ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Communication About Chronic Critical Illness

Judith E. Nelson, MD, JD; Alice F. Mercado, RN, MBA; Sharon L. Camhi, MD; Nidhi Tandon, MD; Sylvan Wallenstein, PhD; Gary I. August, BS; R. Sean Morrison, MD

Background: Despite poor outcomes, life-sustaining Results: Among 125 consecutive, eligible patients, 100 treatments including are contin- (80%) were enrolled; questionnaire respondents included ued for a large and growing population of patients with 2 patients and 98 surrogates. For all items, more than 78% chronic critical illness. This may be owing in part to a of respondents rated the information as important for de- lack of understanding resulting from inadequate com- cision making (Ͼ98% for 16 of 18 items). Respondents re- munication between clinicians and patients and fami- ported receiving no information for a mean (SD) of 9.0 (3.3) lies. Our objective was to investigate the informational of 18 items, with 95% of respondents reporting not receiv- needs of patients with chronic critical illness and their ing information for approximately one-quarter of the items. families and the extent to which these needs are met. Of the subjects rating the item as important, 77 of 96 (80%) and 69 of 74 (93%) reported receiving no information about Methods: In this prospective observational study con- expected functional status at hospital discharge and prog- ducted at 5 adult intensive care units in a large, university- nosis for 1-year survival, respectively. affiliated hospital in New York, New York, 100 patients with chronic critical illness (within 3-7 days of elective Conclusions: Many patients and their families may lack tracheotomy for prolonged mechanical ventilation) or sur- important information for decision making about con- rogates for incapacitated patients were surveyed using an tinuation of treatment in the chronic phase of critical ill- 18-item questionnaire addressing communication about ness. Strategies for effective communication in this clini- chronic critical illness. Main outcome measures in- cal context should be investigated and implemented. cluded ratings of importance and reports of whether in- formation was received about questionnaire items. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(22):2509-2515

DVANCES IN INTENSIVE CARE PORT), less than 40% of patients treated unit (ICU) care have para- in ICUs for more than 2 weeks reported doxically created a grow- having a discussion with their ing population of patients about prognosis or preferences for life- with prolonged depen- sustaining treatment.6 Almost 50% of those dence on life-sustaining includ- who preferred care focused solely on their A 1,2 ing mechanical ventilation. For patients comfort even at the expense of shorter life with “chronic critical illness,”1 prognosis is thought that the treatment they received poor: the majority are dead within 6 months, was contrary to their preference, and ap- and institutionalization with extreme func- proximately 25% did not know the clini- tional dependence and severe cognitive im- cal team’s approach to their care.6 At a uni- pairment is typical for survivors.2-4 Costs of versity-affiliated ICU, 54% of families failed care are enormous for the health care sys- to comprehend the diagnosis, prognosis, Author Affiliations: Division of tem as a whole and for tens of thousands or treatment after meeting with a physi- Pulmonary, Critical Care, and of individual families.5 cian.7 Almost 20% of 70 surrogate deci- Sleep , Department of Despite these outcomes, many pa- sion makers for patients expected to stay Medicine (Drs Nelson, Camhi, tients and their families choose to con- more than 3 days in medical or surgical and Tandon, Ms Mercado, and tinue life-sustaining therapies when criti- ICUs at 2 medical centers reported receiv- Mr August), Brookdale cal illness enters a chronic phase. Evidence ing no prognostic information.8 In ICU Department of and suggests that this may be owing in part to family conferences, com- Adult Development, Hertzberg a lack of understanding of chronic criti- monly missed opportunities to explore Institute, (Drs Nelson and Morrison), and cal illness resulting from inadequate com- comments about patient treatment pref- Department of Community munication between clinicians and pa- erences, as would be required for appro- 9 Medicine (Dr Wallenstein), tients and families. In the Study to priate clinical decision making. Mount Sinai School of Understand Prognoses and Preferences for We previously used qualitative meth- Medicine, New York, New York. Outcomes and Risks of Treatments (SUP- ods to determine what information is rel-

