Paleontological Journal, Vol. 34, Suppl. 3, 2000, pp. S367ÐS369. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2000 by Mostovski, Jarzembowski. English Translation Copyright © 2000 by MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica” (Russia).

The First Brachycerous (Diptera: Rhagionidae) from the Lower of Gondwana M. B. Mostovski and E. A. Jarzembowski Paleontological Institute, ul. Profsoyuznaya 123, Moscow 117868 Russia Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery, St Faith’s St., Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1LH & PRIS, Reading University, Reading, UK Received January 20, 2000

Abstract—Two species of the snipe-flies are described in the genus Taschigatra gen. nov. The taxonomic posi- tion of the genus is discussed.

INTRODUCTION lated wing from the MiddleÐUpper Jurassic (Callov- ianÐKimmeridgian) of Kazakhstan (Kirichkova and Fossil brachycerous flies are recorded in sedimen- Doludenko, 1996) in the Rhagionidae. Additional mate- tary rocks from all continents except Antarctica. How- rial, including numerous nearly complete specimens ever, fossil records are not evenly distributed, and are from the type locality, allowed the taxonomic position of concentrated mainly in the old Laurasian continent. this species to be clearly determined. In fact, it was The discovery of brachycerous flies in the Lower Juras- shown to be a therevid, or stiletto-fly (Mostovski, 1998). sic of India reported herein is the oldest record from Gondwanaland. The geological history of brachycerous The wing venation of the newly described material flies begins in the Middle (Krzemin′ ski, 1998), shows a combination of such primitive characters as a but it is only in the Early Jurassic that they become nearly straight R2 + 3, very long fork of R4 + 5, and more diverse (Mostovski, 1998). By the Late Jurassic, derived features including a closed (but not stalked) all orthorrhaphous lineages had appeared and various anal cell, curved M3, and a more or less narrowly open- cyclorrhaphan flies entered the paleontological record ing fourth posterior cell. Only two undoubted snipe- during the (Mostovski, 1999). The remains flies have been described elsewhere from the Lower of brachycerous flies in Gondwanan deposits are scarce Jurassic, viz. Palaeobrachyceron willmanni Ansorge, and were previously only known from the Cretaceous. 1996 and Grimmyia baltica Ansorge, 1996. Both are A single snipe-fly has been found in the Lower Creta- from the Toarcian of Germany (Ansorge, 1996), ceous Koonwarra Beds of Australia (Jell and Duncan, although the genus Palaeobrachyceron Kovalev, 1981 1986); various brachycerans are recorded from the includes five additional species from the LowerÐMid- Lower Cretaceous Santana Formation, northeastern dle Jurassic of Siberia. The genus Taschigatra gen. nov. Brazil (Grimaldi, 1990; Martins-Neto and Kucera-San- differs from Palaeobrachyceron in R2 + 3 being straight tos, 1994; Evenhuis, 1994); and two empidids have and the discoidal cell nearly parallel sided. It should be been described from the Upper Cretaceous Orapa Beds noted that the form of R2 + 3 is quite stable within a of South Africa (Waters, 1989a, b). genus in rhagionids, and it is therefore a good feature In India, brachycerous flies have been found in sedi- for distinguishing genera (Mostovski, 1998). In this ments of the Kotá Formation (Upper Gondwana Group) respect, the new genus seems to be close to Grimmyia exposed in the PranhitaÐGodavari Basin, Andhra Ansorge, 1996, differing in the fork of R4 + 5 being con- Pradesh (Deccan). A detailed description of the strata siderably longer, the hind basal cell longer, and the was given by Tasch (1987): he also reported conchostra- absence of a free portion of M4 before mcu. Both cans, Blattodea, Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Palaeobrachyceron and Grimmyia lack a pterostigma. Neuroptera, and Ephemeroptera from the same formation. There are some fossil snipe-flies with a long fork of In addition, Orthoptera, Raphidioptera and Hymenoptera R4 + 5 resembling Taschigatra gen. nov. These include are also represented in the Indian JurassicÐbut Kubekovia accessoria Kovalev, 1985 from the Middle Ephemeroptera are actually absent (E.A.J. pers. observ.). Jurassic Itat Formation of Siberia (Kalugina and Kova- lev, 1985). This has a medium-size wing with a long The genus Taschigatra gen. nov. described below R4 + 5 fork, dark pterostigma, parallel-sided discoidal almost certainly belongs to the family Rhagionidae, cell, and M stem not tanned; also, it has a straight R4, a although it should be borne in mind that isolated wings longer anterior basal cell, and sinuate R2 + 3 which lies of brachycerous flies ought to be referred to this family close to R4 and terminates closer to R4 than R1. All these with caution. For example, Rohdendorf (1964) placed characters separate K. accessoria from T. bharataja sp. Rhagiophryne bianalis (described by him from an iso- nov. and T. tulyabhijana sp. nov. below. Other unde-



R1(+) + + + + + + ba + – R4 + 0 bp – 0 + 0 – 0 iCu R 5 CuP p4 CuA

M2 (b) (‡) M 3 M4

(c) (d)

