope (in the tenth

hi s t o house) , and first contribution our pages

o n was the influence of U ranus . Alan always had a persuasive way with him , and he secured the services of Casael , whose speciality was Horary Astrology , and a Mr Carter , who specialised on Astro 42 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

Meteorology ; the latter was I b elieve a pupil

’ s A e o f C a s ae l . As will be seen lan s cured

o f o f the services most the leading Astrologers ,

f . with the exception o Mr A J . Pearce (the fo r modern Zadkiel) , and a time George

w ho w a s t o a Wilde , then beginning make ’ t o fo r P owle s name . M r Wilde used write y

Astrolo er norn ale lume g , I think under the p o f Mars and the G oat ( J i n W) he made n o

’ response to Alan s overtures at first , but

contributed a little to our pages later . Mr Pearce ’ s methods were so di fferent from our ow n that w e thought it useless to invite hi s

- c o operation . I t may be interesting to note ho w Alan

“ ” came to adopt the name o f Alan L e o . H e

6 a . m always understood that he was born at . , which horoscope had the beginning o f Virgo rising ! The map he gave me had this

ascendant , but I did not consider it his correct

o ne , and he spent much time over it , applying

’ S e hari al s T p Epoch est among others , and after rectifying by past events in his career he cons idered the map with the end o f L e o

his rising his true horoscope . He used


and I think it appeared in our issue o f

D 1 8 0 rac ecember , 9 ; but although nothing p tical came of the notion at the time yet he formed more than one society years after

wards , as the astrological world knows , with I believe varying d egrees o f support and

success .

H e was always keen on lecturing , and his first efforts in that d irection were announced

r F 1 8 1 in our issue of J anua y or ebruary , 9 , when he stated that he would b e visiting

Leamington , Liverpool , Burnley , Manchester , F B ristol , and Gloucester , i n ebruary , and

would give free lectures on Astrology . H e arranged and delivered these lectures o n his j ourneys in response to invitations from

students in those towns , and the result

T O f encouraged him . his was the start his

career as a lecturer on Astrology . I should mention that we had many

correspondents in America , Professors Henry ,

H azelrigg , and Charles Hatfield amongst T others . hese three were all clever Astro loge rs ; they supplied Alan with much

m n infor ation and data co cerning U ranu s , LI FE AN D WO R K OF ALAN LE O 4 5 and some o f them contributed to o ur pages . A ’ lan s ambition was to visit America , I ndia , and Australia ; and in course of time many o f his desires were realised . Before I knew Alan I was in touch with a Rosicrucian whose

“ norn de lume p was E leusis , who spoke highly o f H indu Astrology ; through him ‘ and

I became acquainted with the savant N . A T B . . Chidambaram I yer , his clever man had translated from the original Sanscrit into E nglish the astrological works o f Varab a

Mi hi ra . , and he mentioned the fact to me

’ I bought copies and , soon after I made Alan s acquaintance , I brought the books under his notice . O ur H indu friend wanted them known E in ngland , and as they were not obtainable here when we founded the Magazine , Alan suggested that it might be desirable to become

viz The B rihat ataka agents for the works , . , j , ’ B rihat S amhita i end al n ranz a . W e , and became agents and sold a great many copies through

o f o ur the medium the Magazine , while H indu friend did us good service in return and

Obtained many subscribers for us . Another 4 6 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

I ndian Astrologer , J . J . Chitnis , came in touch with us , and later contributed a H indu horoscope to o ur pages b y the J in e ndram ala

h ri l method . S e p a a went to I ndia later and he sent along much interesting matter o n that subj ect , which eventually appeared in o ur pages .

1 8 1 A I n June , 9 , lan prepared a balance

the sheet Showing our financial position , as question o f continuing the magazine had t o b e decided . The result exceeded our most sanguine ex pectations , and therefore we decided to continue ; for s o successful had we been financially that we were both able to draw o ut the cash we had originally put into the venture . We had a good stock of our back numbers and decided to have some bound in volumes ; as time went on we sold all these and they commanded a ready sale . As a souvenir ,

’ to and celebrate the year s result , he had six volumes specially bound ; he retained one ,

ha i al S e r . I another , and p the third I believe he presented the others to some o f those who

us . had helped I think Mr H . S . Green was o n o f e . A notice the continued publication LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 4 7 of a 1 8 1 the M gazine was inserted in the June , 9 , issue , and as a further inducement to annual subscribers we offered to give either a free

’ o r horoscope one year s directions , at their

o r option . Applications for one the other ,

an d fo r and in some cases for both , poured in , h l mont s he was again busy with the calcu ations , and I with the j udging . H e suggested that I should write fo r the second volume a further ” o f o n D series lessons irections , using

’ S e pharial s method ; and I carried o ut his wishes .

D uring the previous twelve months Mr H . S . Green had been investigating an entirely

fr o f D . e new method irecting Alan , who

s aw quently him , was at once interested , and as I was Specially concerned in the directional

o f t o part Astrology , he brought the system

o f me for investigation , although neither us had any doubt as t o the bona fides o f anything

his . H . S . Green attached name to I was much surprised with the validity and originality o f the method . We were delighted to accept it , and its exposition as the system of Prenatal Directions commenced in the first number o f 4 8 LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O

the second volume . Alan also . thought it would interest students if horoscopes o f

as notable Astrologers , such Lilly , Gadbury , d S ib l Raphael I , Za kiel I , y, and Culpepper , were given , and they appeared in the M agazine during that year . We had experienced trouble in business matters with our publ ishing agent , and this did not commend itself to Alan he therefore made arrangements with another

firm for the current year , although in the end this was not much better . We were the pioneers in giving prizes fo r

o f the best delineations horoscopes , and the results of those sent in showed many promisi ng

and students . We also had much useful

n entertaini g matter submitted to us , and it f w as often dif icult to make a wise decision . We always had sufficient in hand to fill several numbers . We also had many cordial invitations from all sorts and conditions of subscribers in every

o f o ne or rank life , but with two exceptions we

n refrained from accepti g them . One lady in

Yorkshire was especially pressing . She had

us to sent many subscribers from time time , LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 4 9 and at last Alan decided to call upon her when he was near there . H e eventually did s o d , and found her a very talented la y ,

x o f e tremely fond the occult , and he spent a very intellectual day with her . She insisted o n his visiting her again and wished me to j oin him and spend some days there . H e put the matter to me , and in the end we both

f r - o . went a week end We travelled all night , and o n the Saturday morning we were welcomed into a charming old Yorkshire

“ ” haunted house . I have a very special recollection o f o ur visit because o ur hostess invited a number o f

o n the residents to meet us the Sunday , and it was on that occasion that I heard Alan T lecture for the first time . here were about

- fi ve twenty visitors , and Alan spoke for about an hour ; many questions were put and he satisfactorily answered them . I was asked to speak but , as I am no orator , I had to refuse , although I gave way when a gentleman specially asked me to s ay a few words o n a certain subj ect . I may remark here that some months D 5 0 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LE O previously our hostess had asked if we could

o f erect the horoscope a Ship , and give a delineation . Alan discussed it with me . H e was in favour of declining to undertake it , but I thought that if we could get correct data and he would erect the figure I would do the other part , and be responsible for it . The particulars were duly sent , and the figure and j udgment despatched , and we heard nothing further about it until the meeting in Yorkshire . The gentleman said he had sought the aid Of our hostess to obtain the horoscope of the ship which he owned , and asked i f I had delineated it , and would I stand by my j udgment . I stood up and said that if the data supplied were correct , whatever I had stated in my remarks on the subj ect I would adhere to , and that in my opinion the same astrological rules should apply to a ship a s to a child ; that it w a s the first horoscope of a ship we had been asked to deal with and I had to apply the rules to the ship as if it were a birth ; and that I Should be very glad to hear from him whether the submitted delineation was borne

wa s on ui vive o ut by facts . Every one the q


acquiesced , as he generally did , and decided to defer his intentions for a year . A t this time we were experiencing much

’ antagonism from the E ditor o f Z adkiel s

Almanac he had always been against us both , apparently because we had been successful with o ur monthly although we did not F support the system he professed to use . o r a long ti me we ignored him , but at last he became very personal and I told Alan I n A should ot stand it any longer . lan was w “ al ays Slow to anger , but after we had received many letters from our readers calling

n n atte tio to the unfair criticism , he at last thought we ought to t ake some public notice o f the antagonism . I might remark here that Zadkiel had brought o ut a monthly

The Future F 1 8 2 called , in ebruary , 9 , and we were o f the opinion that he w a s envious o f the success Of o ur M agazine ; p rofe s s io nal j ealousy we thought . Anyway Alan

n o t asked me to write a short article , but to f d make it too hot , and chaf e me about the Scorpion ’ s sting and Mars square Saturn in my horoscope , (my ascendant being Scorpio) . LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 5 3

I reminded him that according to report , the Scorpion never used his sting until he was attacked . I wrote an article ; Alan said it was too pungent , although what I said was

t e - undoubtedly true . I therefore wrote it ; he still said he thought it ought to be modified , and accordingly I wrote a third o n e under “ F the title alse prophets and teachers , and as he approved o f this it was inserted in the

o f I I I first number Volume . This produced

o ur t o more venom from opponent , which we were bound to reply . H e then went for

R . aphael , Mr H S . Green and others , and so

o n fo r n ot it went several months , but until the Future ceased to be published did hi s public antagonism cease . I believe it w as about this time that Alan became acquainted with the lady whom he married later , and who was in my Opinion a most worthy helpmeet for him . Alan became

T hi s more keen on heosophy after marriage , whereas I was losing interest in it ; my experience o f the maj ority of the m embers f T o the . S . with whom I had come in contact

n o t did favourably appeal to me , and after 5 4 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O due consideration I ceased from going to their meetings . The third volume was quite as successful

its as predecessors , and we decided to make

Volume I V a speciality . I suggested as my novel ty “ Photo horoscopes ” with delinea tions ; and as we had been frequently asked to publish o ur nativities we decided they A should appear . mongst many others ,

’ ’ ’ A S e ha ri al s . . lan s , p , H S Green s , and my A o w n were given . lan made a speciality of I nfantile Mortality , and wrote many articles which appeared in that volume . I t w as during that year that s o many calls were made on my time , which I was compelled t o not s e e attend to , that I could my way clear to give the time and attention to the

’ As trolo er s Ma a ine g g z , that I had done hitherto

to and after careful consideration , I decided sever my connection with it at the end o f the fourth volume , and terminate the j oint editor I ship I held with hi m . t was hard t o se ver the harmonious partnership that had kept us

s o w as o ut together for long , but there no way o f i t for me , and we parted in the most amicable LI FE AN D WORK OF A LAN LEO 5 5

manner . He asked me to contribute to its pages whe n I could find time which of course I agreed to do , and in fact I did a little which was inserted in the fifth volume We parted wi t h many expressions of mutual regret . The five years of o ur editorship were one o f the happiest periods of my life , and I know his experience was the same . His ideals were always lofty his heart would run away with his head , and in consequence unprincipled

“ people preyed upon him ; they would tell him the tale , and he assisted these parasites . I t was a weak point o f hi s ; I often used to

w as o ur warn him about it , but there it ; temperaments are not all alike , and I detested seeing a good man imposed upon . I used occa s i onally to see him after o ur partnership was

“ ” dissolved , and when I was in low water some years ago b e extended a helping hand to f me , as I had done to him in the early days o

r ou acquaintance . F 1 8 u rom J uly , 94 , his wife can contin e his

as life story . I t w with extreme regret that I s a w the announcement of his death in a daily h paper . The world as lost a good man who 5 6 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

acted up to his ideals . I have been obliged to chronicle more about mysel f than I could

as wish , but our astrological careers ran con

fo r currently the five years , there was no help fo r it , if a truthful account was to be given o f his astrological life during that period ; fo r we were s o closely associated that we were more l ike brothers than partners . I n closing I do no t think I can do better than quote an extract from Longfellow ’ s ” o f to Psalm L ife , which peculiarly applies my departed colleague and friend .

Of r r Lives g eat men all emind us , W e our i can make lives subl me , And departing leave behind us r f F ootp ints on the sands o time .

Let us , then , be up and doing , W ith a heart for any fate S i r till achieving , st ll pu suing , r Learn to labou and to wait .

“ . A horel F . W LACEY ( p C H A PT E R I I I


MY first meeting in this life with Alan Leo w as as foll ows I had become a very ardent Theosophist

’ v 1 8 0 S in ne tt s in N o ember , 9 , through M r work

his m E soteric B udd being given me . While

re reading it , reminiscences from the past

l i n s tin c asserted themse ves , and I recognised tive l n o t y that it was new knowledge , but the

O o ld Old wisdom in another form . S one day I T j oined the heosophical Society , became a

o ne Theosophist , and have remained ever since .

o f 1 8 0 Mrs I n the Spring 9 , came to lecture at Southampton o n R e i nc a r nation and Man as the M aker of his o w n D estiny , and I learned that day that there was a Lodge of Theosophists working at

s o Bournemouth , accordingly I went there the 5 7 5 8 LI F E AN D WO RK O F ALAN LEO following week and atten d ed their Lodge

e . o n e m eting After it was over , of the members — — a Mr VV hitting asked m e if I believed in Astrology

“ ’ “ I don t know that I do , I replied . I have had my horoscope cast several times , but a great deal o f what the professors said wa s n ot true

“ I know a man , said Mr Whitting , who i s simply a wonderful Astrologer ; what he

o u i s tells y most accurate , and he is also a ” Theosophist . I enquired his fee and how I could reach him . H e does n ot take money for Astrology but — ’ if you subscribe to hi s j ourn al The Astrolog er s — Mag azine he will cast your map and delineate it free o f charge . “ e ? What is his nam I asked , and Mr

“ Whitting said Alan Leo . A curious thrill went through me as I heard that name , and I described him .

T o u hen y know him said M r Whitting .

” “ N o , I repl ied , But I am a little psychic and his face came in a mental picture for a


“ : s o ne Al ended by saying You do thi , an ; ’ it s f o n e a somewhat di ficult to decipher , and A s o . lan did it Looking across at M r Lacey ,

“ he said j estingly ' This girl would suit me exactly as a wife . Look , her Sun and my

Moon are exactly in the same degrees , and l ” al our maj or planets trine each other . I n the course of time a letter came back in A reply to m ine , and said that Mr lan Leo was a traveller for a London fi rm and visited

Southampton every six weeks , and that he

n F would call o me . So one evening in ebruary

’ 8 n s o I at O clock , a Mo day night far as remember , a ring came at the bell . My father , a very old man turned ninety , had j ust

“ s a T gone to bed , and I heard a voice y , ell ” your mistress it is Alan Leo , and then Alan

Leo himself entered .

H e shook hands with me very warmly , and hi s eyes seemed to read me through and through . H e told me afterwards he remem

old bered me , the tie had reasserted itself , it was a reminiscence ; and later I understood how we had been together before in other l ives . LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 6 1

s i t I asked him to down , explained my

’ e : father s absence , and then we b gan to talk

T P hre n o heosophy and Astrology on his part , logy and Palmistry on mine , for the two latter f w were my own studies and time le , for each o f o n us was keen these subj ects , and when Mr

his Leo rose to return to hotel , it was nearly

’ twelve O clock .