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 167 (NO. 22), DEC 10/24, 2007 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 2509 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com at Mt Sinai School Of Medicine, on December 11, 2007 ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. clinicians and particularly regretted that such commu- Table 1. Characteristics of 100 Patients With Chronic a nication typically occurred, if at all, only after pro- Critical Illness longed, unsuccessful treatment of chronic critical ill- ness, when the patient was near death or discharge to a Characteristic Patients skilled nursing facility for permanent custodial care.10 We Age, median [range], y 74 [21-100] undertook the present study to explore further the in- Male sex, No. (%) 55 (55) formational needs of patients with chronic critical ill- Race/ethnicity, No. (%) White, non-Hispanic 42 (42) ness and their families, to evaluate the extent to which Black, non-Hispanic 26 (26) these needs are met in current practice, and to identify Hispanic 24 (24) factors associated with communication of information Asian 8 (8) about chronic critical illness. Residence prior to hospital, No. (%) Home 81 (83) Other hospital/nursing home 15 (15) METHODS Adult residence 2 (2) Marital status, No. (%) SETTING AND SUBJECTS Married 53 (54) Divorced/separated 11 (11) We conducted this study between 2003 and 2005 in our large Widowed 22 (22) (1100-bed), tertiary care, university-affiliated hospital in New Never married 12 (12) York, New York. Each weekday, our research nurse (A.F.M.) Unknown 1 (1) visited the hospital’s 5 adult ICUs (medical, surgical, cardiac, Religious identification, No. (%) cardiothoracic surgical, and neurosurgical) to identify all pa- Catholic 35 (35) tients with chronic critical illness, ie, those undergoing trache- Protestant 10 (10) otomy for failure to wean from mechanical ventilation.4,5 Within Jewish 24 (24) Other/unknown 31 (31) 3 to 7 days after the tracheotomy, we sought research consent Insurance coverage, No. (%) from the individual (patient or surrogate) who had given con- Medicare 54 (54) sent for the tracheotomy. These decision makers (2 patients Private 27 (27) and 98 surrogates) and the patients were our study subjects Medicaid 19 (19) (n=100), to whom the research nurse administered our study Charlson Comorbidity Index, mean [SD] 3.2 [2.7] questionnaire in-person on the same day that research con- ICU at time of tracheotomy/study enrollment, No. (%) sent was obtained. A priori, we excluded patients who had a Medical ICU 61 (61) history of tracheotomy (and their surrogates) and subjects with Neurosurgical ICU 20 (20) insufficient English proficiency to participate without transla- Surgical ICU 10 (10) tion. Our study received institutional review board approval. Cardiothoracic surgical ICU 6 (6) Cardiac care unit 2 (2) QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT Cardiac progressive care unit 1 (1) Primary ICU admitting diagnosis, No. (%) Pulmonary 32 (32) Through a computerized bibliographic literature review and use Cardiovascular 25 (25) of qualitative research methods, we previously identified the fol- Neurological 16 (16) lowing 6 general domains of information that are considered by Surgical 14 (14) patients, families, and clinicians to be relevant and important for Other 12 (12) decision making when critical illness continues into a chronic 10 Length of ICU stay, median [range], d 15 [1-178] phase : (1) nature of the patient’s illness and treatments; (2) prog- Apache II score at study entry, mean [SD] 19.5 [5.4] nosis for outcomes including ventilator independence, func- Cause of prolonged , No. (%)b tion, and quality of life; (3) impact of treatment on patient expe- Acute lung disease 52 (27) rience, including symptom burden; (4) potential complications Chronic lung disease 18 (10) of treatment; (5) expected care needs after hospitalization; and Cardiac disease 19 (10) (6) alternatives to continuation of treatment.10 For the present Neurologic disease 36 (19) study, we developed items within each of these domains asking Postoperative condition 20 (11) (A) whether the information was considered important by the re- Other 45 (24) spondent (4-point Likert scale: strongly agree, agree, disagree, and Length of hospital stay, median [range], d 51 [15-224] strongly disagree) and (B) whether this information was com- Hospital mortality, No. (%) 26 (26) municated by the clinicians (primary or ICU physician, nurse, social worker, or other clinician). Abbreviation: ICU, intensive care unit. We pretested the instrument with 10 surrogates of patients a Sum is less than 100 for items for which data were unavailable for some subjects. receiving treatment for chronic critical illness at our hospital b Sum is greater than 100 because prolonged respiratory failure was and incorporated their feedback in revising the questionnaire. typically multifactorial. With the main questionnaire, we then distributed a clinical sen- sibility questionnaire addressing face and content validity as well as clarity, utility, redundancy, and discriminability11 to the evant and important for discussion and decision mak- physician and nursing directors (n=10) of our adult ICUs and 10 to 10 staff nurses in our medical ICU, where tracheotomy for ing when critical illness becomes chronic, a juncture failure to wean from the ventilator is frequently performed. Using that we and others have defined by the placement of tra- the sensibility ratings and additional suggestions, we further cheotomy for ICU failure to wean from mechanical ven- modified the main questionnaire. We then obtained written and tilation.1,4 Families described distress about what they per- oral feedback from a national interdisciplinary panel of 8 phy- ceived to be inadequacies in communication from sician- and nurse-researchers who are recognized as experts in

