THE IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDli\ VOL. XXVI ATLAS NEW EDITION PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY 2 SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN c(K~CIL OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS Hr:~R\ l'ROWDE, M t\ LOXDOX, EDI'<BURGII, NEW YORh TORC''iTO ,\XD \IU nOlJl<.i'lF ... PREFACE This Atlas has been prepared to accompany the new edition of The ImjJerzal Gazetteer of India. The ollgmal scheme was planned by Mr. W. S. Meyer, C.I.E., when editor for India, in co-operation with Mr. J S. Cotton, the editor in England. Mr. Meyer also drew up the lists of selected places to be inserted in the Provincial maps, which were afterwards verified by Mr. R. Burn, his suc cessor as editor for India. Great part of the materials (especially for the descriptive maps and the town plans) were supplied by the Survey of India and by the depart ments in India concerned. The geological map and that showing economical minerals were specially compiled by Sir Thomas Holland, K.C.I.E. The meteorological maps are based upon those compiled by the late Su' John Eliot, KC.I.E., for his Clzmatological Atlas of Indw The ethno logical map is based upon that compiled by Sir Herbel t Risley, KC.I.E., for the RejJort of tlte Comts of htdza, 1901. The two linguistic maps wele specially compiled by Dr. G. A. Grierson, C.I.E., to exlublt the latest results of the Linguistic Survey of India. The four historical sketch maps-~howing the relative extent of British, 1\1 uham madan, and Hindu power in 1765 (the year of the Dl\v;il1l grant), in 1805 (after Lord Wellesley), in ] 837 (the acces sion of Queen Victoria), and in 1857 (the Mutiny)-~-havc been compiled by the editor In England.
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