“ - I am going to Bournemouth to morrow ,

t o he said as I let him out , a Lodge , I am a ” Theosophist .

“ “ So am I , I replied , I shall be there as ” well .

“ Then we shall meet again very soon . he said , and added as he shook hands and looked

“ full at me , You are a true Libran , and a

o f daughter Venus , and then he turned and

went .

I did not sleep much that night . I t was all ’ too wonderful . How I admired M r Leo s mind ! I t was his wonderful mental gifts and his wonderful knowledge that held my im agina

tion , more than the outer man himself . My planets in Aries were caught by his mental

capacity , while his heart , the Sun in Leo , 62 LI FE AN D WO RK O F ALAN LEO

i o f remembered the fr end other l ives . H e

“ often said in later years j okingly : I knew you , B essie Leo , directly we met , but you did not know me , and that was literally true ! We met next day at the Lodge and M r

L t o eo spoke on Astrology , and afterwards my great delight promised to teach me . I

w o n was al ays keen mental studies , and I went home overj oyed at the prospect .

da I The next y returned to Southampton , but we corresponded regularly , and we met every week as Theosophists at the Bourne mouth Lodge . I had my first lesson o n the Signs and Symbols of the Planets written o n

f - s a I the sand o the s e a shore . I need not y l istened breathless , absorbed and enthralled by the wonders that were opening o ut before me .

I n this way we became very good friends , and we both understood that we could not be anything more because I w as engaged to

’ be married , with my father s sanction and approval , to a gentleman who , although a o f C hristian , had entered into the covenant LI FE AN D \VOR K OF ALAN LEO 63

I srael for my sake . Our wedding was planned fo r the following April , and we intended to spend o ur honeymoon in the U nited States , which we accordingly did .

a e This m rriag was a very unhappy one , because it w as based on incompatibility . I had al ways had peculiar ideas in connection with the sex relation , and said that I would never marry unless I could live a platonic life . My first partner declared that he had the same ideals , but I discovered that this was only a bait to get me and a possible fortune , for at that time my father was a very wealthy man . I discovered later , when the knot was tied that my first husband wanted to live the usual

t o . married life , but I refused to consent this F D inally I consulted the family octor , who advised me to s ue for nullity of marriage on the ground that his physical condition ren dered the marriage relation impossible . This

’ was done as much for my husband s sake as my ow n ; and within s ix months I had taken my maiden name again and returned to my F ’ ather s house , the same as I left it except

’ t a s for a year s bit er experience , which , all 64 LI F E AN D WORK O F ALAN LE O

w w as a Theosophists kno , karm worked out . My father under the circumstances could n ot refuse to receive me and I took up my old occupation of Palmist , Phrenologist and

Physiognomist . D uring all this time I had corresponded as a friend with M r Leo , who was fully conversant with the case . H e gave me the best dates for beg inn i n g proceedings and

n choosing counsel , and also said that accordi g to my horoscope the best thing we coul d d o was to part . I am thankful to say that my husband at last wished i t as much as I did

s o myself, and it was amicably carried out . M r Leo was now getti n g into a very big o f A n way work in regard to strology , i cluding both lectures and pupils , and he sent me some lessons by post and a few horoscopes to to delineate , which I did , and he seemed

he n be very pleased with t result . We o w me t very frequently for I had j oined the

o f s o inner school Theosophy and had he , and as there were fortnightly meetings in

o n n m e t London Sunday morni gs , we there continually and would afterwards lunch to LI FE AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO 6 5 T gether , and discuss heosophy and A strology for many hours . A year later Mr Leo asked me to become

“ o n e his wife , but I replied I have had unhappy experience and I don ’ t like the idea o f another .

“ H e quietly remarked , According to Astro m logy , y Moon and your Sun are in the same

o f degree Aries , and all my planets in Leo trine yours in Aries , therefore , this time you ” will not make any mistake . H e added D O yo u remember the question you asked when we first met ?

“ s ou I said Y e . I asked you if y were

o u married , and y replied that if you could get a woman t o live with yo u pl a tonically yo u ! would marry , but not otherwise

“ I shall not deceive you , Bessie ; this is

to d my desire . I realise that I have a work o

i s for the world for which celibacy essential ,

o u but I love y with all my heart and soul , and I know you could help me in the work .

T Y o u hink it over do not love me yet , as

Ido o u y , that I am well aware , but I am quite ” o u sure y will , and ours will be an ideal union . E 66 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

“ o ne I said , There is drawback , my father

o r will never consent . You are a Christian , at least a Theosophist , and he is a J ew , and very orthodox , and he will certainly cut me o ut hi s of will and never leave me a penny , besides which it will upset him terribly ,

hi s perhaps endanger life , at his great age . Alan replied that he would never change

“ his faith for anyone , but he added . I am really an Astrologer and the Great Solar L ogos and the star angels are my religion .

’ You will not need your father s money . I shall always be able to keep you very comfortably indeed , and that is a point I am very strong upon . I f you decide to marry

o u fo r me , I will not let y work any more

Y o u money . must give up your professional work , for I hold that a woman should be sheltered , protected , and guarded within the

s he fo r home , and that should leave the fight main t enance and work to the man ; then she has more power to develop her spiritual

nature and can help h im to unfold his . I f we both work in the world we Shall meet in

the evening , both positive , both perhaps rather


T was wi th ' Alan o n e o f hat ever the case , the most unselfish souls that ever breathed

’ An d s o m God s air . we arried quite privately in a registry office , and after a time engaged a small flat at H ampstead , and when I came

t o to Town ostensibly lecture , we spent the week o r ten days together . I t was always a great pain to me to separate from my husband and return t o my father ; but I was his only child and I felt it was my duty t o

s o look after him , and I equally divided my time , half with the old man , and half with my husband .

Of course , we were now very much together

ff ffe at di erent meetings , and di rent places ,

o n e w a s d and day , I confronte with the news from my father that he had heard I was seen going about with a gentleman frequently , and “ T turning quickly he said , ell me the truth , are yo u married

to I could not lie him , though a fortune

e depended upon it , and I would not deceiv “ ”

Y e s . . him . I said I am

“ H e replied quickly , Show me your mar ” riage lines . LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 69

I produced them , and he scrutinised them . “ Y o u He curtly remarked , have pleased ’

n o w . yourself , I will please myself I won t

o f leave you any my money , and you can go ” back to your husband . With that I packed up my belongings and returned to my husband . Henceforth I had not to part from my beloved , and that was a great j oy . I had left a good housekeeper , who was devoted to me , with my father , and I heard almost daily how things were going . One day a telegram

hi s came , and announced sudden illness , and

alone . requested my presence I quickly went , and nursed him through a severe bout o f bronchitis , and this somewhat softened his w heart towards me , for the follo ing Christmas he invited us both to come and stay with him . F ro m that time onward all went well ; but the strangest part o f it w as that my father w gre deeply attached to my husband , and declared that he was one o f the best and noblest men he had ever met , and that although he was not a J ew he was a better man than most J ews he had known . A few years later my father died at Surbiton 70 LI F E AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO after a long illness he l ived to the remarkable

o f 1 0 2 age , and my life was spent in devotion expressed as service , looking after my father , m y home , and my husband ; writing books ; holding Theosophical Lodges and classes fo r study ; and a little later j oining Masonry with my husband . Together we formed a Theosophical Lodge ” A called The Hermes Lodge , in which stro logy was a prominent feature : altogether we hu formed four Theosophical Lodges . My s band w a s fortunate i n knowing several occult

: teachers Colonel Olcott , Mr Leadbeater ,

o f M r Sinnett , and greatest all Mrs Annie

B esant , the latter being a great inspiration to us both . My husband had her portrait , life f size , beside him in his o fice as he worked , saying s he w a s at once his greatest inspiration and living ideal . I can honestly s ay that for a period o ffi ft e e n years , I had rarely an unoccupied moment , for at this period my husband w a s very busy

o ut hi s getting great books for the world , as well as managing a big business in connection f A . o r with strology We both lived the work , LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O 7 1

and for each other , and we were really happy , s o happy that life was bliss . Much work could

o f fo r be done by each us , the rest and relaxa tion at the week - end was s o peaceful and o ur companionship and union so perfect that it ever gave us the strength to go forward . We were ideal companions and soul mates , and although my husband had at first some di fficulty in adapting himself to this change in his way o f life , still his wonderful will and the determina tion to live a purely platonic life carried him

Fo r through triumphantly . his ideal was

m . purity , physical , ental , and moral H is ch ief

w as mantram always , Blessed are the pure ” in heart fo r they shall s e e God . I n all the twenty - seven years of o ur acquaintance I never knew him to say an impure thing , or do an impure action , while his love , faithfulness ,

o un s elfi s hn e s s j y , and were remarkable traits in his character . He was curiously developed in feeling as well as in intellect . B oth mind and heart were large and comprehensive , and his tolerance for

Iwho everybody was remarkable . lived nearest t o w as o f him place it on record , that he one 72 LI F E AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO

the best of men , great in character, in life , and

s a in i n tellect . We often used to y that the o n e who survived would write the life history o f the other ; and alas ! it has fallen to my lot to unde rtake this .

e o n A 0 M r Alan Leo pass d away ugust 3 ,

1 1 o f 9 7, at Bude in Cornwall apoplexy after

’ o n e only hour s illness , imperatively called to the other side for work o f a more spiritual nature . He told me only two or three days before he died , when he was in good health , that he was sp e aking to over p e ople on i Astrology at night . I t s possible that he now speaks to for people have written since t o me that they have dreamt of him teaching them Astrology and Theosophy o n the astral plane . On an average he wrote a book once every three months , for he had a most prolific

mind and was a very hard and rapid worker ,

’ rising as early a s 6 O clock in the morning

’ and working till 9 O clock at night , with

f r intervals only o meals . I f he ever slacked

at all it was to give me pleasure , take me

o r fo r t o r motoring , my heal h amusement , LI FE AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO 73

e and this also benefited him . He was d voted T heart and soul to Astrology and heosophy , and I gladly and proudly record these two

o f loves his life , namely his work and his wife . S ince he passed over I have come into

w o ut touch with him , hile both in and of the body , and I have done my poor best to keep

i s his work going , although mine a broken

\V o uld body with failing health . that I could do more , but as he gave his life for the work , I als o give mine to carry it on ; a nd I trust the day may not be far distant when I shall

a w o f rej oin him , le ving belo a band very earnest students to carry OI! the work o f

Modern As trolo editing gy , of continuing all the

o f other activities that he started , the I nstitute A Astrology , and the strological Lodge , and of republishing his thirty books for the world ’ s

n e lightenment . May the blessing of the

Masters rest on them always , are my

concluding words .



MY o f Modern husband , M r Alan Leo , E ditor

As trolo gy , passed away very suddenly at Bude ,

o n o f oth Cornwall , the morning August 3 at

m f . 1 a . o 0 . apoplexy We were taking a summer holiday in a s mall furnished cottage and my husband spent four o r five hours daily in writing up a n e w system o f Astrology without predictions . H e was then in excellent health and enj oyed the quiet and bracing air of Cornwall after the

o f recent worry and trouble the law case , and it was only o n the morning o f August 2 7th at f 1 m . o 1 a . he complained feeling very shivery

“ and cold , remarking , I feel I have taken a chill ” He then drank hot lemonade which induced perspiration , said he felt somewhat

e r n ed fro m Modern Astro o c ob e r 1 1 . R p i t l gy , O t . 9 7 74

76 LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO said My wife is trying to find o ut how long I shall live ! ” I e n q ui re d if he still felt sick and he said

N o not now , but I have a great tightness in the c ne s t and a feeling as if there was an iron band round my throat I saw the glands were

hi s very much swollen outside neck , and as he seem e d to be in pain I persuaded him to go to bed and he retired at 6 o ’ clock with a

‘ ’ o n cheery good night . I put extra blankets the bed and gave hi m hot drinks and he perspired very thoroughly . I gave hi m hot milk and water eve ry four hours and a hot water bottle to his chest as he seemed in a great deal of pain and complained that it

’ hurt him to breathe . I got up at 5 o clock

o ur and aroused Mrs H art , housekeeper , who

s he is very devoted to us both , and got up at once and gave him hot tea , afterwards lighting a fire in the bedroom . I wanted to get a doctor at once as I knew he had a tempera ture , but he begged me to wait until later . He very much obj ected to doctors and physic s o a a s his to please him I w ited , but tempera ture increased and he seemed to get worse I LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 77 sent a l e tter by my housekeeper to the leading doctor in B ude asking him to call and see him at once My husband took his o wn tempera ture hi msel f and s aw it was When D r King arrived he examined him thoroughly and D ’ said to me on t be anxious Mrs Leo , your husband will be quite all right in two o r three days ; he has got a bad chill , and it has settled on the liver . I will send yo u at once

an d l — some fever medicine a pil , give him the

t o - medicine every four hours and the pill night ,

o f late , a dose salts in the morning , and he will soon be all right . Mrs H art fetched the medicine at onc e as the doctor took her round to the surgery in

o n his car . As the night came Mr Leo se e med to grow very flushed and hot and complained that he could n o t lie o n eith e r side but only o n his back ; s o I felt he would rest more comfortably in the bed alone , and was going to sit up by his side all night , but as my health is not very good Mrs Hart persuaded me to rest o n the bed in the next

s o room , leaving the door open that I could

hear every sound . She herself had a mattress 78 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO on the floor and promised to come to me each time he awoke H e slept very well for nearly three hours and Mrs Hart remarked that the fever was going down and s he thought he was better . I wen t in to look at him and was thankful to find him Sleeping ; he only roused twice , once to take milk and once medicine , so Mrs H art told me . She took the first half

’ of the night and I went in about 5 o clock ; he was then awake and I gave h im a drink of hot milk and water , washed him and made him comfortable . After th is was done , he s aid to me (it was then 7 Bessie , leave m e quite quiet here for a little while , I want ” to pull myself round . I went downstairs and I had only been there about five m inutes (the room was under his bedroom) when I heard a curious cry and rushed up to find him sitting up in bed in a terrible fit . M rs Hart was making bread and milk fo r his breakfast and a s I was supporting him

ro un d I and trying to bring him , could not

w a s ring fo r some minutes . H e quite wrong mentally and in convulsions , and when Mrs Hart came upstairs he w as most violently sick LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O 79 fo r over five minutes and both o f us had to

. : hold him up He kept saying What is it , P — what is it , where am I and his eyes were

“ : quite fixed . I said Alan , rouse your will and try to pull yourself together , and then “ Mrs fly t o . said Hart , for a doctor She w as gone nearly an hour , but I succeeded in getting M r L e o back to consciousness and the convulsions seemed to have passed over . When the doctor arrived about Mr L e o

s o made apologies for calling him up early . The doctor sounded his heart and remarked

’ t o me That s all right . My husband turned

“ t o hi m and said , Am I going to die doctor ,

’ ’ o f I don t m ind if I am , I m not afraid

“ No death , and the doctor said , certainly no t L e o ou , Mr , y will be quite all right by

and bye . “ My husband then said , I believe I have been off my head for quite a quarter o f an ’ hour , and the doctor answered , Well you re ” quite all right now anyway . If O utside the door I said to the doctor ,

you want another opinion , get it at once ,

no i s money is consideration , his l ife a very 80 LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

n B valuable o e to the world . ut he said

“ ’ D L e o n o t on t worry , M rs , your husband is going to die there is no necessity fo r another ” opinion . I will come in later . A few minutes after Mrs H art came into the room

“ and M r Leo was again Sick and said , Oh i t my poor head , is going round ; the eclipse ” on my Moon has done this , he then became convuls e d . There were only two pillows on

s o t o o n the bed , support him Mrs Hart knelt the bed and held him up in her arms while I supported his head o n the other sid e another

hi s convulsion seized him , face turned almost black and he was quite unconscious . ! uick 1 — the smelling salts , and brandy , said M rs

His H art . weight overpowered her and she

I s was forced to lay him down . aw he was passing out , and rushed round for the doctor hoping to get oxygen administered ; that was

m . o n a . Thursday morning ; (Mrs H art said his heart stopped at 1 0 I told the

’ doctor s wife that my husband was unc o n scious and I was sure would be dead before the doctor re turned . When I came back I was met outside the door by Mrs Hart and LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 8 1

’ the doctor and I remarked , I t s all over , and passed into the room . I then questioned the doctor very earnestly as to the cause o f his death and told him that my husband had an obj ection to taki n g any drug . I asked if it was the medicin e that had

’ r caused it o failure O f the heart s action . H e

“ o f said No M rs Leo , your husband died a seizure and no o n e could know it was going t o

e e happ n , it has b en as great a shock to me as to you , I am very sorry , but believe me nothing could be done . He was only really ” ill for one hour . I t was a terrible hour that M rs Hart an d myself lived through but I know and s h e is beginning to understand that only m y

’ a hi s husband s body died that day , th t soul lives and works on in the astral world in the same great field of lab o ur that was hi s on earth . H e was called to higher work an d is more alive than ever , not less ; his body clothed in a finer vesture than the physical .

