Effective Resistance of Gromov-Hyperbolic Graphs: Application to Asymptotic Sensor Network Problems

Edmond A. Jonckheere & Mingji Lou and Joao˜ Hespanha & Prabir Barooah

Abstract— The technique of effective resistance has seen The natural generalization of the concept of tree is that growing popularity in problems ranging from escape probabil- of Gromov hyperbolic graph [14]. Intuitively, a Gromov ity of random walks on graphs to asymptotic space localization hyperbolic graph is a graph that has the property that it looks in sensor networks. The results obtained thus far deal with such problems on Euclidean lattices, on which their asymptotic like a tree when viewed at a distance, where the concept of nature already reveals that the crucial issue is the large “viewing at a distance” is formalized in large-scale geometry, scale behavior of such lattices. Here we investigate how such also referred to as coarse geometry or asymptotic metric results have to be amended on a class of graphs, referred theory [15]. The importance of Gromov hyperbolic graphs to as Gromov hyperbolic, which behave in the large scale is that scale free, and hence Internet, graphs have that as negatively curved Riemannian manifolds. It is argued that Gromov hyperbolic graphs occur quite naturally in many property [18], [23], [19]. Since Gromov hyperbolic graphs situations. Among the results developed here, we will mention are a generalization of trees, the natural question is, “What the nonvanishing probability of escape of a random walk to is the effective resistance of a Gromov hyperbolic graph?” a Gromov boundary and the facts that the space The importance of effective resistance of Gromov hyperbolic localization error of sensors networked in a Gromov hyperbolic graphs stems from the above mentioned fact that effective fashion grows linearly with the distance to a sensor whose geographical position is known, but would become uniformly resistances arise naturally in a variety of propagation and bounded in an idealized situation in which the geographical localization problems. locations of the nodes at the Gromov boundary are known Before extending the result of Doyle and Snell, a technical question is whether such concept as “effective resistance I. INTRODUCTION between the root and infinity” can be defined for those hyperbolic graphs, in which the tree structure might not be The effective resistance between two nodes in a graph completely obvious. A “root” of a hyperbolic graph is a so- is the voltage drop that would be observed in a electrical called quasi-pole [10]. A quasi-pole Ω is a compact subset network obtained by placing one resistor at each edge of the of an infinite graph G such that for every vertex v of G graph, when a unit current is injected in one of the nodes there exists a geodesic ray emanating from Ω and passing and removed from the other. In this paper, we extend the within a bounded distance of v. One of the premises of coarse result of Doyle and Snell [12] on the effective resistance geometry is that finite subsets, like Ω, can be coalesced of a regular tree of degree bounded but greater than 2 and to points. As such, Ω can be coalesced to ω ∈ Ω, which its ramifications in various asymptotic space localization and becomes the “root” of the graph. Once a root is chosen, the coordination problems for autonomous agents as initiated by next issue is to define “infinity” so as to be able to define Barooah and Hespanha [5], [3], [4]. the effective resistance between the quasi-pole and infinity. A tree is regular if the degree of its nodes, except for the In the context of the coarse geometry of Gromov hyperbolic root, is constant. Under this degree condition, the effective graphs, “infinity” is the Gromov boundary at infinity of the resistance from the root of the tree to “infinity” is finite. The graphs, ∂∞G. The latter is defined as the equivalence class of latter has the important consequence that a random walk on infinite geodesic rays emanating from the quasi-pole under the tree has a finite probability of escaping to infinity. In the the equivalence relation that two rays are equivalent if their context of computer security, it follows that a worm is