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 167 (NO. 22), DEC 10/24, 2007 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 2510 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com at Mt Sinai School Of Medicine, on December 11, 2007 ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. clinician-patient communication. Our final questionnaire con- tained questions about 18 specific topics of information within Table 2. Characteristics of 98 Surrogates Responding to the 6 general domains as well as demographic questions about Chronic Critical Illness Communication Questionnairea the respondent and the patient. Characteristic Surrogates, No. (%) QUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTRATION Relationship to subject Spouse/partner 28 (29) The research nurse administered the questionnaire and re- Child 46 (47) corded all responses. For patients (n=2) who had provided their Parent 7 (7) own consent to tracheotomy, we assessed cognition at the time Other relative 12 (12) of administration of the questionnaire using the 6-item Orien- Other 5 (5) 12 Years known patient tation-Memory-Concentration test and the Confusion Assess- Ͻ ment Method for the ICU.13 10 2 (2) Ն10 96 (98) Male sex 33 (33) DATA ANALYSES Ethnicity White, non-Hispanic 35 (36) We summarized the clinical sensibility ratings using means (and Black, non-Hispanic 28 (29) standard deviations). We used regression analysis to examine Hispanic 24 (25) associations between sociodemographic and health character- Asian 9 (9) istics of patients and of respondents’ sociodemographic char- Other 1 (1) acteristics with respondents’ ratings of items as important and Religious identification their reports of receiving or lacking information on the topics Catholic 39 (41) covered in the questionnaire. For the latter analyses, we used Protestant 22 (23) Jewish 22 (23) as our dependent variable the number of topics on which re- Other 13 (14) spondents reported receiving no information. Education College 64 (66) RESULTS High school graduate 21 (22) No/some high school 12 (12)