H e died as he had lived , brave , noble and

o f true , trusting that his band devoted workers 82 LI FE AN D WO RK O F ALAN LE O would carry o n his work as he wished carried on .

OM M P ME OM ! the r s , ANI AD , dewd op slip I nto the S hining sea ! B L ESSIE EO .


’ The foregoing i s M rs Leo s account of the last days at Bude , and it may be interesting to add that in reply to a written request from

Mr s . Leo M r H S . Green calculated a horary m map for p . Summer Time , ' m ° N 8 0 . 2 : 5 4 3 , 7 3 W (Bournemouth , where

Mr Green was staying) . The following are the positions

x x11 ii & 6 "1 2 2 V3 1 4 I ( ) 0 D 9 c? i t ? It! 1 11125 } A 2 A 84 915 2 1 11 1 0 51 8 w zrr 11 6 Will M r Leo ’ s illness be serious ? Mrs

The Leo asks the question . reply given was that while the illness was serious , the worst need not be feared , and that it should pass f o ff in a few days . Stomach and l iver a fected . I n the light of subsequent events there is

i s here a failure to predict the death , but it


t well as its square to J upiter , indica e stomach and liver . M r Leo actually died of effusion o f blood

o n - the brain , the bursting of a blood vessel in the head being the cause of the fit previously described , and of the head sensations . Some years ago Mr Green had pointed out to M r Leo that if the Ptolemaic theory of the hyleg were strictly applied the Moon would be hyleg in his case and not the Sun ; and that while the trine of the Moon to the Sun and Mercury gave him abundance of physical vitality and

its o f nervous energy , square to Mars , lord the fourth house , was dangerous and would

The play a part when the end came . M oon was in Aries in the horoscope , governing the

f The head , the part a fected . rupture of the blood - vessel was b rought about by the strain caused by the vomiting ; and if the latter had been stopped the death would not have occurred j ust when it did but would have been

e . postponed , b ing in a sense unnecessary

F o f rom an occult point view , no death

i n te rve n ever occurs without a deva , or angel , ing to sever the link between soul and body . LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 85 I n this case the “ death angel took advantage o f what might otherwise have been a compara tive ly trifling illness to bring about the end o f life . The patient was wanted elsewhere to do work for which he had fitte d himself and which was awaiting him , but his interest in the astrological work he has left on the physical plane continues unabated .


A L e o M r lan breathed his last at Bude ,

m . 1 0 a . Cornwall , about , Summer Time , when the following were the positions : x xi i 11 ® I 7 51 2 2 A 1 3 mg

0 l) 9 3 It l? If! (P "326 5 A 95 23 2 2 11 1 0 $1 8 z 1 r {L6 Mercury and Venus are rising in Libra in good aspect with the Moon , J upiter , Saturn ,

o r and Neptune , and free from oppositions squares ; but Venus as well as bei ng in her

w a s O f own sign , Libra , also ruler the eighth or death house ; and his last few minutes o f

life were quiet and peaceful . So far as the

o f cusps are concerned , the signs the zodiac

are the same as in his Progressed Horoscope , 86 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

u nder which map he may therefore be said to u have passed o t .

Here , as in the horary map , Vi rgo and f Cancer are seen to be a flicted , but the head f signs are entirely free from a fliction , unless Venus rising in Libra— the ascendant ruling the head— can be called an affliction because

Venus rules the death house . Mars is culminating the Moon in the fourth i s in opposition to Saturn and Neptune ; but

o f there are a number very fortunate aspects , and if this map indicates the influences under which he began his career in the astral world he should achieve a considerable measure o f

The of success . exact signification such a

i s to map as this , however , still some extent

uncertain . The fact that in some cases it can be definitely correlated with the horoscope o f birth shows that it is not accidental or without significance ; but , as most readers know , the occult teaching is that beyond the

o f , solids , liquids , and gases the physical world lie other states o f matter loosely called ethers , which form the etheric double o f the dense body but which also belong to the physical LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 87

as world . D eath ordinarily understood is the cessation of life in the dense physical body only ; but after this has taken place and the link between the etheric double and the dense physical has been broken , the real man is still clothed in the double and still belongs to the

has physical world . N ot until he disengaged himself from the double is he free to begin his activities in the astral or psychic world , and

o r this may take a period of minutes , hours , even days in some cases . This disengagement will probably be the real horoscope for astral life ; but because it cannot be detected by ordinary vision it is impossible to register the time of its occurrence . I t is known that Mr L e o quickly became active psychically but the precise time is unknown .


Mr Alan Leo left his body an d passed to the astral world under the directions of his progressed horoscope . This , and the death

t o figure as well , reveals a student of occultism great truths .

e r n e d fro m Modern Astro o N o ve mb e r 1 1 R p i t l gy , , 9 7. 88 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LE O

E xamining this we seem to s e e the power of

e o the g ruling his vehicles , transmuting coarser

’ o f matter in the fire life s experiences , chang ing baser metals into gold , revealing in death

D e tin R a s in life that Character i s s y . egard the death figure itself , notice the Sign Libra ascends , the sign of balance and equilibrium ; the Sun in the virgin sign Virgo , the Sign Of

’ great Purity . Mr Leo s chief ideal was purity which he made a living power in his life , notice the Moon was i n the sign Aquarius the

s e e Man . You will Sun , Moon and Ascendant were all in humane s igns ; the Virgin , the

M an and the Scales , a notable death figure fo r an occultist . You will also s e e Venus conjunction Mercury were rising at death in

o n the Sign Libra , trine to J upiter in Gemini

o f o f the cusp the ninth house , the house the

Guru , thus he would get in touch with his

Master very quickly . The trine of the Moon in Aquarius in the fourth house t o these

planets shows the purity of the etheric body ,

the Moon ruling the etheric , and the quick

regaining of consciousness .

An occultist well known to many , told Mr LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 89

L e o in I ndia that his individual ray w as Venus s o he passed o ut in his own vibrations o f that hour . The Moon in the sign Aquarius

o f is typical the l ife j ust closed , denoting the profound student of human nature and helper o f o n humanity , and it defines his future work

o f U ranian lines , the Moon being significant the personality , in the new astrological age which will come at the close o f this centur y

The foregoing is extremely significant , for the death figure of an occultist is the great key to his next birth map and U ranus , Mercury and Venus will prove potent influences in his next nativity . M r Leo passed out in what occultists term the bright fortnight o f the Moon in which all uplifting spiritual influences are potent , while the forces which hinder and delay evolution are strongest in the dark fortnight .

w as Mr Leo a practical occultist , maintain ing a constant struggle against his lower nature , becoming the wise man who ruled his stars ; for he knew as a skilful astrologer that the chief fl a w of his birth map was Moon in

Aries square Mars and Venus opposition Mars , 90 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO s o he devoted himself to the o ne i de al o f purity

fo r - fi ve in thought , word and deed , and twenty years he was engaged in putting his ideal into practice and his progressed horoscope and death figure are significant o f that embodied purity which he succeeded in bringing into the physical and making an accomplished fact . All hi s lower vehicles became obedient t o the m aster hand that controlled them , and his favourite text toward which his life conformed

“ fo r was Blessed are the pure in heart , they shall see G o d . Mr Green writes “ I t is also a remarkable fact that the S ign Libra was rising at the pre

s o natal epoch , that here there are three maps , the epoch , the progressed horoscope , and the death figure all showing the same sign rising . The Sign under which he began his descent into incarnation is also that under which he left it and entered upon astral plane activities , and some readers at any rate will understand

- that a self rounded personality like his , capable o f e s o us ful work and influencing many people , will be likely to return in the n o t very distant future and continue its labours . Moreover

LI FE AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO 9 1 this Sign Libra was o n the cusp of the third house at birth and matters ruled by this house , writings and short j ourneys connected wi t h them carried on in conj unction with his wife and with others (Libra) , dominated the ” latter half of his life .



’ I F I R ST made Mr Alan Leo s acquaintance in the early autumn of the year 1 890 . I t came about in this way . I had been in correspond ence with Mr F . W . Lacey o n astrological

two as subj ects about years before , well as

T - with the late Mr J ohn homas , well known to

“ ” - l many under the pen name o f Cha rub e . The correspondence lapsed for a time under the pressure of other activities , but was renewed in the above year when I was living

harub e l in the south of England . C then informed me that Mr Lacey in conj unction with a friend , had started a new astrological magazine and that they would be glad to receive articles by me . On looking back I s e e that my first contribution appe a re d in

’ 1 8 0 The Astrolo er s Ma a ine N ovember , 9 , in g g z ,

’ “ and that Charub e l s Degrees o f the Zodiac 92 LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 93 Symbolised commenced in the following issue .

’ Mr Lacey s c o - editor proved to be Mr Alan

t o Leo , up to that date entirely unknown me ,

e o n even by name , and he call d upon me M r

’ L o Lacey s suggestion . M r e was at that time travelling frequently through various

o f t parts England , and his gave him the opportunity o f calling upon those whom he knew to be interested in Astrology and o f forming a rapidly increasing circle o f friends .

d us An a ditional link between was that , besides o ur both belonging to the Theosophical

Society , some of those who were thus brought into touch with each other had previously

e Cha rub e l been in correspond nce with , who was a m an o f considerable natural psychic gifts and who had formed a small society o f persons inter e sted i n occult and psychic s ub

e c ts j , most of them living at considerable

distances from each other . M r Leo had

t his e x e ri belonged to this socie y , some of p e n c e s in connection with it being referred to

“ ’ ” in his Editor s Observatory in Modern

Astrology a year o r two before he died . Each 94 LI F E AND WO R K OF ALAN LEO

’ w as L member given a name , Mr eo s being

“ ” A o re l g , and I remember that he said he wished the word had ended with the termina tion - i el as did the names o f o n e o r tw o other w persons whom we kne , because it sounded more musical in that form , but he had no power to alter it Such names were said to have definite meanings , expressing the char

o f s o acter and inner nature the person , that any alteration would have made it inapplicable ;

Cha rub e l they were given to members by ,

’ which was Mr J ohn Thomas s own occult name , always used by him in connection with his books and magazine articles , but Mr Leo

r l never used the name Ag o e . These names did not belong to any known language , ancient o r m o f odern , although some them had the appearance o f being a blend o f Greek and H ebrew they w e re Obtained by the exercise o f psychic faculty in the same way as were the symbols and meanings attached to each

o f degree the zodiac , which were first pub

’ li s he d in The Astrolog er s Mag azine and afterwards in book form .

E wa s ach name associated with a number , LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 95

o r o f a colour combination colours , and with

o f a geometrical diagram , all which symbolised the character and to some extent the fortune

’ to o f the man . Mr Leo s number was said

6 an d t o be , he showed me the diagram given him but I cannot now recall it su fficiently accurately to describe it o r the colours asso ’ 8 ci ate d . with it Mr Thomas s number was , but I do not think I ever knew wha t diagram was connected with it the Ch in his name

Charub e l a s was pronounced one letter , like

o r the guttural German , not like the English

Sanskrit . Every letter had a meaning , after

o f the fashion some ancient languages , and the meanings of all these names , diagrams , and other symbols were explained by Charub e l t o the members , and various essays and articles containing information psychically obtained

. S O by him were circulated far as I know , nothing of this was printed by Mr Leo except

D e rees o the odiac S mbolised i s the g f Z y , which perhaps to be regre tted because a fair amoun t

w as of it of astrological interest . One series o f essays purported to give the inner n ature of o f the influence each planet , and another 96 LI F E A N D WO RK OF ALAN LEO to describe the character of the d e ca nat e s o f each Sign much after the fash ion in which the degrees had been described ; both these were

de c a nate s w as left unfinished , that on the hardly more than begun and differed widely from b o th the western and the I ndian c las s ifi c a tion of these divisions of the zodiac . Whether any of this manuscript is still in existence I do not know . Charub e l affirmed that he received much help and instruction from certain advanced beings whom he termed hi s Masters and who visited him astrally . O n one occasion he described o n e of them as visiting him spon t an e o us l o n y, fully materialised , and wearing his breast the diagram of the cross within the circle . About twenty years after this , and

Charub e l s o f after death , a former member the society who had long before allowed hi s membership to lapse , happened quite on the spur of the moment to attend a publ ic lecture in London on “ Auras with clairvoyant delineations , and greatly to his surprise a description was given him of a man wearing the hi s cross within the circle on breast , th e

98 LI F E AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO fashion o f his own ; with the ordinary map o f birth before him he would give an account of the colours he s aw associated with each of the twelve houses , the influences they m ight be expected to exert , and the events that might follow in the future ; but his methods were quite original with himself and in some cas e s seemed to have only an indirect bearing upon the ordinary rules of Astrology . At an early stage of our acquaintance M r Leo showed me such a psychic delineation of his

Charub e l s o horoscope written by , but far as

I kn o w no copy o f it remains . I have since seen one or two others given to various people and in each case , although he commented upon the houses and planets , the map really served mainly as a starting point for the exercise of his psychic faculty , and working in this way it can easily be understood that he reached conclusions that would have surprised and puzzled anyon e who followed the ordinary rules given in the books ; yet many Of his predictions relating to what at the time lay in t the fut ure were found af erwards to come true . I t may be added that Charub e l died LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 99

m 1 1 1 0 8 Nove ber , 9 , thus predeceasing Mr L eo by t e n years . His portrait and horoscope

’ were pu blished in Mr Leo s book The Art of

S nthesi s 1 1 2 . y , 9 edition

After Mr Leo ’ s first visit to me many others followed at intervals o f two or three months fo r a succession of years until about the time o f hi s 1 8 marriage in September , 95 , after which hi s work confined him more definitely t o London , and his journeys into the country were at longer intervals . U p to about that time the work that he had to do outside