more Hausdorff distance remains finite [9, III.H.3]. likely to escape to infinity and therefore cause more damage While the Gromov boundary ∂∞G of a regular tree can than one that is recurrent (see Remark 1). In the context of be easily visualized, this is not so when all that is known localization based on relative measurements, this means that about G is that it is Gromov hyperbolic, since it could if only the absolute positions of the far-away leafs of a large be anything ranging from N to the circle S1, passing by tree are available, all nodes in the tree can still be accurately the Cantor set, the Menger curve, etc. (See [21] for a localized just based on noisy relative measurements between survey.) The difficulty is that the topology of ∂∞G dictates adjacent nodes in the graph [4]. The reader is referred to such application-relevant issues as the Cheeger isoperimetric [5] for other connections between effective resistance and constant and the exponential growth of balls [10]. As far distributed control problems. as the present paper is concerned, in order to have finite effective resistance between Ω and ∂∞G, ∂∞G must have These authors are with the Dept. of Elec. Eng., Univ. of South. California, the cardinality of the continuum. Los Angeles, CA 90089, [email protected]. These authors are with the Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, Since in this paper we use coarse geometric techniques [email protected] in which we do not care about distortion as long as it is uniformly bounded, the exact value of the effective resistance The most extreme example of a Gromov hyperbolic graph R(ω, ∂∞G) is irrelevant. Is relevant, however, the question is the tree, as δi = δs = δq = 0. of whether the effective resistance is vanishing, finite (0 < The following theorem formulates an important property R(ω, ∂∞G) < ∞), or infinite. In fact, the latter are coarse of Gromov hyperbolic spaces, a property that is sometimes geometry invariants. even taken to be the definition of Gromov-hyperbolicity [10, Due to space limitations, most proofs have been omitted, Def. 1.1]: but they are available in [20]. Theorem 1: Let (X, d) be a δs-Gromov . Let γ1, γ2 be two arc length parameterized geodesics such II. MATHEMATICAL SET-UP 0 that γ1(0) = γ2(0) = v . Assume that, for some R > 0, A. Graphs d(γ1(R), γ2(R)) > 3δs. Then any path p joining γ1(R + r), 0 A graph G is defined by its vertex set and its edge set, γ2(r + R) and outside the ball BR+r(v ) is such that r (V,E). The edge with vertices u, v will be written uv. δ −2 `(p) ≥ δs2 s All graphs here have bounded local geometry, i.e., the degree This theorem has the (negative) consequence that, if an of their nodes is uniformly bounded. As such, an infinite 0 outage affects a ball BR+r(v ), a message scheduled to graph has infinitely many vertices. Edges are equipped with transit along [uv] 3 v0 will have to make a detour of + r a length function, ` : E → R , with the property that δ −2 exponential length δs2 s to circumvent the outage. As r+R −1 shown in [14], this bound can be refined to δ 2 δs . `min := inf `(e) > 0, `max := sup `(e) < ∞ (1) s e∈E e∈E C. Quasi-isometry Upon identification of every edge with a homeomorph of the A (λ, ²)-quasi-isometric embedding of the graph G = unit interval [0, 1], the length function is easily extended to (V ,E ) into the graph H = (V ,E ) is a (not necessarily Lebesgue-measurable subsets of the edges. G G H H continuous) function f : G → H (usually induced by a A path from x to y is a continuous map p :[a, b] → G vertex transformation V → V ) such that such that p(a) = x, p(b) = y. The length of a path joining G H x to y is the sum of the lengths of the (subsets of) edges 1 dG(x, y) − ² ≤ dH (f(x), f(y)) ≤ λdG(x, y) + ², traversed by the path. The distance d(x, y) between x, y is λ the infimum of the lengths of all paths joining x to y. The ∀x, y ∈ G. Such an f is quasi-injective in the sense that latter will sometimes be referred to as length distance. With this length distance, (G, d) becomes a metric space. f(x) = f(y) ⇒ dG(x, y) ≤ ²λ, ∀x, y ∈ G. An isometric embedding f : G → H of the graph G = f is said to be a quasi-isometry if, in addition, there exists (VG,EG) into