WATKINS Hta Partner, Richard Noble, and Axis, Or with Britain and France Sentiment Toward the New Deal

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WATKINS Hta Partner, Richard Noble, and Axis, Or with Britain and France Sentiment Toward the New Deal MANCHESTER; C0NN„ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1938 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS i THURSTON FAILS FOUR M RIION IN SPIRIT TEST I Magrician Promised I ARMED CHINESE Before His Death to Attempt PUBLIC WORKS PLAN -Return to This World. STALLJIVASION New Jock, April 18.—(AP) w oaeph Ounnlnger, president M the Universal OouncU for P*ychlc Research, today an- IS VIEWED AS CERTAIN re Troops Use ffighest nounced the late Howard Thurs- ton had failed thus far to keep Strategy In Goerrilla War- a promlae to return from the apirit world. I^uanlnger oald he and flva fare; Niglitiy Raids In companions, all skepUcs of AFTER A LONG PARLEY psychic phenomena, had kept A vigil last night over a glass Ootskirts Of Shanghai case containing an Image of R e e s e s the Second. Before Few Detafls Disclosed Bot Thurston's death, three yearn ay> today, Dunnlnger explained, Shangal, April 18.— (AP) — Em- Three Courses Open the magician gave him the Conferees Indicate Bilfion ploying European military tactics image with a promlae that be with increasing skill, or. when nec- would return from the spirit essary, the big swords of their an- ^ r ld . break the glass case, and To Raise Huge Fund And Half Will Be Spent In ceators, the Chinese, temporarily at knock the image down. least, have stalled the Japanese war "We sat watching the glaaa Washington. AprU 13.— (AP) — AAenU money already borrowed and Effort To Revive B o^ case with Its image for an Where la the administration going now lying Idle, iSachine on the central China front. hour,” Ehinninger said, "and The real teat of this new Chinese nothing happened. It was the to get the billions which It is re- Formerly, all gold purchased by resistance, however, ia yet to come, third year that we have done ported ready to spend in an effort to the Treasury was Immediately con- ness; This Wifl Be In Addi- verted into cash credits by the cer- with Dumbera, geographical position conquer the business recession? and improvement in training of aol- tificate deposit method. At the Apparently, none of the money tion To Funds For Relief. dlem among the factom in China's end of 1986, the Treasury stopped would come from current taxes. this process for fear that the money favor. Strong IndlcaUons have been gives Japanese reinforcements are con- thus put in circulation might facili- by Informed persons Instead, that at tate unhealthy credit boom. This tinuing to pour into Shantung prov- ILLINOIS RACE With least one of the following three Washington, April is!^— j required the Treasury to borrow ince, And this probably means a courses would be tried: (AP) — President Roosevfilt i smashing drive to regain what it left money to pay for new gold acqulal- 1. Desterilization of the 81,183,- tlons. and his economic adviser* of Taierhebwang, embattled south- SEEMS WON BY mets and gasproof clothing, covers the street with a chemical Intended to n^t^JSize^lJo^n g a f 000,000 in the Treasury’s inactive Fninie Uie Pledge worked at top speed today to^* ' ern Shantung town.' gold fund; Chief credit for the recent Talerb- Although the gold fund was un- complete s' new recovery andfe j 2. Borrowing on aecuriUea Issued chwang victory la given to Irregular officially pledged for eventual re- relief program, apparently Chinese units who demoralized Jap- by government agencies and guar- tirement of the Federal aecuriUea HORNERS MAN anteed by the Treasury. agreed upon at a lengthy night s anese communications along the issued to pay for the metal, fiscal TIentsin-Pukow railway. If these SUUKES IN FRANCE 8. Borrowing on direct Treasury officlala argue that in the present conference at the White Houae,'^, irregulars operated according to PALKA EXPIATES CRIME obligations. sttusUon the pledge would be ful- Even if President Rooeevelt's most _ While the conferees did not plan, then It was the highest form Lucas Far Ahead Of^Nash- filled If the gold was used to reduce of strategy, in the opinion of ton- recent revenue estimates for the new borrowing. disclose details, it was indicat* elgn military experts here. IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR ARE NEAR AN END next fiscal year bold up in spita of The second method—borrowing on ed the keystone probably would V Skill or Luck. Kelly Candidate With Sev- the busineaa recession, the 85.919,- aecuriUea of Federal agencies—has 400,000 figure would barely cover be a proposal to spend $1,600,- 1,'^ If General Lee Tsung-Jen did not attracted those officials who want to 000,000 on public works as- a control the units, which limited Jap- the non-relief