Astrology had been done entirely by himself, but in order to secure more leisure for editorial demands and astrological calculations he introduced a method o f delegating the other work to subordinates employed by him in different parts of the country an d responsible ” only to him . He called them his curates j ocularly ; they did the work and reported to him , and he visited them when necessary ; it seemed at first a rather risky way o f managing business matters but in practice it proved a complete success and was continued IOO LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO until he finally severed his con n e ction with business a few years later and devoted himself entirely to Astrology . D uring these j ourneys about the country he called upon many astrologers and attended t he o s o phi c al lodges wherever he had an o pp o r tun it y, delivering lectures and having astro logical talks with all who were i nterested . I n the earlier years when hi s visits were at comparatively short intervals he would give lectures in series ; one introductory lecture o n the general principles of Astrology at his

first visit , and other lectures on the various

an d s o o n details of signs , planets , houses , at subsequent visits ; s o that in this way he became well known in many theosophical and

astrological centres , and did useful work in

both connections . Some of these experiences he narrated to

wa me on his successive visits , and in this y I heard about many astrologers and theosophists

a s who were personally strangers to me , well as about some of the outside public with whom he came in touch as a result o f calculating their horoscopes or answering horary questions

102 LI FE AN D WORK OF AL AN LEO wider circle o f personal friends and acquaint u a ces than any other then living astrologer , because o f hi s many j ourneys into all parts o f

’ The As r lo e a the country . I n t o g r s M g azine for 1 8 1 J anuary , 9 , for instance , there appeared a

“ o f notice that Alan Leo , one of the Editors this Magazine , purposes visiting various towns in the N orth and West o f E ngland fo r the

n purpose of giving lectures o Astrology . This not only made new friends but also s us t ai ne d and increased the interest of many whose enthusiasm might otherwise have cooled . I n the first volume of the Magazine there also appeared a series of articles by various contributors on the ever interesting subj ect o f

o f the influence the planet Neptune , in the course of which some little difference o f M opinion was expressed . ore is known now about this somewhat mysterious planet than was the case then , although there are still decided divergencies in the views of various writers . The subj ect is worth mentioning 1 8 0 here because in October , 9 , the issue that

’ contained M r Leo s first article o n the planet LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 103

s um U ranus , another article on Neptune , maris i n g the views of several correspondents , appeared which , amongst other things , gave the alleged influence o f this planet when in

o r it s the eighth death house , position in M r

’ w n w as Leo s o horoscope . I t there asserted that N eptune indicates

“ I n the eighth a most peculiar death , caused by illnesses of Short duration , watery

e in th ir character , which somewhat baffle the

o f skill the medical men to cope with , and the ” end being sudden . I f the word “ watery may be taken as applying to all liquids , including the blood , this prognostication is certainly correct s o far

’ as it goes in its application to Mr Leo s o w n death , which was due to effusion of blood on the brain , following a chill (N eptune quincunx Saturn and the ascendant) ; he was only ill three days , and up to within two hours of his death the doctor in attendance expected him to recover . All yearly subscribers to the Magazine were entitled to a free horoscope a n d a brief delineation , and an announcement to that 104 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

effect appeared in the first number . This was another successful means of attrac ting readers , and I often heard him describe what an enormous mass of calculation and corre s o nde n c e p it entailed every week , frequently keeping him out of bed until the early hours f o the morning . I t is a wonder that anyone who had business to attend to outside Astrology and the task of editing should be willing to undertake s o much additional work o f a kind which , I think , no editor does free nowadays but the Moon in the fiery active sign Aries in trine to Mercury in the fiery and persistent sign Leo provided him with an inexhaustible T fund of mental vitality and energy . hanks t o this fiery ingredient in his character he was

as a very quick worker , and although M r Lacey correctly says he was not very fluent with his pen at the beginning o f his enterprise ff as author and publisher , it was di erent in later years when he had acquired greater familiarity with the work and had warmed to his task ; for by that time he would write a long article o r a chapter fo r a book in from a — quarter to a third o f the time that I with


. which most o f them actually are . This entailed a tremendous amount o f rewriting of refer ence books and sheets giving the meaning o f signs , houses , planets , aspects , directions , and their combinations , in order that mere bald pre dictions o f events might be omitted and their dependence upon character more

o f to emphasised . H undreds pages had be rewritten , and the work would have taken

e most writ rs weeks at the least , perhaps months to accomplish . I n order to get

s o no through it as quickly as possible , that delay might occur in the application o f the

o f new system , he took the whole it with him when he went to B ude in Cornwall for a

hi s holiday in August , and at once began task — o f rewriting a holiday task ! Seei ng that he was in danger o f over

an d working himself , realising that he needed rest badly after the worry and anxiety o f the law L e o case , Mrs said to him Why do you not send some o f that to Mr Green to do You are over working yourself ; ” you will break down . Send it to him .

“ “ No t o o , replied Alan , he would take LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 107

to long . This has be done quickly and I ” must do it myself.

So he worked on diligently at it , but the angel o f death stepped in and cut short the work , for when what he had written came to be examined after hi s death o n August 30 it was found that he had finished rather less

o ne - t o than half of it , and I had do the rest at my leisure and in my own way after all

o f To return , however , to the subj ect free horoscopes for annual subscribers to the ff Magazine , these had e ects in more ways tha n o n e and led to some important develop ments not originally intended . I n the first place the number o f applicants increased

a e ste dily year by year , those who had b en provided with a horoscope one year being suppli e d with annual directions in subsequent years . This increase became s o marked and caused s o much additional work that eventually a small charge had to be made although there had been originally no intention to make the

un work professional , but it was practically avoidable ; and from this , which was a mere side issue at first , grew the professional side 108 LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LE O o f his work , which made greater and greater

a s demands upon hi m the years went by . He would willingly have put the whole o f this on o n e s o side , and had every intention of doing in the l atter years of his life ; more than once he fixed a definite date a year or two in advance , after which he said he would not

to consent do any more professional work , but each time he was unable to adhere to this

s o decision he had , to speak , raised a demon that he could n o t easily lay ; it w as difficult to resist the appeals o f the many persons who f looked to him for advice , and there were o fice exp e nses that could not be met o ut o f the sale o f s o the books and the M agazine alone , that in the end he never succeeded in escaping

A a s from the toils of strology a profession .

But the free horoscopes h ad another issue ,

hi s for one of them led ultimately to marriage .

a s H e used to call upon me , I have said , every time he came to Bournemouth , and on fine days we used to go fo r walks along the f cli f s , talking on subj ects of mutual interest , and in the evening we both attended the

n o f o r meeti gs the Theosophical Lodge , one

1 10 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O of other work left me insufficient time fo r w n calculating the maps and riti g them up , and he continued the work for two or three

o f years , at the end which time I resumed

hi s n them again , somewhat to relief I thi k , for he was never s o much attracted to this side o f Astrology as I was . N either of us S igned

of o f any these articles , and because this it is difficult to decide now exactly when the changes took place ; with the exception o f M r

Lacey , I fancy no one but ourselves knew

I n that any chang e had occurred . c o tinue d this department o f the Magazine until towards the end of the nineties , when that clever

Daath writer M r H einrich , began to relieve

o f o f me part the work , and his contributions

f r l alternated with mine o a considerab e time . H e wrote a very clear and definite prediction o f the end o f the Boer War and the coming o f a peace , based upon the map for the vern l equinox in 1 90 2 and published in the Magazine

o f for March that year , two months before l peace was signed . Yet Alan occasional y took a hand here , and he wrote upon the

of D o f 1 0 s u bj ect the ecember Solstice 9 5 , a LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 1 11 prediction of the formation of a new party in the House of Commons more directly rep re s e n tat ive o f o f the lower classes the people , which was fulfilled by the presence o f a Labour Party In the new Parliament that followed

o f 1 06 . No the general election J anuary , 9 such Party had existed in previous Parlia ments , and the prediction was based upon the

o f conj unction Mars , lord of the ascendant , w ith S aturn , ruling the tenth and eleventh houses , in the twelfth house . The fourth volume o f the Magazine con t ain e d a series o f horoscopes illustrated by

’ s e photographs , and Alan horoscop and photo i n 8 1 . c graph appeared September , 93 A o m parison o f this with the portraits included in The Art of Synthesis in 1 9 1 2 and in Modern

Astrolo D 1 1 gy , ecember , 9 7 , will show the differences that the years made in hi s personal appearance . The earlier one shows distinctly the impress of Saturn rising , the serious

n expression , the face less rounded and o t s o full as it afterwards became , and the small beard al most of a Saturnian Capricorn type which he wore then and gave up about the 112 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

The time of hi s marriage . latest portrait i s a much better representative o f the Sign L e o

i n with the Sun conj unction with Jupiter , for here the face is distinctly of the round type as are most Leo faces , and there is a smiling good - humoured expression that fully suggests

n o t . J upiter , but Saturn at all I n the earlier years o f o ur acquaintance there were times when the seriousness o f Saturn showed itself markedly in his demean o ur a n d w as , Mr Lacey not wrong in saying as he did in the delineation o f the horoscope that Al a n was somewhat reticent and even melancholy at times . But in after years he changed greatly in this respect ; a happy marriage , many congenial friends , a busy life , and an occupation in which he took a real pleasure , made him a very happy man , smiling

- and light hearted . One of his most prominent characteristics was his extreme cheerfulness , accompanied by an exuberant vitality . When visiting him at his o ffice o n a dull winter day he has told me that to him the room appeared as if flooded

s o s o with sunlight , much that he found i t


hi m . had been administered to ( But making allowance for these slings and arrows o f outrageous fortune , he was one of the most cheerful and hopeful of men during the latter years of hi s life ; and this fact gained him many friends and kept them for h im , not only in E ngland but on the continent and in

I ndia , where he went twice .

’ 1 8 The As trolo er s Ma a in e I n August , 95 , g g z was considerably increased in size and was

Modern As trolo renamed gy , with Alan Leo as its sole editor This change wa s a great improvement and w as done at the instigation o f Mrs Leo , who acted then as she often has done on a sound intuition . A period of ever increasing success followed ; success in

Astrology , in theosophy , in masonry , in pub lis hin g not only the Magazine but a long series of small and large books , and in lecturing . H e founded three separate Astro

t he w as logical Societies , third of which a complete success and i s still in active existence with M iss F . A . Higgs as its President . The question o f founding such a Society LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 115 was mooted in a very early numb e r of the

Magazine , but no actual step was taken until 1 896 when a meet ing was held on J anuary ’ 1 4 at noon at Alan s offices in B ouverie

o ff F . Street , leet Street I attended this meeting , and in addition to Mr and Mrs Leo ,

- l M r W . A . Bishop Cu peper and some half a dozen others were present . I t was the day o f the N ew Moon , which fell in Capricorn in sextile to U ranus and Saturn in Scorpio , and had been chosen as likely to be a fortunate

The day . proceedings were very harmonious , and by the time the meeting ended the Society f had been definitely started , the o ficers for the

o f first year appointed , and a preliminary l ist rules arranged . Meetings o f the Society were held at

o f intervals during the year , none which I could attend because I lived s o far from

London . The first annual meeting was held

F o n at the Memorial Hall , arringdon Street ,

F 1 8 ebruary 5 , 97, and was largely attended , fo r a consid e rable number o f mem bers had

The j oined during the year . reports of past business were read and arrangements were 116 LI FE A N D WO RK OF ALAN LEO

fo r of made the future , a multitude suggestions being made for increasing the usefulness of the Society , some of them practical , others

o f not . Amongst other topics that a badge to be worn by all members occupied a con s ide rab le time in discussion , many designs ff were suggested , and a good deal of di erence o f opinion w as displayed ; eventually a badge w as o f agreed upon , consisting the symbol of

s o the planet Mercury within a circle , but far as I know the matter began and ended there and no one ever wore one or possessed one ! Afterwards addresses were delivered by Mr

- B ishop Culpeper , M r Alan Leo , Mr Robert

King , and by myself . How many years this Society remained in existence I do not remember now , but eventually it came to an end in spite of its very promising beginning

’ and early career . Alan s own opinion ex pressed to me himself was that in the first place it w as strangled to death by too many rules and regulations , and in the second place that although it possessed a fair number o f members there were too few who were willing to do any practical work fo r the good o f the


o f He was a man great energy , activity ,

o f and resource . I f at the very beginning his career as a student o f astrology a prophetic vision had been granted him , or if some astrologer had predicted adequately the many t undertakings , at tha time wholly un fam iliar t o him , that he would carry through success fully , th e books he would write and publish , the multitude of personal friends he would make , and the thousands all over the world to whom his name would become familiar , it would have seemed so improbable that he would certainly have refused to believe it .

A glance at his horoscope will show any one acquainted with Astrology how admirably Th it represents him . e five planets in fiery A signs , the trines from the Moon in ries to

J upiter , Sun and Mercury in Leo , and sextiles

- from all these to U ranus in the m id heaven , form a very strong and fortunate combination .

Here are energy and activity from Aries , staying power , strength of will , and capacity for organisation from Leo , originality and the attraction to the occult side of things from LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 119

Uranus , the highest planet in his horoscope ; while the trines and sextiles show the harmonious way in which these factors are combined . H e had abund ance Of vitality and his physical health was strong . In all the twenty seven years of our acquaintance the only time when I knew him to be incapacitated by ill

1 8 ness was in 99 , when he had a severe attack o f rheumatism which lasted some little time and compelled him to hobble about awkwardly

Hi s during his convalescence . liability to this complaint is Obviously shown by the rising position o f Saturn at birth in bad aspect to the Moon .

As most readers will know , the theory of l the hyleg as it is cal ed by astrologers , or that part of the horoscope upon which life depends f and the severe a fliction of which causes death , has been a good deal debated by different writers . Most , if not all , seem however to agree that the Sun , the Moon , and the rising degree are the three most i mportant parts of the horoscope from this p o int of view ; and in this particular case each o n e o f the three gives 120 LIF E AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO some testim ony of the way in which hi s death came . Many years before I had pointed o ut to h im that a strict application of the Ptolemaic theory o f the hyleg would make the Moon in Aries in the ninth house hyleg in his case ; that while i ts trine to the planets in Leo gave him abundance of mental and physical vitality , the squares to Venus and Mars were danger o us ; and that he was unlikely to outlive the direction of the opposition of the Sun to the

Moon . The result j ustified this prognostica

w as ff o f tion , for the cause of death e usion

on blood the brain , and while Aries governs

to o f the head its square Mars , ruler the fourth — — house the end o f life a nd the dispositor o f the Moon , shows the danger .

The Sun , however , also gives testimony from the point o f view o f those who argue that because all vital energy i s ultimately derived from the Sun , health and life both depend upon that great luminary . I n this case J upiter , lord of the eighth house , death , and signifying the blood and the veins , is in conj unction with the Sun in the twelfth

122 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO and many people were associated with him who did their best work directly o r indirectly in connection with him , and who were pleased that he should act as a centre for their united activities . Without his presence to act a s such a centre some of them— myself among the number—would certainly not have aecom

lis he d s o p much work as they did . Amongst the many workers in the astrological field there were some who were better educated and more learned than he as well as more

fo r ambitious , but they lacked his capacity managing others , for adapting himself to others and his tactfulness and good humour in making allowances for the varying tempera

o f . ments and views others Because of this , although other astrologers have done useful work , no one has accompl ished quite what he

n ow has on e i s did , and that he gone no able to fill quite the same place ; so that it is an interesting subj ect fo r speculation what direction the wave of astrological activity will take during the next generation .