Fig. 1. Represantatives of the genus Taschigatra gen. nov. from the Lower Jurassic of India: (a, b) Taschigatra bharataja sp. nov., holotype no. 2013(3013): (a) wing venation, (b) specimen as it appears; (c, d) Taschigatra tulyabhijana sp. nov., holotype no. 5034: (c) wing venation, (d) specimen as it appears. Scale bar 1 mm. scribed rhagionids from the MiddleÐUpper Jurassic SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY (CallovianÐKimmeridgian) Karabastau Formation, Kaza- Family Rhagionidae Latreille, 1802 khstan, in the collection of the Paleontological Institute, Genus Taschigatra Mostovski et Jarzembowski, gen. nov. Moscow, also show a long R4 + 5 fork in combination with a sinuous R2 + 3. However, we consider the latter Etymology. In honor of Prof. Emeritus Paul Tasch, character more significant taxonomically, in which case and from Sanskr. gatra (a wing, a part of a body); neu- the new genus from India is not allied to them. tral gender. Type species. T. bharataja sp. nov. Besides rhagionids, there are some other brachycer- ous flies found in the Lower Jurassic. There are repre- Diagnosis. Costal vein circumambient, weak- sentatives of , , and Xylo- ened at or immediately past wing apex. Vein R1 straight phagoidea in the Toarcian of Germany (J. Ansorge, or nearly so, not strongly sinuate. R4 + 5 fork long, wid- pers. comm.), and Oligophrynidae from the Sinemurian ened distally. R4 somewhat sinuate. Transverse r-m far ′ before discoidal cell midlength. Vein M3 more or less of England (Ansorge and Krzemin ski, 1994) and sinuate. Cells ba and bp of equal length. Medial stem Lower Jurassic of Kirgiziya (Rohdendorf, 1962). These somewhat weakened or poorly pigmented before dis- Empidoidea and Nemestrinoidea have a distinctive and coidal cell. Fourth posterior cell somewhat narrowed quite specialized wing venation. Xylophagoidea are apically. Anal cell closed, with point stalk. The wing represented by Protobrachyceron liasinum Handlirsch, corrugation as follows: R1 strongly convex, fold run- 1920 and another undescribed species (Ansorge coll.), ning from R stem towards transverse r-m convex, R4 + 5 both of which have a short fork of R4 + 5 and an open anal before its fork convex, R5 neutral, CuA strongly con- cell. Oligophrynidae, with a comparatively derived wing vex, iCu concave, fold behind CuP convex (Fig. 1a). venation, appear to be close to Stratiomyomorpha. Composition. T. bharataja sp. nov. and T. tuly- abhijana sp. nov. On balance, we consider that Taschigatra gen. nov. should be placed in the family Rhagionidae but differs from all known Jurassic snipe-flies by a unique combi- Taschigatra bharataja Mostovski et Jarzembowski, sp. nov. nation of features. The material described below is Etymology. Specific name is derived from San- housed in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- skr. bharata (country of Bharatas, i.e., India) and San- vard University. skr. -ja (born from, connected with).



Holotype. No. 2013(3013), part and counterpart from the Liassic of Germany and T. Oudatchina (Mos- of well preserved wing; India, Andhra Pradesh, Adila- cow) for technical assistance. This is PRIS Contribu- bad District, Sirpur Taluka, 2.5 km east-southeast of tion no. 809 for EAJ. Kadamba Village; Lower Jurassic, Kotá Formation, Tasch’s outcrop K-1, bed 3(A). REFERENCES Description (Figs. 1a, 1b). The wing mem- Ansorge, J., Iseckten aus dem oberen Lias von Grimmen brane is finely microtrichose. The costal vein becomes (Vorpommern, Norddeutschland), Neues Paläontol. Abhandl., thinner before R5 tip. The stigma is brownish, slightly 1996, vol. 2, pp. 1Ð132. paler above R1 and in its basal part. R4 + 5 fork is acutely Ansorge, J. and Krzemin′ ski, W., Oligophrynidae, a Lower angled at base. The base of R4 + 5 fork is shifted basad Jurassic Dipteran Family (Diptera, ), Acta Zool. of the hind end of intermedial vein. 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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Rohdendorf, B.B., Istoricheskoe razvitie dvukrylykh naseko- mykh (The Historical Development of Dipteran Insects), The authors are grateful to the late F.M. Carpenter Moscow: Nauka, 1964. for loan of fossil specimens. Financial support for the Tasch, P., Fossil Conchostraca of the Southern Hemisphere investigation of fossil Brachycera was provided to and Continental Drift. Paleontology, Biostratigraphy, and Dis- MBM by the Geologists’ Association (UK), Paleonto- persal, Mem. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1987, vol. 165, pp. xiii+290. logical Society (PalSIRP, USA, grant via the CRDF, Waters, S.B., A Cretaceous Dance (Diptera: Empididae) nos. RGO-638 (B) and RGO-822-7), and Russian from Botswana, System. Entomol., 1989a, vol. 14, pp. 233Ð Academy of Sciences. Our thanks to J. Ansorge (Insti- 241. tut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Greifswald) for Waters, S.B., A New Hybotine Dipteran from the Cretaceous information and figures of some unpublished fossil flies of Botswana, Palaeontology, 1989b, vol. 32, pp. 657Ð667.