the graph H = (VH ,EH ) is a map (usually a constant c such that induced by a vertex transformation VG → VH ) that preserves d (f(G), z) ≤ c, ∀z ∈ H the metric, viz., dH (f(x), f(y)) = dG(x, y). H A geodesic γ = [xy] from x to y in G is an isometric which means that f is quasi-surjective. In this case, f has at embedding γ : [0, `(γ)] → G such that γ(0) = x, γ(`(γ)) = least one quasi-inverse f −q : H → G in the sense that there y. Because of the bounded local geometry, every pair of exists a constant d for which points x, y can be joined by a geodesic [xy] such that −q `([xy]) = d(x, y). In such a situation, (G, d) is said to be a dG(f ◦ f(x), x) ≤ d, ∀x ∈ G, (2) −q geodesic metric space. dH (f ◦ f (z), z) ≤ d, ∀z ∈ H, (3) B. Gromov hyperbolicity and this quasi-inverse is both quasi-injective and quasi- A geodesic triangle 4uvw on vertices u, v, w is defined as surjective. Quasi-isometry is an equivalence relation. [uv] ∪ [vw] ∪ [wu]. A graph (G, d), or an arbitrary geodesic D. Gromov boundary metric space (X, d) for that matter, is Gromov hyperbolic r ω ∈ V if there exists a δ < ∞ such that, ∀4uvw, we have A geodesic ray emanating from is an isometric s r : [0, ∞) → G r(0) = ω [vw] ⊂ N ([uv]) ∪ N ([uw]), where N ([uv]) denotes embedding such that . The same δs δs δs r(0)/r(∞) r, r0 the δ -neighborhood of [uv] for the metric d. An equivalent ray will sometimes be written as . Two rays s sup d(r(s), r0(s)) < ∞ characterization is the existence of a constant δ < ∞ are said to be equivalent iff s∈[0,∞) ; i d (r, r0) < ∞ d such that, ∀4uvw, for points i(v, w) ∈ [vw], i(u, w) ∈ equivalently, if H , where H denotes the [uw], i(u, v) ∈ [uv] such that d(u, i(u, v)) = d(u, i(u, w)), Hausdorff distance. The set of equivalence class of rays ∂ G d(v, i(v, w)) = d(v, i(v, u)), d(w, i(w, v)) = d(w, i(w, u)), is the Gromov boundary, ∞ . The equivalence class of r r ru , rw ∈ ∂ G we have diam{i(u, v), i(v, w), i(w, u)} ≤ δ . It can be the ray is written ∞. Given two rays, ∞ ∞ ∞ , i parameterized by the arc length s, we define shown that δs < ∞ iff δi < ∞ (see [9, Chap. III.H, 1 u w Prop. 1.17]). Yet a third equivalent definition states that, in u w −²(s− 2 dG(r (s),r (s))) ρ∞(r∞, r∞) := lim inf e any quadrilateral, the largest sum of the lengths of pairs of s→∞ opposite diagonals cannot exceed the medium sum by more The above is a semimetric [6, I.1.5] on ∂∞G. The idea than 2δq < ∞ (see [9, p. 411]). behind this definition is that, in a tree-like graph, two rays ru, rw emanating from the same quasi-pole ω will first follow ∂ G the same path and then separate at some vertex a(ru, rw), ∞

u w 0 1 2 3 4 the “common ancestor” of the points r (∞), r (∞). Then a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 u w −²d(ω,a(ru,rw)) ρ∞(r , r ) = e . Another intuition behind 0 1 2 ∞ ∞ a4 a3 a2 a3 = a4 ρ∞ is as follows: Write the hyperbolic law of cosines in 0 1 1 0 a3 a2 u w a2 = a3 4ωr (s)r (s) as embedded in a surface of small negative 1 0 0 a 1 2 2 2 a = a sectional curvature κ = −² : 1 0 a0 = a1 u w 1 0 cosh ²d (r (s), r (s)) = 0 G a0 cosh ²d(ω, ru(s)) cosh ²d(ω, rw(s)) Fig. 1. A tree, the Gromov boundary of which has cardinality ℵ . − sinh ²d(ω, ru(s)) sinh ²d(ω, rw(s)) cosω ˆ 0 where ωˆ is a short for ∠ru(s)ωrw(s). Since the arc length parameterization of geodesic rays is an isometry, E. Isoperimetric behavior and exponential growth of balls u w d(ω, r (s)) = d(ω, r (s)) = s. Then, for a distance d Given an infinite graph G, the combinatorial Cheeger such that ²d À 1, cosh ²d ≈ e²d and, for a small angle ωˆ, 2 isoperimetric constant is defined as cosω ˆ ≈ 1 − ωˆ . With these approximations, the hyperbolic 2 |∂S| law of cosines yields h(G) = inf S⊆VG |S| u w ωˆ e²dG(r (s),r (s)) = 1 + e2²s 2 where the infimum is over all finite subsets, |S| denotes the In light of the above, ρ∞ turns up to be the angle metric cardinality, and u w u w ∠r (s)ˆωr (s) ∂S = {v ∈ V \ S : v ∈ N(s) for some s ∈ S}. ρ∞(r∞, r∞) = lim inf √ s→∞ 2 Observe that ∂S can be interpreted as the boundary of S and Now we make the semimetric ρ a metric by enforcing the ∞ therefore if h(G) > 0 the above means that the “volume” triangle inequality |S| of a subset of vertices is bounded by a linear