I n this respect , in his ability to influence , mould , manage , and organise a considerable LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 123

o f s number people , he seems to bear ome

C01. . . resemblance to H S Olcott , although

- on a smaller scale . E ach was strong willed , an untiring worker , cheerful and generous ; and each made hi s i n fluence felt very widely

w a s and practically in the world , and a nucleus round which many congregated .

F Co l . inally both were Sun in Leo men , Olcott having Sun conj unction Venus in that sign and M r Leo Sun conj unction J upite r therein . G N H . S . REE . C H A PT E R V I


IT has been thought advisable for the sake o f completeness to i n clude in this chapter s e veral pages of reminiscences that have

Modern As trolo appeared in various issues of gy , though chiefly in the Memorial N umber o f D 1 1 ecember , 9 7 , but only such articles have been chosen as throw some additional light o n A the personality or work of lan Leo . I t is fo r this reason that the l ittle article by Mrs L e o is reprinted for it deals with a side of his character that is barely noticed elsewhere .


Those who know do n o t speak : those w ho speak do not know .

1 8 A L e o When in May , 99 , I first heard lan A speak on strology I began to study it , and , 124


’ I w as only a beginner and couldn t be sure my view was right . H ere are the two maps

x xi xii i 11 i i i Ceci l “ 2 7 x 2 9 3 1 6 2 q3 1 8 St 5 P hylli s V3 2 8 M 2 1 m 0 8 30 11 2 2 m o

0 D 9 t 3 It I? it! (I! 915 2 0 11 2 r 1 i : 2 2 $ C . % 1 74 1i 3! [1 5 m 11 5 1 9 mr rr 11 1 45

11 & " 1 0 225 8 zi t- I P . 11 2 4 3 m8 1 S z 7 t o 11 2 5 Soon after I happened to meet M r L eo and put the point to him . H e told me to send him the two maps , and he would look at them .

s o I did , and he wrote me the following letter

9 L Y NC ROFT G N . W . , ARDENS ,

Ma rch 14 , 1901


I fi r t looks as if Phyllis would be the st to go , b ut I S h r r t o r ould have to wo k out the di ec i ns to be su e ,

r and this I am not inclined to do . I have al eady enough

S r o rr r Karma upon my houlde s with ut incu ing any mo e .

r U . Ast olog y has taught me one thing , and that is CA TION

I far i am too busy a man to go into all these deta ls , and

I r besides unless specially asked neve p redict death .

h r h rr w r T e e is q uite enoug so o in the wo ld , without inflicting mo re upon people . Take my advice and let

r h r r b ut S r people d eam t ei d eams , you hake you head and

’ don t Offer to tell them what the stars say until you can r r ro the ank you self amongst the p phets , best of us at the

e are o o r s s t w e ere gam nly p o tudents , and in the pa w LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 127 fools that rushed m where Angels would have fea red to

W e r . t read . have since ealised that we know nothing For you r own guidance I would suggest death to take

rr O place when the asc . a ived at the pposition of the

r B e r the planet S atu n . ca eful how you calculate ’ don e i t r aspect , and when you have keep the esult to

r r r r you self , but t eat the d eam as a wa ning , and tell the

r r parents to take ext a ca e of the child . I hope you will understand my position .

Y r h ou s fait fully , ALAN L E O I have always treasured that letter as contain ing the gentlest and kindest rebuke I have ever seen in written language . ( He did not understand quite all the circumstances , and supposed the statement to have been volun teered by me , I fancy . ) Note that he confirms

s o the j udgment , far as it went . The words in the past I take to refer to the past o f Astrology the Middle Ages! and not to the past of his o wn career or o f his contemporaries .

“ ” My position in the last sentence o f the letter has no formal significance : he did n o t use it in the sense that he might have said

o f more had he chosen , that I am quite sure ; 12 8 LI FE A N D WORK OF ALAN L EO

I became familiar with his modes of expression , later on , and know that all he meant was that he hoped I would not take it amiss that he had felt obliged to give me what might seem like a snub .

All who were good and great loved and honoured him . My conceit of his person w as never increased towards him by his place o r honours ; but I have and do reverence him for the greatness that was only proper to himself , in that he seemed to me ever , by his

o f work , one the greatest of men , and most

o f worthy admiration , that hath been in many ages . I n his adversity I ever prayed God would give him strength , for greatness he could not want . N either could I condole a

n o word or syllable for him , as knowing accident can happen to virtue , but rather help to make it manifest . I f the source of these quotations be recog ni s e d , their aptness will be granted by those in

n a position to p ronounce an opi i o n .

A L F B R L . RE D H . A EY


‘ Wagner , Mozart , and others he generally played himself . Occasio n ally he enj oyed a good short story or a game of draughts , but directly the weather was good his garden was his great delight . He revelled in nature and always declared he came near the “ heart of things amidst th e stillness and peace of the country . H e loved the evening shadows and walked amongst the trees and flo wers musing and meditating . Alan Leo was a great home lover and a real server in home life ( 9 quite as capable as a woman in the domestic sphere , and when there occurred one of those domestic upheavals which occasionally happen in these days o f

- servant scarcity , he cheerfully and successfully

filled the gap . I n home as in public life , he O 0 I was always radiant and j oyous ( t ) . H e wa s s ad never ill , , or depressed , but would whistle and sing about the house as gaily as a D child . epression and sadness would vanish

o f in his presence , the atmosphere the house

hi s was positively charged with solar l ife , and it was indeed a happy home , the harmony

- being well nigh perfect . By habit punctual LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 13 1

w as and methodical , in temperament he a great lover of beauty and elegance , and I never knew him grumble o r find fault in all the twenty - fi ve years of o ur married life . He certainly had a quick temper ,

fo r but it only lasted a few minutes , he had great self - control and a most forgiving disposition .

- U ns elfi s hn e s s was his key note . He had the greatest possible consideration for other people and never gave any trouble through T want of thought . his endeared him to all his personal attendants and to the one or t wo l persona friends who occasionally visited us .

While reserved and dignified with strangers , in his private life he was playful , contented , and j oyous as a boy . Truly a very happy man .

He was simple in his tastes , a vegetarian ,

- a non smoker , and teetot ller for nearly twenty

e y ars . He used to advise me when I was

o r w — o troubled depressed to follo his plan , g away to a quiet place alone and think o f the Great Star Angels and the D i vine Love

“ brooding over the world . I can always 132 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LE O remove any disharmony of vibration in myself

“ this way , he said , and then nothing is a ” trouble any more . But my husband lived in his higher mind and could call dow n force s not many could wield He believed implicitly

’ t o in the Great Law , God s Law , and used quote from E lla Wheeler Wilcox ’ s poem ” Whatever is , is best . On the day he had the summons to the

“ o M ansion H use , I said , How now , Alan

— f ‘ i s do you still a firm , Whatever , is

’ “ ? Y e s ! best He unhesitatingly replied ,

’ X I t s all E PERI EN CE , and therefore must be fo r the best : I have surely s o me lesson to learn . w — Such was Alan Leo , as I kne him the

d o f most evoted of husbands , the staunchest

F o r comrades , the most reliable of friends . twenty - fi ve years he w as the sunshine o f my life and home , he never once failed me in any event in life , and made me completely and entirely happy . Ours w a s an astrological

hi s marriage , my Sun being on Moon in the same degree of Aries . With four planets in

L e o his r no t , hea t was quite as active i f more


the study O f many books . C urious little “ o hi s pearls would Often drop fr m lips , which proved extraordinarily useful and illum i n i n f at . Fo r g in times of di ficulty instance ,

a ro un d I if a hail of bombs were dropping , am certain that his quiet and half - amused

’ it s remark would be Well , all experience If one smiled a doubtful smile , he would

s o quietly repeat , Well , it is we learn from o ur us experience , nothing teaches so much as that . J udged from that standpoint , he must have gained great knowledge ! “ Take

s a it all as j ust a vibration , he would y when I had told him a rueful tale of the difficulties and worries on e meets with in trying to work

o ne with and for people . And truly , when

“ thinks o f annoyances and troubles as j ust a ” vibration , they at once lose their sting .


I kn ew 1 0 Alan Leo first in this life in 9 7 ,

s aw and very shortly after I first him , I was fired with the idea of the greatness o f his work , and I felt I wanted to help in that work , though then I w a s totally ignorant o f Astrology LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 135 and literally did not know the difference T between Aries and aurus , nor even how to mak e the symbols . What I did know was that I wanted to work for this man o r for his

’ cause , I didn t mind which , and on the second

o f occasion seeing him , I took my courage in both hands and went up to him and asked him if he could give me something to do .

“ ’ He smiled and said , We ll find you some ” s o thing some day , and there , far as I could see , the incident ended H owever , some twelve mon t hs afterwards he asked me o n e day if I would come to his office and give him a little help .

“ “ Yes , certainly , I said ; What work is

“ a Oh never mind th t , said he , people who want to do work mustn ’ t pick and choose ’ ” what work they ll do . And when I got to the O ffice I found it was

o f only a j ob sorting some papers , and though I did it I don ’ t know that the work was ever — I used fancy not . However , shortly after he told me to my great surprise that he wanted me to be Hon . Sec . Of the Astrological 13 6 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

Society . I find that I am includ ing a good deal about myself, but I am doing it only fo r the purpose of giving a

o f little insigh t into the methods the man .

s e e H is purpose , as I now , was to find a worker willing to do anything that was asked , without j ibbing at being given an apparently insignificant j ob .


And s o it came about that I had the privilege of working in close touch with Alan

Leo and of realising what he stood for . H e worked never for hi s own glorification o r fo r hi s w as own good , but he a perfect example of one who realises that the great thing is that the Cause shall go forward ; the agent

w a s matters nothing . H is life work to cleanse

o f the Augean stables Astrology , and only those who worked in close touch with him know what an accumulation of filth there was in those stables , and what slime he waded through to accomplish his purpose—the purpose from which he never swerved o r

o n turned aside . One could only look in


transient and unreal , the impersonal is eternal — and real and that is Astrology .

“ An d again : Religion i s that which is

ou taught by leaders , and y will find in all religions that the followers look up t o and quote their leaders a s authorities ; that i s right and natural for that type ; but the astrologers ought to be those who gain — knowledge through themselves reach it down from the plane o f knowledge where all knowledge exists for those w ho can take it ; they should have no need for authorities and

to ur teachers . We must work teach o people

e that whil the knowledge must increase , the teacher must decrease . My hope is that those w ho are left to carry

n o his work may ever keep that ideal in view . B A . L N N I E L AR EY .


I t is now over twenty - two years since I first met o ur late E ditor . One of my brothers had shown me a small astrolog ical magazine , and its contents had captured me at once , for

n they seemed strangely familiar and fascinati g . LI F E A N D WORK O F ALAN LEO 139

I begged my brother to as k the Editor whether

’ he would hold a students class for the study o f Astrology ; and with characteristic generosity he sent word that he would hold a class at his office in Bouverie Street o n e evening in

The each week . class numbered only ten

Mrs L e o people , among them being , M r m Robert King , y sister and brother and myself ; and in this class we each week c o n s ide re d the quite elementary reading of a horoscope . An Astrological Society was at length

w a s t e - started , dissolved , started , again

t e - dissolved , and again started , but I persisted in remaining a member and the debt I ow e for these many opportunities o f gaining astrological kn o wle dge I have never ye t dis

d o ne charged . There are some ebts that feels o n e can never wipe out ; one can merely

o ut o n e has give the knowledge obtained , and ” so keep the ball rolling .

So the years passed , and when in the early part o f 1 9 1 2 Mr and Mrs Leo ran across D me in South evon , he asked me to take up the work o f Secretary o f the Astrological 140 LI F E AN D WO R K OF ALAN LEO Correspondence Lessons which he was h then preparing . I accepted , t ough with

di ffi de n c e considerable , for I have always felt unable to refuse help where Astrology w a s concerned , and of late years have made it a rule o not t refuse . I n the work o f these past five years I have been immeasurably the gainer . N o one ever worked with Mr Leo who w a s n o t the gainer from a spiritual standpoint . H is method was

o f c o - to develop the initiative his workers , and to this end he often gave us work that seemed

us —i n s e e t o quite beyond order , I could , draw o ut the powers and faculties latent

s within u . This often meant much trouble

o r to himself ; but he seldom never blamed , shouldered the responsibility if things went awry , and righted them when wrong . There was an atmosphere about o ur

i n de fi n a ble Chief , an something that

us stimulated and harmonised us , and it is this which we miss as much as anything now that he has left us . When I first heard o f I his passing , the cry of SIS for the death of Osiris seemed wrung from me The Lord


w a water bird , hose head shone with vivid peacock - blue colouring ; and it swam to the

o f land and walked about , shaking itself free water and growing larger a n d more brilliant as he watched it .

i s And it seems to me that it up to us now , as the best tribute we can offer to o ur beloved

Chief , to make this vision a reality , and to endeavour by every means in o ur power to co - operate with him in hi s working on other

t o planes , rid Astrology of its material touch and place it on the highest spiritual basis possible , sure always of his inspiration and his aid .


ecretar o the L essons D e ar ment S y f p t .

AN A L L - R O U N D H ELPER I find it rather difficult to know where to commence to pay my l ittle tribute to the

s o the memory of M r Leo , for it was not much in any o ne thing that I personally felt

— o r his help , but in many in fact in every

The thing . magnetism and life which flowed

o n e from him , and which could feel when he LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 143 returned to offi ce after being away at any time , was such that it permeated the whole rather than touched any particular part o f

’ one s character . I shall always be thankful to him for the immense help he has always

t o been me at all times , for helping others out o f difficulties was not recognised as trouble

t o some by him , for he was ever willing throw

c a n out the best that was in him , and I certainly testify to his being of great spiritual

o f help to many hundreds people , in all departments of life .

us His physical presence is no longer with ,

o r but whether we can consciously feel it not , his influence i s always around those w ho are seeking guidance along astrological l ines , for that was his special work , and he carried it o ut as no other man could do , for he lived the life that earned him the right to receive the spiritual knowledge that he had , and which he so generously gave out . H e helped all who came into contact with him , to live their lives the better for having met him , for he appealed always to the best in a person and not to the

“ worst , teaching us always to build good 144 LI F E AND WO RK OF ALAN L E O stuff into o ur characters rather than to bewail our past errors— to rise again after falling , as all must fall from time to time . H e a lways said it was encouraging to know that all our kindly thoughts and unselfish actions were stored in the bank o f consciousness to be given back to us in another life as Character , and that it was up t o us to make o ur banking account as good as possible in order that we could be found worthy to help others even as we had been helped . My association with Mr L e o will always be o ne of the brightest memories to look back upon , and although he has passed beyond the physical I still thank him most Sincerely fo r the beauties O f life to which he opened my eyes . B B member o S ta o M . RO I N S , f y? f

Modern As trol ce ogv Ojfi .