items in his budget. keep the direct federal debt from anese supplies of ammunition, gaso- ei-Eghtbs Of Vote hllGIler Of Two BridjeportlcOYlE ViaORIOUS Vote Of Conhdence In Cham- Relief, public works anj other re- rising too rapidly. means of reviving business and ' line and food, the Chinese ^ctory covery spending, apparently, must Bonds of an agency, such as the industry. be financed elsewhere. had a pronounced element of good Reconstruction Finance Corpora- This would be in addition to it fortune. Seoatonal frraair fa| PoScemeo Coh A, Helo' her Of Deputies Qyen To The eaaieat source of obtalaliig tion, appear on the books only os Aside from this major advantage money would ba the gold fund. Its ’’oonUngent” UablllUes of the Treas- a $1,260,000,000 relief appro- ^ in weakened communications for IN NEW BRITAIN use definitely Is under consideration. ury. That is, the Treasury proper priation, which would let the the Japanese, the foreign military Is Chicago, April IS—(A P)—Scott Led Into Death Chainhen Premier Has Good Effects Informed officials sqld. does not owe the money until and Works Progress Administn-;^ Money Ifftng Idle agreed that the Chinese are im- t**caa, backed by Governor unless the agency defaults. tion carry a peak load of unem-^v proving aa soldiers. The Chinese Horner’s recently developed power Ends Unnsnal Legal Case. To spend the 81,183.000,000 worth The third and moat tuual method troopa who r won at Taierhebwang Democrats Swept Into Of- Paris. April 18.— (A P)—Backed of gold, the Treasury need only de- of financing la direct Treasury ployed from next July I to were not polished aoldlem, but, like- la nilnola Democratic politics, mm- posit an equivalent amount of gold by huge, majorities in the Chamber borrowing—on bonds, notes and February 1, 1939. wise, they were far from dovu-at- sumed a ^ w ln g lead for the’ par- certificate currency—secured by the biUs. These securities cost .the Both the public works and the-heels. They maneuvered in ac- ty"! Mnatorial nomination today Wethersfleld, April IS— (AP) — fice By Record Majority; of Deputies, Premier Eklouard Dala- metal—In the Federal ReMrve Treasury, in interest or discounts cordance with the beat strategy, ^'"faeSn*‘ir f6oe, adherent of I The slaying of two Bridgeport po- dier rushed to the Senate today for Banks. The Treasury thereby would aU the way from one-tenth of one relief proposals were expected ^ seeking mobility in secret flanking the faquon dominated by Mayor | lice officers, a crime c h a r ^ to final action, his ”NatlonaI Defense” get a caah credit as spendable as a percent on short-term bills to aa to be covered in a Presidential'S movements. They rolled the latest Eldward J Keiiv m “ ce officers, a crime chai ' Control Common ConncH. deposit of taxpayers’ checks. Far Com- Frank P^ka <rf Buffalo. N, ministry’s bUl giving him power to much as 4 percent on certain long- message to Congress tomorrow type of German anti-tank guns and from Involving unorthodox finance, »*n>>ane factory employe,' was govern French national economy bv term bonds. They are purchased, noon. Its first draft was gone European Held pieces Into action. I decree. offlclala point out, the gold rapre- primarily, by banka. Chinese planes In the battto wem ^ in expiated today by his elictwuUon roe the district | at_the state prison. New Britain, April 18.— (AP) — SoclalisU and CommunlsU joined over by the five Cabinet Ihtan-'f i- sa fa n as any displayad by the DemocraU were Jubilant today over Centrists and RightlsU yesterday bers and three other adminls-'^^ ^ Japanese. Rainey,namev held T.| Palka. hla 'face chalk white, but r a n ^ 2^.855 with I otherwise outwardly calm, walked a smashing victory In the biennial In the House In passing, SOS to 13 tration officials at last night's m ' With unlimited man power at the decree powers bin, the power their command, the Chinese am r a ^ rt^ praclncta to the electric chair on the Vrm of a city election which swept their can- three-hoor meeting. P*'t“ >»rtea FU»r«l Just before 10 o’clock last that was refused Socialist Premier tapping such power directly at the didates for mayor, George J. Coyle, Leon Blum twice and Radical So- CONGRESS URGED BY FDR Pariey Later Todhy ’i'H source; whereas the Japanese are ‘^ ‘ tod States dlatrict attor- nl«ht and was pronounced dead The President wUI have a final '-h f ' ” Chicago, aeored heavily in “ bout four minutes later. into office by a record-breaking plu- cialist Premier CamUte C3iautemps confronted with the problem of rality and gave them control of the once. talk on the mesMge with Congras- : < great expense In bringing in teln- n baiuwlck of the execution ended a legal light slonal leaders at 5:00 p.m. (e.s.t). waah-Kelly fqfcea, but the Havana | **** 25-yeai-old Polka of more Common Council.
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