function nX−1 u w i i+1 of the “area” |∂S| of its boundary. d∞(r∞, r∞) := inf ρ∞(a , a ) ru=a0,a1,...,an=rw The exponential growth of balls is clearly related to the i=0 condition h(G) > 0. Indeed, if a subset S of vertices is For ² < log 2/δG, d∞ is a visual metric in the sense that “infected” at time t = 0, the number of vertices infected prior 1 to or at time t ≥ 0 is bounded from below by |S|(1+h(G))t. ρ (ru , rw ) ≤ d (ru , rw ) ≤ ρ (ru , rw ) 4 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ It turns out that a Gromov hyperbolic graph need not have (See [16, Sec. 2], [9, III.H.3.19].) This distance in turn h(G) > 0. For the latter to hold, an extra condition on the defines a topology on ∂∞G. boundary at infinity is needed: The Gromov boundary might have varying cardinalities, Theorem 3: Let G be a infinite, bounded geometry, com- and even Gromov boundaries with the same cardinality plete, Gromov hyperbolic graph with a quasi-pole. If, in might be quite different. An example of card(∂∞G) = addition, the infimum of the diameters of the connected ℵ0 is provided by Figure 1. It should also be obvious components of ∂∞G is > 0, then h(G) > 0, which implies that the cardinality of the Gromov boundary of a binary that λmin(L(G)) > 0. ℵ0 tree T2 is 2 , which is the cardinality of the continuum There is a slight refinement of the preceding result: 2 c (∂ G) = c h (G) . Another example of card ∞ is provided by Theorem 4: λmin(L(G)) ≥ 4 . n G = Cay(π1(M )), the Cayley graph of the fundamental group of a compact Riemannian manifold M n of curvature III. INSTANCES OF COARSE GEOMETRY uniformly bounded from above by κ < 0 (see [11, V.58]). Here we make the preceding concepts a little more pallat- The significant difference between the continua ∂∞T2 and able by linking them with known engineering concepts. n ∂∞Cay(π1(M )) is that the former is a Cantor set while the latter is Sn−1. A. Instances of hyperbolic graphs Other examples of Gromov boundaries that are circles Gromov hyperbolic graphs are an idealization of situations include the Poincare´ disk or any of its tessellation by the that readily occur in practice. Typically, we are given a image of a fundamental domain [22, 4.10]. set of agents {vi} =: V , which attempt to form an ad Theorem 2: Under a quasi-isometry f : G → H, G = hoc network, and which in doing so define a distance + (VG,EG) is Gromov hyperbolic iff H = (VH ,EH ) is function d : V × V → R . Typically, the distance Gromov hyperbolic; furthermore, f induces a (quasi-Mobius)¨ d(vi, vj) is the communication delay between vi and vj. f∞ : ∂∞G → ∂∞H. As such, (V, d) becomes a metric space. The question is It transpires form the above that, for a Gromov hyperbolic to determine the manifold M n and its Riemannian met- graph to be quasi-isometric to a tree, it is necessary that its ric g such that the agents can be thought of as oper- Gromov boundary be a Cantor set. ating on the manifold; precisely, the question is whether there exists an isometric embedding (V, d) ,→ (M n, g). B. Instances of quasi-isometries (V, d) ,→ Specifically, there exists an isometric embedding The examples are plentiful, the most obvious being that a (Hn, g) Hn n , where denotes the standard -dimensional Rie- Euclidean lattice is quasi-isometric to the Euclidean space of κ < 0 mannian manifold¡ of constant√ ¢ sectional curvature , the same dimension. Precisely, the natural embedding Zn → det{cosh d(vi, vj) −κ } = (−1)k+1 iff {1,...,k}×{1,...,k} . Rn is a (λ = 1, ² = 1)-quasi-isometry. More generally, we (See [6], [7].) Practically speaking, we cite a few specific have the following: situations that naturally lead to negatively curved networks. Theorem 5: The drawing function f : G → En of a a) Growth/preferential attachment graphs: They have graph G that is both sparse and dense in the n-dimensional been shown to be scaled Gromov hyperbolic [18], [19]. Euclidean space En is a (λ, ²)-quasi-isometry for finite b) High power transceivers in a wireless sensor net- constants λ, ² > 0. work: They have a tendency to network in a negatively curved graph, while the low power transceivers rather net- IV. EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE: AGENERALIZED RAYLEIGH