One o f the wisest and most intuitional astrologers of all time , and , I bel ieve , a highly advanced Soul , he lived to make the great


Of the great powers which order the world . H is unique and notable studies of human diversity lead to unity : through the many to

o n e the one . No need any longer blunder through his days in that utter ignorance of his inner self which has spoiled the greater f o f . o number lives Power j udgment , that blending o f all the influences o f a horoscope

o f in which he reached the height genius ,

o r cannot be conveyed taught or bequeathed , but the experiment and experience of the daily round and the common task is clarified f and dignified for everyone of us . Those o his

an d disciples who knew him best , loved and honoured him most , regret that he passed from us j ust when he had promised to show us more of the wider reaches of spiritual progress . B ut when we have learned to live

- generously , actively , and open eyed , as he lived himself , with unshakable faith , universal tolerance , and never failing hopefulness , the next step upwards will assuredly be made

us plain to , and he would have preferred that f —E E o s D . we should find it ourselve . . LI FE AN D \VO R K OF ALAN LEO 14 7

A STRO LOGER A N D T HEO SOPH I ST There are thousands of people all over the world who will have heard of the death o f Mr d Leo with very eep regret , for his influence w as felt and his help appreciated in every T country , far beyond the limits of the heo sophical Society . Comparatively few within our Society in England remember , or have ever realised , that M r Leo , though he was

to A best known the world as an strologer , T was always , before all , a heosophist . He could not think of Theosophy as complete without the great science of Astrology , but equally he could not imagine Astrology , one of the great Ways to God , without Theo sophy ; and to an extent that i s far too little known , he brought , through Astrology , many hundreds everywhere to a knowledge of T heosophy , to whom otherwise probably it never would have made appeal . Those who take the trouble even to glance at his books and the magazine for which he was so long responsible cannot for one moment doubt this . 148 LI F E AN D WOR K OF ALAN LE O

H is work was largely for the future , and when A strology comes into its kingdom , as inevitably it will do , that work will be appreciated and

a appraised t its true value . Let those who come after him never forget that his labour and struggles have made their work in the West possible ; and that however much

as theories and methods may vary , they must do , all are to a great extent built upon the principles that he has laid down . Those who knew Mr Leo chiefly as the author or transmitter of j udgments on horo

o i scopes , knew very little the man ; and it is matter for regret that a larger number of us were not able to realise this . There has been ,

i s and still , much prej udice against Astrology among those who , of all others , one would expect would ke e p at least an open mind . His friends and equals who re ally reached him , found in M r Leo deep insight , a very wide tolerance , and above all a constructive m ind , which to some of us is almost the — greatest and perhaps the rarest . H is last days here were shadowed by the prosecution at the Mansion H ouse in July , j ust


Ma 1 8 0 y , 9 , and Mrs Leo less than two years l ater . H is membership therefore dates back

- for more than twenty seven years , and when it is added that during the whole of that time he has never been known to falter or waver in his allegiance to it or in l oyalty to its leaders , that surely makes a record o f which any one of us , old or young , might be very very proud . The here has lost a strong support , and many within it and outside it have lost a friend .

The aha n . S . MAU D S HARPE in V


I llus . Bro . Alan Leo was one of the chosen d few with which our Very I llus . Gran President

Annie B esant formed the English O b e dience . H e was a member of the and although

F as w as reemasonry , such , not his study , perhaps no one has done greater o r more lasting service in the furtherance o f its ideals .

A has H is l ife work , strology , for an obj ect the classification and amalgamation of the Human Family into that future Cosmos the Brother LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 15 1

w as hood of Man , and it his shewing that each type should be j udged according t o the standard o f its type and placed in the

e Cosmic Scheme accordingly , that constitut d his particular contribution to Speculative

- Co Freemasonry . H is personal example was as attractive as his precept . H e was a peculiarly selfless man and the uni que place of affection and esteem he occupied in the hearts o f his brethren w as a worthy testimony t o the truth o f his grand theorems . Astrology to him was something to li ved as F be , reemasonry , and his brethren were not dull to perceive his merit and accord

i s him the unsought place thereof. I t this s elfle s s n e s s that was his great asset as also his distinction from the traditional astrologer .

Bro . Leo differed from the latter in that he sought not to shine himself , but to create a vehicle that would propagate the light o f

Astrology enduringly throughout the ages . H e early perceived that to uphold the sacred Light and die w as to do but little more than fi tful his predecessors , to provide but a further

e existence for Astrology , and that to stablish 15 2 LI FE AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO

Astrology in the world a S oci ety was the need as indeed the only way of securi n g permanence

A n for Astrology . Body whose obj ect is c o

e stant , despite the change in its personn l throughout the ages , would secure permanent

r incarnation fo his I deal .

Ho w nobly , how heroically and with what measure o f success he has striven to create this permanent vehicle only those who have been privileged to take part in his work can

to perhaps know . Probably he only hoped D create the nucleus of such a body . espite the scorn of a sceptical public opinion , and

fo r the repeated prosecutions vagrancy , he has succeeded in establishing that outer

A dime n vehicle , the strological Society , whose sions are su fficiently large to command alike

a nd respect and attention , that Tutorial I nsti t utio n a s , as yet in its infancy , known the

F r Astrological I nstitute . o a Thought Vehicle

— a F o f Thought orm , to range the spheres

‘ Modern thought , remains his first creation ,

Astrolo — a gy, monthly magazine designed

thoroughly t o purify and t e - establish the

o f A ancient science strology which , through



Wherein it may be asked , did the work o f Alan Leo differ from that o f his ? contemporaries and predecessors I n this ,

ur ose — that he gave a p p to Astrology gave , did I say ? rather should I have said reaffirmed

f F r the purpose o Astrology . o the ancients

of had a saying , one which he was never tired quoting The Wise M an rules his stars , the ” F001 obeys them ; and he pointed o ut the deeper meaning o f the phrase by recasting it thus The Wise M an rules himself in

Fo r harmony with the stars . him the stars were beings , not things , and their influence was not physical only but mental and spiritual A also . H e held that the purpose of strology w as that by a study o f these influences we should learn so to blend and harmonise them in ourselves that life after life we might gradually become perfect even a s our Father ”

i e o ur F . in Heaven ( . . ather Star) is perfect H is courses of lectures before the Astrological

o n o n Society Mars , on Saturn , and J upiter , recently published in book form , convey in a LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 155

S imple form some notion o f his conception o f the nature o f planetary influences and o f

w as Astrology as a divine science . H is life a testimony to his faith H e w as the friend o f all and the enemy o f none . And he was

o f the helper very many , among whom is gratefully numbered the writer . MERCU RI U S in the

In te a ti nal P chi a ette rn o sy c G z .


A lan Leo was an extremely able astrologer , and his volumes large and small dealing with the art o f which he was a master are classics never likely to be excelled . But Alan Leo was more than an astrologer . He was a powerful intellectual and moral force , and his death at a comparatively early age leaves a gap which it will be impossible t o fill . I approached his work with considerable h prej udice , w ich a closer acquaintance with hi s writings swept away . I t is not too much to assert that what Camille Flammarion i s to 15 6 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO astronomy Alan Leo was to the astrological world . H e wielded a graphic , luminous and at times most eloquent pen . H e had a mission and he thre w himself into the work o f that mission with tireless vigour and enthusiasm . I o w e it to his writings that he helped me to a clearer understanding of thi n gs as I n ow conceive them to be The keynote o f his — teaching w as j ust this that Charac ter i s D s ow . estiny . What we that we shall reap

S o says the Old Book , and if we only realised those pregnant awful words the world would

- be a different place from what it i s to day . H uxley says somewhere that God keeps His ledgers with punctilious accuracy. Not a j ot o r a tittle is wanting in the great account , and we shall have to answer and repay t o the uttermost farthing . This then (a s has been well said) is the

D s o ivine use of Astrology , a science ancient

s o s o o f and noble , yet shamefully degraded

’ late years . A man s horoscope shows a man

s not as his fellows e e him but as he i s . I t is the exact reflection of the ind ividual himself . H e may hoodwink hi s neighbour and deceive




L e o Alan was essentially a thinker , a delver into the mines of Truth , an indefatigable

n searcher after higher k owledge , a scientific experimentalist , who sought with untiring vigour to mount the peaks o f human know

s o ledge , as to convey to the world that specific form of teaching that would best assist younger minds to expand , grow and advance along the glorious upward and onward pathway of endless progression . One cannot take up and peruse any single product o f his pen without being impre ssed with the high moral tone of his thought and singleness of purpose to raise the intellectual and moral status of the Ancient Science of Astrology to the high level which it truly

o n e To deserves and will day command .

“ as him he aptly expressed it , Astrology is

” “ a s the soul of Astronomy , Psychology is the soul of Physiology and , the whole , n when combined , constitutes a ge eral Science


“ - o f To day , any man the world knows that it calls for considerable moral courage and intellectual stamina a s well as the inspiration of a great ideal to labour in a cause s o universally misrepresented and mis

o f interpreted , and to produce a series works that would command the attention and

“ ” o f o f approval the intellectuals the age , and convey to th e m some clearer idea that

m - the uch abused Astrology is , after all , a Mine of Truth deserving o f the most thorough exploration and development ; because it is essentially based upon a rock foundation o f natural law , which all their ignorant prej udice , mis - placed criticism and narrow thought can neither alter nor destroy . I ndifferent alike to praise o r blame and undeterred by difficulty and adverse con ditio ns , he laboured hard and long and largely L A ON E , except for the loving companionship o f a devoted wife , with a fixed determination and an unquenchable enthusiasm to do his utmost to attain the admirable Obj ective of “ purifying Astrology and that he has succeeded to a large degree there is no shadow 160 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O o f doubt as the coming generations of more

advanced thinkers will cordially agree . O ut of the m ire and mud of a decrepit and suffocating materialistic philosophy he revealed a beautiful Truth , a rich and

o f wonderful science symbolism , wherein the planetary orbs are depicted as gigantic centres of dynamic energy and guiding intelligence , by and through which in subtle and invisible ways , the one U niversal Spirit finds clear and direct channels fo r the ordering o f all things

f lfi lm n to perfect ends and sublime u e t s .


Somewhere , in his writings , Alan Leo has

“ said that , God has a Plan , and Astrology

o f reveals the workings that Plan . I n this beautiful conviction he lived and worked ;

s o - and he taught that our Astrology of to day ,

a s which E merson describes , astronomy brought down to the earth and applied to the ” ff o f o f a airs man , is but a part a larger

o f - o f Astrology to morrow , and that the scope a true astrological science is as broad as the

o r universe , and its methods , exoteric esoteric ,

162 LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO a bridge whereby the materially - minded may be drawn into a contemplation and love fo r

s o spiritual Truth , and assisting the higher elements in the nature o f man to gain an

- ever increasing ascendancy . H e had the vision o f the true prophet com

n d b i e with the deep , interior understanding

real w t o o f the teacher ; and , hile ministering the earthly needs o f his many friends and

t o students , he always endeavoured teach simple lessons in wisdom and wonderful

s o lessons in truth , as to stimulate their intellectual development and promote their spiritual unfoldment along normal and progressive lines .


o n e o f O n occasion , a hard , worldly type woman desiring to gain an unj ust advantage over another , called upon him for counsel and assistance to realise her selfish desire . She

e was prepared to r munerate him handsomely , w A but s he did not kno lan Leo . O f clear discernment , he quickly penetrated to the

“ ff o u heart of the a air, and said , Madam , y LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 163

are contemplating an immoral act , and I cannot help yo u ; but I warn yo u that one day you will bitterly regret if you follow your

o evil course . My advice to you is to g home ,

o f and in the privacy your room , fall upon your knees and PRAY earnestly that G o d may forgive you and grant you the strength to walk in paths of righteousness . The woman dumbfounded at his dis covery o f her hidden secret , and impressed by his demeanour did

s he as s he w as told . Sometime after called again and thanked him with deep gratitude fo r having turned her thoughts and life toward better ends This is a typical instance among many which go to Show his deeply religious nature .

HIS WATCHWORD CHARACTER IS DESTI NY A general survey of Alan Leo ’ s writings leaves one with the impression that he viewed

- - o f earth life as a training ground , a university

experience for the education , strengthening and unfoldment of the spiritual part o f man

a rocess o ha ter- buil in c rac d . in short , p f g With unerring vision he not only perceived and 164 LI FE A N D WORK O F ALAN LE O expressed in his writings wha t sci e ntists o f

- to day are j ust beginning to realise , namely

“ that : lac!e of adap tati on i s the caus e of most ” human su erin ff g but , also , that Astrology provides a means for placing individuals in

s o their natural spheres of action , and en sures a more harmonious development o f their natures and a right adj ustment of themselves with their environment a s part and parcel of the Economy of N ature . So he expounded his profound knowledge of Astrology accord l m i n . g y All his writings are si ple , clear and

o easy to understand , and not nly bear witness

o f hi s l to the beauty idea s , but also testify to his burning zeal loy a lly to fulfil the unique mission of his life , evidence of which we have d in the magnitude of his pro uctions .

A CAREER O F U SE F U LN ES S When the “ day of reckoning comes round and the final act i s enacted on the stage o f o ur earthly career , the curtain drops and we

“ W E A K N pass on and , hereafter , R E N OW

L F W E ON Y O R WHAT HAVE DON E . I f our lives

o f have been barren fruitage , and we have

166 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO that this involved a colossal amount of

o ne empirical research , can understand that Alan Leo must have worked like a troj an year in and year out to produce such extensive results .

As trolo or All H is first book , entitled gy f is intended for enquirers . I t is a simply written and large volume containing delinea tions for every person born within the last seventy years , and is as fascinating to read

The Cas ti n as any novel . second volume g the Horosco e p , is primarily a work for students and contains a wealth of mathematical i n fo r

Hi s How to ud e a mation . third book , j g

Nativi t i nfo r y , is a veritable storehouse of mation regarding the various effects o f planetary influences in the different depart

o ur ments of mundane lives , and enables us

“ ” to size up the tendencies o f our material existence from the cradle to the grave . Then ,

he Art o S nthesi s l I . T V o . V , f y , is an advanced exposition o f the third book and conveys a w further mass of instruction ; hile the fifth ,

The P ro ressed Horosco e i s g p , essentially an easy guide to read the future by scientific LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 167

s o as ce r rules and interpretations , and to tain in advance the precise nature of the t operating influences in any mon h and year .

The Ke to Y r wn Nati vi t . . ou O Vol V I , y y , embodies a series of broad delineations in tabular form covering all the main depart

t ff s o men s of human a airs , that the average person can dispense with the services of the profession al and become his or her own astrologer . Vol . V I I . , the last , entitled

E soteri c As trolo w gy , is a very original ork and constitutes a modern study o f Human N ature from an esoteric or spiritual point of view . I t is a valuable work to those seeking to live the higher life . (2 ) Then we have over a score of small manuals mostly written by hi m or under his supervision which , in themselves , form quite a miniature library on the various phases o f Astrology . The more important of these

’ lesser productions are E verybody s As trology

Ho w to Cas t the Horosco e Medical As trolo p , gy ,

eather P redic i n unda ne As trolo W t g and M gy .