The clinical sensibility of the questionnaire was rated a Two patients as well as these 98 surrogates were our questionnaire highly (on a 1-5 scale): face validity, mean (SD) of 4.6 respondents. (0.4); content validity, 4.7 (0.7); clarity, 4.3 (0.7); util- ity, 4.2 (0.7); redundancy, 4.0 (1.0); and discriminabil- ity, 4.1 (0.7). 16 of 18 items, more than 98% of the respondents agreed During the study period, 162 patients underwent tra- that information about this topic was important for their cheotomy for failure to wean in our institution’s adult decision making when the critical illness entered a chronic ICUs, of whom 125 (77%) met eligibility criteria for this phase, as indicated by the need for tracheotomy (Table 3). study (37 patients were excluded for the following rea- The remaining items, both of which related to prognosis sons: underwent a prior tracheotomy [n=5], lacked En- for mortality from the illness, were rated as important by glish-language proficiency [n=3], lacked a surrogate de- 89% (86 of 97 respondents [chances of death in the hos- cision maker for a patient without capacity [n=24], or pital]) and 78% (74 of 97 respondents [chances of death met other a priori exclusion criteria [n=5]). Among 125 within a year after hospital discharge]). Regression analy- consecutive, eligible, decision makers whom we ap- ses did not show any significant variation in ratings of the proached for study participation, we enrolled 100, an over- importance of questionnaire items according to charac- all response rate of 80%. With respect to sex, age, race/ teristics of either the patients or their surrogates. ethnicity, ICU site, hospital length of stay and hospital Almost half of the respondents reported receiving no mortality of the patients, subjects enrolled in the study information about the majority of items in our question- were not significantly different from eligible subjects who naire (Table 3). By these reports, among the 18 items, cli- did not participate in the research. nicians provided no information for a mean (SD) of 9.0 (3.3) Characteristics of our respondents and the patients are items. All respondents stated that they did not receive in- given in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. As is true formation about more than 1 item, and 95% stated that they nationally,5,14,15 our patients with chronic critical illness were given no information for one-quarter of these items were mainly older adults, with a median age of 74 years (Figure). As reported by our respondents, most received (interquartile range, 59-80 years) and multiple comorbid information about the need for tracheotomy and its im- illnesses and reasons for prolonged mechanical ventila- mediate implications (eg, impact on speaking and eat- tion. Almost all (98 of 100) patients lacked the capacity ing). Fewer reported receiving information about short- to participate in the decision to undergo tracheotomy and term consequences of chronic critical illness (eg, distressing continued critical care treatment. Most respondents were symptoms, complications, and risk of mortality in the hos- family members, among whom the largest group (n=46 pital). For items relating to long-term burdens and effects [47%]) were adult offspring. Our responding group was (eg, expected functional status after hospitalization and racially and ethnically diverse, and two-thirds were col- death within a year), the majority of respondents reported lege educated. receiving no information (Table 3). Respondents confirmed the importance of informa- One item in the questionnaire asked whether the re- tion in the domains addressed by our questionnaire. For spondent considered it important in deciding about tra-

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 167 (NO. 22), DEC 10/24, 2007 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 2511 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com at Mt Sinai School Of Medicine, on December 11, 2007 ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Table 3. Communication About Topics Rated Important by Family Decision Makers for Patients With Chronic Critical Illness

Respondents, No. (%)

Reporting No Rating as Information Topic of Information Importanta Receivedb Why mechanical ventilation is needed 100 (100) 3 (3) Why tracheotomy is needed 100 (100) 1 (1) How tracheotomy might affect ability to speak 100 (100) 16 (16) How tracheotomy might affect ability to eat 100 (100) 25 (25) Chances of liberation from mechanical ventilation 100 (100) 40 (40) Time to ventilator liberation 100 (100) 53 (53) Symptoms during continued treatment 100 (100) 44 (44) Complications that might develop 99 (100) 22 (22) Risk of death during hospitalization 87 (89) 40 (46) Benefits and risk of cardiopulmonary resuscitation 97 (99) 55 (57) Discharge site from hospital (eg, home or nursing home) 97 (100) 53 (55) Choices other than continuing mechanical ventilation 98 (98) 81 (83) Expected functional status after hospitalization 97 (99) 78 (80) Quality of life after hospitalization 97 (99) 70 (72) Cognitive status after hospitalization 97 (99) 63 (65) Death within a year after hospital 74 (77) 69 (93) Services that might be needed after discharge 97 (100) 80 (82) Financial burden of the illness for family 93 (98) 70 (75)

a Subjects responded “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement “It is important for me to know. . .” for each of these topics. Although there were 100 respondents overall, not all answered with respect to every topic. b For the denominator, we used the number of respondents rating the item as important to know.





10 Respondents Without Information, % 0 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 No. of Items

Figure. Distribution of items in Chronic Critical Illness 18-item questionnaire on which respondents (n=100) reported receiving no information. cheotomy and continuation of critical care treatments “to stay in the ICU and in the hospital emerged as the only know about choices other than continuing mechanical factors that were associated (Spearman correlation co- ventilation. (For example, taking the patient off the ven- efficients, 0.21 and 0.23, respectively) with the number tilator, even if he cannot breathe on his own, with treat- of items on which respondents reported that informa- ment for shortness of breath or other symptoms.)” Of 97 tion was inadequate: decision makers for patients with respondents who accorded importance to this informa- longer lengths of stay reported lacking information on a tion, 80 (83%) reported that they did not receive it. Eighty greater number of topics they considered important. percent (77 of 96 respondents) also reported receiving no information about the patient’s expected functional status at hospital discharge, while two-thirds (63 of 96 COMMENT respondents) stated they were given no information about “what the patient’s cognitive status (ability to think and This study focused on information communicated by cli- understand, mental state) is expected to be when he leaves nicians when ICU patients and their surrogates face de- the hospital.” Of 74 respondents who considered it im- cisions about continuing treatment into the chronic phase portant to know “the chances that the patient might die of critical illness. Using qualitative methods, we previ- within a year after he leaves the hospital,” 69 (93%) re- ously identified domains of information that patients, ported they did not receive this information. Length of families, and clinicians consider relevant and important