work in a positively curved graph [2]. MONOTONICITYPRINCIPLE c) Geometric optics propagation reflecting on convex obstacles: Assume that in the two-dimensional Euclidean The graph G = (V,E) can be made into an electrical space R2, we define a set of transceivers {vi} along with network by replacing every edge by a resistor of resistance i i convex obstacles. Assume that, at least for some pairs of Re = `(e). If j(v ) denotes the current injected at node v , i i agents, communication can only be established by radio and v(v ) denotes the voltage at node v relative to some waves reflecting on convex obstacles. It can be shown that ground potential, then j = Lv, where L is the Laplacian P (vi−vj ) operator defined as (Lv)i = j i , where the embedding is in a negatively curved surface of a genus v ∈N(v ) Re(vi,vj ) i i equal to the number of convex obstacles. N(v ) := {v ∈ V : vv ∈ E} and Re(vi,vj ) is the i j d) Delaunay triangulation of nonuniformly distributed resistance of the edge v v . If `(e) = Re = 1, ∀e ∈ E, vertices: Assume a set of agents {vi} are nonuniformly then L = diag(deg(vi)) − A, where A is the adjacency distributed in R2. The Delaunay triangulation (V,E) of a matrix. It is easily verified that L ≥ 0. To define the effective i set of Gauss distributed agents is shown in Fig. 2 and is resistance at a driving point vertex v , a subset V0 of short- negatively curved in the following sense. Define the clus- circuited vertices, connected to the graph, is declared at i j i k j k i #{(v v ,v v ):v v ∈E} ground potential, v(V ) = 0. If V is finite and at finite tering coefficient as cluster(v ) = deg(vi) ∈ 0 0 ( 2 ) i i 1 distance from some driving point vertex¡ v ¢6∈ V0, the effective [0, 1]. When 0 ≤ cluster(v ) ≤ 2 , the curvature is locally i −1 resistance is defined as R(v ,V0) = L0 ii, where L0 is the negative [2], [13]. The distribution of cluster is shown in operator obtained after removing the rows and columns of L Fig. 3, indicating negative curvature. corresponding to V0, easily seen to be invertible. If the graph is infinite, viewing L : `2(N) → `2(N) as a bounded Hilbert

54 space operator requires v(∂∞G) = 0, so that the 0 reference

53 potential is naturally set across ∂∞G. By the same token, i i 52 boundedness of L requires i(v ) = 0, ∀v ∈ ∂∞G. Assuming for a moment that λ (L) > 0, where λ (L) = inf spec(L), 51 ¡ ¢ 1 1 then L−1 is the effective resistance R(vi, ∂ G) between 50 ii ∞ i 49 v and ∂∞G. The latter consideration makes λ1(L) > 0 a crucial issue: 48 Theorem 6: R(vi, ∂ G) < R¯ < ∞, ∀vi ∈ V iff 47 ∞ G 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 λ1(L(G)) > 0. One can also show that effective resistance satisfies the Fig. 2. Delaunay triangulation of nonuniformly distributed agents. following triangle inequality

RG(u, w) ≤ RG(u, v) + RG(v, w), ∀u, v, w ∈ VG.

350 Hence effective resistance is a distance, which is different 300 from the length distance, unless G is a tree. 250 The following monotonicity result can be viewed as a gen- 200 eralization of Rayleigh’s Monotonicity Law [12] to “quasi- 150

Number of Nodes Number embeddings”: 100 Theorem 7 (Rayleigh Monotonicity Principle): Consider 50 two uniformly-bounded degree graphs G = (VG,EG), 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Clustering Cofficient H = (VH ,EH ) for which there exists a quasi-injective function f : G → H and constants λ, ² < ∞ such that Fig. 3. Clustering coefficient distribution of Delaunay triangulation. dH (f(x), f(y)) ≤ λ dG(x, y) + ², ∀x, y ∈ G. (4) Then there exists a finite constant α > 0 such that boundary at infinity is proportional to the reciprocal of the effective resistance between ω and the Gromov boundary. R (f(x), f(y)) ≤ αR (x, y), ∀x, y ∈ V . (5) H G G As already said, the mere fact that the graph is Gromov If, in addition, f is quasi-surjective then we also have that hyperbolic with a quasi-pole does not provide enough data R(ω, ∂ G) −q −q to determine an exact value for ∞ , but it is enough RH (z, w) ≤ αRG(f (z), f (w)) + β, ∀z, w ∈ VH , (6) to determine whether or not R(ω, ∂∞G) is finite. where f −q(·) is a quasi-inverse of f and β a finite constant. Remark 1. The difference between a randomly walking When