Hi s Ma rs the last three small books were ,

War L ord S aturn the R ea er u iter the , p , and j p 168 LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN L EO

P res erver ; and they open up new regions of occult thought . A (3) I n addition , lan Leo founded , edited and published a high - class monthly m agazine

dern A r lo enti t led Mo st o gy . This j ournal is still running and i s ably edited by his widow d with the assistance of experienced stu ents , but it lacks the personal “ touch ” and

i s The charm of t original creator . magazine presents a monthly feast of n e w thought from fresh minds , and is steadily gaining ground among a young body of students s o there is every likelihood that the good work beg un by its founder will continue to gro w apace .

(4) There comes into the lives of all of us , a time when we feel the need of someo n e in w hom we can trust and confide o ur doubts

a . and fe rs We want to be sure , however , th a t the o n e to whom we sp e ak or write will

i s unders tand u s . I t a great relief to be

w as o f understood . A lan Leo a man wide

o d experience . H is kn wle ge of human nature w as s o vast and profo und that many s ay th at their burden o f anxiety was lifted and their


- o f A re establish the ancient science strology . The I nstitute appears to have a promising

w re - future , o ing to the general awakening of interest in all phases of astrological thought ; therefore , its field of usefulness will naturally extend as time passes . Supplementary to this there is an inde pendent Astrological Society and an Astro logical Lodge affiliated with the Theosophical

a Society , numbering altogether fine growing body of seekers after Truth an d there is also the Hermes M asonic L odge , an occult brotherhood with whose specific a c tivi

The ties the writer is not familiar . existence of these centres for the study and promulga tion o f astrological teachings is largely due to the combined efforts o f Mrs an d M r Alan Leo

- supported by loyal c o workers .

i s I n addition , there a very fine and com ple t e series of correspondence lessons for those who are debarred by reason of distance from attending lectures and classes , and this corres p on de n c e instruction may be Obtained by all desiring to advance in these fascinating and helpful studies . LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 171


’ With this brief presentment o f Alan Leo s efforts on behalf of the science he loved so T well , and of ruth in general , let us hasten f to discern and profit by the lesson o his life . E ach and everyone is endowed with a talent for usefulness in so me active sphere of labour . To fulfil the mission of our lives we should endeavour to ascertain our true place and then aspi re and work in peace and harmony to advance not only our own interests , but to render what service we may in contributing o ur little o r big best to the happiness and

o f It welfare others . may be that we shall never be c alled upon to accomplish great things in the eyes of the world , nor are we rewarded by things done , whether small or

The great , but according to our motives . King o n his throne is not compensated any more because he passes a law that shall benefit untold numbers of hi s people than the poor woman who gives of her “ little ” to stave o ff the wolf of hu nger from another poor

a soul in ad versity . Purity of motive lone 172 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

decides the higher rewards of living , and we are not expected to do more than we are capable of doing well . Let us , therefore ,

- absorb the moral of well doing , so ably expounded in precept and example by Alan

“ ” o ur - Leo , to live to serve fellow beings ; ever remembering the words of the M aster , “ he who would be the greatest among you shall be the servan t unto the least of these my children .


i s s o s o I t impossible to conceive that lofty , noble and s o unconquerable a soul as Alan

Leo is dead , annihilated for ever . Truly , N ature is o ur Mother and has prepared for us a future which conquers death and reveals it to be an avenue to a higher and more radiant life ; and those who struggle bravely to do all they can to brighten the lot Of their

’ - n o t fellow travellers on life s highway , will be t neglected at the time of the grea change , nor blo t ted out but gi ven a glad a n d wo nderful surprise , a glorious welcome from a myriad o f B right Ones who watch j ust beyond the



IN attempting a delineation of the horoscope o f f Alan Leo one is faced by a di ficulty that ,

n o t e n perhaps unfortunately , is commonly countered . I n the great maj ority of cases a man is born under certain planetary positions to which , at the end of life , he still responds very much as he did in youth ; in other words he makes little or no serious effort to change and improve his character , and consequently his bi rth map fits him almost a s well at the end o f his life as at the beginning . On the other hand , however , there are a few individuals who s e t themselves definitely to improve their character by picking out their weaknesses and strengthening them , cultivating virtues that are poorly developed , and eliminating vices that impede their progress . I t is clear that such men must outgro w their birth horoscopes very 174 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 175

ll) C ardi nal 3 Fixe d 4 Mutab l e 2

Fi re 5 x E arth 1 Ai r 1

W ate r 2

H o us e 0 Ex al ta ti on D e tri me n t


' u . m . , Wes tmi n s te r 176 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LE O

u considerably , and , although act al physical events of a Karmic nature may not be i n

fl ue n c e d , the planetary position s must be interpreted in a differ e nt way at the close of

e l ife when considerable progress has b en made . I t must not be understood by this that the

is s o . horoscope becomes incorrect , for th is not The process really consists in reaching higher and higher octaves of the radical influences , and transmuting and purifying them s o that the same forces are directed into higher channels instead of being allowed to run riot , as is too frequently the case . Al a n Leo w a s most emphatically of this f class , and herein lies the di ficulty , for at an early age he recognised the weaknesses of his nativity and s e t himself earnestly to over come them , with such success that by the time he was well known in the world he had mastered himself and therefore had altered the pitch of the natal vibrations , responding to an increasingly high octave as the years went by . I t must be remembered , therefore , that we are deal ing with a man who used hi s

- d horoscope for the purpose of Self evelopment ,


L e o ni a n essentially characteristics . The large hearted tolerance , generosity , and above all intense vitality that he invariably displayed are

t o all traceable this influence , and no astrologer could fail to recognise the strong Leo influence

n on meeting him . My ow first impression o f Alan Leo was that he seemed as it were to shine and I can well understand that he w as often cheerfully unaware o f anything depress

o r i n s a ing dull the weather , and would y that he felt a s if the Sun were shining the

. i s whole time H is motto whatever , i s ” best is typically that o f an evolved native o f Leo who possesses the unbounded optimism of that S ign and the utter faith that it alone bestows . I n early life the influence o f Saturn on the Ascendant was more pronounced and may be traced in the fits o f depression recorded by

i s Mr Lacey . There al so an early photograph which gives a distinctly Saturnian impression , but later in life this influence seems to have

of given way to that the Sun and J upiter , both in appearance and in character . The polarity o f Sun in Leo and Moon in LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 179

Aries is a particularly favourable o n e as it denotes a blend o f heart and head and bestows a strong mentali ty o f a philosophical and

e religious order , increas d in this case by the presence o f the Moon in the ninth house and the position o f J upiter in conj unction with the Sun . This polarity also i ndicates an harmonious blend of Individuality and Person

P rfin a o f ality , and allows the , or life force D the Sun , to flow through the Etheric ouble

o r without irregularity hindrance , thus ensuring u good general health and rec perative power .

b fi xe d - fi re The asis of the character is , which

to corresponds , and therefore emphasises the

o f h . T e ff importance , the sign Leo e ect here is to strengthen the qualities o f fidelity and loyalty given by the rising sign and the position o f A to Saturn on the scendant , and increase the will power and capacity for s te adilywo rki ng along a consciously chosen line without being turned aside by any Of the obj ects of desire . I n a weaker map this would have manifested a s n stubborn ess , and the strength of Leo would

o n e have spelled pride , but who has touched the true Saturnian influence i s n o longer 180 LI FE AN D WOR K OF ALAN LEO

o f under the sway these lower manifestations . I nstead of pride th e rising Saturn gave true humility and a love of servic e for it s o w n sake

“ rather than for the fruits of action , while J upiter gathered up the influences purified by Saturn and permeated the whole nature with the boundless optimism born of knowledge that poured out as the benevolence that seeks f the good of all without thought o self . I dealism was particularly stro n g with the

Sun , M ercury and J upiter in Leo , M oon in

Aries , Venus in Cancer , and N eptune in Pisces but with it was considerable practical ability , denoted by Mercury conj unction Saturn , and

M ars in Capricorn . Leo , also , though ideal i s ti c , is a sign that bestows considerable

n organisi g ability , which would be brought into play in this case by the ambition of the rising planets , and sustained by the conscientiousness o f n Saturn o the Ascendant . The map is much more spiritual than intellectual , and the lower brain mind was undoubtedly ruled by the higher mind since the preponderance o f planets in the fiery signs L was s o great . With such a strong e o

182 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO have been a tremendous inner struggle to

o f C subdue this phase the haracter , and only a man of great strength could have succeeded i as d d Alan Leo . Even late in life he did not entirely lose the temptation to anger , but it never escaped the iron control o f his will and w as crushed almost at birth . I have been told

the that once , when he was discussing question o f Oh control of the emotions , a lady said , , but , Mr Leo , you have Mars opposition ! “ Venus Yes , he answered , but I have ” o n also Saturn the Ascendant , and this it was that s o immensely helped him in his self imposed task . We may now turn to a consideration o f some o f the more important aspects o f the life , bearing in mind what has been said in previous chapters .

l ali tie n Menta ! u s . Somethi g has been said above as to the mental qualities but only in a general way and as bearing on character . Fo r a more particular examination we need to study Mercury and its aspects , and the Moon as representative o f the lower concrete mind . LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 183 Mercury is rising in Leo in conj unction with the Sun and Saturn and in trine to th e

o f Moon . This position usually gives a love knowledge and a quick intellect , with the ability to speak and write , all of which are emphasised by the aspect to the Moon in

Aries in the ninth house . The fiery signs are concerned much more with intuition and inspiration than with intellect as such , and we should therefore e xpect the mind to gather its knowledge from within and not depend greatly

o r F upon books teaching . urthermore , both A ries , containing the Moon , and Leo , contain

o ne ing Mercury , are idealistic , and with these positions would necessarily construct h l igh idea s . That Alan Leo was no mere

the dreamer , however , is shown by conj unction of Mercury and Saturn , which served to crystallise the ideals and precipitate them

o n to the physical plane , giving a strong tendency to work and even suffer in order to h bring about their ultimate realisation . T e

“ ” nature o f these dreams i s shown by the strong ninth house influence The Moon i s in the ninth house and in t he Leo decanate 184 LI F E AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O

o f Aries . This gives by decanate influence w a conj unction ith J upiter , thereby expand ing the mental powers and strengthening the religious sense . Mercury is in the twelfth

o f L e o house , that occultism , and in , the

o f i s normal Sign the fifth house , which itself A in this case occupied by Sagittarius . gain , the Sun is j ust above the horizon in conj unction with J upiter and in the Sagittarius decanate o f s o w as Leo , that altogether there a very strong religious bent to the mind . I t will be noticed that Mercury was retro

a m grade t birth . This probably ha pered the native in e arly life and prevented opportunities for intellectual development , but by progression Mercury became direct again at the age o f

1 o f 3 , when , no doubt , many the h indrances f were removed . O f course much o the early hindrance of intellectual development m ay be traced to the conj unction of Mercury with

e Saturn , which show d as service in the home , but latterly this influence gave an icy coldness

t o to the mind , enabling it form impartial and considered j udgments of men and things , and considerable steadiness and caution


the hyleg , but the whole question of the duration of life is in such an unsatisfactory state that considerable uncertainty exists even as to the selection of hyleg , and any precise prediction as to length of life should always be accepted with caution . I n matters of health it is customary to consider the Sun ,

M oon , and Ascendant , the Sun being held to denote the constitution , the Moon the func

i n l t o a . changes , and the Ascendant the body The rising Sign in this m a p i s a particularly

o n e strong and gives great vitality , which is m uch increased by the fact that the Sun , ruler o f Leo , is also rising in this sign in conj unction with J upiter and in trine with the M oon perhaps the best possible positions and aspects fo r bestowing a strong constitution and excel

e . o f o r l nt general health N atives Leo , those

i s n in whose horoscopes Leo stro g , often ff su er from disorders of the heart , but here there are practically no afflictions and therefore such trouble was not greatly to be feared . Mr Green records that Mr Leo suffered occasionally from rheumatism , and this was no

o f doubt due to the rising Saturn , ruler the LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 187

The o n sixth house . presence of this planet th e Ascendant usually denotes liability to colds and chills together with the danger of

n i jury by falls , and here these indications are strengthened by its sesquiquadrate to the T A Moon . hroughout his life lan Leo was peculiarly susceptible to chills , in fact remark

s o ably for one of his enormous vitality , but with the exception of one severe fall in infancy the indication of danger from accidents Shown

w as in the map not borne out by events .

The weakest points as regards health , and , indeed , all other matters , were the afflictions from the cardinal signs which collectively rule the head , stomach , liver , kidneys , and skin . To these afflictions may be traced the cause of death and the illness preceding it , but this matter has been dealt with by M r Green , and therefore needs no further comment . — P arents and E arly L ife Mrs Leo tells us

’ that Alan Leo s father w a s a Scotch soldier and his mother a woman of narrow religious convictions . By western astrologers the fourth house i s held to represent the father and the tenth the mother , while Ptolemy adds that 188 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

in conformity with nature , the Sun and S aturn are allotted to the person o f the father and the Moon and Venus to that o f the ” mother . I n this map the martial sign Scorpio occupies the cusp o f the fourth house and Saturn i s in Leo in conj unction with the martial fixed star Regulus , thus clearly

’ indicating the father s profession . I t i s further s aid that he served in I ndia , and this is denoted h ere by the position of Mars , lord of the fourth , w l in the Sign Capricorn , hich ru es that country , ’ The father s a ssociation wi th dispensing i s shown by Scorpio , a Sign that is usually p rominent in the horoscopes Of those who follow occupations connected with chemicals . The case o f the m other is somewhat more complicated . She is represented primarily by

Venus , ruler of the tenth house , in Cancer

n and by the Moon in A ries , but j udgi g by the account given o f her i t would appear that Mars in Capricorn also e nters rather largely T f into the matter . his a fliction o f her s ig n ifi cator accounts fo r her fanatical and extremely

for narrow views , with all due respect to

190 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO a glance at his horoscope is su fficient to prove

“ his sincerity when he said , I f you squeeze ” me Theosophy out you squeeze out . A further position denoting literary activity

o f is the conj unction the Sun and Mercury , and as that planet is the nearest to the Sun it

- s i n ifi c a to r becomes a co g of the occupation .

I n addition , Venus , the planet that signifies the H igher Mind and therefore bears rule over

Astrology , is lady of the tenth and third houses , thus blending religion and Astrology with the

o f profession by way writing and teaching . I t was said by the ancients that when Mercury was in conj unction with two o r more planets and receiving the application of the Moon the native would more than once change

The out his occupation . present map bears

o f the truth that statement , for here we have the Moon applying to the trine of Mercury , which is in conj unction with the Sun and

Saturn , and Mr Leo was successively grocer ,

- a . sewing machine gent , and astrologer We have seen ho w the last - named profession w as indicated in the horoscope and it only remains now to show that the other two are equally LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 19 1

strongly denoted . Provision dealing in general

a c o n is under the rule of J upiter , while f ncy fe cti o n e r o f y is ruled by Venus , the signs the zodiac relating to such affairs being Taurus

s i n ifi and Cancer , with Virgo as the general g

he . t cator of food Here we have Sun , natural

o f ruler the profession , in conj unction with

J upiter ; Taurus is on the mid - heaven ; and

i s Venus , its ruler , in Cancer . Sewing machines are probably ruled by

Venus and Mars , with perhaps a l ittle of the

U ranian influence , while commercial travellers come under the Moon and Mercury . I n this map the Sun is in conjunction with Mercury ;

o f o f Venus is ruler the third house , that short j ourneys , in strong aspect with the Moon , its dispositor , and Mars . Thus it will be seen that both occupations are strongly indicated , and , curiously enough ,

s i nifi c at o rs by the same g , namely the planets o n The o f the Cardinal Cross . early part life seems to have been lived almost entirely under these afflictions and it w as not until the age o f 2 4 o r 2 5 w as reached that the primary direction Midheaven conj unction U ranus 192 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO became exact and changed the whole course

o f of the life , bringing the study Astrology and Occultism that formed the real work o f f the incarnation . Even from the point o view o f material prosperity alone it is well that this

n happened , for no perma ent success could have

a f been achieved under the Cardin l a flictions , whereas by passing directly under t he influence o f U ranus the unhappy conditions were thrown aside and the remainder o f the life was centred in the mos t fortunately placed and aspected planet in the horoscope . As regards the height t o which he attained and the fame and popularity that came to him in later years many indications may be found in the map . With the single exception o f

Mars all the planets are above the earth , and six of them are rising ; both indications o f fame and increasing honour and reputation .