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 167 (NO. 22), DEC 10/24, 2007 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 2512 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com at Mt Sinai School Of Medicine, on December 11, 2007 ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. for such decision making.10 In this quantitative study, we have shown that information about the probability of sur- conducted “real-time” interviews in ICUs of a prospec- vival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation significantly low- tive cohort of decision makers (almost all surrogates) for ers the proportion of individuals who say they would want patients with chronic critical illness to determine the im- this intervention.21-23 Among 1-year survivors of me- portance of specific topics within those informational do- chanical ventilation for at least 2 days, many stated that mains and the extent of communication about these top- knowledge of the intensity of pain and discomfort dur- ics. We identified a series of items considered important ing treatment would influence their decision making about by the respondents, including information about “choices such ventilation, leading them to refuse treatment at other than continuing mechanical ventilation (for ex- higher levels of symptom distress.24 A small group of sur- ample, removing the ventilator even if the patient can- vivors of a week or more of mechanical ventilation re- not breathe on his own, with treatment for shortness of ported that future decision making about mechanical ven- breath or other symptoms);” about “pain, shortness of tilation would be influenced by their health status and breath, and other sources of distress and suffering that by the resulting financial burdens for their families.25 Thus, the patient might experience with continuing mechani- although the present study did not directly measure the cal ventilation;” about expected functional and cogni- impact of perceived inadequacies in communication on tive status after treatment; and about prospects for sur- actual decision making, our results suggest that efforts vival in the year following hospital discharge. All to improve communication about chronic critical ill- respondents reported that they did not receive informa- ness would be valued by patients and families and might tion on important topics, and approximately half of the help to align treatment decisions with their values and respondents reported that for the majority of topics, cli- preferences. In addition, evidence indicates that these ef- nicians provided no information. forts would also promote other desirable outcomes, in- Prior research has documented deficiencies in ICU com- cluding higher levels of family satisfaction26-28; less anxi- munication and associations with adverse consequences for ety, depression, and posttraumatic stress among family patients, families, and professional caregivers.6,7,16,17 Fami- members29,30; fewer conflicts31,32; and earlier establish- lies in a large teaching hospital’s medical ICU lacked a ba- ment of realistic and appropriate care goals and more ef- sic understanding of diagnosis, prognosis, and treat- ficient use of ICU resources.17,33-35 Patients with chronic ments.7 Further research conducted in multiple centers critical illness and their families often misinterpret the showed a high prevalence of anxiety and depression among placement of tracheotomy as a sign of hope for full re- families, which was associated with factors related to com- covery10 and go on to experience grave disappointment, munication.18 “Usual care” in a leading US academic medi- disillusionment, and anger toward caregivers as the re- cal center consisted primarily of informal communication ality of protracted and typically progressive illness be- of essential information by nurses and trainees, without in- comes clear. Even if earlier communication about ex- volvement of attending physicians or coordination among pected outcomes does not change decision making at the providers; formal family meetings were deferred until fur- outset, such communication may help to prepare pa- ther critical care treatment was considered futile, leading tients and families for events, discussions, and deci- to delay in identifying of appropriate care goals and pro- sions they are likely to face later. longation of nonbeneficial ICU care.17 A large, interna- Although we are unable to predict the experience and tional study found that without direct discussion, clini- outcomes of individual patients with absolute certainty, ex- cians presumed preferences favoring cardiopulmonary isting evidence provides a solid foundation for communi- resuscitation for most mechanically ventilated patients ad- cation about the benefits and burdens of treating chronic mitted to their ICUs, whereas half of patients with explicit critical illness. Such treatment is burdensome for many pa- directives preferred not to be resuscitated in the event of tients and families and is expensive for them and for our arrest.19 Our study is consistent with these reports but spe- health care system, while achieving limited clinical ben- cifically addresses communication at the juncture of acute efits.2,4,5,36-39 It is known that mortality rates during and soon and chronic critical illness, as indicated by the placement after treatment for chronic critical illness are high.2,4,40 It of tracheotomy for failure to achieve ventilator indepen- is also known that a large proportion of patients with chronic dence after prolonged ICU treatment. To our knowledge, critical illness remain permanently dependent on life- this is the first study to focus on communication in this sustaining therapies.2,4,40 Few of these patients return to func- context. tional lives in the community; most are extremely depen- In our study, patients and surrogates identified infor- dent for their daily activities and require institutional mation that they considered important for decisions about care.4,37,39,40 Perhaps of greatest concern to patients and fami- continuing treatment into the chronic phase of critical lies,20,41 brain dysfunction including and is illness. Previous studies also suggest that such informa- highly prevalent and often permanent.4 Skilled clinicians tion would influence decision making. For example, Fried can communicate this information in a clear, understand- et al20 found that most older adults with serious illness able, and compassionate way. Some patients and families would refuse life-sustaining treatments if the expected will still choose to continue life-prolonging treatments, and outcome were survival with severe functional or cogni- this may at times be appropriate. However, decision mak- tive impairment; the prospect of such impairment influ- ing needs to be appropriately informed—that is, informed enced treatment preferences even more than the likeli- to the extent desired by the decision makers and to the de- hood of death, and many subjects stated that they would gree supported by relevant prior research. Our findings in- decline treatment if there was even a 50% chance of se- dicate that communication to support decision making vere functional or cognitive impairment. Several studies about treatment of chronic critical illness can be im-

