User-Aware Multi-Dimensional Data Exploration for Deep Carbon Observatory

Han Wang1, Yu Chen1, Xiaogang Ma1, Patrick West1, John Erickson1, Robert Hazen2, Craig Schiffries2, and Peter Fox1 1 Tetherless World Constellation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, U.S.A. 2 Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Abstract Data discovery has become a big issue along with recent trends in Big Data. Due to the heterogeneity of the datasets and domain specific characteristics, data need to be visualized accordingly with different temporal, spatial and logical dimensional features. Many data portals have been developed to provide an intuitive approach for viewing the dataset. However, most of the data portals do not consider the dimension of people: users with different expertise might wish to view the the data from different perspectives. In this work, we extend the S2S (Rozell et al.) work to enable customized data visualization based on a user’s profile. Meanwhile, the platform provides programmable interfaces for extending visualization widgets such that a community can both benefit from and contribute to the visualization platform. We demonstrate our work based on datasets from the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) VIVO platform.

DCO Object Browser DCO Science Network ( (

S2S Browser The DCO Object Browser (upper left) is an example of what we

S2S S2S S2S have been working on to facilitate the discovery and exploration Knowledge Ontology Server Base of DCO data and . With this semantically enabled faceted browser, • Scientists can access various DCO data objects (e.g. datasets) of their interests from multiple dimensions (e.g. associated communities) right in the web browser. Visit DCO portal • Data managers can focus on what data to provide to the

S2S Facet OpenSearch S2S User Data users rather than how to present and publish them. Widget Web Service Interface Repository • Developers can control the presentation of the information by creating new facet widgets or removing undesired ones.

Based on the same structured and semantics-embedded data as used by our browser, the DCO Science Network (upper right)

Get this poster provides an overview of the worldwide distribution of DCO researchers. This map features a dynamic visualization that Data Developer Scientist Manager presents the backend data in real time.

Reference: Eric Rozell, Peter Fox, Jin Zheng, and Jim Hendler. 2012. S2S architecture and Faceted Browsing Applications. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Companion on (WWW '12 Companion). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 413-416.