The strong Leo influences emphasised this , for fixed signs bestow lasting and enduri ng fame which often comes comparatively late in life . The influence of each quadruplicity on reputation is summarised by Shakespeare in

“ - the well known lines Some are born great ,

194 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O doubtedly very popular his horoscope was n ot a particularly fort unate one for friendships , especially with women . Venus is in Ca n cer

e u a nd i s in the el venth ho se , retrograde , badly

t he i t s s afflicted by Moon , di positor , and by

M ars , while Mercury , lord of the eleventh is also retrograde and in conj unction with Saturn .

w as I n early life , when the Cardinal Cross

hi s more active , friends were not good ones , and

a s were l a rgely thrust upon hi m . I t w not until he came more directly under the influence o f the fixed signs that he w a s able to escape from h i s i s unfavourable environment . I t likely that hi s friends were then older than himself

The as Mercury is with Saturn . retrogradation of the s ign ifi c a t o rs of friendship i s an indication t that few las ing ties would be formed , and I believe that this was actually the case .

F i na i al a ir —The nc Afi s . fin ancial prospects in any n ativity must be considered apart from reputation a s unfortunately fame and m oney

n do o t necessarily go hand in hand . I n this

s i n ifi c at o r case also Mercury is g , being ruler o f a n d the second house , its retrogradation and conj unction with Saturn gave financial LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 195

d ifficulties in early life . However with a horoscope such as this there was no fear o f poverty , for the conj unction of the Sun and J upiter is one of the best possible aspects for

“ material comfort , particularly as the Sun happens in t his case to be the ruling planet .

Mercury is in trine to the Moon in Aries , indicating that money would be obtained

s o w n through the native exertions , and this o a s perated , might be expected , through ninth

The house matters . Moon is a very important ff significator in financial a airs , especially in a m W ale horoscope , and the planets ith which it i s n o r in aspect de ote the sources of income , on

s the other hand , of lo s , if the aspect be a bad o n e . Here the favourable aspects of the Moon consist of a trine with Mercury and a sex tile with Uranus denoting gain by writing and by Th u Astrology a s a profession . e nfavourable a spects are the squares of Mars and Venus , w hich threaten heavy expenditure and losses through friends . At an early age Alan Leo

hi s hi s gave all earnings to mother , and it will

’ u s i n ifi c a to r be noticed that Ven s , the mother s g

o f is in Cancer , the Sign the home , and that 196 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO

o f s Mars is ruler the fourth house . I n thi case the sesquiquadrate of the Moon t o Saturn was a contributing factor denoting amongst other things the sacrifice o f money through f the sense o duty . Those who are interested in the Part o f Fortune will notice that it i s in the ninth

r house and in trine with Saturn , both rathe significant positions .

Marri a e — s i n ifi c a o rs g . The natural g t of matrimonial affairs in a male nativity are the

o n Moon and Venus , and it depends their posi tions and aspects wh e ther marriage takes place o r n o t . I n this map Venus is in the fruitful sign Cancer i n the eleventh house aspected by

o r Mars and in no aspect with Saturn U ranus , while the Sun is in conj unction with J upiter , the

o f o f ruler a large part the seventh house , and All in trine with the Moon . these position s

n o t promise marriage , but the Moon , which is s o o c c i well aspected , is decreasing in light , d s o ental , and in sesquiquadrate with Saturn , that some delay was to be expected , and it is not surprising that marriage did no t take

o f place until the age 34 .


The happiness o f the marriage is strongly indicated by Moon trine J upiter , trine Sun ,

r sextile U ranus , and Sun conj unction J upite

o u and sextile U ranus . This is borne t by a ’ comparison o f the two horoscopes . M rs Leo s

are map is well known , but the positions appended in order that such comparison m ay more readily be made a s it is rare t o find t wo maps so much i n sympathy .

x xi xii i ii iii 915 2 1 5 9 11 2 6 mi z5 £ 1 6 4 9 111 1 3 1 1 5

O D g 9 J 2! I2 f f * r 1 2 2 1 2 6 ? 8 q 5 2 1 . r s 4 i 7 . T 4 4 4 35 III (P 8 2 6 5 3 96 2 3 1 2

The most noticeable feature is that Mr

’ ’ Leo s Moon and Mrs Leo s Sun are in e xactly

o f 1 ' the same degree Aries , being only 9 apart , which alone constitutes a tremendous attrae tion , and this is still further strengthened by the trine o f his planets in L e o to hers in

Th f o f hi s Aries . e a flictions the Moon in case

o ut seem to have worked through environment , and the separation from some unsatisfactory associates . LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 199 I t has often been said that Alan Leo o w ed much o f his fame and success to h is

o f wife , and the truth this statement is shown

s a by the maps , but it is equally true to y that she also gained by the association . I t will be n oticed that her J upiter falls almost exactly o n o f the cusp his tenth house , and her planets i n Aries in his ninth , thus increasing his success and stimulating his religious and

hi s literary activities , but planets in Leo fall in her tenth house and in that way reciprocate F the i nfluence . rom the mundane point of

w o f s i s vie , also , the blending these map good ,

’ for in Mr Leo s case s ix planets are in the

’ eastern half of the map , and in Mrs Leo s seven planets are in the western . Perhaps the point o f greatest interest to the astrological student , however , is the presence in each case o f platonic ideals of marriage . I have already commented upon the strong idealis m shown in Mr Leo ’ s

a n d horoscope , it is easy to trace a similar

' te ndency in that o f Mrs Leo . I n Mr Leo s m a p four planets are in Leo , the sign ruling the normal fifth house and children , and they 2 00 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LE O

are in trine with the Moon in Aries , giving r idealism , and in sextile with U anus , giving unconventional ideas and the will to put them

’ In Mrs n . i to practice Leo s map Saturn ,

o f t part ruler the fifth house , is the mos

v i s S un ele ated planet , and in square with the ,

u Venus and Merc ry , while U ranus , also part ruler of the fifth , is in the eighth , signifying

b o f the a sence children , and the idealistic

Sign Aquarius is on the cusp of the fifth , thus denoting that idealism and will were the governing factors in the matter . I n the combined map M rs Leo ’ s Saturn falls on the cusp of Mr Leo ’ s eleventh house (fifth m h fro sevent ) , and his seventh house is her f fi th . Many pages might be filled by continuing

r o f the compa ison these maps , but space forbids , and the task must be left to the

m a a s to student . I t y, however , be well m ention o n e small point that might o therwise

The w be ove rlooked . criticism under hich th e P a rt of Fortune has been almost buried has more successf ully obscured the twenty o r thirty other “ Parts that were in us e among

202 LI FE AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO the succedent and cadent houses and did no t touch the angles . At the age o f about 30 the life energies seem to have centred in the fixed signs , and

o f the Sun was then ruler the map , but towards the close of life the solar forces passed on to U ranus and that planet seems t o have a ssumed the position of ruler . There w as therefore an evolution from the Cardinal Signs F U to the ixed , and since ranus is in a M utable sign and Neptune is also in a Mutable sign in the eighth house one is led to suggest that at death the Ego passed under the influence o f the Mutable Cross and c entred his energies i n the two occult planets U ranus and N eptune . With Saturn on the Ascendant and the ffl Cardinal a ictions , the lessons to be learnt

uns e lfi s hn e s s were purity , truth , humility , , and the control of the passions , and those who knew Alan Leo will know how well he succeeded . The Cardinal afflictions were

- w fought , and the will po er gained and th e en e rgies controlled were gathered up in

U ranus ; while the large - heartedness o f Leo and the humility o f Saturn were expanded LI F E AN D WO RK OF ALAN LEO 203~ and finally absorbed into the perfect c o m

- s ac rifi c e o f N tun passion and self e p e in Pisces . Thus while early in life t here were many activities in the map , the solar forces were synthesised in U ranus and the lunar in

s o Neptune , that at the end all the energies were gathered up into two l iving centres , w o f hich , with the Libra the death map ,

of blend into the trinity Will , Wisdom and

Activity . I t is said that the purpose of each incarna tion is t o evolve the quality opposite to that

the denoted by the rising sign , and , if so ,

’ purpose o f Alan Leo s li fe was to control the

o f L e o animal forces , and to transmute them

f Ma n h o . T e into the Will Aquarius , the task

f o n e u was a di ficult , but he fo ght his way

to doggedly victory , never wavering in his d o f evotion to the ideal of purity , and him it might truly be written

Hi s e lif was gentle , and the elements ’ S o m i x d i i r i n h m , that Natu e m ght stand up r i I And say to all the wo ld , Th s was a man



THE Lo rds of Ai r and Fi re still dwell I n thei r ivo ry palace fai r ; And the Lo rds of Earth and Water rise To give them greeting there B ut the S even S pi rits around the Th rone

fi nd r r No temple whe e thei name is known ,

r Of thei r beauty are few awa e .

Almost forgot is the ancient lo re i Of the city built on h gh ,

W i r th its jewelled walls , and angel gua ds , i And ts gates in the vaulted sky .

r A beautiful faith is almost dest oyed , The i nne r l i fe Of the world seems void

M n r e cannot its l ight desc y .

The re came th rough the royal Easte rn G ate ( 51 ) A soul who was born to lead

W r r r r he e visions th ong , and whe e faith is st ong , I nsatiable hopes succeed The Ancient W isdom became mo re clear ;

M r r r r agnetic , that cent e d ew othe s nea ,

r hi r All eage s wo k to speed .


d . ri e 3 . o s t ree 3 5 . P RACTICAL ASTROLOGY P c 5 p f 5 .

’ This wo rk was Alan Leo s fi rst cont ribution to the lite ratu re of Ast rology and is still uneq ualled as a book for beginne rs who wish to know not only how to cast

r the r and judge a ho oscope , but also something of inne m eaning and philosophy of Ast rology .



i d s t re e 133 . P r ce 123 . 6 po f

AS r r its title impli es , this book may be ead and unde

f r r o . stood by all , as no knowledge mathematics is eq ui ed I t contains as complete an account as can be given in any one book of the i nfluence on l i fe and cha racter of

’ ’ r S S i M the ising ign , the un s pos tion , the oon s position , and the pola rities of the S un and Moon combined . I n addition the re are S ho rt delineations of the effect of

are n each of the planets in the signs , and tables give which sho w at a glance the app roximate positions of

M for the planets , and the exact place of the oon any 1 day between 85 0 and 19 1 1 . 206 LI FE AN D WORK OF ALAN LEO 207


1 . . d os t ree 3 3 P ri ce 12 3 6 . p f

To the student who is making a se rious study of

m le Ast rology this book i s indispensable . I t is a c o p te

t he i r guide to mathemat cal pa t of the subject , both

r r i i i n p actical and theo et cal , and conta ns invaluable fo rmation as to standard t ime and othe r matte rs of vital impo rtance to the ast rologe r that could othe rwi se be B Obtained only W ith the g reatest di ffi culty . y its aid alon e a ho roscope can easi ly be cast fo r any place on the

for 185 0 19 13 globe and any date and ti me between and , for it includes a condensed ephemeris for th is pe riod .

H ow T U E . VOL . I I I . o J DG A NATIVITY

P ri e 1 d r c 2 3 . 6 . p os t f e e 133 .

A complete text - book of the analytical methods of

r judgment . Detailed i nfo mation is g iven as to the i I effect of the planets n the signs and houses . n

’ W i r i common th all Alan Leo s books it is o ig nal , and

r r r i i not me ely a copy of olde autho s , and t conta ns a

r wealth of info mation unobtainable elsewhe re .

V THE R L . I . A T O F E VO S YNTH SIS . t 1 d . re e 33 . P ri ce 12 3 . 6 p os f Thi s volume is devoted to a study of the methods of blen ding the sepa rate influences i n a ho roscope and i s

r i i r the only wo k of its k nd in ex stence . A sepa ate Chapte r i s allotted to each planet and much info rmation

is included of an esote ric and phi losoph ical natu re . 2 08 LI FE AN D WOR K O F ALAN LEO

P R L . THE H C P VO V . ROGRESSED O OS O E . i r ce 12 3 . 6d . s t P p o f ree 133 .

A complete text - book of Primary and S econdary

r i . a re r w Di ect ng Not only the full ules set out , ith

i r v examples , but deta led info mation is gi en as to the

f r r ef ect of eve y possible di ection .


ri 1 P ce 2 3 . 6d pos t free 13 3 .

f r r I ri A book essentially o beginne s . t contains a se es of numbe red pa ragraphs cove ring all possible positions

r i of the planets in a ho oscope , and g ven a map of the heavens at bi rth a lengthy delineation can at once be obtained with no mo re t rouble than is involved in tu rn ing ove r the pages .

L V II. . VO . E SOTERIC ASTROLOGY 1 P ri e . d t c 2 3 6 p os free 133 .

rt th I A seq uel to The A of S yn es i s . t deals with

r r r r Ast ology f om an enti ely novel standpoint , and t eats

r of the occult meaning of the ho oscope .

(A copious R eference I ndex has been compiled for this se ries of Text - books and fo rms an invaluable aid to thei r study . )


i X r ce d . ASTROLOGY E P LAI NED . P 6

h r r A simple statement o f w at Ast ology eally is .

W K i e d . THE ASTROLOGER AND Hi s OR . Pr c 6

A booklet that should be read by all who wish to

f r make use o an ast rologe r. I t indicates the info mation

or r that should be given , and includes one two sto ies of

Astrology in real life .


Pri ce 6d .

Contains much information useful for educati onal

r r r h r r pu poses , and gives the cha acte istics of c ild en bo n

r r s o f S un . unde the va ious sign and positions the , etc

T E K OF THE HE H M G ri e 6d . WOR R ES LOD E . P c

h r r - M Deals wit Ast ology in its elation to Co ason ry .


P i e r 3 . os t r 3 . d c 2 p f ee 2 2 .

of the fl h M r A detailed study in uence of t e planet a s .


ri e 2 3 . s t re . d P c p o f e 2 3 2 .

Ma r th r A companion to s e Wa Lo rd .


ri d . P ce p os t free 2 3 . 2

’ Alan Leo s last book . A companion to Ma rs the

Wa r Lord S a turn the a and Re pe r. LON DON


B RIC K S TRE E T P i c c AD i LLY W I , . . .


h is k is D n s t st w T b oo UE o th e l a t da e amp ed b el o .

‘ Owl ct J UL 1999


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