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 167 (NO. 22), DEC 10/24, 2007 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 2513 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com at Mt Sinai School Of Medicine, on December 11, 2007 ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. proved. They also help to focus attention on areas of in- comes that are similar to those reported from diverse set- formation that patients and families value and need most. tings.2,37-39,50 Other strengths include our use of “real- Several strategies to improve communication during time” data collection from patients and families who were acute critical illness have been tested with success. Two actually making treatment decisions, rather than retro- rigorous trials demonstrated benefit from distribution of spective interviews of a limited group of survivors or ques- printed informational materials for ICU families, with29 tioning of subjects about hypothetical scenarios; the re- or without30 a proactive, protocol-directed approach to sponse rate, which compares favorably with that achieved family conferencing. An “intensive communication in- in other research conducted with ICU families in the United tervention” consisting of a mandatory, interdisciplinary States; and the rigorous process we used to develop a valid meeting with ICU families proved superior to “usual care” questionnaire. in a before-after comparison.17 Consultations by ethics teams when “value-laden treatment conflicts” arose in CONCLUSIONS ICU patient care,34 decreased ICU and hospital stays and days of “nonbeneficial” treatments compared with stan- Chronic critical illness is now known to be a devastat- dard treatment, and patients, families, and clinicians gen- ing condition imposing heavy burdens on patients, fami- erally rated the intervention as informative and helpful. lies, professional caregivers, health care systems, and so- Appropriate training of clinicians in communication yields 42-44 ciety as a whole. When critical illness becomes chronic, sustained improvements in these essential skills. continuation of intensive care treatment requires ex- Several inferences are possible from our finding that traordinary resources but entails significant distress for the lengths of ICU and hospital stay were associated with patients and families while yielding limited clinical ben- the extent of communication as reported by the respon- efits. In specific situations, a choice to continue this treat- dents. It may be that patients or families who wished to ment may be reasonable, particularly if the therapeutic continue life-prolonging treatments for longer periods trial is time limited, progress is periodically reevalu- were less receptive to clinician communication or had ated, and attention is given simultaneously to the pallia- different informational needs. Alternatively, the clini- tive needs of the patient and family. It will never be ap- cians may have avoided discussions with such patients propriate, however, to treat chronic critical illness without and families. Involvement of multiple clinicians over ex- a thorough discussion of benefits and burdens and an ex- tended periods in the hospital may have blurred lines of ploration of the needs, values, preferences and goals of responsibility for communication or exposed patients and the patient and family as they relate to the proposed treat- families to contradictory information from different care- ment. This study suggests that many patients with chronic givers. Another possibility is that inadequate communi- critical illness and their families are making crucial medi- cation about prognosis and treatment led to delayed imple- cal decisions in a “black hole,” without essential infor- mentation of appropriate care plans and prolongation of mation. At the same time, our findings can help to guide therapies with limited clinical benefit. improvement in communication by identifying topics as Our study