f is actually surjective, then (6) holds with β = 0. worm escaping to infinity and an exponentially growing percolating worm is a matter of the gap between λ (L(G)) In the expressions above, RG and RH denote effective 1 2 resistances in electrical networks constructed from the graphs and h (G)/4, as specified by Theorem 4. G H and , respectively. B. Space localization The following result can be obtained by applying Theo- rem 7 to a quasi-isometry f and to its quasi-inverse f −q. Assume that autonomous agents distributed in the Euclid- 2 3 Corollary 1: Suppose that f is a (λ, ²)-quasi-isometry be- ean space E or E communicate via the graph G. Assume that a subset of vertices V has known geographical position tween two uniformly-bounded degree graphs G = (VG,EG), 0 H = (V ,E ). Then there exist finite constants α, β > 0 and that the position of the other agents has to be computed H H i j i j such that from noisy measurement of the distances dG(v , v ), v v ∈ 1 E, and azimuth data. The following is proved in [4]: R (x, y) − β ≤ R (f(x), f(y)) ≤ αR (x, y), (7) Theorem 8: If V = {v0}, then the unbiased least square α G H G 0 estimation error of the geographical position x(vi) of vi is ∀x, y ∈ VG, where RG and RH denote effective resistances given by in electrical networks constructed from the graphs G and H, i i 2 i 0 respectively. When f is actually injective, then (7) holds with E(||x(v ) − xˆ(v )|| ) = RG(v , v ). β = 0. If G is Gromov hyperbolic, and under the idealized situation V. TWOASYMPTOTICPROBLEMS where V0 = ∂∞G, we have Here we formulate two asymptotic problems amenable to i i 2 i E(||x(v ) − xˆ(v )|| ) = R(v , ∂∞G). effective resistance methods: 1) The escape probability of a random walk on a Gromov- VI. RESULTS hyperbolic graph, closely related to the effective resis- The solution to the two problems defined in the previous tance between the root and the Gromov boundary of section relies on a generic theorem, stating that a Gromov the graph. hyperbolic graph is quasi-isometric to a tree. Several such 2) The asymptotically space localization error at large results are already known (see, e.g., [8]), but here we need distance from the reference sensor, closely related to to set-up the quasi-isometry in a specific way that easily the asymptotic effective resistance between two points translates to effective resistance and geographic estimation in the limit of large distance. errors. G A. Escape probability of random walks Theorem 9: A planar Gromov hyperbolic graph with a quasi-pole Ω and a Cantor Gromov boundary is (quasi- The exponential growth of balls is relevant to a propaga- surjectively) quasi-isometric to a tree T . Furthermore, if tion scheme in which every node infects every neighboring `(e) = 1, ∀e ∈ E, the quasi-isometry can be taken such node. Other processes include random walks on a graph— that that is, processes through which an infected node infects only one of its neighbors chosen at random. More specifically, if dG(u, v) − δi ≤ dT (u, v) ≤ λdG(u, v), ∀u, v ∈ V the walker is at vi, the probability of jumping to vj ∈ N(vi) with λ = 7δ + 2. is i 1 We note that, in [8], it is shown that there exists a quasi- R i j e(vi,vj ) isometric embedding from a binary tree to a Gromov hy- p(v , v ) = P 1 i v∈N(v ) Re(v,vj ) perbolic graph with Cantor Gromov boundary. The problem The problem is to determine whether there is a nonvanishing is that this embedding is not in general quasi-surjective and probability of the walk reaching the Gromov boundary at hence cannot be used to construct a quasi-isometry between infinity. The latter is called escape probability. A slight the graph and the binary tree. generalization of [12, Sec. 1.3.4] yields A. Escape probability 1 Theorem 10: Let G be a bounded geometry, Gromov hy- p (ω, ∂ G) = P R(ω,∂∞G) esc ∞ 1 perbolic graph with a quasi-pole Ω and a Gromov boundary i v ∈N(ω) Re(ω,vi) that is a Cantor set. Then 0 < R(ω, ∂∞G) < ∞, i.e., there where ω is a vertex of a quasi-pole. In other words, the is a nonvanishing probability of escape from the quasi-pole probability of escape from a vertex of a quasi-pole to the to the boundary at infinity ∂∞G. 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