has limitations. First, since we did not di- well as patients and families requiring special attention. rectly observe communications, our findings about the ex- Together with recent research about the process of ICU tent of information may not reflect with complete accu- communication and studies testing the effectiveness of racy the information actually provided by clinicians. Fried communication strategies in the context of acute criti- et al45 found a low level of agreement between patients and cal illness, the present study of informational content clinicians on whether the clinician had discussed prognos- strengthens the evidence base for clinical practice and tic information. Stress, anxiety, and depression18,46 may im- for future interventional research focusing specifically on pair families’ comprehension through mechanisms includ- communication about chronic critical illness. ing denial and distraction and introduce bias in reporting about the ICU experience. We believe it is valuable, how- ever, to investigate communication from the perspective Accepted for Publication: August 5, 2007. of critically ill patients and their families, who are the fo- Correspondence: Judith E. Nelson, MD, JD, Box 1232, cus of our care and who require the information we com- Mount Sinai School of Medicine, One Gustave Levy Place, municate because they have the authority and responsi- New York, NY 10029 ([email protected]). bility to make decisions about treatment. Second, Author Contributions: Dr Nelson had full access to all “prolonged mechanical ventilation” has been defined for of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the other purposes in terms of duration of time on the venti- integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analy- lator,47 whereas we and others have identified patients with sis. Study concept and design: Nelson and Morrison. Ac- chronic critical illness by the placement of tracheotomy af- quisition of data: Nelson, Mercado, and Camhi. Analysis ter ICU weaning failure.4,5,48,49 A third limitation is that this and interpretation of data: Nelson, Camhi, Tandon, study was conducted in a single institution and may not Wallenstein, August, and Morrison. Drafting of the manu- be fully generalizable to other care settings; New York, where script: Nelson. Critical revision of the manuscript for im- our hospital is located, does not have long-term acute care portant intellectual content: Nelson, Mercado, Camhi, facilities, which might affect length of hospital stay (al- Tandon, Wallenstein, and Morrison. Statistical analysis: though not overall duration of care for chronic critical ill- Tandon, Wallenstein, August, and Morrison. Obtained ness). On the other hand, we recruited subjects from 5 ICUs funding: Nelson. Administrative, technical, and material sup- across a broad spectrum of case mix and clinical practice port: Nelson, Mercado, Tandon, and August. Study su- and studied a patient group with characteristics and out- pervision: Nelson and Morrison.

(REPRINTED) ARCH INTERN MED/ VOL 167 (NO. 22), DEC 10/24, 2007 WWW.ARCHINTERNMED.COM 2514 Downloaded from www.archinternmed.com at Mt Sinai School Of Medicine, on December 11, 2007 ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Financial Disclosure: None reported. 24. Mendelsohn AB, Belle SH, Fischhoff B, Wisniewski SR, Degenholtz H, Chelluri L. How patients feel about prolonged mechanical ventilation 1 year later. Crit Care Funding/Support: This study was funded by Clinical Re- Med. 2002;30(7):1439-1445. search Grant CG-005-N from the American Lung Asso- 25. Guentner K, Hoffman LA, Happ MB, et al. Preferences for mechanical ventilation ciation. Dr Nelson is the recipient of an Independent Sci- among survivors of prolonged mechanical ventilation and tracheostomy. Am J entist Research Career Development Award (K02 Crit Care. 2006;15(1):65-77. 26. McDonagh JR, Elliott TB, Engelberg RA, et al. 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